THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AUQPST 80, 1904. JCRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Jonet Estimates United 8tatt Wheat Crop at Only 604,030,000 Bushel. IMPORTS OF CEREAL MAY BE NECESSARY Smallest Crop Mac lKO.t Sharp Ael rtt In Value Cor Also Feel : Effect of Shonlair and . mt - Ralu. OMAJIA. Augtit 29, 1904. , It I Within the possibilities and not with out tne paa oi probability mat the L'nuwl tttatea may have to lmpoit wneat. It looks at thia tima as If in-re woula be piacti cally no American wneat lor txpoi lat.on. 'ihie ia tne aiate of affairs at tma time In nearly an Ljiopcan countries. Ausiila is turning 10 Hungary lor law agdlnt c x poniiit grain, atuasla la far benmd, and cng.aiid, aiwaya a big American wheat Lull', may nitv to Iook elsewnere for its Lieudsiuns. It. V. Jones, the, Minneapolis authority, wno la at present considered as probably better posted than any other of th numer ous army of crop experts, has furnished Ins latest estimate oi the crop of the United mates lor 1904 spring and winter wheat and he places the probable yield at lot.uuo.Oou busneln, including 10,udu,Ouo bushels of macaroni quality. These figures are 'i he united Htaies requires lor need and briad over bOO.uw.ooO bushe.s. 'Ihe vislijia is small and Increasing Last year the wheat rrop waa Mi.OoO.'k- bushels; In 1902, WV.0ij3.UKl Bushels; In IjOI, ',dn.UB.0uO bushels, and in 1H . E&.0C4.0.U I bushels, inese foot have been known fo. months Past, although there were many mat believed that the damage stories had s been greatly exaggerated, while Others ao 7jcredited the atone and tn the advance In t 'X wheat above a dollar a bushel tn manlnuln. tlon. If these Jones estimates provo to b . virtually correct tho situation cannot but develop a scarcity of wheat and an abnor- - mal demand that will advance prices vtry sharply. 'they proved sufficiently startling to turn tho bear Into a route today,, advancing September 14. December 1 and May nearly 2 points. Not only did it affect wheat, but the action In corn waa materi ally quickened. The trade recognises also ' that this weather Is rather against corn. Where a week or ten days ago the corn i was suffering from drouth, today It Is just ' tho other way, and there has been a tur . plus of wet. with S lack of warmth. The whole situation at thia time aeems to favor . the bull element and in the gradual devel opment of conditions that side of the mar ket aeems ta have the better of the news. Corn was decidedly firm In the specu i latlv markets and in Omaha a good trade ' waa noted In rash corn, but the speculative quotations were easier. In Chicago Sep tember advanced 74. December 1 and May 2 points. The assurance through wheat shortage of a better demand for corn brought a good demand. Oata were ulso a shade better, probably In aympathy with wheat and corn. Omnha Grain Inspection In: One car No. 2 wheat, t cars No. S hard wheat, 4 cars No. 4 hard wheat, 1 car no grade wheat, 7 cars No. 2 corn, 17 cars No. 8 corn, S cars No. 4 corn, 1 car no grndo corn, t cars No. 2 yellow corn, cars No. I yellow corn 1 car No. 8 white corn, 4 cars No. 3 white onts, 3 cars No. 4 white oats. Total, 69 cars. Out: One enr No. 3 hard wheat, 7 car No. 3 corn. Total, 8 cars. Snow Says COO.flOO.OOO Bushel Wheat. Snows Report Returns covering fully one-third of the wheat growing counties show a heavy drop In the condition of , winter wheat when harvested an compared witn condition reported on July I. com plete threshing returns develop the fact that the rat of yield In the Ohio, Mia slsslppl and Missouri valleys has fallen very much short of the moderate expecta tions entertained when the crop was cut. Th c,ua'lty Is nlro generally poor, shrunken from rust In Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Nebraska and bleached or damaged by harvest rains In Missouri nnd Kansas. Re turns to date fully confirm the extreme claims of loss in spring wheat, Nebraska and the Dakota being equally Involved in t'.tn disaster with 'Wisconsin. Iowa and Minnesota are little better. Where thresh In has been done In Nebraska and South Dukota returns are so meager and quality so poor that correspondents report an in clination to refrain from threshing a con siderable portion of what was cut. In Minnesota nnd North Dakota a large part of the crop Is unhnrvested at a date when threshing should be well under way. The avorage condition of spring and winter wheat combined on September 1 Is probably under 70, or the lowest figure ever re ported, and on the basis of the official estimate of acreage this year can only be taken as promising a crop of little If any aboVe fiM.00u.0rjt bushels. V Current returns- covering fully 'one-third of the orn country do not confirm recent claims of crop Improvement. These reports show a decline In condition since August 1 of fully 6 points and are heaviest In the commercial states, amounting to 8 r lilts In "Ohio, in in Indiana. 7 in Illinois, In lows. 6 In Missouri. 1 In Kansas and i " -10 In Nebraska. On August 1 the condition . flauria were low. simply because the cron was late. It Is now equallyas late and in addition the-crop In the Ohio and lower ' Missouri vallevs has suffered some irrep arable damage from lack of rain during August, Tne present conamon is duc very little higher than It waa at this time laat ' year end even ir the season lor maturing '. shall prove so long as In 1903 the lncreaae '". In arrears and the difference In rjromlse '. do not warrant a crop expectation of more v 2.350.000.000 bushel agalnat 3,249.000,000 laat year. H. V. Jones Crop Estimates. Total wheat crop of the United States, 1904. 504,000,000 bushels. Including 10.000,000 bushels Macaroni wheat. The Dakota and 1 Minnesota, 123.000,000, including 10,000,000 i- Macaroni Montana crop. 42,000,000 bushels. , These figures are on a par with all the ' predlctlora of rust and damage, and are ' more than 100,000.000 bushels less than July i' estimates. They bear out the damage re . ports fully, and are considered by the trade ', as trustworthy and by the Northwestern .,' i Miller aa correct. Omaha Futures. The following opening, high, low' and ; closing today and Friday on futures on i he Omaha Grain Exchange: , . Corr - Close' v Open. High. Low. Todiy. Sat.y. . , Sept 47A 47A 46A . 46A 47 13 Deo 46B 46 B 48 A 40 A 47 A T Car Lot Receipts, Wheat. Corn. Oats. i Chicago Kansus City.... Si. Lout i Duluth , ' ' Minneapolis .... ' Omaha. ...110 224 .. Jt'S .. . .. 833' 801 41 84 381 S 100 ' Visible Supply Total. ' Change. Whea 11,9S7,000 Dec. 836,uu0 Torn 3,868,000 Doc. 748,000 0U 4.328,000 Ino. 209,000 Cash Urala. Market. Omaha .'.No. 2 hard wheat... 98 wl.00 W 85 8' '" jso. a hard wneat. ' io, 4 imrd Wneat... io. 8 spring wneat. No. J spring wheat. o. 4 spring wneat. No. 3 corn No. 4 corn No grado corn. no. 86 48H 48 46 49 Chicago, 1.08 1.11 1.00 kjl.u7 1.10 Wi.U 1.08 fl.U 1.08 Ul." 1.05 2 vellow corn. I'M 8 yellow corn... 48 .. No. 2 whit corn.... J-V . No, 8 white corn..,. 484 ' No. 1 mixed oata;,. 31 No. 8 mixed oata... 29 v No. 4 mixed oata... 88 . No. 2 white oata 82 VNo. 3 whit oat 9V . No. 4 while oats Ml . Sttndard oata 82 . No grade oats cs" 63 68 Hf 64 63, M 63 65 V, 66 64 6zy 63 31V u i MS' 32 32 31 33 Grata Market Elsewrhero. . 'dosing today and Saturday on future on , .day at tha markets named were ns follow: CHICAGO. Wheat ' , Today. Saturday, .'- Bcptemner ivm i. December 1.0t May Ml , September 63H , lecerr ber 61 r May .T..... 'J Beutember S3 December 8JVi 6T. i.ouia May 1.074 62V. 0' 4i 83 SS 864 Wheat Corn Oat ' Contract Wheat Corn Wheat- . 8ptemhcr XA'cemter Corn ficpiember - December . ' WhtSt Gk-plembcr t)jcmbr . i Corn , . September Dei-ember Wheat- September December ..1.09 ..M KANSAS CITY. 48 MINNEAPOLIS. 9TV4 83 .1 Vheit Suptember Ut reiDcr NEW TORIC 1.07 1.08 II 4 47i 10H l.UUk lis1 lio4 i.ui l.M Weekly Liverpool Stocks Grata. ' . " Wkoaf today IWhvooo bu.. lncreas lU DoO bu.; week ago l.blS.yw), dacreaae 84.000 bu ij, year ago 3.12. 000 bu.. Increase 45. bu.. Corn today t"eto bu., decrease A0" bu. : week ago 8rWO bu.. decrese 62 mO bu; year ago 120.oOi nu.. decresse 763.01O bu. Stock la Omaka. ' Bushel. 119.4H 2 v.m 44.'0! 6.00) Wheat Crop of I nlted State for Serentrea Tears, fear. , Bushels. 157 4M iA.TO 1 i 415.rS,('10 liSt '.. 4k5,'0) Ihif) , 880 it .CO) im , ii,7o.o 1K2 61.848.,1 lf3 3!.132.',O0 1194 , ),2i;.0i 1W9 i 4h7.103.'0 8S 42 SSI W) 1M7 530.HJ,18 IM8 8.1'.'.7"j 1V9 H7.3'3.M P9 62.2:S & 6 1M1 748.460.218 1M2 7n.t'i.A' R 1908 637.821.K5 1D04 i 610,000.000 Estimated. Commercial Gossip. Omaha Cash Sales 1 car No. 4 hard wheats cl lbs . 80c: J car No. 3 hard wneat. 6 lbs.. c; i car no grade, 48 lbs, fc; l car No. 8 yellow oorn, c; 1 cars No. 3 yei- iow corn, 4Mc; i car ino. x corn, kic; i car No. 3 corn, 4c; 4 cars No. 8 corn, 4 c; 1 car No. 4 corn, 4itc; 1 car No. 8 whl.e oa.s, 80c; 2 cars No. 8 white oats, 3oVc: 1 car No. 4 white oats, iVK: 1 ar no grade, 28m.c; 1 car No. 3 white oata, 31c. Commissioner Mcimm of the Commer cial club received a letter from Warroad thia morning tendering him two black bear cuba at his own price. Mr. McV'ann ihreatena to acquire the cuba lor exnioi linn on 'rhanae aa the only real bears on wheat In tho pit. For this purpose he has offered to excnarujte 16 for each bear. Mr. McVann Is apparently not familiar with the grnln pits, tor there are a few bear cuba and one big gray Dear mere now. CHICAGO GRAM AND PROVISIONS Featares of tho Trading aad Closing Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug 9. Private reports In dicating the smallcbt crop In a decade gave Impetus to a strong upward move, inent In wheat prices- here toduy. At the close December wheat was even 2 cents above Saturday s final figures. Corn showed a gain of 1 cent. oata were up hkc and provisions from 12Hftloc. Heavy world's shipments resulting in lower prices In foreign grain, marketu caused weakness In wheat here at the opening. Initial quotations on DecemLer were down to ,Tc, at 1.06V to 81.07. For me nrsi nan nour tne market was very erratic prices fluctuating nervously. A report of a local crop statistician stating that the combined condition of the spring and winter wheat Is not above 70, the low est ngure ever reported, was largely . In strumental In brlnalna out tha active da mand. On the basis of official acreage, the ''" cruu, Bccuruing to line aumoriiy, will be above 600.000.000 bushels. The . re. port further states that complete threshing rriurnB irom me unio, Mississippi ana Mis. souri valleys have fallen considerably short of the moderate expectations entertained at the time the crop was cut. The market continued to grow in atrength until De cember - had touched 31.C9V Realizing sale caused a reaction but the decline wai only temporary, the market closing strong with December at 81.091,. September sold between fl.uSH and 31.074 and closed with a gain of 1H at 31.07k. Clearances of whe t and flour were equal to 100,000 bushels. The amount on passage decreased l.viu.ovo bush els -and the visible supply showed a de crease of 836.000 bushels. -Primary rec?lpts were 1,472,700 bushels compared with l.OfJ,- 800 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported recelots of 164 cars against 373 last week and 701 a year ago. In spite of lower cables and liberal re ceipts the corn market waa strong through out the entire session. Heavy rains In Iowa and Nebraska, followed by cool weather, were early factors that tended to counter act the Influence of weakness of wheat. Later the market was supported by bullish crop reports, the close being strong with prices near the top. December opened un changed to c higher at 60',lc sold be tween 60fcc and 624e and closed at 61Tj,e. September closed at 624o after ranging be tween 61T4iC and B3o. iocal receipts were 801 cars with 88 of contract grade. In svmpathy with corn the oats trsrket was Arm. Good buying by commission houses and shorts were the feature. De cember open unchnnaed to Wc 'ower t S3 fi33He, sold up to S34e and closed at 33e. Local receipts were 881 cars. Provisions were easier earlv In the -day but buying by local traders caused firm ness resulting in fair advances in all pro ducts. A moderate firm foreign demand for lard helped higher prices for hog, and strength of grains helped provision prices. Tradlner was more active owing , to prospects of a settlement of the stHke At t"e close October pork was up 124c "t 811.47H- LsM and ribs were e-ch 15a hlaher at 87.07H and 7.47t4 respertlvelv. Estimated rece'nts for tomorrow Wat 287 cars; corn, 876 cars; oats, 630 cars; hogr! 17.000 head. ' Tne leading futures range as follows: - Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Cloae.l Safy. Wheat a Sept. b Sept. Deo. May Corn Sept. Dec, May Oats Sept. , Dec Msy Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. Jan. Ribs . Bept. . Oct. ' Jan. ' .107 1 OS'S 1 074 1 06 1 07H 1 06V. 1 074 1 08H 1 07S 1 09! 1 06 IW 1 0f 10 1 114 108T, 111 108 m4 1114 61T4.-2U 63 61 62S 5?i 60H-1V, 62i 60S 61 61? 484-94 60'4 4S4 4960 4914 82 82if Sl 82 82A 83333 834 83 83V4 B3A 3iQH S6 86H -S& SbB 11 20 11 40 11 11 11 40 11 40 ' 11 80 11 47H 11 274 11 47H 11 47 12 40 13 86 12 86 12 t2 12 62 Six"'4 S?J ',K BrHI 97 ' 90 1 01 880 ,7 07Vi 7O7 7H . 7 07,(4 97H , 7 074 7 07 ! T J214 V 87 7 22 7 37 '7 37; 7 824 7 47 7 32 7 47 7 37 ' 6 62 66 6 62 8 66 7 47 No. 2. - a old. b new. A asked. B bid. Pah ouotHtlona were ss follows: ; FTXjUR Market' steady: winter patents. S.0O6.20: straights. 84.80(94 0; spring pat enta. 85.068&W; straights, 84.3o3.10i bakers. I8 1W8.80. WHEAT No. 8 spring. tl.lotEl.U; No. 8. 31.02fi'1.10; No. 2 red. 31.074l.O9. CORN Nxx 2, (3c. No. 2 yellow, 64c. OATS No, 2. Sl4iS31c; No. 2 white. 83 34c; No. 3 white, 83i&34c , . v , RYE No. 2. 71c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 466e SEEDS No 1 Sax. 31.18; No 1 northwest ern, 31.26; prime timothy, 82.90; clover, con tract grade. 31260 PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bbl.. m .37 11.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., 8Htfi.B7. Short ribs sides (loose). I7.2f'rj7.37. Short clear sides (boxed), 38.2S8.60. Bhlpments of. flour and grain were as ronows: eceiri.onipments. Flour, bblsi 18.800 18.100 Wheat, bu 271.000 4S6.000 Corn, bu. 877.400 ' SM.ano Oat, bu 407,600 - 192,200 Rye. bu 6,000 ' 1,200 Barley, bu 89,600 800 On tha Produce exchange today the hut ter market wa firm creameries, 1418c; dairies, 12filrtc. Kga. steady, at mark, cases included, 14ai8te. Cheese steady, 8C. St. I.onla Grain aad Provision. 6T. LOUIS. Aug. 29. WHEAT-Hlgher; buying excited by short crop report: No. I red. cash, elevator. 81. 10; track, 3111 114; No. 2 hard. 21.07(1.10; December, 31.114: May. 31.13H- CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 esh. 61ci track, litl&3c; Iecembtr, 48V. Muy. t?c, OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, S'Jc; track, 2?&33c: No. 2 whit. 86c; December, 33c, May, 86o. FliOlTIl Market steady. Winter patents, 86.40t6 .60; extra fancy and straight.. 8a.l0 Lib; clear, 34.4Of4.70. SEED Timothy Market steady at 83.80 03.90. CORNMEAL Market steady at 33.76. BRAN Market dull and lower. Sacked a at track, (MiSStc. HAY For select timothy, 86.00312.00, new; prairie. 88 0008 60. IRON COTTON T1KS-860. P A GO ) NO 7W74C. PROVIBiONS-Pork, market higher. Jobbing 111.60. Lard Market higher. Prime, steam. 34.46. Raron Market steady. Boxed extra short. 88.60; clear ribs, 88,674; short Clear. 89 00. POULTRY-Bteady: chickens. 10c: springs. Uc: turkeys, 14o; ducks, 7c; gee, 6c. BUTTEK yuiet; creamery, imic; dairy, Kto 16c. EGGS Firm; 17c, case count. ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels I6.O00 11.000 Wheat, bushels .....226 00 8rf.oo0 Corn, bushel Mono "', 23.000 Oats, bushels 107.0U) 30.0U0 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 2.-WHEAT-Bnot nominal; futures steady; September, 7s8d; Dcernber, 7 6d. corn spot iirtn: Amencan mixed, 6 JHd: futures sisady; Sentember. 4a Td: December, 4 6d. Toledo Ce4 Market, TOLEDO. Aua. 28.-BEED Clover, cash. 37 67; October. 6167 asksd; December. 37 .65. Prim 8 la! Ho. t,i bid; August. 17 SS blJ. Prim timothy, cash and September, $1.46. NEW YORS STOCKS ASD BONDS M&rket Wai Tinn and th Trend of Price Wu Upward. SOME MEW HIGH RECORDS FOR THE YEAR Tradlac Active at Times, Thoagh Mod. erato la Volome Sal of Maay Minor aad Mlseellaaeons ' laaae. NEW YORK, Aug. 29.-Largely, It la be lieved a a result of renewed manipulation, today stock msrket recovered to sn ex tent from the Irregular tone manifested in the closing days of last week, and the trend of prices waa upward, a number of the more active Issue making new nis.i records for the year. Trading at times waa active, though moderate in volume, but the movement embraced a number of the minor and miscellaneous issues. There were few over-Sunday develop ments to account for the 'improved tone of the list. Much of the day s news was calculated. If anything, to further depress prices. The Ertes showed a heavy de crease In net earnings and other leading railway lines made returns scarcely more encouraging. The Reading and Baltimore & Ohio rt porta for July were disappoint ing. Nevertheless, Riadlng was again very active at a further advance. As an offset to these adverse influences, however. , ad vices from the west Indicated a steady expansion of railroad traffic and officii Is of the granger roads, almost without ex ceptlon, reported a highly favorable out look as b result of the large crops. Some commission house reported a (light In crease of business. London waa not a factor, though Ameri can were firm. The day' movement be gan with fractional golns In most of tho active stocks, on buying believed to be for a group of western speculators. Gossip on the exchange credited this group with ex tensive purchases of United States Steel r (referred on reports of Improved conditions n the lake ore trade, but ohservers were Inclined to regard the advance ss another drive against the shot's. Stocks like To ledo, Bt. Louts Western, M. K. & T. common and preferred, and Kansas City Southern preferred, all of which were sub jected to pool operations Inst week, were taken up and advanced. The activity In Ontario A Western was ar rlbed to Lon don buying. After some hesitation, In which traders seemed to be testing the list for a short sale, a more definite buying movement set in. Brokers who were prom inent In lust week's purchases of the minor Vanderbllt Issues toi1: fairly large blocks of New York Centra . After midday th tone of the market became aomewhat heavy with a marked reduction of opera tion. The lists showed general recessions and some early gains. Including that of Btee! preferred, where canceled, but the tone at the close was Arm. In some of the miscellaneous grou there were material advances In Westlnghousj Electric and General Electric. Local monetary condi tions were unchanged. It. Is apparent that the local banks hnve arranged to meet all drafts upon their reserves In connec tion with crop moving disbursements. The demand, it is authoritatively stated, will not exceed that of laat year, except In some of the southern and middle western states. There were no changes in government bonds, and rallrosl bonds were firm. Total sales were 33.030.000. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Sales.High.Low.Clo-e. Atchison 21.900 82 81 M4 do preferred 800 99 Baltimore A Ohio 18,700 87 do preferred Canadian Pacific Cent, of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio. Chicago A Alton.... do preferred Chi. A Gt. Western. Chi. A Northwestern. 1.800 C M. A St. Paul. ...39,630 do preferred C. Term. A Trans.... do preferred C, C C. A Rt. Ixiuls. Colorado Southern.... do 1st preferred do 2d preferred Del. A Hudson Del., Lack. A West... cans opened steady and grew firmer to a little above par. Trading was limited and th tone was cautious. Stocks rtosed. firm. Grand Trunk weakened en the traffic de. crease. Japanese were firm. Russians weskened. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1!4 were quoted at 9x. The amount of bullion taken Into the Prink of England en balance today wa 415O.000. PA HI 8, Aug. . Th tone on the Bourse todsv was firm, International dvnclng. Russian Imperial 4 were quoted at 94 60, and Russian bonds of 1904 st 604. The prlv ste rat of discount was 1 per cent. Three per cent rentes. 9S franca 82 centlmea for the account. Exchange on London, 2 f'sncs i6 centimes for checks. BERLIN, Aug. 29. Exchange on London, 20 marks 46 pfennings for checks. Jfew Tork Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. f9. MONEY On call, easy at tyffl per cent; closing bid, pr cent, offered at 1 per cent; time lean, slightly firmer: sixty day. 2 per cent: ninety da vs. 2 per cent; six months, 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, S4 per STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business in bankers' hill at 84.8748 4 8750 for demand and at $4.84?04 StfO for slxtv-day bills; posted rate". 84.8j and 34 8': commercial bills. 84.844- . . SILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollars. 45V4C. . ... BONDS Government, steadyl railroad. The following are the closing quotations on stocks nnd bonds TO V. a. rt. u. eo coupos ..... do la. r do coupon .... do new 4s. ras do coupon do old 4a, rg do coupon Atrhlann inn. 4s.. do adj. 4 Atlantic .C. U 4s. B. 0. 4s do IHi Central of O. 6s.. do lat Inc Che, at O. 4s.. Chlciso A A. C. B. A Q. a. 4i. c. m. a- s. P. C. A N. W. e. t. C. R. I. A P. 4i., do col. Is CCC. ft. L. g. 4s. Chicago Tcr. 4a Con. Tobacco 4a.... Colo. A So. ia. PcnTer A R. O. 4t Brio prior Han 4a... do gen ...104 Manhattan c. a. 4. .10 ...lot Mci. Central 4a ' ...lor, I 'to lit Ino 1(44 ...UK Minn. A St. L. 4a.... IT ...13114 M.. K. A T. 4a I" ...ISt I do tl M ...10T N R. R. of M. e. 41. T5 ...107 N. T. C. I. t , n. J. c. t ... Ml No. Pacific 4a '104 ...100! do ll T44j ...10.1 N, A W. e. 4s 101 ... th O. 8. L. 4a A par... ...1111a Pcnn. conr. Ha M1 ... 4 Reading n. 4a i" W. la.. A. It. U. 4a ..WW St l. I. M. e. 6. 117 .. tan, St. L. A 8. r. It. 4a. U .. 7U St. L. S. 4a. 10 Seaboard 12 So. racinc 74 o. Railwar ta. Mt! Texas A P. la.. 10H4.T.. St. U A W, , 74 union racinc aa.... rm do conr. 4a , M If. 8. f.trel Id Is., loot Wabah la 4a do dab. B MS W. A L. E. 4.... F. W. A D. C. 1S....10SV, Wis. Cantral 4s Hocklna K'al. 4Ha....lo( Colo. Fuel con. 6. L A N. unl. 4a 101 1 Offered. 7 . 7H .144 .114 .11 . 77 .10(1 .104 . 79 .117 . ! . H . "4 . 75 3MAIU LIVE STOCK MARKET Heaviest BeceipU of Cattle in Many Months t and Prices Broke Badly. HOGS SOLD FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Heavy Ran of Sheea and Lanka Caased All hat Choicest Beach of Fat Staff to tell Lower, While Feeder Showed Little Chang. SOUTH OMAHA. August 29, 1904. Receipt wer.: Cattl. Hogs. Sheep. 7,41 4.3.1 4.976 2,138 2.4SC 6,420 YEAR 8.u00 6.4M 3.174 4 1673 6.117 3.617 4.687 2.186 2.D96 14.A80 TO DATE, Official Monday Sam day last week,.... Bam week befor. Bam three weeks sgo, Bam four weeks ago... Bame day laat year RECEIPTS rOR THE The following table shows ihe receipts of cattle, hog and sheep at Uuuth Omaha for th year to data, with comparison with last year: 1904 Cattle 638,898 Hogs 1,622.13 Sheep 849.720 Average prices paid Omaha tur Uie taai mavcal ua itU com- imnaoo: 1902. Inc. ' 634.695 1,66.836 818.14 81,674 for Hogs at South Dec. 95.797 4,872 Date. I 1804. 180a.18.1801.llWS.ri).l8S. Muajuat l. 4 99 I 4 971 f 41 I 61 6 16) 4 1H s t 4 2 1 7 81 6 W 16 18 t W S T a aaai a hi t Ous.1 8 Oil 7 S9 Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Aug. 29 Call loans, iQ3 per cent: time loans, 34 per cent. Official closing of stocks nnd bonds: 2,300 127 200 169 6.200 39 3.H0U 200 800 Denver A Rio G do preferred........ Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Hocking Valley....... do preferred......!.. Illinois Central Iowa Central v... do preferred., K. C. Bouthern.X.... do preferred T.ouls. A Nashville.. Manhattan L Metro. Securities 10.500 Metro. St. Ry.. 2no 600 400 .2.900 2.M0 1.4O0 8.5O0 800 1.200 1.400 .12.100 , 4.000 . 1.100 ,3,300 ,1,500 . , 8. too 700 . . 200 ! i.'o'TO , 2.900 1.900 S6 M'i 92U 127 1 27 108 167 38 Sbii ti 4I"A 41 4 6S 88 62 ' 15 15 " W 187 187 165 154 155 180 7 6 18 15 IMi 9 79 78 16 15 1 t.l4 49 61 22 21 ?2 lfti 1B4 1(14 275 275 274 25 25 - 4 70 76 71 27i 27 27 64 S 61 40 89 40 f!4 SO M 87 86 138 Atchison adj. 4a... do 4a Mtx. Central 4a.... Atchison do pfd boaton A Albany., Boaton A Malna... Doaton Elevated ... Mm. Central Pcre Marquette ... Vnlon Paclflo ...... Amar. Arga. Chain. do pfd Amcr. Pneu. Tuba., Ainer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T..... Amar. Woolan do ptd Dominion 1. A 8.. Oancral Electric... Maaa. Etwlric do pfd ,. Maaa Oaa pfd I'nltrd Fruit United Shoa Mach. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Wcatlng. com !4VAdnlur ..lOlii Allouea .. CI A ma I gated . . SIS! Amanran Zlno .. Atlantic. .. ..160 .Bingham ..162 Cal. A Hccla.. ..161H Centennial ..... ,. 114 Copper Kange . .. 74 Dalr Weat ..100 Dominion Coal .. 14 jPranklln .. 80 Orancy .. 4 lale Bnrala ... ..lll:a'Maaa. Mining .. ..194 I Michigan ..1J7S Mohawk ., 14 Old Dominion . .. f Oaceoll. ,. W Parrot ..WA Qutncy . . II Shannon ....... ,. Tamarack .. 4344 Trinity ,.ictt (' B. Mining . .. Hi U. 8. Oil .. 30 Vtah .. 1214 Victoria . . 60 Winona .. no Wolverine .. 14 ... 14 .. 67 ... it .. n .. 87 ..6to .. t .. MH .. 1H .. M .. .. 1 ., 14(4 .. 1 .. 64 .. 45 W .. HV. .. 7t .. SH .. 7 .. 1 ..105 .. 7 .. in .. UH .. 4i4a .. .. 10 84 Kew York Minlnar Stock. NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Th following are the closing prices on mining stocks Adarna Con Alice Breece Brunavlck Con .. , C'omatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron silver Ueadrill Con .... 138i 187U, 214 21 21 42 41 42 . 8.200 6,000' 8.400 55,200 88.31 if) 800 700 Minn. A St. T.ouls... M . St. P. A S. 8. M no prererrea Missouri Pacific 23.910 M.. K. A T 7.800 do preferred 2,000 N. R. R. of M. pfd. N. Y. Central Norf. A Western... do preferred Ontario A Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L. ... Rending do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred Rock Island Co 27.400 do 2d preferred z.nw St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. 7"0 St. L. Southwestern.. 2.400 do preferred 1.000 Southern Pnclfle 32.000 Southern Railway 16,000 do preferred Texaa A Pacific... T.. Bt. L. ft weit do tref erred Union Pacific. do prererrea......... Wabash do preferred. W. A Lake Erie Wisconsin Central.... Wisconsin -Cent. Pfd. Mexican Central Adams Exnresa Co... American- Express Co ir. H Kxnress Co. ... Wells Fargo Ex. Co.. ...... Amal. Copper . .25,500 Am. Car A Foundry. 23 74 44i 121 90 . . 7.SO0 122 121 11 45 125 158 91 4474 121 155 91 200 - 72 72 9. 23 4 144 6S 3174 126 60 88 r. 25'4 6S 69 ?2 46 57T4 ?9 9 82 . 29 48 97 r 49 1?2 67 31 125 f9 f4 T4 2A 6S 6R 22 44 57 28 94'4 64 7 179 97 ' 23 49 8fl J2'? m v 31 125T4 67 60 85 75 25 SS F9 21 i4 67 28T4 95 82 29 47 1.200 18,700 82 . 8074 1,300 29 2S 1.700 48 44 43,900 101 101 107 600 9V4 . 95V, f r. 400 ' 19 19' 19 8,500 39 . 38 .. P9 1.200 17 , 16 17 1.0OO " 19 1S 1. 00 42 41 & 42 3.500 12 12 12 ' .. 225 . 100 214 214 210. 200. 121 121. 120 230 58 67 6774 .; 18 ) 78 78 78 32 S2 8? va i 86 .. SO .. 16 .. 14 .. 10 ..104 ..160 ..170 .. I tlX tie Chief .Ontario Ophlr Phoenix ,Potoal Savage ' 'Sierra Nevada Email Hopes .'. 'Standard .... I ....ISO ....836 .... 14 .... 14 .... to .... 30 .... 80 ....180 KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notation ,oa Varlou 40 pounds, 67fc! good common to 6 26 IS . 20 90 64 107 132 80 64 8 13 69 27 166 do ureferred Am. Cotton OH ,lrt rrerrrea American- Ice.-, 200 do preferred 800 Am. Linseed Oil 700 do preferred Am. Locomotive koo do preferred 100 Am. Smelting A Ref.. 2.200 do preferred., 1."J Am. Sugar Refining.. 8,500 Anaconda Mining Co. 500 Brook. Rapid Transit. .500 Col. Fuel A Iron SO Consolidated Gas l.bOO Corn Products 400 do preferred 2O0 Distillers' Securities.. 1S.9X General Electric 1.700 Internotional Paper do preferred 700 International Pump.. 600 do preferred 300 National Lead l.0 North American Paclne Mall 400 People's Gas 8u0 pressed Steel Car do preferred 200 Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel 800 do preferred., SOU Rubber Goods do preferred 500 Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 2,500 V. 8. leather 800 do preferred "0 it a Realty A Imo.. 1,2"0 U. B. Rubber 00 19 do preferred 100 75 TJ. 8. Steel 19.100 1? do preferred 43,700 o Westlnghouse Elco... 4,400 11 Western 1'nton n w 78 S2 6 . . 6 26 26 14 2i 90 6.1 107 131 14 o4 20 6Tt 106 131 . 53 64 36 86 196 1W . 13 13 89 T (8 24'4 '28 164 166 73 81 77 23 ?9 102 77 "7 437,4 81 ' 46 73 81 23 29 101 T7V 14 73 90 7( 23 92 ?9 10! 92 77 216 T T 43 43 44 7 7 86 86 62 51T4 81 44 7 98 62 l4t IS 76 75 12 ' 12 69 ' 6T4 159 159 90 88 Total sales for the day, 694,400 shares. London Stoek Market. LONDON. Aug. 29. Closing: U N. . Central 1KU . U Norfolk A W tI . 4 . do pfd . tl4 Ontario A W tiZ .101144 Panaylvanla 4V( , at II' ad Mines I1H4 .11044 Reading gov . 8 eo lat pfd 44 . lost to td pfd U ,le go. Hallway ,.. We . H do pfd tl . v, So. pi'isc U44 . 74 Union f'actto lots .174 4e ptd 7 . Mi V. S. Slael II , 41 da pfd i .1414 Wabaah jo do pfd gov . H Snanlalt 4a u steady. 26d oer ounce. ivn-ir. n. 1 i'Q ptr cenu v 1 . The rate ot diacount in the open market for Jhre month" bill i 27,4 per cent. 1 Koreian Plnaaelal, LONDON. Aug. 29. Money wa' wanted In the market today for ih settlement and month-end requirement. Price on th si'k sxihsnKe wrre fairly Arm and busl nem waa qukC' tonaol wer a Jrartlon' hider. Jluiu rail wet Irregular. Aiuari- Conaols. moaay.... do accouat Anaconda Atrhlaoa do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian PaclSo .. Chea. A Ohio Chicago O. W C. M St. P.... DeBeera D. A a. o da I4 trte do 1st pfd da td Ptd Illlnola Central Loula. A Naah M.. K. A T S1LVKR Hnr of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 29.-FLOUR Receipts, 21,897 bbls; exports, 11.R1S bbls. Market dull and firmly held: Minnesota patents, 85.90'(J 6.40; Minnesota bakers, '$-.6oS4. 66; winter patents. $5.20(g5.6fl; wlnteV straights, 35. Do 6.25; winter extras, 33.45-3:4.00; winter low grades, 33.26(93.80. Rye flpur, market firm; fair' to good, 34.26&iWVT-choloe tancf, 34.65oj-4.80. . . ,. CORNMEAL Market steady; yellow western. 31.10fil.12; .city, $1.12'jjl.l6; kiln dried, $3.2fJ3.30. ' BARLKY MarVet .steady; feeding, 47c, c. 1. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, 47,200 bu. Market firm; spot firm; No. 2 red, 1.11 f. o. bv afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 31.27 f.- o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options opened lower on weak cables, but rallying on frost news, ad vanced steadily all day- A number of very low crop estimate , also , did much to strengthen the late market and It closed verv firm at e net advance. . May, 31.10 1:13. closed 3113: September, 81.10ibl.l2. closed $1.12; December, tl.101ftl.12 9-16. closed tl-U. CORN Receipts. 127,125 bu; exports, 17,063 bu. Market firm. No. 2, 59c elevator and 69c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 807e; no, 2 white, 59c The option m dull here all dav. waa. neverth and higher on cold weather news, closing lc net higher. September closed 69c; De cember. 6S(S58Hc, closed 68c. OATS Receipts. 2C5.S00 bu. Market steadv: snot steady: mixed. 23 to 32 bounds. 35'"3ne; natural white, 80 to 32 pounds, 87(S3Rc; clipped white, 86 to 40042c HAY Market dull; shipping, to choice. 96c. HOPS Market steady; state. choice, 10S. 27f36c; old. 713c; Pacific coast, 1903, 2fii30c; old, 13c. HIDES Market steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 Ins., 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs,, 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14c. 'LEATHER Market firm; acid, 24g26c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 310.60 ffll.60; mess, 8.604i9.00; beef hams, $24.00(0 26.50; packers. $9.60(910.60; city extra mess, 14.nttfrM.on: Cut meats, steady; nick led bel lies. 9(()llc; pickled shoulders, $7.00: pickled hams, $10.0010.50. . Lard, quiet; woatern steamed, 87.20: refined, quiet; con tinent. . Vi' 36; South American, $8.00; com pound. $6.874(6.12. Pork, dull; family, $14 505115.00; abort clear, tl3.60g 15.50,' mess, ti8.26(51S'7r-. 1 '. TALLOW Msrket dull: city $2 per pkg.), 4c: country (pkgs. free). 44o. ' RICE Market quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3&5c; apan. nominal. PEANUTS Market dull; fancy hand picked. 6c; other domestic. S-ffCHc. BUTTER Steady; street price, ex'ra creamery, lf19c: cfflctal prices: Cream ery, common to extra. W19c; stale, dadry, common to extrs. 12617c. CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, mall colored, poor to fancy, 68c;. largs white, fancy, fair to fancy, 7ifc8c. EGOS Steady to firm; western fanoy -lected. 21c: western average best, WVrOo. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick en. 133'l4o; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 9c. Dressed, firm; western chickens. 14S.15cj fowls, 1314c; turkeys, 13J15c. iii Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 29-COTTON-e-Bpot market clored OAilet- nt 0 point higher; middling uplands, 11.40c; middling gulf, 11.05c; salts, 6,f bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 29 COTTON Market very firm; aales, 350 bales; ordi nary, 8 9-16e; good ordinary, 9c; low mid dling. 10c: middling llc; good middling, 11 7-16c; middling fair, llll-16c; receipts. 1,174 bales; stock, Z1.44U Dales. Futures steady; August, 11.60c; September, lQ.91c; October, 10.74c; November, 10.72c bid: De eember, 10.74(710.75c; January, 10.78-(j;0.79c; February. 10.83c bid; March, 10. 89c bid. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 29 COTTON Market steady to c higher: middling, 11c; sales, none; receipts, 16 bales; shipments, 128 bales; stock, 6.432 bales, LIVERPOOL, ' Aug. 29. COTTON Bpot market In limited demand; prices 6 points higher; American middling fair. 6.9od; good middling. .7d; middling, 6.64d: low-middling, 6.48d; good ordinary, t.26d; ordinary, 4 02 J. The sales of th day were 6,000 bale, of which 1.200 wer for (peculation and ex port and included 2.8u0 American; receipt, 3,009 bale, Including l.tuo Amerloan. Fu ture opened and closed steady; American middling, g. o. e, AuguBt, 6.44d; August and September. .17d; September and Oc tober, i.86d; October and November, 6.85d; November and December, i.81d; December and January. 6.79d; January and Febru ary, 6.77d; February and March. 6 77d; March and April. i.77d; April and May, l.77d; May and .June, .77d. - Oil and Rc-ala. NEW YORK. Aug. tO.-OIT Cotton, seed, steady; prim crude, nominal; prim vellow, MUfc: petenleum steady: r"nd New York, 87 70; Philadelphia and llaltl more, 37.66; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk. $4 76. . OIL CI TY, Aug. 29 Credit balances, 150; certificates, no bid Bhlpments, lofi.r.Yl; average,; runs, is.-d; average, 7X.xn. Bhlpments. Lima. 719.J. a vera ga , M.l; runs, Lima, 119,758, average 63.194 SAVANNAH. Ga., Aug. 29 TURPEN TINE Market firm at b!c. KOBIN-Flrm: A tt c. nrm: D. 82 60: ir. $US;.F, M 60; O. $170: H. $2 76; I, $3.30; K. flfiO; M, t3i N. ti.i0i WO, $4.56; WW, $1 to. ( 3 August 3. august 4. August 6. Aliguat f. August V. August August 9 AUgllSl 1UI I AUfeuatll 4 87. August Li: 4 81 August 141 August iul t 01 "r, 1 k 1 I A, S 01 I 7 6 16 4 Wl 3 41 1 ivi a a ei 0 INjl a vHI 7 U It 84 I 4 41 I .1 I 07 06 i i I 80 . I 04 3 U I 1 Wi 7 itii t 8u t 14 4 3Sf 16 10 u V iki S io 6 151 4 37 3 81 I 6 0u7AI a '1 7 lil A 731 t 041 4 321 I tJ i i ll '.4 uU 6 U 7 04 I 4 99 e 2U i a (ii HI 51 0 1, 4 l 3 i 6 U e' 'ia 6 78 vm 4 4 V7 4 9. 4 291 4 a e 4 43 4 44! 4 I 2 48 8 14 a 3 71 3 IS Auaruat la a o-'L. 1 a 1 u 1 n U in August ll 4 tw-i 6 21! t 84 Ou 4 30) 3 74 August la 1 4 9b 6 1 t 68j 4 96 4 43 3 66 Au.u.t l-j, a iuv,, v ui idi 6 S3 4 601 3 61 August 20 6 U a la 801 6 87 6 031' 8 79 August ai - 1 a, 1 a is, d u- 4 42 August tti i 02 August 23 t 02 August i j vt AuHust 86 6 U August Wi 6 ki August 27 6 14 August 28 I August U 6 81 7 liji . B'l 6 oi 4 4i 3 01 99 S 9l! 4 91 I 4 41 3 74 ! U, U.I 4 4 4 M 7 10 t 06 4 40 3 73 1 Si. 6 98, I 4 88 3 "i 7 :9 b "ll 4 98i ' 8 70 t 831 7 24j 6 00 6 021 4 40 6 m 7 19 U), 6 W 4 42 3 7j t 31 6 46, 6 461 b !3 6 f -i Indicates Sunday. Tha cttKlm number ot cars of stock brought in today bv each road was: Cattle.Hogs Sheep.llrs'a. v;.. in. at Bt. v. Ky.... 1 Wabash 1 Union Pacific system. 4a U. at N. W. Ry 6 F., E. A M. V. K. R.133 C, bt p., M. A U Ry. e) 11. A M. Ky 112 C, B. A g. Ry 1 C, It, 1. A P.Ky.,eat 1 Illinois Central Chicago Great West.,.,. Total receipts 309 The disposition of tne day's receipts waa as follow, each buyer purchasing th num ber ot heau Indicated; 86 4 2 1 27 8 21 1 .. 1 U 10 10 8 .. .. 1 j . 4 64 88 48 cow.... 3 cow.... 10J0 J. 1004 A. 3 feeder.. lost 1 feeder... 8) t feeder.. li'l 1 feeder... 830 3 cow K86 984 A. 1W2 t cow. 47 cows.. 46 steer. 33 steers. Royer A 8on Wyo. K 2 w 1 COW 2 38 R. Taylor Neo. 2 20 J Macy-Neb. 3 It 4 cows 1010 t 16 t cows 916 3 16 1 cow two 3 16 2 cow 3 20 3 cows 9.0 R. Taylor Neb. 2 tO 1 calf.... H. Amos Neb. 8 86 Edward Rosa Neb. ...1169 8 46 89 cows 974 I I Federal Cattle Co. Neb. 960 3 36 t to ! 20 3 to 2 20 3 so 300 4 00 . 993 .1070 .1212 .1110 2 30 100 3 It t 86 17 steers.... lc 3 36 41 cows 840 1 30 1 steer 940 2 80 7 cow K7 l 1 cow 10h0 2 SO 1 cow L20 3 30 B. Trester Wyo. IS steers.... 1060 8 15 B. Voorhels Neb. , 63 steers... .1138 3 86 B. P. Meyers Neb. 35 heifers.. 1039 2 86 26 cows..., Prescott A Son Wyo. 33 cows 9C 2 46 4 cow.... J. A. Hertsler-Wyp. 1 cow 900 3 86 4 steers.. 3 cows I04O 2 85 I cow 8 cows loos ss HOGS There wss a rather light run of nugs nere tni morning, even tor a wan- day, and with a srnod demand from both shlrpera and packer the market Improved considerably. The advance amounted to 64il)c. the greatest lmnrovement being on mlxod hogs. Trading waa quite active on mixed and light weights, all th early arrival being dlsDosad of In good season Heavy weights, however, were a little slow, owing to the fact that packers did not like the Idea of paying the prices sskia. They finally sold around $5 26, while mixed loads went from $6.25 to $5.85 and light from $5.35 to $5.40. Exoept for few late arrivals, a good clearance was made at an early hour. Tne laat train wun hogs on It arrived about noon, but buyer took hold In fairly good shape and paid Jit.-.t about steady prices for them aa compared with the morning market. Representative sales! ttuua, 14... (8... 67... 40.;. 68... ... tl... 60... 71...' 61... 40... 71... 61... 87... t... M... 68... 41... 44... 41... tl... 75... 7... 74. ...848 ...J49 ...S ...280 ...2 ...t7t ...til ...30 ... ...808 ...0 ...iftO ...mi ... ...14 ...14t ...3,1 ...H4 ...341 ...2118 ...J4 ...10 .22 6 M t n 1 24 t ts u 4 li I 34 4 26 I 30 6 10 I 84 6 80 8 58 ( 80 I 80 I 80 I 80 8 80 t 10 I M I 10 ( 30 6 80 80 71.... 44.... 81.... .... 83... .... 48.... 81.... ii'.'.'.'. 70.... 47.... 70.... Tt.... 48.... 76...., 88.... 77.... 71.... 41.... 67.... 68.... 73.... .241 ..88 .341 . .3t. ..244 ..378 ...343 ...318 ..313 ..248 ..213 ..238 ..118 ..244 ..384 ..244 ..t.'8 ..288 ..181 ..236 ..til ..807 .203 40 40 10 40 180 I 334 I I2H 4 87V, I 824 I 22 4 li t 6 i:v I 38 I 35 I as 85 t 86 t 36 I 36 4 85 I 86 8 88 I 86 I 88 ' I 86 I U I 38 t 40 4 40 Omaha Packing Co.. tfwilt and Coi.iyany.. Cuduny packing Co. Armour A Co vanaant ot Co Carey A Benton Looiuan A Co W. 1. btephen Hill A Huntzinger.... Huston : Co li. F. Hamilton L. F. Hubs Woif 01 Murnan.-r.... Sam Wertheimer Bol Degun Lelghton A Co Root Butte A K tlaggeriy Other buyers Cattle. Hobs. Sheep. eta nr 46' su KA M M loo nl Hi bl 2b9 ' 2o9 U 841 819 3iV 01 34 6j 6-S8 bol l.liW 1.U 230 2,9il 1.944 2.542 Total CATTLE The 6,348 8,754 9.029 .... . u,i v& nc.ici u , cattle so far tnls season arrived this morn- r lug, about 00 cars oeing reported, mclualng CHICAGO a lew cars ot natives, cnioago reporteu 22,000 cattle and Kansas city 16.0M), so that tne number In sight waa sufficiently large to break prices at all point, 'i lad ing here waa ratner- alow on. ntoet kinds and price much lower. There were o lew car . of corn-led aieera on sale, however, mat prices on dcsuable grades held Just about steady with tne clobe of last aeeg. Warmed up cattle were, of course, neg lected und lower, as they came in cu.u petition with tne enormous run of west-, erns. , packers started out from the beginning to pound the market on western bee:: stee.s and succeeded remarkably well. There were so. many on sale they could take their time about filling their orders and as a reault the market waa rather slow and safely lO&iOC lower, soma sales showing a loss of as much as Hoc. Tho decline was naturally greatest on tho less deulrable grades anu It wna late be fore even the bulk of the offerings was disposed of. practically all the cows on sale this morn ing weie graasers and packers seemed to SHEEP There was a liberal run In sight st all points this morning, and that gave packers a chsnce to pound prices. The market here was rather slow in opening, with the feellna' weaker. Some of the choicest grades of yearlings and lambs sold at prices not a great deal airterent irom the close of last week, but the commoner kinds were around a dime lower. Ewes and wethers could also be quoted about a dime lower, and In uome cases the less de sirable grades were as much as 1015c lower. Trading was rather slow, so that the day was well advanced before the bulk wa disposed of. There were a rood manv feeder buyers on hand.- so that although the supply was large, prices held Just, about steady on de sirable grades. The commoner kinds, though, may have been neglected to some extent, and perhaps a trifle lower. Quotations lor grnsa sheen and lambs: Good to- choice j-eerllngs. tJ.lSWtOO: fair to good yearlings. 83.50ff3.76: good to choice wethers, $3.60f73.76; fair to good wethers,; good to choice ewes. $,3.261,3.50; fnlr to good ewes, $2.76'fJ3.'?8: good to choice Inmbs, $3.0Og,5.5O: fair to good lambs, 14.75'fJ 6.00; feeder yearlings. $3.4i'(fI3.6': feeder wethers, 83.00gi.35; feeder owes, $2.0(02 50; feeder lambs, $3.7634.60. Representative sale. No. 94 Wyoming feeder ewes. 108 Wyoming ewes 248 western ewes and wethers 49 Wyoming wethers 3?8 Wyoming yearlings 240 Utah feeder lambs 40 Utah feeder lambs 850 Utah feeder lamb 1 Utah feeder Iamb 12 Utah ewes 211 Utah 'ewes 224 Utah feeder yearlings Av. Pr. , F t 40 .96 3 00 .85 8 25 , 60 3 40 89 3 r, ,68 4 85 03 4 3) 53 4 86 60 4 35 85 8 25 .99 3 25 79 3 60 arket while f-want to tax all of last week' advanc off eless 'strong I ln one (iav- 1 n market could safely ba ews ' closing I quoted laiarto lower than last Friday and slow at tne decline, over sixty cars were on sale, so that salesmen had no way of pi-eventing the break. The medium klnda of, cow Improved the most last week and so suffered the greatest decline this week. -Bulls, vetil calves and stags were all slow and lower in sympathy with the de cline on steers and cows. - Blockers and feeders were In liberal sup ply this morning and while buyers all wanted a few they were able to pound the market about a dime. Some of tho com moner kinds may have been as much as loo lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 16.. 1..., 1... 1.... Pr No Av. Pr. 619 84 14Z1 I 70 COWS. 3 26 STAGS. 3 15 HEIFERS. 87 t ! BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 510 3 00 II 730 00 8 25 40 00 t 00 MiUKAbltA. Av. ...1421 ..1080 430 ..1000 .. 800 .. 8'i5 .. 902 ..1031 ..1068 ..1090 5 bulls. 1 cow... 3 cows.. 4 cows.. 24 cows.. 17 cows.. 1 cow... 29 htlfers.. 836 3 heifers.. C0 1 cow ",90 10 cows 930 18 cows 1001 1 heifer... 80 1 steer 1080 22 feeders,. 920 1 cow uw 1 feeders 910 And cows. 24 feeder.. 100S 1 30 1 85 1 86 3 20 2 H) 2 40 2 86 2 40 200 2 iO 2 50 2 86 3 00 2 75 00 2 65 2 25 962 . 960 , 9rt8 980 7 cows.... 1 feeder.. 6 feeders, t feeder. 28 feeder.. 9-3 18 feeders.. 885 27 feeder.. 724 it feede.s.. U21 26 feeder.. 1028 8 feeder.. tj7 20 feeder.. 878 1 65 2 60 3 15 2 60 3 26 2 95 3 15 t 10 3 80 3 80 3 16 49 feeder.. 1034' 3 36 1 feeder. 12 steer.. 2 cows.... 20 feeders. 310 9o5 876 909 3 36 2 76 2 66 8 20 3 10 1 feeder... 880 2 50 18 cow..... 921 116 27 cows O08 3 85 23 cows 979 2 60 2 feeder.. 1100 8 0 1 steer 1100 3 35 6 cow 613 2 26 2 steers.. ..1156 3 86 13 cows 849 3 25 1 Steer.,... 1430 2 35 1 cow 700 3 60 4 steers.. ..1042 I 85 . 2 cows 636 2 05 1 steer 1150 8 85 li steers.... 8N) 4 20 ) steer 11(0 3 36 1 steor 110 8 85 1 steer 12oo 3 85' 1 steer 1000 3 S3 1 steer 1170 3 35 24 steers.. ..1177 8 26 2 steers.. ..10S6 3 25 H. Brooks Neb. 13 feeders. .1016 3 10 1 cow 780 1 30 i steer 790 3 10 D. P. Whlt-Neb. 62 steers.... 782 3 05 i 8 cows 928 COLORADO. 91 feeder.. 1090 3 6 6 feeder. .1080 jr. A. Mugosny jseo LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle fttesfdy and Ten Cent HiRher Hoar Steady and Higher. . CHICAGO. Aug. 29-CATTLE-Recelpts, 22,000 head; Texas, 1.000; weitcrns, J.OOJ. Market steady to 10C higher; good to prime Steers, $5.6?to6.10; poor to medium, J.i.50 3.10; stocker.i and feeders, $2ft8.75; cows, $1.3j1.60; heifers, $2,764(4.75; eanners, $1.86 (&-2.2o; bulls, $2.75'; calves, $4j.26;- TexUa fed steers, $33.40; western - steers, t-.'.6a 4.60. 1 HOGS Receipts, 24,000 head; market 5c to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, t5.i!6( 6.72; good to choice heavy, t'i.35(gj.(i7; rough Tieavy, $4.75S6.20; light. S5.4u&j.?.i; bulk of sales. 86.d5635.55 SHEEP AND LAMBS Retflpts, 8010 head; market, sheep and limbs rteady; good to choice wethers. $3.7:(fr4.25; f-ilr t) choice mixed, 33.3O3.60; western shee 1, 82.iiM.15: native lambs, $1.50i?6; western lambs, $4.256. 1 feeder... 1020 6 feeders.. 6S0 680 . 700 .1002 . 834 . 940 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 14 cows.., i cows.., 1 cow.... 48 stacra. 3 steers.. 3 ster. Bear Land (3 sUers.... 971 C. 78 steers, I steer. 26 steers. 3 26 3 00 1 60 3 10 1 80 t 25 I 26 1 bull 1250 ..1340 ..1130 .. 600 ..UilO ..1260 .. KO 146 2 75 2 00 2 25 1 25 3 10 2 ii . m .10ft .1048 w. . 846 .10 . m D. It feeders.. 1230 A. 21 cows.... t feeders. 1 fteder.. 11 feeders.. 1028 1 bull 1 cow 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 cow... Griffin Bros. Wyo. .1046 3 60 1 steer 1120 , 906 3 tV) 1 steer.... li00 jame Jackson wyo. . 938 3 86 7 steers.... 902 and Cattl 'Company Wyo. 8 8t F. Rugg Wyo. 60 1 ter 1060 tO 1 steer 1U 60 J. Abbott-Neb. t 40 I 10 17 feeders.. 11C8 3 00 J. Taylor-Veb. 8 CO Brook Neb. 1 86 1 to 3 to t tu 3 $5 t to 160 338 feeder... r60 Lynch A t 16 3 CO 3 feeder.. 1320 I It Co.-Neb. 2) feeders. .lfHx i 80 2 feeder. .1039 3 7t n. tn. ainran wen. 84 feeder.. 1117 30 9 feeder.. 1090 3 60 A. Steinhauser Neb. 24 feeders.. 943 I 16 1 feeder... 1060 I If M. Moore Neb. 4 feeders.. 915 .1 14 12 feeders.. 73S 3 15 . . Nelton Morris Wyo. 7t ter... $ 40 Thomas Bell Wyo. 40 steers.. ..1234 I 7w 11 steer.... 1231 18$ Kvsana City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. ?9.-CATTLE Receipt 16.500 head. Including 3.500 southerners. Market steady to 1C-: lower. Choice export and dresred beef steers, $6.25(86.00; fslr to good. $3.75f.00; west ern fed steers. $J.76i85.60; stockers nnd feeders. $2.f54.00: romhern steers. $2.50 4.00: southern cows. $1.60(83.00; native cows, $1.5004.00, native heifers. $2.6001.73; bulls. $2.00oL5; cnlve. $2..r55.00. HOGS Receipts. 2 500 head. Market 5W0c higher; Top, $5.60: bulk of sales. $6.S5H 6.42; .heavy. t5.3075.40: parsers, $o.353 t.42; rigs and lights. $5.2005.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 4,000 head. Market strong to 10c higher. Na tive lambs. $t.604.76; native wethers. $8.60 (64.00; native ewes, $3.00ff?3.GO: wrtr lambs; $4.50(16.60; western yearlings, $3.60(ij 4.C0; western sheep, $3.253.76; stockers and feeders, $2.5093.75. Mt. Lonlaj Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 29. CATTLE Receipts 6,000 head, Including 4.E00 Texans. Market Irregular. Texans lower and nMlves high er. Native shipping and export steers, $3.0XVSC 76: dressed beef and butcher afeers. $3.754j5)60: steer under 1,000 pounds. 3.50 5.16; stockers snd feeders. $2.00a3.8O; cow and heifer. S3.23tg4.25; conners. 31.ftVfi2.00; bulls, $2SO3.50: calves, troore; Texan and Indian steers, $2.6093.70; cows and heifers. $2.00i'3.00. HOGS Receipt 8.500 head. "Market high er. Pigs and lights. $5.1095.70; packers. 85.15Q5.C0; butcher and fcet heavy, J5.40ffl 6.70. SHEEP AND . LAMB8-Recolpt 2.500 head. MsrUet stesdv. Native muttons. $3.00fj3.76; lambs. ft.EOfifS 50; culls and bucks. $:.frT3.26; stockers, $2.CO33.C0; Texans, $3.00 64-00 gt, Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 29. CATTLE Receipts 2.779 head. Market steady to strong. Natives, $3.55.75; cows and helfera, $1. 164. 60; stockers and feeder. $2.M"fi.78. HOGS Receipts 183 head. Ma-ket strong to 6c higher. Light. t5.373.47; medium and heavy, $8 20S6.46. BHEEP AND LAMRS Relnt 4 fV had. Market active. Sheep, lflfflSe high er; lamb. 40fT0c higher than We-inesdav; western lambs, $3.C5; western wtthera, $4.00. Manx City Live Mock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. 29.-(Speclal Tele, gram.) CATTLE Mnrkot, leady to at'cnc; beeves, fa.504i3.l0; cows, bull snd mlxd, $2.20c8fO; tocker nnd feeders, $2.73 33.RO; calve and yearlings, $2.50Q.:3. HOGS Receipts. 1,100 head; rrn.'kft. 10c higher; selling st to.15ui.35; bulk of cples, T3.20fj5.SO. ' " t gtoek In Blaht. ' Following sie the rcoeipls of live ft e' for sis principal a t-Jtc.n cltei leter- patent. BKf.f; first clears. KtOCifp; second clears. $2.f. BRAN ln bulk, llt.O04H,28. OMAHA WIIOI.KSA,!. MARKET day: fouth Omaha Bloux Cifv ... Kansas City .. Bt. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago . ...... Total CattK, Hogs. .. 1.401 ii.'vio .. 3.779 ,. 6 0TO .. 30.0J J.j 0 1 J 2. 01 f.812 4, '0 24.004 8re p 1 Hi "t, ; 6 4,01 2 0 0 T..53.730 49,?S1 agar and tlolssae. NEW YORK. 4"g. T " DAB-MarVrt, raw firm: 'nlr rer11nlnaT. 81 7-17c; centrlfugnl, 93 teat, 4c; molasses augur. 3 7-16c. Ke nned, firm; No. . 4.8oc; No. 7. 4.75c; No. 8, 4.50c; No. 9. -4.65c; No. 10, ti.tor; No. 11, 4.5Cc; No. 12. 40c; No. 13. 4.4k: No. 14, 4 4"ic; confectioner , 3 06c; mold. l.0r,c' cut loaf, 6c: rruahut. ItKj powdered, 1.30c; granulated. i 20c: cubes, 5.4.V. MOLA USES Market firm. Vw Orleans Open kettle, good to choice, 81 0. NEW ORLEANS, Auf. 8 OAR Mr. Wet strong; ojen kettle, tV7 M60: open kttl centrifugal il; ren'rifugal r ,, 4c; yellows, 8(3c; econds, Z'QZ'itc. , Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. It WHKAT-Sep. ternher. $111; December, $1.11; May, tl 1JS; No. 1 hard, $l.l4, No. 1 northern. $1'4- No. 2 northern, fl .12. FLOCK First patent, Ib.l&ut.JO, second Condition of Trad and Qnotatloaa on Start aad taaey Produce. EGGS Receipt moderate; candled stock 18c. LIVE POULTRT-Hana. 9tTl0c: rootr, tc; turkey. 12r, duck. 7c; gvu:, tc; pr nf chickens. 12c BUTTER Packing, stock, 11c: cholca to fancv dairy. U'altc; separator, ITirWUc. FRESH F18H-.iou, 10c; picker!. So J I 'ike, ii".-, petui. 7e; Ii nefls.,. U- : woitefisli, 0c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper. He; lobster, ti ven. m ; looster, bw.tu. jc; uuuheads, lie; catfish. e; black bass. 2'V; halibut, 10c: crapple. 12c: roe shad. $1; buffalo, 7oj whit baas, 11c; frog legs, ptr dos., 860. iH.A. -r ton. :, HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Wholesla Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. 17.00; No. 2, $U6o; medium. td.W: eoarae, 8560. Ry straw. $5.60.' These price ar for hay of good color sod quality. OYSTERS-New York counts, per enrt, 45c; extra selects, per wan, tic; standard, per can, 82o. . rnriflCAL FRUITS ORANGES Valencia , large atxe. $3,753 4.26; small slges. $4.2r4i4.60. t.i'.ivjx.N.x!,,, i.-mcy, 270, $00 and 860. $1.00; cholcs, $3 50fl3.75. LIMES Florida, per r-oasxet cfaie, $4 58, FIGS California, per lo-in. carton, 0c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6-orown, 14c; 7-crown, 15-. BANANAS l er medlum-alied bunch, 12-08 fji.fro; Jumbo, t2.751jS.25. FKLITS. APPLES Home rrewa. Ir bu. Daskt, 400c; per bbl.. $2.26. fc-ACi-it.S Calliornla Elberta and Bua quehanna. $1.19; horn grown cling, per 10-1 b. basket, 26c; Mlsaourl, per -bsat crate, $1.68; Colorado. 90c(h$1.10. PLUMS California gross orunea. $1 50: Tragety, $1.26; Italian prunes, $l.-.'5; Utah and Colorado plums and prunes, KociiH.Ou, PiCAtta Caliioinia baitiett, per boa,, 1 90 fi$2.00; Colorado Flemish Beauty, $1.60: Colorado, Utah and Oregon Bartlett. tl.U 421.75; California B. Hardy, $165. CANTKLUtPE ArkaiiSHS and' Indian Territory, per crate, tl.60tjl.7t, WATh.HMtLON8 Per lb. (crated), la CKLKK Y Per dos.. 26(?7X-. GRAPE H Home grown, per 8 to 10-lb. basket. 30c. CRAB APPLES-Per bbl., 32.60; per mar ket basket, 60c. s V tCQ ETAS VKH. POTATOES New hoiiu grown. In sacks, per bu., 45c. rsAV'l buJANS-Per bu., tl.9CKff2.00. ONIONS Horn crown, ln aacka. ber bu.. 6Cia76c. TUMATOK5 riomi grown, par markot basket, 15n2t.c, CABBAGE Home grown, per 100 lbs., 860. CUCUMBERS Per dos., lac. TUR NlPt Home grown, per bu., 40500. BEETS Home grown, per bu., WtfitiOo. PARSLEY Per dos., 26c. WAX BEANS Per market basket, toe. 6TR1NG BEANS Per market basket, 60s, GREEN PEPPERS-Per bushel basket, $1.00. SQUASH Home grown, per dos., 60c. EGG PLANT S "hern, per do.. tl.tO. SWEET POTA JES-Hoin grown, pr market basket, jvjj.c, VnumU, per bol., t3.25S8.60. MlBCELLANEOUo. NEW HONKX-Per ;4 Iramcs. 33.60. MAPLE SLGAR Ohio, per lb.. 100, CHEESE HK.'unin twins, full cream, He; Wisconsin Young America, tic; block Swiss, new, 16c; old, iwylTc; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin linibergor, 13c, HIDES No. 1 green. 7 'Ac: No. 3 green 6c: No. 1 sailed. I'c; No. i salted, 8c; No. 1 veal cnlf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; Nu. 2 veul calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry sailed, 631 2o; sheep pens, i4Uic: norse hides, NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. solt shell. rer Ih.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2-sott shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, lurge, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 12c; roasted peunuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., V'niV.c; large hickory nuts, pe- lb., 11c; almond. Bolt shell, tier lb.. 16c: hard shell. 13c: hellbarks, per bu., '''..00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25. Kansas Cl.y Grain and Provlslai;. KANSAS CITY. Aug. ?9.-WHEAT-SeD- tember. 97c: December. 9Sc; May. !l.ol4: cash, No. 2 hard. $1.00(81.04; No. 8, 9i"cti$1.00; No. 4. esiR7c: no. 2 red. i rnn.w. No. a. - tl.0Ml.06; No 4, 90cf$1.00; receipl, 605 cars. CORN steady; September. .4c: Decem ber. 13c: May. 45S45c; cah. No. 3 mixed, 47349c; No. 3, 4748c; No. t Wfllte. IfVic; INO. 3. ISC. OATS-Stcady, No. 2 White, 84(jr34c; No. mixed, 3333c. HAY Market firm. Choice timothy. $8.50o9.00: choice prnlrle, $7.00. . RYE Market steady at 7c. EGG8 Market higher. Missouri and Kancne, new No. 2, whltewood cases in cluded, .ltc; casefipmit, J6c;, .cases rs turned. e less... f ... v . BUTTEK-r-creamery, I4tii,vc; . oairy. 12c. ' Receipts, Shipments. Wheat, bushels ...........179,200., '. -480.800 Corn. buels ,. 32.800 , ; Oats, bathels 8.000 . MllwanVeo Grain Market, . MILWAUKEE. Aug. 29. WHEAT Mar ket, firmer: No. 1 hard. 81.18: No. 3 north ern. 81.1); December, $1.09e, ryk B'eady; no. i, i4jmw3. BARLEY Market easlc-r; No. 2. 68c: sarnple. SPtT 60c. . CORN ftiarKer nigner; io. , oo'aoao; December, 61c asked. ' 1 1 Do 1 nth Grain Market. - . Dt'I.ITTH. Minn.. Aug. 19 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. $1.16; No. 2 north ern, $1.12: on trock. No. 1 northern, 31 17; No. 2 northern, $1.13: new. to arrive, No. 1 northern, $1.15: No 2 northern, $1.11; Sep tember. $1.14; December, $1.10. OATc-Un trncK una 10 arrive, a.;c. . Plil'ndelnhli Produce Marlretj. vvril.AnirrljPHIA. Aug. 29. BUTTER Market firm on rood demand; extra west ern creamery, lhc; extrn nearby, 20c. EGGS steady; nearoy nrsts, ,iio . at mark; western firsts,. 19W2PC at Turk. CurKflK-Flrm; fair demand; Nw Turk full crenniery a n't "holes to fnncy tC0e; fair to good, 84?8o. t - . , . , Vlslhlo Snpnly of Grnln. , . NEW YORK. Aug. 29. The visible supply of grain Bnturdny. August 27, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, I as follows: v near lin.iofi nusneis; aerrease, 33".Of. Corn, 3.t910TO bushr"; decrease, 748.000. c)nts, 8.329.000 bushels; Increase, 2, i((0,C00. Rye, 1.1O4.O0O bushels; increase, 101. 000. Barley, 814.000 bushels; Increase, 35,000. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 29 Tin wns a little lower, tho decline being considered In the nature of n reaction following the recent ndvenee. Spot In I-ondon closed st 123 12s d nnd futures 123 ? H, while -the locsl market is .quiet st $28.90df27.rO. Copper wn a ssde lower In London, where it closed at 4T57 6s for both spot and .futures.; Lo cnllv the market Is steady, with lake and plectrnlvtic nt $12.60912.75 and casting at $12.?."(fjl2.60. lend wna tl-mer In th local market, closing at 84.2f4ttl.A In Iondon rrlce were unchanged at 11 13. .Spelter was also higher In New Yprk, with spot ciuotcd at VvOC .10; Iondon wss un ehantd. at f.V l.'s. Iron closed nt 61s 9d In Olss-'ow; at 42s lfd In Mlddlesboro. Iienllv iron s unchsng-d. Vo. l fonrarv northern is ciuoted at l3.T"ifT14. !.",; No. 3 fovnry northern at 81S.25fn3.75; No. 1 fo.,n4rv soMti-rn "id No. 1 foundry south er" soft 13.Srl.75. ST. I.rtIH. u"-. 1). MET,' T Tjsad, msrket higher. 14 16 speller, $19003.00. Co ITce Market. . -NEW YORK. Aug. lO.-COFFEE-Th market for coffee fuluies opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of five points. In sympathy with steady foreign markets, iirce'pts si prmary points ware modern tu, encouraging the advance, and with the BCfn'iil idea that the Sepremt-r llouldMlon was ove-. ther en.e? to be very Mttlo coffet for sile. Toward the clore New Orlrana wns an active buyer anl prices were finally 15 to it point high er, flairs were (Vi.0"0 bsg. Including Sep tember, OrtobT. $0 IOu VS: No v.nber. 7.00-97.06; Dsceaiber. $4.82710; January. S7.0C(&7.:0: M-roh, 87.2S1.45;- May, $'i; July. t7.70S7.80. Spot fto,; arm; No. 7 Involc. 8c; n'lld. firm; Cordova, 9 12c. .. . . . . . ; t 1 ' Wool Market.' - '"v. BOETON, Aug 9'-VOO'The foaltton or wool In the Boston msrket I firm, al though th demand Is not heavy. The miila uru well, supplied wlih siocic tur th preaant, but dealer hellevo that th good market will be lavorabl and that tha mill owners will be obliged to stock up again. Values are gtiieially well maintained on all grades of wool. The prices of domestic wool In this market are bated tn actual sales, as follows: California Nnrihrrn. choice. 2: 23c; middle countle. 17(filSc; smiihcrn, LQ 14c. Idaho Territory, fine, 18ii.oc; fine me dium, l(ii'Kc. S yoimng Fine. loi7cJ lire medluni. I'l'tMhc. Utah and Nevada 1 Int, Lil'ic; fin medium, ItiCc; coarsa 164, 1 iC. th LOUIS. Aug. 29.-WOOI -Market q'llet. Medium gradea. . combing ni clothing. i2c; light Pn. 18c; heavy fin. 12i(18c: tub washed. 22&15c. NEW YORK. Aug. -WOOL-Markt flrni; domestic fleece. 32?85c. Whisky Market. ' CHICAOO. Au. 2.-WHI0KY-tesdy1 on b ia of tl.2i. . x - . ' PKdiviA. Aug. ?9.-WHIBKY-Or a. of $1 28 for flnlalied goods. - ... BT. LC'L' IS. Aug., ill-WHISKY-Steady, cn a basis of tl.32. - ' CINCINNATI, Aug. 27. WHia'tf-CHl a. bail of tl 2 for finished goods.