TOE OMAIIA DAILY EEE: SUNDAY, ArGUST 23, 1904. IT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H. F. ROBERSON JOSEPH F. KELLEY OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 40S New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone 3762. W do a Gsneral Rsal Estite, Ri.tUI anl Inuraice Bjsinjss We Solicit Your Patronage. BARGAINS IN CITY BEM1S PARK $471 to $778 bur fln Iota on Lincoln boulevard. . , WINDSOR PLACE W havs torn fin lots In this addition cheap. WALNUT HILL K M buys ntw house, all modern, paving and sidewalk taxes all paid. This Is a. bargain. FLORENCE BOULEVARD We hare some fine lots near Mth and Ames avenue, where w will build and sell on small payments. Locust St.. 7 rooms, modern except furnace. $1.460 26h and Saratoga sts., new t-room cottage; $200 down, balance to suit. $160 to 124 buys flne lots In northwestern part of city. They can be bought for cash or en payments. Il.jns buys the finest lot, 60x160, In South Omaha. $ft,M0 buys a sew doubls brick on Dewe y avenue; rents for $70.00. ACRE TRACTS acres Buffalo county. This Is a snap at Kb per acre. I'jflO buys 10 acres, unimproved, nesr Florence. $750 buys a nloe house of three rooms on Florence boulevard. $1,000 buys 6 acres, unimproved. $l.fO buys ( acres, good house, barn and sheds, also some fine fruit trees, 11,360 buys 10 acres near Omaha. We have Urge ltst of good farms, ranging In price from $1,250 to $20,000. WE CAN OFFER YOU A BARGAIN IN CITY PROPERTY After you have exhausted .the lists of other Real Estate Offices call and see our list and com pare our prices after doing so you will be convinced that we can suit you. , Business We have a large list of Grocery Cigar Stores, General Stores, Restaurants, Meat Markets, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware, etc. If you have the money, we will sell you any thing you want OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 405 New York Life Bid. 'Phone J 762. RE v ' LOTS We're Selling Them ti r r . t x ine r rices uo u 1(0 Near ear. In Cloverdale, II lots. $180 each. $300 and up Brlggs Place. 100 to select from. $600 Fine lot on 86th, near Cuming, half block from ear, $800 Two nine east front Ma, loth near Bancroft, paved st, $800 each. $500 Corner lot 47th and Lake sta. tano On 9th between Fraaels and Deroas. $ooS. front on Dorcas near loth. tO Corner t"th and Arbor, paved street. $H0O Fronting Hanscom park, on Park ava. $700 Next to H. W. corner 30th and Burt. iTuO Coiner th and Francis. 700 Corner th and Doraas. 7(0 On 10th St., between Francis and Dor- Otta. i $760 South front, on Maple near 14th. imo-8. W. corner Hh and Burt. $00 Ftns east frontage on Florence boule vard. $MO Choice corner 10th and Francis. - $850-Cloae In on 21 near Mason. 40x13$ ft. L750 Corner, 100x150 ft., block from Hans corn park. ... S, 100 Corner. 182x100 ft., 10th and Bancroft. ,150 Corner, near Bemla park; space for four houses. ... $4,780-Cornr, 60x182 ft., few blocks from jpnitoftlce. 18,000-Cholce corner on Farnam at W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Far nam Street. RE We have four lots on 28th and Vinton sts.. south front on Boulevard, In a new and growing district, where there Is a new street car barn being built at 14th and Vin ton. If you want a choice lot corns and see R. C PETERS & COMPANY, GROUND FLOOR. BEE BUILDING. RE 806 26 FARMS, rsnchts. etc . In all parts of the stste. Write for lists; stste what you want. Blx branch emcee: correspondents , In every county. I'. B. Land and Loan Cu.. Orand Island. Neb. REM77J SO CALIFORNIA. Thousands of acres to be thrown open. Riot, fertile estate In best dietrlcta, near big towns, to be subdivided under ABSO LUTELY NEW PLAN. Basler then rent ing, without risking your ssvlngs. ' Values are sure to double because of assured pop ulation. Send 4c for book of plan. CALI FORNIA HOME EXTENSION ABSOCIA TION, Wl Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Loa Angeles, Cal. RE DESIRABLE HOUSE FOR SALE. HANS COM PARK DISTRICT. , M. . a 1 1 T . I. ...mi. m mt fpAnt S fl.WV 1 V f I i u m i n . ........ - room houaa, modern throughout, now rilumblng, has Just been redecorated and Is n beet of repair. House alone cosla over $11,000 to build. Immediate poseeesion can be given. Lot 75x140. OEORQH COMPANY. 1401 Ksrnam Bt RE M818 I ' ISO seres located 14 miles N. W. of Omaha. 1H miles from Calhoun; a good two-atory bouse, large barn, oorn crib, well and spring; $00 (rult trees. Price $06 00 per acre. R. C PETERS & COMPANY, OROUNU FLOOR, BEB BEWtt NORTH 24TH STREET. . We hsvs a brand new house, strictly all modem. Just complied, paved street, per- rnanent eldealka-an Idaal home. Coma n Monday and let ua show you this prop - - erty. It Is a gem. '"" Sixth Floor N. Y. Life bldg. RE 28 M THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING FOR INVESTMENT. RENT 147.50 PER MONTH. $3,250 JT$t S. Ilth St.. store, large baeement, and. four fists; large barn. Easy term. OEORUE COMPANY. ' 1(01 Fsroam street. RE$11 W , F. D. WE AD. l-roem house and barn. Just west of Joslyn fine realdence, with two corner lots, easy terms and payments. M.&uO. 1124 Douglas. RE$66 a TOP PAT I NO RKNT-Ws have a very neat t-rnom cottage, $0 foot lot. nice lawn, trees, house nearly nw; located near M(h and Fort atresia; only $1.2u0; $J0O down and balance sams ss rent. BEMIS, Psxton block. RE $ 21 ACRES-BERRY OARDEN S ACRES. Elllslone hatk place fah payment of only $iWand THAT'H ALU CHAB. K. WILLIAMSON CO., t'. S. Nstlonal bldg. OJttoa pen Tuesday svealngs. RE tn a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AND FARM PROPERTY Chances COOL WEATHER BARGAINS. $800 gets t-room cottage., with good yard, city water, etc., at 17th and Canton. $1,260, eaay payments, for 8-room cottars at 26th and Burt, south front, shade treea, easy walking distance. $3,6v for a swell 6-room strictly modem , house in Weet Famam. This place Is brand new and owner anxious to sell. Ask about. BEAUTIFUL LOTS On Olenwood ave. apd Lincoln blvd., i large east front lots and the best location va cant in the park. These lots have about .' ISO feet frontage on Olenwood ave. and " are cheap at $2,000 for both. 88x160 feet at the northwest corner of 17th ana weoewr, oeauiuui iu:tn.4uu. aikv frround can be made Into four eaat front ota oa the boulevard- Price only $1,860, Another nice front lot on Davenport St., Payne Investment Company, 1st Floor N. Y. I Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE I MAKE a speclslty of Ysnkton Co. farms. Rough pasture land. $15 to $; Improved farms at $ to $. I hsva some of the beat farms In the county for sals, In traots of 40, 80 snd up to 700 seres In a body i have half sections, 400-aere pleoes. Im provements of the best; I will sell on terms to suit most anyone. 1 have a few choice farms near Oayvllle, Yankton county. Some of these farms hsve from $2,000 to $8 000 worth of improvements. Prices right. I have anything you want In landa. Havs landa In other parts of the state from $1 up. Olof Johnson, 104 Third St., Ysnkton, 8. D. Reference, any bank In Yankton. RE M780 $ H J Lots, $70. H I blocks from new car barn at 2th and Vinton. This price Is only good for a few days. The lots have some shade snd lay good for building. Will make easy terms, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, J80$Vs Famam. 'Phone 1S0. RE-00al H Bluff View Addition Lots H Are the beet and cheapest lots offered In the north part of the oily: prices, $800, $680 and $OM; cornering on Kountse Place at Bherman ava. and Plnkney tv good, high ground, city water and aewer. Four new house are now being built In this new addition. We will build a house to suit on any of these lots. Call and get pint. Have others In different parts of the city. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. - 16094 Fsrnam. 'Phone lflflS. rOR SALE Cheep to quick buyer, the whole or part of Howe Piece, IM acres, Sec. 81-18-li, situated nesr Hanscom park. Call on or address M. Howe, ca)e Mr. B. liughea. South Omaha, Neb. RE 777 tt REAL ESTATE UBN-N. tt acres of the nw nw 32-10-1$ la for sale; about 1$ seres more or lees In fruit; no Incumbrance: first sells gets the commission; good until Orlober 1, 1804. Price, $110 per acre,, Vi cash. Address 110 Grace. RE 787 Six An I-room modern house, except furnace, being located at Hi Orant street, $2,000. . R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, OROUND FLOOR, BEE 8UILDINO. RE 808 t$ NORTH SIDE BARGAIN. On account of leaving city I must sacri floe my home for QVICK BALE. House la new and has Just been papered with good paper. Five nice rooms besides nice bath room and fine pantry. Haa city water, gas and fixtures and aewer. Only 1 blocks from 24th st. ear line and close to the South Omaha line. Nice neighborhood, near good school, An Ideal spot for a home. This property Is worth $f,jA. but the best otter THIS WEEK lakes It. PART CASH. Bslance $12.00 per month. Address owner, Y f, Bee. RE SOI x DESIRABLE CORNER ON WEST FARNAM $10,000 for 1S2x1IJ ft, N. W. corner 27th and Famam sts. OKOROE COMPANY. ISL'l Faruam street. RE M 811 I READ! -PONDERI ACT! Six-room new dwelling, verv substantially built; parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bed room on Sret floor, two nice bed rooms upstalre; nice corner lot: all for $1.00; $600 down and balance to auit; located near 24th and Fort Mreete. near car line; this Is your opportunity to get a choice home. BEMIS, Paxtnn block. RE-7KI 2 WANT OFFER On two 10-room modem houses, renting at $81.00 par month. F D, WEAD, J 524 DOUGLAS. BE M8M JO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE- D. V. SHOLES 722 N. Y. Life Bldg, HOUSES $ 1,150 Neat t-roora cottsee, good repair, S-ft. lot, in easy waking distance;. Uoud bargain. $11,600 u N. lain at.. Urge, 2-story, 8-ro.mi noufce, lot jxi I.., an uiouein; musi be sole. Ms want a prviul- tion. i $ 2,00 and Davenport sti. high, sight ly, liM ieet OI g.ouna; large, t-ekury, rll Duili, Huum livuev, guou IS- . . pair. tg bargain. $ ,2o0 in auu Liu eis, (Dundee), one tiaif block nom cur, nice, new, a story nuuse, mouem, goud piumo Ing; hlsn and signuy. $ 1,300 Jou b. itu at., iieauy new, S-room hour, modern, io-fu lot, well bulit. t-aen pnc mis weea concideiej. $ 2.S0O nt . iotn ec, axi2 tt., large. -locm, modern house, witii usrn; gooa repair, walking dlstanoe. iaw- . . tl'ng sooa clone-in oargain. $ 1,650 on namrotl si., on boulevard, high, sightly, beautiful location, nca, iy n5,v, e-ruom nuuiir. vt., u.i..,, tilctly modern; a gem of a place, block and a half from Famam car . ia. l"1- 8" " without tall. $ 4,000-ln Hanacom Plsce dietrict, high, sightly, nearly new. strictly modern, well built, s-room hours, beautliuily arranged; nice bath, gord turuaco. Owner anxious to dispone of th e quick. It is one of tne beat prop erties for the money we have, it s 3,700 10t 8. list st., 7-rootn house, strictly mortHrn. well built; fine brick teiiar under entire houte; barn; enet front! lot 60x12s ft.. 4 block trom Paclflfe street car line. $ 4,200 I'p-to-datw. nmrly new hou. well built. 1 rooms. eat front, on 40th st. near Burt, strictly modern; per manent walks, paving paid. Flna home. f 4,0O e,irly new f-rwim hni tfm.''-i PMc dlatrltt; fine oak finish, east front, modern, up to date; barn: specials paid. A beautiful home. HOT WEATHER PROPOSITIONS 8. E. corner 19th and Cuming st. $S,600. Wxltt Near 17th and Burt. Owner wants $2,(00. Sx1M On Burt near 22d $2,000. 40x122 On Maple sc.. Near the Boulevard $8oa ' 50x150 On Lafayette ave., Near 42d, $250. Your own tern.c. 100 Other warm bargalia. Exchangs. . TV's have a 128-scrs farm nesr Calhoun for trade for eome Omaha Improved property What have you to trade? The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th St. RE 74$ 28 FOR SALE, a good paying bualnesa for 1600. An active man can make $160 to $'300 per month nt thla bualnera. A email firoperty would be considered in exchange f nourht In at a cash value. GOOD REASON FOR SELLING. Address Y 1, Bee. RE M80 30 COUNTRY CLUB LOTS Very choice lots fronting on Mllltsry avenue; also one block eouth; price t-'OO to $300h cash or terma If deelred. BEMIS, Paxton block. KB M.D3 24 WANT OFFER On two 8-room houses and bams, 1124-2$ N. 17th St. i rent $36 per month. 1524 Douglas. . RE-2 28 HOMES "Do you want an elegant home? Here Is one In Kountre Place. Modem In every way. South front, nine rooms, good barn. All newly painted and papered. Nice lawn, good ahade trees. Permanent sidewalks, treet paved. Eastern owner will aell for $4,000. Here Is another: Modern house and full lot on Georgia ave nue. East front, beautiful trees. Street paved.i Only $3,500. I sdvertlsed Jaree modern cottages In Weet Famam district. Two of these have been sold. There In one left for $1,600. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life Building. T-ROOil house, lot 80xl37H. gas, sewer, newly shingled. Low price. Ml 6 Chsrlcs St. , , RE 729 28x LAND NEAR OMAHA FOR SALE 150 ACRES AT $65.00 PER ACRE. This farm Is 10 miles S. W, of South Omaha. Improvements consist of two-story seven- .room house, large two-story bsrn, corn crib, granary and other buildings. Good orchard and grove around houaa. Im provements cost over $2,500.00. A good farm at a very low price. $5,500.00 for 40 acres, well Improved, T miles N. W. of Omaha postofflca. $4,900.00 for 20 scree, with $-room modem house, 6 miles north of postofllce and mile from Street oar. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St RE M 830 3 ELEGANT S-arre tract near our high school, covered with fruit, house, barn, welt, chicken house, etc., actually worth $3,500, which as the owner will move on a homestead at once, I am authorised to aell for $2,500 cash.' I have no other bar gain that will compare with this. Come and Investigate, lilulr Is a ,model city to live in. 8. E. Kemp, Blair. Neb. RE 780 tS . N. W. corner 39th snd Famam Two lota, Bt by 132 foet deep. Thea are the choicest lota in Weat Farnam district. Price $4,760. R. C. PES'ERS & COMPANY. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RE-eot 2$ CUBA FRUIT LANDS 1,000 acres at $fi; drep, rich soil on Cuba railroad, Santiago Province, near two American colonies. Chaa. H. Howard, Detroit, Mich. RE-4TT4 28x F. D. WEAD. $1,1M will buy neat, modern cottage home, 2608 South iuth sve.. baa bath, gaa, aewer and barn, east front; bs quick. 1524 Douglaa. RE-854 28 FOR 8 A LB (-room cottage, cheap. P. C. Caldwell, real estate and fire insurance agent, 2617 N St., Bouth Omaha. RE-344 2fix TORNADOES Wreck houses, blow down dwellings, create havoo everywhere. For $7.50 we will write you a $1,000 tornado, cyclone and windstorm pollry for Ave yesrs. Can you afford to be without It? BEMIS. Paxton block. RE 793 28 VACANT IXVTS 10th atreet. near Bancroft, 60 feet, $1.C00; Bristol atreet. near 25th street. 50 faet, $060; 36th end Hamilton, OixbO, $460. BEMIS, Paxton block. RC-79S 28 Williamson Co., U-J".,b0o,r, RB'$ EVERY MAN IN. OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. ' BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. rOR SALE REAL ESTATf & COMPANY, Telephone 49. tlj,Cmo-In West Famam Oisfrlct. on car line, beautiful 10-room hjue. fine Interior ok finish, oak floore, comb. fixtures, tiled bath, mantels; fine ground. 137x142 ft., with beautiful shade and fruit trees one of the mot attractive locations In West Farnam district. Cak proposition considered. Owners leaving city. VACANT t 12&-65xl!) ft, esst front, on 15th st, south of Vinton on loti; I U down and $10 per month. An actual bargain. $ 150 4x9u ft., north front, on Pacific St. and 28th, above grade, but cheap; clear title. Bargain. $ 200 WH127 ft., north front, on Dup. at., block west of Geo. sve. csr. perfect grade, sewer In front; perfect title: $2 down and $! per month. A snap. $ 750 Six 50-ft. lots, well located, 44th snd Dewey ave.; fine Investment, or will build to suit. Make fine fruit or chicken ranch. $ 60045 ft., easf front. 8. TV. cor. 24th and Emmet; nne enaoe HnrsBin, or will build house on ey terma $ l.ffio 60xlS ft., eset front, on Jth near Dewey ave.; specials paid. Big bar gnln. $ 3.000 -fix W ft., on Wth st. and 17th av.. , double frontage. Beet pronoel'lon In Omaha for Investment of four btlrk , hous. Inrentleate. Caah offer this week considered TH AND CF.NTRAL ROfLEVARD. $150 to $W roe rhctc of eeverel vacant lo's on ?Sth and Cntn sts.. fsclna Ronl. vsrd. In wa'klns distance. Here'n a chance to secure a lot on the Rvi!e. vsrd for almnet a song. Investigate this quick. INVESTMENT $40,000 for the best Inside, best located re tall store building, cn long lease at $3.W per year; no repairs; will easily net 7 per cent, guarantee It; will always be good. This beati money In the bank. It Is a bargain. RE JUST A LITTLE BETTER A HOME THAT WILL SUIT YOU. Full width lot and a few feet wider, full depth lot and a few feet deeper. Plenty of shade trees snd many trees that nre not needed. A large porch, big enough to dance on. Electric lights, snd gas as well for lighting and heating. Oak finish, with an extra swell gloss on It. Double floors; full basement, cemented. First class furnace; nickel plumbing and proce lain bath tub. Rooms are good-slsed and well arranged, A $6,W0 g-room house In Bemls Psrk at a price that will astonish you. This week only, $4,000. If not sold anon will be leaaed. Number 3302 Lincoln Boulevard. Payne Investment Company, nrst Floor n. y. LJfs Bldg. Tel.' 1781. RK S49 2S Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg. $872 Seward st., 8 room modern 2,100. 2517 Ames ave., 7-room, -new house, mod ern $2,850. $3ik Mm tie nve 7-room, new house, strictly modern $3,0i)0. 332J 8. 20th St., rooms $1,650. 1P14 Oak St., 9 rooms, all modern $2.(T0. 444S Farnam at., 9 rooms, all modern $2,600. 423a Harney St., 8 rooms $2,250. 3 brick houses, 9 rooms eich, close In .$8,600. VACANT PROPERTY. Comer lot, 28th and Jackeon sts. -$2,000. On Webater between 2th and IStli els, nice lot-E60. 4 lota, corner 36th ave. and Jones St., very cheap. Snap. 10 acres, all In fruit, southwest pert of city. Corner lot. three blocks from powtofflce, very cheap. t I RK-S27 28 SOUTH OMAHA SNAPS Two 8-room houses, $500 ssch, South 13th street, one 3-room house and one 4-room house on one lot. $700 for both or $ on time, 40th and P streets; four 4-room houses on 22d and 8 streets, $tOO each; one 13-room 31st and Q street, $1,600, eaey terms, 1 3-room house and lot, 40x130. $500. 15th and Missouri ave.: one 6-roorn house and two lots, alse 60x164, $l,0Cfl, South 18th street; one grocery store. 40th and Q streets, $760. will invoice $soo, good trade; one restaurant, N street, $260. If you want to dispose of your property at an early date list your property with us; owners north of N street will be con vinced; don't overlook this. N. P. DODGE & CO. 2512 Q street. Tel. 271, . RE HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN Double dwelling, containing 8 rooms each - aide, furnace, bath, gas. nice porch, lawn, large lot, on paved street and car line in Hans com Park dietrict; owner will sell at ' great sacrifice; would easily rent for $60 monthly; price $5,ooo. BEMIS, Paxton block. RE-78$ 28 66 ACRES 7-ROOM HOUSE., $ $.600 16 ACRES. 7-ROOM HOUSE $ i.W 15 ACRKS, IMPROVED, CLOSE IN..$ 4.000 73 ACRr8, NEAR GRETNA $ 5,6!0 N ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD $ 6,400 FINE 40 ACRES NEAR FLORENCE;. $ 8.000 88 ACRES. CL03E IN $16,400 120 ACRES, 12 MILEet OUT $10,000 160 ACREW, 15 MILKS OUT $13,800 JOHN N. FRENXER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE m S8 A BIG FARM BARGAIN The finest farm In Nance county of J180 aerea. Clear of Incumbrance. Price $35 per acre. Fenced and crosa-fenced. 700 acre In crop this year, balance pasture. All hard elay soil, not a spoonful of sand on farm. Some timber. $ good houses, 3 good barns, cattle shed for sOO head. Hog shed for 600 head. Granary capacity 10.000 bushels. Blacksmith shop on farm. Tele, phone In house, etc. would take $10,000 stock of general mdse., balance must be cash or mortgage back. The Abbott-Cowan Co., OMAHA, NEB. - RE 798 28 MODERN offices; also desk' room; $6 up. U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDOT CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO., AGT, RE 419 U I HAVE some 40, 80, 120 snd up to 200-acrs choice farms In Washington and Burt counties for sale. Kemp, Real Estster, Blair, Neb. RE TM 23 We have for ssle some of ths very finest residence lota In the city at very low prices. We expect to sell sll of them during the month of September, ss the prices are very low. See ua if in need of such. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RE 804 9 100-ACRE FARM one mile north of Flor ence at $100 per acre. Good homes In any part of city. BEAKS LKWIll, $21 N. Y L. RE 765 2$ POR SALE Ixt $2, Tuttle'e subdivision a five-acre tract lying on HAth street, two blocks south of Ames sver.ue; street car line. This tract makes 24 lots 50x136 fee;. Also block 224. Florence, which facea eaat on State atreet. and la Just outside of Omaha city llmlta This block will make twenty nlce-slsed lota This property mrel be sold at once; price. $5,000; $1,000 cash, balance in monthly Installments of 8W or more. Customary commission paid to sgent furnlitblng ben a fide buyer. Q. Brandenburg, owner, Loa Anselea. Cal. RE 763 28x H 3 Lots, 58(X H 3 blocks from new car barn at 24th and Vinton. Thla price la only good for a few days. Ths lots have some ahade and lay good for building. Will make easy tsrms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1H Farnam. 'Phons 160. RE-02 28 DO WU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead In piouth Da kotaT Inquire W. T. DALY. 701 8. ) Tel. 234L RE-M445 81 Ilus. your property. Bsker Bros. Fm. ""o. RE-4tt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE- BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY A $75,000 PROPERTY FOR $25,000 A substantial three-story brick building, stone and bronze trimmings, steam heat. Contains 6 store-rooms, 12 flats, all occupied by desirable tenants. Nos. 1714-16-18 Nicholas Street, and 1101-31? North 18th Street. Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank The Abbott-Cowan Company, 1st National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neu. $2,200 for one of Omaha's best cigar stores corner location, Farnam atreet. Doing about t3S peraay average. Meat market In good railroad town in Nebraska, doing auout $H,00o per year, fi Ice, $i,itoo. v ould trade for weateru Ne braaxa land. $30,000 will buy a leading mercantile bualnesa of Omaha. Best location In city and leading business of Its kind. $12,000 will buy controlling Interest In Omaha's best known high class carriage business. Doing biggest business of Us kind In city. Best oi reasons for selling. $40 acres of land 14 miles west of Colum bus. Nebraska, to trade for drug stock or general merchandlae. Price, $30 per acre. 480 acres of pasture land In Boone county, Nebrasks, clear of encumbrance, to trade for atock general merchandise. Price of land. $12.60 per acre. For aale, 76 acres whest land In Merrick county, .Nebraska. Price. $M) par acre. $1,600 cash, balance monthly payments, or equal value In trade. To Investora: We can place your ssv lngs In company with guaranteed yearly minimum dividend of 10 per cent. In fact, will pay about 80 per cent. Company has over $1,000,000 In assets. Writs for psr tlculars. $30,000 shoe business In Omaha that has been established 11 years. Well known and doing big buslnesa. Furniture and lease of leading hotel In city of 8.000 In eaetern Nebraaka. Price. $3,000. flplendld opening for good hotel man. Write ua If you want hotel. $8,600 will get you a straight hsrdware stock In central Nebraska. County Beat. Doing nearly $.10,000 per year bXislr.ess. ln vaetlgete this If yon wsnt hardware. No trade. - If you have anything to sel! or trade, no matter where located or how big It la. write us. We will get you In or. out of business. Write today. The Abbott-Cowan Company, Omaha, Nebraskv RK- BIG SACRIFICE We offer .today a splendid new 2-story residence, facing east, at 3712 N. 24th St, near Manderson, strictly modern, Including laundry in basement, elecrric lights, best nickel plumbing, cement walks, nice lawn, paving all paid, lard shade trees. Price only 53,200. Go out and see It today and tell us what you will give. House open all day. SOMEONE GETS A SNAP. SWEET BEST, 11 N. Y. L. TEL. 1472. RK- CLOSE -IN, Modem t-room realaenee, paved street, choice location; beat thing on the market at -the price, $4,000. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.,' itSD Farnam Street. RB-402 H 5 New Houses H Just Being Completed. Two at 27th and Pierce, In wa.ktng distance, will be ready to move Into anout tiep t ember 1st. Call and let us show you through. They are well built, have alx rooms, fine open nickel plumbing, strictly modem; will make the price and terms right. Also havs two others In liluff View addition, at 16th and Plnkney Sts., which will be completed about September 10th. One six-room modem house on N. Mth St., Just north of Cuming, for 41,000; will be 'completed about beptemher uth, and Other houaea In different localities. Hastings & Heyden, Moved to ISOwVi Farnam. 'Phono 1804 RK-796 2$ FOR BALE One nots ot $1,800, due in one year; secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing I per rent interest, payable semi-annually; also one nots for $1,600, dus on or befors thres yesrs; Interest at $ per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortf.sss on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given b respectable parties. Address ths owner, t. 26, Use ofloe. RIC-M45I NORTH OMAHA UAnOAINS. J -room brick cottage, store building ana cottage attached, lot 77giU. on oar line, rent $26; $2.hW. half casb. Apply IS owner. ol N. T. Llfs. Raf-M44J , F. D. WEAD. Just completed, new, modern, cottsge home of $ large rooms with cemented cel lar under entire houae, corner lot, south front, near Kountse place, sisy payments. li.lCO. 1&24 Douglas. RE SM 'a MILLER PARK LOTR-Rtlll s few desira ble lata left In our addition ahjolnlng and overlooking tha beautiful Miller Park; $100 to Jj on $5 payments; get In line end get your nlrV: thene nra will soon be worth conslrtsrshia more money. HEM 18. Psxton block RE 73 28 111 BT C7 FEBT. on trackage. 24th at sn Clrsnd ave., naar ear barn, for sale. $1,860. O. A. Roeder, Grand Island. Neb. RE-UV4 Us FOR SALE REAL ESTATE- Building Telephone 722. RE ELEGANT NEW HOME JUST COMPLETED Faring south on West Farnam. already to move In to. Reoeptlon hall, closnt, parlor, dining room, kitchen and pntry on first floor, three bed chambers snd four closets on second floor. Natural finish throughout Inside, neat gas mantel In dining room, columns'' set on base between parlor snd dining room, bronss hsrdware of latest pattern, bath room fitted with modern plumbing, porcelain tub, hot and cold wster, full cellar bricked to the bot tom snfl cemented; heated by furnace and lighted hy both electric and gsa lights. AN IDEAL home for $2,760. One ecrs of ground set to fruit and B-ronm house, good bsrn. must bs sold Im mediately. Want an offer. $-room. all modem house, facing south on Tsmpleton sve., full lot, good barn; must be sold at once. Want an offer. 8-room cottsge, bath, closet, gaa, sswsr, city wster and cemented cellar on car line, south front lot. Only $1,800, 8-room dwelling, bath, closet, tavstory, hot snd cold water, gaa, sewer, city wster, excellent neighborhood, near csr, Hanscom Psrk district. Look at it; only $2,600. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE $1.200 One of ths cheapest little homes on sny llet Is the above cottsge. In good repair, southwest front, gas and city water, four blocks from 24th street enr line. SHIMER & CHASE, 1800 Famam St. Ground Floor. Tel. 3867. RB H Farm Bargains H In Pierce county. These landa are In northeastern Nebraska, only a few hours' ride from Omaha. 180 acres, well improved, 6H miles south east of Pierce.. 8-room house, good barn, granary, double oorn crlh 82 foet long, hog shed, good well, small orchard, 1.15 seres under cultivation, balance pusture. Price $38 an sere. 180 .acres SV4 miles southeaat of Pierce, IM seres under cultivation, ISO plum and penoh trees, 1 ncre grapes, 7-room hous, barn 18x30, granary, corn crib, well and windmill. Price $29 an acre 180 acres. 1H miles from Pierce, 106 acres In cultivation, 40 acres In alfalfa, W acres hog tight fence, house, bsrn and all out buildings. Price $45 an ncre. $20 acres, i miles from good town, well Im proved. Price J34 an acre. 80 acres prairie, 8 miles from Pierce, good for cultivation. Pries $18 an acre. Write for our Hat of Pierce county bur gains. Hastings & Heyden, Moved to 18094 Famam. 'Phone 1808. RE 797 2$ 8-ROOM house, 201 Ohio $ 750 6-room modern house, 4ii09 Cap ave... $1,500 t-room modern bouse, 3 lots 4747 Cap. ve $!.2S0 J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Block. RE M066 21 GARVIN BROS. Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg 1604 Farnam St. HOUSES ON EASY TERMS. 2918 So. 17th at.wA 7-room house and 50 ft. lot: big bargain; price, $1,(00. 1247 Pierce st. 8-room house and 80-foot lot; price $1,250. 1221 So. 7th ave. Large 8-room houae; porcelain hath, sewer, illy water, pnved street, 60-foot lot, shads, lawn; $2,500. 2818 Fraklln at. Oood 7-room house on paved street for $1,350. 1914 Locust St. A modern lo-room house, two large lota, lawn and shade; $4,5u0. BUSINESS PROPERTY A BIO BARGAIN IN A BRICK BLOCK LOCATED NEAR TH AND HOWARD STREETS. RENTS $2,100 A YEAR, PRICE REDUCED TO $20,000 FOR QUICK SALE. RE H 12 Acres H Three miles northwsat of Florence, 400 cherry trees, 100 spples, 100 plums, 2,000 gooseberries, 2,000 currant; price, $1,800. Hastings & Heyden Moved to IttiOVt Farnam. Phone 1608. RIC-W 28 MODERN (-room cottage and good lot, fronting Hanscom park. Paved atreet. A bargain at $1,000. 1 homes; Urennan, room IN. Y, Life bldg. HB-MuW LET US aell you -It) acres In the south, where a tallow candle will keep you warm In winter. You can raise three cropa a year on the sums ground, either of which will pay for the land; terms easy, La. Rice, Prairie ft Canal Co., Caneton bldg., St. Loula, Mo. RE FOR SALE, lots Jl to 11. blork 3. Ham r.ond a addition, Omaha. For further particulars address S. Hanson, fiherig uoah, la. HE- BARGAINS IN DUNDEE. All modern, new, 7-room cottsge, oak n lsh, doubls floors, msnlsl, combination futures, nickel plumbing, cemented cel lar, well located. Price IllOO. BENSON & CARMICHAhL, 44 Paxton Uiock. RE-104 30 22 FEET ON DOUGLAS ST. $2,500 for 22x132 ft. on south tide Douglss near nth st. A good buMnues lot at a very low price. GEORGE 8t CO., IhOl Farnam street. RE-M8U $ BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. Call 434, Hoard of Trade. RJd-e7 824 MODERN HOME WITHIN WALKINU DlBi ANCJv -room l.oui, vei. iirjv lot, on 11th street boulevaru. wltlint wag ing uisiancs irom wnousale ui.trii..; no carfsre to pay. This house is tiddly modem, having, gas, unner-ieej fuume. hot and cold water, porcelain bath ana all modem convenient ea, and owing to owner being transferred will tell for ll.UUU. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RtW73 2S TO EXCHANGE One of the finest and beitt 2ou-acre farms In this oounty, nne mile from two main line rslirottd stations. Want ranch in north eaat Nebraska. F. 1. BCHNORR, Coun cil Bluffs. cil bluffs. RE $1$ 24x WANTED, an artlvs city REAL ESTATE 8A LEHMAN, must know the olty end hnve horse snd buggy. Ad'lrese Y 15, Bee. RE-MSTt 2 A REAL BARGAIN. See 8ft-a ere farm, two miles north of Coun cil Bluffs; csn be sll cultivated: haa 4 room houae; fair barn; good well; wind mill and rearvolr; brick, cool cellar; lota of fruit; nice read to town. Piira. $71 per aere. Eaar terms. H. O. McflEE, 14 Pearl sutet, Cwuudl Bluffs, la. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES FOR RENT 1410 N. 17th St., 3 moms, city water$ IM N. win st., $ rooms, porcelain oath, etc. $17. 1'J Cuming St., rovtns, city water, good lot. close In-fcl. tiJ-r 8. lsth at., rooms, porcelain bath, closet, gaa etc $1. SfTJ Seward at , 7 looms, strictly molrra except turnsce $J0. $4 8 Ktb sve., cosy. 7-room cottsge, strictly modern except iurnace; paved street, etc.-:5 l'l a it'th ave , $ rooms, strictly all mod ern; Isrge barn, fine lawn, paved atre.t $3V til. Lafsyetts ave., $ rooms, strictly mot. em $37.40. 31 Ohio st., $ rojms. strictly all modern i corner lot. fenced $30. We havs others. Pee our list before yotl move. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Blxth Floor N. Y. Life bldg. u-en 23 FOR RENT $104 Mxple St., $ rm. house, newly painted, papered, new plumbing. $31 $A 'l Spencer Bt., 8 nns., all modern, $.15. 240S N. 2!th St., T rms , city water inside, bam, gaa, flne yard, half block frofti cr, $13.00. $11 8. 3Mh Ave , $ mis , bath, toilet, gas. hot snd cold wster, walking dlstsnce, $18. 1IS41 Cass St., 4 rms., well. $10. 38th and Dewey Ave., some fine 7-room modern flats, fcj. ISM Shermnn Ave., -rm. flat, modern, $30 8-rni. flat. 111. 3C Rees St.. 6-rm. flat, modern, $11 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. $ 8. Ith St., 8-room. strictly modern house, new heating plant; Just remodeled mroughout snd put In nret-claes condi tiononly $4u. N. W. cor. lth and Miami. 8 rooms, mod ern, oak ItnJsh, polished floois; good neighborhood a model home. In tin condition-only $32.60. KENNARL) & LOWER. $00-10 Brown block. D-Ml U PAYNK-BOSTW1CK CO.. cnolce housea. (01-aoi New York Ufa Itlds. 'Phone 1011 D-lxa FOR RENT. 824 N. 36th St., 4 rooms. tS.Ott. 701 S. lith St., 4 moms, $14 00. is. L'Mh ave., 10 rooms, $38.00. , a N. Sotn at., i rooma, tliM. 4-l N, znth at., 8 rooms, modern, $40.00. tl.'S t'one St.. 10 rooma. modern. $75.00. N. P. LODUK t CO., W14 Ksrnam St. I-9 2 ill ) U vsrts of ue city. Ths I1UUOC3 o, '. Davis Co.. 808 Bee bldg. D-t4 THE Omaha Van and Stor.ig Co. pack, m jvo and store H. 11. good. Storehouse, 11JU-24 N. 19th. Orflce. Ullfe Karnera, Tel. 1669. D-sS WF. MOVE pianos. Maggard Vat Stor age Co. Tel. 14ti. utiles ITU Weiuter st D-4M4 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. l tt HOI 1CPC in all parts of ths city. . C nUUOta Peters Co.. Be Building. USOS 1413 8. 11th st., 7 rooms, strictly modern. iurnace, walking dluiance I ruin wholesale district $30. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. D-8T8 2 RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near hm clflo, l' rooms, attic, paacment; modern; east front; tins s rounds. titixMO; tree. Applv 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. D 7i4 BEE CHRIS BOYKR. tld and Cuming. D-M481 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, fur nlehed, near Hanscom park. Apply 416 8. 16th or 1135 28th at. D 44$ 3-ROOM house, West Farnam St., dls. trlct $85.09 1HH N. 27th St., roomu II. SO W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Famam St. D 7 F. C Your letter verv satisfactory; pleas write again. "Strange-." U W SOx MODERN 8-room, 1623 T.othrop at. ; newly rnlnte! and In flue condition. HtiiU Bros,, 802 Farnam st t Mtfl tsa 8-ROOM hot:se, modern except rurnace.'ln flne condition. Enquire at 2107 Grant st D-M475 2x SEPTEMBER 1. 818 N. 3d will be for rent; 8-room, modern. Inquire $20 N. 23d. D Mft83 FOR RENT snd ready for occupancy, I room end hall detached houae, 2701 Dodge street, near High school, $40. Every thing new and up-to-date In this houee. Call for key gt 2908 Dodge St., or tela, phone A2124. . D-M311 NICE new house. 7 rooma, modern. 3814 Leavenworth st - D 811 4x FOR RENT 8-room house, sll modern ex cept furneee, fine shsde trees, barn and carriage shed. Address T 26, Ree. D-90T 28 HOtTBES FOR RENT. $75372! Dewey, 11 rooms, modern; 50 2riM Douglas. 8 rooms, modern. 461031 8. 30th st., 10 rooms, modern, 85533 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. 25 9th nnd Wehster, l"re;e wi' rrangd rooms, located In Dundee. Look iSt It. You will like It. 25 ?r24 Wirt, 8 rooms, modern. 17 25M Wirt, 5 rooma, modem. 172012 N. 25d. 6 rooms, cltv water and gas. R. C. PETER8 CO., Oround Floor, Bee Building. D-908 28 SFPT. 1, seven-room cottsge. modem, n'ar Hanscom psrk. M. J. Greevy, 414 Res bldg. Phone L 2330. D-40 FOR RENT Eight-room house, modern ex cept furnsre, fine condition, In Hanscom park district. fB. OARVIN BROS., 1804 FARNAM ST. D M790 2$ 8-ROOM modem flat, 8n3 Mil son $15.00 8-room modern house, snit Burt 20.00 -room modern house. 4747 Cap. ave.,., 20.00 J. H. PARROTTE. Paxton Block, D-MOU 28 FOR RENT Modern 7-room house with barn, full lot, south front, 1 block from car line, newly papered and painted. Call 802 or A-2214. D-MK67 HOUSF8, 2 rooms snd up: slsn INSUR ANCE. CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D OOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 2530 Charles st.. new eight-room modern house, oak finish, $35. 2884 Harney, good 8-room modern brick, ex cellent repair, $32.50. 1914 I-ocust, nice 10-rooni modern, Isrgs lot, lawn and shade, $30. 2844 Dodge. $ rooms, modern, $28.50, 1340 So. 27th, 8 rooms, modern, $.16. 910 So. ISth sve.. 8 rooms. $18. -2918 So. 17th, t rooms. $10. . GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. D-791 2t 9-R. house and barn. 9S4 N. 25th $.V1 ll-r.. hot water heat, 2908 Harney $roo F. D. WEAD. D-S57 28 1117 8. 23d. 7 rooms, all modern, barn, $30.00. H40 N. 21at, 6 rooms. $10.00. 1M4 N. loth, 9 rooms, ail modern. $30C0. 1'4V48. ;'th, 4 rooms, sll modern. $12.uO. 200ti Xiavenport, 7 rooms, all modern, $36.00. $010 N. 27th at., T rooms, $13.00. THE BYKON REED CO., Zll 8 14lh. . D-746 28 FOR RENT. 8-room cottage, 4443 i lain st . city wstsr, good condition; rentaiT $7.40 per month. 4-room Hat, city wster, etc.. 2nd 174 k 18th etj rental. $10.00 vt pioiith. GEORGE COMPANY, 1801 rarnarn St D-810 2s FOR RENT. $30.002315 S. 14th street. 9-room Sll modra) brick house, good relr. $40.0042$ S. 2dln street, s-room all modem, good repulr. u. 'Phone 4$. V. BHOLES CO.. 722 N. T. Life. D-MS.15 2S23 HARNEY. 8 ROOMS $18 iv) Hi SOUTH 2TH AVE., MODERN.. . $21 00 JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP OLD P. O. . D $10 It MODERN offices: slso deek room; $8 up. 1'. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDG CHAB. IS. WILLIAMSON CO., AOT. D-811 28 FOR RENT-$40.00. 118 South 36th svsnue. new S-room; modern; electric light, gss; " oak downstairs; nice eaat front terrace. D 03 28g 1538 Rees street, $ rooms, $18.00; 44th aad Dodge street, a room jli.. BKMIS, ragtnn block. D-794 21 i-R(KJM house, ll water. rilv 2304 L