Tnn OMAHA DAILY BEE: EATTKPAV. ArOfST 2. ItlOI. ( BROWN SHUTS GIANTS OUT rcmr Omaha Twirler Allowi Obly Tiie Hita, Ho Two in Same Inning. WINS ONLY GAVE OF SERIES FOR HIS TEAM taw York's Krron Help Fatten the Chicago Urnrr, Thoogh Klllolt Is Hit Knonuh to Lose the (.nr. CHICAGO. Auk. 26. Rrown s excellent arftthirig. allowing- only five hits, scattered m to an Inning, win Chicago's only gme of the series and shut New York out. At tendance, 3,S"). Score: CHICAGO R.H pti. ir ... I aiM-T, 3b barrr. lb... M' l arlhr, cf Kiln, r Kra. "h.... jinei, rf ... T itikr. m. . . llrown, li ... OAK J 1 ID 1 I 2 NEW Urinaria!!, rf 0 llruwne, ! M.Oanil 0 .M'Ma. 0 ImMm. 0 ITltD. i otieri. 1 Winter, II Klholt, I rf lb II... ..A . A b . . YoKK. It H O A.K : i i'i 6 27 1 2 Tn'ali. 0 0 2 II U 0 'hicago. 0 5 ;4 1 4 : o 1 0 0 0 O l New York, Tola la Chicago New York Icft on bases Two-busC mi. t'as-v. Tlit '-base ill Blown.-. Tinker. SHoiifV-e hit-. Tinker. Kling. Stolen Imso; Mrftann. Double plav ; Brown to Tinker to Harry. Hi ruck out: By Urown. 4; bv Klllott, 3. First hn on balls: Off Rn.wn. 1. Time; 1:30. I. in -plres: Lmslin and Kennedy. Ht. Louis Win ".low Game. BT. LOL'LS, Ann 1H St. Louis took the final game of this S' i Irs from Bosion this afternoon hy a score of 6 to 2. Host on was unable tu score until ihe lost Inning, wuen Nichols let down and two nip came In he fore the side whs retired. Willis was hit freely by Bl. Louis and slow Melding turned sevral Inlli Id t ips into singles. Attend ance, 4.30O. Bcore: BT. Stiav, as Shannon, rf. lleikley. lb l.ra-ly. c fmnt, rf ... rarrrll, 2b.. Iiarula. If., burkr, ib... 2vuhola, p... Lolls K H ri u 3 3 I s 1 1 II. A E. BOSTON R HO. A K. , u O'rlrlrr, rf... 0 1nny. lb. 0 Un til hlo. m. II 0 f cools?, if : 1 1 ; I '-."11.1111: . 2b l 2 0 Marrhal1 ' . .. 0 0 0 Cim-ll tf. . . 0" 0 0 M .rill. .1u 0 2 1 Willis, p 0 0 Tolalli 6 12 27 12 1 Total! 2 8 24 17 3 St. I-ouis .....0 0 3 0 10 2 0 Huston 0 0 0 0 0 1) I) U 2-2 Karned runs: St. Louis. 4; Boston, 2. Two-bi.s- hits: Grady, Burke, Tenncy, Dclchi nly. Tl.ree-hnse lilt: Conley. Double plays: Nichols, Furrell uud Beckley, Ab battlchlo. Tenney and Moran. Hit by pitched ball: by Willis, beckley. First base, on balls: Off Nichols, 1. Struck out: Hy Nichols, a: by Willis, 2. Left on basts-: St. LolI.h, 7; Boston, 6. Time: 1:31. Umpire: y.lnimcr , Philadelphia U lna. ITTTSBl'RO, Pa., Aim. 2.-Corrldnn' had Pittsburg at hi mercy and had no trouble, in kipping- hits cUUMttU. Attendance l.oiil. fctore: rHILAIIKbPHlA. I PITT9lll'i. H.H.D.A.B. K. 11. 1). At. Thnmii. tf... 1 (ileaaon, 2b. . 2 Wiilvrrl'n. 3b 0 M:, rf 0 I.uah, lb 0 Tllua. If 1 llnnahu. M. . 0 Doolli. r 1 lurrlJ'in, p. .. 1 Totali. tf Iarh. 3b.... 1 0 llriiiuuont, rf 0 Hit' hey, 2b. .. 0 Wanner, m. . . 0 anwh, lb... II rrur. rf 1 i ('nrm'k, H. 0 ' hi?lp, t 0 i.yii' h, p. . . . 0 I-laherty II I U 27 II Total! Z Jl ll i batted for Lynch 1. ninth.. liilladelphla 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 16 1'itlnouix 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 Two-base hits: Leath. McUee, Titus, Iiooln. Three-base bit: Gleiison. Sacrifice bits: Met. ormlek, I'helps. Btolen bases: Kliehey 2, tileiisun 2. Louble &nu: Hitchey und Carlscli; Leach, Carlsoh and Mol'nr inlck, i'helps land Leach, first bum; on I.hIIs: Off Lynch, 2; off Corrldon, 3. Hit bv pitched ball: Titus. Struck, out: by Lynch, 1; by t'orridon, f. Time: 1:56. Um pires: C.'a.rpnter and Moran. .o Game at ( Inrtnnati. CINCINNATI, Aug. 2B. No Kanie today. C.anio aohedulcd for today with Brooklyn was played on an open date earlier in the Beason. Standlntt of the Teniua. i'layed. . Vu. i Lost. 1 l"J , Ill ltw n J 112 110 : in 14 t2 hi 43 31- X. 43 4 V 4'i He York . I'lllciigo ... t'tnclnnHtl lltlfhurK .. 81. Louis . . iioston itrooklyn ... l'hlladelphla Clarnea today: Boston at Cincinnati. New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Chicago. Brooklyn at Blttsburg. . Mil ret. .Till .ts."J . i) i li .574 ...3i .31 .3ir .27 11 AMES I X. THE AMERICA X I.EAUIE eT York Win! from tot. l.onla by Marvin of (lie. NEW YORK. Aug ?ti. Long hits by Oanzel and timely hn by Conroy enabled lew York to win from Bl. ixiula today. Kirora on both nide helped to score runs, llynes, O't'onmir and Kleinow beinK at lauli. Clarkson weakened in the ninth and t'hcsbTo took his place. Attendance, 4,58. fccore: NEW YortK. K H O A 1C 2 1 3 13 0 IMunherty. If u toiler, rf...i 0 Anilprann, lb. 0 Kibrrfeld. . 0 llkiirel, 2b., ( onroy, 3b.. full!, el.... Klrknow, c Clarkaon, p t'hoabro, p. ST. Ibirltstt. If.. Hldrlik. if. OiW'Allare. a. llllynra. rf... o'suKden, lb.. 0 Janra. Ih-fb. 0 I'adilen, 2b. . 1 Hmiblll, rf C Moran, :ib... C O'l'onner. u. p... LOl'lH. H.H.O.A.E. ... 0 1 10 0 1 I 3 4 0 0 0 i 0 13 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 Huwtll, ' Tnt.l. . . 1 10 23 It 2 Total! t M2 U 2 Two outs when winning run was- made. Now York 0 0 00002000 13 Bt. Louis 0 1000 0 0010 02 Hits: Off Clurkaon, 4 in i itht and a third Innings; off Chealiro, 2 In two and two t tin ils Innlnga. Two-base hit: 'lanaiel. Thue-hase hits: (lanzel (2). Sacrifice hit: Hynes. Double jday: Keeh-r to Anderson. Left on bases: New Yolk, 7; St. Louis, 8. rirst biiHe on . balls: Off Clarkson, 3; off Chesbro, 1. First bade, on errors: New York, 1; Bt. Louis. 1. Hit by pitched bail; By Clurksiin, 1. Struck out; by Clarkson, 2; by Chesbro, 2; by Howell, 3. Time; 2:20. Umpire: l.'wyer. Philadelphia Heats Detroit. I'HILA DK.LPHIA. Aug 2H -Mullen weakened In the fifth inning today and the locals won from Detroit. Attendance, 4,143 8core: PHILADELPHIA. 1 IiETltOIT. 11 II. OAK 1 It. II OA E. Wartiel, If. Plrkrrlnii. r tlavli. lb... I I'roaa, 3b rVyhold. rf. Muniby, 2b. M rriiaa, aa Vowera, c... iiender, p.. 0 Barratl. cf. . 0 Mrlntvre, If . . II 1,1'nualilln. 3b . 1 0 Craoford. rf fl Mil kman, lb. 0 0 Lime, 2b. .. OIVulln. c. Oll'leary, aa 0. Mullen, p. 1 12 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 III 1 tl Totals.... o o o o n 2 0 10 0 Hickman. M .4 24 11 3 10 0 7 0 0 1 04 Cross, Ben- TotaK Fhlladelphln ... Detroit Two-hnse hits rter. Three-base hit: Crawford. Sacriti hit: lliirtiel. Btolen buses: Harlzel. 2; 1'U'kftlnK, 1kv1s. Murphy. Left on bases: Detroit. 4; Philadelphia, H. First base on balls: Off Mullen, 6; off bender, 2. Struck out: Bv Mullen, 4: by Bonder, 7. Passed ball: fcevtlle, l; Powers, 1. Wild pitch: Binder.'. Time: 1:67. I'mplre: Sheridan. Cleveland Wlna In Twelfth. WASHfNGTON, Aug. 26 Cleveland won a utubbom contest of twelve Innlnga to , day from Washington, 1 to 0. Attendance, SoO. Score: CLEVELAND. " WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.i:. H.H.O A t Ladies' Muslin Underwear 39c to 50c Values 19c Cambric Short Skirts and Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth 3-c to fyK-. choice 1QC Saturday 75c to $1.00 Ladies' Gowns 49c Low Netked and Short Sleev.d I-ong Cloth tiwns and High Neck Cambric oowns, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth i : to ti .no. Qc Saturday.... Elegant Gowns and Skirts 98c Worth from t2. to 11 So. trimmed with fine Valencie nnes laces and Swls embroidery. These garments are slightly soiled. Cog Ine out OHc price iL THE HE1.IAII If! 8 TO ft I.. 19c Ladies' Both sle, veless and short I. ire and fancy jukru. Choice f'alurday Vests 9c sleeves, with 9c -r ft 1 Great Combination Sale A ROOM MAKER FOR OUR SEW FALL GOODS IN CUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT Our 50c Counter Our $1.00 Counter Will contain Children" Wash Dresses, worth l.; to $3.00; Women's Cndefskirts, worth up to $2.i); Women's Waists worth ui to $2.t"; Women's Walking Skirts, worth up to $2.i'; Women's Wash Skirts, Lawn and Percale NYr-irpe. and Klmonns, w orth up to Your Choice Saturday . 50c Will contain Women's Silk Walst.-. slightly sll-d, worth $f; Children's Fall Coats. Infants' Long Coats, Women's Si k Finished Moreen I'nd' r skfrts, in blaik snd colors. VooI Shawls, Walking Sklrta and Wrappers, worth from $2.5i) to $5.00 all broken lots Your Choice C1 M) Saturday .... 4 J raw U3U Tlllt R1I.MHI.II lldltr 7 Men's Furnishings ,V TO ' M MK d'.zn OrlfT-.r I r i r p.iii rns. Vo ir ter Siturday f'lll'.T. AIT, P.I.'OKFV LOT f op MI.S M Kit I M'l.H" KA ft- V ! ' ; S itord iy. at per garment ,0Jc MM- TV- Tfi V- WOr.PTKD SWK VTr.RS in. . pin worsted Karin'Ttr. li 'all "li-M-, pialn and fancy colors. : 4)C g:-at "nap. at MKN'H SHIRTJt-fbshlly aoiled. wrin fr..m V to el. oli- 2Ur K.t.:-1iy " W MP' v. rjoii iit V H LINKS COLLAft.H.-Koiir-rlr nil ind styles, re; l.v 2C h . M KN fl HAI.F-HOftt thie.i I, mole to s"ll I ' . i 'i Ir. oor price V. turdav, p r p-Hr . .. nno I.l"l in - t T o 19 c CARPETS New Fall Patterns NOW ON SALE. Wiltons, Axniinstors, Velvpts- wortb tip to $I.."0 iht 1 fin td, nt I.UU R .",(kn( ynrrls hiuli trraili- L1NOLK-' IMS, six ft-c-t Willi', all now pilt torus, now on siilo nt, siiiiiri! yard 35c i FURNITURE DEPARTMENT A Price Reduction on the Largest Line of Up-to-date Metal Beds That Means a Saving to You of 50 Per Cent. We are now making prices in our Furniture De partment that will enable you to own anything in this line and not empty your pocketbook very much. Bring your pictures here to be framed. Hundreds of. pictures below cost. Stmpla line of Parlor Pieces quoted,. at lowest prices ever FELT fil ECflt an dime:;.- .: : of hample hats, p.urchasctl by us ; i bargain, and including many of the ct lcbn ti d Kingsbury Hats, will bo placed on sale Saturday. They are worth up to 3.00 special price 65c and 98c Each j SEE SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOW DISPLAYl Free To every purchaser of ont of nnr $!.o fiu:nii voii.k skirts Sattirdny we will trlvo a brmitiful h sii.k in')r ucd fit lO.oil. rxiiF.USKIUT vnl- 3C Ladies' Corset and Hosiery Great -Reduction Grocery Sale Specials slilo 7.h- STKAKiHT FRONT CORSET 40c I'rinoess hip with hofo supitorttTs attiithctl. DR WARNER M Rt'ST FROOF CORSETS Hose tipirters tind front, regular $1.50 qpallty, ' at New fall styles in (J. I).. Jusliite, W.H., Eicc-t Form, Kaho. W. C. C. and mciiy others, up from Special attention Riven to nttiliR. Bust Ffirin ' R)c LADIES' HOSE ll"ie In plain and fancy colors. LADIES' LISLE HOSE 10c IMa in black, laee and fancies. ric LISLE HOSE Tan, bluck und fancy colors. l.'c CHILDREN'S H HIKE I) noSF Xc. .MISSES' LISLE HOSE Both plain iird drop stitch, pair attached. 1.00 .1.00 We sell the celebrated II. &. II. Pneumatic In the Bio Store's Mammoth Grocery Department. GREAT RKDCCTION FKLH SAi.t Fancy Freestone Peaches, per dozen... 12Vc Fancy lame Colorado Pears, per dozen wc 1'ure Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack Fresh Boasted Peanuts, per quart m Large, Julev Ix-mons. per dozen Uo Fancv Hallowe'en Dates, per pound oc UKKAT BKDFiniON BL'TTKK BALL. Cloud Country Butter for family use. lnp IH ,11,1,1 .l-Vlc- 8lV- I p-imcv Seiiaratnr Creamery Butter. lb.UsO White or i'ellow Cornmeal. large sacks.121-' Breakfast Holle.1 Outs per pound 3o Fumy No. 1 hand picned Navy Beans. per pound ;, '' BiorraiiBelon. Jellycon. Fruit Puddine or Jell-O. per package X-Celo. Neutrita. Vigor or Mm, pkg. .He 2u pound sacks pure -Whole Wheat Flour .-, .file Laree bottles pure Tomato Catsup.... 8'ji. Litrge bottle;; Pickles, any kind you want Fashion's Fancies in Fall Finery NEW FALL STYLES IN SFITS AND WAISTS ARE NOW, HERE. Hundred of beautiful creation to select from mid new goods arriving daily. We are showing nn t;.iuls!te lno of imported designs at $40.i, ?:J0.(K, $i'5.(.H and 20.00 19c Your Eyes Properly cared for by an EFFI CIENT, PRACTICAL OPTI CIAN" of long experience. Your glasses supplied at nominal tost. P E R F E C T SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. n..,,na i-it riovi .! Ham or uevliea Tongue, per can 24 Fancv Imported Macaroni, per pkg.... ssc The best Corn Starch, per package 4c The brst bulk Laundry Starch, pkg ... 3c 1 aiicv Soda. Clyster, Butter or Milk Crackers, per pound oc 3-r.ound cans Boston Baked Beans sc 1- pound can Boston Baked Beans 4c 2- pound cans Karly June Peas iVjc :l-poi:nd cans Fancy California Squash be The best Laundry Soap, per bar iVsC GREAT REDUCTION TEA AND COFFEE SALE. Choice Tea Slftings from finest teas, per pound 100 Good quality Sun Dried Japan or Eng- lish Breakfast. Tea. per pound tiic Fancv Spider Ieg Japan or Gunpow der Tea, per pound 31c Fahev Salvador Blnd Coffee, per lb..l7ic Fancy Santos for family use, per lb.-12Vc The very finest Creumery made, in.... -tic We buy the whole make or several in me largest creameries in the state. There lor we can giye you lar better values than any other store In the city. MEATS. MEATS. MEATS. Prime Kill Beef Roast, 8c and Boll Beef, lean Rib Beef, lean Round Steak. Xc and Loin Steak, sc and Porterhouse Steak, 10c and Veal Roast Veal Stew Veal Styik Mutton Legs , Mutton Stew Mutton Chops Pork Loins Pork Roast Pork C hups No. 1 Bacon Leaf Lard, 11 pounds Be 30 2'o P.c l'.i; lee "Vco 6c 12c 7c 3c 0c So 7Hc loc Hams l1.!' $1.W for SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS. $7.00 Walking Skirts, In voiles, meltons and ninny other materials nt In Japs, lawns and batistes, worth up to five dol- Woniens' Waists lars, nt S3.00 Eawn Waists at 95c ..'i.00 Lawn Wrappers ! at Women's Crepe Kimnnas at FROM 7:.".o dollars at TILE 0 P. M. Women's Wrappers worth up to two 3.98 .1.98 1.50 95c 69c km 3Pf J!z3 J - IK Great Sale of Crown Shoes TUESDAY, AUGUST 30. 1.96 4.0OO sample pairs of the celebrated Crown Shoes, In all leathers, all f l".es and newest styles, will b placed .on siile. These shoes are worth from $3AH to $3.00 peT pair choice Tuesday, Aug. ;!0. . . . ' SEE OCR SIXTEENTH i k STREET WINDOW DISPLAY. I ilMIII Three base hit: Parent. Sacrifice hits: Parent. Gibson, Jones. Stolen bases: Gib son. S Ibiich. First base on halls: Off Gibson, 1; off Smith. 3. Struck out: By Gibson, 4; fcy. Smith, i. .Wild pituhest Smith, 2. Time: 1'.. empire: 0 Lough lln. StandiiiK of the Teams. Plaved. Won. Lost. New York ... 1T. i-r Boston lux i5 Chicago 110 114 Philadelphia I'd . 6. Cleveland M0 bfl Detroit li 47 St. Iiuls li 40 Washington 1 " rtamcs lodav: St. LoiiIh at Detroit at Fhfludelphlii. Chicago at Boston Cleveland at Washington. his hits well were wasted. COLl'MUCS. R.H.O.A E scattered and most of them Attendance: l.uiw. Score; 4u 43 44 44 4H 59 13 New Pet. .Ms .iit2 .f.S i ,57i ,5'i2 .44:1 .aw .22B York, lb. If. :ib. rf. Klhm, Martin. jH'ia. Yeacer, Ivmer. rf .-. . WrlKlv. :t.. Brlilwell, aa, Hlrkry. p..., Olendon, p... ST. Jonrs, cf.. Jai kon. rf Wheeler. 3I Klsttrnoy. II. Kelley. lb... 1 1 biirn. fh.. Marrsn. 2b... Pierre, i'.'. .. Slagle, p I'At 1 H.H.O.A.E. 10 0 ::1 4 Chester club, praying with the St. Louis National Leagu, dun. by finding that t,e St L..,uls clui) hais not signed by hitting and makes no clelm for his service, ami ,h,r whiitlner is stUL.on the reserve list n f of the Manchester 'Club-. Total 3 11':'3 I Wheeler out tor St. Paul Columbus Two base hits: Jones. Jackson. Wrigley tiea hits: Kelley. Pier Total.. 6 10 27 14 1 interference. ..0 10 0 2 ..2 it 0 0 0 Marcan. 2; Glendon. Friel. 2 0 0 6 0 0 1 0-3 Pierce. 2: Sacrl- Stolen PhIIs City Ataln Shcta Oat Vrrdan. , FALl'.S CITY, Neb., Aug. 26. (Special.! l'axton pltchwl his second game in two days ami shut Verdon out yesterday by a I niire of 3 to 0. Score: Falls City 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 o 3 i Verdon 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 o I) Batteries: Fuxtun and Poteet; Brownley and pibson. (ilMKS I'S AMF.HICAX ASSOCIATION Rarrj'i l'ltrliins Wh Ton Mnrh the Toleilo Datanirn. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2(1 Barry was feottve today and Kansas first game of the series tendance 1.2on. Score: KANSAS CITY. I TOLEDO. I llv wnn from Toledo. for ef- the At- nuthfuan. rf., Nanre, If Hill, rf Honuer, 2h... Maaiuiy, lb.., LrW"W, IB.... Sulllvas. 3b.. Orendorff, c. Barry, p Total! R. HO. A.K. R H.O.A.E . 0 0 Har. r Luh. If Hirk. rf. piovall. lb., llradlay, 3b.. crr. lb Turnvr, U... Raiiilt. c Juaa. f 6 It 1 ' 3 1 11 o a c n'Nrlll. cf.... 0 (I Hill, 3b 0 0 Caaaldy. aa. .. 0 Hulaenian. It. 0 0 MM onn'W, 'iit 0 1 lionovau, rf . . 0 0 hrrrlus. lb.. 0 0 K itll-vilKfl. c. . 0 '1 I'Hlteu. p 0 0 13 0 t I) 1 Totals 1 It a IT l Total. 4 3 17 f Cleveland OOllBOOOOOOO 11 WaslUngton 0 00 0 0000000 00 Two-base hits: O'Neill, Turner. Three tm hit: Carr Stolen bases: Hill. Donovan, haorltiee hit: TurnT- Firat base on bails: tiff Joss, 3. Struck out: By Patten, s; by Josa, 11. Left on bases: Washington. 4; Cleveland, ti Time; XH. I'niplres: Con nolly and King. v Hoaloa Win t hlraia". BOSTON. Aug 2b. Gil-son held Chicago to. four hita tod;iy and ,'ioton won i to 1. AUendance: S.loo. Score BOSTON. H HO a e Oil 1110 OO'llara. If 0 12 10 Hurna. 2b 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 L rf 0 0 0 13 10 f HriKrnan. ft. 0 0 0 2 11 10 Ki-mmer. lr . 0 0 0 0 2 4 lMriarity. 3h. fl 0 0 0 1 3 0 Friable, rf.... 0 1 0 0 4 2 0 Ilronn. c 1 0 0 0 14 I'Murtln, p 0 1 -iV'lark 0 0 2 I 27 18 2 I Total! 1 4 24 13 0 Bated for Clingman in ninth. Kansas City 0 0 0 0.0, 2 0 0 -2 Toledo I) 0 0 0 0,.f). 0 0 1-1 Karned runs: Kansas City, 2. Two-base In s: Rolhfuss, Massey (2), Barns. Sacri fice hit: Brown. Double plays: Barry to to Massey; Martin to c'llngmau.lo Kenciier. Base on bulls: Off Harry, 1; off Mart n, 1. Struck out: By Barry. 1; by Martin. 5. Left on bases: Kansas City, 4; Toledo, 2. Time: 1:30. I'mplre: Kleni. MlbvanWre Wlna lu -Eleventh. MILWACKEE, Aug. 2i Milwaukee won a' h-ird g ime from lndlanaiKilis today. O'Brien made a triple In tho eleventh . und lVnnell followed with H single, scoring me winning run. Attendance, 1,100. Score; UILWAIKKK. i iruiAiiarm.iM. bases: Friel. Davis, Jackson. Double plays: Wheeler to Marcan; O'Brien to Marcan to Kullev. First base on balls: Off Hickev, 2; off Glendon. 2; off Single, 1. Struck out: Bv Illckev. 1; by Gler.oon. 4; by Slagle, 3. Hits: OfT lliikey, z In 1 innnlngs; off Olendtm, 8 In 'i'h Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Hlckey. Jones. Pussed ball: Yeager. Time:- 1:45. I'mplre: Bause wlne. Standing; of the Teams. Plaved. Won. Lost. Pet. 123 80 , 43 .CI 121 12 !!'.!'.ii9 I'b 118 M Ottumwn Wlna Close Game. MARSHAI.LTOVN,. Ja.. Aug 2.-(Spe-cial Telegram. I In a gre.a.t pitchers batce the locals lost to OttunW in tlie last g-tme with the leaders this ireaaon. Score: ir. KILE. Ottumwa 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 1 0-1 3 3 MarshHiltown . .0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 t- 4 3 Butteries: Johnson nnd Snook; Schaab and Redmond. TRADE SOMEWHAT IMPROVED Volume of BueineBs Increases Slightly '" Because of Better Crop Pro3pects, . STRIKES DISTURB INDUSTRIAL SITUATION St. Paul ... Milwaukee .. Columbus ... Louisville ... Minneapolis Indlanapolla Kansas City Toledo Games todav: Columbus Toledo at Kunsaa City; Indianapolis Milwaukee; Louisville ut Minneapolis. 80 71 US ' Ii7 111 57 47 33 at : 54' 55 5o t 71 89 St. .."I'J .52!) . 4 nl .3!iS 27U Pa til; ul Original)) Drop One. LINCOLN. Aug. 2fi. I Special Telegram.) The Omaha, originals were defeated by B'-atrlce in Lincoln today, thri Gage county bunch pulling the game out of the mire In tho last two innings. Botli teams t'clof:' isiorlv. Score: K.H.B. ,, ,ti'i, e 10 0 i 0 1 0 2 1-6 6 6 Orlfdmils 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-6 6 5 Batteries: Beatrice, Morse and Miller; Original;, Alderman aiid Coc. Regents Win at Sntton. SI'TTON. Neh., Aug. 26 (Special Tele gram. The Omaha. Kgents, now touring the state, won the ball game Sutton 12 to 5. Proportion of Voluntarily I nein plojrd Wage Karnera la Too Large Lower I'rlcea for Steel. G. Dun Sr Co.'s tomorrow will here over In the Western Leagne. Games today: Des 'Molnea at Omaha, Sioux City at Coloradd Springs, St. Joseph at Denver. MAX A WA WJS 'sECOXU PLAt'K I tribe: ol 0 0 0 0 4K IIOIRKK IS AT, HOMK Slone. rf !atlry, lb. O'llrlrn. 3b.. -fennel I.- aa-. lltioihHI. rf Slrli kleu, Ili-lll. JI.. Sler, c. Curtla, p. K 1 1 1 0 0 If. 0 H O.A.1J 0 0 1.1 1 3 3 2 4 t 1 ft MrCraery, rf. 1 MagiMin, aa. . . 1 Soauiler. If... 0 Carr. illi II- tiuftrlevur. 2b 0 in. key. lb.. .. I) llry.lon, r 0 llrry, rf 0 I'roinley, p. . . 0 H.O.A.E. A 3 Tntalt 3 7 33 1 2 Totala 2 8-31 li One out when winning run scored. Milwaukee .....1 0100 0 0000 1-3 Indlanu polls ... 2 000000000 0-a Two-huue lilts: Hogrlever, Hemphill. Three-base hiu: Slattery, Curtis, O'Brien. First base on balls: Off Curtis, 4 off Crum ley, 2. Stolen bases: Stone, Hemphill, Hog riever. Struck out: By Curtis, 6; by Crum ley, 4. Double plays: Curtis and Slattery; Peiinell, lteltr and Speer. Left on bases: Milwaukee, li; Indlanapolla, 7. Time: 2.00. Umpire: Hart. l,onlavll!e Wlna F.aaily. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 26 Louisville out plaed Minneapolis today and won easily. Stimmol wu put out of the game In Ihe fourth for disputing a decision. Attend ance, 2.8ii. Score: Lot ISVII.l.K I MINNEAPOLIS. H.ll O A E 1 II II II K Omaha Ilall Teniu Meela Ilea Molnea at Vinton Park Today. Manager Kouike'n bonny bunch of has? ball players inarched home from the front yesterday evening, and pitched their tents on the Vinton street rendezvous for a three days' engagement with the Prohlliitionisis, hi ginning tlii afternoon. lien questioned regarding the fray with the Mountaineers, Pa said he hud no regrets lo report, aa the boys won four out of the rtine games played, which was fairly well for a moun tain attack. "What did they do to yon yesterday afternoon out In Denver?" waa asked of Pa, who replied: "Well, we had a nice trip and tho crowds were unusually large for week-day patron age. Tii at was our last trip to the moun tains this season. We now play the Des Molnea team here for three daya and then accompany them tor inree games ai ino j Iowa capital. For two days we will be In Sioux City tearing up the sod and then We Will iillng inn piuu noiotf wiiii ur, ,,,, i seven games In five days, opening lure u week from ,next Sunday, playing a double header for the one ' adiulsBion on Labor Day, and another double-header later in ''while' the Omaha players are not talk- , lug for publication on the subject. It is , uathered from some of their quasi-public i remarks that I'mplre Kellv's name Is as- aorta ted with Thursday a defeat. Borne of, tl, i.,,v have little, ones at home, und do i not wish to make themselves liable to, lese riajeste by telling all they think of some of Kelly's decisions on Thursday afternoon. Next Monday will be ladies' day at the Vinton street purk. Makes a U Kvlbaih, If enr-ul, aa.... t cf 0 I .illlna. 3b .. 0 Kimiiau. rf . . 1 1 -i haul, lb. 1 rrma, 2b ... I r'ln, C.lbaUU, P 0 T.aala B. stun Chlcogit .... Two kauie I'Hlf'AUfV K.M J Holiiixa, l! J., lira. Of t 0i a.Uihi. If-- , lie via. aa 0 JI lb l'l.o.-l.lM. 3b 0 0 r.iintlim. -b ., 0 , V. r'arua,!, jSilillll. p.. Tulal. 0 0 2 0 0 r. 0 .. 0 .."I 0 0 0 0 A E. Karwln. rf... Hallman. If.. 0 Hail, lb Arn.ll, 0 PejiliT. r I PrAnliear. 2b. 1 Moms. cry. tf 1 g. ii.lau. aa. . . 1 If". I 0 0 Maloney. rf. II r rrt-nian, lb.. 0 O'Cuullrr, I! . 0 0,00-11111. g'r, 3b o U'O' lary. r.. . . u 0 M. Mi hola. rf 0 1 0 II 3 I Totula. . 12 27 II 1 Km. :h. nylfir, t.... Htmimel, p. Kiny, p.... Louisville . M Inneuiiolts Two-base hits: Toiala.... .0 0 0 3 0 .0 0 0 U tl Montgomery 121 I t 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 Sacrlil ' 27 13 3 0- lul; Ftnia, Bclbach, :i i t 0 -l 1 0-1 Jone. lilts: I'linrv. Kuan. Dexter. Stolen basis: Montgomery, (Juinian First base on balls: oil riiiiumel, 1; off Ferry, 3. struck out: By Slliiimel. 6. Double plays: l.'X and FrcciiiKii; Montgomery and Brashear. Paasi'd ball: lib'ury Hit by pitcher: By Sllnimel. 1. Hits: OfT Hllinmel. I In 4 In nings; off Ferry. 7 In innings. l.eft on baei; MlnneacollH. 4; Louisville, 6. Time: 1.411. I'mplre: Killeu. Ht. I'aul Hrali I'ulanihna, ST. PAl'L, Au. Li! - Mickey's wHdiies sent him to the bench In the second uud Glendon waa hit hurd llo-rtuftor, every other tilt being a two-bagger, ol.igl kept tiermnntonn Wlna. OEHMANTOWN. Neb., Aug. 26.-(8pe-elil I iiie local team went to Seward yes terday and crossed bat with the Beaver Crossing team at the county fair. Beaver Crossing had u hired battery. Duffer and Weigardt. The feature of the game wa the hard hitting of Germantowi.. ttatt ng Duffer, the anll-leaguo pitcher, cut of t he box. Baker was on the tiring line for the home team and did excellent work, with Setiuln us his backstop. Score: Germuiilown 2 0 3 6 0 0 5 0 -l I Heaver CroBfilng 0 o 0 0 1 0 0 u 0- 1 Vi Batteries: lis kor anil Sequin ; 1 mrier una iiWeigaidi. Struck out: ii taker. ; by J Duffer, . 11. Baao hits: G Tiiutniown, In; 0 I lieuvci- Cros.sing. 5. 'fwo-lmw hits: tJer Oimantown, u. In me run: Wesieihoff ut " Getmaiaown, Kvans of Heaver Crossing. 0 1 Stub n liases: Geriurtiitown, 2; Heaver C'roaa.uK. 1. I'mplres: Holl md uud Mitchell. 'I Uaklaud Defeats lletiuau. HFKMAN. Neb., Aug. 26. (Special. -1 he Oukl.ind bake ball team defeated the Hei nuui team on the Oakland diamond Thurs day, the acoie being ft to 1. Tne game was H last oiih ail Ihrough. (he f aluie of tho game being the gomi work of tLe Herman batfery. bcoie: tlakland 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 05 Jlermun 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Batteries: Oakland. Bucklln and Uock; Herman, Plpher and i-t. Struck out: By Plpher, hy Bucklln, 10. Good Shotting In the t'laaa Rr.ees. OSHKOSH, Wis., Aug. 26. (Special Tele Kiam.i .taiuiwa covered itself with much and plenty of glory this morning hy beating the Oshkoeh. Jr. In the last race In the inland Luke Vacntirig 'association races. There was u light, southeast breeze , blow ing. The course was two miles dead be fore the wind, and then u beat back home twice around the course. There was very little choice as to windward berth on the start. The boats hung well together on the run, the Mamma rounding third. On the beat home the Mamiwa. Kewaydin nnd OfihkoKh, Jr. took a long beat to the south, while the oilier hoala went towards Hiu other shore. They gained by It and all these beat the rest to tho home Make. The OshUosh, Jr., rounding far in the lead, tho Manawa third, (m the next run be fore the wind the Mnnuwa quickly over hauled the Kewavdln, and .gradually crawled up on the Oshkosh, Jr., rounding tho buov close behind It. with the Wan derer coming-up in the rear. Neither of these two boats paid any intention to the Wanderer us It hud the lirst prize nnd could, not ! beaten out of It. It was simply a tight for the necond prize between the Oshkosli. Jr. and the Manuwa. They were tied with 1K7.5 points each. The Osh lowh Ir irot 11 little the be"t of It nt the start of the home beat, but they stayed j very fuse logemer. ououcmj, u "1.1 11 wu came aLoiil on tho roll tack, while the Oshkosh, jr. staid on th starboard. The Manawa irof a better slant of the wind und when it camo about again it had the Oshlco.-di. jr. tuuler lis Ice. r roui this on the Manawa kept it there. While this light was going tne Wan derer again proved hut It i Invincible nnd passed Lot li boats and the Kllckhat took a long chance on u long tack and inaiiagtd to cross the line Just bl front of the Manawa with the Oshkosh, Jr. next, but this did not harm the Manawa'a chance for the second cup. which is n bounty, as it has beaten tho Klickitat in the other races. The Wanderer Is faiiiwuy the best B class boat here and won three straight races with the greatest of case. The Man awa. although up against new boats, made u Hue sliowinr ind proved the next best average bout. The per cent below Is for the whole series: i,,Ht Finish, Klarsed-tinic. Pet. Wanderer 12:04:30 2:H4: "" Klickitat vw'UMM :'-i;:'. ." '1 Manawa 12:07:85 2:07:io .213. a Oshkosli. Jr 12:.:4. 2::o Hutlfnskl 12-13:45 2:!l:l. Kewsvdin 12:14:4a 2:14:4j Tiger and Picket did not start. In the class A races, lu the afternoon the Comet won first ucd I.-idy-loez second. This ends the regatt'i and gives Alpha lirst nnd Comet II second In class A. uud Wanderer nrst and Manawa second ill class B. NEW YORK. Aug. '. R. Weekly Review of Trade Buy : Trade has improved somewhat, chiefly because of belter riiiti prospects and tne tact that last week s variations In prices of steel products failed to demoralize that Industry. The Industrial atmosphere Is mill disturbed by labor controversies, how ever, nnd it will be Impossible to fully re ntore national prosperity until the propor tion of voluntarily unemployed wuge earn ers Is greatly reduced Dispatches from leading cities lndicuto Irregular conditions, but there is Increasing confidence in the future. Prospects are considered bright on the Pacific const, because of the high prices paid for farm products. Foreign commerce at this port for the last week waa unfavorable, exports showing a loss of Jl.O'.il, S"5 as compared with the same week last vear, while inmorts decreased $3,267,773. Price uncertainty still dominates the steel nnd Iron market. Various con structions are placed the recent re duction, but whatever tl. j.iject may have been, the result has certainly militated against recovery at a most critical time and the hope that still more attractive quotations may prevail causes postpone ment In placing" contracts. While busi ness Is decidedly quiet on the whole, several contracts have lei n placed coveting a large tonnage, which tends to avert the threat ened demoralizations. New business Is reported in steel rails for both domestic nnd foreign account. Structural steel feels the effect of labor controversies in the. building trades but there Is encouragement in large purchases for railway bridge and elevated roads. The pig iron outlook has been brightened by the restoration of sev eral blast furnaces to the active list nnd southern producers have ben compelled to purchase large quantities of coke on aceoiin' of the bituminous coal strike which lias proved more stubborn than expected. More Cotton Mllla Idle. Instead of Increased activity with the proximity of abundant raw material, the manufactured cotton goods bus experienced a further curtailment. Revival of sjK'Cula tlon and higher prices for raw cotton are responsible. It is difficult to locale tho exact extent of advance except on ex port trade, because so little domestic busi ness has occurred. Reductions In prices of standard bleached goods had the desired effect of clearing up storks. Activity Jias continued in Job bing circles, owing to the pi-chencc of numerous out of town retail buyers, hut this business has had no appreciable effect on the primary market. In the other prominent textile industry the mills are fairly active. limit und shoe shoos of New England have received sulllclent additional fall con tracts to give practical assurance of ac tivity well into October. Liberal purchases by prominent interests gave an additional strength to the hide market, but trade In foreign dry hides Is restricted to limited receipts. Hales of sole leather are of mod erate proportions, a firm tone prevailing because of small production. Fa 1 1 ii res this week numbered 24 in the T 'lilted States ugulnst 176 lust year, and In Canada 30 compared with 33 a year agu. numerous resumptions of cotton mills and a disposition to take hold shown by buy ers of textiles at first and second hands, pyrotechnics in the cotton market-anil un certainty as to the future price of that sta ple, however, hold down buying. What few railway earning are available -point to slight gains over the' month a year ago. Raw wool Is in rather better demand and firm with scoured wools strong. Boston notes an improvement in duplicate orders for shoes and the probability is that u scarcity In the supply of leather will be revealed. Lrimner Is fairly active at the norths west, hut rather quiet at the east, where building trade troubles affect distribution. Reeent cuts 111 finished stel and Iron products have contributed to the uneer taintyof buyers who are Inclined to hold back pending further developments. The feature in the rail trade has been a large order ihii.oei tons) for the Canndlnn Pa cific railway reported as having been placed on a basis of $2, while us much more has been placed by domestic roads. I'neertninty as to the coal miners' strike in the Birmingham district grows as the trouble is protracted and Alabama firnace men are buying largely of Virginia coke. Copper is slishtly easier on the week, while tin Is fractionally higher. Business failures for the week ending August 25 In the I'nlted States number 1S3, against 23 last week. 142 in the like week in 1!W. 140 in 1!12. 1SS In l?nl and ltfa lu VM In Canada failures for tho week number 26 ns against 15 lust week and 25 In this week a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending August 25. aggregate 1.0S4.333 bushels, asalnst 1.7u3,047 lust week; 3.1'4u. 056 this week last year. 5.43ti.;vT0 in lfci2 and ,6tr7.lin In l!Xd. From July 1 to date the exports aggregate 10.tCtr.ird bushels, against If)07S'9 last yeur. 36,777,207 in l!Ki2 and 51. 761. 501 in 101. Corn exports for the week aggregate 7i'.3XIH bushels, against 520.31.2 last Week, "."li ,i venr nirn. 115.150 In 1!J2 and 441.- 918 In 1SKI1. From Julv 1 to date the exports of corn aggregate IJ.UIS cos nt -i- "a.""'"; 8 325"!5 In 1903, 754,5u9 In l'J02 and H,i09,0.1 ln m' Deputy I'oalmimlrr llnrneil to Death. VKNTT'RA. Cal., Aug. 26. The postomce at liru City waa totally ilestroyeu oy and Deputy caught in the P--st master Btir-.m was f ame and burned to deiiY Breaks a Track Reeur4. JTCATRICE. Neb. Aug 2h . ?!il Tel---cram The ctrc Jf t.-e ck-s.i h-r f day with a Lug" attendance lr tr- ve-for-all pace th tra-k record, w is b-'ken. the fcest time N-t-.g 2:13V. Sumnurv: Trotting. 2 4o class, for J-yrir-..;d tinder, mile heats, beat three In "v-: ant Ivexir.gton "lcar Drift Klsa A Time: 2:3i. 2.34V Trotting, H:1S class. In Hve: Nirkclette Nellie D. Cal Doodllne Sera ps Time: 2:19V Free-for-all. five: Fred H Billy 11 Beruice Wllkf l,o'a Mix Time: 2:13, 2 Z ..12 1 2 3 3 : 31V S-SSV : 31V mile heats, best thr 3 1 1 1 1.24. 2: mile heats, best three in ' :17. 2: 2 1 1 3 3 2 4 4 ili'i.' 17V 2:17V In the t hree-quartcr mile runnlcg race Buckwood won. Montezuma second, Miss Buckler third. Time: l:ls'4. .1n2.5 .115.0 Whlttlna Hrlouaa to Manrhralrr, CINCINNATI. Aug. i.-.The National Base Ball commission today disposed of the protest of the New Kngl.ind league against Player Ji-oas Wlilttlng of til Mall- Wlndnp of Field Trials. O'NEILL. Neb. Aug. 26 (Spei In I Tele gram. ) in the Nebraska stale. Colonel, owned by It. H. Dickson of O'Neill, won first priac; Blue, owned by Judge Hsrrb g ton. O'Neill, second, and third was divide. I between Daisy, owned by John BlgHn of oNiill. and Assessor, owned by J H Moon.-y of Wshoo, Neb. .There was a larite crowd und the trials were a great success If you have anything to trade, udvertlse It In the This for That column in The Bee Wunt Ad Page ii it 4, i s t ii f k 'i" wi:i:kly rkvikw lire Automobile Raeea at Detroit. DETROIT. Mich.. Aug. 26. The contests . between Barney Oldlleld v and Earl Klsur were the center of interest at the tlrst session of Detroit's fourth annual auto mobile meeting which began ut the Giosse Polnte track today. The n ich-looked for record breaking failed to result from the competition, however, and the best time or the day for any mile was over three sec onds slower than Klser'e 52.' ma-do at Cleveland early In the week. Results:' Five miles, cars under 1.132 pminds: Frank Kullk won. Time: .5:4tik. Ten miles: George Smiles won. Time: 111:5V Flee miles: Barney Oldlleld won. Timer five minutes flnt. -r Five mile . handicap: Bwney Oldlleld, scratch,, won. Time: 5:13't. Motor cycle race: E. E. Dcnniston won. Time: 7.06. Fifteen miles: Earl Kiser won. Time: 14:51V. V fw v j ian..q n .n i HhfWa trigs.' ' JJ-' J'."-"" '"-.'.. '.! ..JIJ. W o.JWI'S'gy D8GTIBS- f on 1.01 i llette Western Crop Reports (rinse Increased lluylnir by Retailers. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Hrarlatrefta to morrow will suy: Rather better western crop reports and the advance of the fall sesson have brought ' an Increased number of buyers to nearly j all western and eastern markets. This ; had resulted in an enlargement of fall distributions, which s is proccedi-d along , c. userva live lines with sta;ile products ( notably In most demand. A feature cf the wei k throughout the country has been clearance Mules of summer goods by re tailers, which have enlarged distributions In this line, no doubt to be rellected later on colleelions. Industrial resumptions are numerous and ihe aggngsie number of operatives involved is considerable. The labor bltiiHilon Is Mill rather com plex, a large number of additional build ing hands striking lit New Vork and smaller disturbances being generally widely scattered. Against tills is to be cited the disappearance In in some sections of t lie effects growing out of the meat strike, which is now practically matter of hls lorv A rather better tone Is noted In textile manufacturing circles, the effect ot Nature will always resent an Injury. You cannot fly from it. Little you thought In your boyhood that y u would now In your middle uge-be suffering from the Indiscretions you then rommltted. The doing was easy but the undoing. Because you can not see the losses which are constantly taking place, you try to believe they do not exist. Beware! You cannot sec ihe deadly electric current on the trolley wire, bul it Is there, and Us power Is not more deadly thun that of the secret b ases many .are sustaining. and have it out? - You will lie the gulner, for you will regain complete manhood. Do not bo deluded with the idea that the disease or weakness will correct Itself -It never does. We never promise win. I we cannot perform, and v always perform Ju.t exactly what e promise. We have brought chemical analsls and micro scopical x a in I na I Ions up to Ihe point iif peif-otlon In these eases, and a collect uud reliable diagnosis Is a posl ilve eel l i m1 ' our many years of rinse sliidv if Ihrsii special d:seusea, Hiippleiiienle.1 by nor b.i.g expirlence In the lr, itinent of aucli conditions nnd on cxlensiva practice, enables ua to MiiccjiMully treat and speedily cure Nervo-Stxual Debility, Whv not meet the issue like a man itrlcturc. Varicocele. Emissions, Impolency. Bipod Poison (Syphilis), Hectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all disease, and wr knee due to Inhcrltiinrc. ertl habits, self-abuse, e ,..M,. r it.,, result of soeiill.' I'I Clival diseases I r tun call. iite lor sympi iiin, . an a. in. to K p, in. buiul.iyn, CONSULTATION FREE STATE r.lEDIGAL IMS IJtti anl Htb Ulnota, O ni. Ns blank. lo to 1 only. 130 Farasm St, ECsL Ult. n.I '.t..l ,.j.' , A V i