Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1904, Page 7, Image 7
TITE OMAITA DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY, - AUGUST 21, lfMH T GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Breaks cm fe!aT7 Liquidation and Better Crop Prospects. CORN ACTIVE, HIGHER" ON COLD' WEATHER Oat Hold Tlielr linn cjnod Demuntl tot Cash Grain Commercial and Financial rni of the S I).ir. OMAHA. Aug. 53. IV. Grain markets 01 ti.e woriu were again Very active, hut lime was union uncer tainty ana p cuiA tion ijund ampie oppui tunloes lo fc it in nun out Kim scnoiig operations, 'i he i,i:u no;n mo ia&oi., k:id jYunnesota, hu,ti nebi. whie iunit.nK much in the eamtj swam at during 1110 oiei halt ot the month, jiiescnieu a lew origin aiots, In trie (ium.rii n rather beuer jicd lnn ex pfi ten, although 01 very poor quu. Ity. '1 nresmng rriuri.s were not hi all en couraging, nut when a long hue of wheat was thrown on tne Chicago market it made prlcej weaken, ana when erforis were made oy snorts to cover there was a sUiTeriing tip ol valuta. AlHiul n rolnt repreeemed the logs in prices lor wneut iu Chicago. Omaha met tho decline, but with a lean severe oreak ua cakil wheul values. Minneapolis, Kttiijat City and Hi. Louis all u with Chicago break. The Immediate opening mere ot Xutuica In the leading inauu was enutiu and followed Quickly by breaka of 1 to i point, and this waa lat?r attended by par tial rallies. Low an September waa alUi-i. a compared with H O', jesteruiy 8 close; Uien advanced to xi.Oi; December, $1,104 to fi ts' to U' ',, May, 41.14 to to 1.12. Coi 11, on the other hand, was very strong. Tha cold weuther la certainly retarding ma turity and the shorts are therefore nerv ous over the situation. The milling and starch manufm I urii.n rtmnand la Impera tive, and all ofteilnga ol cash corn meet with ready mile. The line ot aborts in t"piember In Chicago Is liirp.e, and tills delivery moved up steadily Irom &44C to itc, while December Rained a point and Way live. upfculntlvn operations were heavy, and at no time was there aay lot-up In the display of strength. Cash pilcea 1:1 Omaha were very satisfactory. Oats were stoady all day and In nil mar kets. Good prices or cash and firm with a shade better for futures was the rule. There la no question of anything but a good crop of oats It Is garnered, but the high, prices of other grain tend to strengthen the demand for this cereal. The final figures showed a Ions of 14i2o on wheat, a gain of Ka'4'! on uorn and steady prices for oats. 1 nero was a re newal or selling In the last half hour that carried price clown from the raly of the earlier hours and the tone In wheat was especially soft. The eatimate for the Da kota and Minnesota of 170,000.000 bushels wheat made by the Northwestern Wilier was a bear factor. Corn advanced still more and shorts are Very nervous. Omaha Grain Inspection In: Two cars No. 2 hard wheat, 22 cars No. 3 hard wheat, t cars No. 4 hard wheat, 2 cars No. 2 corn, 24 oars No. 3 corn, 2 cars No. 4 corn, 4 cars No. 3 yellow corn, I car No. 2 white corn, 4 cars No. 8 white corn, 3 cars no grade corn, 4 cars No. 2 white oats, 4 cars No. 3 white oats, 1 car No. 4 white cats, 1 car No. 8 rye; total, 83 cars. Out: Two cars of No. 3 corn. Northwestern carlot receipts: Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 196 Minneapolis 1 IIS ruiuth r9 Omaha 33 ' Omaha Cash Snlea. 1 ur No. 3 hard wheat, 554 h., Me, 1 car No. 3 hard wheat, 664. lbs.. 9840. 1 car No, 4 hard wheat, 66 lbs., 92c. 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 64 lbs., 90q 1 car no grade wheat, 514 lbs., 85 1 car No. 3 corn, 4flc. 1 car No. 3 corn. 494c 2 cars No. 2 corn, 60c. 1 car No. 4 white oats, 314c 1 car No. 2 white oats, 34 lbs., 33a. ' Cash Grain Mrrket. Omaha. 267 42 601 1.01-4 92 Chicago. 1.06 f4.jj 1.08 tj'l.lOV 049H No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1.01 85 60 49 49 46 boh 494(8 mi w 1.10 98 $1.06 i 664 6o43 fVl 67 674 br.K 67 V. 664a 664 49 84i 6Mi 664 82 824 am No. 2 hard wheat. No. 8 hard wheat.... No. 4 hard wheat No. 2 spring wheat. No. t spring wheat. No grade wneai No. 2 corn.; No. 3 corn No.' 4 corn No grade corn No. 2 yellow corn.... No. 8 yellow corn.... 2 white corn 3 white corn.... I oats I oats 4 oats 2 white oats t white oats 4 white oats Standard oats Grain Market Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Vheat Today. Monday. 1.W4 111 1.134 644 63' a 62 834 34 37 81 3') 33 32 30 31 32U 86 84 S 84 iff 4l Elsewhere. 82 854 J4H 854 September 108 December ...'. 1.09 May Ml Corn September 6574 December 64"4 May 63H Oats September 83 December 35 May , 37'i KANSAS CITY. Wheat- September December . Corn September December . Wheat September December . Corn-September December Wheat- September December . Wheat September December Corn Beptember ST. LOUIS 7 8 B 4THB 99H 1.00 47S, 1.094 1.114 63H 604 MINNEAPOLIS. 1.134 1.UV4 NEW YORK. 1.13 1.124 60i 1.104 1.12V 6?H 49-J l.lfU 1-12 1.14 1144 Commerrlal Gossip. IJverpool weak and lower. Northwestern Miller says 170.000,000 bush els wheat for the three northwestern states, the Dakotaa and Minnesota. Stocks grain In all positions: Wheat, J.V)7,ooO bu.; increase, lf.5.000 bu. Corn, S,2, 000 bu.; decrease. 919. mJ bu. Oats 3,19 0 0 bu.; Increase. 1.279,0u0 bu. Kye, 63,0OO bu.; Increase, 10.UU0 bj. Western Klevator Comiwny of Winona Threahing returns rlved from stations In Minnesota: Comprey, l'l bushals; ciden, 20 bushels; Marshall, 6 to 10 bushels; Morgan, 16 bushels; Lake Preston, S. D , 19 bushels. Burlington Crop Report Darius Miller of the Burnngton when feon yesterday said: "We have not sent any one of our officials on a tour of our line to viae up the crops and reports to tlrt effect are Incorrect. We have received reports from our entire ter ritory and they Indicate an enormous crop of corn, In fact we have received no reports of damage. Bulnea Is fair with ua and a big com crop means an active fall for business. Financial Gossip. Stocks In Iimilon steady at about parity. Neutrality question at Shanghai settled. Regular 14 per cent dividend on Leather preferred expected this week. I'P to dale cut prices on Iron and steel have not stimulated buying. Forty roads for second week In August show average grots increase In earnings of 1X9 per cent. Weatern traffic officials say quality rnl not quantity of wheat likely to be affected. Reported Dutch holder of Missouri, Kan sas k Texas agitating for dividend on pie ferred shares. Three million 4 per cent Philippine rnie year note sold to western bank of Okla homa at 101 41. Dullness continues both anthracite and bituminous markets Banks report somo Increass In mercan tile borrowing for fall trad. New York baiiks have pained from sub treasury since Friday M7?.i. K. II. liarrlman sails frem Europe for New York August 24, and James S'fllman Beptember K George Gould and George V. Baker ex pected home early In September. nulnth Grain Market Dl'Ll'TH. Minn , Aub. 21 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, tl ls; No. 2 north ern, II. UV on trai k. No. 1 northern, $1 1V No. 2 north, rn. $1.13. September, $11 J; December. II Itt-V OATS On track and to arrive. Stc her. 7n bid Prime slslke. 27 75 bid; Aug ust. 17.75 bid. Prim tirn'.thy, 11.45 bid, September timothy. 11.46 bid. CHICAGO G II 1 1 ASD rROVlMO Feslorrs of the Trading and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 2.1 -Wheat traders who hail pronis In pievlous purr-nases un caihd freely today. (losing prices compared witn last night's ligures thow a "drop of Wt for September and lS'iic fur l.'t rn ber. Corn Is up IV. Outs are oft 'ic. Provisions vary from 5c gain to lvo uc cllne. 1 here appeared to be little In the early market news to c.iuse tie weakness In dicatet by the opening prices. While crop reports were fewer in number, those which came were t;c:trc ly more tesuring than those which so recently threw the trade Into a atate of frenzied excitement. Never theless. In spile of possible furlher;ige to crops, tne local trnde srrayerl It5eif Inrgel on the selling side of the m.irket. Nheat, which stniteii with a loss of ''' to c at o!i"4. siumped to 1 u7. while lecem!irr, Irom an Initial loss of -nc; to lc at II in to 1 ICS, sold down to ll.ivV At the low points In both deliveries a little better tone developed on buying, attributed to the northwest. The result ol the Im provement In sentiment was a rally to 41 .I1 fit September, the closing liguie. ond in Decemi er to 11.10. The latter option closed at ll.Wiyi.Oi-Ho the final tone dm playlrg much or th weakness prevalent throughout the session. Primary receipts were i:Uuo bushels ssnlnst M2.C0 bushels last year. Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to 1.4mi bushels. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chl.i.fro reported receipts ol 400 cars, as against' 475 car last week and 342 cars a year ago. The weather In the cron belt was too cool for the peace of mind of traders tod-ty aid values were not permitted to suffer with wheat. Kven the hitter forecast of warmer weather did hot appear to allay fear of frost. Starting with a firm under lone, hut at prices unchanged to o lower September advanced from 64c to 544c to 6)4c December, under an equal buying pressure, began 'c lower to 4c higher at 63c to h.!V,c and was lifted to ,Mc before the demand was satisfied. As the session advanced the market borrowed strength from rumors of heavy purchases In this market for export Some of the advance was lost through the effect of th govern ment report which showed the past week to have been very favorable to crop growth. The consequent liquidation brought prices back irom the high point. Septem ber reac'ing to 65c nnd December to blc, the final quotations for the day, but the tone was stronir. Oats were active and withstood with but slight loss the bearish Infiuences of heavy receipts nnd a tremendous Increase in local stocks. The material advance In corn was the sustaining power. An Initial loss of 4c In the September option at ".te to 3;Hc was more thnn rgiilned through ex cellent scattered buying. The price went to S4c, reacted to 33c and nguln rallied to the closing figure. :-c, with a very steady tone. Local receipts were 501 cars. Provisions were Inclined to tlrmneas, De Ing helped at the start by an advance of 6iil0c In the price of hogs and later by the strength in corn. Trading was chiefly In the way of changing from September to later deliveries. September pork closed 60 up at 111. 724. Lard gained l4e at $.;.sr'i'.i) 6.90. Ribs were down 24c at 37.324 n 7. 3f. Kstlriated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 77 can ; corn, 1'8 cars; oats, 21U cars; hogs, 24.000 1-ad. The h autng futures ranged as follows: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Opens Strong, but Later Prices Are Irregular and Weak. SHARP ADVANCE IN EXPRESS STOCKS of In Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Mon. Wheat I ! a Sept. I 1 0941 b Sept. I 1 t94i Dec. I 1 li4 May lU.KU'lui Corn I 1 sept. o4ffiM4 Dec. May Oats Deo May Bept. Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. . Jan. Rlbs Sept. Oct. Jan. 6&i4b34 624Ha l'4i'81 33)4J-k 1 1041 1 ta'i 1 104 1 13 1 641 6441 1 C9V4, 1 10- I 1 0."4l 1 v-4l 1 i-i,lC9-4- 1 11 llll--! 64 t3 62 I I KM i44i 1 11 1 9 , 1 n 1 D4 644 0.14 354314'cil 3.'4l 11 724! 11 75 11 7741 11 &5 13 0241 13 074 6 90 I 6 9741 7 06 I 7 37l' 7 45 I 6 8241 6 90 I 7 00 7 1241 I 7 374, 7 4741 6 So 3341 11 70 11 7741 13 00 6 STVfcl 6 9j I 7 05 I 7 S24l' 7 424! 6 80 S34,5-fj2V 33 1 3': 3, 4! 4 334;37b7V4 I 11 724. 11 W) I 13 0241 6 90 I 6 ir4! J 0.4. 7 35 1 7 45 I 6 80 I 11 674 11 724 13 Oo 6 K74 0 9.) 7 06 7 374 7 40 6 80 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter patonts. 35.0045.30: straights. 34.iiOJi4.90: eprlng pat ents, S5.005.60; straights, !4.3Ji2'5.10; baksrs. 13.101)3.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 81.10ftl.12; No. 3, 31.001.06; No. 2 red 1109(31. ( '9. CORN No. 2, 65,ic; No. i yeilow. 67c. OATS No, 2, .32(6324: No. 2 white, !o 86c; No. 3 white, 34350. RYE No. 2. 74c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting-, 45rt,5l2. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.18; No. 1 North western, 11.254; prime timothy, 2.j; clover, contract grade, $12.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., 111.7511.80. Lard, per 100 lbs., 36.85874. Short ribs sides (loose), 37.87497.60. Short clear sides (boxed). I8.00ti8.26. Shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Reeelnts.Shlpments. Flour, bbls 15.700 9.5.0 Wheat, bu 21300 55,100 Corn, bu 3S3.7O0 175,700 Oats, bu.' 675.900 120.7UO Rye, bu 114.210 Bar'ey, bu 26.000 14,700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 137TSc; dairies, 12tfil54c. Egcs. steady; at mark, cases Included, 135164c Cheese, steady, 7V8Hc St. I.ools Grain and Provisions. ST. LOl'IS. Aug. 23.-WHEAT-Lower; No. i red casn, eu v.itor, Il.l1.t4; irack. 91.1t; September, 11.10-V; December, 1.124r4ill2"4; No. 2 hard. 1.0Ui&1.10. CORN 1-ower; No 2 cash. D24c; track, E3V!(5lc; September, 624c; December, 49:iiC. OATS Ixiwer; No. 2 cash, 33c; truck, 84c; December, 344c; May, 36c; No. 2 white. 364c FLOl'R Easier. Red winter patents. 15 4OC05.6O: extra fancy and straight, i.lorf 6.36; clear, l4.4iKii4.70. SEED Timothy, steady. $'2.4012.70. COKNMEAL Steady, $2.75. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 9093C. HAY Fair to dull; timothy, lti.00'8 12.00; prairie, $i.0v(i8.5O. IRON COTTON TIES 95c. B A OG I NO 741 7-c HEMP TWINE 7c. PORK Higher; Jobbing. $11,624. LARD Higher; prime stoam. $(i.40. BACON Steady ; boxed , extra shorts, $8 60; clear ribs, 18.124; short clear, $9.00. POCLTltl Bieady ; chickens, 94'; springs, 124c; turkeys, lie; ducks, ic; geese. 6c. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, WQihc; dai ries, 10?il6 EGGS Higher at 164c. rase count. Recent. Bhlpm"n Flour, bbls 10.000 18.0)0 Wheat, bu 12!.0i) 117. OuO Corn, bu 67.000 66. 000 Oats, bu 06.000 41,000 Gains Give fllse lo ew Romors a Consolidation of Adams and Wells-Fargo Companies. NEW TOUK, Aug. 23 Further weakness In when contributed Irrgely to the strong tone of tie sto1 k niarkei at today's open InK. though the strength of certain Issues Sfeined to come Inrueiy from buying by some of the professional element wnose In terf r-is lie on the bull side. Prices receded before the end of the morning scxslon ajid th volume of business which at the outset promised lo be very cor.aldersble dwindled to moderate proportions. London, whose markets were weak a. a result of fresh developments affecting British Interests In the far earn, sold a lot of stocks, chiefly standard railway shares, ar.d bought very little. Reports, however, credited foreign houses with purchases of Missouri, Kansas & Texas preferred. A sharp auvajice In cotton, based largely on the rise In Liverpool, was doubtless artly responsible for the reactionary tone stocks ps the dav wore on. The market drifted aimlessly and lower prices were re corded wPh a further reduction of opera tions. Of the more active issues Vnlou Pa cific and Southern Pacific held moot firm. St. Paul wi offered down by brokers Iden tified with western Infrests, while Atchison w is sola on rumors of frost In the corn belt. Tho extreme apathy of the mrrket In the linnl hour extended lo tho bond divi sion In wldch dealings became very light. The closing reflected uncertainty. Net de clines In the active list were in no Instance very vcre, the greatef-t losses being sus tained by New York Central and Sugar i ach dec.lnlng 14. Southern Pacific closed with a fractional advance. The strength of Southern Railway, which was a conspic uous feature of 1 1 ,0 dny, was attributed largely to the Improved situation growing out of the new ownership of the seaboard system. Stocks of the express companlts were ninong the few noteworthy features of the day, their qalns on lieht frrwlinR re viving rumors of a concentration of their Interests. Aduns Express advanced 6 ar.d W'f 11. '-Fargo 26 points. The subtreasury made a telegraphic transfer of J.'uo.ioo to New Orleans. This Is believed to represent the first shipment of the season to the cotton fields nnd attracted pome attention because of the general be lief that the south will this year have the largest cotton crop on record. In this event the New York banks will be called upon for unusually heavy amounts. The sum of $200,000 was shipped to Canada, presumably to aid the crop movement In the dominion. Foreign exchange eased off a trlfie with a slight Increase In orTerinps of commercial bills, but not enough to effect the market. In t'nlted States government bonds the new coupon 4s advanced 4 per cent on call. The bond list was firm, seulicard air line 4s ad vancing 44 per cent. Total sales, par value, $2.2tiB 0(). Following was the rango of prices on the Stock exchange today: Salea.Hlgh. Low. Close. 15.6-10 81'i 80g 80 2.900 srf government 6s of 194 were quote! at &" i.ERLIN. Aug. 2.1 New York's strong market yesterday sff'cte l prh oe favorably on the Bourse here 10d.1v. Amirkins were higher. l AKIS, Aug. 23. rr.-e on the Po.irse today were slightly weaker and hnsinoss was restricted. Kn an :nitrtal 4s clos-d at 92 10 -.nd Russian bondi of I9H at n.m rate of discount was 14 per per ient renies. 9M' 15c for exchange on London, 2'if 26c Th private cent. Three the account for checks. w York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23 MONEY On rill, easy nt fi'l pet" cent: bid. per cent; offered. 1 per cent. Time loans, easv end dull; 0 days. 2 per cent; 91 days, 2''4tf2 per cent;H months. ?ij per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-Closcd at 3V-M4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE -Frm. with no. tusl business In bankers' bills lit J4 Mlvg 4SI5 for demand and at $4 K.VWj4.555 for 60-dnv bills; posted rates. $-l67i4.59; com mercial bills. 'II. ..74.s5V SILVER Bar. 57o; Mexican dollars. .-) e. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, firm. The following are the closing quotation on storks and bends: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Best Grades Strong with Othf n Steady, SHIPPING HOGS SOLD A TRIFLE STRONGER Fairly Liberal Ran of heep. hat vrlth a Good Demand the Market Haled Active and Stead? on Killers, xrllh Feeders Stronger. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 23. 19o4. Receipts were: Official Monday . Official Tuesday C ttl. Hog Sheep. ...'4.1 s.4.3 e.tji? ,.. 2,4.1 lo,o92 6.144 13.71 8.3"2 5.510 6.421 .C2 ,M7 V. 9. rf 2 do roupon . 5o X. ra . do coapon do new 4i, ao coupon ... Oo old 4s, res tfo coupoti ... At-hlon a"en. 4l do adj. 4s.... Atlantic r. L. ( B O. 4 do Cent Til of Ot do 1st Inr ( hen & Ohio 4i t'nlro A. '... '' . n A Q n 4a... rrj. reg. 4. c. t S p l'. N. W. C . R. I. P. ; dO COl. f.4 , Tl L'. St I .. ' rhl'go Ter. 4f I Con. Topflrro 4a Colo. So. 43 , D R O. 4 Erl, prior hen 4... d.i gn. 4n r w n c. ia.. Ho-'klna Val. 4'.. L. A N. nnl 4a Hid. offered. .ins 'Mnrttan c. 4a J''' Mt. ontntl .l'" 1 do !al Inc .10.S14 Minn St, L 4a... Hl' M , K & T. 4s ... .Ul I do :a- A" '. n R of M c N. Y. '. a SV4 .l'H "N- J c g. .-, . 4I No Parlllc 4a i" do tn .l"H N. A W e. 4a . a1 O. S. L. 4a A par... .lin rnn conv. Jia . 3' Koalna gn. 4a .l'"JS ft. I,. I M r. Sa.. . St. I. A S. f. tg. 4a. St. t, s. w. la 16. 04:, 7.99 1i.709 8.525 9.712 27.277 g 4a. .KB nVabonrri V L. 4a i:i4 Bo. rsrlllr 4a 7.1 So. Railway 5a. . . 4S Texas A P la ... lnivT.. St- t" w- "I'iil'nlon rte'.5- 4a... 6r.l do conv 4a 4 I V F Steel ;d .',a. ini I 'Wabash la H! 1o deb. B "W. AV L. F. 4a... 10l.!wia Central 4a .. lid Colo. Fuel c. ta 101-41 , Ha .. . tofl .. 75 4a 75 . .ton . .l;3 ..IDS' .. 74S . .101 a .. isa .. s . . 9 nr. :.S 414 ...ins ...1:9 4a. 74 . . ... 7S ...IK1 ... tu ... 91 ... I ... Two days this week. Same days Inst week. fsime days week before.. 4.W7 Same three weeks ago.. 3.791 Same four weeks saro 70 t 1.-.. . , . . 1 . . . . ' o - . iiZ RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR '1 0 DATE, lhe lollowlng table suowa be receipts ot cuttle, nogs and sheep at bonth Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with iai year: 19f4 Cattle 526,009 Hogs l.ft'2,143 Sheep 8'1037 Averaae rjrieea naid Omaha lor tne last aeveral u.i with comparison; snd choice lights snd butcher weights from o 10 to to 20. the top price being paid for very choice load weighing 22o pound. The last end of the market was very slow and wesk. That ws particularly true of the heavy h"gs which were hard to move at any price. The late sales were around weak to a rlckel lower than the early ones or not quite so good as vester tbi s market. What heavy hogs did sell late went as a rule below (f.iai. At noon 13.S. Inc. 61s.nS2 l.f. 1.221 7K4.121 21.916 for bogs at South Lec 11,922 I Date. I 104. J2W.H9P1.101.U". !". Boston Stork Qnotatlons. BOSTON, Aug. 21 Call loans, 2(14 per cent; time loans, 3liT44 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon adj. 4a do 4a Mex. Central 4a... Atrhtann do pfd poaton A Albany. Hnaton A Matna... Poston Elevated .. Fltonburg pfd Max. Central ..... N. Y , N. H. & H Trre Marou"tte ... Pnton Patflo Amr. Arga. Chem. do pfd Amir. Pneu. Tube.... Atchison do pfd B. & O do pfd Canadian Pacific .... C. of N. J C. & O C. A A do pfd C. G. W C. & N. W C, M. & St. P do pfd Chi. Ter. & Tran.... do pfd C, C.. C. ft St. L... Colorado Southern .. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del., tack. & West. D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Railway.. M. A St. I M., St. P. & S. Ste. M do ofd rannc T 2,001) L900 400 . 2iX) .17,400 '. "ioo . 100 . 200 . 100 . 600 . 2"0 . 800 . MO . 00 . EO0 . 9.2'0 . 1.100 . 000 . 100 . soo . 2,900 . 200 . 600 . 100 . 8.300 . 1.4i"0 31.700 ,17.600 100 . 1,100 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 23 WHEAT Steady to lower; September, ber. USc; May, $1.0074; cash ll.02fil.04; No. S, S9c(af.03; No. 2 red. $1.0tVi 1.(17: No. 3, $1.03; Rocelnts, 29 cars. ohm iiiKiier; eeptcmoer. 4 .'e; 1140; Decem No. i hard. 3. 9';fJ9c; No. No. 4. 97(gS9c. 48 c; ca?h, Recem- No. 1 .1 '...-!.... n 1 .. . mixed. 4l4'if.Lo: No. 3. 49(H94c; No. 2 red, 60(Ei5('4c; No. 3, 494c OATS No. 2 white. 3541j$ijc; No. 2 mixed, Bl'TTER Higher; creamery, 144c; dairy, EGGS Firm; Missouri and Karsas, new No. 2 white wood cafes Included. 17'ic; cise count. 15c. cases returneil. 4c less. HAY Firm: choice timothy, $8.50; choice prairie, It) 75fl7.00. R YK 76c. Receipts. Shloments. Wheat, bu 512 i !"1 r,.V) Corn, hu 62.hi0 22 40 1 Oats, bu 18.0ia) 8,000 .. 3.300 ..24,300 '. '.li'.m . . 500 ,. 600 .. 8,100 1,000 7e0 l.SiO 4.300 .84,:00 .49,300 . 1.000 . 6,000 .' "i'no .43,S(0 . 7fi0 . 4f0 . 1,900 '. "700 . 1X) . 2.3'YI . 100 . 400 ! "200 Missouri Parlflc ll.WO M.. K. & T 4.600 do pfd 4,0X1 N. R. R. of M. pfd y , , poo Norfolk & Western... 3.100 do pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania P., C, C. & St. L. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Inland Co (Jo pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd Sotthern Pacific Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas A Pacific Tel.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wnbash do pfd W. A L. E Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Mexican Central Adams Express Co... Am. Express Co U. 8. Express Co Wells-Farjro Ex. Co. Am. Copper 25.100 Am. Car & Foundry.. 200 do pfd ?"0 Am. Cotton OH 6u) do pfd American Ice i00 do pfd 300 Am. Llnsed Oil , do pfd Am. Locomotive 600 An? Smelt.' '& 'Rcfin;g'.12.5O0 do pfd j'.too Am Suirar Refining.. 6.H00 Anaconda Mining Co B. R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do nfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Ipi'ernntkinal Paper.. do pfd International Pump . do pfd National Lead North American Pacific M-'ll People's Gas Pressed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do rfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... V. S Leathtr do pfd U S Realty & Imp. V. 8 Pubher do pfd v IT. S. Pteel do pfd West. Electric Western Union SS4 854 1274 3Si4 'io" 184 1014 "74 15 754 14 4Sis 204 1614 270 254 754 274 624 39 72 834 137 204 404 23 . i22" 155 92, 123 65 724 '951 224 47 1214 654 '334 1244 '6oi 85 72 254 67 584 174 40H 674 29 914 294 984 854 127" '37' 1004 95 194 38 '17 394 12 230 210 25li" 5f4 19 79'i 334 "6 27 144 1834 1504 '74 15 75 14 44 2014 1614 270 244 71 204 62 394 72 83 137 20 394 23 i204 154 90 1214 65 714 '95" 224 48 K-oii 65 '324 123 66" 85 72 244 67 574 164 39 6o4 284 93 Vt 284 '39" 994 95 18 374 'if 394 114 230 206 25o" 6514 1K 791,4 33 "'64 27 214 21 8.600 4"0 1. 000 400 40 400 100 7,000 )( 3" 10 61 0 3oO 100 644 1074 131 '544 37 1974 634 1014 1294 '634 34 14 234 164 144 724 244 99 :s'4 Id ss 23 K34 144 724 90 274 100 33 510 18 74 74 "la" 2.K0 81 1 fiiV) ;oo 4.V1 200 4.700 2,100 2f0 200 444 74 8R4 4XH 194 754 124 ir.9 69 1iU 48 19 754 114 684 159 8fi4 I Iverpuol Uruln Market. I!VF.RPn4)L. Aug 13. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, easy; beptember, 7s 5d; liecen.her. 7a 7v . COKN-pot. tirin; American mixed. 5s Id; Tut urea, quirt; Beptetuber. 4s Sd. Lecenv ber, 4s lHd. Toledo teed Narket. TOLrr0. f) Aug. S3-EED-Clover. CJiVI w bid, October, ..b6 bid; IXcem- MlliTaatee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis . Aug. H-WIIKAT Market lc lower. No. 1 northern. $1 ltVfD 1.18: No. 2 northern, $1.131.16; December, $1,094 asked. RYE 8leadv; No. 1, 75fi754c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 58c; sample, 373 66c. CORN Market lc higher. No. 3, 67c; De cember 6441 bid. Total sales for the day. 606,800 shares. P84 854 91 1274 164 374 894 804 14 183 151 179 7 144 75 14 48 20 161 2f.8 24 75 264 63 394 72V 834 13ii4 20 894 23 44 120 156 904 1214 65 714 ir4 95 224 44 87 I2014 654 90 32 123 66 654 82 714 244 674 574 17 40 674 28 14, 934 24 254 39 if! 94 18 374 144 17 394 114 227 . 210 115 240 554 18 78 321,4 914 64 7 104 29 20 884 634 106i 12u4 78 634 364 1964 124 66 1034 144 72 314 74 2.3V4 99 27 10rv, 8:4 764 215 74 414 18 7944 44 864 48 19 754 11 584 168 894 Amur, sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T. Ant"f. Woolen do pfd Dominion 1. Edlaon Eleo. II Oenaral Klertrlc . Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa t'nltad Fruit I'nlted Sho Marh. do pfd V. 3. Steel do pfd Asked. i4 Weatlng. common l"mi Adventure OtVAItnae SO h Amalaamatpd Amarlran Zlno .... !4-i Atlantic HO iDlnsham 151 Cat. A Hecla 137 lOnlennlnl 1114 Copper Range 1 I Daly Weat 74 1 Dominion Coal .... 9i Franklin 14 ! Orkney 7 lale Kovnlo 4 Mnaa. Mining ...129'li, Michigan .130, Mohawk .13 Mont. C. A C. . llH 'Old Pomlnlon . 7a4Oareola 10 1 Parrot ..Ml ..ItVii .. IS .. M . . 43 . . 106 .. 6n .. 90 .. ll'i . . 58 Qutncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity V. S. Mining. V. S. Oil tub Victoria Wolverine .... .. 04 .. 12 .. 1314 .. 244 .. MS .. ix .. S .. 14',, . 3 . 4(4 . 4: . 4 . 13 . 24 . S2 . 95 . 74 . 31 . in . 39 . 2 . not owSiist 1 I 4 9? J 41 971 a 411 t 661 $ 16 4 18 I ik wuat 1 4 9241 I 1 6 I 761 6 lal 4 Ki I 7a Aujust I. 4 93 4 99 6 79 6 161 4 Wli 3 67 August 4. 6 06! 6 W 7 39 6 10 4 VI ; 8 61 August 6. 6 u64i 5 041 7 32( 6 Sl 14 44; $ 71 August 6. 5 071 6 OKI 7 $6 h 80i 6 04 77 August'..; ; 6 Wi 7 27 1 5 6,-1 6 14! 4 38! Aujros: a I 6 10 , a 12 7 ia, i & 6 151 4 sr. 3 8T August . i 0641 7 15 6 73 6 04 4 12! $ 67 f ill 0 ' li 0 Hi I 11 Ml b Wl 4 2S t Auguj4t 11 4 87 1 6 23 7 04i ' August 12 4 81 I 5 2o 6 78 6 71 August 14 4 94 6 16 6 SI j 6 77 August 141 6 21 6 73i 6 73 August 15 6 MS 5 25i W 5 78 August 16 5 024 6 68 S 77 August 17 4 9X4 6 n 16 84 16 00 14 I6 B 74 August 18, 4 994, 5 18, 6 68 1 4 95) 4 47 3 63 6 iJ S Ki " 4 001 3 bl 4 291 $ 'I 4 3:. 3 48 4 43, I 3 74 4 97 1 4 43! 1 S. A 411 1 75 4 9s 4 32 S 71 fw York Mlninsr Mark, NEW YORK, Aug. 2.3.-The following are me closing prices on mining stocks Adama Cod Alice Ilreeca Brunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Hora Silver Iron Rllver tfcadriiia Con Offered. . 30 . IV . U . 9 .115 .150 .ITS . I Utile Chief I Ontario !Ophlr i Phoenix i Potoal I Ravage i Sierra. Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard . 350 140 15 16 22 Ill SO 32S Condition of the Trraanry, WASHINGTON, Aug. 23.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $147,70o(,694; gold, $43,884,946. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug 23. WHEAT September. $1 13; December. $1114; May. $l.L'.ynl 134: No. 1 hard. $1.1K; No. 1 northern, $1 K,; No. ! northern. $1.14, FLOUR First patents, $6 .5o.y6 0O; recotid patents, $6 . 10 So; fliat ch .ira. $4 16; cleara. $2 7f.y2 86. BRAN-In bulk. llS-OtatilB-a. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aujr. 23-RUTTER Firm. ock1 demand; eitra western cream ery. 14'Ul'k-: ex'ra neitrby prints, Iic, EG("iS Steady. fair demsid; nrby firsts. 1940 at mark; weitern flrata, 19(2oe at mark . CHh'KSE Btendy, falrdemand ; New Y(-rk full cre.tma, choice to fhiicy, 8'ucj New York fair to good, SQslc. 1'eorla Grain Market PEORIA. Aug. 23 CORN Higher $, M'u4c; No. 4, 63Vic; no grade, 624' No. London LONDON. Aug Conaola, money do account ., Anaconda Atchtaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canallan Pacific .. Cbaa. a Ohio ( hluago Ol W C. M. it 8t. P ... Ixterra D. R 0 do pfd Erie do let pfd do SI pld Ilhuola Central Louie. &- Naah M , K. & T eluVch-Uiir, Mll.Stl- l'a'y Slock Market, 23 Closing: ail. N. V. Central 11814 II 16 il Norlulk a W S . .. 4 do pfd : . .. t.Ha Oniarlo TV J ...If'1! Pennaylvanla ... t.-v Hand Mluea 10 ...1IJ Reading U ... i; do lt ptd 44Vt lit. do Zd pld.. . lil- 80. Railway .. 1M, do ptd ... , . ti 80. Pacific .. ,. lea. I'nloti Pacific . n do ptd ,. 3-, l". 8. 8tel .41 do pfd . ie Watiaah .l.o, do ptd . 1 Bpaulatl 4a quiet. iu4d per ounce, per ceiil. The rata ui uiacount In the open market, for short bills is 2 K-16 per cent, tor three months bills, 2 13-1 tan 2 1 per cent. .. ta4 .. .. .. aa .. I2 .. 44 .. IK.a .. 3D .. tail Korrltm Financial. IjONDON, Aug. 23 . M ney was In fair demand III the market today and discounts arm llrm. '1 ratling on the Stock exchange generlly waj affected by the situation at tl.tnnl ul In addition lo the delay In rap turing Port Arthur. Ihough apart from lhe advance in American thcie wj.i little fet lui e. Conn lis droppv t, but i lted slightly better. Home ralU were .erp(n'l fiat. Americans .petit d strong In re-p,nihe to New York, remained fairly steady at about parifv. hid little animation anil closed lr tcfular. Japaneaa wcie dull. 1 111 pt rial Jap- XEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qnotatlons of , (he. Day on' Varlons Corn tuodlt Ira. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-FLOUR Receipts, 81,380 bbls.; exports 16,704 bbls. Market firm, with buyers and sellers apart. Minne sota patent. $.10i&6 60 Minnesota bakers, $4.4004.86: winter straights, $5.00j6 30; ex tras, $3.46'g4.l10; low grades, $3.25'fl3.8(). Rye flour, firm; fair to jood, $4.25(04.50; choice to fancy, $4.60r4.90. CORN MEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.10 1.12; city, $1.12gl.l5; kiln dried. $3.20(&3.3o. HYIv-Notnlnal. BARLEY Firm; feeding. 47c, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts 1.722 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, nominal elevator and $1 12 f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.28 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options had a weak day on the whole. Influenced by less bullish crop news from the northwest, easy cables foreign selling, liquidation and a favorable esti mate by the northwestern millers. Near the close prices rallied slightly with corn, although they were finally 14t2cH lower. May $1,1241.14, cloed at $1,134, September, $1.1?4 1.134. closed st $1.13; December $1.12:.,fi 1.134. closed at $1,124- CORN Receipts. 140.876 bu.; exports, 67.687 bu. ; sales. 20.000 futures. Spot, firm; No. 2, H14c elevator and 61c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, C3Vjc; No. 2 white, 61c. Option market was strong and much higher following the west, where Wall street buying, a good cash demand and cool weather were the bull Influences. Tho close here showed 14c to Hie net advance. September 694'o6n4, closed at 60c; Decem ber closed at 601,4c. OAT8 Receipts, 102,000 bu. Spot, easy; mixed oats, 2S to a ins., ji'q'Shc; natural, 30 to 32 lbs., 38S39C; clipped, white, 36 to 40 lbsL, 4K(f44c. . HAY 4'ulet; shipping, 674c; good to choice. 96c. HOPS Firm ; common to choice, 1903, 27(fr35c; 1902. nominal; olds, 7(jl3c; 1902, nom inal; olds, 7'7il3e. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 pounds, 17c; California; 21 to 25 pounda, 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 pounds, 14c. LEATHER Firm; acid, 24-3200. WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, "HiSSc. PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, $10.60 fill. 60; mess, $ft.50fi!).00; beef hams, $24.00 (525.50; pocket. $9.5eV(iT0.05; city extra India mese, $1 4.0carifl 00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $.OO10.50; pickled shoulders, $6 50; pickled hams, $10,0010.50. Lard, steady; western steamed, $7.50; refined, quiet; continent, $7.40; South America, $8.00; compound. $5 .R7V4U 7.124. Pork, steady; family. M 507 IS 00; short clear, $13.50316.00; mesa. $13 26(3 13 75. TALLOW Eusy ; city, 4c-; country. 4 44c. RIOT Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 34 4554c; Japnn, nominal. PEANUTS Dull : fancy hand-picked, 64c; other domestic. 3f364c POI'LTHY Alive, easy; western chickens, 14c; fowls, 13c: turkeys. 1.1c. Dressed. Irnegiilar: western chickens, 144ffl54o; fowls. 134c; turkeys. 14i315c. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery. 18nj'lRV4c. Official: Creamery, common to extra, l'ljl'c; state dairy, com mon to extrn. lC'ijl'c. CHEESE Firm) state full creams, smnll, white and colored, poor to fancy, 6U.f9c; large, colored, poor to fancy. 64tj4c; large, white, poor to fancy, 64Sc. EGG8 Steady; western fancy, selected, 21c; extra, average best. 1943200. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 23.-WOOL The position of wool In the Boston market Is firm, al though the demund Is not heavy. The mills are well supplied with stock for the present, but dealers believe that the goods market will be favorable and that the mill owners will be obliged to stock up again. Values are generally well maintained on all grades of wool. The Drlcea of domestic wool In this market are based on actual sales, es follows: California Northern, choice, 22ii 23c; middle counties. 17(ul8c; southern, l"y 14c. Idaho Territory, fine. 19f'20c; fine me dium, I8'ri1S4e. Wyoming Fine, ltVri17c; fine medium. 174 lkc. Utah and Nevada Fine, 17U174c; fine medium, 15al6c; coarse, ltrl 7c ST. LOL'IS. Aug. 23. WOOL-Mar-ket steadv. Medium grades, combing and clothing. 25ti2C.ic; light fine, 19ti20c; heavy fine. 15.(jl6c; tub washed, 21&344c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 23 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady ot un. changed prices to a decline of 6 points, there being some liquidation promoted by the larger primary receipts. The close was steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 jxHnts. Sales were reported of HH.7fO bags. Including August. 6 She; September, 6.7ou6 8oc; October. 6 8ic; December, 7 O if 7.05c; January, 7 15c; March. 7S4l7.,6c; May, 7nt4 7.55c; July, 7fi5d7 70 Spot Rio, firm; No. 7, Invoice, 8c; mild, steady, Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 23-WHlSKY-Steady. on a bnsls of $1 28 PK.OK1A, Aug 23 -WHISK Y-On a basis of 11.28 for finished goods ST. LOUIS, Aosr 2J.-WHISKY-8teady, on a h.tals of $1,824. CINCINNATI. Aug 23 -WH13K.Y-On a bttnis of $128 fur finished (uotla, 1 August 191 5 Pj.,41 5 12, August 20 1 6 124 6 16) AtlKust 2I ,0 24! Aug'ist 171 5 02V 5 SI August 23 6 034, 1 801 5 87 5 03! 3 75 6 87 3 7si 0 02' 4 42 7 01; 5 x; 5 01' 4 4': 3 09 6 99 6 91 4 97 4 41 3 74 Indlcptea Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A St. P 2 6.. Wnhash 5 2 Missouri Pacific 6 6 Lnlon Pad Ho system 11 81 17 C. & N. W 1 8 F., E. A M. V 50 63 2 C, St. P., M. A. 0 4 12 B. A M 23 39 C, B. & Q 4 K. C. & St. J 3 C. R. I. & P.. east 3 C, R. I. A P., west.. 2 5 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western 8 2 163 there were still several loads left In first hands. Reprein-ntadve svtles: No. Av fh Pr No. Av Sh TV. 44 Ifll 0 4 74 7 Ii 0 f, e:i4, 31 .M ... 4 77 ... I o$ 7 nt III (H 7 rt an 1 05 4 J' ... 4 tw :.o HO l or 40 JMI ... 4 r til 4a ns a j',n 40 4 71 t.l'l ... I Ait .: f-a t?o 4 N o sit 111 oi (t 27 f0 4 arn 71 2.:a ... t OS (1 5J 41) 4 " a"a ... ft cs a; jiM 0 4 7S ! 40 1 fij ' t'S ... 4 7V 5 rt la) 74 tt lo 4 D7 4 7l 241 10 ins 41 171 J.K) 4 no li1 S'.'H ... I "ft 7 Ml . . 8 00 127 ?"1 ... I OS :. 24t 40 I en 2 to 6 os 2 110 5 00 1 22 . . M 2l 1 I 00 t fJl 120 s 05 so 241 40 I 10 71 1 0 I OS a.1 2"i ... 5 Cl 71 !I7 41 t ej " 40 ( on 7; 2-1 ftn 05 s: ... j on m '.t ... os 4 244 8 0(1 gn. 2? ... I ea 7 Ill no s 00 74 0 6 o. ( 2C tD I 00 71 J"! 0 SOS ag tat t (-0 1 2M ... t OS x .4i ... 6 0 a ;-2 I eg 4 21 10 t 00 7k !I3 1M OS 47 2f-J 4.1 5 01 M 17S ao I OS J 2'.'4 ... t on 7,1. ssa ... t as 4' 22 ISA SCO 7 J ... t OS t2 H4 an t 00 m jtn ... t r:, 3 2 9 10 S 00 7R :i4 ao 8 OS "1 U ... 8 0.1 7t ?J1 40 8 07H, 74 tM ... on ft Jf.!, ... t 074 c ?7I ... too ;a ij ijo l 071, 7 223 40 S 0' .l J,n ... 074 '" " 8 0" 71 41 ... 8 074 4 270 SO 8 00 so jr.j jo 5 07W " 237 ... 8 00 t;. tt I ( 10 SJ0 M a 00 71 sag 110 t 10 40 274 to S 00 an 2, a 40 s 10 1 71 S0 s Ol fs J41 ... t 10 49 27S 4" s (V i an t 114 M 4I ao s 024 4 ii ... 8 1:4 M " ... "4 Sid ... I iih 70 ' SO 4 4 f 4A ... 8 071, 7J 201 0 6 021, ai J?4 40 t07u 2. ..... .237 40 102'-, 2 1 40 1114 44 JM 120 Mil) ss 17S ... S 121 10 SOS ... S i:j 9 107 . . s is 64 271 ... t 02', ft ;. ... s is M 21 5 024 71 214 ... ft 15 t 244 120 4 02V4j 7j j.ij ... s IS 7 244 ... t 02' h,i 2i ... t 10 17 234 0 S 02, hands, however, la lift! Improved and. hovers seem to be swatting some develop ment In the rsw material market. OMAHA WHOLE A WH MARKET serara'tor. 17117W. FISH-Vrouf, 10c; pickerel, $c; 1- 14' SHEEP Receipts rather liberal tills maid from packers 24 Totals 105 The disposition of tne day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head inuieuled: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. bwitt and Company Cudahy backing Co Armour v Co Vansunt fc Co Carey & Benton Hill Ai Son.. Hamilton Ac 'K L. F. Husx Klngan 6t Co North P. & P. Sol Degan Lelghton & Co Wenner Boyd Ai L Cudahy Lros.. Hoot HaKgerty Other buyers.. Co li) jvi 243 461 2,11b l.VflO 319 1,WJ i0 iKl Z.Sii l.T.tT 66 hi Zi 47 42 55 4aA 61 23 ixi i04 61 86 .... .... 7 102 .... 1.WJ5 Totals. CATTLE There 1,609 8,375 5.S25 . very light run ot cattle here this morning and of that num ber about thirty-nine curs were billed througn, which only left about sixty-turte on sale. That being tne case It aid noi wan long lor the belter grades lo tnnnge minus, but the mime as usual common ttuff was more or less neglected. The ninrket on corn-iod steers was active and fully steady so far as the moro desir able grades were concerned. Buyers all seemed to want a low ana sevcrui iouus were good enough to bring from 5.6u to $5.76. That class of cattle could, perhaps, be quoted a lime stronger, ine nieuium to common cattle, however, were slow sale and very uneven. Some of them brought steady prices and others were al most impossible to sell at any figure. Cat tle that have been selling from 44. 2j down were especially hard to move. of fheep were again morning, but the de- was In Kood shape and the market ruled active anu steady on lhe more desirable grades. The commoner kinds were naturally more or lejts neglected, but still In the majority of cases they sold nt not fur from steady prices As high us $3.60 was paid for ewes, wethers sold up to $3.75, yearling wethers with u few ewts $4 and lambs 5.10. An early clearance wus made of the better grades of killers, but It was a little late before all the com mon kinds were disposed of. There was quite a sprinkling of feeders In the offerings, but a good many buyers were on hand, nnd as a result iinytning that could be considered at all desirable sold freely at steady to strong prices. CJ notations for grass sheep and lambs; Good to choice yearlings, $3.754.00; fair to good yearlings, $3.oe(i3.75; good to choice wethers, $3.50.i.i.75; fair to good wethers, K.26g3.50; good to rhoice ewes. $; lair to good ewes, $2.15113.26; good to choice lambs, $5.0O?i5.35; fair to good lambs, $4.75'u5 6.00; feeder yearlings, $3,2513.50: feeder wethers, $3001,3.25; feeder ewes, $2.00-'if 2.50; feeder Iambs, $3.76i( 4.60, Representative sales: cull ewes.. feeder yearlings. feeder yearlings... teeqer yearlings... ewes ewes yearlings ewes and wethers. wethers cull lambs cull lambs lambs lambs lambs cull ewes ixr box. $l4t2; 13 Iduho 2(0 Iduho 267 Iduho 264 Ma ho 233 Idaho 9 Idaho 181 Idaho 28 Idaho 107 Idaho 142 Idaho 322 Idaho 324 Idaho 210 Idaho 160 Idaho 3 Idaho 1 Idaho cull ewe 22 Idaho ewes 11 Idaho ewes 272 Idaho feeder wethers 28 Idaho ewes 238 Idaho wethers 5 Idaho wethers 240 Neb. wethers ond yearling!! 9 Idaho lambs 4 Idaho Iambs ,. . CHICAGO LIVK STOCK ... 90 ... 77 ... 90 ... 90 ...107 ...loO ... 75 .. 85 ...122 ... 71 ... 66 ... 61 ... Crt ,.. 06 . 100 . 90 . 109 . 106 . 81 . 106 . 94 . !) . 90 . 61 . 66 2 00 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 76 3 76 3 75 4 00 4 20 4 65 5 10 6 10 2 25 2 26 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 50 3 60 3 65 6 00 6 00 MARKET Cottle and Shrep Ten to Fifteen Cents bower-Hobs llljlier. CHICAGO, Aug. 23 CATTLE Receipts, 8,010 head. Market 10fi 15c lower; good lo prime steers, $5.10't5.8;; poor to medium. $3.10(1 4.80; stookers and feeders. $; cows, $1.5064.25; heifers, $2.0o'(i 5 .00; earners, $; bulls, $2.00114.111; calves, $2.u, 6.25; Texas fed steers. $3.00?i 4.25. HOGS Receipts, 16. ooo head. Market EfiTO higher; mixed and butchers. $5.0(Ki5 25; g-'Ol to choice heavy, $0.15fi6.8ti; rough henvy, $4.75f.'Jn; light. $5,001(6.50; hulk of -sales, $5.10vi 5.40. SHfciEP AND I,AMB8Rcelpts, 25.00) head. Market !0'il5c lower; lambs, choice steady, others li iiloc lower; good to cholci? wethers. $3.5o!i3.00; fair to choice mixed, $3.O(K(i4.0O; western sheep, $3.2'K(3.90; native Ti,. hetter tirades of western beef steers i lambs, $3.50(85.75; western lambs, 4.76ij5.75. were In good demand at strong prices ana everything answering was soon disposed ol. though, tho same to thai description The common kinds. the corn-feds, were Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 23. CATTLE Receipts 15,000 head, Including 1,600 south- hard to move and prices were certainly no ems. Market steady to lio lower. Export more than steady with yesterday. and dressed beef steers steady, $5.0iXuo 10; There were mil more than eight cars of cows and heifers In the yards and' with a fair demand the mnrket ruled active and stronger, except In the cose of something on the cunner or common order, which waa slow and no more thnn steady. The de mand tor that cluss or cnttie is sun very limned nnd the iirlcrs Dnld are so uneven that It can scarcely be said that there Is a market lr that kind of stuff. Bulls, veM calves und stags sold at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. Few stockers ana ieeaers inai ninvcu changed nanus ireeiy ai Ma. mfirntnir stronger prices und some sales of the better I native wethers, $3.26'.j 1.00; nutlve grades looked quite n little higher. The de- j,l.OO(i3.60; western lambs, $5.l.iK(i6.u6 on.i from the country seems to have lm proved' a trifle and with the limited offer ings the market for the last few days has lllipi UVUIIltrilL. tt:ytn- falr to good loc lower, $3.76(ya.(; western fed steers loc lower, $J.i5n6.:6; stockers and feeders Ialuc lower, $2.25(i4.26; southern steers 10c lower, $1.604.46; southern cows He lower, $1.5((t2.60; native cows steady, $1.60C(4.i'O; native heifers steady, 2.60(; bulU steady, $J.O0'&3.25; calves mendy, .OU'if 4.75. HOGS Receipts 12,000. Market 24fi5c hlKher. Top, 5.274: bulk of sales, $a.HKo 6.224: heavy, $o.0t)'io.l5; puckers. .ri.05(i6.2b; pigs and lights, $5.00ifj6.27Vj. SHEEP .AND LAM lm-Receipts 3,000. Market steady. Niitit'e lambs, $4.UO'fl4.26; ewes, west shown some little scntatlve sales: BEEF No. At. 110! l'.SO 1174 1141 inm 1108 i:;4I 12SS 1JO0 1M4 Hal .Hit Pr. 3 78 4 00 4 25 4 85 4 40 4 76 4 78 4 10 4 80 4 80 4 80 8 00 STEERS .170 1 36 STEERS. No. s 40 t 8S ts 24 iS 14 S4 IS AIM) COWS. 18 Av. .looo .nr.2 .lif.d .1210 .1210 .1.'60 .13iB .1832 .132.) .U.2 .1408 .1314 .. 28 . . 10UO .. M0 ..1160 . ,10(W . . 810 ..1000 .. too .. 702 ..1100 ..1220 ..1025 .. 110 .. 470 .. 170 .. 240 .. 120 .. 820 931 9:13 890 8t9 COWS. 1 to 4 1 40 1 1 76 1 ! 26 1 I 25 HEIFERS. 1 0 1 1 to 1 I 00 I 26 BULT.S. 1 o 1 I 0.) 1 1 46 1 CALVES. 1 40 S 00 I 1 04 1 I 00 1 1 00 1 4 00 1 NEBRASKA. .. S1 ..1040 .. 30 .. S60 .. 170 ..1010 ..1060 .1170 .1S40 .UaO . 257 . 170 . loO . 1) . 170 . 211 Pr. t 00 5 10 8 15 8 26 1 26 6 6 16 8 45 1 60 6 (0 6 70 t 70 I 40 I SO i 65 1 63 8 80 4 00 4 26 I 00 40 t 60 4 25 4 16 4 25 4 25 4 60 4 60 10 cows... 3 cows... 2 feeders 14 feeders 1 bull lno 4 cows 977 3 cows 9'3 3 feeders.. 1163 11 feeders.. 738 17 feeders.. 922 44 steers. 1 cow 7 feeders 1 cow. . . . 1 bull 8 cows... 1 cow.... ,.110 n .1030 .10172 .H0 . 740 .imo .i:00 F. 1 60 2 60 3 00 $ 30 1 bo 2 15 2 45 2 75 3 00 3 06 3 70 60 cows. . . . 1 heifer.. 42 steers. ., 1 helf?r.. 9 heifers. 2 coat.,,, 2 steers. .. 6 feeders. 48 feeders. 1 calf Polland Neb. 18 mixed.. 1 row 6 cows. 2 25 $ 60 2 40 3 40 2 25 2 4" Gerald Neb. ,. 802 .1020 ,.1173 . 650 . 715 .1155 .1110 . 776 . P91 . 170 . 921 .1110 020 6 steers.. ..1143 7 cows.. 942 2 30 3 00 3 30 1 60 2 15 2 61 3 00 3 05 3 40 6 00 2 40 2 25 2 40 3 10 2 40 15 steers. 1 cow.... 4 cows. . , 17 steers. . 1 steer. 3 cows. 5 cows... 1 cow t cows... 1 cow 2 cows. . . $ fe-ders 977 2 80 1168 8 61) 7 cows.., .1010 2 80 8. Morris S. D. . 987 2 70 1 ster. . .1078 8 0) 1 steer.. ..1030 00 A. Burr Neb. 63 feeders. .1098 3 30 3" rows.., 1 feeder. ..1170 2 90 8 steers.. .109t t n 1 hull ... Sam Morris 8. D. ,0ts ? 25 20 steers .. W O Pollard Neb. .r.'oo ? in 19 cows ... ino ; 00 F. W. Porteroy-Neh. .Io40 t 00 13 heifers.. .llts ?. 0.1 n heifers .670 8 25 HOGS There was a llleral run of hogs here this morning, hut with favorable re ports from other points the market opened a little better on the beat grades of ship ping hog". There was quite a demand from shippers and hogs that would answer their 1 1 ur pose sold In manv cases strong to a nickel higher. Packers, however, were slow to take hold, snd In the majority of rases were not willing to give over steady prices for their class of hogs As a re sult It was rather late bfore they trans acted any hu-lneaa The moat f the mixed hogs sold from $6 to $5 OA. w ith some of the common beavv packers from 15 down. Light dxd sold from $6.03 tu $5 10 ..1070 ..1130 . .1006 ..1074 ,.ijm .. S59 .. 946 740 798 3 00 S 00 2 66 2 90 1 80 3 00 2 70 2 20 2 26 em yearlings. 8.i.l(Kn4.oo; weatern sheep, $3.2tHi3.60; stockers und feeders, $2.60((3.6o. St. I.011U Live Stuck Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Aug. 23. CATTLE Re ceipts 6.00O head, Including 2,soO Texuns. Market slow. Nutlve shipping and export steers, $4-ofjj5 60; dressed ueef and butcher steers, $4.6u5.26; steers under l.trai pounds, $3.85U4.60; slocKera and feeders, $2.iiyg3.4; cows and heifers, $2.6ik'i4.3.26; runners, not quoted; bulls. $2.2611 2.50, calves, $5.00i6 .00; Texas and Indian ateers, $2.iA3.90; cowj and heifers, $2.0OGj 2.85. HOGS Receipts 9,oo0 head. Market steady to strong. Plga and lights, $4.9u'ii5.26; pack ers, $5.0o95.50; butchers and best heavy, $5.1(K&5.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 2,500 head. Murket steady. Native muttons, $3.25ij3.76; lambs, $4.(8ii5 50; culls and bucks, $2.iii3.(K); stockers, $J.i0i3.15; Texans, $360 4(4. DO. St. Joseph Live stocit Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 23 CATTLE Receipts 2,640 head. Market good, steady to loc higher, others dull. Natives, $3. 7ft 5 86; cows and heifers, $1.2o'y4.75; Blockers and feeders, $2.76U3.76. HOGS Receipts 8,761 head. Market steady to a shade lower. Light, $5.10oj5.20; medium and heavy, $5.(vfi6.16. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts 8.038 head; sheep steady tu strong. Wethers, $3 70; lumbs steady to 10c lower; natives, $6.40. Slona Cltr Ltve Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, Aug. 23. (Special Tele a rum.) CATTLE Receipts. l.Oou head; mar ket steady; beeves,'fjj .60; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.2'5j3.75; atockera and feeders, $2.7.')'3.50; calves und yearlings, $2.5t'((i3.40. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market 5c higher, selling at 1.9ju5.16; bulk, $0.005.05. Stock in Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: South Omaha . Sioux City Kansas City ... St. Louts St. Joseph Chicago Totals Cattle. ... 2.461 ... l.4) ...15,000 ... 5,0i0 ... 2.C40 ... 8.01)0 Hos. Sheep. lo,:2 2,kk) 12,0di) 9,C"I 8.751 6,010 6,144 3 f 2.60) 8.0.10 2j,00) .34.091 48,703 44.62 Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-Sl'GAR-Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3 11-I6c; centrifugal, 96 teat, 44c; molasses sugar, 3 7-luc; nluied, quiet; crushed,; powdered, 6.30c; gran ulated, 6.20c. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 23. SUGAR Strong; open kettle, 2'o3 3-10c; centrifugal, 3y l4c; centrifugal whites, 4o; yellow, 3 Co4-c: seconds, .'-'tili 34c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 2otfr i 26c. Centrifugal, l'Ufllae. byrup, nominal at I'M; 25c. OIL CITY, Aug 23. OILS Credit bal ances, $1.6i; certificates, none; shipments, 63 .Vai bbbls. ; uverase. 74,4i7 bbls.; runs. 16 hid bbls.; average, 76.740 bbls.; shlpmenta, Lima,, ',9.422 bbls.; average, 64,773 bbls j runs, Lima, 12,636 bbls.; average, 01,0'jo bbls. SAVANNAH, lia., Aug. :a OILS Tur- Condlttoa ol Traele anal Quotations an Staple and Panes- Prod are, FOGS Receipts moderate; candled slock 18c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 4c; roostefa 60; turkeys 12c; duck, 7c; geeee, $c; spring ihl kens. 124v'13u. Bl'TTER Packing stork, llo: choice to farcy dairy. FRESH pike, P-'; percn. 7c: luiienau 12c; whlienai, loc; salmon, 14c; redsnapper. 11c; lobster, Siren, .c; loostcr, Polico, 0ci Uulinemla. 11c; catfish. lc; block bess. 2c; halibut. 10c; crapples, 12c; roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7c; white bass, lie; frog legs, per dot., 26c. "f v N - l er tou. l HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholetal Dealers association: Choice No. 1 upland, tr.iv. No. 2, $6.j0, mrdlum. $600; coarae, $5 50. Rye straw. $5 60. These prices are lor nay or good ooior era quality. TROPICAL KRLI I'm. ORANGES Sweets, choice, all si sea, $.$ ff3o-: Valencies, all eliee, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 273i ' $00 anj IP'-. $4 2.i74.M: choice, $.1.76 0 4 00. LIMES Florida, per 6-haaket orates, $4 M. CALIFORNIA IlGS l'er lu-ib. ctiiloo. tOv; imported Smyrna, 1-crown, Uo; $ crown, lie: 7-crown, 13c. BANANAS Per medium-alaed bunch, IT.O) 62.1-0; Jumbo, $2.7KiJ FRVITS. API'LES Home jrtowr., per bu. baakaU 40uooc; per bbl., $126. i LACHES Calltori. la Elbertaa and Sua quehannaa, $l.lo; home grown cllnge, per 10-1 h. basket 26c: Missouri, per 6-baaket crate, $1 66; Colorado, tflctytl . 10. l'LUMS California grttsa prunes, $1 60; Tragely, 11. i6, Italian prunes. $1.26. 1 r.ano-1. aurornia, Colorado, $15oiT 75. CANTLLOL'FE Arkansas and Indian Territory, per rrate. $2 Oo$i2.25, W ATEUM ELONS Per lb. (crated), le. CELERY l'er dos . iJi36e. V EG ETA BLiKS. POTATOl:st New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 36iu46c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.90ttTC.OP. ONIONS Home grown, in sacks, per bu., 6("il75c. TOMATOES Home grown, per market basket. 2"i:ioe. CABBAGJO Home grown, per lb., 14c CLCI M HERS Per dos., 15c. Tl'RNIPS-Home grown, per bu., 60c. BEETS- Home grown, per bu.. 600, PARSLEY Per do , Ac. WAX BEANS Per market baaket, S1c. STRING BEANS Per market baaket. 60o. GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket. $1.0(). SQUASH Home grown, per dos., 50c PEAS-Per bu. basket, 75cn$1.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., $1.60. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per market basket, 76c: Virginia, per bbl., $4.25. MISCELLANEOUS). NEW HONEY Per 24 frames, $3 60. MAPLE PUOAR-Olalo. Per lb., loc. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, l?c; bloc Swiss, new. 15c; old, 1617c; Wisconsin brick, 134c: Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7V4c; No. 3 green 64c; No. 1 salted. o; No. 2 salted, 8c; No. 1 vral cnlf, 8 to 12 lbs,, 9c; No. t vesl calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted, 8512o; sheep pelts. 24ti27c: horse hides, $2.75. Nl'TS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, rr lb.. IRc; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, -per lb., 12c; small.' per lb., 10c: ieanuts. per lb.. 12c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., t2S184c; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, 13c; shellbarks. per bu., $-'.00; .black walnuts, per bu., $1.2o. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-COTTON-Sp'rt closed quiet, 20 points higher; mlrtdlirg uplands. 11. Doc; middling gulf, 11.45c. Sales, "'LIVERPOOL, Aug. 28. COTTON 8 rot li limited demand: prices, 14 points higher. American middling fair. 6.62d; good mid dling, 6.1,'ld; middling, 6.39d; ?ow tnMdllng, 6.20d; good ordinary, S.BSd; ordinary. 6.74d. Futures opened steadv nnd closed Irregu lar and excited: American rnldollrg. ar. o. c, August, 6.15d; August and Feptember, 6.95(1; September nnd October, 6.73d; Octo ber nnd November, 5.1d; November and December, 5.58; December and January. 6 55; Jnnuarv ond February. 6.54; Feb ruary and March. 5.64: March end April, 5 56; "April s.nd Mny, 6.65; Mny and June, 6.55d. ST. LOUTS. Mo.. Aug. 23. COTTON Higher; middling. 104c Sales, 140 bnles; receipts, none; shipments, 201 bales; stock, ",S" b'ies NEW ORLEANS. ' Ausr. 23 COTTON Market firm. Ordinary, 8 U-16e. Bales. 6T,0 boles. Good ordinary. Mc: low middling, I 10c; middling. 104c: good middling. 1015-16o; middling fair. 11 s-lo; receipts, ooi nnies; stock. 24.717 bales. Futures, steadv. Aug ust. 10.75c; September, 10 51fTl0.22c: October, iiv?.'10.plc: November, fl S7f O ftfc : December. o.98c; January, 10,o37ri0 04c; February, 10.07'fl) 10.09c; March. 10.12T0.14c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Ana;. 23. METALS The London tin market waa o little hlrher. closing nt 121 17s 6d for spot and 7s 6d for futures. Locally spot closed St $26.8iv',fl.9R. Copper was firmer In- Ltmden nt 67 7s 6d for both spot and futures Iocallv copper la unchanged. Lake and electrolytic are ouoted at $12RVH2.75. nd casting at HS.JiW! 50. Lend was a Utt'e lower abroad, closing at 11 J3s M In the Iyondon market Here It remained un changed nt f4.20W4.n. Spelter was steadv nnd unchanged nt $4.8634.96 In the lo'al market. London was uncharged at 23 ljt d6. Iron closed at 61s Od In Olargow nd nt 43s In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern. I quoted nt 14 00(f? 14.60: No. 2 foundry, n'r It em .at $13.7677 14.00: No. 1 foundry, soutre and No. 1 foundry, eouthern, soft, at $13 61 (613.76. Evaporated A pries nntl Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK, Amj. M EVAPORTKP APPLES The market remains quiet but firm, for while demand Is light available supplies are small and there Is no pres sure against the prices. Common are quoted at 4(q6Wc: prime, 6(tT6c; choice, 64 jeOo: fanov. 7(iJ74c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune are quiet nt tho moment and have rather ' an easy tone In consequence of a fair cirry-over and generally fu'l estimates of. the new crop Quotations range frofi in to 6'v. according to descrlntlons. Apricots are firm. In sympathv with wheat ad vances but show no quotable change. ChVc sre held nt DHfllOc; extra choice, st lovnt 104c; fancy, IlitJlSc. Peafhes rlsn rule firm. Extra choice are quoted at 8c; fancy, at 4tn0c. nil Rosin. Aug. 13. OILS Cotton- Oils NEW YORK. seed, stesdv 'rime erud. nominal' Tri" vellow. 784H"i28Ve. Petroleum, steady; re fined New ''ork. 7 70: Phiadelpbt and Baltimore. 7.6R: Philadelphia and Balti more, in bulk. $1.7$. ROBIN Onlet: e'rslned. rommna' good. $2.602.66. Turpentine, quiet at 67lf674c. REAL KSTATE TIIANSFERS. Deeds filed for record August 2$. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnsm street, for The Bee: Axel W'allln and wife to Anna E. Seleroe, part lot 10, block 9, Park ers $ 1,250 Edward Cassldy and wife to Henry Martin, lot 28, block 11, Missouri Avenue Park 351 Wstern Investment company to John B Chrlstlunsen, pnrt of lot 18, Ken sington 1(1 Mary E. Lane and husband to Harvey J. Grove, lota 12 to 18 and 18 to li. block 4, Halcyon Heights 1 Mory L. Jensen to Harvey J. Grove, lots 23 and 24, block 7, Halcyon Heights 1 Harvey J. Grove and wife to Oliver D. Bellls, lots 12 to IS, block 4, Hal cyon Heights 1 Joseph Kwasmewskl to Samuel Man- cuho, lots 11 and 12, block 1, Obrelne A Hoslck's 1,801 Charles S. Huntington et al , execu tors, to A. F. Close, lot R, block 138, Florence $1 Hugh B. Thomas to A. F Close, lot 6. block 138, Florence 40 Samuel J. Hlgglns et al to T. C, Hav ens, part of lots 1 and 2, block 2, Poppleton Park .' I.ISI Dnlay M. Young and husband to 3. I Rewey, lots 3 and 4, block 26, Benson 1.101 The Admore company to the Highland Tnd and Live Stock compAny, Iota 15 and 16, block 7, Reed's First,...,. J n.nlln. F.ll,. ROSl'rV ! Ir'in; E. $2 42 4: F. $2.4.Vd2oO $. 76, I. $3 36; K. $3 67H; W il, $t 36, W W, $4.62v,. A, B, C. $2 324; D. $2 35; $2(yr7j2 65; H. G. M. $3 86; N, $4.0u. Dry fioods Market. NEW YORK. Aug 23-DRY OOOD8 The jobbing market Is very active, wl'h an unusual number of buyers Iu the local dry goods maiiket. The condition among first The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, iNt. Capital aaJ Surplus. S0a009 TUM UrT, Pre. KAV B. arTK, V. Naa, UJTirJ eXAU. Ca aMae. PtANI T. lAMIlTOft, AaM. CkAam IUca4i aoaasuut s( taaaaa. taakaii lo, grass aaxl jvala en taa rorelsa luaaaaa ham aa a4. -Leitom e in4i haatieal. availakla la eg pw al lae aui"l4 iHrM mm Tim CmfOAxm niji ni wn wmmm i