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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1904)
TITE OMAnA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AmrST 24, 1001. ;R0URRE'S HEN UP ON EDGE t Brown's Pitching and Tast Fielding 0ms j Denrer a Shutout. j MOUNTAINEERS THOROUGHLY OUTCLASSED Ijlble to lilt the Ball Fairly Hesrnlar, fiat dale Onn Come Too Itarrly to Be of Any ftp r tire In RangrttlnK. Pnlnmbim. Ths hum team made two er rors, the Indians flvf. In tiie evening (imp, which whs plvd hv the light of fifty arc lights, the Indiana won. They go from here to ('rote. Th home team gave Cntdon a shutout Fun day. K'rwln. rf...l t i 0 i:stnn. rr c o n q o H.llman. If.. I I I 9 1is.-Wfr, ..! till Hirl lb 1110 n(o Brl.n. If... 0 0 0 0 0 ArnH. b 1 1 4 I1' lark. Jn 0 I I I C Srhrlr.r. f ... 0 ft t 0 Hmthlll, rl.l 1 1 ( Il,.ahf. ?h 1 4 1 2 HilMmln. lb.. 1 1 12 1 0 GA1K I Til.) AMKRICA lEAfilT. )iirr. tit I 1 ( 0 Rtt7. 2b 1 10 3' Vutnian. ss... I l i a e fii", v v i v Campbell, p . 1 1 0 1 0, Manske. p....l 11(0 CENVER, Aug. 23 (Special Telegram.) (Omaha forced t'envcr tr take a d'.re of whitewash today by the work of Brown I on th s'.ch and perfect support of the field brlilnd him. The visiting team's artist neemed to have perfect reliance on his racking, Ond while the Grizzlies lined out the hall In good style It was always taken care of. Carter, who yesterday made a. costly er ror, today covered himself with glory by three hard running catches. Welrh got his base on halls In the S'cond and Polan's nice single and an out brought him home. The visitors made another Inter In the ) (tame by an error, followed by a sacrifice i n4 slhfcl. The locals were simply out- 1 classed by th fast work of the visitors' ' field. Attendance, l.fmo. The score: ' OMAHA. jThlel. If Carter, rr ...... Howard. 3b ... VVelih. cf Tolan. s Thomas, lb ... ; Fchlpko. 3b .... ' Clouding, c Urown, p Totals ... .... a .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 3 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 3 ...33 DENVKR. MrHale, If Mailman. 2b. Pmtth. s White, lb Ketcham, cf .. Hartsell. 3b ... Hayr., rf J.uclft. r. Jlostetter, P 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3n jr. ro. a. e. 2 ft ft 0 0 8 ' 0 0 12 2 0 12 0 0 13 9 0 0 14 2 0 0 111 0 110 0 12 0 7 27 17 1 II. PO. A. E. 10 0 0 110 1 14 11 0 9 0 0 13 0 0 0 3 10 0 10 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 10 4 27 JO 2 0 0 0 1 0-2 0 0 0 0 00 Total Omaha ...... 1 1 .- Stolen bane: McHalc. Wild pitches: Hos teller, 2; Urown. 1. Bases on ball, on Urown, 1; oft Hustotter, a. Struck out: By Hosteller. 6.' IWt on ba-es: Oenver 4: 'Omaha; 8. Poublo play: Thomas to Dolan to Howard. Time: 1:H0. Umpire Kelk-y. ' Divide nt the Kprlims. COLORADO SPRINGS. Auk. 23. Colo rado Springs and Des Moines divided a mle-neauer here today, the locals Win ning the first game, 2 to 1, and losing the second, 8 to 9. Both teams played perfect ball In the first game, but the sec ond was filled with errors. Score, first I'Mn. Rnrlha-a....O 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 0 Des Moines ...0 0010 0 00 0-1 oO Batteries McNeeley and Anderson; Stnl man and Townc. Second game: ll.H.K, pes Moines ...1 2 0 3 2 0 0 0 1-S In 3 Colo. Springs.. 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2-8 11 2 Batteries Morrison and Clarke; Vllleman and Baerwald. St. Joih Winn I'neventful Ciame. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. Zl.-St. Joseph won from Sioux City this afternoon in an unln- terestins same. 4 to 3. Score: R.H.K Pt. JoBeph O 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 '-4 9 3 cin. in,,, tnnnnnno l ,1 6 3 Batteries: Hodsott and McConnell; Kostal ena uraves. ' Standing: of the Team. Played. Won. Lost- Colorado Springs... J3 Denver .......H'9 Omaha .11- Iea Molnea M St. Joseph KS aim,, rnw 1n7 UBmna (tiimy. vuinna . t-'i-ni, - Moines at Colorado Springs. Sioux City at OAMG- IX. TUB - NATIONAL LBAGI'B Plttabnrgr and Sew York IlrenU Kven In a Double-Header. PITTFBL'RG, Aug. 23 Pittsburg won the first game by being . fortunate enough to bunch nils, and lost the second by being una Die to nna layiorn curven. num tn; teats were hard fought and full of good playa. Attendance. 15,935. Score, first game: piTTm:Bn . .. NEW YOIIK. ' R.H.O.A IS. R.H.O.A.E. T .a..w lfc A A 1. A 0! nrenahan cf 0 1 1 0 C IIMiiroant, rf. t 1 I t 0 Prowne. rf ... 1 10 0 0 un.h.u K . 1 1 f A A MHInnn. lb... 1 2 11 1 0 IVa.nar' ... 1 t 1 I 0 Mrt-. If ... 12 3 0 0 Prn8oM, Ik 1 0 11 0 0 Pahkll. .... 0 0 13 0 '..,Mv rf A 0 0 1 1 Irvlln. 3b.... 0 till MrCnrm'k. If. 0 I 2 0 o'Ollhert. 2b... 0 1 1 1 K.H. til tiO 4H 35 4i 47 49 55 K'.' 72 Pet. .692 M9 .M3 .522 3L'7 Pes 0 0 Ilnwprmn. c. 0 0 1 0 0 0; VrifT. c. ... 0 o a J Mi (Unnltv. D. 0 1 2 B Total S 27 12 1, "Donlln 0 0 0 0 0 rtirlpa, 0 0 6 rbiiippi, p... l i o .1 ToUl. t 14 14 1 -ktlntlawl tfw Mnninnlfv In ninth Pittsburg 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 - m-, v?i .20 0 0 0 0 0 1 03 Two-base hits: Rltchey, Wagner, McCor rnlck, Mertes, McOlnnliy. Three-baae hit: Jieaumont. Sacritlce hit: Cassldy. Stolen base: McGann. Base on balls: Off Plill Ippl. 3: off McGlnnlty. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Phelpa. Struck out: By Phlilppl. ; by McGinnlty, 1. Passed ball: Bowerman. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Emlle and John- atone. Score, second game: NEW YORK. I R.H.O..AB Breanahan. cf 1 0 1 n.An. l ... Oil Unn.nn lh. . 1 0 14 0 0 U.rlr. It 0 2 3 0 0 Lablaa, .... 0 0 1 Dovlln. 3b ... 0 i 1 PITTRRfRO H H O A E. 0 6 Larh. Sb 0 0 3 6 1 0 0 llaaumonl, cr u u u Rilchey. 2b. .. 0 1 V'..n.r ... . . 0 I 1 2 Hrananeld. lilt 1 I Caasliiy. rf... 0 0 0 i orm k. It. u o 2 0 I 0 1 0 4 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 .01010 Jtuwarman. e. 0 1 i ' arm n, 1 Taylor. 1 0 0 0 Lynch, p ..-..I. . I I II II t' Tntala 0 2 . n n II 1 1 ft A II 4 Pittsburg "o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Wagner, Iyncru oacni ce ril's: nrywne, i aymr. Duuru u Cormlck, McGaun (2j. Double plays: Louoti to Kitchey to Mrarwfleld; Bowerman to Wl l.ert. Kaae on balls: OrT Lynch, 4. lilt by niicherl hall: Brans-field. Struck out: By Lynch, 3; by Taylor, 4. Time: 1:66. plrea; Johuetona and Enutlle. HUndlug of the Teama. Played. Won. Lost. New York 1"6 74 31 Chicago 1"4 40 rittsburg 1"4 hi 43 4 Inclnnatl 1" 63 4b Ibt. Loula l' M w Boston 1' 41 67 Brooklyn 1 H Games today: Boston at St. Louis; New Tork at Chicago; Philadelphia at Pittsburg; BrOOKiyn ai linraiimu. Indiana Win aud Lose COH'MBCS. Neb., Aug. 23 (Special. ) nr, i,iiiAn hall team from Snokane, Wash which is touring the country on their way to 81. Jouls. played two games here with the local team yenterday. The afternoon game waa won by Columbus by a score of I'm- Pet .705 .tU9 .587 .577 .537 .3X0 .343 .2ii2 to 3. and wsa a very pretty exhibition of 1 In the fifth and sixth Innings. Attendance, hn 1 1 jnne and i.orir wan ine nailery ior i t.v'. c LOIISVILLE. R.H.O A.i J4ILWAVKKB. R H O. A I. R.H.O.A B. Sew Tork Defeats thleaao In Close and Fxeltlna- t'nnteat. XKtt- Ynnff Auar. 13. New Tork scored . v i v. in .r. in a very fiii'niiT-i mini j ,,'-, . p." . . , .1 itn..n..L.. r!ne nme Inrtav t'hestiro S Plicning an'l inwau excellent inr,nnrt riven him were too much Three-base hits for the visitors. Attendance, n..'". NEW YORK I CMll-AUU. R.H.O A E l Po.irhprtr, If 0 1 I 0 O'Hilmn. cr... o K-Hr. rf ... 1 1 0 0 0 drees. rf.....O Kultr rf .0110 0'allihan. H..0 lb. 0 1 13 1 n Parti. 0 Klhertrld. US . 0 0 4 I 0 1bell. lb..... 0 (lanrel, 2b ... 0 3 0 1 0 Tannenill. IB u enrny. 3b 0 2 0 2 nnunnon, io...v Kletnnw. c... 0 0 I :siiiiib. c... j lieabro. P....0 0 1 i u,nnu. v v Total! 1 "l 27 15 01 Total! 0 4 24 11 1 New York onoo"uluI-i fhlC!iin O 0 O ( U U V U V ) T-n.hp hits: Fiilt. White hit: Conroy. Double plays: wnite to p-iu.rfr.ld in Anrlrrson. lannenin lo uunnim to Isbell. Stolen bases: Ganel (2). I-eft I Klnurnor, If.. 0 I 3 on bases: New York. 11: Chicago, 2. urn Killtr, lb.... 3 2 13 bane on balls: Oft White, 4. First base on errors: .New lorn, 1. rumen mn; i-.r Chesbro, rt by White, . h-assen nan: ouiu- van. Time: 1:4". umpire: uwyer. noaton Wins by Bl Score. BOSTON. Aug. 23. The most one-sided gatrif of the season, locally, was played today. The St. Iuls pitchers were hit freely In conjunction witn cosuy mispiay. Total! 10 13 27 11 4l Total! t f'2 17 I Hallrruin out on Infield fiy rule. lulsvllle 00005202 110 1200002005 Brashear, Arndt. Sacri fice hit: Montgomery. First base on balls: Off Manske, 6, off Campbell, 2. Hit with pitched baJI: Relti, (Julnlan. Stolen bases: tlaliman. W'l'nian. ttrvn-K out: tiy Aiansae, 3: by Campbell, 3. Double plays: Relti to Schaefer to Bateman, Braaheur to (Julnlun to Hart. Ieft on txuws: Milwaukee, ; Louisville, 11. Time: 1:55. Vinplre: leln. St. Pan! Defeats Toledo. ST. PA t'L. Minn.. Aug. 23 St. Paul de feated Toledo today. Attendance, 1.0U0. Score: ST. PAIX. R.H.O.A.E. 3 Jarkion. W haeler, rf... Ill tb.. 0 3 0 O Hrlen. Ill Marran. 2b. . . 0 1 : felrca. c 0 1 3 Kerguaon, p. . 0 0 2 TOLEDO. R.H.O.A E. O'Hara, !... 0 1 0 3 0 Hurni. 2b 0 0 14 0 Lm, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Kemmer, lb. . 1 1 12 0 0 Morlarlty, 3b. 0 3 1 3 0 Krluhl. rt ... 0 0 0 1 0 Sullivan, If.. 0 0 1 0 0 Hrown. c 0 0 4 1 0 Morton, p.... 0 0 1 3 1 Totals I 123 II 1 Total! 4 10 27 14 U Flournoy out on bunt strike. St. Paul 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 -4 Toledo 2 0000000 02 Two-base hits: Flournoy. Marcan. Kem- Kleven Boston players hatted In the fourth I mer, Morlarlty. Home runs: O'Brien, Inning. St. Iouls hits were scattered, ai- i Jackson. Hacrince hit: Friable. stolen tendance, .4l. Bcore: I Dase: uurna. case on oans: (jn r erguson Boston. I iT. VOV18. I z. BtrucK out: By Ferguson i, ny wore- R H.O.A.K. i ion i. wit Dy pucnea Dan: Aiarcan. ien Seibach, H... 0 0 1 0 0 Burkatt. H...0 i 1 1 1 on bases: St. Paul 6, Toledo 4. Time; 1:45. Parent, sa....l 3 3 1 0 Heldrlrk, cf..O 2 8 0 l Umpire: Killen. T!iero is a Standard of Quality for Beor which, when honeatlr aimed at by true masters of the art, can be reached In the process of browing and maturing. And the trergih heavy, medium or light Is a matter of aklllful adjustments. Ms BLATZ I'JIENER BEER MILWAUKnU 8trlka the Happliat btao4srd Achievable B!atz Ualt-VIvim (Non-Intox.) Tonlo. Yat eiatz Brew. Co. MILWAUWEB Etahl. rf 13 3 rollln!, 3b.... 13 3 Freeman, rf. . 1 1 1 ! nance, lb. 1 I 10 Ferrla, ZD.... Ill Crlcer. c 2 2 3 Tannehlll. p.. 1 1 0 Total!... Boston St. Louis Two-baae hits: ba-so hit: Criger. . 0 0 1 3 . 0 0 . 0 1 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 Wallara, .. 0 1 1 0 HemDhill. rf . 0 1 0 0 Jonea. lb 0 0 0 0 Padnen, 2b. 1 0 Moran. 3b. . 1 0. O'Connor, c 3 OiSusden, o... SudholT, p. . 14 It 27 It 0 llvnaa, p... ' Total! 10 24 U 4 1 0 2 6 0 6 0 0 14 .0000100001 Pnrcnt, Collins. Three Hits: Off Sudhoff. 10 in four innings; off Hyius, B in four innings. Stolen bases: Stahl, Tannehill, Ferris, (Ylger. Double plays: Tannehill to Parent to LaChance. Podden to Wallace to Jones. First base on balls: on Ruanon, i; on Hynes, 1. Hit with pitched ball: By Sud hoff. 1; by Tannehill, 1. Struck out: By Tannehill, 2; by Hynes, 2. Time: 1:46. Umpire: O Loughlln. Cleveland Wins Ten-Ianlna; Game. PHIIADELPHIA, Aug. 23. In a ten- Inning game, the most exciting contest seen on the local grounds this season. Cleveland today took the last of the scries Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. ret. Pt. Paul 120 78 42 .6."0 Milwaukee 119 70 49 ,5SH Columbus 118 66 62 .553 Louisville 120 65 t5 .642 Minneapolis 115 ft) 65 .6j2 Indianapolis 122 67 K5 .4'." Kansas city lit 4o tu -6:. Toledo 420 S3 S7 .275 Games today: Columbus at Kansas City; Toledo at St. Paul; Indianapolis at Minne apolis; Louisville at Milwaukee. Find the Resents Easy. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Aug. 23. (Special Telegram. r The iocals had no difficulty In defeating the Omaha Regents today. The score: R. It. E. Grand Island 0 0007000 7 8 3 Omaha Regenta 1 0000000 01 3 6 Batteries: Lynch and ClaJr for Omaha: Glade and Skein for Grand Island. Keokuk Busy In Thirteenth. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Aug. 23. (Special Telegram. After boidinir fnr thirteen in. The locals tied the si-ore In the ninth, rdngs, the locals grew slack and lost, 2 to With tne Dases run niuuer iimru in a 5. Score: B.H.E. run, a single sending the second man across Keokuk 0 001 00000000 46 10 3 the plate. Hradley was oencnea oy me Marshalltown ..0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 umpire. Attendance, lu.b.b. score. Batteries: Swalm and Snooks; Welsbrook'NIJ. rniLAiiiii.rni, and rJaCKell. H.H.U A.E..I Il.M.U.A.rJ. Pay, cf :unh, 11 Flick, rf.... Lajnle. 2b.. llradley, 3b Elovall. 3b. ( arr. lb 0 1 11 Turner, sa.. . . 0 2 4 Buelnw, c 0 0 2 Uonohue, p .. 1 0 0 Total!. 1 2 2 0 0 4 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Hartzel, If... 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Plckerlni. cf. 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 0 Ilavla, lb 1 2 0 0 I 1 3 L. I'roaa. 3b.. 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 Rrybold, rf. .. 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 Murrhy. 2b... 1 1 0 '1 0 I 0 0 M. ( roil. aa.. 0 2 2 6 0 1 a 0 Si hrerk. c 0 0 13 2 0 0 0 Waddell, p... 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 Ilrnder, p 0 0 1 0 0 Mlllla 0 0 0 0 0 4 .10 16 3; Total! 3 8 30 12 0 Batted for Waddell in tho ninth. Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 24 Philadelphia 000000002 13 Two-base lilts: Hartzel, Seybold. Three- base hits: Flick, Davis. Sacrifice hit: Lush. Stolen bases: L. Cross. Flick, Lajoie, Dou ble play: Bay to Turner to Iijole. Left on bases: Cleveland, 6; Philadelphia, 10. First base on balls: Off Donohue, 3; off Waddell. 3; oft Bender, 1. Hit with pitched ball: By Waddell, 1. Struck out: By Donohue. 1: by Waddell. 10; by Bender. 2. Hits: OfT Waddell, 4 in nine innings: on Bender, 2 In one inning, lime: 2:00. L ni pt re : Sheridan. , , An Kven Break nt Washington. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. Honors were even today In the double-header between Washington and Detroit, the locals win ning the first on errors of the visitors. while the second was won by Detroit's good batting. Attendance, 2,500, bcore, first game: WASHINGTON. DETROIT. R.H.O.A.E. R. H.O.A.K. O'Neill, cf... 1 5 10 2 Barrett. cf....O 0 3 0 0 Hill, 2b 1 0 1 4 0 Mrlntyre, u.. 0 0 5 0 0 Caxaldy, sa...l 0 3 3 1 ( 'ouahlln, 3b.. 0 0 111 Hulaeman, If. 0 i 2 0 0 Crawford, rf.. 1 2 0 0 0 MrCorni k. ZD 1 0 2 2 u Hickman. ID. 1 lu u u Iionnvan. rf.. 1 1 1 0 0 Low. JH 0 1 3 3 1 Clarke c 1 1 3 2 0: Drill, r...1 0 13 11 Hrrrlnz. lb.. 1 1 14 0 DO Uiry. aa... 0 3 2 9 0 Hughe.. p....O 1 1 2 0l Mullln, p 0 114 1 Total! 1 11 27 14 jl Totall 2 10 24 18 4 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 Detroit 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 02 Two-base hits: Hickman, O'Leary. Sto en base: Crawford. Sacrlnce hits: Hill. Hulseman. O'Leary. Double play: Huches to Herring. Bases on balls: Mul lln, 2. Struck out: By Hughes, 4; by Mul lln. 2. , Lett on bases: wasningion. o; Detroit, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Con nelly and King. 1 Score, second game: DETROIT. i WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Clothier Defeats Lamed. NEWFORT. R. I.. Aug. 23.-In the na tional tennis championship matches here .today Clothier defeated Larned In tho semi-finals, three sets to two. The score was 6-4, 3-6, 2-6, 6-2, 6-3. Boston Bays MrlcUlett. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 23 The Dally News today announced the sale of Pitcher Klnier Strlcklett of the Milwaukee American as sociation team to the Boston American league club Rrldvrell Sold to Cincinnati. COLCMBIS. O.. Aug. 23. It was an nounced today that shortsop Brldwell of tne (oiumous American association team has been sold to the Cincinnati National league club. EVENTS 0 THE niXM.VG TRACKS 0 0 O'Nell. cf.... 0 1 0 0 Hill. 3b 0 I 2 0. Casnldy, aa. . . 0 0 0 0, Hulaeman, If. 0 1 1 o; McCorm'k, 2b 1 1 1 l1 Donoyan, rf. . 1 0 1 0! Herring, lb.. 0 1 4 lfKlttredgs, c. 0 1 1 0. Jacobaen, p. . 0 1 Parrett, cf 1 2 1 Mclntyre, It.. 114 Couahlln, 3b. 1 1 1 Crawford, rf.. 13 0 Bavllle, lb ... 117 Lowe, 2b 0 0 3 Prill, c 0 18 O'Leary, as. . . 0 0 2 Donovan, p. . . 0 2 1 Totala 6 11 27 10 2 Totals I I II I I Detroit 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 05 Washington 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 3 0 1 1 8 8 3 0 I 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 2 Molly Brant Won the t'hamplain Handicap at Saratoga. SARATOGA. Aug. 23. Molly Brant won the Champlain handicap, today's stake event. She ran second to Dolly Spanker. the pacemaker, to the stretch, where Odom let her out and she won easily by three lengths. Claudo got In the money by a head. Results: First race, six furlongs: Toscan, 9 to 5. won; Proper second, Marjoram third. Time: 1:15. Second race, mile: Short Hose, 8 to 5. won; Thtstle Heather second, Cottago Maid third. Time: 1:43. Third race, five and a half furlongs: Lochlnvar. 2 to 1, won; Workman second, Incense third. Time: 1:10. Fourth race, mile and a furlong, the Champlain: Molly Brant (122, Odom). 4 to 6, won; Dollv Spanker (107. Shaw). 7 to 1, second; Claude (107, W. Daly), 7 to 1, third. Time: 1 66. Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Kate Caff rey, even money, won; Fair Reveler second. Charadella third. Time: 1:10'.4. Sixth race, one and an eighth miles on turf: Homestead. 8 to 1. won; Keynote second. Flexion third. Time: 1 :B7V. Seventh race, steeplechase, short course: Head Master, 4 to 5, won; Seagull second. Time: 4:14. Only two starters. CHICAGO, Aug. 23. Results at Haw thorne: First race, four and a hair furlongs: Katie Zltt. 4 to 5, won; Raviana second, Bonebrake third. Time: 0:57. Second race, six furlongs: orfeo, 11 to in, won; Mary McCafTerty second, Barkelmore third. Time: 1:16. Third race, one mile Robin tiooa, h to 5, won; Marco second, Halnault third. Time: l:4n. Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth: Alma Pufour, 1 to 4, won; Klelnwood second, Ex central third. Time: 1:51. Fifth race, six furlongs: Anoia, i to i LOB AGAINST FLYING SAND Tennis Platen at Field Club Obstructed by Stiff Breeze. SCRIBNER FIGHTS HARD WITH HOLLAND Defeated by Galesbara; Man, Tbonah He Takes One Set Blat herwlck Beats Mnatee After Some Hard Work. Tuesday's play at the Field club tennis tournament was amid flying sand and against a high wind that made tennl a matter of difficulty, lobbing in particular being well nigh an impossibility. Art Scribner, who played against Holland, though he was defeated in the match, left the courts with a cherubic smile, for he managed to take a hard fought set from the Galesburg man. ' The game started In a nip and tuck fashion, the two keeping up long rallys with any amount of clever placing. The set was five-three In favor of Holland, when Scribner Jumped In with some of the finest tennis that has been seen on the courts this tourney. He quickly brought the set to Ave all but lost the next game. It was a see-saw business from then till the finish of the set which was In the Omaha man s favor at 9-7. The next two Bets, however, he lost easily, winning but a game In each. Blatherwlrk Beats Maajree. The keenly contested match between Magee and Blatherwick, which had been left over from Monday night, was won by Blatherwick, but he had all he could handle to beat the Country club man. With two games In his favor, Blatherwick be gan the game, but he did not seem to be In It with Magee, who won three straight games. The set eventually became a deuce one, the score being 6-5 In favor of Magee. The latter worked the next game to love-40 In his favor, when Blatherwick sent him an easy lob. It was so simple and tempting that Magee swung his racket for a mighty smash, but fate was agaln&t him. He hit the ball on the edge of the racket and netted it. That stroke lost him the match, for Blatherwick started In to do things and eventually won the set, 8-6. The other matches of the morning were but foregone affairs. J. Eberhardt soaked It Into C. Beck of Sioux City In two straight sets, only allowing Beck one game In the whole match. Fred Eberhardt easily won two love sets from P. Totter, and Blather wick made D. Pollard look lik 30 cents. Wind and Sand Keep I p. The flying sand and high wind continued In the afternoon and it was owing chiefly to this that but five matches In the doubles preliminaries were played out and these of a minor note. Scribner and Pollard, In their match against Dufrene and Cham bers, knocked spots out of the latter to the tune of 6-2, 6-1. Scribner and Pollard played a fine game, both their team work and Individual play being such as to lead to the expectation of them entering far Into the tourney. Lee, the Yale crack, and Gilman, the Sioux City champion, Just hopped around Wood and Ovltt, the Oma hans never for a moment having a look In the match at all. But though they were playing two experienced men, both Wood and Ovltt stuck to the game in great shape and fought hard for each point. The two Eberhardts had easy money against McEndree and Carnahan, winning two straight sets, S-l, 6-2. It was the Bame In all the matches played during the afternoon; the best men were ,playlngr the poorest men In "'he 'entry list and doing things to them lfV'a heart-breaking way. This morning the doubles will be con tinued and in the afternoon the singles. The play during the afternoin wll! be the best that will be' seen at one time during the tournament. Sanderson, of Galesburg, will meet Lee, of Yale; Holland will be matched against Blatherwick, Fred Eber hardt Is to play Fletcher of Galesburg, and J. Eberhardt will play Holbrook. of Onawa, Ia. A match which Is doubtful Is the one between Fred Eberhardt and Fletcher, of Galesburg. Eberhardt Is an Eberhardt and that carries weight on any tennis court In the country, and Fletcher well, Fletcher Is a mighty good player when the fit Is on him. The easy way In which he wal loped W. R. Gllman. who owns the cham pionship trophy of Sioux City, Is an Indi cation of what he can do. The result of the Holland-Blatherwlck Is another mystery. Holland Is one of those men that cannot be discouraged; In fact, the stronger the opponent the better he plays. Blatherwick, on the other hand, Is Just as game, but In a different fashion. Scores ol the Da. The following were the scores: Singles: Khrrhardl brat Beck. 6-i. 6-U Sanderson beat Toy. C-3, 6-2. beat Haskell, -3, 'i-3 Holland beat Scribner. V-9. 6-1, 6-1. Bhttherwiik beat pollard, 6-0. 6 3. Blatherwick beat Magee. 7-5. 4-K, S-6. Fred Eberhardt bent F. Potter, i ll, 6-0. Holbrook beat Ovltt, 6-3. 1-6. 6-4. Doubles: , , and Gllman beat Ovltt and Wood, F. and F. Eberhardt beat McEndree and Carnahan, 6-1, 6-2. , Blatherwick and lloinrooK ncai urn m'" Leller, 6-1. 6-2. . . . ! Fletcher atid Young beat Ieonard and L. Potter. 6-1. 6-2. Poilard and Scribner beat Dufrene and Chambers, 6-2, 6-1. r WOMF.V9 tiOl.F TOVHV4.MF.Vr j Mis Francis Everett Leads Qualifiers , nllli Mednl Score of V. CHICAGO. Aug. 23-Miss Frances Ever et t of the Kxmoor County club led the fie.d , of qualifiers In the fourth annual cham- : tiioiishln of the Women's Western Golf; association today with a medal score of V. This Is only two strokes worse than the women's record for the course. A few sur prises developed In today's play. Miss Mar garet Morris of Evanston. former western champion; Mrs. W. H. Mcllvalne of Skokie. Mrs. 1. G. Maxwell ot Edgewater. Miss Falmatler of Kenosha ami Miss E. Rob ertson of Springfield failing to get in tho first sixteen. Ol different sides of the draw. Miss Everett and Miss "Johnny'' Carpenter. Hie Westward Ho-Glrl. who was runner up In the national, are regarded as the strong est factors In the tourney. Each has a good match tomorrow but if either or Both win the way will be more dlltlcult in the. second round. The pairs in match play will compete as follows: Miss Everett vs. Miss Julia Hunt, Mid lothian; Miss M. Anthony. Evanston vs. Miss E. Congdon. Glenvlew; Miss (,lads Winn, Indianapolis, vs. Miss M Martin, Chicago; Mrs. C. L. Derlng. Midlothian, vs. Mrs. P. E. Donohue, Edgewater; Mrs. H A. Beldler, Lake Geneva, vs. Mrs. H. M. Cummihgs. Toledo; Mrs. K. ISerryman, Edgewater. vs. Miss Mary Gardner, Hins dale, and Miss J. Anna Carpenter, "'st" ward Ho., vs. Miss Sarah Gardner, Hinsdale. M.WV DOtJS AT FIELD TRIALS Two-base hits: O'Neill, Barrett. Three- won; Big Ben second, Clifton Forge third base hit: Hill. Sacritlce hits: Donlln, Time: 1:13. Lowe Doub'e play: Drill to Lowe. Bases on balls: OfT Donovan, 4. Struck out: By Jacobsen, 6; Dy Donovan, T. L.eit on Dases: Washington. 7; Detroit, 8. Time; i.ri. Vniplres: Connelly and King. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York M2 62 40 . 60S llosron 1 i5 63 42 .6K Chlcnarn 107 63 44 . 688 Philadelphia 100 68 42 .6S0 Clevland 1"2 67 46 . 559 Detroit 103 45 58 .437 Ft. Louis 1"0 40 60 .4ti0 Washington 103 23 80 .223 Games today: St. Louis at New York; Detroit at Philadelphia; Chicago at Boston; Cleveland at Washington. GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City Defeats Colnmbns Opportune Hutting by HiTth race, five furlongs: Moorish Dam sel. 3 to 1. won; Subtle second, John Smul ski third. Time: 1:03. ST. LOURS. Aug. Z(. Results: v-ir.i pace five furlonirs nurse: His Wor ship. 3 to 1. won: Jack .Moran second. Ollle Burnett third. Time: l:06fc. Second race, six and a nnir ruriongs, sell ing: Crescerton, 20 to 1. won iristan Shandy second. livable third. Time: 1:27. Third race, mile and seventy yarns, sew ing Carley's Dream. 20 to 1, won; avoio. second. Vulcaln third. Time: 1:54. Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth, handi cap: Oldstone, 3 to 2. won: Taby Tosa sec ond. Jack Young third. Time: 1:53. Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Aggie Lewis. 5 to 1, won; Lady Strothmore sec ond, Aline 8. third. Time. 1:18 Sixth race, six ana a nan iunuiikh, Ing: Athelrose, 10 to 1, won; iinwung Dervish second, Jerry Hunt third. Time: IlKTKOll, Mien., Aim. .n.-iv-'iu". First race, seven ruriongs: i.ny rirc OMAHA BRANCH. "'SWJiT was the feature. Attendance. 650. Score: KANSAS CITY. i COLUMBUS. K. H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A 13 0 1 0 Klhm. lb 1 1 0 Marlln. II... 0 -rlel. lb 0 Ttavia, rf. ... OlAbbotl, c ... lictvmer, ct... 01 Wrlsiey. 2b. 0' BMilwell, as. OlHI'-ksr, P Glendon. p 6 I 37 20 1 Ryan, rf ... Nance, If... Hill, cf Ponner, 2b. Masaey, lb. Iewee, aa.. Sullivan, 3b Ilutler. o... barry, p.... Derby Is Finished and the All-Age Commenced. O'NEILL, Neb., Auft. 23. (Special Trie gram.) The town is full of field trial men and dogs and the success of the trials Is assured Secretary- M. H. McCarthy says over 2' vIsitliiR dogs are here. The race for the Derby purse of J.10 was finished nt noon today. The first prize wis won bv iJiketield Countess, owned !' 1! Cleveland of Ohio; Burbank, owned by J.' W. Flvnn of San Francisco second; Hard Cash, owned by E. K. b'""'' "f Edmare, Mich., third; Lnkef eld Belle, owned by W. B. Cleveland ot Ohio fourth, and tho fifth prize was divided between Odessa, owned by George Gray ot Apple ton Wis., and Green Klver Kate, owned bv Garnett Zorn of Ixiulsvillc, Ky. 'The all-age event was started this after noon and will be finished tomorrow Tho purse amounts to $M0 and the excitement is at a high pitch. Secretary McCarthy savs tho trials will last the rest of this week. The beat dogs in tho world are here. NATIONAL TENNIS TO I nXAMKNT Ward and Clothier Meet In Final Championship Mntch Today. NEWPORT, L. I., Aug. 23.-ln the semi finals of the national lawn tennis tourna ment today William J. Clothier defouted former Champion William A. Lamed and Holcombe Ward, without difficulty, won from E. W Leonard in straight sets. Wara and Clothier will meet in the match for the championship of the United fetatcs tomorrow: , , It took five hard sets to decide the Clothler-Larned match. Clothier's) strong point was his back-court work, his strokes being verv long and swift. Larned re peatedly fan up to the net but was as often forced back by his opponent, who passed him easily. Summary: Semi-final round: W. J. Clothier beat W. A. Larned, fi-4; 3-6; 2-6; 6-3. ...... H Ward boat E. W. Leonard, 0-3; 6-4, 6-4. ' Mrs. Dewar Is Winner. The trl-weekly women's golf contest at the Field club, for a silver cup given by tho club, was played yesterday for the fourth time and was carried off by Mrs. Dewar. The cup has to be won ny the same person three times before she can claim championship. Mrs. Mills, Miss How land and Mrs. Dunn have won the cup be fore. The following were the scores: Gross Handl- Net Score, cap. Score. Mrs. Dewar in Miss Frederick 62 Miss Howland fi Mrs. Mills 69 Scratch. IS Nebraska Horses In Grand Clrcnlt. Al Thomas, who rents the J. L. Paxtnn farm at Benson, has two trotters entered In the Narragansett Grand Circuit races next week. One of the horses Is Alta Ax worthv, a 3-year-old mare, which made the fastest three, heats last season for a 2-year-old. She has been entered In the Hart ford Cincinnati and Lexington Futurity stakes. She holds the record for the fast est three heats ever made by a 2-year-old. The other horses is All Done, a 9-year-old bay gelding with a trottlntf record of 2:12, made last season. If you have anything to trade, advertise It in the This- for That column In The Bee Want Ad Pages. tr . vtq a o ,mtv a . , i .,., . ciiu I Vnio-ht R to'l. won: Illuminate second, Trl defeated Columbus today by opportune bat- umph third .Time. 130V flir,on. ting. .The playing pi snaas city s neiuers Dev.,,,.. . - ftrHln Bec. ond. Arahmay third. Time: 1:09V. r...i.j -a,. .li snrt a ha f furlongs: 111 0 0 Dutch Barbara. 2 to 1 won; light Brigade 0 110 0 .eeond. Christine A. third. lime i-ft. I . A I .. I I - .. Bn Aluhin' Nil '1 T , u 1 l vi Fourth race, niim mm ..'.- - S tn 1 won; Prof. Neville second, ur. Guernsey third. Time: 1:5,V Fifth race, six furlongs: Loch Coll to 1. won; Benmora second. Optional third. T'j?f.i. -V ateenlechnse. short course: -I ni lh 1 - a n A 0 0 I pr. tho Mere R to b. won; tiprni- ------ I ter second. Red Car third. Time: 3:44. IN VALIDATES THK HACK 1 i 0 13 3 0 0 1 2 It 0 11 .003 0 0 1 .002 Totala... 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 I I 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 Y eager ERROR Manawa Was Making Good Showlna, ThouKb. Not In Lend. Acuimau wis . Aug. 23. (Special Tele- gram.)TThe race in as- . u., ... ... Totals.... Batted for Glendon In ninth. Kansas City 10020200 Columbus 0000 2 0000 Earned runs: Knnsns City. 2: Columbus. 1. Two-base hit: Kyun. Sacritlce hits: Nance. Hill. 1 1 it key. Stolen buses: Bvan. lllll Unnnnr KVI..1 It.,iihl til.iv llrlii- wcll to rigl'ey to klhm. Hits: Off Hlckev. fnK eded In a grand mixup. The course 1 In two and to-tliirds innings. First base anri return, three times around. The Man- on nans: irr tiurry, i; on jtieaey, . I awa again got tne winuai Struck out: By Hurry, 1; by Hickey. 1; rf,unded the west buov third and In the i... i i in u.i.K I . ti. v.. . nil hnrk to fourth Nance, Frlel. I-cft on bases: Kansas City. I place. On the next run before the wjnd i v, 7 'rim..: 1 in I'miiirr- Hurt I .v.. i..u. bno t the Wanderer. Instead or I '". '"""J" . v,.,J f, a Minneapolis Win. K.slly. , for na V,Vh-7 MINNEAPOLIS. Aug 23. Minneapolis L"l.. e,.ii.a .,.H After they made the easily defeated Indianapolis today by heavy I h,,y the Judges called the race off. There lotiinir. Attendance. i.lAHi. Score: I : . v.,..- wind. u uf ipn . s I I'jni I t v.. riasM a raca in inn Bnermii'ii. (i H. H.O.A.K. K.H O A S. w-lhiila rf Mlnnetonks won. tne jipn m u . 11 A A 11 I - I A..LI.A.l. I hlr.l 11' It r - g. i... v v v w ,1 wi. ,p Kar Beconn. i .nimu-ii ti, ,i... ... 3 . 2 ! rh.r fourth. Alberts fifth hornet II s'xth If" 1 0 t 0 J Charlotte seventh. I sdy Ines eighth. Pats ? ! S ! l.,.K P.nnriur tenth. JEFFRIES AND MINROE READY Kiihleri PnttlBK FlnlshlBst Toaehes on Their Tralalaar. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. Jl Munroe has made his last public appearance until he faces Jeffries next Krltlay niant. lie nan Maloney, rf..l 1 I 0 o Mi-4'mry. cf. 0 0 0 0 I Ireeman, lb. I 1 11 0 u vtaiiioii. W...0 1 Cnuller, If.... I 4 0 II ollarr. lb Crvnilna'r. 3b 1 2 3 1 0 nwander, Wru.r. C....I 3 13 0 lii,ai lever, 2b 1 1 4 3 0 MM. hula, ell 1 I I 0 Pli key. lb...0 0 10 3 K sti 0 1 3 3 ifei1on. i....l 14 3 1 Oyler. aa 0 1 0 2 Herry, rf 0 0 I 0 Ihninaa. d ... 0 0 0 ( ruinley. p .. u 0 1 1 0 Tolula I 14 37 14 U Totals 4 24 3 Minneapolis 3 1000040 - 8 linll.inapolls O 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 04 Home run: Heydon. Two-base hits: Fpx, C'.r. mlnger, Honriever. First base on bulls: I ,nB gloves on today for several fast rounds i irv vt,,,!,.!,.. l .,rr I'.miilpv. 4. Struck out: I ar,a -m mi iiir,.,i.ii a mur., nf ulani,! By Thomas. 6; by C'roioley, 1. Double play: wrk by McCoy. This wiu followed by Gi einiimer to Fox to Freeman. Wild pitch: I limbering up on the road. Munroe wl'l Croinlcy. I'aased bull: W eaver. Sacrlnce I hereafter be schooled In private by Mo bil: Freeman, Gremlnger. Bloien ie. i tPv M.iloney. Left on buses: Minneapolis, s, l Jeffries Inrllhed toward ths antl-break-ln llanaijolls, 2. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Bause- I fHt rult this morning, eating only sherry wine. I and egg Arter a srrnrt sprint on tne roaa he rut In some time In the aimnattium r"X- irisr and wrestllriK. rnncliidiiig the day with M .w a Ktn. Aug J3 iuisvuie won la run on tne roaa. He will work ud lo lds molly today by buiultlntf hits of! Mansks I day cf the flht. Tho Hoad Etlicicncy of tho Oldsmobilo The road efficiency is the vital point to consider in purchasing an automobile. The measure of road efficiency is the actual horse-power transmitted to the wheels, divided by the weight of the ma chine. M I . . sat m J .If The Oldsmobile Kunaoout has a 5xo cylinder ana aeuvers to the wheels 7 actual horse-power. It weighs 1,100 lbs., mak ing the horse-power per 100 weight .636. The road efficiency is reduced as the weight of the machine is increased. 1 Careful investigation of these points will prove to you that the Oldsmobile Runabout has the highest road efficicriry- of any run- about made and at the lowest price. 'l w V 1 1 Ita simplicity and strength re the result of 20 yean experience in gas eneine building. Its reliability is proven. It is the only Kunabout mat cs Deen driven """""TTTTTT ,. i .u. r-i;,i. t?.i:k;i:. t i -., im acrobS tlie Americsa couuucm, m mc"nu ivi...ui..ij ..mi y-... it toolt erery prize offered, and Its competitors were the best known Amer ican and foreign makes. It is the "bst thing on wheels. Send for fret catalog telling about its increased power, speed and size, etc. Shows our new patterns. Touring Runabout, $750.00; Light Ton' neau, $950.00; Oldsmobile Delivery Wagon, $850.00. fret demonstration by our nearest agent. 8 I- OLDS HOTOR WORKS.- - Detroit. Kicfi. WESTERN BRANCH, 1116 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 5 v YMfWSi mm H.coulcl.noi be, 30 ood.if it were not made riht me - UOLDi.OP AGENTS Hu (to F. Bill. U2. DoukIus Street. Omaha. Tel. 1.M4. Lee Mitch ell, Council Bluffs, Tel. SO. KUITII OMAHA, THtlSH R, : D0GT0E3S F0 RC3E i 1x1 Are YOIT one of the many thousands of WEAK MKN and do you wlsdi to be cured? Multitudes bring on themselves the horrors of a lifelontr dlaeaso ly unnntural habits. Thousands and thousands of men are prematurely old and diseaaijH throUKh excesses and unnatural drains, which Kip the foundation or lire., tnwtroy ineir neajin aim istrenpth. leaving them a mental and physical wreck. Not knowing where to ap ply for a cure, manv of those poor sufferers, loaded with disease, remorse and humiliation, silently' suffer on. going from bad to worse, or they experiment with too manv "Free Treatment" and "Quick Cure) Schemes." Bv our svstem of electricity and medicine combined, we cure quickly, snfelv and thoroughly all diseases and weaknesses of men nfter nil others have failed, our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctors can do, but rather to cure obstinate cases which they cannot successfully combat. All that deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and thorough scientific ofllco equipment can accomplish are now being done for those who cotno under our professional enre. We have Investigated and testinl all the known methods for the treatment and cure of private diseases and weaknesses of men. which gives tis the right to judge between the false and the true, between shallow preten sion nr.d solid worth, between substance and shadow. Musty theories cannot stand out airalnst our mode of treatment, ngalnst progressive medical science, new discoveries und undisputed facts ot cases cured to stay cured. WK SI TCKSSFI I.I.Y TH EAT AID SPKKDII.Y ( tnKl .Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sexua! Debility, Impo tency, Blood Poison fSyphilis, Rectal, Kidney, and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, Belf abuse, excesses or the result of specific or prlvnte diseases. rnjCI'l TATinM FDFF If you cannot call write for symptom blank. VUrVOLLIrMIUil I KLL office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I30S Farnam St.. Bet. 13th and 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. "FOLLOW THE FLAG 99 nn Winn (PLUS SI.OO) To all points in Indiana, points in Ohio and Ken tucky sold every Tuesday in September and October 11. Special Homeseekers' Excursions South September 13-27. 88.50 St. Louis and IJeturn Tuesdays, Thursdays, also Sep tember 3, 4 aud 11. $3.8 St. Louis and IJeturn Daily. S3-.25 Baltimore, Md., and Kcturu September 9 and 10. $27.15 Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return Daily. $20.5 Detroit and IJeturn Daily. $20.00 Chicago and Keturn (one way via St. Louis) Daily. SB3.0 v Montreal and Beturn Daily. Long limit and stopovers allowed. Tin Wabash is the only line with its own station at main i-ntrancc World's Fair, saving time, extra car fare and annoyance. All World's Fair maps show Wabash station at main entrance. Insist on your tickets reading via Wabash. Ml inft.iiniiiion at Wabash City Ofliee. DiOl Farnam, or address 11A1JIJV K. MOOKFS, (J. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.