Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1904, Page 10, Image 10
TITE OMAITA" DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUOT7ST 24, 100. 10 NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES An AUractire Collection of Views of Omaha Showing Material Growth, SEPTEMBER MAGAZINES UP TO STANDARD 4a AMr Dlaramlnn of ItooseTelt and the rtl Frauds la Mrdorf'i lir Wllllsm Allen Mlilte. ; Kvrry 'one who Is interested In the ma terial growth and prosperity of Omaha will he pleased with the collection of Views of Omaha which have been sr- ringed by Henry F. Kleser, of this city, the work being dono by the Alhcrtype company, of Hrooklyn, N. Y. There are twenty platinum finished photographs In thin collection. A view of our new audi torium adorns the outside of the cover, and a bird's eye view of Omaha is tho frontispiece. There are very good views of the city hall, the court house, the new high school building and the new post office building, the latter taken so as to show the east and south views. There are a number of street scenes, the Union l'a clfic bridge, one of the water-falls ut tho Florence reservoir and Mlnnelusa station -Dumping house). Our industries are rep jrwnted by views of the stock yards at South Omaha, the smelter and Union Fa mine shops, together with a couple of park views. The greatest regret is tjat this oollectlon docs not include view of some of our good business blocks, ffmrches and residence streets. It is a collection, how ever, that will prove very attractive, as the work Is good and the arrangement pleasing. Harper's Bazar for September is full of interesting things from cover to cover. Be side the continuation of the serlel story, "The Masquerader," there are three short stories, fashion illustrations and sugges tions, together with the Pails letter, which always appeals to women, and some very good suggestions for September dinners and luncheons. Tho servant question and the value of college training for women are also touched upon, besides all the other good things, too numerous to mention. The Century for September is their round-the-world number, and it fully earns the name. Russia, Alaska, Java, Spain, France and other countries are brought before us by art, by fiction, by descrip tion. America is represented by a very fine paper, the first of a series on "Fossil Wonders of tho West." The usual high grade fiction and illustrations complete tho number. Short Stories, for September, lives up to Its name. Some of theln are very good; nnt are bad; most are clever. It's a mag azine for the hammock or the verandah, Tho September McClures has an able discussion of "Roosevelt and the Postal Frauds," by William Allen White, nnd a further paper on "The Price of Oil," by Ida M. TnrbclL Thft serial by George Madden Martin is continued. John La Farge's masterpieces of paintings has done much for McClures ond this fifth paper Is one of the best Then there is the usual high grade fiction that made Mc Clures famous and some dainty illustra tions in color even better than those for August. . Harpers' Magazine for September has some clever and dainty fiction by Justus Mills Foreman, Edwin Lefevre, J. Storer Clouston and Hilda Mabee, poems by Van Dyke, Sophie Jewett and others, a part of Mrs. Word's serial, articles on astronomy and ant life and a discussion of interna tional law by Judgo Advocate General Davis, U. S. A. These are only a few random selections and you can see whnt the general excellence must be. The art features and departments are unusually attractive, , St. Nicholas, the old favorite, comes with a most attractive table of contents or September. The two serials, on developed along interesting lines, "Brittany, the Land of the Sardine," Is a description that all boys and girls will read. The short stories are up to the St. Nicholas standard, and there is a good deal of pretty verso and Illustrations. The usual departments are well sustained. The September Red Book has a most at tractive array of short fiction by popular authors. The series of art studies by Barony adds a good deal to the worth of the issue. Bden Phlllpotts contributes one of the best stories. "Methods of Industrial Teace," by Nich olas Paine Oilman. The author says "the object of this work is to aid 1n the better comprehension and the wider diffusion of the principles and the methods of Indus trial peace." The work includes chapters on the combination of employers and of employes, collective bargaining, the incor poration of trade unions, Industrial war, conciliation, trade arbitration and the New Zealand system of dealing with labor dis putes. The general tone Is one of Impartial Judgment on employers and work-people, in the Interests of the public. The treat ment is concrete, ' numerous documents being given. The volume closes with chap ters on the case for legal regulation and the essential conditions of industrlnl peace. Published by Houghton. Milllln & Co. "Henderson," by RoRe K. Young, resem bles "A Gentleman from Indiana" In its faithful pictures of western types. The bero Is a Mlssourian, high-spirited, kindly and tenacious, who pursues his rugged way With Indomitable courage to success. His winning of professional fame, of independ ence and of the woman be loves Is a story of unusual attractiveness. Published by Houghton, Mifflin Co. "William Hickling Prescott," by Rollo Ogden. This book Is one of the American Men of Letters" series published by Hough ton, Mifflin & Co. This new life of Prescott by the editor of the Evening Post Is a study rather of a personality than of an historian. While Prescott's writings are passed In review and an attempt is made .... . .t. .. S turdiy Men'1 Silk SJ.SO Shirti, 75c SPECIAL $5.00 PICTURE FRAMES FOR 98c Toniorroir re place on ftk one l"t of very handtnme Jrnmed pictures for every grade and description, tsemie of thrte hare Ixen drummers sampks, ami the frame art wmevhat marred, vtheis are all mrul and perfect. We bfniriM them rcdinilouly cheip, and trill tell Framed Pictures tomorrcno f Q that arc vorth t'.OO for, tlC tachywi slundd 7wt fail to ut them w Tomorrow Still Greater Bargains From the Kelley-Stigcr Stock $1.50 Scarfs and Squares at 69c. Extraordinary sales of Scarfs and Squares; mercerized, and otners arc all pure unan. actually worth $1.00. each On salo Wednesday, Kelley-Sliger's 75c to Including Mark nnd cn.nred taftta.. plain ed f'eau lie sole, tine dress Ixiulsencs, MessaJIne taffetas, plain and fiKuroii I'orpres, Imported foulard and a great many imported fj iI kln.on,. i . I, TV.... dlUa tvnro moIn t n rof ill at kssf waist nnd klnionu silks. Them, silks were and $1.60, two prices on several barpaln On ihs Front Bargain Square Hundreds of pieces in various shades and patterns specially adapted to ladies' ekirts and children'! dresses all worth 25c a yard, for, yard 50c quality French Flan nel Waist- ...29c ings all wool suitings, yard.., Kelley-Stiger s Best Your choice of the most desirable BLACK AND COLORED IMPORTED ALL WOOL SUITINGS from the Kelley-Stlger stock no matter what they were bought to soli for, go at, yard 25c LACES ON BARGAIN SQUARE AT 5c On bargain square. About 1 ,0ou bolts of all. kinds fancy wash laces. In cluding plat, vols, dunys, torchons, all widths, bands and inserting, worth up to 25c yard, go at, yard Pattern Table Cloths 10-4 Hemstitched, $2.00 quality, Q8C 10-4 with openwork border, $2.50 f llj quality, each I.OV 2 yard square all linen pattern 1 OS cloths, $3.00 quality, each lVO 2M, 3 and 3H-yard all pure linen satin damask cloths, worth up to $10, Ao at. each, 14. 98 and -VO loo knotted fringe towels, each 15c fringed doylies, each Bfic scarfs and squares, ach .7hc ...5c 25c 75o hemstitched scarfs and OQ . squares, each KJrs 30c all linen hemstitched napkins, f C each IOw T. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, to show what verdict modern historical Investigation pronounces upon them, the main study is of the man himself. The author has had tho advantage of access to the Prescott family papers and other new material, with tho result of bringing out in greater distinctness one of the most charming personalities in American literary annals. "A Forest Drama," a story of the wilds of Canada, by Louis Pendleton. This is an interesting story, full of life and action. The reader is introduced to Indians, lialf breeds and French Canadians, and now and then even a witty Irishman or two are found. Published by the Henry T. Coates company. "Lewis and Clark Journals" is a com plete history of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the Co lumbia river to the Pacific ocean. This work is in two volumes and is a complete reprint of the Biddlo edition of 1814, to which all the members of the expedition contributed, with an account of the Louisi ana purchase by Prof. John Bach Mo Master. There are numerous illustrations and maps, and these features, together with the convenient size of the volumes, should make this a popular edition of the "Lewis and Clark Journals." Published by theA. S. Barnes company. "The Cost." by David Graham Phllllns and illustrated by. Harrison Fisher. A romance of college days, in which a secret marriage takes place. John Dumont. nroh- ably the principal character, though there are really several, was the man in the case. After leaving college he becomes a great actor in Wall street. His enemies. Jealous of his success, combine to ruin him, but he fights his way to power again, only to die Just as success crowns his efforts. The love romance and the story of men gone money mad combine in making "Tho Cost" a very interesting story. Published by the Bobbs-Merrlll company. "A Bachelor In Arcoily," by Halllwell SutelifTe, is an idyllic love story, without problem or purpose, save to show the reader that after all happiness lies among the simple ways of life. Published by Thomas T.' Crowell A Co. "The Givers," by Mary E. Wilkins Free man, is a collection of humorous and pa thetic tales of New England life. Pub lished by Jlarpers. "The Angler's Secret." by Charles Brad ford (G. P. Putnam's Sons), Is a small volume, but In it the suthor tells the man who likes to fish, but Is not sure he knows how. Just what to do under the circum stances, which arise In seeking the game fish in the cool waters. "From the Cliffs of Croaghaun." a novel by Robert Cromble (The Saalneld com pany), opens in Ireland and closes on the Mrs. J. Benson THE MONARCH GLOVE Among the new fall stock' of Kid Glovea that arc coming in for a street glove the Monarch is considered the perfection of lit, tstvle and durability. The genuine have "Monarch" fiflimtWHl on rVfrv e)sn J 1 4 Bir Sale Saturday Men's Shirts, y&frg?80:J3 75c TOMORROW some are the very finest quality of All are hemstitched, and 69c $1.50 Silks 39c-49c and fancy shirt waist 4T. made to retell at 7ic squares choice, 43c and. 25c quality 38-ia. Wool Plaids, 9c Yd. 9c 75c highest porteid French Flannel polkadot and Oriental patterns, yard..., class Im- 59c Dress Goods 49c. 49c 5c Bed Spread, Specials $1.23 fringed Bpreads,-- CE.-. euch M- $2.00 fringed spreads, oe each .... ty JC.OO fringed spreads, gQ $4.00 fringed Marseilles spreads, QQ each $1.00 hemmed spreads, each $1.00 hemmed spreads, each $2.00 hemmed spreads, each $2.50 hemmed spreads, each , 59c . . 8c 1.25 1.50 BOSTON STORE, OMAHA high Beas. While the story Is told its actors have discovered a lost civilization in South America which fortunately did not take its gold with It; have come into contact with a representative of the Brazilian govern ment and four of the people have found that desideratum of the novelist a love romance nil of which ends happily, as does the book, for it will bear perusal. "The Tanchronlcon," by Harold Steele Mackaye (Charles Scrlbner's Sons), Is a story of the impossible goes Jule Verne one better and the author can never pose as a prophet as Verne does now, for he fools with time and space In a way the scientists will never permit. As a phantasy the book is a success and tells of what a party found when they had turned back ward the hands of time. "Jiu Jitsu," or physical training for women according to the Japanese method, by H. Irving Hancock, who has prepared treatises on the same subject for children and men (O. P. Putnam's Sons), is one of the valuable books of the season from the standpoint of physical culture. As the larger number of exercises require the presence of two persons, the practice can bo made interesting as contests as well as for the development of muscle which fol lows. "Duchess of Few Clothes," a comedy by Philip Payne (Rand, McNally & Co.), is a light subject lightly treated, such as will help to pass a dull afternoon when It is too warm or too wet to do anything else. Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews. 122 South Fifteenth street. OLD UOYs AND GIHLS Reunion at Terre llsote, Indiana. The Wabash has been selected as the official line, and a special party will leave via the Wabash at 6:30 p. m. August 27. All "old boys and girls" Invited. For rates, berths and all Information call on W. A. Watson, 8. K. Greenleaf, J. B. Weaver or Wabash city office, 1601 Far nam. Harry E Moores, G. A, P. D., Omaha, Neb. Special Eirarntona, To Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas points are run by Rock Island system, August 23, September 13 and 27, at which time unusually low rates will apply. These in addition to regular homeseekers' excur sion rates in effect on first and third Tues days of each month. Rock Island makes several hours quicker time to above mentioned territory than other lines. Inquire Rock Island agents. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Homeseekers' Rates to north Dakota. Every Tuesday until October 26 the Chi cago Great Western Railway will sell round trip tickets to points In the above named state at a great reduction from the usual fare. For further information apply to Geo. F. Tbomas, general agent, UU Far Dam street, Omaha, Nsb. faO.OO Chleasra. The Chicago Great Western railway mW ell special round trip tickets to Chicago at $20.00. Tickets good tor return until Oo tobcr IL For further Information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst. general agent, UJJ Farnam street, Omsk, Nsb. TERMS OF FEDERAL COURT October Session Will Be Held In Lin. coin and November Session In Omaha. The October term of the I'nlted States circuit court and district courts will con vene at Lincoln Monday, Oitober 3. The Jury for that term will be drawn about September 15. The November trm of the United States courU will convene in Omaha Monday, No. this terra will not be drawn until ttie latter part of October. Between forty and fifty Informations already are filed to come be fore the grand Jury and there remains from the old docket fifteen or twenty cases yet to be heard that grew out of the in dictments of tho last November and May Omaha Weather Forecast a a 4 r M W J T f Only ten days more when hnVS A flfl lllTlS lhe combination sales Idea MJUyO allU. VJlllO wllUease. Get to work. Ttie boy winners of the three prizes (awarded Monday) were: FIRST John Strlbllnjt, 2502 Patrick Ave. SLCONU-Chester nitchell, 844 South Twenty-third St. THIRD John Uosch. 1903 Ontario St. GIRLS Re mem bcr there are three prizes for the three most suc cessful, and 25 cents for each order brought In by boy or girl. WOMEN'S WASH SUITS ONLY AnOl'T FIFTY UNSOLD. WHITE, 1U.ACK AND COIOKS, FOKMKK FHICKS FKO.M J.l.60 TO . COME AND GLT A C'HOH'K THl'HSDAY AT tVOMKN'S FOl'LAHD. CHINA MOSTLY POI.KA DuTS ON HIJACK. OltOL'NUS, FOKMKK PRICES, $12.50 GET A CHOICE THl'HSDAY AT New Belts in kIHc and satin. Tho very Dry Goods section prices, Boc nnd First Arrivals Early Fall Goods Ladies' New Suits Ladies' New Jackets Ladies' New Skirts Ladies' New Cloaks Children's Coats Light and Heavy Weights "rJl.rC Just opened, an elcsant stock of ladles' back nnd side combs "'l UJ )n tortoise, black, amber nnd white, plain and Jeweled now on dlwplay In the Dry Goods section down to. Great Special Bargains 64-ln. Sicilians, frunranteed dust colorings of blue, brown, gray and special for Wednesday, yaid At the Big Bargain Section Harne Street Aisle 3h lb. Bed Pillows corered with odd art ticks, pillows that are worth $1.50 1 F each, Wednesday only, each JC And $2 in Green Trading Stamps with each pillow. PERCALES AIND GIINGII AVIS About 100 piecos of odd f) I patterns in percales and ginghams, worth 12c and 15c a yard, M,P Wednesday, yard Vr DRAPERY Tiiinn FLOOR. Just received n larsre assort ment of Oriental Couch Covers, in wide nnd narrow stripe. 60 Inches wide, 3 yards Ions and frlntce on all sides. h Special sale Wednesday L and Thursday, at, each... PICTURE FRAMES In a Crash BOO Frames mnst be closed ont quickly. Your choice lOr Wednesday 1UW ; r-1 i. No delivery, and only two to a customer, ART EXHIBIT IASTSI FOUR IJA YS MORK. COMPMMKXTS PROFl'SE AD SALES OR ATIFYIJiG. STILL WE HVE SOME VERY CHOICE PICTl'RES LEFT WORTH SEEI.U ANYWAY. COMING t ART GALLERIES Second Floor. PEOPLE ARE Nowadays by their appearance to a just as essential to carry a nice grip wear nice clothes. Our stock Is the best nnd we have a largo line to select from. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT enables you to get, a good one for less than the cheap grades are selling for. Omaha Tronk Factory, Telephone 1058 Bee Want Ads terms of the grand Jury. Among those are Included the cattlo oases, the Colby case and three or four counterfeiting cases. At least three murder cases will come before the coming November session of the grand Jury. All of them hail from the northern part of the state. '5 Time like the present to secure a bargain In fur niture. Drop patterns at half; sample rockers and chairs at one-third less than regular. ORCHARD & WILIIELM CARPET CO. For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkaJow Bros. BOOK SHOP. Tel. B2234, 1216 far man St. There is a Prejudice With some people against the wearing of dyed garments. This would not ba so if all people in this business KNEW their bualueus. We Uimj tho same processes that are used in tho manufacture of now goods, hence have no trouble in making them look as well as new. We cVan and dye garments of all kinds tine laces as well as carpets and draperies. Twin City Dye Works, 26th St. and Ave. A, I 319 8. 15th St., Council HlntTa. Omaha. Tel. 310. . Tel. 1S21. DIAMONDS t i Of modern cut must have llfty-slx i facets, and to obtain the greatest amount of brllliancv the facets must i b laid ut Rtmh nn mhsIm thut the llitht I I enters from all sldrs eiiutlly. Such are the stones we deal In and which I we contract to refund amount paid less ten per cent at any time within one year. 5 J&g&DOOCZ. I ssssSssfc Wednesday, Fair and Warmer. hffhrx 2.95 jIrkpsks. 4.95 AND MOUSSF.LAINK SII,K DRKSSKS. WHITK AND COLORED TO COME AND latest designs In 25c prices from each in Fine English Mohairs proof, in all the new fall black a nice. $1 quality, , 59c GROCERY Freshest Goods at Lowest Trices. worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with pound can Ilennctt's Capi tol Baking ?Ar Powder worth "S. & 11." Green Trading KtarnpH with two ounce bottle Extract, T,fd 18c worth "S. & 11." Green Trading Stamps with pound package Bennett's Capitol Ofii Coffee OW mm mm Baked Beans, 3-pound can 10c Japan Kice, (good), pound 7c Table Syrup, i-nound can lnc Maple Cream, cake 6c I'otted Ham, can 4o Salmon, 1-pound can lic Worcester Sauce, bottle inc Olives, bottle J0o Oil Sardines, can 5C French Mustard, pot 6c BUTTER Fresh Country Butter, pound 13c Bennett's Capitol Creamery, lb 22r Chow Chow Pickles, pint 10c CHEESE J1.00 worth "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps with pound New York Full Cream Cheese. 20c "" ' '"V" it" JUDGED large extent It is as to or sul t caso Produce Results r'r ,i . i mi i i r '"' Tho Last Week of Our Big Oxford Sale $4.00 OXFORDS $2.65 Men's patent colt, vlcl kid, ve lour calf nnd tan Russia calf, 1.60 and 14. U0 oxford ties, cut for this sale Women's $3 50 patent kid, welt sole, military heel oxfords, cut for this sale 2 ()5 Men's $5.00 Johnston & Murphy und Hoyden oxfords of pstent calf, vlcl kid and tan Russia calf, reduced for 'I this sale tu -.CW Women's $o.O0 Laird, Bchober & Co.'s patent kid nnd tan Rus sia calf, welt oxfords, reduced ftor .!!'.'". "".'f. 3.50 A lot of women's $?.00 and $4.00 tan und black kid, wult and turn sole oxfords, broken and widths, but fine goods, at 6Uc and "w PDYiTf0ECQ 1 1 curt HUBERMAUN, FURRIERS Room Continental Hock, ISln A Douflif O AHA I MWIIsa'.S m IS HI 11 11 DON'T MISS OUR GREAT FURNITURE SALE TUB HELIAULK STORE, ALMOST TIME FOR SCHOOL it M $2.50 ever shown in tho desirable colors cheviots iiini ninny other populur fabrics, nil KplrnilUlly Dimlo with f E f excellent linings mid trlmiiilni;s.. many of tho pants have donhle M .J If seats nnd knees, north nil to S.V mile nrico sS V We nlso have a full nnd complete lino MKN'S I.ONt; PANTS SUITS at from Follow the Crowd T Blf, GOODS THE FRESHEST-PRICES Iai ge sacks corn meal ll'Vsc 5 lbs. Hake or pearl hominy for 19c 6 lbs. hand picked navy beans for 19c 5 lbs. good Japan rice for l!e 6 lbs. breakfast rolled oats for 19c Host bulk laundry starch, per lb 3c 1 lb. pkg. best corn starch 4c Quart cans fancy table syrup SSc The best macaroni, per iKk R'jc Large bottle pickles, any kind 8-,c 1 lb. cans soup, any kind, one can makes enough for six people .....8V4c The best soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb 6c Large Italian prunes, per lb 3'jo Fancy Mulr peaches, per lb T'c Kngllsh cleaned currants, per lb Tc The best laundry soup, per bar UVje WE INVITE with absolute conlldenre In our ability to please. Our stock of Diamonds, Watches, Gold Jewelry. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, SoWoty and Weddinc Stationery is complete, and our prices are rlirht. 13 W AND DOUGLAS STS. OMAHA,NEn OPENING OP A NEW AND THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED LINQ BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO. SUNDAY, JULY 31. 1904. Thoroughly Equipped trains leave St Louis and Chicago nlprbtlf (tftet arrival of incoming trains), arriving either city the following morning. Equipment entirely new; lavish in design, elaborate in furnishing. Ask your Ticket Agent, or address, PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. 511 ANSWERS Take Your Choice Instead of being one of 20 or 30 appli cants for one position you can have your choice of that many positons. This can be done with very little effort on your part nnd at a very nlight cost. A ''blind ad," properly written, placed in the ''Situation Wanted" column of The Omaha Bee will do the busi ness. CAN YOU WIJITE A GOOD AD? If so you can pet the answers. 511 ANSWERS addressed to letter and number received at The Bee office so far this week. II ,m UJ IfTVO IIM M iiAJ-T to Cv Gel Ready for Hoi Weather Hot you on. of tho tufTy. hot offloes. wher. life Is unbearable In the summ.r? Or on. of tho.. west front offices, where the sun bests down mercilessly so that you and your employes csn do only nair ins work that tbsy wo.rfd In ft cool, comfortable offlc.T If you hsppen to b xd lnthts -sr. you had better look around In the H- Bu UUn. Bv.ry office In tbe Bee Bu!ldln feU Its share of the br.e. there In any, of Uf. court , J- -IT.1 "wE WflJW. - do you thiuit about tnovlus. and movtatf dwt fctb R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents GET OUR PRICES ON FURNITURE BEFORE BUYING JUST THE TIME TO BUY Boys' & Children's School Suits Our groat Clearing Salt1 offers exceptional money-saving opportunities. llent qualities, greater assortment and less price than else where are the conditions you will find prevail ng in our Children's Clothing Department. HOYS' KNKE PANTS Sl'ITS, 4 Cfi WOIITH UP TO 3.00. CHOICK 1 1 Double Proasted, Norfolk, Sailor Mouse lius sian Mouse and Three-piece styles in Cassi meres and Cheviots, great assortment of col ors and patterns, all well made, Ef a great snap, at 1 We are showing the greatest assortment of BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS city. All stylos, neatest patterns, most in cassimores. worsteds, tweeds, sorevs. of YOI'THS' AM) YOl'NiJ $10 down to 3.75 Grocery Department ALWAYS THE LOWEST. flutter! Iiuttrr! natter! TI'KSDAY'S OTtKAT RALK TO UK CON TINl'KH WKDNKSHAV. All our custom ers could not get waited on yesterday, so we. detilded to continue It nnother day only. Tho viry finest creamery butter made, per lb ISa Fancy dairy butter, per lb i;!So Tills butter Is mane In the finest nnd largest creameries und dallies In the state. Pencil on! readiest 1'faril I'rarsl Tho balance of car will bo placed on, sale Wednesday. Hushel boxes fancy Colorado Flemish lleauty pears, elegant fruit for tan ning, per box $1.60 Large boxes fancy Colorado freestone peaches, per box S0Q YOcR PAIRONAGE DCCfM ir,. Ground Floor, The Bee Building. 1