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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1904)
( THE OMAIIA DAILY ITEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES ATrrlUfmtili Tor theaa colnnma will be Itkri aatll 19 m. fr tfc frrnliiK edition nil nntll A p. m. for the mnrilrf and ir edition. Rate, 1 l-e a word am Insertion, la a word thereat I tr, Nothlnc Ufcri for leas thaa o lor the arst laser. Iloa. Tku advertisement aut b m (oaiwallttlr- Advertisers, by requesting a Bam. tiered chrck, ran ba answer ad. dressed to a amber. letter1 la rare of The Bee. Aaawera a addreaeed will be delivered oa presentation of rheeW. MISCELLANEOUS 1904 FALL TERM Boyles College SEPTEMBER 6 Catalog Ready. Day and Night CUT-RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H, I'lillbln. 1505 Farnam and opp. Union sta lion. Tela. 784 and H 895 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. Ht&i CITY SAVINGS BANK pays Kr cent. R 897 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accomodate-; all business confldentlaL 1301 Douglas R-SS ANTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., 1621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. - H-S99 EXPHESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and stivage. 214 N. 16lh. Tel. 1186. K-9ow PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON In the Bee bid. R-901 BiGN painting. 8. 1L Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-9J2 II. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. Tel. 1747. R 9o4 I PI IRP Stammering and Stuttering. I V-UIXCj. Vaughn, Ramge bid., Omaha, R-f7 STANDARD Altera, Huber. Tel. 8913. 1301 Farnam. R 90!) r"ILVER. NICKEL Plating Om. vJV-'L.U plating Co.. 1508 Harney. Tel. 2. 85. K-010 FURNACES Repaired and reset, cuiuna Stov Repair Vvorka, 107 Dougia au Tel. WO. R-M404 A. MURPHY ft SON, horseshoers, carriage builders, general blacksmlthlng. Tel. U.S. 1410 Jackson. K-M499 S5 NAT. STEAM DYE WORKS, 211U S. 14th. Tel. B2229. R M37S SI OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1621 Howard at. R M757 Slu MODELS and experimental machinery built; patented articles and novelties made (or lnventora and other; model makers' supplies, toola, castings, gears, etc. Write for terms. Alf. K. Gardner, Atlantic, la. R M765 810 P. MELCHOIR. machine works. 13h and Howard. R 140 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 S. 11TH. 'PHONE 254. ."Why can y your soiled linen? Our wagons call und deliver same. Pills collected monthly. 11 M14sSi5 BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG store. bought and sold, every state; medal plan. 1', V. Knlost, K. p., 701 N. Y. L. Bldg. Y 915 AHBOTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., cr. get you In or out of business. Y-911 fclmLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. T. Lite. Tel. 49. Y 912 WHEN you -want to buy,-sell or exchange your property or bualoesa quick, see J. II. Johnson, 4143 N. Y. Life, 'Phone L70. Y-813 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Buslneaa Chance Agency, 4ua N. Y. "Ufa bldg. Y-914 " BUSINESS CHANCES FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL CWMPANY. 222 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG., PHONE F2366. Y-M707 COUNTRY MERCHANT1" Po you wuuw to retire ironi ousiness? If so wc have an exuepUouul proposition to sub. WTHE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., Jflist Floor N. Y. Lifa Bldg. i M3 FOR SALE, a prosperous grocery business, In Fremont, Neb. , stock a.oou, reason for aelling on appUcatiou. Address w V, car ol T he Bee. Y 1172a 23x . FOR SALE, a large general merchandise business; good business and best location In ono of the best small towns In Ne braska ; tuuae of sale, failure of health. Address Box 262, Laurel. Neb. Y-M245 Six HARDWARE or hardware and Implement business for sale, central Nebraska. Ad dress X 6, Bee. Y 267 SI ONE of the best equipped markets In east ern Nebraska for sale. Address X 6, Hee rllce. Y 260 24 x NEWSPAPER and Job printing plant for sale In one of hwt county seat towns In southern Nebraska; good proposition. Write X 11, Bee. Y M283 23x 500 WILL bring $10,000 In return within a year; for particulars address at once, Lock Box 711, Norfolk, Neb. Inclose stamp. Y M271 23 x WANTED Party, who can Invest $5,000 in large company; good profits secured and ofllclal poKltlon if desired, if taken at once. Address X 2S, Bee office. Y-M458 22x HAVE 12,000 to Invest; what business prop osition can jou offer. Address X 32, Bee. Y49i 2Sx FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. THE best drug store! n South Dakota for a good farm. Address X-33, Bee office. v Y M4S6 24 l'P-TO-DATE stock of hardware and gro ceries and store building in Colorado Springs, Colo., to exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa property. What have you? Address 8J9 Colorado avenue. Colo rado Springs. Colo. Y M494 22 HAVE $400 and services to Invest; what have youT Address X38, Bee. T-MB17 23x FOR SALE one-half Interest, or all, In a number one meat market in an excellent location and a good trade. Address "W" Bee office. Courcll Bluffs. Ia. Y WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED room with board preferred. though not necessary, for gentleman, near lual umana car line. Address x 4, Bee. K-M531 23 x WANTED To rent a modern (-room pot tage or steam-heated flat; must be close In and reaaomible rent; will take long iime irnso. i.. j. j-auereon at Hrown lng, King & Co. K M616 25 WANTED To rent, house suitable to keep roomers, near nusineas center; norm pre. (erred. Mra. A. E. Irlck, Underwood, la K-M515 29 WANTED Flrat class room and board In private fnmlly by young gentleman. Ad dreas XS6. Bee. K M520 23 x WANTKIl-ljrn unfurnished room with heat. Hunt and board, within 4 Mocks of Amea av and 24th at. Andres Mra. I. K. Ware, 126 8. 7th at.. Council Bluffs Iowa. K-M625 23x CLAIRVOYANTS UKUltlt, palmist. 71a No. 23d. Tel. BJ'-'ta. Br 10 uuaiNtaa medium, m n. nth street, B MlLS KoX LAW AND COLLECTIONS Jsi. K MOREARTY, Atly., 437 Paxton. TeL AZU. JOHN M MACPARLAND, New York 11 ft WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid nrinand lor graduates. top wages paid. Few weeks completes by our method. Can near.y earn expenses before completing. Diplomas granted. Call or write. Moler Barber t'oll.-ge. ld Douglas st. B-Mty 2x WANTED FOR U. . ATtMY Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 sua 3o, citizens of United Stales, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can ap-ax, read and write Engl. ah-. For Information apply to Recruiting Ofllcer, 13in and Douglaa sts . Omaha, Lincoln, c?;;,or Sioux City. ia. B M37 WANTED Bookkeeper for grain busineaa; rauat give reference. Adiiresa Tg,"" DRL'U employes, managers, salesmen etc., (or any state. F. V. Knlcst. A 1 . '01 N. Y. U Bldg. B M708 SALESMEN who are selling groceries to ranchers to handle our goods. Address Chicago Grocery Co., San 'rH''r'!,t'', B JdHlo Sl-X WANTED $8 to $12 weekly easily earned by either sex knitting seamless hosiery for the western market; our Improved family marnlne with ribbing attachment furnished worthy families who do not own a machine on easy payment plan; write at once for full particulars and commence making money; no experience required. United States Woolen Co., De troit, Mich. B MM.'I GOOD TIMES FOR MECHANICS In build ing trades. High wages, reasonable hours. Open shop city. Finest climate. Investment opportunities. Mention pa per. Address Box No. 301, aaeramento, Calif. B MUI 25 WANTED At on, an expert cutter and fitter and skirt maker. A. Seeblck. Dead wood, S. D. B M264 2& WANTED First-class, all around baker; must be good on pastry and able to take charge of shop; highest wages. S. T. McAlee, 230 Main street, Council Bluffs, I a, B 490 2-x WANTED Installment collector to collect small weekly payments on merchandise account; good salary; position permanent. Address Globe Co., 723 Chestnut St.. Phil adelphia, Pa. B-M4!i8 24x rYPrnlRVPfn ennrrnrher. ISO. 00 cer I month. NIGHT CLERK for swell hotel in Iowa. STENOGRAPHER for real estate firm out of town. , We have mimeroui other vacancies for col lectors, solicitors, salesmen's clerks, etc. Call or write for list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. S40-8I1 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 512 23 WANTED Carpenters, laborers and metal lathers at Auditorium. Roebllng Const. Co. B o09 23x REGISTERED drug clerk; young man of 5 or 6 vears good experience; references. X 35, Bee. B-499 23x WANTED A few good hustlers, lady or gentlemen, to represent is In larger-town In Iowa and Nebraska: a money maker. E. A. McCall, 1641 Park ave.. Omaha. B M51S 23x WANTED Young man to Join private class In mechanical drawing and engineering. Address C. W. Warren, this office B M52fi 24x WANTED FEMALE HELP Ml GIRLS; Canadian office, iitii and (V,odS O. K. American-German employment office; oldest, most reliable in Ouiulia. Iu24 Dooga. C M495 bj WILL GIVE a paid-up business and short hand scholarship to right party, sam to be paid out ot salary when course is finished and position secured. Address W 38, Bee. C M83b 31 EXPERIENCED girl (or general house work, 2122 Burt St. C M174 WANTED a cook; references required. Mrs. H. W. Yates, 31st and Davenport. C ;89 22 WANTED, a cook by small family with no children; will pay good wages. Apply 2970 Pacific Bt. C-284 22x WANTED, first-class cook. Mrs. E. M. Morsmsn. 224 N. 32d ave. C M4G1 WANTED Lndies to learn hair dressing. I , . t CIO ,n t1C manicuring or iitciui uinonngc. w . weekly made by graduates. Four weeks completes. Diplomas granted. Cnn nearly earn expenses before completing. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St., C M350 2Sx A DANISH girl or woman (without chil dren) wanted for general nouseneeping at 2919 Lake st; must not be over 40 nor under 30 years of age. Address X 26, Bee. C M302 WANTED A competent girl for second work in famllv or two; rererences re quired. Apply 332 8. S7th t. C-610 26x WANTED Competent cook and laundress; wages $5. 504 8. 26th ave. c MB a WANTED Good girl In private fnmlly for . . i . ... , II T V general nouaewora. ppiy iio ion-. IC M532 WANTED Cook and dining-room girls. Apply to superintendent Institute for tne Blind, Nebraska City. Neb. C MS30 29 SITUATIONS WANTED- WANTED By a middle-nged man. willing to attend strictly to business, a perma nent position of any kind: have experi ence and ability. Address X37, Bee. A M519 23x AGENTS WANTED WANTKD Lady agents to Introduce a fine line or extracts ana pvnumes; special in ducements; apply at once. Branch Office American Abstract Co., 2620 Charles at. J WE require a canvassing agent for thla district. The L.orie jaanuiaciurina a., Lancaster. Pa. J M529 23x n WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Traveling salesmen to carry complet line of saddlery goods on com mission In southern Minnesota. Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. Referenc re oulred. Address W 61. Be. M2I4 24 WANTED TO BUY BHONFKLD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, payj highest price lor books. Tel. Huso. HIGHEST prices paid for furnished flats. a at, nee. iudij WANTED 100 cara of bones, also buy strap Iron, tin foil, rubber, copper, brass und all kinds of Junk: can also furnish ash weights, any amount. Samuel M. Hey, 14iv Indiana, Kansus City, Mo. Write me. N M75o Slux WANTED, to buy, stocks of general merch andise. Answer Theodore Mayer, 301 S. 25th at., Omaha, Neb. N M239 I WANT to purchase. Immediately, the fol lowing second-hand articles at a reasona- L.I. t . , k I, V. ., H K,-, , . 1, I, i.. - desk, typewriter cabinet and an Oliver typewriter. Address A. is, care nee. N-S0 24x WANTED, second-hand engine lathe. Call on R. E. Patterson, Bee composing room, Bee building. N M316 PATENTS H. J. COW GILL. 430 Paxton blk.. Omana. PATENTS H. A. Sturgla, registered attor ney. Patenta, trademarks, copyrights. No (ee unless successful. 617 New York Life building. Omaha. Neb. M-17S PATENTS If you have a valuable Inven tion for which you desire to take a putent you should not take a step without first communicating with mu. You will save money and get a better patent. Prelimi nary counsel free. Arthur W. Crossley, Le Droit building, Washington, D. C. 192 DANCING ACADEMIES REOPENING M O K A N D'S DANCING h-i-11,.,,1 . .,ut....... Iill lr;rh unit Mai. ney. Adult biginners, Friday, rlepiemuer z. s p. in.; in aete goou lor x- lunauu?, taken a.x your convenience; Indies, o; Sriiuruirii, A w u J i, 1 1 i , . , . ' - iiited fiom above price If you Join the riMMa on or tne opening uigiii.. ftl'l. MIKll llli Mill V U'xl.imrfuv Hen tenitxr 7, d 15 p. m. Pupils from blah school or colli-ges half resular rates. For particulars pleau: call or telephone ln-41 ; open from a. m. until 1 p. m Children claaea beglu tMlurday. October IF YOU WANT BUYERS ADVERTISE IN THE IlEE. Thp Bee i always in the lead. Sunday The printed 395 inches of Paid Want Ads, which was nearly two rolumns in the lead of its nearest competitor. The Pee does not hare to carry several columns of Paddinjj and Tree Ads to make a showing. THE BEE VrINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS- PEE WANT ADS BRING THE BEST RETURNS ALWAYS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROQtoS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. i." b t r DEWEY, European hotel, 13tb and ! 'arnam. $1.25 PER WEEK. Doran house. 422 S. 1Mb. E 9J9 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r. ; open nights. E-940 THE FARNAM, ISth and Farnatn streets. K 941 Midland Hotel. aV Chicago; rcsaonab . lb M4tto TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. Apply 2619 Jones St. E M04 SUITE of three elegantly furnished rooms for housekeeping; parlor floor; al-o rooms for gentlemen. 121 Doug, as. E M2. ROOM, with breakfast; private family. 2S3 California. E-259 22 NEWLY furnished room, walking distance, near car line; all modern, porcelain bath, telephone. 'Phone 3317. E 28$ 22 TWO furnished rooms; gentlemen pre ferred; private family. 103S 8. 2:sd st. E M:il2 23x WELL FURNISH ED modern parlor; also housekeeping rooms. 2234 Farnam. 'Phone 2203. E M493 24 SOUTH front alcove room, modern. 2."S0 Harney. E M3SS 29x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. K. TEL 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-s-ia THURSTON HOTEL; cooi, outside rooiiu. $1.5o to 4.U0 per week; board, JJ.iO. F-311 ' Midland Hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. V M4ts 2215 FARNAM, rooms with board for gen tlemen; large lawn; steam heat. F-M282 24X FURNISHED rooms, modern and board. 62t 8. 19th. F-M460 S4x TWO rooms on bath room floor, newly fur nished, one block Farnam car, or easy walking. S. E. cur. 24th and Harney. F 285 22x MARRIED couple or two gentlemen; ele gantly furnished front room. vi-S tiarney. F M286 2iix UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8210 CASS ST. Two south rooms, partly furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. U UU 3 OR 4 desirable modern, connecting, boule vard, no children. .1- N. I9tn. G M408 23x THREE cheerful unfurnished basement rooms for housekeeping. 1919 Farnam st. Call 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. G M450 23x TWO nice rooms, office or housekeeping, I ,,v .r iri, t,r n w. . an 1506 Farnam. Room 3. M521 24x l",BY.';27 FEET, on trackage, 24th at. anij i-i-JLLi ' Grand avt., near car barns, lor sulo, H,tM. Q. A. Boeder, Grand Island, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS re Maoc jix " t " DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? TO I I ( I Why uot tako a homestead In South Da- 'Tl.VyVa kola Inquire W. i'. JJAi-1, 'iul a. loth. Has there not been times when It 'ic'- KE-M44 63 UcenhtsVfobyou7W TtVoui' bus" FOR SALE-Ono note of $1,600. due In on. nm o rioDlv vou with money ear- cureu by htst mortgage on good when yoa need it and a'low you Improved Omaha property, oearlng b per Ti VIJ, li in ,m' -ll weeklv or cent Interest, payable aemi-annuaily ; also moAthW Daymen'? as ty beat ono nols r du " bctore three monthly paymen s as may utst years; interest at per cent, payable r Sni l Piano- aeml-annuaily; atcured by hral mortgag We W,VT! Lu5rh,?2.I' on tS"01 property. Bot.I are absolutely Live Stock and other chattels, af. ttnd Bwelt 'toyi resectable parUea. and we make salary loans Our Address the owner's. 26, Beo offici. terms tire as good as any ur-d KioM4t better than many. We are the . ' oldest concern In our line in the isinn'rw mtitti u.niiva city with all-around cons stent , N?ITr,H OMAHA BARGAINS. (.Established 1892.) tut B. 16th Bt. owner, Ml N. X. Life. Ri-M447 X FOR SALE, two east front lots, Bemls " park, soxltlo ft.; car, one block. $376 each. LOANS mi""" 3404 Lafayette ave. RK M184 -...xTrta ONE of the finest houses in Kountxe Plac. ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, 2215 Binney; house has 10 large rooms, LIVE STOCK, ETC. thoroughly modern with 2-tory barn, PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU. cement driveway, walk, etc; this la a PEL1ABLE CREDIT CO. bargaln- 307-306 PAXTON BLK. TEL. 14 11' . RE M473 23 OnaUyfFuVnUuTe"? Pano. 820 ACRES CENTRAL NEBRASKA. UNTIL YOU SEE US. Fine grass and hay land; $3,100 last week, J A HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. $3,000 this week; $100 cheaper each succeed- . .w x 95 ing week until sold. ' One-tenth cash, balance In nine equal 3C . yearly payments. ' V FT A D WILLIS CAD WELL, Broken Bow, Neb. ft&TJ??&g'0'Z TH1S DESJ?iBL0E PROPERTY good loans wanted. Call or write and gel FOR SALE ,ny l- VV. L. Eajitiilun VoiMi and S23 Chl t u2 f - f Farnam. Omaha. 1 located near high school and half Wock MOMtrv IOANED SALARIED PEOPLE j"1 HarreY street car line; good barns Mand others withoutourlty easy paT- ","?outh2ur!,; oeautlful lawna. concrete . 25th st, Omaha. Neb. RE-M534 24x CHATTEI aalary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St. X-929 FOR SALE, 1420 N. 25th ST. SALARY and collateral loana Templeton, Corner Charles st. This Is a beautiful cor- tu Bee Bldg. TeU 2804. X-W0 ner lot, running full length of stone walk . on Charles st.; price for house and lot, MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- $5,O0o. Inquire of W. H. Griffith, 417 N. elry. horses, cows, etc, C. V. Reed, 319 8. 26th at.. Omaha. Neb. RE M535 24x 13i h,' X 931 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. 8TAR DO YOU WANT TO LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BIXCK 5 fARM? SEE FULLER, 425 Paxton Blk (or loans I'' you want to sell a farm or ranch tell on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. th farmer and stock raiser about It Th x933 best way to reach mem la through r?;?, Tl'ao'onslLAES.0' ChaUel THE Quikw.Rnadteconnda.Ts TWENTIETH CENTURY Pall on ua If in need of MONEY. r? r a r- D call on upuOENlx CREDIT CO.. FARMER 623 Paxton Block. x, This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 - - homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good place of land to sell at a MnWCY Tfl 1 OAfJ RFfll FTATP reasonable price you will And a buyer IVlUritl IU UUMll ilLHL CJIHIC among them. The cont of an advertisement " . . . xr u Is small 2 cents per word In small type or blSr Te? l6 " Per Inch if set In large type. W 991 . PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Do.ugla. FQR REfJJ STORES & OFFICES VnTaMltyh 'rrFam- .,w FARNAM STREET BUlLLjiiNG W 993 Fine building, 22x100, 4 floors, elevator: , . ateam heal; water; alley, etc.; well adapted MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. for wholesale business on lower Farnam W 991 st. For further particulars ate I per cent loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO., W 996 001,11. AUls'lb. Ml-. H. X. Lite oldg. LOWEST rat. Bemls, Paxton blok. 1930 TWO-STORY building, 1612, and ihc aeconU MONEY to loan on real estate at 5 and EV4 Uoor Luo-io liowuru. V. ll. Bushman, per cent W. B. Melkle, 2od Ramge Bldg. 1 . W M44J ., IF A GOOD light la needed, we can show , you a north ironl office un the illili Hour r-nn mi r- unDor? t. uiitr-nilo "Pleiidid room, at the moderate price FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS ot P.. C. Peters Co.. ground ilo.r ; iiee building. HIGH-GRAI'E ruobei-llio lunuuoiit. TTTT ' alightly soiled, at half valje. Alho good A $10 offlc In th Bee building carrlea with luu buggy and harness, cueap. Johnson It all of the conveniences and advan ce Dahforth. b W. Cor. luili U Jones bis. tages In the way of heal, light, Janitor service, all night and all day und Sunday . elevator sorvice. A $10 office la now v- SEE the Mno line ot vehicles (or sale by cunt. Call at one. K. C. Peter A Co., Frost, 14tli and Leavenworth. P 9ti ground floor. Bee building. lHi W. J. LAPAGE, carriage and wagon; 2d- THREE-STORY and basement brick bldg., hand vehicle for aale. 15o7 JurkBoii. Tel. luo3 Farnam, 22x100, hyuraullo elevaiur liA P 466 A20 aultable for whoiedale or uifg. 114 1st Nut. bank bldg. I-M877 15 NEW UTILITY WAGONS below cost. ' '..... , , .V. .-. 1"4 axlea and wheels, 6-ft. body, buguy STORE CENT RAL L K ATIO.N. top on seat. Sniip. $.18 00 each. Drum- 1'I Howard atreel, with basement, $(X00. mond, 18th and Harney. 1' M77s GEORGE 61 COMPANY, lwl Farnam t. 1-M400 27 , , , . . , . . , TO LET Fine commodloua office room with SHORTHAND AND TYPhWRITlNG vuu and nur.. uai.i. i..r , banking, lusurunoe, ratlroud or head of- A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. "y l"r? concern Formerly oc- 97 copied by Met ague Havings bank and . Bankers' Reserve Life Ins. Co. Apply FACSIMILE letter, envelope addressed. W. Faruaua tiiullh Co, li-0 Farnam st. lioyls coilcg. M I 1 M-24 4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE New BARGAINS Tou can't beat these: One at $2,000, the other a J.'.ioo, & rooms eacn, lull two story, cemented cellars under whole bouse, porcelain bath and nickel plumbing, bain with one; bland new. and you can't bulW them for thi money; close to car. and easy walking distance; must be seen t be appreciated. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 134 Furnam Street. RE-394 FINE COUNTRY HOME AND FRUIT FARM. Must be sold owner leaves here Septem ber 1 for new position In the west. His country home consists of thirty-five acres mostly set to bearing fruit, apples, cher ries, plumbs, peaches and all kinds of small fruit; also a large grapery with $1,000 worth of grapes now on the vines. Good house of 7 rooms with large vcgrtublo cellar, barn, carriage sheds and poultry house. Shade trees and nicely kept lawn about the house. About 10 acres of large native forest trees, as pretty as any park, running water and good place for lake and fish. Horses, cows, poultry, wagons, tools, etc., all go for $8.0u0. Located three miles north of the Country club. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 314. RE C04 22 DUNDEE PLACE Nice new 7-roorn house, entirely modern, nickied plumbing, lurnace, cemented cel lar, everything new and clean. A very iieut, attractive home. Price, W,00u. BENSON & CARMICHAEL W2 l'axton Block. RE 605 23 MODb'RN HOUSE A. P. TUKEY & SON, We offer 10-room house In good bhape, with full east trout 4ot in nouiliweet part of city for $b,6ou, or will make lease (or months lor nouse turniBhed conip.ite throughout at to per month. A. P. Tukey & Son, Board of Trade. KE 5ot 23 SCHOOL and indemnity lands on the Rose- bud leb-ervatlon will be ollered at publlo sale August 26, ltnH, at Fairfax. South .Dakota. For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of (school and public lauds, Pierre, bouth Da kota. . HE 767 A2i llus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 95i FOR SALE Two modern cottages. West Farnam st. district, only $1,600 each. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 'i0 Williamson Co., RE 9.3 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fur nished, near Hanscom park. Apply 41a 0. lath or 1136 2Mb. at. D 44 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK A CO., choice housea 60l-6o3 New York Lite Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 963 U( il I" 'l Prta of the city. Th nUUJW o. F. Davis Co., 6uS Be blilg. D 963 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, m jve and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, lallto Farnam. Tel. 1669. D 961 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van St Stor age Co. Tel. 1469. Office 1713 Webster st D 94 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker blk. D-ttw uni IFn ln Pflrs ot the city. R. C, A V- W W W Peter & Co., Bee Building. RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa cific, lo rooms, Jttlc. Dasement; modern; east (rout: line grounds. 66x140; trees. Applv 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. D 7o SEE CHRIS BOYER, Z2d and Cuming. D M481 HOUSE FOR RENT Modern, 8 rooms. 2723 ' Jackson street $27 60, to small lamlly. Wheeler & Wheeler, 15th and Doueja sta Telephone 186. D M442 FOR RENT, 8-room modern house, 1128 South 31st St.. $35. 7-mom house, city water, 1503, South 28th t. $15. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Building. D-291 2 FOR RENT 0-room modern house, fur nished, near Hanscom park. Apply 415 S. 15th or 1135 2Sth st. D 448 WEST Farnam district, 8-rm., strictly modern $ 7.35 1914 N. 27th St., 8 rootnu 17.50 W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St D 47S FOR RENT. $30.00 for 1G15 Howard st., 6-room modern flat. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. D-M399 27 WANTED to rent by responsible party, bouse of nine roms In best location; fam ily of two. O. F. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. D M435 23 8-ROOM house, modern except furnace, In fine condition. Enquire at 2107 Grant Bt. D M475 28x 7 ROOMS, close In; large yard, reasonable terms, long time lease. Address X 29, Bee. D M4S2 J3x TWO good three-room flats, on car line, close ln; $9 each. Payne, Bostwlck A Co., 601-3 N. Y. L. D-M462 23 FOR RENT and ready for occunnncy, 9 room and hall detached house. 2701 Dodge street, near High school, $40. Every thing new and un-to-dnte In this house. Call (or key at 2906 Dodge st.r or tele phone A2124. D-M311 HOUSES FOJt RENT. 1R42 N. 21st, 6-room.... $10 ?R1! Chicago. 13-room 50 r510 Dorls-e. 9-room 40 314 8. 15h. 6-room 35 1RH N. 18th. 9-room 30 10K4V. 8. 20th. 4-room 12 1Rni Vinton, 7-room 10 ?21n Chicaco, 5-room.. 15 3818 N. 1fith. 4-room 10 BYRON REED CO., 212 South i4th. D 508 24 NICE new house. 7 rooms, modern. SG14 Leavenworth St. D 611 4x FOR RENT House, 10 rooms, modern, near High school. The O. F. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D M627 81 FOR SALE OR RENT Modern 12-room house and barn, 2619 Chicago; rent, $50 per month. Inquire of W. H. Griffith. 417 N. 25th st D M533 23x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Dertght, 1119 Farnam. a y kjo 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman Si McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 951 FOR SALE Several scholarahlps in a first-class standard school ln Omaha, comprising complete course in business, shorthand and typewrltllng. Inquire at Bee office. W 852 TELEPHONE poles; long flr timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglaa Q-953 WE RENT Sewing machines 76c week. We repair and sell parte for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machine (rom $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1C63. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 953 FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture, ln good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room 100, Bee Bldg. Q 824 ELECTRIC nickel ln lot, Peerless piano players and Reglna music boxes, big money makers, cheap for cash or time. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel 1025. Q 966 TWO HEAVY "TEE'L HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILICRS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox .steel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 126 pounds. They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 26. Coll or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha. Q M902 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodga TeL 2020. Q-46 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; .bargain In good In pawn. 1401 Douglas. . Q-957 ANTIQUE oak bookcase and desk com bined. Call 2104 Maple St. Q 447 AUTOMOBILE $1,300 new Shelby, 2 or 4 passengers, with top, $850. H. K. Fred rlckson, 1602 Capitol. Q M419 S3 FOR SALE Second-hand Brome. Apply A. J. Simpson 1411 Dodge. Q 821 ANY DAY' this week we will sell Singer sewing machine from $3 to $10; cash or payments. The Singer Manufacturing Co., 1514 Douglas rU. . Q M849 FOR BALEA l(i-ft sailing canoe ot 3. ll. Ruahton, Cunton. N. V, manufacture; 80 Hquare feet of canvas; top of solid mahogany; fan-folding centerboard. All ln good shape; cost when new $160.. Will sell for $;(6 If taken at once. Reason (or selling, need the money; now ln com mission at I.ake Manawa, where it can be seen, or will send photograph on ap plication. Address W 41, Bee. Q-M968 BAR IRON AND STEEL Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co., Jobber In merchant bar iron end steel, selling very low. It will pay you to write (or pricer. K01 Farnam. Omaha. O 2M 816 FOR SALE, the only panorama In U. 8., new, Instructive, Interesting, (or fairs, A'-8ar-Ben week; money (or right J ty. X 13, Bee office. Q M40U 23 x 5-YEAR-OLD Holstrln and Jersey, fresh. 34th and Mahderson. Q M107 25x FOR SALE Ixit of se-ond-hand fire brick. Inquire Engineer Bee Building Q M314 FOR SALE A perfect thnronrhh'-ed Jersey row and a Durham cow. 10?; 80. ti'd t. Phone 782. ' Q 502 24x GOOD 1 000 nnd $1 100 s ner cent loans for sale. The Byron-Reed Co. Q M623 24 SOLD ON PAYMENTS Blcylcles st speclnl low prices to annl'e room for phonographs. L. Flescher ti;2 Capitol ave. O MS?? ? FLORISTS HES8 & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam -1 L. HENDERSON, 1M9 Farnam. Send (or price 1U.I of cut flowers and plants. AI FBFD DONAQ11UD, JR., 1W Farnati. Tel. U. THIS FOR THAT WILL trad sewing inachlne for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. WHAT have you to exchange for a piano? Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. TeL 701. Z 973 IF THERK la nothing In thla column you want, put an ad. In and you will soon get It. Z-l.M WILL exchange second-hand phonograph records for others In good condition. N. 64. Bee office. Z M.'22x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fin milli nery stock. In a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. M.. Bee. Z-M2M FOR TRADE, half section. Woodson Co., Ksn., In oil belt; good Improvements, all fenced, orchard, grove. 100 seres In culti vation, 120 acres meadow, 100 ncres pas ture; lensed for third of crop nnd $1 per acre cash, oil lease with rovalty. Price, $40; will consider trade In desirable Omaha residence or rental property. W, Farnam Smith & Co.. 133i Farnam st. PERSONAL DR. HOY, Chiropody, R. 2 V3. louo Karnam. U 9.5 DETECTIVE Cant. Cormack. $17 Karbach block. Tel. A 2832. L' 976 M ir.NPTIP treatment a baths. Mm. luAVJlN C 1 IVrfBmltni us N. 15, J ffr. R. I U-4199 S7x CARLI'S A. JONESON, for some time llv. Ing In Omaha, whose whereabouts now are unknown, will find something to his advantage by addressing N 3, care Bee. Anyone giving Information as to his whereabouts will be rewarded. Descrip tion: Tall and very fleshy, dark hair nnd light moustache and blue eyes. U S5 22x fiprmtnii Dr Wk. Up-to-dat clan- uermania cr;, dyer, m s. 13 st. t. U 'J is H ATC cleaned shaped -and pressed. llAI O SMARSES HAT FACTORY, m5 No. 16th U-M774 Ait ANIONE who" can give Information re- ftardlng the present whereabouts of Wtl lam Arbogast, who was employed last spring on construction work on a reser voir near Denver, and later supposed to have gone to Douglas, Wyo., will confer a great favor upon an anxious mother by addressing Mrs. Llzxle Mlhm, 113 W. Lawrence St., Mlshawaka, Ind. U 484 24x TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530 a 980 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam at. THE 11. J. PENFOLD CO. U-M351 "VIA VI." way to health. 350 Bee Bldg. U-:1S1 TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th. U 982 LARSON ft JOHNSON, cut rate to all olnt. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2H3. Mem cr American Ticket Brokers' Assn. U-M118 81 VIENNA CAFE New management; mer chant' lunch, 15c; short orders a spe cialty. Wm. Miller, Prop., 1015 Farnam. U-M357 81 DON'T fool with vour eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 140s Farnam. IJ-M35 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DO utiles it - icu 19.16. U-9&4 WORLD'S FAIR accommodations, every convenience, three car line, 7 minutes' ride to fair. 944 Laurel ave., St. Louis. Bell telephone. Forest 965 A. U M361 SI CR. KLAUSNER. Dentist 607 Ksrbach blk. Tel A2964. U-M417 b2 LADIES 26c ln stamps will remove freck les, tan, sunburn, etc.; not a toilet article; a medicine to apply each nighi. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. U M59S SS DR. J. 8. ALEXANDER (Homeopath). Offlc 446 Be Bldg. Teles., office, 161; res., 804 U 691 87 FRANKLIN Tailoring: System taught 1764H Leuvenyorth. U 846 813 THE dnrk complexloned young lady dressed In black who was going east on Farnam street Saturday evening a little before 6 o'clock may meet an ardent admirer by addressing the gentleman she noticed at Sixteenth t. P 33. Bee. U 481 24x AN up-to-date young farmer wishes to make the acquaintance of farmer's daughter or young lady who prefers country life; must bo true Protestant, also prefer brunette; no trlflers or flirts need answer. George Webster, Sterling, Kan. U 480 23x INFORMATION wanted Harry Smith, parents, sister, Easton, Md.; thankfully received. U 4S3 23x FREE trip to the St Louis fair. 609 Bee Building. U M4o7 23x PERFUME FREE Any lady sending name and address will receive exquisite sample "La Rose Patrlotlea Perfume" and In structions how to get $5 bottle free. Em- Rlre Floral Per(umers, 63 W. 24th St.. lew York City. U 4S2 24x GENTLEMAN, middle aged, with means, wlshs lady's acquaintance; Scandinavian preferred; matrimony. Address X-31, Bee. U M492 23x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A-2C62; 2210 Cuming, Established 1888. I U-M614 23 WANTED The address of a small or large planing mill or furniture factory equipped for inside finish work and Inclined to take ln the manufacture of church fur niture to All ln. Catholic firms, or such In close touch with Catholic work pre ferred. For particulars address X39, Bee Office. U M528 24 MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pi:ia are the beat. Sate, reliable. Taken other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief tor Ladles," in letter by return mail. Ask your drugguu. ClilcUeir Chemical Co., Pnlladelpiila. Pa. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease and Irregularities of women, (rom any cauBe; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511ft Dodge St, Omaha. 987 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia, Tel. 774. -4528 BT. JOSEPH'S hospital; everything modern. Tel. 117. M 488 S5X LADIES, Anterior Regulator, sure. $2.00 box. Th Columbia Co., Clarlnda. Iowa. M 430 B3x PRINTING PRINTING I LYNGS1 AD High Grade Work. Crounse block, corner of 16th bt. and Capitol Ave. -9;o KIIAMER ft CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT KRd, 1103 Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. 971 J. M. SIRPLE88, reliable printer; estab lished 12 year. 203 S. 13th st, Omaha. M154 LOST LOST Sunday, August 21, between Calvary Baptist church and 2527 Charles St., a pair of gold bowed spectacles; reward. Mr. W. R. Bennett, muln floor, Bennett's. Lost 613 2.1 x LOST Sunday night, a maltese kitten, white spot on throat and atomach, from 715 N. 23d atreet. Rewurd for return to above addresa. Loat 607 22 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Lit bldg. T. 1A64. 934 MKS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Ostopathlo Phy slclan; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2825. J DR. FA R WELL, specialty nervous disease, tut Paxlvu. is POSTOFFICE NOTICE tShnuid be lead dally by all Interfiled, aa changee may occur at any time FoitiK'i malls for the we. ,, ending August 27. 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all ilia, a; S lllf p., Ill In, 1 ill us n fo,- lows: Tarcels-post malls close on hojf earner loan i..sing u,,,e ih-h-iv. Parcels-post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. August 2rd and 31st. Regular and supplementary mall close al Foreign station (corner of West nd Mor ton streets) half hour later than closing time ahown below, (except that supple mentary mail for Kurov and Central America, via Colon, close une hour lata at Foreign station;. , Trnnaatlantle ran Its. TUESDAY t23d) At 7:30 . m. for NETH ERLANDS itlrect. per s. s. fcitntemlam (imlll must be directed "per s. s. istateu dam "); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. in.) (or EL HOPE, per a. s. Kronprln Wllhelm, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY" (24th) At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Lombardla l mail must be directed "per s. s. Lombardla '); at 1:30 p. in. (supplementary 3 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Oceanic, via yueeu town and Liverpool. THURSDAY t.'6th)-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. a. La Lorraine, via Havre (mail for Other parts of Europe must be- directed "per s. s. La Lorraine"). SATURDAY (27th At 2:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND, LIVERPOOL and IRELAND, per s. s. Lucanlj, via Queenstown and Liver. ool (mall for other parts of Europe must ie directed "per s. a. Luranla"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg; at 8. So a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Vader land (mall must be directed "per . a Vadcrland"); at 8:110 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Prlncras Irene (mail must be directed "per s. a Princess Irene"); at 8:30 a. in. for SCOTLAND dirert. per s. s. Astoria (mall must be directed "tier s. s. Astoria"); at 11 a. m. (or DEN MARK direct, per s. s Hekla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Hekla"). N TICK. Five cents per half ounce, In ad dition to the regular postage, must l prepaid on all letters forwarded bv th SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letter deposited In the drops marked "Letter for Foreign Countries," after the CLOS ING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for des patch by a particular vessel, will not b so forwarded unless s'ich additional post age Is fully prepaid thereon bv stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are also opened on thB piers of the AMER ICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH ateam ers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a m. or later; and late mall may bedeposlte.l In the mall boxes on the piers of the Ger man lines sailing from Hohoken. The mails on the piers open one hour and it holf before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only reg ular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on r.rtlcle mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITE STAR and GERMAN (sea post) steamers: double postage (letters 10 cent a half ounce) on other line. Malls for Booth and Central America, l West Indies, F.te. TUESDAY (23d) At 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m for NICARAGUA (except Eaat Coast), HONDURAS (except East Coast). SALVADOR, PANAMA. ECUADOR, PERU. BOLIVIA and CHILI, per s. s. Finance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala and Dep't of Cauca In Colom- ' bla must be directed "per s. s. Finance"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI, 8ANTA MARTA and other places In MAGDALENA DEP'T, COLOMBIA, per s. s. Vslencla (mall for other parts of Colombia, via Savanllla. must be directed "per s. a. Valencia"). WEDNESDAY (54th) At 10 a. m. for GRE NADA. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD ROLT VAR. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Marneas; at 1 p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and 1 PARAGUAY", per a. . Quecnsborough ; at 6:30 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Llllle. from Boston. THURSDAY (25th). At-8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCATAN anu CAMPKCHE, per s. s. Esperansa (mall for other parts of Mex ico mustabe directed "per s. s. Esper anza"); at 12 m for MEXICO, per s. a. Matanzns, via Tamplro (mull must be directed "per s. a. Matanjias"); st 13 m. for Barbados and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Maranhense, via Para and Manaos; at 12 m. for BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. ITIler (mal! for St. Kltts, Nevis, St. Matins, St. -Eustatlus, Martinique and Guade loupe must be directed "per s. a. Uller"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISL ANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Carlbbee. FRIDAY (26th). At 12 m. (or SANTIAGO per s. s. Cien(uego (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Clenfuegos") ; at 1 p. m. (or YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per s. . TJomo. SATURDAY (27th). At 6:30 a. m. for NEWFOUNDI.aii, per s. s. itn.sauna ; at 8 a. m. (or BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad: at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACXO and VEN EZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Colombia, via Ctiracao, must be directed "per s. s. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and COIX)MBIA, except Magilalena Dep't, Colombia, per s. s. Sarnla (mall (or Costa Rica must be directed "per a. a. Sarnla"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. b. Mexico, via Havana; st 12 m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per s. s. HoJIzones. Mall Forwarded Overland. Kte., Ex. cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes st this office daily, except Thursday, at 55:30 a, m. (the connecting malls close hero on Mondays, Weanesoays and Saturdays). MEXICO1 CITY Overland, unless spcoially addressed (or dispatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:80 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p. in. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydney, anil thence by steamer, close at this offlc dally at 6:30 p m. (connecting mails closs here every Monday, Wedneaduy and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, closes at this offlc at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by Eteamer, closes at this offlc dally at 6:30 p. m. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA By rail to New Orans, and thence oy steamer, closes at tnls office dally, except Sunday, at (1:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundays at Jl:00 p. m and 1,10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Monday at 10:30 p. tn.f COSTA RICABy rail to New (Jrlun, an I thence by steamer, cioses at this Ohio dally, except Sunday, at 11.30 p. m. and 1)0:30 p. m., ilunday at 1:00 p. m. and 410:30 p. m. (connecting mall ciose? her Tuesdays at 10:30 p. m ). NICARAGUA (East Coast) By rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and (10:30 o. m., Sunday at 11 :00 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mull closes here Thursday at 1Q:30 P. m ). IRegintered mall closes at f p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls, Forwarded Over, land Dally. The schedule of closing or T ranspaclfla malls is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlund transit to port of sailing. The final connecting mall (except registered Transpacllig mail which close at 6 p. in. previous day) close at the general postoffice, New York, aa follows: JAPAN, CO RE A, CHINA and specially addressed mall (or PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. August 21nt, (or dispatch per . . Kana gawa Muru. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at $:3$ p. m. August 22d (or dlapatch per s. . Alameda. HAWAII. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA end specially addressed mall (or PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. in. August 26th (or dis patch per s s. Siberia. JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and speclilly addressed mall (or PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Tttcoma, close at 6.3o p. m. August 26th, (or dispatch r'r s. a. Oakfa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, dose at 6:30 p. in. August 27 for dispatch per U. 8. Transport. JAPAN (except Parcels-post malls), COREA, CHINA and PHILIPl'lNK ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close, at 8:80 p. m. August 30 for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except Wst) NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA. HAWAII und FIJI ISLANDS, via .S.m Francisco, close at C p. m. September $ for dlapatch per . a. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer currying the British mall (or New Zealand does not arrive ln time to connect with this dlsti'h, extra rnall losing at b.JO a ni . . mi. 'i ' m.; Bundaya at 4:W u. m , i a. m. and i an i, n. will be made up and forwarded UDI1 the arrival of in unarn steamer i HAWAII, JAPAN. i'OHKA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close al 6 3n p. in. September 3, lor dlspii tr h i er s ( optic TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLAND3. via Han Fran-'lsi o, loae at 6:. p. rn. Sep tember 9lli for dlapatch per a. a. Mari posa. FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except uesti. und NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver und Victoria, B. C, close at 6.30 in. September 10 (or dlapatch per a a. M tnnlllt1. MANCHURIA and EASTERN alS&RIA at . ' V V i. h J ! ! i V. J btC: rev-ins Ju4 and lis. Tel. IMA ItMt I!