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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1904)
TITE OMATIA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, AUOUPT 23, 1904. 10 BIG F1GI1T OVER FORTY CENTS Bneet E&ilway Company Threatens to Ap peal to FeduraJ Supreme Court. LOSES ON THIRD TRIAL BEFORE EASTMAN Jostle of Peace Jury Awards Verdict to ri"Il "d cfc"" Appeal to the Dis trict Court. The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, through Us attorney. W. J. ConJiell, threatens to carry a fight to the United States supreme court. If riocewaary. to keep from paying Judg ment of 40 cents. Attached to this Judg ment Is the ct of the case which will amount to about $50. The plaintiff and the victor In the case Li Alex A. Altschuler. lawyer. "We will fight this to the last ditch, Just as If It were $40,000 Instead of 40 cents," declared Attorney Connell, who already has taken the first appeal. He has filed notice of appeal to the district court on a writ of errors. The case has dragged along for some time, being persistently fought by Altschuler In the Jusilce of the peace court. It took three separate trials to get a verdict In the. first two the Jury disagreed, In the latter found for the pla'i.tlff. What the IMnlntlff Alleges. The plaintiff alleges In the bill of par ticulars that July 29 he bought four round trip tickets to Lake Manawa, paying the special rato of 23 cents each. On the way to Council Bluffs, he says, the conductor collected that portion of the tickets read ing from Omaha to the lake, giving In re turn for passage from Council Bluffs to Iake Manawa four conductor's checks. The plaintiff and his three friends stopped at the Bluffs enroute for supper, contin uing their Journey on another car and preeretlng the checks for passage, which checks the plaintiff alleges were- refused by the second conductor. Altschuler says he paid the second conductor 40 cents on the second car, 10 cents for each of the party. Mr. Altschuler, who has a law office at 140 Farnam street, appeared at the trials as his own coui-sel. The street car company contended that the checks given to the plaintiff by tlie conductor on the first car were intended for a continuous trip and for the con venience of the conductor Issuing tha checks. The Juries In the first two trials labored long, trying to reach a verdict, but were discharged In each Instance. The last Jury took but two ballots. W. J. Connell ap peared for the defendant. READY FOR JHE CAMPFIRES All Plans Arranged for Hennlon for the Week at Cn nip Manderson, Bennington, Everything Is In readiness for the elev enth annual reunion of the Douglas County Veterans association, which will open at Bennington this morning to continue for the remainder of the wek. Company A, Thirtieth United States In fantry, arrived at Camp C. F. Manderson this morning and will remain there during the entire reunion. Bennington is about sixteen miles northwest of Omaha on the Elkhorn rood, and a fare of 60 cents for the round trip has been arranged. Tho trains will leave about 8 o'clock each morn ing, returning In the evening, thus giving Omaha veterans an opportunity to attend dally. Among the speakers to adVlress the camp Area on one or more dates are General C. F. Manderson. Judge Fawcett, Major J. A. Watrous, Department Commander Harmon Bross, Colonel Church Howe, Past Depart ment Commander John A. Ehrhardt, V. R. Kelley. T. J. Majors and A. S. Churchill. W. E. Somers of Bennington is president of the reunion and Jonathan Edwards of Omaha secretary. Aside from tho regular reunion proceed ings and camp fires there will be an abun dance of vocal and martial music and sports of various kinds, Including trap shooting, base ball and foot races. It' is expected that every old and young soldier of Douglas county and vicinity with their families will attend the reunion. INVITE ST. PAUL SHRINERS Alc-Sar-Ben Knights Urge Mlnnesotana to Visit the Den First Part ' of September. Frank H. Dunlop, M. II. Collins and W. 8. Bummers have returned from St. Paul, where they went last week as a committee from the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben to meet the shrlners of the Minnesota capital with a view of having thera visit the den In tha near future. The committee succeeded In Its mission and arrangements now are be ing made to have the St. Paul shrlners come to the Gate City September 9 In a special Great Western train. They will come 300 Btrong and Saturday evening, Sep tember 10, has been designated as a special night In their honor at the den. Features for the entertainment of the Minnesota visitors will be arranged and a big time Is anticipated on that occasion. This evening the second of a series of railroad nights at the den, will be B. & M. night. Special 'rates from nearby points on the Burlington have been made and a large crowd is looked for. Care Reiter, manager of the Orpheum theater, will recite some of bis dialect recitations. DISCKIMI.VVriWU LADIES. Enjoy Vslng llorplclde on Aeconnt of Its Distinctiveness. The ladles who have used Newhro's Herplclde speak of it In the highest terms, for Its quick effect In cleansing the scalp of dandruff and also for its exoelunce as a general hulr dressing. It makes the scalp feel fresh and It allay that itching which dandruff will cause. Newbro'a Herplclde effectively cures dandruff, as It destroys tho germ that causes it. The same germ causes hair to full out and later baldness; In killing It, Herplclde stops fulling hair and prevents baldness. It is also an Ideal hair dressing, for It lends nn aristocratic charm to the hair that is quite distinctive. Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c In tamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Special Excursions. To Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas points are run by Rock Island system, August 23, September 13 and 27, at which time unusually low rates will apply. These in addition to regular homeseekers' excur sion rates In effect on first and third Tues days of tach month. Rock Island makes several hours quicker time to above mentioned territory than ether lines. Inquire Rock Inland agents. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A., 13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Best School Shoes In Omaha. JO al) Children' Foot-forms Shoes a Specialty, Tomorrow Most Extraordinary Opportunity to Secure Pretty DRESS GOO DS AND WAISTINGS -FROM THE- KELLEY-STIGER STOCK AT A FRACTION OF THEIR VALUE On f he Frcnt Bargain Square 25c quality 33-in. Wool Plaids, 9c Yd. Hundreds of pieces in various shades and patterns specially adapted to ladles' skirts and children's drosses all worth 25c a yard, for, yard 9 50c quality French Flan nel Waist- ings all wool suitings, yard. 29c 75c highest ported French Flannel polkadot and Oriental patterns, yard..., class Itn- 39c Kelley-Stier Best Dress Goods 49c. Your choice of the most desirable BLACK AND COLORED IMPORTED ALL WOOL SUITINGS from the Kelley-Stiger stock no matter what they were bought to Boll for, go at, yard , 49c Kelley-Stiger s 35c Embroideries at 121c. H2ic All Kelley-Stigers Embroideries, in Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric extra fine quality neat and dainty patterns and wide widths worth up to 35c go at, yard 25c Ladies' Collars at 21c and 10c. Big lot of ladies' turn over collars, embroidered, lace, plain t f while and fancy colors, also Bulgarian effects, worth up to Oflll0 25c, go at, each L W 25c Pearl Buttons on Bargain Square Ik-2k-5c Doz. All kinds of pearl buttons and dress buttons, from the Kelley- 1 1 l C Stiger stock, worth up to 26c, go at, dozen l2C"as2C"7C 20c Handkerchiefs for 5c On Bargain Square Thousands of ladies' all linen hemstitched and scolloped embroidered Swiss handkerchiefs, sorao with lace edges, worth 20c, go on bargain square at, each 5c I. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE, OMAHA UNITE FOR M LEGISLATURE Democrats Disclose Their One Aim of This Campaign. WILLING TO GIVE UP ALL FOR SENATOR Chairman Allen laauoi Letter Shorn, insr Intention of raising lp Merge and Centering- Effort on Bryan's Intereata. Attention, Kalahta and Ladles ol Securlty. Thera will ba a, picnic and danca Tues day evening, August 3. at Courtland beach to which all members and their friend ara Invited. A grand time la assured. Cen tra) admission, 10 cent a. , TUB COMMITTEIC Tho democratic state committee at Lin coln haa started Its press bureau and, as Indicated by tho first letter sent out by Chairman Allen, the light of the demo crats will be to secure the majority In the next legislature, and little or no effort will be put forth to land the candidates for state offices. After making tho announcement that the committee haa got down to work, Chair man Allen dismisses Mr. Serge, the fusion nominee for governor, with these few lines: 'Our candidate for governor Is a strong, clean, brainy man. Ha will grow as the campaign progresses and be becomes bet ter known." The letter then continues: "I am especially anxious that the strong est men in your county be selected to run for the senate and the house of repre sentatives. If we can get strong men nom inated for the legislature and harmonious fusion all along the line, which Is very essential, we can elect a majority of the members of the next legislature and se cure a successor to Dietrich that will bo a credit to the state. Count on Itevenue I.avr. "The revenue law will help us In getting new recruits for our legislative tickets, everywhere. Please use your best efforts to have strong men nominated for the legislature In your county men on whom both democrats and populists can unite. You can qpunt on active assistance from this committee from now until after elec tion day and if every democrat In your precinct who la Interested In the success of his party will Join with us and with you In getting the best and strongest men nominated and then begin organizing to get democrats "to the polls, we can win." Aa Chairman Allen is a brother-in-law to William J. Bryan, democrats and pop- uiisia Deneve tnat tlie efforts of the state committee will be to put forth almost exclusively to land Mr. Bryan In the senate. NOTHING LEFT BUT THE GROVE Such la the Plaint Let Oat by Mrlehlor Ionlerbltsrn, Once Scenery Painter. From saloon artist to weed cutter Is tho life tragedy of Melijjoir Imlerbitzen, who was arraigned In pollco court on the charge of vagrancy. He was sentenced to twenty days. It was alleged that Imlerbitzen ha been sleeping In the weeds near Twenty sixth and St. Mary's avenue and had threatened the life of Fred Shorter, a boy who Uvea at 552 St. Mary's avenue and who tends to gas lamps In that locality. Shorter says he haa seen the man on numerous occasions sharpen a long knife on the gas poles and then threaten to re move certain essential parts of his anatomy with the knife. For years Imlerbitzen made a living by painting scenery in saloons, but of recent years his hand haa lost Its cunning and he has had to resort to menial methods of eking out a livelihood. "Thera Is nothing but the grave left for me," was his doleful plaint when arraigned In pollco court. Hart In Hanaway. A team owned by the Omaha Transfer company ran away Monday morning at 10 o clock acti dashed Into a puggy twine dnvrn by Mm M C. Mitchell it F.leventh and Howard streets Mn, Mitchell's vehicle huM'f duutoliausd, buA sua lull acuoualy escaped with no greater injuries than a few tiody nruises and a nervous shock. Mrs. Mitchell resides at 2474 Harney street. The runaway rig was driven by J. Smart, who escaped without personal Injury. WHY HE DID NOT RUN AWAY Man Who la Hit with Chair Tells lodge Hla Reasons for Not Fleeing-. William Johnson of 514 South Thirteenth street haa been fined $2 and costs In police court, where he was arraigned on the charge of disorderly conduct It Is alleged that while George Elliott was shaking dice In a saloon with some friends Johnson took Elliott's hat oft to see what sort of a hair cut Elliott had received. Elliott did not like such familiarity and said so. Then Johnson Is said to have picked up a chair and held It In such an attitude as to sug gest no good purpose. Elliott says he then ran to take the chair from Johnson. John son's face bore evidence of contact with something, so the Judge was inclined to Impose a light fine, thinking he had al ready suffered much for. his Indiscretion. When asked why he did not run away and live to fight another day, when Johnson raised the chair, EUllott said to tho police Judge: "Why, yer honor, I was In a saloon." Judge Berka smiled. ELB0URN OBEYS THE -COUNCIL City Clerk Rorognliri Actios Mayor Zlmman, rtm Ordered, and Knds the Powwow, City Clerk Elbourn has put an end to the controversy regarding his right to certify that Councilman Zlmman was acting mayor by signing tho certificate ordered by the council at a special meeting Saturday. The certificate was wanted to show "voting Mayor ZImnian's right to sign the bonds of a recent Issue which have been sold to J. L. Brandels & Sons. "I am relieved of the responsibility by the action of the council," said the clerk. "If Mayor Moores had notified me of his ab sence as provided in the charter all the trouble would have'been avoided." SUES THE CITY OF ASHLAND Missouri Woman Wanta Ten Thousand Dollars for Injuries from Bad Sidewalk. Anna McKee of Trenton, Mo., has brought suit against the city of Ashland for 110,000 damages in the United States circuit court because of Injuries from a defective street crossing. The Injuries are said to have been sus tained June 28, 1903. The plaintiff alleges that she stepped Into a hole in tha cross walk at Fourth and Pearl streets on that date, her foot caught, she was violently thrown to the ground and was badly hurt about, the knee, spine and head, was per manently injured thereby and will become a permanent cripple In consequence. Iowa State fair. For above occasion the Rock Island will sell excursion tickets from Omaha, to De Moines and return at one fare for round trip. On sale dally to August f7tb. E. P. RUTHERFORD. I. P. A., 133 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb, Marriage Licenses. The following marriage license was Issued up to noon, August 12: l lysess J. Andrews. Council Bluffs Jl Fannie Johnson, Falls City, Neb 35 George H. Skinner. Omaha 21 B-U'ah V. Garland. Omaha 24 W K. Wedding Kings. Edhotm, Jeweler. SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. Par s esulosw tt Us Olteet Ltrim military School Is lt uuKlls ww, s44taa Military Academy L 4 a tea. Omaha Weather Forecast Tuesday, Fair and Warmer. 111. EVEW ' .11 I V I f 11 U XL U l. J The phenomenal silk sale brought about by a lucky , pur chase made by our buyer in New York advertised in Sunday papers Is continued Tuesday. It's a truly phenomenal silk sale. The purchase is divided into two-lots: Lot one consists of fancy Loulslnes and Mersallnes, JO 19 Inches, yard TOl Lot two consists of fancy Ccutants, Chamois, the new Phoenix Taffetas and the soft Swiss Taffetas, ) 18 to 21 Inches wide, at JJ Better read that whole Dry Good s ad again. It is overflowing with bar gains. Come to look at It ourselves we are more Impressed than ever with the rousing snaps we offer in that Sunday ad. Have you seen the new line of pnrlor and library tables of solid ma hogany, golden osk and Imitation mahogany received from tho Grand Rapids Furniture exposition? These tables are going at from 25 to 60 per cent below regular prices. CROCKERY Those Crockery bargains, too, are good for Tuesday where goods are unsold. GROCERY Leaders in pure at lowest prices. food groceries $1.00 worth "S. & H. Stamps with each of Pound New York Cream Cheese.. Pound can Dia mond S Salmon 3-pound can Ta- illr ble Svrun ''5 2 pounds Ore gon Prunes ... 2 pounds Japan, ' Green Trading the following: 20c .22c 25c H Coffee Special Bennett's Capitol lO-, t offee. 1-lt). pKg.""" And 1 worth "S. & BUTTER Fresh Country But- 1lc ter, per pound w Bennett's Capitol Creamery, 22c per pound w DOG NEWS-Sprntt's Dog fjc Cakes, per pound H." Green Trading Stamps with eatli package. Candy Dept. 0c worth "S. & It" Green Trading Stamps with package Rnzzle Gum tf and Cards Pill1 TEA DEPARTMENT Best value3 ever offered In Tea. B. F. Japan. Gunpowder, Oolong and English Breakfast, per OUp pound ..-,' bothering Your watch you? Tiring it to us. If there's a cure for it, we'll cure it, and no nonsense in our charges. Eyes need more than your care they need our atten tion, jsring 'em to us. Charges most reasonable. Ask for the optician. PEOPLE ARE JUDGED Nowadays by their appearance to a large extent. It Is Just a essential to carry a nice grip or sul t case as to wear nice clothes. Our stock is the best and we have a large line to select from. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT enables you to get a good one for less than the cheap grades are selling for. Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone ' 105S luy r-arnam .m V BBssaasssM YOUR WATCH ought to be put In order by a competent watch maker that's the kind we have. We do tine work; and charge only a fair. n oderate price. When down town leave your watch with us, LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. lite LJ 1 COLORADO AND BACK To Denver, Colorado Springs and Tueblo afcd return the Burlington sells tickets at $15.00 Tuesdays and Saturdays until September 17 gS$ than hfilf'tStO There is no summer region more attractive than Colorado. To GLENWOOD SPRINGS, SALT LAKE, YEL LOWSTONE PARK and the BLACK IIILLS, propor tionately low excursion rates are made circuit tours which embrace practically the entire scope of the grandeur of the Rockies. Yellowstone Park tours cost less this year than ever before. With the Burlington's i high grade passenger service to Denver and Billings this road is a conspicuous portion of any general tour of the West. Let me supply you with folders, list of hotels, board ing houses and camping places, and otherwise help you plan your summer trip. u , j B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha t yM MmmmmmmMmirm 4 i A HARD! A HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERYATOrTFOR.UDIES J ... vuiiirm uuiTsiaii, iruucd MUUliy. UCrullQ' marlcan Conservatory, manned bv soeeiKlUts. Vliialn fmtrm. sors Oaerac, Ktchtsl, Parkinson. Hsad. Roberts. Thomas. Kuiinnicl.' For catalogue, address JOHN W. MILLION, Pm., 43 Collega Place, MKXICO, MO. Western Military" Academy Jl Jpper Alton Illinois. ifttth yettr. r t)reirKf building. Mudnn tiutp mniit. lielUflitf ul ltxtioo. Number limited. Htrn ImcuIij. TburotigU iuiiitvrjr and uft4ei.te dvrt Col. A. M. JACKSON, A M . Hunt. CENTRAL COLLEGE . FOR YOUNG LADIES Richest ui.u ( olU-ar In lb . CunfrTrlng ickitri of B A., K i,d H L. f r..rsl lb illiu 1 Ptrt)uja' sal,. lUflirif pupil lln! kwl to 0. Tht rMratr.? tr unlr dirotiB of U F!, M. rfWllaV U ffan hick uarll. bobtMHaof Art tvitd Hlwcull U .H.rt h, uru t BuUr-.l fcil BaiUtbrm tiiutv Um. M.itlli.a BMdera. iimuiiii ... CiU. Al t UM.O t KAKkllN MM I I M, Prl4.U UiImim. Omaha's Bargain Center Ml THE RELIABLE STORE. Omaha's Barga in Center Tuesday's Money Savers Ladies' Fine Muslin Underwear. Corset Cover?, Gown. Skirts, Drawers nnd Chemla, fln ft materials, handwmi ly trimmed with lares and em broideries These Kiirments are sllithtly Roiled, rint ara worth up to J15 00 divided Into four lots Tuesday at 98c, $1.98, $2.98, atid $4.98 DON'T KAIL, TO SEK THEM TUESDAY. H.nn MENS SHIRTS 20o .VK1 dor.en fine ginnhftm, pereala and Madras Shirts, slightly soiled, 20C worth up to Jl (HI, at sw MEN'S lUBHKD INDKRWEAR-ln fall weights, tha lfreate values we ever offered at tha IOC VISIT OUR CLOM DEPARTMENT There you will nnd exceptional money-saving values on nil kinds of wo ready-made aarments. Our cloak buyer has Just returned from a successful b trip to New York. You know Hint mi'iinsHAHUAINS UALOllK IN NEW. STY LP-TO-DATE WOMEN'S OAHMKNTS. WATCH OI K ADS FOK MONEY 1NO VAEI E8. CHILDREN' S WASH DRESSES-Splcndld I BLACK MOREEN PETTICOATS values at J1.00 and Jl.W, now ACin I miss seeing them, $1.00 values, 2f,o and at $2.5U MOREEN PETTICOATS fl.nn Black, blue, green, gray and brown, worth up to 13.50, your choice, at , Wonderful Sale of Silks Tuesday COUNTERS FAIRLY LOADED WITH B A Rt JAINS, 50 pieces plain colored China Silks. f Cir I Fancy Silks for shirt waist on sale, at, yarn swi suits, on sale, at. yard. uyluf LISlT SAV- -Don t 49c 1.00 19c I Oreat lot Fancy Silk, worth up to 'JR.I Fancy Silks for waists or suits, idc. on sale, at, vard on sale, at, yard Great lot Fancy Rlack Silks., TEr I Embroidered Poncee Silks, worth 50c, on sale, at. vard sbiJW ,,n sale, at. yard Yard wide Silks, in black, white and plaid sl'.k. all ro on sale. at. yard 39c 49c 49c 69c PERCHES! PERCHES!! PEARS! PEARS!! THE CAR ARRIVED IN FINE CONDITI Ing and place on sale these large bushel Preserving Pears, at, box Also lnrge.boxes Fancy Freestone Colorad at, dox WHY PAY FANCY PRICES WHEN YOU CAN BUY FANCY GOODS AT THESE LOW PRICES? 25-lb. sack pure whole wheat Flour.... fiOc 6 lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats for 19o Large sack Cornmeal 124c Good Japan Rico, lb 310 Fancy Pearl Tapioca, lb Ra The best Macaroni, pkg 8-,c. Fancy, crisp Ginger Buaps, lb 4o ON. We will open this car Tuesday morn boxes, Fancy, Flemish, Beauty, j gQ o Peaches. OOf The very best Soda, Oyster. Butter or Milk Crackers, lb o Fancy, large Italian Prunes, lb S'io Fancy Mulr Peaches, lb 74o BIG- BUTTER SPECIAL TUESDAY ONLY. W will place on sale tha very finest creamery made nothing finer and all you want, lb lco Good country butter, lb Li'.iO you owe it to yourself to see us before buying Furniture. HAVDERJ BRSo 818 OPENING OF A NEW AND THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED LINLt BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO. SUNDAY, JULY 31. 1904. Thoroughly Equipped trains leave St Louis and Chicago nightly (aftet arrival of incoming trains), arriving either city the following morning. Equipment entirely new; lavish in design, elaborate ln furnlabingt, Ask your Ticket Agent, or address, PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. A CORRECTION In Orchard & Wilhelni Carpet Co.'s ad Sunday an error was made so that several items read per yard. They should hare read per pair. The items corrected read : Jo.flO Cluny effect In cotton lace edge and Insertion, extra heavy net, on O B.O falo at. per pair J5.00 Cluny effect In linen lace edge. French net center, full 3 yards long, 60 inches wide, on sale at, O "7 per pair ' " $7.50 Cluny lace, both white and Arabian colored goods that you have never been shown before at less than $7.60 special during this sale at, e f( per pair O.VIU $26.00 Saxony Brussels Curtains very nna quality, special at, "7 Ef per ralr WtJU $; .00 Saxony Brussels Curtains, the best Brussels made; special, at, O"? 5fi per pair aSsa.OU $10.00 Brussels Jind Irish Point, new fall patterns, goods usually Bold for $10 on special during this bale, f 7S per pair Usa'CJ Half Your Life in Your Office A man spenda aa much or mora tlraa In bis offloa than ha doaa at horns. Why overlook beln comfortabla at your work as well aa In jrour wn bouse. Having an office In the Be Building means freedom from marfy little aanoyanoea. The Janitor eervlce there is always tho best varythlng la kept in constant repair tha elevator service la unequalled, elevators running night and day ajid Bunday and alectrlo light aod water ara Included In the rental prlca, Move where yea will be satunwL R. C PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Ground Floor, The Bee Building. Bee Want Ads Produce Results i