O'Keefe, Akoond of Swat: A Tale of Modern Methods and Luck of a Lucky Man By Wm. II. Osborne (Copyright, 1H04. ty W. II. O3borno.) CHAPTER X. Continued. kMITH went. He reached No. 17 Eouthcrton iivenuo the evening after John I.oilmir had said to Miss Margaret Kobenon good-bye forever and a day. 1I paused Ltforo he rang the toll. "Thin," he aekowlertged to himself, 'Is the totii$hHt proposition that ever I was Up against, for sure." And then he rang. A whlte-fnced girl met Mm at the door a ghi whoso beauty, ho said to himself, was Inferior to her picture. But lie did not, could not know that this girl had pent nlKht after right, wide-eyed and despairing, and all on Ma account. He couid not know all this. M!i3 I'ejry Robeson welcomed him with a smile. 8he was a fair-minded girl. Bhe recognised the fact that the unfortu nate Bit nation wuh In r:o sense due to the fault of tho ninn who stood before her. And beyond that, ehe entertained consider able respect for Mr. BilUngton O'Keefe. Mrs. Tatricia Jelliffe Robeson did not at this juncture make her appearance. A Blight breach of the proprieties, perhaps, and wltn a more high-toned caller, aha Would have done otherwise. Hut she knew that BIIHnjjton O'Keefe was there to sea her daughter, and that nothing would please him more than to be alone with her. Mrs. Robeson knew a thing or two. Miss Robeson Intimated to tho caller that her mother would make her appearance later. And ro Constltntlonnl Smith, Impersonat ing rough and ready, genial, gentle, honest Blllington O'Keefe, sat In the small room Just off the hall and listened to all that the low voiced girl who faced him had to say. And she had much to say. "Mr. O'Keefe," she began, in a clear olee In whtch there was hardly a note of hesitation, "there are some things that I wont to sny to you, and when I have Bald them I hopo you will understand ma thoroughly. If you do, I know that you, will forgive me thoroughly. I am going to nsk your pardon first, Mr. O'Keefe, for my rmlpnops of the other night. Mother was shocked, but I was overwrought. 1 never meant to eay those things. I ton't know why I snld them. I never atop to think. Will you pardon me for esee?" Mr. Smith, reallilng tho fact that It wa an easy tak, immediately nodded his head and begged her to go on. "Mr. O'Keefe," she went on, "you yo have asked me a good many times ta marry you. I know that I have rcfurcd you many times. Rut I don't want yen ta think that I do not appreciate tho honor yea, honor which you confer upon me. I know that there are loia of girls here lit town who would give anything almost to to marry you " Mr. Smith blushed. "No, no." he Instated, don't say that." The girl smiled in pptta f herself. "I ought to be very grateful to you mystilf. I understand that. And I ant grateful. Eut before I say sny more I want to tell you now, that I accept yrur ffer, Mr. O'Keefe. and that I will marry you. If you will have me after what I am going to say." Mr. Smith carefully repreaied any senti ments of Jny that might have arisen to his Rps. Instead he pulled out his pocket hand kerchief and wiped his brow' "Yes, miss," was all he deigned to say, "go on." Tou know already, said Miss Peggy, "that I really do not love you. I know that I respect you and that I yes, that I admire you. I know that you are congenial and good-hearted and gentle, and that you would always be a gnod hunband to any girl. I know, too, that I would try to make you a good wife. It Is poslble, Mr. O'Keefe, that some day I would really love you." "Exactly," answered Constitutional Smith, feeling- a'a he might If he were In the custody of several oflloers of the law, "to be sure. Some day. No doubt." Again he wiped his brow. "But," went on the girl, "It Is but right that you should know the whole truth. It Is your right. Tou have always been hon est and open-hearted with me, and now, before any mistake is made, I want to ha very honest with you. I have told you that I do not love you. There's more reason for that than you may think. It Is because X am In love with with somebody else." "la Is ha In love with you," gaipd Mr. Smith, seeing a possible opening. The girl flushed, slightly. "lie ha is, she ancwered. "I am golnp to tell you everything. It's John Lorimer, the chem ist" Smith slightly started. "Lorinier." he exclaimed, putting his hand to Ids head, "Lnrimer, the chemist. John Lorimer. Oh, to be sure. Yes, yes. Jih;i Lorimer. Oh, yes." He hnd remembered, 'lie's a yotir.g man with a fine voice. I knojr him.. "Of course you know him," answered the girl, looking at him with a queer ex preatdon of countenance. Mr. Smith, straightened up. "And then " he prompted. The girl smiled e-ully and shook her head. "That's all that's the whole story." she refurned. "I've toM you ev-.ry ililng. I'vo been honest with you. Yon know just what to expect. But T promise you that I will do my best I will be a good wary. Ho knew that the woman whom he had to deal with was not this woman, but another a woman of the name of I'atricla Jelliffe Robeson. I-lnally ho bowed somewhat stlflly to the girl. "I If I could only see your mother," he announced, "I I want to do whatever is customary. I I want to talk t her. She comes first, I suppose," he added tentatively. "Yes," assented the girl, "she conies first first and last." The girl left him alone and sent her mother in. Constitutional Smith picked from the tablo a book that he had laid there. "Mrs. Robeson, madam," he gravely said, "I have followed your directions. I have brought you this new book. The Chilled Souf May you enjoy it" know about before we settle things. Though, I suppose," he added with a sort Of leer, "that we can consider that they're Bettled." "Settled," echoed Mrs. Robeson, dwelling upon the word with a sort of delight. "Settled. Well, If you and Peggy have settled thlnga I suppose they must ba considered settled. I'm sure that It will baj useless for me to interfere. Rut what a sly couple you have been," ' "Exactly," drily answered Mr. Smith "and so you are willing that I should US your daughter's that I should be you son-in-law, then, Mrs. Robeson." "Delighted," answered Mrs. Robcsoi "delighted. Mr. O'Keefe. I am more ds lighted, even, than I am surprised." "I believe you," said Mr. Smith gravely. "And now, ma'am," he said, "there'a oasj "I KNOW T11KRE ARE LOTS OF GIRLS HERE IN TOWN WHO WOULD GIVE ANYTHING ALMOST TO TO MARRY YOU. wife not so good as others might be, but Til do my best, Mr. O'Keefe. And 1 ve made up my mind. And I shall be glad to marry you If you will have ine under those conditions and after hearing what I have said. I cannot JuRtlfy lny position I cannot explain it. Many peoplo might think I was playing a queer part. I cin not help It they do not unJerstind. All that I know Is that you have asked me to marry you, and I have told yo.v evvry thlng there Is to tell. And I shall marry you, if you will have mo. I cannot ray anything more." Bha sat silent for an Instant. Mr. Smith wna embarrassed and she knew It. She misconstrued bis embarrasaimnt tlie tcsa and went to him and held out her bold. He took it, and released it almost Imme diately. Hwas thinking the thlnj out. Now lie knew the facta He read easily between the seutencca. This w.-ia lacier than he bud anticipated. Yet ha uiust be "Re Boated, Mr. O'Keefe," Insisted Mrs. Robeson with an air, "be seated." Mr. Smith complied with the request. "Mrs. Robeson," he continued, "I'm a business man, a plain, blunt sort of busi ness man." This was a saying of Billing ton O'Keefe's. ."It's only right to you. to say that I have proponed marriage to your daughter and that she has, in a sort of qualified way, accepted me" "Accepted you?" exclaimed Mrs. Robe eon, with an astonished air. "Dear me, you surprise me, Mr. O'Keefe. Why, how long has this been going on? The sly girl. Bhe never told me a word of all this. And you, too, of all men. Why didn't you tell me before? Pear me." "Yes, ma'am," Bald Constitutional Smith. ("Gee, ahe's a fllm-fiammer," he com mented inwardly.) "And so it seemed to me just as well to come to you and tell you all about It. Because there'a some Uilug that you and your daughter ought to thing that I want to be Bure of, because; there are always rumors about I want to know for sure whether Miss Peggy ae cepts me Juet for myavlf or I know yo will excuse me when I say this or whether she might like me just just for my money's sake." Mrs. Robeson rose from her seat ant assumed a white, shocked countenance. "My dear Mr. O'Keefe," she answered, "you shock me. Evidently you do not un derstand the delicate nature of Peggy, or of myself either, for that matter." It may be remarked that Peggy's mother waa) quite Ignorant of Peggy's recent conversa Uon. "The Jclllffes and the Robesons hava never worshiped the golden calf. You may rest assured that If you did not enjoy the personal regard of both myself and Peggy-, regard for you alone that you never coul4 have obtained either her acceptance or my approval to your suit But maaayT Ke