THE OMAHA DAILY T.EE: SUNDAY. AUGUST 21, IPtU. 15 i i i i : BUSINESS CHANCES OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, II. r. ROBERSON. J. F. KELLT. 405 New York Life DUj. 'Phone 3761 Business Chances fl,5o0 Jewelry store end fixture In county seat of a hustling Nebraska town; buyer will be watch inspector fpr the B. A M. railroad; flne opportunity. $3,600 Racket store a full line of salable goods In a live Nebraska town; grand open ing for the right man. , , $1,800 Meat market and grocery; Ice box and complete fixture; fine location; receipts $.15 daily. House with 5 rooms and full lot. with a large brick cellar. Owner retiring from business. t $50 Blacksmith shop, full lot and complete set of tools, doing fine business In tha best town In Boone county; i50. t ISO Candles, cigars and confectionary on South 16th street. I7.MB Restaurant, confectionery, bakery an d building In Lead. 8. D. ; cash receipts for 1903. $1,0H0; most complets .establishment of Its kind In the west; complete out fit for manufacturing Ice cream and candles of all kinds. Owner from business. This Is a golden opportunity. Call and ses photo. TVs have a customer for a good rooming house. What have you to offer? flee our Ad In real estate column. , Wc have a large list of Grocery, Cigar Stores, General Stores, Restaurants, Meat Markets, Clothing, Dry Goods, etc. U you have the money, we will sell you anything you want. Call and see us. OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY. 405 New York Life Bldg, 'Phone 3762. The Abbott-Cowan Co. First Nat l Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Phone 3905. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSI NESS CHANCES AND REAL ESTATE. $300 for Interest In good saloon. Owner wlshea partner competent to stand one watch. This Is a good place. IS acres one mile from Florence. 400 fruit trees growing. (Small house J rooms ground fenced. 640 acres hay land 12 miles west of Colum bus. Price, l-o per acre. Would taae stock mdse. for part. Mill, together wltu feed and hay business. In good Nebraska county reatl fine pay ing business. A big snap for some one at U.O00. tK'u tor cigar, confectionery and notion business near school noun;; doing from W to 10 per day. Kent but til per month. $2,200 grocery store, close In; a money maker. clgsr store In center of city. A fine chance for a party wishing to engage in that line. I3.0W for furniture of flrst-clnss hotel In city of We have several good hotel propositions. An exceptionally desirable 10-room flat and boarding house, close In and paying well: 42 boarders and 12 roomera. This will . clear ilOu per month, bee us. 1400 for a business, well established. Over $1.2iO has been spent In advertising product. Glass and paint business. Tou will need about KOuO to handle this. Very prortt- fble. loon In Nebraska town of 0,000. Price, .$-'). Investigate 'his If you want a saloon. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR TRADE, NO MATTER WHERE LO C'ATKO OR HOW BIO IT 18, WRITE VS. IF YOU WANT TO GET INTO BUSINESS, WRITE TJS. COME IN AND HAVE A TALK WITH US. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 304 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y u6 a VHVO stores bought and sold, every -state: special plan. F. V. Knleat, R. P., 701 N. Y. I j. bldg. , Y-J15i ""aBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. Bid,., can set you iu or out of business. -n , - y-q 6HOLE8-ARMSTRONQ CO.. 722 N. Y. Lifi. Tl. 4t. - ' Y-4Ui WHEN you want! to buy, sell or exchange rour property or business quick, see J. L Johnson. $43 N. Y. Lite, Abulia L270 . Y-S1J TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Business Chance Agency, 40$ N. Y. Life bldg. Y-814 BUSINESS CHANCES FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANSf t-i NEW YORK LIFE BLDG 'PHONE h'lu&b. T-M707 COUNTRY MERCHANT. Do you want to retire troni business? If so we have an exceptional proposition to sub mit, U'HE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 1-M29S FOR SALE, a prosperous grocery business In Fremont, Neb , stock 3,5u0; reason for selling on application. Address W 9, care of lbs Bee. Y M728 2Zx FOR SALE, paying business '.n. good Iowa town; poor health. Address W 67, Bee. Y-M243 Zlx FOR SALE, a large general merchandise business, good business and best location In one of the best small towns In Ne braska; cause of sale, failure of health. Address Bux 2ZZ, Laurel, Neb. Y M245 Six PARTNER wanted; young man with a few hundred dollars. Address X L Hoe. Y M242 Six HARDWARE or hardware and Implement business for sale, central Nebraska. Ad dress X . Bee. Y 257 Bl ONE of the best equipped markets In east ern Nebraska for sale. Address X 6. Hee odlee. Y 2f0 24x PHYSICIAN wanted; splendid location, ex cellent opening, easy terms. Apply Box Central City, Neb. Y M274 21 NEWSPAPER and Job printing plant for Rale In one of befit county seat towns In southern Nebraska; good proposition. Write X 11. Bes. Y M2i3 23x $; WILL bring $10,000 In return within a year; for particulars addres-i at once, Inck Box 711, Norfo:k. Neb. Inclose stamp. Y M271 23x A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer i Will carry a 25-worJ Classified Ad vertisement Into a million homes one time. . This Is the list. Where else can you get a iietier cwnoinauon ror the moneyr Boston Herald, Omaha Bee, I'tilla. No. American, Wurtalo Courier, f ramse Herald, rloch. D. A Chron., 1 Utahiug llspatch. Providence Teleicram, l'alllmore Herald, ('leva. Plain IeKler. st. Ixmla Olohe-Lwm., Dee. M. R. Leader, Washington post, Denver Post, Mil. Fife l'ress. Ban Fran, Chronicle. Cincinnati Enquirer. Atltinta Constitution, Minneapolis 'IN mine. PitllHS News, l.elmlt Fre Press Chicago Inter Ocean. Jndlaiiuplls bonUnel. Kansas City Journal. GIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL, RUDOLPH GUENTHER, Newspaper and Mil limine Advertising. 1H I'uiti.n tt, New luik. Write fur com bination Oilers, MMK&zlne Lists.. Y 'i'HK beat ilno mining proposition In Mis sion fur the money; all In bit class rem- o : 1 1 ti ; mlil working every rtny; lion .-oiif!it, van't look alter It; will sell fur I ' ; c.ibh or tortus, or exchaiiKe for Itii-t Kerul niT''lir n.lih sunk or I, '.IhI ,ro'-tty. Aduirtw Ow n r, lork box 4'fli. 'o. I-MW 2lx I I'il-r4 luukliin for active Interests .ilhtlil I'-'hllli'iio i:i let nk liitt, - I i.; i ' i'.( iiiuufnciui in nn f llil,ircl l) ii I i t i ,. in inlit-l!t wml, .huul-l ,-,nl I r .-I .i i: i, , i III u 1 ii v rM inn, t JiUliilia ( !!, -A fcl., L lain ti ' K-irs rix BUSINESS CHANCES T- Sholes-Armstrong Company, T2J N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. BUSINESS CHANCES LAUNDRY-7omplete Omaha steam laun dry plant paying big. Owner leaving city and will sell cheap. NEWSPAPER A great big snap for a newspaper man. Complete plant In good 8. W. Iowa town, paying $2,000 per year net Will sell cheap and give long time on two-thirds of the purchase price. This must be sold this week. RESTAURANT In Omaha; feeds 800 per day; paying fine; price, $1,000. Must sell immediately. REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 65 acres handsomely Improved, $ miles from South Omaha at. car; good house, barn and Improvements; will Include stock. horses, cows, chickens, nay, etc., ana sen the whole outfit for $6,000 cash If taken at once. This Is the best farm of its kind In Nebraska. List your property with us for sale or trade and write us when you , want anything, r Sholes-Armstrong Company. Y- CORPO RATION whose products ars han dled by lending wholesale nnd retail deal ers want competent man to take manage ment of branch office; salary $2,600 per annum nnd commission; energetic man should earn $6,000 per annum; must invest from $1,000 to $5,000 In stock of company; unquestionable references as to ability and Integrity required. Address. Box 6B6, Madison, Wisconsin. Y 132 21x RARE opportunity to buy confectionery and stationery store In the Black Hills; clears $300 per month; owner wishes to retire and will sell stock, which invoices $2,300, at a sacrifice. Address X 14, Bee. Y-r427-21X A Chance of a Lifetime $1,200 buys one-half Interest In a good established office business; call , quick, owner Is going to leave the city. Omaha Real Estate & Business Chance Agency, 405 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 3762. Y 296 a WOULD like to meet two parties who can Invest ouu each to start an up-to-date employment agency; this Is a new system and will bring good results. Address X 2L, Bee olllce. ' Y 431 21 AN exclusive seed business In most pro ductive section oi country: needs more capital for best results. Will sell Inter est or incorporate. Room, 1201 108 Fulton t.. New York. - Y-3 21x FREE, six months' subscription to our Bulletin and Minings Mews. It interested In mining write Kaye, Dewolf & Co., aj Cortlandt St., Niw York. Y 320 ax PARTY large experience in catering, cufe and quick luncn, unaerstanoing market ing, handling help and office, open for fosltlon. Adress L. P. Sterne, Washlng on. D. C. Y ill 21x YOU ran never roflt by business chances uiiletts you have some money; small sav ings are ma foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. , L Brandels At Bond, Bankers, 16th and Doug las Sts. Asset over $wu,00Q.ou. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee returned. Bend model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for lilustrsled OUIDH BOOK, and list of Inventions wanted; finest publication Issued for free distribu tion: contains valuable Information re garding patents, trade marks and copy rights, how to obtain and sell them, 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured by us advertised free Ir. the Patent Record; sample copies free. Addresa Evens, Wllklns Co., Registered Attor neys. 01 F-st.. Washington. D, C. Y IF YOTT have flrst-cluss. well located suite of offices and are cafiable of filling the position of general agent for a large, well, established metal manufacturing corpora tion controlling the entire Vnlted States on a line of goods protected by United States patents drstlned to be placed In Immediate use throughout the country, and can fumlnh evidence of having been a pronounced success in your prenent or former vocation, we can pines you In a position where you can make from $5oo per month up. One representative cleared $o.5o0 In July, another I3,2u0. We want correspondence only with men capable of earning big money. This Is a bona fide, genuine bunlnees opportunity and will re quire a personal InveMtKatlnn on your prt at the general offices of the com lany. If you have the proper facilities and ability for handling the business, an swer. This Is a JilKti grade importunity for a h'th prsde man. Adrtrt-xs, Stiles iJept., Main tl., 1'avenport, In. Y- WANTED Party, who can Invest $r.001 In lrie company; good profits xecured am ofrlrlH1 poHltlon if denlrrd. If tuken at once. Address X 2S, bee office. Y M4i 22 X ON K hundred end slxtv Seres of improved Nebraska land, to nchanse for Oinitha rt-Ritteiire. or stork of irietvhanillHe. New Hnow Church Co.. 1st-floor, N Y. Life Bldg. Y-4tJI 21 FOR RKNT, In Mnroln, a first-class hoard log house, f nrnlathrvi comiilrte. Aft'ii- A 2(i, sre onii e. Y Ua 21 Fl K'S Una to edvertue N. Y ,ir...-f. sen, I ii, inn fur fmo lot; Oresnvtew; hli?h -'cvUyii. ccASUe t o., z-ii ljimii. jv ; Y. 2i BUSiNESS CHANCES J. H. Johnson, The Real L'state and, Business Chance Man Ha For Sale or Exchange; OEN' L MDSE. STOCK-I3.U00 to $15,0rm, clean, up-to-date; good Neo. towns; tor gooa Improved larms. GnOCErti 8 1 UC ve 2,000 to $3,1, city and country; line piuiiot-itlons; will seii right. HakoWARE $2,Wk) to $7,000, city and country; tine openlnas. DHL Gii 2.Ihk to eM.iM, clean, up-to-date stocks; country towns considered. LUMBER AND CUAL. $5,000 Stork only one in sood western Iowa town; flne opportunity, good business but owner has other InUTtBis ai.o reqiilniig his attention. FAKMS FOR OEN'L MD3E. 120 acres Imp., Harpy Co., Neb., $7. 1W acres. Imp.. Di'Uia Co., Neb., io 720 acres, Imp., Sherman Co., Neb., $1. And many other good ones. Can ute 10,000 to $20.n(i stocks. 8end me full details. HOME IN FtiOHIiNCli, NfB. FULL lot, 8-room house, good repair; necessary outbuildings, etc. Price. 1 frm. 1 Will tske small farm ressonable distance from OMAHA and pay cash difference. HOI ELS to rooms. In flr.e NE BRASKA and IOWA towns; furniture for sale; gool buslnres; pays to investigate. ROOMING Hol'KKS in city, a few good ones at right figures; fine locations; see us about them If you are Interested. MY list is full of good business proposi tions. All Inquiries answered promptly. J. II. JOHNSON, 843 N. Y. LIKE. Y 474 21 INDIAN LA VPS MOW TO OET IN IN DIAN TERRITORY; book 250 pnires, cloth; reliable;, worth $.1. To advertl will send for $1. COMMONWEALTH CO., Oklahoma City. Y 323 21x WHEAT Is very strong and advancing rap Idly, offering unexcelled opportunities for splendid profits. $20 margins 1,000 bu. 2 cents. Send for free book, explaining op tion trading. The Osborn Grain Co., Min neapolis, Minn. ' Y 36 21x WANTED, a party with some capital to enter the furnace and stove business; entirely new system, most scientific out; especially constructed to consume soft and hard coals, also wood, etc; construc tion on the principle of a horizontal re turn boiler, one which will polarise the heat or effect variable expansion; pat ented. R. II. Yeoman, Omaha, Neb. P Y 441 21x FORTUNES for you and others In Texas lands, either for development, settlement or speculation. The great products, rice, cotton, sugar and other crops. Thousands are pouring Into Texas. Lands doubling In value. Write for Illustrated pamphlets. Send names of your neighbors. Ref erence, Houston Banks. W. C. Moore & Co., Houston. Texas. Y 362 21x CASH for your real estate or business no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn. ' ) Y FOR SALE Physician with good practice In town of 400, 18 miles from Lincoln, wishes to sell out at No real es tate. Address X 10. Bee. Y-3S4 J21x ARMOUR AND HIS CLIQUE are making millions In wheat. Why not you?. It Is the only dollar and sense method of obtaining a large monthly rev enue upon a small investment. The small Investors who lack the capital to deal separately In large transactions can co operate with each other and accomplish that end by using us as medltfm through which to do It. Full particulars, with booklet, free by dropping us a letter or postal card. W. H. Latimer, Mgr., 413 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Y-377 21x MODERN office (also desk rooml in mod. ern V. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg., $S and up. CHA9. E. WILLIAMSON CO. Y 409 n A BIO Income for a few cents; 3.000 re ceipts guaranteed or money refunded; how to manufacture priceless remedies, toilet preparations, etc.; can sell at a big profit; book 50 cents, postpaid; write for catalogue. Family Supply Co., 8320 Mere dith ave., Omaha. Y 442 21x A SAFE INVESTMENT Paying a, substantial and regular rturn Is worth more than any kind of speculation; our system of cotton Investment Insures a high degree of safety and pays 4 per cent per month In semi-monthly payments of 1 per cent; If you desire a safe Invest ment and not a speculation, our methods will interest you; full particulars free on application to ELLIOTT KINGSBURY A CO.. 90-96 WALL ST. NEW YORK. X 33 Z1X HAVE $2,000 to Invest; what business prop osition can you offer. Address X 3'. Bee. - Y491 28x JAMES J. O' MALLET & CO. pay from 2 to 20 per cent weekly -upon ine money in vested In their turf enterprises operatlng the year round at New York. Chicago, St. Louts, New Orleans snd San Fran cisco. Writs for full particulars to home offloe, James J. O'Malley & Co.. 18S Dear born street. Chicago, Y-838 21 x PERSONAL DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. i A3. 1506 Farnam. HANDSOME American widow, worth $S5. 000, wants to marry good, honest man. Money no object, ifdureas Mason. Ohio block, Chicago, 111. U-360 21x DETECTIVE Cant. Cormack. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A 2S32. U mis M AfTNPTll treatment Bt baths. Mmj, IVlAUlNCll Smith. 118 N. 15. 2 llr. K. i U CUt Six CARLUB A. JONESON, for some time liv ing in Omaha, wnose wnereaoouts now are unknown, will find something to his .advantage by addressing N 'ii, care Bee. Anyone giving information as to his whereabouts will be rewarded. Descrip tion: Tall snd very fleshy, dark hair and light moustache and blue eyes. U 4S5 Sx tTlormnt' Wks. Up-to-date clean- Second-Hand Typewriters wrv- aAi.lH& K a . I . hn.n ihA.nn.hlV overhauled and put In first class condition, and are bargains for the money: 1 Kjn l CALIORAPH 1000 NO. 6 BL1CKENSDERFER , 16 (,0 . NO. 2 REMINGTON 20 00 NO. 1 SMITH PREMIER .... 25.00 NO. 1 DIN8MORK Bfl.00 NO. REMINGTON 42.60 NO. 6 REMINGTON 60.00 NO. 2 SMITH PREMIER.... 66.00 NO. 3 OLIVER 65 .00 NO. 2 OLIVER 46 00 NO. 2 OLIVER IW.00 NO. 4 UNDER WOOD 70.00 NO. t REMINGTON '. 76. CO NO. t BMlil PREMIER .... Si.OO Nebraska Cycle Co., GEO. E. MICKEU MGR., Cor. 16th and Harney. Tel. lwa. U 4oO -1 llATCl''lli sheped nd pressed. II A I 5 smakSEB HAT FACTORY. No. ItiLto U-M774 Ai ANYONE who can give Information re garding the present whereabouts of Wil liam Arbogimt, who wss employed last spring on construction work on a reser voir near Denver, and later supposed to have gone to DoukIus, Wyo., will confer a great favor upon un anxious mother by addressing Mrs. Llzle Mihm, 113 W. Lawrence St., Mlshawaka, lnd. U 44 .4X TRY KELLEY'8 LAUNDRY. 'PHONE VAQ TRUSSES made snd fitted to men, women and children. 14ii Farnam St. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. U MJi PROFESSIONAL gentleman with flne practice arid VER t W EALTH V, de: lrrs capable and neserving wile, auuitm an Brown, bo Hudson Ave., Chicago. U Si 21 X VIAVI." way to healtn. 8U0 Bee Bldg. T L 11, vapor and alcohol trnths. ao S. V'th. LAR.SON JOHNbON, cut rates to all poliiia, H 1-arnuiii. Tel. li-'LIJ. Mem bers American 'iKSat lirukeis' Ann. U Ull SI V1KNNA t'AFE-New management; m'' rhuiita' hiiicJi. luc; enotl i.ioria a sie V m. 1 iuii., U i JruMisiii. PERSONAL DON'T fool with your eyes; be rereful who examines them; we test eyes free for glass snd guarantee satisfaction. . TH a if. J. TENFOLD CO.. Leading Opticians. lSs Farnam. U M3j ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, KUCH1NG, SEND l'Oh l-Hlcs. L.ii A,u SAMPLES. GULU.V1AN PLtAlliNG CO. 200 DObuuij 1336- L s4 WORLD'S FAIR accommodations, every convenience, tnree oar lines, 7 minutes' li. le to fair. K44 Laurel ave., St. Louts. Bell telephone. Forest A. U-MW SI PEKFl'M E FREE Any lady sending name and adoress win receive exquisite stnipie "jja. Rone Patriotica I'erlnnie ' and in structions how to et j bottle free. Ein plie Floral Pertuiners, oi W. 2th St., iew York City. U 42 24x DR. KLAU8NER, Dentist. 607 Karbach blk. Tel AZVfA. U-U417 b2 LADJES 25o In stamps will remove ireck les, tan, sunburn, etc.; not a tohet srtlcle; a medicine to apply each nlgnt. Myers iJllloc Uvug Co., Omaha, Neo. . U M598 EC DR. J. S. ALEXANDER (Homeopath). Office in Bee Bldg. Teles., office, lui; res., 804 V tiSl 87 FRANKLIN Tailoring- System taught. 1764i Leavenyorllu V f6 bli THE dark complexloned young lady dressed in black who was going east on Farnam street Saturday evening a little before ( o'clock may meet an ardent admirer by addressing the gentleman she noticed at Sixteenth at. P 33. Bee. U 4hl 24x CONCESSIONS WANTED for Q. A. R. reunion; four days. 23d to 2fith August. Apply Concession Committee, Bennington, Neb. U M206 22x $25.00 reward If you can show me a good location for a doctor. Address A. Lang- man, Belvldere, Neb. U M270 21 x PERSONS suffering with constipation and piles CURED FREE. In order to prove It we will send you an order on the drug gist for a 26c bottle. American Pharmacal . CO., Evanston, lnd. Box No. 8C. U WANTED, attractions for street carnival Sept. 14-15-10. Address J H. Penn, Ra venna, Neb. U-S91 21 I AM a handsome blonde widow, thirty five, worth $40,000, and wish to marry a young man. P. O. Box 90, Sta. B, Mil waukee, Wis. U ANYONE knowing of the whereabouts of LeRoy Stuckey please notify Rene Spen cer, general delivery, St. Louis, Mo., L. M. U K. C, Mo. U-376 21x MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich. U 337 21x AN up-to-datei young farmer wishes to , make the acquaintance of farmer's daughter or young lady who prefers country life; must be true Protestant, also prefer brunette; no trlflers or flirts need answer. George Webster, Sterling. Kan. U 490 23x HAIR falling out absolutely cured by latest wonderful discovery hair food; bottle one dollar, sample free. Jenifer Hair Food Co., Jenifer Bldg., Washington, D. C. U 319 21x NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo. Colo.; com plete course six weeks; diplomas. Opens October L U 367 ilx GENTLEMAN, under 40, would marry worthy lady. Address X 26, Bee. U 304 21x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A-2662. 2210 Cuming. Established 18SS. U-433 21 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per manently removed by electricity; consul tation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. . U 440 21x INFORMATION wanted Harry Smith, parents, sister, Easton, Md. ; thankfully received. U 483 23x FREE trip to the St. Louis fair. 609 Bee Building. U M457 23x THAT'S ALLT-If you want to buy Real Estate $50 to $50,00) (and up) and don't know what L.rAQl our list nas in store ror you Jfm you make the mistake of your life.-'That's aU ... OPEN .TUESDAY EVENINGS. , CHAS. E. .WILLIAMSON CO. Sales Department Geo. Marshall, J. M. Welshans, Mgr. IT f.lAY To roach our low Buggy and Car riage prices tho coming week, but you'll oavo your pockot book con siderably. Dnur.iMD'8 I3lh 6 Harney Sti. j (XM. E. Tel. 611 . MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. lot Farnam Street. WILL GET YCJR BAGGAUB THEBU ON TIMS. -M7S1 RAILWAY TIME CARD tMOU STATION TENTH AND SlAltCV. Chicago, Hock Island Paelfte. ' BAST. tears. Antra Chicago VirllKht Uralu s I M is Chicago lirlicbt Local s 1 w) am ifHpa Cblcaao Eipreaa bit 01 " s t it pia I)n kuii'i Bipraaa s 4 mi pa blt.tOaia (klcaa Kaat kipraas at .wpia a I It pa WKtT. Itorkr Moont.ln Llinltwl s t : ais s I Mis AtlDcoln. Colorado tiprlnffl. Daa- rar, Puabia aoq ut a 1:M pm st:Mpa Cbleaito Great Wcstsra. Ft. rant a Mtsaaapolla Uslui..i am a T:lt is St. raal Hinoaatioll EapraM.s Mils ilH m (hicaao limlua s 4 ill pa alO Miaia Cblcaaa Opraai a l:Wia a 4.(4 pa I iilou Paelfle. Tha orarlaad Liraltad s S:40 am a l et pa Colorado a Calllumla Bapras...s 1 pm s . aa buajto-rurUauil Spaalal S 4-iSl pa Kwta suprwu s l:3t pa toiuuiuua Luoal k t'M pm kt.Uaa Coiui-do bi.-il al atarn f hicauo Bpaclal s4'Maa bxtrli a Uua. k I CS pa k 1 ' pa a stall am Ikluuato at NortUwattu. Fat Ckioasa atMpm Lcal caicago ail.aO aa ai.ll a I. IV p !. Iltkt St. raal -i1ia 1j haul ciihcaaa af 'iuaa Liuiiird Lbu-Aao s 4 a pm Lal Cariull s 4 w pa taai St. ('., s I It pm L,ai fcioua Cili A St. raal k 4 IS) pm Mall Itiliito luprwaa .......... horiwik A buiiritl , a I'Skam Liucuia Jk Lone flu k I ft am l.a T-H aa Warn W W pm 11 l pa it aa w am t ut am S am a I to pm s I .W pm K' .at aa It H am t It am luiaairuod Lli.uoll. I til pm CtitMt S Wyoiulul Ilaatinaa. Alblos ..a I to pm. s I II Pm ..fc t til m pm Missouri 1'aelBe. St. Uouii Kapram alt atam k . , u . in.aiat. Lrfiula IfAoraaa. .ail 41 Pm a f spa a T -04 pa Vtoila'a taU spMml l twpm sll.Maa Wlkaak, St. Louis annoa Ball Bapraa..s S pm s I IS aa N ifto'i't'a ir a V at am s ua m Lval tiva Lkauull bikXa m l.itam a .pa YUR CAMPAIGNERS OFOTIIER DAYS Bpsaking Tonri of MoKinley and Brjn Greatest in American History. HOW THEY CONSERVED THEIR ENERGY Reeollertlons of Blalae, Conklla, Harrison and Inersoll Wliero . Are Ihe Present Dr ICisiftlga Oratory! (Cnpyrlaht. 1904. by P. E. Eastment.) Neither of the presidential candidates will do much In the speechmaklng line this year. Yet the two most noteworthy cam paign speaking records were made by Wil liam McKinley and William Jennings Bryan. , Bryan'a was made In 18M on his own be half aa presidential candidate, and ex ceeded McKlnley's In number of speeches I and miles traveled. McKlnley's was made two years earlier. In 1894. when he was governor of Ohio, on behalf of the repub lican congressional candidates. Down to that time It was the most sustained effort of ihe sort ever made; he visited prac tically every congressional district In the country In which he could presumably be of value, and largely because of his speeches, as everybody agreed, the coun try that year returned an unprecedented republican majority to the lower house. The strain of that trip was terrific, but McKinley bore It admirably. A newspaper man who covered the entire trip with the campaigner declared the other day that he never once became fretful and rarely seemed tired, no matter how long the day, how many speeches he had to make, or how rough the railroads over which he had to traveL Some of these were pretty bad, especially In the west and In the small portion of the south which he visited. Methods of Relaxation. McKinley' methods of avoiding undue fatigue were Interesting. Between stations and speeches It was his practice to reduce his personal effort to the lowest possible point. Often be would He back In his chair and close Tils eyes. Occasionally he would lose consciousness In an instant almost and sleep soundly till the next station was reached. Yet It sometimes happened that admirers and local leaders would board the train at one station X ride to the next with tha avowed desire of making his acquaintance and having a friendly chat with him. In such cases he would generally forego, with no show of annoyance, the rest that would have been so valuable to him. Bryan relaxed even more, perhaps. In the brief between-statlon periods, when campaigning, than did the man who twice defeated him. It was Bryan's custom be tween speeches and stations to loosen Jils collar and clothing and He back most com fortably. Like McKinley he could gen erally fall asleep readily; when he couldn't, ha strove to think of nothing at all as long as he could. Sometimes he even took off his shoes. Like McKinley, though, he was often obliged to give up the time he should have been resting to the many old and new friends who liked to crowd Into his car and travel one stage of the day's Journey with him. Mrs. Bryan. It will be remembered, trav eled a good deal with her husband In hla campaigning days, and was his constant companion on his Irfng record-breaking trip. Her place In the history of American cam paigning is unique, for no other candidate ever was accompanied by his wife on an extended stumping tour. Undoubtedly McKInley'a campaigning tour of 1894. though not undertaken pri marily fpr himself, had a great deal to-do with hla nomination two years later, sines It made him better known to more voters all over the United Bute than was any other republican leader. Chauncey M. De pew, found that out In the course of a speaking tour undertaken subsequently. As he has said, when he .mentioned tha name of Thomas Bracked Reed or Ellhu Root or Joseph G. Cannon or almost any other big man In the party, there would always be soma applause, but when he spoke Mc Klnley's name the audience would break out Into a mighty rpar. Somebody In every audience would know Reed. Cannen, Root ffhd all the others, but everybody in every audlenco seemed to know McKinley; his name was. In fact, almost a) household word. Jts association with his tariff meas ure was partly responsible for that condi tion, but his great stumping tour Increase! his popularity Immensely. No presidential candidate save McKin ley and Brj'An ever approached their stumping record, but In 1S84 Blaine began his tour that year In Rochester. It was planned that tbia first address should not be long, In order that It could be sent out complete by wire. It was to be dellverej at ii oclock in the morning and Mr. uiaina was to embark on a westbound train Immediately after finishing the speech. It was expected that It would rurnisn the keynote of the campaign in a way, at least, until something better should be forthcoming. Naturally the eauor or the local republican afternoon paper was desirous of printing a aood report, especially as the Associated Press naa arranged to send his report out over me wire. Y7, . 1 I 'f mis reason me manager of the paper asked the city editor to look after tne report personally. Shortly before H RAILWAY TIME CARD Illinois Central ralcaa Eipraaa a T to aa ait M pa Chlcaao LlnUtaS efitvpa StiUtaa MinDaapoila a St Paul Firrvaa. ,k f Yi aa kill at pa iuH.inN ... - - . . pm a iiut pa Chlcaao. Milwaukee Jt it. Paul. Cblcara Dajrllsat Eipraaa I I Ham al:0aa Californ!a-Oroa fcxpiwa a pa a I It Dm (l..rl.nj Llmllul - b ... b . .. Das atoluaa a okobojl Capraas...a I t am s I. la pa BCRLHIGTOK gTATIOH IOTH MAtOH Chicago, Bnrllnarton at ttolacy. Imara. Arrive. Cblcans spatial tl.w is a I .at pa Chioaco Vaatltalaa Eipraaa. ....a 4:oo pm a Tat aa Chicle Local a t it am alliuvpa Chlraso Uuiit4 a i-fct pm a T:t pa raat matt t.t pi aaaiai Cllf, t. Joseph, ate CouaelJ O tuffs. Kaaaaa Cltp Dap Kxpraaa s t it am s : pa St. Louis Flrar atMpm alllWaa Kauaaa Cur Bipreaa alt:, put a am Uarliaaton at Jalssoarl (Ivor. Wrsuara, Baatrio Lincoln s I tt aa kil ts Nabraaka Hipraas s 140 am a ti0 pa iur l.iumed , a 4 In pm a t at aa biask Hilia a Pusat Sonus aU. pm tl.ti,, Colorado Vaatlbulaii rijar B M T. Lincoln raal Mall k 17 pa alt vlpa fort crook a rututsottta k I II pm luo.ti a Bullavua at raciku JuiiotUm a 1 to pm a t il am llallavua a t'acltta Juactloa a am ataiiavoe aaS flaitamouik pm WEBITCB DKPO1-10TH a WEBSTER. Missouri Paelae. habnmka Local, via Waaplns Watar ktillpm all Upa Chleaaju, at. rani, Alluueayolls at Omaha. Twls Citr faaaaacar I I N aa k It pa ..... v.., ..Mwvr a a uw pm iu:sia O.amuS Luoai kl.ttpa k t it am s Dallr. k Dallf eeat f una. 4 Dallf asaapt Saturday, a liailr aicrpr alon.ur OCEAN STEAMERS i:cufi::D.Lr.:niCaa li::e. ' Kav lwlo-St.raw LiaiHtra vt lt,tiiV Toao, titkrif iuiiK auTl KHUAal, la iiuUUv,.a, fcaillus IwaMi, at It a. a. Stataadaa Aw. 4 Kradam Saot. 11 rot3a Aug. a NoorOMin b-i,t. M liMtlOam 6pi- t Ifalanilain apt. t I.aMI-Ak" KHH.A Ul a isarkora Si . Ckl raau. 111.' itmrif MiHMa a. Iwl Paraam Sc. C. p. hiur(ur4, ut Itiau &4. i a. It. awaelaa, U4 Immh sa. o'clock the latter Wt Ms orflcs nd has tened to the open spare then In front of the county court house to make the report with his own hand. When he arrive I, low ever, he found that an unexpected change had been made In the program; the speech had ben delivered half an hour Hrller than ttad been Intended snd at that very moment Mr Blaine was stepping Into a carriage enroute for the railroad station. Naturally the newspaper man was much surprised and chagrined. The unexpected change In program had ft him without a report of the speech, and that might cist him his Job to say nothing of the political catastrophe that might ensue were the first "keynote" of the csmrsign not to be sent out promptly by wire. To make mat ters worse, the manager of the paper, who had just bidden goodby to Mr. Blaine, stepped up and Inquired anxiously about the report. Assuring him that there would be no difficulty about that, the city editor, with a sinking heart, buttonholed a young law yer friend who stood nearby. Fortunately for the city editor's job snd the publicity of the campaign "keynote" the lawyer had made a few stenographic notes for hit own benefit. Such parts of the speech as he had not committed to paper the lawyer was ab to remember with fair accurscy, and after half an hour of lively work the two had fixed up a half column of copy that not only held his Job for the. city editor, but called out plenty of praise as an excellent report of a genulna cam paign "keynote" address. A Rttesei Spf-eeh. There Is a story afloat, though I cannot guarantee It, that one of Bob Ingersoll's most famous speeches, delivered, I think. In tha Hayes campaign at Indianapolis and beginning 'The past rises before me like a dream." was rescued by a narrower msrgln even than Blaine's "keynote" speech In 1884. According to ths story, ths reporter sent by one of the papers to tske down the Speech missed connection, through some confusion of orders. This was not discovered In time to as sign another shorthand man to do the work, and ths managing editor, who was present, attempted to make a report of the speech from his own Iranghand notes. This ha soon saw, was Impossible, and In despair ha hunted up the colonel, just as he was leaving town, and asked If he had any notes or memoranda out of which some thing like an adequate 'report could be made. The colonel was sorry, but the speech had been made quits extemporan eously he had no notes and could remem ber very little of what he had said. Tha managing editor was In despair. That ths paper should come out In the morning with out a verbatim report- of the Ingersoll speech was not to be thought of. But how was a report to be obtained T While ho was agonisingly trying to writ up ths best report he could, there came a knock at his door, and In walked a rather shabby-looking young man with a bundle of penciled manuscript written on brown paper. ' Tha managing editor hardly understood what his visitor had to say at first, so ab sorbed was he In the difficulties of the moment, but presently there cam a phrase that made him sit up and take notice. "What's that?" he queried eagerly. ""Tou have a report of the Ingersoll speech?" "Yes, sir," answered the other, "I have It complete. In shorthand, aod about half of It la written In longhand. I'm a newspaper man out of a Job, and I'm 'carrying the banner I used to be a shorthand reporter. Maybe you have a good report already, but If you haven't and Its worth enough to get me out of town Mean while ths managing editor had been running rapidly over the wrlttenout por tion of the shorthand notes. Evidently ths report was genuine and the warmth of his reply to tha tramp reporter's words was a startler to tha latter. Next day ths paper had the only complets report of ths Inger soll speech printed anywhere, and tha tramp reporter found himself safely set tled In a steady. Job. Undoubtedly that speech, which was reprinted many times before the campaign was over, had much to do with the result of ths election that year. Harrison's Tonr of the Country Benjamin Harrison never mads a pro longed stumping tour on his own behalf in a presidential campaign, but he made a great series of short speeches ons year, when on a tour over ths country, that showed him to be master of the short popu lar address. In ths first . McKinley cam paign ha made a small number of longer addresses, which carried his audience away ma whirlwind of enthusiasm. A pecullarty of Harrison campaign speaking was ths fsct that he never failed to disappoint his audiences twlcs, first by Ms small sat u re and apparent lack of voice and general Impress! venees, and later by his solid merit ss a speaker, his real Im presslveness and his convincing earnest ness," said a man who heard Harrison In Carnegie ball that year. "When tha ex-president cams out upon ths stags he looked like nothing so much aa a full grown, middle-aged brownie. Ha was stouter than a man of his rather low stature should be. his legs were too short, and his head was too large. 'All these personal peculiarities were emphasised by hla evening costume. I had never seen him before, and I was rather crestfallen over the figure he cut. At first his voice. thin and reedy, and hardly audible In ths rear of the house, added greatly to the generally unfavorable Impression. But, as he continued, ' his voles rounded snd strengthened, .and gradually became clearer until It reached every nook and cranny of the place. Meanwhile the audience, at first unresponsive, warmed up and began to cheer. Long before the speaker had finished he was swaying ths big audience before him, as ths wind sways a field of wheat." , Coahllnar on the Slump. Roscoa Conkllng was on of the greatest Campaigners of his time and hla most note worthy stumping tour was mads In 1S80, In company with General Grant, on behalf of Garfield. There had been a great' deal of doubt whether ths senator with the Hyperion curl and the victorious general of ths civil war would fight before the voters for ths election of Garfield, owing to ths bitterness engendered at ths nom inating convention that year. They finally consented, though, and ths tour was a memorable one, though nothing like so ex tended ss McKlnley's In 1894, or Bryan's In 1894 snd 1800. Conkllng had not the sort of magnetism possessed by Brysiv or ths heart-to-heart way of putting up a simple talk that mads McKlnley's common sense stump speeches so effective, but he carried his audiences with him by sheer force of brilliant. Intellectual, convincing oratory. y Ths most fastidious of men In his dress, yet hs used to speak In a business suit, with a sack coat, generally checked and rather loud and ha sometimes wore a red necktie. He never resented an Interrup tion, but always turned It his fsvor cleverly and generally without trying to make a Joke. Once, when ths police tried to re move a humorously drunken man who per sisted In making Ms way to tha platform. where he sprawled all over ths steps, ths senator stoppi-d the officers. "Lt him stay If hs Is quiet," hs ssid. He does no harm." This tolerance on the part of tha cam paigner did almost as much to capture ths audience as did the most fervid, most bril liant periods of ths address which fol lowed. Sea Want Ads are ths Best Business Booster s. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Vohme of Businesa with "Wholesalers' oa the Increase. MANY BUYERS AFRIVED LAST WEEK Markets In Good Healthy Condition nd Flonr Selling at lllahest Point In Sonts Time Past, with Sugar and Coffee Firm. Omaha wholesalers snd manufacturers report buMnens fof last week as being quite satisfactory. As a genem) thing aa Improvement is noted oer the previous week and also over tne corresponding w. ek of last year. As the season lor la,, busi ness progresses it becomes more evldi-nt to both wholesalers and retailrrs tnat trade this tall is going to be of very sat. isfactory proportions. The general rains of last week tlld an Immense s mount of good to the corn crop and with a good corn crop there is every reason for think ing that trade will be hrlk. The smnll grain crop is not ss larg In many sect ions ss was exrected. but this Is very lurge y offset by the prevailing MKh prices fT whent as well as other grains. The only dram bark at tne preiwiit time Is the nark ing house strike, which has curtailed ths movement of live stock and rlcmorallied the market 10 a greitter or less extent. If business In that line could once mors assume normal proporltons snd prices re turn to a remunerative bnels there would then be no question of farmers having plenty of ready money, which would mean a good consuming demand for all stapls and seasonable lines. Retailers who were In the cltv last week: all spoke favorably of the outlook In their respective districts. The else of their or ders would also Indicate that they hav considerable confidence In fall trade, as they bought fully as heavy as they did a year ago. In Omaha and Pouth Omaha thers Is some comp'alnt among retailers because of the strike, but taking thelf summer trade as a whole, they have no criticisms to mske. The markets have not fluctuated to any great extent during the week, but still there have been a few Important change. On most lines, though, the market is In good, healthy condition. Collections ars still reported as being only fair. Flonr at n High Figure. Wholesale grocers report business fot last week as being quite brisk for the tlm of year, and, in fact, considerable Improve ment Is noted both over the previous week and the same week of last year. One tt the most notable changes in the market Is the advance In the price of flour. Ths market has been gradually going up in sympathy with the advance In the price of wheat. A local jobber stated that slnoo July 12 some of the best grades of Min neapolis flour have advanced II. W per barrel. Not only that, but present Indi cations ars very favorable for still higher firlccs st no very dUtant date. A prum nent flour man In the northwest now estimates that the crop in that section will fall short of last year's crop by about S'l.OOO.iXO bushels and that a good deal of It will not be fit for milling purposes. He es timates the total crop in the northwest at from 125,000,000 to 140,000.00 bushels and that the crop of the United Btates will bo around 60O,OuO,OO0 bdshels. Considering ths condition of foreign markets he considers that higher prices for flour are bound to rule In the future and In fact that the market will reach the highest point in some time past. There has been no change since last re port In the market for renned sugars, but raws are l-16c higher. New York refiners are largely oversold and with the outlook for a continued heavy consumption higher prices are being predicted on retlned grades. Freight rates on sugars are still in a rather unsettled condition and it is Im possible to telrt this time what the rail roads Intend to do with the rates on that article. Coffee continued to advance until Friday, but on that day the option market took a drop of 6 to 10 points. The actual mar ket, however, was not affected and holders are still ssking a premium where they havs desirable grades and do not seem to be anxious to sell. Cheese advsnced c and It Is predicted that still higher prices will be experienced. Consumption of cheese for the past six weeks has been unusually heavy, owing In, part to the high price of meat and also to the low price of cheese. It looks now ss though weather conditions would havs to be exceptionally favorable In tha oheess producing sections of the country to pre vent higher prices ruling on October-mads goods than those In force a year ago. In the line of dried fruits and conned goods there Is nothing new to report. This Is a between season period on that class of goods snd consequently the market does not develop any Interesting features. More Dry Goods Bayers Arrived. There was a noticeable Increase In ths number of dry goods buyers on the local market last aweek. A good many of them were on their way to St. Louis and stopped off hers to buy their line of fall goods. Their orders as a ruls were very liberal and jobbers report their sales heavier than for the same week last year. They look i for a much larger number on the market this coming week, owing to the fact that the excursion rates will again bo In forca and will be good for returning until Sep tember ft. Aa the time Is now close at hand when merchaivta will need their fall lines it is. expected that they wJU arrive In- large numbers from now on. Those who were In the city last week were undoubtedly In a hopeful frame of mind. They have sold out their summer stocks In good shape snd as conditions are favorable for a good fall business they are naturally encouraged, and place liberal orders. There has not been much change in the dry goods market since last report. Manu facturers, however, reduced the price of Lonsdale last week a and at the same time gave notice of an advance of o ta take effect August 26. No other changes of Importance took place, and although there are some irregularities In the price of cotton goods, manufacturers are well sold up and no reductions are expected. In spite of 4he bearish reports from ths cotton fields the cotton market advanced 16 ' points Tuesday and further advances took place In the week. It is claimed that a large part of the crop is already con tracted for and Europe is asking for early deliveries. Ihe export demand for cottuti goods Is also in good shape, large quan tities having been sold during the lust thirty days. Taking everything Into consideration the dry goods situation is pronounced by local Jobbers as being very satisfactory. Wire Goods Rather Weak. Thers have been no quotable changes of Importance In the hardware market during ths week under review. At the same time there is a weaker feeling on wire goods. It is claimed that this is not due to any reductions In ths price of raw matcrlul but more especially to competition. The inde pendent manufacturers are bidding for a larger share of the business. Reductions on the price of wire, wire nails, field fence and goods of that character may follow or an agreement may be reached which will prevent any declines. Trade with local hardware Jobbers is very brisk. They ars receiving large orders for all staple and seasonable goods and ars shipping their advance orders as rapidly as possible. Merchsnts are beginning to get in a hurry for their fall storks, as manv lines of goods sre slready In demand. Everything at the present lime y''"' " a havy trade. There is no special feature to the trade at the present time, as the de mand Is general for all lines of staple end fall goods. No Change In I-eather Goods. The leather goods situstlon Is much ths same ss it was a week ago. A few mors buyers are arriving on the market and If anything traveling men are doing mora business than they were a week ago. Ihe excellent crop prospect has given new life to all lines of business. So far fall busi ness with locul houss Is fully as good ss It was last year snd it Is thought this record will be maintained throughout ths season. Fralli nnd Produce. Ths demand for fruits was again heavy 1 II uriimii'i a us s.ia.aD " j Isst week. About the same lines were of fered ss were on sale-the week bef'ir ann the prices did not change materially. Oris of the newer lines Is Colorado peaches ,-.-- i I.... inu in enme In oulte freely. It Is expected that about ' the canning season will be In full "ln and as a result Jobbers are looking t(xA to an exceptionally heavy d.-ma '1 'e in prunes and pears of various kinds are n big demand and apples are also selling more freely. The Utter are worth Ui) quality Is said to be unusually good. Sweet pota'oes sre on he market and are meetliia with rendy salo. Home-grown rk l, I.. T.V per market basket and Virginia at 14 !S per barrel Th prices St which the various lines of bolt, frutis snd vegetables are selling will be found In another column. .... , . . . Both the ffK and butter market firmed un a little Isst week, so will be seen from !. , i, , tail, ma. Keieltits were not heavy and the demand was oulte' brisk. The lower grades of butter strengthened, prln cliuilly owing to a heavy demand In ths eastern markets for creamery. fou 1 1 ry sold lu about liis same nmu&ug all ths week.