13 TITE OMATTA DAILY REE: BUND AY, AUGUST 21, 1004. SCOUTING IN TALL TIMBER Prairie Habitant Thrilled ly the Giant v Trees of Washington. WHLRE OUR LUMBER COMES FROM ItHTatM tr Fir Rivals the Work f v th As and the Saw Slem Crantfear of Slbt la Forest Deeps. SEATTLE, Aug. 15. To one accustomed to a clear view of Missouri river cotton woods, which, sometimes, under very fa vorable circumstance, attain the respect able height of seventy or eighty feet, a clou look at a few of the giant tree of the state of Washington would come a a revelation needing no interpretation. A a man from Washington once put the mt-; ter: "Those tree are so high the anow never melt on their ummin, anl all dur ing the summer the water runs down the trunk." Of course a sane person would think that over several times, and If hla sanity got the better of his Innate desire to believe the unbelievable would call that man a name which sounds suspiciously like that' of the legal brethren. Be that as It may, the fact remains, and always will re main, as long as Washington has a huge tree left, that the timber of that most for tunate state gives a man who first sees It an e.ye-o)ener into the grandeur of some of nature's studies. It Is a marvelous thing to ride along, high up on a ridge of the Cascades, with a gorge below that goes farther down than one would like to fall, and see a giant tree reaching up toward you perfectly straight and symmetrical, towering from Its great base 300 feet and more until It tapers to a needle point fifty feet above your head; and yet such sights as these are common enough along any of the lines leading Into Seattle. It takes anywhere from three to five looks to sco the top when one stands at the base of such a tree; a back somersault might accomplish' the result In one, but a person standing upon a Jagged ridge with a boiling river down below Is In no partic ular mood to Indulge In outdoor gymnastics. Forest Methaselahs. How old these monsters of a past age are is difficult to determine; you might camp out for a week by one of the pros trated trunks and spend your hours In counting the conccntrlo rings, but as they mount Into the hundreds and grow Indis tinct and confusing as you approach the center, you rather come to the conclusion the whole thing Is a matter of circles, and as circles are wheels, you finally give It up with disgust and decide that you have more in your head than elsewhere. A con servative estimate, though, of the age of some of these silent witnesses of the past might place It at too years or more. They probably stood In all their grandeur looking much as they do today, when the early In dians wandered beneath their branches or hunted with cruder weapons than the In d I ana of today, th black bear or th fleet footed deer. It Is not unlikely that when Columbus sailed the AUantlo 400 years aro som of the dead trees which II moulder ing along th forest floor were joyfully waving their Infant tops under th breeses from th Pacific, littl suspecting a rough cable would drag them from their rest and they would pass Into an American horn through th agency of a Washington saw mill; in fact, it Is my honest belief that som of th trees that' stand today In the full tide of vigorous growth might hav looked a welcome out at Columbus If be - had only chanced to make his' first trip to Washington. Certain It is that nature In her alow motion toward might and grandeur took her own time In their devel onmenL The wonder of it all is that they have weathered the storms of centuries and look today as fresh and full of life as of old; of cours they ar shaggy and rough and covered In many places with a coarse brown moss, that gives them an air of qualntneas and age, but despit all this, one cannot Imagine. In looking up at them. all th phases of llf they have witnessed from th year befor the coming of th whit man to their downfall under th turdv blows of th lumber Jack. Ther ar many peculiar features about these trees. On of the most striking Is the entlr absence of what might be called ample rootage. Considering th enormous height of these trees on would expect the roots to sink deep Into the earth In order to secure sufficient anchorage. Th very contrary Is true Th roots spread out like a great hen foot under th trunk, with a radius that sometimes exceeds forty feet, and seldom. If ever, go down Into the soil more than thre or four. When one undestands this fact It is easy to realise on what a precarious footing the, tree's have stood for centuries. A mighty wind such as visits the central states now and then would without doubt hav laid them all low years past, but by some queer ln stlnct these trees know no such wind ever blows In Washington, and, In consequence, they have'been able to stand, balanced, as ' It werej on their platform of roots. There are many reasons for this lack of deep penetration. The rainfall Is so . ample ther Is no necessity for a deep search for water, enough being supplied at all times from the surface; and, again, below the stratum of forest mold there Is a layer of hard sand which the roots cannot well penetrate. For these reasons, and others not advertised, we have this queer cundl tlon of the trees In Washington. Monarcba Tamed Dowa. Now and then as one passes through the tlmtwr a tree is met with, less for tunate than its brethren, which lies up rooted where It fell years and years ago. The roots form a perfect flat wall before ths eye and extend twenty or thirty feet Into the air. It Is not uncommon to find It when thus standing used as ths back wall of some settler's cabin. The tree Itself lies In kingly state for hundreds Thcro fo a Standard of Quality for Oocr which, when honeMly aimed at by true masters of the art. can be reached lu the vrncees of brewing and maturing. And the Rlrermh heavy, medium i-r iiKiiir is a mailer of kllllul adjuetmeuta V It 4 CLATZ KB MILWAUKUB Strike lbs HappUst btnlm'4 Ackt.v.bls (Non-Intox Tonic. Vul Bret. C5. MILWAlkLH O'.IAMAmNCH, H,?"t;:; of feet along the forest floor, and even In Its death retains the traces of that silent dignity which marked Its rule among Its brothers. As though In mockery of its prostrated strength the lichens form and young firs grow In luxurious abundance upon Ita trunk. It Is a rather common thing to come on such a tree as this and find another giant standing above it, like Boman gladiator, with Its roots arch ing around th fallen trunk. What a vast period of time must hav elapsed; what changes mint have come sine that old primeval tree fell to Its doom, and the younger one arose through hidden lapses of time above it Nothing can Impress one stronger with the venerable age of these woods or fill fone with a deeper feeling of respect for the mighty and Ir resistible power of nature. In stumbling through the dense tropical growth of th deep woods the traveler often comes face to face with what seems at first sight to be a hillock, nine or ten feet In height; ho climbs werlly to its top and sees that It stretches away on both side of him; It Is heavily over grown with timber of respectable slse, and he leaves It. without ever dreaming, unless i he has learned the secrets of the woods, that he has trodden upon en ancient tree that fell In th dim" past and became th food of moss and brushwood. A few blows of an ax would have laid bar the hard, firm weod of th cedar, which even under all the" vicissitudes of time and de cay still retains much of Its former good ness and strength. la Forest Dee-p. As on wanders through th woods of Washington, following som old biased trail which pioneers hewed years ago, the eys often falls upon scenes which can only be rivalled in the tropical regions of the far south. Great ferns pierce th dense moist gloom In tangled thickets, their ser rated edges gleaming like silver saws where the stray sunbeam falls upon them; the dark-stemmed malden-halr clings In trem bling clusters to the decaying tree bark and the waxen cud of the whits lichen flower glitter out against the dark green background. Over head th brown moss hangs In sombre festoons from th dead limbs of the cedar or fir, in places reaching almost to the earth, from heights that are lost In ths dense gloom of the wood. Un derneath a deep moss of fern-like leaf re ceives the weight of the foot In so yielding a manner that one instinctively draws back as though from dangerous sanda To stand and listen in such a place as this; to feel the grand loneliness that comes to on face to face with nature In a sombre mood; to know that there, no touch of human hand has added anything to the de signs of th Creator, and that everything stands as it did In the ages past. Is to get an Impression of delight and half alarm, which can never be otherwise received. Bo lonely, so silent and dead ar these woods, and yet so full of giant life that is Impres sive by Its very muteness that one hears only th rushing of th blood In his own head and feels only th beating of his heart. Ther la no call of bird or chirp of Insect; no familiar whistle of the squirrel; all is lifeless to the eye and ear, save now and then, when across soms gaping gorge a heavy sound swells on the air, the ground shakes with a gentle tremor and on knows another monster has fallen nat urally to his death. It is at night when the lonllness of this forest is beat felt. At that time, with a cedar bough for a pillow and balsam fir for a bed. to look up at th quiet stars through th gaps In th forest roof is to sink back Into' years and years ago and forget for awhile th twentieth century and Its works. Ther ar many, many Places lix "Washington where th whit man has never gone and where th silver sound of his ax has) scarcely echoed, and it is to a place Ilk this that th hardy climber must repair for a perfect g limps into th middle agea Ravaged by rira Befor th advent of the whit man these forests stood la comparative safety. Th Indians as a usual thing hunted along the river ways or fished by th sound. It sel dom happened that his fir found its way Into th forest above, and when U did It seldom worked great damage, for ther wore no larg clearings, with their heap of dried branches and dead stumps, to give overwhelming force to th flra Th trees standing In unbroken ranks, with th dark moss clinging to their trunks, wer well able to resist the Are, but whan th ax sounded on th hill and clearing began to appear the stray spark from aa evening fir found th forest an easy prey. It la a sad sight to see the distant hills lit up with th lurid glow of th timber Are and to know that hour by hour the work of centuries Is being undone and th lum ber, needed for American homes is being lost forever. On nearer approach the heart Is awed at th sight of great tongues of fire, leaping hundreds of feet into th air of glowing in dense columns of smoke. In the vicinity of these conflagrations th sky becomes dark; th air Is full of amok and ash. whjle for miles around th whit soot quietly flakes down day and night until everything is covered with it. From h tops of the Cascades on oatches the aroma la" Burning cedar and flr and sees at great distance th calm white amok ris ing silently Into th sky. These fires easily pass beyond all human control; th pitch in the trees burns with intense eagerness snd drives back all at tempts to save the timber. The hardy lum berjack can only fold his blankets and move beyond the son of Are and wait until some welcome rain or chang of wind brings Its own relief. It is impossible to travel far through this state without coming across evidences of these fires. Here and there entire hills have been laid bare; th half-burned trees rising In ghastly piles far and near, while the soli bakes hard and dry under the warm sun. The loss of Washington timber due to this cause is incalculable, thoua-h vast quantity of the lumber be used If well located. The cedar and flr r or sucn clean texture the Inner wood is Is often serviceable after the outer has been charred or rotted sway; as a usual thing though, a land that has been under flr is useless and abandoned. Nature is in many ways an admirable person to make th bee: of misfortune, for after the Are has Bwept the timber, leaving the black trunks as charred monuments of Ita sway, she rears over the remains an other source of profit and pleasure for man In the blackberry and raspberry bushes which spring up on every hand. Thou sands of bushels of these fruits ripen each summer along the cleared hllla. and the in dustrious farmer taking bis cue from this has set himself through many districts to berry culture, with the most marvelous suc cess. The time is not far distant when Washington, especially In the vicinity of Sedro-Woolley. will be one of the greatest producers of berries In the world. The soil Is admirably suited for their culture; they grow wild to an unususl slse wherever ther is the slightest opening, and on warm, moist days the air Is full of their odors. Vnder the culturlng hand of man the berries of thst region become marvel of beauty and awoetnesa J. BURKE Ed AN. Harvest Iraaa Hates To Minnesota and North Dakota. Every day during August the Chicago Great Western railway mil sell tickets to points In Minnesota and North Dakota at the low rate of 11 each from Omaha to parties of five or more traveling on on ticket. Special low rate for the return trip. For further Information apply to 8, IX rarkhuisl. general agent, Ujj Farnarn Ufet, Cm ha. Neb. KANSAS CITY TELEPHONES Experience with Second fyitem Haa Onlj Jut Been Begun. GOOD THING FOR PROMOTERS AT ANY RATE Basin Me Are Not So 8ar that it is a Coca Thing for Thcsa as Telepfcoa rser. KANSAS CITT. Mo., July 30. (Special Correspondence of The Bee.) The double telephone system In Kansas City, with only four months of experience, has not had time to give the people a realization of Its Import; nor has it been In existence long enough to enable tbs Investigator to make a reliable forecast of Its future. It serves one significant purpose, however, and that la to demonstrate that, even with a su perior service, the second telephone com pany Is anything but welcome to the busi ness Interests of the city. Kansas City business and professional men, a a rule. assert that the advent of th second com pany has resulted In a vast improvement of the service, but they declare, in the same breath, that th added expense and annoy ance of the double system more than dis counts th better service and leaves no net benefit At Kansas City the new exchange is equipped to give almost perfect local serv icesomething not attained by the "Inde pendents" elsewhere. However, th Kansas City Horn Telephone company has a long road to travel yet befor it can deliver to th people all that It promised better serv ice at less expense. The telephone service at Kansas City will not be better until practically all the local 'phones and toll line connections can be reached through one exchange, thus doing away with the annoyance and confusion of the double sys tem. To accomplish this result the Horn company will have to run the old Missouri A Kansas company out of the field a task that seems almost Impossible, since the old company has double the number of local subscribers, and many times more toll con nections than the new concern has. The other promise, less expense to tele phone users, cannot be realised as far as th business men are concerned so long as th necessity for connection with two ex changes exlsta To give complete! and sat isfactory telephone service at less expense than was Incurred before Jts advent the Home company obviously must absorb the business of Its competitor, and ths vital question Is, Can the Home company derive sufficient income from its Iowa fates to continue Its up-to-date local service, extend Its toll lln connection snd pay the' Inter est on its bonded debt, snd at th same time absorb th business of Its competitor? Facts Aboat th Horn Company. The Horn Telephone company of Kansas City has an authorized capital stock of $3,000,000, of which $1,700,000 has been Issued, th remainder being held in th treasury ostensibly for future "extensions and im provements." The company has bonds out standing to the amount of $1,700,009, and at 6 per cent this Indebtedness places an Interest charge of $102,000 a year on the company. As near as can be learned the company has in service at Kansas City about 3.600 business 'phones at $54 each per year, and about 1,500 residence 'phones at $38 per year each. This would produce a revenue from the local exchange of about about $243,000. Allow $57,000 to cover the revenue from toll lines snd any under estimate of th local business, and we hav a total yearly income of $300,000. According to the annual statement of th Missouri A Kansas Telephone company, it required 77 per cent of the revenue from exchange and toll lines to pay tha expense of op erating and maintenance. To be liberal, estimate th operating and maintenance expense of the Horn company at 70 per cent of its revenue from exchange and toll lines, and th charge will amount to $210, 000. Th franchise of th new company requires it to pay th city I per cent of Its gross receipts, and this makes another charge of $6,000 a year on a business of $300,000. Roughly estimating! therefore, we And the following expenses to be paid from an Income of $300,000 a year: Interest on bonds $103,000 Operating and maintenance 210.000 Royalty to city 6.000 Total .'....$318,000 The bonds of th Horn company were underwritten at W cents, according to the statement of an official of the company, but a Kansas City capitalist says that 80 cents is nearer the correct flgure. Even at 80 cents the issue of $1,700,000 would bring $1,800,000. The evidence brought out In the mandamus suit in the Missouri su preme court to enforce a maximum rate ordinance against th Missouri A Kansas Telephone company Indicated that the en tlr plant of th Home company cost In the neighborhood of $1,000,000. If this is a true estimate of the value of the physical plant, the bonds must have been AOated on th value of th franchise in addition. A profit of $360,000 for the promoters of the new telephone company is obvious. Dlvlslosk of th Patronage. The new company,- which began opera tions in January last, has about 6,000 sub scribers in the city, while th old -company has over 10,000 subscribers, having lost about 900 on account of the competition. The rates of ths old and new companies are: UNLIMITED SERVICE. Old. New. Business, per annum tW $h4 Kealdence, per annum 42 8tf Th new company has no party lln or limited service, while the old concern gives I, 3 and 4-party line services at $72, $60 and $50 respectively for business houses, and 3 and 4-party lln services at $30 and $24 respectively for residences. It also ' has nlckel-ln-the-slot and measured services, running as low as $18 a year. Competition has not brought sny reduc tion in th old company's rates for busi ness 'phones, but it has impelled the old company to lower Its unlimited residence rate from $C0 to $42, and to make corre sponding reductions in the other residence rates. Officers of the Missouri 4V Kansas declare they will not reduce the business rates for the reason that their service is worth much more than that of the Home company, be cause it reaches more than twice as many Kansas City people and connects with ths only adequate toll line system In the terri tory. Furthermore, the officers declare th coat of the service warrants even an In crease in rates. The Home company has toll line connec tions with less than 300 towns, while the Missouri A Kansas reaches nearly 1.100 towns and cities. It Is this Immense dis crepancy in outside connections that puts the new company at a disadvantage and makes the service of the old company in dispensable , to a great many business houses. Results So Far aa Beea. Of the $,000 or more subscriber of the Home Telephone company fully one-half of them, mostly business and professional men, And it necessary also to have the service of the old company. Th low rate of HO, compared with the rat of $60 for merly charged by the Missouri and Kansas company, was the means of placing a huge number of the new company's 'phone .in residences. Most of the new residence 'jhone er piacsi ou thrte-year a- refaar d 5 WSlheBm arpet q." Lace (Burtains 7r n unusual large purchase of Real Arabian Lace Curtains place us in a position to JT. 11 offer extraordinary values in the most stylish curtains of today. We also have some extra values in Brussels and Irish Point that will be worth your time to look over. $5.00 Cluny effect In cotton Inre ertre and Insertion, extra heavy C f net, on sale at, per .111 yard V $5.00 Cluny effect In linen lace edits French net center, full 3 T f yards long, BO inches wide, J I on sale at, per yard $7.60 Cluny lace, both white and Arabian colored goods that you have never been shown before at P AA ess than if.oo special our-If II iiik linn $26. oft Saxony Brussels Cut at, per ynrd ery fine quality 17.50 tains special ner vard Ruffled Net Curtains 11 full f f"fl slse with Insertion and eoe, I "I II at, per pair $2.95. $2.50. $1.85, Curtain Swiss and Sash Nets $-!nch Curtain Swiss, stripes, J dots and Agures, special, Is2C jfli u ....................... 42-Inch Curtain Swiss Scotch goods. 15 styles special, per yard Bobblnets Forty-flva lnrhes wide white or ecru spe rtni. tier vsrd Other widths priced in proportion. 17ic 15Jc WE purchased an extra large lot of about 150 pairs of very heavy Net Arabian Curtains, both with inser tion and edge, also edge only, they are mounted on the very best net and worth up to $15 and $17.50 per pair, all in this sale at We show in this lot about 25 styles of curtains fully worth $20.00, all real Arabians special per pair Brussels and Irish Point 3.95 oint new 6.75 V f $15 $5.00 Brussels and Irish Paint, all full slxe, three snd a half yards long, M) Inches wine, at, per pair $10.00 Brussels and Irish Point new fall patterns, goods usually sold for $10 special during this sale, per yard Saxony Brussels Curtains $30.00 Baxony Brussels Cur tains, tn nesi hirusseis made, special, per yard. tains, the best Brussels X.flll $75.00 Baxony Brussels Curtains, a!l new very heavy work- only pairs in all special, per pair.. 45.00 7.50 17.50 Beal Arabian Lace Ec"ge. full sis Curtain Patterns that ar new, W show fourteen styles, all ell roxularly at $10.00 special, per pair $17.S0 At this price you will be mor t:ian pleaded with th value, for they compare with 85.00 curtain! at regular values 1R styles to select from special, at $22 SO means every $35.00 and $40 00 AraW in Curtain In our store, to- freth.- with about eight styles we ought. every pair Is worth fully Arty dollars all go on sale at, per pair BufTled Bwiss Curtains very service able, washable ana nem stitched ruffle, at. per pair, $1.86, $1.25 and 22.50 service- 95c Window Shades All good ones 3x6 feet, com- ORr. plote. each Extension Bods No sag high- f f Iv polished, from 80 to 54 IZIC inches each losing ut of arpet Remnants This will be a week of unparalleled offering in Carpet Remnants. Enough of patterns for rooms, and many pieces half rolls or more. All go at irresistible prices. A chance that will impress a multitude. The saving is about one-half. Note well the following: 1.00 Brussels Ruffs 45-9x12, Smith Brussels Rug-s, thes are all on pattern and we bought the. lot because ther were cheap, Q CA offering them Monday and while they last, each mJMv Ingrain Carpets 75o alf wool ingrain carpets short pieoes iO. enough for a room, special, yard .' l.OU ingrain three-ply, best made, enough of a pattern for. a AOf room, per yard t Misfit Carpets We include in this sale a number of misfit carpets, regular wholesale price of which was $1.35 per yard. These ftCst are made up ready for use, on sale at, yard MUM Alattlnjr 25c and 35o matting, short lengths, enough for a room, at, per yard 15c Linoleum 11.60 Inlaid Linoleum, odd pieces, enough for large room, all patterns, speoial 65c Linoleum, enough for a room; special, per yard 39o Small Linoleum Remnants, per yard- 15o Carpet Samples In this sale we include all of our traveling-men's ample, These come In one-half yard lengths, in Axminster and velvet borders; special, each , One-half yard each Axminster and velvet carpet sampless each '. . Ingrain samples, oae yard square, special, each 75c 1.00 10c Furniture harvest of bargains now placed before you. The last shipment of sample rockers are here. The B. L. Marble Chair Go's, entire sample line added to the remainder of the Wilkinson & Eastwood line. These samples were bought at a liberal discount and all the sample rockers, chairs, settees go ou sale Monday at a saving of one-third from regular prices. Range of from $3.00 and all in between prices up to $26.00. Uemember you save a full third if you buy during this sale. VERMIS MARTIN A manufacturer's entire sample line of rockers, arm chairs, reception and desk chairs in this very popular finish, hand deco rated, handsomely finished. A superb showing of this attractive furniture. You should avail yourself of this opportunity to secure one or more of these pretty pieces at a bona fide saving of 1-3 to DROP PATTERN FURNITURE SALE All drop patterns of furniture m Resular Price. Sal Price. $100 Library Table, solid Ma- Krt hog-any. Colonial design LfJJ $40 ROOKWOOD Rockers and chairs in the Rookwood, must be seen to be appreciated. This lot is part of the Wilkinson & Eastwood, Grand Rapids sample line. They are all here now for Monday's selling. Handsome pieces from $7.50 to $14.50. ' ,...;, 100 Solid Ma hog-any Library Table, for f46 Mahogany. Table, Colon- COC lal design pJ 65 Mahogany Desk Tablca, OK drawer pOtJ ' $70 Mahogany Library Table (CzlO Desk, 8 drawers .ptrV $43 Mahogany Library Table pedestal Colonial design top, 407 30x38 inch :.HP $38 Mahogany Library Table, QkOl top 30x60 Inches 4- . $27 Mahogany Library Table, C1T top atxfc inches ijld $37 Golden Oak Library Ta- KOl ble, 6 drawers i?4 $32 Weathered Oak Library Tablo with two stationery $20 $25 Weathered" Oai' Library, J CA Table, crescent shape top... $38 Oolden Oak, 42-inch round top reading table, pedestal cen-Ol GLi ter, claw feet ""'O" $20 Weathered Oak, 8-lnch f Ef round top reading table t.-v $55 Antwerp Oak Library Ta- C'lC ble Desk, for $17.60 Turn Top Folding Table, fitted with drawer ana cabinet, H1II ........ ust bo closed out this week. Note Regular Price. Sale Price. $25 Weathered Oak Magazine 11 Table, 30-in. square top ..4tJ $15 Weathered Oak Magazine 1 Cfk Table, 21 in. top ...OU $13 SO Flemish Oak Umbrella CEQ Rack with cabinet $38 Hall Settee. Flemish COE oak. for PP $32 Folding Drop Head Bed Q Cf) Sofa, for 1C3.0U $32.50 Folding Drop Head Bed C CZf Sofa, for $12.50 Couch, tufted top, 8.50 $1T Gold Parlor Chair, ' Q.50 $28.75 Oold Parlor Chair, up- A Etfl holstered in tapestry a.uv in weathered oak $40 Gold Divan,. upholstered S1Q In tapestry k $26 Gold Divan, upholstered In f ft Cf) $16 SO Mahogany Parlor Chair, for $15 Mahogany Parlor ( Choir, for p s a $70 Mahogany Parlor Suite, SIR finely upholstered 4c $200.00 88 Parlor Suit, hand carved Louis tha lath design, $H0 $9 $11 $35 the list, come early, save 50 per Regular Price. Sale Price, $14 Mahogany Parlor Chair, for $19 Mahosany Arm Chair, inlaid buck $59 Flemish Oak Hall Tree for $175 Solid Mahogany Chiffon- K9e ler, hand carved ipi- $45 Mahogany Book Case, Colonlnl design UptJO $130 Fraternity Cooler, com- iT'i plete with silverware Mf $65 Colonial Mahognay 51 Dresser, for l-kJ $25 Antique Dressing Table S1Q mahogany ,...kP-' $37 Mahogany Cheval nn Glass, for $22 Bird s-Eye Writing Desk, $24 Bird s-Eye Writing Desk, 3,5Q $17.50 BlrdV-Eye Writing (ft Desk, for .kJ $58 Weathered Oak Hall Clock, Beth Thomas movement, $38 $62 Weathered Oak Hall Clock, CJft Beth Thomas movements 4v $36 set of 6 Weathered Oak KO cent and more on your purchase. Regular Price. Bale Prlca, $17 lot of two small and one arm Din ing Chairs, In weathered oak, leather Beat, the lot for..;. HP a Two Golden Onk $7 Leather seat Dining Chairs. 1 for HP $4.75 Cane Beat, Golden Oak O Af Arm Dining Chairs 5.tU $2.50 Porch Chair, rattan seat, f flSL and back tiKJiJ $19.50 Flemish Oak Rattan Aet- Q BLf tee. unholstered seat A back..1' JM .13.50 .8.25 $22.50 Go-Cart, will go lor $16.00 Go-Carts, will go for Leather Beat Dining Chairs.. $18.00 Baby Carriage, fit' for 0S $19 50 Mantle Folding Bed, H.50 $7.50 Mahogany Finished O Rrt Wooden Bed ,...'mJK' (100 Solid Oak Bed, 3 gQ flOOO Solid Oak Bed, , 4.50 $26 Flemish Oak Hall Glass, 'JtQQ $20 Weathered Oak Serving Sfi Table, for M? 1 " $32 Weathered Onk, leather iQ eat & back Morris chair. tracts, so that they are not likely to ba displaced generally by the old company's 'phones, despite the fact that the old com pany has cut Its rates to $42. $30 and 121 for residence 'phones.' With something over 1.000 residences having the new 'phones exclusively, business men felt com pelled to become connected with the new exchange. Consequently a placa of busi ness heretofore using one 'phone at $96 a year must now support ano'ther at an additional expense of $54 a year. .The physicians of Kansas City are endeavoring to avoid this additional burden of expense by making an agreement to have only the Home 'phones in their offices' and resi dences. The agreement has not been gen erally kept, although a good many of the doctors have had the old 'phones taken out Some of them say they cannot spare tha old 'phenes on account of the exten sive toll line service and the fact that many of their patrons In the city are on tha old lines. From having two telephone companies In the field Kansas City has gained: 1. More prompt and elMclent service; I. Lower rates for residence 'phones. For these gains the compensation has been: ' , 1. Annoyance and confusion by reason of two exchanges, with parttal duplication of service. Z. Additional expense for telephone serv ice forced upon about 2,500 users. The buslress men of the city are gen erally opposed to the dual system and long for the time when the companies will consolidate. Here are some .expressions: Baalnrae He Talk. Emery-Bird-Thayer Dry Goods company (department atore): "We notice an Im proved service from the old company since tha new one entered the field, and In that respect we have gained. The new service Is very good. In that it is prompt and the transmission is clear and distinct. The old service is superior in that it connects with more local people and a great many more out-of-town customers. Of course, the ad vent of the new company puts an additional expense on our business, and while we consider the addi d returns worth the added expense, we would much prefer to do all our telephone business through one ex change." Jones Dry Goods company (department store): "We keep a record of our tele phone order, and last moulti they were in the ratio of 16 to 10 in favor of the MIh sourt & Kansas lines. Before the new company came in our expense for tele phones was about $1,500 a year, and now It is $2,500, because we are required to have a large number of both the old and the new 'phones. The merging of the two systems, with good service and reasonable rates, .would be Ideal." Guernsey & Murray (retail grocers): "We have six old and two new "phones. If It were not for the necessity of having con nection with customers having only the Home 'phones we could get along very well with pur six Missouri A Kansas in struments. The second system has put an extra expense on our business, and we do not notice that It gives us any more trade. We expect to see the two companies con solidate." IL J. Brunner (retail hardware): "With only one of the old 'phones our service was crowded. The new 'phone 'simply re lieved the pressure on the old one, and lir that way it has proved a good thing for us." T. E. O'Reilly (manager Owl drug etore)i "The demand in our place for telephones Is from patrons who want to call out, and as some want to reach Home subscribers and' others Missouri &, Kansas subscribers, we find It necessary to pay for both." Henry Koehler (cashier Western Ex change, bank): "We have only the Mis souri A Kansas 'phone at present, but will be forced to put the other one In soon. One . telephone system is a great conven ience and less expense than two." Expense Always Greater. Dr. Bellows (physician): "The dual sys tem la a nuisance. I have had the old 'phone taken out of my office, but still have I both' in my residence. Jf a Missouri ft ' Kansas subscriber wants to call me he : must get the residence over thst 'phone, and then wait for the residence to. get the office over the other 'phone, or he must call someone who has a Mlnsourl & Kan sas 'phone In the office building and make a messenger of that someone. Can't you see what a nuisance It la?" Blmpeon, Groves & Co. (real estate and Insurance): "We have a Mlraourl & Kan sas switchboard with six 'phones, and thU equipment, with a boy to attend to it, we CM MOU lllfj ')lt'rfp pjjdpll03 SS have been forced to put In a Hume tele phone, aiud every time it lines someone BANKERS UNION THE STATEMENT BELOW WILL SHOW our members and others how THE BANKERS UNION is advancing along the highway of fraternity and meeting the obligation of caring for the bereaved of deceased members' families. DEATH CLAIMS PAID IN THE LAST 90 DAYS Policy No. Claim No, Nsme. Face of Policy. 29 J 717 E. Bart well, J $1.0.0 9A ft J. p. Clark, i . I.OiiO 25!0 741 K. Anderson, ' i I.OiiO 8'.-NI3 I 774 I 1 Wm. Lucht, 1.000 2KI29 ' 7R1 D. M. Brown, 1,() 1'XVtS 819 L. Owet l.WiO 27K)0 hit U Runvon, 1,000 H!H4 824 Bar Miller. l.C'O KM $23 . P. M. Peck, J.ono S7123 6'.6 C. Hinknton, 6"0 J10M5 814 i Eva Mover. l.ooo 1734 6S)7 Ellen Hunks, l,WO 821 ' Kate Miller, I.OiiO 81H9 742 Emma Klein. l.VO 5r,!i 816 Ivory Ralney, 1,000 Jlf43 W B. Gorey. l.rmo buS Wm. A. McLeod, 1,000 & TIIE BANKERS UNION FUTURE was never brighter for an increased business. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. LIB ERAL COMPENSATION. CALL AT OR ADDRESS TIIE SUPREME OFFICE. PAXTON BLOCK, SUITE 202-203-204, OMAHA Bee Want Ads Produce Results has to Jump up and answer. It la an an noyance and expense that bring no return. We have it simply because a very small portion of our customers have not had the good Judgment to get Into the principal tel ephone exchange." C. D. Parker (President Commercial Club): "The telephone business Is a natural nmnopoly and competition in that line Is a nul.ance and needless expense to the business community. We got along very yt Kansas City with on com pany and we do not get along so well with two." B. D. Blgelow (Secretary Board of Trade): "The only advantage of competi tion Is Improved service. Two systems add to the expense of business and the im proved service cannot be said to be worth the extra exptnse." H, J. Q. If you have something to trade advertise It In the "This for That" column ( Tl lit wjt ad. page,