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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1904)
TT1E OMAITA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, AUOURT 20, 100. r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Breakg ProTiom High Eecoidi on This Crop, with ETeryon Buying. AVLRAGE GAINS FROM 3C TO 5C A BUSHLL September Hint In Minneapolis I p to $1.B Cr I) Admitted Speculative Sborta Caver WildlyCorn Weak. OMAHA. Aug. 13, IPU Thursday's rush or selling In the wheat Till of the world wm Just a little too unanimous. The selling; then wa so fsrh lonabls that not only did longs take profit, but tha speculative fraternity overshit the market and put out a fine line of short wheat. Liverpool did aot cure a rent for the weakness In America. The continental crop was in K perk of dancer, short yields and large Import that will have to ha made. The Morles from the north went were almply covered with runt and turr.lng eo unanimous that further returns tre simply superfluous. It wss a continuation of these stories, coupled with an urgent demand from all sections for actual wheat, and the netting busy of shorts tl.nt Rive the market a strong ton at the opening and that brought higher prlcea than any thing that thla crop has Been very shortly after the opening. Chicago wanted Hop temher. December and May wheat, Min neapolis waa a crsrv huver of 8'ptembr and cash wheat. Kansas' City turned hull lah and the market of the world Joined In the ahonp-lt-up. The most daring speeu lator would not be blamed for hesitating, becoming uneaav and finally lettlni rmt after the unamlnlty of action shown in the wiieat market of the world. Hpm In Omaha not hlah grade Just a common No. t grade of wheat sod. il flOs e hnah.1 There was little Interest speoulatl vely,. the more active Chicago market being tempting to speculative traders, but the demand for caeh wna unahaid and certain to absorb an supplies at hitch naurea. September wheat advanced In Chicago IVo on Ihe tan of the hell anld to Lf loan. then made the net gain of i'c; December o ywjvt inuin wie same ana ine gain we also 2Sc: May dealt the short a decidedly serious blow, a gain of 4 nolnt being su talned and held with more than usual . steadiness. Other points met the advances of Chicago and Minneapolis 8 points, and It wrm a cnae or nuy wheat moat tinant moualy so and alao a rush for seller to take their loeees snd avoid further danger. In the cloning hours of the session the market moved in the direction of renewed atrength. The speculative element kept busy. Minneapolis showed that It had re alised that Minnesota and Dakotas' crop damage talk was nearer right than they had yet been willing to admit. Sep tember shorts up there were especially anxious to get in out of the fain and they bid the future up to $1.78. In Chicago it was the May future that was especially wanted and tha price advanced to $1.14'A. these figure showing an Improvement of t in Mlnne--e. polls and t points In Chicago. Other future advanced sharply and closed near the top. . Omaha hasn't much Interest In specula tlon other than the plnys being made on the active markets, but the oaah wheat , business here and the corn trade is excel lent. Copious ralna nil over the western corn bolt were responsible for a sharp decline of about a point in alt futures. Had It not been for the normal strength in wheat the break would have been more severe, but traders were encouraged by the action, of the other cereal. Oata were comparatively steady. The demand was Just fair moderately active and the closing prices for ail deliveries were Just where they were yesterday. Omaha Grain Inspections In: 10 cars No. I luird wheat, 6 cars No. 4 hard wheat, 8 cars No. 2 com, 7 cars No. 3 corn, 1 csr No. 4 corn, 1 car No. 2 yellow corn, 4 cars No. 3 yellow fort, J cars No. $ white corn. 1 cars No. 2 -white oats, S cars No. 1 white oats, 1 car No. 4 white oats. Out: T cars No. 8 hard wheat. Cash sales. Omaha: 1 car No. S white corn, 48; 1 car No. '3 wheat. 99c; 1 car No. 3 wheat, 98c: 1 car No. 4 wheat, S3 lbs., 96c; 1 car No. 4' hard. 61 lbs.. 88c; 1 car No. 4 hard. 54 Ins.,-Hoc; l car no. 4 nara, lbs. i car xno. niru. ou ids., envi a car No. 4 hard. 54ft IDs. 9ir; hard, 604 lbs.. 92c; 1 car No. t car Ko. 4' corn, 4814c; I car oata, like. Caab Prices. Wheat. ...ii Omaha., i 1 cor No. 4 4 corn, 4Sc; No. 8 white No. 2 hard 1.00 No. 3 hard - 98 . No. 4 hard 66 No. 2 spring,... ' .. No. 3 spring.... 1.00 B2 torn No. $ No, 3 No. 4 No grade..,.. " No. 1 yellow. No. 2 yellow. 49 4KV4 ' 48 0484 45 49 4H'349 No. I wnite 4 No. 3 white 4Sft Oats- No. 2 mixed. No. 3 mixed. No. 4 mixed. No. 3 white.. No. 3 -white.. No. 4 white.. Standard ..... .. 32 ... 31 .. $0 .. 83 ,.. 824 ... Si ... 1S2H Grain 8H 8.IH 36 ffli 864 Omaha Grain uotatlong. . The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery ana tne close toaay vv.'heat Open. High. Dow. Close. Sept 9 B 9d'H 99 B 99V,B Deo M us H 9 M Aug 3 B 99 B 99 B Car Lot Receipts. 99 99 Wheat. Corn, Oats Chicago Kansas City St. Louis Omaha , Grain Market 72 183 s:9 ... 417 42 1H2 40 ... Ill 19 Elsewhere. 44 60 7 ' rinsln m-lces of araln today and Thurs day at the markets named were as follows: Wheat September December ., May Corn September , December , May Oats September Iiecember Way Wheat September December Corn . September Today. Thura. l.MH 1.0.- l.oavt " 64 34 87 1.14 63 f'-S 61 34 ills ST. LOUIS. 1.094 . Mr 64 1.0 V, 6SSs BU December Wheat KANSAS CITY. B-ptember December 99 4S B 94 48 47 December Wheat 4iV MINNEAPOLIS. September December .Wheat September le camber Corn September 1.18 1.13V4 NEW YORK. 1.11 l.teis :::::::::::::::::: HJJ 1.10 1.11 67 , 68 Cemmerclal Ooaalp. RoumanlaNot half an average crop at best. Italy Unanimously unfavorable. Quality veruges generally good to excellent. ietur was dated Auguat 3. Texas mills are buying Oklahoma wheat and some from southern Kanaas. South ern Kansas must furnish wheat for future Recent advices Indicate a 7,lU,u00-bushel yield in Oklahoma. ' following from Minneapolis: "One of the Urgent flouring mills In Minneapolis iiieiiluia that three spring wheat state can not posdlbly lalre ovur U6 t,"u0 bushels of wheat, timer gooa cunnervauve people put It down to 100,yiJ.uu0. Crowe of tlie North. ern Klevaior company of Winnipeg Is send ing very serious iiamage reports on Mmii mm. Four days uko he could not II ml any dnniKe; you cu how fast this rust is spieadiug." Klnaurlal Gossip. No charge In New York, building strike situation Wheat ruat reports apparently worst In Manitoba. Hanka giln from gubtreasury since Fri day ll.iv6.WM. . American stocks In London easier, to b.iow parity. lntertu on Wabaah Deb. As likely to be paid at end of this year. Bcarclly of O. A W., Sugar and Penn sylvsiila show In loan crowd. Southern railway earnings for second Vftk t'f Aii(tut Increase ,o S15. likniiiii,i bieil compHiiy reported cut ting pilva on stfot Ix-am ana plates. Peoria tiralo Market. PEORIA. Aiinr. 19. CORN I-or; No. X tKr; No. 4, t). c. WllIaKX On Ilia buola Of $1 U. I. V f Me ftapiily ef tutlna. I -.LEANS. Aug. !. Secretary ::A a a.i'riwiie.e 4f 11. WulidS V..-.:m Chioago.,. 1.02 ei.os 98 61.04 : ............ J.06 85 M'A M4& 66 53 4j KM 48 CT 68 65-Vi IW'4 55 tl 664 &4H 66 32 if? S3 82 supply of cotton shows a total of 1.232,2S baies aa.lnt I 132. Ml bales last week. Of thla the total of American cotton Is 491,26 bsles against fcvi.8-1 bales last week. CHICAGO GRAIX ASD PROTISIOJS Featarea of the Trading; aid Closlag Prleee on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 19 Ralna on wheat fields ready for Ihe rentier Shot prices up over 5c a buahel here tooay to tigures not hereto fore reached In this year a trading. Wheat for tpteniter delivery went to 11 1"H a bushel, an advance of 1H. December went to $L12. or 4c over the previous close, and May touched $1.14". a Jump of 6c. The close was strong at about lc under the top figures of the day. Corn, In the face of high wheat values, closed lc below yester day's final figures. Oata are down a shade. I'rovlslons varied from tVjo to 7c off. Initial trades were at advances of mtne for September at $l.fMii(i4j snd 1Vi1'c to TVdic for December at l.tMifi31.uV The bears gained control of t,he- earlv market and on heavy releaae at prices receded to II i for spot and $1.0" for December. The close was strong st 1 WS. December broke to (MO7, but reacted and closed at tl.HV My was strong In the final trading, closing at $1.14. BradstreetA reported exports of wheat and flour for the week at 1.7it".0 bit., as against 1 2i0.mii bu. for the previous week and 2. 370.1'" for the corresponding week a year ago. Clearances of wheat and flour were erjual to 3Hi." bu. Primary recelpta were 7MVH bu., a against 1.470.WIO last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts Of 1 cars, as against m laat week and 2fil a year ago. The corn market was not much benefited by the strength of wheat. September opened steady, Wc lower to He higher at 6VanW. but sold down to B.1''c. rallied to 64V on bulltnh enthusiasm borrowed from wheat snd declined agiln to the closing llgure V,c off the bottom at Mc. Decem ber started H4 c to UiiV off, and, follow ing the same general course, touched f2Hc, raJlled to K'SC and closed at 62-Sc Local recelpta were 1S3 cars, of which 22 cars were contract grade. ' The oats market was steady, but only moderately active. With liberal receipts and relief to the corn crop there was not much to stimulate buyers. September dropped a shade, Vir'c higher at 34Vu.14Vic advanced with wheat to 4V, but eased off again to 83V. closing at 8-W34Hc Local receipts were 3ofl cars. Provisions started firm, presumably be cause of better prospect for the corn crop. Packers reported a good consumptive de mand and the tone for a time was helped by higher prices for live hogs. Support was lacking during the laat hour of the raid ing, however, and values suffered. Sep tember pork closed 2'Mifc lower at $11. 7Z1. 11.76. Iord was orr fio at sb-Bivwrgu. lbs were down RVSSc at $'.4:4- The leading futures range as follows: Artlcles.l Open, i Hlgh.l Low. I Close. Tea'y Wheat a Sept. b Sept. 1 09 4 0K;l5 1 11 1 09 1 07 1 08 1 K 1 in 1 09 1 08 7 06 1 07 1 09 1 10 Dec. May 1 09 1 12W 1 l-Va 1 14 1 n 1 14 Corn- Sept. Dec. May B4-(?54 64 63 62 63 62 W 61 63 64 62i(3. ,61-2! 6'J63 61i62'0 Oats- rv.v Sept. Deo. May 84 37'U 11 76 11 80 13 06 8 90 ,34434 35'4"ij 8S iiVx 87,37'U' 37 11 S2, 13 22 6 9C 7 02 7 07 7 47 7 60 6 90 Pork- Sept. Oct. Jan. 11 87H 11 96 12 00 13 27 11 70 11 TO 13 27 11 77 13 u Lard- Sept. Oct. Jan. 97H 7 07 7 7 07 8 87 6 97, 6 97 I Id 7 6o 1 66 96 7 16 760 7 ( 7 424, 7 4J 87 . 7 UO I Rlbs- Sopt. Oct. Jan. 7 42 7 67' 7 till 86 8 96 No. 1 a Old. b New. C-sh ououtlons were as follows: riDUR Market steady: spring patents, $4.7Kij4.90; straights, 34.40Jf4.6o; eprlng pat ents, 4.; siraignia, h.iuqi.iv-, imsei", $3 0fvf(3.70. . UL'IJ IT 1 T Vn t mrinr t1 10W1 12: No. 3. $1. 00411.04; No. 2 red, $1.091.11. CORN ISO, z, UNO ino. 1 yeiiow, OATS No. 2. 32Ti3?e: No. 2 white, 35o; No. J white, 8535o. HY1T !, ft. X IftC. BARLEY Oood feeding, $C40c ; fair to choice malting. WrfWo. KEKns No. i flax. $1.164: No. 1 north western. $1.24; prime timothy, $2.90; clover, contruet grade. $U.60i811.76. PHOV1SIUIM8 Aiess pora, per om.. 11 7Ki11 8fl. Ijrd. ner 100 lbs . 36.85STfi.87M!. Rhort rtbs sides Moose). 37.36(27.46; short clear sides (boxed). $8.004j8.25. Shipments or nour ana gram were na Xteceipm.oilipiiini i " Flour, bbls zo.oo - Wheat, bu ....l,0r0 ,x -61,4(0 Corn. bu. .1.419.000 M ... M.400 Oats, bu 828.2O0 239.800 Rye, bu 11.600 ..... Barley, bu 4,400 .iin ihe Krnritice exenanaa toaav tne Diu ter market was strong; creameries, 1318c; tnirt iflf,u.c Rii. steady: at mark, cases Included, 18Q10o. Cheese, steady to firm at 7Vu8c. SEW YORK GEXEIUL MARKET anotatlona of the Day oa Various Commodities. NV.-W VORK. Aua. 19 FLOUR Receipts 12 H2fi hhls exnorta. 14.626 bbls. : market dull In view ot nign prices; winier paieuis, eo.iv tu6.50: winter straignis,; muuie' ,,t naientn iH Ok.T, 35. Rve ilour. strong; fair to aood. $4.252i 4.60: choice to fancy. 34.60ffl4.90: winter extras, $3.46(u4.00; winter low trades. 13.2583.M. CfiRVMKAI, Steady: vellow western. $1.00l1.12: city, 1.12(&l.l5; klln-drled, 3.W f8.20. RVF Nominal. BARLEY-Steady: feeding, 46c. c. 1. t New York. WHEAT RecetDts. 16.000 bu. Spot strong No. 2 red, nominal in elevator and $1.12 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, dull at $1.80 f. o. h. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitooa. nom Inal f. o. b. afloat. The developments In wheat todav were of the wild and frenxled sort that denote absolute public control of tha markets. Not so heavy as specula tion here hut an extraordinary advance in prices and crop news, from the northwest so sensationally bad as U almost stagger the bulls themselves. It lnsted until tho final hour, when, checked by realising, prices dropped lo and closed Sc net higher, Muv II l id. closed at $1.16: Bentem- her, $1.11 1.14, closed at $1.13; Decem- Kr it Hariri l&u. closed at II. 14 CORN-Recelpta, 117,450 bu.i exports, 4.930 bu. Spot easy: No. z. oiic in elevator ana 69o f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 8oc: No, t white. 5IA.C. Option market broke de cidedly under , heavy and beneficial rains all through the belt. and. while helped for a time by wheat, finally closed weak at '3o net decline, September. 6ff'69c, dosed at liRHc: Decemner closed at b'c. OATS Receipts, 148.875 bu.; exports, 9.600 bu. Spot easy; mixed oata, zt to m ids., nu,mle: natural weights, 80 to SJ ins 4)1ic; clipped white, Sfl to 40 lbs., 42 TAT LOW Dull; city f32 per pkg.), 4cj miinlrv Inkfl free). 4a,4iO. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3 fitiic; Japan, nominal. HAY Quiet; spring, 67e; good to choice, 36o. t . uriTR Firm: state, common to choice, lEHsa, 2'ft't4c; i2, FfiZtc; olda, 7(il3o; l'a tinn coast, lift, 2ov-tto; 19U2. 21ulc; old, 7isl3c 1I1DFS Steady; Oalveetori. 80 to 25 lba., 17c; California, 2l to 26 lbs.. 19c! Texas dry, 24 to 80 lbs.. 14o. LKATHER Steadv; acid. iATdr. PKOVISIONS Beef, sleadv: family, $16; mens. $9; beef hams. $23 UvftX.nt); pscket. $9 6"8l0 f: ell, extra Ind'a mes. $14.001 18 00. Cut meats, quint; pickled bellies, $S.OO IK no. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. 9'H'lftc; pickled shoulders. 61'i7c; pickled liRiiia, l(Vnivc Ird, steady; . western steamed, $7.30; refined, steady; continent. $7.4; South America, $8.00; compound, 6ifii 6i I-nrk. n"f family, tu i 'i; short clear. $13 5-VS15.0O; mesa. $13.5tW3 75. POULTRY Alive, steady; turkeys, 12o; chickens. lK(tllc; sprlngn. 13o. Bl'TTKR Kir in and uin-hanged. OHEKFE-Easy: state full cream, small white and colored, poor to fancy, 8!ge; larKe white, poor to fnncv, 6V-1JSo. KOOH Firm ond unchauged. POULTRY Alive, firm; western chickens, lSe; fowl. 1SC; turkeys, ISc. Dressed, steady: western chickens, 14316c; fowls, 18c; turkeys, Itlac. ' n Kiiiii Clr Grain Provisions. KANSAS CITY. All. ' 19 WHEAT Three cents hlKher: Beniember. Wc; De- ceuilier. Mc; May, $1 01' rl 01: rush, No. 2 hard, $l.lijl.l4; No. 8, UVcJi $1 02; No. 4, 9-"r. 9o; No. 2 red. 11.0411.07; No. t, il(L'u.; No 4 97ffi$l.M; recelpta. 418 car. CORN I Hither; September, 4fic;' Decem ber, 4tic; May, 4oVj i-Sic; tuih, No. 2 n.lned, loc; No. 3, 4ij4lic; No. white, 6lHc; No. 8, ioc. OATS-St.-ady, No. t white, SSc; No. 3 mixed, Ji'iHV. KYK-iii'i. HAY i inn; choice timothy, $S.50aS.00; chult-e pi aiiie, $6 tnK'i 76. HI TTr 14 t'reinii ry, 14'Sfltc: dairy, 12c. KGGS SteaUy; MIksouiI and Kansas, new No. 3 whliewotH cases Included, UVic; cue count, luc; casts returned, r le. Receipts, bhlpment. Wheat, bushels SH'l Corn, biifhels 17 t") 2U.i' Oats, tiuahrls 13.0HJ 4,Uo nftaneoiiol MINN K APOI IH. ffiiemier, 41 lv; May. II li: No. Uraln Market. Aug 19. WIIKAT Deceniher, $1 " I 14; 1 haxd. $1 2,i; No. 2 tn. i then-,, ! ?ls. la il rt r : i t pi.f-iit, patents. 4 't'; lul ot d ci ars. 1 l 8.' - tt, h-it : -cond t;lai. $4 15; et-c- l.HAlt-Iu buia. i.iMnlUM; shot ta, $18. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Specalatirs Interest Betrajs g Noticeable Tailing Off. . PRICES NARROWER AND MORE SLUGGISH Ramors Point to Wealteelaa; of the Market for Pteel Ralls Sagar mm I settling lufla enee. NEW YORK, Aug. It. A cotiflderahle falling ott In speculative interest waa tne noticeable tact aoout the sioca nArkt. 'ine volume of contracts and the fluctua tion In prices were narrower ano more sluggish, ine decline In activity reduced tno demand tor biocks and resulted In a heavy undertone, without any marked pressure 10 sen. Ine general action of the nwrket wee still much the same as tor the two previous uays. Sustaining points of strength at the opening proved inAiiltirlent to hold price., but later deal ings rehected the ocrasl inal rally of tne forces behind the market. Steel trade failed to cause any wine movements in the prlcea of securities, but it was the oc casion of great concern neverthele.-.. united States ft Lee I nrererrrd nr.i evi dently supported and its decline thus lim ited to , but the heaviness of that Block proved of marked effect. Rumors of cuta and the mretlng of cuts In prices of wire and of structural steel eliminated tno tears of a -spread of the trouble. Some of the rumors current dur Irur the day pointed to a weakening of the market for steel rails itself bv shidlna of prices for the lighter-weight grades. Sugar wna sun an unsertung innuence by Its further recession In pricee. The most re straining factor early waa the large demand lor Pennsylvania, wmrn csrrled to 124. ths highest figure touched since the long de cline rencnea alter tne new ,5.(iii,ii stocK Issue. Thlfl stock met some verv fine real ising on thla advance and encountered dif ficulties outside of the dragging effect of steel and sugar. The calamity reports from the spring wheat crop came in a new flood, and the response of the wheit market made some Impression on stocks. The news of corn was better and helped the resistance to depression In stocks. Tha estimates of weekly currency movement Indicate another addition to the New York caah hcirds, but It la clear thst the current is turning In favor of the Interior. ftovernment operations continue tn vleld to the New York market, which will he a safeguard against depletion by the In- lennr uemann so long as tn treasury au thorise special notes for national banks in order to replenish their working bal ances. With the high prices for grain rul ing It is not likely that the Interior crop moving demand will be less) than usual. The advance in exchange today waa suffi cient to revive some discussion of go'd ex port pronaoiiiura. 'uronaoiy the prospect in the money market had some repressive effect on the situation, although the money was uiuirrected. The further ad vance in smelting and the strength of the Mexlcana were of a special character and of little general effect. The grangers wio cumDea to tne spring wneat . dleaa:er rumors In the late dealings and helped to make the closing easy. Ronds were firm; total sales, par value, $2,815,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following was the range ot prices on the Stock exchange todoy: Snles.Hleh.Low.Clooe. Atchison U.4f0 81 80 go do pfd 1.9O0 9S 97 97 Baltimore & Ohio 13.200 M 86 84 do pfd WO 92 92 61 Canadian Pacific 8,G0fl 128 126 ' 127 Central oC N. J 100 16 1 1S5 Chesapeake Ohio.. 2,600 88 87 37 Chicago A Alton 89 do pfd 80 Chicago Gt. Western.. 1,400 16 16 16 Chicago A N. W 6X 1S2T', 1S1 182 Chic, Mil. & Bt. P... 11,700 151 160 1P0 do pfd 179 Chicago Ter. & T 7 do pfd 300 16 15 14 , C. C., C. & St. L.... 100 75 76 74 Colo. Southern 900 15 14 14 do 1st pfd 900 60 49 49 do 2d Dfd M 21 20 20 Del. A Hudson 1,800 1G1 160 100 DeJ Lack. W..... 270 Denver & R. O. 600 26 26 .. 24 do pfd '1,000 76 74 76 Erie 16,800 . 27 28 26 do 1st pfd 2.200 64 , 63 62 do 2d pfd . .600, Sr '39 . 88 Hocking Valley;.. X 71 do pfd , r S0O 83U 83 8'i Illinois CeJitrar .,S,1136 i3 J36 Iowa Central 1C0 20 20 20 ao pfd ,. K. C. Southern...... do pfd ioulsvllle ft Nash. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry., . 2KI 89 88 88 . 400 24 23 22 . 100 . 44 44 43 . 1,200 121 120 120 . 2.400 156 154 164 .13,000 93 92 92 .14,300 124 123 123 Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. & S. 8. M.. 200 74 74 73 do pfd 100 130 130 130 Missouri Paciflo 11.8(0 96 94 94 Missouri, K. & T.... 4.100 21 21, 21 do pfd 7,800 46 . 44 44 j-wii. ci mex., piu...., ,i"u anfr i oa New York Central.... 800 121 120 120 Norfolk & Western.. 3.700 64 64 64 do pfd .... 90 : Ontario & Western... 10,000 84 33 33 Pennsylvania 6,lUu 124 123 Pitts, C. C. AS. L 65 Reading 86,300 6 66 65 ao jst prd acq 4 84H 4ii do 2d Dfd 1"0 72H lihi 71 Rock Island Co 3.000 24 24 24 do pfd 1.200 67 6fl Ci'. St. L. & a F., 2d pfd 2,000 6X 67 67 8t. L. Southwestern.. 900 17 17 16 do pfd 1,5"0 SK 88 3f Southern Pacific 14.2O0 6 55 65 Soulheern Railway. ...10,300 2? 27 7 do pfd 1.100 93 9.' 9.' Texas & Pacific 3,600 2K 27 27 Toledo, St. L. & W.. 100 25 25 25 do pfd 200 3fl 39 28 Union Pacific 20,200 99 9X 9S do pfd 2H0 94 94 94 Wabash 600 19 18 18 do pfd 1,000 3o 37 37 Wheeling . Lake E 14 Wlsconaln Central.... 100 17 17 17 do pfd - 6o0 i9 89 38 Mex. Central 22,200 12 11 11 Adams r.xprena .... Tin American Express 195 U. 8. Expreaa 100 110 110 107 Wells-Fargo Express. 218 Amal. Copper 42.100 65 64 64 Am. Car & Foundry.. 100 19 19 18 do ofd 78U Am. Coton Oil 100 82 82 3v do pfd 91 American Ice 200 7 7 T do pfd 100 27 27 26 Am. LI r. seed Ull 11 do Dfd 27 Am. I,ocomotlve 8O0 21 21 21 do pfd 300 90 90 .... Am. Smelt. & R 20.000 66 63 64 do r'd ." 1,K) 107 K 107 Am. Sugar Refining.. 25.-M) 131 129 129 Anaconda Mining 23.000 80 7S 77 Brooklyn R. T 8,100 64 63 63 Colo Fuel Iron 2"u 3 ai m Consolidated Oaa 400 1 96 195 195 Corn Products 3u0 12 12 12 d pfd 68 Distillers' Securities ..... 21 General Electric ir,3 International Paper.. 100 14 14 14 do pfd l- Internatlonal Pump 32 do pfd 75 National Lead 6.W 22 22 22 North American...... 100 89 89 88 Pacific Mail 90 28 27 27 People's Oas 6o0 lll 100 100 Prtsaed Steel Car 4UU 33 33 ;i do pfd "6 Pullman Palace Car 217 Republlo Steel 100 7 7 7 do pfd 100 42 4? 41 Rubber Good v 1H do pfd 800 81 81 80 Tnn rial A Iron.... l.S-O 46 44 44 II H Ia.:her S.loO 8 7 7 do pfd 1,S"0 f! 85 85 IT. S Realty : 6iHI 49 49 4- V. 8. Rubber 6o0 19 18 ls do pfd 75 U. 8. Steel 10.100 12 11 11 do pfd 29.100 69 68 50 Westinghouae Elec 159 Western Union 89 Total sales for tne aay, snara Ex-Dividend. i . London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. .19. Closing: Con KiU. rnoMi ... 111)1 Norfolk a W 444 do account .. U do Did Atcbleon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Peclnc . ( hee. A Ohio Chicago Ot W... C. M A Bt. P . leBeera D. A R O do ptd Erie da )t pld do d pld Illinote Central ,. Loula. A Nh... M . K. A T N. Y. Central.... ..Its Ontario W ..llio1 Ptnnvylvmnla ... .... 16 .... 34, .... mt 2to .... 4iSi ;i Hn4 Minn ...ii ... 8" ... lit ...IMS ... 1S Kaldiuf do Ut prd.. da 2d pid. Bo. RMIwtjr . do v,fd .... .... 87 .... ts to .... t.7'4 ...,11V .... .... us .... kH .... M 3W .... a6t 15 7 SO Priftc .. 77 L'Mlao . H- Iflo .. tni do pld . . i.-1 . V. S. HteW. .. .. 4", da pld .... ..!, (Mush . . 1 2 1 I d.i pfd .... .. 22V9lnUh 4 ... SILVER Bar. gteitdy, 21 l-16d per oun-o. MHSKV-21 2"a Per cent. Tie rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is i .er c.-nt; for three lu.iiitli' bills, 2-VU2 P"" nt. Foreign Financial. HKRL1N, Aog. 19 Km hai'Ke on London. 6"'in 4r-if fur checks. ltre on the Horrse iixtnv 'T4 vteaki-r. Amerii an rails wre iii-(iliitrtlnd. I'AKln. Auk ID Trlt'cs on the Flours tixlHy wrr firm. The t rariscttcn were Ij.i.-iiim uijt. ItustiiKn Imjciul 4 closed at 1XR and Russian bonds of 19o at Mi. The prevalent rate of discount was 1. UN1()N, Aug. 19 The cash movements Included $10.00'V,,0 In railway dividend dl bureernrnts. Trading on the Stock Fx chsnge wss inactive and the movements were erratic. ine unoenone .was nrmer. Pnslness chleflv consisted In thf closing up of engagements In view of tomorrow's ho'l dav. Consols were a shade better. Home ml'ls were flat. Americans opened steady and reacted slightly under parity. Prices closed dull. Imperial Japanese government s of 1IM were quoted at 94i. The amount of bullion taken Into the pank of England on balance today was $64,000. Bl'tlXESS Or ASSOCIATED BASKI Clearings of too Great Commercial ( eaters of Cooalry. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 The following table, complied by i.nmetlvi i. snows ih bank clenrlnas nt the r-llii'lnjil clHes f"t the week ended August 18, with the jer.ent- age ot increase ai' ueiieasy its cionp-u . . with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings.) Ino. Dec. New York $1,U, 643.14 2 'L4 8.2 "i.i i'.i Chicago Boston 167.974.SS4 106.715.494 93.472.438 52.995.700 87.912,327 6.7 '12! I 04 17.0 8.3 Philadelphia .... St. Louis Pittsburg Ban Francisco .. 30. HI 8.7X31 Paltlmore lS.lS4.14Ui 24.9:i.a"0 24.426. 9 tj Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans ... ll.OM.8X7 12.456,618 9.8 13.4 Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit 14,014. 219 20.2 10.320.4971 9.7M.133 6.ni9,(.30 6,941, il .;:43.K.w 4.9 2 1 4 6 9 Louisville OMAHA 7.7 Milwaukee Buffalo . Indianapolis .... Providence St. Paul I,os Angeles ..... St. Joseph Denver Co'umbus Memphis 6.523.200 6.o5,47W 12.2 3.3 6.281.8501 4.430.735 4.01 2.7M 8.7 1.0 35.9 14 4 4.7 4.183,100 8,122.0801 4.426.4f,9 4.040.9iV, 8.393.6371. 2,8O7,S20 3.?o6.230 l.294.82i 2.018.71SI 8.188.1X61 2.n.9'v8 Seattle Richmond 17.2 I 3S.9 Washington .... 4.4 i.i Savannah Albany Portland. Ore.... 13.2 3.6: Fort Worth .... Toledo ... I 4.2 7.6 Salt I.ake Peoria ... City I 4.4 2.640,0241 Atlanta Rochester Hartford .e. Nashville Des Moines Spokane , Taonma Grand Rapids . New . Haven .... Z.ZN1..4IS 2.221.164; 2.047.4M 2.340.073 8.079.523 16.61 .12.5 0.9! 13. li .7I 12 Rl 6.11 2.17R,OSO 1. 809.427! 2.261.761 1.849.31, 1.491.7231 l.r.47ii 1.137.9V7I 1. 490.669 1 911.791 814.4091 1.059 018 1.14.9".ll l,aft 90S . 977.7931 679.8751 81 VWI 8fi3.7ffl Rsa.lRI ' SI 8. r 91 ni.1S0 . 1,201. 2041, RH.3O0I t'4.8151 R58.9741 - PS.112I 47.STSI RS9.60i P.408l 401,4531 Ml .8151 480,0001 ' sitt.Wfti , ' 38i.'1l 30H.7r,i 904 yei 418. 5I 410 3001 879.8911 . I 4T7I ' , 9?o.70 17.6 .1 6 8 Dayton nil. 17.0J. 3.61. Norfolk Snrlngfield, Mass Worcester . Portland, Me.... I 23.8 6 71. Augusta. Ga 71.21. I e.Ej. 'S4PI. 2.2. I I I I 6.11. Topeka Sioux City Syracuse 26.9 '6! Kvansvllle . Rlrmlngham I Wllmlnrton 18.9 28.9 0.7 13.1 "i'.i 16.3 9 1 'ik'.i 3.6 Knoxvllle ,. Davenport Lttt'a Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling Wichita A kron , . . . Chattanooga finrlngfleld. Hi.,.. Kalamazoo ....... Toungstown Helena T exington Fargo I I 8.81. 32.81. I 19.41. I I I I 53.31. I I I 23.91. 8.8 'k'8 21.6 79, 10.1 1L6 r.6 26.5 Nv Rcd'nrd .... Canton. .. Jacksonville. Fia. Twell .. Chester, Pa Oreenebiirg. Pa.. RocKtorrt. Ill Plnghsmton Pnrlngfleld. O RlAnmlngton. III. 9.0. 14. 86.81. I, .....I 21.61. 64. B. ... i i Oulnoy Sioux Falls ?3?.(l15l 196.R12I 249.4801 Mansfield. O Decatur .tacksonvl'le. 111.. Fremont. Neb.... 282.9041 190.7S "In 77 fOOl tHouston tOalveston C;b.arl.!ton f 740.cO1 48.31. k 41 Vn i 724, Totals, XT. Outside New S. ..151,876.532.771 ..F 758,?S9,623 1 2.0 1 0.7 xork CANADA. Montreal ................ $ 19o.S77,714 1 20.9 Toronto 15,177,116 .6.3 Winnipeg 6.170.59O 64.4 Ottawa ....4 2,272.981 4.9 Halifax. .;- 1.817,022 4.0 Quebec 1,549.547 17.3 Vancouver ..v . l.S97ffi 1.7 Hamilton - 1.058.P46 .' 16.9 London, Ont '' 87,719 9.6 St. John. N. B ' 1,(5.554 1.4I Victoria 683,9So 3,6 Totals, Canada. .$ 250.877,714 20.9 tNot included in total because contain -Ine other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because of no comparison for last year. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19. MONEY On call, easy at W1 per cent; closing hid. per cent; offered, at 1 per cnt. Time loans, steady; 60 days, 2 per cent: 90 days, 2 per cent; 6 months. 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4(54 per cent. STERLIN EXCHANGE Strong, with ae timl business in bunkers' bills at M.SSlixi? 4.8S16 for demand and at $4.f 54Ctf4.S5l6 for 60 days; posted rates, vi M'j4.t,Vi and 4.KiVj; commerclnl bills, $4.8o. SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: U. 8. ret. Si, rag. ...104 ManhntUn e. g. 4..livi de coupoa lt)4Mex. Central 4 24 do in. rag loft do ll Inc 144t do coudod lOoUiMlnn. as St. u .... do new 4s. res.. ..!' M.. K. A T. 4 V0 do coupoa 13-S do tfl 7a do old 4. rx loit"t N. R. R. of M. e. 4i. 16", do coupon lHi.N. Y. C. (. JVil 100H Atinion gen. iui'tN. J g. be iu do adj. 4i ft iHo. Paciflo 4 Iu6 Atlantlo C. U. 4....100H do la , 71 H B. 4t O. 4a... .ltliN. 4 w. o. 4s 101 do IH Central of O. I I O. 8. L. 4a & par.... f ta. .111 Penn. eon, ma do - lat Ine rhea. A Ohio 4Vil. . w Reading gen. 4a 100 .107 1st. L. I. M. c. Ca..ll Chicago A A. Ifea.-.. M. L t I. P. tg. 4. a44 C, B. A Q. n. 4a...: 7Vi Kt. L. B. W. la aH C M. A B r. X. ISratK'trd A. L,. 4a.... 73 C. A N. W e. 7a....l2H,8o. Pacific 4a.. ... 44 0., K. I. A P. 4a... J So. kallmar 6. ....117s, do col. 6a rex:. fli. L. g. 4 Chicago Tar. 4a.... Con. Tobacco 4a.... Colo. A Bo. 4a D. A R. O. 4a Erie prior Ilea 4a.. do gon. 4a sit Texae p. la ....119 1H 74 T.. 8t. LAW. 4a.. 7H Unlou PaclDc 4a 46 do eonv. 4a V. 8. Steel id 6.. Wabaah la .... do deb. B W. A L. E. 4.... Wla. Central 4a... C'iIO. fuel o. .. 744 11714 41 l4 K'J-4 ' 64 Fi W. A D. C. It .14, u Hocking Val. 4!,a....lu4 ii Boatoai Stock Uuotatlons BOSTON, Aug. 1 Call loans, 233 per cent; time lonns, 8ri4Vi er tent. Otnclal closing of stocks and bonds: Atchleon gdj. 4a.... 44V4 Wealing, common ... 11 ... TfS do 4a 101 w Adv.nlur Mri Central 4a ao Allouei ... 11 .... . Atchlaon do pfd Btaton A Albany Boaton A Maine. Hoslon KltTated Fiuhburg pfd .. Mex. Central ... SOL, e 14 . Amalgamated .... 'American Zinc . Atlantic Bingham Cal. A Hecla... Centennial ... IV ... It ... 4 11 .... 24 11' topper Kange ... ... ;i4 N. T.. N. U. A H....1II1 I'aly iveat .... 11V, Per Marquett 1'nlon Parlflo Amer. Arge. Cham. 74 Di)mlnloB Coal .... SO S rrai.kllu .... 1 14 Grancr do Pfd last file Horala .... .... Amer. Pneu. Tuna 4 , Ma tuning Ainer. Rugar IKS' Michigan do pfd Ill Mohawk .... 'i .... 4W .... 414 .... 15 Amer. T. A T 197 Mom, C. A C. Amer. Woolen It1, (lid Dominion . 7S'., Oaceola 11 do pfd Dominion I. A 8... K'llaon Elec. Illu... General Electrlo .. Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. (ine l ulled f ruit tolled Shoe Macs.. do pfd I'. 8. hi eel do pld Bid. "Asked. .... aiH J Parrot . ... i .... tl .! J .144 Qulncr Shannon Tamarack l 8. Vlnlug.. tl. I. Oil Itah Victoria Winona Volverln .... .... t . IS . 41 . 44 .11 . e . a .... .... Ii .... .... .... H1 .... tuvt . a Kew York aflnlnst Stork. NEW VOKK. Aug. 1 The following fire tha closing prices on ininiim siocks: Adama ton i iLltlla Ihlef . 1 .S4 iik . 14 . It . to . A ilea vu M.ntario Itrecce Ilruiiawti a Con . oiiittuck Tunnel Con. ( al. A Va. Horn Hilvar .... Iron Silver Leudrllle Coo ... ... 1 ...17 ... ...II ...1.W . ..1J ... I nptilr PhoeilU Potol I 3a rag SI. ra Nevada Ismail Hupu .. BHaudald Sugar nnd loluse. NEW YOrtK. Aug 19.-8lUAR-naw, firm; fnlr rennlng. ill lKc; rentrifiiKsl, W tesl. 40; niiila xisnr. 2 7 ltit". Kennel, qultit; criiflie'l, olsx-; pos (Icretl. 6 3K ; gtsn ulnt'd i NKVV tilil.KANS. Auk !. Bl'OAR PlrtMig; r-n kt-ille, ?'ij 3-lik; cenfrtJusHl. 'a ' (c, c-titritu;wi avtiite. 4o; rclltwa, u 14 r; s-'oinlrt, w,,l. - Mul.AM' I b Nuin'i.s,; fn kPtil(. 2iJ 'U, oeni' irugni. 1 iio. fcruj, --.rj ,wc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET -i " Cattle Iteceipta Light, but Trading Blow with Prices About Steady. HOGS SOLD MOSTLY A DIME HIGHER Moderate Receipts ot Sheen aad Laanks aail rlth a Fair Demand F.very thlngf In Slgat hold neadllr ot Jat About Med- l'rloes. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 19, 1So4. Recelots were: Cuttle. Iioks. Sheep. Offltlnl Monday 4,97o S.1T4 4.W urnclai Tuesrlav Z62 4.4:o 3.iio Offlolal Wednesday J,7H 6.RT7 8 219 OfTlrlal Thursday 2.179 6 W0 S.793 Ofllcial Friday 1.2S2 .760 2,6iO Five dava this week. ...IS 079 26.1!. 17 1 Same davs last week.... .H" 44.160 16.2 8sme week before .?2 23 72 Vi.& Same three week ago... 4.743 10..T47 .!4 fam rour weeks n.o.... 6,6.- I7.nwi s.n Bams days lt year. .. .20.614 26 1 37.218 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAH TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ior tne year to date, with comparison wltn last year: 19U IOiIS Ine. Tier. Cattle 61S176 61S.603 9R.S27 Hogs l.fc.71J 1.676,777 ,0tH fheep 789,518 77K076 11,442 Aversae nrlres nalit for hnr at Rnnlh Omaha for the last several uaya with com parison: Date. 104.'v.;i99.lM. August l. August 1 I 4 99 I 1 7 1 41 7 6i 7 89 t m 1 16 4 181 I 7 4 aVSA 4 KlH. t om, 061 4' I 04 76 t l(l 4 26 1 74 August 3 Aurunt 4 7. 1 6 841 6 80 6 6- 6 161 t 10 I 6 04 i 141 4 U 3 17 t 61 I 71 t 77 e 4 4 Alivnat a 7 321 71 7 271 7 18! 7 16 I 4 46 August (. 6 07) AUKUBt 7. 1 Aunust 8 August S. August 10 A liaiial 1 1 Uli 4 SSI 6 10 u 6 6S1 6 16! 4 X. 8 81 Btwvi, m 6 19 I 731 6 041 4 S2 I (7 4 l4i 2 67 12 6 741 6 00i Bf 4 81 6 23 7 04 4 891 4 2SI t I' August 12 AuHUst 13 AtiRust 14 5 2u 6 lo 6 78; i 741 6 77 6 73 6 7H 6 77 5 84 e 4 3.1 a is t 74 4 94141 6V81 6 73 6i 6 6S 6 6S 73 4 43 6 il 6 a a 6 21 4 97 4 97 4 48 4 44 August Ih Allirilaf 111 61 6 024 2 76 4 6t 4 221 S 78 August 17 Alienqt IK 4 4 tM'-fcl 6 101 6 001 4 S6 2 74 4 47 I 66 4 5tl 67 i 18 6 12 4 95. August 1 5 89 'Indicates The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.Hosrs.Sh'D.H'r'a. C M. A St P S Wabaah 2 Union Pacific Bystem .. 31 11 8 1 F.. K. & M V 11 4Z 8 ... C, St. P., M. 4 0 2 12 is. xvi lu d C, B. & Q 1 Z C. R. I. A P. east.... 6 C. R. I. A P., west 1 Great Western 1 2 Total receipts 66 103 11 I The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer puchasing the num. oer 01 neaa indicated: Uuyers. Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 68 0S6 ZoO Swift and Company .... 216 1,616 1,17a Cudahy Packing, Co 311 1.267 616 Armour A Co 248 4n6 vii Lobman & Co 42 H. F. Hamilton 104 ..... Klngan A Co 137 ..... North P. A P. Co i0 Wolf & Murnan 87 Sam Werthelmer ' 13 Sol Degan 1 Ilghton A Co 1(10 S. A S 193 Booden 10 ...1. Cudahy Bros 410 Root 23 Other buyers 172 145 Total 1,284 6,147 2.811 CATTLE There waa a llaht run of cattlo today at all the big markets, but tho sup ply was Inrge enough under the circum stances. None of the buyers seemed to be very anxious for supplies and as a result trading was slow, although there wag no great change In prices. Volte a few eornred steers arrived end the same as has been the case of late, the better grades sold without much tronblo at steady prices, while the short feds were nara to move at any ngure. There were seme rattle-on enle good" enough, to ."hflnsr $5.76. but they were from the same feed lot I as the ones that brought f 6 75 on Tuesdiy. The cattle toda .weighed 1,464 pounds, or tnirty-six pounds lees tnan tne Tuesatv shipment. Light cattle In fair flesh were herd to sell and some yenrllngs thst were offered todav would not brlna within a dol lar rer hundred of what they sold for Just I before the strike. , I There were hardlv enouerh cows here to- I day to test the market, but the few that were offered sold about steady with yester day's strong close, or little better than th same kinds brought yesterday morning. It did not appear, though, that buyers were anxious for anv great number and what the market would have been with a norma: run Is hard to tell. Bulls, veal calves and stRgs sold In just shout the same notches they have been for the last few days. There were Just a few bunches of stack er and feeders on sale and as the demand from the country yesterdnv was in fnlrlv pood shape speculators took hold and ptld stsdv prlos todav, even thouah th" c'oe of the week Is st hand. About rln"'een err were shipped to the country yesterday, which Improved the situation materially. There were ou'te s few western g-e beef steers on sale this morning, snd while rsrkers d'd not take hold of them with sue life, the better arades could be o"otd stesdv. with common kinds verv flul' -wid perhaps A little lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. v. I'r No. At. fr. 1 400 i 40 10117 4 78 J 1060 I 41 13 1HM I SO 1 .10SO I 45 81 j, 14N0 t SS 18 11S1 I 45 18 1444 I 74 1 1071 I 0 , COWS. 1100 1 so 1 mo I so 1..... 8:0 1 "5 4 1221 8 40 1 114 1 ! HEIFERS. 1 115 I 60 1 00 8 M 1 870 I SO 1 00 $ 44 1 1000 $ 00 iJTAQS. 1... ....... ..1160 4 lo CALVES. 1 18 t 71 STOCKERS AND FEEDER8. 1 720 8 M :ii 1014 8 06 f . 775 I US NEBRASKA. 1 cow... 1 steer. . 10 steers. ,.. 9H0 ...1031 2 15 2 85 2 85 25 cows., 1 steer. ... 852 ...1010 WYOMING. 1 feeder... llfio 1 feeder... 1220 1 feeder... 810 1 cow 1170 45 1 stag 10 feeders. 1 cow 42 feeders. . 750 .1270 , 930 .1083 2 00 t 70 2 00 t 00 $ 00 1 90 2 50 1 feeder... 1140 3 00 Insley A Reeder Wyo. 60 steers.. ..1180 3 60 151 steers. ..1175 64 steers. ...1205 3 60 4 steers.. ..10u0 1 steers.. ..1225 3 26 J. M. Delatour Neb. 3 65 I 00 89 feeders. 1 feeder.. .1045 1 10 12 feeders.. 1198 .1'iN) 1 50 1 feeder... 10 2 80 2 W 1 feeder. .1060 I 10 Bwnn L. and C. Co. Wyo. 14 steers.... 1036 8 60 86 steers. ...1141 t 25 t;. t. Hi via wyo. 89 feeds re.. 10S0 $40 1 feeder... 1230 3 40 2 60 $ 26 3 2o 1 feeder... 1170 1 steer low 1 steer 1170 8 00 1 reeder... tno $26 1 steer 1140 8 25 3 steers.. ..1223 1 steer 1 $ 25 Charles O'Nool Wyo. 1 steer 13M 3 00 20 steers.. ..1S43 t 80 27 steers. ...1217 3 80 HOOS Receipts of hogs were fairly llh. eral here this morning, but rather favorable reports were received from other markets, and as a result opening nrlres here were 6f10c higher tisn yesterday. Trading, though, whs not very brisk, for the reason that only part of the buyers and shippers were offering the prices. Whenever a sales man could get that much advance he was willing to cut loose. The heavy weight sold euriy. largely from $5.00 to $5.06. with coarse heavies from $5.0o down. Mixed hotis sold largely from $5.06 to $6.10, and lights and butcher weights mostly from $5. 10 to $5.15. As the morning advanced it became evi dent that the demand wus. fully equal to the supply, as shipper bought very freely. The market strengthen! d soon after the nnenlnir and became fully a dime hlarher. The bulk of all the hot went from $5.06 . . . . . ... . - 1 1 , n. . to ao.l 111(1 e ins'i mm e-'.n- Btiu eo.fij was raid for choice IikiU. The hugs thHt sold for $6 20 weighed 216 pound, and very good quality. All the early arrlvuls were sold In good season. Toward noon several cars of hogs arrived, but the demand was sulhi'lent to hold the market strong and the inte sales were big dime hlKher thun yesterday Hepre- sent tilve sales So. US Pr. N. Av. v Pr. r .. .. '! 4 4 " M7 lo f, ' U I M a lit 130 111! II 2-4 .. I 00 "0 2 .J eu i .0 14 !-t .. IM 12 2(1 iu I 12 ;i 91.1 J.J I 1.1 12 219 . . 1 111 S4 ...... HI 4 I Ut 7 HI 400 I 10 44. 2" I 110 Id- 4.' 4 I 10 St 510 41 I II ;vl II I 0 14 til 60. Is 14 . . 10 71 l"i I es M t.l 40 J 10 14 I I SO I mi . t- a I l'l 41 fit lau.lOo H J'O .. I IIH 71 il 4'l I I 7. 11 0 I l: k si in 40 I ia 11 i 120 1 1- ( il l W I oft 71. .! .. I ; 8i I 11 1 si 7 2-4 .. I llvi J . m I f. it.. j. .. I i:vt an rT m 4 srv, M jh a j un tT .. I n-t, 7' M lo I :tt St. !44 .. I d-v m I l?t li , ivi l? I otv, ;v tit m 4 II a aa.l im 120 4 t" 'i J? 11 4 H i ! . 4 1 IK- K'i a . It) 110 fi JUS 1.4 111. M 41 JM I 10 if 1i .. I 1 J--.J 10 I 10 7 US H S 1-v o Jin '.. l(l in Ji 1M 1 r' Ml H4 IM . lit 1n 114, M l-o I 10 :e lis an l-vj. i;S J4 J0 ( in ... ill 40 I I'h 1 'l ?o ( 07S j til W It' r f4 4fl 1 ; t ; 5 fl J74 .. I'4 CP fM IM III (4 t 80 I P7' ! lro a IS M . . .. 11 40 I 7v ft H7 40 I IS 94 S07 4i I fit, fS .. Hi ., IT 0 a 10 71 1J0 I 1 , so I 10 It 4 .. I U M I 10 M f 40 I IS 7 H 4J 4 10 7 I4 .. I II ' 4 .. I K ' Ti til 40 I IS 44 IJI 1!0 S 0 ; l?t 40 I H an tso jno 1 10 ; 170 11 M 140 120 I 10 4 1?4 .. IS SS 7 lii'i I 1 91 14 1 1"' fH 0 II 1 M IM 40 117' II tn M I 10 14 I IM 6 Ii77 1J0 I 10 45 t'1 40 ( 0 1 140 40 I 10 US HI W fO SHE El' There were onlv elevrn hnds of sheep and lambs reported this morning, snd with shout the usual demand the mar ket ruled active and steady wllh yesterday. There were seven more enrs of the Wyo ming wethers on sale todnv that brought $.336 and $2.40 vesterdav, snd they sold st steadv prices. Some Wvomlng ewes brought $2.90. Evervthlng In the eay of sheep was sold and weighed up at an early hour. There were two more enrs of Idaho lambs on the market that have heen selling for $6.00 and thev brought the same price to dav, with the exception that there was a trifle henvlpr cut In them. Taking Into consideration the fact that they were wet today, they sold at Just . about steody prices. There were not enough feeders In slrht to test the mnrkt. hut owing to th lib. era! orders In sight it Is safe to quote the msrket steady. Quotations for grsaa sheep snd lamb: Oood to choice yearlings. $nofi4 2.'i: fslr to good yearlln-". $3 5O47'4.00: good to choice wethers. $3fc0?3.75; fair to good wethers. 8.1 2&JT3.60: goodto choirs ewes. H WS Sflj fair to good ewes, S2.7C4r3.2.V, good to choice lambs. $6 6cvg5.76; fair to pood lambs. SR.00 436 60; feeder yenrllngs, $3.2S'fi3.f'0; feeder wethers. J3 Ofxifa 2V feeder ewra. J2tVrrJ&; feeder lambs, $3.76-c)4.W. lleprosenin t've. He: No. A v. Pr. 71 Wyoming cull ewes 80 2 25 60 Wvomlng cull ewes 64 2 i6 . 1fi2 Wyoming ewes 89 , 2 Kl 2ii8 Wvomlng ewes "2 2 90 33 Wyoming wethers inn 8 So 1K5 Wyoming wethers K'O 3 S6 1 Wyoming wethers 100 3 35 260 Wyoming wethers 1X 3 85 236 Wyoming wethers K'O 3 40 160 Idaho lambs 6? 4 2ft f;4 Idaho lsmbs 64 6 00 627 Idaho lambs 68 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK 5IABKET Cattle Strong. Hoars Ton Cent Higher and Sheep Steady. CHICAOO. Ana. 19 CATTLE Receipts 8.000 head; market strong; good to prime steers, $5.r&T;6.10; poor to medium. $4.2619 6.15; Stockers and feeders. $2.00f4.00; cows, $1.604.25: heifers $2.fl0ii5.0O; dinners. $1.60 472.60: hulls. 22.00(34.00: ca ves. 83.00'u 4. So. HOOS Receipts, 12.000 head; market 10c higher; mixed and butchers, e-nnd to choice heavv. J6.20r'f6.45: rough heavy. $iVflOfi6 20; light, $5.40ft5.60; bulk of sales, $5.155.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recetnts, 6.000 ers. $3. 7.r(u4.10; fair to choice mlxd.' $3.00'c4 4,ro; western sheep,; native innins, $3.50g6.00; western lambs, $4.50tf5.iK). Kanaaa City Lire Sit.rk Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 19. CATTLE Receipts,. 2.800 head. Including 1.100 south erns; market stenuv; cnoice expon huh dressed beef steers, $5.26Vg5.90; fair to gcod, $3.7Sf;5.00; western fed steers. $3.50fri3.55; stockers snd feeders. $2.50"i4.25; -southrrn steers. 82.764.00: southern cows. 2.(K)o3.'jH; native cows. $1.60W2.25; native heifers. $2.50 500; hulls, $2.004,3.60; calves, 2MiM. HOOS Receipts, 6.000 head; mnrket 61? 10c hlaher: toD. $5.36: bulk of sales, $6.10415.30; heavy. $5.10iB.2O; packers, $5.10(55.30; pigs and lights. $5.00f5.3fl. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5 000 head; market steady: native lambs. $4.00t B.fiO; native wetners. js' .mkim.oo; native ewes. $3.004(.3.60r western Inmbs. $4.006.25; west ern yearlings. $3.7SQ4 60; western sheep, $3.504.00; stockers and feeders, $2.603.2u. - St. I.onls Live Stock Market. RT. LOUI3. Mo., Aug. 19. CATTLE Re oelpts. 2.500 head. Including 2.000 Texans; mnrket steadv: native shlPolna: and export steers. $4 66irT5.00; dressed beef and butcher steers.. J3.S5fi-ta0: steers tnder 1 TO msr, a.5.bli''liI.lsF: stncKers ann ietitfrn. .ov"o..ti, cows and heifers. $2..Wt54.rO; eanners. $1 40r 2.86: bulls, $2.2fKfi2.RO; calves. 4.25(ff 0.00: Texas and Indian steers. $2.75380; cows and heifers. $1.5013. 75. HOGS Receipts 2.600 hend: market 10c higher; pigs and lights, w.KKy .i.ou; paciters. 8b.00(Bo.3a; outcner ana nest neavy, ). 6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head: market strop: native muttons. $3.50 13.65: limbs. $3 ROf4.25: culls and bU"ks. $?.00t3.35:-!'lrVckerB, $3.1O3.20; Texans, $3.E0 GS.60. :5 ' St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Ana-. 19 CATTLE Re- celnts 1.979 head: market steady: notlve. $3 85ig5 76- cows and brt'-rs, $1.2501.65; stock ers nnd feeders. J. i!o;:t.o. HOGS Receipts. 4.602 head; market l')Crif.o higher; Hht. $5.17H'&3.25; medium and heaw. 81.O5fS5.20. SHEEP AND T.AMBS Recelnts. 3.TS hetd; market steady; sheep, $3.85; lambs, $6.90. Slonx City Lire Stork Msrket. SIOUX CITY. Ta.. Aug. 19.-fSpeclal Tele gram.! CATTLE Reef lots. "00 heuxi; msr ket steadv; beeves. $4.00?' 6.60; cows, bulls and mixed. $2. 25tj 4 00 : stockers and feeders. $2.76i3.76; calves nnd vearllnas, $2..Wf3.C0. HOU8 eceipts. ti nesn; msrhet oc higher; selling, $4.9035.25; bulk, $5.00&5.10. Stork in Sight. Following are the recelpta of live stock for tho six principal western cities yester day: Hogs. Sheep. li ,i;4) , 2,1)20 7.0C0 5.000 5.010 2..S00 1.000 6.W2 3.953 12-i0 6,000 32,752 18,573 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City St. Louis St. Joseph .... Chicago Totals ... 1.7K2 ..." 200 ... 2.8O0 ... 2,500 ... 1.S78 ... 3.000 ...12,261 Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug.- 19. WOOL The marltet Is nuiet. Fleecer and territory are firm and the present demand for I1e;ce Is largely for tho medium grades. Old wools are quiet. Quotations are as follows: Idaho Fine. 17 i&lHc; fine medium, 17&lc. Wyoming Fine, l&ijlic; fine medium, 174i'lSc. t'tnh and Ne vadaFine, lCWtil.c; fine medium. 17&18c. Montana Fine choice. 20i21c: fine me dium choice, 20$21c; average. 19fi2uc. Coo. rado Fine, 13ijjl4c: fine medium, loftlnc; coarse. 16nl7c. Pulled Scoured basis, fine, 4x(if50c; extra, &6i&56c; extra superllne, 46 48c. The Commercial Bulletin will say tomor row: The wool mnrket is quiet nnd feature, less. Little new business of Importance has been played, yet the demand for some consumer who never buy when the mar ket Is rxclted keeps a fair amount selling all the time. There Is little speculation for lack of anything with anything to speculate. Supnllcs are In strong hands snd are being played nt stiff prices. Foreign prices are continuing strong. The shipments of wool from Boston to dote from December 31, 1903. according to the same authority, are 1.I8.162.16!! pounds, against 145.f?3.135 pounds at the same time lust vear. The recelnts to date are 232 -8H7.001 pounds, against 16 021,784 pounds for lb" same "H(k st year. ST. LOI'IS. Aug. 19.-WOOL-Stcadv: medium grades, combing and clnthln. 2Vct 26Vc; light fine. Ifi-n20c; heavy fine, Initio; tub washed, SICfi 34VjrC. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 19.-COTTON-Spot In limited demand; prices 10 points higher; American middling fair, 6.8d; gr.od mid dling, 6.2td; middling, 6 12d; low middling. 6V64: good ordinary, 6.74d; ordinary, 4.6od. Future opened and clos-d quiet; American middling, g. o. c, August, 5.81d; August and September. (63d; September and Ortchcr. 6.4ld; October and November, t.3od; No vcmlier und December, 6.27d; Iecernher nnd J.muary, 6 24d; January and February. t.:3d; Ktbruary and March, 6.23d; March and April, 6 24d; April and May, 6.2id; May and June, 6 34(1. UT. UiL'IS. Aug. 18-COTTON-Steady Bid unchanned; mlddllrg, 10c; recelpta, I lisle: sMi ineiHs. 3 bill: stork. 7.748 bales. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 COTTON-Futures closed steady; August. 10.15c; September, 9 (Me; October, '(c; November, J Ct; De. rrinlr 9 i,:ic: January. 9 ic: Kebrusry. 70o; Miirrh, 9 7?.c; April. 9 7tJc; May, 9 1-.C. Ppet rinsed dull; itil.i.lllng uelanils. lo.Coc; nilddilng gulf. 10 f'V; sales. K0 boles. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 19 COTTON Futures, quiet and stc-tly; AuBiist, 10.. .'): U- 'ik-;, 3 67-.0 6 V; ri. tot er. 9 5lyt ti:2r; Xuvi mVr, 9.4f '9c; D 'ember. 9.19 ifil 50c: Jstiuar" 1 54"i9 ."( ; F br i-rv. .v$ Mv; Muri li. i','f 1 64c. Hpot. "ir-dv; stls, 0 bul'-v; onll' srv . 7 11-p.c; KO-d oldnnry, ii'c; low niiddUnr. 'Jc mulHI'iK. V; hI iiiltldling, 10 11-lM'; middling fi. lr, lo 1516c. Oil and Heals, NEW YORK. Aug. 19 -nil. 3 Cotton seed, firm: t-rline I tide. no;ninii1: prime ell'w. ; l '. I'eirtileum .teid.-; re fii.tsl New lot at. ' ('j, I'liUaiiulplila and Baltimore, r 66; Philadelphia an1 Psltl more. In bulk. $4.75. Turpentine, 6TV"..scj KiiSIN Ntnrket quiet; atraliiesl. common to goid, $.' tsO. ' SaVAN.naM. Aug. 1 -OIIJS-Turpent4ne. firm at 54'e. ROSIN-Hrm; A. P. C. ft 35; I). $2.40; r.. $2 46: F. $2 60; . $2.6.'; H. .?; I. K, $1571,; M. $3.S;W; N. 4.tt4j; W O, $4.37; W S , $4 62".. OIL Oil t, Aug 19 -OHS-Credlt bal ances. ' $1.6.1; certlticates. no bid; shipments, l'i nnsylvanln, I'.lll bbls.; veriige. 75.5,'4 . bhia; inns, Pennsvlvanls, 97.3H bills.: av- ersge, T:..!4-i hi. Is; shipmenis. unn, 'if"' bbls ; average, 67,t.i puis : ruus, axilla, 10, 349 bbls.; average, S bbls. OM4.1IA WIIOI.ESALt! MARKKT Condition of Trade and Qnotatlona on Steele and Fancy Prodoee. Enos Receipts moderate; candled stock lSylS'c. L1V; POL'LTRT Hena, 9c: roosters, Re: turkey, 12c, ducks, lc; geese, 6c; spring Chi-kcns. 12Vfil3o Bl'TTER Packing stock, 11c; choice to fan v dairy, lii'l": separator, lfiiiil7o. FRESH FISH-Vrout. 10c; pickerel. c; pise. 1 .1 ; pel ci. 7c; l..uetlsn. 1. ; woneflsh, loc; salmon, 14c; redsnapper. 11c; lobster, gitrii, .va ; lousier, iieUtu. eilo; Uuliheads, 'I-; mtnsli 14s, hlck lw 20c; halibut, 10c; ctarplcs, 12c; roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7o white baas, 11c; frog legs, per dos., 26c hKA.v-i i tor., io. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale. Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $7.0; No. 3. $6.50; medium. $6.00; coarse, $5.50. Rye straw, $5.60. These prioes aro for hay of good color and quality. '4 UOFICAL Knl ilo. ORANGES Sweets, choice, all sixes, $3.31 Qs.'jii; Vnlenclus, ail sixes, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 270. 300 ant 260, $l.2Mi4.M; choice, $3.7u'u4UO. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lh. carton, 60, ; imported Smyrna, 1-crown, 11c; $ crown. 14c; 7-crown, l&o. BAN AN AS Per medlum-alierl bunch, $2.0'i. Jumbo, $2.7fU 26. FKU'ITS. APPLES Home a: own, $ver bu. basket. 40fitioc; per bbl.. $2.25. . . t-KACttKb- alitor n la Elbertaa and Sus quehannas, $1.10; home grown clings, per 10-lh. basket. 25c; Missouri, per 6 basket crate, $1.65; Colorado, icfo$1.10. PLUMS California gross prunes, $1.50; Tragety, $1 16; Italian prunes, $1.26. P1JA 113 California, per box, $1. 6033.00; Colorado, $1 64 (T1.76. CANTEIvOL'PE Arksnsas and Indian Territory, per crate, 82.0Wii2.25. WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), la CELERY Per dos., 26.?i:ifte. V EG ET A B LE8. POTATOES New home grown, In sacks, per bu., 36'i46c. NAVY liEANS Per bu., $1.90TJ2.00. ONIONS Home grown, in sacks, per bu., Vfi76e. TOMATOES Home grown, per market basket. 20i 30C. CABBAGE Home grown, per Cl CUMbERS Per dos., loc. TURNIPS Home grown, per bu., $00, BEETS Home grown, per bu., 60o. PARSLEY Per dos., 26c. WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60c STRING BEANS Per market basket, 60V GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-baaket crate, S'ilTASH Home grown, per dot., 60c . PEAS Per bu. basket, 75cff$l.O0. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., $1.60. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per market basket, 75c: Virgin,!, Per bbl-. M1MCELLAN EOIIS. NEW HON KY Per 2 frames, $3.60. MAPLE SUOAR-Omo, per lb. ,10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12e; block Swiss,' new, 16c ; old, 16nil7c; W Isoonsla brick, lJHe; Wisconsin llmberger, 13o. HIDES-No. 1 green. 7H; No. $ tn 6Hc; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. ii salted, go; No. I vial calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted, 8S12o; sheep pelts, 24(fi27c; horse hides, $2.74. NUTS-Walnuts, No. 1. soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell. v per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12e; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 12c; roasted peanuts, per lb 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.,. 12 i 13tc, large hickory nuts, per lb.. 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hsrd shell, 13c; shellbarks, Jer bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $12o. Bt. I.onls Grain nnd $roTlsl. ST. LOIMS. Aug. 19.-4Tose: WHEAT Excited and largely higher; No. 1 red. caatv elevator. $1.09-4. track. M-U'lW-"! SJT. ber, $1.094; December, SL11; No, 3 hard. CRN Weak;' No. 2 cash'. 63c; trackV 64fl64Hc; September, 62c; December. 4RO. OATS-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 83V4c; track, 84H&;36c; December, 85c; May, 87c; No. 3 WFI)URAct1ve and higher: red winter patent, $6,406.7Sl"' -extra v$ancy itnd straight. $6106 36; clear. $4 354.60 6ERD Timothy, steady; $2.40y2.70. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.76. . ' BRAN-Strong; sacked, enst trsek, awsy HAY Firm for good; others good; tlm othyT 8.iVi2 00. new; . $10.00013.60. oldi P"Jr)f. A?0?.60. a IKON t Ul lUfl i ico wi,, BAGGING 7H'?J7.0. HEMP TWINE 7c. . ' ..... PROVISIONS-Pork. lower: Kb,n $11 85. Lard, lower; prime steam, $6.33. Bacon, steady and unchanged; boxed extra., shorts! $8.60; clear ribs, $8.12H; short clear, $9 00 POULTRY Steady: chickens, He; springs, 12c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 7c; geese, gc. v BUTTER Steady; creamery, 14Qlo; dairy. lliilSe. ' ' EGGS Steady; 16c cae count. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour barrels 10.000 11.0"0 Wheat bushels' 1M.000 llft.onO Corn, bushels 4J.000 15.0i Oats, bushels 61.000 ,000 Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADEf-PHIA. Aug. 19. BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream srv. 1i4c: extra nearby prints. 20c. FX3G8 Stendy, fair demand: nearby firsts. 16Vc. at mark; western firsts, 19a20c at "cilEESE Firm, with an upward ten dency; New York full creams, choice to fancy, 6ss9c; fair to good. oflSViC Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 1. - WHEAT -Higher; No. 1 northern, $1.20; No. 2 north ern $1 18; new September, $1.09ti.' asked. RYE Higher; No. 1. 74,4. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 6Sc; sample, 37 CC'RN-Dull; No. , 66S57c; September, 5?VSo3ttc, bid. Ilnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Aug. 19.-WHEAT-TO arrlvet No. 1 northern. $1.204; No. 2 northern, $1 1714. On track: No. Unorthcrn, $1 .2o No. 2 northern, 1X.17V4; September. $1.17?j sr-. V. (1 10 OATS To arrive, 84c; on track, $cj September, 34c Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 19.-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures, strong: September. 7s d. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed 4 10Hd; futures oulet; September, 4s t&; December, 4s 7"d. Toledo Seed Mnrket. TOLEDO, Aue 19. SEEDS Clover, cash, $7.16: October. $7.25; December. $7.32V. Prims alslke, $7.45 bid: August. $7.4r. bid. Prims timothy, $1.45; September, $1.45. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. METALS Tin ( was firm In London, with spot quoted a 1?2 6s and futures 122 17s 6d. but was easier Iocs 11 v, where spot Is now quoted at $"6 8Mt27 fi. Copner was a little lower In the English market, where It closed at 67 "s 6d for both spot and futures. Lo cally the market held steady; lake and electrolytic are quoted at $12.50fll2 iS and casting at $12.?tVfi 1.70. Some of the lsrae producers are holding lake st $12.6212.76. I,ead was a little easier In London, where It closed at 11 6s. but was a shade higher In the local market, closing at $4 2014.26. Speller was firm st $4S5'o4.86 In the local market and st 2 10s In London. Iron clneed at 62s in Glasgow and at 43s $J In MlddlerlKirough. Locally Iron was unchartered- No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 14 orrflH.SO; No. 2 foundry northern at $13 7M'f 14.00; No. 1 foundry southern and No, J .in)4rv enuthern soft e.t 813 SO'rt 13.75. ST Lfft'lS. Aug. 19 METALS Led, steady; $IOO'o4 05; spelter, quiet; $4.72V. Evaporated Apples snd Pried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Aug 19 EVAPORATED APPLES Are in light supply and show a Prm undertone, with common quoted at 4'sJ 6u,c: prime. 5flc: choice. 6'?ilc; fancy, 7w7Hc: prime fruit for future delivery are a noted st from 4'6Ue. , CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes nre showing no Improvement In point of. demand srd remain oulet at irom cc to 6Uc accorrllna to grade, eto. Apricots are unchsnaed; choice ere quoted at HVflOct extra choice. lutfilove. and fancy st 11') 13c Peaches remain firm, with ndvlces from the roes! notlna 1 hirdenlng tendency among b"lder es to th'lr views of futures. Tho 'uot situation Is unchanged, with ex tra choice quoted at 8c and fancy st &Vi f 10c. RKtl. I;STATK THANSFEHS. ! DEi:ri!l filed for record August 19. as fur- nint-t j The Bee by the Ml fu irantee siiil Trust cimoany, boiulnl liaircte, P'U Fjruam Htii..t: John llelluig and wife to Fled flsr- lieh. lot 1. block 4 H, Grand Mew . 4 251 John Jacobs timl wile to Hun t-leh, lot 8, ll irk 14. Lrown Pata () Ceorre r. (iili.ouie and wife to k" It. Iieiini'n. i oi t of lot 8 ami 14 in u0. vt b.ucx A, l.eacrvii.r 4UtA 4