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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1904)
8 THE OMAITA DAILY ITEE: SATURDAY. . AUOUKT 20, THE OMAITA DAILY ITEE: SATURDAY, . AUOUKT 1004. ffiYHs. lutemsfiM MemsTlmiMemMucMo You EI!AE3s TUB RELIABLE ITORB, SJfc y THH RELIABLE STORE. 1 Saturday Bargains , In Our Cloak Department .Women's French Voile Skirts with elegant silk drop, worth up to ?20.00, on sale Saturday, 9 90 .Your choice Saturday of any Wool Suit in the house, worth up to $40.00, J2 Ladies' 510.00 and $12.00 Suits on sale Saturday, . J QC at . Ladies' Silk Underskirts, in all colors and black, 95 Ladies' Skirts, worth $5.00, Saturday, tyQ . .Women's Rainy Day Skirts, worth up to $4.00, 1 Q . Saturday, at J Clearing Sale of Waists Women's Waists, with tucks and embroidery, at 25c Women's $1.50 Waists, at 69c Women's $3.00 Waists, at. . . . .Q5c Women's Jap Waists, worth up to $5.00, at 1.98 Children's $2.00,- at; . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . .49c Women's $2.00 Lawn Wrappers, at 1.00 EXTRA SPECIALS FROM 8:30 TO 9:30 A. M. Children's Wash Dresses, at. . . 25c FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. Women's Dressing Sacques, at. ..... 19c FROM 0 .TO 10 A. M. Women's Black Underskirts, at. . . . . .49c FROM 7:30 TO 9:00 P. M. Women's $1.50 Lawn Wrappers .49c Ladies' Furnishing Goods Ladies' fine fancy lace nnd plain lisle thread hose in black, white and fancy colors, and all the newest shades worth from 50c to $1.00, Saturday. . . . ; v. JtZC One lot of ladies' black and fancy colored hone worth to 39c on sale Saturday, at 12Jc One lot of children's heavy ribbed hose, in all sizes, worth 15 cents, at 8Jc Ladies' fine cambric and long cloth corset covers hemstitched and trimmed with lace and insertion and some with embroidery worth 39c, 50c and 75e Saturday, at .taLC One lot of ladies' fine nainsook gowns, low neck and short sleeves, trimmed w ith lace f ft and embroidery worth up to $1.50 on sale Saturday, at UaC The odds and.enda in ladies' combination suits low neck and sleeves umbrella ftyle, f Q lace trimmed, slightly soiled worth up to $3.00 Saturday, at . OaC Ladies' sleeveless and short sleeve vests in fancy lace lise thread in white, black and ( colors worth from 25c to 39c Saturday, at C Extra Shoe Specials A big August clean-up sale of shoes, 6lippers and oxfords AT LESS than the cost to make. Buy your school shoes now and save almost half. We do not want to carry over any sum mer goods and have put the knife in the regular prices. .1.96 .1.96 Women s sample 13.00' shoes all leathers Men's $2.80 snd 13.00 sample ar odd !ots shoes Infant's S6c soft soles fancy suit tops, i a 500 dozen gent's fine silk lisle hose in plain and fancy colors worth from 39c to $1.00 Saturday, at , Men's fine Madras Shirts with detached collars and cuffs $1.00 value, at .., Men's fine French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 75c quality, at . ......... Boys' fine worsted Sweaters in plain and fancy colors worth from $1.00 to $2.00, on sale Saturday at 500 dozen four-ply Linen Collars for men and boys, at. . , 5c Ladies' and Misses' Fall Hats ...Endless Variety... ...Popular Prices... Child's 5-8 $1.00 sample turn sole aSfl slippers lyC Boys', youth's and little (rent's $1.50 satin calf School Shoes, sizes , Misses' and child's vlcl kid and box calf $1.50 School Shoes , Women's $2.00 vlcl kid lace shoos at Men's $2.00 vlcl kid and fine satin calf shoes, at .' 98c 98c 1.29 1.39 15c Men's $2.50 and $3.00 patent colt f fi( and velour calf oxfords "UV Infant's 1-6 60c, 75c and $1.00 sam- on,, pie. shoes, all leathers OVW Child's 5-11 75c and $1.00 sample fOr turn sole shoes Omaha agents for the STETSON, CROSSETT and JOHN MITCHELL 8hoes for men and the ULTRA and GROVER Shoes for women. Don't your feet hurt ' you this hot weather? Wear a GROVER HAN D SEWED SHOE and be comfortable. Fabrics at One-Third Regular Price On Sale Saturday in Our Main Wash Goods Dept. White Skirting Bargain Prices 15c China Department Decorated English Soup and Oyster Bowls 5c 6-qt. fireproof cooking pots, sell regularly at 50c, on sale Sat urday, at . ... ..15c Crystal Sugar and Cream Sets, at 15c Japanese Egg Shell Decorated Cups and Saucers worth 75c, Saturday, at 23c Majalica 2-quart Water Pitch ers, at fOc Just received a beautiful line of English Crown China Cups, baucers, Plates, up from . .30c FALL HAT STYLES i Speclsl offer of M0 dosen Men's Sample Hats, worth up to $3.00. Tour choice QC Saturday, am lonn as they last, at ' CHAMPION HATS have proven equal to those sold in other store st X0O they are unquestionably the best medium priced hats made all the new fall style O Sf) have arrived and will be placed on sale Saturday, at SUIT CASKS BEST QUALITY BEST STYLL8 lowest, riuccs 1 Will tivt jrou money en any tryl, sire or quality Suit Csm you want to buy. Our Case art guaranteed. Best made. No better at price. Come in and look at them. Fancy White Goods, made especially for fine dress skirts, of these were 35c, 45c and 50c, on sale Saturday, at, yard , White Waisting Bargain Fancy White Embroidered Swiss for waistings. Prices of these were 49c, 59c and G5c. On sale Saturday, ' C at, yard .iujJC Thousands of yards of fine Wash Goods, ODD PIECES of shirt waist suitings, hne ginghams, Madras shirtings, 1 1 fancy Linens, etc., sold" up to 50c, on sale Saturday, yard. fillC Optical Department EYE TROUBLES REMOVED Use the Celebrated Lucidum Glasses Hayden Bros., Sole Agents. Moderate Charges Satisfaction Guaranteed SATURDAY we will place on sa'e about 200 Sample Grips and Dress Suit ft Cf Cases, worth up to $7.60 all in one lot, at long- as they last, at ..ww CORSETS Tape Girdles, In white, pink and blue, all sices regular 75c value ZQt Saturday - ........."-:: Straight Front Batiste Corsets with hose supporters attached regular 75c AQn value Saturday . ..:'w Roval Worcester Corsets with velvet grip hose supporters attached, side and f ff front special for Saturday vv H. H. Pneumatic Bust Forms For Sale in Corset Department. Grocery Department nn ni3 L3-UU . HSreT-jr-p !'.') Mi-'-l iii.ii; i i i 1 1 , ... i ' ii i ; i o) fo) fn) (9 L) !id liU SPECIAL BARGAINS H-potind can Potted Beef. Ham or Tongue SH 44-pound can Oil or Mustard Sardines.. 4c Celluloid, Magnetic, Elastic or I. X. L. Starch 7Hc 1-Dound can Alaska Salmon 9e Condensed Mince Meat, pki 8-pound can Boston Baked J Imported Macaroni, pkg.... X-tVUo, Neutrlta, Force, Vitn nkar 10 bars best Laundry Soap 2c 8 bars Wool or Armour's White Soap,.. 10c Evaporated reaches, id FOR CLOSE BUYERS ... I'vto Evaporated English Currants, lb... Ruby Prunes, lb FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS. Large, juicy Lemons, doz , Mo Fancy Bartlett .rears, aoz. ....... 150 lb.., 6a California White Figs, pkg 6o Strained Honey, rack.... 12o BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER!!! Fancy Separator Creamery, lb.. 2)0 Good Separator Creamery, lb ..J? Choice Country Butter, lb 12o 6c v Hallowe'en Dates eans 8c c Vigor or 74c ME ATI ME ATI! MEATU1 We Are Still in the Lead on Low Prices and High Quality. Leg Spring Lamb, lb........; ?o Leg yearling Mutton, lb 7 Veal Roast, lb "ri Veal Stew, lb BEEF. OMAHA KEEPS ON WINNING Commences on Colorado Springs Just Where They Left 01F. BOTH OF THE PITCHERS ARE BATTED HARD . , r. . . Hoorke's Mea Lead - In Work wltU the Stick and Also Put Vp a Detter Game In the . Field. COLORADO 6PRING8. Aug. 19.-(Speclal Telegram.) The first game of the Omaha seriea hero today developed a batting fever, with the visitors cicelllng in the mattfr of luck and long hits, which reeultld In an easy victory. Brown was batted hard, but the Jimmies hit at the wrong time and Vllleman was simply slaughtered, but Ryan had no on fit to stem the tide and left him on the slab,. Congalton'a fierce batting was the feature of the stick work. Omaha needed only two Innings to win. Four hits, Including a double and a triple, with a fielders' choice and an out scored four men In the second. In the fourth an other nice bunch of singles. In which How ard's three-sacker was the wlndup, cinched the t-ame. Attendance, 1,200. Score: , OMAHA. Thlel, If.......... Carter, rf Howard, 2b Welch, cf Dolan, ss Thomas, lb..... Schlpke. 3b.f... Gondtng, ' p..,.,, brown, p........ . J AB. R. H. PO. A. i a z n 2 6 2 2 10 0 s 0 s 0 6 0 4 0 s .7, leua season closes. Beaver will play shortstop and make his debut on the date mentioned, which Is Labor day and when the Sioux City team will play a ui.unie-neaaer with the Rangers on the . ....uii biiot m. vnen tne .Decoration date was changed from Sioux City to Omaha it was thought the Labor day games would be played at Sioux City, but this arrangement has been annulled and the Labor day games will be played here, as shown on the original schedule. It has ??0.J'fen.JirrSP'i change the schedule so that the Bloux City team may play a continuous series here, from September 6 to 9 Inclusive, the original dates, being Omaha at Bloux City on September 8 and 9. GAMES IS tHE AMERICAN LEAGIB St. Loot Wins and Holds Boston Down to Two Scores. h0,TOrN ,Auf- The first five men In the Bt. Louis batting order found Dineen easy today and they earned runs enough J?ng h,t8Jto rlnV,Pelty tePl Boston's score small, despite St. Louis' errors. At tendance, 7,924. Beore: ST. LOUIS. f BOSTON. K.H.O.A.E. B H O A B U... I 4 1 0 0 ir... I l k m v i rarvai. U.... Ill 4 o at.hi, ct e t i 4 IjColllni,, Jb... 0 1 t i 0 Framn. rt.. 0 o J I l'LAChance, lb 0 oil 1 0 IT.rrla, Jb.... 0 14 I 1 Crlg.r, e 4 4 1 4 l'Plnmn, p.... 0 6 0 r.rreii 9 t V Burkrtt. Heldrlck. ct., 1 W.ll.c... m... 1 Hrne. rf 4 Jon.., lb 0 Padd.o, lb... 4 Mormn, Sb.... 4 O'Conner, e.. 4 Peltjr. p 4 Totals 4 It 41 14 4 "T.nn.blll .440 Roast, lb., 9c and., Rib Boll, lb ,,. Round Steak, lb... So Loin Steak, lb.. 12Ho and. Porterhouse steaK, 10..... . PORK. Lotna, lb Koast - Spring Chickens, lb No 1 Hams, lb No. 1 Bacon, lb 3-lb. pall Sunflower. Lard, pall 99 14o Sa 8a 16o lOo llo t5o run. The game was closely contested from the start. Attendance, 10,007. Score: Br, cf Luih. It.... Flick, rf LJol. Jb.. bradler, lb Carr, lb...., Turner, aa.., Bemla, CLEVELAND. H.H.O A.K 1110 0 Uoora, p 0 Total. t 4 3 0 6 4' 4 1 lit 1 1 1 s s PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. HartMl, If... 0 0 t Plrkerlnt, cf. 0 4 0 Davla, lb 0 14 L. Cro. lb . 4 1 0 Serbold, rf... 4 t t Vlurphjr. Jb... 10 1 VI. Croaa, 0 4 4 hr.rk, c... 0 1 14 Vaddell, p... 4 4 J Total n . S 15 27 15 COLORADO SPRINGS. w AB- K- H- TO. A. E ifi.Miim, as .. 0.1 1 C'onaj&ttoii, rf 4 2 4 Kahl, 3b 4 0 0 Ryan, If 6 0 0 Thornton, lb 6 0 1 I'lake. ri ; 4 1 8 Mill." 2t... 8 0 1 Iierwld, c , 4 0 2 Vllleman, p 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 4 1 1 ...S8 6 12 27 11 0 4 0 8 0 0 10 1-9 1 1 1 IV U 1 0 0 16 Totals .... Omaha , Colo. Springs Earned runsrCnlormtn flnrinn r v.,. S Two-be hits: Blake. Welch, D-lan. Thomat (2). Three-buss hits: bonding, Howard Home run: C'ongalton. Double plays: Mil to Thornton; Dolan to Howard to (?). Baes on balls: Off Vllle man. I; ofT Brown, 4. Struck out: Bv VII leniao, 4, by Brown, 2. Left on has.' Colorado Si.rlnKS. 10; Omahu, 8. Time: 1.44. Umpire: Caruthers. Hostette-r Wins IIt Game. DENVER. Aug. l.Hostetter had the bettor of. a plt.hera' battle, striking out rilna men. Score: R H E lVnver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 i 6 8 I'ea Wulnes ..0 0000000 00 4 1 Untterles Uostetter and Lucia; lloffer and Towns. Rrrors Help Sloa Lose. FIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. 19.-Sloux City failed to hit the bull id made ormrs st rriiiral tionts. . It waw y for bt. Joeenh 4i-ore: K H E H. Josrph ...0 0008004 0 ill 0 fcitmx t'liy ..0 0001000018 6 Butteites Kostal and Graves; Clark and Gm via. Staadlnat ot the Tea in a. . . Played. Won. Loat P. C. moiaao MTinua.... Hi fc; i .. iiivt.r : i t li t In I .i .M(.ln.-s ,lirj r Jo i it in) L.oua lily in Otllllil tlliiilV: lliiiiiha I'i;a Alfiius at ltnver, St. Jonirn Total! J 4 17 16 1 Batted for Crlger In the ninth, Hatted for Dlneen In ninth. Bt. Louis 1 0100080 15 Boston 1 0100000 0-1 iwo-oase nits: Heldrlck. Wallace, Jones, rkeiU Three-base hits: Burkett 12). Sac rifice hits: Freeman lnrlH.n U...1.... V , . . . , - wUas. ut,ii unm?; Wal.aoe, Selbauh. Double plays: Parent to freirls to Collins, Wallace to Padden to Jones. Hist base on balls: Off Pelty 4- . - .ihihaj. cpiiuti, uui; xjy felly. oLVhl.,n 2- Tlm,: 1M- lrmpire; Now York Wins front Chicago. NEW YORK, Aug. 18.-The New York Americans celebrated their return from the west today by defeating Chicago. CheBbro "L-ent-ni lorm, aoo conroy's Uiree baKger brought In three runs in the third 11.111. Auriiutuico, v.ouo. Dcore: NW YORK I CHICAGO. K.H.P.a.B.I KHOAB .f . i. ... . rumD, n o 1 1 A i a u wjon., cr 0 0 0 14 1 0 Callahan, lt.,0 4 1 4 It I 4 fiala. aa. 1 1 l lit 1 'T. .-.,, ..... i Fulta. ct 1 1 1 a o'l.i-n 11.' 1 1 i Conror, lb... 4 114 0 Dundon. ib!!0 I 1 0 7 1 0 Kuiuvan. c... 0 o a I 1 Whlta, p o o J Ktiel.r. rf V, llli.m.. Sb. 0 Oanwil. lb.... 1 tiberl.ld. aa. o hi. in Cb.abro, p Total.. 1 1 1.1 In 67 43 43 .6h7 47 .u.,1 62 .0.3 at Colorado v wi ii a Tnu riuii . ior 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 Chicago o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 liases on errors: Chicago. 2. Left on bases: New York, 7; Chicago. 5. Baaes on ba Is: Off Chesbro. 1; oit White, L Struck put: By Chesbro. 6: by White. 8. Three fefiM lllt,: V,,,,ro'' Davis. Two-bate hits: 1 ama. Kults. Sacrifice hits: Keeler. JJUlams. tonroy Stolen base: Ellrfeld. l1Utby.. rlfthed ball: i(y Vhlle. 1. Wild pitch: White. Time: 1:S&. Umpire: Dwyer. ) Defeat Easy for LrstaU tors. WASHINGTON. Auk. 19.-Detmi ..n outplayed Washington touay. The feature Bt:ure ; of the game was the brilliant playing ut Caseldy at atiortstup. Attendance,. l,5uu. PKThOIT. , WASHINGTON rtt. cf. .1 4 4 4 0 t O'N.tll. ef....O 0 4 0 0 nivr.. Kit 1 4 4 0 HIM. 3b 0 0 14 0 H.H.O. A narratt, Mil ( ou.hlln, 3b. 1 Craarurd. rl.. f HIiKiuan. lb. 4 1 11 Luna. i 4 11 B. villa, c 4 D liir, a... 0 Donuv.ii, p.. 0 4 1 I 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 0 raawdr, aa.. 4 It O'H internal). If. 0 1 4 Mel orm'k. 3b 4 4 4 Itonuvan, rf.. 4 I 4 t'lark. lb 0 I 0 klltrdaa. a.. 0 1 4 Tuaaaend, p. 4 I 1 1 I Newr Miorlatup fur Omaha, It . bus l.t-n ann.nim 1 that Manaper L.j.ilK.' cf t!M Omuh i l,rte 1, ,11 team 111 r i J. J l.,dr if tl,M t.iiurima. la.. -a 5'-e -u ipiiulr . wtita tlie ToUla 37 H ol Tut. I. 0 4 If It I Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 05 W Httlilugtim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-busu hits: Hickman, McCormlrk. Sacrlllce hits: lclntyre, t 'uunhllii. Double plays: Cu.iily to Mi t'onuli a to t ljike; t'ojKlillu to Lowe to Hlikmun. First ba.-e on bulla: (iff Towiuwrnl. 1. nft ruii.ivan, 4. lilt by iiltt tivd ball: lJ inovH. Struck out: Hy Town-arnil. ; by lonovan, 4. l-ft on lwea: V' mIiiiik ton. 7; it 1'hshJ bull: Bevllle. U na pliih: Lunovan. Time: 1 :4v. I'mlpre: King. I.ajuiai'a Wlaalnit Kau. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 19ln the elev- "' tiMlay Lai n, the tlrat nian up fur Cleveland, hit to M. ri.s. throw to Davis ent Into the rlxnt ho d beiiclmis Lajuio inuua tin clicult wltjU iu wlmui.g Tnt.l. 1 T U Id 1 (n.i.i. v. i i . . . i i.ii vui, nib li .uucu Man. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 Philadelphia ...0 100000000 01 Two-base hits: Lush, Seybold, Davis (2). Three-base hit: Flick. Sacrifice hit: Carr. Stolen bases: Flick, Murphy, Sevbold. Double plays: Turner to Carr; Wadaell to Davis. Lett on hares: Cleveland. 9; Phil adelphia, 12. First base on balls: Oft Moore, 7; off Waddell. 4. Struck out: By Moore. 7; by Waddell, 15. Time: 2:08. Um pire: Sheridan. J Standing: of the Teams. . Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 89 60 39 , .606 Chicago 104 62 42 .596 Boston ,102 60 42 .68 Philadelphia 97 66 41 .677 Cleveland 99 56 43 ,6ii6 Detroit 99 42 - 67 . 424 St. Louis ,... 97 40 67 . 412 Washington ... 99 22 77 . 222 Games today: St. Louis at Boston. De. troit at Washington, Chicago at New York, Cleveland at Philadelphia, GAMES IN TUB NATIONAL LEAGIK Pittabars Wins at New York by Strong- Dase Running. NEW YORK. Auj. 19. Strong base run ning and poor batting with men on bases lost the game for New York today. Ames outpitched Lynch. Attendance, 8,694. Score: PITTSDURO. H.H.O. A.K. Lrach. lb 1 B.aumont, cf 0 1 Kltohay. 2b... 1 I Wagner, aa. .. 11 Branaflcld. lb 0 1 Cald;, rf. .. 4 4 McCorm'k, If. 0 4 ('arisen, c... 0 4 Ljocb, p 0 0 NEW YORK. R H.O.A.S Braanahan, cf 0 1 I 1 0 Hrown., rf . .. 1 MrOann. lb.. Mertea, If Il.hl.D, aa.... Oelln. "Jib.... Ollhart, 3b... w amar, c... Aniea, p Uonlln .... 1 1 4 13 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 0 0 V 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 0 1 4 1 0 0 00 0 i "i t7 14 "i Totals...... I 424 11 01 Total. Mertea out, hit by butted ball Batted for Ames In ninth. Pittsburg 1 001000 0 1 J New York 0 Q 1 0 0 0 0 1 02 Two-base hits: Rltchey (2), Bransfleld, Dahlen. Sacrifice hits; Wagner, McOann. Stolen baaes: Leach, Dahlen. Double plays. Carlsch and Leach; Devlin, Bres nahan and McQann. Left on bases: Plttn burg. 2; New York, 8. Flrxt on balls: Off Lynch, 6; off Ames, 1. First on errors: Pltuburg. 2. Hit by pitched ball By Lynch, 2. Struck out: By Lynch, 8; by Ames, . Passed ball: Carlach. Wild pitch: Ames. Time; 2:10. Umpire: Johnstone. Standing; of the Teams,. . Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York lt2 72 Do .706 Chicago lirl 63 39 .618 Pittsburg 101 60 41 .5114 Cincinnati lixj 61 45 .576 St. Louis 1D5 56 60 .bi Bonton I116 40 65 .jjsi Brooklyn 103 87 , 68 . 352 Philadelphia 1(4 27 77 .260 Games today: Boston at Chicago; New lora m i iitsuurg: r-niiaoetpnia at Clncln natl; Brooklyn at St. Louis. ley; Fox and - FJ-eejiian; ;Oyler, Fox and r reeraan. r irsi on nans: oil Morgan, 8 pit Ferguson, 1. Struck out: By Morgan a, vy reiguaon, i. nrat: i:38. umpire u.u.niiiB. , Games Postponed. At Kansas City Milwaukee-Kansas City siiio iiuatpuneu; wet grounas. Standing; ' of tvee Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet St. Paul .....116 74 42 .638 Milwaukee 115 67 ts .6id Columbus 114 64 48 .579 Louisville 116 . 63 53 .643 Minneapolis Ill 56 66 .bOj Indianapolis 118 67 61 .4t3 Kansas uuy iiu , . 42 68 . .32 Toledo 116 83 82 .264 Games today: Columbus at Milwaukee, Toledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at St, raui, ijouiaviue at. rvanaaa city. Regents Drop a Pair. . CENTRAL CITY, Neb.. Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) The Central City ball team defeated the Omaha Regents two well played games n .uimuiiy nnu x nursaay or mis week inunraay a game was called In the last half of the fifth inning on account of rain. Following is the aaora nf w.itn..Hav'. Bauio ny iiuiings. K.H.B Central Cltv...0 4 ft ' 0 1 n I n tv is Regents .., 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 07 8 Batteries: Regents,' Pender and Claire rnwat Luy, luo ana Castle. 'inursday s game R. H. E. uentrai city 2 0 0 0 3 4 6 Regents a o 0 1 08 4 : Batteries: Regents, Boben and Claire Central City, Kombrlnk and Castle. Um plre: Scudder. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Several Good Things Give Minneap olis Game at St. Paal. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Aut. 19 A na . sacrifice, a hit and an error gave Minne apolis one run In the third and three singles, a sacrifice, gave them two in the fourth. The locals scored In the second on a pass. slnKle and a sucrirlce. F'ast fieU Ing and Morgan's stick work prevented further souring. Attendance, 4.0u0. Score: MlMNt.AHI.Llfl. . ST. PAL'L. II. H O A r. R H O A C. B.ioner. n.. I . o i Jonn, cf 0 0 10 0 rraaman, lb.. 4 111 OlJraaas. rf.,.0 1400 Cuult.r. It . 0 1 1 lll,..i., II, A 7 i J Orenilns'r. 3b 0 4 t 0 1 Klounmr. If.. 0 4 S 0 r, a 1 1 i HHUy, lb ... 1 I 14 1 4 MrKit-hols. cf 4 4 4 4 ) Url.B. ..... 4 113 0 Fx. tti 4 4 4 4 0 Mar,-AM th a a . a (ivl.r. aa I 1 t I O.nmilv.n a... 0 1114 kursas. p.... 4 I 4 4 0, r.rauwa. p.. S 0 t 4 0 "Mania 4 0 4 4 4 Tutala 4437 14 2 I 1 IT It 1 Batted for Ferguson In ninth. Minneapolis 0 01 tnooonl bt. luul 0 lOOOOOOo 1 Two-baae hits: Jackson. Pcrln,- hlii.- Morgan. McNlchols 121. Coulter. Mrimi. OLncu. Doubts plays; Feiustu anl Lyons Beats Craig. LYONS, Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-At the Modern woodmen of America picnic in mmr yesteruay tne Lyons base ball team defeated the Craig team In the fastest game played on the Blair diamond this year. This game leaves the two teams tied, as each has' won two games. The fea tures of the game was the errorless play ing of the Lyons teem and the effective wura, oi me coop orotners uattery. Score: Lyons o 0 0 0080206 Craig o 000010001 struck out: by Cook. 6; by Rooney, 9. Safe hits: Lyons, 7; Craig, 4. Batteries: Lyons, Cook and Cook; Craig, Rooney and tiencrman. umpire: Durrant. Time of game: i.m. Sugar JUa Iters Beat Batter Makers, GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe cial Telegram.) Grand Island and Beatrice ptayea a nouy contented end close game to, day, Beatrice, however, failing to hit Mo. Cloaky when most needed, though having slightly the best of the hits. Harriott's eingie, ncnurr s sacrifice, Marcn s three bagger and Dow's single netted two runs in tne tilth for the bugariuakeis and won mo gumo. ocore H H w urana isiana.u O 0 O 0 8 1 0 0 8 7 lieu nice ...a 0041000001 8 0 Batteries: Beatrice. Morse and Wllmn Grand Island, MuCluaky and Miller. Beatrice Is Humped, GENEVA. Neb.. Auk. 19 tSrwselal.l u.ueva ucm xeairice louuy. ocore: R. H. R Geneva 4 5 0 0 2 10 1 14 13 7 Beatrice ....0 00201041 8'6 6 Batteries: Beatrice, Townsend, Stern and Wilson; Geneva, fi human and Burk. Umpire: L. Reld of Geneva. K.H. Lushton ,...0 800000000 25 ( Biunlng ....2 OO1OVO000 08 8 Batteries: Lushton, Anderson and Welta; Pruning, Adauia and Uarreis, Motor Races at Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE Mass., Aug. 19. Will Stln son and Louis Mettllng fought out the third hour of the Gulden Wheel eix-duy race at Charles Klver park tonight and Slliiaon was Hie winner, riding forty-two miles yards and creating new records for four-horse power motors from twenty-six lilies up tu the luat mile. Mettllng rode flirty miles l.bti yards In the hour. Mett llng still leads In the three nights' racing Willi a total of L6 miles 1,163 ards. Btlnsou Is second with 121 miles yards. Chicago Adds to Its Victories. ST. LOUIS, Aug 19 Chicago Central Young Mens Christian association added another victory to Its long siring of athletic honors today by defeating St. Louis Young Mans Christian anM.rlathm In the athletic gyninanlum context held In the Phyaica'. Culture building. The events ciinalfleil cf inarching, caliathenlca. three exerilie on the M,l horae. parallel and horlsiuital bars, running high Jumps and basket ball. Be Want Ads produce; Itojulu PLAY GOLF IN DRIVING RAIN Western Championship Games Handicapped by the- Weather. SAWYER AND EGAN ARE THE SURVIVORS Pitted for the Finals In the Con test for the Title in To day's Thirty-Six Hole Match. CHICAGO, Aug. 19. After two rounds of match play In the western golf champion ship today, H. C. Egan of the Kxmoor club and D. F. Sawyer of the Wheaton Golf club are the survivors In tomorrow's thtrty- slx-hole finals for the title once held by Chandler Egan and lost In this tourney by his cousin, W. E. Egan. Not since the na tional championship at Glenvlew, In 1902, has there been such a golf or such weather conditions. Every match today was played In a cold, driving rain. Sawyer defeated W, K. Wood this after noon four up and two to play and followed brilliant thirty-nine out by the same figures In a total of seventy-eight,-that is western record for rainy-day golf. In the afternoon Sawyer made a runaway race o his match with R. H. McElwee, who had beaten G. F. Cllngmah, Jr., two up earlier In the day. Sawyer put McElwee out of the match by a score of six up and five to play. The day's route was comparatively easy for Egan. Irt the third round he gained a lead of three holes on Ralph Hoagland at the turn, and continuing steadily, won Ave up and four to play. Not so easy, how ever, was the victory of Fay Ingalls, the Harvard champion, who only beat 8. C, Spltier one up at the twentieth hole, after having been two up at one period In the first nine holes of the play. Ingalls' vic tory pitted him against H. C. Egan. his college chum, in the semi-finals and their match was played In the hardest rnln of the season, Egan winning two up and on to play. That Egan was not In danger of losing to Ingalls, although the latter tbok tho first two holes from him, was soon proved Only one other hole, the fifteenth, was won by Ingalls. Egan won the third, seventh. ninth, twelfth and thirteenth holes. The others were halved. Wltn A four for a total of seventy-six, Egan refused to con tinue after the seventeenth hole because of th Increased fury of tha rain. Rain fell In sheets during the third round matches "Ned" Sawyer had a lead of three holes on Western Interscholastlc Champion W K. Wood at the turn, going out on thirty- nine, which was brilliant golf for th con dltlon of th course. He kept up this fine game, taking thirty-nine for the last nine and won four up and two to play. Th Dye noiea wer won by Sawyer. Harvard pluck alone kept Ingalls In the running In th third round, for 8. C. Splt ser, who had removed two rivals from the tourney hy the close margin of one point wa a good rain player and hung oi tena ciously. They wer sll square at the turn nd after being 1 down Ingalls souared matters at the sixteenth green by winning th hole. The seventeenth and ela-hteenth holes were halved and despite the storm big alley of enthusiasts followed the extra hole play. Th nlnteenth hole was halved In four, then came the remarkable feature of this match. After sending his brasaey second out of bounds. Ingalls was able by faultless re coveries to win the hole, 8 to Spltser's , and net th right to play his Csmbrldge chum, H. Chandler Egan, In th semi. nals. Out in 44 to O. F. Cllugnriij!'. R, H. McElwee was only square with the Home wood youth. But continuing his play, which was almost equal to bogey figures, tne vet eran won by 2 up, . totalling 87 for the eighteen holes. There was little to the Chandler Egan. Ralph Hoagland match. The wlxard of the links was out In 42, enough to get up on tho suburban champion and taking the next three holes, he , could afford to lose the thirteenth by being bunkered. Halving the fourteenth, the match was concluded, ICgan 5 up and 4 to play. As a side feature of , the tourney, s. e. t-gun, the gray-haired father of Walter E. Egan won the veteran cup from a field of twenty starters, making a gross score of 89, which with a handicap allowance of 8, gave him a net score of 81. Results Third round, chamolonshlo: D. E. Sawyer, Wheaton, defeated W. K. Wood, Home- wood, 4 up, 2 to play. R. H. McElwee, Onwentsla, defeated G, F. Clingmun, Jr., Homewood, 2 up. Fay Ingalls, Cincinnati, defeated 8. C. Spltzer, Klver poorest, l up, twenty noies. H. C. Egan, Exmoor, defeated R, Hoap land, Hinsdale, 6 up, 4 to play. Semi-finals: 1). E. Sawyer defeated R. H. MoKIwaa a nn -K fm nlflv. 11. a. igan oeieaiea ray xngaiis, up, i to play. EVENTS ON THE BINNING TRACKS Fort Hunter Wins the Huron Handi cap at Saratoga SARATOGA SPRINGS. Aug. 19. Fort Hunter h mi In ran to hla true form today. whi n ihn Huron handlcaD. the slake fea ture of the card, by a length and a half from St. valentine, wno oeat opring oy a length nnd a half. Memorlee and Gold Money, outsiders, beat the favorite, Mine' ola, In the nist. Lady Potentate, favorite, won the second and Teacress, favorite, won the third event by only half i lene-th. Another favorite. Dreamer, won the fifth, , while Liberia, favorite In the sixtn, won Dy nve lengtns unuur win in Kenu'.ts: KirBt race, seven furlongs: Memories 15 to 1) won, Gold Money second, Mlneola. third. Time: 1:274a. Hecnnri race, milrt and a furlong on turf: iJidy Potentate (18 to 10) won, Homestead second, Hrookrynue tnira. lime; i:ov. Third rare. Ave and one-half furlongs: Teacress (11 to 10) won, Thirty-Third teo- ond; Danaeuse third, 'lime: i:ua. Fourth race, the. Huron, one and three sixteenths mllen: Fort Hunter (12 to 6) won St. Valeutin second. Spring third. Time: 2:01. Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs: Dreumer (lti to b) won, ClKai'llghtcr sec ond, Derry third. Time: l:u7. Sixth race, one mile;' Liberia (11 to 10), won. Phantom second, Sir Shep third. Tlnio: 1:41. CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Results! First race, six furlongs: Ayr (5 to 1) won, Bernlce second, Phil third. Time: 1:17. Second race, steeplechase, ahort course: Weird (13 to ' 10) won. King Galong sec ond, Nitrate third. Time: 2:f,9. Third race, seven furlongs: Stroller (10 to 1) won, Ahola second, Monastic 11 third. Time: 1:29. Fourth race, one mile: Nlaxu (4 to ft won Tarn G'Shanter second. Ethel third. Time: 1:45. Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards: Freckman (11 to 5) won. Viola second. Sweetie third. Time: 1:49H- Sixth race, nve und one-hulf furlongs: Cutter (5 to ll'Min, Intense second, Capit- nazo itura: lime: i:im. DETROIT, Aug. 19.-Results: First race, lx f ii'lnnga: Mary Worth (5 to 1) won, NuRttels second, lady Chariot third. Time: 1:18. Second race, blx furongn: GrorxraSne (16 to 5) won Mucion second, Annie Chap man third. Time: 1:17. Third race, six and one-half furlonas: Dutch Barbara (2 to 1) won. Columbia Olrl second. Light Brlgude third. Time: 1:23. Fourth race, ono nnd one-sixteenth mllis: Forlsel (7 to 6) won, Ldward Hale sec- on.1. Hank Street third. Time: 1:'U. purse: Wlllowdene (6 to 2) won, Yada aeo ond. Argosy third. Time 1:10H. Fifth race, one mile: Bab ( to 5) won. Jerry Hunt second, Mamselle third. Tim: Sixth race one mile and seventy yards, selling: Juba (30 to 1) won, Amberlta, sao ond, Flyer third. Time: 1:46H- E.AT DAY GRAND CIRCIIT RACES Brighton Beach Track Devoted fo Series of Dash Races. NEW YORK, Aug. 19 The last day of the Grand Circuit meeting at the Brighton Beach track was devoted to daah races, In which the favorites were all top heavy, but in some Instances proved moat deceptive. This wan especially so in the 2:22 pace at half a mile and the 2:09 trot at a mile and a sixteenth. In the former Gordon Prince sold at $& to $10 for the field. Lockout Hal was the hope of the fielders and with the advantage of the pole, he sprinted to the front, with the favorite in hot pursuit. At the top turn Gordon Prince broke badly and Lockout Hal won by two lengths lu 1:034. The 2:09 trot was the best race of the day. Maxetto sold at $25 to $17 for the field. The field went well bunched up the back stretch with Mnzetto, Maxlne and Judge Green lapped and York Boy close on the outside. At the three-quarter pole Mazotto broke and fell back and Curry iiea-an a arreat drive with York Boy. H soon passed Maxlne and Marlon Wilkes and won by two lengths. In the 2:16 pace Cheery Lass sold at 2a to $10, with Belle Star as the choice for second place. They finished In that order, well ahead of the field. Six met in the 2:(9 pace and King Di rect sold at $25 to $10, with Ben F second choice. Ben F led a short distance, with the favorite and Dandy C close up. Her King Direct came up ana ianay tj Drone and fell back, King Direct winning by a length, with Ben F second and Olive Wood third. . ... John Taylor sola at i'j to io in tne :n trot, a dash of a mile and an eighth. Di rect View had the pole and held It to tho kvaa a u ..,.( i , Vi .Inlin Tnvlnr nnit John Mc. lapped. The two made a pretty race to the wire, layior winning oy a lengui. Prince Alert naced a mile to heat 1 :f'4. hut the track was slow, and the best ha could do was 2:024. Results: Class 2:11. trotting, purse wu, aasn, mil and an eighth: . ,, John Tayior, gr. g., by Dispute-Dolly Eby, Joe S (Wilson) 1 Direct View. br. h. (DeRyder) 2 John Mc, blk. g. (Geers) i yueen Wilkes, D. m. (Spear) Time: z:a. . M Class 2:0W. trotting, purse $700, dash, mil and a sixteenth: York Boy, b. g. Dy Wlixes joy-roy Gregor (Curry) J iiuvii,. n rn ov Marlon Wilkes, br. m. (McDonald) Judge Green, b. g. (DeRyder) Prince Greenlander Mazetto Time: 2:1914. ' . . Class 2:09, pacing, purse $700, dash, one mile: . . . King Direct, DIK. n., ty mamumiv ivins- Welcome uunser i . Ben F. b. g. (DeKyU.r I Olive Wood, br. g. (Phillips) 3 Bob, th. g. (vvaiaeu j Illrdlna Dandy C Time: z:ii. . . . Clans 2:15, purse $00, dash, mile and a IvtMin i h : Cheery lass, b. m., by Bobby McGregor- Welcome Hunaer ihipw"i r..ii Klar. br. m. (Hhank) I Krigar Boy, b. b. (Fuller) ,. S Mn-earet W, b. m. (Hnow) .: Time: in. . . . . , CIhhs 2:i2. purse $aO0. dh, half-mile: Lockout Hal. b. h.. by Hul DUlard-Bahe, .. 2 ...... 3 4 ...... 8 Fifth race, six furlongs; Bazll (8 to 6) won, Ariih Mv second, Clniliiuu tl Ln- qulrer third. Time: 1:18V.. Sixth rate, one mile: ltachael Ward (5 to 1) won, Mnlakoff second, Cheboygan thlrH Time: 1:4.'.W. HT. IX)l'I8, Aug IS. Result.': First rare, six furious, aelling: Kitty G (9 to t) won. rit. Arms II second, Ouden ard third. Time: l:lt.V. Hecond rare nve and onc-ns r rurionrs, f iling: Pl-ture Hat (5 to 2 won. Tha Mixaourlan second. Dromlo third. Time: 1:1'".. Third race six furlongs, selling: Alron- qnln (IS to 1) won. Bol Smith second. Ex tol third. Time: 1;1,M. , Foui tU laca, five and ouo-half furloni. I by St. Lookout isriaiiK) r,,.hu tilU in. (Sueur) Nancy H, br. m. (HudHiin) iordnn prince, nr. u. idi i ....... Alcldine, b in. (Mclonaiu Time; j:im'. Matldee Bond Meeting, Program for the matinee races Baturday ... 1 2 3 4 5 afternoon ill ; o rn.. i, iinSuu street park The cmninli tr e In charge Is O. C. Reilltk and H. W Dunn: ( hiss A. Pacing Red Hud. s. g., J S. Iinan; Eildle D.. hlk. g.. Ed Dletrkk; Pov erty s. in., W. C. RubscII. Class 11, Trotting-Myrtle Uny, blk. g., T C Byrne; General Nottingham, b. g., l;' li llfiilun; Medium, b. m., T. A. Harri; Ci'm-lii. r. I', in., Charles J. I.:ue; Klmotit, Jr W. H. Dudley; Sidle N., F. A Naali. ClHfcii '", I'm liiH Mi' b. t I AiiKelii, br. g , M L Wetherbie; IJd' llee, blk. m., A. M. Henderson; Vlile i,l., b. m., I. Muccl; Itiilihle Post, br. f--.. . ('. Redlck; Dandy Jim. O. H. P. Mlkeell. Class D Robert, b g. O J. Mllllga; Roy P., br. g , S Randolph; Van, E. Puniyt R.H'ka. s. g , C. Lerch. i;l.ll,tll.;a Mil. to beat, lit bwm KaootS t