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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1904)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1001. ert-1-- i Kaufmans Superb Orchestra Dr. A. D. LAIRD. Cor- nctist, will Rive two special concerts Saturday evening. First, In Cafe. 6:00 to 7:30. Sec ond, on Main Floor 7:30 to 10 p. ro. MIlJWiTLlL5r Uuupi At ! i n n h.- ii o li RIIS 1 11 1 HI II 1 - -BENNETT'S THE MEN'S WORK SHOE ST0R.E OF OMAHA. Men's Kangaroo calf, UNION MADE, full double sole, lace ff tlA or congress, tip or plain toe shoes, worth $2.50, our price yjfJl Men's genuine Caeco calf, stylish tip lace shoes, strong and Cflfl durable -..UU Men's UNION MADE, Goodyear welt lace shoes, all leathers QT Aft and made in Omaha ... 4a.UU t ; i Cafe Best Table de Uote Dinner In Towd Saturday Evening In Bennett's Cafe. t: SO to 8:00 O'clock. Special music by Kaufman's Orchestra' during dinner. Wont you Join us? mg specials Second Floor. Bilk Petticoat In fine quality of I-retty tafVTT.twJIa ein. -In the new chan(Mi ilitdi-i of reds, blues, browns, greens and blacks -very skirt worth aeven dollars ana a hair EllVkteJn lun'd ,f, A"1117 i." t.n-md V.p very full-good one dollar and tweuty-flve-cent skirt Saturday only I . "CLiDIES'"wAsir8ciT3 W".Ba''sOLj)''BATURDAY Ar.ONE-HALF PRICE. Saturday Sale of Fancy Linens Linen Aisles, Main Floor. fWl L,-T j We havo Just purchase! 600 odd pieces of drawn work, erachtel .nrb -nd olain hemstitched Dresser Scarfs, Pillow Bhams, Table Tons and Cover, Tray ana carving loins , SiSeS 1X1H. ' X ", nx. :)X3". iqx worth 75 cenu to choice for AND TWO DOLLARS EACH PIECE. Special Saturday Sale of Fancy-Ribbons To"'cloan up our stock of Fancy Neck r2',..up-KT.. iki r,ir.. of all silk ' Srea-wldths from 2H to Inches-values up to 20c yard-Baturday we aell them at yard Another Neckwear Sensation for Saturday Our entire stock of lars, Collar Topo, designs and styles -iit,v,itf hsi1cm1 from goods that sold as AND ONE DOLLAR STAMPS. Special Value Sale Fifty dozen ladles white fine Egyptian , no eUeevee silk taped yoke and arms knee regular value eigtuy-nve cenia garment m Soiled Handkerchiefs We have" about thirty dosen Handkerchiefs In fine Swiss, cambric and linens embroidered, hemstitched and lao edges these arc more creased - than, .soiled values in thiB lot aa high as fifty cents on sale Satur day at each ' AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Oratraotors oa. Sotool BuUdinga Urged to Hurry Up Work. PROGRESS ON THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL probability that the- ftew Bnllding W1U Not Bo Ready 4or the Uses. of School Board, Before V ' .Jannary, Since the date, for the opening of the publio schools has been set for September 1. Jiistead of September 6, the contractors who are painting and papering the in teriors of some of the school houses have been notified to hurry their work. Rooms in the Hawthorne, Lincoln and Madison schools have been papered and the interior f.nlah gone over so that these buildings look ilk new inside. Jungmann school has olao been papered and painted Inside, and some painting ' dona on the cornice and iron work on the exterior. Rooms In the Highland, West Side and the Lowell school are now receiving the attention of painters and paperhangers. J It is expected that- all ff the buildings will be la first-claas shape by the time school opens. The steam holl ers In the school houses are to be given a general overhauling, and" the first supply of ooiU will he laid in before Beptember L :Ttar la. no chance now of having any of ne 'basement- rooms n the new high school building ready for occupancy dur ing' the first semester, aa was intended. Tito omission In tho contract for plastering and flooring theso rooms Is causing con siderable comment, especially as it has been the talk ef the board all summer that theue rooms would be mad. ready for uss in September.' Contractor McDonald will go ahfrad with the portion of the building ho la now working on and get the ground door rooms ready as soon as possible. Nearly all of the tiling on the south half of the roof of the building has been laid and the roof of the auditorium Is now being tiled.- In addition to telephones In every room in this new building, there will be a system of oleotrlo clocks, regulated from a master clock In' the ofllee of the prin cipal. Ko far tSI.706 has boen drawn of the tlOO 00 voted for the construction of a high school building. This amount shows only what has been paid out There is no rec ord on the treaaurer's books of ths amount of material, supplies, etc., already con tracted 1 for, but the statement Is made that If the building Is completed on the daalgna it will take every cent of the money voted and possibly mora Those conversant with construction work declare that the new building cannot be completed and ready for oocupanoy before January L Ajiyreaeh. , Searlaa" Completion. The approach of the Q streot viaduct being cMUjatracied by the Vnioa Bto;k I'&rds "" jny Is Hearing cmnpljtloo. PlMitT of material Is on hand to keep the workmen busy, and. the expectation ,1s liiat the Aiarraai-h wi"J be ready for uas btJure the O met viaeurt la opr-ned.. This arjh msis on henry ceiutut .piers and tiia Umbnrs are unuua!ty heavy, as soon aa tha .appruach la fln.his ths railing on I S lii.i. Jwk V r "s f- -" v.Jlt.....i olk'- ...i-'.. lift... fr V h ;; ' 1 t ' -urn V. .. .iB I . .... . . . " O' - t..d IMl, MtA i. ku. ItmJ - -I it Kodaks and Cameras Complete new line of dependable pho tographic accessories. Everything for the art. Ask for booklet: have a talk with the Camera man. Southeast cor ner, MAIN FLOOR. in Cloak Bept. 4.95 75c 35c JA.I, J""i - . joxot. joni, iflAui eacn oaiurctay your IN GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH and Belt Ribbon weplacSfn sale ribbons. In stripes, dots and flg- 0,C Bummer Neckwear. Including Stock Col hiding Stock Col retty -J Tab Collars In all the pretty of the season some are fvtna - u.eri In decorations high as 11.60 go on sale Saturday IN "a & II." GREEN TRADING on Ladies Union Suits Gause Union Bulls low neck. lace trimmed umbrella 59c oaiuraugr jiricw 15c the viaduct will be removed' for a short distance and teams for Swift's win use the new route Instead of being compelled to cross the tracks under the viaduot. En gineers say that the grade on this ap proach ie so eaay that there will be ' no difficulty about hauling heavy loads. Ugrhtlnsj Ordinance Published. The new electric street light contract or dinance was published for the first time last night in the official paper of the city. Under this ordinance the contract runa for Sve years and the city is to pay 3)4.60 per annum each for not less than 140 street lights. Incandescent lights In the city hall building and the jail are paid for at the old rate of 0 cents a month for each light. Mayor Koutsky and the mem bers of the council seem to think that they have acted wisely In entering Into this new contract at' a reduction from the old contract rate. About forty additional aro lights - will be located at street inter sections within the next two months' and the city officials say that South Omaha will be . very well lighted when the Improve ments contemplated , are., made. There Is no additional drain, en' the lighting fund by reason of this new1 'contract. Citisens who have been clamoring for street llghU appear to be greatly pleased at the pros pect of having some attention paid to their petitions now by the council. Presbyterian Bnaday School Plcnlo. Members of the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church held a plcnlo at Rlvervlew park 'yesterday. Tho park was reached over the Walnut Hill car line and the large number who attended appeared to , be well satisfied wtlh the service. At the park short addresses were delivered by a number of the Sunday school leaders. In- speaking of 'the plonle last evening Rev. Dr. Wheeler said that the pupils of the (Sunday school spent a most enjoyable day 'and all' reached home tired but glad that they attended. . Death of Charles Allen. Charles Allen died at noon Thursday at his late residence, Twenty-third and II streets.' At the time' of his death the de ceased was ever SO years of age and had been In' fulling health for some mouths. A wlfs and three children are left. James Allen, Mrs. Samuel H, Christie and Miss Julia Allen are the children. Funeral serv ices will be held at t o'clock this afternoon at the re-sldrnce. Th. services will be In charge of Bee Hive lodge. No. 181, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. At the con clusion of the services the remains will be forwarded to Darlen, Wla, for Interment. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Christie will accom pany tha remains. The deceased is well known In South Omaha, having resided burs eight yeurs or more. . Mrs. Duaan'a Pnneral. - Tha body of Mrs. Samuel Dtigan will be taken to Wyraore this forenoon tor Inter ment. No services wilt be held at the fam ily residence, on account of the early hour of the departure of the train. Services will be held at Wj more Instead. Mra Dugan was 41 years of age at the time of her death and leaves a husband and two children. " 1 Maa-le City Gossip. A ease' of scarlet fever is reported at Ml 4 K street. Mlr-s Anna Mi-Mahon is visiting relatives In iNuallvlU,-, 'JYnil. s Mlxa Anna lurT has gone to St Louis to vlxlt the World's fair. A dminhter has been horn to Mr. and Vra Joevph Alleie, I'tv Jefterson atreet. Councilman W. H. Qur-ensn snd wife have guue tu Salt Iko City fur a lew day. Mr. snd Mra P. O. OouM of Rndnev, WifB. arc the guests of l'r, William llciry and wire. ("all up telephone No. 8 end have a vnmm of Jt-ltm's O..I-J Top UittU-d be-r delivered at yttur iv.uit-tica. A lurye nuni)r of Smith Omaha K:lra atfii.i-t Iho t... --lv. carnival at tkuiil ln nd irarh eL-iti.y. A. L. Uci.ult hut tuca out a T'triult Several hundred pair $fl (Tf Y of Men's Sample Shoes, 1 j) worth up to $4.00, vnt - and J5.00 la "S. & H." GREEN Crockery Snaps for Saturday r?zzzzY uuart Mason Fruit Jars . . ccA per dozen And f2.00 Macbeth's Fearl And $L00 An A 1 Gas Mantle for - . jl i'i i,ini 1 1 J And $2.00 in Colored Candles all colon each 2e Large size Iron Stone China Slop Jars, with cover and balls each... 79o Large slse Bowls and Pitchers each.......... b8o Blx-plece Decorated Toilet Bets Common No. I or eacn And SO cents j Pin Mason Jars - dozen And two Grocery Grocery The most popular grocery department In the western country Tor twenty-fire years. TEA SPECIAL-J4. worth "a A H." Green Trading Qr -Stamps with pound' Tea W COFFEE SPECIAL $2 worth "8. A H." Green Trading A fir1 Stamps with 2-lb. can Bennett's Breakfast Coffee 11.00 worth "8. A H." Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder $1.00 worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with pound New York Full Cream Cheese Salmon, 1-lb. can 10o Macaroni, pound package 10o French Mustard, pot o Table Syrup, 2W-lb. can.... 10c Pepper Sauce, Bottle... "o Olives, bottle to for the construction of so office building and coal sheds In Albright Henry Mies has gone to , Miles City, Mont., where ho . has bought aa interest In a restaurant and saloon. Louis, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Kroeger, Thirty-ninth and X streets, was burled at Laurel Hill cemetery yes terday afternoon. i - All Masons are requested to meet at Masonic temple, Twenty-fifth and N streets, at S p. m. today to attend th funeral of the late Charles Allen. D. A. Schell, pastor of the Christian church at Hebron, Neb., will preach to tha congregation of the Christian church here at Workman temple on Sunday forenoon. The police say that an attempt was made early Thursday morning to burn Sheriff Power's ' headquarters, on Q street. The fire was discovered in time to prevent any damage. SALVATION ARMY WELCOME Genuine Jubilee Aroused by the Return of Brigade O Ulcere from London. Brigadier and Mrs. Cousins and Ensign Voorus, delegates te the great Salvation Army gathering recently , held in London, were given a cordial welcome at the Army headquarters last night. Previous to the reception all three of ' the delegates had joined In the open air service of the looal post. Among the visiting officers were! Cap tain Christler of Atlantic, la., Ensign Swanson of Sioux City, Ensign Erb of Lake City, la., Lieutenant Northroup of Lincoln, Captain Barrett of Beatrice and Major and Mrs. Merriweather, ' general secretaries for Iowa and Nebraska. ' Major Merriweather extended a cordial welcome to the returning delegates and as sured them that, during their absence the Omaha corps had been faithful. Mrs. Cousins and Ensign Voorus wore campaign hath, with red ribbons, red blouses and American flags at their left shoulders, this being the uniform adopted by tho women delegates to the London convocation of the army. They also Introduced a number of the new songs that were used there by the oolored soldiers. A few repetitions made them popular with 'the audience and the chorus grewi in volume with repetition. The three delegates told of their trip across the ocean, of the wonderful series of meetings that were held in Crystal Palace, London, the grand band of 3,000 Instruments, and the great meetings that were attended by 70,000 people dally. They expressed satisfaction at again meeting their Omaha friends and the greetings were affectionately reciprocated. After a short time the visiting officers were called upon for songs and remarks and a regular Salvation Army love feast was started and kept up until late at night. Bnapeeted as Pickpockets. L. I. Gray. 1913 North Twenty-fifth street) E. R. Kaufold, 11)10 North Kighteenth street; A. J. Ulalne, 3fi9 Dwttur atreet; Hert Qualey, 11)24 South Twenty-seventh ureet, and Harry llrtx-kman, IM63 South Twenty-ninth atreet, were arrested Thurs. day evening at the Webxter strevt station as suspicions characters. They are sus pected of being pickpockets, although noth ing h( eclllc has ta yet been M-1 agaliutt them. It Is B.ild they rained a disturbance on ths MiKiern Woodmmi of America ex cursion train returning from the picnic at Blair. Dutwtlve Ferris made the arrests, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C Weber of Spauldlng Is at the Murray. William Einer.on of North Baud is at the Merchauts. A. F. Kaufman of Hastings is at tha MerchantM. K. V. Meyers snd R. Honey of Hyannls are KueM at the Merchants. Ml.-a t.-ahwr Curry, gradual, of Boyles' coll-K. accepted a PoalUun wltu O'Neill Sl Gilt.erL M is. J. It Summers and Mlas Roe Owens of Blotinilngton are regtaiered. at the Mur ray. J. S. Ff-rmison, esnltant g.neral p--ii(ter ent of the Norihweiitern, ultti l.r.o.iuin ler. at Bluox Lily, is a vuulor at TRADING STAMPS. j ( J J in Little Green Stickers. Glass Gas Chimneys fl in Little Green Stickers. ..15c Little Green Stickers. I Lamp Chimneys En , in Little Green Stickers. per ...v dollara in Little Green Stickers. ' ...24c ...20c BTTTTER Best values In this article. Fresh Contnry Butter, pound 22o .Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound.. Uo Small Sweet Pickles, pint lOo Chow-Chow Pickles, pint 10c Sweet Mixed Pickles, -pint. 10c ,1 I,.,.. .,., win II club m CHAHTY The ministration of the visitiDg nurses has been a godsend Indeed to the sick poor of the city this month, for the work baa been heavy and in addition to the reg ular nurses there have been five cases that required special nurses. Four hundred and ninety-two visits have been made in all and forty-nine patients cared for. There have been six deaths, an unusually large number; three have been placed in hos pitals; two have been sent to out-of-town friends and one patient has been secured admission to an asylum far the feeble minded. Owing to lack of support, ths much needed kitchen has not yet been es tablished, but the members of the associa tion have by no means given up the plan and it is hoped that when the necessity is generally understood ths support will be forthcoming. The following recommendation is an ex tract from the plan of work for the Na tional American Woman Suffrage associa tion: It is recommended that a memorial or ganization fund, to perpetuate the memory of our pioneer workers, be established, by requesting clubs of less than fifty mem bers to contribute 31; between fifty and ItiO members, 32; all exceeding 100 members, 33 annually; said funds to be placed in the hands of the national treasurer. That 33) from this fund be given to the club or Individual under whose auspices a new clufo of not less than twenty members Is formed, and after such club has been cer tified to by the executive committee of the state In which it is formed and has been In active existence for one year. The work niuBt be dory under the auspices of the stute association, where one exists, without the assistance of a paid oiganiser. Attention is being called to the fact that the color line was not drawn at the Inter national Council of Women held recently In Berlin, and Mrs.- Mary Church Terrell Is being pointed out as one of the moat gifted and conspicuous speakers at that remark able meeting, .There la really, no reason In the world why there should have been any 'objection to organizations of colored women participating in the International Council, and If the attitude of that great Interna tional body Is cited as a reproof to the Gen eral Federation for its exclusion of colored clubs two years ago, then the comparison has missed its mark. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell was formerly president of the .Na tional Association of Colored Women and for some time a member of the school board of the Plstrict of Columbia. Mrs. Terrell Is a graduate of Oberlin college and has spent two years In study abroad. She delivered two addresses before the congress, one in French and the other in German. "In all this jubilant celebration of union restored and patriotism glorified," says the Woman's Journal "let us not forget that the women who gave birth to the soldiers, who organized the sanitary commission, and who nursed the wounded and dying In camp and hospital, are still taxed without representation and governed without con sent. Let every soldier remember the words of Lucy Stone: Soma woman partis her lit. for her coun try .very time a soldier Is Loru. L)ey and night sti. does picket duty hy his crad e. Fur years she U his quart ermjutter and fathers tils rationa And, then, when he ac.mes a man snd a vuter, ahall he Buy to his mother, "if you wunt Ui vou youi must first kill somebody?" It Is a coward's argument! And that other touching appeal by Clara Barton: When you were weak and I was strung, I totlod for yiu. Now you are strong and I am weak. 1:cuum of my work for you, I atk, juuc aid. L aas. Lha huJlut lux my An Invitation Vest are eerdlally larlted to at tend aa ezhlbttlou of Fine Art Pictures Saturday, Aagrnst 20tn and ronttnslag to Saturday, Anrnst 2Tth. Aa eihlblllon ef orisrtnal water colors of flowers by Hlrosbl, the Japanese artist, beaatlfal studies In flowers by Madame Klein, lat est reprodnetlons and stndles of Ideal heads by Harrison Fisher, Howard Chandler Christy, Allen Gilbert, Clarence Underwood and John Cecil Clay. The pictures la this attractive exhibition will be for sale at cry low prices, and all lovers of art will appreciate the opportune Ity for at least reina- them, Art Galleries, Second Floor. Fresh Meat; and Provisions A large shipment of choice lire Spring Chickens, Fresh Dreseed Spring Chickens, f er special sale, at pound aJW FVenh Dressed Ducks, at pound .. Genuine Spring Lamb pound 10c 124c Choice Young 'Mutton Legs, fresh. 7ic b yuunu.. ...... Mutton Roast - at, pound.. M , , rri, ' Rump Roast pound.... . . . . . Short Rlba pound .. Sugar Cured Bacon pound Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, (backs), pound 12ic 3ic Morrell's Iowa Regular Hams, tAln small sizes, at pound M CELERY. ' Received a consignment of choice Michi gan Celery for Saturday. Candy Department 15c Pound Marshmallows, Peach or Vanilla 15c flavored, lb. self and my .sex. As I stood by you, I pray you stand by me and mine. Tenth Street City mission ts undergoing general repair and when the class work is resumed In September the building will be In better condition than for many years. Since school closed in the spring, until a week ago, Miss Magee and her assist ants have conducted four classes a week. In sewing, temperance and kindergarten, the classes averaging twenty-five pupils each. The. play grounds and bath have been In constant use. The bath, which consists of a single tub. Is in constant de mand, proving the necessity as well as the appreciation of such a sanitary meas ure, The real need is for at least three or four shower baths, which, it Is hoped. In time the mission will be able to support. The local Women's. Christian Temper ance union held Its annual election of officers Wednesday afternoon In the par lors of the Young Women's Christian as sociation. Mrs. Ida V. Tilde n was elected president; Mrs. W. C. ' Hughes, recording secretary; Mrs. Margaret Park, corre sponding secretary; Mrs. James Taggart, treasurer,' and Mrs. E. M. Covell, chairman of the high school luncheon. The appoint ment of department superintendents was deferred until the regular meeting, which will be held at 3 o'clock next Wednesday, The school board has granted the union the privilege of continuing' the serving of the high school luncheon, which was In stituted a number of years ago by the union. LOGROLLERS GEJ A SOAKING Woodmen Hay a Good Time at Their Plcnlo In Blair Just the ' Same. . Eighteen hundred people, most of them wet, but all happy, returned to Omaha at 9:30 p. m. Thursday from the log-rolling fes tivities held at Blair yesterday, under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. - The rain was coming down In tor rents when the excursion train bearing the merry-makers arrived at Webster street depot, but this In nowise washed off the smiles or stilled the laughter of the throng. In fact, it made the smiles grow broader and the laughter louder, especially when some unsuspecting person found himself wading In water almost knee deep. The Interest centered around Detective Ferris, who was burdened with a can of tripe, 3160 In prize money and five pris oners. This last feature was the only thing that interfered with the perfect en joyment of the return trip. The five young men, had nothing to do with the excursionists or the log rolling, but who boarded the train at Blair and made themselves objectionable on the way home. Five more surprised men could not have been found In Nebraska when Detective Ferris, gorgeous In ths uniform of a cap tain of a drill team, stepped up and gather ing the rowdies In on. corner Informed them that for the rest of the Journey they were under hie care. The men were taken to the police station on their arrival In Omaha and booked as suspicious charac ters. "Funny thing," said one of the excur sionists as he saw th. patrol wagon rat tling away with its burden, "these fellows go on the ra-ta, raiae Cain generally and tho moment they got off the train a cov ered carriage le waiting for them, while we 'una who have been good have to wait In the rain for a car. Ihjrn the street railway company, why doesn't It run more cars?" , The competitive drill was -von by B. & M. ramp No. 27!, captained by Detective Ferris, the second prise was taken by the Kennard ramp and the third by Springfield camp. W. C Oould. a member of U. M. camp, won the Individual drill prise, J Your Eyes Your Eyes OMAHA'S CYC HOSPITAL Correct fitting u lassos at depart ment store prices. This latter means much. Ask for the Optician. Clothing Dept. The Biggest Bargains Ever Offered in AlcnV Clothing AH Day Saturday. Men's and young men's suits, bought from Hirsh, Elson & Co., at 35c on the dol lar. worth $1250, Boys' long pants school suits, ages 12 to 18 years, values toyS.S'p, $m (ffj) Boys' school knee trousers suits, ages.3tbl6 years special Saturday. Suit J C value to $?.00, at ...... J3 iVlen's ribbed union suits, $1.?0 O value, at...,.........,:..,..,..... OL Men's ribbed union suits, $250 tl CT value, at Men's Balbriggan underwear, val- Cl) ue to 7Sci at, a garment... J..:yrr t Men's fancy half-hose, value to 75c,.at. ... and $2.00 in Little 3C AT THE PLAYHOUSES "Dlvoreeat the Boyd. An audience that filled the Boyd theater to Us limit was out last night to listen to the first performance of "Divorce" by the Woodward Stock company. It was well repaid for the effort of attending, for the fine old play was presented In ex cellent manner and each of the company worked hard to make the piece gov "Di vorce" tells a most Interesting story and points a moral that never gets old. Its lesson being applicable at all times. The company Is very well adapted. to the re quirements of the, piece and Is well equipped with scenery for Its production. This produces an even performance and the applause that was heard last night was spontaneous and merited. The piece will remain on until after Saturday night, with a matinee on Saturday afternoon. "For Her like" at the Kmc. This latest of the "sake" plays is a var iant of the same old theme, setting the stages with Russian scenery, costuming the characters in Russian garb and filling the bill of the play with Russian cogno mens. But the Words are English and ac tion Is of the sort that has long been familiar that in which a nobleman loves a peasant girl and she loves him and all the powers of the secret police, the army, a doting mother and a rival who will stop at nothing are of no avail to separate them. The effort seems to succeed right up to the last minute, but love eventually triumphs. Every act ends with a situation that brings the rapturous curtain call from "upstairs." The company Is well adapted for the play and puts much genuine en thusiasm Into its performance. The bill will remain until after Saturday night, with the usual matinee on Saturday, Movements ef Ocean Vessels Asg, 14, At New York Sailed: La Touralne, for Havre; Trave, for Bremen; Hamburg, for Hamburg. At Oenoa Arrived : Citta DI Torono, from New York; Calabria, from New York. Sailed: Liguiia, for New York. At Hamburg Arrived: Pennsylvania, from N York. At Qt batown Arrived: Baltic, from New York for Liverpool; Republic, from Boston. Sailed: Teutonic, for New York; Merlon, for Philadelphia gM T your Summer Vacation May be most agreeably mer resorts and fishing The Nortli-Western Line Excellent fast train service to nesota and Wisconsin Lake Resorts and scores of other pleas ure grounds via the Chicago I wo trains daily to ;t. Faul, Minneapolis and Duluttv, riving ready access to Lake Mlnnetonka, White Bear Lake . and other Northern bummer Five fast dally trains to Chicago make connection with ail lines east. Special low rates V Tickets and full Information on pp!!eloo. . Is Your Watch Trou blesome? Does It seem to want more than wind ing to keep It going? It needs treat ment: It us tell the trmible HONHBTLY, Work m ret u 11 y and rig orously done, and charges easy. UMU 25c .... .... Green Stickers. or .Ms SEAMS & SECLES Om Aba, Neb). C&ftES 63AmT3 (sMiokar end far LESS MONEY than ether i SPECIALIST. aksi avi k sl rvskr! sal A I snot slsi akSt V Vfy" of aiea aiaaey. aadlkieoases of a kitty, Ula44r te a a isneuth. tongue, threat hats and esiaui.sje ilfaiUog ut) disappear ooraolataiy forever: tartccsi Vilsa iXl.k":: ting, pain r less e tUney Mere tail Quickest core la the wwid. Wesi, lanaa ILu t'ST: debility, early dee Una leak. e( elan a&4 girangta. Treatment try man. 34 years UW si CUtafcrtTL PRJuCTleJB UK-Oel flntf eC jfth , a ifuma. ECHtCHrtsrgsrei cmuisn nt CfUCBtaisvK'H abitajutf HE P 4 (...'4 wU) taM. Urn lima S..ttHtAa. IMI. Iwll i.. Zv ' y! Jr..4.t " 4. la farm MrniL. ).MHikK. ,! aMUM him. miLA. ar KiTiAKDUsr-irr?. Cm Big J forontT3 dl.oksriwUa'i"'"" Irritatl.M vT nlo.ruu4 of maaeas Biutrus. . PalnlaM, 4 aot aslrau. tF tii'aN ! I Mt.iklMH. I ' 2 rMMk tMlMtM. fc-T. arm lvst(Bm'i C. 1 Maid hy Brass-tat. V S.S.. 7 fTt, (1 r ft ho SI so. rl MIIMU II. 4iix.alax ssa e (vassal. ataaiSJVa.0tar-,"-ta hn 4 t . 't mm rasponifbl. for most of bebMtfs! os ot bur ya uvW LdtlBV, able of hair oolord trrf, r.nd ha Pamw.ii.fc of hair enlor! i. i or jar Jn'c.t.u.-h. - K.m . Sherman ds McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. spent at the cool sum- , grounds reached by the Black Hills, the Iowa. Min & North-western Railway Resorts. durlnr tha summer '' sawanrrsew'sanaia 131 naaM WW -