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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1904)
Tnn OATTA" DATTA HEH: PATTTHDAY. AFOrST CO. 1001." 12 READY TO ORDER MACHINES Citj and County Offlcial Decide to Euy Votirg Devices. WITNESS TEST OF BOTH PRODUCTS Oa Ast Fall t Prove Ilia Clalsss f Inferiority Harala Rival Marhlae Wklek la Bee-ossmeaded. After representatives of the Universal machine had made an unsuccessful attempt to "beat" the Standard voting- ma chine at the city hall, the Joint committee representing- the city councils of Omaha and South Omaha and the Board of County Commissioners decided to recommend the purchase of Standard voting machine. It took the committee only ten mlnutea to decide the question behind closed doors, nve voted for the Standard machine and three against it. Commissioner Connolly being Absent. Thla afternoon aub-commlttee com posed of Coundlmen Iloye and Adklns and Commissioner Hofeldt will meet with S. C. Hamilton, the salee agent of the winning machine, and discuss prices and the num ber to be bought. The agent declares that Ixty-elght machine will amply equip the county. His price, as first mentioned. Is tOCO a machine. Baslde the committee, many city and county officers were In the city clerk's offlce to see Agents Bemls and Burrows of the Universal company try to prove the In feriority of the Standard. Burrows had declared before the committee that he could produce a man who could "beat" the rlvU machine and show It was not trust worthy. Hamilton challenged him to do ao. Bemla, who sold Standard machines before they were merged with the United States machine and Improved, came as the expert who would do. the business. . Falls 14 Condemn Mat-bin. Beyond allowing- the committee that If the machines were not properly, adjusted before being sent out they would not work right, and that a possibility existed for a vote buyer to make certain of his pur chase Under favorable condition, In the Judgment of the committee' the agents proved nothing Injurious. Bemls admitted he had done all he could to make the machine work wrong and had failed to "beat" It. He then proceeded to describe Instance where, through some failure of election officers to do their duty, .trouble had been had with the Standard. , To offset these Councilman Hoy had In Ms possession telegrams from authorities where the machine Is In use. One from Mayor E. A. Knight of Buffalo read: "We have tiaed the U. 8. Standard voting ma chines for five years with yreat success. Mora satisfactory than paper ballots." C. J. Clark auditor of Indianapolis, wired that the city used the machine and were better than the paper ballots. Assistant Secretary of State Smith of New Jersey said: "Used U. B. Standard voting ma chines last year. W( prefer them and are gradually adopting them." City Clerk Schweng-el of Milwaukee, where 115 ma chine axe In . use, said they had given entire satlsfaicJon and eliminated the pos sibilities of contest!. Mayor Cutler of Rochester declared tha machines had been perfectly satisfactory. NEW BID FOR BEALS SCHOOL f-i Rose berr Let Off, bat Cheek Re tajsed and Other- Proposals Are Com ins;. At a special meeting of the Board of Edu catlon held yesterday It was decided ta readvertlse for bids for the construction of the Baals school. This was done because . tha low bidder, A. Rosenbery, has refused to perform the work for the reason that he made an error In his bid of $2,300 for mill and stair work which he Intende-1 to In clude. The board says it Is Inclined to be lenient with Rosenbery, but will retain his check for I7O0, filed as an evidence of good faith, until it sees what prices the read vertleement brings forth. In connection with ths new bids the superintendent of building will be required to submit an estimate. Several members of the board said prices lower than those recslved will be submitted at a special meeting to be held for the pur pose next Monday night. Upon the recommendation of the Judiciary committee leases were ordered signed with the C. H. Hull. company for the Izard site. The annual rental Is to be $1,200 a year Instead of IS0O as formerly, and the lease RE IMS !:ngt Burning Palms, : Painful Finger Ends. Shapeless Hails. SORE FEET ifstne4 IIaM P,rr!'"T Scr8, Ter.i:r and c:;e eight treatment. So&k the hand on retiring in a strong, tot, creamy lather of Cuticnra Soap. Dry aad anoint freely with Cutlcnra Ointment, th great akin cur and pnrest f emollients. Wear, daring the night, old, loess kid flloves, or bandage lightly In old, soft cotton or linen.. For red, rone and chapped handa, dry, fissured, Itching, feverish palms, with brittle, kbaptiloos nails and painful finger enda, tUs treatment la simply wonderful, fre qaeatly caring la a single application. Complete local and coaslltatlonal treittment for every humour of the at i, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, ana now be had for one dollar. Bath with hot water and Cullcura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. lry, Without hard rubbing, and apply Cutl cnra Ointment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation and Inflammation, aud soothe aud heal, aad lastly, take the Cutlcura , insolvent Fills to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment afl"urds Instant relief, permits rest and sleep In tha severe&t tonus of Xciewa and Other luLlLif. barbing and scaly Lainoars, aud puUite to a speedy, permanent an 4 ecouooilcal cure of torturing, dUflfror ln humours, from pimples to scrofula, from Infancy to when all other tt monies add the bt physicians fall U etnawkixrt om rwnn alti ate a... w u. . r a n . - i i ...i I .,.-..- I.V..., ,9 will extend five yenrs. The figure reached was a compromise Ntween W.VO asked by the board and t offered by the Hull com pany. The contract with Rutherford Jensen for painting and repairing the walls and ceilings of the school bourd rooms for &1 was approved. SAYS IT ISJJ0 ELOPEMENT Grsen-ts-Be Fiplalas Why He aad Flaaeee Got Married la Omaha. Benjamin M. Rlnkley, a prominent young grain broker of Kannas City, and Mies Catherine V. Hoffman, a well known young belle of Minneapolis, were married at g o'clock last evening in Omaha. The ceremony was private and . was per formed by and at the residence of Rev. A. 1 Mlrkle. V'l Ilerce street. None of the relatives of either party were present "Although it may look that way. It is not an elopement," dwlnred Mr. Dinkier at the Paxton yesterday. "We simply met hf-re for convenience to get married. "My prospective bride resided In Minne apolis. Her father, who was Dr. Hoff man. Is dead, and her mother Uvea In Winnipeg. Neither of us believed In an elaborate wedding and as we are going to Henver to reside we concluded to get mar ried in Omaha." The young people will leave for their new home today. Mr. Rlnkley will start a branch house for hi firm In Denver and will assume permanent charge of It, ISIIAPPlSESil DISPELLED. If inoqv nonfai NJiunH P" If Many women weep and wall and refuse to be comforted because their once magnifi cent tresses have become thin and faded. Many men Incline to profanity because tho flies bite through tho thin thatch on their cranium. It will be good news to the miserable of both sexes to learn that New bro's Herplclde has been placed upon the market This Is the new scalp germicide and antiseptic that acts by destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying cause of all hair destruction. Herplclde Is a new preparation, made after a new formula on an entirely new principle. Any one who has tried It will testify as to its worth. Try It yourself and be convinced. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Sherman Jk McConnell Drug Co., special agents. POLICE STOP KNIFE - TEST Oflleera Appear Just la Time to Pre eat Owners from Carrlas; Each Other. Peter Carstensen, white, of Florence and Walter Reed, colored, of 112 North Tenth street, came together Thursday afternoon on Farnara street and were going to trade pocket knives "sight unseen," as the boys used to do down at the "old swlmmin' hole.". Before the trade was closed they got Into an argument as to the superiority of each other's knife and the trade was postponed. Then Carstensen, who had a two-bladed pearl-handled knife, thought his piece of cutlery would look nicely Impaled In some portion of Reed's anatomy, while Reed, who took large chunks of pride In the possession of a black-handled toad sticker, thought his knife could mak some neat Incisions In Carstenseg'a cuticle. Just about the time the men were clearing decks for action Patrolmen Shephard and Cun ningham appeared on the scene, closed the knives and sent the men to Jail. Police Judge Berka fined them each $5 and costs. FOR TRYING TO COLLECT DEBT Iowa Lawyer Is Arrested While Reek. las; o Recover oa Jadanaeat Aaralaat Nebraska Mam. J Q. Harrison, a lawver of rvmnMi Bluffs, was arrested trying to collect a Judgment at the Union i-ucmo neaoquartera. He was taken to the city Jail and charred with iin abetting In the transfer ofan evidence of ucui mr me purpose or evading the ex emption laws of tha state r,f It la alleged that Harrison bought from ionn Macienatton a Judgment the latter held against Martin Kerns, an .i the Union Pacific shops. The amount of ine judgment is .73. and as Kerns has a family to support, the Judgment was not collectable under a certain v.hro.i,. i... but Is collectable under aa Iowa law, hence me aiiegea sale of the Judgment from Majlehatton of Omaha. to Council Bluffs. Assistant County Attorney Magney has prepared the complaint end Information In the case. SUES HIS ALLEGED ASSAILANT Day Laborer File, Action Against Salooa Keeper for Damages from Reported Assault William Henkelman haa henm a damage suit for $5,000 against James De belka. The latter is a saloon keener at T.!ai-1 seventh and Q streets. South Omaha, and Is charged In the action with having ueaien iienKeiman so badly on November 15 last that he has since hen do any work. The plaintiff is a day la borer and declared that the druhhino- v.. got has ma. do him a permanent cripple. Cad at 'Week srowrate,B tQ clear Lake, la. Via Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday eight and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be sold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning on any train until the fol lowing Monday. For further Information apply W 8- 11. Parkhurst. general agent, 1611 Farnam street. Neb. The II Is great Event Yet. Never before have such pronounced val ues been offered as during this sample sale of fancy rockers and chairs; all new, this season designs, and you can buy them now at a full third less than regular. We close Saturday at 1 o'clock. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO., Homeseekera' Rates to north Dakota. Every Tuesday until October 23 the Chi cago Great Western Railway will sell round trip tickets to points in tha above named state at a great reduction from the usual fare. For further Information apply to Geo. F. Tbomaa, general agent, laU Far uam street, Omaha. Nab. Iowa State Fair. For above occasion the Rock Island will sell excursion tickets fiom Omah.i to Des Moines and return at one fure for round trip. On aale dally to August 27th. E. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P, A.. 1323 Farnam 8t, Omaha, Neb. Mt. Clemens, tha Mineral Bath City. Is reached without change of cars onlytjy the Grand Trunk Railway System. Time tables and a beautiful doscrlpllve pamphlet will be mand free on application to Ad vertising Department, 136 Adams Bt, Chi cago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. A, T. A. Copies of Scavenger Law. The scavenger 1" w complete has been pul.linlifd by City Tl-nmiirr ItehiitiiKft and copies may lm had from him on h llct t loii. Dt-manriH for Information concming detail of Ute law have leu so numerous ft to rtiuH Uin trrunurer to Iimvh the en tire Muil printed. home time go a SYfUM'niti WdS Ibmir.l, bill thlrt has not wi.ol.y UiOt Uie uwt tur xut luioruia- UvlU, MEN'S $10.00 $1150 $13.00 Only a Few Days Remain In Our Great CLOTHING CLEARANCE Allaprlns; , rrer Suit Must Uo f ize that lirandeis is again giving the SCHOOL SUITS FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN. S4.00 and S5.00 Knee Pants Suits at $2.00 All wool clothing strongly made rN or rough every day wear C "aslj fj H H M S5rs!.... OfJallillli) $5.00 and $7.00 Knee Pants Suits at $3.43. The season's beet and prettiest g f rra new juvenile style, lncludinif f 1 1 the very stylish Bustar Brown v " ,4 .n jl tjrle- t)i3tL13 Odd Knee Pants at 49c Warranted to M f wear or a brand new pair to replace them, iifgf 11.00 and $1.25 quality, at Boys Furnishings on Third Floor. Boys 25c School iOlr Hose.- I2W Boys' 25c Cheviot WaJsts "'Mother's Friend' dr, stvlp BASEM EN'T Regulars $2.5J and 3.00 Knee Pants Suits gQ Boys' 39c Waists Boys' 50c Percale 8hirt O E WaUu AOW Cleara.nce of Men's All ou: men's and boys' straw hats up to ?i. 50, at.. ........ All our men's fine straw hats, Johnson & Goodlett Co. .Phoacs 1373 and 4743. It is Policy to do your business where facilities are the heat, qualities the highest, plenty of foods to select from and prices always the .west WHERE CAN YOU IK) AH WELL A8 HERE? Echo answers, WHERE?" Saturday Bargains BUTTER Fine sweet dairy, per pound 1C hUTTKK-Extra fancy Separator, lb. loo IJAKL'U BEANS Highest gTade, in tine tomato sauce Vc cans for... 9c '2c cans for lie WASHING POWDER 2uc size Pyra mid brand for 14c FRENCH M L'STARD Extra large glans. fine quality, 15c size for 7c POTTED jlIAM Vry best, small size. 4c DEVILED HAM-Verr best, large size 8c ROAST BEEF 1-pound cans best ana 11 ty ' 13c AST BEEF 2-pound can best quality 20c PINEAPPLE 2-pound cans fine sliced 20c seller ror .............. i4c RIB ROAST Nothing finer can be 'had. per pound 120 POHK LOINS Per pound lf PORK BUTTS Per pound 8 Wc BREAD Our own make pure Milk per loaf Be CAKES Three-layer white perfection in quality nut, orange, caramel, rhoeoltte or cocoanut each 30c COOKIES Our own make assorted three dozen for 25c POTATOES Fine large home grown ner bushel 35c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Too numer ous to mention. iottom prices. Johnson & Goodlett Co., aoth aad Laka Sta. GROCERIES. MEATS and BAKERY. EXERCISE YOUR SKIN keep up its activity, and aid its natural changes, not by expens ive Turkish baths, but by HAND SAPOLIO, the only soap that liberates the activiti es of the pores without working chemical changes. Costs but a trifle. IT'S TEN CENTS What Tp Eat EntZ! Bend for copy. 10 cents or tl.w a year Reliable Health Articles, Table btoiixa JeMts, poems. Clever Toasts. A Kood friend to brighten your li-Uure iiioumnta. Full of novel suggestions for entertaining. Th low Hwith Bulletta My "Our ac ould b. hatllhi.r uid hpplr tr lb Innutae r rli of itata vonbr aublUMtloa." WHAT TO EAT (Monthly Magailne). WMpiiioa St. mn rifth An., CHIOAOO jKsii saawkaaWsiasuajau aswFspwssB'psrws'K ElAin Dalcam liuuuici tue (rrowth of tha hair and g t vue it the lust re and silk Lucas of youth. Whoa tlie hair Is iry or tadud It BRINhS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prcrents Caadrulf and Lair faluug aad kee Uie scalp clean and healthy. .1 SUITSS5 Bargains that Al most Paa Belief All our light weight and mc dium -weight suits that have been priced throughout the sea son at SIO.OO. S12.5Q and $15.00 go Saturday at S5.QO. We make you this offer Saturday Jnst because we do not want to carry over any suits. That is why auy one of these etylish suits, summer and fall ' weight is yours for $5.00. Compare theBe suits with those offer- r ea eisewnere you 11 see v J the difference you'll real- rf real big bargains at Clearance of Men's Pants 1,00 for tr.ea'$ $2 pants ,Q3 for Ken's $4 pants ,50 cu's $3 pants 2,03 for bed's $8 pants X hi Flannelette 19c BASEMENT Boys' 4th f quality Knee Pants JQfJ ' a 3 Boys' Straw Hats that iold ( worttuto $each... 98c S4.00 OXFORDS $2.65 Mftn's patent coit, vlci kid, ve lour calf and tan Rusela calf, 3.60 and $4.00 oxford tle, cut or.!h.'"..ea!f... ;:.2.65 Women's 13 50 patent kid, welt sole, military heel oxfords, cut for this sale 2 lien's $5.00 'Johnston &' Murphy and Boyden oxfords of patent calf, vlci kid and tan HusHla calf, reduced for t Cl this sale to O.DVJ Women's $5.00 Iaird. Schober & Co.'s patent kid and tan Rus sia calf, welt oxfords, reduced tfor.!!,!".s..... 3.50 A lot of women's $3.00 and $4.00 tan and Mack kid, welt and turn so oxfords, broken xlzns and widths, but fine 7SSr I goods, at 60c arrd - The Old Saying "It is never too late to mend," is all right In a crest many cases, but it is often very difficult, even impossible, . to do anything- with a garment that has been In the hands of Incompetent persons, and treated in any hap hazard way. It pays to be careful to whom you entrust them. We clean and dye almost everything. Twin City Dye Works, 26th St. and Ave. A. Council Bluffs. TeL 310. 319 B. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 15JL. i BEAUTYf -TV"1 II .. I . . ' complexion, bo not allow un 11,'luly piupl.s. tan, W heckles to blcauui your skin. Derma-Royale Will reoiov thrs like mi tie. CufM ij Irm, ..I 'I an.. tx-tf Willi btKMA-RoYALB ouak, a uact akin Is i SOLD RY DRUGfllSTS, F' A'C av auv ha arocrwl lu. Vr7 I Dsnna-Royal, $1 paa- bottle, express paid. Icrma-ktuyala hoap. IS Cats, by Biiall. hvib U ona packas, $1.23, siprcss paid. uf1rm aad clli.uatUt aeut oa fr m.l TKE ELRMA-ROYALE C0 Clnciaaall. a bubaefar'a Cat srlee lra Store. fff Another v Chance at V 111 Our Oxfords 111 v Saturday II i Sy J 7 SGIIl'.lOLLESi & UlJELLEI! . Semi-Annual mm HAS CSOKtN AU CtCOMS We are selling from 10 to 12 Piano" per day and the public la reallzlDK the wonderfully low price we are quoting on our fin stock of Brat class Instrument. PERFECT HIGH GR4DE riAWOS. usually sold at $2M.0O, 1325.00. $425.00 and $500.00, are now of fered at $133, $(65. 5210, $289 BEAl'TlPl'I. WJIAHB PIAHOf. Fully repaired, worth $50.00, $T5.00, $1U0.00, are now offered at $22, $38. $38. HIGH GRADE ORGASS. All makes and styles, worth $25.00, $15.00, $05.00, are now offered at $14, 23, $42. TE!S TO SUIT THE BUYER We sruarantee the quality of every instrument Our line includea the following makes: STEIN WAT, STEGER i SONS, EMEBSON, HARDMAM, A. B. CUAKE, 8TECK, McrHAIU and our own hand-made BCMOL LER & MUELLER I'tano, made In Omaha, guaranteed for 20 years. Buying for four stores for spot cash, our discounts are the moat liberal, and we can therefore give our customers the LOWEST PRICES. New Pianos for tent- Expert tuning, repairing and piano moving. Write for catalogues and bargain list, or pay us a visit of inspection. We Bhip pianos on approval to any part of the United Btates. SGHLEfi & MUELLER Msvnwfactarera ef tbe Celebrate SCHMOIXEH a MCEI.LES FIAHOS. 1313 Farnara St, Tel. 1625. Braack Stores, Llaeoln, CosisieU BletTs avaa Sleax City. . 11 n t? i. m Suggestion When the wheat market Is soaring- high and reports of crop conditions from the great wheat belts are unfavorable, indicating a still further advance, comes this advice from the miller Buy Flour Now So we deem It our duty to pass the word along- for your protec tion, and suggest to you to Purchase Alton Flour "The height of perfection of the miller's art." before it ad vances. Alton Flour i Cf per sack saw Lea A Perrln's Worces tershire Sauce bottle 23c Bnlder's Tomato Catsup iQp per bottle SOW Chase A Sanborn's Java Iftrt and Mocha Coffee lb... Choicest Country But- O'yXn ter per pound ""lv This butter Is packed in 2, t, i and 6-pound Jars and is guaran teed to be superior to any creamery butter produced. A trial will convince you. Palate Gratifiers Genuine Jersey Sweet Pota- trtea Choice Muscatine Watermel- fTJ Tasty Rock Ford Canteloupes. Colorado Klberta Peaches (in baskets,). hi The fact that we dress our own poultry Is sufficient Ruaran tee of quality and freshness. Bprinir Chicken, per pound.. 16c Youni? Hens, per pound.... lie Shoulder Steak, per pound 7Hc Round Steak, per pound.... 9c Sirloin Steak, per pound... 12o Porterhouse Steak, lb....l2V4c-15c Somtner Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Fzrmm Sts Telephones 736-1329-1331. 14 IE BEST BEER THE DEER YOU LIKE GABIUE FOUR SYHQNYI.1S FOUR - TWO - NAUGHT Tbat'a our telephone number catch It? You may need it for furore use. Bold oa DlaingT aad BasTet Care. Fred Krurj, Brewing Co Oaaaaa's Bteael Irawtrr. Telephone 429. OMAHA When You -Write to Advertisers reinemLer it only takes an extra stroke ei two of the pen to mention Uie tact that yoe saw the ad In The Bee, mm READ OUR AD. OH PAGE LIGHT. THE RELIABLE flTOBB. Hayden Bros.' Final Clearing Sale ShK $5 $10 Men's fine suits in cheviots, norm's, worst exls, cassiracn-s and manj other fabrics in light, medium OsTrifM Wt y Bart kkw a Sara Men's outlna-.coat and pant suits In light and medium snanes. ait sixes arid well made. Final Clearing Sale Price - 3.75 Wrilo For Our Hov; Drug Catalogue Our new catalogue Is now ready for dis tribution. It contains Items of Irtorest to DOCTOR8. IJRI.CXJI3T8. HOFPITAL8. and the PUBLIC. WRITE FOR TUE CATAJXK5LE IT 8 FREE. Some sample Catalogue prices: 60c Anti-Oerm Disinfectant for TV: 1 lb. German Mixed Bird Seed for .. 4c 60c Beef. Iron and Wine for Sic 1 lb. Borax. Mule Team Brand for...... 1-jc Hakrri Barley Malt wmskey roi This is tne purest . ana oesi miu 25c Carboiated Mutton' Salve for W Eaealyataa Cstarrk Jelly !- est beat reaaeay far rallrra aaa Hay er 23e aa SOe Samples Free. Soe Fisher's Extract Beef for . 11 J1.00 Herplclde iNewbro' for 15c Hire's Root Beer tmakes I gai- lons) for Ijc Iter's Orrgsa Blarkkerry Cardial a war taate far stasaaek aaa bowels TS K.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syrlnx. .A.r . i i a ae always lu, i'y ........ ...... j Kilmer's Kwamr-Koot for 7c Jap Rose Soap, cake c Watte Hlbboa soap bis; take white floatlaa; bath soap. far....B 11.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure for T9c 'Ac Mis Ue toe cream lor l"c VIMALT-Tka Beat Malt Extract, bottle JtOe bottlea for ai.OOi per dosea n.00 SntilWs Sarsararllla for T3c VICTOR 8 TUNIt: IA I It ueet remedy for blackheads, pimples, tan and sunburn for 5V 60c Syrup Figs, genuine, we sell 4.c I.ltha Tablets, we sell So tl.00 Wine Cardul, we sell Tc Krelsht paid oa aiu.uu oroers or re to aay point of west. Write for NEW CATALOGUE. SHaman & McConnell Drug Co. Car. 16th aad Dodge Bts Omaha. " Acraa . aT - r HanVftiSao fc Mira Xtvr U Vt -: ' -V' I I AIM TO SATISFY Every buyer of a Fountain Ten. I have the largest stock ii the West, and guarantee my pens, which are the well known WATERMAN'S I i ( (j OPENING OP A- a 9 NEW AND THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED LINO --BETWEEN " ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO. SUNDAY, JULY 31. 1904. , Tboroughly Equipped trains leave St Louia and Cblcago nightly arrival of Incomlrif trains), arriving either city the following- morning. Equipment entirely new; lavish in design, elaborate In furnishings. ; Ask your Ticket Agent, or address, PASSBNQER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT A Nice Grip or Suit Case will not make you tetter, but it makes people think better pi? oertakVadvantagVof OUR 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT BALE snd st the best at less than cheap gradrs will cost you elsewhere- 1 Omalia Trunk Factory, T.lepbon. 1038 1209 Farnara " irnwiaaajaaiiaiiin --T-' READ OUR MD OiV PAGE EIGHT. and dark nhados, in plaids, nratl Btnps, lancj mixiurcfl, jtiaia oiuvn and blacks, all well tailored, per feet fitting, pod lininps and trim minps. Anj of thee suits btv, ' worth and have been fold at from J 110.00 to ?12.50, our (f Clearing Hale Q j Price Men's extra fine uits made up in the very latent ptjles of the newest fabrics, tailored perfectly, with hand padded shoulders, hand felled collars, good eif retaining hair cloth frcnts. We have these in all the newest and nobbiest v shades and patterns in gray and brown mixtures, fine mixed plaids, neat stripes, fancy mix tures, plain blue serges and black unfinished worsters and thibets. Most of these suits are manufac tured by the well known firm of Hart, Bchaffner & Marx. Most of these suits were sold at from 15 to .$20. Our Final Clearing Sale Price .., Boys' knee pant suits. In double breasted. sajlor Dlouse, t(.us?ian blouse and three-piece styleo.. Final Clearing Sale Pries , 1.50 BOYS' L50 SHOES We ltaTea't said much about these shoas Utel5 but we don't want you to foriret that these $1.50 shoes are Uie best artoe raJuea the boy ever had on hl foc We're been selling; this same shoe for ten years and we know they glva the best eatlsfaction. Wo t.ave speciai shoe salesmen that know how to fit boys' shoa so as to allow the feet natural growth. Brinf the boys' feet In Saturday, Droxol Shoo Go, 1419 mm STREET, C;i'j Uy-to-Dafi Sboe Hoosa V He Sells I Ci. j oiCLiionery and Doc Everytblnj 1607 Fartiaiti Street. (aftet srMswtaaaP - aMBaaaaaA. li J! -at..-'. 1 X4 i