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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
TUB OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, 'AUOURT 16, 1904.' MIEN BOMBARD THE JAIL Attend . Our Famous Hour Sates Omaha Veather ForecastTuesday, Continued Fair. in r-r n r -v Special Lace Sale Tuesdzy iimm TUB RELIABLE STORB. female Strike BrmpatliiMis Enragd Wien 1 Refused Sight of Men. Satu rday RUN POACH OFF OF HIS PREMISES 10 2- jroinrinn Sale fif I I imvu,'.li Ilarl raallada of Verbal Shots at tae Jailer Vk nfH j9t Tkrn Iaterlew Prisoners. AJilanket warrant for twenty-seven of we men wno are aiiencu iu u.o yifc.4 pated In the trouble at the South Omaha stock yard Saturday night wai Issued by l County Judge Vlnsonbaler Monday. Seven ' teen of the defendants are already under I arrest at the county Jail, and Sheriff Power la" how endeavoring to apprehend the re mainder. i The complaint on, which the warrant la based was sworn cut by Lawyer Frank H. Gaines, attorney for the packers. It charged . the defendants with rioting and obstructing the authorities. The complainant asserts that the ac cused roan assaulted a number of strike breakers w'th opprobrious epithets when the latter were leaving the packing houses Saturday evening. When remonstrated with, it Is alleged, the defendants turned upon the sheriff's posse and policemen and precipitated a row, which soon developed into a general melee. i I Men Now I'sder Arrest. i The men now under arrest were taken Jnto custody at the time of the trouble, They are John Burns, Louis Ranch, Joe . Fredexlrkson, Hugo Adock, Otto BUenner- ' nacht, H. Heffllnger, T. Brennan, D. Feple, ' Dennis Callahan, Henry Rleber, Tom Ken nedy, C, Spltsen, John Kelly, Charles Rus ael. Chris Scwarts, Charles Wiggln and William Corrlgan. The names of the ten who escaped are not known and they are designated 1n the warrant as John Poes. Several women called at the Jail yesterday morning to see some of the prisoners, but were not allowed to do so, as they came outside of visiting hours. So obstreperous did a couple of them become when denied admission that Jailer Roach had to flee to escape their wrath. One of the females was giving Mm a most severe verbal castl gallon when he grabbed his hat and ran. The Lord deliver me from a woman whose tongue is hung on a pivot," he ex claimed as he ran. "It's you that ought to h In a cell,' yelled one of the Irate women" at the flee ing Jailer, ' "instead of that poor, hard working man." Then another of the enraged women took; a whack at Roach. Calls Sheriff's Men Brutes. . You brutes abused those poor men shamefully,", she shouted. "When you got them in the hurry-up wagon you beat them terrtbly." "ISota one was beaten," declared the Jailer. "hat! Tou call a lady a liar In pub lie!'.' shouted the woman. "I'll get i lawyer and bare you prosecuted." After the women left and quiet was re stored. Jailer Roach ventured back to Jail. "Therts would have been no trouble Sat urday at the stock yards," he declared, "if It had not been for a bunoh of women with vituperative toi "jes like those who were here a few minutes ago. They started the whole row and caused the men to get Into trouble." aii rieaa Not amity. Those who have already been placed under arrett were arraigned before Couuty Judge Vinsonhalcr -this afternoon. They all entered pleas of not guilty and had their examinations set for 10 a. m. Tours day. Bail was fixed at $400 in each case. Splt sen, Bllenernacht and Kennedy were the onl? ones able to secure bondsmen. The balance of the prisoners were taken back to Jail. - FIFTV' MORIS SPECIAL DEPUTIES New Mea Are Added to Sheriff Power's . ' Squad. Fifty additional special deputy sheriffs s were appointed yesterday to do police work In the stock yards district at South Omaha. This brings the total number now- on duty there up to 200, - , Sheriff Power Bays no additions wlU be made to this quota unless some unfore seen contingency s rises to make a greater foroa absolutely necessary. The sheriff has had considerable difficulty in securing satisfactory men, but states that he now has a. body of officers that he thinks will meet any emergency that may arise. 'P to the present we had about' 180 men out at the packing houses," said Chief Deputy Cunningham- "A few of them have been dropped, and . with the batch that was sworn In today we now have a ' , total of about 200. Most of them are good men. Those thatjire found otherwise will be weeded out, and other men will be se lected In their stead. Are they all cIMaens of Douglaa county T" was asked. v i "They are supposed to be," was the reply. 'Of course, some of them may be from . elrewhere, but In making application for portions they all Insisted they belonged !n Onioha, and the sheriff had to take their word for It." The compensation of the special officers has-not been fixed yet, but It Is generally understood that they are to get JI.50 per day. Their pay was originally set at $3, but that action was rescinded, and the matter was left open by the county board. The sheriff refuses to make public the name of the men and the list will remain eoret until the strike Is ended and the men. are paid off and discharged. AS9ACLT PKMES CHARGE OF Striker gays He Did Not Beat Strike, breaker. , Henry Hlldebrand, a striker at the stock ardi, has been arrested on a warrant, charged with assaulting Cornelius Smith, a picking house employe, last Saturday night. ' . The prisoner pleaded not guilty before County Judge Vlnsonhaler and was re leased on a bond of $3)0. He will be tried Wednesday morning. Ilowese Iters' Eaearstoaa. On ths first and third Tuesdays of each month the Missouri Paciflo railway will sell both one way 'and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, southwest Missouri, Texas, etc. On the round trips stopovers will be allowed on the going Journey with Cnsl limit of twenty-oii days to make the trip. For pamphlets, time tables, rates, etc., write or call on any sgent of the company or Thomas F. Godfrey, passenger end ticket agent, 8. E. corner Itlh and "Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. Graad Pleale at Blair, Thursday, August IS, M. W. A. Log RoSlh.g Association. Competitive Drills. ' Muslo All Day. Afternoon and L'venlng Dance, Publlo Wnleoje. Oiily 60 Cents Round Trip Fare. Eiec!al Trains from Webster Street Station t a. m. "The Nia-thweatorn Uiie." Js:.jikluJil-rs tilug nf ihe f.'nnrr Ser B.a Savings Va.k Tueiday, 1 :. p. m at Itotn :i,:;Uu 3ix.ll, tii nai llriisy. Come -" . .... . ' EMB R0IDE ME8 From the Kelley-Stiger Stock These are all carefully selected embroideries the dainti' est and finest patterns that Kelley-Stiger ever sold thousands of fresh neio bolts, matched sets in medium widths; also extra wide patterns -these embroideries have been pronounced beauties by every shopper today we bring forward hundreds of new fr IT? g f ff ft designs for Tuesday's selling, uljalljj"IilU at, yard. 'IwU I Mil Very Fine Laces at 31c and 5c Yard French and English Vals, Torchons, etc., in desirable widths, edgings and icsertings, - white, cream and ecru shades, jt at; yard.....' xM Z J) t Handkerchiefs at 5c and 5c Ladies' and men's plain white and fancy colored border handkerchiefs many pretty styles F on bargain square some of th ladies' j) handkerchiefs iu this lot all linen, each Kelley-Stiger s Peaxrl Buttons Fine pearl and dress buttons a hun- 1 x1 dred styles variety of sizes, dozen l2vaW2Vl Kelley-Stljrer'e allover Laces In white cru and blatkaljard ri2c Kelley-Sti?er's fine 4 allover Embroideries B C for entire waists, eto.yd' Two Specials for Tuesday argains in Basement 1,000 Yards Silkolitie, 06 inches wide, in long mill lengths, full pieces, price 10c per yard, go tomorrow at, yard ... ... One Big Table Drapery Swiss and Pin Dot Dress Swiss in long mill lengthB reu- OT1 Jar price 25c per yard goes tomorrow, j 2C at, pci jaiu i ..... ......... .v .... - C. J. SMYTH PRAISES PARKER Original Bryan Man Returns from Eiopaa Smitten with Democrats' Presidential Nominee. C. J. fimvth. who was the member from Nebraska of the committee that Informed Judge Parker of his nomination at Esopus, returned from the east yesterday, de claring that he Is an out-nnd-out Parker man and sanguine of democratic success. "I heard nothing- In New York," said Mr. Smyth, "but expressions of belief that New York surely would go for Parker, and there seemed to be a general feeling among democrats there from all parts of the country that the democratic candidate and cause are regarded in a most favorable light "Brvan men from the west, including myself, were delighted with Judge Parker's speech and the Impression he made. He Is a gTeat man. I don't know when I have had my previous conceptions of a man chartered so completely as in this case. He altered my opinions of him very quickly and eaBlly. His speech was clear cut and masterful and delivered in a manner that left no doubt' that he meant what he -eald. 'Judire Parker reminded me a great deal of McKlnley, having much the same bear ing, dignity, polish and kindly expression, but Impressing me as a man of greater force. He seems to me a man who makes up his own mind and sticks to it. , In the few minutes' conversation I had with him he made a remark complimentary to Mr. Bryan, but said nothing else or special Import or Interest." WATCH STEALING LATEST FAD Timepieces the Ideal Plnnde af All lp-to-De Petty Thieves. Thieves, like other people, have their fads and according to rhe latest Issue of the code of criminal conduct, published by common consent of the Amalgamated League of Modern Rogues, the latest and most up-to-dale fad of this festive fra ternity Is to steal watches. Watches are said to make Ideal hot weather plunder and so the petty thief who goes after any thing else than a watch these days is said to be far behind the times. While trying to escape me city's dust for a few hours George M. Wise of 134 Harney street lost his gold watch at Krug park. Kdward It Jones, night clerk at the Vienna hotel, fell to sleep In an arm chair Qunday night and while dreaming of snow and Ice bergs, thieves entered h!s pockets and stole a fine gold watch, so a report at the police station reada Between the hours of S and 9 a. m. Bun- day sneak thieves entered the apartments of F. X Carter, 1709 California street, and stole a gold watch. DUNN DEFENDS SALOONMEN Clvlo Federation Attorney Appears In Case ot Selling Liquor to Minors. . The case of selling Intoxicating liquor to M. minor, filed by Attorney C. W. Brltt In police court against Walter Molse and H. V. Hayward.-proprletoro of the Willow Springs Brewing company,' has1 been post poned until Wednesday morning. - Ignatius Jehovah Dunn, one of the attorneys and founders of the Clvlo federation, appeared In police court on behalf of the defendants. n ASTOMSHINQ RESfLTS V Follow Each New Discovery of Science. The great strides that medical science has made In- the last few yars Is due to the germ theory. When the germ of - a disease has been dlsooverd the doctors have not been slow to find a drug to kill it. Tn a few years It will be rare to find a bald-headed man or woman. The falling out of hair is due to a dandruff germ, and now It has been discovered bow to kill this germ. The remedy used Is called New- bro's Herplcldc. Its success has been marvelous. Not a failure has been so far reported. It Is also a delightful hair dressing, free from oil or sticky sub stances. Try it and be convinced of its actual merit. Bold by leading druggists, Send JOo In stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Striking" Indian nomenclature. "Muskoka," "Clear Sky Land," "Mlnete wan," ''Smooth Flowing Water," "Ka- wana." "Bright Waters and Happy lands' are Indiari words that fittingly describe some of the most delightful spots for summer's outlrjg on the American conti nent. . Descriptive literature, time tables, etc., will be mailed free on application to, Ad vertising Department, Grand Trunk Bail- way System, 135 Adams 8fc, Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux. A. G. P. A T. A. Fifth Wart Roesevelt rail. I The Fifth, ward Roosevelt and Fairbanks Marching club meets Tuesday. August 16w Young's hall. 168 Corby, 8 p. m. John L. Kennedy, Byron Bur bank and others will address tha meeting. Everybody cordially Invited. - P. KXEWIZ, Pres. BEN J. STONE. Secy. Hamilton Hotel, ana Cottages, St, Loots. A permanent hotel, three minutes from World's Fair. Rooms 82.00 per dsy up. Booklets free. Address W. F. Williamson, Manager. W. C, A. Trustee Sfmtlaac The rerur mrurthly nwtiiiir of the 1xaTd of tnisu-ee of the Woman's' Christian assi o rtatlon will bo held at 10 o'oiork this morning at the Old People's borne, in stead of at the hail of the Young Men's i.aruuio aasociuuon.- JLV L. a Erery mother fad a great dread of th pain and danger attendant upon tha moat critical period of her life. Rcrnminn a mother ahould bo source of joy to all, but the uffering and danger incident to the ordeal make its anticipation one of mitery. Mother Friend i the only remedy which relieve women of the great pain and danger of maternity ; thia hour which is dreaded at woman's severest trial i not only made painlea. but all the danger it avoided by itt use. Those who use thia remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervoutne&a, nau&ea and other distressing conditiont are overcome, the tyttem it made ready for tha coming event, and tha teriout accidents so common to the critical nour are ODviatea Dy the use ot Motner p Prlend. "It it worth its weight in eold." I iU fi.oo per If says many who have used it. Dottle at dru2 stores. Jiook containinfr valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any adJrres free upon application to liii' 1 vzJ Boys Only four more days to get In your fine work for prize winning. Prlae contest Will be set- i tied by -comblna--tlon C. O. D. de liveries received by customers and paid for p to Saturday evening. This means that you must . have your orders In by Friday evening. GREEN STICKER EXPANSION The. list will be ready im mediately of all the manu facturers and jobbers whoso labels, coupons, wrappers, trade marks, etc., are re deemable for VS. & H." Green Trading Stamps. The list is a formidable one, and will be of greatest assist ance to you. Save all coupons, wrap pers, labels, tags, trade marks, etc., for this list. Don't bring whole soap wrappers. BRING THE SQUARE CONTAINING TIIE TRADE MARK ONLY Girls A bunch of little misses started out Monday morning tickled half to death at working ' for Ben nett's. 1 prizes First Prize A pair of Dorothy Dodd Shoes or Oxfords. Second , Prize A box : of fancy ' sta- tionery. . .Third Prize A beautiful Monog'ram Hat Pin. ' 'photographic What you 'want we have, and what we have Is down to the hour. Photog raphy Is most practicable when supplies are bought at BENNETT'S. Our camera man will painnstaklngly Instruct and cnthuse the amateur. DEVELOPING- AND FINISHING WORK DONE EXPERTLY all that's, 1 In your Picture Taking wllf be brought out embellished and toned up In ur Pic- " ture-Maktng. Our developing and finishing work Is just fine. , ; SOUTH-EAST CORNER MAIN FLOOR. flf AsPfTO V Lowest Prices for the Most Reliable UilvLi A Fresh New Groceries. Green Trad- 48c Lii3i COFFEE &PPEIAL 12.00 worth S. & H. , , in? Stamps with each 2-1 b. can Bennett's - - Breakfast Coffee spices. Baked Beans, 8-lb. can.. Imported Sardines, can.. Pepper Sauce, j bottle. vt.. Maple Cream, cake...,..T TEA SPECIAL $2.00 worth "S. & H." Green Trad- IQ lag Stamps with each pound pkg. best tea sittings. IOC "SPICE SPECIAL 11.00 worth & H." Green Ttrding- Statmps witn each pound whole mixed pickling 10o I French Mustard, pot.... 10c I Japan Rice, pound , To I Potted Ham, can . 6o I Preserves, assorted, jar. 6c ... 70' ... 4o' ... So Fiiivcy SKirt Waist Suit Silks received byjxpress Monday Noon, on sale at popular prices Wednesday A.M. at 9 O'clock imESS GOODS SECTION, MAIN FLOOR, Green-Trading Stamps Every Time SI HI BM O KnMasM 2. ra SUIT CASES AND GRIPS At 20 Per Cent Discount Not a lot of odds and ends but our regular stock and there is, none better to be had Made of the best material by (killed workmen lasting and strong. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1053 21 j 1209 Farnam WW J Be Sure and Mend Our Famous Hour Sales FROM to 19 A. M. We will sell 600 pieces of Wash Goods that sold from OXr 12Ho to 20c a yard and only 10 yards to a customer at, a yard sv FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. We will sell 6Hc Indigo Blue Trims and other Prints O i only 10 yards to a customer at fci2t FROM J TO 4 P. M. We will slve one of t hose old time Wool Dress Ooods snV noodg worth from 11.00 to 13.60 yard and only one pattern to a customer 25C NO PEDDLERS OR DEALERS. , Tuesday's Special Sale in Our Linen and Domestic Department Ready-made Sheets, bleached and seamless, 2 yards wide and 2H yards long, wine nem ana ine nei maue sens regular every wnere at Kc Tuesday we will sell six to a customer at per sheet , Rendy-made Pillow Casetf 42-Inch and 45-Inch made of the bent casing reg ular 15o value Tuesday we will limit 12 to a customer at each with 49 0 ..121c ...98c .-.19c 89c 5cX 80 yards Unbleached Muslin, one ysrd wide regular c and 7Ho value Tuesday we will sell 20 yards to a customer for Pure White Table Damask, In several beautiful patterns regular 35c value on special sale at Napkins, pure linen, half bleached. In snowdrop putterns, regular 11.2S value on special sale at per dozen India Llnon, Check Nainsook, Dotted Bwlso, etc. regular 10c value on sale at yard Lace Department Specials Valenciennes Edires and Insertions worth 6c, 7o and 10c per yard on sale .Tuesday at per. lz-yara Don ttc ana Cotton Cluny Edges-and Bands worth' thlrty-flve cents at : Net Top Laces for sleeves regular thlrty-flve and fifty-cent value Tuesday at All of our twenty-flve-cent and fifty-cent ladles' Hose Supporters at ......(............. . ...........a ........ ................ . . . .. a ... .. Special Hour Sales in Furnishing Goods Dept. Tuesday. a TO 10 A. M. We will place on sale GOO do sen men's fine Shirts, made of fins O--madras, percale and gingham, slightly soiled and worth up to $1.00 at fcuB 10 TO 11 A. M. For one hour we will place on sale 100 dosen Oowns, Corset Cov. ers and Drawers, handsomely trimmed with fine laces and embroideries, worth up to 76c at faOt Wo will place on sale Tuesday 600 boys' Shirt Waists, In blouses and pleated Waists, wnn collars aitacnea ana aeiacnea worv n up io your cnoice (in. , ub ..8Jc ..10c 25c 10c ..19c ..19c at One lot of children's heavy rlbhed Bicycle Hose double heels and toes fast black worth fifteen cents at Boys' Suspenders worth twenty-five cents Grocery Specials 10 bars Best Laundry Soap 26o S bars wool or Armour s v nire soap, Condensed Mince Meat, per pkg. BtulTed or plain oaves, oottie.. 1-pound can Alaska Salmon.... Fresh Crisp Gingersnaps 10c 6e , stc , 4c FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Large Juicy Lemons, dosen...... Fancy Bartlelt Pears, dozen Hallowe'en Date, per pound Highland Sweet Oranges, dosen. Good Country Butter, per pound., ,. l"o 150 .. ho ,. i:o .UV4 '2 ! J. ; 1 : U If quenches thirst 'V Makes you cooler but doesn't hurt yott 1v good for the stomach V m j . J j. aou vutJiua guuu, luu. Tour doctor will tell you there la no better summer drink for the little folks or for you than pure ginger ale. Deborah Ginger Ale Is made from mineral ' water drawn from the solid rock from a depth of 830 feet and the purest refined ginger. It has that smppy, flnjcry tastef' ' v'.'H DebcrahlunerarSprin33 Council Bluffs Iowa. 4 830J CUYS fl TICKET VIA Union Pacific TO OCDEEM ' OR SALT LAKE CITY AND RETURN Twelva Hour Quicker; Than any Other Route Inquire el CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET, 'Pboae 81. ) 'XW;4a Lsa Huus All Otiiera. DI7. r.lcCREZVV f 8PECIAU3T. J. V ' 1 J TresU an Swma e 4 ) DISEASES OF 5 MEM ONLY A. atticaBvrt t 2S Years' Espcrleace J IS Yearf la Oaiaha . - S Knrly M.SM Cim CariS THnnl. irrdrxol Ula1 roxii. Strlrruro, Oim(, 2im- i.uif, Ixi rVirfcsu vs Vitiiijr ail Inmm ml trmH a. .in. .. -arJf-s? ill aa aMaaili 3 'SHGIIBgBeDS TO , flogii Sixty Day Tickets Fifteen Day Tickets b t 1 if m i and SoRtoiiibor. 7 Burma $15.35 $13.80 ii I Every one should visit this, the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This is a delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. Ample hotel and boarding house accommodations for all REABONATJE RATES. Bee local agents for farther information. , City Ticket Offices S. E, Cor. I4ifi & Douglas St., Omaha T. F. CODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Agent. ii. c, Townnnno. Ceneral Passenger and TlcWet Agent, TOM HUGHES, Trav. Passenger Atcent, - 1 avw k- a tA i , .