Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 21

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Veteran Superintendent of B. 4 M. Ooa
wlting Engineer on Burlington.
yi Waa Has Be with Westera
. System face First Pramote
PosMloa Foratrlr Held bf
E. J. Blake.
X. K- Calvert, general superintendent of
the B. A M. at Lincoln, la to become con
sulting engineer for the entire Burlington
system, with, headquarters in Chicago.
t Unless present plans fail to be carried out
the change will be made i the near future.
O. W. Rhodes, now assistant general super
intendent at Lincoln, will become general
superintendent, to fill the position so long
held and made vacant by the promotion
of Superintendent Calvert.
The position of consulting engineer which
Mr. Calvert is to assume Is a very re
sponsible on and places him lR-charg of
the engineering department of the entire
Burlington system. The position has been
vacant for the last two years. It formerly
was held by E. J. Blake, who was killed
In a railway accident about two years ago
on a northern branch of the Burlington
while on a trip over the lines of the sys
tem. ,
Mr. Calvert Is the man who built the
Burlington west of the Missouri river. He
became identified with the line when it
was In Its infancy and has superintended
the many extensions which have been
marie. , It Is said he knows more of the
system than any other man, and. In faot,
has seen almost every stake driven. He
has long been considered one of the best
posted and most valuable superintending
engineers In the railroad business and many
rumors have connected him with various
positions of Importance.
No official notice of the promotion of
Mr. Calvert has as yet been issued, but
such notice la expected dally.
' Uniform Bill of radio.
The executive committee of the Ameri
can Shippers' association Is after the rail
roads with a sharp stick regarding the
stand taken by the western lines on the
question of the adoption of the proposed
uniform bill of lading. The committee
goes so far as to charge the railroads with
practicing deceit in their recent action at
the Manitou meeting, where the question
of adopting the bill waa taken un, it Is
asserted by members of the association
that the roads agreed to make some
changes In the form of the bill which would
do away with the added charge of 20 per
cent In cases where the shipper refused to
sign and accept the bllL It II now stated
that changes were made In the form of the
bill, but that they do not abrogate the 20
per cent charge, although the wording of
the bill has been changed so that It has
the appearance, on first, blush, of cutting
out the contested clause., The -adoption
of tl.e bill will be fought tooth and nail by
the shipper.
Railway Notes and Personals.
The Rnck Island has announced a rate of
$1? for the round trip from Omaha to com
mon points in Colorado to apply each Tues
day and Saturday from August 16 to Sep
tember 17.
J. M. Gruber, general superintendent of
the Union Pacific, has returned from Kan
sas, where he has been superintending
work on the new lines which are being
built In that state.
William Murray, chief clerk of the pas
senger department of the Union Pacliio,
has returned from a fishing trip In Wyom
ing and Montana. He reports a fine time
and plenty of fish.
The special train bearing the Knights of
Pythias delegation from California to the
national convention of the body at Louisville-,
Ky., passed through the city Friday.
It stopped but a few minutes and continued
on its way east. There were six cars in
th special. V
The Union' Pacific Intends running a
special train from Kearney to Omaha Au
gust 15, to carry visitors to the Initiation
of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. A special
rate of one fare plus 60 cents has been,
made for the occasion from Kearney 'and
Intermediate point and stations north of
The Oman companies which will attend
the annual meeting of the Nebraska Na
tional guard leave Omaha August 18 for
David City, where the encampment will bo
held from August 16 to 24. There w411 be
special trains over ,the Union Pacific from
Omaha, Lincoln and Columbus to carry the
soldiers to the camping grounds.
Schedules for the special trains to be run
over the Union Pacific from Omaha to Baa
Francisco for the purpose of carrying the
delegates to the triennial conclave of the
KnlKhts Templar to be held In that city
during September are being made up. The
low .rates are In effect for the occasion
now. but the special trains will not be put
on for some time. Mt. Calvary cammaad
ery will leave, Omaha September I in
special train.
A general disarrangement of ocean line
schedules from the Pacific coast ports to
the Orient Is reported. It is thought that
the trouble is due to the war In the far
east. New soliedules are being prepared at
present and 'hey will be Issued as soon
as they are completed. It Is reported from
Kan Francisco that more or less trouble
Is anticipated from this time on to the
close nf the war In making the regular
schedules decided upon for tne arrival and
departure of bouts plying?" between the Pa
plrlo count and Chinese end Japanese ports.
The Union Pacific advertising depart
ment has just issued valuable folder
showing the progress of the dairy business
in Nebraska. According to this report
there are at present 646.4V5 milch cows In the
state. The number of cows In each countyv
is given in tabulated lorm. The dairy pro-
I W Wta-eaaim
A big portion of the OPJCNJIEIM STOCK
which was bought for 42 cents on the dol
lar consisted of men's piats. In order to
move them quickly th,e most tempting
prices axe made.
v;cri::3 mm 42s
For 4be we sell you a strong, well made
pair of cotton pants, better ones 69c; for
18c you can got pair that look as well
ail most 13.00 ones; for 11.39 you c&n take
your pick of big assortment of fancy
worsteds. W.W gets your pick of Open
helm's flneet pan is, worth, up to $3 50.
1:h:i's suits
Men's black worsted suits .3s; cheviot
suits 12.88; all wool suits $3.90. Ion't miss
this chance to get a suit for less than half
price, Here are a few other bargains Xiom
the Opeiihulra stock hard to beat. .
Umbrella, 16c.
Socks, three pairs for luo.
Underwear, i&j.
Men's shirts, 25c.
Linen collars. Be.
Lincu. cuffs, 4c.
Meu's belts, 10u
Straw hats, 6c
Handkerchiefs. Sc.
Boys' stockings, tc
Knee pants, lie.
iUdn coats, $1.41
Silk bows, 6c.
Four-in-hands. 9c.
Moo s shoes, ifeo.
Fur hats, 46a.
The above inaiitloned goods are all on
sale on our second floor.
c:i clm v.:n FLCci
We have a special 47. oO suit Sale which
merits your attention, btnldea we offer a
line of. suits a'. 110.00 that cauuot be dupli
cated anywhate. ,
Ct n ft hm"
.'.-! 1 jl
clot::i::d co
r ".- rT
Liw'ltfii Lwkj vis
ducts produced In dollar during the year
amounted to $'l.M.f13. The immense sum
of the total production does not Include
the mlik and txitter fat used by farmers
for home consumption, nor does It Include
the rkim mlik product, an exoellent thing
on which to feed young calves and swine.
' A Deliabtfal Water Trip
between Detroit and Buffalo via the Petrolt
A Buffalo Steamboat Company is the privi
lege of the holder of any ticket from the
west reading via the Grand Trunk Railway
System to or through Suspension Bridge.
Further particulars. Including ilhistrated
descriptive literature will be mailed on
application to Advertising Department.
Grand Trunk Railway System, 136 Adams
St, Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. &
T. A.
Talk of Competln Telephone Systems
la Omaha Is Becoming; More
.Lee Herdmaa has returned from an out
ing at Clear Lake, Minn,, with the an
nouncement that he proposes to participate
In the fight for an independent telephone
franchise In Omaha. For several months
he and others have been working on the
scheme, but, like A. B. Hunt and his col
leagues, were Caught off their guard by the
sudden projection of the Blackburn-Stevens
According to Mr. Herd man, his company
Is to be composed of a number of foreign
and local capitalists, the principal backer.
It is understood, being W. T. Auld, presl
dent of the City National bank of Lin
coln and reputed to be millionaire.
"We are waiting for the situation to
clear," said Mr. Hordman, "but I can tfcy
that we will have a proposition to present
for a legitimate independent telephone busi
ness In this city. Tom Blackburn.' repre
senting the Stevens franchise application,
will be forced to show his hand soon. He
will either have to put up a bond to Insure
the good faith and genuineness of the con
cern or drop out. '
"We shall propose to establish an auto
matic exchange, permitting the subscriber
to make hi own connections and doing
away with the girls In the central office.
The Stevens-Blackburn proposition' Is so
low that a legitimate telephone business
cannot be conducted under It. Further
more, it is an offer that we cannot possibly
meet, as It Is our Intention, to build the
system here and do business."
A. B. Hunt says his franchise applica
tion is still quiescent. He, like Herdman,
13 waiting for action by the council on the
Stevens-Blackburn application. This will
come up for hearing Monday afternoon.
It is said the council will ask the com
pany to file a $30,000 guarantee bond and a
$30,000 cash bond before the ordinance Is
Harvest Hand Rates
To Minnesota and North Dakota.
Every day during August the Chicago
Great Western railway will sell tickets to
points In Mlnesota and North Dakota at
the low rate of $12 each from Omaha to
parties of five or more traveling on one
ticket. Special, low rates for the return
trip. For further information apply to 8.
D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Farnhain
street, Omaha, Neb- ,
( Attention I
Clan Na Gael special picnic and excursion
to Tennant, la., and return August 14 via
Chicago Great Western railway. Special
trains leave Union station 8 a. m. and 12:30
p. ra.
Ten-Year-Old "Lad Hnrt - by Convey
ance Driven by One of His
Birdie Travis, a 10-year-old boy living at
l?08 Burt street, was injured yesterday
at Twenty-fourth and Franklin streets by
falling from a wagon driven by Allen Mat
ters, a boy friend of Travis. One of the
front wheels of the wagon passed over the
boy's legs. Inflicting flesh wounds, 'but
breaking no bones. The wagon is owned
by the Carpenter Transfer company, of
South Omaha and was well loaded at the
time of the accident It Is said the acci
dent was due to no fault of the driver.
The Travis boy was driven " home by a
driver of the Criterion Laundry company
and attended by Dr. Rlx, who says the
boy's Injuries are In no way serious.
Clan-Xa-Gael Picnic
Sunday, August 14, to Tennan, la., and
return, via Chicago Great Western rail
way. Trains leave Union station a. m.
and 12:30 p. m.
Athletic sports and prices, dancin and
other ' amusements. Plenty of shade, ahel.
tor, tables and accommodations.
Round trip tickets, $1.00. Children free.
Eight-Year-Old Negro Boy Arrested
r Entering; the City
Ladora Reed of 211 North Eleventh street,
colored. 8 years of age, Is registered at the
city Jail with the charge of burglary
against his name. Ladora, or "Dora," as
he Is better known at the police station,
possibly I the youngest "character" In po
lice circles. He Is small for his age and
as precocious as he Is petite. He Is now
charged with entering the City mission at
Tenth and Capitol avenue with the key,
but It Is said -nothing has been missed
from the place.. It Is said that "Dora's"
mother prays for him every night while he
goes around In saloons and other places
and sings for money. N .
gpeelal SnnJoy Rates to VJreat West
era Pork, Manning-, la.
For the months of June, July, August
and September, on every Sunday except
July t, the Chicago Great Western railway
will sell round-trip ticket at one fare to
Great Western park, Manning. I For fur
ther Information apply to S. I. Parkhusat,
general agent, 1512 Farnam St.. OrnsJia. Neb,
Attention, Maccabees.
The funeral services over our late brother
and sir knight, Ira T. Patchen, will be
held at Odd Fellows' hall, 14th and Dode
streets, Sunday afternoon at S o'clock.
floats Midnight Intruders with Roll
Ins; Pin and Flatlron and
v Comes Oat gafel)'.
According to a report on file at the police
station, Mrs. A. B. Wideman Is not afraid
of burglars, even If she may be frightened
by mice. Friday night Intruders gained
entrance to the Wideman home and Here
toutad by Mrs. Wideman, who went for
them with a rolling pin In one hand and a
flatlron In the other. The woman suys
they Just made their entrance when
she awoke.
BARRY Thomas F, Jr., son of Thomas F.
nd Maiicl Hurry, Friday, Augunt Li,
ftMvd 2n e,tis 1 month 16 day.
Kuut-itil hunlay, -August 14, t t p. m..
from remain e. 2"I2 North Ttni y-firrt
nrrfl, to hitcied iiwirt iliurvh. 'iwriity-it-,'onil
and Innney su-crts. interment, bt.
Marys CMiu-lfiy.
M:i's riot in,t. tuns, Ktiout, Indies' suits,
Villa, w !, iTUhn ! : ukIi or rit.iiL
I rui'lc's tl."t. 1 uii uuii i'aiuaiu Sliscla.
The Seal of Public Approval
has already been placed upon new
investment policies issued by' the
Bankers Reserve Life
of Omaha, Nebraska,
insuring the success of the policies and the
fortunate possessors.
vThe Company's agents are enthusias
tic in their praise of them, indicating that
agents desiring more lucrative contracts
would do well to consult with
B. II IL0BIS0N, President.
III5-IIIT Fitntltf.l STREET.
New autumn designs in
Dressers ptkI, Chiffoniers,
from $6.50 ,
New autumn designs in
;ns in
Brass and Iron
Beds, from $5.00 to,
New autumn designs im
rary and Parlor 0011
Tables, $2.50 to . . . . tjULf
400 Shaves
Without Using a. Strop
Simply lather and shave that's the feature of TUB GILI.ETTK SAFETY RAZOR.
It Is a safety that lmi't like other safeties. It has 12 double-edged blals as thin as
paper, tempered so hard by a new process it takes diamond dust to frrind them, with
such edge-holding qualities when sharpened each blade will give 30 perfect shaves
without attention. No more stropping, honing or bother no possibility of cutting the
fare. With the best common razor there should be one Bhftrp edge; with the Uil-i-LETTE
there are 24 keencuttins; edces 12 razors in one. When one blade begins (h-
pull In the slightest insert another. We sharpen the twelve for 60 cents or supply
twelve new blades for $1.00. Guaranteed to give a smooth, delightful shave to any
face undor all e&nlltlons. After first lnvertment, 60 cents a year Keeps tne raxor in
perfect condition If you shave DAILY costs one-eighth cent per shave. The price
of the Triple Silver Plated Set, in handsome case, small and all compact, 00
1511 Dodge Street.
Hardware and Cutlery Novelties.
Painless Extraction
Without Qax
FHIIots 50c no
Oold Crowns, $2.50 up
Bddjrs Work $2.50 up
Lady Attendant .
Coroner's Jmry Does Not Char lrfsa
ot Palater's Ufa to His
At an inquest held at Coroner Bralley's
office over the remains of William H. Hum
mell of U2Z Mason street, who waa killed
Thursday morning- In a scaffold accident at
the Patterson block, Seventeenth and Doug
las, the Jury found that from the evidence
offered no blame should be attached to
anyone. It was shown In the evidence that
Charles K. Bchmiti, Ilummell's companion,
who sustained a broken leg and other In
juries, telephoned Fred D. Brown, who had
charge of the work, that the ladder waa
unsafe. Mr. Brown testllled that he was on
the way to the scene of the accident with
another ladder, arriving at the Patterson
block a few mlnuten after the fatal acci
dent. The men. It was said, continued to
work on the ladder after they had notified
their employer of the scaffold's weakness. ,
The remains of Hummell have been sent
to Waiioo for burial. Schmlts Is reported
s Improving at the Clarkson hospital.
lloraraeekers' Eicanloot.
On the first and third Tuesdays of each
month the Missouri Pacific railway will sell
both one way and round trip tickets at
very low rates to certain points in Kansas,
Arkansas, Oklahoma, southwest Mlsaourl,
Tcxaji, etc On the round trips stupovers
will be allowed on the going Journey with
final limit of twenty-one days to make the
trip. For pamphlets, time tables, rates,
eta, write or call on any agent of the
uumpany or Thomas F. Godfrey, paBenger
and ticket agent, 8. E. corner lilti and
Douglas aireets, Omaha, Neb.
Big plates ice crram 4c. i'coi.le'i Store.
11 K. Wedding Knit", lu.lioim, t clr,
Have lioot piuit 1L
We are already receiving early
autumn designs in Furniture for the
parlor, library, dining room and bed
room: ' N
New autumn - designs in
Divans and Tailor Q "7 C
Tables, $10 to... ull J
New autumn
Buffets and
from $13.00
to '.
designs in
We close Saturdays at 1
o'clock during July and
-TEL, 1756.
, Fourteen Years
Sams Location
Ws positively remove
nerves from teeth with
out the least particle of
pal a. Plates $2 up.
Open Sundays 10 to 1 J
Visit the
New Studio
Finest In the West.
'EL Heyn
318-320-322 5a 15th St
..,.. lCr
Vl " I fc i i -
When We Do It-
It's done right whether it be dyeing
Or cleaning.
Many important Improvements' In,
Pyelng, Cleaning, French Cleaning and
Pinlaliing of nearly all klndu of ma
terials in present use, have recently
been lnlroaucvd, and the nature and
extent of tlieoe changes Hre such that
we Invite our patrons to correpmui
with uA)ftire deriding that Die goods
cannot b done a U sired, ami their
communications will be promptly an
swered. Twin City Dye Works.
. Tel. lu2L Il 8. 15th fit.
rnrmMiVAl ull in
- t i k. UK t - UK -4 t.ull.-i(
"V ,1. t It fcyl ,,UM tel.
. . 1 allkk MIIM. 1 ,)it KatikM.
V J ,axrr.. .llit. fM. S 1
a; I tl ..,.. .. .1 .u l'i - . .
1 V f) u "K.I1J f I .Jl,"ll,..IF..
J J I TO fall. JI..I....U
N - I d '.I I. J
i. ,7T3
We are fu-lliriK from 10 to 12
Pianos per tiny and the public 1b
realizing the wonderfully low
prices we are quoting on our fiuo
stock of first class Instruments.
tiHiially sold at 1250.00, $323.00,
$423.00 and $500.00, are now of
fered at -
$138, $165, $210, $2C3
Fully repaired, worth $50.00, $70.00,
$100.00, are now offered at
$22, $38, $55.
All makeH and styles, .worth $25.00,
$45.00, $03.00, are now otTerfd at
$14, $28, $42.
"We guarantee the quality of
every Instrument.
Our line Includes the following
and our own hand-made BCMOL
LEIt & MUELLEIl IMuno, made In
Omaha, guaranteed for 20 years.
Buying for four stores for spot cash,
our discounts are the most liberal,
and we can therefore give our
customers the LOWEST TRICES.
New Tlanos for rent Expert
tuning, repairing and piano moving.
Write for catalogues and bargain
list, or pay us a visit of Inspection.
We ship pianos on approval to any
part of the United States.
Manufacturers ot tne Celebrated
I3ia Farnam St, Tel. 1625.
Branch Stores, Lincoln, Council
Bluffs and Sioux City.
For .
We will place on sale every
woman's Tan Oxford in our
store at the one price of
$?50 -
ej swtf rrr.a
This includes all our Ilan
an's women's Tan Oxfords
as well as all the other good
makes In our store, not one
reserved everything at this
Purchasers must decide
when they make the purchase
that the shoe they select is
the one they want for none
will be exchanged.
3S,o shoe sale we have ever
had can equal this for bar
gains. Droxol Slioo Co.
Omaha's Up-to-Dats Shoe House
Thoroughly aged and pasteurised-! ons
of the finest besrs brwed.(For .boms
consumption, either as a Deverage or tonic,
nothing- surpasses It
Hursing Mothers
can find nothing better. As a milk pro
ducer It Is uneaualed. It comes In cases
either quarts or pints. Try' ons case
then you'll order another.
Sold oa Dlalaa; and Buffet Cars,
Fred Krug Brewing Co.
Oaibt'i afadal Brewery.
-Telephona 420. OMAHA
u ' , 1 I 1 ; tL pin siid diBcofciioii,
Mill N sud KiutiuM sciual U
y t-vj '"'. , n
f I y rpiiA ( " tiAf maf tx Itrninf IJ
U I ilfi 1 iJI n- tii:;"uff, t h n
7 J KHi -renin tut J MootJiujf. K
v M 1 uiiuir (i in, atiu, protrude, ul if f
M i'prtx. tjl -ilti, Urtti in ii.gj ry mtt tuus ud fa
ft piiiful Tut ut tiiout tm-k ly a-nJ ftuteswi f un v
s i:ijCTia:i malyc::i. 9
in.l.ul irllof. ur. Ill n,rl 1.. t HO Q
f. AturuKuta,ucut itU biiiun. l"f 4'wvJ
See Our Ad.
oa Page 9
Dig Bargains
mJ, tS S '
Clearing Sale of F.len's and Boys'
Light and medium Weight Suits
Lien's Suits, worth $10 and $12.50,
on Sale Monday at $7.50 and $5.
Just received two cars of chairs and
rockers, at a big reduction all new fall
styles, at prices that will defy competition
On sale Monday and the balance of week
$2.00 Jron beds for fl.SO
$275 iron beds for 1.75
f3.75 iron beds for 2.SS
$5.50 iron beds for 3.85
17 85 Iron beds for 4 85
$18.50 bed room suite for 14.85
$20.00 bed room suite for 16.50
$'5.00 bed room suite for 18.50
$:2.50 bed room suits for , 27.50
BteeJ couches for S.76
At 20 Per Cent
iNoi a
lot of odds and ends but
there Is none better to be had Made
killed workmen lasting and strong.
Omaha Trunk
Telephone 105S
SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1904.
Thoroughly Equipped trains leave St Louis - and Chicago nightly (after
arrival of Incoming trains), arriving either city the following morning.
Equipment entirely new; lavish in design, elaborate In furnishings.- '
Ask your Ticket Agent or address, .
WEEK , If)
0x Low Shoes
! Mon's patent colt, vlcl kid, va
lour calf and tun RummIm nnr
Ki.M nnd $4 .00 oxford tl''8, cut
to!:..1.1:!?:.!..,. 2.65
Women's J3.50 patent kid, welt
. sole, military heel, oxfords,
cut for this sule 2 ()5
Men's $5.00 Johnston & Murphy
and feoyden oxfunls of patent
calf, vlcl kid and tun Runntii
clf, reduced for tzt
this sale to , J.OJ
Women's $fi.00 Ijjlrd, Sohohrr
Co.'s patent kid and tan Rus
sia calf, welt oxfords, rurtiici-d
tof.."'.1?..". 3.50
A lot of women's $3.00 and $4.00
.. V.I I. 1,1 J . . J
i ii auu D fv ftiu, nr'ii n iiu i
and wirithM, but fln 7 ct
Kuudn, Ml 60c nnd
or Menstrual Suppression
t .o..n,, i i : rv -r- a rvj . : f'l
See Our AcT
on Page 9
Big Bargains
We have those suits In Heht and dark
Bhaaes, in serges, cheviots, cnsslraercs
and worsteds. In fancy mixtures and
v plain colors, all well made &
with good linings and trim- J)
.i i- , . i
tilings, hjub pnuf,
$7.50 and
Men's outing coat and pant suits In
light, medium and dark shades. In
fancy mixtures and plain j. C f
colors, on sale MiJ
Youths' long pant suits In all the nl
i i -, . i . i i i . .... F t"
folors. made ud In slntrle and dol -k i r,
breasted styles, all well tailored r
iworth up to 10, our
sale price
Children's Knee I
Pants Suit
i Msde up In sailor blouse, Russian
blouse, double breasted and three
piece styles. In fancy mixtures and
plain colors, light, medium and dark
shades, all well made, many of them
have double seat and knees. Any of
these suits are worth from jm Cl
12.50 to $3.60; our sule price f JVJ
for Monday, only
Boys' wash knee pants In ages
8 to 10 years, worth 25c,
on sale atr......
our regular stock and
of the best material by
1209 Farnam
Young man, pity may be
akin to lvt, but It Is a
miuhty potir lalntion.
VOn l KO on luo iiicviij
..t l,nf v,iimir Indv
thut that
menu oi juun win
take pity on yoa. If you
go around in H'-sbaped
attire. Get Into a nifty,
light-weight BuHliitf, made
by MacCarthy i nd your
wooing will e-v on a
And surely, It Is a
mighty slim puro that
can't afford good at 'Ire
now, that this
offers to cut to iour Indi
vidual measures and
build to suit your In!
vidua! figure, any ti-
light-weight suit in stock
for f-O-an.v f;M) one for
XtBwy f ."15 one for $2S
any lt one ttr $:u
sny $15 or $.V) one fur
MacCarthy Tailoring;
304-lOi X I6l H
' Next daor ts
WtS TUkat uAw
tu... isas.
friend of
youra win
I in rits fcuS
Ols mkmi