THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUOUKT 14, 1001. IT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H. F. ROBERSON OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 405 New York Life Bldj. 'Phone 3762. We do a General Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Business. We Solicit Your Patronage. BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY. A-10 good lota, Wnl Farnam dlMrtct. t 1.J0 -nom cottage and barn, not modern, lot BO by 150, near 44th and Decatur. Will take cash or etncK of merchandise In payment. I l,7IiO Near 4hth and Hamilton, 6 rooms, city water, good fruit trees; Incumbrance on ?roperty $). We will sell or trade, iuys a good lot on .Vith between FBrnam and Xftouglna. t $,iiO 4-rnom house, bath and furnace, lot 6") by lts, on Military avenue. Will take tl.flfctt cash, the balance In monthly payments. I 1,100 t-room house on Jones street, near Mth, now rented at $30 per month. Will time $l,6o0 cash, halnnce to unit buyer. I i,?en 9-room, all modern except furnace, lot 60 by 160, on Mason near Slst street, i $. f4 by 14i with t-motn house, modern except furnace, 28th and ldenport lioro cash, balnnre to milt purchaser. I l.Jvi ,-room house, lot 82 by l:. 2th and n 4-rt4ni ftn Hnmry, lot W by lfio, rooms, all modern except furnace. 1.400 Nnr 4ird snd Harney, -room house, V. Ill tnk 11.0)0 cosh, balance on time. 1,40ft -room hoime nenr 42nd and Jlnrney, modern except furnace, newly papered .d painted. WIU take $l,ii0 canh, balanre to suit. Ii.WO Sei.tpweal corner of 24th and Ijnvenport streets; six-room house. l.b Por 2:l-Z8 North 30th street. Will take $l,3no cash, balance to suit buyer. 1,500 Davenport, near 25th street, rooma, modem except furnace, now rented at $28 per month. IJ,7.-,n uo1 s-rom houae, alt modern, In Dundee, ha gas and electric light, a-room house and burn, lot 5'ixl2o, Slat and Maroy streets. 1.0"0 Good lot, 132x86, at 261 h and Jones. . I,2u0 rooma and barn, lot 8axl20, near 28th and Davenport. Will take part cash, balance to suit. 1 f joo Oood -room hotiaw, modern eixcent furnace, lot 8f'xl20, near J3d and Charles at. ) ,7u0 1M2 N. 24th street, one More and one collage, lot. uxl32 feet. Will take $1,0W) canh, balance at T per cent. 1 1,700 'la ke 2ii)-21lo Miami atreet, one l-room houae and one 4-room houae, all mod ern except furnace. There la $l,o mortgage at ( per cent, which can stand. ! 4.000 New S-room hours, 2H58 Foppleton avenue, lot fcOxhiu. . i,ity Hth and Orace atreeta, lot ln4xiU. Thla la good trackage property. 6,00 -room hoime all modern, hot water heat, lot luOxluo. east front, corner of Park avenue and Poppleton. , ,000 11.18 8. ith avo., 12 rom, all modern, oak finlah downstairs. This Is a well built, brick house, lot 60x160, eaai front. I 7,500 Oood 10-mom houae, all modern, hard-wood finlah throughout, hot water heat, cement cellar and good cistern, east front, 3Hd near Dodgo. g, 000 Two D-rooni house end one 14-room house, modorn, near 24th and D streets, South Omaha; rents for $hu per month. ' $10,000 2oth and Vinton. This properly Is near the new atreet car barn and It is a snap for someone, who wants to build small cottages to rent. $10,600 and Podg streets, lrt 12 by 1,10, -room, all modern, good bam; property encumbered for $2,fi0, drawing 6 per cent, mono Vacant lot 100 by 242. east front, facing Hanscom park. $14,000 Northwest corner 20th and Faraam, lot 60 by 132, -room, modern except $1S,000-Threc brick fiats, ?1 and Douglas strcts, now rented for $120 per month and water rent. There Is a luortgago on the property of $s,000, which can be paid off If desired. . , , $25,000 Two-story hrlrk building. 1.111 Douglas atreet. Will take $5,000 cash, balance on 6 per cent, or will trade for good Denver property. , .$26,000 H bv . with three-story brick, contains three stores and six flats, nenr Au ditorium, rents for $2W) per month. Thla la a bargain. Coat $40,000. Owner wants to leave the city on account of his health. GREAT SNAPS t MOO Buys two lots 60 by ISO on Park avenue, facing Hanscom park; no paving taxes to payi owner muat have the money. ... 2,250 Buys a B-room modern, exoept furnace, one block from Hanscom park. Cash I 1,700 lHjysnio acres near Florence, good home and other Improvements, all kinds of 1.RO0 Buys 10 acres, Improved, good house and barn and sheds, and fruit trees. 1,10 Huys 5 acres, unimproved; will take small payments. I 9"0 Buys 10 acres, good location, near Florence. ..... 760 Buys nice house of three rooms on Florence boulevard; fruit trees, berry bushes and grapes; nice lawn and flower garden. $6,000 Huys 1 acres near city limits, large 10-room new house, barn, sheds, fine grove, t&, all kinds of fruit; this the finest place of Ha kind In Nebraska. Aside from the property above mentioned we have a large list of other good pieces and would be pleased to show you out list. . BARGAINS IN FARM PROPERTY Four seres Improved near Omaha; price $000. Five acres with fruit, berry bushes and good four-room house near Omaha; $2,000. Ten acres fine land war Omaha; $1,260. I Come quick If you want any of these, as they won't last long. Look at This We have 139 acres near Barpy Mills which we will divide In 6 and 10 acre tracts and will build a good house on each tract; call and idvestigate thla. 0S0 acres, of which 2M are in cultivation, 120 acres fenced In pasture, with three barbed wires on cedir posts, balance In meadow and gramlng land; new five-room house, barn, windmill, well, tank, etc.; these Improvements built In 1P02 and In. good condition. This land Is rolling and good soil and all lies well in one body and can be readily divided Into two or three smaller farms If desired and still have- a portion of each farm with pasture adjacent to the cultivated land. This form Is two miles and a half from a good town In Custer county, Neb., with good road. Price $25 per acre. 60 acre. miles from Olbbon, Neb.. Buffalo county, price $ per acre for all or one-half of It. There Is $4,000 mortgage on tl at 6 per cent, due June, 1908. We also have a large list of good farms In Otoe, Nuckolls, Clay, Adams, Webster, Boyd and Harlan counties. Eight of these farms can be traded for stock of merchan dise In Iowa or Nebraska, or Omaha and Bouth Omaha Improved property; the there are for sale and not for trade. It Interested call or write full particulars. Business Chances , We have a large list of Grocery, Cigar Stores, General Stores, Restaurants, Meat Markets, Clothing, Dry Goods, etc If you have the money, we will sell you anything you want. Call and see us. ' . OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 405 New York life Bldg. 'Phone 3762. k re- BEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA 21)04 Ohio st., t-r., all modem; snap for only $30. HiB B. Suth ave., beet 8-r., strictly modern dwelling to be found In Omaha for $27.60. A H. 2)uh ave., -r., all modern, luO foot frontage, new pavement; barn; all for $.15. $204 Marcy St., brand new 8-r. strictly rooilorn dwelling, reduced to $32.50. $46 8. Wth ave., very neat 7-r. cottage, with bath room and gas, for $26. 1622 S. 26th st., 7-r., all modern except .furnace, only $."2.50. 1610 Georgia ave.. tt-r., partly modem, only 122 60 232a' 8. ISth St., -r., strictly modern ex cept furnace; big snap at $11 WT Cam st., 4-r dty water; close ln Icely papered; only $U. ja4ij B. lHtu st., -r. brick house; city water; chotco for $S. Another one Juat back of same, only $7. 14'4 N. nth St., $-r.. only $8. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., poLr agents. ftA- N. Y..Llfe bldg. D 988 14 , H BLUFF VIEW H !ts can't be beat and think of It, 80 I'HKAP, only $.j0, t,.M and $600. VfcHX KASlf TUKMd. Hastings 6 Heyden, 1811 FARNAM ST. "PHONK 1000. KE--WI1 14 A DESIRABLE CORNER FOR SALE AT A LOW PRICE $4,0CO for N. W. comer 22d and Lake sts., Lrga lo-room modern house, barn, line lile tree, lot K6xl40 ft. Easy terms. This propuatUuu Is worthy of cureful con tdeieuun. ; GEORGE & COMPANY, 1801 Farnam 8treet. RB 438 14 WEST HARNEY 8T. BARGAIN. A very choice l-room houae, Just com pleted, on West Harney St., near 8Rth; la modern In every respect; has combination electric uud gas fix hires. , $6.iou. Til ill BYRuN HKED CO., . 211 8. 14 Hi. RB-8SS 14 26TH AND FORT ST. Neat cottage, 6824 N. 2ith Ht. ; owner leav. lutf eliy. To be sold this week fur $1,100. - N. P. DODGE & CO. 1414 Furnain St. RE MS31 16 INVESTMENTS Two 9-room all Htodera houses on comer lot rtnuiiH lor $i-t per ym. iiouec ,. )uut bn put In tlml-i shai. linili streets paved and pcrionnent walks ptild for. Oa tier's price, -riKnn houses, modern, alwuys rented fur is per jr. '1 M wlU bvar luvtiatl jatlon. Owm r aeks $l,(V. t choice huuwi iwiwr iu asd Hurt 8t. One lias riHims, slnte roof, etc., line siiape. One Iihs 7 rnooix. hot water heat, lo. Bee us fur particulars. A row ft 4 pr-..eii m ii k houses nenr lUriKOorn I'aik, roi ner lot, both streets Ihv.J nd paid for. 4 fine rnsnils In ecu tiuuiw. Ouk in.lsli throUKhuut. Al M renttj f..r $l:l per motiin. Owner nKs 11,1-.' i. MortKKgd uf liu.uvu at I per Ccut Cau be aaaui.imi. THE 13YRON REED CO. $13 8. 14th. 11K- '3 14 t);i;iN ltl Tp IV.M.H-JcpIu us lu te eiUJin a l.i-l due f.ult ftirio lu Oie yvui u.on,e t ,er , re: wine l-dtri Ujuk lui (n-s. WrM Oi . suti Or .4 Cw., M w Ijiuhom fct, i.ii-er. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE JOSEPH F. KELLY Hamilton. modern except furnace, lot 60 by 15". GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam St. 'Phone 756. HOUSES FOR SALE. $7,000 for 610 Park ave., east front, H-ronm house, modern throughout, new plumb ing has Just been redecorated and Is In beat of repair. Houae alone coet over KCoti to build. Immediate possession can be given, lt 7Txl40 ft. $4,fc)0 for bou2 No. 20th st, 8-room house, strictly modern, built only four years, Oak lliilsh, opnii nickel plumbing, cemented buaeinent, with laundry, good born, cement walk, fine shads, nice lawn, plenty of room and a beautiful view. Koay terms. $4,000 for California St., new 8-room houxe, modern, best of plumbing and gus fixtures, large bath rootu. luunuiy, line yard, artlllclal atone walks around the house. Immediate possession can lie given, $i,lu0 for 1111 N. Wth at., 8-room houae, all modern except furnace, large rooms, In good condition and easy walking dlntunco from postoftlce. Rents for Izil.W per mouth. Easy terms. $1,1(00 for Franklin St., 7-room house, t-storr, city water, gas, clslern, etc.; lot 6vxl30. $1,5:io for 1561 No. 18th St., 7-room two story house, city water, sewer, gas, fine shade trees. Kuay terms. Good place tor shop man. ACRES $5,500 for 40 acres two miles north of Benson and paved road, known as Horace Olinstead place; houpe S rooms, l1, slot y, cellar, well, cistern, burn, Cornell t and other outbuildings, line orchard and grove. Land all under cultivation. RE Sw 14 FARNAM STREET BUILDING Fine building, 22x100, 4 floors, elevator: steam heat; water; alley, etc.; well adapted for wholesale buslnesa on lower Farnam st. For further particulars see PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., SOLR AGENTS, ul-3 N. Y. Life bldg. . 1-990 NEW HOUSE EASY TERMS, On west side of 22d st. betweun Clnrk and Urace, modern, 5-room cottage, well built; cant bo duplicated for the prlio only Kennard & Lower, Tel. 7. u8-10 Brown block. RK-aiO 14 ALFALFA LAND $40 acres, 6 miles of Lexington, Dawson county, good soil, no sand or alkali, good Improvements, house, bum. erllis, rjii ery, hog houses, chicken houses, dttlry In. one, hog and rattle sheds, clutern iiilll sod tHil.H, good bcarliig orchard. A fa.NAP, $4,500. R. C PETERS & COMPANY, BE13 RUILDISO. RK-430 14 IOWA FARM LAND FOR OMAHA PROPERTY IM seres of very choice farm land; Im provements cott $7.oo0. Will exchange for good Omaha property. iTlte Ha p.-r A. Addrens VV Jti, lira. RK i'4 14 AT YOUR PRICE. WHAT IS IT? Only two blocks from 3oih and Drl-tol, the end of tlia l...lSu Ht. ur line, hull lut, L.iy paymeiita; low pilce. If you Want a tiicfei iui inviuii about thla Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. Ufa H'dg- FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE BEMIS' BARGAINS HOVBF8 AND LOTS $1,S'i0 R-room cottage on south side; bath. Sewer, water, barn. $1,800 6-ronm cottage, new", $2H0 down, bal- nnce monthly. $1.150 Two 4-room cottages, near th and Amw Ave., city water, rents for $14 monthly. $1,500 6-room eotl.ige, fine Condition, full lot, nice trees. $1,600 41-room hnuoe, corner lot. east and South front, near car line, brand new, $f.i0 down, bnlance monthly. $2,000 6-room modern, except furnnce. In Orchard Hill, two fine lots, big bar gain for some one. $2,000 Two cottages on sooth side, full lot; 7-room cottnge rents for $13 and 8 room cottnee rents for $S .no. $3,000 7-room house. In Dcmls park. Bee It. Ruy It. $3,500 7-room tiouso. Just a couple of block from postomce, south front, 33 by 1.11 $4.000 tt-room. In Kountze Tlace, strictly modern, hot water heat, nice smoie. Owner must sell and will do so at great sacrifice. $4,000 7-room, hear 3th and Jackson, all modern, $oi)0 down and balance to suit. $4,0008 rooms, on ISth street, nice Int. splendid locall , electric light, nice stable. $,000 Five S-ronm cnttages. right In the heart of Houth Omaha, street paved, renting for Mo. flu per moiitu. iiound to advance In price soon. $7,50014 rooms. Ftrlctly modern, full lot. near postoftlce. $12,000 3o-room brick block, close In. Must be sold. Make offer. $15,000 Modern row of brick dwellings, clow In. Eplendld and sound invest ment. TRACK AO B. $7,500 Prick building, renting for $40.00, and ffl by 110 vacant, with track. Enr gnln. $10,000 Mh nnd Leavenworth, fine corner, with track, If desired. ACREAGE. $2,500 6-room cottage and acre of ground near Country club. VACANT TjOTB. $100 Full lots, adjoining and overlooking $120 Miller park, on Florence car line. $140 Ptart paying for a home by buv $150 lng one of these lots. $5.00 down, $i0 and only $5.00 per month. $:o $ooO2 choice lots near 43d and Dodge, east front. $7u0 Choice lot, east front, paved street, near 2th and Vinton. $S50 110 by 150 feet, near Hurt and SSth, sightly located. $1.100 Full lot. near 30th and Chicago Sts. $1,100 Full east front lot, nenr " and Woolworth Sts., paved street. $2,000100 by 150 corner, east of Hanscom park, paved street. $2,500100 by 127 corner, east of Hanscom park. BEMIS, (Established 1868.) 'Phone 6S5. 304-306 Paxton Plock. RE 107 14 YOU will not often find a bargain like this: Elegant house near Nash's fine resi dence; has every modern convenience; large grounds, fine barn; offered for a short time only for $6,200. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE-119 14 H. Small Farms H Prices Right 40 acres north of Florence, rather rough, covered with good timber, close to school. Price, $iia an acre. 45 acres north of Florence, well Improved; 10 ncres in henrtng fruit. 5 acres in al- ' falfa, balance under cultivation; well and windmill, price, no an acre. -80 acres 10 miles from Calhoun, 65 acres under cultivation, 15 acre prairie; 6-room house, barn, crib, etc. Price, $50 an acre. 80 acres west of Florence about $ miles. nearly level, all under cultivation; good house barn, etc., 8 acres In fruit. A fine farm. Price, $80 an acre. 12 acres nearly $ miles from Florence, nearly all In nrst-claes bearing fruit. Price, $150 an acre. 15 acres north of Florence, rough land. Price only $40 an acre; fine for fruit or chickens. Large list of S and 10-acre tracts, vicinity of Florence. Hastings & Heyden, 1611 Farnam at. 'Phone 1606. RE- LA FAYETTE AVENUE HOUSE In Walnut Hin, a splendid 8 room house, fnodc.2 in every way; fine fciiude and lawn, paved street, cement tidowalk: one of the finest homes In Walnut Hill district for $4,500, all In applepte order. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor, N. Y. Ufa Elrlgj. Rl!-091 14 F. D. WEAD, J-r. modern cottage with S-story barn, 119 8. &th st.: ten minutes' walk to post office, $2,100. 1524 Douglas. RE 117 14 65V4 acres, choice land, jimt south of South Omaha, new house, barn, other buildings, Improvements cost $2,500, all built within last few years; 10 acres of corn. 200 bu. of potatoes, 2 cows, 2 horses, 160 chlckeni, 100 tons of hay. If bought now, $6,0j0. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, BEE BUILDING. RE 921 14 Attention Real Estate Buyers. . Sears & Lewis, 821 New York Life building, - have one of the best and most pi actual up-to-date real estate investment projects oil the market. Call and let us explain. Bee Sears A Lewis, 321 New York Ufa, for the beat list of acreage near Omaha; also a tin list of city property. 10 acres in fruit treee In full bearing, close to city, one of the finest building vltea In Imuslas county for suburban home. Price, $2,500. Will divide. SEARS & LEWiS $21 New York Life. RE-915 14 F. D. WEAD, What will yon give for house and lot, 2529 8. 8th st. 1524 Douglas. RE 111 14 28TH & POPPLETON. 8-room, thoroughly modern, paved street, permanent walk, south of Poppleton on 28ih. Mufet be sold. Price $4,300. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, BEE BUILDING. RE-93 14 FOR SALE, lots 11 to 17, block 2, Ham r.oiul s addition. Omaha. For further particulars address 8. Hanson, Shena doah, la. HU THREE GREAT SNAPS Widow must sell $m2-4-6 N. 29th ave., large t-room houses; two blocks from Lake sL car; good and chvap hoinea' WILL sub mit any reasonable offer. N. L. Trimble, 121ii Furniiin si., second floor. F. D. WEAD. One of the finest houaos In Kountse Place, on Kinney st., near 24th, has 10 lurge rooms with 2-story barn, paved st. and riald; permanent walks and drlvewuy f sold soon would couKlder $6,5uo. 1G24 Douglas. , RE-116 14 $3 4008111 Iaven worth, 8-room modern h iiiM), electric lights, gas, buth, furnace, large cemented basement, large lot. email barn. RE-918 14x WILL eichange two lots 100150 feet, N. W. cor. of street, giving south and east ex posure, both streets paved, permanent wulk and In the beat residence district of Omaha. Will exchange for good furtn lund. Address W &j, Roe. UK 9j 14 Building Is a Sure Index Of a Citys Growth. Real Estate in a Graving City is a Sure Investment Now is the time to buy in Omaha. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Business interests having made it necessary for Mr. George K. Black to leave Omaha, we are authorized to offer his home for sale: Ten-room house, almost new. Hot water heat, best plumbing. East front, paved street. Size of lot, 50 x 160. No. 1026 South 32nd Street. Submit Offer. Howard Kennedy&Son 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone 722. A. P. TUKEY & SON, TWO FULL LOTS and five houses on 19th and Pleroe for $4.00. As an Investment to hold two or three years this will prove to be a good one. ACRES IN OMAHA HEIGHTS $2no'earh on easy terms. We give you five full lots to an acre. Beveral parties have bought 6 and 10-acre tracts aud will build nice houses on the same this fall. We can suit you ,ns to either high or low ground. Will sell slnglo acres If desired. TWO VACANT LOTS for building purposes on J5th and Chicago street, very cheap. WILL BUILD HOUSES to suit purchasers on those south front lots on Lincoln boulevard, In Hemls park. If you have money to pay for the lot we will do the rest. r LOTS IN THOMANSON & GOOS ADDITION on $2d and Vinton, south of Hanscom park, are being benefited by the extension of the city water to this property, but the prices are just the same as they were, only $275. On your own terms. New car barn la close to this property and la being built now at 24th and Vinton. COTTAGE of five rooms st 4825 Seward street for $1,000. Not much cash required. 'FHONKB: OFFICE. 21M; HK3.. F2580. HOARD OF TRADE BLD(i. RE W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Lire. 'Phone 1194. $1,3002818 BYanklln. T rooms, lty-story, sewer, water, south front, paved St., very cheap. $l,3tio 514 Patrick ave.. 7 rooms, IVi-story, sewer, water, south front. $1,6003823 North 17th, 6-room cottage and ground 80x160, $1,800; clone in; new t-r. cottage, a good well built house, 22x36; sewer, water closet, nice gas fixtures; east front lot 33x140; fruit and small barn; owner Is anxious to sell quick and can give possession any time. $2,25026111 lilondo, new 8-room well arranged modern house except furnace, south front, built by owner, and prloe is low for such a house. - $2,100 On West Farnam, rooms, fully modern, fireplace in sitting room, well ar ranged, south front, largo barn. Here Is a cheap place on principal street In city, where several new houses are being built. 49x17, south front, fith and Dodge, 67x132, south front, Bristol St.. east of 27th, paved st. and brick sidewalk, only $7'0. , 97x150, 8. E. cor. 85th and Cuming, $2,100. 66x140, 8. K. cor. 18th and Otaoe, Kti two cottages renting for $24 per mo., $2,4oo. RE Two of the finest lots In Dundee, 100x135, on corner. A snap If taken soon. Two elegant bargains southwest of Han scom park, one 6-room house and one 8-room house; very cheas. Elegant up-to-date cottage of B rooms, fur nace, porcelain tub, closets and large Jiantry; corner lot, 62x121; south front; ine shade trees; high and s'ghtly. Northeast corner of 33d and Davenport streets; must be sold quick. Make us an offer. 2527 Davenport, modern, 6-room cottage; a snap at $2,600. Elegant Kountze Place home, on Spencer street, easily worth $5,500; our price, $4,000. One of the best vacant lote in Kountxe Place only $S00. 1114 Bouth Kith street, 6-ronm, modern cot tage and full lot only $2,200. . THOMAS. BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Building. ' W. H. CRARY, Manager Real Estate Department . BE TH REE-STORY BRICK BUILDING FOR INVESTMENT. RENT $47.50 PER MONTH $3,250. 1734 80. 1.1th st., store, large txiHement and four flats, large barn. Easy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam Street. RE 839 14 STEAM HEATED APARTMENT. 2234 Farnam St., 7-r. Hat. with new open plumbing. In nice condition; steam heat and everything modern; only $;0. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., BOLE AGENTS. Wl-3 N. Y. Life bldg. D-989 14 5-KOOM house and brick basement at 1229 Bouth 12tu street, very cheap at $1,200. R, C. PETERS & COMPANY, BEE BUILDING. RE B23 14 $f.23 WIRT ST., rooms, all modem $25. 3 Sherman Ave., 1 rooms. MODERN, beautiful piece of property, $25. $028 tit. Mary 's Ave., t rooms, MODERN, $40. 2t4 M.iple St., 8 rooms, modern plumb ing, $22. 11 8. 23th Ave., 6-rom cottage, fine re- , pair, enamel bath, tolet, gus, $IR. 15o6 Sherman Ave., 9-room frame -flat; make a like rooming and boarding houae; $30 Ier month. iOJi Reea St., 5-room brick flat, newly painted and papered, $12. Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 1781. 1 47814 FIRST-CLASS eloctrtc light and power plant In a thriving Neb. town, for sal Very cheap; good responsible parties can purchase on partial payments secured by a mortgage on the plant. It Is paying more than lu per cent net st the present time, which can be Increased considerable bv party who can give their attention and time. Price $8.5uO. Address W 34. Hee. It 23 9-7 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RE GOOD BARGAINS 170 Canton St Just the place for you If you work In Houth Omaha. Has five nice . rooms, outbuildings, city water, new walks, fenced, convenient to car lines. Owner says sell for $oo. Kaay terms. 8819 Parker 8t., 7-room house, city water, nice lot. KXCKPTIONALLY EAST TERMS at $l,2fi0. Near 8th and Lafayette Ave. (Bemls Park) rooms, NEW, ENTIRELY MODERN. SPLENDID LOCATION, lot 60x160. Price only $2,8iO. 18th and Locust Sts., 6 rooms, slmost hew cottage, ALL MODERN, BEST OF CON DITION, close to car line. The price? $2,500. CHEAP! 120 N. 40th St. This la worth while If you want a 6-room strictly modern cottage, new,, enamel bath, nickel plumbing, gas and electric light, cemented cellar, fur naceIn fact Just the house you ought to own. Let us take you out and show you. We have some tine vacant lots In Avon dale Park that will be sold within the next few days. Call and see us about them. Pavne Investment Co. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 1781. RE-9V7-14 Cheap Lots. GOOD ONES, TOO. In Bemls Park, fronting south on Lincoln boulevard. Throe fine lots, with no special taxes. All In tine shape. Elegant loca tion for two or three fine homes. These lots must be sold. There will be three fine houses built In the same block, east Of these lots. A. P. TUKEY & BON. Board Of Trade Building. RE 796-14 F. D. WEAD, Cottage of 6 rooms with full lot all fenced, sma.l barn, good repair, 28th, near Man demon, $1,150. 1624 Douglas. RJJ-11514 JUST A LITTLE BETTER. A HOME THAT WILL SUIT YOU. Full width lot, and a few feet wider full depth lot, and a few feet deeper. Plenty of shale trees and many trees that are hot needed. A large porch, big enough to dance on. Electric lights, gas as well, for light ing and heating. Oak finish, with an extra well gloss on It. Double floors, full base ment, cemented, first-class furnace, nickel plumbing and porcelain bath tub. Rooms are good slxed and well arranged. A $5,000 8-room house In Bern is park at a prloe that will astonish you. This week only,. $4,000, If .tot sold soon will be leased. No. iMi Linooln boulevard. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Tel. 1781. RE 994 14 SHIMER & CHASE, BUILDERS OF MODERN HOUSES The up-to-dnte, moderate-priced, modern dwelling, sny slse, any style, anywhere. Which section of the city do you prefer7 Bring in your floor plan we will do the rest. Illustrated booklet free. THESE GOOD VALUES -room, all modern house, facing south on Templeton avenue, full lot, good barn: must be sold at once. OIVL L'S AN OFFER. -room cottage north, good repair, water end gas, corner lot, close to the car. Owner says sell for $1,200. New, modern, 5-room cottage $1,800. New, modern, 6-room cottage $2,600. VACANT LOTS 40th and Seward $000. Clifton Hill $126. 27th and Urant $350. 41et and Farnam St. $1,250. We will build to suit the customer on any of the above lots. Ask us about' choice building sites. We write lire Insurance and do a general real estate business. SHIMER & CHASE, 1009 Farnam st. Ground Floor. Tel. 8807. -Otkl F. D. WEAD, New cottage, sut finished, west of Kountse i'lace on Wirt at., has 6 large rooms with up-to-date plumbing, cellar under entire house and cemented; $iu0 cash, bal. $20 per month, price $2,100. Call for keys. 1524 Douglas. RE 114 14 320 ACRES CENTRAL NEBRASKA. Fine grans and hay land; $3,2ut last week, $3,100 this .week; $1IH cheaper each succeed ing week 'until sold. One-tenth ranh, balance In nine equal yearly payments. WILLIS CAD WELL, Broken Bow, Neb. KE MS37 20 FOR SALE New brick building, 71x140 feet In size; suitable for manufacturing or storage purposes; cheap If sold at once. The l'arirklge-Shelly-Thonipnon company, 2Cta and Martha sts. RE-M841 20 F. D. WEAD. $-r cottage, Charles snd 2fith sts.; this troperty rents for $12; If sold this Week !(X) cash, bal. easy terms, $&0. 1624 Douglas. RE 113 14 6HRIVER, 1023 N. Y. Life Bldg. l-room modern house, furnace, etc., fine shape, south front. West Farnam st. Price $2,6u0. RE 121 14 A NICE 6-room cottage for sale clie p; ood reason for selling. Address W 4J, ee. RE-i7 1-tx Ml'HT SELL TO SETTLE ESTATE Two 10-room partly modern brick houses, In good repair, on S. 2!th st., well rented to good fnnnts; offer wanted. WALTER L. BtLliVr. $34 Board of Trade. Tel. 1610. RE Ms 16 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES CO. 722 N. Y. Life Building. HOUbfcb $1 ,150-Sl S. Nth St., a reat i-room cottage with 43-fobt lot, walking distance. A big bargain. ' $ 1,800 im N. 18th st.. large -rwm house, lot o140 feet, all modern; must be closed out. We want a ntitri offer on this property. , $ 2.600 Nearly new 7-room house, corner lot. In Hemls park. Close to ear, wfll built, 1 strictly modern. This lathe lst hargsln we have had listed In a long time. Owner compelled to leave city and bus reduced the price for tpilrk sale, tic us aloiit this Monday morning, for It's bound to be sold soon at this price. $ 3 30 tm Cass St., Dundee Place, close to the oar, hlH and Sightly, new J-Storf honxo, strictly modern, good plumbing, permanent walk. In Ideal spot. In vestigate tlila. $ $.3001315 b. 27th, rooms, nearly new, fine 60-foot lot, all modern. ant to sell thla soon. ' Irfiok at It. $ $.709 h'M B. 3lFt St., an excellent, well built 7-room house, modern, fine cement cellar and basement under the entire house, lot 6uxl2S feet, east front, with barns choice location; bargain. $ 4,200 l'p-to-dnte. nenrlv new, well built 7-ronrn house, enst front, on N. 4mn St. nea Hurt, strlctlv modern, permanent walks, paving paid, choice east front GO-fool lot. A lieautlful home. . $ 4,700 K'2 S. 2i'th Ft., lot liixlS2. enst front, large S-ronm houe, strictly modern, good h;irn. Improvements costing shout $ 4.tii. ground easily worth $2,760 to $4,000. Big Bargain. Cash offer this week considered. I-ook St this. $ 7.500 In the W est Farnam district, bcautl fnl location, tine new sonars house, two Storleh, strictly modern, oak and birch llnlph. fine polished floors throughout, best plumbing, reception hall, with besm celling, permanent walks. Take par of this In good vacant property suitable for flat buildings. $15.000 Ths llellniin tirooertv. 24l(i snd St. Mary's ave.. ground Hxl.J) feet, with I- storv brick house, mansard roof. IS beautiful grounds, fine corner for an for cpilck aln. Immediate enfh sn object. . . $17,600 West Karmim district. In the very choicest location, close to csr. beautiful grounds, l.xl42 feet fine shade, shrublwry and fruit, excellent 0-rnom house, strlctlv modern, fine solid oak floors, oak finish, well built. This property has never been offered before, but owner expects to leave the city and we will fuarantee thrre has been no choicer home offers In the West rarnsm district ban this. Might consider a little less for spot cash. VACANT no !" feet, enst front, N. W. cor. 24th and Fmmet st. Bargain. ' $ 1.600 5oxl'.5 feet, east front, on 3Cth near Iiewey ave., Just south of Jackson. Special tHxes pnid. i'.nruMn. . t $ 2,260 6ixin0 feet, north front, on Dewey ave., between 23th and 40th, best lot for the money In this choice section. Can't N'flt It. . $ 1,250 $l,7.Vi $3 ooa-We have 6ox0 feet on 17th ave. and IMh St., north of Leavenworth perfect grade, nil sodded, room for one or two houses facing both streets. "Ill sell entire lot for $:i.("i0 or consider $1,250 for 17th ave. frontage and $l,i50 for 18th at. frontage. This Is flr.e and hiMvi II r, IN VJ l I 11" UUULC lftlU Enst front on IHth Just south of Clark, line lots. 40 to 60 feet front, r ilking distance of V. P. shops and town. Price $23 per front foot. Tn ins. wa Cat SNAP! ANOTHER of our famous bargains. We have Just listed 6-rooni cottage, modern except furnace, located 1 block from car, south of Iake street. Hn:i elegant bath room, with new, modern plumbing throughout, brick Inside walks. Iron fence enst front, nnd if taken within the next 10 davs owner will throw In H steel range.'. LOOK AT THIS MONDAY, PI KE. PRICK ONLY $1.WK). LtiOK. AT the n"W fl-room j-.tof hn-a at 21th and Manderson. Is absolutely mod ern in nil (Ic:mIis .did Kicntcu cusi. Intnl. on paved street, with paving paid. This Is one of the finest locations fn nil Omaha, and will make you a benutlful home. SK10 IT TODAY, AND THEN ASK VS ABOI'T TERMS. PRICE $3,2n. WB HAVE BOMB KI.EOANT Bl'ILDTNO LOTS THAT WE CAN MAKE A VERY LOW PRICE ON. 813 N. Y, U SWEET A BEST. Tel. 1472. RE 845 14 FOR SALE Oii3 note of Jl.noo. due In on year; secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually ; also one note for $1,C00, due on or before three years; Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given b respectable parties. Address the owner, S. 25, Bee office. RE M45S TAFT, CREEK NATION, INDIAN TERRITORY: The townslta of Taft, located on the Midland Valley Railroad, In the center c the richest agricultural district In the Creek Nation, Is now on the market. OPPORTUNITIES are now offered for the establishment of business houses of all kinds, such M grocery, dry goods, drugs, clothing, boots and shoes, meat markets, lumber, oottoa gin, hay and grain, eto. t Oct In on the ground floor and buy one or more lots at prices that will taalte you money. For full Information apply to Webster Realty Co., 412 BOARD OF T RADE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. VACANT LOTS Two beautiful, high, tightly enst front lots overlooking bemls park which can be easily divided Into four 60-foot lots. The owners' price Is $2,000, but they want to sell. 60x150, suitable for four nice modern cot tages, located on the northwent corner of 27th and Webster, south and east front, facing east on a boulevard. This ground can be made Into four nice lots facing east. Price $l,ttuO. And they are a great bargain. Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 976 14 AN elegant home In one of the best loca tions in the city; modern In every re spect; new furnace; double floors; 100 . ft. frontage by full depth- large barn; term to suit purchaser, $3,600. F. D. WEAD, 1C24 Douglas. RE-110 14 SNAPS FOR BALE. SOUTH OMAHA. One l-room cottage, South lxth, lot 60x150; JO cash, bal. every I months. 1 4-room cottsgrs, North loth, $60. 1 4-room coUhkb and 1 S-room cottagq rut one lot, South 4uth street, $-x) for both; 4 rooms rent for $7 and $ rooms rent for $; In good shape. Cigar store, $50, North 24th. oc restaurant, feeds 2(i0 tr d.iy now; price, $250. This Is a snap fo.' y o Grocery store and butcher shop; T living rooms. South 24th, 1.J. If you want to save from (20) to $500 on cot tages now Is the time to buy. 500 acres, at all prices, in good locations, from $176 to $& per d-i v N. P. DODGE 4 CO., 2512 Q Btreet. urcwj 14 $20 acres of good Sarpy county land, very well Improved; will exchange tor good Omaha property. Address W 33. Bee. RE-SI27 14 NICE cottage for farm land. Will exchange 6-room collage well located, renting for $12.50 per month, for farm lund Address W $2, Bee. RE-lui 14 F. D. WEAD, $-r modern house, 8519 Iafayette, In Bemls park, small payments down, K.i4 Douglas. ' BE M1U9 IS SARPY COUNTY FARM. 80 acres In Sarpy county, 7 miles from South Omaha, 2 miles from Fort Crook, 3 miles from'latte; good, level lund, fair Improvements, ?6 acres buy, 25 acres pas ture, t acres hue timber, balunce under cultivation. pries $iu per acre. Owner inlsht coiiMlder siiiuli city property ns riisi payment. Be sure and investigate this. It's a bargain. PAVNE INVESTMENT CO., First Fluor N. Y. L. Tel. 17M. RE-frJC 14 LET VS sell you 100 seres 'In the south, where a tallo isndlu will keep you warm in wii.ler. lou can rulse tines iTops a year on the eaim, ground, either of whli h will pay for the land; terms e.isy. I.a. Itlce, Prairie & Caiiul to., CiuK-lu bt. Aaiuis, ilo, . llLi FCR SALE REAL ESTATE Tek phone 49 rooms, steam heat, all modern, brick barn. apartment house or flute. Special prlca close in. - vl It CIMDn erfect grsde. iese are rar- RE W. A. SPENCER, C2fl New Tork Life. $1,660 Neat 6-room cottaa. bath, gas, sewer, near car and paved street. $2,000 New 7-room house, hatn, gas, sewer, furnace. Inrge lot. On Car line and paved street. $2,600 271! S. 20th St., large 9-room hons, bath, gas. sewer, paved, good barn, nice trees, lot 50x145. Orent bnrgnln. Could taka good cottage of I or rooms as part purchase price. . $2.100 Puve choice east front lot on south 2nd St., near Paclftc; paving paid. RE 974 14 F. D. WEAD, One of the neatest 6-room cottages In the aouth part of city. No. J508 8. th ave., has bath, sewer, gas throughout; cellar under entire house; nice fruit trees and Iron fence In front; look this over and see me Monday: can arrange terms; $1,200. 1524 Douglas. R1S 118 14 SCHOOL and Indemnity lands oh the Rose bud reservation will be offered at publlo sale August 20, 1U04, at Fairfax, South Dakota. For descriptions, prloe and term npply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of school and publlo lauds, Pierre. South Da kota. BE 761 A2i no TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $l,80o una the other $2,460. SHIMER at CUAS.E, Builders ol Modem Houses. RE 734 llus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. CHAaWilliimenr. f U. 8. bk bit U. S. bk bldg. J, 1111111 wvr., Jj,t Kioor RE ail RE tut FOR SALE Two Modern cottages. West Farnam st. district, only ii.iM each. Thomas Breuuan, Room 1, N. Y. Lite Bldg. RU4SM F. D. WEAD. WANT OFFER On two 7-room houses and bams, 1124-24 N. lith st. Tills property Just put la good repair; renin tor 4;to. . lu4 Douglas. RE 112 14 New BARGAINS You can't lc-i these: One at $3,009, tha other ar -,uuo, rooms eacu, lull two eioiy, cemented cellar under whole houae, porcelain bath and nickel plumolng, para with one; brand i.vw, aud you can't bullil them for the money; close to car and eusy walking distance; must be setw la be appreciated. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO, 1MZU burnum MlrAAl. RE-494 ' 113 BY C27 FEET, on trackage, 84th St. an Oratid ave., near cur burns, for sale, Il.taO. O. A. Bolder, Grand Island, Neb. RE ilJU kix UU IUU WAIN 1 A MtU HUMfcJ Wny nut take a hointuiteud in South TJt . kota' liitiulrs W. X. LALY, 7ul H. 1' Tel. 2341. ItE M446 r TO BE SOLD . The propert southeast corner Of U uavenpori sis., with two stores, tf uuove, and cottage, has been order? This property produces good Inr tau. bo made to produce mors. V easy terms. Matte bust oiur Ol4 win be soid. i'or fun particulars see . it TUh, U'CAOI'E INVEST? 150 Dodge HlsMt Aawlif. FINE 7-room houae, stria. lot, south trout, shade e. ponaatient waik. uq, BARGAIN to home p buKiucm. Call tMv mil!) NORTH OVf 7-room bi n k co t cottage eUuch rtnt t t.; .$2. ., fc owner, 3ol DONDt, eCCURITICt h St. Tel. IZj rem n,'ty nd sell South two Union Slock Yards Sisd.