Tim OMAnA' DAILY DEHt "FniDAY, AtTOiTRT 12, lMl. V 1 si i t ! - CURRENT COUNCIL EGBERT HAS MS "TROUBLES How Borring a Tenn in Jail for Stealing , 'Tiftj Feet of Hone. HAS CHARGE OF BUR&LARY TO FACE NEXT Ralph Nnarrnt Illsrhararrd o Com plaint of llrluc Accessory to t trl Raralarlea, lmt Rrar- rested far Another Job. Chestsr Egbert, who Was sentenced to thirty days in the county Wednesday for the theft of fifty feet of hose, the property of C. K. Tyler .Of . the Crystal Mills,- will have, to face a more serious charge ihls niornrnK In police court. Yes terday T. N. I'etersen of the firm of Peter sen A Bchlwnfng identified tire two bugg-jr cushions and, two carriage lamps which v f.goer 'when Kgbert was trying- to dispose of In Oman ' 'when arrested os his property He snys I hey were -taken from his barn at the ' earner of Fourth and Story streets some time during the night of August 6. The goods are valued at 1'JH. ,An information charging Kgbert with -breaking: and entering building Hi 'the night time, which Is a penitentiary offense, -wss filed yesterday. Kgbert is one of a gang of young: fellows which has given the police considerable trouble for several years, , The original Ihfonnatkm charging Ralph Nugent, the young fellow brought back from Olenwood, with participation In a numbfi of burglaries committed by a gang of small boys Was dismissed In police court yesterday morning, the state having only the evidence of young Roop, who confessed and Implicated three other bays as well as Nugent. Another Information,- however, was filed against Nugent charging him with breaking into the store of Kline & Kohn at I4J West Broadway and opthls he will .have his preliminary hearing In police court this morning. Officer Gal lagher Is certain that Nugent is the young man he iiw in Kline & Kohn's store the night It was robbed. In addition to Officer I Gallagher's evidence young Hoop In his ad missions to the police stated that Nugent participated In the robbery at. that store. ' Litigation Over Maht ulnar Rods. The presence' of. W. ll. Coons, an 'attorney from Batavia, N. T., In Council Bluffs; dis closes the fact that a number of farmers Iri New1 'York state hare been up against the lightning rod game In Which William Barker and f A. Buokman, both of this city, , are alleged to have played ' stellar roles, although not that, of vlqtima. At tqmey Coons Is here - for the- purpose of taking the depositions of Mr. lluckman In connection' wHh litigation resulting from his clients being Inveigled, as he alleges. Into giving notes for the lightning rods. Mr; BuckmanVwho appears as plaintiff In the' suits it) question, claims to be an inno cent purchaser of the notes he is now suing onwhtle on the other hand Attorney Coons alleges than Buckrmin Is -In truth an. em. ploye of Barker and was cognizant of the character of the dealings.,. All ot the notes were, ' made payable to Barker;Who has:, been In the lightning rod. business In this city for a number of years.. Buckman was formerly, connected with the First National bank of 'this city, aa, assistant cashier, -but lust his position shortly, after Ernest K. Hhri bought '$tlt. Charles R. Hannan s in terest and . became president, of tbe bank. Improvements at City Hall. The committee on bridKes and city prop erty' of the city council, of which Alder man Weaver Is chairman, has put In a new set of scales for City Engineer Hlg geaon at a cost of JIM. The' old scales needed .repainting, the cost of which whs estimated at over 100 and as the old scales had been In use for upwards of twenty- five; years it wa deemed economy to put in new set. . . Work toil the new building back of the city jail, .which will contain the, heating plant for the city ' hall, Jail and patrol house, is progressing rapidly. The walls are up and work on the roof will be be gun today. The heating -plant -will beln the basement and the 'city wetghmaster's office on the ground floor.. Stephen Broth ers, who have the contract for the heat ing plant, have the radlutors and connec tions In the different buddings Installed und as soon as the new building la under roof will set the boilers. A large saving In fuel Is expected by having the one heat ing nlnat (up 'tho three tnjUtfngs, ; ' N.'T. Plumbing ,Co. Tel. 280. Night. FORT. . ,- -Fliro Appurnta Prfeollve. ' Fire Chk'f Nicholson , and his officers mailw.an Inspection yesterday of the tire fighting facilities at the. Union Pacific Transfer -depot. A lest of the hose rs sultl Iri the bursting of -four Sections and Chief Nicholson recommended that a better grade of hose, be secUred'."-The hand hosd cart used. by the firemen at the depot he found hoUBefl'west of the Pullman shops, while the;hyt!rant Is located at the east end of the building. In case ot Ore occur ring between the place where the cart Is ' housed and the hydrant the' men would he compt-lled to make ti w'tlB- 'detour with the hose cart before they eould attach the hose una get action on the Must?. Chief Nichol son stnngly recommended that tho hose cart bo placed nearer tbe hydrunt and he ay-! mni xne omci&is at me Transfer jy ui'poi win comply Y'ln " suggestions. Plumhlnr and hilii- f'vrby Si , blatters In District Court. J.' L. Whitman and wlf? and three oth ers begun suit in the district oourt yes terday attains t A. J. Iirkln to have a number of tax certificates ' on property bought at tax sale mady subject to lien to coyer, a Judgment of secured by the plaintiffs against Larkin. The tax certificates are alleged In the petition to be worth ubout 5,(W0.. The court'! akod WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE LUWIi; CUTLEII I MultTHUM I SI Pearl 8U, Cuuucul i-.i.j, I li.,nH. NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS to appoint a receiver to dispose of euf flclent of the certificates to cover the plaintiffs' Judgment. County Auditor Innes, whose duty It is to make out the tax cer tificates, and E. E. Hart president of the First National -bank, are named co-defendants with Larkln. Edward Fuhs commenced stilt yesterday for divorce from Catherine K. Fulis, to whom he was married In Nebraska City In 18K3. He sskt that he be swnrded the cue tody of their two minor children. Tte.modellna- f.narda Armory. Plans for remodeling the Dodge Light guards' armory at the corner of Pearl street and Fifth avenue, which was for merly the old "Kink" bsrn, have been drawn by Co A Bhoentgen, ' architects. They will be submitted to Gen. Q, M. Dodge for his approval before any work la commenced. According to the plans the main entrance to the armory will be on Fifth avenue In stead of on Pearl street, as at present. The entrance will lead Into a lobhy four teen, feet wide, on the left of whlh will be a club room, twenty-three by thirty feet. This will be used as a wnmai.'a waiting room at social functions. On the right side lot the lobby will be a men's waiting room. locker and gun room, toilet room with shower bath and the quartermaster's room. The captain's and officers' room will be to the left of the entrance. 'The drill hall will be ajxty-flve by eighty-seven feet, clear of any columns. Solomon Retnrns to Asylum. U D. Bolomon was yesterday adjudged Insane by the locnl board and turned over to the custody of the authorities of Dcnur las county, Nebraska, It being found that his legal residence was In Omaha. Solo mon until a week ago was an lnmato of the Nebraska state asylum at Lincoln when ho was pnroled In care of his wife, who recently removed to -this city and took up her residence at Thirty-sixth street pnd Fourth avenue. Her husband's condition again becoming such that she could not care for himj she Was forced to have him recommitted.- -'-.': Elks' Ostitis Satardar. The Council Bluffs and Omaha - lodges of Elks will hold their annual stag out ing at Lake Manawa Saturday. Members of the local lodge will meet at the club house at t o'clock to take special ' cars for the lake. There" will b contests In bowling, shooting, tub racing, swimming, etc., as well ae a game of base ball be tween teams from the two lodges. The festivities will conclude with a banquet at the Kursaal on the Manhattan Beach side of the lake. H. L. Tlnley, E. A. Trout man and S. L. Etnyre comprise the local committee on arrangements. ii. -i , ' - i - ? ' '"' Real Estate .Transfers, . ... These transfers were reported to The Bee on August 11 by tho Title, Guaranty and Trust company of Councll Bluffs: " Interstate Realty company to C. V. MUler, lot is, blk. B, Perry 2d Add.,' ' w. d ;. $ 100 Emma Meyers to Emma K. Seltser, lot 2, blk. 81, Mullliis' Bubdiv., w. d. 800 Ernest E.-Hnrt and wife to Frank Blank, nw4 nw4, 13-75-44, w. d.....' 3,000 John . Woodburn and wife to Wll loughby. Dye & Co., part nw4 nw"4, 2.1-74-40, W. d. 7. BOO John B TVoodburn and wife to Wil ; loughby, Uye & Co., part ne4 ne!4. 24-74-40, q. o. a. .......7....... o , Flvrtanefers, total ,r . 4,5$0 1 " Marrtaae.Llcenaea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age.' vuuiira i.reifert noum umaoa Emma Iuse, Omaha Augustus Dalke, Smith Center, Kan, Minerva Russell,' IctrU, Mich Norman Doa Tharp. Waoo, Neb. . Mrs. Emma Ellis, Columb ia, Neb. ... 44 - 80 . 49 46 lb Hanna M. Langer, Plattsr.i'outh, Neb.'' 0 . For Rent. J An excellent office location, '26x7 feet, fronting on Pearl street.. only half a block from Broadway, with a nice large Show window which can be. used for display. Bee office, 10 Petri, street. Council Bluffs. Grand .opening of, Tucker's Broadway studio Saturday evening, August 1J. Flow- bers, musio and souvenirs free.. We are still on the ground. MINOR MKXTIOTI. ' Davis sells drugs. Leffert's glasses fit. -'.. Stockert sells carpets. - Schmidt' pew studio. 406 Broadway. Swell photos at shrunk prices, William. Special sale on wood fer. Pyrographyl C. E, Alexander, 838 B'woy. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ilelwlg- of Harrison street, yesterduy, a son. Tucker's new B' way Studio, btill on the round between Pearl st. und postofflce. . . There will bo a special communication this evening 1 of Excelsior -liivonio lodge for woik in the first, degree., , Offlrer Wells, who reeiKnea from the po lice forco Wednesday, wl'.l go to Ogden, Utah, to resuir railroading. Mrs. H. H. Grady and children, of 827 Sixth avenue returned yesterday from a vlHit with relative In Iowa City. K. P. Behuentgeiv Is home Troin Bt. Paul, Mum., where he went with the other mem bers of the State Capitol commission. K. J. Quick, wife and dauKhtry of Quick, la., were In the city . yesterduy m their way to Halt Lake ana other, western points for a pleasure trip. f . M. Wollmaft and L. Madnen w-n to St., Louis Wedussdu) n(tht to b on hand to wliut'Ks tho' eiitry of the uutomoblllHts Into that city from their long distance run front New York. ' Julius itasmussen of this city, who drew No. bnl in the Kosebiul reservation laud drawing, -will leave today to locate hH claim. He will be crumj ed by r'rank Keod, deputy clerk ot the uiwrio". court. Joseph Sweeney, proprtetur of a Broad way reataurant, chargi-d by his wife with aau t und. I.uiiery, was tJlMcharsed in Juin i Carson s court yesterday, the couple having patched up their trouble. It. 8. Watts und Jack McKennu.'Churged with being drunk, lighting uU rem.-un Oilicer. Humjuitt at Cuuiiiand Beacn Wednesday nlaht drew te mluys on bread and wutur In poiioa court yesterday morn Insv 'ihe case agulnst Mrs. Ina Dixon In Jus tice Ouren s cuurt, In which she was LhiiTKed witn dufuclng a bulliliug belonging to t rod Kupem amp, was UiHmlaned, lue CKldence tailing to show that tUra. lJlxoll committed the Uauiajj.i complained Ol. Victor, the Infant nun of Mr. and Mrs. J. M, 1-HigiiHun, JJio talinuiuni avenua, ule.l yuoteruay, ajs-.-d inonUia. The funeral wl.l be held this ud.-riioon at ! o clock from tho residence ar.d burial will be In St. Joseph' cviiietery. The leinalns of Mrs. Surah Nash, who dlt d eilne.Uy niKht at Colorado City, Colo., from piiuumonia. utM ,i euia, mil arrive title this morning and the funeral will be lie d at 4 o'clock t-l unlay afieruoou lrom Grace s-pisuoiml ciiukii, h.'ivli.j wnf be coiuluciecl ny Rev. T. J. Hiooka and interment will be In Walnut s I til cem etery. Mrs. Naali Is the mother of Mis. J. K. t)iler, 'Hi Grace street. Anoiher claUKlittr, .Mra. It. t Jordan, with wiioin sho made her home In Colorado City, will accompany the U(Uy here. , . W aller AlciUinnji, wluiae home is In Iln-vcr,- Colo.. Ih being caird for at tiie city I. ul. lie -and it i--mi i ,j i ilon. Herbert T. Viii'sons, had been woi kliig' tor Contiiictor VS o kliani, hut OM lng to Mviilluan bulng vi ii ii I i to stand the bard turk, lliey o rldcd to B'' eruit and yei-tarday morning aouutil the Nuilhwi- slcrii yard in tii hopns of getting a ri le out of town on I !tt blind tMKKl. While waiting for a ta- . ii 1. 1. In ojiihii tunlty to Jump a fi. Ul.t Meilliuaii was Kel.'-tt with on rpilei :ie III. Tne police mr imtlflril and lie wns re noived In tns patrVi whhuii to tho city Jill, wliera he i uticu.b-d by Cily Phys- I. in 1 lulny ll ! cui-ii-iml tint the loan villi ! m, flult-i ii jy i ii'i , - red to. iroi ad TROUBLE FOR CANDIDATES Borne May Not Be Able to Get Nunei on the Offioial Ballot TRAIN OF VETERANS OFF FOR BOSTON Uran4 I-oftae, Ksiskll of Pythias, Klrrts omeers Only One Contest and that is Over position of Inner ;url. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) VK3 MOINK8, la., Aug. ii.-tSpeclal.) Some Interesting new questions In regard to the Iowa law relating to the official bal lou will be brouKht up before the Slate Election beard before'the campaign Is over An effort will be made to prevent the names of some of the candidates of the prohibition party ticket going on the bal lots. Two years ogo, when the prohibition party nominated its candidates for con gress. It was all done at the state con vention. but nominally In separate cau cuscs called by districts consisting of the district delegates. There was some doubt about the legality of this proceeding, but the matter was not brought to a test. This year a similar plaa was followed at the state' convention ofMhe party, though It lt- claimed the district caucuses were a farce. Now, In some of the districts where every vote Is wanted the legality of this form of nominating Is to b questioned Major Laeey, of the Sixth district, is under stood to hove asked that a contest be brought before the election board to de termine the question. The claim Is made that as the state convention was called primarily for the purpose of nominating a state tlcke: and the congressional con ventlons were not called by congressional or district committees, the whole thin$ was Illegal., Another question to be set tied will be that of the method of placing the names of district presidential electors on the 'official ballot by ' petition. It Is believed by some that the petitions must come from the' separate districts and that they cannot all be placed on the tickets by one general petition, circulated In the state. Heretofor-s the latter method has prevailed. .If the former la followed, then the populists and socialists will have a hard time getting their candidates for elec tor on the ballots, for there are some dis tricts where practically none of them can be found. None of the tickets have been filed, nor will they be until near the first of October, but petitions are being circu lated for the socialists, The populists have not yet chosen their candidates. .. On for Boston. ' ' The Iowa Grand Army of the Republlo headquarter train left here this evening over the Rock Island for Boston to carry the Iowa people to the national enecamp mert. The train was In personal charge of Captain Hugh M. PIckeil of this city; and it contalno l nearly all the department- offi cials. There were five coaches and before the train leaves the state there will be over 200 excursionists thereon. It is., expected that the. Iowa delegation will vote for the Now Yorji candidate for commander-ln-chie: as against the Massachusetts candi date. - .' '; tVoold Vmxnr ay Parole., ; Judge Burnham of Vinton, who. sentenced Frank - Novak to life Imprisonment .after 'he Jury had recommended only ten years, na changed hi mind, and publication .1 made of a letter which he ha written In which h declareclhttt'.he,!!! a parole for. Novak at the exph-etloa et the term Novak would httve servedrwtth good behavior, had he followed the recommehda tion of the. Jury. .This would relteso Novak after about two years more. There Is much excitement in Benton county over the ef forts to secure parole for Novak and oppo sition to the parole Is developing.' A num ber of letters' have been prepared to pre sent to the governor when he shall take up the case. v Officer of tbe Pythian. There was only one contest for the eleo tion of officers In the Iowa grand lodge;. Knights of Pythias, at Waterloo, and In that Frank Eldon of Council Bluffs was defeated for Inner guard by V. 8.' Delay of Odeboif. The officers elected were: Grand Chancellor T, S. Waud, Oermanla. Vice Chancellor J. A. Watson, . Cedar Rapids.. Prelate D. C. Llneweaver' Brooklyn. " Keeper of Records and Seal H. D. Walker, Mount Pleasant. Mtlaster-at-Arms A. E. Pollard, Mone luma. .(-. Inner Guard V. S. Delay, Odebolt. - Outer Guard George W. Wilson, Rock Rapids. Truatee-Phort term, J L'ambertson, Nora Springs; long term. C. W. Major, Anita; W. W. Epps, Oltumwa. Saw a tireat Meteor. Prof, Moorehouse of Drake university re ports witnessing a great meteor which swept over Iowa from east to west shortly before mldnlaht-last night. -It vi of ex ceeding brilliancy and wo visible. f or fulL five minutes, the night was made as light as .mid-day. Prof. Moorehouse. was In the observatory of tne university at the time and' was able to turn hi telescope on the trail of the meteor. He believe that no' pnrt of it fell t-, the ground, but that It was all burned. . Grlnneil Bank' Finances, ' It Is announced that the. assessment .on the 'shares of the stock of the First Na tional bank of Grlnneil will raise enough money to par 'the depositors lh fulL - The bank was capitalized for 1100,000 and the shares .were distributed among about fifty shareholders, w ho will be ashed to put up for the amount of their stock. - The de posits amount to about 1322,000. j ' Withdraw nm -Invitation : . , Because of objections made ty labor lead er and by Des Moines unions the Invita tion to D. M. Parry, the leafllng foe "of union labor In tho United States, to speak here Ijtbor day has been withdrawn. The Inv'tatlon to Parry was decided upon by the Labor day celebration committee sev eral weeks ago, but because of opposition to Parry on account of his attacks upon unions the Invitation was never sent. Now it ha been decided to withdraw the Invi tation entirely and Mr. Parry will not be Invited at all. Plssran Votes Bond. PISGAH, la., Aug-. ll.-(Speelal.)-- The newly platted town of I'lsjah ha voted an Issue of $2,600 bonds for the pur- At 72 and 79 Yiari of Art. relieved Immediately and Cured Quickly with Drake's - Palmetto Wlne.i ' " Mr. Geo. W. 1'elto. 79 years of se,!Akron. Mich., wrucx: iior inanf years I iiafe broo gresUr troubled mth t'lirunle Conmiixiilun ami tliouklit tUera win no belli tor inn. I have uej neatly three hotils of l)nme' Palmeno Wine wild resull tliai 1 bave Do trouble from Coiiail pnn.in. sii.l believe a cure lurrd. v lirukB fuiui-iu Wine bus duuo for lue wuut all oLUer ree.c(iieif..ilcvl tudo. , N. J. Knlvtat. '.-v years of in, W Pierce St, New UoiUora. Muss., writes: 1 bail L tiiliiiw, wliu h latt me witn a vere Csc.rrB of Mucous MnniUrune all tbrouifh dit body, a Very bard ouuifO luornlnirs, eniai veuietit ua InfluiuuiBnon of l'ioiui (iiand, bliHly uriuo, suit my sultcr ioss 4uine. inn taamg Lrskn's 1-1- """n " i tau too bot,Ue ma larsniSsm iu,nj tuevcrr war. I ulu not. lo sver Irfll o srll aa I do now aud kavu nrtm iiu.o lo r--;olro lhat I found nn-h woudoilul Meilit'lu llrakn Pa lain to M'lne. A lrt bi.uie w'ii ba sent preimld free of. :bi.reiosiiv resd. r i f tliin ikt wno wrlica tor VIO lJ--k ll unuuis l Vmiiiuii. llruke llulullui. Icaiso. Ill, A trsl bvulo tilcu cuius. pose of erecting a public school building. Eighteen Votes were oast for the measure and none against It. - MtRDERF.R Com SOW It THE PE1 Sent tn from Delaware County far Another Crime. ONAWA, la , Aug. ll.-(Ppccial Tele gram.) Developments tod.iy Indies te tht there Is a strong possibility of Ed Corns, who murdered Sheriff Strain September 1, 3"X being an Inmatf'of the Aftnmbsa peni tentiary, having been Sent up from Dela ware county under the name of Rodgers In February last. A convict now at Animosa, Identifies Corns fully. Sheriff Jnckson of Woodbury county and Sheriff Rounds of Onawa visited the scene of the murder toduy and neighbors partly Identified the photograph as that of Corns. The descrip tion tallies almost exactly. Full Investiga tion will be made at once. Old Settlers' Rennlon. ATLANTIC. la.,' Aug. ll.-Specla! Tele gram.) With approximately 2,500 people under the big. teht 'thnt Is to shelter the inautauqua auring tne next weeK. and fully that many more In the shade and about the grounds of Stinnyslde park today, there Is not the slightest doubt thst today occurred the greatest reunion In'the history of: the sssoclntlon Of the old settler of Cass 'county. The Anllii band furnished the music pnd' every train, landed large' num bers to attend the reunion. A fine program had bcea prepared, part of which was ren dered In the forenoon. . At noon a rush was msde for the baskets and soon every avail able shady spot Wss occupied by a dinner party. Dinner disposed of the crowd re turned to the big tent and the program was resumed. Dr. Hill of the Congrega tional ch'urch of this city delivered the an nual address. At the1 close of the program the annunl election flf officers of the nssn. elation was held. The reunion closes with 1 acrobatic feats and a free street parade on the main streets of the cltr. Itlnrlilnlsts Settle Differences. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Aug II -(Spe-flat Telegrsm ) Art agreement wos signed today between Iowa. Central- machinists and the management; settling their differ- ences for the time belnsr. Julv 1 the now schedule, asking for a number of change In -the existing agreement, was presented ana a increase of wages asked. After a number of conference an agreement, leav ing the matter of wag the same a with the prior schedule wa tendered the ma chinists by the company, and was accepted by the men.' The matter of wages will un doubtedly come up November 1, at which date the warn schedule will expire. EVKJtTI OI THE ItLMQ TRACKS Molly Brant Win he Oelntrare' Han dicap for Yountf One. fbtPATrifll XT -v a.. T1 - . -. i., . aum. ii. mouy Brant won .today's stake race, the Dela wnre, a handicap for a-yenr-olds And up. Tramotor favorite Irj the first race at 11 to 6 wn not , In the . money. Maiden. tno ravorlte. was never hmrie.1 in ti steeplechase handicap. , Africander proved his mettle by his victory In the sixth, a handicap for 3-year-olds and up. Reser vation oeat 'ort Hunter, the favorite, for shew money without rreat enVirf suits: First race. Ave and a half furlnna-a! Tn. ere, 8 to 1 won, Workman second, Thlrtv Thlrd third. Time; 1:09. Second rnco. ntnenlAehnaA. hnrt nm..-. Maiden, 7 to 10 won, . Daylesford second', Dromedary third. , Tline'j .4:10.- Third race. Six furlcuica: . Rnrnt WIMa to 10 won, Clgurllsrhter, second. Merry La'rk iri w. a. i .if' ..1.,,' ,. Fourth race the vMnwnrn . niu mil,. Molly Brnnt. 3 to S won Rmlwnrl imnn Oraziolla third. - Time: fJUWH. ' Fifth race, one mile: . Conklin. R to 1 won, .Old Rngland second,' Fire Eater third. Time: 1:41. Sixth race, mile andtt furlong:-: Afri cander, e, to I, won. Phuji Bearer second Reservation third. TlmeiVl :5. A i CHICAGO, Aug. H.-iRAsillts:' 1 First 'race.' six furlons-s: Refore 7 ta 1 on. Ralph Reese secoiul.BlitHuaeh third.. TimeT'.l-.lfiti,. '" . . ir; 'r - Second rao, sU .furJonffS') J'Mturoni 1 1 won, Don Dora econ4yX3ypeipnDe third. Tlnw:i',l:lSV4. .t'f Third race, five and a half furlnntrs. Pro viso stakes: Miss Inez, I3;tq M'wun, Allen Avon secondi. Del Cadna third. Tlme 1:07. t- -. fii ."' Furtrv race, times ' Leita,, T to-l.'won, 0S0J5 V-m " j m h m a. 'mm mm p ' , Tickets sold August 11th, 12th and J3th.; Long limit and stopovers. f , ;j Bpecial trains will leave Chicago via Wabash railroad from pearborn and Polk streets station at 1 P. M. August 14 for all O. A. R.'comrades, their family and friends. ' ' ... Wo return you via Bt .Louia and land you at'main entrance World's Fair, earing time and extra car fare no other lino can. , - lnnist upon your tickets reading Wabash as all agenta cau Bell this way. For all. informatioa call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam, or address, ' - nnnn WLlLdlid 3 nr7 Pan Romo third. Time: It Y f ilth rnce, one mllei Benon Caldwell. IS to 1 won. Emigre s-cond, Hudson third. Time: l:t.T Hlxth rnce, one -mile: Hnmey, 12 to 1 won. Dnnpnnnon second, Dell Leatli third. Tir-ie: l-4i'H. BT. IX) L it, Aug. 11. Results: First race, rive and a half furlone: Col onel ITeston, I to 1 won. His Worship sec ond; Dresden third. Time: l:lii,. Pernod race, seven furlongs, selling: Light Opera (even) won. Never Such sec ond, linsdown third. T'me: 1:). Thlnl rure, one mile and seventy yards,' selllnr: Doe Pkln. 2 to 1 won, Short Coke second, Ray third. Time: 1 Fourth race, one nnd one-slxternth miles, handicap: Old Ptnne, I to I won Jnck Young second, Taby Tosa third. Time:. 1:4S. ' ' ... Fifth rice, four and a half f-irlnnr. purse; F.rla Lee, 10 to 1 won, Wlllowdene second, rriilt third. Time: Ptth rnot. one mile and se-niv -n'il. selling: Veins, 15 to 1 won. Porquol sro ond, Trnpsetter third. Time: l;4foy BRAID CIRCTIT HAHF.fl RACKS Sweet Marie. Choice in Pools, Wins Knickerbocker Stakes, NEW YORK. Au II. At the Grsnd lf'- i people witnessed some hiijh-cluse events, on a lnt irncn The big stake of the day was the 110. 000 Knickerbocker, for ar.lt trotters. Of the orlrlnal entries onlv ulx (Mini to the pot, with Pweet Msrn ths dole nt l.'no. John Mc and Katheriivi at 70 each, nod Ihe field . at $15. The favorite won after two exciting 1 finishes. . 2:14 trot, stakes $1V0O, mile heats, two in ! three: I Sweet Marie, b. m. bv MeKlnney, dam bv Carr's Msmbrlno (Smith) 1 1 Arlsto. b. . (l)erider) 2 I John Mc, b. g. (Oeers) 3 8 I Lmly Patchle, b. m. (Rekers) 5 4 Katnerine A, 0. m. t l nomas) 4 Mnry Gage. b. m. (Kenny) G 6 Time: 2:10V. 2:10. 2:26 pnre, -yenr-olds, purse SJ.'JOO, mile bents, two In three: Dorens H, b. f., by Wlgglns-Snesta, by Time Onward (Thomss) 1 1 Teddy Weaver, b. c. (Dillon) 2 8 I Bueklock. ch. g. (Curry) r..4 3 : ,.s noiass, en. i. (jouyj Oueen of Forkjiurst, b. f. (Thompson). .5 4 Simon Kenton, b. c. (Hudson) ..' 6 6 Time: 2:ir,. 2:14'i. 2:21 trot, purse $600, mile and an eighth dnsh : Ixiuvaln. b. m.. by Ijincelot-Ncrlne, by Kentucky Prince (McDonald) i... 1 Aldone. b. g. (Thomas) 2 Ix-ta. br. in. (De-ryder) S Hnnnle Lass, b. m. (Dolile) 4 jeanette 5 Contiesn, t 'Merry Joe... , 7 Time: l:34U. 2:12 trot, purse $700. mile nnd sn eiehth: Stanley Dillon, b. ft- by Sidney Dlllon- Athenlan, by Rtelnway (Oeers) Gold Burr, ch. m. (Essery) .'..... Lady Gall Hamilton, blk. m. (Hudson).... Blackthorn, blk. g. (Deryder) . Time: 2:14H. 2:10 pace, purse $100. mile dnsh: ' Darius, blk. c. by Fred Wllkes-Almnld, by Almont (Dowser) Ben F. b. C. (Deryder) Olivewood. br. g. (Phillips) Pftdle Baron, ch. m. (Snow) Brown Heels Guy Caton Dsndy C Miss Ophelia Time: 1:09V. .. 6 .. .. 7 ,.ds Whist I. canoe Meetl"-, The midsummer meeting of the Central Whist association will ooen- In Council Bluffs this afternoon and last over Satur day. The sessions will be held In the lnrsre ball room of the Grand hotel and wl'.l be as follows: Friday 2:30 p. m.,' pair contest; 8 p.' m., pair contest. .-, Saturday 2:30 p. tri., final pair contest; 8:00 p. m... free-for-all pair contest. ... - Handsome gold buttons, as In former years, will be awarded to the pair having the hi eh est nlus in each contest. The offt- .cers of the association are: President, John P. Ogden, Council BlurTsr vice president, J, Howard Gates, Sioux Fal's, ff. D.;. secre tary and treasurer, Michael Waters, Blous City, la, . . i - j a - !i . Cnicasro Man Wins Trophy, WEST BADEN. Ind., Aug. 11. Lem Wil liams of Chicago, breaking 40 out of a pos sible B0 targets won- the Mallory trophy st the Indiana Trap Shooters' tournament today. In the 200-target event W; R. Crosby scored high grun with 194 breaks. Other scores were: ; C. iHirschey, 192 Harold Money. 192; W. H. Heer. 101; Russell Klein of Oxford and C. F. Powers. 147; Ed Brady, 184; J. F, Mallory, E. .L.' Parker and Logun Ballftj-dm,, .... ',.. .,- ,'. ;. Poland Sprlntca nnd Coast of Maine Via Michigan Central. "The1 Niagara" Sails Route." Npthlng- finer on the continent. City ticket office, 11 4 -A da ma street; Cen tral station. 12th street and Park Row; Great Northern and Auditorium hotels, and Sherman house.' - "FOLLOW Apple second. - t ' . ' N . VIA DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, TORONTO AND MON TREAL. , j . . ' v VIA DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, DOWN THE HUDSON. RIVER AND NEW YORK CITY. v VIA DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, TORONTO, MONTREAL, PORT LAND AND V1AB0AT OR RAIL. VIA DETROIT NIAGARA FALLS, DOWN THE ST. LAWRENdE RIVER AND MONTREAL. . . . -N ' . . . ...... . 7 WL Tn C c 5 v.t. Vi3 'quirement of the d it ion. It contains no strong minerals or drttrs. but is a rleasant vetret.tble preparation, xoti can una no better remedy for tonmsf tip the nerves and pnr)g' ing refreshing, reRjiul sleep when sick and worn out witn work or irony. S. S. S. improves the sppe- - 1 . . - i 4if ,t jfMtinn and its o-nod 1 bare used 8. B. B. and found tt to ba an exoel tite and digestion, ana its gooa ,ent blood purlflir and My ,,,Um b,Cam . effects are Been almost irom the Terr much run down and debilitated. I lost first dose. It acts promptly in twenty or more pound in weirht, had no sppe. ..... -t Jncia i ndl. lta nl1 wag in a bad shape ' BeelAa; S. 8. B. ad cases of chronic dypepsia. mdi- Tertt,.d x b4nlt, n,.,, .mweU pieaetwitb. gestion ana all S,tomacil trou- tharenlta after usln it for oma little while, bles and does away with the From 139 pound to ies is pretty rood -ridTo nnnmrnr4-aK1.a fiillneea ahort- of merit on the part of B. S. 8. XI. UART1N. nncomfortables fullness, snort- 60 Second t., Warren, Ohio, ness of.breath, drowsiness and . - , . - dizziness that so often come after eating. S. S. S. is not only the best tonic, bnt possesses alterative or purifying properties, and if there is any taint; humor or poison in the blood it searches it out, and removes it. Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition of the blood and can only be remedied by a blood purifier and tonic combined, or such a remedy as S. 8. S. - - If you suffer from debility, weakness, insomnia, nervousness, loss of sp petitei bad digestion, or any of the miserable 3mptoms of a disordered blood, nothing will so soon put your blood in good condition invigorate and tone up the s jrtem tnd restore the health as vS. vS. 8. . Tiis swift speema co., Atlanta, cju i!f!!ii: , c2 Fersonally conducted excursions to Boston and bnck over the Burlington, leaving Omaha 8:05 p. m. August 11 and 13. Trough, tourist sleeping cars via Niagara Falis and the ITousac Tunnel. Tickets good to return via Cleveland anil fet. Louis with World's Fair stopover privileges. ' Call at this office or information. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. ' '- L : ! a T. ... ' SCHOOLS. v , ..,.., JBIIItarj School- 1 Uilly I fi ACACESJltf , la V Mlddl West, sddrejs.- lMM I W If W si Uxlngton, Mo. - ; , : . j .( American UMRAU.il ALL li to Hi Wssstk An.. Chli lease. I Scasol Tst UwIIbi of Msile DraMstle Art. .Slttr Mnlnnnt tn.truo. tor. I rll4 rr AuUtm Traohxra tmlnlns dpartnifnt. Hpeoisi ratratntiented pupil of limited iumh. Fall turm bnaias Beptfiuber Vi. li"l4. Oatnlogus usllsd trM. JOIlS i. llATTSl AtUT. Pruldwt. THE FLAG." MR U'UUUC AULiUli Ga Lin Ua iDa UQtjQG 3 DES1 TODIC - l... l l. i . : .. .:i. ' system when in a debilitated, run-down con- mm BosTofjwd (JD-RETIMJ. drop me a line for detailed .'. i Ageni, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha The Frances Shlmsr tcadsmy ui tno university of Chicago, A Horns School for blrls tuft' Ybunf Wnin. Cut Ires preparation. Mo4erau MM. Uuutlful Bssltbtul location, thm hours wasl ot Cblosso. kUla , Jkfta from Omaha. Minio, Art.' Doraraflo Bclanca, Publu Bpa&klns. Bmll Llobllns sad Johanna ttsai-Barr iai Uag Ulraotors In Piano hd Volo. , , Di?an h:s offles houta In Omaha, Tub-' day. Pax ton hotel. REV. WM. p. McKKB. Deaa. .'. Mt. Carroll, Illinois. ' ' C?!0QTJO ill Ulln a 5 ou l.U Ma In a, u.- wi tto. I