TITE OMATTA' DAILY TTX'. TrTTJTtSPAY, "ATTGT78T 11. IttTf." 13 T FIVE DEATnS LAID TO RIM . i- Knrder ef Women Companion Alleged Passion of Young Winnebago. GEORGE FOURCLOUD IN OMAHA PRISON ssassBSNsasBBBt ffataa fa Deserlkeat mm XMomrn Jm brlae Who lirrltN Drk Otst Which Ktlle Klne1 ( HU Associates. Xeputy Vnltrd States MarahaJ Sldpa re turned from Pendnr yesterday, brlnfclng with him 0orge Fourcloud, the Indlnn churged with killing Cora Elk, an Indian trtrl, both bring of the Winnebago tribe. Fourcloud was given a preliminary hearing before United State Commliwloner Sloan Tuesday night and wan committed to the Douglas county jail to await the action of the federal grand Jury. "The arrest of George Fourcloud for the alleged killing of Cora Elk, one of his trlbeswomen," said a federal officer at the United States marshal's office, "recalls the fact that George, while a good Indian when tsober, le a bad man when drunk. He can get outside of more alcohol than any man on the Winnebago reservation. He was, I believe. In the big toot that the Indians bad up there eome 'twelve years ago, in which George CroweU figured. The Indiana were having a two., week' powwow and among the refresbrarat' served there were nine barrels of hard elder. Through some means the Indians got hold of several gallons of alcohol and It was mixed Into the older, giving It a twang that waa especially dear to the Indian's heart. Kills Kino Indlaas. "Well,' the1 result was that several of the Indians got an overdose of the stuff and nine of them died from the effects of too much Indulgence in the mixture. It Is gen crally believed the liquid waa wood alcohol Those nine Indians became horribly bloated and actually burst from the accumulation of the poison In their systems. Probably all of them could have been aaved had a aurgeon been on hand at the time to tap them, but aa there waa no surgeon about. ' the nine Indians went to the happy hunt Ing grounds without being investigated for appendicitis. Tea, George Fourcloud waa at that powwow, but the fact that he la here now la an evidence that he did not get a whack at the 'atone fence,' aa the compound of cider and alcohol was termed. 3Tes, It Just took a barrel to an Indian, CroweU waa arrested aa a party to the ale of the liquor and I think the case was tried before Judge Dundy, but nothing could be proven against him, aa the pr!n clpal witness were under alx feet of Win nebago reservation sod." MAN WHO IS ROBBED TALKS Denver Golfer Gives His Version of ' Affair by Which Ha Lost Money. i DENVER, Aug. 8. To the Editor of The Bee: Tnder the heading, "Denver Man an Easy Victim," in. your Issue of (today, are a number of misstatements; In fact; noth ing ' la true except that I waa robbed. Neither I nor any of the well known Omaha gentlemen with ma were warned of the presence o4 crooks on. the train, and aa the Pullman conductor waa warned at Minneapolis by a detective, we feel that wa should have been put on our guard. , I Informed the polios definitely Just when and how the robbery took place, namely, as wa were getting off the car, when the toughs made an ugly rush In the narrow exit way. In full view of the conductor and porter. Aa the men were known at Min neapolis and to the crew of the car. It ought not to be very difficult for your ex . oellent police force to trace them. I offered $100 for recovery of the bills. The thieves also took a railway ticket (Union Pacific) to Denver, issued at Minneapolis. All, the other details about my. counting the money, eta, are absolutely without foundation. I trust to your sens of fairness to make ome correction In your next issue, aa one naturally doea not care to lose the money and be written, down a fool aa wall, and have It copied Into the Denver papers. WALTER FAIRBANKS. NOVEL' MEANS OF ENTERING IThlevea BimjiSy Throw Brick Through J wlattw suad Taka What They tYaat. v In thla rapid day and '. generation even thieves move along lines of least resistance and exhibit some originality now and then, ao thlnka Harry Gross of SIS North Six teenth street. When Mr. Gross opened his pawnshop aa usual Tuesday mornlnir h. found a. brick on the floor, a large window broken and two revolvers missing. Evl oently thieve had gained entrance by throwlnc a brick throuich a window P. a Mr. Gross aaya the brick waa not "THIS OU1 BCIIATCH." Mil the Evil One Cam to Be pops larlr Know aa "The Old 8ra.h "Oris cf the many familiar namea of Us aatanld majesty Is "The Old Scratch." It 1b undoubtedly due to the fact that inntnh lng ia so disagreeable that people thought It no worse than the evil one. A xwin ,,n f .dandruff keeps one scratching all the time; not only disagreeable, but conld ered very inelegant In polite society aa it should. e -because one ought to keep the acalp ao closn that it would not itch. To cure the . scalp ef .dandruff effectually use jNeworo s J lar jrtoide. rt kills the germ that creates the dandruff, which Is preliminary to falling hair, and, finally, baldness. No other hair preparation kills the dandruff germ, Ilerpiclda also is a very delightful and effective hair dressing. Sold by leading druggists. Bend Jfio in stamp for sample to The Ilerpkid Co.. Detroit. Mich. Sher man A MeConnell Drug Co., special agents. ' W hen In at. Louis aeo the Grand Trunk exhibit in the For estry, Fish and Game Building and get from ' attendant Illustrated literature de scribing the finest summer resort regions on the American continent, all of which are' must convenient! reached by the new Orand Ttunk-Illluols Central through car line from St. Louis to Montreal. If desired, publications and Information aa to train service will be sent by nuiil by the Advertising Department, Grand Trunk llfcllway System, 136 Adams St., Chicago. Geo. W. Vaux. A G. P. A T. A, ml KUtaaalal Kusrtios Kale-ate 1'ythUa Louisville, Ky., August 1S-S. The Chicago Great Western railway will on Auul rati to 16th, Inclusive, sail tick ets to Louisville at very low rates for the round trio. Owl to return until August Hat For full liUurinatlon apply to 8. D. I'arkhurst, general agent, l&ll Faruara at, Omaha, Nt-b. Assault and Ilattery, A ihsrie of et-nttilt sod battery has ben ft.ii .nii J, !iu V elnh of 1nj NuiiIi l litr...,, 'i (-. t III poll'' Court. Vt ll.il v. t.rru-l M.'iutity uriertiooa by 'tu-rr '.vr 1m "Ktirm-ul fciity." vtlii'te, it sit,B. 1, V -ltti )iii.nt.iii on Anna NV1- n. nf i s h -ii'i ti-mn aireet. IWltti'e Vm.r i LtcU frtti Iwf AUlib U lij tvCf luf t Great Bohbinet 5ale a Saturday F KB LCB Y-5TIG ER' S Pobblnet Bargains 5aturJajr Siffi -Waists 2 . MW mm. f Choice of all Kelley-Sti-ger's highest grade silk waists in crepe de chines, satin ducheese, louisienea, elaborately hemstitched and lace trimmed in whites, evening shades and black also all of Kelley-Stiger's waists made entirely of all over lace in all sizes worth up to $10.00 Thursday, at, each- tilt 50c SgS??. SKirt Wsxi More than 20 pretty new styles of the newest embroidered and tailored shirt waists the same waists that Kelley- Stlger priced at $1.50 all sizes every one a new style and offered at one-third regular price Thursday ............,..... S0C Bi Millinery Reductions Two Specials for Ttiursday. Ladies1 trimmed and street hats never Bold for less thai $3.00 or f3.50 dur- ing this big Bale, at, each ....... $2.50 and $2.00 '98c Men' A big basement special la dies' trimmed' hats, worth $1,50 each, summer styles on big bargain "TN ft square, base- ' Jr "i) e ment, at. . . . 3 TO) Entire manufacturer's stock of men's pants, strongly made and suitable for every day or business wear, vp Union cassimereschev iots, worsteds o r flan nels biggest pants bar gains ever offered worth $2 and $2,80.:. Great Men's Suit Sale Saturday . To clear away quickly all our odds and ends from an" enormous season's business. We will sell all tha swell lota of men's 112.50, 115, (17.60 suits tC BaturdayV at... spf J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE.' rock; island offers hope Promisei to Take Lead Against Advance in - , , Coal Bates. , OMAHA KEN GO T0i CHICAGO MEETING t 1 AU Deelara They Will Do What la Possible to Give This City Fair Chance with Others In VaUey. L. O. Ivwi. cenaral freight agent of the B. M.; J. "O. PhUHppl. assistant general freight agent of the Missouri Paclflo; J. E. Vtt, general agent of the Bock Island, and J. A. Kuhn, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Nebraska and 'Wyo ming division of the Northwestern, have gone to Chicago to confer with officials of their various Unes concerning the soft coal rate situation with relation to Omaha. It Is believed by local merchants and coal dealers that the meeting will result In a reduction of the unfair rates which were adopted by tha roads August L There was acme auppressed excitement among local officials of the. various lines Interested In the advance Tuesday when it -was learned that the Wabash waa quoting the old rate ef SL80 per ton on slack Into Omaha from the Kansas and Missouri fields. The Chicago offices were Immediately ap pealed to to find out why the Wabash waa not In line to maintain the new rate of 11.44 from tha Kaunas and Missouri fields. After miuu "'ring and worry it was dis covered the new tariffs had been issued by the Wabash, but that for some reason they had failed to reach the Omaha offices of the company, and aa no official notice had been given local officials of ' the Wabash that the rate had been advanced the only thing they could do was to . quota tha old rate, which they were doing much to the detriment of competing lines. It is under stood now, however, that mutters have been adjusted and tba local offices of the Wabash have tteen notified to quote a rate of 11.4V which la the same, as that an nounced by other r,oada. . lUck Islaaal Agalast Advaare. A report was In clrculutiua this morn ing that the Rock Island , will take a strong stand In the meeting rfgatnat tha advance In the rates and that It will do everything possible to jsecuro a reduction to the old, basis before the meeting -ad- Journs. It la urged that J. E. Utt, general agent of the company, fully , understands the serious condition In which this city has been left by the arbitrary aatlon of .the line, and that through the Importunity of his friends In the mercantile business here he haa bYen prevailed .upon to go into the meeting, determlncll to see that Omaha secures fair treatment. If such a thing la potuilble. In tact. It is sajd, there Is not an Omaha representative of a rail road present at the meeting but who will use his best endeavors to st-cure a return to the old tariff which governed on coal shipments previous to the 'advance. Railway Motes sad 'Personal. D. O. Clark, sent-rul Biiperinteinl-nt of he Union 1'acirii! Coul couipuuy, k-U for ChUaiKO liixt MiKht. J. iVlit, general traveling; jie"K'r cut of tiiH iiuilinK ton, is In tin tuv. Ml. l'eWltt live ill Chicago, .As antieHtfitetl Tuiay, a rule .r U on in toe cunt over ttm iii.mil Aiioy ti fSc icputulo ttav'el w L(c n l titNidioK t'.-ru ii.bliML. fc-Vrl Of til loi'ttl l.ilil'f 11- nivol nile Ihla no'rolri to rri'tie toa ia of wtic h ht I. mi In eittx-t tor . U9 OCI4.M'0. to llilli late HJipllrS ill low lo!iuti ilv.r tUic-nh u liwp'd. vi tton lh siiiod eio iuo r ni in u te l.oi. hivfiul ut ' loi oi.M r. had a Ihiko UUUibv 4 tK&.Ctjl B-lJl la hoi IIIC, WOMEN $400 Oxfords "We have taken 100 pairs Of Black Russia Oxfords with welt soles, In good styles and put them In one lot at SL50 for Thurs dayNone of these Oi sold for less than 14.00. Among them are Hanans, Fosters and other good makes. , Some more of those strap kid slippers at 60c. ah tnat la left of Russia and Black fords that we had on Tuesday ro at 20a a naJr. some are $4.00 shoes, but tiona less than $2.60 Thursday will be tha Ox- sale the; big bargain day at the Droxol Shoo Co. 1419 FARMAM STREET. ' C.7!3ha's Up-to-Cats Shos Kouss - and refunds will have to be made on each ticket, amounting to $2.35. It Is expected that there will be atill further reductlona before the fight is over. TO REMOVE MANY HYDRANTS Water .Coiapaay Prepares Ordinance to Repeal Ten Now on City Statate Books. An ordinance, prepared by the water cnmiany, has ben Introduced In tha coun cil to repeal ten former ordinancea author ising new fire hydrants and directing the installation of these hydrants at locations changed from the originals. Fifty-five proposed hydrants are affected. This waa done In order to have the hydrants not more than 4-0 feet apart, which ia the maximum distance under the operative contract. As originally ordered, some of the hydrants exceeded this dlntance. In all twin the size of pipes and connections l niuils six Inches, whereas In the other ordinunces sooie of the dimensions called for eight Inches. Mortality Statistics. The ' followlna liirths and deaths have b-cii reported to the loxud of Hi-allli dur I K U.n twenty-four hours ending at luuit w hiiii-miii v ; J,nili-V. (1. Knnnlck. yu2 Chirk, bov: I'm trick Carroll, it Twoni y-rttin avenue. C A. Iiui lwin. 2vU i.iuii. ty. 1;hiii 1' imiid rroei. ijtn iNorih Mne- tf.M.iii. fcn; Miy liU(ihH, s.2i Coining. i; Mildied ii nier, (., in.Mitiin; Mr. r-ii.iim Ouiork, M. J ii.Ii i hoapitMl, home ctlili, f ill , bi lta.wi&(lU L- J-o. iL.i Omzha Weather Forecast Thursday, Fair and Warmer., A COUPON that will brlnx $J 0i In Oretn trsdlnjr v Stampi, providing you brlnt; It to Crockery Dept. anJ purchase a Water Pitcher, Klasa. earthenware or cblna, at not less than . - No txtra Stamps Unless Yon Have Coupon. 48c r "; Best Mason Fruit Jar Rubbers, per dozen 10c And $100 In Little Qreen Stickers. - . f 1 gallon Stone Jugs, each ..; 10c And $1.00 in Little Oreen Stickers. .!' ', Yusea Welsbach Ga Mantles 05c And $2.00 In UtUe Oreen Stickers. Double Green Trading Stamps on all - Jardi niers and Jardinlers and Pedestals. Half gallon Mason Jars, dozen .......... 65c And $3.00 In Lltte Oreen Stlckeral OPANSION The Green Trading Stamp ays. tern throats Its roots deep Into modern merchandising; and pnbllo popularity la Ita nonrlsh ment. This Is a real romarkahle achievement! Soap Wrappers, Tobacco Tags, Cigar Bands, Pack age Conpoits, labels, trade marks, etc., etc., of various uiar.nfactor. era. mill be exchanged la oor pre ni la in parlor, second floor, for OREEN TRAUISO STAMPS. To meet the .demands of thla latest extension of the system we have Installed an exchange desk In premium parlor, where nil partlcalars and Information will be gladly given. Again Subscriptions to the various magaslaea (received at Stationery Dept., main floor) call for GREEN TRADING STAMPS. This 4s a publishers' affair, we are actios; aa their agents In taking; your ' subscription and handing yon the stamps. The magaslnea will be mailed from the office of the publisher. In quire magasiae section, mala floor. How's Your Stamp Book Comlnr ? Candy Dent. Fresh, delicious, finely flavt. ored Marshmallows peach and ranilla fl (j pound, .v.. InC f. v s.vn;ru..r:;?.i l 50c worth "S. & H." Green Trad lriK Stamps -with pkg. Lm- C on Drops.... C H." Green Trad- Lv.fe: lnjr Stamps . with i if)cJ M package C T'r i"'-' Itazzle, Boys! Boys! . We want more boys. Good money and priceless experience for every bright boy. Bee theAdvertls ing Manager. ' i Dress Goods Department New Mohairs fepecial . sale, of new fancy moiiaira for shirt wriist suits.. We have a large assortment to select rom, new plaid mo hairs, pretty checks and new novelties as well JT as plains. We start them Thursday at, A yard . . . . . . . . , " Big Bargains in Our Wash Goods for Thursday 200 odd pieces of beautiful cotton goods suitable for house dresses, kiponas, etc., consists of fine imported organdieS, lawns and Jissues values in thlp lot sold up to . 5 thirty-five cents, a yard while they last 1 tf Thursday, at, yard .' Big Laco Sensation Sale for Thursday Thursday fljprning at 9, o'clock we place on sale 5,000 yards black lace edges, insertions and bands, appliques, Irish crochetj escurials, point "Venice, chantilly, silk net, medal lion bands, Plauen Venices and Calais nets, qualities in this big lace sensation sale guaranteed worth 1 ifV up to seventy-five cents a yard all go at I j (I fin o nnVp nt n vnrrl " fcv n VUV ' . V. J U J ... v .... ! -r,it; August Clean-Up Sale of Embroideries 300 pieces embroidery edges, insertions and headings, widths from half to 8 inches, white, cream and all colors, Swisses, Hamburgg, and nainsooks,values up to 35c Thurs- E day, per yard , Ut, And 50c in "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps. Thursday Shoe Sale 160 pairs of Dorothy Dodd Oxfordsshtirt'erids ' of lines ideal patent kidiand vici fl Qa kid now v ,,. JrJ i And 15.00 in Little Green Stickers. K r r"w"l -wo hundred 'and eighty, pairs men's sample . i I r-,;-'' : jf.ty Shoes and Oxfords worth up to $4.00, now ..,.lg.J And 3.00 in Little Green Stickers.' " Eighty pairs men's Oxfords worth $2.50 and fl C ?2.00 now , r,...... 3 Two hundred pairs children's Slippers, worth one dollar and fifty centei ' 7CI 1 ' now . . . i v , aC ' And $3.00 in Green Trading. Stamps. Hardware Section. Special Prices for Thursday. 06c it a ... 1.08 ... .62c -.68g 82c No. t 14-ns. copper tilckl plated tea kettle - And IJ.OO In B. & II" Green Trading; Stamps. No. M-oz. oopier nickel plated tna kettle ... And lt0 In S. aV H" Oren Tiadlns Stamps, t-plnt coiptr iilckcl pjated l-ofTHtt THlt ... And 3.u6 In ."a 11" Gretu Tradlnar Stamps. 4-plnt nipja r nickel plated i iirti-f i,oL ..i And U W la '"IK & 11" Oreen Trading Blamps. t-plnt copper nkkel plated cofTi-n (ot , And 1X00 in "S & 11" Urvn Trading Btauips. 3ti worth '"(J ic 11" Orwn TraiHiia- Btami with any nlckrl plated tt-a kettle, lilt kel plated cuClee put or nickel plated tea put purchantiU 'lliui.day. mi Green. Trading Stamps Every Time IK TOC KTOW WTIISLOW TOV IUY WINSL0W mm TUB RELIABLE STORE. IP TOtJ KSTOW WIXSI.OW YOU Brr WINSL0V Your UnresMcted -Choice iSS-Tailored Suit Ok. I i In the blntiae, rhcvlots, brondclothn, Vit namns, Vntlnns, eto JO ft worth up to Thursday - J NOPBY WASH SUITS In rrent variety of colors and fnbrlcs - f ACi worth up to JK.nrt rhnlra l. BAMl'I.F. CRAVRNKTTH COAT8-worth up to 15.i great R Qf bsranlns-at J. JJ RAINY-DAY SKIRTS In profuse vilrtty of rubrics, colors and patterns f AQ worth up to fi.0o choice s"T AN KI-KGANT LINE OF RAINY-DAY SKIRTS-worth 2 7R up to fci.Oo choice aa.ac SAMPIE WALKINO PK1RT8 In best fabrlcn moot handnome patterns and lat ext styles you can't help but appreciate their great vain A QH worth up to $12.J0-cholce Interesting House Specials. ft FROM 8:30 TO 8:30 A. M. Ladlee" lawn wrappers .worth up to 7fte choloe FROM TO 10 A. M. CHILDREN'S 11.00 DRESSES ia all colors at FROM 9:30 TO 10:30 A. M. Ladlee' lawn klmonas worth up to 75c at FROM 10:30 TO 11:30 A, M. Lalles' lawn, dimity and percale wrappers worth up to (1.60 at..., SPECIALS. $1.50 children's dresses, great snap ALL. DAY fl ladles' black mercerised under skirts. 49o 16.00 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. $1.98. In linen lawns, Egyptian tissue and fine batistes, trimmed with laoe and Insertion worth ud to 16.00 at Linen lawn WAISTS handsomely trimmed " ........... worm up to 3.uo choice , , 35c EMBROIDERIES AT 12Jc PER YARD. One solid case of embroideries and insert inRS worth 25o and 3fo a yard special clearing sale price at, per yard ..25c .,25c at.. ..49a 1.95 95c 121c You Can Save Money by Buying From These Prices: 10 bars beat Laundry Boap....- , 1-pound can choice Alaska eatmon 4-pound can Potted Beef, Ham or Tongue Pickles, assorcd, , in bottles 25c ...9c Oic . 8Sc .4c Plain or Muffed Olives, per bottle 1-nound can Baked Beans with t omato bauce X-Cello. Neutrita, Vigor. Force 71r or Vim ay Soda, Milk, Butter or Oyster Crackers, per pound.. ,6c HAYDEM Rm0 Quarts 40c tli little fearreia of lea Oream that Jaat 0t tka ockev. . Tfcrea aavara la suh barrel. - Talc ' "-Aiu7i " 1 ?jr. .-iifi i ivJ! hi IIPF!'' :fka: G. Ai ll Official TrsLin ' Carrying the entire Nebraska delegation leaves via the Northwestern at 8:30 p.m. August 13th, and The Entire Train .runa solid from OMAHA to BOSTON. Tourist Sleepers, Free Chair Crs and (Joaches. ' , Via Niagara Fall s This-tfeiu is open. to the public as long as space remains i f I 11 1 i TT t'- . sf vacant. ,Wlth larp ', 'aoice of routes both rail and steamer. 'All tickets X returning via. St. Louis, with stopover at the Exposition. ' For. handsome special Itinerary, sleeper space or full Information, apply to CITY TICXET OFFICE KOnTIIVESTERIl LII.E, . . 14011403 Faraam St., Omaha. P J SUIT CASES AND GRIPS At 20 Pr Cent Discount hot a lot of odds and ends but our regular stock and th.re la none bettor to be had Made Of the best material by killed workmen lasting and strong. Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone 103 ''""OTiilsMaMsaaasasai 1209 Far nam C..mm .L.L j rouru.n Veer ttaine Locaitaal DR. DRADBURY - 1506 Farnam- Paln'.eea Fjctractloo DKNT15T. TCU 176. VV poaitlvely orrvea iroon lootb wlttM . out (be least paxt!ct of Without Qaa. lllllnga -0 ud OoU CrowM, S2.S0 up llrlJa Wwk $J.B0 up L4y Attutit r V