TIIE OMAIIA DAILY ITEE: WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 10, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES AlTrll(i for the) e.lnaane will fc takea aatll m. (or th OTeala oaltloa aaa aatll p. am. (or the aioraia ill dor aJltloa. It a tea, 1 1-Xe a word flrot Inaertloa, 1 a word thereafter. Nothing; takea (or leas than SO (or tao n laoer tloa. These adTertlaeatoato nanat bo raa eanseeart I vely. Advertisers, hp- reaaeatfa a aam. bered cheek, eaa have aaawera ad dressed to a aambcred letter la eare e( The Bee. aaawera sa addreaeed will bo delivered oa areaeatatloa ( rheelr; MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLKS SCHOOL. Every day la an enrollment day. The bread and butter science art our gp cialllca. , Penmanship, Praettcal Grammar. Book keeping, bienography. Touch Typewriting, etc. Call, write or 'phone for Information. H. B. BUYLLd, President. New York Lire Bldg. H 694 CUT-KATE TICKETS everywhere. P 1L 1'lilluln, L06 Farnam and opp. Union sta tion. Tela. 7t and ltiVi. K M- THY KKLU'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. TeL 3.nW. R e9 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. K 97 EAGLE Loan Uflice; reliable, accomoda ting: all business confldculial. 13ul Dousiaa It H6 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., IKil N. 16th. Tel. 1.7a. ' K 899 KXPHL'SSMEN'S Delivery Co., movlngand storage. -Li N. 18th. TeL 1195. It 8uu PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON In the Lee bldg. R-901 SIGN painting. 8. II. Cole, 1802 Douglas, R -9u2 PKRFIELD Piano Co.. Bee bldg.: no In terest; honeet values; easy term. Tel. 70L R 903 II. W. M'VEA, Plumber. 1124 N. 26th. Tel. 8747. - R-tM BICYCLES! BICYCLES! CJI.U1A, BICYCLE CO., loth and Chioairo. R po IfT'lIRP Stammering and Stuttering;. V-UrLij. Vaughn, Ramge bid., Omaha R-907 STANDARD niter. Huber. Tel. S313. 1301 Farnam. R 909 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ' ZU 8. J1TH. 'PHONE 254. Why carry your Boiled linen? Our wagon call and deliver aame. Bill collected monthly. . R M913 All P. MELCHOIR, machine, work. 13th and Howard. R-M9B2 All f.ni HENLVER, NICKEL Plating. Ora, bating Co., 1503 Harney. Tel. 535. R-910 FURNACES Repaired and reset. Omaha Stove Repair Work, Uiit Douglas L Tel. 960. R-M4M A. MURPHY & SON, horseshoer. carriage builder, general blacksmithlng. Tel. lliS. 1410 Jack&on. R M499 So NAT. STEAM DYE WORKS. 211H 8. 14th. Tel. B22'9. R M378 81 BUSINESS CHANCES ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., can get you In or outvf business. ' Y 911 BHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. ' Y 813 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange rour property or business quick, see J. I. Johnon. 843 N. Y. Life, 'Phone L2270. Y-913 TO get In or out of bustnea. or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Business Chance Agency, 406 N. Y. Lite bldg1. Y-914 A YEARLY Income guaranteed to the one Interested with us, a proposition as good aa a government bond; last month's divi dend paid equaled 20 per cent; bank refer ence given; write for literature and pros pectus, which will be forwarded Tree upon application; representatives wanted. Da vi ctor Promoting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. . 1 , Y-M417 A18 BUSINESS CHANCES FARM LANDS. , OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANY, i22 NEW -YORK LIFE BLDG., PHONK, Fffl. TMW COUNTRY MERCHANT. Po you want to retire lrom buslnea? If so we have an exceptional proposition to sub- "''lilE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., Clio, : w, . v.wq. M298 A NB:W modern front storeroom to rent for clothing store in Nebraska's best town of l.oou Inhabitants; an exceptionally good opening; building to be completed October 1. Address T 60, Omaha Bae. Y M494 19 11,800 GROCERY, good trade, fine location. f. U. JJOX lli. I 1UX DRUG stores bought and sold, every state; special plan. F. V. Knlest, R. P., 701 N. X. Ia Bldg. . Y-916 A GROUND floor Interest In a gold mining company in uoioraoo; nne prospect; only small ammmt required; have good assaya Address v o, uee. x tjsa iox FOR BALE, a prosperous grocery bunlness in Fremont, Neb.; atock is.S'iU; reason for selllrg on application. Addreis W 9, care of The Beo. Y M72J 23x A CLIP:NT of mine owning a large amount of land will sell some of It and take part, of purchase price In other property. You can get a big trade If yri act quickly. Land will bear investigation. Describ your property, giving price, etc Lock box 709, Kanaaa City, Mo. " Y-M721 10 ; FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1512, and the aecond floor 11h-10 Howard. W. II. Buahman. ' 1 DSD IF A GOOD light la needed, wo can show you a north front oftlc on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of izv- R. C. Peter d Co., ground iloor lioe bulldlne:. I-S22 k. $10 office in the Be building carries with it all of the conveniences and advan tages In the way' of heat, light. Janitor service, 1.11 nlKht and all dn and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office ia now va cant. Call at once. K. C. Peter & Co., ground floor. Be building'. I S-3 THREH-STORT and basement brick bldg.. luid Farnsm, 22x100, hydraullo elevator ultaMe tor wholesale or tuff. 314 1st Nat. bank bldg. I-MS77 FOR RENT Warehotie, ground floor, S,000 cure foet with oitlce and trackage, at 17th ond Mchnlns si. Inquire of Wood niHtt Linseed Oil Work. I-M7HS ia WANTEDTO BUY bliONFELD, the ANT1WUAR1AN, 8a N. Y. J.I it), puy 111 lit t prloe for book. Tel. ivud. N 961 JlhJUhT price paid for furnished rlnt. 8 ti. Lea. - . N Miait WANTED To buy for cash stock of cloth It or general luerciiandiHe. Addres - T '7. Ic N Mn.T 14x PATENTS PA'l LNTK-II. A. Btnritla, reclstcreO attnr l'V. lvt.ni, ti -adi-inurl) , cpyriMlit. fr unlt'B i'ivlul. U7 iSoW lulM l.i; buliUiiig, Oinaiia, v Neb. R-M1S3 Alt fci'l ti & CV, Pefnnt I.swyera: advice free. r. . . . I ... ,,.i;. 1,,.- rih, 11 1i-iiiu,iii at., t'liicato, t., nl lwii if k'. , VV uaiituflutl, V. C. Itl J (. R oo A1SX IL. J. COW GILL, 4.) Paxton blk., Omaha. LCaT ,(w - t i t . i .m 1 U i ttl V I- 1 l-Ml t'l I'-" I WANTED MALE HELP SUMMER SCHOOL Now open at the - ' OMAHACOMMERCIALCOLLEGE Seventeenth and Douglas Studcvt enroll every aay. we make a peclalty of all Publio School, Business and Normal Branches. Also Shor.hr.d, Typearltlng and Telegraphy, bend lor Summer fi nool Announcement, ROHKBOUQli BROS, g,, WANTED FOR U. B. ARM Y-Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 1 and to: citizens of United State, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, lSih and louglas sts.. Omaha, Lincoln, Net., or Bloua. City. la. B M297 WANTED, woodworking miilmsn and bench hand; also skilled carpenter. Conklln-Reuling Co.. Pekin, 111. B M441 10 THE RELIABLE want salesmen, agent, clerks, stenographers or any on who wants better positions; send 41 for regis tration; we locate you where you want to go. IL IL Kennedy, Inaianola. la. B M444 10 WANTED Bookkeeper for grain bu!ne; must give references. Address T 4s, Bee. B M4.4 WANTED Men to learn tarbr trade. Few weeks completes. Position guaran teed, tool donated, diplomas granted. to $16 weekly paM graduates. Can earn all expense before finishing. Call or write Moier Barber College, 1:C Doug la si. B M637 tlx A POSITION 18 OPEN. Do you know where It 1T We no. W have openings for high grade men of all kinds executive. tecjn!rl and clerical- paying from $1,000 to $10,000 a year. Write tor plan and booklet. Office in twelv citle. HAI'GOODH (Incorporated, si Chemical building. Ht. Loula B- WANTED, salesmen for full line of poul try and veterinary remedie; liberal al ary and expense to right party. The F. C. Sturtevant Company, Hartford, Conn. B M378 lbx WANTED, bollermaker for new and re pair work; steady work. C. E. McDnniel, Ottumwa. la, B MCfi9 14 WANTKD, a good butcher; a sober, steady, Industrious man ' preferred. Write R. M. Westphalen, Atlantic. Ia. RM701 11 WANTED, three carpenters, steady work, 25 cent an hour. Address Jo Shlefllger, Contractor, Yutan, Neb. B M7d2 WANTED, an upholsterer who Is a carpet layer; steady employment and good wftj?e.s to the right party. Frank Pryor, Puoblo, Colo. B M711 U UJL'.,L employes, inaimu-i Bftiwuisu. lv'7 for any state, f. v. ttniesi, r.. u N. Y. L. Bldg. I B M.'wi First-class Implement salesman One window trimmer. Drtipftlst registered In South Dakota. Druggist capable of taking charge of tor In Omaha. Write or call for other vacancies, 8th floor N. Y. Life. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. H4A-841 N. Y. Life. B 719 9 WANTED FEMALE HELP v , Ml GIRLS; Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 921 WANTED Ladles to learn hartdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; few week' completes our method; position guar anteed; $12 to $16 weekly paid graduates; can nearly earn expenses. Call or writ " Moler college, 1302 Douglas street. C-M536 12x O. K. American-German employment office; oldest, most reliable In Omaha. IbU Dodge. C M495 85 LADIES with sewing machines to work at home on linen goods; everything sent free. Send addressed envelope to House hold Credit Co.. 212 Vanderbllt Bldg., New York. C M690 lOx WANTED Girl for general housework: four In family. Mr. Geo. B. Lake, 2207 Dodge t. G 693 10 WANTED A good cook at th CrechaTth and Harney,- C 714 llx WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 549 S. 26th ave. C 713 11 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. 1U0 KINDS of Mineral Water, Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Q 951 FOR SALE Several scholarship in first-class standard school ln Omaha, comprising complete course in business, shorthand and typewrltling. Inquire at nee omce. w saz TELEPHONE poles; long fir timber; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machine from $5.00 to $10.00 Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phono 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 953 FOR SALE Solid oek and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture. In good condi tion, at a Dargoin. Address J. J. nose' water, room 100, Bee Bldg. O 824 ELECTRIC nickel In elot. Peerless piano 1 player and Regina muslo boxes, big money makers, cheap for oash or time. Schmoller & Mueller, 131i Farnam. Tel H25. Q 905 TWO' HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOIIJSRS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six yeure; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds. They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 25. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer'. Bee. building, Omaha. y Mnu2 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., H.iu Don ere. Tel. 202O. , QM ICE CREAM IS pt.. 25c qt., 60c gal.i made from pure cream. Bunnell & Sons. 17th and Clark. , J-037 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargain in goods in pawn. 1401 Douglas, ' Q-957 CADILLAC automobile, good as new, with tonneau, $600. II. E. Fredrlckson. 1603 Capitol ave. Q Milt SI ANTIQUE oak bookcase and dek com bined. Call 2101 Maple St. Q 447 FOR SALE, a complete hydraulic paasen- aer elevator. dxi,xo. win n at a Dar- galn, with . complete' equipment: also counters and shelving used ny Kelley, Htlg-er & Co. Paxton Real Estate Co., fx Ware block. Q S 13 FOR SALE, oak folding- bed, also oak cupuoara. Inquire 912 Hickory. Q 687 t NEW HOME, Household, White, Domestlo and Standard aewlig (nachlneo. all flrst clasa; supplies for all machines; special attention given to repairing; all work guaranteed. P. . E. FLODMAN A CO., Iul4 Capitol ave. Q M 724 10 ANY DAY thl week we will ell Singer sewing machine, from $3 to $10; rash or jaymentH. The Singer Manufacturing Co.. K14 Dniirls st. Q M7"H 14 FOR "SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire runabout. ltlitly aoiUid, at half Value. Also good top bu;gy and harness, rtieJp. Johimon A Danfortb, t) W. Cor. 10th i Jones 8is. P U3 SEE the flno line of vehicles for axle by Frost, ltlh and Leavenworth. P 969 V. J. LAPA(ifc, carriage and wugon; fd iiniid veliiole for aula. 15U7 Ja'lv,.ii. Tel. FOR SALE One 6-year-old bay horse; well bred, good traveler. II. J. Muritu Bcn, but ava., Council BlufTs. WANTED SALESMEN WAN'i't-D Ktiur good oulrttmen to cover Juwh; good salary to nil-c!nN0 u.(-n. Apply to N. id at., Cui.uuil Liunra, ii. ' C Buulia.ni. k4 111 LAND agents to assist me In finding Irtrtv.'s to b.iy r t!d f'ir til t , I I, .... .-nil IlitiUl.tw l.tTM Ilk f.iHiriH I-. 1. lu t-y tr liimli m. lliiHltd I'. iAtkvtw, Kui4M Cny, Li'. 10 One prcat orator paid of another: ""If' he had a brain equal to his vocal chord what A wonder h would be, but lacking the brain he is aa he is." If a certain Omaha paper had a standing commensurate with its braggadocia all the rest would have to go out of busi ness, but lacking the standing there is fortunately room for others. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. a Nl DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and. Farnam. 1 &i8 $1.25 PER WEEK. Doran houae, 422 8. lth. E 939 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine room, ladles' cat, private dining r.; open nlghta. E 940 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam street. E 941 Midland Hotel. th A Chicago; reasonab a. Ai-M44i9 TWO . nt-ely furnished rooms, modern. Apply 2618 Jones at. E M648 THREE modern rooms, either ensulte or single. 1067 8. 29th ave, E M.29 14 FOUR gentlemen will .find comfortable home. 2212 N. 19th St.; private family. E M730 17.x, DESIRABLE room fot gentleman, private family; West Farnatrt district. AdJre;g W"8, Bee. E M72S H'.x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone nice, light, airy rooms, eusulte and single rooms; veranda entire length of building. F-94S O. M. E. TEL. 11 MESSENGERS AND BAQGAOK F 948 THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outslde'room, $1.60 to $4.00 per week; board, $3.60. F-834 Midland Hotel, 16th A Chicago; reaaonab:. r F M46S FURNISHED rooma, modern and board. 62S 8. 19th. F-M460 S4x NICELY furnished, oast front room, with board, In private family, for two gentle men; within walking distance and close to car line; modern; telephone; rate 1 reasonable; reference required.. Address T 62, Bee. F 109 lOx DESIRABLE rooms and board for gentle men. 2215 Farnam. F Mb. 3 lux IN NICE locality, for gentlemen; refer ences. 2323 flarppy. F 712 15x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8210 CASS ST. Two south rooms, partly . furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. U 69S LARGE, desirable, unfurnished room and board. The Utopia, 1.21 Davenport. G 716 15 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous smalt bills that have accumulated during the winter It mlgnt be an advantage to you to secure money from us und pay them and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loan to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rate are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service Is aulck and without publicity. If you have ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and if you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2206. (Established 1892.) 306 South 16th St. X 922 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO 8UIT YOU. PELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-308 PAXTON BLK. TEU 1411. X-923 ' DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE US. J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. X 926 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,uuo loans on your personal note at $ PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get ii. y system. W. L. Eastman A Co., 1108 Farnam, Omaha. X 926 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and other with security; easy payments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman. room 714 N. Y. Life. X 927 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. Dr. Prlhbenow, room 215, at 209 6. 16th at- Tal. B 2964. X-98 CHATTEL, alary and Jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 929 SALARY and collateral loan. Templeton, 119 Tl.. Rlrii. T.l. 2964. X flirt MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 44 PAXTON BLOCK. I X 934 SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton Blk., for loans on watches, diamond and Jewelry. X-933 LOANS mad on all kinds of chattel se curity, also on BALA K IKS Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick end Confidential Servlca. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 623 Paxton Block. X 253 MTJNEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loana, low rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. W 9-Jl PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W 992 WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1220 Farnam st. W-993 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-934 6 per cent loans. - Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. . W-996 LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W-M106 MONEY to loan on real estate at i and thi per cent W. B. Melklo, 2u6 Ramg Bldg. W MU2 PRINTING' PRINTING ) High Grade Work. rlU i 7 r Crounse block, corner of LYNoS 1 AD 16th fct. and Capitol Ave. 970 KRAMER A CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT EHtJ, lWi Farnam. To deliver work when promised i our noooy. -971 J M. 8IRPLE8S. relible printer. Estab lished 11 year. 208 8. Uth bt.. Omaha Mlb4 A14 , OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Ltf bldg. T. leo. ' 44 vibd tiuu v uiiHifif risteonathlc 'hv aiUan; oilli:,' Duoglaa block. TeL I? X A DR. FAHWELL, specialty nervous disease. OA Paxton. 4MJ FLORISTS Hfc-Sd A 8WOBODA. 1U5 Farnam. ti$ L. HENDERSON, l.M Farnam. htnd tor ii;l iiut vi cut flower and plouta. til Al r l.h I LoNAUULJO 'lei. 4.-3. lt.'I iariwn. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One note of $1."", due In on year; secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing ( per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one not for $1,i'q, du on or before three years; Interest at 8 per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, 6. 25, Be office. RE M458 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $l,Rno and the other $2,460. SIIIMER ft CHASE, Builder of Modern Houses. RE 734 H Will Build New House H for jpl.450 8-rooms, with city water and sewer, on lot 45x127, at 29th and Sprague. Hastings & Heyden, 1611 FARNAM ST.. RE 718 II ua your property. Baker Bro. Eng. Co. - ' RE 85S CilEAB- Williamson Co., u-18.tbi?,oolrd'- . . RE 959 FOR 8ALE Two modern cottages, West .Farnam st. district, only .$1,600 each. Thomas Brennan, Room L N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 960 820 ACRES of good Sarpy county land, very well Improved. Will exchange lor good - Omaha property. Addreaa T 24 Bee. 4i Acres Close to Car right In Benson. If sold soon, $1,000; fin .. piece for garden purposes. Hastings & Heyden, 16U FARNAM 8T. RE 717 SCHOOL and Indemnity lands on the Rose bud reservation will be offered at publio sale August 26, 1904, at Fairfax. South Dakota. For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of cnoot and publio lands, Pierre, South Da kota. RE 767 A24 New BARGAINS , You can't beat , these: One at $2,000, the other at $2,600, 8 roomseach. lull two story, cemented cellars uifuer whole house, porcelain bath and nickel plumbing. Darn with one; brand new, and you can t buU4 them for the money; close to car and easy walking distance; must be seen t be appreciated. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1341 Farnam Street. RE J94 112 BY C27 FEET, on trackage, 24th st. an Grand ave., near car barns, for sale, $1,850. a. A. Boeder, Grand Island, Neb. - RE M356 81x DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead In South Da kotat Inquire W. T. DALY, 7ol 8. 16tu. TeL 2311. RE-M446 S3 FOR SALE Modern six-room cottage on West Farnam street car line; new and at tractive; lot 41x150 feet. Price. $2,5o0; $500 caah, balance monthly, per cent interest. The O. i Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. . RE M3S2 11 TO BE SOLD The property southeast corner of 18th and Davenport sts., with two stores, two flats above, and cottage, has been ordered SOLD. This property produces good income and can be made to produce more. Will sell on easy terms. Mafe est, offer QUICK, as it will be aold. m : For full partlcwearee , THE M'CAGUEr INVESTMENT CO., ' 1506 Dodge Su ,r RE M398 BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. Call 43. Board of Trade. RE M491 A21 NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 7-room , brick cottage, store building and cottage attached, lot 77x161, on car line, rents $35; $2 500, half cash. Apply to owner, 301 N, V. Life. RKM447 $40-ACRE homesteads.' If you want on you will have to speak oon. I can locate you. Write me at once for term. Frank . Edgerton, Fremont, Neb. RE M676 i.Ox - JUST COMPLETED 6-room house near 26th and Fort sta, bed , room on first floor, elegant finish! corner lot 664x128; fine cellar; everything com plete and price only $1,600; $600 down and - balance to suit. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE M72712 DO YOU- WANT TO ; SELL A FARM If you want to sell a farm or ranch tall the farmers and stock raiser about It Th best way to reach them Is tafough The , twentieth century FARMER ' FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Nine-room detached house, thorough repairs. Just finished, modern througnout, close to high school. Call for key at Moraud'a. 29u Dodge at. D M756 FOR RENT -room modern house, fur mailed, near Hanscom park. Apply 4U. S. 15th or Uiio 2Sth at. D 448 PAYNE-UOSTWICK A CO.. choice housea. 601-6u3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. 1 V3 Hf lIICJPQ In all part of the city. Th IlUUOW o. V. Davl Co., 608 Bee bldg. D Kul A BRAND NEW HOUSE, of eight rooms, modern and up to data In every particular, at 640 South 24th at., near St. Mar a ave., $40. GARVIN BROS., 19M Farnam '8t. DM688 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store IL H. goods. Storehouae, 1120-24 N, 19lh. Office, 1511H Farnam. Tel. 1559. D a WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Btor a Co. Tel. liui. Offlct 1713 Wettster U HOUSES, Insurance. fUngwalt, Barker blk. - - D 8oi Ci I;PI In all part cf th city. R. C. UUUOCO Pater A Co.. Bee Building. D 8w RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa cific, 10 rooma, jfttlc, baaemant; modern; east front; fine grounds, M140; tree. Apply 314 Firat Nat l Bank bldg. D;u 10-Room house. In flrst-claaa condition, flv inlnutea' walk front poatortice, 61 N. 19th at., between Caaa and California; rent $). Waller Br sen, room. 416 Karbach block. D-M.W BEE CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cumin. D M4A1 NICE (-room houae, modern; lawn. 7lt 8. 37th aL I 481 20 IN DUNDEE Strictly modern, 8-room houke, opposite Hoaaland realdanca. In quire of owner, Dundee Grocery Co.. 4n2 Cuming at. - D M4M 8-ROOM house on 81st ave., near Dodge, unusually attractive In finish and ar rangement, hndoine bath, hard-wood finish, electric light, etc. j0 per month. Telephone F-3W. , D Mo4 HOUSE FOR RENT Modern. 8 rooma, 172$ Jnoksun strict I27.6U to small family. Vi 'heeler A Wheeler, 15th and lxwl sta. Telephone Is. 1 M4J KoOM house, modern except furnace, all rooms nrwiv papered, everytliln In good rl.ui e. H W. coriw-r 44th and Doris-. IO. Bvuiia, 1 axtun block. D aii6 10 IdoDKItN t.rii k hou. 8 rooma, 4 aw 8. fclh BL Inuulie P. Ivlikeudcul A Co X-44 10 FOR RENT HOUSES -ROOM, modern flat, 1st floor. 1112 8. llth. D MrfW -ROOM cottage. S46 S. 26th ave. D M467 WEST Farnam district, s-rm.. strictly modern $.17.50 9i4 N. 27th ft., rooms 17.60 W. Farnam Smltn A Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 478 FOR RENT. ?-room modern house, 414 N. 81st st., $no. -room modern house, 81.M Farnam st., $25. 7- rooni modern house, 2620 Manderson St., $22.60 8- room modern brick house, near Hanscom park, $30. 7-room home, city water. 160S 8. 2th st., $15. THOMA8 BRENNAN, Room 1. N. L. Life Building. D M708 li THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., loth and Harney, i-972 WHAT have you to exchange for a plnnoT Perfield Piano Co., Be bldg. Tel. 70L Z 973 IF THERE Is nothing In thl column you want, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. . Z-15.V WILL exchange second-hand phonograph recorda for other in good condition.- N. (4, Be office. Z-M222X FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine milli nery stock, in a good Iowa town. Ad dre N. li.. Be. &-M296 FOR TRADE, half ection, Woodson Co.. Kan., in oil belt; good Improvements, all fenced, orchard, grove, 100 acres In culti vation, 120 acres meadow, 100 acres pas ture; leased for third of crop and $1 per acre cash, oil lease with royalty. Price, $40; will consider trade In desirable Omaha residence or rental property. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam sf. 7. MR1S PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 A3, 1506 Farnam. 1 U 975 DETECTIVE Capt Cormack, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A 2a33. U 976 M AniMPTIP treatment A baths. Mm IIIAUnCI Smith, 118 N. 16, $ fir, R. S I) 699 87x Oprm'mi'i W'ks. Up-to-dat clan- VJCIilldllia era, dyera, Ul 8. 13 St. T. 327. L 9.5 U ATJ cleaned. . shaped and pressed. ... . . w BMARSE'8 HAT FACTORY, 605 No. 16lh U M774 A26 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530 U 9S0 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women .and children. 1408 Farnam st. THE IL J. PENFOLD CO. U M358 "VIAVL" way to health. 350 Bee Bldg. U-981 TUB, vapor and .alcohol baths. 720 8. lth. U 982 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes fre for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. . THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. U M359 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAtt BLK. itu 1936. U-94 PHILIP BARNHART, come home or write. MAMMA. U M177 A14x WORLD'S FAIR accommodations, every convenience, three car lines,. 7 minutes' ride to fair. 944 Laurel ave., St. Louis. Bell telephone, Forest 966 A. U M361 SI LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem bers American Ticket Broker' Assn. U M118 SI RHEUMATISM CURE Never falls; send 260 for recipe. T 42, Bee. M 400 9x DR. KLAU8NER, Dentist, 607 Karbach blk. Tel A2964. U-M417 82 VIENNA CAFE New management; mer chant' lunch. 16c; short order a spe cialty. Wm. Miller, Prop., 1016 Farnam. U M357 81 PERSONAL To the public: I would like to locate Ed Knutson, age 60; left Ester ville, Ia., for thl city In 1873 or 1874. L. K. Megaurden, Bearmouth, Mont. U-M623 lOx LADIES 26c In stamps will remove freck les, tan, sunburn, etc. ; not a toilet article; meaicine to appiy eacn nigni. juyers- Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Neb eo. U MESS S DR. J. 8. ALEXANDER (HomeoDath) Office 446 Bee Bldg. Teles., office, 161; res., sm. u oyi b I WILL furnlah to all hunter and fishers or overland traveler or prospectors com plete traveling outfit, good saddle horses, rig and driving horses or draft; experi enced man with sll trails from Montana to Pacific coast or Gulf of Mexico; ac. qwUnted with all trails through Rocky mountains to Colorado, New Mexico, Ari aona to Old Mexico. For information write A. 1. Welthers, Kismet, Mont., or Malta, Mont. . U M700 12x OMAHA. STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturer of paste for all purposes. Tel. A-2o2. 210 Cuming. Established lkni. . U 716 9 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, r talL Sherman A McConnell, Omaha. 986 . DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases nd irregularities of woman, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with atamp. Dr. Pries, l&liv Dodg St., Omaha. 987 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 1st: Ave., Council Bluff , Ia. Tel. 774. -626 BT. JOSEPH'S hospital; everything modern Tel. 117. M 488 box LADIES, Anterior Regulator, sure, $2.00 box. Th Columbia Co., Clartnda, Iowa. M 420 S2X PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 6v6 N. lftthl d floor. Tel. 8V'9 M2'.5 Altt WANTED TO BORROW WANTED, loan of $V.600 for one year at 6 per cent; first mortgage on four hand some 8-room cottage, renting for $7M per yar and now Belling for $5,uoO. Artdres W T, Bee. M7'4 CLAIRVOYANTS GILMER, palmist. 716 No. 23d. Tel. B32. 8100 BUBINE88 MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th street. 8 Mtf.9 86x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. K. MOREARTY. Att'y.. 437 Paxton. Tel. A 2639. 999 JOHN M-MACFARLAND, New York I .If bldg., room 3o4 and 319. Tel. 1662. lduO SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT A achooi, 717 N. Y. I. If 4u7 FACSIMILE letter, envelope addressed. Boyiea nolle. a When You Write to Advertisers rmambr It orly tskaa an extra tmk at to of U pu U T.oimjo Ui tat LUat yo saw Ua ' lu lut i. - - POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, as change may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for th e-k end'nr August 13, 19o4, will close (PROMPTLY In U j-ses at me S'-ncrnl noaiomce n roi lows: parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post moils for Germany clos at i. m. August Bin and l6tn. Itenilr and (tipplementary mall e'os l Foreign atatlon (corner of West and Mnv ton streets) kalf hour later than closing i.ma anown oeiow, (except that upple mentsry mall for Europ nd Central America, via Colon, clos on hour later at Foreign station). Traneatlaa-tle STatTs. WEDNESDAY (10th)-At 12 1 p. m. (sup plementary t p. m.) for EUROPE, per . s. Baltic, via Queenstown snd Liver- fool. IURSDAT (11th-At 7 . m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE and ITR1TIS INDIA, per as. La Gascogne. via Havre (mall for other parte of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Gascogne"). SATURDAY (13th)-At 4 SO a. m. for LIVERPOOL, SCOTLAND snd IRE LAND, per s. s. Campania, vl.i Queens, town and Liverpool mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s.s. Cam pania"); at a. m. for EUROPE, per s.s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cher bourg; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. . Zcrland (mall must be directed ''per s. s. Zeeland"); at 8;30 . m. for SCOTLAND direct, per . s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per . a. Ethio pia"). NOTICR Five cents per half ounce. In ad dition to the regular posts-, must be prepaid on sll letter forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letter deposited In the drops marked "Letters for Foreign Countries." after the CLOS ING OF THE REGULAR MAIL for des patch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional post age la fully prepaid thereon bv stamps. Supplementary Trans-Atlnntlc Malls are also opened on the piers of th AMER ICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steam ers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a.m. or later; and late mail may be deposited In the amall boxes on the piers of the Ger man lines sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one hour and u hnlf before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only reg ular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITE STAR and GERMAN (sea post) steamers; double postage (letter 10 cent a half ounce) on other line. Malls (or "oath and Central America, Wet 'ladle, Etc. WEDNESDAY (10th) At 12:30 p. m. (sup- Elementary 1:80 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS. T. CROIX, LT3EWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, per s. a. Korona (mall for Grenada and Trinidad, British, Dutch and French Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Korona"); at 6:30 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Lillle, from Boston. THURSDAY (llth)-At 5:30 n. m. for AR GENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Cervantes; at. 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per a. s. Havana (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Havana"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Santiago, via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per s. . Santiago"). . FRIDAY (12th) At 9:80 a. m. (supplement ary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI, SANTA MARTA and other places in MAGD A LENA DEP T. COLOMBIA, per a. s. Flandrla (mall for other parts of Colombia, via Savanilla, must be directed "per s. s. Flandrla"); at 12;30 p. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Enstern Prince, via Macelo and Santos (mall for Northern Brasll must be directed "per s. . Eastern Prince"). SATURDAY (13th) At 7:S0 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per . s. Rosalind; at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA per s. . Maracalbo (mall for Colombia, via Curacao must be directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Magda lena Dcp'ts, per s. . Blblrla (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Slblria"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, and CIU DAD BOLIVAR. BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Grenada. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes st this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:S0 - a. m. (th connecting mall close here oa Monday. Wednesoay and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY-rOverland, unless apeolally addressed for despatch by teamerY.lose at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:80 p. m. Sunday at 1:09 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND fexeept ParcI-Pot Mall) By rail to . North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this offlc dally at 6:t J p. m. (connecting mall clots here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail' to Boston, ' and thenc by steamer, closes at this offlc at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. MIQUELON By r II to Boston, and theno by steamer, close at this office daily at 6:30 p. m. Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc., Kx eept Transpaelle. BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA lly rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and (10:30 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Monday at 10:30 p. m.) HAWAII. JAPAN. yOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close St 6:30 p. m. August 13 for despatch per s. s. Doric. COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleang, and thence by steamer, closes At this ofho dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. nv and 110:30 p. m., ilundaya at 11:00 p. n. and 10:30 p. m. (connecting mall oioss hr Tuesdays at (10:30 p. m.). NICARAGUA (East Coast) By mall to New Orleans and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and (10:30 p. m., Sundays at (1:00 p. m. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Thursday at (10:30 p. m.). (Registered mall closes at I p. m. previous day. Tranapacldo Mails, Forwarded Over. land Dally The schedule of -Closing of Transpacific malls IS arranged on me presumption oi their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (excepting registered Transpaclllo malls whlcn close at p. m. previous aay; close at the general postoBlce, New York, a follow: JAPAN lexcent Parcels-Dos t malls). COKEA. CHINA ana rniLimivni ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close at 6:30 V. m. August 9 for despatch per s, . Empress of Japan. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HAWAII and specially addressed mall IWAIl for FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6:80 p. m. August 13th for despatch per . a Ventura. (If th Cunard ateamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls Clotting at 6:30 a. m., 8:80 a. m. and 8:39 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m 9 a. m. and (:8o p. m. will be mad up and forwarded until tba arrival of the Cunard ateainer.) FIJI ISLANDS and specially addrtssed mall for A I sikalia, ana e,w ualh DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6:30 p. m. August 18th for dnsoatch Dr s. s. Mlnwera. HAWAII, JAPAN, COKEA, CHINA and PlllLlfrllNUi lauAisua, via Ban tran clsoo, close at 8:80 p. m. August 18th, for dlnoatch rer s. s. Manchura. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and ' specially addressed man tor rnii.irriiNB lOly ANDS. via Seattle, close at 8:30 p. m. August 21st, for dispatch per a. a. Kana- fawa Maru. 1AWAJI. via San Franclaco, cloae at 8:80 p. m. August Z2d lor dispatch per . . Alameda. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and OUAM. via San Francisco, close at JO p. m. August 27 for desoatrh t.er IT. S. Tranfnort. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at : p. m. Sep tember 9th for dispatch per . . Mari posa. MANCHURIA and EA8TEHN SIBERIA at present rorwarued via Russia, inateaa or via Japan, the usual route. NOTE I nlcss otljrwle addressed. West Australia ia rornaraea via turope; rurw Zealand via San Francisco and certain places in til Chlneae I'rovln-ces of Yun nan, Kunlctiow, biti-hfin and Kwangsl, via British India ttia qulckeat routra. Phlllpplnea apeclally addressed "via Can ada" or "vii- Europe" nust be fully pre paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii ia for warded viH fenii FranrNc xcluslvelv Poatomce. New York. N. Y., Aug. 6. 19iM. CORNELIUS VAN Ll)TT, Poliuaalr. , OCKAX ITCAtilBIPt. i:cLLfi:;D-ii!:En!CJi li::e, . . 'i,acr bi" ai.ta al u.auo lana, ItaW luhii-tiiriiuil. via XolliAAjftaV auuaf !-(, ai W A. . Koordam Au4- I Kuit.rdam pi- I Si.i.uuam ........Aua- 1' ratf.ia b-i.1. It I'vt.uaMa Aba- v I lmm l. in fc.pt. tw b. .1 i,aM-If h K A L4nav Krk.n St.. Ckl-c-iiw. ii.rr Uoaraa. la.1 Part.ai fci. O .,i.l4, lul gaaam t.( J. B. kvwlw, 1OT kuMM a4 LEGAL NOTICE FROPOBED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed mndmnt to, and convention for the .revision of. th Constitution of th State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth. In full, I submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to b voted upon at th general election to be held Tuesday, November 8, A. D. li-Oi. . (Senate File No. 114.) A bill for a Joint resolution recommend ing to the electors of the state to vote at th next election of members of the legis lature for or against a convention to re vise, amend and change th Constitution of the State of Nebraska In accordant- with section li. article 16 of the Constitu tion of the Stat of Nebraska. Be It Resolved by th Legislature of th Stat of Nebraska: 1. Thnt It Is deemed necessary to call a convention to revise, smend and change the Constitution of the Stat of Nebraska. 2 That the lctors are recommended to vote at th next election of members of the legislature for or against a conven tion to revise, amend and change the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska, 8. Than at surh next election of member of th legislature on the ballot of each elector voting at uch election, ahall be printed or wrltteo In auch manner that th elector can Indicate his preference under th law th worda: "FOR calling a convention to revise, amend and Chang the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,' and "AGAINST ralllnav a convention to revise, amend and change the Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska;" and If a ma jority voting at ld election shall vot for a convention, the legislature shall, at It next session, provide by law for call ing th same. m 1, George W. Marsh, Secretary of State of th State of Nebraska, oo nereoy cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to th Constitution of the 6tate of Nebraska, and providing for a convention for the revision of said Constitution of the Stat of Nebraska, Is a tre and cor rect copy of the original enrolled bill passed hy the Twenty-eighth session of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as It appears from said original bill on file In my office, and that said proposed amendment and revision of the Constitu tion of the Slate of Nebraska Is submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Ne braska for their sdoptlon or rejection, at the general election to t held on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A. D. 1904. In testimony whereof I hereunto sot my hand and affixed the Great Seal of th State of Nebraska. ... Done at Lincoln thl 6th day of July, In the year of our Lord One Thousand Nln Unnrirnl and Four, of the Independence of the United State the One HundreM and Twenty-ninth and of this State the Thirty eighth. GEORGE W. MARSH. v ASWed 13tm. OOVKRKMEilT NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTI NO, r Quartermaster, 12 uooiy cunning, nan Tw. ?tiv. Utah. Aurust 8. 1904. Beo:! proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., standard time, Sep tember 7, 1904. and then opened, for 'thy construction of one Barrack Building and . one Guard House, Including plumbing, gas piping, heating ana eiectno wiring, i Trm,,io. ITl.h Rlddra will stilt In their bids the tlm In which they will . complete the work. Full information and blank form or proposals lunuunn nii.tinn to this office. Plans and specifi cation may be een here. United State ' reserve the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. En- ; velones to be marked "Proposals for Pub- , lie Building" and addressed to CAPTAIN 8AM L V. HAM, Quartermaster. A-8-9-10-ll-B--i. O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAQGAGH " 1(18 Farnam Btrt- ''' WILL GET YCJR BAGGAGE THERM '.' ON TUta. -M7Q RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MARCY. Cnleaaro, Roclc laland A Paclao. SAT. tan ' Antv. Chlcag Dr1lM fJmlU ... Chicago Biproas ...,,.r....rr.ti pa a t it m CUeaca Fast Kxpnsa . ...... 8:40 pot ikia Rocky BtMBtala LlmlU a t :t aa i:U Lincoln, coiorson Bpnuea, w Tar. raoDia aaa ww - - - - Chleaco Great Weatern. St. Paul t Mlnnaapolla UralU..a I M m T:H at ai v.-i l MinnaaDalla Kxsroaa.a T :U am al lOpia " ,Tii., . . l ldftM alQ'SO.ia CMcaeo EiDfoas -a 4:M toa a 4:04 pa Cnton Paelfle. Th Ovarian Llinlt Colorado California gipraaa Caloao-PorUand Bpaolal Kaaura Bipraaa Columbus Local Colorado Special Chicago Special Beatrtc-a Local ..a I am ..a 4:10 pm ..a 4: pm ,.k t :00 pm ..a I :tt am "a t :M pm ..a M am a I D pm a 8:40 am a I t pm k t .ti am a I H am k I II pm t;Mam raat stall Chicago Te Rorthweter. raatCbloase ,...al:Mm t:Mam Local Cblca all Mam Mall DarlUht BL Paul DaWIbt Chicago Limited Chicago Local Carroll Faat St. Pas; Local Sioux City U Paul..., Past Mall Chicago Express Norfolk A Boneateol Lincoln A Long Pin - Dead wood St Ltneolfc Caiper Wyoming t IKUh .....a. .a :1H pm to am lo ot pm 11:411 pm I IS am ,.a 1 JU am ,.a T:iv am .ilk pm ..a 4:00 pm t 90 am 7:M am a I W pm al:4tpm ,.a am 10 W am ,.k 0i am 10 :Sam .atMpm Hlp4 .d I W pm a 1:1 pm ,a i:ao am . oim pm i n Miiankaa Jt St. Paal Chicago Darllght gxproaa I'l'S!" Callfornla-Oranon Kxpiwai a 8.41 pm a 1 1 pm Or.rland Umlted a 0 pm at. Mam D Molnaa A Okoboll Bxpnaa... la 8:1 pm Illinois Central. Cbleass Expreaa .....a T am 18:8 pm Ch caao Llilt4 at:Wpm a i w am Mlnnaapol I B tul g.pr .k T am blO: pm Mlnntaptll 8t. Paul Umluo-.a 1i0 am a pm Mlaaoart Pacific. Bt. Louis Kxpr.ni ...4 f:f J P Kan CIW A M. ,LouU Kxpa..ail : p. a J M pm World' Fair tpeolal . pm all.M aa t. Louis cannoa Ball Bxpnaa. .a J Mew World raw Iff" ? f 2 I Local tram Council BluBs a 0.14 am a I . m BL'KLUVGTON STATION-10TH MASON Chlo, Barllnatoa ((alaey. Leave. ArrWe. Chicago Special T oo am a l .Upm Chicago VeaUbuloa gxprosa a 4:tSJ poi a t . at am cmc.,0 Local SJ?; H1!!S,!5 Chicago Luaiu W ! raat Mali Kanaa City, St. Joseph at Council Alalia. Kaaaaa City Dap Express ;m I 41 pm gu Loula yirer a a pm ali o am lUaaaa City Might Kxproaa 1.4 pm a am Barllaarton Mlaaonrt Blvar. Wrmore. geatrlc. A Lincoln a J am kU:M tm KeOraata t,prees a Mam aitpm Kn,elmue7V.. a 4:iopm Black Hills A Paget oui !U..aU.ip- ajjm Colorado Veaiibuled Kler fc,.., !, X 2 Uucoln Past Mall 5 S t! S tU'Si !2 rirt crook a ruiumouta I M m kio.Uam b!!i.VuV i Pacing Juuciloa ' "" a .li am belletu 1-aoluc Junclleo if, i Balievu aid puiiamoulk aU.U pm WEB STUB DKP0T-15TH WEBITBH, Mlaaonrl Paelfi. . Kebraaka LaaaL via Weeping Lea to. aartra. Water :" m .'" ' Chieago, SI. PanL Mlaa.avoll Omaha. Twla Cltr raaaenger ... .... Mam k :10pm ....aom il" a Pally, k Pailr except gnndaf. 4 Pall H gaiurilei. a Dailjf axcept Mendax. HER..H0USE BLOWN TO PIECES Re.ldc.ce Mr. Pow.r at Batt Wrecked by Chargf rtnasolta, BUTTE. Mont.. Aug. t-Th resldenc of Mr. Bella Power was blown to piece to. day. Thre unknown men placed a large charg of giant powdr In a cloe.t, lighted the fuse and fled. Tho trio wer seen eav- 1 Inir th houae by Guy Bweet, a roomer. Sweet and hla wife and Tom Howie and Mr. and Mr. Bwan jonnaon wt mora or les severely mjurea oy tn explosion. There la no clue to th perpetrator and no motlv for the deed I avalgtiod. If you have oraeihlng to trad advertise ' It In the "Thl for TLat" coluoia el Th Be want ad pug. u i y v 1V v $: