Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1904, Page 16, Image 36

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People and Things of Public Interest
tr'UATT. T nnNVn.T.T Is an.
TiI I other of the labor leaders who
of publicity by event. He Is the
president of the Amalgamated
Association of Meat Cutters ana
Butcher Workmen of North America
and as such Is the general com
manding the forces now on strike la
the irreat packing centers of the country.
Ur. Donnelly la a young man, but has
a thorough acquaintance with the practi
cal working of the Industry, having been
employed In all the various department
that com under the scope of his union.
When he worked In South Omaha he was
looked upon as one of the most skillful
and rapid workmen In the country, end
performed some wonderful feats with his
knife In prize contests. He has developed
great executive ability and has led his
men through a gallant fight with less of
disorder and clashing with the law than
ever marked a similar struggle. He visited
Omaha laM Sunday to look over the situ
atlon and counsel with the leaders here.
.While at South Omaha he delivered two
addresses to the strikers, and during the
progress of one was photographed by
Hoe staff artist
Tlarry B. Long of Council Bluffs Is some
what handicapped In his battle through
life by being deprived of the sense of
hearing and the faculty of speech, but he
has a spirit that soars above these hin
drances and by his natural capacity as a
hustler has pushed himself well to the
front. During the last few weeks when
The Bee was offering a number of trips
to the World's fair st St. Louis to be voted
for, young Mr. Long made up his mind
that he would have one of them. He
started his huxtle, and so well did he suc
ceed that he flnlnhed second In the con
tent. It Is some food for wonderment to
think what he might have done had he
been gifted as other young men are with
keen hearing and a glib and persuasive
tongue. But he has won his trip, and will
make his visit to the St. Louis exposition
on a ticket furnished by The Bee.
William A. Faulkner, late of Lincoln,
Neb,, had the distinction of being the only
nan to win a bet from William J. Bryan,
the outcome of the wager depending on
Mr. Bryan's election to the presidency.
Dr. A. O. Faulkner, the head physician
for the Modern Woodmen of America, la
a close neighbor of Mr. Bryan, and be
tween the families a friendly Intimacy ex
ists. William Faulkner, father of the
doctor, lived with his son, and one day
when Mr. Bryan was at the Faulkner house
the talk turned on the approaching elec
tion. Mr. Faulkner twitted Mr. Bryan
with his approaching defeat. - and finally
offered to wager him that he would be
beaten at the polls. Both men were en
thusiastic admirers of chickens, and the
Faulkner Games and the Bryan Shanghais
had a local reputation. As the outcome
of the talk Mr. Bryan agreed to risk a
rooster, and so the bet was concluded.
Some time after election a fine Shanghai
chanticleer was delivered to the Faulkner
home, where he still thrives, rejoicing In
the name of Blllum J. Mr. Faulkner has
since died. His photograph and this In
cident is furnished The Bee by his daugh
ter. Mrs. J. A. Campbell of 2528 Corby
treet, Omaha, who says her father never
tired of telling the story on Bryan. Mr.
Bryan has slnoe related It on himself.
Joe Meyer, the sonof M. Meyer, Is one
f Omaha's promising young musicians.
At the recent picnic of the Landwehr
Verelns In Omaha he was on the program
for a solo, and acquitted himself with
grace and credit Albln Huster, the well
known vIollnlHt and conductor, Is on record
as saying that the young man has talent
that will yet make him famous.
Co-Operative Home
The T B club, an organisation of some
of Philadelphia's successful women who
work, which has recently bought and fur
nished a handsome, commodious mansion
In the most select part of the city, owns
also a fine old country place within an easy
trolley ride bom the business part of the
city. To this summer home, known as
Chanplost, the girls emigrate as soon as
warm weather comes. It Is In a beau
tiful parklike stretch of country-J Is one
of the many old-fashioned mansions which
have survived the elements and the out
ward reach of the Quaker City's growing
Here, as In their city home, these girls
have a housekeeper, a cook, a laundress
and a chambermaid. Each girl has a latch
key and her expenses vary with the else of
her room. Both houses are run on the
home plan, and the girls come and go as
they please, entertain their friends, have
the privilege of running down to the laun
dry and doing up a fine waist or expensive
handkerchief Just as they would In their
own homes. All who take lunch to their
places of business have It put up for them
t the club.
This organisation started originally with
tea women, ail wage earners, who had
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SOUTH OMAHA. Photo by a Staff Artist
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tried the various phases of boarding house
life, working women's homes and the three-jolly-maids-in-a-flat
idea, and had found
them all wanting bo far as real home life
was concerned. Thanks to the intrepidity
and business tact of the revolters, a plan
was soon perfected whereby they were able
to rent and furnish a little place of their
own, to which they succeeded In Imparting
a real home atmosphere. Their pleasure
was so genuine that soon other weary
hearted working women begged admittance
and a larger house was taken.
Finally so many women asked to be ad
mitted that the present mansion was pur
chased and another rented as an overflow
home. To gain admittance to the club now
a girl -must be recommended by one of Its
members. She Is then allowed to Join the)
community on a month's probation. At the
end of that time. If everything is satisfac
tory, the probationer becomes a full-fledged
T B. Good Housekeeping.
Millions of Horseshoes
"Two million kegs, containing 160,000,000
horseshoes, are used annually In the United
States and Canada, approximately speak
ing,"., said 8. I Martin of Boston, who
represents an iron manufacturing concern
Of the east. .. ,..... .
"That was about the number used last
year, and all tho hue and cry about rubber
shoes and automobiles Is raised In the face
of a constantly Increasing sale of horse
shoes. As a matter of fact, the use of
rubber horseshoes, which Is confined al
most altogether to the large cities, Is a help
to manufacturers. The sale of the old
fashioned . shoes goes on increasing, and .
In addition tf tha,t the manufacturers
have an opportunity to make the steel por
tion of rubber shoes. All so-called rubber
shoes have a rim of steel In them, and It
Is usually of better metal and gives the
manufacturer a wider berth for praflts
than the old-fashioned shoe. "Louisville
Hard on the Lawyers
Jacob H. Bchtff, who was instrumental In
bringing a part of the Japanese war loan
to America, was talking to a reporter about
his recent European tour. '
"London's courts of law have always In
terested me," he said, "and I revisited
them last month for about the tenth time.
One Q. C. whom I happened to meet there
told me how Peter the Great had once gone
through the law courts. He said Peter, at
the end of his Inspection, said:
" These men are all lawyers? What can
be the use of so many? I have only two in
my empire, and I mean to bang one ot
them as soon as I return.' "
Powwow of Indians
' (Continued from Page Eight.)
had to go to the other side of the village
for his wife. The division was carried Into
tho council, and, In fact through all the
life of the Indians. The traditions of the
tribe are being preserved by the older men
and women, but It seems certain that the
progress the tribe has made In ways of
civilisation will soon wipe out even the
slight trace of barbarism that now find
Its expression In the annual powwow. "
America's Columns
(Continued from Page Four.)
will ultimately help support the Immense
dome, that there seems to be nothing re
markable about them as to cost or slse.
The keystone of the arch stands 108 feet
above ground and the pillars supporting
the arch are fifty-four feet apart, waluh la
the length of a column, while Its largest
end, which la six feet across, Is not so large
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by several feet as the breadth of a side of
one of these gigantic pillars, each destined
to bear a weight of (7,000,000 pounds, or
one-fourth the weight of the tower, which
Will rise to a holght of 426 feet .
The columns are being set In a semi
circle and the distance between the end
columns will be just the length of one of
them. .Even In mass they will still look
dwarfed Into the commonplace by the mae-
TALE N I. Photo by a Staff Artist
slve piles of rough work surrounding them.
They will undoubtedly not look their slse
In the finished choir, which is to be 130 feet
- long, have an area of 6.4W) square feet and
a dome with a ninety-six-foot span 108 feet
above ground. Yet its columns will be one
of the things for which the cathedral of
St. John the Divine will be famous for
many a generation.