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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1904)
TITE OMAITA" DAILY HEE: MONDAY, 'AronST 1. 1004.' I OPTIMISTIC VIEWS OF WORLD 'Bet. 0. 0. Cissell Bays Humanity ii Better Today Than Erer Before. PROGRESS IS BOTH MATERIAL AND HOLY Tim U ComlBK When Christianity Will Bind All Mem Together In Moral Brotherhood, At gar th rreaeber. The tlvme of Rev. C. C. Cisseirs ser mon at Haniwom Park Episcopal church yesterday morning -was "Is . the world better today than In former day?" His text was from fcccleslastes vll:10 "Say not thou, what was the cause that the for mr days were better than these? For thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this." Rev. Mr. Cisse'.l did not agree with an eminent essayist who In a recent magazine article deplored the decadence of civiliza tion, and declared the world was retro grading. "If this be true," said Rev. Mr. Clasell, "the Allwtae has become weary and turned Himself back on Ills pathway. But It Is not true. No reasonable man will agree with any such pessimistic doctrines. The fact Is that these days stand head and shoulders above any other age of the world's history. The telephones and te'e- graph and constant new discoveries for the material benefit of man are the material blessings of the age, and then, too, there is the greatest progress In holler things, moral and spiritual. Those are days when men struggle for more emancipation, and from abuse to let them Into that broader - -life given of Gcd. The idea of human liberty Is better today than In former times. No liberty was known to lndivlduul men until the coming of Christ, "Woman has been emancipated from the slavery of former years. Jesus Christ unread the benign truth that every Individ ual was worthy of God and God's salva tion. We live in the time that has seen the Inst vestige of the slave. "Temperance, . instead of sentiment, has now become an economic necessity. Under the laws of the land the scientific aspect of temperance Is taught in every school, and the coming generation will handle this .question on a still higher plane. God's Son will never lay down the scepter of Ills Kingdom until the scepter of the world be His Kingdom. "Last year more bibles were printed than in the nineteen centuries before. So the world is not growing worse. These leaves are the healing leaves, preaching God's coming time when the world shall be His. Christ was a healer and Christianity bound men together in moral brotherhood, and the world Is moving onto that consum mation with swift steps. God will never forsake the world, for It is growing bettor. We are approaching that day when we shall see it with the rising and going down of the sun and in the glory of the stars." II ARK JEWEL OF RiailTEOlSXEsS Theme of Preacher ut the First Con greKatlonnl Church. Rev. F. W. Leavltt of Seward occupied tho pulpit of the First Congregational church yesterday morning and preuchej on the value of the rare Jewel of righteous ness In the poor setting of the human body,' taking for his text II Corinthians, lv:7. He sail In part: ' "The rare Jewel Is rarely estimated. It does not inspire the slightest desire for possession to the Ignorant and unfortu nately to many that are not ignorant in the world's estimation. To the Christian there are more elements, of satisfaction in the possession of religion than In anything else In the world. The cross of Christ ap pears ridiculous to the Greek, but to the Christian it is the lever uplifting humanity by His sacrifice. "Rarity is the determiner of values for earthly Jewels. The universal spread of the gospel makes it cheap to somo. There are many things of priceless worth, through Speaking of Quality Just Oper? a Dottle of s EUTZ IS! I CEER MILWAUKEE TturVs Quality umwii .oiaaa In It's a svarr twttl. or tbt Leant tfc Wisr la. bai. om.r Wiwior for taa aaaa ot JM9 aaaltk n U tMaJCt of yoar famllj. tt kotU aUriUa.4. Blitz Katt-Vlt-isa, (Mao-lotas.) Tumi Ytl Ciaiz Craw. Co, MILWAUKEE OMAHA BRANCH, Tel. m HH iJQuglaj rTtrwat. St. Paul Minneapolis and return. Tickets on sale from Omaha daily until Sept ember 30, 1904. Rate to Duluth, Superior, Ashland and Bayfield and re turn 16.50. Two fast through trains each way daily. Che Best of Everything Low round-trip rates to all sum mer tourist points. Summer vacation booklets tad naps on application. TICKET OPHCESi I4O1.U0J PiriMua Stryt, OMAHA ' VWHI T ana a24.Ank f $122 association to one, that would be abso lutely valueless to others. There are value known only to the possessor. There are so many In the world who have received so much good from Bible reading that the nonreader should look within its covers before he dares to place an estimate on its value. "There Is no selfish gratification In church work. Every day In the year vast fortunes are being poured bj" possessors of this Jewel for the good of humanity the help of the needy. The possessor of Chris tianity gives It as freely to others as he himself has received. 'The earthen vessel the human body will be ground to powder, but the Jewel for which It was fashioned will live for ever. It may be possible to transform the human body so that the light of the Jewel will shine through It, and we hope to ap proach that condition, but the heart's mir ror is clouded and the reflection Is not complete. It Is Impossible for one outside the pale of religion to view God's grace In the Christian heart, but to do this one muft stand in the light of Christ. The knowledge of God Is the most glorious truth ever given to man. The human body is dignified and transformed by the heavenly guest." Rev. Mr. Leavitt will occupy Dr. Her ring's pulpit for three weeks, the pastor being in the east on vacation. GOD'S OPISIO OF MAX'S WORTH Her. Mr. Stevenson Says It Is Not Based on Possessions. Rev. R. M. Stevenson, at the First Pres byterian church, chose for his text at the morning service, Luke xll:15, "And He said unto them. Take heed and beware of cov etousness; for a man's life consists not In the abundance ot the things which he posse sseth." "Is God opposed to men having brond acres and full granariesT" said Rev. Dr. Stevenson. "The man of whom' Jesus speaK makes no recognition of God, no thought of God or fellow man, purely sel fishness. Bradstrect would have Invoiced his belongings, had such an agency existed at that time, and would have given you his worth in worldly goods, but not so with Jesus. In His opinion this man was worth nothing, for he put nothing into circulation. "The period of depression and hard times Is not so far behind us but that we can remember it was not what a hank had or what a man possessed that determined his worth. We have a principle laid down here In this text which Is of very wide application. It applies to everything a man may He may have an educa tion which makes him a veritable en cyclopedia, but this does not Increase his worth. It Is the knowledge which he spreads that determines his true value to the world. "jflot all have knowledge that can be given, but each has something which la of value. Let no one here today say that because he has no money he can do no good In the world.. No greater mistake can be made. Though the millionaire uses his money to the best of his ability, the governess in his home may be a much greater blessing to the world by training up his children to make them good men and women. It Is possible for all who live to accomplish something of good in the name of the Master." Dr. Stevenson closed with a strong ap peal for financial assistance for Bellevue college, which was met with a liberal re sponse. SCIENCE OF BASE BALL CURVES vh-rs anI Wherefores or in "Shoots" Which Make Batsmen Saw tho Air. The curve of the base ball Is now no longer open to deubt, but the questloa with the scientific) Inquirer Is, Why does It curve? And this question the Scientific American answers. The pitcher in the field tells us that the ball curves, because, he gives It a twist, but scientifically this will not do. Why will the twist make the eurve? If a ball were thrown in a cer tain dlrecUon, and If the force of gravi tation were not at work, the ball would continue on In a straight line forjver. Some forco of resistance is, then, at work when a ball is made to deviate from its straight course. If a feather Is dropped In a vacuum In an exhausted receiver of an air pump It will drop like a shot but If It IB aroppea qui in mo air 11 win go down irregularly and slowly, shifting from side to side. It is the atmosphere which causes a ball to curve. Bearing in mind that the atmosphere Is a comprehensible, elastlo gas. we find that when the ball leaves the hand of the pitcher with a rapid rotary motion it "impinges upon a .continuous elastic cushion," and this moderate resist ance, or friction, changes its course in the direction which is given to the rotary motion. Tako an outshoot of a right- handed pitcher, for instance He im presses upon the ball a tapid centrifugal rotary motion to the left, and the ball goes to the left, because the atmosphere compressible-and elastic, Is packed into an elastlo cushion Just ahead of the ball by the swift forward and rotary motion, and the friction, which is very great right In front of the ball, steer it in the direction which It Is turning. The denBer'the atmosphere the raster It Is to curve the ball. At sea level, or, say, in Philadelphia, the atmospheric pres sure Is about fifteen pounds to the square inch, and the ball curves easily; In Denver the atmospheric pressure is only about twelve and a half pounds to the square inch and therefore it is hard to make curves, though the puxsled scientist finds that the batting average in Denver are about the same as in other parts of the country. Perhaps the pitchers are more skillful or the batters unskilled. The whole matter may be summed up. says the writer, in language which shall not be "forbiddingly" scientific in the fol lowing words: "The upahoot, downshoot and right and left outshoot and Inshoot of the base ball, thrown by pitcher to plate of base ball field, represent, through their various in curves at tho platen resultants correspond ing with th compound forces of the pro jection of the ball. Its .rotation In varying positions or its axis of revolution, and the resistance due to the density of the atmosphere; the last Hector being known as vis inertia, the force of Inertness, which Involves resistance to motion, and which is therefor truly regarded as a specie of rorce. It Is all very simple and yet if one were to bsk a pitcher on the Athletic team why the balls curve he would say, Be cause i maas mem, ana thus we nee the disadvantages of a lack of scientific? cation. Phlldaelphia Ledger. Opening of Indian Reservation, On August t to 11, Inclusive, the Chicago Great Western railway will sell tickets to Devil's lake and Oberon, N. D., at one fare plus 60 cents for the round trip. Good to return until September lfi. For further information apply to 8. D. Park hurst, Qen ernl Agent, ltil3 Furnam street, Omaha. IsVb. fuel Sanaa Great Sanitarian. The great all year round health nl pleasure resort. Hot Springs, Ark., Is owned and endorst-d by the Unlled States govern ment. Splendid hotel facilities. Amusements of I1 kind. Four dully trains from Hr I.oula via Iron Mountain route. Unexcelled equipment. For free deacrlptlv literature address H. C. Townaend, G. p, and T. A Hi. Louis - PICKPOCKET INVADES CHURCH Extract Cash from runes of Two Young Women at Service. GEORGE PETE IS PLACED UNDER ARREST Victims of the Chnrch Bobbery Visit Jail and Identify Him as the Man Who Sat Behind Them. According to the statements and identifi cation of Miss Gard of 1612 Chicago street and Miss Bondeson of 243 Burt street, George Pete, now in the city Jail, is the man who invaded the sanctity of St. Paul's Kplscopal church. Thirty-second and California streets, yesterday morning and during service extracted $14 from the pock etbooks of the young women, leaving car fare to bear the worshipers to their homes. When the service was over and the women missed their money they immedl' ately went to the police station, reported the loss and gave a description of a man who sat behind them during the service. The police recognized the description as being that of George Pete, released from the Jail a few days before. His room was located and a detective placed there. About noon he returned, resplendent in a new suit of clothes and a clean shave. The clothes worn by the man In church and described by the women were found on his bed. Women Identify Saspept. Pete was arrested by Detective Drummy and taken to Jail on the charge of being a suspicious character. In a few hours the women called at the station and Identi fied the man. The currency found on Pete tallied with the description given by the two women. At the station Pete was ar rayed In the garments found on his bed and made to kneel in a praying attitude so that the identification might be com' plete. Two companions accompanying Misses Gard and Bondeson to the station said Pete answered the description of the man they saw at the church in the morn ing, and several even declared they had seen him in the church on other recent occasions. Among Pete's effects was found a string of rosary beads. ANIMAL FOOD WAS TICKLISH Old Negro Could Do Justice to Corn and Oats, but Couldn't Eat Hay. An ancient colored man who used to work for Dr. G. Frank Lydston called upon his former employer a short time ago, complaining of being "powerful weak." The doctor asked him something about what he generally ate and discovered that the venerable darky had not been sufficiently nourished with good food and suspecting f it ' t was because he was not financially abii to have better, the doctor gave him some money and told him that he should eat more animal food. Gratefully the old negro departed, prom ising to return In a week and report his condition. The end of the specified time brought "Unc " Cato back to the doctor's office, looking almost pale In the ashlness of his chocolate complexion. "Well, how do you feel now. Uncle Cato?" the doctor asked. Uncle Cato, huskily and , with evident embarrassment, for he much disliked to reflect upon the professional ability of Dr. Lydston, for whom he had great re spect, replied: "Hit sorter 'pears lak, Marse I,i.etun, dat dar animal food whut you- dun tole me to tak a In' reachln' lak it orter." "What have you been eating?" the doctor asked. "Well, suh, de fao' Is I tuk de oawn en oats right smart chance every day, but w'en hit come to de hay, Marse Llsstun, tickle me In de face, en Ah doan see how tickle mt in de face, en Ah doan see how dem animals kin eat hit. Ah doan b'lleve, Marse Llsstun, dat All's done Jestice by dat hay." When the doctor had recovered sufll clently to hold his face straight the old ebon philosopher said: ' "Ya-as, suh, hit was ticklish, dat is er fao'." I Uncle Cato had been set on the light track. His diet has been changed from "animal food" to good every day "grub," and the old man Is looking less ashy, to say the least. Chicago Tribune. USES POCKET KNIFE TO STAB This Act Brings Chars; of Asaanlt with Intent to Kill Against Man. On complaint of J. Ravlts of 1023 Farnam street, D. Connors of Joliet, III., has been arrested on the charge of assault with Intent to kill. It is alleged that Connors was drunk when he went to the Ravlts store yesterday morning and without provo cation started to abuse Ravlts by calling him vile names and threatening him. It is said Ravlts started to put, the Intruder out when Connors went at him with a pocket knife. The blade penetrated a short distance near the seventh rib. The injury is said to be not of a serious nature. FORM COUNTRY CENTRAL CLUB Republicans Will Meet mt Washington Hall Tonight to Complete It Organisation. At Washington hall this evening the formation of the Douglas County Roosevelt and Fairbanks club will b made complete. All officers of republican clubs are entitled to vot In this meeting, and all are urged to be present at the meeting. A misapprehension seems to exist In re- gaud to who is eligible to vote In the meeting. The elective officers of all clubs, the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer are eligible and it is essential that all be present. When in St. "Loots see the Grand Trunk exhibit In trie For estry, Fish and Game Building and get from attendant illustrated literature de scribing the finest summer resort regions on the American continent, all of which are most conveniently reached by the new Grand TrrunkIllluols Central through car line from St. Louis to- Montreal. t If desired, publications and Information as to train service will be sent by mall by the Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Kallwuy System, 135 Adams St., Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A. Hotneaeekera' Hates to North Dakota. Every Tuesday until October IS the Chi cago Great Western Railway will seii round trip tickets to points in th above named state at a great reduction from th usual fare. For further information apply to Gao. F. Thomas, general agent, 1MJ Far nam street, Omaha, Neb. Special lumiiiri Toarlat Rata to De troit, Mich. The Chicago Great Western railway will sell round trip tickets at one fare plus 12.03. Tickets on sal dally. Good return ing until Gt-tolier 11. Fur further informa tion apply to 8. D. Parkhurt,-Ueneral Agent, UU Farnaat Bt.t Omaha, Net IS THE IX SUMS CE FIELD- Agitation among local Insurance men for the erection of an office building, to be used solely for Insurance purposes Is grow Ing. At least three local companies havo signified their willingness to take a floor each In such a building. It Is the desire to have a building erected which will be at least six stories In height. Overtures were made by some of the companies to Judge Neville when it was learned that lie Intended erectinrj a building at Jthe corner of Sixteenth and Harney streets, but ho declined to entertain a proposition to fur nish a home for the insurance men. While there IS no definite movo on foot at preS' ent to take the matter up it is believed that in the near future the fire and life associations will decldo to appoint com mittees to see If a building cannot be se cured. President Roblson of the Bankers' Restrve Life hail the plan under considera tion of making an exclusive Insurance building of the Taclfic Express company building when he offered to buy it from the present owners. Some of the best posted Insurance men, especially In the Are line. say that there would be no ckin- culty In filling a six-story office building with Insurance offices without delay, and there Is no question but that such a build ing wouia oe a paying proposition, as there is no better class of tenants than Insurance men make. Somo of the large fire companies and agencies use a large amount of space and while there are pos sibly but three or four that would be able to occupy an entire floor, there are several which would require a half floor in a good slsed building, and there are at least half a hundred smaller offices In the city. a large number of Insurance men will leave the city during tho next two weeks for their summer vacations. Some of them have already gone and a few have re turned. Those who Intend leaving have various destinations in view. They will go in ail directions, but the' aim of the majority Is to locate a cool spot and rest content for a time away from the care ot business. A. G. Beeson, rate Inspector for the state of Nebraska, is building a fine resi dence at Fortieth and Farnam streets. which he Intends to occupy as soon as it is completed. Auditor Pmylle of the Casualty Company or America was in the city during the week and while here extended the Juris diction of his agency with T. II. Fell & Co. to take In Council Bluffs as well as all oi Nebraska. F. E. Ballard has recently entered into partnership with C D. Hutchinson in his business of fire Insurance, real estate and rentals, which will be carried on here after under the firm name of Hutchinson, Ballard & Co. Both of the members of the firm have on acquaintance of nearly twenty years in this city. Their many friends and long business experience would seem to Indicate that the new concern will enjoy success. An error was made In this column last week In the statement that the Mutual Re serve Life had made a net gain in insur ance written over last year of $429,000. This would seem to indicate that the gain was in the total business written, whereas It was the gain made In the business written by the Omaha agency of Van B. Lady In the state of Nebraska for the first six months of this year over the correspond ing six months- lost year. The total In crease of the company during the same period was about 15,000,000. The Spectator In its last. issue says: "Many fire Insurance agents who have in cautiously had dealings with some of the wlldoat operators, who are now in the toils, will rue the day when they per mitted themselves to be enticed by a fat commission to stray from the path of rec titude. The raids on tho offices of various wildcat operators resultod In' the finding of masses of correspondence which are likely to result In the conviction of local agents In a number of states of having dealt wUh unlicensed aad worthless con cerns. Btrlct compliance with the law is the only safe course." Some time ago Insurance Commissioner Pierce called attention to reports which were constantly coming to his office regard ing the large business which was being transacted in this state with this class of companies by unsuspecting victims. While Mr. Pierce indicated -that the largo bulk of the business was secured through correspondence, he Intimated that no small portion of it was secured through agents. It seems more than probablo that some letters dated and signed In Nebraska may be located In the mass spoken of. Note from the Offices. The annual meeting of the Fire Under writers of the Northwest will be held in Chicago September 28 and 29. Howard Grenell of Chicago, special agent of the Atlas of London, will In future cover Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri. Merrill & Branlff of Oklahoma City, Ok la., have been appointed general agents for Oklahoma for the Farmers' and Mer chants' of Lincoln, Neb. Henry J. Houge, superintendent of the agents of the Srottjsh Union and National, is making a. western trip. It Is probable that he will vlult Omaha soma time in the Hear future. Thirty-seven accident insurance com panies were represented by about fifty dele gates at ine annual convention ot the In ternational Association of Accident Under. writers, held recently at Portland, Me. Ond of the principal topics' discussed was the present state of health insurance. The supreme court of Minnesota haa handed down a decision which fixes the liability of companies In cases of suicide. The policy on which the decision was ren dered contained no specific clause relating to suicide and the decision stutes: "Where k. , .,,.11.... I. .!.... ........ Ih. .i,hl., , I. . . U , ... 1 1 . J twj .11.11, I. I 11 . . 1 ... I.J. IIIQ Insurer is liable in the event of suicide by the Insured." At the convention of the Industrial agents of the Prudential In New York President Drydpn announced that the company had Il.OoU.uuO.OuO of Insurance In force, Kighteen hundred agents of the company were pres ent at the meeting. They were prize win ners who wror? enough insurance to entitle them to the annual home otllce trip. Bad of Week bieartioa . to CIat "Lake, la. Via Chicago Great Western railway. For train Friday night and all train Satur day of each week round trip ticket will b sold at on far to Clear Lake, la. Ticket good returning on any train until th fol lowing Monday, For further information apply to a II. Farkbursc, general agent, U12 Farnam street, Omaha. Neb. flO.TO. from Omaha to St. Puol or Minneapolis aad Hetura Via Chicago Great Western Hallway. Ticket on sal Auguet S to 1L Inclusive; good returning until August 2J. For fur ther Information spply to S. I). Parkhurat, General Agent, 1C12 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Special Excursion to Clear Lake, )a. Saturday, August Sth, Via Chicago. Great Western Railway. Only $3.00 for the round trip. For fur ther information apply to S. D. Parahurjt, Oeneral Agent, 1612 Farnam street, Onuilia, Neb. . fZO.OO to Chicago. Th Chicago Graat Weatern railway U1 ell special round trip tickets to Chicago at 120.00. Tickets good for return until Oo tober H. For further Information apply to B. D. Parkhurat. general agent, Uil Faruam. strsat, Ouiaka, Nab, CELEBRATE FIFTIETH YEAR! Bohemian Benevolent Societies Obsorre Their Semi-Oentennial AnniTersarj. E. ROSEWATER AND JOSEPH MEK0TA SPEAK Children from the Bohemian Schools J of Omaha and Sooth Omaha Add Pleasing Somber to the Program. The Omaha and South Omaha members of the Bohemian Fraternal Benevolent as sociation celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the association at the Bohemian Turners" hall on Bouth Thir teenth street yesterday afternoon. The parent society was organised fifty years ago in St. Louis, and the Omaha and South Omaha branches have been organ ised about twenty years, and each has a large membership. The exercises at th hall were preceded by a long parade. In which uniformed Woodmen participated with the men and women of the socletle. The program of exercises consisted of various musical and literary features. President Koutsky of the Omaha branch, delivered the address of welcome. F. Dlenstbler of South Omaha presided. Children of the Omaha and South Omnha Bohemian free schools participated in the program with a number of well rendered songs and recitations In the Bohemian language. Associated with the. Jubilee were a number of the various Bohemian so cieties. The hall was beautifully decorated with bunting and flowers and there was a large attendance not alono from the cities of Omaha and South Omaha but from Council Bluffs and other cities. Congratulate Bohemian. The principal speakers of the afternoon were.K. Rosewatcr of Omaha, and Joseph Mekota, a prominent attorney of Cedar Rapids, la. Mr. Rosewater spoke of the pleasure he had In being associated with the Bohemians by birth, and their general excellence a citizens. "In the fifty years past," he said, "Bohemia had contributed to America a class of citizens distinguished for their probity, Industry and Intelligence, and none are more law abiding or valuable citizens than they." Mr. Rosewater's ad dress was In the Bohemian language and was heartily applauded. The address of Mr. Mekota was also In the Bohemian tongue and bore particularly upon the excellence of the work of the as sociation whose Jubilee they were cele brating. "It had a tendency," he said, "to make better citizens of Its members and has accomplished infinite good, and could accomplish greater good for the future. The society has kept free from religious and political contention and worked only for the fraternal purposes for which it was organized." .Ills address was greeted with applause. Pretty Girls Take Part. A number of pretty girls, members of the Girls' Omaha and South Omaha Bohemian Turners' societies, gave exercises In-calis thenics and drills with remarkab'.e skill and grace, and the program closed for the afternoon with a one-act play by the mem bers of the societies. Thanks were extended to all who con tributed to tho afternoon's exercises. The committee on arrangements comprised the following: Charles Shabata, Anton Semik, Vaclav Kubat, Karel Koutsky and Jan Benak of Omaha, and Bedrlch Dlenstbler, Fr. Sedlacek, Anton KTbstal, Josef Dlask and Alois Stybr of South Omaha. xne juoiiee ciosea last evening with a dance at the hall, which was largely at tended. Koutsky's Bohemian band furnish ed the music for both occasions. A. B. Hubermann. Diamonos, direct Imp. Special Summer Tourist Rates to Ken tucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. Th Chicago Great Western Railway will sell special round trip tickets at very low rates to Crab Orchard, Ivy.; Mlddlebor- ough.. Ky. ; Tate Springs, Conn.t Olive Springs, Tenn.; Ashevllle, N. C; Hot Springe, N. C; Roanoke, Va. ; Glads Springs, Va.; Radford, Va.; and other points. Ticket on sale dally, good to re turn until October 3L ' For further Infor mation pply to S. D. PAKKHURST, Gen eral Agent, 1512 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Grand Excursion, Picnic and Ball at Bennington Park, Tia The Northwestern Line, under auspices of the Colored Waiters' Social Club, Special train from Union depot 7:30 a. m. Thursday, August 1. Muslo all day. Tickets only 75 cents. Half Fare to OkohoJI. On every Friday and Saturday tickets from Omaha and Council Bluffs will be sold to Lake Okobojl and return at half fare by THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & 8T. PAUL RAILWAY. Everybody says Okobojl Is more beautiful this year than ever. The bathing is de lightful, th fishing great, the Saturday night dancing parties are swell. Better go up for two or three days. Tickets 1521 Farnam St., Omaha; 620 Broadway, Council Bluffs. I I Special Bummer Tourist Rate to Point In Illinois. Wisconsin aad Michigan. Th Chicago Great Wesern Rallwav tritt sell special round trip tickets at vry low rates to points in Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. Tickets limited to October 8L For further Information apply to fl. Parkhurst, General Agent, 1612 Farnam kt., Omaha, Neb. IS K. wedding rings. Sdholun, Jeweler. Funeral of Jacob Wilkes. The funeral of the late Jacob Wilkes was held from his home, four miles east ot nenningion, yeaieraay aiteryion. Mr. Wilkes was a member of the -flennlngton ramp, Modern Woudmeti of America, who had the funeral In charge. The pallbearers were from ttie foresters or irvlngton utmp. Modern Woodmen of America, Interment was at Mt. Hope cemetery. SORE AND BLEEDING GUMS Soft and spongy fums are mad healthy by th mildly alkaline and astringent prop erties of SOZODONT. It la th most -fragrant deodorizer and antiseptio dentlfrics known to the world. 0OZODOWT TOOTH POVVDEn the complement of SOZODONT Liquid, hat abrasive properties, vet is absolutely free from grit and acid, ft will not tarnish gold fillings or scratch tho enamel. J FORMS I LIQUID, POWDER, PASTE. HOTELS. WGRLD'SFAIRDURIHGAUGUST 8PLENOID HOTEL ROO MS $1.00 PER DAY Hot I NpolKin Paoap.rt, two klcK-ki north Main Entruc ot Uruunda, it th ti kno utigd t-at l'1; to Hup. f ool ruutus; lurlUnl rvii, luctrifl It; tit Yd ay lend id UI1. From Caiun tUtlua tk tbnuh r Oil! Bt. eara or eituut irau.a. ah umiuo.ii I 0u guffta. (total OuAiauUn-4 A rat uiaa u4 rota air tftaUatvclury. Kauleoa tttttrt. Mutely $t Lvlft RAW nKPr Mm Pods 25c Boys' Wash Pants, at 5c j the reliable: store. I) if $10 2-Piece and If you have any needs In this line, now ii,. the time to supply It chovlots,, ens slmercs, tweeds, serges, flannels, home spunsboth plain and mixed colors, In BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS $U50 A general clean up In our boys' department,, Norfolk, double-breasted f Ef ana uiree piece styles, from a to ltt years Blue Serge Coats Unllned, solid .comfort, for summer wear- worm ana w.&o f )C choice, J2.50 and JaVO HAYDEW fr r Tho Burllnirton Is tho only line with its own train service between Omaha nntl OMengo and St. Louis, and In view of the many rates to the east applying otif way via ft. Louis and the other via ("MeaKo, It can arrange the most desir able variable tours of the east. St Louis Htid return tickets good In chair cars (seats j flft free)-oii sale Tuesdays and Thursdays vUtnlU St. Louis and return, $13 00 Chicago nnfl return direct or via St Louis, In on 09 A A A or both directions daily VaiUiUU Boston and return on sale August 09 A ETA 11 to 13 MvliiUU Louisville, Ky., and return on sale August 091 TC 12 to 15 Oils 19 Buffalo and Niagara Falls and return 097 I IT dally OaafslO Mackinac Island and return (via boat from Chicago), 09fS 911 dally QlUs&U Bayrlew, Charlevoix, Harlwr Springs and Petoskey, Mich., 091 91a and return (via boat from Chlcugo), dally , ..QaC'J's&U Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return 017 RA daily g f.UU Hot Springs, S. D., and return Ol ft 1 A daily glUiU Ogden, Salt Lake City ond Grand Junction and 9ft Rfl return-Klally 2oUsilU Fortland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria OKA A A and return on sale August 13 to 18 ($9UtUU San Francisco and Los Angeles and return on Bale iOIC A A August 15 to September 10 ' VnrUiUU I can give you ell the latest Informa tion about excursion rates and furnlsii, free, Illustrated booklets about all ex- , . ' curnion resorts. See mo or write about ' your trip. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. . in i ii i ij mgitnMin 1 Xtll' a VIA Illinois Central R-R. Round Trip Rentes From Omaha French LlcU Springs, Ind., on sale July 22 to 25 120-75 Boston, Mass., on sale August 11 to 13 S30.50 Tickets to points below on sale dally until September UOth, Return October 31st Montreal. P. Q $33.00 Buffalo, N. Y t27.15 Put-In-Bay. Ohio 122.25 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27, 15 CMcaso .20.00 Chicago (via St Loula ouo way t20.00 Charlevoix,, Mich 824.25 Detroit Mich 121.00 Quebec. P. Q ft38.85 Mackinac Island. Mlcb.f2H.25 Toronto 827.15 Sandusky, Ohio 123.00 Correspondingly low rates to many other points in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ontario and New York Stat. Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or Du luth and steamer. Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket Office, No. 140J Faruaiu St., or writ ; , W. II. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Act., Omaha, Nob. 1 V Bee Want Ads 25c Boys' Wash Pants, at 5c. Sweeping Price Reductions in Men's Summer Suits $18 and $20 Suits, at $10.00. The swcllest line ever shown In Omnha, at so low a rrlce, fluent fabrics. In ex clusive patterns and weaves, EVERT GARMKNT HAND TAILORED through, out most of thorn by tho well known firm Of HART, 8CHAFFNER & MARX per fection In At, Individuality, In design and exclustvencsi In pattern, place these In a class by themselves, equaled only by th best grade of custom made clothing. Come In and see them Monday, whether you wish to buy or not, we want you to see what we are offering Q qq 3-Piece Suits, 5-00 prodigal variety, latest stylos, neatest patterns you can't brat them at the prise any where arid we believe them unequalled C ftCi values at JJJ worm your cnoice monuay. Odd Coats, 95c Single and double breasted, fancy and mixed colors worth Osr' 2.F0 choice -,tJ SPECIAL LOIU KATES Agt.. 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. V ' 1 ""T r CHEAP EXCURSIONS Cambridge Springs, Pa. $27.15 St. Paul-Minneapolis. . . . $12.50 Duluth-Superlor 810.50 Alexandria, Minn 815.25 Walker, Minn., (Leech 817.10 Bice Lake, Wis 815.00 Wlnnepeg, Man 835.00 Watervllle. Minn 810.50 Madison Lake, Minn. .. 810.50 Spirit Lake (Okobojl).... f9.95 Waterloo, Iowa 811.85 Cherokee, Iowa 80-85 Produce Resuts ) s