TITn OMAITA DATLYV BEIT: T.ATUr.nAT. JULY M. It 01. If? :C1AL S10TICES tJi t. A)Trrtlrntiit for Ibne rolamaa lie takes aatll 13 a, for 4h ftrln( nlllloa nalll I. . tar the taomliiK aad Bandar edition. Ralri, 1 I-2e word Ami la.ertlow. I a weird lkrrallr. Kotblaia lUr for leas tbaa ! for tha rat (ion, Thf advertisements aeost kt ran rnnsecotlveljr. Advertisers, br rrnnll a anm- brred check, ran hire anewere ad dressed ta a mmlxrril letter la M of The Bee. Amirtn ao addressed will delivered preseatatloa of MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER- SCHOOL BOUoj OV.UUUL Cvcry day is an em ollmeni uay. 'i nr i.reau and ouliar sciences u our p cialue. Penman. nip, Practical Grammar, Book keeping, Sleiioarapny, luucu Typewrit lug, rac. Can, 'writ or 'phone for Information. Jt. H. BOKLtsi President. New York Life Bide. ii ISO CUT-KATE TICKETS every where. P. H. I'lttlMn, i.iX i amain and opp. Unu"i ta lion. Tela. iM ami lu.3. K 181 TRY KELLY'S TOWiuL SUPPLY. Tel. 35J0. CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. K-H4 EAOLF, Loan Office; reliable, accommoda ting; all business confidential. 13ul Doughis. R--J.66 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. N. ICth. Tal. lLl). K-18i EXPRLSSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage, 'iii N. lith. Tel. li-ri. K lii ITBUrlTT DESIGNS WHEATON. la tha UK bldg. . K-188 SIGN painting-. B. H. Cola. 1302 Douglns. R-1- PER FIELD Piano Co.. Be bldg.: no In (neat; lioneat values; an ay teims. Tel. 7'jI. - . , - . R-191 IL W. M'VKA, Plumber. 1124 N. 26th. Tel. 8747 ' It-lit BICYCLESI BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., HiUl aod Cluo irJ R-1V4 BARGAINS Uncalled for Suit r.na correct trouanri, tr.l 7 f arnam, upstairs, rooi? R. Ask for Forman. - 96 IPIfRP Stammering snd Stuttering. U 1 L, j Vaughn, Rainge bid Omaha R Ml!! THIS IS THE MONTH tltT. should be overhauled and repaired. Omaha Stove Repair Wk.. 1207 Douglas. Tel. 9i0. Ii M317 31 EXJTHT piano moving, lowet priced. Schmoller tc Mueller, 1.43 Sara. Tel. K:6. 197 STANDARD filter. Huber.. Tel. 3918. 1311 Farnam. R M287 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 S. 11TH. 'PHONE 254. Why carry your aoiled linen! Our wagon cull and deliver same. Bill collected monthly. R M'JOi AU P. MELCHOIR, machine works. 1.1th and Howard. R WSW2 AU C,C H SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. K-iJ LU Co., lbui Harney. Tel. lUii R ELSAFSER. machine and general repRlr works. Tel. 1477. 817 . 12th. R-3j t BUSINESS CHANCES FIFTY stockholders at 860 each wanted by local manufacturing concern (Incorpor ated) arranging (o Inoreane output of an axtii la of universal consumption; steady Income producer. M. J. Oreevy, 414 Bea hUl. 'Phone L-2330. Y M41J AiUiotT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., ctua tet you In or out of business. T 188 CHOLr S-ARMSTRONQ CO, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4a. Y 1U9 V-'HKN you want to buy. sell or ezcrxange your property or business quick, see J. XL .Johnson, la N. Y. Ufe.,'i'hone L2770. Y 2v0 TO pet In or out ef buatnees, or If you want to buy er anil real ewtate see Omaha ReM J' r.late and RunlnoH Ciianc Agency, 4o6 N. X. life bldg. Y-S34 CFT rry sjieclnl rlftn prompt sales of 1rnr stores. F. V, Krucat, 701 N. Y. Life bklg. YMiat EMPLOYMENT orn.'e for sale cheap: leev-m-i city. Addre.ie U 14, iiee. i MjSI A YKARLY lm-ome guaranteed to the ones Interested with us, a proposition as good p.s a government bond; lent month's dlvl tfend 1' ,( equsled 20 per cent; bark refer ence B i v " i ; write for literature and pros-pi-dun, which will be forwarded free upon v MilicHtlon ; representatives wanted. Davl. vr Promoting Co., Mliwauhca, Wis. " Y-M417 A 18 JiUSINKSS CHANCES- FARANDS. OMAHA At TKAldAL COMPANK, i.i MW VOUK LIFK BlDa.. 'PHONE fSiS, I T-M707 O.VK ll'i isw atock mdse. diif t' i"1 stock hardware. Ouat) hooncmoviPK outfit. One i4-room lotel, I4,6'"1. ('ne newMpaper outfit, r"i0. One lilMcksiiii i h nhop and twils, 8400. All In good !s. K. Net. town. . 'so !nd rale and exchange. It yiu 1iK''Ion, Aililreas X. C. i laming, Beemer, Neb. Y M787 1 FOR SAt-R, clothing store, established 15 vettra in one of the Imht towns In eastern Kf!jiHi..,i. Address 8 t7, Lee. Y-MS19 Six FOR P'Vf K, a shoe and clothing store ex chnslvi , t!alillshtd IB years; good town; iinc Uuu, Aum 'l 1, nee, Y MS?) Six WANTli'D Newsnsper (Virrespnndents. I'.iily . rrwMpHiers pay well for Hew ind Mo'lc. Fni'iffstlc men and .omen i ii ju to 3.0 per month from the. at.wt hi hone In this faso'nmli.ij v.mk, . Ad.K . -.. .We turn Press Hnrcau, Topeka, Kan JT Mi.slx WANTED, a partner ' O and services; JISO ilnwii, bsltinot froia litrln:sx. Naturt; Manufn;-t!irtnir chance of a centurv. Ad-tiit-Mi T 2. care Use. Y X S Six FINK stock hnrdwiire; ScHmUnavInn town; ubuut t-.u'-D; UirKln. Address T is Hee. Y-M i"J l''t' it f ALE An exceptlnnnl ofTcr If taken (it once.. I Hill innl'e i low pr;ce on mv pi' it of h ri"r! niech,-' ndln-. Hcnt-d in i tovn In nnrtlicrn centrnl Iowa: n.,. k -111 Irivc.lio iil-,nrf $r-:t0; nnnnnl s.iii H I j' ,v ; in in good nnd clein: food l.rh'k room. For full r-nrtlenlsra uddrtM t 49, lieo. Y M710 1 OF KICK hiislnces fr -'e mc (mi "ih, I'll. nice iiiiiiiths.. Ai!. hens T K. n-'lv Leo. Y R:"l n" WANTED TO CUY i ItiNil .l.U, the A NTlyL'A K1AN, K2 N Y. I iic, pa a iiifclicnl pii,e fur IjuoIi, Tel. i ij. N li-la U l;: 1 r I'llces paid for fum!lied flitta. H ,1. JL.uO. iV-W.ii JiiijIi a'-lhi .1 st corn In ('inaiia or uduti tvn. AiU're.-'s au. it-. N M L S t "i AN 1 I.H, iry store In eMM-M-ii Ne- t i.i.-t,,i uc Vi '.-.- n lin.,i; in'i'iiniliii filM.it A. i. 'i P. O, lii.a l, 4 -.kit ., i -w -. i 111' 1 V A I i : hi tiuv hot -,e rr htht nhiin.? o v '..-.11 aii-.-r p. in. t i . i ....,,...., ;i ,1 v e. N - 1 a ,i X i r' ' t I 'i il I i , i!ii In , I .i hi' t l '01111 t"U - . p I Ii I l . A T ' . ' J I T i l- . I iil I. . . , . . . i' :. . l WANTED F.!ALE HELP- SUMMER SCHOOL Now open at tha OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE fcjcventeomh and Ooug as. audents eiiruil every osv. iv mske a l-ci:ilty of sll Pulillo Isihool. pusineaa and Niirmul Uratn hes. Also 61i"i tl.snd. '1 pea l lima; and Telegraphy. Bend for buiunior r-chool Announ.ernnfc Rt-'llKBOOUH KROI. VVANTF.D-Two agents to work from our wngous. C. F. Aaama Co., Wl '"ra street o WANTED FOR V. 8. A RMY Able-bodied unmarried men between of Jl and o, o!i(r.eim ,f l nile.1 Eistes, of good charac ter and temperate hsblts. who can S!eK, read snd write En-!ih. For liiformailon spply to Recruiting Ofllcer. lth and I'ougla sts.. Omaha, Lincoln, Neh;- -or Bloux City, Ia. MOLER'g RARRER COLLEOP!, Denver, Colo., want men to learn bsrber trade, speriaj Inducements thla month; write for terms, 14 Mot Aix 4- W ANTED Five Canssers In Nebraska snd Iowa. 86 per week to the right men. Address 8 44 Bee. B MS. J WANTED A mIdilie-Hgert man as book keeper to go Into the country. Apply with reierences at McCord-lirady Co. B 8M 30 WE N.OED COMPETENT MEN To fill positions as niBnagers, accountants, advertising- men, talesmen and bookkeep ers; also technical and eiecutlve men, high grade exclusively. We have flVes In twelve cities. Write for plsn and booklet. HAI'OOODK Uocorporated;, ji Chemical bulldlny. St. Louia. . B A BOOKKEEPER, at once; 890. Western Rot. at Bond Ass n, 840-S41 N. Y. LUe B il 29 WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair ed CHiiltali' anlnrv. 11.072 rer rear and ex ucation, to travel tor a nrm oi wn, panses; paid weekly. AddreA with atsunp. j. Aiexanuer, umana, j inn. ; WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute olrcuinrs, niiv. matter, w a. slens, etc.; no canvassing- National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B Milt) 31x WANTED Everywhere, hustlera to -tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, en.., no canvassing; good pay. Bun Advertising- Bureau, Chicago. B Mini J AGENTS wanted everywhere; new, cheap combination accident ana siosnrw poli cies; most popular ever offered; death benefit, weekly Indemnity; absolute pro tection; novel system; annual premiums 81 to 8; no assessments or dues; sell to everyone, either Mi; all oUlma mir ie dlately paid; Insurance assets JX),0n0; lib eral commissions; exclusive territ.n-y ; ex perience not necessary. International Cor poration, 231 Broadway, New Tor ' . . B Ml'l elX AMERICAN Barber College. Wrl'e for particulars. k-muim AN EXPERIENCED window trimmer at once. Apply western rteieronco nc xj uiu Association, 840 N. Y. Life. B M126 8 WE need men of ability to fill positions tr-. are now open. inw u promptlr for list of vacsncles. Western Ref. Bond Ass n. 840-841 N. Y. Life. B- 812 V WANTED FEMALE HELP SO OIRL8; Canadian ofllce, ttth and Dodga. C ilM WANTED An1 experienced marker and sorter. Hlnchey Laundry. 409 N. Uoth at., South Omaha. C M9i3 O. K. American-German employment ofrlce, oldest, most reliable in Omaha, 154 Dodge. C Mj7 A6 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; small family. Apply at once. 240 Chicago St. C 852 SO WANTED, a cook at 8510. Farnam. C 828 29x WANTED Qlrl for general housework; no wnshlng; small family. Apply at once, 2406 Chicago st. C 85J 80 WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; wafcee 820 a month. 4S08 Dav enport at. C 864 81 A WOMAN to wash on Monday, at 2S10 Seward at. C-Kffl Six WANTED Competent girl for general houseworR; no washing, Mrs. C. B. Rus tln. 205 S. 87th st C-885 31 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN, good penman, wlbhea situ ation as office clerk or bookkeeper; low wages. Addrese T 21. Bee. A-Mffl 81x POSITION wanted by voting druggist; ref erences furnished. Address T 10, Ree. A MPA4 It f'CKEY TO LOAN CHATTELS . MONEY. II you are annoyed by numerous small hills that have accumulated during the winter It :nlKht be an advantage to you to secure money l.nun m end pay them and tlien pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock -and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are ts low as any and c gieat denl lower than snne. Our service Is quick and without publicity. If vou rave dealt with us and are pleased, tell others, end If you are dlspleitsed. tell us. Omaha Mortnnse Loan Co., ' 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2T95. (Established 1KL'2.) &j6 South Pith flt X-262 LOANS ON SALARIES. FFRNITUr.ra, PIAJIOS, LIVE STOCK. ETC. , PAYMENTS AND RATES TO 8UIT VOU. FELIABLE CREDIT CO. lOJ-UOS PAXTON 13 L1C TEL. 1411, ' MONEY' LOAN phoenix oreait Co., lud 1 aitUIl Bltf. DON'T BORROW MON1CY On H.iliviy, Fiitiiittire or l lanos L1-.T1L YOU kLD.l'a If you caiuuil call, wriia us or telephone li.n;, ai d we will scud agent to explulu and armufie loun at yoiu tcKldence. J. A. IIUT'ION CO., i!4 I'm Lou Block. 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 41IHJ to j,iah l'ans uu jour j cisonal tunc at 8 l'K.i t!Cff pJL.il UAR. Ali guod loans Aunted. Call or write nnd $ t l.iy system. v. i i-ua Lilian A Co., liu! jr uriiKiu, Ouiiilia. i Mt'NEV LOANED BAI.ARIKI) I'KdH K ii li J others w.lh security; easy payn.enis; luiscsil businiBi in 4 piiuclinl tuna. 'Joiiniin, muni 4ai, Chamber ot Couiioice BWt- X-ij MONEY to loun on (urultuia, hinnes, etc., at half Uhuiil rates. Dr. PrUjiienow, room ilS. at k, li. lith St. Tel. ii i.-. . X vi CHATl'EU S 'l-iry and jewelry loans Foley Loen Co., 1jj4 Fui nku Si. X :s JSALAUY and collateral loans. Templen-.n i.'i Jjcs l.dg. Tl. iiki. X ,i ' MONEY loaned o.i pianos, T inhture, . ciry, l.ui, cows, ic C. i' . Kenl i . a l. tu. X- . MuNtY KIt DtUllll' l I'tol-l.K. Sl'A lJJ?i CXJ., t4 1A.V1I.III llil.'l. lv. :--mi bi li FCI.LIlU, 4,:, i . Oil Wrtll II. . dl.HIIOlii .HiiO 'fk, lor liuinj , and t-li v. X-"if CSTECi'ATIIY J..I imvu InntitiilB. ti.j N. Y. tJie t-t.'.a. T. ' ' 4 M I. It. VI v'c,: ., 1 1 i,- !' f I . I-, i , i . . . a 4 i .I. J I . HE WHO IS WISE KNOWS WHERE TO. ADVERTISE Look over The Dec Want Ad Columns and note the large number of Wise Ones, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. Kth e Chicago. . Iki I DEWEY, European hotel, 18th and Farnsm. fc io 1126 PEH WEEK, Doran houae. O B. U k. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Fsrnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nlghie. E m THE FARNAM, lth and Farnam streets, a 224 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN Ane Cnaijn; luxuriously lurnished rooms and smoking pnors; appoimimwia first class. U0 fa. liia t opposite Mii.srd hotel. K ii. room, modern; large lawa, "phona. 11 Doutlaa. ' liW,0 SINGLE room, all modern. ti N 24th. j E M 3ix DESi itABLS south front rev. ; ?1Fai nam. E MaiS Six TWO nicely furnished front rooms, slnglo or ensuite; modern. 1S17 Leavenworth su l.' C..1 Dill NICEIT FURNISHED single room, walk distance. 621 V South mh. E 119 Six 415 NORTH Tvi,VTrFTirrFnii1,i '-room for tJght housekeeping. E Six t'i'!o.IRABL'K rooms, first -class location. J2J.A karnniH tjs a . a m FJRST-CLASS room and board. 210 1onff. llAa. CTO jrc-0 91 i X' m O I w U 6INOLR room, modem; mtef! r-f"nh'e. 1 1 IT t. -.. ... .. . - ' 11U1I1. J.j JVlSlJ 04 LARQE parlor; gentleman preferred; mod ern. 'Phone B-24P9. 2234 Barns m. E M874 81 FOR RENT, modern suite of room and win? auiAii room at intii c. zytn ave. K M878 31 LAROB front parlor; modern, detached uvuse;, jarge lawn; pr.one. L3 No. ZiTth. E M120 3ix SLEEPING rooms, furnished, also light i, v uu ci jii ll . IH) DO, lUn. JHj Jli2 IX SI VOLE furnished room; modern: close In. 1923 Dodge. fJ M123 Six LARGE front room, cool, modern; light iiuuoenoeiiiiiB; privileges, iwn I'Ritrornm. E M124 31x LARGE back parlor; modern; 'phone. 1711 Dodge. K M119 Six LARGE furnlxhed room. In West Farnam district; references required. Address T U Bee. . E 886 Six FURNISHED ROOMS AND OOARQ FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel. 16, h and Chicago. V2M TH li MiiLiUAM, i5th and Dodge, 'phone i6; nice, lleht, airy rooms, ensuite and single rooms; veranda entire length of building. F 227 ' BOARD and room 84. meals 15c. 1619 Dodne, ' F ZJi FURNISHED rooms and board. 818 S. 2h! O. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-M72 pn A T?n ami-. no THE PRATT, iu2 So. 36th at. 'Phone r.38. Jl1 IH (04 BOARD and room for one or two gentle men. In private family. Tel. J034. F190 ACCOMMODATIONS for two or three gen- ..,, I'lca.aiii, V.1I1.I I fllljllia, guuu HUV1U, lawn and shade. 221S Farnam. . . F M823 Six FURNISHED ROOM 3 and board reason able, 710 South 18th. F 318 31x NICFTLY furnished single room- board; all mooern. no. itn. FM 121 lx TirE ROSBJ Ijirre hack; parlor, strictly nrst-ciass ooara; rates reasonnnie. zoti Harney. F M75 Six UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO roon, unfurnished, modern, 8411! Cass. G MS96 80 TWO nice rooms for office or housekeeping. lacs Farnam. Apply room 3. J mm , x 4 OR 8 nicely arranged rooms. Id floor; con veniences; also large yard. -'12 no. lUtil st G M108 Lt THREE and four, rooms, modern. 18 Sci. sn. u urn lx ' TO GENTLEMAN snd wife, three roomii. modern. ML6 Farnam. Ci M715 80 WANTED TO RENT t OR 8 cantrally located, heated, unfur nished rooms. Address S M, Bee. , K-7A8 30x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS A NEW runabout top biiBfty to trade for driving horse. 811 N.' ltiUi. p-202 FOR SALE A first-class half Stanhope' phaeton; ha" been used one year; good :s new: oust will sell cheap. Call M b. Sd St. P Mowix HIGH-GRADE rubtier-tlre runabout. Blmhtly soiled, at half value. Also uood top bci:sfy and hsrneaa, cheap. Johnson St Danluilh, S. V. Cor. lUth &. Jones Ms. P M1J7 BKI5 the flne line of vehicles for sale hy t rost, 14lli and Leavenworth. p 2l W. J. LAPAGIC, carriage and wagon; 2d l.and vehicles for sale. 1607 Jackson. Tel. 24o6. P w A20 FOR HALE Two-seated phaeton and har ms, nearly new. Apply Mrs. F. M. Youngs, k'o- Flmeiice iitiulevard. P 8S0 SOx PATENTS PATENTS Ii. A. Slui'Sis, registered attor ney, l'ati-iits, 11 adtiiiiii k, copyright. No fee unleeti succuesf i,l ; 517 New Vork Life building. C nah, Neb. R-AHS2-A-14 Sl'F.S A .. l'atent Lawyers; advice fiea. Three oilices: lte 1'iil.dliig, Omatiu, Neb ; ;t IartMirn St., C'hito, II!, an-l 13 F at., WnliiiiKiun, D. C, Tel In. v n-iw Alia II. J. C'OWGILL, 430 Paxion blk.. Omaha. LOST LOST Fo kethi.k, with rertlflcule o " d Hia,t and checks avx i tgalms .lOout 1,. "i U'ld ahout 8nw ciirieiuj; . i isf tctoi y re wild will his pnlu fur retina of iime. 'l'lionn I2;M. . Iai1 Mlo4 if LtST Friday afternoon, betwe-cn Chicago and luiosl.iStn lu'ii slieel. a pocket IxmiK, C'oniHlioii money and icceipti; iiberul Imtaiil if reiurnud to Zoll liuiicy st. LuMt iML't Sox FLCPJSTS HJr.s.l & S'AijhdLiA, HIS Farnam. -C I L. Ill-M-I.! -. lit Farnam. Bend for pi n hbt ot ililt fiuwne and plants. -24 AIMIK'l i()NA(llli'i:, Jit., 1;7 rarn' U '1 el a .1 j v;antcd-cituatic:s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One note of 81.). due In one year; secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per (cent Interest, payable seml-snnuslly; slso one note for tl.tjnO, due on or before three years; In 1. est at 6 per cent, psyshle seml-snnuslly : secured by first mortaase on good property. lioth are absolutely, s.ife and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, &, Bee oftice. RE M4&S TWO brand new collages, modern except furnace; one i and me other $2.4i0. f-HlMLR A CHASE. Builder of Modern Mouses. ; RE 7J4 IIus. your property. Baker Bros. Fng. Co. R i 2S6 V? 8 Williamson Co.,u- RE 23 FOR SALR Two modern rottsrea. West farnam st. district, onjy ll.td-O each. Thomas Brennan, Room N. Y. Life Btdg. i, , RE-6.,6 CROPS, fine crops; alfaira oanner crop; central Nebraska; come and see; aend for Illustrated pamphlet. Willis Cad well, Broken Bow, Nebraska. RE M41S DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead In South Da fcota. Inquire W. T. DALY. 701 S. ltiih. Tel. mi . RE M428 A3 SOMETHING NEW. Juat finished, modern 7-room house In Kountxe place facing Kountse park, full lot, every convenience, furnace, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas. licks! plumbing, porcelain bath, cemented ceiiar, double floors, everything In flralctsjis shape; will be aold before ofterlng for rent at 13,000 on suitable terms. W. T. Graham, Bee Building. RE 7b9 84 DUNDEE PLACE Nice new 7-room house, entirely modern, nickled plumbing, furnace, cemented cel lar, everything new and clean. A very neat, attractive home. Price, 83,000. ' BENSON &CAMICHAEL 43 Paxton Block. R7&-W9 SI School and Indemnity lands on the Rose bud reservation will be offered at puhlio rale August 26, 1904, at Fairfax, South Dakota, For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of school and public lands, Pierre, South Dakota. . RE 7C7 A24 HOME FOR SALE PARK DISTRICT S7.000.00 No. 610 Park avenue, lot 76x140 ft., east front, 9-room house, modern throughout, new plumbing, has Just been re-decorated and Is In best of repal'-s; house alone cost over 83.000 to build. Is vacant so that L Immediate possession can be given. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam Street. RE-MS05 3 SNAPS Everything offered in this Ut la a SPE CIAL BARGAIN, Get particulars of WALLACE $1.300 80x140,- with' 8-room brick cottage, city water, aewer, near 27th and Leaven worth. - 82,200 Two lots and 10-room modern house, with barn; Capitol ave. and city-limits. 81.6UO for a one lot Hillside, opposite Yates residence; paved street, fine trees. 87,000 Combined businrss and residence property: fine ' corwer, I always rented; brings $1,200 a year can be Increased, to l,boo. Best investment of ths kind In the city, i - .- GEORGE O. WALLACE, . BPiOWN BLK. . , ,. HE MJ3J 80 FOR SALE ONE OF THE PRETTIEST HOMES - . IN BEM1S PARK. 1025 HAWTHORNE AVE. COME LOOK IT OVER. Rfij M871 30 CO 2CP4 TAKES my fine home In Walnut ipZ.,7)KJ Hill, i blocks from street car; seven rooms, modern encept furnace, nine lawn, shade trees, east front, full lot. Part cash, balance I per cent, Address T 9, bee. tltj JSJSOI 4UX WEST HARNEY ST. An elegant 9-room, all modern house juat completed $5,500. The Byron-Reed Co. 212 South 14th ' RK 893-29 FOR SALE. In Benils Park, that new -r. cottare on the northwest corner of 33d and Lincoln tlvd., just finished.) A snap. See us quick. Payne Investment Company First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. . RE Mil 1 FOR SALE-By parties wishing to leave city, a desirable 9-roomed house and burn, In ecell nt condition; furnace, gus, city water and clslern, large cemented cellar, storm windows, nice yard and shade treea, stone wtiks. Inquire of li. H. Ernest. 60S 8. 8th St. RE 190 29x FOR SALE, 840 arres fine farm land; 90 acres cultivated. 4u0 acres pasture, fenced, balance hay land; well, windmill and tanks; Buffalo Co., Nebraska; $iu 50 per aura if taken at once. Address ti. Hee. . . RE-M4.13 OMAHA BEAUTIFUL Did you ever walk up Capitol av from 17th at. to Hh st.T If not, da not fait to do so. It la the finest parked street In our city, commanding a view Of our High school building and grounds. When you arrive at 2uih st. do not fall to look at the southeast corner, which we have for eale, the most beautiful sit uin which to build brick houses for Investment, within easy walking distance and over looking the river and Iowa bluffs In the distance.'' For further particular see PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Bole Ager.ta. RE M117 1 NOTICE We msks and sell loans on city and turra prope: ly, wi lls hre and accl iaul Insurance In too txsl com, mule., rem limine., ii.ok after sain and caii sell your ridl fai lle, Ki x.nV. r.KAL L8TATE A 1NV. CO.. 3uu i..e building. liti-4i.il 29 DAKMAIN to Ion e pnrohastirs If you mean bu.uiieei!. Caii lioafd of Tl. le. hS-idcl A21 HAHOAIN IN JiOV'SIC fin I ocobi .1., near 2-iiti St., niod.rn ei-l't 1 .iu.ii, fcoii.l renuir, liirn h.t, .iaiiI I im. i,r,, vi i .i be oueied for a oh"it lime at ii-li. A'. T. Uialism, Lite Bun.'" J,i.-7.,8 81 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Northwest corner 274 H and Webster, ad Joining the boulevard, 8 lots, gnu. sewer and water In street; splendid location for a home. Lex us show you. It will be sold cheap. . Payne Investment Company Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. l,l. v RE MU6 1 FOR SALE fy the owner, 8-room. modrrn house In Hansrom I lace, on car line, paved street, stone walk, fine shaoe trees; easy terms. Address T 11,. Bee. RE 8 2 Six BEST BARGAIN YET Beautiful Florence Boulevard 8IX-ROOM MODERN DWELLING. Ideal location, enst front, half block from cm, built for a home, latest finish, first floor cypress, second hard pine, perfect a rrangement, white enamel pluinblnie, Carton furnace, cemented cellar, best to b had on the boulevard. Immediate pos session. Wc will show you through. Spe cial price. .t.0ut. ' SHIMER & CHASE Builders of Modern Houses. 16o9 Faiiiam. REALTY. Tel. 3-S7 RE Ml' '2 30 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT, nine-room detached house, thorough repairs. Just flninhed, modern throughout, clone to high school. Call for key at Morand s, 29u Dodge st. D M755 FOR P "INT a-rnnrn modem house, fur nished, near Hanscoin park Apply 416 8. 16th or 1135 28th St. D 418 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, lliu-24 N. Win. OXTice, iuli4j Farnam. TeL m D-.$ PAJ'NE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice houses, tkJl-tVja New York Life Bldg. 'Phone ltrni. D 247 HOUSESS fWv'i.Vo'.ai' BUiV D Lii WE MOVE planoa. Margard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14tl Olhce 171$ Webster st. D 249 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk, D 260. Uni ItJCC :n all parts of th city. R. 43. IIVUJLJ Pater 4k Co.. Baa Building. D 2ul , - HOUSES TO LET. $173 Farnam 8 rooms, strictly modem.$T7.9 1!'14 No. 27th rooms H7.50 Zaj'i Douglas 6 rooms $12.00 W. FARNAM iuMJTII A CO., 1820 Farnam at. D MG39 CENTRAL, good condition. 8-r. cottnse, iiS) N. 23d. D M3?0 FOR RENT July 1st 8-room modern brick. 810 N. 23d St. Inquire 220 N. i d. D M541 FIVE minutes walk from postofflce, 618 N. 19th, between Cass and California, 10 room modern house; rent, $40; will make reasonable repairs to suit tenant. Wslter Breen, 416 Karbach block. D Miil4 A BRAND NEW HOUSB. or eight rooms, modern and up-to-date In every particular, at 640 South 24th St., near fit- Mary's sve.. $40.00. GARVIN BROS.. 1504 Farnam st. D MSS8 RESIDENCE on Georgia avenue, near Pa cific, 10 rooms, attic, basement, modern, east front, fine grounds, 6xltf, trees. Apply $14 First Nat l Bank Bldg. . ' Yi-706 10-ROOM house In first-class condition; five minutes' walk from postofflce, 616 N. 19th St., between Caas and California, rent 310. Walter Breen, roam 414 Karbach block. . " D M737 . NEW COTTAGE Six rooms and batfe, 2140 8. 16th, between Casteliar and Vinton; $.'0 per month. Ready about August L Thos. F. Swift, 2u4 8. 161 h tu. Brown Block. 'Phone 979. D 141 SEE Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming, D M461 NfE G-room house, modern, lawn. 719 S. 7th st D 4&1 A-20X IN DUNDEE Strictly modern 8-room house, opposite Hoasrland residence. In quire of owner, Dundee Grocery Co., 4xo2 Cuming st. , D MM DESK ROOTiJ with phone jervioe nominal fent. J. H. Johnson, 84$ N. Y. Life. t M07I -ROOM cottage. 646 So. 2th are. D M781 I NEW HOUSE FOR RENT. $37150 for No. 2j California gt., t rooms, strictly modern nnd up-to-date GEORGE & COMPANY ; 101 Farnam Street. D MH04 -ROOM houae, on 81st ave., near Dodge unusually attractive In linlsh and arrant,. ment, handsome bath, hardwood llnlah. electric IlKht, etc., $60 per month. Tele phone F3uu6. D MSJ4 712 N. 22D ST., 7 rooms, modern, brick, IH N.. ?4ih t.. 9 roms mndern It" 2019 St. Mary's ave., 12 rooms modern, $50. Ringwalt Bros.. Suti S. lbth st. D M813 FINE 10-room brick, $30. Keys Dr. Pwartx lander, 2i Capitol ave. D MS11 3x -ROOM brick dwrliing. modern eacept fur nace, inquire 846 8. 18th st. D766. 8-ROOM modern flat, 1st floor. 13:2 S. Utli. , D MV70 'FOn RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, ILli. and the second floor loos-iu Howard. W. IL Bushman. 1-241 IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show you a norm mint omce on the tilth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of $.u. R. C. Peter A Cc... (round floor lies building. l-i::: STORE ROOM, 617 8. 16th lit. Inquire o I Clark Poaeii. Ii6 Capitol Ave. 1 ZSJ A $10 office in th Bee building carries wlrh It all of the convenient es and advantages In the way of heat, light. Janitor service, nil night and ail rt.iy unit Sunday elevator service. A $10 ofhec Is now vacant. Call , t once. R. O. Peters St Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1 tJ BKfT location drug store and laundry, ijolN. 2ad. 1712 STOREROOM, CENTRAL LOCATION7" No. Hill Howard St., with basemnt, $40. CEORGE & COMPANY 16ol Farnam Streets ,. I MSOS I ELEGANT suite of rooms on second floor of the Paxton block, Sixteenth street side, opposite elevators; can five, poeesalon In a few days. Apply to W. Farnum Smith A Co., Ujv Farnam street, or at room 6,16 l'axtpn block. I IM 4 THREE-STORY snd basement brick bldg., li-ifi Farnam, 21ilu0, hydraulic elevator, suitable for whuleaule or infg. 3l 1st Nat. bank bldg. L-M8i7 LAW Ar:D COLLECTIONS K. F. liUKHAKT Y, Att'y.. 437 PaxUin. Tel. A ifu. 2il Ji!IN M. MACFAItLAND. New York Llfo l.iilrf, room Hot and Hi4. lei. 16,i. Zi CLAIaVOYANTS (JUL Ml. It. palmlt.IL. 715 N. tid. Tel. B-.viS. WANTED TO. CCRRO'.V PERSONAL- DR. ROY, Chlrrpody, R. t & 8, 1 Fsrn.m. U v"S DETECTIVES Csrt. Cormack. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-'il. ' U 2ti M AHNFTIP treatment A path. HuJ HIAVJIMC llBmlth. U8 N. 15. 8fr. R.l U 126 ASX STEtNWAY planoa ar ema exclusively hy Svhmoller A Mueller. 13 U Farnam st. u-rro riprminil r Wka. Up-to-date clean- jcrinania ,r,. dyera m s. u at. t. n. i U-2.1 Accordion , pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C Mark. 17th and Dongls. U-272 F. H. O.: Your letter received, and I hsv don as you dleecied. 1 there anything more? Mother and A. E. G. are well asraln, thanks to your kbidneaa. Don't forget to call me up soon. U 161 2tx TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. THONE JS'4 U-2;3 "VIAVl." way to health 360 Be Rldf. U-275 TUB, vapor snd alcohol bth. 720 B. isth U 2i 6 DR. SLARAUGH, Dentist. N. Y. Life nidg. U 277 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. 6END FOR 1'HICK LIST AND SAMPLE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOftiJ-AS BLK. 'iEI. K34 - U M73ii pntC PRERSINO CLUB: 75o a month. rxWJCi,!, jD.g, 414 N. loth St. U M131 PHILIP BARNHART. come home or Write. MAMMA. U MlilAJU HiTQ fit"1, shaped and rreesed. llrti O SMAKHtS'S HAT FACTORY, IV o. 16th. U M774 A2J MARY: You remember what you said the last time I aw you? Nothing hss come of It at all. Can't you fix that little deal upr ii. i. U 160 2yx UNMARKED SOLDI ERA' AND SAILORS' GRAVES Anyone having knowledge of any unmarked graves of soldiers or sail ors of the wsr of the rebellion will confer a favor by sending notice of such, giving name, regiment or vespei, oate or oeatn , and place of burial, to Jonathan Edwards, president Douglas County Burial Co ps, Omaha, Neb. U 833 a LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rates to ell points. 106 Farnnm. Tel. B-2118. Mem bers American. Ticket Brokers' Assn. j s U M1U 29 CADILLAC automobile, good as-new, with tenneu, 80. H. E. Fredrlekson. 15"l Capitol ave. U-M114 A29 WILL the lady who so kindly took old l:dy and boy In buggy at Haniiiim pjtk Thursday afternoon leave boy' bev .ihoea at Bet office marked T 17. U M103 3 MAGIC STRAW HAT CLEANER; clean equally as well the cheapest straw, ex pensive Panama or delicate leghorn. Tiv mall 15c. Security Chemical Co.. Box 68i Mlnnespolls. Minn. U 82fi 80x I MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. -278 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregulaiiltlos of women, from any csuce; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 15UVi Dodge St., Omaha. 279 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Gardola, 2216 Charles. TeL A26iS. i0 PRIVATE home during confinement; bable adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. -626 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba . bles adopte. Mr. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th, 3d floor. Tel. 8559. M25S A16 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1S4S. ' W 23 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Dougla. A77l,A WANTED City loan and warrants. W. . I . 1. , j ,A 1,11 .7- 11 . K arnain duiuu ioju b.iiihiu di. W-2U MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-242 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peter & Co., Be Bldg. W 243 6 per cent loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-814 LOWE8T rate. Bemls, Paxton block. v.- -Ml' MONEY to Ihan on real estate at t and per cent. W. B. Melkle. 2"5 Rnmge Bldg. v t.n FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap, laerlgnt, 1119 Farnam, X VI o 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Oin.iha. Q 231 FOR SALE Several aoholarshlna In a f.rst-clas standard school rh Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shortlifind and typewriting. Inquire at Bee oillce. Q S63 TELEPHONE poles; long flr timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. Q-M233 WE RENT 8ewlng machines, 75c week. We repair and sell part for every machine manufactured. Second-hand mucliines from $6.00 to lu.tKs. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 16G3. Corner 15th und Harney, ' W 2.13 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto, mobiles. ' F. W. Liiccn, JUaum iron Co. Omaha, Q 2Jj FOR SALE-Soild osk and mahoginy top bank or caaliier s fixture, in good condi tion, nl a bargain. Address C. C. Rose- water, room lou,. ueo jjjdg. y .'4 FOR SALE CHEAP Book rest, cony i. uidcr and lei tor scale, nil In good con- riluon. inquire or ii. l;. .lnimerioan, 811 ... , 1 . 1 , 1 1 - lit -V- i iN. X. Julie- Diui., is i-v. a uir ins. i.o, Q-M:it6 E'.l'.'CTKIC nlcKel In slot. Peerless piano players arm iicgiua music noxea, big money makers, cueap 'for i-asii or time. k ...ii..i rfiuuiiL-r, 1JJ4 v ariiam. il 1 , -5, . ' Cr-Malt FOH SALE, kitchen rsnge and Radli-nt Home heaier. Address P 10, Bee. Si t,t TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FuH SALE. Two boilers, luO liore.e- powe.r, which hare been used tut six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap joints, insurance company peinilts of presaure of L5 pounds. They are now In nee and ran be seen at boiler hones rear of lie building. Can be delivered aliout Ausuat 25. Cull or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha. y Mci COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. 'liicago Funiltur Co., i4lu Imilne, Tel. 20.U J--ilj.t ICK CREAM 15c pt.. ?Sc qt., 9t'C gal.; made from pur crcaiu. Bunnell A lions, 1 ill and Clark. y-M17$ GO TO Diamond Loan Office for loans; bare a Ins lit goods In pawn. 141 lour'is. Q-fc(.2 HOUSEHOLD goods of nice 8-room flat; flat and goods new, Address B M. Tiee. y M ..I SOx GOOD family cow; will come fresh August 14; Jei.ry and HolHteln. 3o40 Vinton. Q-MM4 SIX FRFHH milch cow for sale. Chss. John u. n, 3115 Lske. U-S4 a BLACK, muiey cow; will he fre,h last of Ausuitt. bee Piper, 212 lie buddies' y i3 29 O. M. E. Tel. 611 i!HSi:snitR AND DAGGAOB. liiiS rariiara Sir.nt. W I LL C , C 70 J ft V A i J A . Z T : l ' v i li THIS Fdl THAT WHJ, trade sewing m writer. Neb. Cycl Co., machine for type- litu ana liarney. Z 2 V.'I-T ''ve you to exensrg for a piano t ierneWi i lano Co., Be biug. Tel. 7 1. ii 211 IF THERE la nothing In thl column you want put an ad. la aad you will soon ' ' Z-153 WILL exchange second-hand phonograph records for othera In good condition. N. 64, Bee ofllca. T Z M "'Jx FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine milli nery slink In a good Iowa town. Ad cres N. M Bee. -M2& BEAUTIFUL upright piano for drtrlng or draft hois.. Schmoller A Mueller. 1SI$ rainam at. 1 aj. IbJK Z-M514 FOR TRADE, half amotion, Woodson Co", Kan., in oil belt; good Improvements, all frnced, on hsrd, grove, lo0 acres In culti vation 1J0 acies meadow. Io0 acres pas. tore; leased for third Of crop I nd $1 per acre cash,. oil leas with royalty. Prh, $40; will consider trade In desirable Omaha residence or rental property. W. Farnam Smith Co., HO Farnam st. 1 Z MR15 WILL TRADE ten-room. modern house In risnscom I Imoa for nnlm prived property . Address T 12, In desirable neighborhood, i iee. b esi SIX When You Write ', to AdveFtisers remember It only take an extra tmk or two of the pen to mention th faot that you aw th ad in Th Be. , PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSIAD I High Grade Work. OounB block, corner of loth St. and Capitol Ave. -204 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINT ERS, lioa Farnam. To deliver work when. promised 1 our hobby. 2i6 J. M. 81RPLEH8, reliable printer. Estab lished 12 year. 2US & 13th St.. Omaha. M 168 A14 FOUND FUND Red calf. Inquire ?4't A street. South Omaha, Found 8S8 8ox POSTOFFICEjNQTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, aa changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending July 80, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at th general postofllce a follow: Par-cels-posi. mails close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mail for Germany oloa at p. m. July 26th and A u gnat 3d. , . Regular and supplementary mail close at Foreign station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half hour later than closing tin. shown below, (except that supple mentary malls for Euroo and Central America, via Colon, clou on hour later at Foreign staLioru. . . . Traaaatlnntta Halle. SATURDAY (30th)-At 4:30 a. m. for LIVERPOOL, SCOTLAND and IRE LAND, per . . Lucanla (mall (or other parts of Europe must be directed "tier s. . Lucsnla"): at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, , per s. a. New York, via Plymouth. Cher bourg and Southampton; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, ...per . a. Vadnrland (mall must be directed "per s. . Vader land"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Anchorla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Anchorla"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a. Islsnd mall must bo directed "pur , a. Island"). After the closing ot th supplementary Transatlantic mall named above, addi tional supplementary mall ar opened on th pier uf the American, English, Frencn ana tierman steamers, and re main open until within ten minute of the hour of sailing of steamer. alalia for Sooth and Central America, Weat Ia-!!ee. IS to. . . SATURDAY (30tb)-At 7:80 a. m. for NEW. . FOUNDLAND, per . . Rosalind; at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per . a. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary at 9:30 a. , ta.y for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, -per. a. . Zulla-(mall for Colombia", i vlaf Cu racao, must'be directed "per . , Zulla"); at S a. m. for PORTO ItlCO. per a. . ' Coa.no, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (sup plementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE Island, Jamaica ans Colombia. except Cauoa and Magdalena Dep'ts, per a. s. Samla (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per . . Sarnla"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per .. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per . s. Maraval: at 13 m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. . Ocean Monarch. Mall Forwarded Overload. Etc., Ex. cent TrasnpnrlMt, CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, clones at thia office aaliy, except j nuisuay, in d:wi a. m. (the connecting mai.'a close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdsys). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamsr, close at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p m. and 10:90 p. m, bUiidaya at 1.00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. , NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Mails) Py rail to North Sydney, snd thence by steamer, closta at this office dally at 6:80 p m. (connecting mails closa here every Monday, WedoeeUay and Su uriiivl JAMAICA By rail to Bosfon, and thene by ateamer, ciow ai- im. umco n v . .om p m Tuesday and Fridciy. J11QUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at ttria office dally at 6:30 p. m BELIZE, PUERTO' CORT'EZ and GUATE- ' MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer, closes at this ofik-e daily, except Sunday, ai: ji:w p. m. ana 10:;i0 p. m.. eunoays at: i:wj p. m. ana 10:30 p. m. (connecting in it il CR.se s her itnnd.ivi at I10.SU p. in ). COSTA RICA U.v rail to New Orleans, snd thence by atenmer, closes at this pftio daily, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundays at jl:0 p. m. ami 410:30 p. m. (connecting mall close hare Tuesday at 10:30 p. in.). IRcglHtered mall close at p. m. previous day. ' ' ' Traiaeie Malls,' Forwarded Orer- , land Dally, . " The schedule of c'sn , if . Transnaoina malls Is arranged on tha presumpi Ion of their uninterrupted overland tra:,slt to port of sailing. The flnal connecting malls (excepting registered Transuaolrto malls which close t p. in. previous day) close at the gunural poatotnoi., Nw York, ,.n 4,illrM,-s W PHILIPPINE lbl-AftJJO, via oan iu- : l, Cisco close at 6 30 p. m July 27th, lor , - despatch per U- U. 'Tranaport. . f T ' Hawaii, Japan, corea. china nd . ...-'- aneclully addressed mall for PHILIP- PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Iran- PINE ISLANDS, via ban Francisco clus at 0:30 p. m. July tun iur un.ii.n." s. s. America Maru. . , JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Tseoma, close at : p. m. July -lth fur despatch per s. s. HAWAII. JAPAr. COREA CHINA and the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San l'ranclsco. cloae at 6 30 p m., August lt, for ilenpalch per a . Chin. HAWAII via ban Francisco, close at 6:30 p. in., August lsi, for despatch per a. s. JAIArNva'ORRA. CHINA and PJIILTP 1'INE 1HLANDH. via Seattla, cloae at 6:30 p. m. August 3d, for despatch per a, a. TAIim"and MARQUESAS IPIANDI, via ' San Fra.clsco, close at t.M p m.. August 4l h for despatch per a. s. Marliioea. JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLAND?!, via Vancouver and Vto- ' toria, li. close st 6.i0 p. m.. August 9ih for despatch per . s. Eiuprtt.s of Japan. ' NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. fi.JMuA. HAWAII snd specl.uiy aJdressed mall for FIJI lrfI,A.Ma, via San Fran cisco, close at 6.i0 p. m. August ISth for despatch per a. . Ventura, f if the Cunaril learner carrying Ilia Brltl.h mall for New Z'aliind does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, estia i.-mlle clohliig st 5.90 a to, 8 :x a. ni. and S.tO p. in.; Sundays at4:Ail a. m , 9 a. m. and S.iki y m. will be made up and forwarded ur. ,'ii th arrival of the Cunaid i-niier FIJI ISLAM'S and specially Bildrcr-il mall for Al BIMALIA. and NEW CALK I iONIA, via Vsnconver snd Victoria, H. C., close st 6 30 l. m. August 13lh fur despatch per s. s. Mlowera. MANCHCltlA and KASI h UN SiHKRIA at pre.sut forwarded vl rtimtila, lus'..J ol via Jaimn, th usual route. No I F. I (ill ollierwlh. .l,Je. . ,efl 'West Auslrslla la fnrwsroml vli i unie; New ealand via Sn r renciw,.. c-r'.-itt places In the I lilnmi. I'lnvnn i- i f ) , riill, Knelcl.ow. hl.fliwall kml Kwi. Im-il, via luliiell India tne ijul, lutit rouma. l'hllll l dues spe.-i. lv s idler... , 'M,i c. a.la" cr "vP- ! iimi" ihuh be fi.nv pi e- uni St th fi'ii-lftu uln,. 1:',- in for- Waid.il ! v ' I- . . f. I ' ' . 1 I I. - V A . i.ii,' i - i.-r. A: ' I ) '. ", i H J 7 ( 1' ' n f AI - I 'iii, a. i i" oom cnnft, well t jure. t, il u. ) i j 1 .ml I1 Mil l -i y, .ci !'-'- i -I '.I i.-i.. .J li Im :i i ii f I n e 1 1 1 ri h -1 ' '!"' i , ;-. 1 1 i tr or 1 1 i ; 1 1 w. t v c v ; k. . i 1, . ... J v.. -ii. Ji .. .;. v T ! t f c. $!" UN H C - r 1.1' H'lllAlilS Secuit'T vr j.iiis. ivr n. .4. iiii.'i,-". 4r; 8 .1 , sir.:.:' ;,cl VLu Luij .. ji. ii. V. V.. I lo;. eeL. . i