Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    tit:: omaha daily t;i:j:: Trtur.ppAY, .tuly
Pari '!" flnn'!.
I.nrt'e giaases fit. ' ... ,
Ftockcrt Sflls rrp!.
tvhmldt' new studio, ) rrrmrtwsy. .
For rent, n.w niowonm. Main street.
Ptc?ura: f-,r wa-ling j'f rlvn special
attention. Ai" s ni-r . i--d iiroadway.
Look. Pure t fna Ha'ir, 14 is for li.M.
17. P. Tea Co. 1 none . J. W. U'Way.
Pictures firn to oriir. 1-Bcqueret colors
0 not isu. ! Wain. 1L A-0.
William Arrnl was liii a building l-er-mlt
ypKter.iny for a Irani cottage on
PI'.APADt SUeft,
A mnrrliirre ll-en tni lmii Jr'"'l V
to l!v4n Y. Andrew ! 3.1, nil Mauila
1". i ad -.lock, .:1 ii, bout of .llmh.
Notice of appeal by tht dofrnlnnt In the
'Ht of Mm, Jennie L. JiiAtlile lnia the
Ac'nx I.lfo Insurance tonumny was fiicil
in the dinlrlct court yasteraay.
1'eputy City Jtnrahnl tmrrt 1 called
ui)n yffttrfiiHy to "hoot n 1 i j. ..J
online whlrh bit John (Hlbert In the lea;
w ,me the latter wm rl'llnr bicycle. The
f rst shot sent the dug t tne ha hunting
grounds. . .
I Kf nherty," ng V, tt thi city, pnd
Tit 1 y keci'nn,. aim) ft this city, ar-i-ii.
vi(ri1sv f-r A rnirrrft llwnw, l.ut ea
the proa'pecUv brMa wua tinder niro and not the rj!i-'it of Jut jnreru they
wer refund a. licence.
Arthur tunn, charrel with rnsllcioi'-iy
breaking , the irnnt window In tra. l.ert
, pdlmin resilience . and 1.10 a lump, fi
tered ' plM of RuHty yenterdny In Jus
tico CHfnn cohrt an-.l whs committed to
tne county Jail tor ten liis.
The Qunatlon of sending it team of For
s rKir to the f.l. Louie exposition will
fiine vp for consideration" and action at
tut meting of lii-l camp, Modern Wood.
P"ien, of America, tuis evening and all mem
bers are requested t? be present..
Council .mfr tent of Maccabees enter-
tnti.en Us members end families last even
' ii i with very i,l-anrit social, at which
t. nrein-,n fmurt and Attorney H. J.
Chambers delivered rtilreees. Cards and
- aui axceiient musical .rGgram helped round
out a, very en,"yui9 evenins. mIi"
mni were rvi, Xhaie was a large
et'.sniiaage. ,
The polio are Cally rounding up large
: nuinbera of vags, who are alven a bread
nd water diet and then driven out of
town In relays. yesterday, with the as
flilnnce cf th Is'orthwestern officials,
Milur Richmond succeeaed In sending a
lars,e nuiiiler out ef the olty, the railroad
making; io objection to the hoboes board-
" lng the freight trains tn the north yards.
Mpaclnl agents of fhs Itock Island rall
. roau were yenierday Investigating the fir
ing of a number ot emus by suine ui.aiiowu
person which eir.eshed a window of one of
the car in jseiigor trnln No. 23. arriving
la ro Tuc- wUy r.!Bht at :2'. The shots were
hied us the train paesed a croimlng a few
. milt east of the city and caused consider
able alarm suioiig the passengers, who
"Jumped to the conclusion that the trsln
was about to be held up. Hottm of the
paaaengera were Injured.
Itanaveay en Pearl Street.
" rv-arl was th fcn cf an excli
lug runuwuy ycetefday, a team cf bronchog
. hitched to one of Mlnnick'a mall wagons
playlnc lha star roles. The team had been
eft standing in front of the Mlnnlck barn
opposilia - tlia , court., Louks without being
bitched, when they took It Into their heads
to start on a nvad gallop north on Fearl
BfreeU . N".f ' First cvnua they flashed
Into a bpssy.Vptcuplp-4 by. 'N?l Johnson
and his sun Louis. The Johnson buggy was
turned over and its occupant .thrown puU
... Mr. Johj' "u'a ' elbow Was hurt- and he
was also ivere!y bruised. The sou escaped
with a 'tew slight bruises. Th force of
the collision' upaet the mall wagon, whlctt
the team dragged on' Its side for abuut
halt a fciock befora they ' wr' caught at
" i'!'R$ avenue. . JMr. Johnsoa attempted to
gst out ot Uia way ef the runaway team,
but was prevented by a motor, car , a p.
cj.ri.VaohUigJ.iroiJi,.the. opptlta (Jlreclloa.
flea Oil Bollcrtors.
The officers of th Council B'.ufTs Trade
and, Labor assembly were somewhat exer
ciaed yesterday when they learned that a
j! solicitor- claiming to represent a Chicago
publishing house was soliciting advertUs-
v inents and the ratronofl of the merchants
of th city for a "Labor Directory," rep
resented as haying tft endorsement pf the
aasembly. The officers at ence took Bteps
' to notify the business men of the city
' that the "directory" was unauthorized by
the local labor unions, although the solic
itor had In some means scoured the signa
ture ot Secretary iiatiiial of the aaetriubly.
The efflcers of .tho assembly succeeded In
having; a number cf contracts which had
been entered Into for mlvertSsing snaoe
oancei'ed and others which wer pending
a topped before coimumatod. .
Woman ISadly Mart.
. Mr.' T. W. Fryer or Grfcham avenue U
suffering from a st-ver wound In th face,
th result of being struck by an Iron picket
- pin. Mrs.. Fryer went Tuesday evening to
v teed the family cow, which WB stHked out
on the hlllalda near th house. When th
..arii.nnl n- Mrs, Fryer coming It rmhd
tj ti.eet hur wiin such fc:e that It pulied
, th pin out of. th ground. Th riraoll of
th rep hurled th Iron stake with great
fune into Mrs. Fryer's face, the point
. -penpti-etlpf th side cf th Jaw and th
throat and Inflicting an ugly and painful
...irt Mr Fryr we e!mt Vrtnr. If th blow and wit!) dim-
rulty ft -ii In rejrnlning the house,
where exti.!!:ir.tin showed that th wound,
. while p-iiujul. w juM probably not. prove
eerloua. " . ' -
bel.ODK'1 Jv Aiiaalon.
Tlev. Henry ijtLong wIU tcday take out
a tui:ilr.s f-r tha crssttsn of a
1 ttifldlng- 24x31 fret,- located on Avenue E,
went of. the Klishtv tireet chool. 1 The
bulirtSi-.g will fca used for a aew mission.
The work will be along the lines conducted
at t'--a IkLoiig mlnRlon'et C9 i:&tt Isroud
wy. The money with which the lot was
purchased hn been (!vr t 1'r. EeLong
,. fcy a frt-nd cf the ch-.-iren who has ae.en
and appreclatud the work that has betn
, done at the u!Jer mission. Th lot Is fully
paid for and a smull aum-ha been given
tu ethft the work of building, which Is de
kia"! t tK.t about i i.
Heal Iml ie itonsfera.
These tranxiWs were reportad to The Bee
Ju'y 7 by tl-4 Title Carar.ty and Trut
ceu'pany ot Council JJ!ua:
l'otr a w &ttfmii. Invey-tFiifnt 'fOTrtnary
i .1J.: lot 1. LWk 1. lver.
tl . en. i , w.
J J. hiwM, e'-ot
V-.-fiinan, lot 1, biox-a
fc ' . P- d
1j, Cochran'
Two transfers, total..
...J b.i)
-1 J v x a.
IS n Vi:
Ilia i-i i
cry f.:-
i 'e
f "cnor..Mi.;:;iu
i I '
t, Utt
i f
r iii c
r! '.t i
i V.
Local Orer Wora rerformod bj Contractors
DnrirT the Enmraer.
Entire Block Itnprirrl for Bt !
lagle, Pnblla
Mast Pmr th Coat of
th Vr'ork.
Th city council heid a peclal eeeslon
yesterday afternoon and after viewing th
recently completed paving on Harrison and
Third streets, adopted th assessment
schedules as prepared by the city engi
neer. With but one exception all of the
butting-property on Harrison street Will
stand th cost of the Improvement and the
city will have to only bear about J'.OO of th
cost. On Third street at the Tenth avenu
Intersection some property w-found nut (
of sufficient ralue to stand th double as
sessment, and the city will have to assume
about tWO of th cost.
s The council also finally prised upon' the
paving assessment schedule for. Fifth
avenue between Third street and Ciark
avenue. On this on block th city Will
have to assume no less than 11.166 of the
cost. This block was ordered Improved by
th former council at th Instance, It Is sl
leged, of 01 property owner. Be that as
It may, th taxpayers are now called upon
to pay over $5,000 for th paving, curbing.
aewering ki'id araulrig of this Single blcclc.
for the reason that th property on th
south aid is ocoupled by a hug bluff mad
famous ty th wsrrlng classes of the high
school prior to the close of th school year
aa "Gibraltar." On th north aid th lota,
with but on exception, are unimproved
and their assessment valuation la low. The
consensu of opinion la that this block
should not have been Improved until such
time aa th property owners had brought
their lot to grade, when they would be
valuable ' aa residence sites, whereas In
their present condition they are almost
valueless. Th Improvement of this block
t th behest, a It Is alleged, of on prop
erty owner, who built a house on th single
lot h owned, ha cost th taxpayers of the
city upward of 15,000.
Speaking of this yesterday several of the
ah'.ennfcn, after making a personal Invest!
Ration of the block, said: "It -Was an In
Justice to the taxpayers of this city to
order this single Mock Improved, a It
must have been realised at that tim that
th abutting property, with the "exception
of. the on lot Improved, Would .-not stand
the expense of auch Improvements and
that the burden -would, fall upon .th city.
Two or' tSre year honco, 'when th big
bluff has been cut down, would have. been
ample time to have ordered thla residence
street Improved." ; '
Former Alderinaa . tvtll Not Ksn on
the Dinorala Ceanty Ticket.
Former Alderman L.' A. Cnsper has de
clined to aoCcpt the democratic, nomination
for member of th County Board of Super,
visors. '"Mr Casper- ha, hot! find Chairman
Miller of the democratic county central
committee to take ate name off the ticket
and have, the committee name someone
else in hi stead.
' Mr. Casper' nomination was Without his
coheent and, in fact, he wtl not 'even con
sulted about it-before the convention. He
had previously made plan for an automo
bile trip to Minnesota, on which ke now Is,
and for spending the winter on th Pa
cing coast. Not wishing to change hi
plans, h decided that he could not accept
the nomination. '
Vp to date Mr. Casper Is th only one of
the democratic nominees on the county
ticket who haa withdrawn, and It Is be
lieved that the others will stick, although
they all lunlst that th nominations vtcre
forced on them against their will. -
Th vacancy caused by Mr, Caaper's
Withdrawal wilt not be filld until later
by the democratic county central commit
Third Annual OatiuaT of Local Aaao
elation Come Off Today.
The third annual picnic of the Council
I'KuTs I'.ctfiil Croc.irs' and Butchers' aeso
elation will be fceid toduy at Mtoauuii ,Val
ley and tha attendance is expected to prov
a record-brenker. Last year about S.OuO
persons attended the picnic. But thi year
It Is expected thi number will be left In
th shad. AH th grocery stores and meat
in"'-'"'" In the city wl l. rloed tixlity,
so that the owner and employes can enjoy
th holiday.
The first special train will . leave the
Nurths astern Broadway dejii.t at 9 o'clock,
the second half an hour Inter and the third
at I o'clock.' Ticket held J?y those unable
to take advantage of these special trains
wti be roort, hnwaver, on th noon train.
The first special on the return trip will
loav isaieuouit Valley at 7 p. m. and th
other as soon as loaded.
'A bug and varlf.l proKrarn of sports' haa
ren arranged for the 1ay and ther will
be plenty of amusement fur all, both young
and old. The merchants of the city hav
doi.fcti-d a ln( assortment of 'valuable
prlf for the dJlTerent event on the pro
gram. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. taO. Night Fi'jT.
titnit U ostly.
"I didn't Intend to shoot him. I menly
meant to bluff him to death," was the ex
planation given by John Taylor when ar
raigned before Justice. Omen yesterday on
a charge of prcsatiting a loaded revolver at
George W. Tic and threatening to blow
his head off.
"We'l, If. the bluff had 'done Its work
and Tlce had dropped dead, do you think
you would have been junti.'ledT" anked the
court Of the defendant.
"Hure I do. I wouldn't be to blame. Bur
It w ould be his Own fault If he Is bo scaied"
nwerd Tnylor wl'.h a grin wliich spread
from ear to ear, .
Fearing ou anlkht be tempted to work
Suih a bluff arfiiin on the prosecuting wit
ness I will Mud you ever to keep the ie
in the sum of 't t Ik lined the court,
i .l Td)l. r b-i,. ui.ui.le to furnl.iti the
! .a vm .taken V to the county Juil.
1lor and Tlce He both ngro saloon
I 'i o '
i'iun.tii.g ai.d 1 tn. jj. 1 uty & p.
n. Suva iko.!. Sw.t.
J...,. t aiv, tie oui,if rumii who
Ijli.g at tt-a WooiHii's t'liril'4.ri aoo lull
' tr w
oa which urnoa11y lie- waa stealing a
In view of Pulllvan's precarious oc.nlillon
the ralircfld romperiy has been not!fle4 by
the young man's attorney that undur ait
oruer of court hi depositions la the eult
will be taken next Monday at th hnspKal,
provided of course that the young man sur
vives until that tim.
Thr llandred Mrn ItMe to Alonx City
Wllhnot raylnsr Their Fart.
ONAWA, la., July 27. (ripecia!.) Tester
day, Just before 1 o'clock, Mayor Harlow
received a telegram from the train dis
patcher of the Northwestern rftllway say
ing 200 men had taken ponreslon ot through
freight train No. 25- Council Bluffs to
Bloux City, Conductor Cole, and refused
to pay fare or get off the train, and ask
ing for help of police to remove them.
Myor Harlow and pollc fore wer on
hanl at the depot on arrtvxl of th train
and found fully it) men aboard, of all
kinds and classes. The men were In empty
cars, had not disturbed merchandise cars
In any manner and' wer very quiet and
orderly. They said they were going up
to th northern harvest fields and wtra not I
looking, for trouble, but were going to
ride and didn't wish to be disturbed.
Mayor Harlow Interviewed th men and
elsed up the situation, concluding that as
the men only wanted to ride and promised
to do no damage, the best way waa to
allow hem to pursue their Journey un
disturbed. : ...
On cat contained seventy-eight men,
several of them were well dressed and
fair looking fellows. Conductor Cole said J
iney nau none no uamage as rar as tie
could soe, but that they refuned o pay
tare and he was powerless to Collect The
train pulled out for Bloux City with all
Its passengers and eight additional tramps
from Onawa, who said they were hunting
. Reinbeck Women Orgranlse.
REINBECK, la., July 27.-(SpcIal.
Fifty Relnbeck women, member of the
Kennlngston club, attended the Chautau
qua at Waterloo, and fifty JVclnbeck busi
ness men remained at home and cared, for
the children. The town ha a population
of but . 1,200 and the removal of fifty of th
prominent women suspended PuiflnCss ' for
the day. t
When th plan to attend the Chautauqua
was first mentioned the men wanted to at
tend too, but the women objected-. . The
children wer left at home and the men
had to care for them. Soon after the noon
hour the men held a meeting and formed an
organization to oppose the woman's rights
T. M. C. A. Repretary for Ottnmna,
OTTUMWA, la., July 27-(8pecia!.) B, A.
Barlow, Jr.,- of the Central Young Men'
Christian association . at Baltimore, Md.,
has accepted the offer of the' secretaryship
of the Young Men' Christian association
at Ottumwo. Mr. Barlow ha been her
looking over the field and haa returned to
Baltimore -to:make preparation -for-locat
ing here. II la 85 year old and a. native
of Jamestown, N. Y. i
liver Medal Contest.
MODAL!;,. In,. July J7. (Special.) Last
night the Epworth league held a silver
medal oratorical contest t the Methodlat
Episcopal church. Mis Donxclla Stoke
won the.prlx offered. The other contest
ant were Eva Ferris, Josle Wade. Mary
Wade, Xat Logan ,nd.Be!l Gill. . A
similar contest for a gold medal will occur
at th.: Missouri VaUejr Methodist Episco
pal church Friday, evening. -- .
nisr Bin . Bio .
ON'AWA. Ia,, July '.-(8peclal.)-Th
bo basa ot th season or for several
.seasons waa caught at Blue lake .Sunday
by Fred J. Marshall, tax collector, of
Onawa. The fUh weighed five potands and
eleven ounce and was a splendid, on.
Fred say It la th best thing he ha
landed sine lait winter. ' ' ' '
Ppeetal Train
leave Chicago at 1 p,
to Itonton
m., -noon, ' August
14th via .Wabash railroad. Breakfast at
Niagara Falls, that evening In Boston.
Chair oars (seats fres) coaches, tourist
standard sleepers. Rourd trip 117.78.
All agents sell via Wabar:-J Insist upon
your tickets reading that way. The only
line landing passengers at main entrance
World' Fair. For all Information call
at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street,
or adJree t HARRY E. MOOItES,
Q.' A.. P. D.. Wab. n. K.,
" Omaha, Neb.
Warmer Today tat K-brssk and Inws
aad Fair Weather for
WASiHNaTON, ' July 27.-Fortcait for
Thursdny and Friday: .
For Nebraska Fair and warmer Thurs
day; Friday, fair.
For. Iowa Fair Thursday and Friday.
For Colorado Fair Thursday and warmer
In east portion; Friday, fair.
for AVyoming Fair and warmer Thurs
day; Friday, fair. '
For North and ' South Dakota Fair
Thursday! shower and cooler Thursday
ni-ht and Friday. .....
For Kansas Fair In north, showers nd
thai, uar storms in the south portion Thurs
day; Friday, fair, warmer in south por
tion For Missouri Shower Thursday, Icoolsr
In tha east portion; Friday, fair and
warmer, ...
Local Record.
OMAHA, July is. f
re rd cf tem-
Jn-mlulM bud p. ItK L
the cot reoponJlng day
e . .41
UlO punt
1904. 1M.
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MsTtnium temperature
.N inliitiiiii teioort? a.1 ure
J. .-all lerolrB.ture
1 if dpi lull. 11
Hecord of tem iierature and breclultation
at tnuaha for tnU uny since l.iurch 1, luo4:
oil tlti"(r!rlUie f 7K
(em v i' t ton (Uy
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Attonifji Will Try to Get TSef Trial fjr
Wife Harderer.
taprrme taart Divide Once o Case
4 Hope I Sow to Wis
Over 0 Jo4g for
, ' -' ' l)efa.- ' '
From a Staff Cotrcsponilent.)
DE3 MOINES, July 2t tPpeclal.) Iou!
Busse, th Butler county wlf murderer,
who rostsd under sentence of death for
over two year and la, alill nominally un
der sentence ot death without any expec
tation of adorning a nooue. will make an
other attempt , to convince the supreme
court that his brutal crime Was technically
only man'aughter. ' His attorneys hav
filed a petition for rehearing ttr the u
preme court. In view of the divided con
dition of the courjt the, is great probabil
ity of the case being reopened. The chief
reliance of the defense fa In r-frrcl to the
admission of evidence coneeTnlnjr the al
leged confession of Buese. This 6onfes
slon, said to haye been in writing, was
not Introduced, but portions ef It were pre
sented .orally, ahd the defenee- claims that
the suppressed portion would hav af
fected the case materially. The other con
tention of the defence Is that while drunk'
ennce 1 not an excuse, for crime, If it
could be shown that th defendant wa
drunk It would have material bearing on
whether his crime was premeditated. II
claim that h flew Into a rage when hi
wife struck him over the head with a
chair, and he seiied' the chair and killed
hrr. The court tietd that his drunkenness
was not shown, though there was evidence
he had taken three or four big drink of
whisky Just a short time before the crime.
The case I in a. peotillar condition. Th
court, after ponalderir.g th case, reached
the conclusion there should be reversal,
and one of the Judges wrote, an opinion
taking this view. Then another wrot a
dissenting opinion, holding th trial had
been fair and complot.- Bef Or the .an
nouncement wa made th dissenting opin
ion gained converts and at th finish tha
court lined up three against three. Whil
thi leave Busse still under sentence, of
death, there Is no way of having th en
tnc executed until the governor reviews
the case -and readies the conclusion that
hi life Imprisonment should be terminated
by a hanging., A Ah governor la not
likely, to ever take. such, a step. Buss will
remain indefinitely in prison, unies the
court reopens the cse and grant him a
new trial on a ruling which would mak
It Impossible to .convict for any greater
crime than, manslaughter. ., . .
Iaterarbs Vnluea la Iovrn. ,
The state executive council today an
Tiniineed the aF(?s!iihent -on lnterurban
railway in the etate,. The total valuation.
for taxation purport thi year is
an Increase of 87,697 over last year. The
fhang-.. la on two .'JWk The lnterurban
line from De Motnes to "Colfax I assessed
at 3,0OO a mile ot ,600.' wMch adds
$28,726; and the Waterloo & Cedar Falls
Hp bought an ,;abridon,ed lino of th
Oreat Western from ''Wa.verly to Bumner
and this U aesessed af 12,600 a mile, or
t.m. The other llnee - aaesed are the
Boone auburban. t'ii,AiniCS'dar Itaplds &
Mirlon,'tho Ma. itf Clri'dc-Clrar Lake, and
the Tama & Toledo," ail assessed thi year
a last. -- -
Exnresa Vol nation.
Th .valuation of-express line ia low.
thi year, Just, completed by the tat
executive council, flrfus1 :Talue for taxa
tlon purposes the anie las last year. Th
aggregate Is as follows . on each of th
different nystems rn'-th ate: United
Btate. 188,617; American,' li,S5; Ada ma,
tS4,S10; Wells-Fargo, J294I8; Pacific.. te.W;
Oreat Northern, 3,t)r. ' , ,
Contract lor Blind Heapltal,
Th Stat Board of Control haa let the
contract for the building of a nt w .hospital
at the State College for the Blind at Vin
ton. The bids "revenled the fact that the
$8,000 appropriated for fh building would
not be euftli-ient, but by the state furnish
ing the stone from th eu-o prison quarries
at Anamoea. a contract, wan entered into
with M. 8. Sutton ' of Vinton that 'Will
come within the state llmilatla.
. fetation Wanted lor Farmers..
Residents of Joxikson county In the .vi
cinity of the place whore' it is proposed that
the new station la to be located on. the
Milwaukee complain that they hav been
misunderstood In that the demand for the
pew station come not from tha town of
Spraguvllle, but from the farmer near
by. Th farmer claim that they are en
titled to a station t com point on the
Milwaukee cutoff, and axe urging the rail
road commissioners to order a siding put
in at the placo !ltt! Ti. Commis
sioner hav not decldod th matter be
cause not all the papers in th con hav
been recelvad.
. New Prddber t,ivr.
A great many inquiries are comlns to the
state 'officer in regard to' the law
which provide for counties fixing a license
fee for peddler In tne country, 'in ere I
some misapprehension of the law and a be
lief that If enforced It will, prevent any
kind of canvassing In the country or' tak
ing orders. This wa not the intention of
th lawmakers, but it 1 being so; con
strued In many place. It has bad the
effect of reducing th number of peddler
operating In a general way in the state, ,
- Nominated for Congrraa. j
Republican ot Iowa completed their
ticket for congressional candidate In the
stat tod iy by the. nomination In cimven
tlon at Iavnport of Albert- F. Dawson of
Jackson county, ' The Domination was by
acclamation, as there was no opposing
candidate. Mr. Dawson has been for sev
eral yA( th private Secretary to Sena
tor Allison and previously was engaged
In the newspaper business at Preston. He
has also had charge of tha speakers'
bureiftt for the republican state commu
te during the lust three years and a such become very well known to all the
republican campaigners of 'Iowa.' The dis
trict U now represented by Judge M. 'J.
Wade, d.-mocrnt, who will be nominated
for a atioiiJ tntm. .
Walker Is Free Man.
John Walker, colored, formerly of Coun
cil Bluffs, secured ball today and 1 free to
a!o Ten Llillion
.. Tt i.r.iAT.:ra t;i-.::..a
aa!t tnl 8nln for the murder of Iac
Flhkelieln. Walkrr was convicted of mur
der In the second decree and given an
elaht-year snVnce. The supreme coxrt
dec!del the evidence did not warrant con
viction. He wa brought bark and placed
In the county Jail ftnd: today he gave ball
In r.c-'O and wn released. The man wbo
was Indicted for Mring Walker tl Kill
Flnkelsteln waa acquitted.
Colored Knlalite of Pythtaa.
The grand lodg of Iowa Knights of Py
thias, colored, commenced a session her
today with about BO present, representing
about twenty lodges. A feature wa th
arrival at noon of th representatives of
Western Btaf lodge No. 1 of Omaha, which
belona'l to the Iowa Jurisdiction, with th
roloTed Knights of Fythlas band from
Omaha and a colored base ball club. The
colored pythlart gave a grand parade this
evening on th streets.
. tiet Terminals.
Th St. Joseph, Albany & Dee Molnen
Elecir'o railway ha made arrangements
with th Dcs Moinc Union railway for
terminal rlfthts In tha city and trackag
rights for a' distance outh from th city
Th deal wa closed at a conference be
tween F. B. Mordaunt of the proposed lln
and F. M. Hubbell of the I Moinc Union,
Fnneral of Joaeph Pace.
AUBURN. Neb., July S7. (Speclal.)-Th
funeral of Joseph face, chief of police.
took plae from th Presbyterian church
at U o'clock today. It wa very large'y
attended. The funeral was under the aus
pices and management of - the Modern
Woodmen of America, of which order the
deceased wa a member, and held a cer
tificate for $2,0"0, All busineM house
closed during the hour of the funeral. Kev,
Prtngl preached the funeral sermon. ;
Isnirl Sample.
3EATRICE, Neb., July 27. Ppclal.)
Samuel Sample, a veteran of the civil war
and for the last twenty year a resldont
of Beatrice, died yesterday at his home
in thi city after an Illness of several
weeks of stomach trouble, aged 67 years.
He Is survived by his wife ahd four
children, three daughters and one son,
Funeral services were held this afternoon,
being In charge of the Grand Army of th
Mr. Kllaabrta WUlett.
Th funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Wlllctt,
who died at St. Joaeph's hospital last Mon
day, will be held Thursday ' afternoon.
Services will be conducted at I o'clock at
fit. John'a African Methodist Episcopal
church, Eighteenth and Webster streets,
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Juy 27.r(Speclal.)-
ev, j. u. &ieyer ot tne local uerman
Methodist church, thi afternoon performed
the ceremony which wedded M!s Carrie
Bchults to Mr. George Koeneke, both well
known young people of this section. Th
affair wa witnessed by a' large crowd of
friends and neighbors and took place at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. August Bchultx, a short distance east
of the. city. The couple wUl soon o to
housekeeping on the farm of th groom
la Washington county, Kansas.
COLUMBUS, , Neb., July (Special.)
Joseph Rothleltner of this city' and Mrs.
Anna Schlnxel of Coffeyville, Kan., wer
married by County Judge Ratterman yes
terday, at hi office. The 'groom la a re
tired farmer of this county" and is 69
years of age. . The bride gl'e her age
a 81. They: will live at Leigh, Colfax
County. " ''''. T
; ' - Walarom-rine. ' .. j
-; OSCPOLA,.. JMeb., ..July p $7,-9pecial.)l
Mis May -Pin wa united-in marriage to
Albert Walstrom at Osceola, Monday, by
Judge Ball. They will make their home
In Osceola.
Inapeeto Cueefca n Catator County Una
- - anal Declare' Hint "
HOLDREGE, Neb., July 27. (Special
Telegram,) B. Breckney, : who .has been
postmaster at Oconoto, Custer county, for
th last two years. ' was brought before
United Btate Commissioner Beghtal today
on the charge of embezzling 42 from the
money order, fund. Breckner waived ex
amination, was placed under $1,000 bonds.
In default of which he wds committed to
the Pouglas county jail, to await in ac
tion of th United States grand Jury. The
arrest was made by Deputy Marshal
Ho'mnn on complaint of Postofflce Inspector
Bwlft, who checked Breckner up and pro
nounced him short, Breckner Is a married
man and la about it year old.
B. ftreckner was lodged In the Douglas
county Jail Tuesday night by deputy
United' States Marshal Hom&n, on- com
mitment from United Etate Commissioner
B.egktal at Holdreg. charged with em-
betziernent of 1443 of postofflce funds for
which -he wa responsible, Breckner was
bound over to the federal grand Jury In
It WO. -.
After ItJarly Hunters.
ORD. Neb., July 87 (Special. ) A deputy
state game warden has been In this vicinity
for the Inst few days In an attempt to lo
cate early chicken hunters. Thus far the
efforts of the warden have been fruitless.
The birds now range In slse from one to
o-thirda grown and afe more plentiful
than for years. Very few hav been killed
thus far this season, as tha county 1 re
ported to be practically free from market
KblfcYtt of
Louisville, Ky., August 18-29.
The Chicago Oreat Western railway will
on Apgust 12th to 16th, Inclusive, sell tick
et to Louisville at very low rate for the
round trip. Quod to return until Aogust
Slat. For full Information apply ta D.
'arkhurst, general agent, 15U Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Preparing for Wyoming . Lixpoal t ton.
C11KYENNEX Wyo..-July J7.-(8peeial.)
The executive committee of the Wyoming
Industrial convention and exposition held a
meeting today and Completed arrangements
or. the fourth annual convention, which
will be held tn Casper on September 20, SI
and 22. This convention promises to ol!ps
anything of th kind ever held In th went,
both In the matter of attendance and the
variety of the exhibits shown.
Probably on of the most thrilling nd
lntcreJUli g events will be a reproduction
of the battle of Plat bridge, which oc
curred In July, on the site of the pre-
Bo::c3 cYcr.r.
ent cilr of Csaper, between a lnre bind
ot Cheyonn Inlians and t troops of
cavalry. In thi fight th tr-vps were over
whelmed and many were killed, but the
Indian lost heavily knd wer flnnlly com
pelled to retreat . Reinforcements arrived
from Fort Laramie and the Indian wer
driven out of the country. Thl memorable
battl will be reproduced In all of Its d
talis, th Indian taking part. ,
Huron Wnnta Harvest llnwaa.
HfnON. 8. D.. July 37. Spclal -In-qnlrv
as to crop conditions In this locality
disclose ' the fart that present Indications
ar that Pcadl county will begin the har
vest this week pf 0n of the finest crop of
small grain ever produced In the county.
Barley, rye and bats In many fields, and
more especially the early sown, will bo In
shock In th next few 6ys. Bright, warm
weather 1 needed; there Is abundance ot
moisture tor corn, and that crop Is making
rapid progress, while potato's give premie
of an abundant yieid. The appearance of
rust In some small grain fields Is reported,
but not to a damaging extent. There Is i
demand for farm laborer that so far x
reeds th supply. The hay cmp Is one of
th heaviest known to this section and Is
aow being harvested. .
Stiffness, Lameness,
- cM Riseumatism
Why do eo many men and women of
middle lira low their elasticity and move
with a much difficulty a other do who)
hav passed their three socr years and
tenT ' -
Pimply because they h allowed their
Systems to gradually fill up with Urlo
Add poison. What at first appeared to
be '"only cold" of "an attack ot La
Orlpp," later produced soT.-iei" In the
muscle. Lumbago, Backache, Stiff Joints,
Khenmatlam. or IVormity. ;
FLIMINATTjM th moat atlafaetorf
remedy known for thea conditions, it
Set by. redlssolring and clearing out th
urate poison. Th earlier you begin th
treatment tb better th result.
E. J.' Wllilama, a prominent stockman
of fihtmandnith.' write April M, 104:
Ellmlno. Mdlcln Co., Dm Motnes, la. ,
Gentlemen I have been a sufferer from
sever and gent attacks of Rheumatism.!
I hav been to the Spring and triad
many Temedte and. doctor, but yoof
ELIMTNATUM la th only thin that ha
helped in. I consider It th King ot
Rheumatl remedies and do not baeltaMj
to recommend it to any sufferer. Vrr
respectfully your. " 3. L Williams. 1
Becur this wonderTtd rrmody i todr
from your druggist and ramov tb pois-
on that oau yon tremble.
For sals bv Sehnefer' Cut Price Dnii
Store. K. T. Yates, Proprietor, 10th and
ChlnhaA CI- fl fc, .. IDl..... ill r.- .
,,.nn ' .-i"j ..llll, X iflllir-o 111 1II1U ll'i;
24th and N gts., South Omaha, 'Phone No.
; lith Avs, and Main Et Council Bluffs,
Phone S.A
coats over the surface, nor does
it go. down Into the pores and
dissolve their necessary oils. It
opens the' pores,' liberates their
activities, byt works no chemical--change'-'
in those .delicate
juices that go to make up the
charm and bloom , of a . perfect
complexion- Test ft' yourself;
- , i,
Chtrza Ltii.thaa All Ofiiertv
-. Dr?. ' l-
' Treats all terms ef j
r.:rj criLY 1
A Medical Expert
Zi ' Years' Experleaa
It Years In Omoiii
. J Kanriy J0,0 Cii C
Tartfeneie, FtiIi-imi. nioo Irnl.on, Strirtura,
Oiii, 1rT)lJ tif' ii!r. tun r lmuii tut Vitality
Sn4 ail firrn af elir-mil Qntaec
Tr.OT.i-ni lr n.oil. ar write. Bas IM. Ctta
vw t- a. ijt u, owns, Kcfe -
FnMCli I .m
Falulnaa, aad sot
taut or aoiauacua.
. C. . i.
Kol4 by Jkrsgslst
a. un t Im .1.1. vf.BGi
! l r ! pra.a, prapaid, trf
j 90 or bottl.ati.7i.
i Cuauux aaaa a InaaS
I i Lip )
lU'ill & SEr.Ul
Omaha. Nets.
) c::es e:'i?xtT)
i ulvkr and fer
"a. . ,
... than other
i: ; epiiciAUAT.
, ecraa ail i'ciJ Jioai
Is"''" ei k.aoay. biaiilx
' , aad iaa l Huutu
'.. p:-., reea lo Ufa, ry el g
.vj f ..J ajai.jtvu. awn on U, le
meats, tonfiw, umt, aftd yebroj
!lllyg cui e.i-i"r cei. illicitly forevar.
Vn,tr. ryiud. aoifi4 aad
r tr raioa l.i ii.tu
ting, paia t Pae ef tti" Neve f&U
(iuickrt eiu la tt w
P .-n f from ;.biaafaa resi
bi.a, a... i-.d m wm,jia, aanaat
SaaUUiy. aau'Ur am) lu ylaur aa4
YT-i,.,i-.t ty rf"- li r-sr-s C? ("CS
Ca.iu'ULj fhat'l LA OaaJUiAv Ul
a4 ( iata Liut twuaMia,
""'i : ft
..ej r::nr:3v:::.::
' utiti llaa Bl '""'"'
la I u t aan. , 1 i h-,iulii.UiH lima,
fawwM ltrlClluuS fcF Ilkwirat'oM
i ai w a..-1-..ra. - ot aootll n.aa.ljra.
... .rrs,
A1S 1ii3 Year Urooiid Otflco
uotn r hot In Summer and euld la winter. ORl.-w that
are always w.ito ia winter and cool la summer ar In Tb Be Dct'3
tng. That I becaue th building wa bulit by an architect who kit
' tt.ea matter In mind and bacaus th building I situated so that there
is no'Wit sin beating doon upon It and ther la iilac.ty f tlr on til
side, and Uiroush th eourt on the inaid.
V'e hav a few vary d.-liabi eU.cea at very rAuiii.. e fi'!ar.aV
Iit u elm them Ui yuu.
n t. j - -
m w at k
r n
p v
r r
w:ill find roMng eqttal'for ml'iS'tro.
tlunir qiiftlitlo.
f ? n I 1 1 y
. V- t.ii a .
ha altvsyg bon rrrtnnirnlod by phy
sician for its milk producing tjuaUUc.
It ia liiTarlably niod t tha
throch"iit the conntrj' bwenoe cf Its
unequalled milk producing- qualities.
Fred Kr2 Drcwin Co.
CaaU'i Model Urswery.
T!ephon 430. . C1AH4
I lateraatcd 4 f-s
' Tba Tw Srrfe-. il ."
fern ml t.x . f.
- .--! f-iiv en .,,'.(,
i 4n.t,'t tW tt, k,.
)iit-lrlfM Ixh k-t'4. ?fS V. I f -
f.iU pu tu-uir ftml fin-- i f , 3
For U $!" ' T
CTTAKFFWS IRt;rj KTO:9, lrn ,
Clilcago Fts. ; Bo. Omaha. nil ri fi ku
Council BlufTa. 6!h and Mln r-i.
KUHN A CO., liiH an lxiugia fftrAet.
O. AVE. Tel. 611 AND BAQGAOa ' '
1411 Famam fitreet.
ON TIMSl :.-ij '
n - 1 1 --474
Chleaco, Rook Ilan4 A PailCe,
' Lev. arrive.
rtilrijn rT"rhl Llmlt4 . t....s .a
hlunte uyiilil ijooul . T mim a ''
Chirtgs Expra .......bil 01 ptn a 1:1 ipia
lea Moinn Kipraei 11 DM au:Miia
Caicasa aa aj4na a M
WE.f. ' .
Hooky Koantalii UaM f:Mm atiHsn
Uiiroln, I olorcl springs, imc ,
vtr, Pu.blo ana a liw yr a : pm
linton Pnoiilo. ...
Tha Ovarland I.lmltd ...a 1:4 am l:M (a
Colorado Sr CalllnrnU Eipns. ..a I 10 p tiWta
C twlal a a
Eitatrn Rxprnca lI'Wn
Columbui JyOel a I M n a
Colorado Bsealal tllMu
CnlM Spell . a l ie ant
paatrl'-a Uical m..U M k 15 pm
Fiat Mall -a I. Warn I.Wu
Cblcaso a Northwestern.
Faat Chlraso , ,.a I 59 m
Local ctlcuge ait to ara .
W am
10 oe i i
11 :n pm
a-16 a.
to am
V..U ..i.i 110 pm
narllxhl Pi. raul a t to am
DarUsht t'hlrasa ...a 7 )0 aia
Limited l'h!.as .,, ..........a I n ,m
Local Carroll
a a ii pm
Faat St. Paul
Loral Sioux City aV St. fanl.
rant Mali
Chlraso ffxprvaa ,, i,.r.
Norfolk A bon.ataal ,,
Unrola A Lonr
Ladwood A Llncolb ....
Caapcr A Wranlcs
....a :is pm
7 W am
....a t.w pm a " am
.... a I M pm
a I 'S v
....a S( at li i-t am
....a " .m M am
....a I M i a ' l io pm
.... I M pm 10 pm
Chicago, Jatllwanaie a, ft, P1U '
CMraga DarllsM gTpraaa ..!. .a ! all Wj.Ba
Caiiiornla-Otaaoa Xxpraaa a 1 P a I 10 p-a
O-erlnnd Llmluiit a I aa Tm
Ua Molnaa ukobojt apnaa...a IM aua a i.iapm
CklonaTO Great , Wee tern. ,;
Bt. Paul Klnnaaaoiia I,lmllrd..a l pm a f am
Ht. Paul A Miouaupvlla K.prcaa.a t it am a I pm
Chloasn Limited ............ ......a d:tpra . aio ;!.
Caloaso Sipnaa ,.. ....atla a pm
Illlnola Central. , V
Ctalcaso Bipraa ..,.a t:'-9 am aio fl pm
I hlato Limited .......a t 10 pm a " am
Mluniiapolla Bt. Paul Bibrraa.. I M am k; M pm
MlauaapoUS A BU Faul Unl4-. IM P. a a I-
Mlaaonrt Paolfle. : .- . ..
St. Louis Bpru 10:l am s - rm
liinm CUrant. Louis sUpraae. .all: pm a f p-a
World's tut Spaclal .....a l a pm ail.4am
TVabaah. '
St. LAula Cannoa Ball CiprM..a :4 pm I a
Naw Wnrld'a rmr J -6 a a
Local from Council BlaTa ,.a t:ioam a liopm
Cbteairo, Barltnetoa- A Qalney. '
-,- . - Ion. . 4iw.
rhlr-aro paola1 t .........a ? .W am a ! pm '
Cull iio Vfiaiibulcd Eiprass.'. ...a t oo pm 1 1 :-i
Chicago Local ..t.aft:laara alt:wipm
ClilraKO Limited at Vapm a 7 10 p
Paat Mall 1 aa p
Kansn City, St. Joseph A Coaaolt
Bloff. . . .
Kaunas City Twy Bipreaa .a f ! am a -n pm
St. Loula Plyar a I. 4 pm ail '4 am
Kaaaaa City Mint araaa..., pm' lia aia
Bnrllagrton tt Uisaioarl River. '
Wjmora, Baatiira A Ltaaqia .....a I M am bi3 pm
Nabraaaa llrvprvaa ,......., ...... .a am a 1 -4 r
I ' Llmlied a ; 1 pm a I 'l am
Biaok Kills A Puuat S.-uttd a . .ail .u pm a I lap a
Coloratlo Vaatlbutcd fljiar ....... a I pm
Llneoia Faat Mail k l it pm' a ' i pm
Fort iirnok tk rittiamouta ........a 1 in pm b.v am
11. llama A riiiiiio iunoiiiis ......a t M pm a a .1 am
tinllarua A Caclfia Junotloa .,i,l I Dm .
brliarua and 1-laltau.tfauh..... .tLl.jS pm
Hiaaotarl Paoifl. '
platiraaka Looal, rla Woaplag
.bt.iOpm alI Spai
9t, Pnnla atinneaijwvaa A
Tela Cltr PaMn(rr
fc.i.ux cijr r.n. ii tsv
Oaklaud Laoal ......
. I SO m a S ipm
.al-wpiH a..--
b. h il iiM
b Patly axcttt Swtidey,
a iAiii aaovt Muuaar.
Calif aanaM
occax JiKAMairs,
r"1l " , . j I?"""
I. to a ?t..... - .. a.i . g
Naur lwlo-Bora t Unt ot U l Ti-.-.,
Iittrf Vliiin-kon it Lai4. Tl ir ilUsn.A.
' kallUia Iu., at 1 A. ti.
Bottardass ...Aug. t matafttfaia .........Aiif St
aiyitilam ....... ...Aua. IKimmh ,,,,...A. j&
Knraam Aua. If F --.-.! li.m LI h, LatrtutB f. ... ill
liL' J.... i. H. . .4
Buitiarlord, lift f ajruam St. I J. a, 1i..
yaraaia St-
t f I t i
:A Willi
...ot l'h.-
h bi t t:
. y I.J 1
... is
r r 5 .
. f a i , ,
t ( 1.
r !
14 1
n. c fltl::s & co.,
1 1 I..
Ti: C:z r.".v :
t ., t.
J i
tf i.