Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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'.vcrVe Trt JJen. Tp will Fercj
CUrabnilaia'i Oatf.i. f
fend Captain Webster Oft Field
and Fines Bekelbeclc. and ' Ve
Brld Tliamaa WMfl
th Halo.
Sir it was Mr. Umpire Kelly' day at
,'lnt"n street park yesterday. Thl huakr
(entVtman allowed three meimwra ot tho
it. Jo engrciratlon that- they muiln't
"monkey with th buxi-saw." He sent
Captain WebsUr (ttt the field for Intimat
ing that certain decision wsi "rotten,"
nnd assessed, ilcl3rjd and Scheibeck each
IS for a little back talk and sent them
irom the .coaching- line. Bchelb and Mc
UrHle rubbed up against Keiley several
ilnni'ln Tuesday's game, ahd yesterday
bflnj a little worm, the fat gentleman
with, the Indicator didn't care for such
t!of relation. ' Maunln covered econd
oaii after Webster loft.
Y.terday' me wn fraught with
many of the element of comedy, logltl
tniiie drama, trasedy and other form of
(ilsrtrtnnlo art. The Omaha player tarted
ln. bramcr and ton, the first three men
up, Carter, Howard .and Milter, making"
three rune, which proved plenty to bring
the Hangers out of . the fray with color
flying. Chlnn, the Great, then settled
down to business, and while the local
nearly increased their capital stock at dl;
fi;ent point of the game, yet they were
unable to Increase th lucky three.
From the first inning on It was a battle
royal. s The Mlseourlans grasped straw
ti-itll the ninth, and then were plucked a
a brcivJ from the burning by Belden, who,
with one long swat made the only thrce
bara hit of the day, the only earned run
eM at the Fame time saved th Saint from
drawing large tero mark.
Bander made his debut of the season In
Omaha yesterday afternoon and divided
th honors with Chlnn. Neither allowed
anyone to' walk to first on free transporta
tion, while the' hit and strikeouts bal
anced the scales. ' Chlnn win in great
form with the bat,' making three hits in
as many time up, and was left on his
bsse two of the times.
Thomas stuck at' hla post on first with
at Jarre' halo around ' his head. With
etKhteen succulent chances coming, not
once did he sleep at the switch, but was
ji and doing like a yearling In a ten-acre
lot. Attendance, 800. 1
Th ecoret '' !
' ' ' OMAHA.
- AO. K. . H. PO. A. . E.
C-rfer. rf .... 1110 0
J -ard, 2b. 4 1 1 14 0
I pf. -M: ..... 4 1 1-100
J l"li, cf.. 4 0 0 0 0 0
T'-'inn, ss 4 0 1 3 T n
1 . i : vi i S
-liinne. St 4 0 J 0 2 0
o 2 0 0 J 0 0
tinners, p.
...... S 0 0 0 4 0
Totals 81 g 7 37 28 0
-. eT.JOHEr-IL
T'-T?rld ss., 4.0 0 2 1 0
linrtman, cf.. 4 0 1 i ' 0 0
I f-Kotte, rf u 4 - 00-80 0
I -iden, If ..v4 . 1 1 0 0 0
tjchelheck Sb.. 4 0 8 1 . 0 1
Kfaupln,' 2h ........... 4 0 0 J I S
f'ttrvin,- lb 4 0 19 10
irConne!l. e,.. ....... 4 0 0 8 9 0
Chlnn, p............... J 0 3 1 4.0
TotaSs ..
Omaha ..... I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-S
St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
Harmed run.' St. Joseph, 1. Three-bsse.
kit: Helden.. -Twpbase hit: Dolan. Left
on bases: Omaha, 7; 6t, Joseph, 7.. Has-
on error: Omaha, 3; St. Joseph, 1. Struck
out: By Banders, S; by Chlnn, 4. Double
rly: .Howard to ..JPnlan . to c Thomas.
c mn uinr: j oia n .. .. nacrince nil: uond-'
lng ' Time:' 125. -Umpire: Keiley.
Ilomaf ttan Win for Sioux."
RXOVX CITT, "July 27. A home run by
Fremer jn the tenth Inning won-the frame
jit cvio i uy ioaay. in tne Degimnng ot
the ninth Luclu threw a ball at Umpire
eefe and whs ordered out of the same.
1h-n Pioux City took a batting atrenk nnd
tl'd 'he score: . The score: H.1I.E.
f'lou dity...O 00000002 13 7 1
3-ienver .0 OftlOlOOO 0-2 0
. Batfrle: Sioux City, J.-.rrott and Ander
son ;-,)enver, Kenria, Lucia und brown.
- . Des Mofnm Win mi !,
M:s MOTNra, July 27.-Pe Moines de-'
f'it..l 'otiirdo Pj'rltir"" tod.iy Jn a poorly
piwyed sumo, 3 to !i. Score:
' H.TI.E.
pes Itolnes ...0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 8 2
C-1,, i .1. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 6 0
lwutii'N: L'ca Moines, Hoffer and
Towne; Colorado Seringa, Is'asli and Ilae:
wald. ' ' RtaudlBs at tbo Team. -
' ' - " Played. Won. lost P.r1.
Colorado Springs.. ..75 47 28 .67
2 "enver VM 43 I 83 . . .tV-s
I'U'inii 3 41 41 .t-)
l'va Moines i...K8 3 43 ' .JvK)
ft. JJtfh. ,,,.77 . 81 . , 44 .4.1
fclotig City ...........73 , 27 bi .342
(lames tnl;iy: Ft. Joseph at Omaha,
I'nivt-r at fcmux City, Colorado Bprliiga at
JLea. Woines.
' Kail C'ltp- Win Second Game,
FA1.T.8 CITY, Neb, July 27. (Hpeoinl.)
Kalis tMty defeated Nebraska City on the
Iiu ai . (etour.da by the score of 12 lo 7 in a in, of lieiivy iMiiinir. hh i '.rit:
I'l.'ur f'liy, Atklneou, Huua and Potest;
N(I.isi-mi Cl;y, IhoiiiHS end Alberts.
M. I.oatx )'! Ilettearteins; Kiperl
e.ioe to ie tjlith, but Win Out.
' P3TTr-'!i!'l:, July 2?. Pit tabors; made
enly one lui up to it- eightn, when three
. .. in, J in ww. - e tli.ii ilia ouiy
cluiiir-e Ihey hi:S durlnac the gain to win.
l.; n w will! nml furced Jn a run. At
tinianre, 2,'llrt. .ne:
ur. Lot. is. i rrrTsruutrj. O A . J h o. A.B.
Furrelt. 2b ... 0 14 4 6 : -turnout, cf. 1 1 0 0 0
l , non, rf,, 1 0 10 0 K rI(r, lb...l 1110
t.rkley, lb.,1 I II t O'Wajnar. a. . . 0 0 4 1 0
; :.u.,i, cl 0 10 1 0 ; rni,ld. lb 0 0 1 0
I lain, aa 0 0 1 4 0 s-t,rln, rf...S 0 I 0
.nmy. lf...O 00 l'(hfy. Jb... 0 1410
' !. rv.t. in 1 I n I 1 .U'l. It 10 10 0
.ri,lr. u I 1 1 0 C..r.r. )4, O....0 1111
0 Noll, it 0 1 0 ( 0 Ljuuu, p 1 1 1 1 ,
T.rtal . 19 17 15 1,1 Totala...... 4 11 10 1
f t, , ...l" 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 05
1 lll.-nil'i.- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 04
iire-OuBe hue: Krust-r U'Noill' Vi).
f' M;s- Krii.-r, rjuiinit, Grady.
i.iit-n basea - P'.ui, l.urke. louble phtv:
. 1 nrrt-H to H ii! v 1,m, i on bsllsi ( nX
I .v inii, 7; f-ff ' - ; l, 3 s'riick out: i -l.viuli
S; by O'livui, 1. Time: 1:41. Um
pire:. Enislls.
Krrera Ifrtp Ffoston Win.
r.OHTON, July 27. llard end timely bat
tinK, coupled with I'hlliLdelplilii trruia,
r J p..
I . ''I . M
gve rtoetr.Ti a victory todiy. Att--r.dnce,
Cli. rt I t
T-'.r. la.
Ah ti. hln, h. 1 1
I . If.. . . 1 1
I PHlLjkDKtJ'H'.
O A I R.H O A.B.
I Thm. I
(l w iv.rt n. ! 1
0 v.K-". rf I
hu. lb.
PTmr. ih. .,4 1
t 0 71'u. If
0 !lilwltt, -
1 (i y" e
t ....
rr.Y. rf . . . . 1
Yi lih'lm, p... A
Tu-.N IS
1 Km.r, p....
xi 1,'ifuar
I Tt! 1 11
Patted for Epnrks In eighth.
Pr.nn 2 0 0 0 0 1 1
Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 -
Two hnxc hit: Mpre. Thre-base hits:
Ahlmttlrhlo, C'Brnev, MrfSee. fitolen bases:
Wolverton, Jji-t'hnntv. Ionhle llayr (ilea
son to Hoth. i' lrt huse on halls: Off Wll-h-lm.
2; off Frrr, 1. Hit by pitched ball:
!v Wilheim, Tltie. 8trti-k ouf: 1'v Wll
helm, 3; bv Fparks, 4. Hits:
In seven l'nnlnpt: off Fraser, 2 In ore In
ning. Time: 1:46. Umpires Carpenter.
Brooklyn Tlnytblna for York.
NEW, YORK, July 27. New York won
handily by a score of 11 to 2. Attendance,
S.iJi Score:
. ft H. OA. M. I R.H OA .B.
UrCnrm'it. ell I 1 ". rt 1110 1
Urnwnt, rf...l 0 IMIIon. lb. ... 0
Mrhll, rt.. 4 0 t,mnlr, rf... 1116
riinn. Sb t I t t Shlnrt. If.. 0 1 1
M-Unp, li).. 1 0 10 0 0 irn, 3b.... 1 1 t 1
M--. If.... 14 1 0 l!b. M 14 11
ihln. n.... 1 10 1 l lwwn, c 4 14 4
(Mlhert, lb... 1 114 0 .lordtn. 8b.... 1 0 11
Warner, C... 1 I II 1 t Pool, p...... 000
WlltM, P..... 0 1 0 1 t Jmw, p 0 00
Totals...... 11 1 17 U ll ToUls t J4 11 I
New York... 0 0 0 8 2 1 0 S 11
Brooklyn. ............ 0 020000 0 02
Three-base bit: Iy'imley. Pacrince hits:
Browne, Mertes, Ollbert, Dillon. Stolen
bases: Jinn (2)t Merts, Bhecknrd, Ftrang,
liabh. Hits: (iff i'ool-, 1, in two inritnrfa;
off Jonns, ii, )n six Innings. I--ft on bases:
New 1'o V. 7; Tlroohlvn, fl. Ilrst bnae on
IhUik: 0(t Wiltse, 1; off Poole. -1; eff Jones,
1. First base on errors: New York, 3;
Brooklyn, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Fy
Wilts". 1; bv Poole, 1; by Jones. . Struck,
out: By Wiltne. 9; by Toole, 1; by Jonoa, 1.
Time: 16. Umpire: fcimmer.
Game Postponed.
Chicago-Cincinnati game postponed; rain.
' ttandlnsr of- the Tennis.
riayed. Won. ' Lost. P.C.
New York ........... ii ' B0 23 .723
Chicago 82 M ; , Si .dO
Cincinnati W' tl (34 .fJ
P(thur5 t n . .f-.y
Bt. liul S3 4 S7 ..f.'.4
Boston 86 31.... HV '.
Brooklyn I....-1 ' 81 68 . 848
Philadelphia S2 1 3 fl
Game today: fit. Louis at Pittsburg,
Cincinnati at Chicago, Philadelphia at
Boston, New York at Brooklyn.
Cleveland Takes Hut One Game from
'' : -Washington.
"WAPHINOTON, July 27 Honors were
even in the double-header between Wash
ington and Cleveland, the locals winning
the first, 1 to 2, whll the econd went to
the visitors, 7 to 0. Attendance, 4,rxi. 6oore,
lliwt game:
R.H. O.A.I. I H.H.O.A.B,
r.blin, b. 1 oimirtr, . rf....; 0 10 0
Hill, rf 0 0 1 0 Hm. If...... 0 0 10 0
Caaaldy, as... 0 Oil ) :ir.lley, lb-. 1 111
fitatil. lb 1 1 7 1 1 'I-Juis. lb....O 0 111
O N.III, cf... 1 1 0 0 0 l-nniioo. lb. 1 1 4 1 0
orm'k, b I 1 1 1 Ol uriior. M....0 14 4 0
H-ilneman, if. 0 1 t 0 9 I'r. f 0 110 0
riitrka, 0 0 1 11 0 0 Urmta. e 0 0 10 4
I'sttea, p 0 0 0 1 0 Loumbua, p... 0 0 1 0
Totals.,.. .."l" 17 l Totals. 8 4 14 11 1
Washington 1008000'0 8
Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 08
Two-bfl(e hits: Coiihthlln, (Ptahl, Hickman,
fttolen bases: O'Ncll, lrndiey. " Sacritice
hit: Hess. Struck out: Uy l'ptten, 8: by
Lonohue, 6. Lett on buses: Washington;
3; Cleveland, 8. Time; 1:30. empire:
Bcore, second game: '
K.H.O.A.B. K H O A B
rifk, rf 1
Heai, If 0
Bradley, 8b... 0
Lalola, lb.... 1
Htrkman.v lb. 1
Turner, as.... 1
Bar, of 1
Abbott, o 1
Bernhard, p.. 1
0 0 0 Ought I n, lb. 0
1 1
1 1
1 I
0 Hill, rt 0
OiVaatdy. aa... 0
olStanl. lb..... 0 1 11
(J O'Neill, cf.... 0 11
6McCorra-k.. Ib 1 1
H ulaemAtl. If. 0
o i
Ktllrada. e.. 0 (
Tnwnand, p., 0 10
UuaoTaa .... 0 0
Totala...... T U 10 0
(1 11 I
Cleveland -.. ft 0 0 0 1 -0 1 5 07
Washington 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0-: 0
Two-base hits: lilckmnn, JUajole, O'Kelll,
Coughlln. Stolen liases; Cnssldy, McCor
mhk (2).' Flick,, bay (3), Sacriflce hits:
O'Neill, Turner. Double ptay: Townsend
to Cassidy to Btahl. First base oa balls:
Off Townsend, 8: off Bernhard, 8. Struck
out: Ity Townsend, 4; by Bernhard, 8.
Left on bases: WaHhlngton, 8; Cleveland, 7.
Wild pitch: Townsend. Time:- 1:45. Um
pire: Dwyer.
Detroit Gets a Basketful.
' PHILADELPHIA. July 27. Waddell shut
out Detroit with ease today. Attendance,
4,(3. Bcore:
K.H.O. t-.B.t . - h.jt.O.A.I.
, U...1 ISO a'tlarratt, cf...O 0 4 0
flrkerlns, cf. 1
i'avia. lb 0
L. I TOI5I, b. , 0
Heyhnia. rf... 0
Murphy, lb... 0
hi. I'l'oa. aa.. 0
sii.-.ik. c 1
WjiMell, p... 1
J O MuliHyrs., f.. 0, 1 10 0
0 0,1 a nr. lb 0 .0 7 1 0
0 1 ti ( lawful d. rf.. 0 0 1
1 0'Ue. lb 0 0 I 4 0
1 1 1! ureniins'r, lb 0 0 1 0
1 1
0 0
,1 11
a o
UlWnod. c. 0 0 1 0 0
01 Drill, a .00 1 0 0
0 ;nvll, p.... 0 0 110
kl' Leai'y.
aa... 0 1110
Tutala 11121 1 1
i Totala.
.. 1 34 1 0
ilillndnlphla ..
Two-base hits
.. 10004000 5
.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Murphy (2), Chreck, Pick-Three-baee
hit: Hartzel.
relng, Waddell.
Ieft on bases: Petrolt. 6: Phlladelnhla. 8.
Struck out: By Waddell, 11: by Btovail, S.
First base on balls: Oft WaddWl, 2: off
Btovail. 2. Time: 1:40. Umpires! Klnn
and O'Laughllii. .
Ten InnlnaS at Boston.
BOPTON, July 27 Boston defeated Chi
cago - lu 1 'n un exccllrul ten-liinlug game
today. Attcnduuce, 7.SW. Bcore:
It H ft i 1 -uunaK
Selbach, If... 0 2 4 0 o'jem,,.. cf. ...,'' 1
nihil., lb.... 10 0
Blalil, c...... t 1
0 (lr.n. rt Oil
It .0 Calubar., !.. 1 1
0 1 llWVlK, .... 4
8 C 1' -: :b.. I I I
0 0 liuiiHun, 2b. ..Ill
1 OiTaiuiehlll, lb 0 0 0
1 01 M.Karland, cO 1
KrMmaa. rl..
Par--, si.... t
I,l huuee, . lb 0
tm-rla, db.,..
Cria-er, e 0
Young. P
1 0
1 i
i 11
1 1
1 0
U'billlllv P.
.. 0 J
Totala 1 tO U II Tutala. 1 Tit 10 1
One out when ' winning- rut was made.
Hosiuii ....0 00000001 12
Chkaso ....0 00000010 01
Two-base hit: Ilundon. Three-base hit:
pHrfif. pTl'l" - Iiu..," - Oi.l lln ynirur.
Double plays: Iavls and Donuhue; Bmith,
!tvl and li'iHhue; M. i-'ai land and l)avl.
Kases on balls: tuf hiiilin, 6. piruck out:
Uy r.niuli, tt; by Young, 7. Time: 1:23.
Umpire: Connolly.
fitandiusr of the Tt-ama.
' ' Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Boston M Bi 31
Chlcapo .hi tl -83 .b.'.l
New York so ,. 47 88 .6-8
Cleveland ...71 45 84 .5V0
I'hilKUfli.hla, '.'.kl 43 , 28
Bt. Ixiuis 7 f4 42 .4S
lietri lt ( S3 47 . .41.1
Wu.-.hlng tun bO 1 Ui .1113
Oaiiie todnv: Kt. Loul at New York,
Clilcna-j at l uMon.
. lienrtllct Oott-lHM Ilacbelors.
HUMi.OI.IT, Ni-b., July ir7. (Special.)
The at-'-und wute of hwe bull bciwern the
married and the rlnln men whs played
yeaietilny aftenifion, iiirphf-d by C. It. Wil
son, und wlliiesmd by u luree and
crowd tif spectator. 'I be slns'le fol
lows weie enllit-iv r,utlaed, aa in the
lire i gLuao lust i-rutay, and tn score was
1 r I i i f Tt' II Hi' I
I '. , . , ! li I t 'J.O.
j s... , I .
Tim oifATiA
In 7. a number of the latter runs bclnar
r.Mlnd throueh the s;nproB!y of ihe
wlnnlna sld. "Ihe battericw wre: Mar-rie-1.
I.lnn nd 8-(ir1st; single. Turner end
Indianapolis nnd Colnmbne rir
Twelve Innlna In Tie.
INDIAN A PO LI R, July 27. Ftfhr and
OlmHted divided honors In a nm wi'S
called at the end of the twelfth Inning
on account of rlarsns, with the score
tied. Attendance, 1,150. Score:
Vi-Cnrj, rf. 1 I I 0 tPith, rf 1 1 1 0 0
Xeroon. aa. .. 0 114 OMnHlo. It.... 0 110 0
Voi.ig .ry, rf 0 0 Kihm. lb 117
( ,rr, lb 1 1 1 0 Pll. Ib 0 0 111
Swanlr, If . 14 t Ixer, o 1 1 11 1 1
H.rlrer, 2b 0 1 1 1 1 firmer, tf... 1 1 1 0
M. k.r, lh.... 1 1 IT 1 0 VricleT, Ih.. 1010 C... 7 1 1 Prldwell, aa.. 1110
Flabcr, p 1 1 0 OjOlmatrd. p.. 0 0 0 1 0
Total! 1 1 M IB ll Totala 1 19 M 1
Indlanspoll 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 6
Columbus 0 0002210000 0-5
Bases on balls: Off Fisher, 8; oft Olmited.
4. Struck out: Bv Fisher, a; By Olmsted,
8. Twn-tMne bits: Pwander, Olymer. Three
base hit: McCreery. Pacrlflce hits: Mar
tin (21, 01mtod, Klbm. !ouhl plays:
Brldwell to Klhm; Wrlgley. Brldwell and
Klhm. Btolen bases: lUckey, Heydon,
llBKer. Left on banes: IniilanppollR, 4;
Cnlumbiis, 10. Time; 2:20. Umpires; Crom
ley and -Glendon.
Break Kven at Milwaukee.
MILWAUKEE, Wla, July 27. Milwaukee
and PL, Paul broke even in a double
header this afternoon, the home team
winning the first gnme 4 to 2 and losins
the second 7 to t. Bcore, first game:
R.H.O.A.B.I R H.O.A B.
one, It 110 0 Jones, cf 0 110
B-h.e'.r, aa.. I I 9 Jaraaon, rf. .. 1 0 0 0
JO'Hrlen. rf. 1 1 0 0 Wbenler. lb.. Ill
Clark. Ib 81 l Flournoy, If.. 1 0 0 0 1
p. .uphill, cf. 0 0 1 0 0 Kelly, lb 0 1110
Pelia. Ib 1 11 0 t O llrten, as. 1 4 1 1
puilerr, e..l 1 T I 0 Vart-an, lb... 1 1(1
bateman. lb.. 1 It 0, Xullivan, ... 0 4 1 0
Loua bny. p. 0 0 1 OiS.Ralona, p... 10 0 10
(.-hscll 0 0 0
Total...... 4 I 17 10 1
I Totala 8 f 14 11 1
Batted for Sessions In ninth.
Milwaukee 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
St Paul 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 03
Two-base hits: Slattery, Marcan. Three
base hit: Bateman. Btolen bases: Wheeler,
Klournoy, Kelly. Buss cn balls: Off Ious;n.
erty, 4; off 6i-idons, 4. Jilt by pitched ball:
J. O'Brien. 1'asFed bail: BlaUery. Sacri
fice hits: Fchaefcr, Balk, Dougherty.
Struck out: By Loti-herty, i; by S.snlons,
2. Double play: Keiley to Marcan. Ift
on bases: Milwaukee, 4; fit. Paul, 5. Time:
1:43. Umpire: Hart. Attendance; 2.0UO,
' Bcore, second game:
R.H. O A E.I H.H.O.A E
Jones, cf 1 1
0!!" one. If 1 1
Jaikeon. rf... 1 1
OiSchaefar, as.. 1
0 J.O HrlCQ, rf. 1
OlClark, 3b 0 1
OIHemphlll, cf. 1
0 Rclti. Ib 0 0
O'Hpeer, c 0 0
V heeler, Ib,. 1
Flournoy, If.. 1
Keller, lb.... 1
P O' Brian, aa. t
Varcau, lb... 0
Pelre. e
Blajla. p
0 Heteman. lb.. 1 11
Curtla. p 0 0
Maneka, p.... 0 0 0
feone.ll 0 0
i T 10 17 ( 1
ToUIi...... 1 1 17 14 I
Bt. Paul 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 87
Milwaukee 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base bits: Jonea, P. O'Brien, Jack
son, Hemphill. Home run: Stone. Base on
balls: Off Curtis, 2; off ManHke,' 3. Btolen
bases: Jones, Marcsn, Peirce, Jackson,
Wheeler. Hit by pitched ball: Rcits. Wild
pitch: Man,ke. Struck out: By Mannke, 6;
by Slagle 7. Double play: P. Obrlen to
Marcan to Kelly. Left on bases: Mil
waukee, 7; Bt. Paul. 9. Innings pitched:
Curtts, 8 hits in one Inning: Manske, 7
hits In elorht innings. Time: 1:50. Umplrei
Hart. Attendance: 2,000.
I Toledo Defeats Louisville.-
TOLEDO, July 27. Toledo had Louis
ville defeated until the ninth, when the
visitors tied the score by a fierce battlnir
rally. Burns' double and Cllngman's single
finally won for the locals. Attendance,
700, Bcore:
R. H.O.A. ft
Donoraa. If.. 110 0 1
Ken-win, rf... 1 0 1 1 0
Puma. 2b.... 0 14 8 0
Friable, cl.... 1110 0
La, rf 01 I 0 0
Hallman. If.. 0 0 0 1
Campbell, of.. 1 I 1 1
Amdt, Ib 1 1
Srhrtever, e.,0 1.4 8
Braahear, lb. 1 I 1 E 0
Whll.. lb.... 1 I 11. 0
Oulnlan, aa... 1 I 4 1 0
iiobaaoon. p. 1 1 0 1 0
Cllnaman. as, 1 I I I 1
MorlarKy, lb. 1 1 1 4 0
Drowns, c... 0 1 I 10
Kc'.allni. lb.. 1 1 1 0 0
Lundbloro. p. 0 1.0 1 0
: totals. ..... T IB 17 16 1' Totals...'... 14M 14 1
' 'Two out when winning run scored.
Toledo 0.0.2 0 Q 0 1.3 17
Louisville 0 0 0 4) ,0-0 1 0 6
Stolen bases: Donovan, -ReisHhB, Lund
blom. .Sacrifice bits: Donovan, CHngman.
Oulnlan, Bohannon. Two-base hits; Rels
Ung (2), Brown, CHngman, Burns, Quin
lan, Arndt. Home run Bohannon. Double
plays: Burns, CHngman and Relsllng;
Morlarlty end Brown. Base on balls: Off
Bohannon, 8; off Lundblorn. 8. Struck out:
By Lundblorn, 4; by Bohannon, 3. Hit
with pitched ballr Lee. Wild pitches: By
Lundblorn, 2. Left on bases: Toledo, 6;
Louisville, 8. Time: 2:15. Umpire: Ivlllen.
Postponed Games.
At Kansas City Kansas City-Minneapolis
game postponed; rain.
, Standtns; ot the Teams. -
Plnyed. Won.' Iost. P.C.
St. Paul m 69 84 .fi.14
Columbus ,.H7 ol 8o .IJmij
Milwaukee 91 62 8 .671
Jx.ulsvilie f3 61 v 41 .6h4
Minneapolis 45 43 . 611
Indlanupoll 91 . 44 . 47 .4i
Kansas City ,..ka E") . 63 ', .3 -
Toledo ...91 27 64 .2a7
Games today: Columbus at Indianapolis,
LouiKvllle at Toledo, St. Paul at Milwau
kee, Minneapolis at Kansas City.
Cralsr Win Fast Twelve Innlnpr.
CRAIG, Neb., July 27.-(Spec!Rl Tele-
frram.) Craig defeated Lyon today at th
alter place In the fasteat game of base
ball ever played in eastern Nebraska.
Hooney had Lyon at his mercy from the
start, only thirty-seven men battlnur In the
twelve Innlnga, allowing but one nit and
striking out blxteen nien. But one Lyons
man reuched second and one other to first.
Craig played un errorless game. Score.
Crulg ...0 00000000 0 0 1-1 20
Lyon ..6 00000000 000-014
Two-base hits: Rooney, Tarrant. Struck
out: By Hooney, lb; bv Cook, te. Batteries:
Cr.iltr, Rooney and Hefrerman; Lyons, Cook
nd isiiUlu.
Visitor Forfeit Game,
ORD, Neb., July 27. fSper-lal.) In the
base ball gume whh (rranii Is'mnd today
the vlaltors forfeited the game to the home
team by refuumg to stand by the decialon
of the umpire, oulttlug the game at the be
cinnlr.s of the eighth Inning. . Orrtnd Island
had ihe best of the game up to the eighth,
but at that time the home team full 'on
Okidu for three hits in eucceialon, one
lit in a home run, and the vlhltors, with
defeat staring them in the face, olijected
to declsiona of the umpire unci lft tho
ground. The same team play again to
morrow. ' Beatrice Wins Three.
BEATRICE, Neb.. July 27. Speclal Tele
gram.) Ihe Btatrlc ball team made it
three straight by winning from Greeley
Center this afternoon by the score of 6 to
5. The fcllemiunce. wu .small: Score:
Beatrice 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 11 8
Oreeley Center. .0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1-6 12 2
Batteries: Beatrice. Adams and Wilson;
Oreeley Center, .Kissel and Sequin. Si ruck
out: Uy Adams, Z; by KUsc-1, ii. Umpire:
TLIelmnn Uelona to Portland.
CINCINNATI. July 27. The National
base bull coinuilsfrloii today handed down
a dectnloii that player John Tlm-nnan, now
Willi Portland, In the pHotflo Coast league.'
belongs to that club. 1 tie St. Louis Ka
tl inal Isu dull had prot.'sted ur:alriHt
T iili-lman s playing with Portland, haai rt
Ing that he biiiiied a contract with St.
Louis, but tli curnuifMsion decided that he
simied a tiititrai t wiih Portland prior lo
Ins sinning with Bt. Louis.
Ilasttufss Win in Silnlh.
HAirriNiJH. Neb, July 27. (Hpeclul Tele
KrHiu i J Until Kit won the grime ln.ltiy from
the l.lii'oln loung Men's Christinn hi-w-t-i,.
1 1. .ii ttain by tuird bitting In tne nlulh
luuliiK. At the b sinning of the lust half
.( li.e ninth Hi a,me el nod to . liat-.
toiler.: HiiNiliiss, Si-haufeioeiger and Mace;
Lliiciiu, ii in and Ju'
Wnuiea'i .oI( Match.
TV-.e oonllf round In th Wi-ien's
g'.if mail ii i 1 1 yenterrtay at tde 1 h-U
-:nl, .1 lu the following scot .- 1 M
I ml-ii iK, t,.', Mis. luilia, .-j; In, fci.ii-ijs,
t ' Nil J 1 1 1 1 ttt. i' i.
1 be ii -.I' ll :il be played out t.wlr lt
niiiii!' in v. 6'is hiilruia and ..lis. l'uuu
UN ainwdi 8 banill-:-j:i f fuir.
A o 1 1 , 1 1-1 r a 1 1 - ani.e -MJV that
V-ei i ,t j. i ,. , . J. cj. A.I i" l lu, i
A. J
1 e.f
1 V 4 I
I I rt I
14 11
I t,, It! I I- f '
U 11 H I ll M ' I "
' H !!! 1
I ii
lli llrt II
s I , ,,t ii to, h . . v e
i it en 1 ... : i I. ;
, i - 1 1 , , ih.- i . 1 1
. 1 i-iu.i i ' i
daily,. TIIUnnDAT,
Meet Eefora tlis National Atlilctio Club In
Flxth Ronad Find Brooklyn Box
Ilawalnsj on to Bantam Welntht
Champion tm Avoid Pan
PHILADELPHIA, July 27. Frnkl Nell
of San Francisco, champion bantam weight
of the world, clearly outfought Hughey
MeOovern of .Brooklyn at the National
Athletlo club tonight. The fight through
out was the most vicious ever witnessed
in Philadelphia between little men. There
was scarcely a second during; the six
rounds that th boys were not In action.
At the close of the sixth round McGov
ern was almost out snd was hanging on to
Nell to avoid punishment. MeOovern drew
blood from the Californlan's nose In th
second round snd opened a gash In his
left cheek In the succeeding round. Nell
out a gash In MeOovern' cheek In the
fifth round snd toward the close of the
round MeOovern was very shaky on his
Nell's seconds were Bob Deady, Johnny
Loflus, Kid Howard and Tim Callahen.
while Sam Harris, Danny Dougherty,
Whltey Lester and Joe Humphreys looked
after MeOovern. Both boys were under
the required weight of 118 pounds.
The Fight by Ronnd.
Round 1 Nell rushed and landed a left
on the wind and brought bis glove to the
Jaw. MeOovern countered with a light left
to the wind and then the boys clinched.
In the breakaway Nell drove his left to
the wind and MeOovern landed on the Jaw.
MeOovern uppercut to the chin, but Nell
straightened the Brooklyn lad up with a
left to the chin. MeOovern drove a right
to the face and then backed away. N"ll
rushed awy with left snd right to the
face and MeOovern covered up. A the
gong sounded Nell drove a hard left and
right to the Jaw.
Hound 2 Both bovs rushed to the center
of the ring and began to pummel each
other In a vicious manner. Nell wa the
first to land. He drove a left to th face
and In the- breakaway put his right to the
wind. MeOovern uppercut with his left
and they clinched. MeOovern sent a pretty
right to Neil's Jaw, but the latter smiled
and winked at his father, who wa stand
ing In his corner. Neil landed a hard left
to the Jaw and they clinched. MeOovern
uppercut as they broke away and Nell
drove his right to the stomach before Me
Oovern could get away. They clinched and
when MeOovern stepped back he received
a vicious right to the wind. MeOovern
rushed, but was met with a straight left.
He rushed again and landed a hard right
to the Jaw. which shook Nell's head. They
were clinching st the bell.
Nell Gets In Vicious Blow. 1
Round 8 Nell .rushed and landed a left
to the face and mimed a similar blow a
second later. MeOovern drove his right
to the Jaw and left to the wind. Nell
rushed in and while hanging with his head
on McGovern's shoulder uppercut the lat
ter three times In. succession, without a
return. This method of fighting seemed to
disconcert MeOovern and his endeavors to
cover when Nell was- fighting In this way
were futile. McGovern drove a left, to the
wind aa they broke ground and missed a
right for the Jaw. Neil stepped in with
a hard left counter, which drove McGov
ern's head back.
Round 4 Neii rushed and landed left
and right to the face. McGovern uppercut
with a vicious right and they clinched. In
the break Neil landed a left uppercut to
the Jaw and a right to the heart. McGov
ern kept right after Nell, but nearly all
of his rushes were wild. Nell landed a
hard left to the ear and sent two rights
to the Jaw without a return. Nell's su
periority was very apparent in this round
and when the. gong sounded McGovern was
Round S Nell sent three lefts to the Jaw,
which shook MoGovern.' The latter came
bock with -a hard right to the wind and
a- left book t vb neck. Nell drove a left
to the other-. Jaw and a right to the ear.
McGovern misaed a hard right swing
which carried rblm half . way across the
ring. Before he could get sat Nell was
in with, a left to the chin. MoGovern
missed -a-right .and left for the chin and
they rushed to a clinch. Nell kept Jabbing
McGovern as they broke sway and bad
the latter' s face us red as a lobster. -Both
boys were tired when the gong sounded.
Noil, from his exertions in trying to knock
McGovern out, and the.- latter from the
awful punishment be was receiving. ,
McGovern Is Gam.
Round 8 Both boys came up quickly nnd
Nell again drove his left to the wind. They
clinched arid Neil looked over McGovern's
shoulder and said to Terry, the latter
"He's a hard kid, Terry."
When they broke way Nell rushed Mc
Govern across the ring and landed left
and right to the Jaw. McGovern got In a
good right to the wind and left to the ear
but Nml only shook his head and rushed
in with a ttMTlble right to the wind. Mc
Govern hands dropped to his waist and
Nell sent a stiff left to th jaw. Noll had
McGovern in a neutral corner, hanging on
to avoid punishment as the gong sounded.
Voladay Wins Holiday Stakes for
Young Ones at Brighton.
NEW YORK, July 27. Voladay, favorite,
won the Holiday stakes for 2-year-ulds,
the feature of the card at Brighton'i
today. Brush Up and Gold Ten made the
run, lug to the stretch, where Voladay went
to the front and won by two and a half
lengths from Gold Ten. Brush Up liitlslied
thud. The huudicap, a mile and a fur
long, resulted In a close nnlnh. Ponsession
won by a abort head from Rosetlnt. C,
Alttwyck, owner of Atwoud, winner of the
third race, claimed Duke of Kendal out
of the sume race. The entire maule of
J. J. Ryan wilt be sold at auction t
Brighton Beach tomorrow. Reliable, tlie
grout wi-lj'lit carrier, is the star of ths
lot. Results:
Plrst race, handicap, six furlongs: In-goi-i
flit to fit won, Mtalwart second, U'oi
ban third. Time: 1:16.
Hecond race, steeplechase, about two
miles: Hovel le (1 to 1 won, Woden sec
ond, Cock Rubin third. Time: 4:S7.
Third race, mile and a sixteenth: Af
wood (20 to 1 won, Iuke of Keudul second,
Brooklynite third. Time: 1:4.
r'ourtn race, rive furlongs. Holiday stakes:
Voladay v8 to 6; won. Gold Ten second,
Rruwh Up third. Time:- l:u8.
Fifth race, haadlcais mll and a furlong:
Potinesslun (9 to ID) won, RoneUnt second,
Illrvia third. Time: l:biev.
tiixth race, six furlongs; Trapper (4 to 5)
won. Black Prince second, Austin Allen
third. Time: l;il.
ST. Lot Id, July 27. Results:
First race, five furious", purse: Eiar
thula. (9 to 2U won. Lava Ecahl second,
H:s Worship third. Time; l:Wi.
t"-cond ract six furlontrs, selling: Metla
kat:a (15 to l) won.-Oudon second, Trisian
bliandy third. Time: LPift.
Third ruco, four and a half furlongs,
selling: Arlt-na (16 to 1) won, Arch Old
ham second, Fay Tetnplcton third. Time:
Fourth race, mile snd a sixteenth, handi
cap: Falkland (6 to 6) won, Byron liose
second. Orient third. Time: l.U'i.
Fifth rce, mile and twenty yards: Dr.
Kier (9 to 2) won, Kay second, Gaallghler
third. Tune: l:w).
blth race, six furlongs, selling: Har
fant; 2 to 1) won. Alius second. King Rose
thud Time; l:18ij.
CHICAGO. July ii. Results:
First iace, six furlcir.g: Fteesla (7 to 2)
won, Bcrnice second. My Gem third. Time:
IS. cond race steeplechase, short course:
Fwet-t J.ine (12 to tl won. W-ud second,
U"M.-n V. uy third. Time-. 2 .6" .
'I liiid i.i e. miie and an eiKi'ih: Judge
I (In. i d i) i i 6) w mi, Li'afcg e uud, Hu4h
third. Time: l:ts.
Fuiirth. race, htilf mile: Mum fS to 1)
won. prim- Bruius second, Useful Lady
tliird Time: 0.4.
Finn lue.!, mile, and a sixteenth: C.hirios
(4 t u yioii, Maud Miller avcut.d. O JUugeu
third. Tune: 1..
Mxih rme, five and half furlonn: Al
bert 1 ir (8 to 1) won, 'Penny Hunt second,
Capitalist third. Time: l-hrfe.
Hares at Itlalr.
BI.AIH Nel... July 27. (Hiietlal Tele
f i h in i - i'-lne weather snd a s-io.l ttaeli
i. uu ii lo hi lug out a Veiy ldlte I IOK-il fur
the I . a to.i.ry. Very lew I--hie -re In,
tm liny bin ml bur-v f.r - r.-i n s. but It U
I i , I ii,n,i.iiw and i-ihiuv mil te hi
ii, . a. a a Ihe event !1 were III at clasii
ti i fi,.ivnii ta well i.i.nael
.tin Hint eve.' t was tow V trot, Whhh
v won by f'.tlt- l.ei'y. owt,er ll. V.
,,.;,,.; I in-, i r-eioi, (one n given
I, I it,. . t.iMirf. fw IM-r fl 1 1 hen; nine,
-,- . . , Iiimi j .ii- I i. f ' ; 1 1" i.i . owner c
JULY rs, 1E0.
Mirvel rnrk farm.' Other entries. Captain
Me snd lied ilvlas.
The trot was not finished nd will be
pirleil off tomorrow. The horses entered
sre llv Ie, llnppy ftecret. Colonel Wood
line, W-itum, Alcarnlo, May Flower snd
lisppy Way.
The half mil" runnlnr race wss won by
Virgin, in 0:61 i. Fecund, Nellie C, and
third, Robbln Green.
Despite Threatening. Wenther Detroit
Witnesses Good F.vrnt,
DKTROIT, Julv 27. Bain threatened seri
ously to Interfere with the third day'
Grand circuit racing st the Grosse Point
fijrk track todav. The first event wss de
aved half an hour and then the program
was started wllh a drilling rain t -a 1 11 n sr.
The neather cleared, however, and the
porsons In attendance saw three favorites
finish first snd Lou 1'lllon break the track
record of 2 by one second. Lou Dillon
made the first quarter In 0:3u'4, the half
In 1-01 snd the three-quarter In l:-.
Millard Paunders drove in place -f Lou
I'lllon's owner, C. K. G. BUllnM. It-suits:
2:uU class, pacing, ( purse WoO,. two in
three beats: .
John M. blk. g , by pnrls-Laura (Spear). 1 1
King Direct, blk. h. (Geers) I 2
Gallagher, b. g. (James) 2 8
Al liiii-k, blk. h. (Sunders)..: 44
Red Bird, b. h. (Michael) Q
Time: 2:07, 2:W'4. , '
8:14 class, trotting, purse 81.500, three In
a. linn I. '
Sweet Marie, b. m., by McKlnney, by
Carr's Mamb (hmith) .....:1
Anptols., ch. m. (Ames) 8
Wild Wilton, br. g. (Carr) 2
Direct View, br. h. (Dnryder) 8
Jovmaker, b. h. (Geers) 4
Hal Fry. b. K. (Foote) 5
Nella Jay, ro. m. (.wcivee; ,
Gold Bug, h. g. (Stewart) .
.8 ds
Time: 2:10, 8:14. li. .
2:10 class, trotting, purse 11,600, two In
three: . , .
Dr. Strruig. nr. g., by Strongboy-
Viola f (Gahagan) J
Judge Green, b. g. (Deryder) 1 8 8
The Roman, b. g. (Know) 4 8 8
Norrie, b. g. (B. Shank) 8 6 8
Intin TMvlnp s-e sr. fWllflOnl 5 8 4
Lady Gall Hamilton, blk. m. (Hud-
Robert' Mnc.'b. g. (Geers) 8 8 8
fjneen Wilkes, b. m. (Spear) ..! 7 7dr
Topsy, b. m. (Hawes) ds
Tims: 2:09, 2:Cw'4.'4.
2:16 class, pacing, purse $2,600, three In
n v e .
FHidora, blk. m., by Wilton (Snow)
McEurle, ro. g. (Geers)
Joe Gratton. ch. h. (B. Shank)
Monarch Chimes, blk. h. (Can-)....
William M, b. g. (McCarthy)
Pfarch, br. h. (Foote)
Winnie King, ch. m. (Wilson)
Time: 8:1,20224.
8 4
4 da
Regtn Practice for National Regatta
tr Amateurs.
With the exception or one or iwu crwa,
the oarsmen who will compete In the
national regatta of the Association of
. ...... n t. Im hplil hum next
AlUHirui . i"i i "i ....... -.
Friday arid Saturday, under the auspices
or tne Olympic games, nave iqr-ii m -ters
in the large Ice houses on the west
shore of the lake, which have been con
verted Into commodious and well appointed
DOl mill".
I lie v rniri oinui-uoiei ' - -
delphla caused much favorable- comment
during Its practice today. The Vespers
will contend for national honors against
tho Argonaut, iiuwnig ctuu i xuiuniv,
Canada. '
Sheldon Is, Defeated.
BT T.DT7TS! Tnlv 27 Josenh Wear of St.
iiiia trwinv -defeated Ir. F. E. Sheldon
of Kansas City, last year's champion. In
straight sets for the lawn tennis cnainpion.
ship of Missouri. ,
Severn! Colonies of Cotton Enemies
Established at Wash
WASHINGTON, July 27. Secretary Wil
son today received the report of O. P. Cook,
who reached Washington today from Texas,
where he has been conducting experiments
with the Guatemalan ants. Mr. Cook
brought with him several colonies of the
ants, which-, will be kept for- experiment.
His', report favorable' to the; ant as de
structive of the cotton boll weevil. It re
mains to be -determined whether they can
withstand the winters of the southbrn cli
mate ahd whether they will propagate un
der existing conditions of soil and climate,
but Mr. Cook believes there are no Insur
mountable difficulties along these lines.'
An increase of the arid land reclamation
fund held by the treasury to be approxi
mately 825,000,000, is announced In the re
port of the auditor of the Interior depart
ment for the fiscal year ended on June 30.
This Is the fund accumulated . from the
proceeds of public land sales in California,
Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Ne
braska, Nevada, North Dakota, -Oregon,
Bouth Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyo
mlng and set apart under the act of con
gress of June 17, 1002, for the construction
and maintenance of Irrigation works for
the reclamation of arid lands In these
states. The fund thus accumulated and set
apart for the three fiscal years ended on
June 30, 1903. aggregated 818,444,339.
An lngenlou method employed In the
Philippine to secure an adequate gas sup
ply Is reported to the bureau of Insular
affairs by the Philippine bureau of govern
ment laboratories. This scheme Is slowly
to feed cocoanut oil, a native product. Into
strong cast Iron retorts, after the latter are
brought to a red heat In furnaces. This
produces a very high quality of illuminating
gaa free from smoke nnd tar.
The War department today ordered
Colonel Kdgar Z. Steever, Fourth cavalry,
at Fort Riley, Kan., and Colonel Jacob -A.
Augur, Tenth cavalry at Fort Robinson,
Neb., to report to Colonel Arthur L. Wag
ner of the military secretary's office at
Mahassas, Va., August 4 to serve as chief
umpires at the maneuvers next September,
Acting Postmaster General Wlnne has
signed an order effective August 1, 1001,
whereby the postal administration of Hong
Kong has concurred, limiting the value of
parcels post packages exchanged between
the United States and Hong Kong to 850
each. Parcels post packages are to be ad
mitted to 'the malls for Shanghai, Canton,
Amoy, Bwatow, Foo Chow, Hankow, Ha!
How, Ningpo, Llukungtau and Che Foo at
the same rate and conditions applicable to
Hong Kong.
According to the accident bulletin Issued
today by the Interstate Commerce com
mission, there were seventy-nine passen
gers and 840 employes of railroads killed
and l,E!t0 passengers and 10,864 employes In-
of Bostetter8 Stomach Mitels and give H
a chance to demonstrate Its ability to re
store your appetite, stimulate the liver,
strengthen the stomach nnd kep the
bowels open. You'll be pleased with the
result. Thousands have found this true.
with its SO years
record of cures to
bark It, Is tar In
ilvam-ti of all oth
er si'imat-h reme
dies tis a cur fur
Si w if, ! 8 ,i cSSf
Scsr lzz,v
C;:;:;:!a cr
i,i,r' I ffr.r
Uj 4 . m! I I I bi
VVcitk a ii J ii.;ri!ui
xitnca t 111 !'i
tl . I I V e (I re t lj. .. I
Jured l.i roldents ' on railroads In the
United Stntes during the quarter ended on
March 81, PH This is a decrease of eight
killed over the corresponding quarter last
year. The amount of damage to railway
property caused by accident during the
quarter was $;,K.4l. The bulletin says
the Increased use of the alrbrske, diminish
ing the necessity for rmployes on top of
trslns, has made a reduction of X? rr cent
In the number of persons falling off cars.
Swift and Comnnny Plant at Chicago
Damsn-cd by Overheated
CHICAGO, July 17. Fire broke out among
the packing houses In the stock yards to
day In the lard refinery of Swift and Com
pany and soon gained such headway thnt
every available fire engine In the stock
yards district was called out. Rumors of
Incendiarism were rife. Examination,
however, apparently showed the cause of
the blaze to have been an. overheated dy
namo. The building was filled with tierces of
Keep'dboiilp- ,
( v fe: s
fnm y-
should be in every house'
for .summer emergencies
Ilillcr Liquor Company,
1300 Parnsm St., Omaha Distributers.
Sherman & HcConnell Drug Co.. Cor. 16th 6 Dodgt
Cor. Main St. & Broadway, Co. Bluffs, la,
8. W. Cor. N & 24th
Li. KUHKN f KL.1J l.'O.. i
S19-21 Main Bt, Council BlulTs, la.
' MWV tX
B)L. B.
2603 N. Street,
.Official TFaM
Carrying the entire Nebraska Relegation
leaves via the Northwestern at 8:30 p.m.
August 13th, and -
The Entire Train
runs solid from OMAHA to BOSTON. Tourist Sleepers,
Free Chair Cars and Coaches. ,
Via Niagara Fall
This train is open to the public as long as space remains
.With large choice of routes both rail and steamer. All
tickets good returning via. St. Louis, with stopover at
the Exposition. ' '
For handsome special itinerary, sleeper space or full
information, apply to ;
city tisxet n:nTiiVE3TEn:s u::!.,
awawavJt a iu
n o
111. ,o4 ' . tV,o nw.o na ct rlr
- vt - i.x r'
sT V V I
to coiniili-ta snd iirrfec-t health. Will you .li.Co your confld.-nce In the me of
hont, skillful nnd successful sit-cliills!sT Yt-urs of .r-t!.-l "li 2, '
tlioiiRntuls of dollars sji.-nt In reserclta snd mi Iminnnsu jirui-Hfio i en
abled u to evolvt- a special system of treatment tlmt Is ui i a iiu
speedy cure for nil private dineases anil cf men. ''
In thoiisHinls of as.-. Is simply marvelous. 1 .'in ,hlet II v. s hl.tHled i In -h
weakened svMteitis, debilitated Hnd slirunkeii ot u i n and nt-rvous wrt.tss .ttve
been quickly Hi d safely cured by our method. We have evolved a
treatment that Is a powerful, ,Mn,anent snd delen.iliied niedle -id orrw lv
wlieis men. chHrni lerl.llo enernles have become weHttent d diss Hat el
elllier tliroiijrh sexual, iii liscreUons, aluiblve liuhlts, or the result DC
In-Elected or improperly nested piivule dieites.
Stricture, VvhKite, Enlsslu,, Niru-Stxu! Dainty,
..-.latency, D!33j TjIsji (Syphilis), Rectal,
kllzty cnJ 1'rl.iary Diseases,
and b!1 diNMS bt.d weahne-se of ineti due t", evil hi bits, ex-
Cenm-a. sell tiljune or lliO leotlll ot speetitu ui
C" i-'i TlT'nV rnrr If yri c;iiiiint rile full fir iiv r, -1 I --i l!.,nK.
v.t - L I A 1 1 .l It.bC t.j'u a Huui- a. lu. to p. in. I- ..I. I..B, i.i to 1
n. 1
V i L
- a
: . f
Inrd, many- of which exploded, spreading
the burning grease . In every direction.
Louis F. Swift directed the firemen In their
attempt to reach the blase. The fire
threatened a number of buildings near by,
but the firemen managed to keep the flames
from spreading.
Thousands of strikers attempted to got
near th burslng building, but rope were
spread by the police, blocking the streets
for three blocks away. The contents of the
building were said to bf-vsled nt Mns.imo,
Fatal Storm In Petl vnnla.
JTAZF.I.TON. Ta., July 27. Five persons
were killed here during sn electrical storm.
At Oneldn three foreign-speaking mlneis
snd a boy were Instuntly killed by a bolt
of lightning while sitting st a table. All
fuiir were terribly burned and the clothing
almot completely torn from their bodlr.
At ytirtkstie Vn!l"V lightning struck the
home of Mtlev lllnkie. Inslantly killing
Mrs. Hlnkle and seriously Injuring hor
' 5 ante Candidate fotf Pelegnte.
OKLAHOMA CITY.-Okl., July 27-Frank
Mathews of Greer county was nominated
for congress br soelHmatlon today by the
territorial democratic convention. The
nomination was made on the twentieth bul
lot after an all night session.
hi TV)
ts., So. Omaha, Neb,
So. Omaha, Neb.
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