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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1904)
Till OMAHA PAILY I1TT TIJr.'DAY, JULY ir r f. -NEWS or COUNCIL .noa wrTiox. Davl sells drug. Leffert' g!.." St. . F'nrkert lla rsrp.Ms. tVhmldf- n-w stml'o, 4"5 -trnndwayT Fur rent, fiew storeroom, JiJ Main street. Irarhnc rfimmnr.-lorv No. 17, Knight Templar, wl, rne.-t totiiirht. " H. a. RetMff-nti of hulinff, Ti , wii in the rlty et(rdy vlnUliis: ft lend. rii-furs for- wedding (t'ftn iv"rn special attention. Airnn.W . -J itroadway. !! F.m!bi- RnthorfTil left yeaterday for Denver, to visit lirr br"lhr Forest. Look. Ture Can Bupir, 19 !! for li CO. U- Tea Co. ' rt.on 4"4 W. B'ttay. 1'ictnre framed to ord-'r. I-eriueret cil'M do not fade, iiorwlck. Main. Tel. Ai. M- V. M. IWir of P"ir t th. g"et nf bft sltT, Mr. E1 Cnn:ng of rJtstti fi venue. The C. M. I., rlub wilt b entertained Th:nr1ny afternoon by Mr. C KHiker, U"l ."Ifth avmue. ' ' GlfTin Kfi"1 T-f t yesterday to spend the rnimndr of ihe summer var-atlon on III unr-je a land) In Ni-rka.. "Mr; and Mr Carl M. LelTrt hnnn . from (heir wedding trip lo Hot Spring and 01 her point in Koulh I'mKoia. - t Holiert of the i" tl pnt.:fr!-e left ' t it evefllni t-r ft., I-""'". l"" tl Will Spend the ieuiHlfldT of It l vacation... , 1st Tlie midwi '-rli and. choir tmwi of Hr. Jh;i d- r,HRi)o Lutheran clinn it will he h.'ld this evening, Instead Of Wed- remlny. , ., . The Podia' iJtnt tiuards ere commanded to immli el their armory this evening not mier tnnn 'clock to take part in the , industrial piiarte. '-- i - .lev. Jtneit Tbomnon, factor of th First ConKreftaiiO!!il ehnrrn, ml daughters Mr-imr'-t urn! Jfun I'-ft yes'erdBy for a visit at Norwood, K.- Y. ,11 las Mrtiy Alien, f"coio'a.nted by her tioptiew, li. Alien Vvi f r li:l, ie.'t venter day for a vllt with r-'-Uives and friend at OhIv And Chicago, til. A.' N. South-of HarrlH-m tyiuntjr wm on hi own admiKMiun an lnebrlftto VHHtei'riav .y .JiirtuB v iieeier in dlntrlol iourt i-J c;i.:-.iitt to .tho, f tat. ho?ltal at Mount i'ifiisnnt ior out year. H X. flrartv, impt-rlrviendent of revalra at th Lnior. i-noitu.' 'jiaiwifer depot, arrived home vntcrilay from a trip to Canada. . Mr. Orafly and dauarhtera laft yeaterday on a t reiatlvea iu Iowa City. E. H. ClMrk, wnnted In Fremont, Neb., for tha ali'-eed theft of a team of " ' and on n cl.iK oT forg-ery, w Imit nlitht on J -nad way by Peputy Mierlff Wonlmnn of thin city and lodged in U county Jail. ' ; , . V ' . ' Mr. Tlerney and four 'Children, living In ).o lt.i;iHr lkk n nrwidwar, between Pixth and bwvuiih atreeto, ware found to b mft.;-tnii from smallpox and were removed let vtif to the jjetentlon hospital. Bheriil M-.rt-nn Of Olenwood nottHed th poller yes.tciitr Hint a ators had been broken iino nt f:meron Sunday night and worth .of sliki stolon and ( taken from the rofe, vrlih.'h was blown open.- - The rnne- .t!nwt Warrsn IJroat, chnrs-ed with t Ian-Mr of a revolver ano.cioinin. the p r.f-f i 1 v or .F01 emnn i Jtrson of tha 1 (iallHkiii'r farm,- bear Weaum, was dls-. ' nilw'l in Justice Oursn'a court yesterday. pouth-a-eatern Iowa l-o Holllns aa ' s-.. ,tluii a boul In annual outing this ' v- t at Oa'-nd on Thuradny, Aoguat 4. 11 elaboi si ,. program, includlns prizo ui.:!. and Huiioua. f t, tiaa been ar-rai.K'-d. . . f- ,, v - r, publisher and editor of tha Avoon J01.! n -1-1 lor aid, in the city yesiiTdoV - .-iKirtnn with the leuriern of ti local -d- ira-v rvaarAina; th advla. al.iiity of eeiaonaulna- an evnliiif der;)o cfiun pirer In thU coy- ' .- J.upes f i"'vr-., t'-j vouo tnnn--who fell from b. i.s a ).-... n t .:n at Ji;nni nni roo his L i" k, was aUU alive last n!(sht, bi t the 'attendlim pkyslclana at . the ' ,,imeoi Chrlnilaii A s-H.M-tiitlon hoapltal , ' a Wo but littia hopea of bis recovery. ' - Tfeo engineers of the Chloajo Great West- i-ni retlroRil )iave onraniaed a. dlvlelon to ' ' 1 .-t the firvt Sunday and. third Monday in month. The aivltrton starts out with itueifn charter niernhra and M. Ieimrnor as chief- nod X. K. Alrtdlaon as secretary. Contractor Cullnn' reooivtd word yetT- that .th...;.i;'Jit."..Uve .ea.enlKl rt' t bt 1 t tnchlnry neadwi -fvr the irivin of the concrete vlllng on tho Carnegie llhrnry ; . i.,.;.llna mii. Had been shipped from lu ' " lo.iuo ttnd timt -work would be begun tiiia J . Wtoii, , : 1 .-t. . '- ti. T. J'ba:tiblpf Co; ,TeL 'HA. Kight F86T. Msittwa In District . Cort. in the , dls! riot, court yesterday CoUnty Attorney fKillpack . Jr,; jth nam of the tate of Iowa, brought 'injunction proceed ings agaiuat' Jo and Oeorg WolfT and Ed Jdurphy aud Batnuel ' K. Kelchart to re traln- them from eelllng liquors The Wolfla end Warphy and Rulohart conduct aa'.oona in L'nd .-rwofxl. ' ,hlj county, and i U tharsed- tiuU they bav not compUi with tha mulct lawi--- , ;'rs. Jfarj''l"rratn fl!.'l a petition for di vorce from Albert Ingram, whom she mar ried at Cheiwa, Mich., July 1, lifoi. Bhe clmrgea her huaband wlth.belng a fugUlv fr;m Juwttca and with doping, with a young woman from 'this city last spring-. In addition t- the decree 6f divorce Jits. Ingram aaka that the court award her the Custody of fiur -eltiht minor children and SSvs her the title to thejr homestead prop erty, which she says waa purchatd mainly through lier ariiiiig. IngraK Was indicted f-.r the. theft cf toois and hl wife- mort gusadthelr htnne to secur the bond for tii4 rvluase.' As soon as he was froei. It ij alleged, ha .deserted his family and left fur porta tniknown with a young woman jf this city. , The petition la the suit of Jloward Sl '"ra fi"1"" the I'rlted States Kiprcsa company was-i!!el ymterdtty. Tha plulo tsrrs were .t'ormorly owners of the N;ola Reporter and . laxt ' FeLruary when the lioai J iit Cjl:-.;. TJupcrs reuulicd the pnpi.-'s c f tl.:a county to Turniiih sworn;.i3 of thulr circulation in order t doti-v!,e wt:sr th j-u:i;hln; of the r-t-itnsf t thrt b.iar.1 ivonid be-pifltccd the t5uJtii year .ft!ara. Howard for ,.nlnl liA-lr niatoim-i.t and list of sub scribers by e-xpi-eea. It Sld not reaoh the county auditor within the pref'tlbed tlm and the Noola import or wa not oonnldered in the dlntnou'inn. Tha plalntirls alloire that the company Jihou'-d have; de- !lneA tlidr jmckogo within the time al l. tte l,. and nor .ie far damages for fi.Hure to d- so. John If. Jeoka t brought two anils lit tha district '.court . ,,inif, W. N. Hatch to rccovf cil t,-,i. ;.-.:,( note on wlilch he wnt security t-r Hrf-aonx, T. J. arid I- W, liau.i:. T -ii - are fur $i,9.aiid '. ' r-ei'itv uvtiy,. iod viw glvtin to- the I ,,f:k of is An-tji .. T. J. Il.vt.-h. who f..r ... i i y cot.Juctcl a, ilvy iwiii iii ti'Js city, l. ia t-eu- u.'.Jn.lied a tei.kru;t and pro f-" - muR K, W. l!ut..-h a bevi Krur-t 1 I -') 1 -i conii.ienoa.1 hi, crcdltu!) tit tl.f t v '. r;-i'cy court hr.-, y., . ' . ,C :; 1 li l-..;. l,i-,t-y & t r - W -v k . '.,- - ' - T ficiti'.u. r' t - t 1 j w t . t rMi'-M ei- :'o onj t . i J Fl...t ' . , . a " - - .... i - t 1 .- f 1 a t 1 i. - . 3;, , . v. "'" t - iu ail buu- tr v.. 1 1 . a. t' t $ -, I-. -'It t, s . J INTEREST 1 BLUFFS CITY HAS A BUILDING E001I L'ore Work Undor VTaj Than at Atij Time in Fifteen Tears. . LAoCE FCRJION OF-IT IS KtSICtNCtS Many Banlaeti and Pablle Balldlacs Are Also In fort olCoa strsKtloa or Hv Already Bee Completed. Council Fluffs Is enjoying- a healthy building boom and real stt -men and contractors say that the number of resi dences In course of construction and al ready erwted this year exceed anything in the last" fifteen years. In every part of the city houses In course of construc tion can be seen and it Is noticeable, that th class of dwelling? bow being erected Is superior to that of former yesrs. The records In th offlcs of the city clerk show that up to date buildlntr permits aggregating 123,850 havs been Issued, al though this docs not by any means give an exact idea of the building now going on, many contractors fall to comply with the ordinance and secure tha n7ces sary permltk . , ' Th record In 'the city clerk' office show that permit have -been Issued up to last Saturday -for this' year a follow: January February , '".i March ' 1 '' April . 4.4"0 May , i ?2.;--n Juno , .0S July, (to- 2itl).. l.TJ Total ;.$,ei Council Eluff 1 essentially a city of home and th amount of bulUl!nanow In progress mphasle th!. "While the ma jority' of residences being- erected ara of the clas which cost from tl.000 to 2.0X. there are many handome dwellihg cost ing all tha way to 8,M0' being erected In different parts of -the city. ; Maay Knslaess.llatldlnsrs. " In addition to the es!doncea springing up int every section of the city there are iihnyk buslnes and 'othrr buildings in course of , construction and there is no lack of employment for' bricklayer and carpenter. In fact, contractor ar ex periencing more or less trouble in secur ing skilled workmen, owing to the large amount cf building now going on. In tha first place thera is the Camegio li brary building, which I to cost I70.0W, now In course of construction. Than egsin there are the new buildings at the Iowa School for the Deaf, which when completed will cost In the neighborhood, of $J69,0. The John lieno company la expending up ward of 8,000 In remodeling It building on Pearl street and will expend about the same amount In it heating plant., ground on which waa broken yesterday by Con tractor Weaver. E. Children A Son are spending upwards" of Iti.CUO in enlarging their factory on South avenue and tha new elevator to be erected on South ave nue by Mr. Jaqulth v'lU cost -upwards of Dr.. Cole and Jennings have recently completed a handsome brick office build ing on Pearl street ar.d now Pr. Cole ha let the contract for a 4,ft00 residence. Tha .handsome 'Hew. dining -hall -and dormitory building at tho Christian Home ha been recently, completed at an outlay of $3S,000. Ajtderson Brother have erected two two story -, brick store on West Broadway since tha ' beginning of the , year, and' tn fact,' all over the city . business buildings and residence are to be seen In the course of construction. PERMIT. TO MOVE TOWER -IjIGHTS Kxperlmont Will Km Mad vrltli Lamp - Low !!. - , - .The city council last night granted the Electric IJght 'oompahy. permission to re move the electrto light tower at Fourth ts.'i-t and-Broadway and. th four lamps on It wiil be relocated by the committee on ftre and light. This tower, which !s 17S feet high, was erected In 1S87. Re cently the support of th four lamps at the top became broken and for several weeks another set of lamp wa hung from a position lower on the towerj ' It i con tended that th lamp at the lower height gave mot llsht, and tt Is not unlikely that the city council will now. Investigate the advisability of doing away with the rest of th light tower and .distributing the lamps. Business men and property owner In th vicinity of th Fourth itreet tower all favored It removal. . A communication, wa. received from the South Side Improvement club asking Uiat the Fifth ward be redistrlcted so that resident of thnt portion' of the 'oltw em. Id be given eiuul and .equitable representation in the city council. Tlie committed sending the communication suggested that .the Flf'.u wd be char.god by, taking tha First precinct of idd word and adding it to the lTr.t pirvi.ict of tha Fourth wrd and by adding tho Second precinct of the Fourth ward to th Fifth ward.' ITun Hansen, C, ' Wesley and Thomua Smith comprise th committee frm . th South Slda Im provement club ' havtr.g the matter In charge. The communication wa ordered referred to the comn-.ltteo of the whole. John O. Woodward of the firm of Wood ward A Co. was before the council with request that th city compel tha water work company to furnish It free with th wstsr necensary for a "sprinkler" ftr protection system - which - It contemplated Installing In Its Candy factory on Broad way. Mr. Woodward stated that he had bou uoo-bis to inns UM4iiyry anunsc ments with the water works company and ha b.ilrred that such water ought to b supplied him free -of - cost 6 wa don under similar circumstances, be cotitandd. In other large cltlts. The matter was r fcrrfd to the committee on water works and the city attorney. City Attorney Snydi-r was instructed to drift an ordinance ri-K-'lating th moving of house and other buli-ilngs on th piiti 110 streets, the city being without such a nftiam. An ordinance was introduced and parwed pichlhl'.lng the thiowlng of bitching weights, beer barrels, heavy boxts and other weighty 'article on th sidewalks, unil.r a pt-imlty of not leas than 11 and not over tki). This ordmi'ice Is dvalgncd to protect the new cement sidewalks in the bufho'.-s portions of the city. J. M. Williams m.-tlnVd th com.i-U that l la Hula Unus !,tr, llutli, f..-!l tad broke ) r arm t-y lee win of a def-i.lve ; 1e wi.:k on the t-ar-t l-U r-f tliti I lorce nrr.-t school on f.'ay 3-' and thst the city would titivtf to r.-ni. hu 1 r-e idin to t '-.c feiuvtnd .f ; I, this bc-'ng the Mi-i'ime t ; a i.lcu. I.e had be. 11 pot ny rt-a..ri if the ati.d-.-nt. A idiis.n .f l.iui:.g piop.rty owner P. Bt II- wi :.n of l'viinoiid avt-i--e lctt-u CI :: 6id 1' lU HVr-lmrt 1 1 , K'rJ (O tuf.ty-c-.i.i.t ii.-t wi tin ! c it.oia- A t: A W. t C- r. - y t I i! lion to ti-- a pori'n of tha ci'y'a pro portion of the county road fund for this work. Col uiel Hakor - auggestRd that a good road omM be mde with cinders, of which tliP'i was a plentiful surMyst the School f-.r the peaf. Ai-Ierman Weaver statod that he had conferred with Super intendent Rothert regarding the bm of these cinders and that Mr. Rothert had positively declined to allow th t) of th cinders. Mr. Weaver said that Mr. RothvH ert had told him Inasmuch a th city had taken such an active part In retain ing the school here. It mlRht now keep th road In order. Martin Jensen was granted a license to conduct a Cnloon at Vt West Broadway. Th bond cf Sam Pobxon ax scavenger, In the -sum of KOQ was approved. Hchool nodding Hetties. The center portion of the. Avenue B school, now In course c-f re"onstruetlon, bus settled nearly' two Inches, throwing the door and window out of plumb. The building was recently .raided sad placed on a new foundation and Ifol!erhck Pros., who bad v the contract for raising the building, contend that .It was allowed to settle on the foundation before th mortar Wfta dry. Oil the other hand. Contractor Wlckhsm assert that the- building wa permitted to remain on the. "Jacks" for two weks after the foundation had been built. Th Board of Education Is tnvestl- itlng to ascertain with which contractor tha responsibility resta. ' Formally Ope Driveway. The formal opening of the Fourth avenu driveway last evening brought, out nearly l'O rigs of different kinds. A number of Speedy horses were to tie soen on the pecdway and the thoroughfare vrn well patronised until a 1st hour. A. M. Hutch inson and his associate were highly com plimented on all !d? for thalr work in placing the driveway In such excellent condition. It will reoulr about $100 mora to complete the work-. Real Kstat Transfers. These transfers were reported to Th Pes July 25 by the , Title Guaranty and. Trust company of Council Bluffs: John W. Bchott to Martin Pnly, lot 21, block 2, Fairinnunt add., w. d.. 00 J. J. (Stewart, executor, to Edna A. Henderson, lot , block t, Cochran' add., J. d JW William Lewis and wife to Anna W. lining, swii sw4 25 and w4 Be1 S7-74-40, w. d ; 1 J. W. Squire and wife, to Alfred Par- rlngton, wV sw4 14-77-4S, w. d 4.125 Four transfers, total., 1 Warning to Pabllc. Anticipating an Influx of thieve and crooks of all kind now returning from South Dakota, ' Chief of Pollc Richmond wishes to warn cltitens of Council Bluff against leaving their' doors or wl.idow open while absent from their home. Whlla the police.' are fully allv to the situation 'the fore 1 numerically inadequate to pro tect the entire city and householder cafi materially assist th department by' using extra caution. Marriage Licenses. . IJcenaes to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: Nam nd Residence.- - - -Ags. Christopher Brandt, Bllver City, la 23 Sophia H. Hansen, Silver City, la 43 B. P. Perslngor, Pouglaa county, Neh. 1 Hannah Larson, pouglas county, Neb.. 34 Irvln Fenn, Cnrson, la IS La Vena Kusseil, Oakland, la.... 17 FRED HOKl'F DIES KliOM WOCSDJ Confessed IHsrAerer'of Iowa Farmer aceeedi la Attempt-at S.nictd. 1 SIBLET, la., July 16. (Spoclal Teiegrsja.) Fred F. Hokuf. who' killed Biter John son, died 'in th Jail of Osceola county about 7 o'clock Sunday morning from. the effect of shooting himself through, th stomach Friday-afternoon. ' Th verdict of tbe coroner'- Jury was that hla death resulted from' a aslf-lnfllcted g- shot wound. Th post mortem exami nation showed that .tha bullet passed through the stomach, struck tha vertebral column and deflected about an inch and a half to" th left, . entering the deeper muscles of the back above the lumbar region. Th principal operating surgeon ay death resulted from tha primary hemorrhage following the Infliction of the wound. The bullet ruptured the splenic vein. Convicted of Kmhemlemeat. PAVi-'NPORT. la.; July ;5.-(SpoelaI.-J. W. Warr wa found guilty on the first ballot of embexxling J2G.000 frpm th Molln Building. Saving and Loan association. Mr. Warr 1 president of tho National Commercial Teacher association and has appeared before th aaaochition. of Iowa to deliver addresses at Pes Moines and other plhces. Ha waa a prominent official In th Iqan aascV'Satton and was indicted by the grand jury several month ago at Rock Island. He got a change of venue to the circuit court at Cambridge. Three Fatal Aocldeata. CLINTON, la... July 25. (SDecial Tele gram.) Henry Suheil, farmer, residing near urana Mound, wa killed by failing from a hayrake, tb horses running awav. John Spain, a farmer residing near Wclton, wa tnrown rrora a wagon while driving along in lilgnwdv and found dead vera hours Utr. Ptr Byloe, a section hand, living at Ma,!on. wa rua down by the North western train and Instantly killed. All re side in this county. ' Cbaage Is, Da alas School. DL'NLAP , Ia July 25. (Special.) At a recent meeting, of the Punlap Board of Education the resignation of Pro Brown son, late principal uf the. Punlap school. w accepted , and George Galloway of LanMlitg, la., elected In hi tead, Carrie Dunham, who wa elected In April a a teacher tn the high school building, also tendured her resignation, and May Lyon, graduate of Ceder. Falls, wa clected to fill lit:t ilu&;. Abandons Cialna to Island. . ONAWA. Ia., July 26. (Special.) aeprg V. W. Phillips, who sought to homestead Elackblrd Island by getting It platted a on the Iowa aide of yie Missouri river Instead of In th Indian reservation on th Ne braska side, has falid to appeal his case from th decision. of the land oomminslon ers at Pes Moines. It Is believed th de cision of th official at Washington will now b for Mv, WUkersham, the Indian woman. - Woodbine Blaa m Uaukrmpt. WOOllilNK, la.. July 25. (Special.) 0on White of Woodbine Iatt week flld a petition In bankruptcy with the clerk of the fedvrn.1 oourt at Council Bluffs. H guvs In t.! 8i9 as asset, which Included life Insurant, and liabilities of ti.176. ItOSHI.If AAti Kit. I Lltl Oiitjr Um Ct l-rr ; lie Iron Chthao Via Isk fhoie A Mich is. in Hootliern'lty. Tl. kcis on u.le Aug. U 13 14, with pro vl'.oB for enl-itilutt, of return, limit ta B--i t. IJ. TUkets aval. hl VI a!! regular iiiiii.-n, luidu -liiig thiough Nts Yoik, as k'1 the fct. Iii-em., l'.iver, AJiron d u k and Whit AK-untsin t rltory. For rud I., -l.!in M. H. o.h , T. J'. A., C:.!- .-.., vt C F. Laiy, r 1. f A. 1,. I'. A., I it-..,-. ! "'-- '. A - I . x ...t 1 ... FROM IOWA IT! INC !!AY I E EXPENSIVE rringi Up 3T Tactar in if propriatioiis for Various rurportes, INSTITUTIONS ..WILL MAKE CtV.ANDS Areonntina- on rst ' Asiproorlatlon WsU Resnlt frosa ' Folley la Stat Affair Increas la Rank Deposits. (From a Ptn Corre-jcnilent.) IF,3 MOINES, July K. (Special.) Th ruling of Attorney General Mullan to th effect that the law of th Twenty-ninth general assembly requiring, a prorating of annual appropriations for nat Institu tions so that they win get for any 'un finished portion of a qusrter a proportion ate share of th annual sum, Is regarded a likely to cause much trouble at th state capltol, for Treasurer Swisher of the Sfat university hs given notlc that he will have a reaccountlng of th ap propriation and mak a demand for what I due If tha ruling la' Id be th law. Under the ruling the' attorney general decided that where an appropriation went into force befor the "beginning of th following fiscal period' th institution should hav a proportionate surtv for the remaining month or weeks. This date back to three year ago. As a large num ber of the appropriation were mad in April preceding the beginning of th fiscal year. July 1, he hold that the computa tion "should commence. on the day th law became effective and thi would give th lnitltutlbns many thfuisahd of dollars. On on fund alon It would giv the Btat university about 17,000. and a rough com putation show that the Institution would get at least f!5,0) In this way to which It wa not supposed they would be en titled. Th attorney general has been asked for a upplemental opinion clearing up som new qutlon, but ' unless th ruling I modified the Institutions wfll ask pay ment of large sums, and may go back many years and ask an accounting on th new basis covering a number of appropriation.- Statu oQiclal regard It a th most significant muddle the state ha got Into for lotni time on finances. Increase In lianls Deposit. Slate Auditor Carroll was asked today to mak a computation showing the differ ence In bank deposit-now and eight year ago, during the . then, presidential election. He found by reference t Ma book and tha report Of all kinds of bank and trust companies that ,ln 1SMJ there wa on deposit In financial institutions of Iowa about (78,000,000, while at the present time th amount on deposit 1 upward of 1211, 000,000, a difference of $133,000,000, or an In crease of 108 per cent. " The facta are to be made us of In Campaign work in th tat In consideration, of the financial question at issue. " Th bank business of Iowa ha shown but. very little increase th past year,- but has not lost. .. , . -. Water Test at Cherokee. -Secretary Treat of the-State Board of Control returned from- Cherokee, bringing with him a sample of the water from the suoond well at th 8 tut tioapltal. f The water la perfectly clear,' wherea a few week ago, befor the weM wa' fitted with a filter system, at th depth ot 400 feet It we wholly unfit, for 'usT becaus of th heavy sediment -.In th .aame. .Th hospi tal authorities ar "pumpfa out' 100,000 gal lons of wats a day and1Ltvtll keep this up for thirty day as -(tv. ' J,f-;the water continues clear' and abundant th con tractor get t3,ttXl for , il., worSt and th state Is aved the expsnse iof ait outlay of 26,000 for a new waterworks plant, for which,, the legislature'-an appropria tion. - ' . . , '',.,.. ' : ; Prlay Vladnctw Report. ' The Pea Moine alderrnen. who' paid a visit to Omaha a short, time ago for th purpose of Investigating Viaduct construc tion prepared a report, td the city council, but It has been withhold, and u is learned now that tho report will not be mad at all. 'When the council took up th work of preparing for leve construction to pre vent a repetition of tha floods In this city It was daemed best to allow the viaduct' matter to rent. The viaduct plan have been under consideration many years and the council hav alway put oft final action. ' ' Cemetery Accounting. Mayor Mattern has investigated the city cemetery funds and finds, that there has been much laxity In administration of af fair Ho ha appointed Warren McIIonry a an accountant to taka charge of the cemetery book and to collect "about Jl'6,000 that Is due. The lot will ba sold again whore tber ha been no' payments made and the accounts of the present Woodland cemetery will be closed jlp preparatory to the opening of a new and larger cemetery outside th city limits. ' Tfoanar Woman' O rafter. For eome tlma report, hav been re ceived here of a young woman who 1 en gaged In working various' graft In the cities and town of the state, and this week It was found that sh ha been work ing In Pea Molneg. She. ha besn canvasolug for advertisement for something to U gotten out by th women of Klneman R- l.ut culpa, Yv omens Itellef oorps, and th women of that orgajlsajion, today cam out In a algned statement warning , th people against her. It la claimed sh has also secured money on som pretexts from two churches In th city.1 JLaat of th. Contracts. Th Board of Control will tomorrow open bids at Vinton for the new hospital build. Ing to b erected by th state m connection Wlta to Stat College for th Blind. The hoapital la made neceeaary by th Increas ing number of blind persons who, In ad d.iiuu ui reoeivnig education, are being treated for varlou ailment at th col lege. On Saturday th bordwiU let the contract for th addition to the old po ple building and th hospital at Mar shalltown. This will complete all the buildings that aM to b erected by the state this yesr. Work Is being don on contracts at practically every on of the Btat Institutions. S Satan"' Is Lokd Ib, "Satan" Andrews, aaaailunt of litt! girls on-Grand avenue, was taken to the peni tentiary thi morning, heavily ironed. A drtvis, while awaiting trial on the charge agiiinst him, has made sevsral unsuccess ful attempts to ssicapo, and. is tsken to the penitentiary for safe keeping. - Plans to overpower tha turnkey and nmko a Wholesale ilellverv mers frntiri. - few days ago, and Andrews has a number of times since then to break from in county jail. LUZCM CAFE fJWAGER F.!AY C!E Mna Scabked by r"l!vtuo at St. l,,0Is ! I ltd . ( banc fur Recovery. HC I.fiVl.t, July ai.-H.iiBgrr Un Jen kin cf the Cfo I.uroii. 011 th I'hl'.'j t reservation at th V.'oi hl fir, w'io wns .r:i,5-.i ri.ttui iy n-ght In jt i.m 0.1,, tr t 11 i. 1 inos who r.--lr t.-d Ho ,..,, f v th It i-t.ior 1. 1 t l-y an at'tt.W wu;t k. kr i.a e0t.. a tj I'v. It 1. L,, ,,. tnlnej that the knlfs Mud penetrstel Ms lung. Night Watchman Mci.lulr and the others wounded In the affr.ty are rccovrr Ing. Six whits worfien. who wer arreted a a result cf the troubl, tr bolng held pending the InveotUKtion Into tr.s flght. So far ten of the Filipinos Identified by tha women as having been In th restau rant st ths time of th trouble bav,ben arrested and It la ep'ed others will ba taken Into custody. The unfamiliar Span ish names Of the Filipino scouts and the frequency with " which they ar said to hav changed them since Saturday night 1 4-auslng th World' fair detective con slderablstroable In locating th offenders. FLEVHE TALKS CF RUSSIA Minister of th Interior ay th Realm of th 'sar Is a remocrac, BT. PETERSBURG. July H (Special Cablegram to The P ) "Riissla." Mid tha minister of the Interior, pausing as fi spoke to pick his words, "Is a demo cratic country," M. da Flehve granted, an. audience, this wek to several newspaper correspondents and consented td place the position of affair within th empir before, them. In order to correct authoritatively certain impression which hav beoora popular In Europe. II repeated, " is a democratic country. Of our total population the vast majority are peasants, and a country gov erned by an autocrat for tn peasant class Is, certainly to be accounted democratic. And then, monsieur. It appears no to be known In England that In matter affecting the administrative districts th- govern ments In 'which they live-, the peasants and trade people are self-governing. The Imperial authority appoints a governor, a in th case of an English colony, but th local assembly, which collects and spends th local taxes, is elected by the people. "These taxes, now," he continued, "are also worthy to b understood. In Russia th revenue Is almost entirely -derived from Indirect taxation. Customs due furuiah a very large part of It, and of that portion which Is obtained by direct Imposts, land taxes and so on, nearly all Is alloted to local purposes road, schools, administra tion and th like.- Those people benefit who pay, as a!s In England, and subject to th central (the Imperial) authority they guide the expenditure of their money themselves. "And In regard to that money that Is paid -direct to. lb .imperial .government there must U a further distinction. When the srfa wcra emancipated the government advanced the money necessary for the pur chase of their land from their erstwhile owner, and that being paid back In in stallments. In a few year the payments will hav been completed, and the peasant will then posses freeholds. 60 this sunt 1 to be deducted from the total of direot taxation and will shortly disappear from the budget altogether." Talk of Liberal flection. I then Inquired concerning that section of the people who are bo manifestly dis contented with the prevailing order. Hi exoellency proceeded to classify them neatly. . . , . "Liberalism In ' Russia," he , said, f"ha many adherents and exponents, and th most of these are In no sense extremists. They disapprove of the government' method In certain respects, but their op position stop at criticism. Their oppor tunities for demonstrating their opinions are few. - They express themselves, : to a certain limited extent, In a particular seo tlon of the press,- but- beyowd that they can hardly go. You must .understand, monsieur, that these people are not to be regarded a -revolutionaries. "Titty' belong largely to the middle clas and are quite worthy and harmless. "Th social democrat come next It 1 more accurate In this caae to call them the socialist democrat These are they who discover Injustice In the principle .of nu tooracy. "They enter politics on the ethical plane, a disciples of a variety of teacher, and the basis of their activity 1 alway some abstract theory, - 1 "It I Important to note, however, for the purpose of thi classification,' that they are believer in something, for the final class, the nihilists, ar otherwise. "These nihilist believe in nothing. Au tocracy suits them nd better than limited monarchy. Even a republic excites their 'hostility. Whatever may be the vehicle of authority, they are Its .enemies. Re bellion Is their sole instinct. They resist the Idea of a God, reject all claims of re ligion, subvert ethic and aspire. only to produce chaos. They are a class quite apart, and a small one, unimportant save as criminals and subject for police sur veillance." Of education, hi excellency had a regret to expres. "We have 'discontinued, the system of Count Tolstoy, nd so far have not been prepared with ojnythlng , to .-replace It. There are still the schools of the local authority, and from them a poor youth with practically- no money- nay pass to ths university, ail fee being remitted. But what w lack is the mean of technical education. I aim at a system by which son of peasants shall-acquire the sort of knowledge which will add to their pro ducing power; and which, whll It Im prove their own condition, shall tend to the economical - agKf andlxement . of th country." National tucamjiwttt U. A. R. The Nickel Plate road will il ticket August ,13, IS and 14 at 117.75 for the round trin from Chlcaco. via direct line, with stopover at Niagara Vails and Chautauqua Lake If daslrad. within final limit. lAlao, If proferred. rate ot J20.70 between sunt point for th round trip via New York City and boat, with liberal stopover returning at that point. Ticket good on any train on shove date and also on special train from Chicago at f a, m. August 13; final return limit September au. Meals served in Nickel Plate dining cars, on American club meal plan, ranging In price from S5o ' to 11.00; also a la carte. City ticket office Chicago, 111 Adam street; Chicago depot,. La Ball street station, bonier Van Buren and La Sails streets, on the Elevated Loop. Writ John Y. Calahan, General Agent, 113 Adams street, room 2s8, Chicago, for reservation of berths In thmorh standard and tourist sleeping cars and other detailed Informa tion, Bee Want tAda are the lirat Business Boosters. Cheap Hates to ltoston Via Nwr York City and Uoat. 0.70 for the rout.d trip from Chicago via Nickel I'lute road, Auguat 12, 13 and 14, with liberal stopover at New York City returning, and also stopover at Niagara Falls and Chautauqua I-k wiUtln final limit M desired. Aluo rat of H7.75 from Chicago to Boston and return via direct line. Ticket good on ahy train on above dates and aJeo on special train from Cltl rugo at I a. m. August 13; final return limit September 10, by di-puatilng fkket. Through sleeping car service, tiet.1 In Nickel PUt dining cars, on American club meal plau, ranging in price from !k.u to tl-Ov; also service a la cm to. Wilt John Y. Calah", General Agent, 1!5 AtUii.s street, room I:., lor rcr Vution bertha in through al.wid.tid and U-urmt cars and fi.U particular. 1 . 1.1. 1 AJJ at ti.t i t Laa'ue J .,v.-,t STRIKE AGAINST REDUCTION n.'i-t Tij'cf Textile Strike in tbe East Ti a Q-iif t!r, STRIKLHj warncd against violence Of an Army f Twrenty-slx Thousand Operative, Only Three Thousand . Itftifo to Work and Mill . . Ar All Closed. . FALL RIVER, Mum., July 25. Th first day "of the strike of 26.000 cotton' mill operatives here paaacd quietly. Th mill brner srd their operatives are deter mined In their position and the outcome la hard to predict. - With the striker It I a question of ho- long they can do with out their Wages and exist on strike benefit.. On the pnrt Of the owners it Is a matter Of how long they can afford to have thet mills closed. The cotton and cloth mar ket are hot at tholr beat. A portion of on mill waa operated until noon today and at another some twenty men worked all dBy. When the mill gate In F,all P.lver Were opened this morning less than S'fy conservatively estimated, out ot an army of some 2S,fl"0 operative, re ported for work. , The Bourne . and Narragansett mills opened nt the Canal hour, but when th operatives came out at noon a large force of striker was on hand and their argu ments were so effective thnt not enoutth weaver returned to the Bourne work to' operate the plant and the attempt to ken' th mill running wa abandoned ot 2:30 thla afternoon. Only a- score elf employes returned to th Narragnnsett nills. Those continued at work during the afternoon. '.The strike lenders repeatedly warned their followers throughout the day that violence nnf t avoided, and with a single exception, unimportant In itself, the advloe was heednd. : There was little In the mill section to Indicate that the breadwinner of thousands of families were engaged In a struggle certain to be acoonipanled with hardships and privation for many. Neither the officer of the Textile council nor the-, mill managers would make n formal statement tonight, the situation In thej opinions showing little or no chnnge since, morning, , ' . Both sides admit this is the beginning of one of the most determined contests which Fall River has ever seen. The manufac turers maintain they were compelled to re due wages to save thlr business, while the operative say condition affecting cot ton manufacture Jir did not. Warrant uCh a reduction. It LA I H, MI2BHA3KA, Waahlnarton C'onnty Speed Association. One dollar round trip to Blair on July 26 to 29. good returning until July jo. Web ster street depot. Be ' Want Ada are the Best Business Booster. Hamilton Hotel anil Cottage, St. . " ' . Leal. r A permanent hotel, three minute from World" Fa",. Rooms J2.00 per day u?. Book let free, addres W. P. -Williamson, manager.-. : ' n 1 1 I TTPO n sjr PERFECT AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY TJsed by people of refinement (ox over a quarter of a century ' PREPARED BT 1 M k ateaH, III Wli IJ I Of Fulj r half htvr r.iavrmai It ska in Lh- arlrrrr I f P, - 1 fM aW iltu; '111 .t4lljal litkUl .wr,lvf tWiwE ...... --. I Is rnponniMa) lor ihoiit of rh trfiit1ful luaMin or hair yon r tx.r. it m ato " utilf fiarn)tim. -i;,v mi mile t nv-iu- ih for jtoarfl ni Af nniaMhr. tVumpi ot lialr color ml frw, ffMirl for PaaiitiitL raM)rifcli,neMi.Mi.(,o.jj?i A.sUdSL.htw Vork Bhtrm.a 4 MeConnell. pruif Co., Omaha. i f.,Eil r3 n w..i.. tie Big trf fnr nnnnorsC H haraoa.lnflliitiinasioi, IrrUalion .r Biiri!u4 lliltli ta ltt T. . j Ult l i I atrloMr. ilul of in u a OB mentbrap, Fal'itM. sd out tria- "HLtVNk<lV"-l fD. MMia by iniggllsv or nt Is platn wrpiwj t l. j !. ri-wi'"id. im eiitoiNMATi.e , V- a. x. : ti. or I bottl 2.7. Luvuinr aa o 1C SEARLES & SEAHLES . Omaha. Nl. ' CLTiS CUARAXTEE3 Quicker and for LES3 MONEY than other ) CPLCiAltST. cure allnctal dlni ilium-fci4y, bidlir .d uluuu at wotatt Ct f rnred Tor life. "on every t gn f J .avnuion. sure Q body. It mouth, tc-ogus. imttit hair and yhrowa, (tailing o.ilj aisppar oompleiely torr. '! V"'- Hpvurd. oiargea sad kt. iwi if tio cure wiuu.t.uf tiog, psia r lo oi tlin Kevor fait tsuiukut cur in tu wviau. I" Ir jL' .,ri., . I ' fJrB iiliUiUm, wast-V-) imX jj,g ,tu tirt blUiy, arur asciixuw lu uf vigor aaii irciigtu. T, , ,..... ,,,11 11 Mara A IT Cnr. L.Oi.ll l o riAc iics Lilt USAUA.. fiaaf at. XtvU ajui. Iniuauaa. if- -1 I .J 1 ! 1 I li -14 l 1 tv. t a- V Mi r v.. jgcL. Alfllio Year Aromiil OlOooc " v-"-m office ar hot In summer and cold In winter. ClTea ttmt are always waim tn winter and cool In summer are In Th c LuiM iug. That 1 becau tlie building waa built by an architect wl.o kept tlua matter In mind and becaime tlie bull ling la sliuated so that the-ce U no wmt fur. beating down ujn It and Uki 1 plenty of !r on ail Mue, aud tlirough th court on the Inj-U. We have a fevr vry denlrable o.n.c at very reuaunab' prlra Ixi us Ktiow them to you. r. c. mas o co., rrcr.1 Crcc to Cljss Every step In U process of fiiftkli.s, aging ftnil txittl'.ujr CHEAT ULSTtHN ci:v.:pacne ,. In done on our own trcinlfS ljr rxjM-rts. Wo know It i an nUKiltttrly r,lr porffttly hraltliful vine. "Of th sl Amer ican fhpfl esMhlted nt th rrl exposition f ilMMt, Ik ORR4T S FSTFHN wra th only one that r e-vtved ..lUULD medal." , i '"li riEASMST YAM.KY WISH .CO. gal Maker. KHim I. !UM ky refKtbl win daaler svwywhtr Clisrjs Lca tttaa Ati Ci&erav, '. - :D.' ' Lr V4 a I 6PEC!ALfST. Treat all farsss l MEN ONLY-- A Medical Expert it Year' Esperleee . .11 Years la Oasb a--- ,'' trtr u.aot uh Cm VtHra-l. ftrilrfcal, ' Hloorf . Polanm,- BfrtlH 6il, NrvAti ptfMinr. I.1" of atrangth aae YitalUy an All form of rhronl illa, Viwtment anal), ''all ar rlla tM. Data, vrer a g. 1U St., Onutaa, ha . O. M. E. Tel. 611 MEKSEN'QER AND B A GO AG 3. 1C1 Far&am C'.r.ct. WII-L. GET TCJR BXOdAUB : litEHa ON T1MB1. - ' ' um WeL iL i - "i L-.iJ.-l 1 RAILWAY TI?.1E CAHD t'NIOX STATION-TETH AS!) MARGY. Chicago, Rock Island A I'aelfle. . EAST. ; ' Chtcisa Pojllpht Limited .. .......a I ks ia , hlcn ihviikIH Looal 7 in) mm pta Cllioar,o KxprnM .........' bi2:0t pia S pis lie olna gxprti 4 JO pra bl 1 t v its Chlcano Past pr al:0pm SliWpia W8T. Rockr MounUIn Umlta .a f :) n iliSOaia Llltculn, l.'uluraJ HprlugA !- r, Publo and weal a 1:14 pot al:Hmi t'nlon l'aclflo. , , Th OrarlaDil Llmltaa t:40 am n l:M pnl Colorado A California Cipro... 4:10 pm : LbioKi-I'nriluiia Special a.a-pt . Knaurrt Kxlirom ..........'.....-' allSOpia Coiumbua Uot-al 1:00 pin t:W si CoioraJo Hprrfal a 7-4? U1 Chii-MO BlN-rlal IOam paatrli Looal f. ..t M tm . 1 16 pm Kut Mail al.fctla.-tt, I.Nn Chieaaio A Northwestern. yt CMnao a 10 pat Loral t liiao all SI am Mall a 8:10 pin lirlixht ft. Paul Ml1 am DarW(ht ( hlrimo ............a i ll) atn Llmltrd t hii-ago a I 26 pm Lrl Carroll ,.......,..,. 4:l' pi lOar 10 oo pi 11:40 pia t it am ' ! 1 I ant Faat St. Paul im Local Sioux City A it. Paul b 4.00 pm a tmo am Faat Mall iw p-n Chtraa-o Exprea t Norfolk Bimaateal al:lm Lincoln A Long Pin bl Deadwood A Llncolu i M pin Caaper Wyoming i...l I W pn Htlnc-Alblon .b t:0 a I pm 10 li ara 10 M ara 10 pia l it p-n 1:1 Cblcaao, Mllwnokr St. Paal. V Chli-ago DaTllsht Kxprea .Cn.'i. . 7 :W m aireOpm CalUomla-Oreana Kxpra pra a I 10 Orarland Limit. i .-a J Pnl 7:M D- Molnaa A Oknboil Kiprraa... 7 -it am a 1:10 pm Chicago Oreat- Wettersi'i'- St. Paul V Mlnneaoolla Limited.. I to pm a T tt am Pt. Paul A Minneapoll Exprea. a i.sw a i Ufa hloao Limit .a 40 pm alOno am Chicago xprea ...... 4J0 am 4iipia Illinois Central. . ' .. , Chlcaio Bxpraa.. ............ .'...-.a 7:50 m: el tW pia Chlraso Limited s 7 0 pa l r Vlnneapolla St. Paul Kxpra..b 1 60 am blO: pm Minneapoll A St. Paul Xisill.-a Jl-JpiSj a 44pi Missouri Faollle. St. Loul Bipre v.. W:48 am s M pm Kanaaa C'lt; A Bt. IJUll XxprM. .all :S pm 1 ::i(o World Fair Special a l:(0 pat al.Mo W'abnsh. . Bt. Loul Ctnnon Ball Bipreaa.. 30 pen il sia New World' . air ......ill- lia 'U P u Lo-al from Council Hluffl a 14 am a I :lrt Pm UIMLISUTON TAT10510TM at MA SO.. Chlcaaro, EOrllagton ' t)nlny. ' ' ' 1T. i A-rl-a, Clilraisn !pi-rlal 110 am M, pm Chicago Vcailtiuied Expreas a4:i0pm a 7 26 am Chloago Loral 16 m ;t lpio ChlcaKU Llmllcd a 4 1 pa 7:40 pi f aat Mall . p. Kanaas City, St. Joaeph att Council BlntTs. '.:'", Kauaaa City Par --pr S:1S ara s :(- pm St. Loun Klrer ..a IK pm all :'- am Kanaita City Nlht -xTspreaa. . . . . ..I0:6 pm :46 am Burlington A sllasourl HI ter, , , Wymore, Deatrtc It Lincoln ...,, a I M am bll - pi Neliranka Eirea ...- I-M I !' Iienver LlB-trA .'. '....- a 4:10 pin 4 16 am Black Hlile Puaet 8oun4 ' Jtg..sll:M pm a "4 pm Colorado Veetthul.d flyer I 30 pw Lincoln Taat .Mail c.b tit pm alt t'5 pm Fort Crook a Platurnoutn b t at pm blOUt am ItellcTU tt Parlllc Junction a 7 (0 pm a km llellarue A Jutiuton ......a I 30 am bellevu and l lttainuih.. .. . .bl8 :14 pm WEBSTKR DE.OT-15TH etc WKBSTiER. Missouri Faclllc. , ' ht. 'Anira Nehniak Local, Tla Weeping Water , ...b 4:10 pm atl tSaal I hirago, St. Faol, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City .,..b 4 a0m' Bfilflpm Bloux City t'aaaeuser ....... ..... m J:0 pa all 0 am Oakland Local bi.ipm b 1 i Dally. b Dally Sanitay. 4 Dally t"t 'Saturday. Lialiy aoia liuuy. - . - i i 11 11 ' 1 -.-."j-j'-aa tHt.A. I iitxa,- , . tt:ii'lt" ir-'-i-tii.J I f- . ll.LLvli r,..ue.hi L.. lew : '1 tn-bcrcw Hta mere at iJ.Jl Im e, ' NfclV IOHK- IttlTThW LiA H, el 1---LlA gelling Tueeuw. ai 10 A. ku Rotterdani Au. i,atritm Jlng fl Kyndain An, tioooam ...Aujt, If Kuoruaia Autf. 14 KotlMtaaio ....... 4 IidLuaND-AMEKICA U.a. Varoora Si., tl utUl ill.l liaiTP M-i, fame, a ec i B.ulherlot'1, 1.XJ Vruaai St. 4. n. k.uuiue, leeg gaiuam St. " ' - TWE..TIETH CENTUrtY F?S.:Zx 'lh llest farm 1'aper. it VI f 4 ' Ql:::J fi::?,