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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1904)
i THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 2 lCOl. SrECliU NOTICES A4vrr(lrmrali for thue rilimm will fc Ukri mill 13 m. for the r?fnl( edlftna and aaM t p. m. for h toioraliit aad laiidtf rdKId. rtatra, 1 l-2 a word Brat Ineertloa, 1 word tkerraflrr. JfotMaaj taken tnr less thaa Sic for the rt laaer- tloa. These ad-rertlsemenls moat b ran fomepalliflf, Adrrrllirri, by requesting: a, anm brrrd rhrrk, ran l answers ad dreeaed to a aamkrrrd letter la rare f Tka Hee. Aaswers ao addressed will bo delivered oa preaentallon of rberk. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL B0YLK8 SCHOOL. Tver day Is an enrollment day. '1 hi and butter science ai our pe- entitle. Penmanship, Practical Grammar, Book keeping;, btenography, Touch, Typewrit' lng, eo. Call, writ or 'phone for Information. . Ii. t. BuiLi-d, president. New Torlt Life liiilar. K 10 -CUT-RATE TICKET3 everywhere. P. H. Ihllbm. Irs farnam and opp. Union sta tion. Tela. -7M and lb, 3. R lil TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3 '30. R-1U CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 14 F.AOLE Loan Office; reliable, accommoda ting; all business confidential, ljul Douglas. It j5 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 121 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 188 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 11 SO. K 167 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WIIEATON, In tha Be bldg. , R 188 rilGN painting. S. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas. e R-li-9 FFRFIELD Piano Co., Pee bldg.: no In terest: honest values; easy term. Tel. 701. R-m it W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. Tel. 8747 K 192 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! Oil Ail A BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. R-m BARGAINS Uncalled for aulta and corrict trout, 1517 Farnam, tipatalra, room 6. Aak for Forman. R 185 IPIIRF Stsmmerlng" and Stuttering. t-UIVL, j, Vaughn, Ramgo bid., Omaha R-M196 THIS IS THE MONTH wifa0fu.r. ghotild be overhauled and repaired. Omaha Stove Repair Wks., 12u7 Douglas. Tel. R M317 81 EXIT)RT piano moving, loweit prices. Schmoller ft Mueller, Lil3 Farn. Tel. li'.2o. 197 BTANDARD filter. Iluber. Tel. 3913, 1301 Farnam. R M287 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 8. 11TH. 'PHONE 264. !Why carry your soiled linen I Our wagon call and deliver same. .Bills collected ' tnonlhly. R-Mt3 AU 1. MELCHOIR, machine works, 13th and Howard. R Mlm. All CCl H SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. -J t-U pitting Co., loue llarnay. Tel. 2i3Jw R 4"4 ARTIFICIAL BTONliT" SIDEWALKS LOWEST PRICES McWILLIAMS BROS. 431 PAXTON BUC TEL. BSD. BUSINESS CHANCES FIFTY' stockholders at ISO each wanted by local manufacturing conoern (Incorpor ated) arranging to Increase output of an article of universal consumption; steady Income producer. M. J. Greevy, 414 Bee . ' Bldg. 'Phone L-2330. Y M412 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat Bk. Bid., can get you In or out of business. . Y 198 8KOLEB-ARM STRONG- CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. , Y-W9 IWHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J, II. Johnsun. 843 N. Y. Life., phone L27?o. Y 2-J0 TO. get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate see Omaha Real Katnte. Bnd Business Chance Agency, 4u5 N. , Y. Lire bids. Y-334 Cl'T my speclnl flan of prompt an lea of n-i btorea. i. v. ivniest, 7U1 N. I. I.lfe Y-M7 EMPLOYMENT offloe for sale Ohenp; leav ing city. Address S 14, Bee. Y M391 m. m ..n.vijj ijiinianicjiiu n lilts UI1CS intnietiel with us, a proposition as good cs a government bond; lust month's cMvl ifnd paid equaled 20 per cent; bank refer ence given; write for literature and pros- . 'pectus, wtiloh will be forwarded free upon eppllcatlon; representative wanted. Davl. ayr I'roinoting Co., Milwaukee, win .;' Y-M417 Alt EOR SAI-E A prontahla hardware and furniture buslnefts, established 20 yars. In growing town on main line B. & M. Only one competitor. - Correspond with 8 19. liee ollire, Omaha, Y 425 25 J OIt SALE, an old established bakerv, con-f-ciionery pii r"tii'jrnnt In county n.-at town In S. W. Iowa. Addreeis I,ok Hox Ko. 3.3, tilenwood. Iowa. Yw-MjIO 2Jx BUSINESS C H A NOES FA R M LA ND3 OMA14A AfPKISAL COMPANY , 8-3 NK'V YOHK I. IFF, BLLO.. 'PHONE Fioiii Y-M707 . ' STRUCK OIL. Is avnnnvmnua wlh suddenly acquired wrilth. n(! the undersigned controls some ciuiieo oil land In the rat trend of the Cl'tti.ute flld and can furnish leases on t! m land very reasonable, considering the ti.'.fi (isvelopments, one mile to the south anil I ho same dlmnnoa west can be found fwr fine productions, one of which sold tnitly fur 8i2i,.H). This advertisement ihv not spiiear aguln and If any inventor It Intereiited coma st onre and se what 1 have to offer. L. l'yeher, Etiaw. Kansas. Y-767 27x ''iw ?!oyjo wtwk miiw, i uie t.l0 stock hardware. 'ualu,0 houemovin ouiftL ' ' ' ' f 'lie U-room hotel, Jf,5iM. "t" i "ie pfw:n(.r outfit, me blarkniiiith shon and tools, $400. Ail in goo( N. E. Nib. town. Also land for sale and exchange. t)t von want bruii!!i, Adurres i. C. leming, Beomer, Neh. Y-IU7S7 1 I "c y LK, absolutely the best paying t tii uiiia; bunlnesa in Omahq; Imainl on liuilii nreel: rent reasonable; small cap ital required; re!lull tacking If desired; Al Investment to ti,ht parti : reason s-!lnf out inii-t te j.cri,,:!Hllv aniilalned to an-re." tta 1 1 moi.ey nmklog onr,,. tlon. A.idtvss t liee. YM',i,4 Zi K' A TI:;i KewsuMper , corresiauidents. 1 nwst apeis pay well for i w aii'l st,,li-n. Fnet-getlo men and i turn t i to J.- per month from i ' Mart at home In tl,l liutclnatlnx nit. A.llresa VV eatrm l'i"ea ttnreau ' ri.k.i. Ivan. Y M.".lx l t n ' want to clear l a month? H-ive you J ( to luv n e--tal'liMie,l om. q bual-'ces d.iu tiles ? If to "'Ii'-""" H, hi, li Y M772 26 rLcrjGTS ii.: i & fcVkObUS'A, ll'o l arnani. --i'. J K . .:, r a i -urtouii. herd for I 1 1 c I vi i. '..t liu ti s and -3- AT t- K'-' lai.-A'..lit I-. Jit,, 1 I Fariinii 't i. J. -TO WA'JTEDr.'ALE HELP- SUMMER SCHOOL Now nj.en at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Beventcntn and XJouglaa. Students enroll every day. We make a specialty of all public tichool. Business; snd Normal UrBncH". A Lao Sliorthanu, '1 yiiewritins; and Tltjrrsphy. tend fur bummer hi hool Announcement. RuliRUOUUll BHOd. jjq, WANTED ?5 men to work on brick yard snd tenders on brick buildings. LeMer Brick lard Co., Leshler, Neb. B WANTED Two agents to work from our whroiis. C. F. Adams Co., lbl J,,ow?,ra street. B 177 Flout City, la MOLER'B BARBER COLLEGE, .Denver. Colo., wants men to learn barber trade; epeclal inducement this month; write for terms. - B MtM AiX WANTED A thoroughly reliable man to carry a flrat claas line of cigars as a aids line, on commlslon. for Nebraska and surrounding territory. Only work ers and thoao that mean business and are no amateurs need appiy. Liberal lavout for rlrht man; etata references with rply. Addre-s Pusher, care this office; The Lesser Clar Co. B Mool 28 WANTED Five Canvaarra In Nebraska and Iowa. JJ5 per week to the right men. Address 8 44 Bee. B MS. 3 W WANTEf Men to learn barber trade. New and practical method, free work, careful Instructions, few weeks completes; can pearly esrn expenses before finishing; po sitions wsillng graduates Call or write, Alolcr Barber College, 13u3 Douglas t. B M'uS9 29x WANTED, blacksmith helper, one that can work on the floor; steady Job. W. Q. C. Wooster. Falrbury, Neb. B Mi3 26x WANTED Linotype operator, fully com petent for all classes of work. Newa Printing Co.. Aberdeen. S. I. B-763 25x WE WANT rompeitent people to fill posi tion as managers, accountants, s's men, stenograiihers, hotel clerks, office clerks etc.: call or write for list of va cancies. Western Ref. and Bond Asri., S40-SU N. Y. Life. B ?0 a WANTED, tenoraphers to prepare for government positions; salary snd chance for promotion; excellent position per manent. Address B 61, Bee. B M754 28 x WANTED Ladles' suit and cloak assist ant. . 1 i An excellent opportunity with good salary attached la offered by one of the leading western department stores to bright young man who has had experience In the general dry goods business, and par ticularly In handling suit and cloak. Address S,62,Bee. JfcM((WJW WANTEDr-FEMALE help 80 GIRLS: Canadian office,' 16th and Dodge, WANTED An experienced marker and . . . ... , . T - . . ,1 Jvtt XT m I sorier. jiinciiex xuhuij, w i. wwl South Omaha. C M953 WANTED A competent second girl, with reierence, ai uio aaa at. v oiv O. K. American-German employment office, . . . ii l , r. . iru ! .1 oiaest, most renauie iu uiuaiia. u-i j-"jubct. C-UoS7 A WANTED A competent laundress for hotel laundry: $5 per week for summer; also chambermaid who la waitress, 14. Addres J. Webb, Valentine, Neb. C MG41 26 WANTE'T Indies to learn hairdresslng, manleurBig or facial massage; positions waiting graduates $10 to $15 weekly; diplomas granted; few weeks completes; can nearly earn expenses before finish ing. Call or write, Moler Collego, 1303 Douglas St. ' C-M- " 29x GOOD GIRL wanted at the Creche. ISth and Harney. C 764 27x GIRL for general housework. 2211 Blnney ,ri. xrno tm' . at. v.. .vi t oo ojt WANTED Flrst--aisTeHlinryk. trimmer and designer; also first-class makers for one of the largest) millinery department In the west. Apply by; letter only. Ad-, dress 3 57, Bee. C 758 25x WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION Wanted Experienced In ste nography and clerical worn; goon reier ences. Address S 27, Bee. A M608 26x WANTED, work by young man; am not fiairtlcular wnat ine wont is, just so j ei t. Address S 59, Bee. A M7K9 27x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerou small bill that nave accumuiuiea auring ine winter It might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then pay us in weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to r Tiav. Our rates are as low a any and a great deal lower than- some. Our service is quick and without publicity. If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell other, and if you are dlspleasrd, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Ioan Co., Board of Trade Bide. Tel. 25. (Established 1SU2.) 3uti South lmh Ft. LOANS on Salaries, furniture, pianos. PAYMENTS A'D RATES TO ETJTT YOU. PELIABLE CREDIT CO. S07-3O8 PAXTON BLIC TEL. 1411. X M371 MONEY to i i:.L.n LOAN 1'hoeniX CieuJl Cu. roJ afaxtou iUk. 3a.'2C3 DON'T BORROW MONET On Biliary, Furniture or Piano UNTIL YOU fctiE U'Jj. Y n. ll wni. lit, r,e 4eleniSine 1'am, and we will efciid tf ut to expUuu and turanya loan at your residence. J, A. liUTTuN CO., iit 1'axtoo Block. 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $ii'0 to J',(W loans on your personal note al 8 rhu ttui' Pimi ihak. Ail good loans w.;ited. Call or wrua and get my system. W. L. luititiiian & Co., Hid larnum, Omaha. X ;! MONEY 1X)A NED SALARIED PEOPLE and -others with security; easy payments; largest business in 43 priiicipnf cities. '1 .uiiiiin, ruom Chuiiibeir of Commerce Bldg. X 2i7 MONEY to loan on furiature, horses, etc., at half usual ratea. Dr. pribbenow, room ia. at He 8. inh St.. Tel. JUj"i. i CIlATTEIs siilary and Jee.elry loans. Fncy Loun Co., Isii l ainam bi. SAIVIiY and collateral louns. Toinpleton, Hi Bee 1-iug. Tel. i-ili4. X J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, iiorava, cow a, s'.c. C. b', heed. 8i 8. 1.1 til. X i'M MONEY FDlt rlAlAHM''! rKiiPI.K. UTAH LOAM I'U., 4 i'AXiuM liLOi iC X M'J6t fa i:-. l i 1 1 1 ii. ,L 1'iiKton Ii!k , for loana uii au iii -i, diuiituiiJd und jvwelry. FnniTp'rt f .l.t I ri'INTlNO l r, JlU-tl tlrsde Wo.k. I VK-.-.- I- 11 I r""" " bio.-s, r, .., f L I iL J 1 AL iv-in til. ana Coj itol Ave. & i 1 i l.t i I , I IIANI.I ! (.'I'll 'ii PRINT, i .... . i iu u.'.ocr woiii ni:,ti I ' 1 1 r a ti , i WANTED FOR U. B. ARM T Able-bodied unmarried men between ars of il snd 8; citizens of United, States, of good cnarac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information spply to Recruiting Officer, ISth and Ioulas sts.. Omaha. Lincoln, Neb., or B M-37 DO WAiVT -IDS PAl'? THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE publisLctl nn Article last Bund.iy on classified ndvcrtiRing in which the writer cited Peveral cases wherein to his personal knowledge a man had gotten his start through email "want nds," and by continuous use of them succeeded in building up an extensive business. A number of such cases could be cited right here in Omaha. Less than a month ago a new advertiser placed an ad in the classified columns of TIIK OMAITA BKE nt a nominal. cost which made him ?.3G.OO. The Bee prints the most paid want ads. Bee want ads bring best returns. A trial will convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. ltu & Chicago. tSA -ill DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Fsrnsm, $125 PEH WEEK, Doran house, 423 S. mit VIENNA HOTET,, 1011 Fa mam ; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nlghia. E il THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam streets. 1 ' APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MCN 'J he C'natnam; luxuriously furnished rooms and amoking parlors; appointments firnt class. lli b. Ultx St., opposite Millard hotel. ii, 'u 6INOLE room, modern; large lawn, 'phona. 18a Douglas. E MM DESIRABLE (ouui front room, m Far nam. E Wi2S Six ROOM, single er ensujte, modern, nicely furnished, southeast exposure; refined neighborhood, convenient to car, within walking distance. 616 S. 22d. E 533 2 LARGE:, cool front room, lawn. 2T.38 N. Ifith, E M721 26x LARGE front rooms, rr.pdern, reasonable. NEWLY furnished room, new, modern iioune. aoos in, .mil. u M720 ox NICE room, goot. location, modern. 1R11 Chicsgo E 7E.3 2fix FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or wuuoui Doaro. jiiiuiaua hotel, 16th ana CWcago. . K i FURNISHED room, with board; modern; . e uu wjhuii, tttMt mrnam. F-7U rax TTIE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge, 'phon eo; nice, ugni, airy rooms, eisuita and single rooms; . veranda entire length of building. F 227 BOARD and room $4, meal 15c. 161, Dodge. FURNISHED room and board. 316 8. 2th. F-ti8 NICELY furnished rooms, board; summer MID O lo.V, w , - - r r O. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-M73 TtriATjn a vn Trn-T THE PRATT, 212 So. 2Eth st. 'Phone KISS, Mi04 BOARD and room for one or two gentle- iii e ii, in privaia lamuy. xei. fijt. F-190 ROOMS and board. 706 North 30th. F 477 7x NICELY furnished rooms; first-class board. ?w a. wtn. F M717 26x COOL rooms, fine neighborhood; first-class board. 44 B. 20th. F Id 718 26 BEAUTIFUL south rooms; first-class . . F 712 2flx board. 1920 Dodge. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO rooms, unfurnished, modern, 2412 Cass. G M536 30 TO GENTLEMAN nd wife, three room, moaern. rJia Farnam. : u Mas su WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED Furnished room, clean, modern. airy, private; down town; respectable; reasonable. Address 8 63, Bee. K-770 26x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safa cheap. Derlght, 1113 Farnam. ' J 230 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell urug lo omatia. vi at FOR SALS Several (scholarship In a first-class standard school In Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee olhoe. Q Sc2 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timber; cheap chiuKen tence, vjl uougias. Q M232 ' WE RENT Sewing machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from u.00 to $l0.0u. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 1G63. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 233 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Haura lion Co., Omaha. Q 235 FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cannier nxiure, in good condi tion, at a. bargain. Addres C. CV Rose water, room lw). Bee Bldg. Q S24 FOR SALE CHEAP Book rest, copy holder .ana lener bcbio an in good con dition. Inquire of E. B. Zimmerman, 311 ti. Y. Life Sitlg., CAi N. Y. Life Inn. Co. Q M316 EIjKCTRIC nickel In Iot, Peerless piano players and Rcglna music boxes, tig money makers, cheap for cash or time, tichmoller (k Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel Jd.'S. Cf M514 FOR BALE, kitchen rsnge nd Radlnnt ll.. heeler IH.t.H.n P in liee 1 k ,w TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILEltS Fuft KALE. Two boilers, 100 horse- power, which have . ...... 1 I , . , , .1. . i, u , - rxt e .- . stexl, triple riveted, butt and strap joints. Insurance company permits of preasuru of 1.'5 pounds. They are now In use end can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 25. Call or addres W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha. y MauJ COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnt- . . . , C....l,.. .. 1 . . . . T , . t U i P . VlllCMfiV e UU111U1. 4,tu tiui.lifl, Tel. 20:i. Q Must ICE CREAM 15c pt., 2So ot.. Wo gal.; mad and Clark. Q-M1.3 GO TO Diamond Loan Ofllce for loans; bariains la goods in pawn, itui xjnugiaa. FOR SALE EiRht-hora power gssolln engine. 1614 Capitol ava. Q bH,Z 27 FINE S-year-old thoroughbred Jet heifer. 1417 Vinton. y M6".5 i ersey ialx 8x13 Peerles presa, twelve fonts of Job, 25 pounds tmdy type, cases, raraa, tic, ail now, cheap, Address b 65, I lee. M Q M791 2tlx 1IOUSEIIOIJ3 goods of nice -room flat; ilat and goous new. Aauresn o m. nao. y M7J3 Sox L!0r.EY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE F.RM and city losns, low rates. W. H. Xuoinas. Flrt Nat i Bank Bldg. Tel. KiS. W 2ja PRIVATE money. V. D. Wead, 1LJ0 Pougla. IV fclU VVAK'TFD City loans and warrants. W. armul biuuh it -o., U.O tarnam t5t. VV-iltl MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Ot. A N T i Heal eetate loans and wsrrants. ll. .5. I'eteis Ai 1-ee BldiJ. i i i 6 per cent loans. Can la Bros , lw-4 IN run in. N -it ,J !.'Y 10 I v n ori te. 1 ,,1.. at 6 a'.d 6 4 I -i w,..U V. , B. e j X o 1 ' e. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE I HAVE a few quarters of good graslng land that must be sold at once; rrlre, U Pr acre. F. J. Dlahner, O'Neill, Neb. RE iM0 29 F. D. VVCAD, 10 lots on North lfith St., with 6 room bouse and barn, 6 blocks north ot car line, $0 cash, balance easy payments; $1.5v0. 1524 Douglas. RE MM3 tt FOR SALE One note .of $, due In one year; secured- by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually ; also ono nolo for $1,110, due on or before three years; Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortgage on good property.- Both are absoluiely fe and given by respectable parties. Address tha owner, 8 25, Bee otrir. ' pE-M TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1.'V and the other $2,440. PHIMER & CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE 734 Ilun. your property. Baker Bro. Eng. Co. RE 2S6 CiMs- Willlimson Co.,u- Itf .. ' RE ZA FOR 1 SALE Two modern eottnres. West Farnam st. district, only $1.6w0 each. Thoma Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. I .If Bldg. RE 566 CROP8, fin props; alfalfa banner crop; central Nebraska; come and see; send for illustrated pamphlet. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Nebraska. RE M416 DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead in South Da kota. Inqulra W. T. DALY, 701 S. ICth. Tel. 2341 . REM43 A2 FOR SALE, 640 acre fine farm land; 90 acres cultivated. 400 acres pasture, fenced, balance hay land; well, windmill and tanks; Buffalo Co., Nebraska; $10.50 per acre If taken at once. Address S 31, Bee, RE M4S2 NOTICE We make and sell loans on city and farm property, writ fire and accident insurance in the best companies, rent houses, look after same and can sell your real estate. KENNY REAL ESTATES INV. CO., SOO Bee building. RE 531 29 BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. Call 436, Board of Trade. RE M491 A21 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY South Omaha Feeding Farm 31$ Acres Superb land, good buildings, running stream. For particulars ask J. B. FIPER, Sole Agent, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. R1S M7ti6 26 School and Indemnity lands on the Rose bud reservation will be offered at public sale August 20, 1204, at Fairfax, South Dakota. For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of school and public lands, Pierre, South Dakota. RE 767 A24 ' BARGAIN IN HOUSE. On Locust at., near 24th, St., modern ex cept furnace, good repair, large lot, eight rooms; will be offered for a short time at $2,150. W. T..Graham. Bee Building. RK-7B8J1 SOMETHING NEW. Just finished,, modern 7-room house In Kountze place' facing Kountze park, full lot, every convenience, furnace, hot and cold water. . (electric lights, gas, filckel plumbing, porcelain bath, cemented cellar, double floors, everything In flrstclass shape; will be sold twfore offering for rent at $3,000 on- suitable term. W. T. Graham, ... BeevBuJUilps-- ... F.E-769 34 H Manderson Street Home H ,," 8 Bigi Rooms, $),500 Between 24th" and 25th streets, fine lo cation. This as- one of the best bargain We have had. on our list for some time; fine shade, paved street. House ha parlor, sitting room, dining room, kitchen and re ception hall .on first floor, four bedroom and bath on second floor, rear stairway, underfeed furnace, everything modern. . NEW HOUSE; JUST COMPLETED On 27th avenue, one block south ot Lake, four rooms and bath on first floor, two rooms on second floor, fine, sightly loca tion, - modern but furnace, easy term. Price, $2,300. . . j . BEMIS PARK HOUSE 6 rooms, 1026 T7orth 33d street, modern but furnace, fine location, on Harney car line, easy terms. Price reduced to $2,300. Many ethers In different part of the city. Hastings & Heyden, 610-EU N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M771 26X BRAND "NEW ALL MODERN BOULEVARD BARGAIN. 6-room dwelling, built for home; owner desirous making quick sale; east front; splendid view; near car; convenient to school, market; neighborhood A); hall and stair up-to-date; finish downstairs, cypress; second floor, hard pine; full cellar, cemented: Carton furnace; a gem. Bargain price, $3,0u0. SHIMER & CHASE, REALTY. 1603 Farnam St. Tel. JS57. RE M 773 26 HOUSE FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED. 2i8 California St., 9 rms.; two stories., PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17X1. REM? .8 17 DESIRABLE! 6-room cottage, well built, all modern except furnace, double floors, cistern, etc.; fruit ajid slrubbery, bar gain. 3810 N, 2d St. RE M790 Ix DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? ' If you want to sell farm or ranch tell th farmer and stock raiser about It. Th best way to reach ' them Is through . THE TWENTIETH . CENTURY FARMER FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612, and the second floor lu4-10 Howard. - W. H. Bukhinan. I-2S1 IF A UOOI light Is needed, we cart show you a north front oince on the fifth floor a sjleii.l!.l room, at the moderate pile of $-j. it. C- Peter & Co., ground floor Lea building. I 6,:3 8TOR1S ROOM, '7 S. lth St. Inquire of Clark Powell. 1616 Capitol Ave. I 2i3 A $10 office In the Be building carries with It all of the conveniences and advantages In the ay of heat. Hunt, lanltor service, all night and alJ day and .Sunday elevator Service. A $' otliee is now vacant. Caii at once. It. C. Peter & Co., ground flour, Bee building. 14-1 A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a choice of two desiruble rooms In the Be build ing: mom 604 Is divided Into a good-slied wait Ins room and a private oilice. It la di re, tly in front of the elovuior. Th prica is AJ. IU C. Peter tc Co., Ground Floor, Be Building. 1-621 pi- MT location ' drug store and Inunrlry, i-OlN. e-i i- 1 iU ST. 'RE ROOM CENTRAL LOCATION. 1611 Howard St., wltn baaeaient, $iiO. GEORGE & COMPANY, luul Fur nam SL I M 3, 6 H LA .al room, part'-'ionedj suitable for ; r-i tin i..e eiei, A...iy t -..'ln' t. ,( fctJ4, i.j fcu. l.iu st, i M ie FOR RENT HOUSES T-ROOM house for rent. 3114 No. 2th t., all modern except furnace. D Mti.O 26 FOR RENT, nine-room detached house, thorough repairs, Juet finished, modern throughout, close to high school. Call for key at Morand s, 2S Dodge t. e D M .56 6-ROOM modern house at 545 Uenrgl Ave.; will rent reasonable to good tenant. Ad dre.s 42 Kanige Bldg., or teleohon A 2'.H. H M667 FOR Rf"NT-Good 8-room, all modern house, f.i.1 No. 22d st.l $2.50. Apply soon, a bu7 No. 19th St. D M706 2 FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fur pl'hed. pear Hsnacom park, Apply 415 S. 15th or 1135 2Xlh U D 448 THE Omaha Van snd Storsge Co. pack, move and stor It. 11. good. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 18th. Olllce, loUi Farnam. Tel. Ibu3. 1-2'i8 PAYNE-BO8TWICK ft CO., choice houses, tvl-tk.3 New York iJf Bldg. 'Phone KH6. D 27 HnFIQP1" rsrt of 1h city. Th UUUi)LJo,F,li.vHCoM Be" Fh8. D 216 WE MOVE pianos. Margard Vsn ft Stor age Co. Tel. 140. Oihco 171$ Webster at. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D e50. Hni CPQ " Vrtm of th city. R. C. nUUduOPoun Co.. B Building. 1.1 iii HOUSE'S TO LET. m S17JFarnam-6 rooms, trlctly modern. Pi M 1914 No. 27th 8 room U'-M 2207 Douglas 6 room $13.09 W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., WO Farnam st. D MOSS CKNTRAL. good condlUon, $-r. cot tss-e, 220 N. 23d. D M3.0 FOR RENT July 1st, J-room modern brick, 316 N. 23d st. Inquire 820 N. -MH1 CENTRAL A J, 8-room cottage, 2C0 N. 23d. I M6o7 FIVE minute' walk from postofflce, 616 N. 19th, between Cas and California, 10 room modern house; rent, $0; will mak reasonable repairs to suit tenant. Walter Breen. 416 Karbach block. D M014 A BRAND NEW HOU8F1 of eight rooms, modern and up-to-date In every particular, at 640 South 24th st., near St Mary's ave., $40.00. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam st. D M6SS RESIDENCE on Georgia avenue, near Pa cific, 10 rooms, attic, basement, modern, east front, fine grounds, ft.l, trees. Apply S14 First Nat l Bank Bldg. D 706 10-ROOM house In first-class condition, five minutes' walk from postofflce, 616 N. l!hh St., between Cass and California, rent $0. Walter Breen, room 416 Karbach block. D M737 NEW COTTAGE Six rooms end bath. 2?40 8. 16th, between Castellar add Vinton; $20 per month. Kcaoy about August 1. Tho. F. Swift, 3vi 8. 16th St., Brown Block. 'Phon 879. D 141 EIX-ROOM cottage tor rent. 2503 Franklin st D 220 SEE Chiia Boyer, 224 and Cuming. D M461 NICE 6-room house, modern, lawn. 719 8. S7th at D 481 A-20x IN DUNDEE Strictly modern 8-room house, opposite Hoagland residence. In quire of owner, Dundee Grocery Co., 4S0J 'Cuming st ... . D Mtfct MODERN house, eight rooms; close In, $26 per month. Gannett, 611 Brown Blk. D M614 2 FOR RENT. In Hanscom park district, a 9-room house, furnished, August and Sep tember. Address S 32 Bee. D M613 26x FIVE Blco rooms. 816 8. 25th st. D 533 25x HOUSES FOR RENT. 2S19 Chicago, 13-r., barn $50. Sr28 8. 24th, 7-r., barn $50. 1814 N. 18th., 9-r., barn $30. ' t 24'i2- Poppleton ave.. 8-r., barn $30. 41 Harnev, g-r. $-'8. '; " lflfi4'.-4 B. 20th, 6r $18. ' .v- ,. J3io N. J4th., 5-r., modern 411 2710 Parker. 7-r. $16.50. THE BYRON REET CO., Phone 27. 212 8. 14th. D 630 25 FOR RENT, new 6-room cottage, rs. 2606 Spencer st. D M720 26x DESK ROOM with phone service nominal rent. J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. "Life. D M679 FOR RENT One or two furnished rooms, walking distance, all modern. 434 8. 24th. D M761 26x FOR RENT 708 80. 81st st. modern 8 room bouse. Inquire 1S20 No. 2"d. D M777 SRx 8-ROOM cottage. 646 80. 26th ave. D M781 1 S-ROOM brick dwelling, modern except fur nace. Inquire 846 8. ISth St. D7G5. FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS A NEW runabout top butrgy to trnde for driving horse, all N. loui. P-.202 IIAMBLETONIAN STALLION ' BANNOCKBURN. Stand Kc hands high, weigh over l.JnO lb. PEDIGREE, sired by a. grs ndson, 1st dam a granddaughter of Hamble tonlan 10th. I will race liim against any stallion in Nebraska, wagon and driver we.;i!!ng no lees than lbs. BAN'NOCIC BURN Ta the surest breeder I ever saw. lie will stand for stock at 4u21 N. 16th Ht. end R. It. tracks, Omaha. A. THOMP SEN. P Mlto4 FOR SALE One family horse, 8 years old, rice driver, weight 1.100. 613 8. Hth. 'Phone 13ul. P 724 FOR SALE A first-class half Stanhope phaeton; hss been used one year; good as new; cost $jX; will sell cheap. Call !4 8. S3d St. r-M56x HIGH -GRAPH rubber-tire runabout, slightly soiled, at half value. good top bufrgy and harness, cheap. Johr.xon ft Danforth, ti. W. Cor. 10th & Jnnn ,. P M137 SEE the fine line of vehicles for sale by Float. 14th and Leavenworth. P 203 W. J. LAPAOE, carriage snd wagon; 2d hand vehicles for sale. Jackson. Tel. Um. P tu6 AiJ BUGGY AND HARNESS. Oood. 5104 N. 2.ird St. P M6ba 27x FOR SALE Good family horse, single harnens and two-seated top carriage. Tel. 4oS. P Tol) FOR SALE. Team of work horses; weight about 2,500 lbs.; also new wagon and good set of brass mounted harness. Call at 3341 So. 17ih St., after 6 jo p. m., or on Sunday. P-M7.9 !x PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Sturgls, registered attor ney. Patents, trademarks, copyrlt: h's. No fee unleaa succeoefulj 517 New York Life bull. Una. Omaha, Neb. R M1K2-A-14 81' EH ft CO., Patent l awyers; advice free. Three othces: lee buiuiing, tiumtia. Neb ; 164 i 'inborn St., Chicago, III., liJ b St., Wttahlugtuii, D. C. Tel. l .i. R-wJ A19X IL J. COWUILL, 420 Paxton blk., Omaha. .itf LAW Af.D COLLECTION iZ. Y flOlti-ARTY, Atly., 4j Paxton. Tel. A U J. - 2. 1 JC-i'N H. AC FA HI. AND, New York I if l.t-g., .,4 au4 .. 'IcL iii, Tll!3 FOR' THAT Ml.L trl sewing machine for tvpe wrlier. Neb, Cycle Co., lth and Hatoey. , Zr ' 19 10-IN. Ilsc records taken In exchange for new record. Columbia FhorHigrei-h Co., lt21 Farnam. -10 WHAT have yott to echange for a piano? 1 erfleid i'lano Co., Bee blug. Tel. 7 H. SU IF THERE Is nothing; In this column you want, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. Z Voi WILL exchange second-hand rnonogTarh records for others In good conDltion. N. 14, Bee ofllce. Z MZZ'x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine milli nery stork, in a good Iowa town. Ad dres N. M.. Bee. 2-M6 BFAl'TtFIT, upright piano for driving or draft horse. Pchmnller ft Mueller. 13iS Fwnsm St. Tel. K2a. Z M514 PERSONAL DR. KOY, Chlrcpody, R. 8 ft $, 1505 Farnam. U C6 DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. 617 Karbach block. Teh A-W2. U-JB7 M A r.MCTir A baths. Mme. Smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fir. R . 8. U-626 ASx JOSHUA DAWSON Send address to Oeorge II. Dawson, Fort Madison, la. U M2S0 27X BTF1NWAT plnnoai are sold exclusively by Schmoller ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. U 270 r,erm-jni i ry W-k. Vp-to-dste clesrv er, dyer. IU S. IS St. T. 8-27. U it Accordion pleating, cheapest, best, quick est Mr. A. C Mark. 17th end Douglas. U 272 JOHN Think I understand; can't you write, ptving probable dateT utile iree time. Wish to arrange and not to dis appoint Mary. U MlfW pfix TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE ?m U-2Y3 "VIAVL" way to health. 80 Bee Bide. TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 S. nth U-276 LFNA AND MARGUERITE! EENGER LINE left Chicago for the west In Janu ary, 1J03; any one knowing their address will hear something to their Interest by addressing Sengerllne. 638 Cottage Grove avenue, Chicago, care Donley. U-M202 26X DR. BLABAUGIL Dentist, N. Y. Life Bldg. - . . , 14277 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. 6END FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. soo Douglas blk. tku 1934 U M73U. pn CD PRESSING CLUB: 75o a month. IUOCxtL 1878. 414 N. 16th at U-rM131 PHILIP BARNHART, come home or write. MAMMA. U M177 A14x' K. O. D. Come home again; all Is well and mother wants you. You can have everything your own way, but no come. Remember you have another change all over again. H. U401 2ix INFORMATION wanted concerning a family named Dowling, who emigrated from County Westmeath, Ireland, to Hartford In 1838. It will be of ftnanolal intercut to any member of this family to address Mrs. Mary Dowling, 130V4 Oak street, San Francisco. Cat. U 108 25x FOR SALE An exceptional offer If taken at once. I will make a low price on my stock of general merchandise, situated In good town in northern, central lowa; stock will Involcb about $12,000; annual sales $.10,000: is In good shape and clean. Good brick room. For full particular address s 9. Bee. U M.10 26 CLARA Everything Is O. K. now and I hope you win call again. J. C. Is com pletely satisfied. U M133 26x HANDSOME American widow, .'worth $35.-- 4)1)0. wants to marry good, honest man; money no onjeci. Acareas Mrs. Mason, uirara oik., Chicago, in. u M7SZ 26 x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO., Manufacturers of paste for all purrosas. Tel. A2652. 2210 Cuming-. Established 1848. ; U 775 28 U ATC cleaned, shaped and pressed. riAI O PMARSE'8 HAT FACTORY, 6j5 U-M774 AJ28 CONTINENTAL CIGAR STORE LAUN DRY OFFICE; first claas work; price reasonable. U 729 Z6x WANTED Information as to the address of Amerleus V, Potter, formerly of Hall county, Neb. Small recovery can be made for the said party. Address Harvey tmaiuing & Buns, Washington, u. r-. U-763 Tlx ANY one knowing the whereabouts of Emmit Oaborn, last heard of three year ago in St. Louis, will confer a rreat favor to his slater ty addressing isuj, nee. V M119 27x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re- tall, Sherman ac Meconneu, umana. , - -2V$ LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the beat Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your aruggist Chichester Chemical CO., A Uiiaaeiphla, pa. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, liiUy, Dodge Ht, Omaha. z. PRIVATF1 hospital during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Uardela, 3216 Charles, Tel. A 2618. 269 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaoptea. Ihe uooa bamaritan banitarium. 1st Ave., council Uiuna, ia, 'tel. a. -626 DR. CUSCAPEN, H6 Bee BMg., 11 a. m to 4 p. in.: telephone ofllce, IMi; res., VM. M-134 Jy27 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. Jung, tM N. luth, 8d floor. Tel. 8ai9. M2iA Alt) LOST LOST, At lake Manawa, chain and oval locket, with initials "M. E. V."; liberal reward If returned to 1513 N. 17th st. Lost M 78 Tlx LOST Elks charm, two elk's teeth, dia mond in center; name J. P. Oarrlty on back. Return to B. ft M. City Ticket olllce and recelce reward. Lost 731 22-x OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, tl5 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1064 213 MRS. JOHN R. MUSrCiC, Osteopathic Phy slclan; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2S23. 215 DR. FA RW ELI specialty nervous dlsesae. t"4 Paxton. 214 WANTED TO CUY 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N Y. Lite, pays hit, best priv for booka. Tel. S'j-d, N-246 HIGHEST price paid for furnlahed fln. H 34. Bee. N MjIS GOOD paying aaIoo.i at once In Omaha or country town. Address S 80, lie". SIIC.TTHA.JD AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANT' 8 school, 717 N. Y. Life. 2e4 FACSIMILE letters, envelope addreaeed. llo.vl.-S c. '!.-. CLAInYOYANTS Ullili-it, laiii.Ut, 724 N. eJL Ttl. B- 'i. pcsTcrncE notice (Bhould be read dally by. all Interested, as rhanaes roav occur el snv time. I Foreinn msils for te ending July in lo4, will cloae (riMiMI'TLY In all cases) st the general posioflic as follows: l'sr-ela-po.t TT'Slis 'toae ene hour earlier ' than closing time shown below. Par- cels-por,t m iils tor Germany close at t p m. July r.'th and August 3d. Regular and snpplementsry malls cloe at 1 orelgn station tcorner of West and Mor. ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary rnalia for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station). Traaaatlastla Malls. WFPNESnAT (27th)-At 8 SO a. m for ITALY direct. Per a s citta .11 Torino (mail must he directed "per s. s. Cltta dl Totlno"); at 1 -TO p m. (supplementary 8 p. m.) for El. ROVE, per . s. Oceanic, via Queenstown and Liverpool THUF.SOAY frth)-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. PWITZERI.ANI. ITALY SI'AIN, POrni UAL, TI RKKY. EGYPT GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s s' 1m Bretnpne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Uurope must be directed "per s. I.n Hretagne"). SATURDAY (Jtitii) -At ' .! a. m. for LIVFRl'OOL, SCOTLAND and IRE LAND, per a. s. Lucanla (mail for other parts of Europe mult lie d.'rec'.ed "per a. s. i.uoiiiia t; sr a r. m. ror M. itnrp,, er s. s. .ivew l oi k, via I'lymruth, Cher .onrg snd Southampton; at 8:30 a. m for 4irt ilTIf ,llr.rl m m r - .1 i.. . ........ , ., n. , fliirimnil (mail must be directed "peV s. s Vader land "): at 9.;;0 a. m. for tW'OTLANI) di rect, per s. a. Anchorla (mall must be directed "per a. s. Anchorla"); at 11 a m for DENMARK direct, per a. g. Island mail muBt be directed "per . s. Island"). After th closing of tn supplementary Tranaatlantlo malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on th piera tf the American, English, French ni UTtnaii eieamers. and ra main open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Halls for Sooth and Central America, ' Uat ladles. Ke. WEDNESDAY (27th) At 11:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per-o s. Roman Prince (mail for Northern 4rai II, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay, must ha directed "per a s. Roman Prince ") at 12:30 p. m. (sup plementary 1:30 r. m ) for ST. THOMAS ST. CROX, LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH snd FRENCH Cl'LANA. per s. s. Fonta belle (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must he directed "ner a. a. rnnth.n."i THURSDAY (th)-At 8 a. m. for CUBA YUCATAN snd CAMPKCUR, ter s s 1 Esperansa (msll for otner parts of Mex ico must be directed "per s. . Esper ansa"); at 12 tn. for MEXICO, per s. s. Matanzaa,. via .Tamplco (mall must be directed "rer a. s. Matanras "); 6:30 n m. for PORTO PLATA. , per . s. Llllle. from Boston., i FRIDAY (29th)-At 9:80 a. m. (supplement ary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA. HAITI, . SANTA MARTA and othor place In MAGDALEN A DEPT. COLOMBIA, per s. s. Adirondack (mall for other parts of Colombia, via Savantlla, must be di rected "per g. s. Adirondack"); st 1 p. m. for YUCATAN and CAMFECHE, per a. s. TJomo. SATURDAY CVth)-At T:$0 a'.'rh. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Rosalind: at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:80 a. m. (upplemerrtsrv at 9:30 a m.) for CITRACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Colombia, via Cu racao, must be directed "ner s. a. Zulla"); at 9 a. tn. for PORTO RTOO. per . s. Cosmo, via-San Juan; at 9 80 a. m. tsnp- plementary 10-30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Msgdalsna Dep'ts. per s. s. Sarnla (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Barnia"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per . . Mexico., via Havana;' st 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD , and C1UDAD BOLIVAR, ., per s. s. Maraval; at 12 m. for ARIfci'- TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, peT"v' s. . Ocean Monarch. , Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes st ' this office daily, except Thursday, at 5:80 a. m. (the connecting mall close here on Mondays, Wednesoays and Saturdays).' MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressea ior aespaicn oy steamer, noses at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:J0 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND .(except Parcels-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydnev. and thence by steamei,' closes'! this office dally at 6:S0 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail' to Boston,' snd thence by steamer, closes at this offlo at 6:30 p m Tuesday and Friday." MIQUELON By-rail Boston, -and thenee by steamer, closes- at this offloe dally t BFLIZE.'pUERTO CGRTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to ' New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and $10:30 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting mall clcses here Mondays at 1:3 p. m.). - COSTA RICA By rail to Nw Orlesng, and thence by steamer, closes at this ofljo dally, except Sunday, at 51:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundays at $1:00 p. n. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting email cioses hr Tuesday at 110:30 p. m.. IReglatered mall closes at p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls, Forwarded Over-? land Dally. Tha schedule of c'.oerng of Transpaclflo mulls Is arranged on the presumption or their uninterrupted overland transit to cort of sailing. . The final connecting malls (excepting registered Transpaclflo mails which close 6 p. m. prlous day) close at the general postumc. Nsw York, as follows. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Via Sail Fran cisco close at 6.30 p. m.. July 27th, for despatch per U- B. Transport. haw'aii. Japan. Jorea, china snd specially addressed mall for PHILIP- . PINE ISLANDS, via Ran Francisco, clos at 6:30 p. nt. July 27th for despatch per . JA"pANToREAarCHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Tacoma, close at 6 30 p. m. July 2ath for despatch.per a. s. HAWAII JAPA. COHEA. CHINA .nd the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m., Auguot 1st, for despatch per s. s. China, HAWAII, via Ban Franclsoo, clos at 6:30 p. m., August lut, for despatch per . JArVnCOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 0:30 p. in, August, 34, for. despatch per s. s. TAHminJ MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6:20 p. m.. August 4th for despstch per 1MrlP0"ai,TT 1T JAPAN, COREA, CHINA und PHILIP iPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C ilose at 6:30 p. m. August 6th for despatch per. . Empress of NJKvV?nZEALAND, AUSTRALIA 'l eet), NEW. CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HAWAII and specially addressed mall for FIJI ISLANDS, Via San Fran elseo. clos at 6:30 p. m. August ISth for despatch per s. s. Ventura. (If the I unard steamer carrying the British matl for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls-- , closing at 6:30 a. in.. 9;30 a. tn. and 6:JT. , n m Sundays at 4:30 a. m . 9 a. m. and I r 50 p. m. will o" muo up aim "--rav until the arrival of the i;unara i''-e FIJI ISLANDH ana specially nuico . mail for AUSTRALIA, snd NC-vv ,aw,- 1 iivll vlu Vani'iiuveC SOU Victoria B. C, close at 6:30 p. m. August ISth for nk nAa tm m 1 loW'Tfl. MANCHURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA t present forwaruea vi jium, ''"-"---'-' via Japan, th unuat route. f NOTE Cnlea otherwise aaareeaen, yvsst Australia is rorwuru vi ' - Zealand via San Franclsoo. and certalc places In the Chinese Province of Yuo pan Kuelchow, Hsechwan and Kwanit. via British India tne quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Can ada" or "vl:. Europe" muist be fully, pre paid at the foreign rales. Jlawall Is for warded via. Hun Francisco exclusively. v COiNhLlu3 yAN COTT, postmsstsr. Postoffice, New York, N. T., July 32, liXX. l.KOAL SIOTICB. BIDS FOR COAL. . . - -.,11 r..,.l.,e.t e h. rieaiea proua. " .... ofllce of tko state euperlntcndent of pub- ?. " ........ 1 t l,,.-.,ln in, III 12 o'clock loon. Monday, August 1, lol, for seven lundred (ifty (7bn) tons, more or less, of ood steam or mine run coal for the uaa if the State Normal school at Peru. Coal to be delivered at the school, and in titullon weight- to govern. All bids must be eccompameui ur ,,.,..4 reserves the iH:lit lo reject any or all bids. II" 1 QOVk'neUKal AUIH'LJ, PROPoHALH ' U fct.l .1.-1 i i nj Ki'Oltt-S Olllce 1'urchHsliig . .mn.i,Mry, II H Aruiy. niului, N. t., July ; j. l; .1. Healed, subject to t!.a usual condi tions, Will bo received to! 11. la until 10 oi-lu.ll a. IU. Aug'isl 8, 1 ot which lima and place they vwil bu publicly ov,ein -d, f-.r f in-mailing uu:ini- eioi.-a as follow. -lour, Su(-ar, ti:ii.-. . ei,-, l irhr. n.-e will be (tvl-n to 1.1 ,.-. j 1.1" ,1., nilO lll.tioll. 1 I.I II, .. ; i e. 1 S .C:Cl llcfl- I..II5 i n 0 be ..'I. 1.1 I. 1 1 ' I K. I. ie. HAClL.t, 1'v.i 1-.-,. 1 v. i -. -i 6-23 v'