THE OMAHA DAILY TWAU MONDAY. JULY 2 1T0 1. GIAL MTIGES A-tTertl-emcat for Ihrie piilomni MI h taken aatll 12 in. for th nilni edition anal ontll H p. m. tnr lh mornlngr ind Ponder edition. ntn, 1 l-2e a word first Inifrllmi, 8 a Trl 'hereafter. ,r,Hi! tikra fr less lhA.i' Sso far tb first Inser Hon, 1 lirat (ilvrtllirnii'nll must be ln vely. Advertisers, by rrqirnllnc a nam here4 rhrrk, ran bare (mntri al rfif 1 to a imbrtrd letter In care of lh Hee. Answers no addressed will b delivered oa presentation of ehee'j. - MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLE8 BCHuuU Ivory dny Is an enrolment uuy. The hr-na and Duller sciences are our spe cial tit. ' Penmanship, Practical Grammar, Book kecplng. Stenography. Toocli Typewrit ing, t-i . ' Can, rit or 'phone for Information. H. H. BoYLl.S. Presid n New Tnrlc Lira Bldg. K ISO CL'T-R A X fTT I OK ET8ever ywU ar 1. H. Phllbin, 1:i6 1- an, am and i.pp. Union ela tion. Tel. 784 and lu.3. P. JM TRY KELLY'S TOWtL SUPPLY. Tel. KX. R-l-2 CITY SAVINGS BANK pare 4 per rent. . K-iM EAGLE fvin Offlce; reliable, ccomn' do ling; all busineaa confidential, li'jl Daugiaa, ki J si ASTI-y .VOPOLY Garbas C., HJ. N. lilh. iel. 177. H-lfll tX F'Ri.v -'- M EN'S I.llvrry Co , movlna; anil atoraKe. 214 N. ISih. Tel. li.-O. K-1ST -rrULICTTT IJEHIGNS-WIIEATON. in the iiea bldn. II m BIOS painting. 8. II. Cole, 1302 Poufflna. rFr.FISID riano Co.. n?e bid : no In treat, boneat vaJuea, caay torma. Tul. 7.l. - R 191. If W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 20th. Tel. 8747 R-19J BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO, 18th and Chiciijro. R-lf HAROA INS Uncalled for aulta and eorract trouacra, 1517 Jarnam, upDtaiia, room a. Aak for Forman. R-196 If! IRC Btammertpir and Stuttering. NUI1 j VauKhn. Ranige bid., Omaha R-MIM THIS IS THE MONTH tT. ahiuld be overhauled and repaired. Omaha bt.iva Repair Wka., 12u7 Douglna. Tel. M. R M317 SI EXlTEIlT piano moving, loweat prlcea. fcchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. K.26. 197 BTANDARD fllter Huber. Tel. im. 1301 Ferimm. R M287 CITY- STEAM LAUNDRY , 211 C. HTII. ' 'PHONE 264. Why carry your aoiled linen! Our wagon call and deliver aaroa. liii'a climtej mor.lhly. It M4 AU P. 'ELCIIOIR, machine works, 13th and Howard. HUM2 All nOt n SILVER, NICKEL, Platlnsr. Om. KJJlU i-iatlng Co., 1UiS liaraey. Tel. iinJi. DUSINESS CHANCES FIFTY stockholder at IM each wanted by local manufacturing concern (lncorpor- atp.i) arranKlnir to Increaae output or an iirticla of universal conaumptlon; ateady Income producer. M. J. Greevy, 414 Hee Uldx. Thona L-2330. Y M412 ABEOTT-COWAN CO.. lat Nat. Bk. Bide., can got you In or out of bualneaa. - Y-1P8 SITOl.ES-ARMSTRONO CO.. 722 N. Y. Llfa. Ti. .. '- y m W"HE"N you want to buy, aell or chang-o your property or Dnaineaa qmcK, , see J. II. Johnson, 4J N. . Y, Ule .Tbone L2"70. If TO et la or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real extata see Omaha Real EstMta and Business Chance Agency, 4ofi N. Y. Life bid. Y-334 . j 1 " i ' i CT:T my special plan of prompt sales of inn stores. l V. Knlest, 7ul N. Y. Ufa Mo.t Y-M137 EMPLOYMENT office for sals cheap; leav ing city. Addrem S 14, Bee. Y MSK1 A Y Ft FEY Income guaranteed to the ones li.ttK'ntid with ua, a proposition aa jtood a a. Hovernniint bond; WiHt month'a dlvi-6-i- equn'rd 2t) per cent; bank refer rn . - kiven; wine for literature and proa I i. which will tie furwnrHAil frt-a iiion net .ion; rep-ntairlvs wanu1. Uuvi. u jt I'loiuotlUK Co., iiilwaukre. Wis). , Y M417 A1S lOH HaLjI A prontahle hardware and furniture i.n.'.m- entabtlsherl 30 vi-ara, In rrowiio towri on rn iln line B. & M. Only i'ti ct'iniftitor. CorrtRpond with 8 19, Eca oilier, (jinnha. Y 426 35 "'it " i n old established bakery, eon (''I iy 61 rtfataurant in county scat town in H. W. Iowa. Addresn IxK-fc Box No. ;: .). Glsnwotjd, Iowa, Y Mu40 26x iiL.i- (HA NCKS-FARMUAKUa t. pin Aprlitl Company., J lrr l ork l ife iildK. 'l'lione J'&mS, Y--M707 t -..'iiu bo: iiii'Ka opfiilna; twin you ralne i J, llM or $I,0.J, purt cash ar.d the,., In wll C.CU. id buieat If an, w;: iot, I cmi r vu lnforriiHlion where a f v 'na wiiu tire rapiutl can en i ' 4 !-.iy';ia liOHi rifrts. Four1 TT;PtX noi.ij i '-tr ( ,1 i in unveil mnntha. Three otl.-r i . in. !'S oi-r $JS ui in Blty (inys.. . km i'i,ini.'iu jim $t'.(M per i.i. K( fc.,i-i--r f;tr5 located you r " ! l i ..... i li-m wim othnr l.,..lii' r-fir-n in one county, $1'.'..0; j .i i: .-i .(.i... A K'.uare buhSnesa .fo: ti-j t ,t ':! i..ed anptv j. 1- " unn, fta '.'13 Be lit on St.. Ooun- I j , -, Ji. Y MVbo 2i I.'.- CH A XCPS-F MLANl'sT 'A All ' I : 1. ii. iPANI, . 4 vtivr vi'.i '. mi's iii.iiu.. 'i'Uu..., J.'-o.-lx, -- , Y-M707 f i. .. . ,Lt-IU.iwLO U. Vs.... w A N r-:V runabout top buKt;y to trudu for diivmg borne. 1411 N. liiin. 1"-2vJ HAMiU ..ETON! AN STAIJ.IuN lANNt,M'KLir.HN. t'-inda ban.N, w-'gh over l,..i l-i- iil..:!.Ki t.:;. 1 s.j, ai.muou, Jt dam a jnnnl li. u liter of l!ml,le t.'i.t.'i ltth. I vul itt.o l.nri fymuai any k ion in Ntii.4-Ka. va.n.n drlv.-'r ' lt'8 t' - S r . IiA. NO' 'K- i the . I -i in-.-.t.r 1 over saw. I v 1 f i url f r 4. a .it 4'.'l N. l''th fv. i it. trci., luiiiih u A. '1 fn )'!(- : pMj.t 1 v i ; Oirt I'nnilly horse, S yen- old, i urncr. weiiilit l.luo. 13 8. Hih. ,.) loll. P-TJ4 t S A!,KA f rst-clima tsalf Stanhope l i.ti: ha been ue..-.t ore years -ik.1 a a i Cotn ,j.Hj; Slu clitup. a l : i g I -- P-3iLv- k .!I;HAIK ruhiirr-tlre rurm Lout ' oii...i. at half value. Al K"o-l ,. t,i,i y aid I -.1 1 una, clocHli. Johnxon wuioitti, a. W. li r. lot h A J.iieK l'-Mi;,( ; liJ- f'fitf li'ie i.f Vt for Mule t,y ii. sua l,avetv'rtti. F '3 j. J .A I ai ;e. a rrlae und waiton; '-''I- i 1 U- JOI i I JdVKi.ll. Tel. A' v,ti A2t) ' Y AM' llAUNKtrt. . Good Ri.-t N " I- . ii , Fi...'iTi'.'3 '''iP.O ' liii-tt l)t;i. Wotk ' " '' ' f froii- o I I .. tv. corner of ,V i Ai ' It h rl. i..l u.i,rl J i A -. ; '1 ' r-t. '. r U ft! . I . i I i (1 l. . . ! V- l.l li S ' ; i i ' - . WAr.TCD r.'ALE l!LLP- SUMMER SCHOOL . Now open at tin OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Beventeentn and Doug'. Sludfnts enroll everv uav. We mas a specialty of all Public tii hool, Business and r.i.rml J'.rnrwhf. Also Shortnand, i)friun and Telegraphy, btnil tur .Summer b. hool Announcement. I R'JllilOOLUH BliOD. WANTKI) 25 men to work on brick ytrd and tenders on ! Jc buildings. Dc-hler Brick ard Co.. Deialiler. Neb. B--AUi WANTED Two agents to work from our w.,got,s. C. F. Adams Co,,, l'.l Howard Street. B lu WANTED FOR U. R. ARMV-A ble-bod I ed ii'imiiriled men between sges of 21 dtlr-ciia of tinted fctates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can spci ' read ami write English. For Information I'piy . to - Recruiting OfllrfT, Kith and Louglrta rta , Omaha Lincoln. Nen.. or Sioux City, la. H-M&7 MOLKR'g DARPEU COIJ.KOP. Panver. Colo., wanta m.'ii to Irtur. oarber irude: appilnl inducenieiila this nonth; write tor terinB. ll AIJ ATk WA NTETj A thoroughly rellnbie man to carry a flrat cia line of :lara aa a ld line, on I'oinniiHKlon, for Nfbraka ' and auiToundltiK territory. Only work era ii od thoao that m;in bnlne and aro no amatoii.-a nel apply. Llbaral l.iyout for right ninn, itie refrroncpa with rply. Artdrfss Pusncr, care thla The Iesaer (.'(sir 'o, Wi -t WANTRD-rivn Canvan'-ra In Nfbraftka and Iowa. $J5 w.k to tl.a ritfht men. Addreaa 8 U Beo. B MtTTJ ii) VANTED Man to ieurn barber trado. N-W Olid practical method, free work, careful instructions, few wecka completes; can peirly earn enpenaca bai'ore tlnlalilnK ; m- i altlona waiting arraduatoa. .;nu or wru'i, t Moler EarUcr Collfffe, Cousin a fct. WANTED, oiiicksuillli helper, one thut can work on th floor; ateady Job. W. '1. C.m W ouster, FnirriMry, Nob. l'-HTTO yt WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS; Canadian olllce, 15th nd pods;e. ais WANTED An experienced marker ' and aortr. Hlnclicy Ettundry. 409 N. 2ath at.. South Omaha. C MiWJ WANTED A competent second girl, wltU , at io;tl Cass at. C 3.9 D. K. American-German rrr.ploymmt oSlca, oldest, most reliable in Omaha. 1K4 Dcxle. ; O M0 AO WANTED A competent lauiiuieas for hotel laundrj", 15 per week for summer; aiao chambermaid! who Is waitress, M. Addreaa J. Webb, Valentine, Neb. C-M641 WANTBn-Tvtdlna - to tenrn hn1rrlr"tTi(r, manicuring or facial massage; poaltlons wnltlng graduates $10 to (15 weekly; diplomas granted; few .weeta complotcs; can nearly earn expenses before finish Ins. Call or wrlto, Moler .College, 1302 T lout-Inn Pt. C M1i8 2!)x WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION Wanted Experienced In ste nography and clerical work; good refer - ences. Address 8 27. Bee. A-M665 2x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. ;- If you are annoyed by numerous; small bills that have accumulated during the -winter It wlfTlit be an advantage to you to aecure money from tis and pay them and then pny us In weekly .or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. ' Our rates are s low aa any and a great deal lower tnan some. Our service la aulck and without publicity. If you have dealt with us and ara pleased, tell other, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of, Trade Eldg. Tel. 229S. CEstabllshed 1832.) 3vJ South Mth St. X 2EJ LOANS ON SALARIES. FT'RNriTRK. TIANOS. LIVH! STOCK. ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATE8 TO SUIT YOU. PELIABLE CREDIT CO. . 807-80S PAXTON BLK. TEL. 1411. 1 r . .. ,, X MS71 MONEY ' LOAN ' phoer.lx Credit Co., CwD Pax ton Hlk. X-2.4 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Frtlxry, Furniture or 1'lanos UNTIL YOU SE25 US. If you cannot call, write ua or telephone lfl.17, and we will Bend ajsent to explain and axrunae loan at your residence. J. A. liUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. 3 P. C. YEAR Fl'.OM $100 to $5,0o0 lonni on your personal note at i 1 EK CliNT PER YEAR. A'l good loans want.!.. Call or write and et my system. W. 1. luistinan Co., )ujj tuxnatn, Omaha. X 3Li jHUH&1 IOANhil) HAlAKlHrU P1COP1.H and others with security; ausy payment; lurguat busineaa in 49 principal citl.a, 'j oSman, room 440, Cliainbar of Connnet .e lildg. . X i,if MONEY tt loan on furniture, horses, etc., at haif usuhI rt Dr. Pribber.ovr, room 21i at S;3 S. ltU Et. Tul. H .n.. , - -i X twS ClIATTh. U sul try and Jewnlry loans. Foley lan Co., Farnaia i.t. X 2wi ,, 3 ALARY and collateral loans. Tcmpletnn, ilt boa Bid. Tel. 334. X iw lIONliY loaned on planon, furniture, Jew. ulry, hoisea, cowa, etc U. F. Ree.1 J. Utu. XiiJ MONEY I-Vrt 8Al.Ai;t-"ii PEOPEK. STAR LOAN CO., tH4 PAXTON BlOCK. x m:i SKIS KULLJSA, 43 P.xton Blk., for loans uu watubea, dluiuonu and Jweliy. X-?ii? MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FAttM and city loans, low ratu-k W. H. 1 luuiiaa, Urat Nut I Bank Bldg. Tel. ImJ. Y .1 PR P.'A'!'.'- ri uiey. F. D. V uil, liid liounl'ia. W 3w W A NTi;i--Clty loans an 1 warrants. V. IVruiiu Wuuih A Co- 1.0 aisaiii St. v-:n MOA -.Y 1X La) AS. I'ayne laveln r-.f x W-J WAM'KD Keal eBtate loans and warrant. R. C Peters A Co., Uoe Bldg. W IMS pur cent loans. Garvin Bros., ltil4 F-rnam. W-lii4 MONEY to l an nn real r-d it nt I and f.if per i uL V. P. Uuikla, i i Ranige Wiii. WANTED TO CUY f ii i.M ELI), If." ANTIQCAHIAN, K2i N Y, lt''r, ls Iiiahcat piUB for buol.. Tel. intl, N 2ii GOul) i . a I ! n, I. miii at once In Omaha, Addre-ui a a). la N Al-uJ WANTl'.l), e .od aw.-ond-hand Nail. mat rawh rilileler. AtMlrx .) til, ij.e. ! lilli . II Ii ill T inli'tM piud for fuirtu)ed fl i.a 4 i,. i..e. W..1S GoOIi i ! thlo.'ii nt once in toimna or cuuntiy tort n. a' bi, iiee. N M 11 LA'. Aivl) CCl.Lr.CTiC j x: V " -a-uatvl-Y. Atfy.. i-axt-.m. T f). An Advertisement Should Tell What the Person Will Want to Know -Before Lie Buys Tell Plainly What Ycii Offer and the Price. FOR' RENT FURNISHED HOOMS ROYAL HOTEL, turopeun. 16th A Chicago. K 2H DEWET, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. Jv o 1125 PfcH WEEK. Doran linue,";,2 8. llib. K 2ZI VIENNA HOTEL, lOU Faruam; fine rooms. ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nlgltti. . K-siiJ THE FARNAM, 19th and Fatnam rtrts. . K 234 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'In tiuinim; luxuriously iurniFh.d rooms and smoking puriors; appolni ni'iiis first, class, iiu b. iuta si., oppuaue Milinrd hotel. X-Ui . ",,?I.'K f"""!, modern; large lawn, phone. 1RJ1 Douglas. , i--M0t 8 ROOMS; l!Rht bousckeeplr.g. 112 S. Hth. l!e-!VJ V CO(u rotim, on second floor, modern; board optional. 618 B. t-d. 'phone A-2na E-;i41u 2a PEf-l RABLE south front room, 2-TH Far nn. K iiiwS 31x THREE rooms, light housekecplna;. , 2508 liouglns. E Mj24 2i.x TWO hoti-ckcepln-r rooms, parti fur nished. 2113 Capitol ave. E M.iitl 2V.x .fURNIBHED HOUSE, modern. durinjr rummer. L X. Bee. Ii M527 Jo fTRVIdlim front room, Ieavenworth. modern. 1763 r-tlo20 20x Larok; front room, modern. 'Phone (121V4 H. ISth. IC-A5 521 2iX NICFEY., furnished " looms and honrd. 710 8 ISth L in'i!i LARGE front room, housekeeping. VVk Ioug!as. Iv-eMilS 2oX RpOMa, elnglo or onsulie, modern, nicely furnished, southeast enposurc; rellned . hi-lKliborhood. convenient to car, wlihiu walking distance. 616 8. 22d. E i'U 24 LAROE, cool front room, lawn. 2I3S N. 11th . . .. - - '.. E M721 2ux ' LARGE front rooms, modern, recneinable. IM N. 13th. , EM73 2oX NEWLY furnlahed room, new. modern house. 1508 N. 17th. E M72U tfix NICELY furnished, cool rooms. In modern cottage, on boulevard. 622 N..l?th. E M 783 2r,x NICE room, good location, modpfn. 1811 Chicago. F. 753 26r FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. MlUiajnd hotel, Jthli and Chicago. t - ; P 2J8 FURNISHED rooms, with board; modern; largo lawa and shade, a! Farnam. F-713 2Cx THE MERRIAM, and Dodge, 'phona o..,-ince, imm, airy rooms, ensuite ana single rooms; veranda en tiro ltngth of building. F 227 BOARD and room $4, meals 15c 1019 Dodge. F 2S FURNISHED rooms and board. 316 8. Mtn. I F ft NICELY furnished rooms, board; summer rates. 61S 8. lilth. V lVti 25 O. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-M729 I BOARD AND ROOM. TUTS PHATT. 212 So. 25th at. 'Phone sm KM7l4 BOARD and room for ons or two gentle men, in private family. Tel. $034. ' ROOMS and board. 706 North frith. Fm S7X NICELY furnished rooms; Orst-class board. - 706 8, 18th. : .1 F-11717 2ax COOL roomn, fine neighborhood; first-class board. 424 8. 20th. F-M718 26 RT3AUTIFUL south rooms; first-class board. 1920 Dodge. F 742 20x UNFURNISHED R00:...S FOR RENT FOUR-room, fiat, oomplete for housekeep ing, bath and gas furnished. 622 N. Q-U3 TWO roonrj, unfurnished, modern, 1118 Cass. G MfiM 30 TO GENTLEMAN and wife, threo rooms, modorn. 2j16 Farnam. . O M719 30 FOtT SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HANP stj cheap. Derlght, U18 Fnrnsm. Q 280 103 KIN'DS of Mineral Water. Bherman A ilcCoinnill Pru Co., Omaha. c--il FOR BALEJ floveral scholarships In a first-clans standard school In Ouiuh-t, , comprising" complete course In business shortlininl and typewriting. Inquire (it Jbee oillce. Q SZ2 TELEPHONE poles; Jong fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. Sol Douglas, y M233 ,' WI1 RENT .t Bfwtnic mMchinns, 7Bc week, W' repair and soil part for every machine luunuiautured. fce.-orid Imnd nmnhliies from ta.ut) to iou. I'.tu(auiv, Cyoie Wo., 'Phone 16(3. Coraor 15th and Hainy. U-2o3 FOR SAVE New and Bebmd-hund auto molillea. F. W. bacon, baum l Co., Ouialia. U JaS FOR BALE Solid oak and tnaUonanv top bank or cashior's fixiure. In good condl llun, at a bat rain. Adurrsa C. C. Kose waier, rooiu lvo. Bee Bid. Q4 FOR BALK CHEAP Book rest, copy holder and letter eoale. a l In gjotf con dltion. Inquire of E. E. Zlinn.ei man. ill N, Y. Ufa BIJg., cie K . Ufe In-, Oj. Q .MJH ELECTRIC tilckel In slot. Peerless ptano players and lt;liia mualo boxes, b'g money makers, cheap f..e cash or time. evJjmoilar A iluelier, iJU FaroaAL T-I 4r-ViC.4 FOR SALE, kltclien ran;e ni$ Radiant Jlome Una. or. Addi-aii P 10, lies, y a.H TWO "IlS'iVT STEEL HORIZONTAL TUI5ULAK BOlLk-AiS Ft'it ftALE. Two boiler, luO hots-- pewr, wni. li hve been us-d but six !; uade of nvet.ox steel, triple riveted, buit and strap Joinla, Insti'aace company pcrnili) of pleur bf t'j potinda. 'i'firy are now in use and can ha, seen at boiler houss rear of Bee bulIdii'At. tn" he delivered about Auiuai tii full or adrirena V. H liiidj;. emU &', lie building, Omaha. w ll-JJ COMPLETE line new and 2d hand furni ture. 'liicago FuriilUjsa Co, ini Iioiir. Tel. 2'-"A 0-M...-.4 ICK CREAM lie rU tfic tit., 0o al.; made from p.ue Cieaiu. Lui.... l! t IVta end CUik. w Wnj GO TO Llumond Loan ( ifiloe for loans; karuulna lu su..d Lu puwu. 14'l finui "n, FOR BALE Ftsht-horae power rollue Citato. 1..4 l..i.lul va. i.n.5 2i FIN -I 6y.'i'.i -i'ld tluirooahbiiil Jenr.y hi.iler. 1.1 Vinton. M'f 6 2uX NO. 2 fmirri Pituii r t pe rKir, t-fndltion perl'e. l. Addreaa H 20, l e. t-2u.j ivx It I : ',! . . . rjN tvpewrlier. uo4 ua new; i..u.l .i. 4.2 luitiii I Q--M.V4 S X 1 p il ' ; "i i i ! ,i ..,da of ii' l.wt ,ii. A '. i 6-ro, in fl-t; i t . ,i HJ&. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE I HAVE a Tew quartet of good graalng land that must be sold at once, pi l e, 13 par acre. F. J. Dishner, O'Neill. Neb. UK Mftlft 2 i. D. WE AD, 10 ioti, on North Ifith t.. with 6 room hoif nd barn, J blocks north of car Una, $-4 imsli, balanoe easy (isyments; $l,fJ. lt-4 Loualaa. RE MSfiJ 26 FOR SALE One bote of $1,v. due In one year; secured by lrnt mortaKe on good Improved Omaha property, benrln-r 0 per rent Intcreet, j.ayal.ln aeml-anniKlly; olo one not for Jl.ixio, due on nr before three years; Interest at per cent, payable semi-annually : otired by first mortgace on good property. Both are absolutely s.fe and given by respectable parties. Address tha owner, fl 25, Bee olllce. RE-M4 TWO brend new cut lair "s, modern etcept furnace; one l O and the other $i,4uu. PI1IMER CHAPE. DullUera of Modern liouaea. . RTS-734 Hue your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. HB 26S C1ia- Williamson Co.,u- WoE'- RE 2j FOR SALE Two modern cottages. West Farnam at. distrlit. only $i,(0 each. Th'.mas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldsf. RE-tii4 CROPS, fine crops; slfalfa banner crop; central Nebraska ; come and see; send for Illustrated . pnmphiet. Willis Cadweli, Broken Bow, Nobraska. RE W416 DO YOU WANT A FREE HOME? Why not take a homestead In Pouth Da kota. Inrjuire W. X. DALY. 701 H. ltlth. Tel. 2)141 . RE M4.8 At FOR BALE, 640 acres fine farm land; 90 acres cultivated, 400 acres pasture, fenced, balance hav land; well, windmill and tanks; Buffalo Co., Nebraska; $10.50 per cr If taken at once. Address 9 31. iioe. RE Mi2 NOTICE We make and sell loans on city snd farm property, write tire and accident Insurance In tho best eompnnlei.. rent hnuies, look aftor same and oo;t sell your rejl tftntc. KENNY REAL E8TATB INV. CO., S Bee building. RE-SSI 23 BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean business. Call 4IB, Board of Trad-. RE M 4'il A SI FREE homes In tho finest fruit eountrr. on earth. Not homesteads. Write at once. Box 26, Dunlap, Wash. -RE MfrTl IBx . FOR SALE ONE OF JHE PRETTIEST HOMES IN BEM1S PARK. 1025 HAWTHONE AVE. COME LOOK IT OVER. RE M7S1 $8 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers abvvit It. The best way to reach them la through THE TWENTIETH . CENTURY FARMER Tha agricultural weekly oea to 60,000 homes of farn.era and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you xvlll find a buyer among them. The cost of An advertisement is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.25 per Inch If set In large typ. FOR RENT HOUSES- THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store II. IL goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 Jv lath. Office, Luis Farnam. Tei. 15v. D-2! PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses, tol-j3 Mew York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1"'6. D 247 Hf HIQP'n Ps of the etty, Tb ..wwu.,', ua,vui Co.. Bye Bide D 2ia WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor aife Co. Tel. 14u9. OiUte 1713 Webster at. D 249 IIOU3&3, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D 250. nUUOLOp,,,,,. uH fcuildlng. D 2U HOUSES TO LET. $17$ Famanr 8 rooms, strictly moderu.$37.W 114 No. aTlh room .$17.60 2.11 Dougia 6 rooms $12.U W FARNAM faMlTII U CO 1320 Farnam st. D MC33 CENTRAL, g-ood condition, l-r. ottBre, ILU N. id. D Mi.o FOR RENT-July 1st 8-room modernbrlclc ii N. 214 st. In.iuir 820 is. D M541 C2NTRAL A 1. 3-raom cottage, 2A N D Miiol 6-ROOM modern flat 1112 So. 11th. D 124 FIVE minutes' walk from postofnee. 61U N. J9th, between Can and California, 10 roora modern house; rent, $i0; will make reasonable repairs to suit tenant. Walter liroen, 416 Karbach block. D Mtil A BRAND NEW HOUBft of elfe'ht rooms, modern and up-to-date In every particular, at M0 (touch 21 ih at., near St. Mary's ave., $i.i. GARVIN laOo lfioi Farnam st. , D a'.GSS RESIDENCE on Georgia avenue, near Pa cirtf, in rooms, t:!o, bsaamcnt, tucclem. "east front, ftoe grounds, &.xl40, tree. Apply U4 First Nai l Bank Bidg. I . , D 706 10-ROOM housa In first-class condition, flv minutes' waJk from postoftlco. ti N. lft h H., Ix-tween Cas and CsJIfornla, rent h). SHer iireou, room 416 Karbach block. D-ji::: NEW COTTAGE Btx rooms nd bath, 1 4 a. 16th. between Castollar and Vinton; ;o tier The er niontu. Ready about August A. F. Swift, a S. letn tsu, urown Block. 'Phone 8,8. D 141 SIX-LOOM nwiiaga ror rent. 2503 Fratikllu st D 220 SJiiC Chri Boyer, SZi and Cumlag. D M401 NIT0 6-room house, 87th St. modern, lawn. T18 B. , D wi A-iox IN DUNDEE Strictly modem t-rorni hoiiw, opr.oHite resideno. In oiuie of owoar, Duuoee Grocery t.'o., 4v J Cuii.liig t D MiWi MODERN houaw, elrht rooms, cloaa In, a per wiuib. Gauuett, Bli Brown Bi. D W14 2M FOR RENT, in Hanscom park district, a -iooin house, fin nUhed, Aukmt and brp tembr. Addrcas B 22 lie. Ii Mul3 21.x FIVE nice rooina, 816 B. S5th st- D f-y Ex HOi'KCi FOR PENT. r.t Cbli-agu, 13-r.. barn- -. 3 :$ R. m in, 7-r baru-t'.". Is 4 N. luih., 8 r., barn-,". ii ", poppirtoa ave . -r bam $30. i '.l li.ii nev. -r. ". I ii1 h. i.'in, b-c t,.M. l' .l N. fdh. Ir., modern 2. it) parser, 7-r -tin mi. 'J HE llliiuN HEED CO., 'Phone 2:. 213 8. Hth ri is I tilt P I I', new 6 room coimae. 'A biuuii e.r at. 1- U . -ii is. I I'. ( l'l' -K l- 'l wt-h phone aervt'-e. n..tnlii:il ri.t. i. l-i. J..i.aoi, b.i ti. V. Li.'- FOR RENT HOUSES 7-ROOM house for rent. $114 No. 24th St., all modem except furnace. D Mt.,0 2 FOR RENT, nine-room detached house, thorough repairs, Junt finished, modern rhroupnout cloee to high school, "all for key at ilorands, 2S. Dodge St. D Mul j-HHtiM modern hoove at M6 0orci: Ave.; will rent reasonable to good tenant. Ad dress 428 ltaruge Bldg.. or telephone A2!M6. D-M'i FOR P.FNT C.oo.1 l-rwm, all modern house. f,l3 No. 2-d St.; $32.50. Applv soon, at t7 No. 19th St. D-M.ns 20 FOR RENT -room modern house, fur- tlahed. near H.inscom park. Apply 415 8. V.Ui or IMS 21th St. : . . . , . . - ti P 448 PERSONAL- DR. ROY, Chircpody. R. $ & $, IW6 Fsrtiam. U a6 DETECTIVE Capt. Cormaok, 17 Karbach block. Tel. A-ss32. M A nWCTir treatment A bMha. Mme itirtvji i Liio Smith, 118 N. 16. t nr. R . $. U-4i26 ASX STEINWAY pianos aro sold exclusively by Bchmollor & llueliar, 13'3 Farnam st. V 270 Dya Wk. n-to-date tlean- VJC1 lliai UO. ers. dyers. 1U K. U Bt. T. U-271 Accordion pleating, rheapest, best. Quick est. Mra. A. c. MnrK, litn anu i'ouB'". V .2 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. PHONE sre U-2.3 VIAVI." way to health. 8S0 Bee Bide U 75 TUD, vapor find alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th . U 276 DR. SLABAUGII. Dentist, N. Y. Ufe Bldg. , U 277 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. . ITEND FOR PRICK LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 100 DOUGLAS WLlv. TEL. 1?31 , U-M730. P ni P PRESfliNO CLUB; 76o a month. tUOCi,, 414 N. llith St. U-MIS1 PHILIP BARNIIART, oome home or write. MAXIMA. U K177 A14x E. O. D. Come home again; all Is well and mother wants you. You can hav verything your own way, but oo come. Hsmcmb-r you have another change all over again. IL U 401 2ix INFORMATION wanted concerning a family named Dowilng, who emigrated from County Wcatmeath, Ireland, to Hartford In 1S.'$. It will ba of OnanoitU intercift to any member of this family to addie-a Mrs. Mary DowllnB, 131'-, Ouk street. Ban Francisco. Cn!. U lOi 25x ' FOR 8ALJ3 Au exceptional effer It taken at once. 1 will make a low price on my stock of generl merchandise, situated In good town In northern central Iowa; stock will Invoice about $12,000; annual sales $30,000; is In good shape and clewn. Good brick room. For full particulars address 8 46. Bee. v U-M710 36 CONTINENTAL CIGAR" STORE LAUN TRY OFFICE; first class work; r.rloo reasonable. U 729 2x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC "medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman A MoConnoll, Omaha, -278 DR. PRIES treats successfully all dlseaaes and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries. 1511 Vi Dodge Bt., Omaha. 278 PRIVAT73 hospital during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Ci.irdalB, 2210 Charles. Tel. A2tUS. 20 PRIVATE homo during confinement; babies adopted. The Good ramaritan Sanitarium, 72 let Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. 2C DR. CU8CADEN. 216 Bee Bids., il a, in. to 4 p. m. ; telephone ottlco, 3tn; res.. 4ti M-134 Jy27 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 4VW N. Jtlth, 8d floor. Tel. S.'nMi. M2!ii A! FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1512, and the second floor 15OS-10 Howard. W. H. Buahman. 1-231 IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can ahow you a ncrth front office on tho flfih iloor a spltindld room, at the moderate price of M. R. C. Petora A tito., ground floor Beo building, I 2I STORE ROOM, 617 8. ICth St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol Ave. I 2S3 A $10 oillce In tho Bee building carrion with It all of the convenience and alvnutugea In the way of heat, light Janitor aervloo, all night and all day and Sunday ulvator ervlce. A $10 nflice la now Vacant. Coll at once. R. C. Peters & Co., ground fi oor, Pee bulldinsf. J si A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a choice of two desirable rooms In the Bee build ing: Room C04 is divided Into a good-slrcd wait ing room and a pnvato oraoe. it Is di rectly In front of the elevator. The prlco I IK). R. C. Peters &, -Co., Ground Floor, Be Building. 1-4.1 BEST location drug store and iwin. rd. laundry, 1-712 STOREROOM CENTRAL LOCATION, 1G11 -loward St., with basxmcnt, $ol GEORGE & COMPANY, idol Farnam St. 1-M&5 6 LARGE room, partitioned; aviltable for olllee; centrally located. Apply bach' Cigar fJtora, pi So. 14lh at. 1 M(- 26 PATENTS PATENT W II. A. Stutgla, re(lttered attor ney. Patents, trademark, copyrights. No fee unle-r 'u-3'u! 17 N.-w. York Life bulldlag, Omaha, Nub. R M1S2-A-14 PATENTED and unpatented Inventions bought and sold. Lucaa A Co., Ht. Louis, Mo. 11 "i3 2ox Sl'ES & CO., Patent Lawyers: edvlce free. Three ofllc: Bee building- Oniali. Neb.: 4 Dearborn at., Chicsgii, 111., and h-Ji F U Waaliuigton. D. C YA1, U. i. COWUXUU iJO Pftxton blk. Onih. LOST LOST Elks charm, two elk's teeth, dia mond in renier; name J. P. tarnty on bark. Return to ii. A ii. City Ticket dflice and recelce rtward. Lost 7il 2i.x LOST Party who picked up lady' wrist bug In Brunei t's grocery a few uaya no Is known end bad littler ralurn tha flae; car, keep the preen trading hmii.;. the money and the wrist bug. Heiurn the eihAvaa to Mr. W, R. lirnu'iti, 'iituln floor li.-r.uui t a. auU he will ak nu questlQiia. Lost M7:2 tox CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMiiiR, jialinlBt, 716 N. 2"d. Tel. i. When You Write to Advertisers reinerr' er It only Ims an extra atroka or two c( i pen I . n. mi. .,ii tl.a ti.-t you aa tli ad lu TUc u THIS FCil THAT WILL tmdn sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cyci Co., l-'tll nd ltsroy. I0-IN. rl?C records taken In exchange for new records. Columbia phoiwgraidi Z-210 i.i r hi imin WHAT hava you to exchange for a piano? I"erfleld I'iano Co., Be bldg. Tel. 7 1 Z-211 IF THERE Is nothing In this column vol want, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. 31 li WILL exchange second-hand phonograph records fir others In good condition. N. 64. Be office. Z M221x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine roll'l nery stot k. In a good Iowa town. Ad Cres N. if.. Boo. Z-M!-i BEAUTIFUL t prlRht piano for driving cr druft horse. Schmoller 4 Muel'er. Vi3 Farnam si. Tel. liiii. Z M514 SEVERAL sets of conks, recent editions, to exchange fcr rut;8 or parlor furniture. Address el 12, Pee. Z M711 2f.c OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, fl5 N. Y. IJfo b!dg. '7. )"e 2'.i MRS. JOHN R. MUSIOK. Osteopathic Phy. lclan; ofllce, Douglas iloch. lei. ?-3 DR. FAHWrLU epcclalty rervous disese. 6i4 Paxton. 216 FLORISTS HERS A BWOLODA. 1415 Farnam. L. HENDERSON. 1513 Farnam. S.-nd prlc list of cut flowers and riant. ALTTtFO DON AG HUE. JR., inrrr Famitm Tel. E3.D. . L SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C, VAN 8ANTS school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 2S4 FACSIMILE letters, envelopes s.1dres-ed. iloylea college. ?5 WANTED TO BORROW $1,000 ON FJRST MORTGAGE security; 3 or 5 years, 6 per cent. A&drcss. 8 4H, Bee. Mt?0 31x When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the faot that you saw the. ad lo The Be. POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, ss change may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending July 80, 1904, will ciose (PROMPTLY In all casee) at the general postofhee as follows: l'ar-cels-poKi mails ciose on hour earlier than closing time shown boiow. Parcels-post malls for Germany closo at 6 t m, July 25th and August 3d. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half hour later than cloning time shown below, (except that supple tnentary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close on hour later at l orelKo station). Teui;siit.i(. Volls. TUESDAY (2ilth)-At 11 &. in. ttiif rTilAmaan. tary 12:80 p rn.) for EUROPE, pir a. s. Kronprina Wllhelm, via Plymouth Cher bourg and Brsmen. WfKBDAI (2th)-At 8:10 a. m. for ii Airc- Tr f. Citla dl Torino (mail must be directed "per s. s. Cltta dl Torino ) at 1:30 p. m. (supplementary 8 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. k Oceunlc. .Jr,l?,j9)le8r!5tovv" Hn Liverpool. THURSDAY (23th) At T a, m for France. Switzerland: Ttaly 8PAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT GREECE and BRITISH INDIA: per a i. La Bretagtto, via Havre (mall for other parts of Lurop must bo directed "per s. s. La Bretagne"). SATURDAY (30th-At 4:80 a, m. for LIVERPOOL. SCOTLAND and IRE LAND, per s. . Lucania (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. Lucania"); at S a." m. for EUROPE, per s. s. New York, via Plymouth Cher bourg and Southampton; at 8.30 a. m. for BEIXJIUM direct, per a. s. Vaderland (mail must ba directed "per s. s Vader land "); nt 8:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Anchoria fmall must be directed "per s. s. Anchoria"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s.' s. Islsnd mall must bo directed "per s. s. Island"). After the closing of the supplementary Ti.insatlantlo malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened 'on tho plera C-J the A-ns-lcnn. English. Frencn .ina German ste.miers, and le maln open until within ten minutes of the hour of railing of steamer. Halls for Soatli and Central America, Wet lafie-, Zta. TUESDAY (-tth)-At 3:3o a. m. for BRA ZIL, per a. b. Catania, via Pernambuoo, Rio Janeiro and Santo (mail for North ern Brazil, Argentina. Uruguay and Par aguay must bo directed "nor s. s. Cala- hia"); at 9 S3 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast), HONDURAS (except Enst Coast), SALVADOR. PANAMA. DEI'T OF CAUCA IN COLOMBIA, ECUADOR. PERU, BOLIVIA and CHILI, per s. a Yucatan, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must ba directed "per a. b. Yucatnr"); at 18 m. for HARHADOH, BRITISH. DUTCH a?d FRENCH GITANA fv1 Barbados) iid NORTHERN BKA?lli for s. a. f!ceicnso, via Pora and WEDNESDAY C7th)-At 11:80 a. m. for BRAZlIfc per . . Roman Prince (mail for Northern Braail, A.-gentlne, Uruguay and Paraguay must b directed "per a. S. ltomeii Frinc ): at 11:30 p. m. (sup plementarr 1:30 p. m.) for BT. TWMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD- and WIND WARD 1I.ANJL P.RITiail, ni'lTll and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. a. Fonta bail.? (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fontabeilo "). THt.'RSOAT (2sth) At 8 a. m. lor CUBA, YUCATAN and CAMPKCHH, per s. s. 2)-perana (mail for other parts of Mex ico must be directed "per s. s. Eanar enia"): at 13 in. for MEXICO, per a. s. MatanznSj via Tamplco (mall must be directed 'pct s. s. Matansaa"); 6. HO p. m. for POriTO PLATA, per a. a. Ullio, from Boston. . FRIDAY (2ih) At :30 a. m. (iippement ary a, m.) for INAOUA. 5IAIIT. SANTA MA RTA and Mher places In MAGDALENA DEPT. COLOVUIA, per s. u. Adirondack (mall for other cart of Colombia, via Siavanllla, must be di rected "per s. s. Adirondack"): at 1 p. in. for YUCATAN and CAalPFCliE, per . 8 T.' SAT1RDAY twth) At T:S0 a. m. for NEW. FOUNDLAND. per s. s. Rosalind; at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at $ a. m, t-iipplementntr at 9:30 a. rn.) for CTTtACAO and VENEZUELA, nor s. a. Zu'ia (mall for Colombia, via Cu racao, must be directed "per s. a. Kulla"); at a. rr.. for lORTO RICO, per s. a. Coaino. via Ban Juan; at 30 a. m. run ;,lementary 10:30 a, m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and C01X)MBIA. except Catica end Magdnlena I'ep'Ui. per s. e Birnl (mall for Costa Jilca must bo dtrecled "per a . Barnla"); at 10 a. m for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico. via I-tavans; at 10 a, m. for OH EN ADA. TRINIDAD and CITDAD BOIIV.AR. n-r s. . Vsrsval: at 12 m. for A RGF.N TINE. UTtUOrAV and PARAGUAY, per a s. Ooran Monarch. Mans Farwardea Overland, Ete Ri. ertt Transparllle. CUI5A Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes st this ofTtc dally, except Thursday, at 5:80 a, ni. (lb coniiecilug mails cluwi hero oil Mondsva, V ulnniiii vs and f- t nri3 v). MEXICO Crt'Y Overland, unless spacially for despatch by aieamar, clues at efnee d illy, eacett Sunday, at 1:8? p, pi. and lO.isl p. tu, Sundays at IrOO p. m. end 1'"' flu p. m. NKWrlirNliI.AND fexcept Parcv1-Post Malls) By rail to North fyCuev, Slid thence ty teamer. ciuse at Oils otic dally at 6:20 p. m. (ccnuocUng mu.ii on. liere every M iiidt.y. ed;-aay iu.d bt uray). JAMAICA r.y ml to lioeton, and tim.c by Btei.Tncr, closes at ti:ia ofilti ai t.tiii n ni T'i'-.iiiy and 1'rlAjy. MlQt 'El .ON By rail to Ponton enJ Oeiio iv -loauiri, clou-..a tit tlds u!"c O.-Dj' at H 111 p. Ill I E.e l.rtt. 11IERTO OOTITE7. ard OUATE MAl.A y rii to New tirleena, and tiienca by stei.nier, ruoees mt o,'!ii-e daiiv, -xcept Hit ndh y, si 11 :.o p. m. nd ' j.i vi p. ie. . ituiiil.ivs at i "I p. in a ii J p. m. (cot i.e.. ni's nmil cl sea l.i l .lulu vs Ilt pll.lvi p. Ill I C'i .- 1 A l,H'A-l'v rail t. New Orl iii. and llil-MCO I'V ete'inel. iiiuhvh at It.l Ulll.'l p.i!., eXL-epl ruii'l.iv, al ll .'l i. III. l-inl iiU.j.)' p. tu., tiuiiu. fcA (ivJ p. lu. and j FCSTOFFICE NOTICE 110. p. m. (oomectirg mall coej her 1 ue6a at 1 1J So p. m V P.esltiered mill close ct p. m. pesvlus da . TraHSpaelfle Malls, Forwarded Over land Flatly. The -ledule Of cnii( ft Trnnspactfl malls Is arranges on to prf.jutnpiior, of their unlnteriupttd overland tr:,alt 1 1 port of ssltnE. The final connecting nislls (excepting regl'tered Transpacific mslls which cl"-a p. m. pre-i0iis d i.i iloss at tho general postumcw. New Yivk. as follows, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco clos at r m . July 27th, for despatch per 17. S. Transport. Hawaii. Japan, torka, china sri rpeclaliv sddiesl mall for PHIT.IJ'. 11NE ISI.ANIS, via Ran fianclsco, clous at i:.m p. m. July X7tli lor epstcli per s. . America, liitu. ;'4N, OH1A. CHINA and PINE ISLAM tta Tnoma, r.los at I s.t p. iii. July :iUh for tspntch er s. s. Hteitor. HAWAII J.IPAW, trftl?.' CHINA and th J', IILIPPIN E JrLASDS. via Pan Fram ( o. tiote nt C 30 p. uu, August lt, f;.r de-ontch ( r 8. i nlna. KAWAII via fir) - !ico, elrts at 6:S1 f. m.. Auguat lat, for Cn patch per a. s. Alameda. JAPAN, COR FA. f IITNA and PinT.Tr I'LNK !fI.AM.S, via Hea t. close, at 6:S r. m. August 3d, for m patch per . . .'remrnt. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via H-n Francisco, close t 0 30 p. m , August 4th for 6sptch ter s. s. Mariposa JAPAN. COHKA, (HINA and 1'HILIP PINK ISLANDS. Via. Vancouver 1d Vic toria. 14. C. close at 1.30 p. m. Anatist Sth for dospatcii per s. s. Z.riprcss of Jex-an. M'. .v ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA levcept West). NEW CALEDONIA. RaMOA, HAWAII in" sp'lf'ly sdrtrewed for FIJI 1SLA N I i4, v'. 6nn Fran cisco, close at 3:30 p. m. Autrust Vth for despatch per s. a. Ventura, (l( the Cunord etonnter carrying Lie B'i'iar null for New Zialand docs not rr:lvr In time to jonneet with this d-pitch, extra mnlls closing t 5: n. m . 6:?1 a. m. and 6:M p. m.; bun.l iys st 4 JO a. m., 9 a. in. ami 6.30 p. m. will be trade up anil forwarded until the arrival cf the Cunard efcamai I FIJI ISLANDS and epeclitly addressed mull for r UdTR A LIA, snd NEW CALE DONIA. la "l ancnuver snd Victoria. P. C, dose at t.30 p. rn. Aupust ISth for despatch per s. a. Miowerv MANCHURIA and EASTJiKN SIBERIA at present forwmded via Russia, Instead rf via japan, the usual route. NOTE t nlefs otherwise addressed. West ustralla Is forwarded via Europe; New lr.alsnd via Sen Francisco, and Certain place- In lh Chines- Provinces of Tun. ran, Kuelchow, rJxechwan and Kwa.igsi, vie. British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Can eda" or "vl;' Kurope" must be fjlly pre paid r.t the foreign rates. Hawaii Is fpr werded Vl Hnn Frarclsco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. PostmsMter. Postoinco, New York, K. V, July 32, 1904. O. M. E. Tel. 611 , MESSENGER AND BaOG.VGF. 'i 1618 Farnam Street . WILL GET Y. JR BAGGAGE TUERB ON TIME. RAILWAY TIME CARD tSKOX STATION TE7VT1I XX U MARCT. Chionaro, IlooU Island ItAST. A raalfle. lento. Arrlr. ..a IK a is ..a 7:oe am 8:31 pi ..612:11 pm a MS pia . .a 4 34 ra bU M aia . a 1:40 pa, in pia CMfjga DarllttM Llmltwl Chl-K.o Lsyll-ai Looai ., ChU'iiKij .xprcsa lies Moines Upr Chluaso real ktlir-s , ASST. aoottr Koan'.sln Urnl'sd s 1:10 am a l:8t aia Llucoln. Colors'n iorlnxs, Po- ver, Puetilo and vast Union .'acino. Tlia 0-ariand 1,1 ml tail Cnlo-mdo A Cs'iloinla anjreaa. Milca-o-Portlanl Kteolai Eaatara Cxpraas . Coiumbua Loosl Colorado frpectai ,., Chtcaa9 8lal Bcatrira Looai Utopia sl Olpaa . 1:40 am 8:06 Ha .a 4 10 pin a 4 0 am .a 4 :8e pn J:0 Via .D I W n 1 1 M am . t.a aia a 1:80 am .bi:P)pm 11:15; .a 8: Ml an - .8:8! a rant Mall Clilca-ro at 3CorthTretera. " . - P.atrii!ea i.., T:asi ChliiAse o: lm Mall a 1' l m liarllvst 6t. Fatil 1 am If.Mpio Dailisht tblosfo aLlOaji U.40pm Umiieii Chicaao .a I K ?iu ' !:: am bwal Carroll 4:-t.m V ant , Bt. Paul "f:i!,"n i"!: Urnal Bloux City A Bt. Psal h 4:00m a 1 o aia Faat Mall ': Forfolk A Bonaateol " " blneola Lens Pin ...b 1W am I a tadwood Unvola ? ,6'"n f J! " Ha-tln-s-AlUen b$.ap 110- Ctaleaigo, Mllwavkee Ct. Paal. Chtraao PsyllsM rxras .. .... J m tl :00 -m r.lltnrnla-OrillOB tVLUr-SS ........ P" (" Or.rl.nd Umllad P Ds Moines AY ukodoji sixpr-"... - - e'" Chicago Great Wtr. . , ... ...u. . a-ai n .1K a 1 St.' plul A .'.nnaapolla Ixprsa" T :M am '' CMeaseyelte, ? S Chliaao Kxpraaa ; - Illinois Cealral. Mlnnaapolla V St. Paul Uinlt.d..a t.0 pat . V Mlasoorl Pacific. 0. i..i, ievnps st 0:45 am al.ttpm Wor'4'a Pair Bpaclal a 8.30 put aii.aO aia Wabaah. A "' St. Louts Cannon Eall Ixpraaa.. 1 W pm a 1:K am w. w,.M-. a T:tl am a 6 y Vm Looai trout Counall lliutfa. .......:! am a 1 pia UviULINGTOil 8TATION-10TU al MASON j Chleaava, Burlli'trlox- a aalsiOS- Laara. ' B11. . CMeatto -peclal . TJJ ! Chl0 Vartlbat-4 f ?2 Ctilr.Sd Limliaa - ! :2 S f sat Mall ' Kaasas Clly, i. JoaiV. Council ma fT. Kansas Cltf Day Expraa .. sm 6: tm gt. Louis Flrsr al .-Spiu al:aa Kan-ma n:y Kiht Hiprams all 4 eo a am MlBoa$ Itlvrr. W'rmor. Datrl.a ac Lincoln 1 ' n blj:c pm N.bra.ha Exprxas .......a 10 n T I0p.T Ii.m i.iuiiisd a 4:1 pm ; liiai'k aula Par-t ..sail B..all:l0 pin 4 1 ol pm Colorado V.atlhul..d Piyar . , ?5 !'!:J:,,m t'i 5 Fort Croi-k a. PUtt-motila sliMr-m , Jl am biarua aV Paninc junoiioa ,,.... t'to pia s l.Ii sot BalioToa raoino Juueiloa anj WEUiTKR DRrOTWllTU WT-IISTEIV. niaoar$ alllo. ' Icasr. ' ' Am. b 4 19 pia xli tS pi Nibra.Wa walar Lot, la .s'waiiiil Cblcaito, St. PanI, Mlnua-apoll 4k Omaha, Tw1 Cltr Paa-tne '...: b 1 80 am J s.oua City Faaa.iiar - ' W all M am 0aind Local .4ap ,b lla a rially. b Bally ce-it Snnr. bJ1r M"P r tt..i r-.-yiJi-- t OCKAH aralAalHir. '-1 I ; It" ' ' ,,wLir... jm.-ai. -$.i . Msw li acr. H. p:n at I',,,1", vtui inHii-aim as IiaM. i l-ot'Loor.a. Sviuu I A. AA. F-Kt.rd.. A.. ia.aUaoa.m- a-ua.ui A"- l!-ta-m Koortam a.j. .x'.rv7t! 1 u 1 1 , 1 . A N 11- .1 '-' ' ' ' -' - -. - ollLl ll.-rr i-i ' Pa"- ."''.A a "urtold. iia Patuem St.! ... K-1-. 1 ft ' Bt. m g 1 fa AL SOTlCKs. Wl'8 FOR COAl. Sealed propo-ial will b raelvd St th sffice of the e.te superintendent of put ilo Instruction In Llmoln until 11 o clucK noon. Mon nay, August 1. IK for seven hundred liny (T.,u) ton, oior or l-s. of rood sie.irn .r inlnei tun eia! for Alio tse of Ihe bt.Me Normal i.ool st Peru. C. al la lo lx dllvered at th school rr.d In stitution weir'.t to go-vein. All 7'ds must v.. ,i,,i ,. I bv bond. Tli bond reserve th I'.ht to -ele.t sny or all bbia. 4.jj0-:ii. tcOTKJlIL!aT OTlCBi. pl' ipit AlJl Ki'K bl I .(.Im I'll. Ni'H b 1 Dill "f."' Purehaeliig l'..i.iii.:.iir, U rl Army, Ijnt't-. Iseia.. Jul it, i; I. Soiled prop..-iU, aul.iai't to I lio I ual c'ii.i:!- t..ii!H, will oi It-.e.ilvt J at It la o net. I lj oi-im'k a. Ai.-l 8, I-", l !.! i tuna iind i.l.o e 0"-i vii'l .l- pi-'U-Lu . .. ' t .r f iirnletil.g ubislri," ?f'u oa I ..via; l-',v,-:r, rwl"" eeime.4 t . . lie..-, rnia will ba rlvru t.) an:-. - i .Vn.-iHj pt ox1'.i'ti'"i- l--i - p...i" . a- ' s . i-l ... il It ol.i.n.-- d ! ! 'i, avi , UA..'ti-U. I'litiu-aveui-aT C cu..u- " ' "