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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1904)
Iff Trm omaha daily hee: Wednesday, july 20, 1904. VISITORS TO THE CIRCUS Should sifzs the opportunity of our great sales now in proyrewr- The most extraordinary bargains of the year in every department. Make yourselves at home in our store. Wednesday Most Sensational Offers BEU7 FROM THE STOCK That have yet bfn prnrated. Amuinc redactions An . all cvodi throna-hont our entire store. Ladies'50c Belts at' 15c niOM TUB K.ELLKY-ST1GER STOCK.' Crocheted and yoile Belts from the Kelley-Stiger stock .with gun metal, gold plate and silver finish buckles, in all the leading col ore Kelley-Stiger's i price 50c and 75c if u l'5c Ladles' up-to-date $2 Shirt Waist Suits at 98c Pretty and vp.todate shirt vait tuits in tmaUpotka dot effects tnt puaua wauttat 98c Ladies' Stunning: $20 Silk Shirt Waist Suits, $8.98 New arrival of th mot charming HUk Bhirt Waist Suits. dianaeabU taffetas daintily pleated xcaistsdskirts Embroideries All the fine wide embrol derles from the Kelley Btlger stock up to 18 Inches wide and worth as high as Wo a yard fit . g.98 EXTRA WIDE 25c Semite '.Goods Bookfield India Linons Persian Lawns, India Dimitios, Sea Island Nainsook, Organdies, Batistes, etc. All white goods, -worth 10c yard at ' All white goods worth 15c yard at ft All whit goods worth 25o yard, at LADIES' PATENT LEATHER r r r ri worth uxiora i le snoes f2.50 L2Z at JLr- Wntch our Windows m , v r ' v ir an 4 us saw K Watch our Ton ,is ninuows SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 20TII, AT 8:45 A- The sntlre stock cf the Openhelm Cloth ing; company (bankrupt) 16th and Larimer street, Denver, has been bid in at 42 cents on the dollar by the Guarantee Clothing company, who shipped It to Omaha, Neb., and now place It on sale on the second floor of their premises, 1519-1B21 Douglas street, Omaha, Neb., at -lei price than cost of production. A chance to buy the very fin est Of wearing apparel at such ridiculous low prices should be taken advantage of. Her are a few of the prices: Men's black suits, fancy lined, $3.89, Men's linen pants, 28 cents. Extra strong knee pants, tf cents. Men's light colored all wool stylish spring and early tall overcoats,' 13.90. Coats like this would usually, sell for H2.60. Men's blue serge pants,' fl.. Flue, fancy worsted pants, asm price. Men's extra strong corduroy suits, S3. 90, All wool black suits also for the ridiculously Jow price of W.90. Black summer coats, tc&o.. Oood shoes, Wo. For fLW yoii get chptc of Openhelm's finest pants. Men's fast black sateen shirts, 26c, as big as alse 18H neck, for the same price. All sorts of men's hose, S pair for 10c. . All kinds of belts, 15c. Bathing trunks for men, Jo, Men's. and boys'' light weight fancy colored sweaters, 25c. Linen cuffs, to a pair. All wool -blue suits, W.W. Strong working pants,, C9c Men's collars, t for lc. Boys' short pants suits,' 8Sc. All kinds of men's ' underwear, including pink, blue or black, 16 a garment Choice of all the straw hats, to each. Police and firemen's suspenders. Sc. Hod, blue, plain white or colored bordered handkerchiefs, choice lc Felt hats worth up to $2, your choice, 4Se ' Your choice of Openhelm's finest suits, including 'fine black suits, 16.80, Manhattan, $1.60 and 12.00 shirts, 680., Men's blue overalls with bib, 25c. Fine slik neckwear your rholoe, 9c. Cotton neck wear So and hundreds of other articles too numerous te mention lnbvery Instance for roujh less than former cost as we decided te sell these goods for lust a few per cent above the low price paid by us, THE GUARANTEE ;r . CLOTHING CO., ; 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. iff More Tan Hi Shoe 11 Bargains jjj For the first three days of this week we will continue the sale of tan shoes and oxfords same as last week. We have added a lot more to the bar gain table for these three days, and those who failed to find their k1o last week can prob ably find It now. They're odds and ends of sizes and svle, '-'if they're worth several times the sale price. 50c 5 that at regular prices are worth a.ou ana i.w. 75c for Women's Fine Tan Vlcl Ox fords, turn soles, worth 12.60 and 23.00. 95c for Women's Fine Vlcl Kid hlKh shoee, turn soles, that s Id be fore at tZU), 3.00 and 13.50. J nXSHOE co. lik-D(ili!0!it RECOMMENDED BV PHYSICIANS AND CONNOISSEURS I'M "ltlM!ltl SERVED EVERYWHERE MRS. J. BENSON Colored Wash Petticoats Iu Mercerized Gingham and Black Spun Hilk handsome styles with deep full rufiles, Gingham with and without lace trimmings. These are excellent values at ?1.23. Wednesday we sell them at 69c Bee the night dresses we are selling at C5c value tl.00. (DutjricQ pn fine aejna linen and white China ftilk JYaiata. TO MUG BROS.' should not overlook - the fact that 8CILMOLLER & MUKLXJCR are quot ing special prices on Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise to out-of-town customers. Our line of Instru ments comprises 30 different makes, including the celebrated Stelnway, Emerson, Stegpr, Ilardman, A. B. Chase, Steck, Reed A Sons, MePhall, and our own hand-mado SCHMOLXER & MUELjLER Piano, fully guaranteed for 20 zears. CIRCUS DAY WEATHER Fair and Slightly Cooler. cracu mimm Small English . CE Upright llaiio......... pUJ $85 tssssi is e t v $105 $115 Ebony Upright Piano. Henry F. Miller Piano Kimball Upright Piano Chlckerlng Upright Piano Ilardman Upright, beautiful rosewood piano $145 Also scores- of other bargains In Knabc, Kranlch & Bach, Ivers & Pond and other well known makes. Remember that we ship pianos everywhere and trust everybody. 210.00 cash and 36.00 per month will buy any piano In our house. Operating four stores and one big factory places us in a position to quote prices and terms that completely outstrip all competition. While in Omaha you are cordially Invited to visit our piano factory, the only institution of its kind In the west. If unable to call, write for catalogues and . bargain list. We guarantee to save you money. fo) L2)LSLiJ UJ Lb u u 99 "When the Circus Comes to Town! Wednesday Is Ringling's Circus Day. The parade will pass the Kennett Store at about 11 o'clock forenoon. BEN NETTS la the best vantage point in the city for seeing the magnificent cavalcade. Tavement broadest and smoothest of any in Omaha. Come inside the store an d wait and MAKE THOSE ROUSING CIRCUS DAY Bargains Your Own. A LITTLE MONEY GOES "A LONG WAYS" AT BENNETT'S. The Oldest and Most Reliable Music House In the West. Established 1859. 13BFarnam St. Tel. 1625. BRANCH STORES: Lincoln, Neb., Council Bluffs, Iowa, bioux city, iowa. Green Trading Stamps Every Time Circus Da.y Prices .WASH GOODS FOR WEDNESDAY 15 pieces fine Imported, finely mercer'zed Scotch ginghams, in black and white and navy and white rhecka, that are OHp worth 60c a yard CIRCUS DAY WHITE INDIA IJNONS. 185 pIpcps of. regular 30c quality fine sheer f Er 20c ..7c India Llnons only CIRCUS DAT per yard WHITE PERSIAN LAWNS.. 100 pieces very fine, shoer Persian Lawns our regular 39o quality CIRCUS DAY at, yard M WHITE STRIPED DIMITY. 200 pieces striped and checked Dimities and Lawns worth to 29o yard while they lust-CIRCUS DAY yard BLACK INDIA UNO N.I. 600 pieces fine Imported fast black India Llnons, nice sheer quality, divided in three lota for CIRCUS DAY- LOT 1 worth 17o a yard ICln LOT 8 worth 20c a yard CIRCUS DAY at vw L'lKUUH DAY at. LOT 3 worth 25c a yard CIRCUS DAY at ..15c .12ic Vrna Tisn't-the weate that makes fabrics of quality. 'Tia the yarns. It's the long, selected wool filaments, tightly twlstod Into yarns of the firmest, hardest sort that forms the foundation for the superiority of Wash ington Navj Serge the wonderful Serge that Is made according to the United States government specifications the Serge that magazines are talk ing so much about tha Serge that this SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Is cutting prices. For this ale Is ready to make you a $28 suit of this Serge or any, other $28 suit in the store for $23 a $35 suiting to your order for $28 or a $45 or $50 suiting mode to your meas ure for $:$5. Can't keep this up very long for our stock of sum mer suiting can't last very long. Hurry! MacCarthy Tailoring Company, fldia x uta sl. ltext deor te Wabash Ticket Offloa , Phos IMS. -si i DIAMOND t SOLITAIRESf SS.OO to $500.00 j Our diamonds can be returned wlth- I In one year tor cash loss 10 per cent ss lht-l l B-sr-n-M-B-a-B-sl Shoes! Shoes! Oxfords! Oxfords! Slippers! Slippers! Everything in footwear. Circus day double Green Trading Stamps with every purchase in Omaha's leading Shoe Dept., main floor, Bennett's. GROCERY! GROCERY!! Special Daily Sales in Our Grocery Dept. tUX worth "H. & H." Orecn Trading Stamps with pound Oflc . package Bennett's Capitol Coffee saOV 12.00 worth A H." Green Trading Stamps with pound f Qp package Tea SlfUngs 1J JL00 worth "a & 11." Green Trading Stamps with three Co packages tJneeda Biscuits 'aiJW H.00 worth "8. & It." Green Trading Stamps with threo cans Hawkeye Cream J1.00 worth '8. St IV Irani. HI th "8. Sc IL" Orean Trading Stamps with pound iBn s-?? Honey -..IOC ffil th "B. H." Green Trading Stamps with jar f Ac JtiViSv'J tLOO worth pure Strained Honey. CANDY DEPT. BOc worth "8. & H." Green Trading Stamps with each glass Jar assorted Candy $7-o worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with the above list of goods amounting to SI. 15. 14c 10c Salmon, 1-lb can JOo OH Sardines, oan 60 Potted Ham, can 40 French Mustard, pot.. So Olives, bottle , 10o Worcester Sauce bottle lOo More Boys Wanted .5g?5S i li mstmt WEDNESDAY SPECIAL WEDNESDAY SPECIAL STvr.-ej Breaking All Bargain Records DOWN GO THE PRICES ON . MEN'S SUMMER CLOTHING Today will bo great day la men's clothing. We will sell all our odds and ends of tfprlng gnd summer clothing at an astonishing sacrifice the swellest, prettiest summer cloth ing going at LESS THAN HALF PRICB. rrs TEN CENTS' 1 What To Eat ZZSZ Bend tor eoPT, M eenia a tU a yeas. steuasu to brighten row ietavre ma wigg Usssi sor euahle UaeJth ATMxU. TaUe law A ge4 itmtm, Poema. CWrev iWii Irtsng to brlgni nteuts. SM1I ! ntartahur. I ml tt tto w Mln ot LkU mAfcjr WHAT TO BAT (Mrtly WsssjSbbIm he saa ttek a ma IfOJfJYROYAL PILL3 CHicMrsrrc U kit mm ! mm. vu .HI A.. 1 -V mm B ! li l.lilli lnu mf Km rt.'!'1 11 ' Ti mmd t mxJ C. mAimmJ' tm twa ka imi. i mm7 Sum ilulil! Odds and Ends From Men's $10 Suits three-pleoe light and medium weight, at Choice of Any Man's Outing Suits, worth up to tlO, at Men's Odd Summer Coats and Vests (from One suits that sold up to 17.60, at. .75 .00 r Men's Pants- Lane k only. 1-S 40-42 wiUst worth 13 98c Men's n cool COTTON COATS, Just right for hot weather, at 25c PouMe-breasted Skeleton Tf 0ft Serge Coats H All wool worth IS, II at Men's Odd All Wool VESTS Sises M to K. worth up to H60, 45c !- Prttwa Prevail la Kvry Ttrpmrt-. SlfHt. TUB RELIABLE! STORE. Pare Pleaelssr Prices Prevail la Kvfrr nrsirh .eat. Clearing Sale Bargains Q $1.50 Youlh's and Young Men's Suits . $5 .00 In ages from 11 to 20 years. All the nea shades and fabrics, such as Fancy Chev iota, Cassi mores, Sorges, Xwccds, etc., is brown, gray and Scotch mixtures, plain blues and blacks, In single and duubl breasted styles 7.M to 10.09 values. Our Special Mc 110.0V $5 FOR BOYS AND CIIIL DREN'8 KNER PANTS SUITS. WORTU UP TO Double Breasted Russian, NorYoll and Three-Piece Styles-Swell little sulU in the nobbiest patterns, i Great Snap for Wedncs day at. $1.50 and $1.95 SEE OUIt SIXTElSNTK STIUSUr ' SvTN. DOW DISI'LAT. DON'T ITOROET TO SKM OU74 S M MEN'S SUITS, The Advantage of Biggest Assortments. IN OUR AASH GOODS CLEARING SALES MAKES BARGAINS THAN ARE OFFERED ELSEWHERE. OUR MAIN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT WEDNESDAY SALE. 40-Inch White Victoria Lawn and tn- Batiste lo grade yard avrw 32-lnch Morreriicd Persian Lawn, black white, cream, light. blue and itt,-, , iuw Pink 25c aualltv vnrd. Lap Cord Pique (white) rerular 30c and 35c duality vnrrl. Shirting Madras Imported Qual ities 25c. 35c and iv sradc vard. Fancy Mercerized Lawn pluln - 10lr colored (something new) yard.... l!t uiacK ana colored Bilk Mull 19c 19c 25c rearular 40c aualltv yard A DOUBLE VALUE-OIVINO WAISTINQ All our English Mercerized White Waist-1 BETTER AND BIOQEH Ing8 (tho kind that launder perfectly)-, the best known White Waisting Fabris made worth from 3$o to Ko tomorrow' saio me insi cnance to duv ineiie 19c splendid Walstlnga at, yard NOBBY WASH SUITS. Your unrestricted choice of any Cfl rQ Wash Suit In the house... MJl HANDSOME SILK. SUITS. 200 garments to select from in PorcsJf and Taffeta worth up to f . . Cf na $25.0O-at ...... y.Va CHIIREN-S WASH DRESSES. Groat assortment 'of fabrics and coloist ages o 10 i4 years regular WX. 60 Ptlmrf" m values choice Wednesday A BIO BUTTER SALE WEDNESDAY TnH BIGGEST BARGAI3T "OE THU SEASON. in the stare 7C0 tubs o we have received from Ave of the larzest creameries butter (80 pounds each), of Fancy Separator Creamery. This Is equal to any ornura. crj buiu iur mucn iiiguer pneen in any oinur siore in me Cliy. Very line flavor. A delicious Table Butter iCn NO LIMIT. Tomorrow, : per pound ALL, YOU WANT. ' 1 FRESH FRUIT Large, Juicy, Highland, Seedless . Or Lemons, per dozen lv 48-pound sack fancy high patent CI Or XX flour .ai.aU Three packages best Corn mfn ;h 1VW Starch A1VD GROCERIES. Three bars Wool or. Armour 4r White Soap IUC Three pounds beat' bulk laundry ' 1f Starch , i.....jt.IOC Ten bars best Laundry - ' , ORr CHINA. CHINA. CHINA. ODDS AND ENDS In Decorated Porcelain and China Sauce Plates, trrult Saucers,' nii"iB( v.ujj8 iiu ottucen wiuie mey lasc St . s EACH IC rin UL oj o ism r ... r 6 In tbe RoseMMiMEesemllii Opmsl fur Mlansnl JULY 5tfi TO 23 rd Speci'ar. redaceil tgnnirtrJ'y tijckBta; am saHap Juljf 1 to 2Z good, rrtuming- tilL AuguHt; 31. Apply- at. City Qfflmr,, xmL-Um: Faxmua: Btt Gmah. flcrr deanritiyA'pampliletSk. mns; flor BoBtisticer and". F&itfax: Ibavft- Uniini. Station m4 at 8:05. m. mi.. 2?sn m mi. I - ' j... ii- a1l' Tliaiciiaiiaa 4(lH2j'- ota-llfctlme.. An Office In , The Bee Building I For SIO.OO Per Month 1 We have a very desirable small office, that is vacant today, at the prioe mentioned above. There are only a few of these smaller offices in the building, but in point or comfort and desirability they are vary satis, factory to anyone who needs only a small floor space. This price includes all the advantages of the building perfect Jani tor service, all day and all night and Sunday elevator service, eteotrio light, water and heat. These little office are usually snapped up quickly. Setter call today. R. C. PETERS 0 CO., Rental Agents ' Cro und Floor, The Bet Bit tiding. J