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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1904)
TOE OMAFIA' DAILY BEE. MONDAY, JULY 19, 1904. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET "Wheat CIomi Extra Strong Onteido, but Weaker in Omaha. - SOKE NEW SURPRISES ARE IN STORE Ahaeaee of Barer ftlll Coattaae Feat are of Looal Baard Reports roreeast Fail are of Crop la Kaaaaa. -i-' OMAHA. July It, 190. Tfcer are two distinct gram stories to day, the general buiusn uierael ana the local yarn. A (or th latter, tti.r prom 4 to b a aoqiKl before U.e and of th . (bonth and on of eensatlunsl cuaracier. Chile prior want to hlner cioainss than yaaterday auall outsldo markets, esisoalailr in July wnfat, that (rain weakened al Omaha and cload with offering's at Klc with no buyers In slant. July opened at 4o bid, but when Van born, who U sup posed to be in on a great part of tha local Bhortase, began to sell more wheat In the July option the value weakened ana moid off a cent lower. It appears that tha Van IJorn-flldney Smith combination, which la said to repre sent the majority of tha local shortage, has card In the aiaave that la worrying tha life out of holder. Smith, who, as stated yesterday, baa been selling at Omaha through Van iUorn for the Kenny concern of Kansas City, Is now out In tha atata endeavoring to secure wheat for July de livery undr his contracts. 1 A dispatch from bmlth to Van Dorn 'this morning says: "There will be very Httla threshing done this month. From Lincoln to Holdreg tn wheat In shook Is very touch, 1 vlaltud trill thla afternoon near riaatlngs and they will test about fifty-five bushels, I hould Judge." It has been frequently said of lata that on professional manipulation values at Omaha are away above reason and It la no urprlaa at all that tha aborts have been working under oqver to make good their July contracts Kit her they are running a vary strong; bluff on July stuff or they have secured themselves In a way that solders know nothing of. ,. For a Saturday close today's market quit With price unusually strong at all outside markets. A prospect of rain In the south west over Sunday coupled with further damage reports from tha wheat belt lent today's market strength of a lasting sort and prices were firm In all lines. Corn was ymvathetlc with wheat and doaed above yesterday's figure. . A private advlao from Chicago today, tha most bullish yet received, said: Kansas, according- to a T opeka dlspatth. U confronted with a failure of Its crop. Tha great majority of nelda will not pro duce a bushel of corn and many are so badly Injured by tha late floods and rains that they will not be worth cutting for fodder. Governor Bailey, who has 400 acres In corn, baa abandoned It. Additional re port show tho worat wa ndt known when Secretary Coburn made his report a few days ago. The farmers cannot save mora than 40,u00.000 bushels of wheat. "Tha Kansas state report aays the corn crop has s uttered In every section of tha ataU and that tha aggregate corn vleld will bo far below that of favot seasons. Tho report does not give tWa per cant of loss, but says tha bottom fields are under water and the uplands full of weeds." , Tha range of prtoea on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and tho close today an Friday war.. curfed IWheat Open. High. Low. Today, m y Julr MBMBMAMA m a Sept. ftHB 11 B H0B tl B Dml kAb IMLB kb KB 88 Corn . July Root. &eo .. A Oat July 40 B 632-SBS 40 B 40 n 11VB aoB 40- B 40 HUB 11 0VS A asked B bid. wmaha Cash Market. ; CORN No. 4. 47o ; No. I yellow. 48o. The followlnr ware the receipt and shipments at Omaha today: Receipt. Shipment. Corn, ear 0 I OaU, car I . 1 Grata Kara. eta El where. Closing price of grain today and Fri day at the markets named were aa follow: Kansas) citt. JWheat Td-- Bat'J September VB 788 December , ... T7HA .1tA. Corn ...... September 45KB 4BU December 4Q&B A ST. .LOUIS. IWhea September ...................... KHA MT4 ocembor MHA & r?orn September ........... ...47AA 47H 41 December . tUNHIAruUI, .Wheat September 88H 87H December l&HB 84 DUL.UTH. Wheat July LOCH 1.0H.B September KH 87 WB NSW tORK. Wheat- , September . ' hhb ma December KH4 . r)a Corn July i MHB . September etftB ' A asked. B bid. Notes troaa the Grata Market.. 'There waa little' cash (rain offered at Omaha today. Minneapolis stock of wheat decreased 10,000 this week; total. .ao.OuO. ' Two oar of corn were sold here today tt follows: No. 4 mixed, 4Jo; No. I yel ow, too. Twemley, Son dt Co. have purchased the site for their new elevator and will an nounce their plan within a lew day. - Twenty-two car of grain were lnspeoted at Omaha yesterday aa follows; Corn, No. i, seventeen; No. 1, three; No. 4, one. Oala, No. t white, on. -' MlaaaapeU Oral Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 14. WHEAT July, 7Hc; heptember, StJtc; December, g6fr 6S.C. On track: No. 1 hard, rc; No. 1 northern, 14,4; No. 1 northern, r4-vac. KLAUlt First patents, to.lvaiM, second ' patents, $i.0u6.1U; first clears, li.Uiti'; econd clears, Ji.W. BHAN In bulk. P4.00; short. IH.00. Dalatk Grata Market. DULUTH, July H. WHEAT To arrivs: No. 1 northern, 11.02V; No. I northern, rVrO. -Oti track: No. 1 northern, tl.OSVi; No. northern. Uno; July, tl.OJVi; beplember, UATSV On track, UVtc; to arrive, S3o. IKW ' YORK GBJNBHAL MARKET aotatloae of la. Day oa Vartoas Coanmodltlea. NEW TORK, July M. FLOUR Receipt, 12, ,'ibli.; export, t.m bbls.; sales. 1,100 ''bbia. Market dull and unchanged; winter patents, 4.c(r6.10: winter straights, H.Swtf 4.76; Mianesoia patents, 4.l!woa; w.nter extras, ViUAliM; Minnesota bakers, !.7C 4o; winter low grades. 11 164Ji."i0. Rye flour, firm: sales, lt0 bbls. Fair to good, 4.0a4.A; choice to fanoy, 14.atiJJi.t0. CORN MEAL Dull; yellow, western, l.oal.lo; city, tlJOtul-U; kiln dried, M.Wi ilO. . RYE Nominal, BARLEY Lows; feeding. 4dHo; o. t. f., New York; malting-, nominal. WHEAT Rocelpts. 40,000 bu.; sales, 1,160,- Oou hii.. Soot llrm: No. 1 red. nominal, e.e- vator; No. 1 red. ll.OMV. new crop, f. e. b., rioat; no. l nortnern, iiuiutn. ti.wi. o. t afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, ncmlnal, o. b., afloat. Options opened . barely teady on fine weather news and easy ca ble, but soon rallied and were strong; at the forenoon. Influenced by hlghor northwest market and bull support, closing- VltlHo higher. Sales Included July at tl.OOvJl.CC olosml 11. September, tt 11 t-Iac. closed vlMic; December, 8 t-l,if OMiC. cloaed 0Hc CORN Receipts. 40.160 bu.; export, 40,481 bu. Bpot firm: No. t. UVc, elevator, and (4o f. o. b.. atloat; No. 1 yellow, IbVkc: No. t whits, 64Hc. Option market was dull and 5iatureles, closing o higher with whie'. uly rloiMd UHci September closed 6lc. OAT3 Receipts, 1Z.W0 bu.; export, 4.1.1 bu. Spot market dull. Mined oat. K to U pounds, 44$ 46c;' natural white, M to 11 pounds, 4!i-t7c; clipped whit. 14 to 40 pounds. 47VliMc; options nominal. FfcKD Quiet: apring bran, 119 00. prompt shipments: middlings, la, prompt ship ment; city. lJ0.0O2f bO. HAY-iulet; shipping. 70c; good ' to Chnlre. Sic. HOPS Oulet: state common to choice, Wo. Ki:ic; lMtl. llj"lc: old. 7illc: Haclflo aoaal t. ilmJte lftol S04:'lc: old, 7Ue. HIliKrt-Klrm; Oalvrstou, 10 to 16 pounds, V-: Ca'lfnrnia, a to la pound. 11c; Texas, dried. 14 to 10 pounds, 14ei. , . l.KATHICR Hleadv; arid. Mi0a6c. KICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, VRuV18ION-7Wf. firm: family, ftt lA60; .rn.aa. K Mj 00: beef ham 1?' &i WOO; rlty, extra India ms. 114 Cut meats ateidy; plrkled belli SViftOWe: rlrklod shoulder. tSc: pickled hams i loc. I.ard. eteady; western steamed; July tloeed n 16. aonilnal; rrfliiM steady: fontlnrnt, IT.JC; South America, IS Ou; c im pound, 66Vc. Tork, firm; family, 114 50; nhort clear, 1115(16 51; rr.a'a. 114.1)4514 75. FOTAIXjILS Weak; Ujng Island. In bi.k, per 180 pound. 11. 6o$l 71; Jersey prime, p.- barrel 11 Kbl.7t; Norfolk, prime, ir barrel, 11 Sffl.76; Jersey aweeta, per bs kJ. 11.2M11 n. TALLow-gulet; rlty, (ItOO per packae) 44Xc; country, (package free), i&ti. POULTRY Firm alive and dreied, un changed. B LITER Firm, unchanged. CHEESE Eniy ; tat. full cream, larg-e, whit fancy, 7i9?c; large colored fancy, 7f. EGOS Finn ; western, extra selected, lOHc; first, llHo. CHICAGO ORAM ADD PROVIIlOlft Peatarea of tke Tradlna; aad Closlac Price oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 1 Scorching weather In the northwet today gave enthusiasm to the bull campaign in wheat and as a re sult September wheat cloaod l7iHc higher than yesterday's final quotation. Corn is up Ufeko. oats show an advance of Vio provision are unchanged to io higher. The aituatlon in the spring wheat teril toiy was the main bull factor of the day. Throughout the greater part of tha ses sion sentiment In the pit was decidedly bulllah and at the olos , all deliveries showed a gain of about a cent over last night's final figures. September oloeed at the top at 8ic. July ranged between Hc ajid leSUc, cloning at the high point. Clearances of wheat and flour were eiuai to '71,700 bu. Primary receipts were 271,400 bu., compared with 411,800 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 221 CKrs. agnlnat 14. car last week and 221 cars a year afro. In spit of fine weather all over the corn belt the market we Arm. The market closed practically at the high point of the day. (September opened a shade to lower at 4kfcip43'c to 4c, sold up to 49t 4BMc and rlojed at 40. Local receipt were 2s cars. , More strength wsa manifested In oats than has bnen experience J for several Week. Commlmlon house nd local bull were Hood buyers, and In the absence of any special selling- presaure the market responded readily to the active demand. Llxht receipts, Arm cash market and strenvth of wheat and corn more than off set tn fine weather. The market cloned nonr the top. After opening a shade to o lower at 12HifiP33He, September advanced to Kc and closed at 3214c. Local receipt were WS cars, Tradlna- In provision was praetleallv at a standstill and the market helJ seivdy the entire day. At the eloi September pork was up 7Hc at lU.ITtt. 8ptembr Ifird and rib were each unchanged at 16.12V4 and 17.B7H. respectively. Estimated receipt for Monday: Wheat. i.Jif i.cor.n' 135 car": lo car; hog. 11,000 head. t The leading future ranged a follows: Artlcle, Open. Hl7h, Low. CToae.Tefy. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Sept. Deo. Sept. Deo. Sept. Oct. Lard Jul Sspt. Oct, Sept Oct. WW 9t 4U Km U tVi 12 1714 11 84 U 87Vfc 11 80 A tm (an ?SH tk ?SH IS 787iTT88 hh a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were aa follow: FLOTTR Quiet and teady; winter pat ent. M.JO- straights. t4 spring pat tT&ilfc4 tralht. &.Wi4-&i baker, ..SIIAT,,0 2 "Prtn. Mc11.00; No. 1. ttCWtc: No. 1 red. troii&1.0e. CORN-No. 1. 49e; No. I yellow, 61c. PAT8-No J, tooi No. 1 white, 44; No. I White, 40344o. RTE No. 2, -70o. BARLET-Oood feeding-, 16 38c J fair to choice malting, 41360o. K?.riSrNoi. 1 flax- l ":iNo. 1 northwest ern, 11.20H. Timothy, prlrtie, 12.95. Clover, oontract srrade, 110.7611.CO. PROVISIONS Mees pork, per bbl., 1U.70 112.80. Lard, per loo lbs.. t.80. Short rib sides (loose), j7.2Sfr7.40; dry salted hould ers (boxed). r.a67.0. The following were the receipt and ship ment yesterday; ' . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 14,100 17.100 Wheat bu. 11,000 41.100 Corn, tu 163.100 e.3oo Oat, bti 114,M 171.500 Barley, bu 20,600 1,600 On tha Produce exohang today the but ter market was teady; creameries, ll17o; daJrle, 12416c. Eggs, teody. at mark, cae4 included, 14Vi$;l5o, , Cheese, easy, St. Loala Grata aad Provisions. ST. LOl'18, July 1.-WHEAT-Hlghr on hot wind In northwest; No. I red cash elevator, nominal; track. 87C9c; new July, MiJ.L8fPtembr- aci No. 1 hard, 69c. ?!lI,h1 No. 2 cash, 49o; track, Mc; July, 48o; September, 48To.. OATS HIg-her; No. 2 cash, Ho; track, Htt40c: . July 88c; September. ll0 No. 2 white. 4SVc. .,FJ'0VRVer'r auletl red winter patent, !4.864.10; special brands, 10fW6c higher; r.XirJ.CSnpJr an4 rJht. 14.O&S4.80; clekr, Xs.H0qiB.90. BE KD Timothy, steady at 12.404J2.70. CORN MEALH6teady at 12.40. BRAN Higher; sacked, east traok, He. HJiTz2lt?Ti t,mothjr. H.OC4J16.00; pral ri6, va.ooov-dO. IRON COTTON TIE8-820. BAQGINO 6Hdl rSOVTI8IN-pork hl": Jobbing, 112.80. Lard, steadyi prime steam, ifl.So. Bacon, teady: boxed, extra ahnrta. Id. 23: clear rlba 14.17; abort clear. 14.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, Uo; springs 12vc; turkey, Mo; duoka, geeselc. ,JL,U'tTBR5uleti oreamerj'. 1418o; dairy, EOaS-flteady; 18H. "ae Count. Flour, bbl Wheat, bu gorn,. bu at, bu xiaceiius. Duipmenra. 1,000 60) 46.000 ' 2!.ftv ...J.rt.OOO 23,001) 43,000 11,(00 Kaaaaa City Grala aad Provlsloa. KANSAS CTTT. July 14.-WHEAT Steady; July 831; September, T!9T7e; December, 77o; cash No. I hard new. 6;ffl 04c; old. 6r6o: No. 1. 092c; No. 2 red, (74M8c; No. 1, 2c. CORN Steady; July, "4o; Septsmher, 44c: December, 6o; cash No. i mixed, R2c: No. , 5Hio; No. 2 white. 62(g524e; No. 2, 6061o. OATS No. 2 white, 4042c; No. 2 mixed. IMMflUc. HAT Steady; choice timothy, S10.6Omi.00; Choice prairie. 110. 50 11.00. RYE Nominal, 2o. prTTKK t reani-x-v. l,"tfF15c: rtalrv. 12c EOOS Steady; Mlasourl and Kansa. new No. 2 whitewood cases Included. 13c; case count, 12"c; cases returned, less, ' Receipt. Smpmonts. Wheat, bu 40,800 . ?W0 Corn, bu 21.600 16,200 Oats, bu 1.000 i.OOO Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July 11 WHEAT Firm. No. 1 northern. 11.011.02; No. 2 northern, 8c64tl.0o- new September, 87S87io, bid. RYE Stronger; No. L 77i67&o. BAHLEY Dull ; No. 2. 42o; sample. C68c. CORN Steady; No. 3, 6061 lc; Septem ber. 4'J5341So, bid. Liverpool Grala aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July 1.-WHEliT Spot, nominal; fijrure quiet; July, l6Wd; Sep tember, tmfi. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed new, 44vl; American mixed old, 6Vid; futures, quiet; July, 4d: Scptamber. 4 ISd. . Peoria Grala Market. PBORIA. III., July 16. CORN-Quoted tendy- No. 1, 410 ; No. 4, 47Hc. , WMISKY-On the basl of for nri- lahad good. . Toledo fleed Market. TOLEDO, July 18 SEEDS Clover, cash, 14 26; October. M 10. Alslke. prime. ); August, Uij. Timothy, prime, U.47H; Sep tember, 11. 47V. Pklladelpla Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 18.-BUTTER Steady; fair demand; extra Western cream ery, lftci- extra nearby print. 19c. KOOS F'alr demand; fresh nearby and fresh western. Sue, loss off; fresh south western 19c, loss off; fresh southern, 18c, loss off. CHEESE Steady.' demand moderate; New York full creams, rhoVs to fancy, 8ft tt! New Tork full creams, fair to good, 7WC. Metal Market. NEW TORK, July It.-MBTALS-Bteady markets were the rule toiluy. Spot tin was In light supply and there waa a firm tone to spelter. Business In copper was chiefly for Immediate shipment. Tin quiet and steady. Iron quiet and nominally ti. changed.. Quotations: Copper, lake, Hl.83'4, (ft 1? V, ; electrolytic. 11? iiSull.7; casting, 1! '.StU: ft. Tin, iM.bxit 16.60. Spelter, Kii 04 8f. ST. LOT;ifl, July 14.-METALS Lead, flrut, 14.16. Spelter, Arm. Htw. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET The Few QatUa Baoeiyed Sell Quickly at Good Prices. SHIPPING HOGS SELL HIGHER Paoklaat Gradea aad Mixed Skippers teady No Sheegt Received aad No Deataad 'Whatever front Paekera. SOUTH OMAHA, Jury 18, 1904. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hotr. Bheep. Olllclal Monday 1 6ii Ornclal Tuesday 1,6 ottlclal Wednesday .... t'i Official Thursday 200 Official Friday 27 1,414 10,4i4 - Sa 4,414 Wl 700 1,411 1.700 11.710 Official Saturday day .. 260 Total this week 4,961 11,710 10. 4M Same days iaat week.,..13,0M 43.4V6 11.324 Same day week before.. 1,861 40.382. 17,: Same three weeks ago. .11.764 64.701 11,171 Same four weeks ago.... 18,499 69.217 1.77 Same days last year 14.744 (7.767 26.2U4 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table snows tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Sou:h Omaha lor the year to date, with comparison with last !: 1V04. 14. Inc. Dec. Cattlo 4il,4fi 632.9.1 41.43 HOM 1.429.i4 l,S,.l" 62,176 Bheep I,a0t 4,s6 U4.1H1 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha for th last several days with com parison: Data. 1904. 1903.l)2.l01.!ltv.;iA9.U8. June 27.. June 28.. June 29.. June ao.. S 141 6 OS I 04, i tt 7 62 1 66 ( 911 I 031 1 4 S 82 6 87 6 11 m go o i 0i 4 m 4 I tw 1 68 1.71 1 bo UB 6 66, 7 61 3 60 1 01 LJuiy i... PJuiy 2... I US ( lit' 7 64 7 44 7 62 'fiij in 7 82 7o t 89 6 67 6 831 4 Ml i 741 1 01 1 41 July 1... "July 4. 3Ar July 4... July T... July I... July 1... July 10.. July 11.. July 12.. July ia.. July 14.. July 15.. July 11.. 6 60 I 26 6 73 i 9 S 87 t M 86 I 92 S 9S I 08 i'78 . .... I 64 1 W 1 76 i Ittil I IT. & 1 I 83 S 48 IS 6 11 1 11 1 81 Itr f 1Mb 1 84 1 87t 1 78 I 44 6 U I 18 t 18 7 83 6 13 I 10 tu I 1, 7 77 7 72 6 04 s (a I 96 1 70 3 "3 i a 4 04 6 8 i 1S 6 08 4 09 t 18 4 06 1 77 5 77 t 84 1 9l 1 77 tii 8 02 1 12 'Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. Th official number of ours of stock brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hojrs. H' . Union Pacing system... 4 I 29 al. at M, V. R. R, 1 10 c., St. v., M. dt O. Ry i -i ::: ..: l ... a ... 2 M. HV C. B. & Q. Ry K. C & St. J. Chloa'go Great Wtstern'.'. Total receipt 21 23 84 The disposition of the day' receipt was a follows, each buyer purchasing th number of head indicated; Cattle. Hog. Swift and Company : 128 .... Armour A Co 127 806 Cudahy Paokln Co., K. C 166 Cudahy Bros. d Co 448 Lelghton & Co , 182 Other buyer 7 .... Total , 428 1,633 CATTLE Eleven load arrived direct to Cudahy and a half dosen loud, of steers and heifers were offered. Packers picked Up the few fteera reaUlly at satisfactory prices, but tnere were so few on sale that no test of the market could be considered. A load of fat heifers fetched 14. 66, a price fully as hlgir as ha been received of late for similar grades. Ordinary grades of cow and heifers were nominally steady at cur rent quotations. The feeder division presented a quiet ap pearance. There were no fresh arrivals and nothing of consequence in traders' bands. The market Is quotably unchanged, with demand very llKht. BEEF STEERS. Ko. i 40 W 1 Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ....1M4 .4 40 ....1126 6 10 .... 410 I 16 ..,.1171 I II lOSI I 10 19....... 10 10 10 ....1106 4 60 ....1101 6 66 ....10H 6 45 ,...U4 6 16 COWS. , . .... no i m io............:ou i( ....KM 110 1.. HOGS Twenty-four loads, mostly lls-ht and mixed hogs, arrlvud this morning and old fairly freely at steady to somewhat higher prices. Armour cleared up the heavy stuff that ha been hero for some day at t5.00c3i6.16. Medium nnd mixed lot sold moatly for shipment at 15.15ffl-5.20, or Judt about steady, while assorted light went at 16 20476.10, or 6g10c higher than yesterday. Packer took In a few nous again today and a fair clearance was made. The situa tion, however, Is not materially improved, especially on packing grades. Desirable shipping lots are aa high or higher than be fore the-break, however, and tha demand la very uncertain from any source. HOGS. Ko. II.. II.. 41.. !.. 16.. IN. 41.. AT. Sk. ft. ....110 IK IN M7 M f 00 ....14 44 6 UH ,...0t ' 40 I 111k ....111 .. I 16 .., .101 too 6 16 . ....104 .. 6 16 ....lit , .. I II ....2U2 40 I 16 No. At. 8b. Pr. 41 Ml M 6 It (.. Ill .300 l it 44 ...117 M t 17 71 ..4I J0 I 17H 70 t4T IN t N 1 117 .. 6 It 0 IPS 40 t to ii mi ., I to 44 Ill M t 10 Ill 40 t M M It .144 140 6 It SHEEP There Is no change In the gen eral condition of th market. There wer no frash arrival and there i apparently no demand - whatever from packer. The market 1 at a complete standstill all around. Quotation for grass sheep and lamb: Good to choice yearlings, 4-'4.70; fair to good yearling. 13.6004.26 : good to choice wethers, 14 .0&$4.26; fair to. good wether. 13.6024.00; good to choice ewes, 13.6tnat 1v; fair to vood awe. tt.25Ol.60; good to eholo lamb. i, I6.604yi.7o; xair to gooa lamo. w 64.60. CHICAGO L1VB STOCK MARKET Receipt Art Snail aad Show Bad of the Week pallne. CHICAGO, July 14. CATTLE Receipt 1,000 head. Including 760 Texant; market ateady; good to prime ateera, nominal, 16.60 &6.40; poor to medium, 34.606.26; stocker and feeders. 12.604.60; cows, ll.6tnfil.60; heifers. 12.00U"6.00; eanners, 11.60tJ 90- bulls. 12.VOi4.26; calve, 12. 604(5. 5J; Ttixa fed iteera. I4.60tj6.20. HOQ3 Rtcelpt. 6,000 head; market, for good hog 10o higher; mixed butchers, fo 2641S.SI; good to choice heavy, 16 4o8'o.6i; rough heavy, 25.106.86; - light, i6.2ia.60 bulk of sales. 16.354)5.66. BHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1,000 head;v market for sheep ateady; good to choice wether. 14.26(Se.OO; fair to choice mixed, 13.6otf4.35; native lamb. 44.o0iS7.uo. New York Live stock Market. NEW YORK, July 18. CATTLE Beeves, receipts, 161 head. Market weak; steers cold at 15 6034.75 per 100 lbs, stags at 15.00, cow at 18.10. NDressed beef, quoted at 10 13c per lb.; cow beef, 6yi0c. Export to day, 1,131 head rattle, 40 sheep and 1,825 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 105 head. Market was steady; .veals quoted at lU0u4t. 25 per 1110 lba. ; buttermilk at 11.60; city dressed veal at lOJJUVvc per lb.; country dressed at 89 lie. HOOB Receipt, 1,280 bead. None on sale, feeling firm. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,656 head. Sheep were steady, lambs vucftti.oo lower. Sheep sold- at 23. 60600; one car of choice wether at 15.25; lambs at 17.00tf 8.60, on car of extra at M 90; dressed meat teady at Wc per lb.; dreesed lambs, 12 14c. 4) . ail "I Kansas City Mva fttoek Market. KANSAS CITT. July 16 CATTLE) Re ceipts, l.loO head. Including 200 head south erns; market tinchanaed: choice export and dressed beef steer, t5.6fffl.2; fair to good, 14.006.50; western fed steer. . $S.76f(4.75; tockars and feeders. 12. 75(34.501 southern eteers, 12.754.75: southern rows. ll.76'3 60; native cows, 11.7874.00; native helfera. 12 60 4j4.2E: bulls. 2.5O(ti4.0i: calves. I2.76y5.00. Re celot for the week, 10.700 head. HOGS-Receipt. 8.10O eead: market 1M 15c lower; top. t5 46; bulk of ssles, tSRU 1.40; heavv. 1S.8541R .40: packer. 25.255.40; plat nnd llcht. 14 75(!i4.30. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts. 400 head; market nominally steady; native lamlrn. 14.00tfr6.oO: western lamb. 14.OOfl6.nO; fed ewes, t2.26frs.71: Texas clipped yearllnae, 13 86K4.76; Texae clipped eheep, $3.U.g4.0V; Blockers and feeders, 12.6093.60. Sloax City Live Stock Market. SrOl'X CITY. July 16 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta. 100 head; mar ket atesdv; beeves 14 60416.71; cows, bulls and mixed, 12 6ttiA.(X: stoekers and feeders, t3 0otr4o6; calves and yirllTigs. 12 inaa 5. HOGS Receipts. I K head; market steady, selling at 14 rxf( 18; bulk, t5.0oifj5.06. t. Joseph I. It ' iok Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 14 CATTT.E Receipts, 150 head; market firm; top 15.70, HOOS Rat-elp'. 1.801 head; market 10 Inwe-t light, 16.20(fjr8 26; medium nd heavy, li nw S. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. St. Lenls Live ftoek Market, ST- IiOt'18. July 11.-CATTLE-Receipts, 26 head; market nominally steady: native shipping Dd export steer, 4K6.av; dressed beef nd butcher eteers. 13 lf,r5 .10 j steer under 1.000 pounds. It 6nr4.0O; (lock er and feeder, !l2h43.a0; row and he t ers, I2S6&116; cstiner. U6cti2 20, bulla, 12.26iI8S; calve, 24 604)70; Texas and In dian steer. 12.75.'a4.10; cow and heifers, U li .1.26. HoUS Receipt. 4f0 hend: market steady to 10c higher; pig and Hunts. 145mti526; Rack era, ;i ly-icJe; butcher and best eavy, 15 25.ii. SHEEP AND t,AMBB-Reoelp. none; market ateady: native muttons. 12 2684 00; iamb. IS ("W W: ctill and bucks. Ilil'i? .60; stocker. tl.754j2.00; Texas, 13 0'fcH.oO. tork la IM. Following are th receipt of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hr rre. Sheep. 1.700 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis St. Joseph .... Sioux City .... Total .... 3M ... .1.000 ....1,100 .... .... 15) .... 100 6.000 1.0(0 6.1O0 400 1.601 2.600 4t0 ..1.726 17.701 1.400 MARKETS OMAIIA WHOLESALE! Cpadltloa of Trod aad (fcaotatloas aa Itaple aad Fancy Produce. EOGS Receipt liberal; Arm; 'fresh can dled stock. 15c. LIVID POULTRY Hens, 9c; roosters, ac cording to else, 6o; turkey. 13c; ducks, 7c; ge?e, 5?; broilers, 16c. BUTTER Pnoklng stock, 11c; chole to fancy dairy. WHr; separator, ltlTHc tHESH FISH Trout, 11c; pickerel, sc; Ke, ire; perch, 7c; bluonsh, 12c; a-nitennn. ic: in mnn. 14c redennnncr. lie: :ooster, green, 2c; lobster, bolted, 30c: bullhend. lie; catnsh, 14c; black buss. jc; nimui, 10c; crapplea, 12c; roe shad, 11: buffalo, 8o; white bus, lie; frocr legs, per doi, S6c. BKAN Per ton. 118. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' asocl.-Uloi: Choice No. 1 upland, 18; No. 2, 17.60; medium. 17; coarse, 18. Rye straw, 15.50. These prices are for hay of rood rnlnr and niialltv. Demand fair and receipt light. , TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGE-Navel, choice, lurge le, 13; I fancy navels, all sues, H.Mi Meuitsrraneau sweets, choice, all siseK, t,t.lHrU J.o; janae, uii Slavs, ftf. icvw; t fticiivmn, t tf3.7. L&MON8 California fancy, 270-300-360, 21.7oi4.2B; choloe, 12.70ja.OO. CALIFORNIA FIG! Per 10-1D. canon, Svt; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 13c; o- 1 Qrotfn. I4v.i 7-crown. ltc- BANANAS 1'er medlum-slxed bunch, 12.00 I 2.60: Jumbo. 12. 764)3 86. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkga., 12; In 0-lb. boxes. Be per lb.; Aerlental stunrea. per box, 12.40, . PINEAPPLES in crates of M to 43, per crate, 13.26. FRUITS. APPLES Green, per Vt-bu. box, 75o. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., W, .per 24 ptt., 11.60; red raspberries, per 24 pts., Wash., 13. ... BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 2 qt.. 22. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-qt. oaae, 12.60. . . C'HltiKRIES California, Royal -Ann or Tartarian, per box, 21.26; home grown, per 24 qts., 11.25. ..,' GOOriEHiSRRIES Per 24-qt. case, 11.80. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 80o; California Alexandra, per nox, 11. PLUMS Caiilornla, Trogdy, Burbarka, 11.65. PEARS California, 12.75 per box. APRICOTS California, 11.50. CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, 12.50 176; Cnllfornla, per crate. 5.00i,6.00 WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), lo; each, ui-4uc. ... CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-qt. case, 11.26. VEGETABLES. , . , POTATOES New Texas Red tock, In sacks, per bu., 60c. . . NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12.15fi2.25. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-lb. crate, 12.00; Loulaluna. In sacks, per lb., 2j. CABBAGE Home grown, lc per lb. ' CAULIFLOWER Per doz., 65o. CUCUMBERS Per do., 25c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-baeket crates, $1. RADISHES Per doz. bunches, 20c. LETTUCE Top. per doz., 30o. TURNIPS Southern,- per do., 25c. BEETS Southern, per do., 26c. CARROTS Southern, per doz.,- 25c. PAKSLEY-Per do,, 25c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, 11.00; per J4 bu. basket, 6oc; string, per bu. box, 12.00; icr H bu. box, 75c; Wisconsin blue beans, 6-qt. box. 12.00. , GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate, SQUASH Home grown, per do., 75c. ' PEAS Per bu. box. 11.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dox.. 11.50. CELERY Kalamuzoo, per doz., 26c. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., lOo. HIDES No. T green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6cs No. 1 salted, 7C, No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9o: No. 2 veal calf, H to 15 lbs., tc; dry salted. 84?12c; heep pelt. 24$27c; hone hides, 11.60&2.6O. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin young America. 12c; block BwIsh, 18c; Wisconsin brick, UVc; Wiscon sin llmberger. 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 eoft shell, per lb., 15crhard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12o; ecans.. large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanut, per ltx, 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12l3Hc; large hickory nuts, per lb., no; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, 13c; hellbarks.- per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., tl.2o. ; !Wool Market. BOSTON, JUiy 16. WOOL Markot strong and active,, with the volume of salt-a re markably heavy. Territory wools are Arm, with a good demand In progress. The lend ing quotations are: Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-eighths and one-quarter blood, 2i'ct 28c; braid, tSipMc. Idaho flne, lTWlSo; heavy Ane, Hu16o; flno medium, 15MlSc; medium, 185'l!c: low medium, 202ic. wyo nilnar fine. lfi'uHc: heavy flne. 14i?15o: Ane tnedTum, 1718c: medium, WQ20c; low ine- aium, waruc. L tan ana rtevaaa nne. iuvj til7ic; heavy tine, 14'ifl5c; find medium, 16317c; low modtum, 214rj-27o. Dakota Ane, 17(ji18c; An medium, 17ilSc; medium, ta 20c; low medium, 21frlic. Montana Ane, choice, 204j'21c; . Ane average, lK'tiioc; An medium choice, 19ft2oc; average, 192o; staple. 21fri2c; medium choice, 22?8c. ST. LOUIS, July 16. WOOL Steady i me dium gradea, combing and clothing,! 24 2H4o; light Ane,( 18jl8c; heavy Ane, 12j)13c; tub washed, 33a. - S" LONDON, July 16. WOOL The fourth series of the 1904 wool auction sales c'ueed today. During the series the attendance waa large. The competition was keen throughout. Under the Influence of large Japanese government orders and light sup plies uoar descriptions advanced consid erably. Compured with the May sale th gain were; Merinos, 5 per cent; me dium greay crossbred. 7V4fflO per cent; coarse croasbreds, 10&15 per cent; An scoured, 6 per cent; coarse scoured. 10 per cent. Oreusy merino of really good quality were In demand for home, conti nental and American spinners. Greasy croasbreds were in good supply and sold well throughout. Tne total withdrawal were 6.3QP balee. About 48,000 bale were taken for export. Including 7,000 for Amer ica. Tho offering 'today amounted to 6,919 bales. Prices were Arm. (Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 700 bales; scoured, 10lld; greaey, 68-td' Is 2d. Queensland, 600 balei; scoured. lKU'la 3d. Victoria, 600 bales; scoured, ls3d"qls lid; greasy, 4"VJtll Vtd. South Australia, loO bales; scoured, lMffU Id; greasy, 6V4C Is. New Zealand, 8.206 bales; scoured, 6d fl'la 8d; greasy, 4dids lHd. Cape of Goo-1 lope and Natal, 7o0 bales; scoured, 10d8 Is 7Mrd; greasy, &QW. The arrival of the fifth series of sales amount to 16,660 bale, lncurilnfc 7,000 forwarded direct to spinners. Th Import war thl week; New South Wale. 843 bales; Queennland, 1,125 bales; Victoria, 299 bales; Australia, 13 ba'es; New Zealand, t,4l bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 2,646 bale; else where, 636 bale. Cot? i Market. L LIVERPOOL, July 1. COTTON-Spot, quiet; prices n points lower; American middling fair, 6.7ld; good middling, 4 tud; middling, 6 60d; low middling. 6.8tkl: good ordinary, 6.1Sd; ordinary, 6'JSd. Future opened easy and olosed quiet; American middling, g. o. c, July. 4.24.1 ; Ju'y-August, 6.17d: Aufual-Scptember, 6 86d; Septemben. October, 5.43d; October-November, 6 27d; November-December, 6.24d; December January, 6.21rt; January-February. 6.20d; February-March, 6.2nd; March-April, 6.2'kl. NEW YORK, July 16.-COTTON Fu tures closed Arm; July 10.78c; August. 10.77c: September. 10.84c; October. 169c: November, 8.4So; December, 9.63c: January, .tc; jenruary, .tnc; Marcn, .oo. Bpot closed quiet; middling uplands, Ho; mid dling gu'f. 11 25c Sales. 2.244 bale. ST. LOUIS. July 14 COTTON Quiet and unchanged; middling, 11c; sale none; recelpta, none; shipments, 203 bales; stock, 11.847 bales. NEW ORLEANS, July 16 COTTON Futures steady; July. 11 15c; August, 10 10 67c; Scptemberr 9 TO'tfO K0c; October, .44f 9 46c; November, . 4Vi 41e; December, 9.40 U.41c; January, 9.46-S9 47C. Spot quiet; nalis, 525 bales; ordinary, I 916c; good or dinary, 9c; low middling. 10c; middling, llV,o; good middling, 11 7-16?; nilJd'lng fair. 11 1-1 8c; receipts, 624 bales stock, (2.161 bale. rry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July 16. DRY GOODS Th market. at the week' end Is in an appreci ably flrmer w'!tloa with a alight Increase In transactions. Manufacturers are not dis inclined to sell their products at tha preva lent basis. Tha action of southern manu faYturers In establishing higher price for certain line 1 oonsidured one of the most bullish factors la U market for soioo time. Total Imports pf dry good and general merchandise at the port of New Tork for the week ending today were valued at ty.-097,817. Korelaa FlaaaelaL PARIS. July 18. Three per cent rente. Sf 20c for the account. Exchange on Lon don. 251 12c for check. Prlcea on tha bourse today were Arm throughout. Rus sian Imperial 4 cloned at 93 and Ruaalnn bond of 1P04 at 507. The private rate of discount was 1N per cent. BERLIN. July 18 Prices on th bourse today opened higher. Americans ere Arm and at the closing were unchanged. Ex change on London, torn 4?pfg for checks. LONDON. July 14 Money was In good demand and comparatively scarce in the market today. Discounts hardened. On the Stock exchange ther waa a slim attend ance. Consnl wer exceptionally easier, owing to the hnrdnes of money. Amer ican opened irregular. The movement weVe slight and within a fraction of parity, but they became unsettled. Imperial Japa nese government 6 of 1901 were quoted at 96. F.v-aporated Aprle and Pried Fruit. NEW YORK. July 16. EVAPORATED APPLES The market show no material change. Prime, for future delivery, are off ering from 6V,o to fiSic. Common are quoted at 4fi3eo, prime at.6&6c, choice at 6Sfre and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunn are quiet. Occasional fair sales are re ported of Snnta Clnm for early October shipment on the 2-eent bants, but a a rule buyers continue to pursue a waiting policy. Spot quotations rango from 2c to Chc, ac cording to grade. Apricot remain quiet. Choice are quoted at 9H(f'1oc, extra choice nt WVfrloHc nnd fancy at lK3c. Peaohes alno are unchanged with cholco quoted ut 7&7v;e. extra choice at 74tj8c and fancy at 9H10c. Raarar and Molasses. NEW YORK, July 10. STTGAR Raw, quiet; fair refining, 34jc; centrifugal, 96 test, 2 lo-16(g4c; mniames sugar, IVo. Re fined sugar quiet; No. 6. 4.06c; No. ". 4.6)ci No. 8, 4.5ic: No. 9, 4.50c; No. 10, 4.4ic: No. U, 4.4(c; No. 12. 4.35c; No. 18. 4 tOc; No. 14, 4.2oci confectioners' A. 4.90c; mould A, 6.4oc; cut loaf, 6.75c: crushed, 6.75:; powdered, klftc; granulated, 5.0oc; cubes, 630c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 31437c. NEW ORLEANS, July lb. SUGAR Mar ket strong; open kettle. 24 7J3 l-ISc : Cen trifugal, KflHtc; centrifugal whites, 4 11-18c; yellows, F04Vsc; seconds, 2(f3c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, ZXt Sfic; centrifugal, 104jl5c. Syrup, nominal, 20 25c. . Clearing Iloase Averanes. NEW YORK. July 16. The statement of average of the clearing house bank ot this city for the week nhowa: Loans, 11.087,618.700; Increase, 19,228,100, Deposits, 11,171.H.4(0; Increase, 121,019,100. Circulation, 139.1M.200; decreaae, H2.2O0. Legal tender, 184,081,800; increnne, 11.595,400. Specie, 12.. 298. 900; Increase, 112.20o,000. Reserv. 1339,856.700; Increase, 113.800.400. Reserve rcnulred, 1294,792,350; Increase, 15,264.;76. . 1 Surplus, 144.662,350; Increase, 18.645.826. Ex-United States deposits, 150,810,225; In crease, 18,6653)0. Oil and Holla. NEW YORK. July 18 OILS-Cottonseed, dull; prime crude, nominal; yellow, 29V4jSP 298to. Petroleum, easy; reAned, New York, 27.70; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 17.66: same In bulk, 14.76. Turpentine, steady, 67 67'4o. ROBIN Steady; strained, common to good. 12.95. SAVANNAH. July lfl.-OILS-Turpentlne, Arm, 64c; receipts, 911 bbls.; sales, 452 bbl.; export. 777 bbl. FOSIN-Flrm clpts, 2,658 bbls.; aalea, 2.179 bbls. 2,037 bbl.; exports, Baak Clearlatra for tho Week, OMAHA. July 16. Comparative statement or bank clearings lor tne week 1904 Monday tl.332.61'2.58 Tuesdny 1,209 626.68 Wednesday 1,203.912.12 Thursday .-. 1.187.25012 Friday 1,170,508.22 Saturday 1.1!,11S.90 Decrease of 1648,885.03 from 1903. $1,499, 19. 30 t,443,671.67 l.Sb,992.47 i,.'4 822.62 l'.S8.921.91 ;,08.518.76 the corre- spondlng week last year. Import and Export. NEW YORK, July 16. Export of peel from New York for the week were 17,000 gold and 1872,820 silver. Import of specie at New York during the week wer 12,407 silver and 110.215 gold. AMBITIOUS TO BE A KING Strang Career of tho Big Cobaa Who Accompanied the Missing; Koat J. Loomla His ambition to become the ruler of Abyssinia 1 declared by Intimate friend of William H. Ellis to have been the movi lng factor in hi life alnc he cam to thla city, eight year ago. Hla departure for Africa,' carrying with him the treaty of amity and friendship between thla country and Kink Menellk's kingdom Is said to be a tremendous step toward his goal, how ever remote it may seem to less ambitious persons. ' Ellis is described a a man having un bounded confidence in himself and In his ability to accomplish whatever he set his mind upon. With many of hla friends he haa made no cret of hi desire to become the king of Abyssinia, and he laid only recently that within two years he expected to have command of 1150,000,000 and the r. source of tho richest country In Ethiopia. "The Man Who Would Be King," of whom Kipling wrote wa no less Inter esting and picturesque a character than thla broker and promoter, who has aald ha 1 a Cuban and who haa told many of hi friend that h wa born In Mexico, where hla father la stlU living. He I big and strong, and poworVul in body as he is mas terful In mind. He obtained such an in fluence over the widow of Hiram Hotch klss, an Inventor, that he managed th vast estate with a profit of 1500,000. As president of the New York and West dhestsr Water company he made another fortuoe. Ellis has had the praying habit since ho wa t year old. He ha said that he can remember his first prayer at the ago of 2, When ho implored the Almighty to suggent a way to him by which he could raise him self in life. When Tie waa 16 years old bs wa a cowboy in Texas, and ha thus de scribed hi first big. venture, which Muh tratcq his daring and his courage in attack ing and overcoming obstacles which to other would seem Insurmountable: "I wa tiding in the desert," he ald, "and when night came I picketed my horse and scooped out a hole in tho ground about a foot deep In whloh to sleep. It i cooler that way. I placed my blanket in the hole and lay down. After a while It seemed tu be growing colder and I put out my hand and found that water wa oozing through th earth. I lay on my back ther . for hour with my blanket underneath my head gazing up at the stars and praying to God that ha would let me And a way to build a city and a canal there. I was th only roan in tho world who knew ther wa water there." ' In two years th city was built. Ellis went to Mexico and Interested some small capitalists. H had no money of hi own except his month's wage as "cow puncher," He then went to Ban Francisco and took too Chinese down to work in th desert H enlisted several hundred negroes to go from Mexico, each contributing 1500 to the venture and putting In hi labor, also. He Anally got a leather manufactory to looat in hi new olty, II wa Just about to realise handsomely on hi venture whon a Spaniard arrived who wa even shrewder than Ellis. Th Spaniard a'.owly but surely undermined him after getting hi oonlldenc until at last he had every bit of Ellis' holding and contrgrya in hla own possession. Ellis spent some yeara In San Antonio, where b mixed In politic nd did a bank ing and promoting business, engaging In many colonisation schemes, th nag roe be ing easily Influenced by hi eloquent toiigu and always furnishing him a ready cllentol. Jt wa here h met a woman Inger of som note, now in Lo Angeles, and tha two for a long time lived In tbe hop of obtaining backing for an operatle venture. They wer to produoe "Othello," B'.ll to play th Moor and th singer Dei demon. , ( In his sultta of ffloe at No. 24 Wall street, Ellis conducts the America. Mexico. West Indie and Porto Rican company, with a capital of, a on of many enterprises, but fur eight year h has sub ordinated every other of hi many interest to hi Abyssinian ambition. II ha read every line ever written about the country and It king. Ha ha studied tha language and made himself familiar with U tho conditions and tbe history pf th cduntry. When King Metie llk went to London to attend a British royal function Ellis went abroad and waa given an audience with the monarch. He returned full of stories of Mencllk arid of enthusiasm over hi ucca In gaining the monarch's favor. H wanted to obtain a concession for establishing an American bank In Abys sinia, he said. He took with him Av trunk A'Jed with praaent for th king and queen. One of these presents was a revolver with d mother of pearl handle, gold mounting and an Immena solitaire diamond If) th butt Thl revolver, which he showed to several friend before hi de parture, cost Bill 13.000. It delighted the king, he announced upon his return. Ellis is lavish In his expenditure on him self and his family. He wear jewelry worth 120,000 oonstantly, his Anger being covered with ring and his clothes of the moat fashionable and expensive sort. Whan ha make Ms frequnt tripe to Mcxtoo, where It is skid he ha wea'thy capitalists back of him for hi Abyssinian venture hand other enterprises, h travel alone in an entire sleeping car. Those who know of this habit of hl commented yesterday on the fact that h and Mr, Loo mis eh 1 red fhe tame stateroom on the steamer. New York Herald. WITH THE ROOSEVELT BRAND- Campalga Buttons Designed to neeall tbe Raarh Life ot tho Preeldeat. .The first of the campaign button for 1904 ha mad Its appearance, and It i based On th ranch day of Theodore Roosevelt. Samuel Von Deraal, a Kansas City map, Is th originator. Mr. Van Dersal wa publisher of the Montana and Dakota ttat brand book when Mr. Roose velt hd ranch In that country. In each book are registered thousands of brands, nd smong them are th three used by the ranohman who became president. One is a triangle, another th . Elkhorn and th third th Malt oross. Mr. Van Dersal recently sent to North Dakota, and re ceived n return the original applications, filed by Mr. Roosevelt and registering his brands in tho .state capltol at Bismarck. When Mr. Roosevelt sold his ranehaa he also transferred his brands to Ferrla Bros., Medora, K. D.,'who still use them. The button shows a red steer, wearing the three Roosevslt brand, and bear th inscription, "Don't Be a Maverick Join the Presidentlsl Roundup, 1901"- y Roosevelt had two ranches in the Bad Lands of Dakota. On was eight mile up the Little Missouri . river from Medora. This was known as the Chimney Butt ranch, but the cowboys called It th Mal tese cross ranch, because all Its cattle were branded with th cross. Thirty miles down the river from Medora was th Elkhorn ranch, also owned by Mr. Roosevelt. There wer flne building on tho Elkhorn, but th New Yorker preferred to live en the Chim ney Butt, although the house was only a one-story affair of lag, with three room, a kitchen, a living room and a room for th owner and his ranch manager. Sylvan Ferris, who, with his brother, now own the Roosevelt land. Kansas City Star. Injured While Break! a Colt. NEBRASKA CITY, Nb.. July ll.-(Spe-clal.) P.- E. McGulr waa severely Injured in a runaway yesterday. Ho was trying to, break a colt, which became unmanage able. H wa knocked down and the wheels of the wagon passed over hi head and lower limb. No bone were broken, but th Injuries to hla hond are aerioua and may provo fatal. Another "Elect ion" Is Begins July 5tK find Closes July 23d Ten More the St. Lou is ' Worlds FeJr Exposition Dept. Coupon on tasra. Bee . Trips to Omaha. Neb. O. M. E Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAOOAQB. 1613 Famarn Street WILL GET YCJR BAGGAGE THER9 ON TIME. . -anti RAILWAY TIME CARD .IO! 8TATIOSI luTM AND MANCT. Chicago. Roek Island AST. V Faelffle, bMTe. Am. . I a aa a 7.04 a H pm bit k lira ( I II pa a 4 pet bll M a t;4 im HSm Ckleais ItarliBht Limited .... Cklus iwrliihl Loa .... CMoagj IfiipreM tit Molar Bipraas laiotao rut tuna WEST. Rokr Mnanuta Limit ... .a 1:as a I M aa Lleaala. Colon luflna Doe or. Fooklo t4 vrM HSia !:) Chicago, Milwaukee A tt. Paal. 1t ArrlT. Ckieaso Darllsht Etprm .a t.M am a 11:44 . CalllornU-ureaoa EirM a !:. a 1 11 pa ....nana bimuva a IV pal I 'oa Moinoa A Okobojl Ex a t:W aa tnkoa facia. Tho OtorUad LI ml tad s I 4 est Tbe Colorado and California tU..a 4.11 pa Tho (.-hlcafo-Poriland special ...a 4:M pa Tho gaatara g&proaa a Tho Colnaibut Local b 4:04 pa Tha Colorado special a 1:41 am Th Chicago Iporial a Tha Beatrice Local b 166 pm Th Fast Mall a I to am Chicago A Northwestora. I I) an t il pm I'M pa I M m I .N pa 1 .11 aa M am Ml pm I N pm Last. jIWm .J1:I a km Arm. t:N am Past Chicago Looal Cbioaso Mall Uarlifht St. Paal..., Uayhgat Chloaga Llmllod Ihlcagu Looal Carrel'. Fait St. Piul Local Siou City 8t. Paal Fart MaU Chic. no Eiproas . Norfolk A Ronaateol lilnooln e Long Pino lawoe A Llaoolo I N aa .a l a an to 00 am .a !: am 11 4 pm .a 1.21 pre I II an .a 4:wi pm i h am .a t il inu t ut aa .b 4:04 pm a I &4 a .....a i h pia ....a t o) aaa ....a I 04 aa 11:1a am ....b 1-0 am l:M aa ....a I i pm 1.14 pa ....4 t 40 pm I 10 pm ....b t 40 pa 1 11 pa ....a I lo pm I ;io pa ....aU:IOpm I to am Carper Wjoralng Haotlnga-AlbtoD ... Falrlaa-Bonoatooi . aWorstoal tpoolal iiticMao Great Woitira. St. Paal Minneapolis Lisa- Uo4 al:Na a t:tt sa It. Paal a Miaaoajmlls - praas slit am ;N pa Chiaags Umliat . 4 m pm aisit aa Colaagn Kxpraaa ,..,4t . a 444 pa Illluol central. Chicago KrrM sl0:4 rm Llncago Limllad a1:tvpm 1:01 am Minn, aad St. Paul Kpraa....b 1 'm b0:M p: Mlua. ao4 si. Paul 4jmltod....a I N P I.Ot pa Mlaaonrl Paoldo. tu Leal hapraas . all: am a I :M pa Kaaaa City a at. Lovll ha- praas all:l pm a 1:N aa W or id a Fair spooUl t.W a all aa Wabash. . M. Leal ' Casaoa Ball' Ba. tiN saa a I'N as Na ViorM's Fair a ti44 am a :) pa Local iron CoeacU Bias a t:l eat a lit pa BURLINGTON gTATIOlf 10TU AMIIO.1 Chleago, Barllaaxaa . a 4alay. tmara Arrrre. Cblaaao 4pooUI 1i aa a I H pa Cbloaao VostlbaM gipraaa ...4k 1: P a lilt aaa Cbloas Lsaal Ji 1:1 aU:M) pm chioago U m tot a 1:01 pm al:4pm Fast Mail 1:41 pm Kaasaa City, at, Joaeph a Oa. BlaJa. Kaaaaa City Day tBsras ji t:U aa a t:t pa tu Louis Flyat a 14 am ail:0 ia Kaaaaa City Night Sip ram ....alaiot pm a 4:l aa Ruralagtaa Misaaart IUvr, Wpsaaro, gaatriM Wliaoln ..a l:M aa bU:t pa Nabraaka tpross a b:a am 1:4 im Dearer Liallea A 4.14 pas I l: ia Blao Hill a Pasal oua4 Bm.allilt pm fc t:4 pm teioraoo Vaatlbulo Flror , a I M pa Lincoln Fart Mall b I tt pa all.i pa Fort Crook PUUaaoaU b :al pn am Baliavua Paciaa J auction .. pa a 1:11 aa Ballavao A raata Jiuiclioo ..a li am WEDITER DEPOT lOTB at WEBITEH . Mlsaoarl Paclfle. Ijeav. Afrtva. Nabraaa Leeal, via W rapine Water b til pa all: at pa Chicago, St. Paal, Mlaa. ot Omaha. Twin CI' Passaesrr 4: Jo sa b 1:14 pa tioux City Paaaaaaor , t oilpn ailM am Oakland Looal ..b t.U tm b tilt am a talli. Saturday. b tally sxoapt tnndaf. ll daily UCBA.t TEAMIBira, HOLLAKD-AE..ERIGA LINE. if Twtn-torsw Iteamars Ot It, BOO Tons. MKW YOHK KOTTHHDAM, via BOULCXJNSl Sailing Tuosdat, ltm. lt. Potidam July 11 Kcordaa .'. Rotterdam ......Aug. IBtataoaam '.4 Aug. gl D - in, ar,art-. Aug. HOIAANb-AygKICA UN 11. M Dearbora St.. Chi aaro. III. 1 Harrr M nor a. 1401 Vara st.i a Butharferd, 1MI Fanuua tt-i J., h, Brynelas, Itot r amain av. On One Acconv .). . ; -. moda tions Inside Inn for tke 3 Highest Omaha Daily Bee Week's