Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Excitement Still Reign and Prices Con
tinue to Soar.
fradlaa; Generally tm Dall aad Dealer
Ara laellaed tm Walt (or the
Hetara of Hernial Con
ditions. OMAHA. July 14. 1904.
Today was another wild and exrlted ona
In (rain and prices bounded etlll nearer to
tha dollar mark. Quotations opened way
m.utrrm yesterflay a cloae ana were rapiaiy
marked hla-her
On continued unfavorable weather In the
wneat belt, where harvesting: la In prog
re the market opened from 1 cent to m
cent higher this morning. Bhorte were
anxious buyers and the holders were not
inclined to let go or murn or their stuffs.
Tha market continued hlajher for some time
but later In the jeesion liquidation by early
buyer caused a reaction of about 1 cent.
The corn market opened strong and higher
In sympathy with the leading grain and on
unfavorable reports which continued to
coma In from the corn belt, fihorta scram
bled to cover, causing the grain to aell at
bout K cents above the cloae yesterday.
When the rest of the market reacted later
In the session corn sympathised and prices
dropped away, to about yesterday's closing
After a time values In all lines strength
ened somewhAt and the general tone ef the
market wsa strong.
Locally trading was dull and there waa
nothing doing In either the cash market-or
futures. Omaha dealers are Inclined to
defer operations until the market hits a
more natural gait. Rain and fair weather
by turns have practically out off receipts
and there Is no grain to be had. although
the demand Is good With ten days of fair
weather before the end of the month some
July wheat should bo delivered on time,
although It la generally conceded that there
will be no general movement until along In
W. H. Ferguson of Lincoln, operating
ninety elevators, has come to the relief of
some of tha bears with highly favorable
newa concerning Nebraska. Me declares
that a general Investigation In this state
Indicates a yield as large as last year. Su
perior. Neb., expects as much grain as waa
harvested year ago and Crete an even
larger crop. Hastings, be reports. Is up to
the avenure for the entire vicinity, with
the outlook much better for a larger crop
than has been gathered there either last
year or In 1901
Receipts of Grain at Omaha.
In. Out.
Wheat, cars 4 0
Corn, cars 0 1
Oats, car 1 0
The range of prices on the Omaha mar
ket for future delivery and the close today
and Wednesday were:
Wheat Open. High. Low. Today. Tuea.
July 93 H 84 91 B M S3 B
Bept 80 B W4B SO B WH4B 80 B
Dec 80B80B80BS0B80B
July 4MB 4B 48B 4KMB 48B
Sept. 44SB 44$B 44j,A 4B 44HB
Deo 89B S9B 89B 89B B9HB
July 40 B '40 B 40 B 40 B 40 B
Bept 31A4B 81B 81B 1ViB HB
Deo 30HB 30HB SOB 30HB t0B
A asked B bid. 1
Notes of tho Grata Market.
The Liverpool grain market cloaed with
July wheat d higher and September fed
higher. Corn ttWd up.
Five cars of grain were Inspected at
Omaha yesterday a follows: No. S corn,
four; No. 4 wblta oats, one.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Barnes and son have
returned from an extended visit to Lake
Mlnnetonka and Minnesota,
Tha transportation committee of the
Oram exchange has decided that no cash
prtoes shall be posted at .Omaha except for
actual cast) sales. 1
"In one place In southern Kansas, where
160 fields were visited, It waa fjund that
without an exception the wheat waa damp
and aoggy In the shock and literally sprout
ing out"' .
8. D. Parkhurst has been elec'.ed a mem
ber of the transportation committee of the
Omaha Grain exchange to fill the vacancy
made by the removal from tha city of
Oeorge F. Thomas.
H. A. Wernll, with Van Duien Harring
ton company, a large commission and ele
vator conoern of Minneapolis, waa a caller
at the Omaha exchange today. Mr. Wernll
has Just returned from a tr.p to Wichita,
Kan., where he Investigated the crop con
dition In that section. Ho said: "Kansas
crops have certainly received a body blow
this year. In Bumner county the banner
wheat county of this eour.try, where two
years ago 7.000,000 bushels of wheat were
raised, 1,000,000 bushels were raised this
year. Of that amount J.OOJ.OOO were lost In
the floods. Millions of bufibels of wheat In
shock floated down the swollen streams,
having been washed from the fields.
Grata Markets Illsowhoro.
Closing prices of grain today and Wednes
day at the markets named were aa follows:
Wheat Today. Wed.
July fci 94
September , 8tHB MijB
July v 49 B 49HB
September 48ftA 4tVA
September 76T4 77H
Deoember 16 7714
September 46U 4E
December 3 39U
September 54 88
Deoember 8 814
September 47A4B 4714
December , 42 A 4
September 87B SftVtB
December 6a U
September 87HB 88 B
Wheat -
September niB 90S,
December Sa'A
A aaked. B bid.
Foatares of tho Trading and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade,
CHICAGO, July It. Rains northwest and
in Kansaa caused an advance of ita today
In July wheat and 1 cent in September.
Under pressure of profit-taking sales, how
ever, there waa a reaction, the CHsh month
closing with a net gain of lc, while Sep
tember led off with 0 net loss. Coin
closed Ho down. Oats unchanged. Pro
visions Un2oq lower.
Weather and crop news waa of an almost
sensational character. - Short sellers con
. eluded there waa little mercy for them in
the condition developed by the renewed
rains and were desperate buyers. Old July
wheat the fancy deal which closed on
Wednesday's advance at MWc, opened today
at i;vo and moved up to WVc, no higher.
New atyie July sold at MMSo that trade
and went up to ic. For the new beptem
ber, the big speculative position, the price
started ftiMc and the lop was Wtc, a
hade less than l'o over the close lust
night. Prices had a backset. The break
in the market In thirty minutes was few
97o for the old July and from Ksto to fc!'u
for the new September. DecemDer price,
after lc advance to b7c. reacted to wfSo. A
Kansas City authority placed the damage
to the winter wheat harvests since July 1
at 60.000.0ut bu. From Nebraska most seri
ous claims were made of rust and blight.
Tha stats bulletin put the yield at fcntfuO
per cent of- a crop.
Liverpool waa SQHd higher. English
country markets were up tkluls and very
strong. Mills were reported as buying
wheat at II a bushel In Tennessee. Heavy
lain appeared over the entire northwest.
July prices held purt of the Za advance,
resting at V7o old and (Wc new. New Sep
tember, after a rally from et4o to U",a the
last hour, settled back-at the close to sbS
tUo. or 'c under last night. Clearances
of wheat snd hour were! to 14.3U0 bu.
Primary receipts were bu., against
426,900 a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported receipts of 170 cars. Loral receipts
were ( cars. Strength In wheat brought out
a good demand fur corn, September start
ing with a gain of Wfl'io al 4SVai;rtc.
There was plenty of coin for sale and
when the break In wheal prloea occurred the
coarser gTalns readily followed. A de
mand from commission houses sprang up
when the price had declined to 4V. and
the close showed s slight Improvement, al
though but a trill above the bottom, at
4Sic. Local receipts were lf3 cars.
-ats were firm at the outset. Inspired by
tha bullish action of wheat, with September
UP V4r. Reaction followed under pres
sure of realising sales by longs with profits.
A steady decline was scored, final trndea
being at the lowest point for the day,
Local receipts were 64 curs. Weakness lit
provision waa due to lHck of support.
Interests that have been credited with
bulling the market sold generously on pros
pects of a settlement of the stock ysrds
strike. Ouiaulrrs slsu sellers. Sep.
amber w cloaed iio oft at U.8iV1. Laid
was down 17e. Ribs showed a net lots
oi 1UC.
The leading futures ranged as follows
Article.! Open. 1 Hlgh.j Low. Cloee.jTest'y
a July
b Ju!y
a Bept.
b Sept.
!fr74jW I
78 I
M'4i 97
9Hl 9V
V 4949t 49f7H
4""i 4'n 44
44l,i 44, 464
40 89
32S1 X
18 70
13 Hi
II 85
7 02H
13 96
11 10
18 0B
13 10
12 80
11 85
6 92H
13 124
13 12V
13 114
7 Ofi
7 OS
e 924
7 074
7 124
7 474
7 10
7 10
7 4.1
7 67V4
7 67V
7 42H
7 e
7 7H
7 42m
7 67H
7 2Vi
7 424
7 60
7 66
T 70
7 75
Cash quotations were ss follows:
FLOUR Oulet and steady: winter rat
ents, Krj&firt 65; straights. 84.1034. 40; spring
pntents. 4 Kff4.70; straights. 8J.K94.20;
oaaers, r.'
WH EAT No. 2 srrlng, 98c1.00; No. 8,
94c; No. 2 red, 1.10ri.12;.
CORN No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 45TNR4c,
ujiia rwo. z, c; io. s wnite, iineJO.
BARLEY Good feeding, 3Ee38c; fair to
cnoice malting. omc
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 31.14: No. 1 north
western, 11.194. Prime timothy. 82.96.
Cover, contract grade. 810.76tril.fO.
PROVISIONS Mes pork, per bh., 312.70
12.76. I-rd. per 100 lbs , 3.824a 85. Short
ribs sides (loo) 37.25'g,7.40. Short clear
ides (boxea), ti.arifi.w.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 22.200 19.400
Wheat, bu 6.000 80.900
Corn, bu 190,300 259.400
Oats, bu 111.000 156,900
Kye, ou l.ono
Barley, bu 4,900 2.00D
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, 13JM7c;
urn, -, ifii ir.,- r.KBB, nrin at msi'K, 'es
ui-iuucu, iniac. wneese steaay, s4c
teaotation of tho Day on Various
NEW YORK. Julv 14 PT.rT'Tr.,i..
23,046 bbla.: exports, 1.657 bbls.; market dull
DUi ,dy; Minnesota patents, 14.95(3)
6.25; Minnesota bakers, 33T704j4-iW; winter
extras, 83.868.90; winter low grades, 8.15
8.70; winter patent. 4.80igi6.10; winter
"'"'., .wui.o. fty nour, nrm; fair
rt w, unoice 10 lancy, m.hxuh.go.
CORNMEAL Dull. Yellow Zlrn
Il.(ill.l0; city, 1.101.12; kUn dried, fi.mi
RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 70o.
B A RLE Y Slow ; feeding. 4ti4c. a i. f.
New York; malting, nominal.
wnu,Ai Kecelpts, 11,000 bu. Spot mar.
u. ubj u, maxmuua, nominal.
u. anoai. ine eariy wheat market was
atrong and higher on bullish crop estimates
nuiii iuuiiw ana Hint recemts. mihue-
quent active realising, based on corn weak
ness spa prospect ror better weather,
turned tho market wuk enrt it slrwi j.&
Vto net lower; July, 99cg 31.004; closed at
9V4c; September, 90afcc; closed at 909c; De-
vciiiurr, hivvu; cioeea at sirjfcc.
w ... &vwv.f.n, v,wv Liu. MUUl, IITIMJI.
ii o. m youow, oec; no. s wnne, ooc. uptlon
niaraei openea nrmer wiin wneat ana men ahlnh l..tut all n . .
reflecting more liberal receipts and good
weamer; ine cioee was rfl40 net lower;
July closed at 63o; September, 63Ts8u44c;
OATS Receipts, 19,800 bu.; exports, 670 bu.
Spot, dull: mixed oats, 26 to 83 lbs., 4S-46c;
natural white, 30 to 32 lbs.. 4S-7o; clipped
w.v.ia a n Af Ik. jti .
n iii.Oi n w Mtjmif iiimwu.
TALLOW Dull; city, 4Wc: country, VA9
RICE Dull; domestic, fair to choice, 34
&Ho: Japan, nominal.
HAY Steady; shipping, 70c; good to
choice, 95c.
HOPS Easy; state, common to choice,
1903, 2MT33o; 1902, 2K?23o; old, 7Q'lSc. Pacific
coast. 1908, 229280; 1902, 20322c; old, 70Uo.
HIDES Steady; Qalveston. 20 to 26 lbs.,
17o ; California, 21 to 25 lb., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to 30 lbs., 14o.
LEATHER Quiet; acid, t3jp2Sa
WOOL Domestic fleece, 32tf36o.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, 39. BO
10.60; mass, 88.6069.00; beef hams, 21.(0$
23.00; packet, 89069.50; city extra India
mess, Il4.oordl4.90. (Jut meats,. firm; pickled
bellies. U.b&OiM: nickled ahouldara. 1A.60!
plokled hams, 39. 60 10.00. Lard, firm; west
ern sieamea, (.; rennea siesay; . con
tinent. 87.40: South America- 88.00: com.
pound, 85.874if6.124- Pork Arm. family' 314.50;
snort ciear. jij.ovaio.oo; mess, sit-otnv i.
BUTTKR Firm; street price extra cream
ery, 1718c; official prices, creamery com.
mon to extra, ntfa; slat dairy, com
mon to extra. 1217c.
CHEESE) Easy ; state full Cream, small
white, fair to fancy. 74&8c; small colored,
fair to fancy, 742f'4o: large, whit fancy,
7Vo; large colored fanoy, 1&le.
BOOS Firm, unchanged.
POULTRY Alive, firm; southwestern
spring chickens, 1819c; fowls, 14c; tur
keys. 10c; dressed. - firm: western broiler,
1420o; fowls, Wio; turkeys, 144jrl5o.
St. Lonls Grata and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, July 14. WHEAT Lower on
better weather; No. 3 red cash, elevator,
nominal; track, 994c.00; new July, 964c;
September, 86c; No. 2 hard. 994:.
CORN Lower : No. 2 cash, 4940; track,
60604c; July, 484o: September, 4c.
0AT3 Weak: No. 2 cash. 884c; track,
898400 ; July. 884c; September, 2o; No. 2
white. 45ic
FLOUR Strong for old flour, no busi
ness for new; red winter patents, 14.960
6.10; special brands, 10$2$c higher; extra
fancy and straight, 34.60(34.80; clear, 83.80
SEED Timothy, steady, 32.4002.75.
CORNMEAL Steady, fc.40.
BRAN Steady; lacked, east track, 8O0.
HAY Qiriet and unchanged; timothy.
$6.O016.0O; prairie, 36 006.90.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing.
312.70. Lard, lower; prime steamed, 36.36.
Bacon, boxed extra shorts, 36.25; clear rib,
6.374; short clear, 86.60.
POULTRY Quiet: chicken. 94c; springs,
124c; turkeys, 124c; ducks, 7c; geese, 3c.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 14tflic;
dairy 10gil6c.
iiUU-b ateaay; U4C, case count.
Flour, bbls 3.000 6.000
Wheat bu 18.000 87.000
Coin, bu 31,000 14,000
Oats, bu 41,000 80,000
Kansas City Grala aad Proviaioaa.
Lower: Julv 86c: September. 767c: Decem
ber,- 76S76c: caah. No. 2 hard, old, 953
97c; new, Ktfr96c; No. 3, old, 9oif94c; No. 4,
!a6c: No. i red. new. too; imo. . new.
CORN Higher; July, 4840: September,
4f4c; December, 4344c; cash. No. 2 mixed,
6l4&52c: No. S. 61c; No. 2 white, 62c; No.
I, txxySlo.
X 0 ,.imu, ..v., . n iit.v, 1,4,1,,
2 mixed. 84c
HAY Firm; choice timothy, SU-90U.M;
Choice prairie, $10.60(11.00.
Jt 1 K eteady ; no. 1, bio.
BUTTER Creamery. 13l5o: dairy, 12c.
EGOS Firm: Missouri snd Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 13c; caa
count, 124c; cases returned, 4c less.
Rscelpts. Shipments.
Wheat, -bu 40.&H) 8,000
Corn, bu 27,000 13,600
Oau, bu 12,000
Mllwaakeo Graia Market.
higher; No. 1 northern, 8101frl.03: No. 1
northern, 984c41.004; New September, 86
4fMc. aeked.
RYE-Hlgher; No. 1, 76(ff0c.
HAKLE Y Dull; No. 2, 2c; sample, S3
CORN Firm; No. 3, 604j'514c; September,
4Sif463c. bid.
Minneapolis Grala Market.
99c; September, b'htc; December. 844c; on
track. No. 1 hard, 81.0i; No. 1 northern,
iHc; No. 2 northern, 9,iWc.
FLOUR First patents, ft. Haii 6.20: second
patents, 85. 004 e 10: first cleara, UK3I6d;
second clears, vi ol).
BRAN In bulk, 813 50; short. $15.60.
Ilolnlh Grala Market.
DULUTH. July 14 WHEAT To srrlvei
No. 1 northern, 81 01 V : No. 3 northern,
97c. On track: No. 1 northern. $1.01;
No. 2 northern, 7Vc; July, $l.ul; Septem
ber. 7"-,c.
OATS On track, 38c; lo arrive, S&c.
Uvernaol Grala aad Provisloas.
nominal; futures, strong; July, ts (d;
September, (s 8d.
COHN Snot, steady; American mixed,
old, 4s 6 VI; futures, dull; July, 4s 4d;
September, 4s 24d.
Peoria Market.
rEORIA. 111 . July 14 -CORN-Quoted
higher; No. 3, 49c; No. 4. 47c.
WHl8KY-6n the basis of $12$ for fin
ished good.
C. . rea, nominal elevator;
No. 2 red, M.0S4. new crop,, o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, 31074, t. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o.
i ft '.
Volume of Basines Considerably Lew Than
on the Day Preceding.
Other Steeki Get Booat from t'nac
eoaatable 'oarers, $at Fall to
Hold Price, Which Close
Near Bottom.
NEW YORK, July 14-The volume of
dealings today was conslderablv less than
yesterday. The msrket waa still one of
a good deal of animation and breadth and
good absorptive power for the large offer
ings 10 tase pronta wnen they were thrown
upon It Some incongruity was recognized
In the simultaneous upward movement of
Union Pacific and Northern Securities
which occurred yesterday on the rumor of
mis aecision. which must necesssrllv be
to the advantage of one party and at the
cost or the other. The speculative nature
of yesterday's movement In these stocks
tnus strongly pointed to Increased dlsposl
tlon to sell them and take profits. A blunt
R renouncement from the president of the
orthern Securities company of skepticism
of the government's wheat estimate as far
too unerai and a rrank admisalon from
the president of the Atchison of the se
rious damage to the wheat crop wrought
by the ralne caused more serious attention
to be given to that Important question
man yesterday and gave added effect to
the rather alnrmlng estimates by the Kan-
Ban iiaio agricultural omctais.
The more favorable condition of the mt
ton crop and the renewed foreign demand
for that staple, proved, of some benefit
to the cotton carrtere. notably Lbulsvlllo
Nashville and Southern railway. These
stocks shared with Reading. Amalgamated
Copper and Peoples' Oas the role of sus
taining points in the market. The advances
were not accounted ror by anv ape
cine news and they were not efficacious
In holding the market, which sold off to
the lowest point of the day In the final
hour. The reported prospect of a settle
ment of the meat packer's strike was Ig
nored as much as the Inanition of the
strike. The full statement of tha .Tim
foreign trade mitigated somewhat ths poor
comparison with last year made by the
domestic exports. Subtrensury operations
are niaaing large coninoutlons to the
money supply and foreign exchange weak
ened under the offerings of long sterling
bills by bankers In anticipation of the com
ing exports of merchandise. The market
closed Irregular and slightly above the
The bond market was firm. Total ssle
par value. $2,790,000. United States bonds
were uncnangeo on call.
Following was the range of price on
the Stock exchange:
sales Hlfth. Low. Close.
do pfd .
Baltimore A Ohio..
do pfd
Canadian Pacific ..
Central of N. J
19.000 76 4 764 Wt
7.800 834, g3 834
1254 i25" 1254
164 1W4 1654
Chesapeake & Ohio..
834 334 834
unicago m Alton
do pfd
Chicago Ot. W...
Chicago & N. W
40 3
804 80
14 13
1764 176 175
a, M. A St. P 23,800 1474 1464 146'
do Dfd
Chicago Term. & T.
do pfd
C, CT, C. & St. L....
Colo. Southern
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd ..........
Delaware A Hudson
Del.. Lack. West.
Denver & Rio Orande 209
do pfd 700
Erie 11,100
do 1st pfd 18,000
do 2d pfd 500
Hocking Valley 400
do pfd 100
Illinois Central .17.000 135
Iowa Central 600 194
do pfd
K. C. Southern ....... 400 22
do Dfd
, 600
Louis. A Nashville
Manhattan L
Met. Securities ....
Met. St. Ry
.22,300, 1174 1154
Minn. A St. Louis.
M.j St P. S. S. M.. 2.400 71
do pfd 1.700 127
Missouri Paclflo .. 4.700 ea
Mo., Kan. A Tex 800 18
ao pra 1,600 89
jn. . ti. or Me. pid
N. Y. Central 1,800, 11
NonoiK ft western... 1,000
do pfd 4
Ontario Western... 7.000
84 - 29
P., C, C. & St L...
Reading ,
1164 1184
614 62
834 W4
ao 1st pra ,
Rook Island Co ,
.. 1.900
do pfd
St L. A 8. F. 2d nfd.. 1.600
St. Louis B. W 200
do Dfd ftno
Southern Paclflo 86,800
Southern Railway ....24,100
do pfd 2,400
Texas Pacific 1,600
T.. St. L. A W 700
do Dfd 200
Union Pacific 47,900
do pfd
Wabash 800
14 184
864 S54
do ofd 1.200
Wheeling L. B
Wisconsin Central .... 200 18M
do pfd 200 40
Mexican Central 13,400 9
Adams Ex ,
American Ex 200 202
United States Ex 100 110
Wella-Fara-o Ex
Amal. Copper 108,400 S31
Am. t;ar ft foundry., l.eoo I8i
do pfd 1.100 KU
Am. Cotton OU 200 27
do pfd
Am. Ice 100 VH
pfd ....
Am. Linseed Oil 100 VA
do nfd
Am. Locomotive 1,000
do Dfd 1.200
Am. Smelt, ft Refng.. 8.200
do prd 2.200
Am. Sugar Refng...... 7,600
Anaconda M. Co 2.400
Brooklyn R. T 18,800
Colo. Fuel ft Iron 800
Consolidated Oaa 2,lu0
Corn Product 600
do Dfd 700
Distillers' Securities.. 100
General Electrlo 1.100
International Paper... 2,2Ki
ao pra wo
International Pump
do pfd
National Lead 1,600
North American 80
Faclfle Mall loo
People's Gas 5.600
Pressed Steel Car..... 1,400
do pfd 900
Pullman Palace Car., loo
Republic Steel 600
do pfd 1,700
Rubber Goods 600
do pfd
Tenn. Coal ft Iron.... 700 39
V. 8. leather 700
do Dfd 1.200
U. 8. Realty 4.500
do pfd 2.100
U. 8. Rubber 200
61 ,
do Dfd 800
69 '4 69
115 11
U. 8. Steel 88.000
do Dfd 54.000
Westinghouse Elec... S.onO
Western Union 600
Total sale for the day, 630,100 shsres.
Leadas Iteek Market.
LONDON. July 14.-C1oslng:
Coosola, monay.... U 11-14 M. T. Central ill
do fcceouat aa u-ia ool at w 114
Anaconda do pfd It
Atchlaon 1a uniario m w ns
do pfd 1 Pannarlranls 414
Baltlmora A Ohio U gand Mines iota
Canadian PaclAc 1IH kaadlng t
Choa. A Ohio Mlt do lat pfd 41
Chicago Ot. W 14 do Sd pfd 11
C M. aV St. r at so. nanwar m
DaBaars ) do pfd to
Ixnrar A R. O ! So. Pad no tlta
do pfd 144) I'nlos Pacific ........ D
Brla " do pfd MH
do lat pr- V. s. staai., liti
do id sld !V do pfd 2V
Illinois Cantral Ill Wabaah 11
Loula. A Naih 1UH do pfd r
St.. K. A T la .spaniaa
Ex -dividend.
SILVER Bar, dull, 26d per ounce.
MONKS' fUVi per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2' per cent; for three
months' bills, itt&k per cent.
New York SHaiac atoebs.
KESV YORK, July 14 The followln
g are
the closing prices on mining stocks
Aoams t;oa
Uttla Chlaf
.. 1
. lit
.. 14
.. II
.. II
.. II
.. II
Alice K
. Slarra Nevada
Small Hopaa ..
Brunawlck Cos .
Comatock Tunnal
Con. Cat. Va.
Horn Silver
Iron Hirer
Lead'llls Cos ...
Slew York Moaey Market.
NEW YORK, July 14-MONEY-On csll,
essy at ItJl'a per cent; closing bid, 1 per
rent; offered at 1 per cent: lime money
easy; sixty snd ninety days, 21 per cent;
six months. 3-n2 per cent; prim mercan
tile paper, 3a4 per cent.
BTr RLINO .EXCHANGE Easy, with ao
tual business in bankers' bills at 447 0
4.8715 for demand and at It m44.M tor
im I7iiv
744 75
ISA 154
214 21
159 1584
224 Z24
724 724
264 244 25
614 604 604
87 87i
67 64
824 82
1344 1344
18 IS
22 214
43 424
1154 1134 11444
.7 .,.7
87 877
4 69 694
4 1264 126
4 924 924
4- 184 18
94 39
.. , " 874
94 1184 .1184
604 9, 69
..... - 86
29a 2
slxty-dav bills; posted rates, $4.86174 8$;
commercial bill. $4 M70.
.SILVER Bar, &7c; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
The closing quotation on bond are as
U. t. rat. K f lftXMntttran e. g. 4s...K4
4s coupon l'HHi Mri. Central M 1A
4o U rat no lt lnc 4
do ronpon Mina. A St. U 4s...
to B 4. n it2 M., K. A T. 4 4
no ennpon 4o ts S0'4
o old , rg l'fi N. R. R. of M e. 4. T7
do raupoa l' N. T. C. . sv,i H
Atrhlsnn ro. 4a lzs N. i- C t b P:4j
do ad). 4a No. raclflc 4a 1M
Atlantic C. L 4a do l 7t
B. A o. 4a mm'N. A w. c. a 101 "4
do U n 8. U 4a ear.... iT'4,
Central of OS. ta 111 IPran. oon. S
do 1st Ine ;a I Raadlrf a-an. 4a M4j
Chea. a Ohio 4Ha. ..lod,' St. U I. M. a. ta 114
Chicago A. IWa.... 7S St. L 8 P. f(. 4a. 1
C. B. A Q n. 4a ... T St. I,. A. W U M4
C, M. St. P. f. 4a.lf7( Sahnard A. K 4a....
C. N. W. c. It... A:t 1H0. ParlOc 4a 3
C, R. I. & P. 4a.... ,1 Sn. RallWar (a 11
do col. 5a 1 lTBTaa a: P. l 11
CCC. A 8t. L. 4a..l0m T . St. !,. W. 4a.. TJ
Chicago Ter 4a TflttiVnton Paelflii 4a 1044
Con. Tobacco 4a 4 dn conr. 4a 101'a
Colo. So. 4a 44 V. B. Steel 11 6a ... TH
Ilenrar R. O. 4s... MSlWabaah la 1174
Krle prior lien 4a ' dn dab. B '4
do sen. 4a i4 W. JV L P.. 4a 1H
T. W. A p. C. la... 1WV Wla. Cantral 4a
Hocklns Val. Fuel c. 6a 70
U N. unl. 4a luo I
nostoa Stock Quotations.
BOSTON, July 14 -Call loans, 234 per
cent: time loans, a1 per cent,
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atrhlaon adj. 4a MV Adratrturs
do 4a lolVt Allouaa
Cantral 4a it1' Amalgamated .
. 14
. 84
. M4
. 4
- M
. 16 4
. I4V.
. W4
. K4
. 44
. T4
. tr.
... H American Zino
... M4 Atlantic
...t44 iftlngham
...1M ifal. A Heels..
. ..1614a Centmnial ....
do pfd
Rnaton A Albanr
Boaton A Mains.
Hnatnn Elaratad
Fltchburg pfd 1J7 ICopper Ranga .
Mfi, central av iair wcai ....
N. Y. N. H H..1M I Dominion Coal
Pera Marquette 74 iFranklln
Union Pacific 3V,'Ormnor
Amir. Arga. Cham... 11 lale nral
do Dfd
. 16
. 4
Maaa. Mining ...
Moat. r. A C...
: J
, 44
, it
, l
, 1644
, M
. il
. Ui
, 174
. I
Amcr. Pnru. Tubs
A mar. Sugar
do pfd
Amer. T. A T....
Amer. Woolen ....
do pfd
Dominion I. A 6.
12 V0!1 Dominion ..
iAva Parrot
8 Qulncr
Edlaon Bl-ctrlc Illu..?4H
Oeneral l:ctrlc ...
Maaa. RlaUrtc ...
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa
United Fruit
V. 8. Steal
do pfd
Weatfng. common .
.Bid. Aaked.
160 Tamarack
74 V. 8. Mining....
3 II. 8. Oil
.in t'lah
ll' Victoria
40. Winona
71 Wolrerlns
Foreign Financial.
BERLIN. July 14. Business on the
Bourse today wo extremely dull. Ex
change on London. 20m 41 pfgs for checks;
discount rates, short bills, 2 per cent;
three months' bills, 2 per cent.
LONDON, July 14. Money wa much In
request In the market today. It bolng
stock exchange pay day, with 86,000,000 of
loans due for repayment to the Bank of
England. Discounts were firm. Operators
on the stock exchange were cheerful; con
sols improved; Americans opened nrm ana
more active, became auiet. eased slightly
to below parity and closed steady; Japa
nese were firmer; imperial Japanese gov
ernment 6s 01 190-were Quoted at H57A.
The rate of discount of the Bank of Eng
land was unchanged today at 8 per cent.
The weekly statement of the Bank of
England shows the following changes:
Total reserve Increased 461,000, circula
tion decreased 578,000, bullion decreased
127.812. other securities decreased 2.858.-
000, other deposits decreased 1.211.000, pub-
110 deposits .decreasea i,iir.',oou, notes re
serve Increased 475,000. government se
curities unchnns-ed. The nrooortlon of
the bank's reserve to liability is 49,73 per
cent, as compared with 46.45 per cent last
week. Bullion taken Into the Bank -of
Enaland todav. 40.000: 60.000 was with
drawn for shipment to South America.
Bank Clearings.
mf IUI T..1. 1 1 Tlnnlr .l.o.ln.a nl t-
.v .11 1 1 a, 11 1 J ,,. ii"n ix i-.vii. 1 . r- ' '
day, 81,197,250.12, a decrease of 867,372.40 from
the corresponding aay 01 last year.
'Wool Market.
BOSTON. July 14. WOOLr-Market trong
and active, wlln the volume 01 stues re
markably heavy. Territory wools are firm,
with a aood demand in Drogress. The lead
ing quotations are: Kentucky, Indiana, eta.
tnree-eigntns ana one-quarter diooo, h'q
28c; braid. 23S44c. Idaho line, J7'18c;
heavy tine, 1416c; tine medium, &tfll&a;
medium, lo19c; low medium, 20&2lc. Wyo
ming fine, italic; heavy line, 14&15C; fine
siedlum, lTtf'loo; medium, lviij 20c; low me
dium, 2vg2ot,- Utah, anal' Nevada fine, 16
KtlVfto; heavy tine, l4a16ot line medium,
lotfio; low medium, UWlc. Dakota fine,
IVqiHc; fine medium, VnflUc; medium, 194j
20c; low medium, gljj'c. - Montana fine,
choice, 201c( tine t average, 194220c: fine
medium cnoice. ;9'22oc; average, lHi'Mc:
staple, 11 -'o; medium choice. ii-"(i'2ac.
ST. LOUIS. July 14.WOOL Steady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 24il
24c; light nne, ioqibc; Heavy nne, wane;
tub washed, 38c.
at the wool auction sales today amounted
to 12,919 bales, Including a superior selec
tion of medium and greasy erossbreds,
which sold at an advance of 6 rjer cent.
Coarse erossbreds were in great request
aud sold 7410 point higher. Cape ot
Good Hope aud Natal grades were In good
demand. The following are the sales In
detail: New South Wales, 1,400 bales;
scoured, dls lOd; greasy, 7dla. Queens
land. 1.300 bales: scoured. In Id; greaBy,
7dls. Victoria, 1,100 bales; scoured, lld
C?ls id; greasy, 6d&ls 2d. South Aus
tralia, tuiu Daies; soourea, wowis va;
greasy, 7d3fls 7d. Tasmania, 40o bales;
greasy, 6d(tfis4d. New Zealand, 6,4o0 bales;
scoured, fediflsld: greasy. 6d&ls2d. Cape
of Good Hope and -Natal, -1,600 bales;
scoured, 9dcols5d; greasy, 610d.
A sale of Bheep skins was held In Min
cing Lane today. The offerings numbered
8.184 bales. Competition wa unsatisfactory,
particularly short-wooled skins. Coarse, I.waaI.iI Dilvannail K nr rtmnr
Fine erossbreds were unchanged. IlnlfV
wooled pelts were in poor demand and they
declined 10 per cent. Following are tho
sales: New South Wales, 21 bales, 4ftrjd.
Victoria, 518 bales. 4&'8d. South Australia,
198 bales, 3W&d. Wnat Australia, 7U$
bales, 8.(jia. Tasmania, 325 bales, 814
64d. New Zealand. 866 bales, 5&d. Punta
Arenas.. 333 bales, 6V81. Falkland
Islsrds, 16 bales, 6f7d.
Cotton Market.
ST. LOUIS. July 14. COTTON 1-160
higher; middling, 11c. Sales, none; re
ceipts. 17 bales: shipments, none: stick.
11,848 bales.
NEW YORK. July 14. COTTON-Spot
closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling up
lands, 11.25c- middling gulf, 11. 600. Sales,
1,908 bales. Futures, firm; July, 11.15c, bid;
October. 9.53(fi9.64c: November. 8.4S4i.61ci
January, 9.6;69 67o.
Steady; ordinary, l-ltfc; good ordinary,
8 3-loe; middling, llc; good middling,
11 7-16c; middling fair, 11 fl-16c. Receipts,
745 bales: stock, 64. tM bales.
good business done, prices 4 points lowert
American middling fair, 6.06a; good mid
dling, 6.74d; middling, 64d; low middling,
noua; gooa orainary, t uo; orainary, e.ud.
Futures opened steady and closed very
steady: American middling, g. o. c, July,
6.43d; July and August, 6 34dl August find
September, 6.98d; September aad October,
5.50d; October and November. 6.31d; No
vember and December. 5.27d; December and
January, 6.26d; January and February,
f.24d; February and March, 6.24d; March
and April, 6.24.1.
Oils and Hoslr.
NEW YORK. July 14.-OILS-ttonseed,
firm; prime yellow, 29fc 30c. Petroleum,
easy; refined. New York, 87.70, Philadel
phia and Baltimore, $7.66; refined in bulk,
7.45. Turpentine, stsady. 66-4j&tjiHc
ROSIN Dull; strained, common to good,
12. 75413.00.
SAVANNAH, July 14. OIL3 Turpentine,
firm, 63c.
ROSiN-FIrm; A, B, C. $2 50: T), $2.3; E,
$2.60; F, 2.i6iJ2.67; O, i2.V0; H, S2.K7H; I,
$3.45: K. $3.66; M. $3.50; N, 1.190; WO. U 40;
WW, $4.60.
OIL CITY. July 14.-OIL3-Credlt bal
ances, 81.60; certificates, no bid; shipments,
87.671 bbls.; average, 64.SU2 bbls.; runs, JM.
261 bbls.: average, 69.826 Mils. Shipments
Lima 65,917 bbls.; average. tn.tslS bbls. ; run
Lima, 57.C24 bbls.; averxge, 52,403 bbls.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES The msrket continues quiet, but
holders sre asking full lste prices and the
tone of the market is nrm: common are
Quoted at 4i EVo ; choice, tiV.lni5, ; fnnry, 7c.
show no matt-rial change from tho c mil
lions recently reported, with prlcr still
ranging from 2,c to 6c. according to rrsde.
Apricots are quiet. Buyers consider the
views of sellers too high and keem to be
holding off for a lower market later on,
while holders show no dlupodlUon to stimu
late business by concessions. Prices sre
quoted at !iyio,-; extra choice. lOViOR'o;
fancy, llifJlSc. Peaches are Heady, with
choice quoted at 7i4 7'ir; extra choice, 7 if
8c; fancy, 8il0c.
Dry Geods Market.
Thls msrket Is still mure satisfactory In
that sellers decline to grant concessions
on the majority of lines. The wage re
duction in Fall River has been dclded
upon but hss had little effect so far oil
the local market.
Packers Purchase a Few Steers and Cows
' at Fair Prioes.
rekers Oat f tha Market mm De
mand lacertaln 51a Sheep Here
and None Desired Kast
era Markets Stroager.
SOUTH OMAHA, July 14, 1V4.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 2 i:'o 8..U8 10,4:4
Ofllolnl Tuesday i.oo 4.818 35
Official Wednesday 2i5 58
Official Thursday 2uu ?"0
Four days this week... 4 5t 10.IS9
Same dais last week ... 8.264 26.UU 10.074
Same days week before.. 8.K37 42.254 lo.ivS
Same three week mto.,.10.7!) 88,8S 10.874
Same four weeks ago. ...12.270 46,848 3.115
Same days last year 12.808 39.972 2u.3
The following table snows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, with comparison with last
year: IB04. inu8. Ino. Dec.
Cattle 471.0N0 UM1S U),W3
Hogs l,43.2Wi l,8o3,' 74,063
Sheep 72o.oo oel,46 12), 041
Average prices paid for hogs at 8outh
Omaha for the last several day with com
parison: Date. I 1804. 1903.18.:i901.U00.lo9.!li98.
June 27...
June 28...
June 29...
June 80...
July 1....
July 2....
July 8....
July 4..
July 5....
July 8....
July 7....
5 031
8 64
8 60 i
3 6S
3 73
a 1
S 78
3 tU
3 63
3 oO
8 60
3 61
3 61
S 11
4 99
4 02
6 01
' 8
5 16
6 11
S 15
S 13
S 04
5 021
6 13
S 08,
8 78 8 6ft
S 831 3 fc
4)1 ' 41 "J
8 81
July 8
July 8
8 &6
3 90
8 $7
S 78
8 i3
t n
3 77
2 96
4 04
4 09
4 05
Indicates Sunday.
Indicate holiday. -
The official number of car of stock
brought In today by each road wa:
Ckttle. Hogs. H'fi.
I'nlon Pacific System 6 11
C. & N. W. Ry 1
F., E. & M. V. R. R 8
C St. P., M. & O. Ry 1
B. & M. Ry 11
Total receipt ...8 10 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hoss.
Swift and Company Ill
Cudahy Packing Co 6o7
Armour & Co 1 ...
Lelghton & Co 213
Other buyer 42
Totals 214 770
CATTLE About 200 head arrived, six
car of these coming from the Utah rang.
The few steers offered sold at satisfactory
prices to the packers. There is no very
certain demand, however, and shippers are
taking long chances in forwarding stock to
market now.
The larger part of the small run con
sisted of range cows. Packers could
handle the few on sale, and trades made
were quite satisfactory. The same condi
tions prevail In this division a In beef
stems, and shippers should keep In close
touch with tha situation.
There were very fe v stock cattle on
sale. The demand is moderate from both
the county and yard traders and the mar
ket is dull all around. Prices are not much
different, but there is little Inquiry for
feeding stock.
No. At. Pr. No. A. Pr.
10 1114 4 40
1 NO 8 86
1 80 t 10 t 1006 3 fO
If l Ik I .. 840 I (0
1 140 ( 00
lr at Hanson Utah.
lbull 1690 1 80 . 5 bulls..., .1360 190
1 cow 970 2 40 27 cows 977 2 40
S Stags..., .1014 2 76 , i Btag......l220 SCO
21 cows.. ...1014 3 00 82 cows...., 860 3 00
80 steer. ...1071 '4100
HOGS Ten car Arrived this morning,
packers did not put In an appearance, but
there wa sufficient demand from sh'ppers
to clear ud all stuff that could be used
In that direction. Prices are back to pretty
close to where they were before the break,
sales to shippers being r.bout 10c higher
again today. It must be remembered that
the trade is purely speculative and the
demand, while sufficient to force i rices up
here and at other markets. Is very uncer
tain, and shipper should govern them
selves accordingly. Packers were entirely
out of the deal and packing lots were
practically unsaleaoie.
No. AT. Sh. Pr. No. At. Bn. Pr.
to 110 I 06 41 1W .. S 10
7 IH 110 I OS 114 12 S 110 i 16
Ti Ill X) 6 07 11. 127 110 i 16
71 171 40 I II 67 lit 16
SHEEP None received and none wanted.
Packers are out of the market and the
situation remain the same as yesterday.
Quotations foi grass sheep and lambs:
Oood to choice yearlings, $4.&4.70; fair to
good yearlings. J3. 50414. 26; good to choice
wether, $4.00(3425; fair to good wether,
8.60a'4.o0; good to.cholce ewes, $3.6off3. 1(1;
fair to good ewe, $3.263.60; good to choice
lambs, $5.60&.76; fair to good lambs, $5.00
4 6. 60.
Cattle Steady to Strong;, Hog- Higher
and Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, July 14.-CArf LtC-Kecept.
8,000 head; Texan, 500 head; market rteady
to strong; good to prime steers, M. 606.25:
poor to medium, $4.504j5.(j; Blockers and
feeders, $2.6o'4.00; cows, $1.60'p4.M; heifers,
$2.00(6.00; canners, $l.io2.6j; bulls, $2.0Oid
4.00: calves, $2.505.50; Texas ted steers.
$4.6f6 20. 1
HOOS Receipts, 800 head; estimated to
morrow, 6,000 head; left over, O.iill head:
market opened at lOipJio higher, closed
easier; mixed and butchers, $5..O's.60; good
to choice heavy, $5.4&f6.t; rough heavy,
$5.1535.40; light, $5.-J4.i;'J; bulk of salts,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpt, 8.000
head; market steady; Inmba, steady; good
to choice wethers, $4.00-5.on; fulr to choice
mixed. $3.6064.00; western theep, $4.60; na
tive lambs, $4.00S4.60.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY, July 14,-CATTLE-Ro-ctrlpts,
2,000 head, including 400 aouthems;
market strong to 15c higher; choice export
and dressed beef steer i, $6.60&6.26; fair to
rood, $4,264)5.50; western fed steers, $4.00 ft'
00; stockers and feeders, $2.76)4.60; south
ern steers, $2.754f4.76; southern ciws, $1. 75(d)
$ 60; native cows, $2.0O24.00; natl '0 heifers,
a (MX&6.00; bulls, $2.60jp4.0Q; calvra, $2,600
HOOS-Recelpts, 2.000 head; market 26
40o higher; top price, $6.46; bulk of sales,
5.154ii.36; heavy, tr). 3046 46; packeni. to.WJ
(.40; tilgs tnd lights, $4 SO5.80.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none:
mitiket nominally steady; Iambs, U.2si
S.26; fed ewes, $3.26i3.75; Texas clipped
yearlings, $3,764)4.76; Texas clipped sheep;
$3.6i&4.0u; itockers and feeders, $2.60(3100.
gt. Loals Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, July 14. CATTLE Receipts.
2,5(i0 head, including I.9U0 Texans; market
for natives steady, Taxans higher; native
shipping and export steers, $4.903)6.l0;
dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.25.10;
steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.604.16; stocit
ers and feeders, $3.0CkU4.2: cows and liel.'
ers. $?.yfla35; csnners. $1.5o4t;.25; bulls
$2,264)4 r; calves, $4 i6.00; Texas and In
dian stwr, $3.00a4.2i; cow and heifer,
HOOS Receipts, 200 head: market 10Q250
higher; pigs and lights. $4 25tf6.:'0; butch
ers and beat heavy, $5.156 60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100
head; market slow: native muttons, $2.26
t4 00; lambs, $3.00tf.00; culls and bucks,
2 KV?lJ.f0, stockers, $1.7652.50; Texans, $3.00
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 664 head: market unevenly higher;
natives. $4 5oCq6.40; cows and heifers, $2.00
ft 35; stockers and feeders. $3.26&4.26.
HOGS Receipts 07 head; market 583c
higher; light, $.V20&.:; medium and
heavv, $K.U64i6 30.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt s, pons.
Sioux City live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., July 14 (Special Tele-
f rain j-CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar
et strong; beeves. $4.5o(ii(.76; cows, bull
snd mixed, $2.niVu-4.O0; stockers and feeders,
$3.0nt4.Oii; calves and yearlings, $i.76t) 3.6i.
HOGS Receipts. 6"0 head: market 16o
higher, selling at $4 .96(56.10; bulk, $5.utfi8 M.
Near York Lira Stork Market.
relpts, 783 besd; market strong; steers, $6 78
(ilrttf; bulls. $6.00; cow, $2.75r6.Ui. 1'sbleit,
firm: exports, none.
CALVfcS Receipt, 172 bedd; market aot-
6 144j 5 to 7 52 5 1
t 10H 7 66 6 87
6 04 6 M S 80
5 08 6 88 7 1
8 13 6 60 7 64 5 89
6 18 6 57 7 64 6 83
5 50 7 42 5 74
da" "" '7 64 d'73
6 2M S 56 5 79
6 18H 5 48 7 75
5 IS S 39 7 82 5 82
6 16fe 6 44 7 80 5 83
, 5 22 7 83 5 85
5 11 6 38 7 79 5 92
7 77 5 95
5 02 5 88 6 85
6 13H 6 16 7 72
Iva and higher; veals. 85 00,87.75: tsll-ends.
84 00; buttermilks, nominal; dressed calve,
firmer; city dressed veals, ot?l?Ha per lb. 1
eour.try drexscd calves, fllc.
HOOS Receipts, 8,500 head; none for sale.
SHEEP AMI LAMBS Receipts. I fi
head; sheep. higher; Ismbs. 15gl7o
higher; culls (three lambsi, 83.2&6 00.
CoadMlon of Trad aad Qaatatloaa on
Staple aad Faaey Prodaeo.
EGOS Receipt liberal; market steady;
fresh candled stock, 14c; esse count, 18c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; roosters,
according to site. 6c; turkeys, 130; ducks,
lc; geese, 6c; broilers, 164J1MJ.
BCTTER Packing stork. Uc: cnoice to
fancy dairy. Itfl4c: separator. lWfjl7c.
FRESH FlUH-Trout, 11c; pickerel, 8c;
pike, 10c; perch, 7e; blueflsh, I2c; whlteflsh,
14c; salmon, 14o; redsnnpper, 11c; lobster,
preen, 26c; lobster, boiled. Sue; bullhead,
lie; oatfistt, 14c; black bass. Mc; nsllout, loci
crapples, 12c; roe shad. $l.on; buffalo, be;
white bass. He; frog legs, per dos, Sic.
BRAN Per ton, 31800.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whola)e
Dealers' ssscclstion: Cnoice No. 1 upland,
$V0; No. 2, $7.60; medium, $7.00; coarse,
$6 00. Rye straw, $5 50. These prices are for
hay of good co'.or and quality. Demand
fair and receipts light.
ORANQE9 Navel., enoico, large else
$3 or; fancy navtls. ali sise. )3.Su; Medltor.
ranean Bweet. cnoice, ali slies, $8 00tf.l.25;
Jaffas, all alias, $2.J6iia.u0; Valenclas, all
sixes $3 5u3.76.
Lfc.MO.N8 -California fancy, ITO-aUO-Jotl.
$J.764i'4.2d; chol-e, $3.f,0fi3.76.
CALIFORNIA F1US I'er 10-lb. carton,
60c; Imported Smyrna, ".-crown, 12c; -crown.
14c; 7-crown, lfro.
BANANAS Pet medlum-sised buucb
$2 0ow2.o0: Jumbo, t2.itxiii.Zi.
DATES i'ersian, per box of 30 pkgs.,
UWj In 60-lb boxes, 6e; per lb.; Oriental
stuffed, per nex,
PINEAPa tJLS-ln crate, of 24 to 42, per
crat. $1.26. .
APPLES Green, per H-bu. lx, J6c.
RASPBEKRIE.1 Per 2. qt., M.60; per 24
pts., $1.60; red raspberries, per 24 pts.. $2.25.
blACKBKRRlh,v -Arkansas, per A qtT,
81;RAWBER1E3-Colorado, per S4-ox
case, $2.60.
CHERRIES Ca-ifnrnla. Ttnvi a n
Tartarian, per box. li.60: home arown. rr
24 qts.. $l.i
ER ERRT Pap VA-nt n.-- ai ..
i-ttACHt-o-lexas, per 4-baakel crate.
80c; California Alexandra, 1- box. $1.00;
Texas Albertas, per 4-baskt oral $i.2j.
PLUMS-California Clyman, tXi
APRICOTS-Csllfornla, $1.64a
,AN.TELOUPE-Txa. P" crate. $2,609
2.i6; California, per crate, $6.75.
W A TERM ELo N S Pe r lb., crated. lKc;
each, 30ia40c.
CURRANTS Red and white, per J4-iL
case, $1.26.
POTATOES-New Texas Red stock. In
acks, per bi., $1.00.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.16ettS.
ONIONS--Iiermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00;
Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2c
CABBAGE California, per lb.. 2e.
CAU LI FLO WER Per do., 66a
CUCUMBERS Per do., 60c.
S9r,,Ao?JiS-JMta"' crate. SOc.
RADISHES Per dos. bunches. 20o.
LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dor... 80c.
TURNIPS Southern, per dox.. 26c.
BEETS Southern, per do,, c.
CARROTS Southern, per dor, 25c.
PARSLEY Per dos., 26c.
BEANS Wax., per bis. box. $1.00; per -bu.
basket, 76c; string, per bu. box. $2.00:
per -bu, box, 75c.
SPINACH-Per bu., home grown, 8540c.
ASPARAGUS Per dox. bunches, 40o.
GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate,
SQUASH-Florida summer, per do., 76c.
PEAS Por bit. box, $1.00. '
EGG PI.A NT Southern, per do.. $150.
CELERY Kalamasoo, per dox.. 26c,
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c
HIDES No. 1 green, 60; No. 2 green, 6c;
No. 1 salted, c; No. 2 .salted, 64o; No, f
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted, 812c; sheep
pelts. ?4f27c; horsehldes, $1.502.60.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block
Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13e; Wiscon
sin llmbcrger, 13c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lh..
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., J3c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
. 7 T. . . r .
f'ecana, large, per id., uc; small, per ID.,
Oc; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts,
per lb., 8c: Chill walnuts. 12Ql3c: large
hickory nuts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft
shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, 13c; shell
barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu.,
Metal Market. I
NEW YORK. July 14. METAL8 Tin
continues td show firmness. London was
higher, closing at 119I7s6d for spot and
120 6 for futures, and the local market
advanced also, In spite of light demand.
Spot 1 quoted at $26.40'76.6O. Copper
worked up little In the English market,
with spot closing at 67 6s 3d and futures
at 67 3std. The local market for copper
shows a hardening tendency, with lake
quoted at $12.62tfl2.87, electrolytlo at
$12.5012.7S and cnctlng at $13.26012.50. Lead
and spelter were unchanged on both mar
kets. Lead In . London Is quoted at 11
12s 6d and at $4.265x4 .35 in thla market.
Spelter Is held at $1.(34.96 In New York.
Locally Iron 1 quiet; No. 1 foundry north
ern. $14.5015.00; No. 2 foundry northern,
$13.7614.25; No. 1 foundry southern and
No. 1 foundry southern soft, $13.26913.76.
Sonar and Molasses.
NEW YORK, July 14. SUGAR Raw,
nominal; fair refining, 8e; centrifugal,
86 test, S 16-1634c: molasses sugar. 84c;
refined, quiet; crushed, 6.76c; powdered,
6.15c; granulated, 5.05c.
Strong; open kettle. 24fli3 3-16c; open ket
tle centrifugal. 8(tHc; centrifugal, 8(J1Hc:
centrifugal whites. 4 11-16c; yellow, 3ffl
4c; seconds. 2HHc
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 2(X$
25c; centrifugal, 10215c. Syrup, nominal,
Coffee Market.
market for futures opened steady at un
changed prices to an advance of 6 point
In response to higher German cables. Tho
market was very quiet, closing quiet, net
unchanged lo 6 point higher, with sales
St. Louis and return, tickets good
car (s wits free), on sale July
St Louis and return on sale
Chicago and return on sale
Chicago and return one way via Bt Louis OA Aft
on sale dally aCUtUU
Denver", Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return on If PA
tale dally I faQU .
3uffaln and Niagara Falls and return tyj If
on salo dally,. t awfsl'"'
Cincinnati and return on sale July 15, ilr) n ,"
1 nd " : ....4a,CiCi
West Baden, lnd., and return-on aulo fcrt'
July 22 to 28.... ZUstr'"
French Lick, lnd., and return on
Zi to 25
Ilot Springs, S. D., and return on
Mackinac Island and return (via boat from Chicago)
on sale dally
Hayvlow, Charlevoix, Harbor Springs and Petonkpy, Mich.,
aud return (via boat from Chicago) on vtlo dally ,
I can give you all the latest Information about excursion rates aud
.furnish, free Illustrated booklets about all excursion resort. Bee v:
'ot tvrlte about your trip.
m JiiPJ'pirtl
of 7.600 has;. Tries Include September,
4.0ftf4.10c; December, 4 Sic; March, 6 660.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO July lL-SEKD-Cle-ver, cash,
$6 25; October, 8i07; prime alslke. $!.;
August. $6.40; prim timothy, $1.47; Sep
tember, $1 47.
Aresiei C hief C lerk of Theft.
ST. FAUU July -14. -William I. fitlne,
who was chief clerk to General Manager
Walter A. Scott of the Omaha railroad
tintft the latter part of June, snd who ws
arrested yesterdsy tm a charge of hsvlng
stolen $8.iin0 worth of fouthem Paclflo rail
road bonds from the oltlce of the lat gen
ersl manager, shortly after Ms. Scott'
death, hss been held In the district court
In the sum of $5.0t0. He Is still In Jail.
New evidence which It Is alleged fasten
the theft of the bonds on Stln has been
unearthed by the police. James J. Mur
phy, a tailor of this cltv, employed by
Silne, mys he sold the eight bends aa an
agent for Stlne.
Vtaihlntton .Prohibitionist "nralaati"
EVERETT. Wash.. July 14,-The. prohibi
tion state convention hits named A. 1'.
Sherwood of Everett for governor. The
platform pledges "Our estat, our lives,
our sacred honor." to the flnai overthro-v
of the liquor traffic.
Deed filed for record July 14, 1904. a fur
nlhed by ths Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded Abstracter. 161
Farnam street, for The Bee:
Mh-liuf 1 M.-Nults and wife in Martin
Shepard. part of lot 8, block 20.
Credit Fonder $ 600
Caroline Christen to H. A. Tukey, lot
10, block 3. Orumniercy park 1
South Omaha Land company to
Martha M. Rayner, lot 6, block a.
Spring Iako park Vi
Frank Atkinson to Eleanor Atkinson,
lot 17, Clarke Plsce 1
Erlo W . Headland and wife to Peter
J. Trlber, lot J, block 2, Ambler
Place -. 1000
Mary Tr'uO' to John Flynn, lot 18,
block 3. Hnscsll's subdlv 1
Joseph Treacy to M.ry Treacy, same,. 60
Sheriff to John Flynn, same 2ii7
Patrick Oawey and wife to John and
Kate Gawey, lots 23 and 24, block 6.
Saunders & Hlmebaugh's Highland
Park 300
Jesse G. Wldoe to D. M. Chick, part
of lots 1 and 2, block 4. McOavock
A O'Keefe 600
Sealed bid will be received by the Board
of County Commissioners of Sheriflsn
county, Wyoming, until noon July 22. 1904.
for the erection and completion of a court
house for the county of Sheridan, Wyo
ming, contractor to furnish all labor anil
materials according to plans and specifica
tions prepared by J. O. Link and O. Mr
Allster, architects, said building nut to ex
ceed the cost of $46,000.
Plans and specifications on file In the
architects' office, Coffeen-Rldley building,
and In the office of the county Cierk, Sheri
dan, Wyoming.
The successful bidder will te required to
furnish bond In the sum of $50,000.
Extra plans nnd specifications will b
furnished contractor at cost of reproduc
ing, plans to remain property of architect.
The Board of County Commissioners re
serves the right to reject any of all old,
or the acceptance of any one. A certttled
check for $1,000 must accompany all bids ns
an evidence of good faith. All bids should
be marked "Proposals for tourt house" and
sddrensed to C. B. HOLMES, Cot-ntv Clerk,
Sheridan. Wyo. !u IS 18
Uhe Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago i
. 12.50
and return..-
CHICAGO ond return,
via St. Louis one way...
ond return July 9-10....
return July 16 to 17
return August 12 to 15..
A ret everv day...
return July It to 18 1ft 7c
nnd Aug. 6 to 11 1..... 'W'
MADISON-every day...
DULUTH and return
every day
ASHLAND and Bayfield
and return every day...
return every day
BUFFALO and Toronto
and return every day.,
Lowest Rates to Many
City Office
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.'
TEL. B24-661
In coache and cbntr $Q EfV
18 and 25 yOiuU
sole July
tin J mrnxmrnmimmni
i mm 1