THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 14. 1904. i' I T' CRMS AXD PRODUCE MARKET Fricei Continue Their Eecilest Flight, tint Business it Dull. JULY WHEAT IS BIO UP TO NINETY-TWO iteeelpte are Lack la aad Nobody ' Baa Cask Orala . kH-Sot Evea Elevators Are Bwylag. OMAHA. July 13. 1904. Grain prices continued their wild and reckless night yesterday and wheat values especially took gigantic strides skyward. Bullish newa pouted In over the wliee fmn almost every direction and at Chlrego horta seemed frantic to cover. Damage teports and ahort crop yarns were tne order of the day. One prominent dealer laconically remarked: 'The ststlstlclans have killed the crop every place now but In Russia and Argentine, and I suppose tuey will atart in on tnoae piacea tomor row." Higher 'cables, coming aa they did. lent their aid In making for the rlrm opening, and Bnow'a report, highly bullish, especial. y to Nebraaka and the Missouri river valley, waa pouted late In the session and prlcea responded with another throb. At Omaha, aa late aa UJ:0, the price of July wheat, now a practically caan grain, waa bid up to 92c and not a seller In alghl. Business here waa extremely dun. K celpts were, aimoet, and nobody had caah grain to sell. Dealers are holding aloof from the market, tearing It la dan gerous to tamper with the Insane ngure. Van Dorn wanted to sell December wheat, 'but nobody, not even the prospective ele vator owners, cared to buy stock for their winter bins. At Chicago old July bounded above 95c and those who had aold a few duya ago at what they deemed the tip top were . lamenting the tact. Snow uoclarea the crop of tne Missouri valley will be from 26 to 60 per cent ahort. but there are not a few of the local trader who believe Mr. Snow la far from the main road. In fact many private advices received by Sunder land L'pdlke ahow that the yield In this Jtate probably will be but S.uOO.OiiO ahort of aat year, which was 27,uOu,uuO bushels. The estimate of fc6.00u.000 made by a prom inent Lincoln elevator Arm la said to be ludicrously low. The forecast of ahowers and thunder storms all over except In Kansas and that state cloudy, helped to bull the market. Private wires from York, Neb., say: "Wheat harvest In this county la about SO per cent completed and the atraw In dicates a good yield.' There la no lodgment of wheat or oats and a good crop of the latter is probable. Corn la a little late, but clean, and making rapid growth. The outlook is for a bountiful yield over the whole county." On the other hand, Bnow'a report says that on his own Nebraaka farm where he expected to harveat forty buahela of wheat to the acre he got only 18. The range of prlcea on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the cloae today and Tuesday "Were: . Closed "Wheat ' Open. High. Low. Today. Tues. July ...... 92 B98B92B93B92B Sept. ..... 78B SO B 7N4B SO B 7XB Dec, , 7B- 0 B 7MB 80 B 7VB Con ... - tfUfjr ... Sept. .. Deo. ... Oats July ... Bept. .. T . . 1 .. 4HB 48B MHR 48B 48HB .. UB 44HB 44VB 44B 44S,B .. XB 39HB Sir 39B 38A ..40B4OB4OB40B40B ., 81V4B 81V.B 81B 81VB 81 B .. 30aB 90HB 80HB SOiiB li&H .Dec A askod B bid. Omaha Cash Market. ' WHKAT No. 1 hard. 4JfSc. nominal; No. I hard, MKSS2C, nominal; No. 4 hard, 75c; No 2 spring, 86tfj90c. CORN No. 2. 7o, nominal; No. . 47c, nominal; No. 4, 44HB444c; No. 2 yellow, 4748c, nominal; No. 2 yellow, 47; No. i white. 47048c. nominal; No. 1 white, iit 47Hc, nominal; no grade, 43Vie. nominal. OATS Nominal: No. t 3338c: No. J, Wa87c; No. 4, 36c; No. 1 white, 8c; No. I white, tW&ttc; No. 4 white, 86c; aUndard, l737to. : Heeelpta Omaha Market. Wheat, ears 0 0 Corn, cars 0 0 Oats, cars 1 0 Rye, cars . 0 a Orala Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Tues day at ins markets named were as follower CHirjion w neat July Today. Tuee'y. , W4 9?N r 86B 84HB September Corn- July .v 4944B 484B September : ... 49tfA 48B KANSAS CITT. Wheat September , 77H 78HB December Tlhihi 1 76Vi Corn September 46 46'AA December 0B 89HA BT. louis. Wheat September 84 86 - December ; SS M Corn September 47 47i December 46 43 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat September E7HB December ti tiB ... PULUTH. Wheat July H.01KB .... September 88 B 8714B NEW YORK. Wheat - September 90 - 90 1 December w 89A '.Notes ha Orala Rtikit A car of No. white oats sold at Omaha for 1H cent. . Minneapolis stocks decreased 230,000 bush els during the last four days. Thirteen cars of grain war Inspected kt Omaha yesterday as follows: Corn, No. 2. five: No. t, six; ho grade, one. Oats. No. i white, one. , The Iowa Weekly Crop Bulletin says: "The soil Is too wet for farming operations and the temperature too low for corn. The outlook, however. Is better than a year ago. Corn haa made fair progress, but needs cultivation. Oata and spring wheat and barley have not yet suffered much from ruat or lodgment. HEW YORK GBXERAL MARKET tnetatlaaa of tke Day sa Varloas .. Commodities. NEW TORK. July 13.-FLOTJR-Recelpts J8,03t bbls.: exports, 14.6K2 bbla. Market Arm but dull. Minnesota patents, 14 9641! 126; Minnesota bakers, 13.71x3-4 00; winter extras, t3.36a3.90; winter low grades, 1.14-tf 1.70: rye flour firm: fair to good. 14.0034 lo choice to fancy, t4.U&4 60; winter patents. HU.10; winter straights, M.0O4.76 COHNMKAL Dull. Yellow western L0641.10; olty, l.l(Xtfl.l2; kiln dried, K.'Axli HYE Nominal; No. t western, 70o. BARLEY Slow; feeding. 4tHe, c. I. f New York: malting, nominal. . WHEAT Receipts, 16,000 bu. Spot firm; No. 2 red, lOdH. new crop, f. o. b. afloat; lio. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o b. afloat. Optlona opened lower. Final prices showed V61 net advance; July, 9Wc, closed to; September. tii'X'uWo, oloeed VOHo; December, HfyDuHc cloned sli'ko ' COR N Receipts, llM.426 bu.; exports, 2.703 bu. Spot flrsn; No. 2, 6Jo elevator and 6JVi64c f. o. b. arioat: No. 2 yellow, 6⁣ No. t white, v4Hc. Optlona market waa generally firm all day on the amall re ceipts, wheat Armneaa and light offerings tne close snowing sbo net advance. Jul 630, closed 64c; September, closed biWc. OAT8 RecelDta. 30. (XO bu.: exnorts. bu. Spot steady; mixed oata. lbs., 4v546c: natural white, ifn.ii lbs, 46fi47c; clipped white, SUflW lbs., 47"i(61c. TALLOW Dull; city. ic; country, 4fc9 tiCE Dull; domestlo. fair to choice. i 4J6S4c: Japan, nominal. HAY Steady; slilpplng. 70c; good fo Choice. &o. HOPS Eaay; atate. common to choice, ISO. 26334; lnl, 'i23c: old, 7T1S Paclfl coaat, tUtdc; 2022o; old. 74jlio. lillJi.B fci.adv; Galveston. 20 to 26 lba.a 17c; California. 21 to X lbs., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 20 Ibe , 14c. LEATHER Quiet; acid, Bfl?5c. WOOL txmestic fleece. tz4tJbc. PROVISIONS Heef, firm; family, H Sort 10 6; mesa. x!6rti0rtj beef hama, 3 6o-j i3 oo; packet, I9.0in 60; city extia Indlit mesa. 114 tall00. Cut meats, firm: plokle.1 bellies. HfxnHMW; pickled shoulders. I 10; ptc-kled hams. tH tOilO.OO. Lard, firm; west ern steamed, 17.46, refined steady; con tinent. 17 ; Bouth America, tn uo; com pound. 6.S7Vffil.ll".. Pork Arm. fsmlly, 114 60; ahort rlear. 113 6tKa 1S.D0; mesa, lU obuU.Ts. Bl'TTKR Klrm; extra creamery, l7c. CIIEWK-Steady and unchanged f.4J8 firm; western extra, ioc. good, V6llc. Kil'LTRT Alive, firm: southwestern spring rhlrkens. ulc; dressed, firm; west ern broilers. Wu-tv. Mverstoal Orala aad Ptrovlalaaa. LIVERPOOL. July 11 -WHEAT-Ppot, nominal; futures, steady; July, ee 6d; Sep leniber. ts 7Vd. COKN-evW leady; American mixed. new, 4a M; Amerlean mixed, old 4s Svyi; futures, dull; July, 4a 4d; September, 4a CHICAGO GRAI AJTD PROVItlOt reataret of tke Tradlaw aad Claalasj Prleea Beard of Trade. , CHICAOO, July 11 Rain In the north west, demand for wheat from eastern mill ers Hoday and grave features of a serious rrtortage In t he crop caused a net gain of i in rtepiemDor wneat. corn is ap Vto, Oata made a gain of U64c Provision closed unchanged to 10c hla-her. Nearly everything la the way Of newness today tended to Indue strength In wheat prices. .raers irom northwest ana sou in west were abundant, and rroo damaa-e re port cams from a!l over the winter wheat country. September started firm a ehart to Vt94c higher at t'uhWiC and sold up to 7Sc before the demand was satisfied. tames and foreign advices were bullish. A gain of 2c a himhel in Julv wheat at Du- luth under strong demand from millers In the east waa the most potent of the late Influences, causing an advance of IV In that option here and corresponding strength In the other deliveries. Primary recelota were 9fC &rt hn anlnri 428. BIO hil last year. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 49.150 bu. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 2S0 cars. Only one car waa received here. The corn market acted independents of the fine weather and ruled strong. Septem ber corn was a shade to He higher at the start, at fi.H4tc and sold to 4W4?Hc. closing Arm at 4M4 Cash corn was strong ana had a marked Influence on the de ferred delivery. Local receipts were 96 cars. Tne oats market waa rainy active. Ben temher opened a shade lower at S2c. the advance was well maintained, the close being but a fraction under the fop, llc, Local receipts were 42 cars. In spite of Jarge offerings of provisions there was a bullish tendency and ho'der were able to sell out at good prices. Quo tations were nigner at tne yarns and helped the sentiment In the provisions market. September pork closed 10c lower at iij.m. uiro waa unchanged at I7.07V4 Rlhs gained 2H cloning at 17.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat cars: corn, 209 cars; oats, 61 car; hog 10.000 head. The leading future ranged aa follows: Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Yest y, Wheat a July b July a Bept. b Sept. Corn July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. Deo. Pork July Sept Dec. Lard July Sept. Dec. Ribs July Bept. Oct. I 1 1 87, 814 8S SSHftH 87H 86 48.4 4PH 48 4fS' V 49Hn ! 48HtffX 4S ' & S8i 81 32S 31 &2 33 SZ is'io" ij'i7H ii'06" 13 17H 13 17V 13 07H Jfi 95 KM 7 10 7 15 7 06 .7 12H 7 12H 7 10 7 60 7 66 7 4S 7 T2H 7 76 7 6 7 T7V4 7 80 7 72H 96 92 94S 924 8887& 87 8S& 49Jh!48 1 ,4KH' 12 95 13 10 It 12 7 47 7 70 7 75 No. J. add. bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Oulet and steadv: winter nat enta, 4 6o-4.65; straights, 14. 3Vg4. 40; spring Da ten la. 14 n"4.70: stralahta. t3.BOfa4.20: bakers, t2.W&i.X. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 8ctS1.00; No. 3, 97 98c; No. 2 red. Il.flfogi.10. CORN No. 2, 48c; No. 2 yellow, 61 OATS-No. 2, 40ifJ4Oc; No. 3 white, I7(j9 420. RYE No. I, 68c. BARLEY Good feeding, 26 38c; fair to choice maltlna-. 4M60c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 21.12; No. 1 northwest ern, i.i8v. Prime timothy, 12.86. Clover, contract grade, 210.76fflU.O0. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 21295 ffir 00. Lard, per 100 lbs., 16.92(a.S. Short ribs sides (loose). 17.37G7.60. Short clear sides (Doxed), Receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls..,. 43,600 20.700 Wheat, bu 17,0(10 24.600 Corn, bu 268,800 181.700 Oats, bu 160,8(10 2OJ.000 Rye. bu 1.000 800 Barley, bu 29,400 1.900 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13316c; dairies. 12&16C. Eggs, llrm; at mark, esses Included. 1416c. Cheese, steady, 88o. t. Lonls Orala a as Provisions. ST; LOUTS, July 13.-WHEAT-Higher, short covering; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal, track, 11.001.00; new. 11.111: old, July. 96c; September, 86c; No. 2 hard, 9&2S8C. CORN Easy; No. 2 caah. 48c; track. 49!B51e; July, 48c; September. 47c OATS Stronger; No. 2 caab, 39c: track, 40c; July, 38c; September, 82c; No. 2 white, 40c. FLOUR Increasing demand,' but prlcea unchanged. Red winter patents, !4.8636.10; special brands 103fto higher; extra fancy and stralghta, I4.60dj4.96; clear, 13.803.90. . 8EED TIMOTHY Steady, $2.40(o2.75. CORNMEAL Steady, 12.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 80c. ' HAY Generally higher; timothy, 6.00 16.00; prairie. 15.0009.55. IRON COTTON TIES 82c , BAaGINO-c. PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing, $12.96. Lard, prime steam, 18.46. Bacon, ateady; boxed extra ahorts, 28.26; clear rlba, 18.87: ahort clear, 18.60. POULTRY Unchanged; chickens. c; springs. 12c; turkeys, J2c; ducks, 7c; geese, 1c. BUTTER Blower; creamery, 1418o; dairy, 100150. , EGGS Steady, 13e, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2,000 6.000 Wheat, bu 19.000 . 28,000 Corn, t)U 18.000 1 28,000 Oata, bu 36,000 .. - 17,000 1 1 Kaasaa Clr Osala asA Pvovlslaas. KANSAS CITT, July 11. WHEAT Higher; July, He; September, 77o; De cember, 771T7V4e; cash. No. 2 hard, old, Bto99c; new, 93ca&4c No. I old. tOtgWc; No. 1 red, new, 96fcc: No. I. 90s63c. . CORN Higher; 'July. 48c; September. 46c; December, 29 M7c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 60(j61c; No. 3, 4S60c; No. 2 white, 6i&62c; No. 3, 50c. OATS Steady; No. I whits. 4ftffHlc; No. 2 mixed, S9c. BUTTER Creamery, 1815c; dairy, 12o. EGGS Firm. Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, Uc; case count, 12c; cases returned, o less. HAY No timothy arrived; choice prairie, $10 00 RYE No. 3. 62c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 7 200 7.200 Corn, bu 1.0 8.800 Oata, bu 8.0U0 2,000 Mllwaakee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, . JULT 12. WHEAT-lc higher: No. 1 northern, 21.01; No. 1 north ern, 97r9!c; new September, 86o bid. RYE No 1, 72T5c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 62c; sample. 26 680. CORN Strong; No. 2, 6KS61o; Septem ber, 49uH9o. Mlaaoapolls Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS July 12.-WHEAT-Ju!j 99c; September, 98c: December, 4c; on track, No. 1 hard. $1.01. FLOUR First patents, $8. 10116 20; second cleara, patenta, !5.00n6 10; flrat cleara, 13.56cif 1.06; second cleara, 12 60. BRAN In bulk, 113.60; shorts, $16.60. rtalath Orala Market. DULUH, July 13 WHEAT To arrlvs: No. 1 northern, $1.01; No. 3 northern, 97c; on track: No. 1 northern, $1.01; No. 2 northern, Pic; July, $1.01c; September, 8Sc. OATS On track, 38c; to arrive, 43c. Toledo Seed Market. , TOLEDO. July 12 -CLOVERSEED Cash, $8.26; October, 16.02; prima Alslke. 1680; August, t ft: prime timothy, $1.47; Sep tember, $1 47. Peoria Orala Market. FEORIA. July 12 -OORN-Hlgher; No. t, 48Ve; No. 4. 47041c. WHISKY-On the bests of $1.28 for fin- isnea gooas. Oils mm Roslo. NEW YORK, July 12.OILB-Cottonseed. Arm; prime yellow, 29Vtu3r. Petroleum, essy; refined. New York, 17 70. Philadel phia and Baltimore, $7.66; refined in bulk, $7.46. Turpentine, ateady, &V(6ic. ROBIN Dull; strained, common to good. $2.751.00. OIL CITY. July ll.-OI!.S-Credlt bal ancea. 150. Certlflcatea, no hid. Shipments, 86.760 bbls.; average. 61.8(13 bbls; runs, 41.60U bbls.; average. 86.6114 bbls ; shipments Lima. 69.140 bbla; average, 44 J bhls.; rune Lima, 76.101 bbls.; average, 60,36 bbla. SAVANNAH ia., July ll.-OIIJTur-prntlne. Arm, 63Sc. ROBIN Firm. A. B, C. $3.47; D, $2 53S; K. $2 b?: F. $2 .': A. $7 66; J. $2.7 H. $2 87; 1 $3 4.': K. $3 60; M, $1.76; N, $3 86; WG, $4 IS. WW. $4(6. t'oaTeo Market. NEW YORK. July IS COFFEE Th market for futures opened ateady at un changed prlii Bales ere reported of i'i,- bags, in. -hiding September at 8.06c; De cember, I Sue , March, t-tvo. 89 28 223132 32 32 12 86 13 00 8 92 95 7 07 7 07 7 12 712 746 7 87 7 72 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS BpecuktiTo Force Again Eend Price Toward th Ooilinr, HEAT PACKERS STRIKE IS IGNORED t. Pa a I shows rkoaoanoaal troagrtk anal Preaaaro Is reagat si Othor Leadtagr Railroad tocarltlos. NEW TORK. July 11.-A growth Of the speculative forces at work in the stock market waa again manifest in the dealings, which rose away above yesterday's total and exceeded the figure of last Wednesday, which had made a record on the market. The market waa spotty and Irregular throughout. Some of the recent leaders were reactionary and manifestly held back by profit taking. Others which were sub jected' to this process In the early dealings developed renewed strength late In the day, all. Including the sustaining strong points In the early trading, were more or less affected by proAt taking during the day, but the successful taking of profits Is one of the most important tests of ths actual strength of a speculative market. The wide opening In St. Paul, with simul taneous sales at 147 and 147, and Its almost Immediate rise, gave such an Impression of manipulation that a party of room traders maintained a suspicious sttttude toward the market and put out short ilnea at all stages of the advance. The sustaining ef fect of St. Paul's rise waa supplemented by the vigorous rise in United States Steel preferred on the confident assumption that the full dividend for the quarter will be paid. There waa pressure throughout the forenoon on Reading, Pennsylvania, the Paclflcs and Atchison, and aa these were the leaders In strength and activity yester day the conclusion was Justified that profit taking was In progress. The day's newa did not offer any Immediate ground for the action of the market, "unless It might be tne large receipts or Japanese ano otner gold flowing Into New York banks from San Franclsto. . The Iron Age spoke in a tone of soma gloom of the condition and prospect In that trade, amrmlng that the rapid adjustment to shrinking consumption had not yet over taken It. No Important railroad systems made reports of earnings. Th meat packers' strike wss Ignored. The market was well sustained to the last and the cloalng waa fairly steady. Bonda were Arm. Total sahia. par value. 14.3BO.OOO. United States 4a declined and th new 4s coupon per cent on call, Following was the range of th Stock exchange: Sales. High Atchison 31,200 76 do pfd 200 96 Baltimore 4s Ohio.... 11.300 83 do pfd 200 94 Canadian Paclflo .... 1,800 136 Central of N. J 600 166 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 1,100 33 Chicago Alton 100 89 do pfd 100 81 Chicago G. W l ino 14 Chicago N. W.... 3,600 176 C, M. A 8t. P 41,100 147 do pfd Chicago T. & T prices on LowClose. 76 76. 96 96 82 83 94 94 126 !2T. 165 166 83 33 89 87 81 804 13 144 174 176 146 147 .... 180 6K do pfd C, C7, C. St. L.... Colorado Southern .. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson.. Delaware. L. A W... Denver A Rio Rrang do nfd 15 74 16 60 21 158 270 22 72 26 61 'e6 74 7 100 50 100 22 600 169 60 ':59 22" 71 26 60 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley r do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central . do pfd K. C. Southern 66 67 82 82 134 134 18. 18 36 3CU 22 Z1T4 42 43 11. 1U. 113 UU LIIU ...vr T.laulll JL Naahvlll 9 70O 114 Manhattan L 800 162 Met. Securities 1,900 89 Metropolitan St. Ry.. 10,000 . 116 Minneapolis & St. L.. .... .... M., St. P. A S. Ste. M. ,00 70 An nfd 2.600 127 161 151 Missouri Paciflo ....63.400 93 Missouri. K. A T.... 3.600 18 do pfd 1.700 M n a nf M Tt New York Central... 4.000 119 Norfolk A Western.. 2,400 ., 60 do nfd Ontario A- Western.. fl.700 Pennsylvania 78,600 P.. C. C. A St. L Beading w.iuu do 1st pfd... 100 An iA nfd Rock Ilsland Co. Ar Tif ri . . - . St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. . 400 St. L. Southwestern., 600 do pfd 2,700 Southern Pacific ....126,600 Southern Railway ... 7,800 do pfd 300 Texas A Paciflo 1.400 T.. St. L. A W 100 A n rfA Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E. Wisconsin Central do pfd Mexican Central . Adams Express .. American Express 86 36 .... . 18 17 18 89 39 .... 226 200 201 .... 109 .... 201 61 61 18 18 76 78 .... 27 .... ' 88 300 201 it u K .nr.,, Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 18,900 67 18 76 ' American u. ec r iw do pfd 600 American Cotton Oil. .... A nfd. ' American Ice American" Linseed Oil tA ' American Locomotive J jte taara . ...... American 8. A R 1.J2 Ammr Rn'ffflr' Reftn'M. 6.100 129 A A- VI frf ' ..14.600 60 .. 309 88 81 8: Consolidated Qas ... Corn Products .. 900 196 400 12 196 196 11 11 70 70 21 21 168 160 13 13 do pfd...... Qatii rlt IfafJ 600 70 3(10 21 Oenersl Electrlo .... 2.000.160; 160 13 International raper. ,iuu International Pump An rT n ...... , 300 , 200 . 1.400 do pfd........ National .Lead North American Panlfln Mall Peoples Oas pressed eieei -r .... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd............ Tennessee C. A I U. 8. Leather do Dfd U. 8. Realty do pfd ; U. S. Rubber do Dfd v. o. oi-roi do nfd ....lo.t"1" ... 700 159 158 158 87 87 aliare. Western Union .a.... SOO.,.8 Total sales tor ine Loadoa StoeK Market. LONDON, July lS.-Cloalng: Consols, sionoy . n. T . ivntrsi ''' . ! Norfolk A W (lit . 1 do M . Tl Onurln A W i . N P.nnrlnl 41 M . i Rd Mines 10 .1M14 lUsalna S . ti do 1st sfd ... 4 . HVi da Ifl eld til .ill go. Railway 14 . 11 do pld tl . MH o. Paolfle 11 . t'nloa Psclta W . 14 da efd . 41 V. 8. tMl II . ti da aid 1 . It Vituh 1' .114 do efd M Am St do aoeount Anaconda Atchison do Dfd B.lllmora A Ohio Canadian Paeino Okaa. A Ohio.... Chloaso Ot W.... C, M. St. r.. DaBoars Danror A ft. O... da via Crls do lot P'S . t Bid Illinois Cantral . ltuls A MaaB... M . K. T SI LV FR Bar, weak, 211-16d per ounce. MONEY-U2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market I III viiui . u.ii. - ' " - i - " - - montha' bllla. 2 3-16(&2 per cent. . , - ..ill. &. iMte Mnt' thr.e Wot Tark Mlalaa ttoeka. jmr vnnK Julv 11. Theifollowln g are tne closilia price on iiunns "iw" Cos 5 'Jill. Chief Slice InUrle . 8 .loo t . M . 14 . n . 10 . M .10 IrM i piiiiir Urwi.wtck' Tea 1 Phorals rometoex Tunnel Potoel Coo. Cel. vs no B.s Hara Hllr Sierra Nersds.. Iron ailver 164 null Hopes ... L4allle Cos I Standard , Forelaa Flnaoelal. LONDON, July 13. Stock exchange re quirements sustained the money market today. Business on the stock exchange waa dull und irregulnr. The announcement of a new Issue of I12.6i,0(ti In treasury bllla did net assist gilt-edged seourttlea. ' Consols were easy at the oprnlng but closed with a better tone. Home rails were Irregular. Americans were strong and active on New York buying. Union Pautflo and Missouri Perllta ov era the feature. Prkios closed steady. Argentine Improved Ob saUnlao- 600 22 600 73 12.800 26 3,300 61 600 88 400 67 300 82 2,000 134 200 19 100 86 300 22 1 IftA 19U RSli K8 116. 116 .... 42 70 70 128 126 92. 93 . 1SV, WA 39 39 3 37 118 118 69 . 69 ....' 83 29 28 29 . 119 118 U9 . .... .'. 61 62 1 62 83 83 83 ..42,600 22 21 - 22 2.100 67 6614 . 74 47 47 47 13 12 IS 32 81 31 61 49 61 23 23 28 88 88 8 26 26 26 ?6 87 80,100 94 , 92 94 100 93 93 93 ana itu isv; it 4.600 36 700 18 700 40 1.800 8 S f $ ifi 20 20 jyel 200 12 3 88 64 64 64 9744 97Z 97 128 128 .... 71 60 ! 6 32 32 82 76 76 75 24 23 28 900 29 27 27 2.400 100 99 99 3,800 84 30 83 600 74 74 74 221 700 7 7 7 1,300 43 42 42 800 17 K 17 76 1,700 89 3 89 S.800 7 7 - 7 1,700 83 82 83 300 6' 6 200 68 68 68 . 600 17 17 17 1.600 60 68 69 a Ano' n 11 11 60 60 tory crop prospects.' Kaffir were weak owing to continuous realisations, especially gold fields. Imperial Japaneae government 6a of 19(14 were quoted at 197. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 24.(0. PARIS July 1.4. Three per cent rentea, 98f 174)0 for account. Exchange on Lfndon, r jt4jo for checks. Trading on tne oour tooay was cairn, rrices oecame neavy. oec Russian lmTerliil 4a rinsed at fct and Rus- i "niSlJF pnrat. rat. BERLIN. July 1.1 Trading on the bourse today was stagnant. American rail were higher. liw York Money Market. NEW YORK. July U.-MONEY-On rail, aay at 1S1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent; time loans, Arm; sixty days. 2 per rent; ninety days, 2 per cent: six months. 3V3 per cent: prime mercantile paper. 8f54V per cent. 8TERLINU EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills at 14 R71Va 4 8720 for demand and 14.H51H&4 8615 for stxtv day bills; poeted rates, 14.8t.34.88; commer cial bills, i4.K6 SILVER Bar. 68c: Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS Oovernment, - weak; railroad, firm. The cloalng quotations on bonda are a follows: U. . rat. la. ref IS4 Manhattan e. gold 4s. 1M do foupon 1(H Met. Central 4a 42 da ti. reg .... do lot Inc 14 do coupon lVi Minn A Bt. U 4a... a new 4a, t 131 M., K. A T. 4S MH do coupon 1124 do li dj old 4a reg 1" N. P.. P.. of M. o. 4a. T1 do coupon io N. Y. C. I. l-i n Atchison aan. 4a lor, N. J. C. gsn. S U2 do adj. 4a s... t:t N. A W. e. 4a 11 Atlantic C. L. 4a V No. PiclBo 4s 104 B. A O. 4a 101 do It TS do ! ............. H O. 8. Ia 4s A par.... r7 Cantral at Oa. la. .. .110 Pann. conr. Ia do lot Inn T iRnadlne (jp. 4s Chea. A Ohio 4s. ..10Bt. U t I. M. e. a..UI CBtoaso A. Tl BU L. A S. P. ft. 4a. II C, B. A . now 4.. M int. l. B. W. la...TT. C, M. A St. P. g. 4a. 107 Seaboard A. U 4a.... " CAN W. coo. 1s..inio. farlOo 4l 4 C. R I. A P. 4s.... 11 Ro. Rallwajr to 114 do ... tl lli'a A P. 1 ll WO. St. L. (. 4..Kil T.. 8t. U A VT. 4s.. 1! Chlcaso Tar. 4a. 7H I nlon Paclltc 4s 104 Con. Tobacco 4a.... Colo. A So. 4a V. at H. U. 4a Erie prior lion 4s.. do gen. 4a Ft. W. tt U. C. la. Hocklnf Val. 44i.. L. A N. tinl. 4a.... Ottered. . 4 . 14 . M . 9 . Ml . JOJl .vr,-. an ennv. 4i .101 C. B. Steal Id tl.. ,.abaah is do dab, B X. A L. C. 4a Wis. Central 4t Cola. Fuel. o. Si... . T .117 . M v . M . 0 Boaton Rtock Qnototloaa. EOSTON, July 13. Call loan. 2Q3 per cent; time loans, S'5'4 per cent. Official closing ot stocks and bonos: Atchison adj. 4a 4.1 Westing, common do 4a 101Adantura Max. Cantral 4a 41 Allnuei Atehlaon 74' Amalgamated .... do pfd t&'Amer. f,fnc '. Boaton A Albany. ...2441 Atlantic Boaton A Maine 187 Bingham Boiton Klaratod 1M ( ,. a Heels .. T .. 1 .. i .. 11 .. 10 .. 1 .. ..470 .. 4 .. 12 .. 11 .. 42 :: I .. 14 .. 4 .. 4 .. 41 .. 1 .. 14 .. 4S .. 14 .. M .. 4 .. tl .. 4 . 21 .. 11 .. 18 .. 2 .. .. 14 rttchburg pfd .184 ICentennlal Max. cantral N. T.. N. H. A K. Pure Vtarquett .... Union PaciAc amor. Arga. Chem. do ltd . 1 Copper Ragga .. .141 Pair Wait' . TT Dominion Coal . 4 Pranklln . lS'Orancy . 73',i fsle Royala .... . 4 l Mm. Mining .. Araer. Pneu. Tuba... Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. A T..... Amar.' Woolan-.... do pfd Pomlolon 1. AS.. Ediaon Eleo. Illu.. General Elactiio .. Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oas Vnltad Fruit United Shoe Macs. do pfd C. 8. Stool do pfd Bid. ..lit Michigan ..124 iMobawk ..1JK Mont. C. A C. .. 19i'Olil Dominion .. 14 Osceola .. 8 Parrot ,.2M ,Cjulnejr ..1&4 Shannon . .. 10 Tamarack .. 73 Trinity .. 9,r. 8. Mining.... ..104 'V. 8. Oil .. 44 U tah .. J Victoria .. 11 Winona .. 40Wolrorlne Bank Clearings, OMAHA. July 13. Bank clearings for today, 11,223,912.12. a decrease of $142,080.36 from the corresponding day last year.. Wool Market. BOSTON. July 13 WOOU-Market strong and active, with the volume of sales re markably heavy. Territory wools are Arm, with a good demand In progreas. The lead ing quotations are: Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-elghtha and one-quarter blood, 27 28c; braid, 23ifi24c. Idaho Ane, 17igiSo; heavy fine, Hi 16c; . fine , medium, 16'al8o; medium, 18l!c; low medium, 20621c. Wyo ming Ane, 16V17c; heavy fine, 14alac; Ane medium, 17Uc; medium, 1920c; low me dium, 2022c. Utah and Nevada Ane. 16 17c; heavy fine, I4816c; fine medium, Italic; low medium, 21tfT27c Dakota fine. 17ft18c; Ane medium, 17Sn8c; medium, 19 20c; low medium, 214$23v' Montana Ane, choice, 20421c; fine average, liii2oc: fine medium choice, 1920o; average, 1920c; staple, 21322c; medium' choice, 22923c. m. uiJLiia, July. is. .vvyut Bteaay. Me dium grades combing and clothing 243'24c; light tine. l18c; heaV"' fine, .12ig;i3c; , tub washed. 88c. - J" '- ' - 1 LONDON, July 11 WOOU-Tho offerings at the wool sales today, amounted to 12, 901 bales. Merlnoes were In general de mand, especially for France and Germany. Scoured were, In active request, clothing and combing , causing aetlve competition between home and Belgium buyers. Amer icana bought a few good merinos and Ano crossbreds. Withdrawals were frequent owing to the firmness of holders. Follow ing are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 1,600 bales; scoured, 6dls 8d; greasy, ridels Id. Queensland, 2,200 bales; scoured, Is Udigls ld. Victoria, 1,300 bales; scoured, laiftls lOd; greasy, 61'51s 2d. South Australia, 900 bales; greasy, M'UXb Id. Tas mania, 700 bales; greasy, 7d&is 3d. New Zealand, 7.800 bales; scoured. 74?1 Id; greasy, 6d4ils Vad. cape ol joocl Hope and Natal, 400 bales; scoured, Is 8d(jjlB 6d; greasy, aplld Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. July 13. COTTON-Spot, good business done; prices 14 points higher; American middling fair, 6.92d; good mid dling, 6.78d; mlddlTng, 6.88d; low mlddllnif, 8.64d; good ordinary, 8.36d; ordinary, 16d. Futures opened Arm and closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c, July, 6S7d; July-August, 8.2S4: August-September, 6.93d; September-October, 6.44d; October-Novem ber, 6.28d; November-December. 6,L'4d; December-January. 6.23d; January-February, 62ld; February-March, 6. lid; March-April, E.21d. ST. lOUIS, July 1. COTTON-5ult, l-lo higher; middling. 10 16-loc. Sales, none; receipts, 24 bales; shipments, 84 bales; stock, 11,831 bales. NEW YORK. July 14. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.16c; mid dling, 11.40c. Sales, 261 bales. NliW ORLEANS, July la COTTON-Fu-tures steady; July, 10.804jni.00c; August, 10 69i810.60c: Septembr, 9.7&,9.74c; October, S.88gi).3a; November, 9.3b'H.3H'; Decem ber, 9.3669.36c; January, 9.41i9.42c. Spot steady; sales, 2,725 bales; ordinary, 8 9-lnc; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, lOc; middling, 11 1-lSc; good middling, Uc; middling fair, Uc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 13. METALS The London tin market ruled very strong, ad vancing over 1 on both spot and futures, which closed st 119 16s and 120 respect ively. The advance was said to bo largely due to speculative conditions, but affected the local market, which closed firm at I;o.2fu2b.o0. Copper also showed Armneaa, with London a shade higher at 67 6a for spot and 67 2s 6d for futurss. Locally prices remained unchanged, with lake quoted at !12.t2 12.87; electrolytic, at 112.6041 12.76, and casting at 112.2612.60. Lead was unchanged at 84 86 In New York and at 11 12s 6d In London. . Spelter also was unchanged In both markets, closing at 21 In London and at 14.864.96 in New York. Iron was unchanged at 61s 9d in Glasgow, while Middlesboro closed at 42s 9d. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at tl4.5O'8'16.00: No. 2 foundry at 113.161.14.: No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry soft at tlS.26Ifl3.76. Sl LOUIS, July 13.-METAI.8 Lead, eas at ti.lfiQ4-U- Spelter, unchanged at Evaporated Apples and 'Dried Pralls. NEW YORK. July 13. EVA PORATED APPLES The market waa quiet, demand light. Common are quoted at 44(6c; choice, at 61ia,c; extra choice, 6Si(tic, and fancy at 7u. CALIFORNIA, DRIED FRUITB-Prunea for future delivery are barely ateady, but spot supplies era firmly held. Pears range from 2 to 8c. Apricots sre unchanged. Choice are quoted at 9 10a; extra choice, at 1010c; fancy, 114jl4c. peaches ruls quiet, showing no special features; choice are quoted at 7&7c; extra choice, at 7if 8c, and fancy at 9ftl0c. Isgsr and Molaaaes. NEW YORK. July ll-SUGAR-Raw. nominal; fair refining. 8c; centrifugal, 94 teat, 115-16iQ4c; molaanea sugar, lc: re fined, quiet; crushed, 6.76c; powdered, 6.16c; gianulated, 6.06c. NEW ORLEANS, July 13. ST'OAR Raw, nominal: fair reining. 3e; centrif ugal, S'Ufl'ic; oestrlfuafn whites, 4c; yel lows, 'j-lc; seconds, 2J.3c. MOLASHEa Nomina'; open kettle, VX2f Kc: centrifugal, Mnulic. Syrup, nominal, at 204x260. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, July 1S.-DRY GOODB-A firmer tone la aurely evident In the ma poiity of Ilnea of dry gooda and sellers display more Independence with regard to prlcea than during the last few montha, or even weeka. bout hern gooda are being held firmly and whst with curtailment the nihrWft Is approaching; a mors satisfactory condition. Minister to KenaOor Arrives. NEW TORK. July 11 Oeneral A Samp, son. United Statea minister to Eruadur, arrived hers loAey OA th steamer Alliance from Coloo. ' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Few Ctttlo ReocWod and Market Dull and UnoerUb. A FEW HOGS SELL FOR SHIPMENT Market Mow aa Tory laeevtala, with Jo Dean sad frona Paekere No Sheep Received ane? A one -VYaatod. I t?OUTH OMAHA, July 13, 1804 Receipts ware: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oftli'iai Monn.y 2 o2a 8,el6 10,L;4 Official Tuesday 1,6.5 4.318 .36 omclal Wednesday 2u0 2uu Three days this week.. 4.260 7.834 10.459 Same days Inst week.... 6.m 13.4tA 4,676 Same week before eoi 21.94 li..4iii Same three eexs sgo... 9 6U 2H,o88 9,801 Same four weeks ago.... 9.4i7 22.42a 1.7S2 Same days last year 10,23 80.718 21.276 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table snows th receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with laat year: 19U4. lnutt. Inc. Dec. Cattle 470,o25 623,3 f2,U Hog 1,426.744 1,344.241 fl.6u9 Sheep IM.but 68oj74 140.M2 The oflluial number oi vara of aloes Drougnt in today by each road was: Caule.Hogs.H'r's. .., iu. Ac ot. f. jty x .. Lnloti Paclllc bystem 4 .. 18 u. a u. v, K. K I I il. ot M. it, Ky 1 1 Total receipts I 17 The Disposition of the day's receipts was as toilows, each buyer purcnasing tne num ber ol head Indicated; Cattle. Hog. Swift and Company 64 Armour Co 76 W i. btephen i. l Hill A iiuntsinger 13 Hamilton at iC M L. t Hubs iu Cuaahy Uros ano Leightun iijo Other buyers 66 Total 274 6u3 i-ai iLb-A tew loaus arnveu tnla morn ing, ana thene, with a lew bundles car iitj over u out yeateiUay, maae up the supply 'In beet cattle, 'mere waa prac ticauy no market to all' lntenta and pur poses. 'ihe few odd lots of beef steers sold to a packer this morning, but there were not enougn here to make a showing, and few. It any, are wanted. Prices paia are anywhere from 254J40c lower than Monday, with no material de mand at the prices. A few cows and heifers also changed hands, thus practically clearing up the supply. Prices In this direction, while not showing the decline In steers, were all ot 16dj2oc lower than ' Monday, with no de mand of consequence. A few stock cattle are changing hands at current quotations and in 1-ct this Is the only branch of the truaa that ts not materially hampered by the strike, al though at this time the demand la limited. A few desirable feeder sold this morning at about steady figures. BEEF STEERS. No. At. r. No. Ar. Pr. 4M 4 16 1 1610 i I - W14 4 60 67.. 1244 ( 10 . cow a. 1 5 1 IS 1 US0 4 III 4 1046 1 74 1074 4 2 BULLS. 1.. m-.IHv 1 18 1 1U6 1 10 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8 760 1 00 4.. 421 i 71 4 402 71 M 710 t 76 HOGS Uo to a late hour there were no fresh arrivals. A few -loads carried over irom yesterday constituted the supply. A few bunches of fancy selected llsrht sold for shipment, while bids somewhat better than yesterday were placed on other good grades for th same purpose. Packers made no effort whatever to buy and the market Is practically at a standstill except for a slight uncertain shipping demand. The few eulea made thla morning were at 14.900.06. HOGS. No. At. Sh. Tt. No. Ar. 8b. Pr. ' 21 .171 .. 4 44 44 us .. i on 17.. 145 .. 104 14 ;1M .. M phekp None received and none wanted about else up the situation again thia mtrmng. t ne - marxet is at a complete standstill. . Eastern markets report a sharp decline in prices and trade very weak owing to- the uncertain situation.' - - Quotations fot grass sheep and lambs: Good td choice yearlings. J4.2oifi4.70; t'air to good yearlings, 13.606T4.2&: good to choice wethers, 14.00i&4.26; fair to good wether. V3.ootH.00; good to choice ewea, 13.uwia.Vu; fair to good ewea, 13 2&33.&0; good to choice lambs, 1&.6USC.76; fair to good larnoa, 16.00 46.60. '. ' "". CHICAGO LIVE) ' STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Eaaler, Hogs Strong aad. Sheep Dull. . rHlf!AfJO. Julv IS PA TTT .V,l 8,600 head. Market steady to easier; good to prime steers, 36.60(S.26. poor to medium, 14.6-.xd6.00: etockers and feeders, 12. WaA. Ou; cows and heifers, 12.Oic5J6.36; canners, $1.50$ 2.80; bulls, l2.iANg4.00. calves, t2.60A6.6v; Texas fed steers. 14.664.90. HOQS Receipts. 10.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 10,000 head. Market steady to strong; mixed and butchers, I6.20ft6.46; good to choice hesvy, 16.36ti6.46; rough heavy, 16.1(yn6 26; lights, &16z6.30; bulk of sales, $S.20i6.3o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; sheep dull; good to choice wethers, 14.264j6.00; fair to choice mixed, 13.264.00; native lambs, t3.60Q8.60. Now York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 13. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2,159 head; marks! for steers ex cited and WfTKt higher; bull and oows, 26(1760 higher; steers, fcQp.c; no choice here; oxen and stars, t3.Wfl6.76; bulls, tl.00O4.90; cows, 11.7645.4.90; oabl steady. CALVES Receipts, 489 head; market strong; veals generally 2m&3c higher; but termilks, 26o higher; veals, M.6u47.60; tops, 17.76; culls, 14.00; buttermilks, 14,00jj425; dressed calves Arm; city dressed veals, 8; fiilc per lb.; extra,-12c; country dressed, 8 tjlOHc. HOGS Receipts, 8,071 head; market 10c lower; state hog, 16.70; mixed ' western, 16.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.610 head; sheep, strong; lambs, lo'2bo higher; sheep, t3.Uxij-4.bu; culls, 12.60; lambs, 6.U0 b16. . T Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 13.-CATTLE-Pe. celpts, 1,600 head; market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, t5.4O4j.00; fair to good. W.OcQO.So; western fed steers, 13.76S4.76; stockers and feeders, 22.76tuV4.60; southern steers, l'.'.7oQi 4.75; southern cows, 12.003.76; native cows, ll.Tr.fa.On; native heifers. 13.CKXirj.00; bulla, t2.6G4i-4.00; calves, t2.6oae.00. HOGS Receluts jiM.oi head; market 6ifri higher; top price, H.60; bulk of galea, 14.95 4ju.06; heavy, 16.00S6.0o; packera, t4.9;fii.06; pigs and lights, t4.2Cij.tMJ. SHEEP ANl I.a vtHel Recelnts 1 head; markst, 16326c lower; native lambs, 14.00ni.2&; western lambs, t4.00&.26; fed ewes, 13.252.75; Texas clipped yearlings, t3.76cij4.7&; Texas clipped sheep, t3.6CngH.uO; Blockers and feeders, t2.6024.60. St. Loals Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 13.-CATTLE Receipts 6.000 head, Including 1,600 Texans; market slow. Native shlpnlng and exnort tri 14 866.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, !3.9u4,i6.26; steers under 1,0X) lbs., ti bial. 16: stockers and feeders. !3 26rt-4."0; cows otnd heifers, 12.603.60; canners, il.btjjri.tb; bulls, 12.50tuv4.5O; cslves, t5.75i&9.60; Texas and In dian steers, 13.004j-4.16; cows and heifers, 12.7533. W. Ht8 Receipts 8 0 head M-rt,t s'"-v and lower; pigs and lights, 14 lOiftfc.OO; pack ers and butchers and best heavy. 16.00.20. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8, Oft) head; market lower- native muttons, 116) 4)3 76; lambs. 15(KKfl'7.6ii; culls and- bucks, t2jOu)3.60; stockers. tl.76i2.60; Texans, 13.00 llona City I-ive Stork Msrket. SIOUX CITY, la., July lS.-(Speclsl Tele- fram.) CATTLE -Receipts, 4M head; mar et, steady; no trade in killer; stockers and feeders, 13.0O4j4.0O; calves and year lings, 12.76fi3.60. HOGS Receipts, 600 head? shippers buy ing steady: selling at 14 75&6.O0; bulk of aales. 14.804.86 St. Joaepk Mve Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. July 13 CATTLE Receipts 6H0 head: market steady to 10c higher. Natives t4 6'Kj6 26; rows and heifers $2fKK6.86; stm-kers and feedera 13 Otvg I 5. HOGS Receipts 1.817 head; market H 25c lower. Light t4.&54.97; medium and iieivy 14 5&1v06. SHEEP AND UMB8-Receipts none. Stock la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day. Lame, iton, uneep. South Omaha Chhago Kanaaa City .. Ft. Ixiuia .... Bt. Joseph .., Sioux City .... Totals 2i0 . t.fnlO . l.0 . t.l , eHil . 460 lO.Car) lO.IWV) 1.317 6.00) !.) !,0u0 .14,1X0 26.017 10.0JO .OMAHA WMOLKSALfC MARKETS Cvadltloa of Trado aad Qaatatloa aa Staple aad Faaey Frodaee. EGGS Recelpta liberal; market steady) fresh candled stock. 14c; case count. Mo. LIVE .POULTRY Hens. 8Hi roosters, according to aiae, tc; tutkove. iSc; ducks, Jo: geese, tc: broilers, IntflMS. BCtTER Packing stock, Uc; cholo to fancy dairy. l?-dl4c: aeparator. Iji7i4ic. FRESH F18H-Trout. 11c; pickerel. 8oj pike, lOo; perch, 7c; bfueflah. tic: whlisfleh, 14c; salmon, 14c; redanapper, lie; kibeter, green, 24c; lobster, boiled, toe; bullheads, Uo; catfish, 14c; black bass, Oe; hallbert, wd rrapplta, 12c; roe shad, 11.0"; buffalo, white bsss, lie: frog legs, per doe, loo. BRAN Per ton, 11860. HAY Prloes quoted by Omeha Wholesale Dealers' .eescclatlon; Choice No. 1 upland, 18.00; NO. 2, 17.50; medium. 17.00; coarse, M OO. . Ryo straw, 15 60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receiota light TROPICAL FRUITS. I ORANGES Nave U, enoico, large else, 13 or-; tancy navtls, all eiaee, (3tv; Mediter ranean sweets, cuolce, all sixes, t3.OO42u.2t; Jaffas. ail altes, t3.7693.uw; Vatenolaa, all sizes. 13a04JA;a. LEMONS California fancy, 270-aOCKieO, U.o44.1i; chol-e, t3.6CQ17s. CALll-XDRNIA FlGn-Pr 10-lb carton. 60c; Imported Smyrna, -crown, 11c; t crown, 14c; 7-crown. loo. BANANAS Pet medlum-alsed bunoh, t2.Ki4j2Ml: jumbo, t2.Yo4jt.26. DATES Peraian, per box of 10 pkg., tlOOj In 80-lb boxes, to; per lb.; Oriental Bluffed, per Dex, ti.40. PINEAPriCS-ln crate, of M to 42. par crate, 13.3a. FRUITS. A PPLEB Green, per -bu. Ihx, Tec. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qta, 1260; per 4 pta., 14.60; red raspberries, per 24 pts., 13.26. Arkansas, per 34 qU., 12.10. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-qt case, 12 60. CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, (1.60; home grown, per 34 qts., !l.2. OOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, tl.SO. PEACHES 'lexas, per 4-baaket crate, 80c; California Alexandra, i-er box, 11.00; Texas Albcrtsa, per 4-basket orat, 11.26. PLUMS California flyman, lti. "APRICOTS California, 11.61 CANTELOUPE '1 exsa, per crat. 12.500 2.75; Cnllfomla, per crate, M.7S. WATERMELON 8 Per lb., crated, lc; each, S0-440C. CURRANTS Red and whit, per 14-qt. caae, 11.28. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-New Texas Red stock, in sacks, per b j., 11.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu., t215t26. ON lONS-Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, U00; Louisiana, In sacka, per lb., 24c CABBAGE California, per lb.. 2c. CAULIFLOWER Per do., 66a CCOUMBEKS Per do., 60c. TOMA1 OES Texae, 4-baaket crate, 80c RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 20a LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos., 30a - TURNIPS Southern, per do., 260. BEETS Southern, per doi., f&c. CARROTS Southern, per do., 26c. PARSLEY Per do., 26c. BEANS Wax., per bu. box, fl.OO; per H bu. basket. 75c; string, per bu. box, 12.00; pet' U-bu. box, 76c. SPINACH Per bu., horn grown, 36040a, ASPARAGUS Per do, bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-baaket crat. t:oo. SQITABH Florida summer, per do., 75a PEAS Per bu. box, 11.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per iom i 11.60. CELERY Kalamasoo. per dos., 260. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo. pr lb;, lOo. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 3 green, to: No. 1 salted. lc; No. 2 salted, (c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Hc; dry salted. 8j?12o; sheep pelts, 24Q 270! horsehldes, tl.6O2.60. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cresm, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13tto; Wiscon sin limberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, Per lb., 15c; hsrd shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 18c; No. 3 hard shell, per lb., 12o; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; amall, per lb., 10c; peanuta, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c;, Chill walnuts, 12i313Hc; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c:' hard shell. 13c; shell- 1 harks, per bu., 12.00; black walnuta, per bu., l-2. . COINTT SEAT CASH IS ASSIGNED I Dakota Sopreme Coart to Hear Argu ment Jnly BT. PIERRE. 6. D.. July 13. (Special Tele- iram.l-In Ih upreme court today th court granted ' an order to how cause why the case Of th county eat contest in cTharles' Mix county should not be placed on th calendar for Immediate argument and fixed the date of th hearing ot th order for the 27th of thl month. f n the disbarment proceedings against T. F. Elliott of thl city th court ordered hi name, stricken from the roll of attor nay and his license revoked. The lower court was reversed In the suit broueht by County Judge Hauser of Brown county for an Increase In salary to $2,00 per. year. tnd the amount crdered paid. Other -cases were: By Corson, E. M. Thoma. appellant, vs. Franklin Issenhuth et al. Beadle, reversed; William H. Lyon appellant, vs. Plankinton Bank, Minnehaha, affirmed; William E. Orlgsby vs. Plankin ton Bank, Minnehaha, affirmed ; O. R. Krause, appellant, vs. Caroline Biahop, Minaehatia'. affirmed; Mary C. Murphy, ap pellant,,', vs. Plankinton Bank. Minnehaha, affirmed:-Mlna A. Gould vs. O. C. Tucker and B. B. King, herlff, appellant, Spink, affirmed; Custer County Bank v. County of Custer, appellant, Cuter, afflrmd; by Fuller, Lottie A. Richards v. Travelers Insurance Company, appellant, Lawrence, affirmed; County of Hamlin, appellant, va. Anna Tau'er, Hamlin, affirmed. More Trouble for Editor. MITCHELL, S. D., July 13,-(Spclal Telegram. )-Thomas W. Taubman. editor of the . Plankinton i. Herald, ha again been placed under arrest on th charge of sending obscene matter through the United States mail. He wa taken to Chamberlain last night and appeared be fore United .State Commissioner Tldrtck and bound over to the United States dis trict court In ths sum of t)0, flv of Taub man' townsmen going along to secure his bond. It Is understood that the com plainant lit the caae Is Fred L. Stevens, who was recently acquitted of the charge of wrecking the Plankinton bank. Stevens had Taubman arrested for criminal libel, and last week he was bound over to the federal court. Delegates to Mining Congress. PIERRE. 8. D., July 13. (Special.) Gov ernor Herreld has named as delegate to the seventh annual session of the Amer ican Mining congress, at Portland, Ore., August 22-27, the following: Elwood, C. Perisho, ststs geologist, Vermillion; C. C. O'Hara. Rapid City; J. M. Lawson. Aber deen; S. W. Russell. W. 8. Elder, Harris Franklin, Deadwoodt Jonathan Wright, Custer: Fred Cross, Keystone; W. 8. O'Brien, T. H. Goodman, A. L. Read, Lead; F. R. Baldwin, Maltland; O. -B. Amsden, Roubalx; John Blatchford. Terry;' John Gray, Terravllle. All but the first three named were recommended as delegates by the Black HHls Mlnlpg Men' assoclstlon. Reglstratloa at Fairfax. . FAIRFAX. 8. D.,' July ll.-(Speclal.)-Reglatratlon goes merrily on. A Jolly party from McCook, Neb., Is making Fairfax headquarters. Whst strikes . people from the eastern ststes Is the fine condition of our crops, and especially ths corn, which hss mad a phenomenal growth the past week. Rumors of ths Milwaukee's Intention to build up through the Rosebud has put everyone In a good humor. Several carloads of teachers are register ing In Fairfax today. ' ' Bis Rask at Yasktsa. YANKTON, 8. D., July lS.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) Registration her today was 8.0M. The police here meet all trains snd run In all suspicious characters. Perfect order Is maintained only by constant vigilance, yet the record of th t-lty Jail Is still un tarnished. It Is expected thst during ths closing days the rush will be much grester snd mors clerks will be transferred from Other points where work Is light The Bee Want Ad ar th Boat Business Boooatcrg. DEMOCRATS WEAR IX EAST Parker and Dsrii Frownrd Upon, Bayi Postmaster Palmer. CONVENTION DISAPPOINTMENT to ALL Party DUgostoa sal Aagerea mf Dave Mill mm Ha Mop Carrrlaar tfco State oJ. Jit Tork. Postmaater M. E. Palmer ha returned from his eastern visit of two 'or -nor week, which Included a jaunt through New England and New Tork, ncoomps filed by Mrs. Palmer. 1 "I waa In th east when the nomination of Judge Parker wa announced," , tatd Captain Palmer, "and could but - bo Im pressed with tho lack of enthusiasm w'rlch followed his nomination. I do not think that even the democrats have any nonet of carrying New York for hint. Certainly hi nomination I distasteful to the New I rig landers and In New York everybody 1 'cussing' Dave Hill. When tho delegation returned from 8L I-ouls no enthusiasm wa manifest and a general feeling of dli ap pointment seemed to pervade the politi cian who had hoped for democratic suc cess. One gentleman put it to ma by lay ing, 'What we wanted was an unequlvical stand for the gold standard and that I what Dave Hill promised ua. The rootled Interests of tho east ar a little toward Roosevelt on account of his atti tude toward th trusts, and we hoped f t a man of pronounced sentiments on . the Bound monty question. Parker knew twelve hour "before he sent that telegl am what th platform wss and that It was si lent on the gold question. And It wa tot until he wa forced by the' Influence back of him to announce himself on-the moiey question that he did mo. It ' howed a weakness that we do not like and thia has lost him hosts of friend all throughout :he east. W feel safer with such a man a Roosevelt, notwithstanding his at Uf id against th trust. He la. at leant atr lu ous and his election even as a republican would be preferable to a weak-kneed d' m ocrat.' ...... Davis m Weak C'aadldate. . "Another feature of tho Bt. Louis cony n tion that la making Itself manifest in Ih east la In the nomination' of Senator Davis f West Virginia for vica president. T'ley think there that ' his only ' qualification' is th 140,000,000 he I supposed . to poe ess and that his nomination waa brought about simply to get the benefit of his barrel. h eastern monled men ar not going to put any money Into th democratic campaign, but will let their vice presidential nc ni ne, with hi 81 years, furnish the where withal. Tammany la not at ' all nth tsl astlc for the ticket arid it seems to be an accepted fact that New York will be tar ried by Roosevelt and Fairbanks by a big majority." HANSON BUYS THE PROPERTY Pay Eighteen Tttoaaaad Dollars for Paurt of Sheeley Estate j Ad. Joining His Place.-" Another Cmaha real estate deal of 'no mean proportion waa consummated Tree- day, when Tolf Hanson, proprietor of th Calumet restaurant, bought th proptrty -adjoining hla place of builnca at 1411 Douglas street. ,Th property, which vae a part of the old, Sheeley . estate, waa bought from Mr. Nellie Sheeley Patterson and Mr. R. Over for the eonrideratloc or ti8,ooo. , A store building, occupied by. the. Pari Woolen company, occupied the. frontlnf of twenty-two feet. The grounl extend. 13 feet back, in the rear of the store' Mr. Hanson will build a two-story,' brick struc ture, .to be operated In t-onneotlon!, 1th the restaurant for a kitchen and store hottse. The building will be SSx60 feet -and cost kbout 13.000. Work on ih Xjew ttruotur will begin at onoe. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Marketing; of Hogs Shoves a Conoid erable railing; Off from Pre- -Tlous Week. . . CINCINNATI, July 18. (Special Tele gram.) The Price Current say: Ther hag been considerable curtailment In th mar keting of hog. Total western packing was 296,000 head, compared with 420,000 the pre ceding week and 476,000 laat year. Since March 1 th total Is 7,940,000, against 7,705, 000 a year ago. Prominent place compare a follow: Places. " ltw. "' "1901 Chicago- 1.8UO.00O . 1.666.000 Kanaaa City 914.000 746,000 South Omaha 1. 980,000 936,000 St. Loula 64.000 :' 6:'0.OO St. Joseph i 55,000 - 60.000 Indianapolis 41A,0ne 3ti6.0ttO Milwaukee 236,000 v ' 214,00 Cincinnati 199,000 187.000 Ottumwa 188,000 168.0O0 Cedar Rapid .'. 169.000 157,000 Sioux City 172.0UO .... 187,000 St. Paul 820,000 1 272, 100 Dill Poatera Disease Clrcais Rates. ST. LOUIS, July IS. Two sessions of the United Bill Posters' and Distributers' aao- elation convention were held today In- the Hall of Congresaea. The first wa devoted to the report of officer and the committee on bylaw, the latter recommending some changes of minor Importance. The discus sion waa made a special order of buslpcss, In order to confer with tepresentatlve of circuses relative to fixing Lew rate for placing clrcua advertisements. Officers will be elected at tomorrow's meeting. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deeds filed for record July 13, 1904, as fur nished by ths Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: - - Lucre tl a R. Seymour to Arthur Bor- -land, lot 8, Olock 2, Seymour's add..! 176 George P. Bemls Real Estate come pany to George N. Groves, lot 18, block 1, Seymour's add v 800 Lucrella R. Beymour to Emil J. snd Anns A. Scholl, lot 8. block 2, Bey- ' mour's add -. 400 Dixie E. Wyatt and husband to, Charles K. Jewell, lot 6, Knox sub- dlv. In Park Place ,5,600 Peter E. Her to August Wrnsel, lots I snd 4, block 466, Grandvlew 600 Eva M. Prugh and husband to Wll- Ham . Bates, lot 22, block 17, Bed- ' ford Place , . 1 Ellen M. Peters et si. fo Henry Y. Hates, lot 22, block 17, same...,. ' 100 Wilbur Mayes to Myra Palmer, part of lot 20. block 4, Hanscom Place 4.000 W. H. Yates snd wife to Helen A. . Frederick, lots S and 8, Frederick's add 1 Helen A. Frederick to Louis WWeyT muller, same .. 260 George Gardiner to Richard W. H od der, part of lot 4, block 11, Shlnn's ' add -1,060 Margaret Richard to 'Clara C. Put nam, lot 6, replat of block 7, Bemls ' park , 1,800 Mary O. Leach and husband to T. P. , Hersklnd, lot 17, block 114, Florence. 60 Emma C. Johnston and hunt. and to Christina liurke. lo. 17, block i, Spring Lake park - 260 Frank H. Woodland to Joshua J. . Woodland, lot 17, same 1,000 Sheriff to Earnlest S We thorny, -part of I'-. 4. block 163. illy lf.tuO Methodist Episcopal lioa-l nf Church Extension to Frank W. Carmtchael, Iota 9 to 14. block 98, Dundee Place.. 2,'M Carlton 8. Uhepard and wife to Tena M. Valea. part of lut 107, 'Use's add. 2.10 C. D. 1-ayton and la i'vrr'lnand Neuman, lot 1, La) ton's add 1,017 Genevieve Tyler to Nettin MoEI.-oy, lot 1, Parkview 1 Nettle MrElrv t fienevleve Tyler, lot 1. same 1 American Loan and Trust company to Homer L. Willtama, let 6. block a. -. subdlv Of John I. Redlck add.. .. (,00