TITE CMAIIA' DAILY TiEE: TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1904. V 4FAIBS AT SOUTH OMAHA ; Extensive Improvementa Will Be Pushed In All Parte of Citj. THOMAS BERRY HAS SERIOUS ACCIDENT Attempts to nanrd Movla Car . aa is Thrower Forcibly to Pavemeat r,'"'y Cardan I.oea Vt Kimh l Light. I" With good westler this week will bs busy one for artlams. Improvements of all kinds ar going on all ever the city, but work wis stopped . temporarily lait Week by the heavy And continued rain. A the Cudahy pUnt today Contractor Burnees will roTtmrnce the laying of lieavy concrete foundation for th new oleo factory. Thla new building 1 to bs 1) feet In length and ICO feet In width and four stories In htlpht. Above the concrete foundation the structure will be of brick. The estimated com Is $.ift,noo and the con tract calls for completion In fifty days. - Exravatlrr; for the mammoth amok tack at Armour's wis stopped last week on account of the c ndltlon of the (round. Thla morning a force will be put to work finishing the excav.-ittng. As scon a this la completed the laying of the heavy con crete foundation w;il start. Tiro founda tion will exund twelve feet, below the surface and will te of eolld concrete. A . deal of material Is arriving for this Jtark and rnce the fqundatlon la, laid, the Ywora or erecting the stack win proceed rapidly. . Contractor Hflnnon la prepared to proceed with th South Twenty-fourth street nav- !ng. Last Week the mud was so deep that nothing could b done. Saturday 100 feet el artificial atone curbing had been laid, but as everything is In readiness now, ths work is to be pushed this wtek. , v on Mlaaor.'rT avsr.ue (hr single car track Das been purhed over towarda tha south, from Thirteenth atrcet wt to Twentieth treet, and tlea tor the additional track ata being laid. . Ralls ara strung along tha line and It will not be many daya before tha double track will be extended to Twen tieth street. ..The street car company la also making ready to lay a double track n, the Albright lltie from Q street to tha county una.' . Then thete la the work on tha O atreet viaduct, the approach from: Swlf fa to tha wast end of the Q afreet bridge and tha building of tha new Burlington viaduct Thirty-sixth and L atreets. With all of thla work going on, to eajr nothing of tha raw, high school building 'and tha pufello library, South' Omaha ought to- ba a busy place- for tha next few months. In addition f.o, tha .Improvements men tioned contract will ba let durlna the present month for the paving of O atreet , ana Thirtieth street. : ....... ''. Thomm Oerry Injured, ' Thomaa Qcrry,' 2711 Q . street waa badly Injured yesterday afternoon at Twenty-fifth AJ)rf( streets. Bcrr waa waiting at tha tT YminK tot a atreet car and, motioned for 4 tha car to atop. The mot or man paid no et- T tentlon to tha elgnal and Berry attompted f to Jump onto the onr. -flrr rapidly waa 1 tha cor moving, that Mis hold on the hand I rau Waa broken and he was thrown to J tha pa.vement -with considerable force. A policeman assisted; JJ('rryr to the city jail I and Ur.' 9app . waa called. Ar examina- tlon showed two eevere gaShee . In the acalp. reaching to tha akuH. One cut waa I, an Inch and a 'half long' and had to be sewed, up; the other cut was not so long and only one stitch waa required to' draw the acalp together. Berry's face was badly ektnned and he 'waa bruised on hie ants .and shoulder. After being at tended, to py he .iJooJoj.Bcrry - was sent borne. .3 "-h-.?". ;': v.,r' r -:,' Mnnacer Miray rtetnrna. .SI... Rl 'Jlurpfcy, general 'man aser of the Cudary Packing company, returned Sun day; 'from Kansas tl.y, where ha Went ta look jtftor the company's property there Mr. Murphy said thut the Cudahy house waa not caru.ifced to any, extent by tha high water, and tha financial loaa will not be one-tenih of what It waa laat year. Tha water ha a subsided to auch an extent. i aaid Mr. Murnhv thr.l I h lnnrftn nt k J' Xqto dura la to ba commenced today. Lart .i? the high -water' ruined the refrlgtrk V "tor plant and this caused an Immense loai of . drreeed meats. During the year tha ice muehlne rpfctira . were enlarged and placed in a location considerably Above high water mark, so that the machinery in tho refrigeration department waa net ahut down during tha recent floods, . f,; nnhemian ntlonal Hall, , iFourtJ itlona for tho Bohemian National ball belt t erected at Twenty-first and IT atreets are about; completed. Thla build ing is to be. seventy-feet In lergth and forty-right feet In lath,, .Timbers for tha frame t. or k ore on, the ground and Car penter are getting roadv to place , tha frame worjt' In fusltlon Juat aa soon as tha founfatlona are, completed. Tha ball will ba uard by the Turncra for holding meet ings und tha giving of lahtertalnmenti. About f 0C0 la the ta.lmated cost of tho building and this' amount la now on hand. , RIarlo. City ,Oosali. The road to tho dumping ground at tha river la now In gocd condition. JSew floors are heir inld In eoma Of the rooms at th Weet 6'do achoo'. Lyon Taylor an4 Mla noe M. Jorgen aon of Coxad.Wtre marled Saturday even- 7 r v ''' j ffl Lava la unemlnTIs K . . J 'i Hromtm with aisk iieaa. WvvjJ Labor Is lightened by m -1 Intra lM'A aka HgUten pain or relieve finite Uauy a man looks miv mis tuiiciiugi willinaj to do arjj-thinjr to aid her and able to do not hi u g. ., Stnnetiniea. hnantr. tha hushand'a attention U directed to I m isiv .iafwtw, r jcKtipiioa and Ilia remarkable Cures of woniahly die .eaaea. He way not bare much bope oi ,a cure, but be ta led to try the medicine, 'with the result that in almost every case 'there is a perfect and permanent cure. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preacrrptioa curea "irregularity, it, dries the drama which jwcaken women, bcala inflammation and Ulceration, and rrnrea female weakuesa. Aa a tonic for wouien who are nervous, e4eep4eaa, worn-out and run-down " Vlr .vorita IYeacripUon, la onequalrd. ' ! rnafwrt to your Irttee I will aay, say vHCa o incited to cumpUiu twenty ycrs ago, ,W'U Lewis A. Millf, ihl-f-f-lx,lice. of it '7?t WcU-M-Mt, . We have tried the it Omcirat doctor. b took gaW ot aicditlue auiuif the time ats was 111, i;"' l yo sad vwi tuM u what to do. u " 'l1' b-airaol Ir, nertf 'a-. I?, "? "wnpUuo six of the 'Coldea Iwcwni.' si,, MKblMt owa work bow ""T i ea a4 is qorte aaun. favorite PreacrijHkrtt has the testi Jtutaj ot thouaanda of Votnen to it com T fjilete cure of wonianlf ciixaaea. Do rJt Accept eat unknown awl aAtwovcd aub. jkaitute ia iU ptre.,-v , ., , lit. Ileiraj'a Hraujt PrUi iaritm Us gKwwich, ttmiad bowais, . . rv - i tm i - s vr s.jt ii - n f Mr. and Mre. North Twent)- uf ill airppi. Mr. and Mra I. C. Olbeon hate gone east for a month a visit with friends. Thomaa Hoctor expects to leave today for BoneeteeU 8. D., to file on some land. Notlcee are attll being sereed for resi dents to Clean up back yard and alios Mr. and Mrs. He-t Cleary. Forty-second and 8 atreeta, report tha birth of a daugh ter. Inspector Jones repoite that the three cae of smallpox In the city are getting along nicely. John O'Leary leaven today for Bt. Louie to virlt the fnlr. He expecta to ba gone about ten daya. Tha atreet repair force will commence work today laying croswelka In the north ern part of the city. W. A. Baldwin of Lincoln preached to the Chrlatlan church congregation at Workman temple yesterday. Robert Roeencrani. formerly located here, hut now at St. Joseph, la here for a couple of daya' vlaitlng frlenda. Bruce McCullorh write from St. Loul" that he la enjoying hia visit to the fair greatly. He will return thla week. Mr. E. A. Cudahy returned from his sum mer borne at Mackinac Island yesterday and will remain here for a week or two. Complaints, are atlll made about sneak thieves Infeating the realdent district In the northern and eastern portions of the city. Stephen Vail, gecond vice president of the Amalgamated ansoclatliin, la In Chi cago holding a conference with President Donnelly. Mrs. Carpenter. Twenty-reeond and H atreeta, left for Lincoln yenterday to spend a couple of weeka with her Hon, Harry I Carpenter. The annual levy ordinance will come up In the council meeting tonight. It la ex pected that an ordinance redisricting tho city will alo he introduces. Mias Verne Broth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bcott, returned from Sioux City yeaterday, where ahe visited her brother, J-rank Scott, for a coupie or wceas. DECISION AGAINST BANKRUPT Jadg-o Maaajer Hale loath Osnafca Man Mast bo to Jail tor Caatemet. Judge Munger has overruled the motion of ' Samuel Dlamant, tha South Omaha bankrupt, to vacate tha order of tha court requiring htm to turn over to tha truateo In bankurptcy certain aaaeta, approximating o,ouu, wntcn it ia aiiegea are in me po aeaslon and are concealed from tha trustee In bankruptcy. The motion of Christian M-. Schneider, trustee in bankruptcy, aaklr that the bankrupt, Bnmpel Dlamant, be committed to jail for falling to comply with the order Of the court, Issued May 14, is sustained by Judge Munger and an order of commit ment has been Issued In the case. The case has been pending In tha United states district court for several montha and It waa ascertained by the trustee In bankruptcy that Dlamant, who was a South Omaha merchant, had failed to turn over assets to the amount of (5,000 or more aa required under tha bankruptcy laws, and that ha was concealing thla . amount of assets. Additional time was given Dlamant to turnover the amount, but ha haa thus far failed to comply. A motion waa filed by hla attorneys about two. weeka ago, to vacate 'the order and that .Dlamant be purged of contempt in hla failure to do ao. It la thla order that has Just been overruled by Judge Munger. At the same time a motion was filed and argued by the attornaya for the trustee in bankruptcy that Dlamant be committed for contempt pf court in falling to' comply with tha order of May 14. Judge Munger sustains thia motion. A warrant for tha arrest of Dlamant waa placed In the hands of the United States marshal yesterday. Diamante attor neys will appeal tha case to tha United States .circuit court of appeals and will apply for a writ of hsbess corpus to have their client released from the . custody of the United States marshal. ' . COME TO OMAHA FOR POINf ERS Dea Molaea City Cowacllmaa and Com mercial Representatives Will la sect System of Tladocts. Omaha's railway vladuota and mcthoda of constructing them are to be Inspected by the bridge committee of tha Dea Molnea city council and the viaduct committee of the Commercial exchange of that city. Ipformaton is to the effect that the Investi gator will arrive -today. - The viaduct question ia being agitated In Dea Moinea with considerable heat and the Commercial exchange Is taking a leading hand, inela'.lng upon viaducts fifty feet wide, while tha railroad want them only twenty-two feet wide. Omaha la known all over the west aa a city with splendid overhead vladucta over railroad tracks, built at the cost of the transportation companies after a fight that, waa carried to the United States supreme court. The Dee Molnea council bridge commit tee la composed of Aldermen Van Dyck, Christy and Schaub. Thomo Hatton Is chairman of . tha Commercial Exchange committee. Mortality Statistics. The following blrtha and dcatha have been reported to the Board of Healtn dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday I Births Axel Loftman. 1108 Scnth Twentv- secund, girl; Lyle S. CaMweil. 1141 t-ouTh Thirty-fourth: C. H. Busier. 4so9 North Twenty-fourth, girl; F. A. Wemmer, It rorin beventeemn. girl; William Ander son, 1105 North Nineteenth, boy; Wil.iatn A. Booker. Florence, girl; William Scott, ii uoage, gin Death s ui ily Fiecalr. Fortieth nild Dmie. In a fet. IVIlIlam Burkamp, Forty-a eoo..d ana iieaick avenue, : Louisa avenue, 69: Louisa Zeller. r orty-second and Redlck avenue, i Ihomaa Morria. Ill North Th rtv-rirat ivt. Due. 82: Francea Craig. W7 North Twenty- seventh, 62; H. Olnmtet, Immanuel hospital, 6t; Bertha Manske. 1712V Jackaon, 23. Hatting Gives Bonds. H. 8. Hastings of Lincoln was turned over to United States Deputy Marshal Mathews Saturday evening by the loc-il authorltlce ot Lincoln on the charge of using the I'nlted States mails for the pur pose to defraud. He wee altered to ba conducting a commission bustnnna end fall ing to turn over the rmcoeds of tho sales of certain produce consignment to the r roper - pnrtle. Ho waa taken before 'nttetf Btntca CnmmlMloner Morley and gave bonds In 150) for, his appearance Vednelday before that official. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs. William fiievera. lffll Rurriatte airoet. accidentally fell down a night cf cellar stairs Sunday and fractured the bores of one arm. - Additional United 8tntea eommtaslnnera have heen appointed for the district of Nebraska aa follows: F. N. Morann. Baa- sett, and W. F, Parker, at Wood Lake. Building permits have been Issued to II. A. Flesher for a i:.M) frame dwelilns at forty-first street and Pnnnlelnn avnn and to Christ Peterson for a 11.400 frame dwelling at Twenty-ninth and Indiana atreets. The Pete Dalleya Sunday defeated th Swamp Angea by a aeore of 11 to 1. Tne feature of tha game was the pitching of Frankfurt, who atruck out seventeen anart. Battsrlea: Frankfurt and Frankfurt! Plumber and Peterson. - H. Bldwell haa been arralaned 1n' nolle court on a charge of being drunk and abusing hla family at the home, Ull Miami street. The man was charged with com in home- In an intoxicated cundtUui.. drlvina hia family out of the house and then break ing up the dlHliaa and furniture. The Walter Molae nine defeated the Ren. eon team Saturday at Krug park by a soorj of 1 to 7. naileries: u..nrlng and Unoj. rich; Whiting and Anderson. The Waller Muise team would like to brer from teams In the city for Saturday afternoon ganu, Jhe Dundee, and second. Held olut pre erred. . . ... , i . The Douclas county court house will amid forth a good sised delegation to take chances in the land drawing on the Rose bud reservation., Among thoee who will go to Bonealeei to reenter within the lie it few days are CVimitihmlonerr Connolly- sad Hofeldt, Clerk Mci'oomba, James Wlilta of the Us omce and Deputy feberut Sberrjr. Ing by flev. M. A. Head Taylor will reside at fll USE CARDS ARE REVISED Manj Changs is Passenger Train Sched ule! Go Into Effect ON NORTHWESTtRN AND UNION PACIFIC r rrle!ial laaovatloa la Fast Hlftbt Trala Betweea Chleaga aa4 Oiaiha Barllagew'a New tekedala ta Cffeet Jaly 1. The changes In the Northwestern pas senger train schedule took effect Sun day afternoon at S o'clock, and those In the Union Pacific time card at noon. The changea are numeroua and for a time probably will result in some people either missing trains or striving st the depot several houra ahead of time. A comparl aon of the old time card and the new shows the following changea: The principal changea In the North western schedule ia the making a night train of No. 11 from Chicago Instead of a day train. It formerly arrived at U:J0 p. m.. but now pulls In at 1:90 a. m., and leavea for Denver at 7:48 a. m. over the Union racifte. Thla makea a very fast night train from Chicago. There la how only one daylight train over the North western from Chicago bealdea the Over land limited. No. 12, the Chlcaa-o special, now leavea at 7:10 a. m., whereas It formerly left at 1:40 a. m., and arrives from the weet ovef the Union Pacific at 6:60 a. m., Instead of 4t a. m. Tralna No. X and No. 1, the Omnha-Chicago special and the Carroll vnicago local which arrived at 7:56 a. m. and departed at 4:23 p. m respectively, have been cut out under the new schedule, bat No. 21, the Carroll local, haa been added to take the place of No. 2S, and It arrlvee at 1:30 a. m., and No. 21. the Carroll local. eastbound, haa been added to take the place of No. l. It departa at 4 p. m.- In fact. No. 21 and No. 21 are two trains which are made up into one In thla city, going aa far on the eastern trip aa Mis souri Valley, where they are aeparated, one portion going to Sioux City and th other to Carroll, and on the wentbound trip they are Joined at Missouri Valley and come Into thla city In a alngie train. Connects for Bonealeei. No. 5, which formerly arrived in Omaha at 1:40 p. m., now arrives here at 11:40 p. m. and connecta with the Bonestcel train at 11:50 p. m., but does hot continue west ward over th Union Pacific aa formerly Passengers from the west who now come in on No. 6 will be forced to lay over night to catch a Union Pacific train out. No. 72, the St. Paul and Minneapolis express, now leavea at 7:20 a. m. Instead of 7:60 a. m. aa formerly and No. 4, the Chicago daylight passenger which formerly lert ror tne eaet at I a. hi., hat been dis continued, i . , Tha Lnlon Pacific has put on another No. to tak th place of th one which formerly received from the Northwest. at 2:56 p. m. and left or tho Pacific coast at 1:20 p. m. It leaves at 4:20 p. m. and la known aa the Oregon express. The Cali fornia express over the Union Pacific now leavea at 4:10 p.- m., or ten mlnutee earlier than formerly. No. 43, on the Union Pacific and which is known as the Lincoln, Beatrice and Strom burg express, now leavea at t.-EO p. m. In stead of at 4 p. m. as formerly and ar rives at 1:15 p. m. Instead, of 12:46 p. m, No. 4, the Atlantic express, formerly ar rived at 8:40 a. m., but now gats in at 7:40 a. m. . .. ,. mere are Dut two changes in the new schedule of the Milwaukee. No. 1, the ovtrland limited, which formerly arrived from the eaet at 1:10 a. m., now arrives at 7.-36 a. m vand, No. 11, the Colorado special, which arrived from the- eaat'at 11:16 p. m., now geta In at 11 p. tr.. Tha Burlington will put aome slight cnanges in encct jury J Whien will re sult in cutting down tha running time of a fast eastbound and a fast westbound train from - Omaha to Chicago about twenty minutes. A POSSIBILITY. That Became a Fact aal Pleases Maay People. A. R. Lewis. M. D In a lengthy article in the column of the American Journal of Health, aaya Concerning hair: "Ita de terioration ia a constant source of worri ment to humanity, consequently bald peo ple are readily deceived by 'fake' hair restoratives. The wish that a hair prepara tion will "fill the bill' la father to the rancy mat it is liKely to do so. A rare case In point is that of Newbro'a Herpl ctde, which actually does 'fill tha bill.' It destroys tha parasite that attack the hair root, and prevents dandruff, falling hair nd baldness." Sold by leading drugglots. Send 10 cents in stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Graad Lodge Beaereleat and ProtrO. tire Order of Elka. Cincinnati, O., July 18-23. The Chicago Great Weatern railway will. on July 16 and 17, Inclusive, aell round trip tickets at one fare, plus 12.25, to Cincinnati, O. Tickets good for retuin until July 2a. For further Information apply' to 8. D. Parkhurst, Oeneral Agent, 1511 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Annoancements of the Theatera. At the Boyd theater, where everything ia cool and comfortable, and the audience ia not disturbed by tha influences that affect other placea of amusement, the Ferrl Stock company la presenting "The Blue Grass Belle," a pretty romance of life in Kentucky. It haa been very successful so far. On Thursday evening the bill will ba changed to "My Lady's Heart." which I one of the strongest dramas ever offered by s stock company, and on that will In terest all. H has never . been given in Omahyl before. Kew Ulea'a Fwralahlnar Store. , Mr. Frank Adams, formerly bookkeeper for Browning. King 4 Co., boa lraaed th storeroom at J12 South lJlh atreet. Board of Trade building, and pn orbout August llr will open up a new gents' furnishing goods store. Mr. Adama has a Urge circle of acquaintances In Omaha and there la little queatlon about hla meeting with auft ceaa. peelal loader Rates f. Great "Waal era Park, Maainlaa;. la. For ths months of June,' July, August and September, on every Sunday except July t, tha Chicago Great Western railway will sell round-trip tickets at one far to Great Weatern park. Manning, la. For fur ther information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst,' general agent, 1U Farnam at.. Omaha, Neb. I peel 1 Summer Toerln Hates ta St. Iaal ! Mlaaeapalla. On July 14 to 1ft. Inclusive, tha Chicago Great Western railway will sell round trip tickets at 110.76 from Omaha to St Paul and Minneapolis. Tickets good for return until August 6. For further Informutlon ap ply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 161) Farnam street, OmahaNeb. Maaeale, Special meeting of Nebraska lodge No. 1, Tuesday, July 12, at I p. m. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. C. L. SHOOK.. Master- W. C. M'Lean, Secretary. Put your want A4 soiwmaa. ads ia lbs Be Want AT THE PLAYHOUSES "Blse Grass Belle" at the Boyd. Last night a very large audience as aemhled at the Boyd theater to wltnes "The Blue Grass Belle," which la being offered by the Ferris Stock company for ths first half of the week. This Is a ro mantic comedy drama of the south and presents several very Interesting character studies, all of which are given with much care by the'membere of the company. The comedy element Is particularly strong, a a foil for the Intensely dramatic situation, and Is well cared for by Messrs. Moran and Raymond and Miss Carmontclle. Mr. Car penter, Mr. Owen, Miss Pntey and Miss Hill have the roles around which the In terest centere, and do them with their cus tomary skill and finish. The bill will remnln until after Wednesday evening, with th customary matinee on Wednesday. PUGNACIOUS IN COURT ROOM Maa Arrested oa Wife's Complaint Goes for OfBcee Who Took lllru la. It looked Ss If a clash wna imminent be tween C.'U. Case of 620 North Seventeenth atreet and Detective Donohoe In police court when the former w.ts arraigned on a charge of disturbing the r-e.tce and the lat ter appeared ns the arresting officer. Sharp remarks passed betwlen the men mid Police Judge Bei-ka found It necessary to remind them that they were in court. When Ce.se finally was dismissed, his wife refusing to ptosecute after she had caused his arrest, Cose went down to the city Jail office arid Is reported as having made incercllnrst re marks about Donohoe. Case then returned to tho court room and paced nervously up and down the room. Captain Hose warned him not to start any trouble. - In response to a hurry call Sunday after noon from 620 North Seventeenth street, saying trouble wa brewing there, the pa trol wagon and a squad of policemen were hurried to tha scene and arrested Case on complaint of his wife, who said he was try ing to choke her and he was In fear of her life. Case, she declared, burned up her clothes. The husband did not deny destroy ing .the garments, saying he had found his wife In a cheap music hull resort and put hla wife's glad habiliments Into (he stove so that she would stay close to the family hearthstone. i Case la an employo at the Union Pacific shops, and showed the polle Judge discharge-papers Indicating he had "faced the enemy's fife," as he said he had done, In view of the man's alleged provocation, the wtfe'a refusal to prosecute and other cir cumstances, the Judge discharged the de fendant. ' Thinking his wife's sister, Hannah Beck, snd. her alleged lover, John James, had come between the happiness of himself and wife, Cose gave the police a "tip'' when arrested Sunday afternoon that reaulted In tho arrest of the Beck woman and Jame. The two were, it la claimed, found In a room at a cheap hotel. James waa charged with being a fugitive from Justice at Shen andoah, Ia., and Hannah Beck waa charged with adultery. The adultery- charge haa been dismissed against ths woman on the understanding that she return Immediately to her husband at Shenandoah. James ia aid to be wanted at Shenandoah, where he lg reported to have broken Jivll pending trial en a charge of assault with intent to kill. . EYEGLASSES PROVE COSTLY Fair i Fond ia Man's Possession '' Cannes His Detention e Five, Hundred Dollar Bond. . v i - Albert Wise waa bound over .to tbe fed eral grand Jury in $600 bohda, by United Statee Commissioner- Anderson on the charge ef having in- hla possession a pair of gold-framed eye glasses and spectacles that were stolen from a - letter that had been deposited on the United States mall bog In the Karbach block June 27. Wise pleaded not guilty to. the charge of steal ing the glasses, claiming ha found them In a lumber yard at the foot of Douglas atreet.1' -"' When la St. Louis aee the arana xrunK exniou inino rw eetry, Fish and Game betiding and get from attendant Illustrated literature de acrlblng the finest summer retort regions on the American continent, all of which are most conveniently reached by the new Grand Trunk-Illlnola Central through oar line from St, Louis to Montreal. If desired, publications and Information as to train service will be sent by man by the Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Railway System, 133 Adams St., Chi cago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. A T. A. , Bhrlaera Go East. atlon ' of half a dosen Omaha eft Saturday evening for Atlantic 1 1 lend the Shrlners' conclave In A Shrlners session there. It Is the tn'entlon of the conclave to complete Its session st Atlantic City aa speedily as possible and then pro ceed as a body to Bt. Locla for a visit of two or three days at the World's fair. Three cara loaded with Shrlners from San Franclaeo passed tnrougn ine cuy Dummy. The cara came. in over the union Wioc snd went east via the Illinois Central. The Bhrlnera are on their way to tha annual meeting of the Imperial council Of the body to be held at Atlantic City. WISSLOW'S jitwa SGOTFO SYniJP kas been used by Hllllcoi eUlldrea while Toethlns It uovues trie oiilld, eor If IIUgos of K other for their for over nitj i owe. taus Ui (tie gum. aUart sod la tbe best all pein. cures wind Ouild, Iwinii-TK a, umi - It bag been discovered that tbe PLATTE VALLEY f traversed by the UNION PACIFIC Possesses Immense wealth in alfalfa pester than all th grasses and clovers combined. As a source of revenue alfalfa exceeds all other products. Its growth Is simply enormous. Three, and sometime four cuttings are made a year. a EVERY FARCER CilJ RAISE ALFALFA And if be raiaes that, be can also, raise cattle, . sheep, horses and hogs. Illustrated publication "Alfalfa on, Union Pacific, free on application. Cltr Ticket Ofltee. Phone DWELLINGS BY THE SCORE Many Besidenees, Particularly in Suburbs Are Being Erected This Bnmmsr. ALL BUILD F.RS AND CONTRACTORS BUSY DasAee, ritresee anal Bensen to Be en ne ie-enes of Hew Ifasnes aa Well as Nearer Dlatrlefa. "Th building boom which Omaha la en Joying la not confined to any partlcul.tr class of structure, as seems to be s popu lar delusion," said a prominent Omaha real e pt ate man. "It Is because attention has been called to the larger enterprises of the erection of office and store buildings and elevators that th growth In number of fine resi dences, particularly suburban homes, has been overlooked In measure. It la of more than passing value to note the progress of the latter In summing up the situation." There are many first-class dwellings with modern arrangement throughout tinder conatructlon in Omaha and with a fat list of contemplated realilencea. Of the more notable of these Is the two-story pressed brick bank building which la being erected by Janice A. Howard In Benson Tha building Is about all enclosed no Mr. Howard will open a bank In ft and store will occupy the other holf of the first floor. The bull-'Jng will cost ap proximately W.OCu. It hna a fronting o forty-five feet. J. E. Van Dorn Cf the Adams Grain company la planning to build a handsome suburban resldehc between Omaha and Florence. He Is negotiating for the pur' chase of A site of four acres, which he Intends to have 'laid out Into attractive grounds. Mr. Van Dorn intends to put up a residence costing between It.COO snd $5,000. Deaaon and Dundee Homes. A. M. Kitchen will build a fine residence at Forty-eighth and Dodge streets, Just oi-DOslte the home of E. A. Benson. The atrueture will be frame and very modern, costing about $4,000. Work will be begun unon it In a few days. Two fine residences which oon will be built In Dundee are to be the homea of Mrs. Halo and Mra. Emerlck. They will bd located at Fiftieth and Underwood ave nue, each to cost at least $4,000. Ground ha been broken for them. Benson A Carmlohael ar erecting a modern house at Fiftieth and Webster atreeta at the cost of $4,000. The building la in course of conatructlon. One of the moat stylish cottages to grace the residence district of Dundee Is being built by E. Kimberly. with the Psx ton Gallagher Co. The. building I under roof and all who hava aeen it have expressed delight. The cottage will be located at Forty-eighth and Chicago streets and coat something less than 14, POO. The residence of Geo. A. Hoagland, which waa removed in two sections from its for mer location at Sixteenth and Howard atreeta, haa been placed on a site at Forty- eighth and Cass, in Dundee. The moving of the immense residence Is pronounced a feat of wonder in the house moving line. The residence la located on a hill, with fine grounds about, and la one of th most imposing in irmana. Any number of residences have gone up within the laat few montha and more are either In process of construction or out lined. Attention already haa been called to aeveral cottages and flats being erected In the more downtown districts of th city, Tower Lot Sale Rtaard, la., Taeaday. . . - Jaly 1. . . The Chicago Great Weatern railway will on July It aell special excursion tickets to Rlnard at a very low rat for th round trip. For further information .apply to S. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 161 Far nam St.; Omaha, Neb. ' TERRILL SELLING OUT At one-half ' of cost price Entire Stock Must Be Sold by Aug. 1st. ta IMPORTED DRESS C00DS S5&5, Laces and Trimmings. Sacrificed at an unheard o! price. 19S tu. Faraaaa $U .-'v'irV ' w i-jLiaii U'ai'-' j j Csll of phone TODAT for ..fie ho'tls f Kllmlno and see how MUCH BKT TKlt it m-ittr-i yrm f'el. I"ellve ed free. For sHe by ui -ii a K-irrri-a cfv nn,rr- i-iutrii a-rvfiS'fl IP. T Ttu-s Prfiorletew. loth and Chi-n sti.. Omaha, 'fhones til rV! 7f. 'ittt and N f.. Stnitb I Omaha, fhone No 1. a.h Ave. aid Q In the Rosebnd Opened for Settlement JULY 5th TO 23rd gpecial reduced roundtrip tickets on sale 3 22 good returning till August Applj at City Offices, Omaha, for descriptive pamphlets. Trains for Bonesteel and Fairfax lea Union at 8:05 a. 11:50 p. m. of a Little Journeys in There is Colorado's greatest attraction the number and variety of the one-day excursion trips it offers. . . Denver has at least a dozen that are worth while: Around the loop; to the summit of Tike's Peak; to Cripple Creek; to Colorado Springs and Manitau; to Hatte Canon; to Fort Collins, Greeley and Boulder. .. f Tbe famous "Around the Circle" trip takes four or Ave days, costs 28, and is nearly a thousand miles long. No trip in America surpasses it in beauty or , interest. ' . Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs are best reached from all points East by the fast and splen- didly equipped trains of the Bock Island System; Train service from Omaha Is as follows: 7:20 a. m., Daylight Limited; 1:30 p. m., Fast Express. All meals in diners. '.. . .,M.a..,-as-.,a.i.L. m ... .up -J -DOGtODS po . Many men ar working every day, who are not sirs:, hut have a peculiar weakm-h. Theae men are weak, nervoue. debilitated, ulow, poky, languid and tired out. They lack con rase, self-confidence and have Inst the fire and Strength of youth. Thousands of men are iiremriturely old and diseased through exceeais or unnatural drains, whleh asp the very foundation of life, destroy their health and atrength, leaving them a physical, mental and axual wreck. If you defer treatment too long Qi experiment with uncertain and Improper treatment, or allow yourself to be deceived by mleleadlna; statements or lircom peuinl ooi lors or Mpeui.4i.ete, then , oir will be ons of the many unfortunate who have lonir res "Med thn ihe- h-M 'l.i'i' dr iiilu1 n em i r ,i in ; after years of suffering and doelng with cheap preparations, free tratn)nts nrt nini-M 'vit- i. (, r i.i - Ni-tK-l.ii' ' , "i " - ' to be cured. They fully realise th great mistake that they have made tn not lonHiiluna t !! r.-.- m - rat. Will you make the same mlrtak, or will Von get the beet first? Do not be sntlafled until you hnve been examined 'jy the beat specialist In the country. Vou nifty be sent away' happy without any treatment, but advlc that tll not only save vou much time and money, but Will save you mental dlgrHce. If your condition requires treatment, you will he treated honestly and skillfully and be restored to perfect hltl In th Shortest poasllile time and at the lesat possible expense. VB CUnE QUICKLY AN THOROl'UHLY: ' Stricture, Varicocfle, tnuson, Nirr-j-Sixail DiUllty, Impotcncy, B!o5l Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, n Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all dlseasea and weaknesses of men due tn Inheritance, evil habile. Self sbu.ee, eacesses, or the result of speclllc or private llacs. rnt tl l VtTIAaJ f DF F H you tuitouitriiiuit i rLt- rrn. llouraa a. tn. te I 9 tn. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I JOS Parnam St., Hot 13 th amd 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. 1 . I II I lk "4 POISON IN THE SYSTEM. r ret -Mi Mt rWrtl'tt mseWtwinna r ne Ant foimi la Die Mloo4 n4 Iia.ea I She mlhn of RHeumatism fAe eee, w er frm aiiterM ami fWhewDf are lUI'T 'Una ffmii rhamsiiem, ee. ivr tresiinentt litftl onre iwvg,te ! ri,Mn tl,n In l?- I.Mitie J.iue eikt umimi 1 he n.e le-nner-rv ffor.n t-f oi.mfee IhMio only brinn ititiu'dimcuHiea. They fell le reeeti trie root of i he iluxw. Kl.lMlXlTiat UtlwrnlT retl'met an rti. r J cure. Ti l l the greet Iniili iim.M" 1 e I ml . 4lee ere haent. Tlvy etaolBMaf Su4 pertneeonllr re the rlB In Ike ere. tmm. and tpy no h ui'y nrw,j. r. ), a. a. . a promlerirl nterrmnt of HMnflria, le . end one ef the n-et neen or orrelu th Wmi. rail tie onrieineriMe eurai Me siieunieuuM, eiier euf?ittii fflrea moiuln. He ert "Or bottle crril hei me. Sn4 after iailns IM SNiun.1 bmlle I Sree ! rlr eerve. It U a Tiro ttinnllwi re flt erra a twins e tlie ela veil e er euwr io r.kt e're stit,i le.' HniKlreil let -Uin-mf. A yonf 4rnr. eKi-it rileil e is av.laleeia, er n e ue lor Uu-.etek Ellmlna Mtdklrt CoN Dc AVeiraM, la. a IkVa, rBaat'e" BBRagas4eassasaSBaeaS Main Ht.. Council bluffs. Thone !. Indian ReserYatioa July 1 31 1401-1403 Farnam St., ve Station m., 2:50 p. m The chance lifetime. Colorado Bummer tourist rates to Colorado are In. effeet all summer long. .... Tickets, berths and full Information at this office. r. b, HUTHEllFOltrj, tl. V. A. 1323 Parnant Street. cminot cull wrlie for symptom blank. undaya, 10 to 1 only. 7