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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1904)
TIIE OMAITA1 DAtLy BEE. MONDAY, JULY 11, 190 1 POSTOFFICEOTICE a. Astoria (mail must ho directed pe ' a. a. Astoria"). Batter the elosin of tha supplementary Transatlantic malls namwl above, addi tional supplementary main are opened on the piers of tka American, English, French nd O'rmin steamers, and re main opeo until within ten minute of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malla for Sonta and Central America, Weat ladles, Kte. TTESTMT (12th) At 1:30 a. m. for B A Ti ll A DOS and BRAZIU per s. a. tpri,-via Fernambuco, Rio Janeiro and Santo (mail for northern Brail), Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay muat be directed "per a. a. Cnrri";; at 9:30 a, m. (supplementary 10;Jo a. m.) for NICARAGUA, HoNDI K A8 (except east conat), 8AL.VAIXR, PANAMA, DEfT OF CAVCA IN CO LOMBIA, ECUADOR, PERU. POIJVIA and CHILI, per a. a. Seguranca, Via Colon (mall for Guatemala muat be directed ''per a. a. Bcguranca"). THURSDAY (14th) At a, m. fos CUBA, YUCATAN and CAMPfXHB, per a. a. Havana (mall for other parte of Mexico muat be directed "per a. a. Havana"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a Ban tie to, via Tamrlco (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Bantlago"); at 10:30 p. ni. for PORTO PLATA, per a. a. Ullle. from Boston. FRIDAY (15th)-rAt : a, m. (supple mentary 10:3 a. m.) for INAOUA, HAITI. BANT A MART A and other placea In MAODALKNA DEPT. COLOMBIA, per a. a. Athna (mail for other parta of Co lombia, via Savunllla, muat be directed "per a. a. Athoa"): at 11 m. for NORTH ERN BRAZIL, per a. a. Benedict, via Para and Mantioa. SATURDAY .(lbth At 7:80 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. a Rosa lind; at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per a. a. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (eupple mentary 9:30 a. m.l for CURACAO and vkiniuz.i:wia, per a. a. MarncAtho (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, muat be dl , rected "per a. a. Maracalbo"); at 8:30 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUOUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Olencoe; at 9 a, m. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. Ponce, via Pan Juan; at B:.10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE lb LAND, JA MAICA and COIJMBIA, except Cauoa and Magdiilena I'pt's, per a. a. Blblrla (mall for Costa Rica, via Limon. muat be directed "per a. a. Blblrla"); at 9:30 a. m. (aupplementary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, HT. CROIX, LKKWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GL'i ANA, per a. a. Fontabelle (mall for Grenada and Trini dad muat be directed "per a. a. Fonta belle"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havana. Malla Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ei cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, cloaea at thla office daily, except Thuraday, at 12:80 a. m. (the connecting malla close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addreaaed for despatch by steamer, closes at thla office dally; except 8unday, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sunday at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcela-Poat Malls) By rail to North Sydney, and thence by ateamer, cloaea at this office dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by ateamer, closes at thla office at :30 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenoe by ateamer, closes at thla office dally at BELlia.'pUERTO CORTEZ and OTTATB M ALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer, cloaea at thla office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 510:80 p. m., Sunclaya at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. (connecting mall ckees here tondaya at T0:30 p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer, cloaea at thla office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p, 110:30 p. m., Sundays at 11:00 p. 110:30 p. m. (connecting mail clos Tuesdays at 1 10:30 p. m.). m. and m. and oses here Reglatered mail cloaea at 6 p. m. prevloua aay. tTraaspaetne Malla, Forwarded Over land Dally. The - schedule of closing of Transpacific malla la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of saiitog. The 'final' connecting malla (excepting registered Transpacific) malla which cloae p. m. prevloua day) cloae at the general poatomce, New York, aa follows: HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. July . U. to. for despatch, per. a., a. Alameda. FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except Weat), and NBw CALEDONIA, via Van couver ana victoria, B. C, cloae at :S0 p. m. July 19th for despatch per r. m. Aorangl. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver -and Victoria. B. C, cloae at 6:30 p. m., July 19th for despatch per a. a. Empress of .. India. (Merchandise for U. 8. Poatal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). HAWAII. JAPAN, CORE A, CHINA and specially addreaaed mall for PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, cloae at 6:30 p. m., July 21st for despatch per a. a. Mongolia. WEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Franclaco cloae at 6:30 p. m., July 23d for despatch per a. a. Sonoma. (If the Cunard ateamer carrying jtha Britlah mail for New Zealand doea not arrive In time to connect with thie deapatch, extra malls closing at t:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:80 1 p. m. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard ateamer.) FHILIPPINK ISLANDS, via San Fran claco, cloae at 6:30 p. m'., July 27th, for deapatch per U. S. Transport. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIPPINE- ISLANDS, via San Franclaco, cloae at 6:30 p. m., August lat, for deapatch per a. a. China. TAHITI and MARQUES A 8 ISLANDS, via San Franclaco, ploee at 6:30 p. m., August 4th for despatch per a. a. Mariposa. MANCHURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Russia, Inatead of via Japan,- the uaual route. e ffOTE Unless otherwise addreaaed, ' Witt Australia la forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain placea In the Cblneae Provinces of Yun nan, Kuelchow, Hsechwan and Kwangsl, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addresaad' "via Can ada" or "vtu. Europe" must be fully pre paid at the foreign rates.- Hawaii la for warded via San Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, . Postmaster. Post Office. New York, N. T. July 8. 1904. O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. 1011 Farnam Street. WILL GET YOJR BAGGAGE THERE ON TIME. . -MT61 RAILWAY TIME CARD IflOX TATION-lO'llI AXD MARCY. Chicago, Been. Island Pacine. AST. Lmt. ArrlT, rhlaase DarHfkt Uatt4 .v a I M u Ckic tjriikl Leon a t.a aa a :M a Ikioosa SiprM kU.Kl pm i it pn Dm MvIhm aUraa . .a :w ai kllMaa taietaa ImI nxiinss ...a l.v via ii aa Wttf.' Bsekr Moantkla UaUU4 7. . . . T .a) km a tM aa IrilakQla, Colorado Sprlnsa, Pea r. Pmkle p not H:Mpa a l:tt a CulcaaTo, Milwaukee A St. Panl, . buy. ArrlT. Chifo Dayllfht Kipraw at.bikia 11. U via Ibkmlru klpriM s :a uui Oirrliil Uinll.d t I k fm t 3 km VB Moln k)&prea ....k T:bo km 8:10 pm CkllforaU Oreaua E&pre a 1:14 Via Tuu card nolu Sukkkjr. Jaly If. 1KH. I Muu 1 'a el He. Tk 0ertak4 UaM ta rue mu , Ik ClilruU Bapnaa fka AtuaUa Bcil . ii Oia a am ..... I M am a 1-M pm a 4:M pa a l:M aa TUk lttrtUu4'biuS(i awil..a : pa l w m .HI M pa a aa a. 1 lk Colorado kpacU' I ba Ckico bpTCi. LJaaola. bwuio straaaunj Baproks , 4 Mpa kU:M pa Coiaaiua Lul (. pm k am thluaao Ji Northweatera. lST. Arrive. I.) aa IPaat Chlcas. IxM-al ck)uso ....a pm ....all so aia ....a 4 10 am Hall ' !a,lskl St. faul larli(ht l hlrajo LiuUid Cblcaga Carroll raM St. haul Li Slout cur A 81. ral ra Mall Chicago k:&praa Nortmk A UonaatMl Liuoiilo a Uoiij On iHMdwood a Luicola (aapr A Wyiioitlis Huatiiigi-Alhlitu ralrtai bouaatoal boaoataal klclal 10 km ....a 1 so km 10. im pa ....a 1 m km ll 4 pm ....a i n pia ... a 4 l0 pin ....a 4 15 pm It aa 10 am T 14 am 4 40 aw t Mi pm 4 i pin 10 ii am 10 14 am I 10 pm 4 .10 pm I 10 pm 4 10 pm I 40 am a 1 . 00 pa . .a I 06 am . .b I u6 am ..a 4 &0 pm ..b I bo i ,.k I 60 pis .. 1 to pm ...all 44 pa lkls iircal Weat era. Si. Paul a allaaaapaia U . lu4.-,."-i"-.- al:am it Uia l. Caal a akuaaapoll aU- p iihw i in pa ! lJaita . 4 M pa a) k am Cata Bora ..M.MM4.4 4.Naa a 4:4 aa Hlna4a Central, CaUatae Mnnm , ,.s T:M aat aw.m fm GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET CessAtioi of e!n ud Buuhir Cm All Frioe Dour CHANGES SUDDEN AS TURN IN WEATHER Ho Tradinsi la Fatnree, bn't Fairly Oned Cask Baelaeas la Doan Oata Still at Fancy Flgnrea. . , , OMAHA, July . 1904. ' It Is a long lane that has nourn," runs the old proverb, and the turn In the prices f all grains came with the cessation of rains yesterday and today. The bear who foretold the decline a day ago did not go far amiss. Lower prices surely came and the holders made not a little sou file for a time to sell. When they found rood buyers, prices would waver and perhaps regain a ahade, but yaluea could not main tain auch fabulous figures aa ruled the two days past. Still further declines are looked for Monday, unless the weather man is badly mistaken. Weather which put prices out of reach during the paat week proved aa equallv rotent at depressing, them. Hardly had he sun shone on harvested fields ot wheat and half-drowned growing corn, after ten or twelve days of downpour, than values began to wofiken. Then came the forecast of fair and warmenr weather, the long-looked-for, over the entire west and south west. Showers, as predicted, will be few and well scattered over the great terri tory. At Chicago the longs saw how things were going end liquidations followed. Sell ing brouRht lower values in all lines and the market closed from a cent to a half cent off in all lines. There waa ahaolutely no trading In fu ture stuff at Omaha today. A fairly good cash market waa act up and some cash business, done. There were offerings In rwita, but the holders could not tempt those who were in need because of fancy prices. The news, of the proponed construction of five elevatora here la beginning to show Its effect on the market. In that local elevator men are anxious' to get winter stuffs on the long side. While this was not demon strated today, aa there was practically no trading In futures, the sentiment has been apparent for some time past, and If values strike a moderate level within the next two weeks Omaha's prospective elevator men will be found to be on the buvlng side. Warm weather should bring about a more brisk session each day at the 'change. The floor has been almost deserted during the last few weeks. With the movement at July stuffs business will receive a stimulus nd activity In all lines may be expected. There Is a good demand at Omaha for corn, but receipts continue to be light. There Is a prospect of heavier receipts dur ing the coming week, but nothing mora than-can be easily taken care of. The range of prlcea on the Omaha mar Ret for future delivery and the open and close today and Friday were: Wheat Open. High. Low. Closs. Frl. July 87BBS7R9n87A Sept. 78 B 78 B 78 B 78 B 78 B Dec 77B77B77B77B.77B Corn July ,HB 47; 47 4KHB 8ept 44'iB 44B 44HA 44A 47A Dee S9V4B 39i4B 39MB 39V4B 89HB Oats July ...... 3R4B B &81.4B 8HB 38A Sept 31 B il B 81 B 31 B 31 B A asked B bid. Omaha Casta Market. WHEAT No. 2 hard. g488c, nominal; Na. 3 hard. 7R'ffS3c, nominal; No. 4 hard, 75c; No 2 spring. 8Gi90c. CORN-No. 2, 47c, nominal: No. 8, 4Hc nominal; No. 4, 44Hfi44c; No. 2 yellow, 47fl4Sc, nominal; No. 2 yellow, 4Te; No. 2 white, 47?48c. nominal; No. S white, 4tiVr 474c, nominal. OATS Nominal; No. 2. 893tte: No. J, 87438c; No. 4, 3W37c; No. 2 white, 89c; No. 3 white, 37S37Hc; No. 4 white, S6c; standard, 3S38Hc, nominal. Receipts Omaha Market. In. Out. Wheat, cars 1 0 Corn, cars 2 0 Oats, cars i 0 Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Fri day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Friday. July 88 M'.A September ..84 A 84 B Com July1 '.. 48HA 4T4 September 48B 4tiA KANSAS CITY. Wheat ' September 74 7v4B December 74 74B Corn ' September 46 fiA December 39Hi 40HA ST. LOUIS. Wtieiit- " September , 83 83H December WA 83?B Corn September 47H Vt December 43 43 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat , September 84 Si December 81'! 82A DULUTH. Wheat September 84T4 85V4 - NEW YORK. Wheat- September ' ; 87 88H December 87B 87ftB .otes of ine Grata Market. Eight cars of grain were Inspected at Omatia yesterday aa follows: Wheat No. 4 hard 1. No. 8 comb, No. 4 white oatsZ J. F. Brady ot-Atkinson, Nebc&aka, was a caller at the Grain exchange today. The following cash sales were made on this market: Corn, 1 car No. 8 yellow at 4ic; No. 4. 1 car at 44c; No. 4, 1 car at 44 V; No. 4 hard wheut at 75c. Minneapolis reports an increase of 94,000 bushels of No. i wheat. A very unusual thing for this season of the year. Juiy delivery of corn at Omaha yesterday amounted to 10,000 bushels. During the past week Mlnnapolls stocks have decreased b$,0uu bu.; total northern. 8,181,000. Peoria Grain Market. PRORIA. July 9.-CORN Eaayj No. 8, 47o--c; No. 4, 46b4tc. . WHibKv On the uasis ot It 28 for fin ished goods. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 9. WHEAT July, 90ac; beptembcr, 84-.ia4;Jic; December, Sl'A tlb-c. on track: No. 1 hard, Wsc; No. I northern, 9c; No. 2 northern, ft-iWoW-kc. FLOLK First patents, 46.lftU6.S0; second RAILWAY TIME CARD Cklcago Limited a 1:44 pm Ulna, and t. ful Kxpraa....b T:40 aa Minu. and SI. faul Llimwd....a t:40 pm aiiBsvucl 4'aeiat). Sc. Louts tUvrns .el:4t aa a-kuaaa ugr a u Leala aU- KM ail:44 pm rid s (sir kpootat , a 4:M pa W aliull, St. Leal! "Can Mall' 4:44 pa haw world' x a I.4 am Laval una Couaul BiaB. ..... a 4:14 am a I bio a 4 a 4: a T: :04 am 14 p .-a ;04 M 44 pa 4 am a I J4 am ii pm 04 pa URLIXQTOS BTAf ION lOTU A MA80.1 Chlcagvo, Bnrliactna ft Qainey. La to. ArrlT. Ckioasa SpmUI .....a m a 4.44 pa IkiCMto VastiDul sUpraaa ....a 4:0 pa a t:4 am lui9 Local a 4:14 au. all .00 pa lbloo Luuiud . a 4.14 pm a 1:4 pa Fiat Mall 4:4a pa Kaaaaa City, St. Joseph A Co. lllnla. auaaa city Uajr Kapnas a 4:14 aa a 4 a pa Su Loth riru a 4.a m Ui:t aa fc-aaaaa Cil Mht 4Upra ....all. pa a .4 aa tiurllngtoa a Uiaannrl Hives, Wrmora. ttaalrto 4k Umli .. 4;M aa bu m pa fiMTMaa a.apr a b.ov am a I :e pa Louvar Luuiuid a 4.1 pm a 4 44 am lilack Hill A fvsot ftoiud Bx.all.lo pw it s pa twlorado Vaallbuiod Vlar a 4. 40 la Lluuoiu Faat Mali b I 41 pa ait:04 pa Fort Crouk A riatlamouib k 11 pa b!0:44 aa nollcTit a fa-'iao Juuuiioa ..alio pa .1I aa ktl)! m raotiMi Jauvtlou ..a 4. no am WKBBTBH Dtfil'OT isTU Jt WEOITEI1 flaaoarl Pacine. Ian. ArrlT. Nbaka Local, U Waeptan Wttar k 4 11 Pm all a pa ( bicago. It. Panl, Mian. A Omaha. Tula Cltr raawnsor I am b 414 pa ius City fniaaiisa- 1 04 pm ll HI aa Oakland Local k 4.U pa b 4.M aa a dallf. b dally ucout taadar. 4 tally P4 (atarda dalir alovaa. OCUAN TKAMSUirs. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Now Tola-Screw Sliaiaar ol 14.40 Ton. ' NEW YOKK KOITBKbAH, l Uut'LCXiMX. Italiluc TuM, at 1 A. M. Sutaudam July 11 Kyudaa Aus- 9 PutaUara July UNtorlaa Ao. 14 Hottordaa AOS. I Hlalaauam AuM .44 HOl.LJtND-AMCHICA UK. 44 iMarkora St , Ckt- 00. III.: liarry Mooraa. 1ml rrnm PL J C. Kmhortord. UU rarua U-i J. k. haaaida, 141 (arun kt paten ta, tS(kV&lff: first clean, t.EE83.ii eoond oleara, 81M. FLAX Cash, to arrive acd July, tU74 AiHAN la bulk. shorts, tia. CHICAGO OaAIJ! ' AJTD PBOT1IIOHS F earn roe at tha TravdltaaT Sand Cloalnn Prleea aa Bnnra mt Trade. CHICAGO, July 9. Easier cables and Im proved weather conditions in ths south west held the bulls In check today and aa a result the wheat market was fairly steady, with prices at about yesterday s closing quotatlona. There was considerable selling by locals at the start and the Initial price on September was unchanged to o lower at MV$4c. Offerlnga were well taken, bowevar, and the price rallied to 44V&44Hc, reacting later to 84fte. Hentlment In the corn pit was a trifle eaaler on liquidation resulting from the Im proved weather conditions. Beptember opened unchanged to Wo lower at i&a&B. Oata held steady at a small decline: Bep tember opened a ahade to Ho lower at iza to 82H9&W:. After selling at gUiVfl-SSVa the price advanced to UHo and held steady St 32c. Provisions were weak, with consedrrable liquidation through commission houaea; Beptember pork opened 2VW7HC lower at 812I6U12 90 and sold off to IU77H- ,Lrd waa down !Hi&c at 87.0&&7.O7V- KibS were off SH'k6c at J;.60. The range of prices paid In Chicago aa re ported by the GEORGE A. ADAMS GRAIN CO., waa: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. LoW. I Cloae. Tes'y Wheat I j i July...N-gTe 90 8SH 8S4 89 Bept...M084 MX S 84 A 84 De...83V(,a M'n 83' 8.1 May..jS6Vkiai 8a 8oW t6u I6VS Corn I I July... 48Sr 49 484 48 4 Sept... I4SKU 4DV 4!, 4 tVB 49 Dec...4nHl3Hl 4S 48 46 H 46v May.. 44401 ib 44, 44, 46 '4 Oata July...) 8s'A tK , 8S Bept... S2'q SVt 8 ' 82 I" I'ec... 3Uy4''a S ''- May.. 84HI 844 84H Ul 84 U77 77 B7 12 68 12 TI Bept... 12 86-90 12 90 12 72 12 80 11 93 890 690 887 890 895 Bept... 7 0WfO7 7 07 7 00 7 02 7 10 Oct... 7 07 I 7 07 7 OS 7 07 7 12 735 740 788 740 742 Bept... ItW 760 755 780 7 (.2 Oct... 7 60 7 62 7 67 7 62 7 65 B bid- A asked. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 8 red, 97ig99c; No. 3 spring, 9fifmc; No. 3 spring, 88i!lc; No. 2 hard, 93ft96c; No. 2 hard 8b(jnoc. Corn: No. 2 cash, 49tH9ie; No. 3 cash, 48Ht-lSc; No. 2 yellow. 60 51c; No. 8 yellow. SuifrKHic. Oats: No. 2 cash, 37( 87Hc; No.1 white, 41&H2c; No. 3 white, 39j 41c. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 18HC17Hc; dairies, i:S16VbC. EOOB Firm, cases Included. 14c. CHEESE Firm ; dairies, firm at 8Vc; twins, 8c; Toung Americas, 8m4c. POULTRY Firm; turkeys, luUc; chick ens, 11c; springs, ltel7c. Chicago Receipts Today: Wheat, t cars. 1 ot contract grade; corn, 125 cars, 10 of contract grade; oats, 76 cars, 7 of coritract grade; cattle, 10,000 head; hogs, 18,000 head. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 8 cars: corn, 164 cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs, 89,oo6 head. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of tha Day on Tnriens Commodltlee. NEW YORK. July l.-FLOUR Receints. 18,400 ubls.; exports, 7,581 bbls. ; market was nrmly held, but trade dull; winter patents,; winter straights, .o; Min neapolis patents, $4-8u(uo-16; winter extras, I3.3i.a3.80; Minneaota bakers', U66a3.i6; winter low aradea. 13.1i'a3.(i0. Rva Sour. steady; fair to good, 84.004.26; choice to lancy, nmi.oo. CORNMEAL Dull: yellow western, 31.10 1.12; city, 11.12'S1.15; kiln dried, 88.0033.10. RlfE Nominal; No. 2 western, 7oc. BARLEY Slow ; feeding, 4&Hc c. L t. New York; malting, nominal. W1IEAT Receipts. 10.000 bu.: sales. 1.600.- 000 hu. futures. Spot, Irregular; No. 2 red. noiuinai, elevator, ana ii.u, i. o. d. anoat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.04, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Optlona opened barely ateady and declined on the Improved weather outlook. followed by a rally on the strength in St. Louis and covering. Subsequently prices gave way again under realizing, and closed easy at 'iiVac net decline; July, 94ty&96c, closed at 94c; September, 87 9-16ctoHc, closed at 87c; December, STVicfiSSc, closed at 87'4c- CORN Receipts, 17,200 bu.; exports. 10,624 bu. Spot, Irregular; No. 2. 64Vc elevator,( and &4if54Hc, I. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow,. 6UVic; No. 2 white, 56Hc Option market was weakened by liquidation growing out of clearing weather west, closing 1t'35aC net lower; juiy, ojv4ruo4c, ciosea at. ojc; Bep tember, &a,3&3c. closed at 63c. OATS Receipts, 61,200 bu.; exports, 3,706 bu. Spot, quiet: mixed, 26 to 32 lbs.. 43Vtf 4&Hc; natural white, 80 to 32 lbs., 4Cttj47ftc; clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs., 48tt&52Hc. TALLOW Dull; city, 4?4c; country, 4(4 4R3iCE Dull; domesUc, fair to choice, 3 HbVtc; Japan, nominal. HAY Steady; .shipping, 70c; good to choice, 95c. HOPS Easy: state, common to choice. 1903, 25S33c; 1902, 21(5 23c; old. 713c. Paciflo coast, 1908, 2228c; 1902, 2022c; old, 713c. VlTll.,i4 Rroariv MalVMInn rft In lha 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 14 to v IDS., lie, LEATHER Qulerr add, ISfrTBe. WOOL Domestic fleece, 32488c. 10.60; mess, $S.5OSr9.00; beef hams, $21.60'(t Si. mi; nacKet, js.owh.m); city extra India mesa, $14.00016.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. $$.5oru400: ulckled shoulders. 86.50: pickled hams, IS.6W0 10.M. Lard, barely steady; western steamed,; rennen, quiet; con tinent. 87.30: South America. S3: comnnund. $6 74i.12H. Pork, dull: family, $14.00fl 14.50; short clear, $13.60(315.00; mess, $14.2& 14.75. BUTTER Oulet. Offlotal nrlces: Cream ery, common to extra, 13'al8c; state dairy, common to extra, 1315c. oh EE8E-irregular; small colored, rancv to fair. SdiSHc: large white and colored. poor to fancy, tVitJ74c. EGGS Strong: western extra selected, 19c; average prime. 19c. ' St. Lents Groin a nil Provlalana. ST. LOCIS. July 9. WHEAT weaker: No. 8 red, cash elevator, nominal; trock, vr 99c; new, July, 91Hflic bid: September, 83c asked. No. 2 hard, KUtfflOTc. CORN Easy; No. 2 fash, 50c; track, 61U 661Hc; July, 4944c; September, 47"HiC. OATS Easy : No. 3 cash. 40c: track. 41 HVfec; July, 38c aaked; September, iic asked; mo. z wnite, sc. " FIjOL'R Flrmlv held: red winter Dalenta. $4.96(86.10; special brands, 0fj2fie higher; extra fancy, $4.5O$f4.60; clear, 43.SOii3.tKj. BttKUB-nmotny, steady at $z.40ijj2.i6. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.75. BRAN Quiet ; sacked, east track, 80c. HAY Timothy, higher; fo choice timo thy, 8X.OCK(14.60. prnlrie. $7.0O9.60. -IRON COTTON TIE8-2c. BAGGING 6Hc HEMP TWINE-4e. PKOVISIONS-Pork, lower. Lard, lower: prime steam, 4.u. uacon, tteaay; boxed, extra short, $S.2&; clear ribs, $8.37Vi; short Clear, $8 60. MET A I M Ied steady, $4.12H bid; spel ter, quiet at $4 .77. POULTRY Hena, firm, chickens, ej springs, 12Vio; turkeys, 12Vto; ducks, 7c; geesn. 13c. BirTTER Steady; creamery, 14&l84c; dairy lfiQJ 15c. EGGS Steady. 13Vc ease count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2,0(i0 7,(00 Wheat, bu 14.0110 29.(100 Corn, bu 7 OuO 26.00) Oats, bu 26.CO0 10,0.0 Philadelphia Prodnce Market. PHITDEI.PHIA, July 9. BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery, 18 '4c; extra nearby prints, 19c. EGGS Firm; good Inquiry; fresh nearby, 19c. loss off; frfsh nearby western, 19c; fresh southwestern, 18c; fresh southern, 18c. CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New York full creams, choice to fancy, SHi'tfc; fair to good, 7y8u. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, July . WHEAT Spot, nominal. Futures steady; July, 6s 6Vkd; September, 6s 6d. CORN Spot, American mixed, nominal; new, steady at 4a 6d; American mixed, old, easy at 4a IV1. Futures dull; July, 4 4',u; September, 4s 8td. Dnlnth train Market. DULUTH. July t WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, 97c; No. t northern, Uc, On track: No. 1 northern, 97rrci No. I northern, cj July, 97c; September, 847C. OATS-On track. STc; to arrive, 83c. Dry Goons Market. NEW YORK, July 9.-DRY OOODg-In the dry good a market buyers are still de laying purchasea, but there la a firmer feel ing In many quarters and tmmedlats de liveries cannot be made on a good many line Jobbers are doing rfeore of an ad vunce business, but order In this quarter are only moderate. Total exporla dry gooda and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending today were valued at $9.51,088. Exports of srincle from New York for the week were $780,000 silver and $600 gold. Imports of specie at New York during the wean were tittJXt gold and tteoCOvv- silver. OMA LITE STOCK MARKET CtttU ltaxkrt C14W64 sVotlT. hud Hlf fot tka Waek. HOGS OPEN LOWER AND aOSE HIGHtDJ Trains Lnte la Gettlaa; la gheen Mar. ket Active and Cenalderahly BUher Than 4k Week Aaro Reeelpta Contlnno Sasall. SOUTH OMAHA. July 1904. Receipts wers Official Monday Cattle. Regs. Sheep. Holiday, Official Tuesday 3. 89 2.486 4,l8 .JV! 2.077 Official Wednesaay Official Thuraday . 2. 478 8.49 l.ri t.248 LO00 12,64 9.23 7.6O0 t'mciai r rioay ., Official Saturday 2.7J8 600 ToUl for the week... '.11. 474 42.773 1 2.80J Same days last week.... 9,861 60.2 17.249 Same days week before.. 11. 754 66.79 1171 Same three weeks ago. .13.499 60.217 $.7(!7 Same four weeks ago.... 15. 511 M.ts lO.lfll Bame days last year 16,764 68.016 14. OH RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table ahnwi the receipts of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha tor me year to oata witn comparison win last year! ia.a lima. inc. Deo. Cattle ......... 466,033 516,656 60,63 nogs 1,41984 1,317,626 9,4ft Bheep lU.m 6i4.24 141.777 Avtfiage price paid itr nuga at South Omaha for lb last several 1s with com parison: Date IkXM. 1903.19u2.190LU900.1899. 1181. June 17... June 18... June 19... June 20.;. June 21... June rl... 6 4 7 23 I & 7 83 7 41 7 43 8 63 3 63 8 hi ?2i 6 97 6 8l $ i 83 I 94 I 881 t 06 I 64 00 6 07 I 8 4 94 1 71 3 M 8 81 3 71 i IU 4 93 3 89 6 fttfi t" i l-,, 8 83, June 23... 6 0..V4I 6 771 7 491 J 6 13, 6 93f J 3C8! 171 June 24. June 86. I a ii',41 a ' ( on 8 62 $ 63 8 84 t 69 tit 8 M 3 60 I 60 8 61 3 61 16. t 6; 7 0i 7 6l I 991 17 June 26... ."ine 27... June 28... June 1:9... June 30... July 1... July 2... Juiy 2... July 4... July I.... July 6.... July 7.... July 8.... July .... "Hi 6 70 6 931 S 10 5 6&1 6 91 i 871 6 90 8 03 8 64 3 66 k liH t t OS t 13. I 6 54, 6 11 4 90 4 99i 4 92j $ Wil 6 60 7 a 7 64 7 64 8 68 8 73 6 6 67 t 83 6 uOI 7 W o ul t 6 08 6 16 3 78; $ 25 6 26 6 1 7 64 7 75 S 73 8 78 3 68 3 66 6 55 6 48 6 79 6 82 3 83 6 Hi 3 81 3 7t J J 861 3 8 818 3 7! 6 5 16V 6 39 7 82 7 6 16 6 44 7 80 6 831 '8 'Indicate Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cais of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Bh p. H'ses. ... ai. et Bt. f Wabash Mo. Pacific Ry U. P. System' 3 C. R W. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. R.. .. C, 8t. P., M. & O. Ry. .. B. A M. Ry C. , B. & 44. Ry $ C., R. 1. & Pj east C, R. I. A P., west.. 84 Illinois Central C. G. W Total receipts ........ J9 1 i 22 a 1 40 8 23 1 4 4 1 1 U7 1 i The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ol head indicated Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co... Swift and Company ., Cudahy Packing Co.., Armour A Co Armour A Co., S. C Klngoii 4k Co Other buyers i,-ii 160 . 'si 'ii L73S 2.81 2.312 699 184 E24 Totals '. ,' 843 8.426 624 CATTLE Over 1,000 cattle were reported In the yards, but the most of them were stock billed through. The run of the week also shows a considerable increase over a week ago, but several thousand head less than for corresponding week laat year. The market tna last few days has been much more satisfactory to sellers than has been the case In some time and values on beef steers are quoted today 16g26o higher than low time Wednesday, the situation has materially Improved i all around. To day's market ruled nominally steady, with a limited number oh sale. The cow market has also been satisfac tory the past week and fluctuations in that division were much , less marked than In beef steers. -The kupuly. 'While only fair, Just about equalled the1 demand, conse- ?uently prices show no material change ram a week ago on good grades. Thin stock fared rather poorly arid common can ning grades are tending ' lower from day to day. , . , There waa little life In the feeder division during the week. Yard traders took care of the few arrivals, but at prices not overly satisfactory. The country demand contin ues slack and the trade Is more or less un certain St the present time. HOGS The market opened- rather slow, mostly about 2 Vic lower, at which basis trading was largely done. Packers started in to bear the market and first sales were at the decline noted. Later conditions im- r roved slightly and after the first round he trade strengthened slightly, when good grffdes sold pretty close to steady at yes terday's basis. Fcr the week the trade fluctuated Con siderably, ruling higher at the start and finishing lower later, with prices today showing only about steady with last Sat urday. Receipts for the week show quite an Increase, while the quality continues very good. Hogs are selling again at a narrpw range, good hogs of all weights selling In practically the same notches. No. AT. Sb. IT. No. At. Bh. Pr. 46... .47... 47... 11... T5... 77... 44... 77... 74... 71... 17... 13... 43... 77... 61... 71... 74... J... 74... 44... ,11... 44... 71... 75... 44... 71... 47... 71... 44... II... 44... 7L-. ..164 ltO 4 00 ..mi o 4 io ..211 40 4 ltVi i.ltM 0 I 11 ..427 110 I list ..117 140 6 llVk ..U0 40 4 114 41.. ...141 10 4 16 40 4 14 - 40 4 14 ... I 16 186 6 16 - ... 4 14 140 4 16 80 I It 140 6 16 44 JO M 100 70....... .711 74 ..m 71. 74. 44. 41. 64. 44. 74. 71. 16. 48. 44. 46. 76. ......tit 841 824 240 860 ......881 834 866 tit 868 ill 4 12 I 12 S08 !1 140 .: ...174 831 104 .....1125 2.14 444 401 ..'...! 114 117 867 tit 141 I lit) I 1V4 6 11 t 18 '4 6 lVi ! u I is 4 14 I 14 4 14 ' 4 14 I 14 I 14 9 14 I 14 40 6 ITU 40 10 80 4 ITSt 4 17M 6 17H 4 Htt 6 ni 6 IT I IT J40 117 ... 17 144 I 17 ... 4 11 10 $ IT ... 4 11 ... 4 IT 64 14 11 44 44 44 70 74 47 46 44 44 71 41 ..864 ..848 ..361 ..84 ..171 171 140 4 ITU :m 4 16 140 40 4 17 .114 110 4 1 .841 .881 10 I IT 6 IT .Ml 6 14 4 16 4 16 I 16 ..806 ..: ..104 ..441 ..114 ,.T74 ,.811 .864 .141 .tb4 44 I JO 1 (0 1 80 I 1 to 40 444 4 16 40 1 14 (9 -218 H 111 40. 4.4 6 44 SHEEP The week cloaea with only a few on sale, while the market la nominally strong. The run for the week waa small and demand exceptionally good. Prices gradually strengthened from day to day until mutton grades are 16&5o higher than a week ago. Furthermore, values are aa high here as at any market at the present time, as recent sales clearly indicate. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Good to choloe yearlings, $4.a"(S4.50; fair to good yearlings, $3.&n(ij4.85; good to choice wethers. $4.00(j4.25; fair to good wethers, $3.504.00; Svod to choice ewes. $3.60lia.80 fair to good ewes, $3.2533.60; good IO choice lambs, ij.w:.. 75; fair to good iambs, 45.00 8.60. No. 624 Idaho wethers Ar. . 100 Pr. 4 46 Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO, July I. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head. Market nominal; good to prime steers, $fi.50i(i4.26; poor to medium, $4.0110 6.26; stockers and feeders, $2.2&a4.00; cow. $1.50(24.6i): heifers, $2.flotf4.gS; canners. $160(0 2.00; bulls, $2.00T4.25; calves, $2.60.25; Texas fed steers, $4. 60?j. 15. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head. Market was ateady to 5c lower; mixed and butchers', $6.8')4f5.50; good to choice heavy, $4 4Mp 4S; rough heavy, $5.3hji5.40; light, $6.301441.50; bulk of sales, 35.35uG.60. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,(100 head. Market steady; lambs, ateady; good to choice wethers, $4.75(o.6v; fair to choice mixed, $3.50'd4.60: native lambs, $4.007.7&; western sheep, $1.004.SO. Kew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, July BEEVES Receipts, 585 head; no trading; dresaed beef steers, TVrc; exports, 1,1 head cattle and 7,432 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 178 head; market Arm; choice veals, $006.90; city dressed veals. 8al2o. . HOOU-Uecclpts, 1.716 head; ho sales re ported; feeling steady. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,741 head; sheep In good demand, firm; choice handy weights a fraction hlaher; lamba, active and ateady: sheep, 83 Oft) 4.60; a few wethers. $4 65; oil la. $2.0O((i2.6O; lamba. $5 .1V() 8.76; culls, $2; drensed in ut lull, Arm. 6$7c; dressed lambs, lOifllic; cholcs carcasses, 16V4 tjlOc. St. Lnnis Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. July 9.-CATTLE Recelp:, 1,500 head, Including 1.200 Texana; marktt steady; native shipping and export steers, $5 0116 60, the top for strictly fancy stock; dreaaed beef and butcher ateers, i.6"j' $35; steers under I.imi pounds, $4.0f 4.0u: stockers and feeders, $3 0ufl4 1o; cows and heifers. $t U4ft 50, the top foe fancy corn led heifers; cuueie. tXwaltt; bulls, $1.0 4J4.60; reJree; n$00CTB Texas M IneTlan steers, 8XTW&M. HOG44 I ReoelDba. 2.000 head: market teady t easy: pigs and lights, $4. g f4 8T1 ; packer. $4 WgtJw; butchers Ana arest SHE" EPAND LAVTBS-meeetpta, MO head; market steady: native muttons, 4u E4.86; lamba, 84u7.10; culls and burk. l4.60; stacker. $L6O4jJt0; Texan a, $I0 64,50. . Slons City Live Stock Mnrket. rs-.r?-w nw Ym a SmaI.I f.l. ram CATTUB lleeelpTS, $no bead; mer- sei strong; ptptct. a.oiui. id, i-cw,, vmii and mixed, $17180; stockers and fe-ders, $3.094.00: calves and yearlings. $2,750$ 75. HOGS Receipts, 3.600 head; market Strong, selling at $8.06(66.36; hulk. $6.06415.80. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. J08EPH. July t. CATTLE Receipts, 128 head; market stronger; top, $8.85. HOGS Receipts. 6,164 head; market steady: light, $5.O5J.20; medium and heavy, $6 15ffK . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, head: market unchanged. OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKETS Condition ef Trade sal Qnetatlone an Staple and Fnney Pronnee. EGGS Receipts Uberai market steady) frtsh candled stock. HVc; caae count, Uo. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8Vc; roosters, sccordlng to slxe, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c: broilers, lfi4Tl$o. BUTTER Parking stock, lie; choice to fancy dairy, YZqUei separator, 16fll7ViC FRESH FISH Trout, lie; pickerel. 8e; filke, 10c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 13c; whlteftsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled, Hoc; bullheads, lie; eattvm, 14e; black baas, 20c; nallhat, KM, crappiea, 12o; roe shsd. $1.00; buffalo, 8uj white bass, lie; frog legs, per dos, 85o. B RAN Per ton. $18 00. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choloe No. 1 upland, $8 00; No. 2. $5.60; medium, $7.00; coarse, $6.00, Rye straw, $6.50. These prices are for liny of good oo!or snd quality. Demand fair and receipts light TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, targe six, $3.t; fsncy navels, all sixes, 83.60; Mediter ranean sweets, cnolce. all sises, $3.0060.25; J a Has, all sixes, UiajS.iM; Valenclaa, all sizes, $3.uOS.;6. LEMONS California fancy, 270-900-360, $3.7r4.; choloe, $3.504117. CALIFORNIA FIGS-Per 10-lb. carton, 60o; Imported Smyrna, Vcrowo, 13c; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15o. BANANAS Pel. . medium-slsed bunch, t2.tKu2.c0: Jumbo. 82.76iir3.25. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkga,, $2.00: In 66-lb boxes, 6o; per lb.; Olleiital stutled, per Dx, $3.40. PINEAPa aJuS In crates, of 34 to 42, per crate, $3.26. FRUITS. ' APPLES Green, per Vi-bu. box, 78c. RASPBERRIES Per 24 U., $360; per M pts , $1.50; red raspberries, per 34 pts., $2 60. BLACKBERRIES Arkanaas, per 84 QU.. $2.10. 8TRA WBEB RTES Colorado, per 24-qt. case. $2.60. CHERRIES Ca'.ifomla, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, $1.6o; home grown, per 24 qts., $1.28. GOOSEBERRIES-Pcr 24-qt. case. $1.30. PEACHES Texas, per 4-baaket crate. 90c; California Alexandra, per box, $1.00; Texas Albcrtas, per 4-baaket irat, $1.25. PLUMS California Clyman, (1.86. APRICOTS California, $1.60. CANTELOCPE-Xexas, per cratev $4.60 2.76: California, per crate, $6.60. WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, lc; each. 3040o. CURRANT8 Red and white, per 34-qt. caae, $1.26. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New Texas Red stock. In sacks, per bu., $1.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.16g2.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, in sacks, per lb., JVic. CABBAGE California, per lb., 2c. CAULIFLOWER Per dos., 75c. CUCUMBERB-.Pcr dos., 60o. TOMA1 OES Texas, 4-basket crates, 80c RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 20a LETTl'OE Top lettuce, per dos., $0c. TURNIPS Southern, per dos.. 26c. BEETS -Southern, per dog., 26c. CARROTS Southern, per das., 25c. PARSLEY Per dos.. 2fo, BEANS Wax., per be. box. $1.00; per Vfr bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, $2.0u; per H-bu. box, 76o. - ' SPINACH Per bu., home grown, 36$40a ASPARAGUS Per dox. bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS Per 8-basket crate, $2 00. SQtTASH riorlda summer, per dos., 76c. PEAS P?r tru. box, $1.00. EGO PLANT Southern, per dot.. $1.60. CELERY Kalamasoo, per dox., 26a . MISCELLANEOUS. . MAPLB FUGAR-Ohlo, per.Jp ls. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, (c: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 3 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c t No. 2 veal calf, 12 to IB lbs., 6V40; dry salted, 8(fi2c; sheep pelts, 24$ 27c: horsehldes, 81.50iS2.60. CHEESE Wlsconeln twins, full cream. lie; Wisconsin Young America, 12e: block Swiss. lGc: Wisconsin brick, UVj,o; Wiscon sin llmbcrger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell, pes lb., 14c: No. $ soft shell. per lb., jac; to. i nara sneu, per id., ix; fiecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., Oc; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chili walnuts, 12n3Ve; Urge hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., iSc; hard shell,, 18c; shell barks, psr bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26. -Wool Market. POSTON, July 8. WOOL The market may be said to ds strong ana aoilve with a firm advance under way. Pulled wools are quiet and ter ritory grades active. In foreign wools there Is little doing. Leading quotations follow: Idaho Fine medium, 1718c; me dium, lSifflfic; low medium. 18310c. Wyom ing Fine, wane; neavy nne. u'jioc, me dium, 19ig20c; low medium, 20210. Utah and Nevada Fine, 16517c; heavy fine, 14fJ 15c: fine medium, 1818190. Dakota Fine. 17 418c; fine medium, 17i(T18c; medium. 1519c; low medium, 20t21o. Montana Fine choice, 19rT20c: fine average, 17(ffl8c; fine medium choice, 17019c; average, 17 10 ; staple, HQ 22c; medium choice, 21(6'22c. ST. LOUIS, July 9. WOOL Steady; mi elliim s-rila. mmhlnl 184324UC: liaht fine. l(Val9c; heavy fine, 12 15c; tub washed, 21 ara.ic. LONDON, July 9 WOOL-A good se lection amounting to 11.693 bales was of fered st the wool tales. today. The demand was firm, and medium and fine scoured sold In sellers' favor. Merinos were In active request for home and continental spinners. Croasbreds caused spirited com petition, home buyers paying the highest rates of the season. Americans bought rood halfbred comninga, mext weea. ii, 00 bales will be offered. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales 900 bales; scoured, lOUdl&ls Vxd; greasy, 6V,i(3 Is Id. Queensland,. 1.300 bnles; sooured, 8V4dfi2s; greasy, 7Hd(?Ms. Victoria, 1,(01 bales; scoured, Is 2d'ftls M; greasy, 8d(ft Is 2M,d. South Australia, mm Daies; scourra, 7Vily 9Vtxl. Tasmania, 200 bales: greasy, 8dls Ud. New Zealsnd..7n0 bales; scoured, 8V4afi1s 8d; gTeasy, SVidls Hd. Cspe of Good Hope and Natal, 700 bales; scoured. 9Vidif!ls 61; greasy, 6Vd10d. The arrivals for the fifth series of auction sales amount to 6 5;6 bales. Including 4,600 bales for. warded direct to spinners. The Imports during the week were: New South Wsles. 8.612 Tales: Victoria, 102 bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 841 bales; elsewhere, 996 bales. ' Foreign Flnnnclal. LONDON. July 9. Money wss In fair de mand and more plentiful In the market l (J U y . fiaCUUIH, OTWIV 1 . 1 ill. a 1.0 v w considerable uncertainty regarding the dea tlnatlnn of the gold due next week, but In view of the easy money on the continent It is not expected that rates here will harden appreciably. Prlcea on the SUwk exchange generally were firmer, but business was In active. Consols and home ralla Improved. Americans recovered, remained fairly steady, became Inactive at parity and closed quiet. BERLIN, July 9. Trading on the bourse today was very dull. American rails were In better demand. PARIS, July 9. Prices on the bourse today were feeble and trading Inactive, RiiHslan 4s closed at 93 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 608. The private rate ot discount was IV per cent. Cleaving; House Averages. NEW YORK, July . The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of thla city for the five days of this week shows: Loans. $1.078 .291.800; Increase. $3,263,000. De posits, $l,158.150.$ii0; Increase, $5,161,500. Cir culation, $3 .168.400:- decrease. $41,2'. Legal tender, $62,461,400; decrease, $2,219,300. Specie, $243,0X8,900; Increase, $3,722,100. Reserve, $325.656,300 : increase, $l,ai2.8u0. Reserve re quired. 28,637,675; Increaae. $1.290 375. Snr- tlua. $36. 017.726; decrease, $7.676. Ex-1'nlted tates deposits, $41,83.6; decrease, $78,625. Bank Clearings of the Week. ' OMAHA. July 9. Comparative statement Of bank clearings for the week: 19u4. 1903. Mondsy Tuesday $1. 45,413 04 $1,846.861 .13 Wednesdsy i, i Thursday 1.2K4.68t 40 Friday 1.9.1I8.31 Saturday 1,117,44 64 Holiday. A decrease of $149,461.89 from spondlng day last year. .4tf7,i-i4.a 1,816.091. 46 l,3o,107.99 the eorre- CoaTee Market. NEW YORK, July 9 COFFEE Futures opened steady at unchanged plicae to an advanoe of points on May. and elosed sieW ea thai Uuila, with trauiug very quiet "The market was steadied by the xlffneas ef Viirepean eaMea, In spite of the heavier Braalllaa recalpts, and, while de mand was very light, there was compara tively little offering. Sales were reported of 11. SO hen. Including September at 6.10e; October. e.3uc: December, 8.40c; March, 8.70c; May, a$Sg90o. Erssersl! Applee mm Drl4 Fralta. HEW YORK. JtJlr 9,-EVArORATKD APPLES The market wss quiet but firm; common are puoted St tJfHc: prime, tQ $c; ehoice, Htf4c; fancy, 7e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are reported In little better position on the coast, but spot quotations show nn change, ranging front to to 8e, sccordlng to ?usllty. Peaches are In some demand for orwardlnf ; choice, lDHo; fancy, ll13c. Cotton Market. NBW TORK. July 9. COTTON Futures closed steady; July, 10.62c: August. 1042c; September, 8.5e; October, 9.4V; November, 8.3r; Petemhef, 9 3Ho; January, .4Jc; Feb. ruary, $.460: March, $.4e. Spot quiet and steady; midland uplands. 10.85c; middling gulf, ll.ioc: sales, T38 bales. 8T. LOUTS, July SCOTTON Quiet ; middling, 10c; sales, none; receipt, 11 hales; shipments, 400 bales; stock, 13,064 bales. Snarnr anal Molasses. NEW TORK. July . SUOAR-Raw. firm: fair refining, 8Vc; centrifugal, 96 test, 8 15-16(3 4c; molasses augar, 8c. Refined, firm; No. 8. 4.66c; No. 7, 40c; No. 8. 4.65c; No. . 4.50o; No. 1ft. 4.46c; No. 11. 4.40c; No. It 4c; No. 18. .8ne; No. 14, 42Sc; confec tioners' A. 4.90c; mould A, 6.40c; cutloaf, 6.7o; crushed. $.76e; powdered. 6.10 ; gran ulated, 6.05c; cubes, 6 $0c oils and Rails, NBW TORK, July t. -OILS Cottonseed, dull: prime crudes nominal; prime yellow, ZVJ30c. Petroleum, easy; refined New York, $7.80: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7 75; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $4 85. Turpentine, steady, 5r4jc. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, 14. .mti TRIED THE GAME TOO OFTEN Swindler la m Salooa Hna His Live Lee Into Actloa Too Soon. A neatly dressed stranger drifted Into a downtown saloon a few evenings Sgo and Invited all hands to join him at the ma. hogany. The Invitation was accepted and while the drinks were being served one of the stranger's guests Suddenly clapped his hand to his Jw and exclaimed: "There goes that gosh danged tooth again t" "Toothache?'' Inquired the newcomer, sympathetically, as he placed a gold piece on the bar. "Bet It does," replied the sufferer. "Never had h toothache," remarked the stranger, "but I don't think it wou!d bother me much. Don't seem to know what pain Is." ..His auditors looked incredulous. To prove his assertion the stranger jabbed himself in the right leg with a scarf pin. "Guess Tov'dtdri't drive it In very hard," said the bartender. Tv4 got $S that says you can't hurt me," boasted the man of no feeling. "If It wasn't against the rules to bet while on duty," replied the cocktail mixer, "I'd v take you up and make you Jump skyhlgh." Too bad that you are losing suoh a chance to make easy money," sarcastically replied the stranger. "I'll take that bet," replied the mix ologist with a show of anger. One of the party Was selected stake holder and the sa!oon man came from be hind tht bar. Taking the scarf pin from the stranger who had extended his .right leg -to receive the Jab, the bartender made a quick forward lunge and the man who didu't feel pain let out a sharp, shrill cry and started for the door without waiting io withdraw the pin. , Th4) money Iras turned over to the saloon man and he Invited the crowd to drink at his expense. .But the man with the tpotbacfre' did not' wait for the treat. "I was . on to their game," explained the drink dlspehser. 'The leg he Jabbed is cork, so I gave him the pin in the good one. The fellow with the toothache Is his pat. He starts the talk about pain and the other one doea the trick. They don't come In together, so you wouldn't suspect Another "Election" Is On Begins July 5th and Closes More Bee Trips to the t.: Louis World's Fair Exposition Dept. Ceu4ei on - 2. 1 Ten One ' Omaha, Neb. thera was any collusion. They have he est working thla racket for a long time. They beat a friend of mine out of $5 la Saora mento and he put mo on toMbem, think ing they would come to this cty." an Francisco Call. THE RETIRED LITERARY MAN Showing;- How He F.nabled Hlntse!' Finally to Make Mis Ideas Flow at Will. "When I first set out upon my raree aa a writer," said the retired literary man. "I used to have days, aa I suppose all writers do, when I couldn't write, when the muse turned her back on me and the divine afflatus positively refused to affiste, when my Ideas aeemed mixed with gluo and wouldn't flow, and I laid down my pen In despair. But I cured myself of that falling finally, in the simplest way In the world. "I waa living In the country then, otk my father's farm, and we used to aaw our own wood for use In the house. We had. one of those old-fawhloned wood sheds with wood corded up In It on one side, and an oldtlme sawbuck and bucksaw standing on the dirt floor In the middle, that we used to saw up the wood with; and what I used to do wns this: "I had made it, even at that early period, a cardinal principle of my life that I should never be Idle; and In those days when, on sitting down at my writing, I found thnt the muse wns not smiling on me and that likewise D. Afflatus had the noxxle of his bellows pointed In the other direction, and that some careless person had upset an other pot of glue In my Idea box and I simply couldn't write, why, I would say to myself: "'Well, old man, If you can't write,. you csn saw wood, anyway. It doesn't taks an awful lot ot brains to be ablo to do that;' and then I used to mosey out to the wood shed and saw about two dosen sticks of hard oak and hickory. "And that did me good physically, and aa a rule It would start up my Ideas, too, and I'd go back to my desk. "And then I'd keep on till I struck an other time when I simply couldn't write, and then I'd take ta the bucksaw again. "But do you know that finally I got so that I had to saw but very little wood to start my idess flowlngT And at last I got so that Just getting up from my desk and starting .for the woodshed, ' would set 'em going; for as an honest matter of fact I did hate to saw the wood, and I would give my ideas an awful wrench rather than do that sawing business and nt the same time I was bound not to sit down and dose away the hours till my Ideas started up ot their onto accord. I must write or saw wood. 'And in the end I got so that -1 could control my Ideas and make 'em flow, and before we moved to the city I didn't have to saw wood at all. 'But I brought the old sawbuck and buck. saw with me, and I kept it, as I do to this day. In the room right next to my study; and If ever I sat down te my literary work and found things going slow, why I would get up and go Into that next room and look at the sawbuck and bucksaw and then I'd go back and find the muso, If not facing square toward me. at least edging 'round my way, and the glue In my Idea box soft, ened enough so that I could persuade my Ideas to flow. And at last I got so, for good, thnt I could make 'em flow whenever I sat down to write. The muse may be coy at times, no doubt she sometimes is, but even then she may be won. If wooed In downright earnest, or say with the alternative of sawing wood. If you can't do work with the. pen." New York Sun. rinmeeeekers' Rates to Worth Dakota, Every, Tuesday until October 28 the Chi cago Great Western railway will sell round trip ticket to points In the above named state at a great reduction from the usual fare. For further Information apply to Geo. F. Thomas, general agent, 1613 Far nam street. Omaha, Neb. July 23d. Accommodations jxt the Inside Inn for the 3 Highest Omaha. Daily Dee I. Week s I