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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1904)
v ) 1 . ' i ;.i ' HOCRKE'S HEN DROP A PAIR Jut Out to th Bad ia Each of fhf Ccnterta fttlDearer. POOR PITCHING ACCOUNTS FOR FIRST ONE Aaleh Mold Daavev Bar la 'Last Vatll tka Jtlatla, Waaa tfca Orlssllee Bit l Wla it Oat. DENVER, July l,-8nctal Telegram.) Ttbuu'i seta Captured th . two game ' played In the Broadway pit today, winning the first contest by th scor of I to t and tha second by to t Both limei wcra won In tha ninth Inning-, apparently tfter an hop had vanish and while tha cub had begun .to look downeaat. Tha first ram waa won by thd work don by Hare 'with tha willow. Two men were out and th fan had begun to loae heart, wbn Hayea, with two tnen o"n bases, came to th rubber and lambasted th sphere for a horn run. Although he refused to accept the chance of making th clrcl and stopped between second and third, t- This' waa very aggravating to th Rourk-y-- Jtes, and they went tnto th tcond oon :. - teat Willi a determination to stermiriat th cub and everybody thought they had succeeded. They did succeed .until th ninth Inning, when Hartsell, th ft ret man to the rubber, want to flrst on a af on And atol second. Smith, who has never njoyed a very good reputation as a bats man, captured the gallery gods by send Ing on out ell the third base line for three baaea. This brought Hartsell In. th score being a tie, 1 to L and two men were down. It began ta look as though th gam would resolve Itaelt into an extra Inning affair, but "Silver" Braun came along with a timely hit and scored Smith, th floal aoor being I to L Companion pitched th rt gam for th Omaha man. He was wild and was relieved In th eighth inning by MoCarthy. Tha Change, however, availed th porkopo Ils tnen nothing, fos Hayea had hla batting eye with him and touched McCarthy up for a clrcl. ... v Watch for th visitors did excellent work with tha , willow," being credited with two singles and a three-bagger, hi batting ac counting In a-' grenfitieaaura for th ma Jortty af Omaha's runs. .- , Aulck ahd Hoe tetur, were th opposing slab artist In j,h , Second contest and both flld excellent work. Both men had floe support and 'up' Until th sixth In ning it waa on large procession of goose ess. Omaha" boored irrth sixth on a single by Miller and a three-bagger by Welch. This ended the. xun getting unui tb ninth, when the cubs wielded the willow with a dogged determlnatlop'and finally triumplSed over th visitors. At tendance, 1.500. Score: .-DBNVEJ.: All. ft. Keteham. Cf f 0 Hartael i. th ...I . 0 T I 2 Ilallman. lb I Hayea, rf. ........ ..... ' I Smith, .. 1. 0 1 fr". " :i 1 Lucia,,, 1 T Cable, p.. a . .... .... it i? Totals n OMAHA. ! AH. R. A n. po. o 1 Carter, rl. Brown, lb 11 1 I Miller, If.. ......... I 1 I 0 a-t. p V . . Welch, tl.. ............ o w s Dolan. St I . S I . I 0 9 I 1 I tit Thomas, 2b... 4 ..' Shipke, Jb.... I UAndln. e.. ........... fombanion. 1 O f UrkPthv. n 1 1 A 0 Irrees, -Ov-wy,;.' A-J, i J . ' Ji ' T4lii1.AiH;.a ;.l -10 !. ' ' One out when winning run scored. &BJ :i 11. !..!' Stolen bases: McHale, Hartsell, ; Miller. Three-base hlti Thomas; Baaes on balls: Off Cable, 4; off Companion. off Mc i C'arthy, S. Struck out: By Cable, B: by Companion.", 1: .by - McCarthy, 1. Left on base. Denver, if; Omaha.-.. Home run: Hayes. TwO-bss hits: Shipke, Brown. Wild -pitch McCarthy. Hit by pitched balls Smith, trouble play: Shipke to Oond- ing t Brown. Tim: ;06. . Cmplre: Keel. Attendance, i.400. ..... ..Second Game Score:-. , ' DENVER -' AS. R. M. O. A. Ketcham,, f .....;.-. t 11 McHale. If 4 0 1 0 0 liurtaell, tb 10 1 1 Ilallman, lb...t. ....... t . 0 I 4 Hayea, rt ......w....... I 11 fimlth. . Bralin, 16.... 1 I 1 Aid a. a. a...... 61 o l- lioatetter P I Total ..... ' A XX A ' J V. .-. AB. R. Carter, rf. ............... ! ,0 Brown, lb.. r0, Miller, If , 4. 1 - Welch, cf 4 ' il a A. 0 0 0 0 I il Jiulun, ae.. 4 0 Tfiemes, lb.... 4 I ! Oil . PhiLe. tb. 4 ..... 4 rITees3k a., a...... Quick. V ToUU M 1 I 24 11 4 Two tout when winning run scored. tenver ......0 4000000 - Otuaha 0 00001000-1 Ptoltn bases: McHale (1). Three-base hits: Welch, Smith. .Baa on balte: Off Hoeterter, 1; off Quick, . struck out: By Hostotter, 4: by Quick, t. Lft on baeee: rci)vr. 4: Omaha, 1. Two-base hit: Shipke. wild ' pitch: ifoatettnr. Double play: Thomas to Urowo to tolan. Tim: 1:4 - Umtktjr: Keefe. " Tee Man af City. SIOUX CTTT. la., July 10-Bt Joseph won the flret game today on Fremer' erior at shuretop, . in the second gam Sioux I CUT OUT THIt COUPOM. "" . Omaha Deo Exposition Ccupoti fr- Z klripto St. Louis I 'v; ;-v-' ' ONE' VOTE 0t VoK fa AdafCtt. to. CUT THIS OUT Deposit at Be Offle Omaha Bee, CUT CUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Deo. exposition Coupon A Trip to St, .Louis PREPAYMENT COUPON Ms.. Vstct fr AdJftii. Sca4 If Is nam , 11 ' Addren. 40 This coupon, when eoeempaaltd by a cash prepaid oabsoriptleet to THB BBB, eouni 10 voloa fur eacli luc paid, 10a voles for each dollar paid. etc. A subscription cannot be rr lt until the amount due to date has been paid, ltopuelt at Be Oltto or snail to a'.poaiUua Departineiil.' Omaha Boa, ta ii-i a&as.aaasiiiiiTtaiiiHia ! City knocked Chlnn out of th box. Score, nret game: St. Joeenh 1 00000010-410 Sioux City ...,0 0 0 0-0 0 1 0 01 10 I Battetiee: JarrOtt and Ward; Map;n Ond Oarvln. . Score, second game: R.H.E. Sioux City 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -7 10 1 St. Joeeptt ,...0 0010000 0-1 41 Battetiee: Cadwallader and Anderson; Chlnn, Plehl and McConoeJL Vletery la Raaeaee. COtORADO SPRINGS. Colo., July 10 By bunching four of their eight hlte In the ninth, t's Moines escaped a shut-out to day. Score: ( R.H.E. Colo. Spring. .0 I 1 0 1 I 0 0 - ? Dea Moines. ...00 OOOiOOs-101 Batteries: Vllleman and Herman; Lie field and Town. taadlna; f Tcasna. Flayed. Won. Loot. P. Ct Denver 87 41 . . J .ft Colorado Springs ...0 15 . J .W Des Moines 70 M l! Omaha 7 ' 11 M .4f'3 St. Joseph .4 Sioux City a 13 41 .ttf Oamea today: Omaha at Denver: Des Moines st Colorado Springs; Sioux City at SU Joseph. OAMES III TUB ATIOHAl LKAGVB raaklrw 04s Beaatlfal CaHeetlaw af faberelde at Cklsect. CltlCAQO, July 10. Corrldon blanked the visitors for eight Innings, allowing only three scattered singles, the locals having scored three runs by hard hitting. In the ninth inning th Brooklyn, by bunch ing a rouble and three singles, tallied twice, the last man up popping a little fly, leaving two men on basee. Bvers' work at second was a feature. Attendance, 11,200. Score: CHICAOO. 1 BkOOKLTW. a.H.o.A.K.I a.n.o.A.B. flasle. If ... I 4'om1-, et... I Ctmt. ..... 1 lei 1'tmioe. Ik ... lt Cbtnee, lb... I 111 I i Uelir, rf... lit Mr rttir, cf. e I e Sheakare, II. s e 1 s O'N-II, I I Btk, m.....l 14 1 Mill lb.... HIM Br., e.... t ..... 4111 Tlnkf, .... 4 I I 0 Wllllims. ri. I 1 I CerrMoB, ..tills McCorm-k. ni I I It jonlea, b..i 4 I 1 I I Jonee. till RItter , 111 Dobbs I 4 I Total i I I IT 14 1 ToUls I 1 M 1 Ratted for Jordan In th ninth. Batted for Jonea In th ninth. Chlcaao 0 0 0 0 1 I -l Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Left on bsses: Chicago, i; Brooklyn, T. Two-base hits: McCarthy, Chance, Casey, Lumley. SaortAce hit: Chance. Stolen baees: Lumley, Chance, Babb. Double play: Tinker. Evers and Chance. Struck out: By Corrldon, 4; by Jones, 1. Base on rails: Off Corrldon. 1; off Jones, 1. Tim: :4i. Umpire: Moran. . Daet at Claelaaall. CINCIKNATI, July 10. The Cincinnati and Philadelphia split even In a double header this afternoon. The first game went to the visitors through their oppor tune hitting, aided by bsses en balls. In the second game Mcpherson was hit hard enough in the flret inning to put the locals In an easy position from th start. At tendance. 10,160. Score, first gam: - PHILAMLPHIA. CINCINNATI. B.H.O.A.k H.U.O.A.B Ttta. ef ... till OlMMk .. 1 I I I KmlH. lb. 1 11 I I Acrmotir, af., ( Doian. rf.,..: I I $ I, if.... i I 4 k.ii.t lb... 11 tytiah. rt 1 I 1 0 Fori,, lb.... 1 i II I ' 11 Dooln, l l l 01 Mso. It.... 4 It.... 4 4 VS(lfVf14t, lb I , I I Mall, lb I I 1 S I yimini. M. . . w Haiiwltt, at. 4 14 i Kits, e J 1 4 1 J Harper, p.... 4 4 4 J S aw- ea Tnmr. .... 4 J 1 Totals 4 I IT II II ToUla ..... 1 I IT II Philadelphia .... 1 01001 000-4 Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-baao hits: Hugglns, Titus (3), Dolan. Three-bare hits: Dolan, Doyle. Double plays: Pelts to Stelnfeldt; Tltu to Doyle; Hulswltt to Oleason to Doyle. Bane on balls: Off Harper, 1; off Fraser, 1. Sacri fice hits: Magee. Struck out: By Harper, t; by Fraser, 1 Tim: 1:83. Umpire: Zlm mer. -N i Score, second gam: ' ' CINCINNATI. , PHILADELPHIA. R.U.O.A C.I H.U.O.A.B. 1 I I I Muutss. lb. I 1 4 I Tltaa, et fervour, f.. 1 1 Dolan, rt.... I I Odwoll, If... i I K.ll.r lb 4 111 Olemsoa, lb.. Mill is Uib. rr. 1111 II Dorle. lb... III sill Dooln, e.. tolls It.lnf.Mt, lb I 1 4 Mse, It.... Mill Woodruff, lb I I 1 4 Hall, tb i 1 I I Corcoran, ta.. M I I Hulawlu. as. I t 4 4 I Schlol, .... Ml MoPhonoa. pi I 1 1 I via. lilll! ToUl 1 4 tl 14 4 ToUls I 14 IT 11 V Cincinnati 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 07 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 - Earned runs: Philadelphia,. 7,. Two-base hi tut Dolan. OdwelL Kelley. Three-base hits: Huggins. Double plays: Hugglns to Kelley. Base on balls: Off Ewlng, I; off McPherson, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By MoPheraon, 1. Struck Out-By Ewlng. 6; by McPherson. L Time: 1:10. Umpire: lmmer. Each Plaek a Victory. ?ST. LOUIS, July 10. t. Louis and New ork split even .in a double-header this t ternoon, the home team winning th first, I to t, and New York getting the Second. 8 to 1. Nichols was mar effective than McOlnnlty In the Opening game, th run of both teams being made on hits. In the seoond , Luther Taylor pitched a brilliant game for New York. Attendance, 19,Suu. Score, first game: IT. LOUII. I NEW YORK. k.H.O.A.B.I . R.H.O.A.E. tftnW. lb... I 1 I I l'Hrmn'h'4, ef I till hannoo, rt. I I I I.Browao, rf., I I I I Doekloy. it.. 1 I II I rMTlla. tb... I I 1 1 4 I moot, ef.... 4 4 11 MrOena. lb.. 1 II 1 4 Brain, m..... I 111 OiMartM, If.... 1 1 til BairlSr, If.. 111 Dahlaa. to... I 1 I 1 Eurka, tb.... I 1 I 1 l Ollbart, to... 4 1114 Eaarfoaa. a... S S 4 S 0 Warn or, 4 I I I I Mobola. B...4 1 1 l.aoOlnaltT, I, I I i M ToUls ..... t I IT II W Totals ... I IN1I I St. Louis 0 0 0 1 01 0 0 -f New I' ork 0 10 100 00 0-3 Earned runs: .8L Louis, 3; New York, 3. Two-base 'hits: Mertes. MoOlnnlty, Bar clay, Dahlen. Sacrifice hit: Smoot Double plays: Dahlen to Gilbert to McOann, Dah len to MoOann. Stolen base: Barclay, First base on balls: Off McOlnnlty, 1; off Nichols, 1. Struck out: By Nichols, 3; by MoOlnnlty. 1 Left on bases: . St. Louts, h New York, i. Tim: 1:24, . Umpires: O'Day and Kmalte. v . Score, second game: ' NBW YORK. , IT. LOTla. R.H O.A.B K.H.O.A.a Bro-a'b'B. ef 1 1 I I Par-oil, lb... I I I 4 I Sbaanoa, rf. I I I I Backlar, lb.. 111 I I moot, of...; . I t 1 I Browne, rf... I I 1 1 e rrlln. lb... I i I 4 HfOan. lb.. i 11 I not, I I 1 I 'oTa-.Ti:;, ill! -ba. tb.... Mill rfoa s... Mill Hortaa. If ... 11 I e e P.hlan, to... V I I I I Hraio. so. Parol Burba, Ollbert. lb Bow'r-oj'a. i Eaarti Taylor, .... I I I I MoCeraVk. ef I I 1 I 41 O-N.lll. ..,. 1114 1 TeUle .....1 "lit ui Total St. Louis New York I I IT 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 1-1 1-0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 3-a Three-base hit: McOann. Sacrifice hits: O'Neill, Gilbert, Dahlen. Brown. Double State, or mall to "Exposition Department" Omaha, Nebraska. 2 THE OMAHA play: Devlin to Qlttwrt to McOann. BHoIen bases: McOann, OHbert, Beckl-jr.' Tlrat base on balle: Off O'Neill. 1; off Taylor, t Struck out: By O'Neill, 4; by Taylor; 4. Left on bae: St. Louis, ! New York. 4 Time: 1:2. Umrare: Bnslle and O'Day. taadlaa; of the Teanaa, Plsyed. Won. Lost. P.Ct. New York ..70 M 18 .7U Chicago 67 41 14 .12 Cincinnati 17 8 2S 4 Pttuburg M to .! St. Louis R8 14 84 .JO Brooklyn 71 & 44 . Boston ...i 70 27 43 .34 Philadelphia 64 17 49 . 258 Oames today: New York St St. Louis, Philadelphia st Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Chicago, Boston at Pittsburg (2). OAMES Ik TUB AMERICA!. LEAOITC i 8t. Laals aad rfeleaara riay Deable Header aad Divide. x ST. IX)UI8, July ia-Th St Louis and Chicago Americans broke even here today In a double-header, the flrst game going to Chicago by a score of 1 to L while St. Louis landed the second, to i. Pelty and White had a pitchers' tilt In the open ing game. Home clever fielding by Dundon wae the feature of the opening game. In the second game Sievere was taken out of the box" in the middle of the eighth Inning, es he was weakening. Sudhoff succeeded htm and did better. The feature of this game was the batting of Burkett. he having two triples and a single out of flv times up. Attendance, 13,060, 8 core, first game: chicaoo. 0T. Lops. . n.n.o. a..I r.h.o.a.s. DoMea, b.. till 0 Br-tt, If... Mill loaas. ef I 1 I I I Haldrtcl, of.. I 1 I I I Callahan. II. 41 1 4 jonea, lb I 1 11 I I Oroon, if I 1 1 I I Huaiamaa. rf I 1 111 PaTla, as.... 1 1 I I I.Wallaca, .. I I 1 1 I Ponatrae, lb. I I I I Paid an. tb... 1 1 I I I Taa'h I. lb.. I I 1 1 I Kaboo, e 114 41 IvIMven, Whlta. .. ToUls .. 1 I 1 I Hill, lb. 4 1114 Paltr. . 4 114 1 I I 1 I 1 llldOB Totals Trir ir"i Chicago .. 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 10 0 0 01 Bt. luls Twrvhai hlte: Sullivan. Wallace. Double play: Davis to Dundon to Donahue. Stolen bases: Tannehlll. Davis. Hit by pitched ball: By White, Pelty. Wild pitches: By White, I. First base on balls: Off Pelty. 3; off White, 1. Struck out: By White, R; by Pelty, 8. Left on bases: Bt. Louis. 1; Chicago, 3. Time: lukX Umpire: CLoughlln. Score, aecona game: IT. LOt'18 R.H. O.A.B a H. O.A.B Barkatl, If... 1 I 1 I 0 Dundon. lb. . 0 I 4 T 0 !t 0 0 0 10 I I 0 Hemphill, ll. 1 1 1 I I T. Jonaa. lb. I 1 11 I 1 P. Jonas, ef. 1 natlakan. If.. 1 UalSrlek, ef.. 1 I I 1 4 Wallaos. to.. I I I I 0 Pbdoon. lb... 114 4 0 (imu rf 1 a X DOTla, to 1 1 I I 0 Donahue, lb. 0 1 11 I I T.nMh'l lh. I 1 I 0 0 1110 .111 1 01 8ulllTan, cliff' PsttoraoS, p.. I I 1 I I ufooa. e.. Ilarae, ... Hialman .11110 . 1 I 0 0 1 Totals . I 1111 II I t 01 b.. II I M Totals I 11 It 14 t Batted for Hill in ninth. On on when winning run was made. St. Louis 1010000010 1-8 Chicago 001000081 0. 0-8 Base hits: Off SleVer In seven and a halt innings, I; off Sudhoff In three and a half Innings, 1 Two-bas hits: Sullivan. Pad den, Callahan. Three-base Jilts! Burkett (2). Saerlflc hits: T. Jones, Wallace LHUDie piers: tievanca to nunucu, rlck to Hill. Pas-ed ball: Sugdeh. Stolen a . . ea in. I . la.V.. . Ta Xjn base: F. Jones. Hit by pltqh-r: By Pat terson, T. Jones, Huelsman. first baa on balls: Off Slever, 3; oft Patterson, 4; off Sudhoff, 1. Struck out! By Slever, 8; by Sudhoff, 3; by Pattenon, . Left on hasea: St. Louis, 8; Chicago, 4. Time: 8:16. Um pire; O'Loughlln. Staadlaar of th Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct. Boston .7 46 23 .673 New York J "40 26 ' .604 Chicago 71 .5M Cleveland 28 .VA Philadelphia 81 .616 Bt Louis 4 28. J Detroit if i Washington 66 13 68 .186 No games today. GAMES IS t AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Tea Roasdi af Atr Fa a In Necessary - 4e Wla. ST. PAUL, JuW 10. An error and a wild pitch counted' olie for Loulsvlll in th first Th locals scored on two hits and a saoiiflc In th second, and neither Bids was able to scor until the tenth, when a base on ball, a sacrifice and a hit gave LoulsvUl . th gain. Attendance, 1.600. Score: . - t UroiSVlLLB. ( IT. PAUL. . . r.h O A a. I . 1 R.H.O.A.S. Kerwla. rf... I 1 1 0 4 Jones, ef 0 1 T J Hallman, It.. 5 III 0 Jackaon, rt.. I It I 0 paxtar, ef.... MM ,Whal.r, tb.. 0 4 1 I 1 Arndt, lb.... I 110 Iff Brian, ... 0 1111 Bchr-rer. a... I 0 4 1 VKall.r. lb... 1 lit I J Bra.haar. lb. I 1 I I 1, Maroaa. tb.. 1 1 1 White, lb.... 1 I 1 I Plournor. If. I I I ! Qalnlan, aa.. 0 114 t 8ulllvn. o.. 0 0 I 1 0 Campboll, p.. 0 1 I I 0 eaeeloea, ... I J 0 J J ToUls .....1 lie II".' ToUls 1 I 11 1 Louisville 1 0900-0009 V 3 Bt. Pul 0 10000ft ft ft 0-1 Two-base hit: Jackson. Sacrifice hits: Jackson, Sullivan. Marcan. Qulnlan. Baa cn ball: Off Campbell, 1; off Sessions, 3. Btrtick put: By Campbell, 1: by Sessions, 1. Wild pitch: Sessions. Double plays: Brashear to White to Qulnlan; Qulnlan to White. Tim: 1:80. Umpire: Hart. Mllwaakca Cajoles Victory. MILWAUKEE, July 10. -Milwaukee - de feated Indianapolis in a closely contested gam today by a scor of I to J. Tha hoci team won mainly by th vlaitors not solv ing Strlcklett's 4 silvery, for four lilts be ing all they could get in th Bin innings. Attendance, 4.S0O Score; atlliWAUKBK. INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.I. R.H. O.A.B. teas, rf.... 1 1 I I 0 ohaefsr, h.,1 1 I 1 0' Brian, lb.. Hilt Ivaadae, If.. I I 0 0 Magooo, aa... I I I I I E. MoO'rr, of 0 1 I I I Clark, lb... 1114 Pannall, 1(7.. I M il Eouh'tr. ef. 1 1 4 I 0 M'ta'aMrt, rf 1 1 I I I H.,don, lb., till! Carr, tb Mi l Bairman, lb. I II I a liattarr. c... 1 1 T I o Barry, 4 1 I Mania. 2b... Ill Phillips, ... Ill tHoklott, p. I 1 I 4 1 TeUla 4 I IT II l' ToUU t 4 M 14 4 Milwaukee 0 9 I 9 9 0 0 f-4 IndianapoUs 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-8 Two baa btta: O'Brien, Btncaiott. Barry. Three ' base hit: , Dougherty. Struck out: By Strlcklett, ; by Phillips. 4. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 4; lndlan- S polls, 4. Time: 15. Umpire: Holll ay. . Kansas City Draw a Ialr. KANSAS CITT, July 10.-Ko.nsa- Oty won two games from Toledo - today by slugging the ball. Gibson all but lost the Second game In the fifth Inning, when the Toledo batsmen hit safely six times, in cluding two bom runs. Attendance, 50uu,i Score, first game: KANSAI CITY. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A B I R.H.O.A.S. Taa Burnt, rt 1 1 I I J Priabla. ef... 4 0 14 1 Num. If.... 4 11 OlCllnamaa. a I i 1 I talUraa, It. I I 1 0 Lh, If 1 I 0 0 1 Rran, o I 1 1 I C Morlartjf, tb. I 0 1 I I Hill, of I ttl llRaaillns. rf.. I 1 0 0 RMhfnaa. lb. 1 I I 0 0 Brown, 1 0 1 t I kouuar. tb... ill I Kalaltnl. lb. I 1 It I 0 Lane, aa. ... 4 I i t IB'm.r, It. 1 I I II Rarrr. P I I I I 1 Oibaon. p.... 0 0 114 usarioa p... s e o o Butler 1110 ToUls 4 4 M IT I Touts I U IT I I Batted for Barry in eighth. Kansas City lOpOtOOf 4 Toledo 0 M (1 t I M ; Earned runs: Kansas City, 8. Two-bas hits: Ma nee, Sullivan, Hill, Butler, Lee. Horn run: Ryan. Huorlilee hits: Nance, Sweeney. Stolen bases: Nance, Rothfuss. Double plays: lwr to Rothfuss, Sweeney to CMngmaa to Kalallng. Hits: Off Barrv In eight innings, 4. First base on bulls: Oft Barry, 4; off Gibson, if off Deerlng, X Struck out: By Barry, 4: by Deeiiiig, 1 Wild pitch t Barry. Hit by pitched ball: Relating. Left an bases: Kansas City. I. Toledo. . Time: 1:88. umpire: Bauswine, Score, second game: , KANIA CITT. TOLJt DO. R.H. O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Tea Bursa. HI I M j P,bl- 1 t f Nanoa. II. .. I 14 4 OiCllagmaa. aS. I 0 I t 0 lailiasa. lb- 1 1 I 1 I Voo, ii. ...... 1 I U. I I) M Ral Hill Itan, lb..... t I 11 t 11 K aria nr. lb. I 1 I I 1 r.-.:::::! . M-. lb... i 1 110 1 SaaSlDc lb.. Ill I I Bailor, 8 H Brawa, s... Halallnl, ,, 0 1114 1111 1 1 I I I lilll hannar. lb. e Iaoa, as.... 1 I 8 Iwaanaf, lb Olbaoe, p.... alola rf.., Totals .... la ball. 9 e i a , I 1M 11 4 Tala I II M 14 l One ont when winning run was scored. Kansas City Toledo ., too iiooio i-f ..0000411000-4 Earned runs: Kansas City, T; Toledo. 4. Two-base hits: Nance, , Sullivan, Butler, Lewee. Sauritlcs hits: Nance, Sullivan, Ryan (1), Butler, Bonner, Lew-e, Relbllng, Sefeaney. Stolen baaes: VanBuren, Lewee. Hits: Off Uibeon In four and a halt in nings, I; off labcil In five and a half In nlnsa, 4. First base on balls: Off IsbelU 1; eft Retnllng. 8. Struck out: By Olbeon, I; by Isbell, 4; by Keiallng. 1. Wild pilch: la bell. Paaaed ball: Butler. Left on benea: Kansas City. It; Toledo, ft. Tim: I.Jo. Untlr: Bauswln. Ml sales Gel Asotkar Parkas. MINNEAPOLIS. July 10 Ford allowed but two hlta today and Minneapolis scored It's third stralsht shutout. Hlckey. too, wae In great fcrm. Davis' muff of Sulli van's long fly In the third, followed by ITeeioau's atugl to tight bold, soored the DAIMT IlEE: JULY 11. 1804. only run of the game. MeNlchole' field ing was a feature. Attendance, 4.W. Score: MWNBAPOUS. I COLl'MBVI. H O. A lt. I B,H.O.A. Waloner, rf.. 0 1 0 Pa-Hae, rf ...4 till lulllrao, rf.. 114 1 0 Wrlalar. lb.. 0 4 0 1 0 CHr, If... 4 1 1 0 OPrWI. lb I If'! Freaman, ,1b. I I II I I Klhm. lb.... I Wa-r, 114 1 tniMf, of... 0 10!! K'Ntehols, KM I I Marlt. H....0 14 4 1 F. tb 0 0 11 4 Brldw.ll, OS.. 0 0 ! ! ! Orler, so 0 I 1 I 1 Hmoe. o f J Pore, Ml Htakar. p.... 4 I I I Totals 1 I IT M 1' Totals I M II I Minneapolis .. Columbus ..0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 800-4, Sacrifice hits: Fox, Weaver. Stolen base: Frlel. Struck out: By Hlckey, I; by Ford, 4. Basee on balls: Oft Hlckey. 4; off Ford, L Hit by pitcher: By Ford. 1; by Hlckey, 4. First base on errors: -Minneapolis. 1: Co lumbus, 1. Left on baees: Minneapolis, I; Columbus, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Klein. Itaadlaar at tbe Teasaa. Played. Won. Lost, P.Ct, St. Paul 74- 48 n . Columbus 74 48 W .r Milwaukee 73 . 43 81 .676 Louiavllle 78 48 86 .6M Indianapolis 74 87 88 .47 Minneapolis 78 35 38 . 4,1 Kansas City 71 W ,46 .4 Toledo 71 il U ,i Oame today: Columbus at Mlnnelpolls, Toledo at Ksnsas City, Indianapolis at Mil waukee. Loulsvlll at SU Paul. ORIQIlfALS MEET WITH DEFEAT Llaeala 7raary Casapaay Oak Seores th Tletaey. The ball men of the Lincoln Creamery company threw open the throttl at Vinton Street park yesterday afternoon and went a hitting clip entirely too fast for the Orig inate of the Lee-Olass-Andreeeen company. The score of 6 to 8 Is a very modest on In view of the fact that the Creamery fel lows hit Adams for fifteen safe ones during the party. Ada,ms threw good for a part of th game, atrlklna- mat tilrta, mitv Until the elahth I he kept the hits pretty well scattered aiong. nut tne eigntn waa tne eiumuiuia block of the locals. Adams blew .up at the stretch snd by bunching five blngles the Visitors scored thrice. Whitehead did the peddler's stunt for Lincoln end performed nicely. While he struck out but four men, he allowed but eight hits. Four of these coming well grouped In the fifth netted the Originals the two and only runs which they garnered. The hardware men were a trifle off their usual good form and three disastrous er rors went for making a victory for the visitors. Score: LINCOLN CHBAMBHT. 1 ' AB. R. H. O. A. IB. Bennett, cf .. 6 4 1 1 I 0 0 Sharpnech, lb 6 18 0 8 0 Beld, 3b . 1 1 3 0 8 0 Messersmith, lb 6 1 i 14 0 1 L anion. If ( 0 0 3 ft 0 ang. es 4 9 3 3 3 0 Herman, c 6 1 3 t I 0 Nlcholl, rf 4 18 1 ft Whitehead, p 4 1 1 0 1 0 Totals U "l 15 27 U 1 ORIGINALS. AB. R. H. O. A. TB. Bradford, tb ...3 0 1 1 0 Lawler, ss 4 4 0 8 4 1 Whitney. If .'. 4 0 8 3 0 0 Taylor, rf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Mlntcus, Sb 4 0 118 1 Saffelder, lb 3 0 0 7 0 0 Deneen, cf 4 0 0 0 0 ft Crelghton, o 4 1 I 10 8 9 Adams, p ,. 4 1 1 1 3 1 Scully I .0 0 i 0 0 Totals 86 i t Tl 8 Scully batted for Saffelder In the eighth. Lincoln 0 0 1 0 1 0 ft I 0-4 Originals .....0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 Two-base hit: Messersmith. Stolen bases: Sharpnech, Held. Whitehead. Sacrifice hit: Lang. Earned runs: Lincoln, 4: Originals, 3. Base on balls: Off Whitehead, 1. Left on base!: Lincoln, 10; Originals, T. Wild pitch: Adams. First base on errors: Lin coln, 8: Originals. 1. Struck outi By Ad ams, 8: by Whitehead, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Lang. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Town send. Jetlere Wla Aaather Victory. The B. Jetters defeated the Farrell eV Co. team In a one-sided, but Interesting game Sunday afternoon at Jetter's park. The syrup makers are v bunch of-fast players, but Bellinger had them at his mercy, striking out twelve men and allowing but four hits, while the- brewers hit Baker for fourteen, , and Matthews, who relieved Baker In the seventh inning, for three. The speclsl feature waa th horn run by Flnley. Score: -' ' R.H.E. Jetters f 0, ft, 1 1 4 0 0 11 17 8 Farrell A Co.,. 1,0, 000008-444 Earned runs: Jetters, T. Two-bas bit: Kennedy. Rodmktv Aekerman (1);-E. Clark. Flnley. Homo run:- Flnley. Hit by pitched ball: Rodman. Struck out: By Balllnger, 11: by Baker, 8. Base on balls: Off Baker, 8. Time: 1:80. Umpire: Belden. , , Zatoaas Wla Agrala. The Coronas added another to their Met by defeating the Joe Smiths of Council Bluffs at the Lake Manawa grounds Sun day afternoon. Th game wai full of snap from start to ' flninsh and was a hard fought battle. Jelen was In the box for the Coronal, while Perry of Quick. la., was on tha Jo Smith side. Bando's one handed stop helped to win the game. Th Corona acored twice In the firat Innlna, nd the Jo Smith's obtained their lonely one In th third. Score: RH B Coronas 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 10 8 Joe Smiths 0 ft 1 0 ft-ft 0 0 0--1 4 8 Batteries: Coronas, Jelen and Fersterj Joe Smiths, Perry and Msafleld. ' Reapers Harvest Two Crops. The first gam was with th West Side of South Omaha, by a score of I to 4. The second gam waa a hotly contested game with th Invincible, which the Reaper won by a scor of 8 to 7. Th feature of th two game was th ex cellent pitching of Ham for the Reaper. Th Reapers would like to hear from Joe Smith of Council Bluffs, la. Lowla ta Deceptive, GRAND IBLAND, Neb., July 10. (Special Telegram.) Grand Island could hot find LewGi until ths last two Innings, and it was then too late. R.H.E. Greeley Center 8 0 8 0 0 01 0 07 8 ft Orsnd Island 0 00000018-1 T 8 Batteries: Glade and Marsho) Lw!n And Skein. Lsuksrals Dafeat goldlere. Tb Diets Lumbermen defeated th Thurston Rifle Sunday afternoon; by a core of 4 to 8. Hits: Diets Lumbermen, 0; Thurston Rifle. S. Batteries: Diets, Massman and Knight; Thurston Rifles, Fagan and Plckard. a Sterllag Beats Table Rock. TABLE) ROCK, Neb., July 10. (Special.) A red hot ball game was played her yesterday afternoon and resulted In a scor of 8 to 8 In favor of Starling. Barsssa Rao Meat at Prtsioat. ' Th Fremdnt Driving Park assoclstion has announced Its coming race meeting, the opening date being August I. Th pro gram includee three harness races each afternoon, with a purse of 1300 for each vent and a running race, with a purs of 878. On the ftrt day th event will be the 8:40 trotting, the 1:22 pacing and the 1:18 trotting, with a half-mile and re- reat gallop. On the second day will com he 1:27 trot, th 8:40 trot for 8-yef-olds, th free-for-all pac and a three-quarter dash and repeat, and on tha last day the program will have the 2:18 paoe, the 2:17 pace and tha 123 trot, with a Ave-elghth snd repeat dash. NO APPEAL TO THE COUNTRY Itallam Parliament Expect ta . Llv ' , Oat Ita natatory Period. RQMB, July 10. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) A passage. In a speech delivered at Perugia by Slgnor Tlttonl. ha been erroneously Interpreted as an Intimation that th government would challenge a general election before th end of th yar, nd a good many newspapers are now confidently aaserUng that it will tak place In th autumn. A a matter of fact, th words of th minister for foreign affair bore no such meaning. He merely ald that th unanimity of th cabinet and of th party which 1 represented was more than ever a matter for congratulation at a tlm when "th country way preparing Itself for th renewal of it representation In Parliament" Th present Parliament naturally end Its Ufa In June of neat year, and th min ister's remark only referred to th fsct that It had but on more year to run, and waa not Int.-nded to foreshadow any earlier date. There I good reason to believe that th king is anxious for th postponement of possible political changes a long ss possible, and thst Slgnor Olollttl not only share hi view, but 1 in a position to assist them. Consequently there little prospect of aa appeal to th country before Beat BprtnV CALLS PLATFORM COWARDLY Formi- Senator Allen Does Hot Like th Democntio DeliTeruio, SAYS POPULIST TICKET Will STAY Iraplles a Doabt Wkotksr Bryan Will Sappert 1k Tick esa lasted hr th Democrats at St. Laals. NORFOLK, Neb., July 10. (Bpeclal.) "Th democrats did a cowardly deed when they deliberately vadra th money ques tion in their platform," according to x Senator William V. Alien of Madison. "Th platform la not so strong as that of 1804 or of 1100," said h. "and It Is a composlt affair, evidently the ork of several men." Asked aa to his opinion of Parker, h re plied thai Parker was as strong a mm, perhaps, they could hav choeen. "I do not know whether or not h will be lected," he continued. Asked as to whether he would support tne ticket, th man who made a fourteen hour speech In th sonata said: "That I a strong question. I bar Just returned from Springfield and am in duty bound to sup port my own ticket, I do not know whether Mr. Bryan WlU support th ticket or net, nor do I think anyone will know until th next Issu of his paper." . "Will the populists femeln in th field with a ticket?" Was liked. "They certainly will,"' ald th leader of hll party, who was elected to th Ben ate from Nebraska by democratic votes. Bryan and Allen sre Intimate friends. At on of his speech In Norfolk on tlm Bryan thanked Madison. county for giving to Nebraska "the best senator, it had ever known." , 1 BVERK HAIL WEAR HAlTIHGs Largo Aanoaat of Wheat Heady for Harvest Is Destroyed. HASTINGS. Neb.. July 10.-(8peclal Tele gram.) A most disastrous hailstorm struck Adams county about 1 o'clock this morn ing and wiped out over 1,000 acre of grain, besid damaging about 800 acres of grain to such art extent that It Is almost upfleri. So far 44 can be learned none of th crops destroyed was Insured. Th torn originated on the Piatt north west of Hastings, but did not do much damage until it Itmck J. Bloom's farm, six. miles northwest of Hastings. Th hail storm started on th east half of Mr. Bloom's place and continued in a south westerly direction and traveled this course ontll It ran into th corporat limits of this city, where it broke window glass right and left, beat garden truck into tho earth and knocked fruit from th trees. The dameg lh the city ii absolutely nothing whon compared to the great loss of tho farmers who were In th path of th storm. Hardly Any of tho farmer were fortunate Chough to hav their wheat cut. which account for the large loss of grain. The storm comprised a strip two and a' half miles wide and nearly six miles long. It traveled from th north west to th southeast, but did not go east of th St JosepH 4 Grand Island rail road track at any place. A terrific wind Carried the hall whlxxlng through th Rlr and large cornstalk were sevkred and beaten Into tho ground by th tre mendous fusillade of Ice. Among thos who suffered considerable loss by tha 'storm are J.. Bloom, James Mailer, Dick Shattuck, Stephen Shut. Marshall . Ash, ,8. L. Rife. Ed Tanner, M. Pierce, Oeorge Bostock, Herman Ren f row, M.' Murray, ' E."f. tUbbard, JL R. "Dentuttl and Mr., Dlllenbock. ' - v- AV TAX LIST . IB PUBLISHED Vatic at Foreclosure ta Tax Ihlrkere Is Approved bp Clttaeae. FLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July 10. (Spe cial.) The Cass county delinquent tax list, containing all delinquencies .-with interest to tb present tlm, Is published this week. The publication of this list under. th scavenger law -is a notlo of for, closure onthe property, and th owner, to save expense, must mak answer on or before September L In cases where no answers ar filed th court will on Oc tober 1 commence grinding out default de creet, and on all such decrees tb prop erty will be sold November L Tho amount Involved In this petition I about 1100,000, while tb delinquent tax list in Douglas county amounts to over 85,000,000. A ma jority of tha citisens approve of th scav enger law, ss in many case it will give them an opportunity to remove a cloud from the title of their property which they did not know existed. HEAVY STORM STRIKES GREELEY Mack, Damage Den bp Water ta Baa Iness Pari of Tow a. ' GREELEY " CENTER, Neb., July 10. (Special Telegram.) Blx Inches of rain fell her last night witnin on nour accom panted by a heavy wind. Considerable damage was dona The Taylor elevator waa moved from its) foundation. Th city has changed th 'natural course of a stream and It cam through the business part of the town, doing considerable dam age to business houses. Small Wreck at Oraaa Island. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 10. (Special.)- A alight wreck occurred In th Un ion Paclflo yards about neon yesterday. Engineer Wood Whit had just brought in a freight train from North Platte. He wss making for a switch with his engine and from another track two cars, a flat csr and a box car, both empty, were being pushed to th same switch. Th two reached th witch at about th same tlm. Th flat csr wss entirely derailed and somewhst badly damaged. Th front truck of th box ear wa also thrown from ths track a was the rel'r truck of th tender. No on was Injured. Th angin did not leave tha track. It was on of ht heavy' 1800 class. Cody Gives Bond. T-WTTXf BTTTT W.K . Jnlv 1A rArwwIal A, S. Cody, th man held here on th charge or navmg emrteixica property on fc 4 m mm.ii ' . tA v amvoi lha 44 non twtnfto demanded by the county court for hi ap pearance nere ai me uciourr iirra in Ayers You vhavc doubtless heard great deal about Ayer's Sar saparilla how It makes the blood pure and rich, tones up the nervous system, clears the skin, reddens the cheeks, and puts flesh on the bones. Remember, u Ayer's H Is the kind you want the kind the doctors prescribe. Ayer' Pill aro s ptu aid to Arer'B Samparilla. Tncig pills are liver pill, aafe for tho parent, and lust aa lata for th children, rureiy vccciaoie. Ussaia. AbTUUlwea,' district coart, for trial, and wa given hi liberty. He left on an eastbound train. Aa soon aa the court held him under the bond he communicated with th bank at hi horn town. Midland. Mich., and upon that bank placing th amount In th Michi gan Saving bank at Detroit subject to the order of the Tecumaeh National bank, th bank her stood his security. Sewloa Chare ta Fa. DAKOTA CITY, Neb.. July 10. (Special.) Claud Reeve I confined In th county jail In default of bond awaiting his pre liminary to tak place before County Judge Elmer on th charge of kidnaping, pre ferred against him by William Sharp, step father of Mabel Munson, a 18-year-old miss of South Sioux City, who was taken away from horn on Jun M by Reeves. The girl states to Deputy Sheriff Kloster, who brought Reeves to this place, that Reeves assaulted her, and it Is very probable that th charge of kidnaping wilt be changed to on of a mor serious nature. XOsvlrasr gpeak at Aabara. AUBURN, Neb., July 10. (SpciaL)-Oov. mor Mickey i th guest of Auburn over Sunday. After supper last night a public reception wss given .him at ths Maccabee hall. This morning he attended divine service at tha Methodist church and ad dressed tha congregation, occupying the pulpit of Rev. March. This evening at 8 'clock he addressed a union meeting of all the other churches at the tent in Howe and Nixon's park. The occasion of the governor's visit is th completion of af rangement to build a new $10,000 Methodist church. Good Prospect at Horfollr, NORFOLK, Neb., July 10.-(3peclal.)-Desplt the almost constant rains thst have fallen over this section of the state during the past week th prospects for a mighty good crop were never better. Com stands up to th armpit of men in many places and th fields which had looked weak and helpless have been brought out In great shape during th warm days of the latter part of th week. The crop of northern Nebraska, with a frost late enough to be reasonable, will be th best ver. Redac Laaa Valoatloae. FALLS CITY. Neb.. July 10.-(Speclal.) Just before adjournment of th last meet ing of the Board of Supervisors, sitting nl a board of equalisation. Supervisor Hutch ing, democrat, introduced a resolution pro viding for a 10 per cent reduction of as sessments on Isnds in this county a re turned by th assessors. There wss some opposition to this, epeclally from Aasesso'r Jom and County Clerk Tanner, but tho mo tion prevailed, only oh supervisor voting against It Balloonist Fatalltr Injwred. NORFOLK. Neb., July 10. (Special.) Joseph Spencer of Niobrara, Neb., has taken his flrst and last balloon flight. An amateur In th profession, he attempted to ascend at a grand fair at Tyndall, S. D., a town just across the Missouri river from Niobrara. When ho had flown high up In th air th straps suddenly broke and his body dropped at a furious rat, smashing hi hsad badly. He 14 In a dying condi tion and cannot it is feared, recover. V Carnival a Saeeosa. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July 10. (Spe cial) Th Parker - Amusement company closed a week's engagement in this city last night under th auspice of tho mer chants of the city and under th name o( tho Merchant' Midsummer carnival. Thl committee la well satisfied with th result of th enterprise. There was only on Case in police court . during tb entire week traceable to the carnival. Kick May Prove Fatal. ,. -NORFOLK.' Neb:!'J July 10.-(Spclat.) A telegram from Oakdal says that Laf Harter, a well known young farmer there, whose family lives in Norfolk, was found yesterday In the road unconscious, as a result of a kick by a horse. HI head was In bad shape and it la feared that he may not be able to recover from th aocldent Grants SaJoea Lleeaae. TABLE ROCK, Neb., July 10.-(8pecial.) In th hearing before th village board in th ess of the eighty-five remonstratora against J. B. Davis, the' petitioner for a saloon, th board decided, by a vot of 8, to grant th license asked for. It lj rum ored th case will be taken to th district court - s Bawls ' Wow. a- Mldablpsaaa. PLATTSMOUTH, - Neb., July 10, (Bp clal,) Noel B. Rawls, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rawls of this city, entered upon the discharge of his duties last week aa a full fledged midshipman, having passed the proper examination. He graduated from the Plattsmouth High school two years ago with th highest honors of th class. Injnred in Hssswar, FALLS CITY, Neb., July 10.--Special.) Chris Hershey had a bad accident a few days ago, breaking four ribs, spraining his ankle and being badly bruised about the head. II wa returning from Barada in company with Roy King, when the tongue of the buggy cam down, causing th horse to run away. ' Special Car for Bonesteel. . FALLS CITT. Neb.. July 10.-(Speclal.)-Monday night the Missouri Pacific railroad will start a tourist car from this point to Bonesteel, B. D., In charge of Agent Dawes. About fifty people from here will-jro. Thl car will be used to eat and sleep In during tha stay. Harvesters Bner on Bandar. - AUBURN, Neb., July 10. (Special.) Harvest la In full blast here. The recent rain kept the fsrmsr out of th fields, and today, notwithstanding It being Sun day, a harvester I running In almost every wheat field. ' DEATH RECORD. Dakota Coaaty Pioneer. DAKOTA CITY. Neb., July 10.-(8pe0ial.) Word ha just been received her of th death of James W. Virtu, which occurred at Portland, Ore., some time since. Mr. Virtu waa among the flrst of ths pioneers of Dakota county and during hla residence her of about ten year wa among our foremost citisens. He left her in th 80 and for a number of yeara thereafter re sided at Baker City, Or. About seventeen year ago he visited his old friends here. Mr. Virtu wa on of th judges of th first town election held In Dskota City, which was on May t, 18&8, and on February T, 1569, at a special town election, h wa elected town recorder. He Wa Dakota C'.ty'a flrst postmaster and was cashier of the Bsnk of Dakota, th ly-st bank started her. Moroal Owea. FREMONT, Neb., July 10.-(Speclal.- Muronl Owen of thl olty died last evening after a long Illness of a complication of dlsesses. He waa born In Illinois In 1836. In 1M hs enlisted In the Seventeenth Illi nois Infantry, serving three years. He earn west soon after and has lived In this city for many yeara He leaves a widow and on daughter. He wa a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellow and Grand Army of th Republic Mr. Francis B. Trala. Mrs. Francis E. Craig of Richland Cen ter, Wis., died at tb Swedish hospital after an operation. Th deceased wa a later of License Inspector Scott and n. iceoe D. Robinson of South Omaha. The ramalns have been ent to Richland Center for In 0.O TO BT. LOt IS AND RETTRX. Tla Chicago Great Western Railway-. Tickets on sale July 11 and 25. For fur ther Information apply to B, D. PARK HURST, General Agent 1811 Farnam it., Omaha, Neb, s azo.on ta rnteage. Th Chicago Great Western railway will ell special round trip tickets to Chics to at 820.00. Tickets good for return until Oc tober tl. For " further Information apr-lr to S. D. Parkhurst. general agent 181? Farnam street Omaha, Nab. OvenvorMilling Us la tb Great Strug.!) for Wealth and Position Wa Are Becoming Weaker Than Oar Forefather. By the cares of business and social life we uee up or waste away the moat vital elements of the human body be fore we realise our weak and run down condition. It seizes on us so quietly at first that little or no at tention Is paid to the symptoms, which commence with s Queer, bewil dering sensation In the head, later the power to concentrate the thoughts, so necessary to brain workers. Is lost Following this will come deficient sight or blurred rlslon, muscular weakness and a dull pain In the small of the back. There Is a tendency to tire easily; the digestion becomes Im paired; the temper Irritable; spirits depressed, ending In complete lack of confidence and a general feeling of disgust at our own weakness. When the blood and nerve forces have been wasted bjr disease, overwork, worrv. braln-tlre, high living, dissipation or other bad habits, Dr. aThase's Blood and Nerve Food rebuilds the system br replacing the same substances that hare been lost Price CO cents. Sold and guaranteed by Myers-Ull-lea Drag Co Omaha. Neb. Dizzy Spells That dlsiy spell is an Important message from the heart a plea for help. If this message receive no attention, others come: Shortness of breath, palpi tation, weak or fainting spells, smothering or choking sensation, pnlns around the heart, In aid or shourders, and so on, until It receives the necessary help,, or la compelled to give up etop. You. may furnlah this aid with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure which cures heart disease In every tage. Kvery day we read of sudden death from heart disease, yet It is a fact that the heart had been pleading for help, and gave up the struggle only when it had exhausted the last spark of vitality and they call it sudden, "For more than six years I was troubled with my heart. I would have dtsiy spells, then difficulty In breathing, choking sen sations, my heart would flutter, become painful. I could not breathe lying down. I commenced taking Dr. Miles Heart Cure, and in a few weeks I was entirely eured," MINNIE E. JOHNSON, Olivia. Minn. The flrst bottle wilt benefit. If not, th druggist will return your money. Uhe Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago CHICAGO .20.00 .20.00' 34.00 .22.75 ..21.75 and return CHICAGO and return via Bt. Louis one way... ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., end return July 9-10.... CINCINNATI, O., and return July IS to 17 LOUISVILLE and return August 11 to 15.. BT. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS A ret. every dav... . 12.50 ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS and- return July It to 18 nnd Aug. 8 to 11 MANKA-TO eV LAKE MADISON every day.. DULUTH and return every day ASHLAND and Bayfield and return every day.. MONTREAL and return every day BUFFALO and Toronto and return every day... 10.75 10.50 .16.50 16.50 33.00 27.15 E Lowest Kate to Many Point. i i-Ctty Office; 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TIL. 624661 nURSKJG OTHERS will find nothing equal for milk pro during quail ties. CABINET haa always been recommended by phy sicians for lta milk producing qualities. It la, invarinDiy uaea at me INFANT INCUBATORS throughout tlio country because) of It8 unequaled milk producing qualities. Fred Krua Brewing Co. Oataha'a Modal Brewery. Telephone 420. . OMAHA nnvn'C woodward liUlaJ O Biu-gMa, Mgr Th Ferri Stock Co. TONIOHT Until Wednesday. BLVH GRABS BKLLW. THCItSDAT-BaL of Week. HI LADT'B BE ABIT. , : pneea-10. Ua, . . Mat. any ai Ws 6th Bis Vetk