Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Advertisement for
Kelley-Stigcr Half-Price
Sale on pajje 4.
See paige 4 Kcllcy
Stivers Stock at One
Half Price.
nil I I I M J f I .
' s ' j
marked price
' Every suit that will be sold is reliable, styjish
clothing from our regular stock- You run no
risk in buying.
Half Off on Boys'
Buys liny boys'
fiva dollar' suit.
Ages, 12 to 20.
Half Off. on Children's and Boys' Suits
Buys any boys' and chil
dren' knee pants suits
that havo been selling
at (2.00. A
Boys and Children's Wash Suits Latest styles
at just half price.
Bank Eeports and Figures of the Assessors,
Do Not Tally.
Some Sensational Development Are
Likely in Effort to Have Divorce
of Chicago Man Set
CFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
' LINCOLN. July . (Spectal.)-Nearly two
thirds of the money and deposits of the
. counties which have reported to the State
Board of Equalisation so far will escape
taxation. The reports from the various
counties on the turn of money on hand,
on deposits, 'etc, shows that the value
Hated linger this Item range from one-third
to one-tenth- of the actual figures shown
by the consolidated banking report prepared
- by the Btate Bureau of Labor from the
last return of the state and national bank
tor Hot.
Nemaha county reports the actual
amount of money and depoMta actually
assessed at, $306,515, although the banks
' bad deposits of fK93.3u7.8e the first of the
year. Washington county reports an ac
tual assessment of moneys and .deposits
at $397,890, while Recording to the figures
of (he consolidated banking -reports the
banks of that county had ll.lSl.Can.17 In
deposits. The showing of Butler county
Is on a par with It. Rut'er county assess
ors found $319,816 but the banking report
shows that the aggregate amount of de
posit was more than four times as great
Vis: $1,894,830.57. X
In Cheyenne county, situated In the ex
treme western section of the state, $29,552
of this specie of property was listed for
assessment, although the bank statement
credit It bank with $285,394.24 In depos
its. -
All the, return received so far at the
office of the secretary of the State Board
of Equalisation Indicate that the discrepan
cies between the returns of money and
deposit to tti assessors,' and the showing
made by the bank In their statements
to the banking board and the comptroller,
will be found to be general throughout
the state.
The following table shows not the one.
fifth or aaeaaaablo value but the value
reported multiplied by five, to give the ac
tual value. The second column of figures
give the aggregate of deposits for e:ich
county a shown In the compilation made
Nature always tries to
repair damaged hair. Some
times she succeeds, very
often she doesn't. She needs
a little help Ayer's Hair
Vigor. It , repairs the hair,
touches it up, gives it new
life, brings back the old dark
color, and makes it soft and
glossy. Cures dandruff, too.
"I used only one bortlo of Ayer's
Hslr Vigor and t completely stopped
my hair from falling out." Mrs-C,
ascnieia, new Tor tUty
UM. AllsnutM. J, CATER CO
Tomorrow we offer you any suit in the house Rogers-Peet make excepted at exactly one-half the regular selling price. This
sale demonstrates the superiority of Brandeis' values. This year the stock offers greater inducements than ever before in the his
tory of our annual half-price sales. Even our regular price was far below the real value of the garments. In reality the values
are the most extraordinary ever quoted on really good clothing.
$2.50 BUYS ANY MAN'S five dollar SUIT
and Young Men's
Buys any boyi' I
Keren dollar and a
half all wool suit.
Ages, 12 to 20.
Buys any boys' and
'children's knee cants
f t suits that have been sell
ing at 3.0U.
by the labor bureau from the reports of
state banks and national bank to the
banking board and the comptroller of cur
rency: Counties. Returns to
(Butler tni9 sis on
$1,894,830 67
87,760 7$
2S5.S94 94
1,135.912 48
80$, SOt 64
1.646,691 $1
883,691 20
78,660 46
806,893 0
890.762 08
P9.3S1 02
763, S60 42
79.194 95
1,6?3.90 80
693.921? 79
807,587 63
992,307 89
191.608 17
14,191 62
Loup (.286 00
Cheyenne 29,432 00
874,210 05
York . . .
Dundy .,
68,101 86
46i..3&0 00
80.B70 00
26,800 90
867,400 00
200,779 60
Rock 28,717 00
Red Willow
Sherman ....
Madison ....
Nemaha ....
246.753 60
. 49,070 00
833,230 00
199,735 00
48,23 00
30,515 00
397.990 00
3. 120 46
Washington County Valuation.
The abstract of assessments filed with
the state board today for' Washington
county show that It valuation ha risen
from $2,619,459.17 In 1903 to $4,082,640.92 this
year. The main' Item of Increase is land,
which last year was valued at an average
of $7.36 for
assessment, while this year It
Is put dowh at $10.52Vi. The acreage has
grown from
This year
219,757 to 240,433.36.
9.193 horses are down at $11 a
head, as compared with 6,888 at $10.28 last
year. In 1903 21.238 cattle of all ages were
listed at $4.07, while this year 27,696 are
Ust.'d at $3.44. Last year 31,096 hogs were
listed at an average of $1.06, while this
year 3S.7J7 are assessed St an average of
Nemaha county reports an Increase In
Its valuation from $2,790,968.84 to $4,473,
631.08 for 1901. The larger part of the In
crease Is due to the addition to land
values, the average assessment per sere
last year being $0.60, as compared with
$10.69 this yesr.
Unesdoa Validity of Divorce.
Action wtll b brought -In the district
court of this county within a few day to
annul the divurce of John F. Decker, a
prominent Chicago business man, from hi
wife, Addle M. Decker, ou the ground thut
the uctlon of the court was secured through
misrepresentations by the plaintiff a to
his residence In the state.
An attorney for the former wife Is In
the city and papers' are being prepared for
filing In the district court, In which It Is
allmed the wife will show that she hud
no notice of the divorce until her relatives
caused his arrest for bigamy on the ground
that he was married to his stenographer,
Miss Pauline Wilkinson, a sister of Dr.
A. D. Wilklneon of this city. All the time
It wa claimed by the former wife's sisters
the man had been living with Mrs. Decker
No. 1 and supporting the family, leaving
each evening about I or I o'clock for tha
home of wife No. !, where he spent the
Charles Erbsteln, the Chlcsgo attorney
who 1b looking after the interest of the
llrst wife, Insists that his client' never
knew of the action for a divorce, and that
Decker had never been a resident of Lan
caster county at the time' of filing his suit
for a divorce, but on the contrsry had
maintained Ills residence In Chicago.
Judge Allen W. Field of this city ap
peared for the woman to content the hus
band's application, lie had received a let
ter purporting to come from her. asking
him to accept the retainer, lie had soma
correwnondence with his supposed client. In
which un iigreement was mad to accept
sllKhtly In excess of $100 a month In all
mony, with custody of the three children.
The wife's drnlnl of any knowledge con
eernlng the letter leave the authorship i n
rertaln at present. The husband In his
petition fr s divorce alleged that his wife
was and failed to treai Ms
relative, especially hi mother, with re
spect when they came to visit him. and
that she had caused him to move from
Nashville. Tenn., to Chlcsgo, without rea-
All Men9 j Suits
$3.75 BUYS ANY MAN'S seven fifty SUIT
$7.50 BUYS ANY MAN'S fifteen dollar.
$10.00 BUYS ANY MAN'S twenty dollar. SUIT
$12.50 BUYS ANY MAN'S Twenty-five Dollar SUIT
Suits 12 w20
Buy any boys'
finest ten dollar
rool suit.
Ages, 12 to 20.
Buys any boys' ad chil
dren's knee pants suits
that have boast selling
at $4.00.
son and at rr considerable financial loss.
Decker Is tmslness manager and secretary
of Sweet, 'Wallace A Co. of Chicago. He
claims that his former wife's sisters are
responsible for the suit to reopen the case.
RMt In Wheat Crop.
Alarming reports are reaching the gov
ernment exptrlment station at the state
farm concerning the development of wheat
rust and thSj Injury promised from that
source. The stories of damage came from
several secttnn of the state, and In some
cases almost total loss Is reported. W. 8.
Holden and K. A. Holden of Burr, two of
the largest wheat farmers in the state,
having over 1,000 acres at Burr, have lost
practically their entire crop. The field
looks good at a distance, but a closer ex
amination sltows that there Is no grain in
the heads. Many farmers around Burr
are plowing np their wheat and seeding the
fields to millet. Reports from Normal and
Pleassntdale are to the same effect.
Prof. Lyons of the state farm state that
the trouble Is due to a, scab or fungus
growth, which appears both oft the stalk
and on the head. It is a little whlto or
reddish growth. There was some complaint
last year, but nothing comparable to the
damage done this season.
Although the smoother varieties are most
affected the Turkey red wheat grown in
this section is not Immune from the fun
gus snd fears are entertained that very
serious damage has resulted to the wheat
crop In the southeastern section of the
Find nodr of an Infant.
The dead, body of a baby girl was
found in a shoe box at the Burlington
depot this morning. The police believe
thnt it Is a rase of murdar.
The box had been at the depot since
Wednesday. It was found back of' a stove
on a Burlington train between Pacific
Junction and Plattsmmith and placed In
the depot awaiting trie owner. Coroner
Oraham says the child was alive when
placed In the box, and that It bled to
death. Detectives sre seeking the parent.
Find that Charles Beat Came to HI
Death at Hand of Prisoner.
PAPILLION. Neb., July g.-(Speclal.)-The
coroner' inquest looking Into the cause
of the death of Charles Best at Barpy Mills
was continued today from yesterday morn
ing. It waa decided by County Attorney Pat
rick and Coroner Armstrong not to call
further witnesses but let the case go to
the Jury as It stood as further 'testimony
would but tend to corroborate that al
ready given.
The Jury wss out over an hour and re
turned with the following verdict:
That the said Charles Beet cam to hi
death by a bu
unet wound in the rlsht tern
pie, two Inches below the outer angle of
Ihe right eye. on the night of Julv 4 st a
picnic given by the Manhattan Social Club
of South Omaha, at Sarpy Mills Park, la
Golnf for Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea
Don't put yourself in tbis man's place),
but keep a bottle of this remedy in your
borne. It is certaiu to be needed sooner
or later aud when that time comes you
will need it badly; you will need it
quickly. Buy it now. It may save life.
flka, 25 CCUUj Urge sya, y0 fcSjjj.
Your Choice of All Odds and Ends
Rogers-Peet Suits
This is a most important announcement for every man with
good taste in dress. Never have these matchless suits from
the renowned Rogers-Peet factory sold
for such a bargain price. The high Vl
grade of this clothing is known the
country over. These suits are the finest ready-to-wear
garments that money can buyioorth up to $n.S0
your choice of all odds and ends, at
Barpy county, and from the evidence be
fore the Jury we find that said wound waa
made by a bullet fired from a revolver
In the hands of Tim Carr and the ehootlng
wns done with felonious Intent.
Coroner Armstrong received a communi
cation from Malvern, la., the former
home of Bestt, with the Information that
no relative of Best resided '.here, and that
the man wl)o rained Best from childhood
now lived In Omaha.
The time for the arraignment of Carr
has not yet been determined upon.
Crop Are Buffering In Many Part of
State from Water.
GRANT, Neb., July 8. (Special.) Grant
and the surrounding country continues
to be vtslted by heavy rains almost dally.
2 36-100 Inches of rain have fallen In July.
Tuesday evening a severe hailstorm caused
much destruction to may farmers about
nix miles south of Grant, hnll stones as
large as walnuts falling and the storm
lasted nearly half an hour. Crops were
badly damaged and screens, windows and
shingles mutilated. Three horses and a
cow ware killed by lightning near Grant
the same night. Weather continues vary
cool and frequently a fire is needed for
AUBURN, Neb., July 8.-(8peclnl)-Heavy
rains have prevailed for a week. The Lit
tle Nemaha river is out of its banks and
the entire bottom is Inundated, and Im
mense damage has thus been done to the
crops. Thousands of acres of corn, and
wheat has been totally destroyed. The river
Is still rising. Much damage has been
done to wheat and corn on the up lands.
The farmers cannot get Into the fields,
and the weeds In many places are getting
away with the corn.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., July 8.-(Speclal.)
The drizzling rains of the last few days
caused the farmers considerable uneasi
ness with regard to the wheat and oats
crop, and from many sections comes com
plaint of ravages from the rust, resulting
from long continued wet weather. Todoy's
sunshine Is welcomed with the hope that it
may check the damage before It becomes
HARVARD, Neb., July . (Special.)
Little rain has fallen, elnre the Cth Inst.,
but during the week previous to thst over
five inches of water fell. Winter wheat
harvest and that of early oats Is progres
sing as fast as the ground dries out to ad
mit of the use of the harvester. If there
ia no further rains to interfere with the
cutting of grain no serious results will fol
low and present indications are favoraable
as toduy is cool and pleaasnt.
Gasje County Assessment.
BEATRICE. Neb., July 8 (Special.)
County Clerk Plasters has prepared ths
abstract of assessment of Gage county for
the year 1904 for the state board which
was taken to Lincoln today by County
Assessor floott.
The abstract shows the assessed valua
tion of OaKe county to be $8,868,103.20. di
vided as follows:
Personal $2,7.!1.S0
J-ot" l.Of.6.434.00
Ianda . .u3ii.a.oo
Below will be found a few Items taken
from the abstract showing the average
assessed valuation on dogs, hogs, cattle,
horses, etc.:
Number of dogs In county, $.222, average
assessed valuation, $1.08; cattle, 40,003, as
ressed valuation. $.1.44; hogs, 66,311, assessed
valuation, $1.08; mules. 2,094, assessed valu
ation. $15.55; horses, 17.89, asssessed valu
ation, $10.76; pianos, 83fl, assessed valua
tion. $21. . All taxable property Is assessed
one-fifth of Its actual value.
Condemn Depot nronnds.
BEATRICE, Neb , July t (Special Tele
gram.) Having been unable to purchase
the rriinertv desired frtr tlm nr .l.tlin In
this city, the Burlington company lust '
evening begun condemnation proceedings
in the county court against Gage county,
the city of Beatrice, Edna C. Phelps, Oliver
Townsend.' Helena Jansen and Cornelius
Jansen to force the sale of the property
desired by tha company. Judge Bourne has
appointed as commissioners to appraise tho
property Involved F. E. Kimball, W. W.
Scott, E. G. Drake, G. H. Johnson, C. L.
Reed and H. H. Walte. They are requested
to report to the court July IS.
Arrest Alleged Kidnaper.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., July 8. (Special.)
Deputy Sheriff John Kloster of Sioux
City last evening brought to this place
and iodged In Jail Claude Reeves, a young
man who resides on Walker's Island, for
whom a warrant was issued on June 27,
out of County Judge J. J. Elmer's court,
sworn to by William W. Sharp, charging
him with kidnaping Mabel Munson, the
15-year-old stepdaughter of Sharp. Reeves
was arrested in Sioux City by the officers
of that place axid turned over to Deputy
Kloster. .The girl Is now In a home for
Incorrlgibles- In Sioux City. William Sal
isbury, who was arrested as an accomplice
of Reeves In the crime, was discharged
at his preliminary examination. The date
of Reeves' preliminary examination has
not been set yet, County Attorney McAl
lister being away, and It is more than
likely that the charge against him of kid
naping will be dismissed and one of crim
inal assault substituted.
Neman County Values
AUBURN, Neb., July 8. (Speelal.)-The
county commissioners as a board of equali
zation has adjourned. According to the
return of the assessors there are 249.479
acres of land In Nemaha county valued
t $18,138,860. or an average actual value
of $53.48 per acre. The assessed or taxable
value has been placed at $268,670. The
town or city lots are placed at $1,826,275,
with a taxable valuation of $379 491.
The actual. value of the personal property
as returned by t'.ie assessor is placed at
$3,823,455, of Which the assessed value Is
placed at $464,491. Many complaints were
made to the board but .lt did nut Interfere
with the return made by the assessors
except where evident mistakes were made;
save only It lowered the assessed value
of land In Douglas and Bedford prerlncts,
and raised It In Washington precinct.
Body Found In River.
WEST POINT, Neb., July g.-(Speclal )
The body of Dominic Brszda, sr., who dis
appeared on the night of the Fourth of
July at the Riverside park, wss found this
morning on a' sandbar In the middle of the
river, about half a mile below the park.
The body la badly decomposed snd It will
be very difficult to determine the exact
cause of death. Rumor of foul piny have
been Industriously circulated, but the gen
eral opinion seems to be that the death
was' purely accidental snd thst the de
ceased being very old and feeble wandered
awsy In the darkness snd fell into ths
river. An Inquest will be held this evening
by Coroner Bummers to sscert.itn If pos
sible the cause of death.
Organise Oil and Gas Company.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 8. (Special.) A
stock oompany to be known as the Ameri
can Central Oil and Fuel Company, Incor
porated under the laws of Arlsona, hss
been organised In this city with a capital
stock of $&u9,000. Ths company has pur
chased a tract of 240 acres of land in the
oil flellds in Kansas, which it proposes to
develop. The principal place of doing bus
iness will be at Thayer, a small town lo
cated not far from the company's property.
Arrest Alleged Tlilef.
I'LATIbMUlill, .eu., July 8. (Special
Q. M. Buck waa arrested at Elmwood,
In this county, by B. M. Cox. a blacksmith.
A charge of horse stealing was preferred 1
in Stock
ALL, THE FINE STRAW HATS in sallora, sat brims, 0 gr afSfXX
Fedoras, Milan, Jap brala and rice straws, worth MR wff g JtVi!Sfsi'
up to 11.60, go at V tjh '
that havo sold up to $4 in split straws FtSf K9 I ill
Milans, Macklnaws, etc., go at.. vv mV VVilf
go at xVo '- PMr
All Our Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats f (
worth up to 75c, goat, each IjV
against him, and he is wanted for taking
a team belonging to Frank Bartlett. He
drove the team to Eagle and while there
Imbibed so much liquor that the city mar
shal put hint in the cooler. He had tied
the team near a saloon and It was placed
In a livery stable. When he was released
In the morning he refused to claim the
team, as there was a bill for feed against
It and started toward Elmwood on the
railroad track but was arreeted.
New of Nebraska.
FATRBURY, July 8. The school census
of Falrhury, Just completed, shows a school
fmpulntlon of 1.104. a frnln of about 100 dur
ng the last year, divided as follows: Boys,
605: Klrls. B!9.
YORK July 8 -Ed Vlnlna- and Ben Fast
of Henderson are under $000 bonds each,
slsrned by Mr. J. Gnth of Henderson. These
parties are charged with keeping beer and
whisky and selling all kinds of liquors.
BEATRICE. July 8. While Henrv Melntz
and family, who. live eight miles northeast
of the city, were away from home tho
other evening, thlevee raided their smoke
house and stole their summer's meat and
lard. There la no clue.
PLATTBMOUTH. July 8-The little
village of Nc-hawka, situated near the
center of Cass county, has secured a large
flouring mill, while Plattsmouth has at
last succeeded In rapturing a genuine real
estate exchange and a commercial club.
BEATRICE, Jul 8. Armour & Co. have
decided to close their butter, egg and
poultry house In Beatrice for the present,
and Krelg Brothers, who tinve been In
charge of the business here for some time,
have boen transferred to Davenport, Ia.
HASTINGS, July 8-The work of put
ting down a new airlift well at the mu
nicipal water works plant wus Blurted to-
c.ay. It is to be 350 feet deep and have a I
capacity of -J.wO gallons per hour. When
this well Is completed Hustings will have
a water plant that can pump (jO.000 gallons
per hour.
FAIRIU'RY, July 8-Sherlff Case yester
day arrested a man who gave the name of
Harry Welsh and who had In his possi -slon
a lars;e number of conductors' checks.
He claimed to he on his way to Kansas to
work In the harvest fields, but evidently his
lay was to work the hnrvest hands with
bogus transportation. He was held ten
days for vagrancy.
YORK, July 8. Frank Sheldon, the
smooth farmhand who was found guilty of
signing William Otto's name to a check
The Drink' Ideal
For Every Meal.
Made Instantly With Hot Milk.
of $621 on the Bradahaw bank, was sen
tenced by District Judge! A. J. Evans to
five years' Imprisonment and a fine of $100.
DAVID CITY. July 8.-The case of tha
Htate against Ora E. Coffin, charged with
statutory assault upon the 13-year-old
daughter of William Wilson of Bellwood,
was concluded in the district court this
morning, the Jury returning a verdict of
guilty. Coffin is a man about 46 years old.
BEATRICE, July 8.-C. J. Hlatt, who
owns a fln farm near Odell, this county,
ha found water on hi place containing
mineral substances. The water ha been
analysed by the state chemist and Is so
strongly charged with mineral properties
that It Is said by eminent physicians to be
s safe cure for many stomach and kidney
diseases, and especially rheumatism.
HASTINGS, July 8. During the month
of June the mortgage record of Adam
county was an follows: City mortgage
tiled 21, amount $12,610.46; released 90,
amount $12,348. Farm mortgage filed 11
amount $10,697.85; released 16 amount
$8,602.60. Chattel mortgages filed 80, amount
$101,404.13; released 58, amount $17,061.60. On
of these mortgages filed was for the sum.
of $.S0,oi)0 upon the Parker Amusement com
pany stuff.
TECUMSEH. July 8. The milling plant
of the Wirt Milling company of this city
Is to be sold at public auction. Bom time
sgo there was a disagreement between tha
partners of the company and the mill waa
shut down while the matter went into tha
court. Thosa Interested have now reached
an agreement to let the property be sola
tlmt the same may discontinue to lay In
Idleness. The sale will be made In thl
city on July tl.
LEXINGTON, July 8 Rev. Harmon
Bros of Lincoln, department commander
of the Grand Army of the Republlo, ao
cnmpanled by Andy Traynor of Omaha,
enlor vice commander, made an official
visit to Reno post of this city last even
ing. An Informal reception was tendered
the distinguished guests at the court house,
to which all old soldiers, regardless of
membership in the order, and women of
the Relief corps were invited.
TKCr.MSr:il. July 8 A change In priest
has been made at St. Andrew' Cuthoita
church in this city. Rev. Father Bernard,
who was In charge here, has- been trans
ferred to Hartwell, Neb., and Rev.. Father
Thomas Harden, who was at Center, Neb.,
has been Installed at St. Andrew's church.
The change was made yesterday.
TRCl'MSEH, July 8 A petition Is being
circulated here which will be presented to
the cltv council asking Uiat the ordinance
governing the closing of business houses
on Sunday be enforced.