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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1904. nu fn PP F S fi5Y 11 u u WQW R3 SALE AT OWE-HALF PRICE J rn TUB KELLET-BTTQER line. 740 stock win so Immense In all Its departments that a week telling cannot mike a perceptible effect. (The election la Just ss great na It was In Kely-Stlger's store. Tha stock la of uniform 'excellence tljnt no store In the west could surpass. Every yard of good every piece of merchandise reachea tha umi high standard. Every careful shopper In Omaha known thla fact well. The stock la going at half and even leaa than half Kelley-Stiger's price. TOMORROW will bo a great opoolnl day in the KclloT-Stls-er half price sale. The vastness of tlie stock ami the Mtth quality of all the merchandise makes It possible to offer cotintless special lots at prices that would appear absurd under other conditions. Tomorrow's bargains have not yet been equaled in this sale they have never been duplicated In any sale In Omaha. All 1 1 miim in a ii' r en' 1' i a I - -t i - All the Ladies Suits At Half Kelley. Stiver's Price. All Keltey-Stlger'g Ladies' $25 Tailored Suits go at .... All Kelley-Stiger's Ladles' $35 Tailored Su t 2 . no at All Kelley-Stiger's Ladles' $45 Tailored Suits . go at. All Kelley-Stiger's Ladles' $15 to $29 Suits go at Z. All Kelley Stlger's Fine $2 5hirt Waist Suits go at . . All Kelley-Stiger's Pretty $3.53 Wash Shirt Waist Suits go at , All Kelley Stiver's Latest Style $5 Shirt Waist Suits go at All Kelley Stlger's Stylish $7 Shirt Waist Suits go at All the Children's At Half Kelley clley 49c All Kslley-Stlger's Children's $1.50 Dresses go at All Kelley-Stigcr's Children's Pretty $2.50 Dresses go at. . c All Kelley-Stlger's Children's Pretty $5 go at All the Ladies' Skirts. Waists. Pell .coats At Half Kelley All Kelley-Stiger's ladles' $4 and $5 QQ eklrt s-n at ttZTVJ 5 All Kelley-Stiger's ladles' $6 dress 2.98 and golf aklrts go nt, AH Kelley-Stiger's $7 and $8 dreaa 1 Oft d golf aklrts go at WiVO and All Kelley-Stiger's $10 and $12 dreaa Oft and golf aklrta go at J. All Kelley-Stlgcrs $1.75 and $1.98 QBp wrappers go at L All Kelley-Stiger's Indies' $1 dross- CO -m log sacques go at OVfw , BASEMENT SPECIALS r. All Kelley-Stlger's ladles' $1.00 JA. wraiipt-ra go at 'arVw All Keliey-Btlger'B ladle' $1 waists 25c A Kelley-St'lger's 'tadles' ' $10 tali-' 's ro i ored suits go at ' All Kclley-StlKer's ladies' $5 silk f en walsta go nt ItCJU All Kelley-Stlger'a Indies $1 wnsh sCr skirts go at... OVC All Kelley-ptlger's ladles' $140 wash KQn aklru go at J" Art Needlework On 3rd Floor. KelleyStlger's Pillow Covers Q worth 35c, at. .'1 J C All fo Kelley. Stlfer'fi Fins Pillows, stuffed with down -at half price samt priced regularly at $15. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA T-' Bpeoial Bond Electioa is Not Likely to Be 1 Called This Fall. IMPROVEMENT PLANS TO BE LAID OVER J, actios el 4b Legislature on Charter Mny Have Imgrtaat Bearln on tha General Scheme foe Work. It has practically been decided to defer action on the proposition to hold a apeclal election for the voting of bonds for public Improvements ' until next spring. The Taxpayers' league requested the mayor .and council to isaue a call for a special election for the voting of $UQ,000 of bonds ' tor parkp and a city hall building. A special election will coat about S00 and those Interested do not think It advisable to go to thla expense just at this time. , "There Is no use," eald a city official last night, ""to bring up a bond proposi tion at a regular fall election. Thla has been tried a number of times and the proposition haa always been defeated. More than likely tha matter will be al lowed to rest where It Is until tha election next spring. With ojily local affairs to Interest the voter more attention will fee paid to Issuing of bonds for public im provements " Another reason for deferring the matter until the spring election is the hope that the city charter niay be so amended by the legislature next winter as to per mit the Issuing of bonds for a general sewer aystem. As the law now atanda, only $3S,000 may be Issued for the extension of the present sewer system. What Is wanted la a large sum of money, Just how much has not been determined upon, te thoroughly overhaul the presant sewer system ani make enlargements and ex tenslsna. Those who have Investigated this matter of eewera aaser that $IOT,0C3 could be spent to good advantage la build ing new aowers. The rapid building up of the city and the extension of water mains calls for more aewera In every ward. Be sides there Is the Mud creek sewer to be considered, as well as the building of a sewer from Nineteenth and N streets to the river. By deferring the matter of building a city ball, another lessn for the quartera now occupied by the city will doubtlraa be made. The preaent lease expires In De cember of this year and as no other build ing Is available for the usee of the city tha headquarters of the municipality will doubtleaa remain wliero they are for aom tlmo to come. Arrangements are now bring made by ANO INFANTS M INVALIDS PIO Q MB, r.-a'.tK-C3 arc; Small babies quickly grow to large babies when fed on Mcl lin's Food. Mellin's Food furnishes material forcrowth. A sample of Msllln's Food co )u nothinc but tli alrit Will yuu util !' t fee yaur baby's U SLUM'S rOOO CO., OiTQN, MAM. 3 from the Purchase 10.00 12.00 14.85 .5.00 ...98c 1.98 .2.50 .3.98 Dresses and Coats - Stiver's Price. All Kelley Stlger's Children's OQ. $3 Spring Reefers go at. V OC All Kelley -Stlger's Children's I FA M Rfglans goat. l.D3 and $7 Spring Coats 2.50 Stiffer's Price. AM Kelley-Stiger's 17.60 silk walats Q gQ A" Kelley-Stiger's ladies''" pretty' d DC allk waists go at I.O All Kelley-Stiger's $3.00 Uwn'sum" iner waists go at OOC All Kelley-Stiger's $10 and"'$iil50 "r nQ Indies' allk petticoats go at J.y8 AJacK41seygoStn'r.r'.' ..'f '. 10. 3. 50 . y.H,ler 'ndlea' $7.50 O Cf spring Jackets go at ..D(J aval ... . - Lini UliDERWr.AK All Kelley-Stiger's fine muslin un derweardrawers, coraot covers, chemises, aklrts, gowns laca and ambroldery trim med with cluster of tucka, etc., etc., at 39-59-69-98-19 Kelley Stiger's RIBBONS All of Kolley-Stijror's fancy warp print, plain tllk taffetas, plaid, etc, Kolley-Stiger prlee 60c, 3oc, 10c yd, at 25c-15c-3c yd. the agents of the city hall building to give the structure a thorough overhauling. Bids are now being received for this work and the expectation is that interior clean ing and decorating will commence ahortly. When the houae cleaning la completed, the authorities will purchase new matting, chairs and other furniture for the coun cil chamber. No purchases will, however, be made until after the commencement of the next fiscal year. Hospital Boneflt Game. Saturday afternoon the lawyers and the real estate men of South Omaha will play a game of base ball at the Vinton street park for the benefit of tha hospital. Very little practice work has been done by either team on account of the weather, but a decidedly Interesting game la looked for ward to, anyway. Tickets for the event are on aaie at maa of the downtown stores, and com mittees composed of membera of the Hos pital association are selling tickets for the event. With good weather a big crowd la expected. While the game will not be particularly scientific, the players :00k for ward to having lots of fun. Both nines will have a bunch of rooters along and those who propose attending the game seem to think It will be one of the moU amusing events of the season. Following this game there Is to be a game between the letter carriers and a team made up of firemen and policemen. Nearly every even ing the carriers mar be seen practicing at Twenty-fifth and I streets, while the polios team practices on the vaotint lot north of fir hall No. 1. The proceeds of this game wi.'l also go to the hospital as sociation. By the playing of a number of gamr-s between amnteurs for the benefit of the hospital, the association expects to teoure enough money to make the first payment en a lot for a permanent hospital build ing. Diverting l.lve Stocta Shipments. Tho high water at Kansas City and the flooding of the stock yards there will cause Increased receipts of live stock at S lutli Omaha. At the stock yards ho:e last uljht It waa reported that Cudahy had sixty cars of cattle on the way from Kanvaa City to this market and heavy shipments will also be received by Swift and Armour today. Packera here say that ahlpmenta of stock dcatlncd for Kansas City will be dlvertej to this point during the floods at the lower river market. The Increase In receipts here will cause the employment of td dltlona'. men at the packing houses, und It is expected that many men will come up from Kansas City to work here until the water recedes. During the floods a year ago St Kansas City several hundred, packing house employes spent several months In South Omaha while the yards and packing houses at Kansas City were ! being placed , In order. Shljrers In tho territory tributary to Kansas City are being notified of the con dition there and the suggestion is made that stock be shipped direct to 8iu;h Omaha until further notice. The packers were not In a position last right to sty Just how many additional men would be nrciVd here, but It la safe to predict that there will be work fur several hundred men. Iloacla Almost Inipasaable. Roada leading into the city from the country are almost llnciassable on account of the heavy rains. Dairymen, fjrmTs and others driving into the rity say Hint the mud 1 so deep that teams ran ajarcely pu'l an empty wagon. In the city very few washouts have been reported, but water stands on the streets and mud la Cioni six inches to a foot In depth. On account of this condition of stTil s. Street Triutun Js not having ucy work done on the unpaved aireeta. Home new blades have been ordered for the city road machine and as seen as the ground aii the Fine Underwear and At One Half Kell Ladien 50c Hosiery, from the KelIy Sti ger -lock, plain lisle gauze cotton ICp and all over lace lisle hose at pair 3v Men's Imported Hosiery, regular 50c quality, all over lace and all lisle thread, black, brown and fancy iln"v Ladies, Men and Children's Domestic Hosiery Bargain tableB piled high with blade, tan and fancy i( 4l p &;!?,Q and ,aco lOc, I22c, 15c pr Ladies $1.50 and $2.00 Silk Hosiery all pure spun silk, black, white and 7CTr fancy hosiery, your choice at pr JL KELLEY SUPERS' RID Kelley-Stiger's highest grade of kid gloves such well known brands as Trefousse and Dent's gloves white and black and colors, Kelley-Siiger'a price f- and 3 pair, at LADIES' NECKWEAR. lacs embroidered stocks, tabs and turn over collars, threixd and open work a fC IP. d styles, worth up to 50c I UC 1 C" AiDC " H ANDKEIICHIEFS la Kelloy-Stlger stock, fancy colored border for 1 nd ladies' Swiss embroidered, worth up to 16c nf it, each SHc and SILK GLOVES res artfl silk lace mitts, lnolud- IP- Crt IT t era length, Kelley-StlRer'a price OCmJ UC-vhl "SILK UMBRELLAS Fine silk umbrellas In silk serge, taffeta a ml gloria Bilk, Kelley. Stiger'a price up to $5, at PARASOLS d silk chiffon In lace trimmed, etc. white, black 69c-98c-l.50-l.98 LADiES' VEILS All the veils from the Kelley-Stigar stock, . worth up to $1 each, at dries out a little the work of rounding up the streets will be commenced. Grading operations are at a standstill. Merchants notice a falling off In trade on aocount of the condition of the country roads. Ready for Curbing;. Everything is ready now for the com mencement of the laying of curbing on South Twenty-fourth street and Railroad avenue. Material is on the ground and the wooden forma are completed. AH that the contractor is waiting for now Is a ces sation of rain. The wooden forms for tha curbing, which Is to be f artificial atone, are six Inches wide and twenty inches deep. This curbing is to be con tinuous and not In sections, and can ba laid very rapidly when work once com started this pavement will hardly 'be com mences. On account of the de'ay In getting pleted before the end of October. City Asks for Bids. At the direction of the mayor and coun cil City Clerk Gtllin has Inserted an ad vertisement in The Bee asking bond buy ers for bids for an issue of $20,000 inter section paving bonds. Bids will be re ceived by the cierk up to 8 p, m. Thurs day,! July 14. This Issue of bonds will be In the denomination of $500 each, bear dste of July 1, 1904, and mature In twenty years, with the usual five years option. Inter est at he rate of 4 per cent per annum will be paid. Each bid must be In writing and accompanied by a certified check for $1,000. Mayor Konttky Congratulated. In the recount of the ballots in the Koutsky-Hoctor election contest aigain of eight votes was shown for Koutsky, mak ing the mayor's majority over Hootor Si votes. When the result became known hero yesterday many friends of the mayor called at tho city hall and tendered their congratulations. In order to be prepared In case of an appeal to the district court the boxea containing the ballots have been returned to the city clerk and are locked In the vsult in his office. The bsllots will be kept In the vault for ten days yet. Magic City Gossip. The recent heavy rains has put a stop to tho cutting of weeds. James Iowry has returned from Excelsior Springs, Md., much Improved In health. Hruco McCullnrh la in St. Louis attending tho fnlr and the democratic convention. Cl-irence O. Nnwna and wife have gone to Beatrice to visit friends for ten days, Mrs. N. 1. Cockrell, Twenty-fourth and G streets, is reported to be seriously 111, A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. 'red try, 1 hlrty-ilfth and J streets. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hothhols, 2611 N street, report the blilli of a daughter. R. M. Laverty, Twenty-seventh and D rticets, announces the birth of a daughter. Mia. I. D. Erlnn haa returned from a two weeks' stsy with friends at Falrmount, Neb. Miss Keulah Davia, daughter of Dr. Wil liam Davis, ban g'no to St. Louis to visit the fMir. Kcv. L. D. Hopkins ef Omaha will con duct services at Hi. Martin s Episcopal church next Sunday. City Attorney W. C. Lambert returned es;4i;. Goip lor Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don't put yourself in this man's place, but keep a bottle this remedy in your home. Jl Is certain to be needed sooner or Uter und when Umt time rouira vou will need It ba.lly; you will need it quic kly. Duy it now. It may save life. frWe, Utt tacit Ura aiaa, 60 caul. HoSlCry ey-Stigers Price GLOVES $1 LaLdies' From the Wash Belts, de soieBelts in worth as high 98cl.98-2.50- pins Kelley-Stiger's prioe, 25c and 0O0, at Ladles' Brooch Pins worth up to I2.S0, at Oold Neck Beads-Kelley-Stlger's price, 12.60, at, each . 48c Gent's Cuff Buttons Gold stoaes, pearl dumb bells, gold plated, eto., worth 25o and 60c, at, laat evening from Auburn, Neb., where h apent a tew aaya with relatives. A detail of rock pile prisoners was put io wora yesieraay cleaning me c.roaewai in the residence portion of the city. FIFTH WARD REPUBLICANS John Ik Kennedy Addresses a Largely Attended meeting; of the Clnb. "In the republican platform 'there Is no complaint or criticism," aaid John I Kennedy at tha Fifth Ward Republican club meeting laat night. "It Is a platform of( commendation. It apologises for no promises mads and not fulfilled, and prom ises nothing but what the party expects te perform." . "Can any of you tell me what a democrat Is, or what he believes? No man knows. When you speak of a democrat you aak In the name breath, 'What kind of a democrat V What doea the party stand for tonight? We may know tomorrow night atid we will not know until tomorrow night whether it stands for the same thing that It stood for In 1886 or something else. Democrats tonight do not know that their aouls are their own; they do not know what they stand for or what they will stand for tomorrow night. "The distinguished gentleman from Ne braska, W. J. Brysn, received a great ovation at tha hands of tha convention to day, and for what? For being wrong on eveery proposition he has ever advocated, and how do you expect that body of men to Handle the government successfully? "The first thing which marks the un successful business man Is the borrowing of money to float his business a little longer. That waa what Grover Cleveland did when he held the reins of government. "We have pitted against the democratic nominee, whoever he may be, Theodore Rooaavelt. Why la thla man Roosevelt so strong with the people? There are Just as brainy men in the party; that Is not where lies Ms power entirely. One of the elements of strength In Roosevelt Is that the people have perfect confidence In his Integrity. Whst he undertakes to accom plish he accomplishes by direct methods. People also have confidence In his char acter and strength. They know he can stand up and be a man. They also know he haa aggreesivenesa which leada him te do thlnga. In Falrbanka we have a cool, deliberate, wtll balanced atateaman. "The question of the, united support of the party In thla district haa been referred to. I have not an unkind word to say re garding the preaent representative from this district In congress, but we all know no democrat can represent this district and accomplish what he should, because ha la with the minority. Democrata aay they will remedy thla by making congreaa democratic, but that la an Impossible task. I am a candlate for congreaa and if I am elected I will repreaent the entire party In thla district regardless of faction. No man will be abla to control ma, but any man may sdvlae me." Nelson C. Pratt and Senator Charlea L. Saunders delivered brief addressee upon the present political situation, after which the meeting adjourned. HUSTLERS TAKE A STREET CAR Play Italaonll aud Hold lp Thirty Nina Men for Ten Dollar Hansom. It was lrft for the hustling committee of the Knights of Ak-aar-Ben to prove that pleasure and business can be combined and each with entire success. That the street ear crusade whleh waa made by tha com mittee yeeterday afternoon was successful the thirty-nine new members who gave up $10 to be enrolled on the list of knights la ample evidence that the party enjoyed From tl,e Bankrupt Stock Ladies, Misses' & Children's Under wear from the Kelley-Stiger stock sum mer weight 15c and tfn I'll n 25c quality at DL, IUL, lsV2L Ladies 50c Lisle Vests and Union Suits, many styles on bargain IZf, squares at .vOL Ladies $1 Underwear, all the lisle silk unoerwear also white and colored union' F( suits plain white lialo thread lace trimmed s)ljC union suits at Finest Silk Hosiery, from theKelley-Sti-ger stock, Including lace boot no hosiery worth up to $4 pair at Pl.0 pf SOS, HANDKERCHIEFS Ladles' and men's plain sheer linen convent hemstitched handkerchiefs from the Kelley-Stiger stock all widths of hems, hand embroidered Initial handkerchiefs, linen lace trimmed and fnncy embroidered, etc., f f O bargain tables worth up to I lC 6(tc each, at, each Belts Kelley-Stiger stock Kaiser French kid leather, silk peau fancy colors, etc., as $1.00 each, at, 3 j Chatelaine Bats with fancy frames, patent fasteners, all this seasons shades, latet style leathers, 1C. worth up to $1.00, at Ladles' Shirt Waist Jewelry Hand-carved Pearls, inlaid brilliants, imported waist gets, etc., 10f I'll worth up to 75o, at lUt'IJL Jewelry Specials Pin aets, brooch pins, cuff pins, baby 10c-15c 50c 98c 15c a grand time everyone who was so for tunate as to be along so voted. There was not a hitch in the proceed ings from start to finish and everyone who started and eighteen others were there at the finish. The hustling committee with colors flying and a bugle corps aboard loft Fifteenth and Farnnm streets In a chartered car shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They sooured all Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs and wound up with a dinner at Lake Manawa. All along the trip recruits were added. John Anderson waa the first victim. He was walking peacefully along South Six teenth street when much to his amaze ment tho crowd literally hauled him to a watting car. The Ralsouli trick coat him ten and he waa given a membership badge. Chairman Russell, In speaking of the success of the venture, charged every member of the committee to be at tho Paxton hotel early Monday morning, where he said they would meet with representa tives of 160 business houses who would accompany them upon another crusade. Luncheon will be taken nt TCalHuff. ,,, dinner at the Paxton In the evening. The ! membership of the Ak-Sar-Ben, he said, now numbers 1,039, as againat about 1,200 on June 1, a mighty good ahowjng. H0RSESH0ERS END CONVENTION Cloae What the Delegrates Say la the Most Successful Session on t Record. The horaoshocrs yeaterday brought to a close what they declare to be one of the most harmonious and promising conven tions they have ever held. Despite the fact that over $100,000 haa been' paid out in strikes, the report of the auditing commit tee showed the state of finances to be ex cellent. Before adjournment the conven tion went on record aa being in favor of conference and conciliation in questions between employer and employe, and also adopted laws governing the apprentice problem. J. Fltxpatrlck of Chicago and R. Kene han of Denver were elected delegates to the eonventlon of the American Federation of Labor to be held In San Francisco In November, Committees have been formed to try and get about state organisations before the next convention, which will be held In Brooklyn, N. T., in 1908. HELD FROM CONVICT STRIPES Aunt of Convlrted Yonnar Mmu Se- enrea a Nevr Trial for Him. D. C. Hoffmelater, convicted of larceny fiom the peraon and sontenced to one year In the penitentiary, haa been aaved from convict's stripea by the intervention of hla aunt, who came from Chicago and Induced Judge Day to grant her nephew a new trial. There are extenuating circumatancea aur lOunCing the crime fur which young Hoff. melster was convicted, and on this account the aunt found the court Inclined to len iency. Bee Wsnt Ads are the best Buslnsss Boosters. BOGLE'S FOURTH OF JULY Part of His Celebration Makes (Has Pefendant In Personal In fnrjr Case. William Bogle, Jr., the millionaire coal operator of Chicago and a former resident of Omaha, haa been made defendant In a suit for $6,000 da mags. Instituted by Mrs. FROM KELLEY-STIGER STOCK Men's $2 and $2.50 Shirts at 75c All the hlRhest grade men's shirts carried by Kelley-Stiger, Including the Star and Monarch brands negligee shirts with collnrs and cuffs attached or de tached plain white and colored lnnndcm! shirts, pleated and plain bosom and full dress shirts nil newand Intent style, worth up to $2."(V-jour choice nt, each FROM THE KELLEY-STIGER STOCK Men's $1.50 and $2 Night Shirts at 75c All the excellent quality night shirts from the Kelley-Stlgor stock f f $1.60 and $2 quality on sale J S Men's $1 Night Shirts at 40c Kelley-Stiger's Underwear Fine Silk LTalbriggan, mercerized silk and iinon ette underwear, from the K.-S. stock, go at All the 50c Summer Underwear from the Jveiiey-btiger stock, also all tha broken underwear one lot at All the Highest Grade 2-Piece and Union iromtnoiveMey-Htigerstoclc-Ameflcan etc., worth up to ,', at NECKWEAR Teeks, four eques, imperial and ascots. iteguiar f l quality neckwear Irom the Kelley-Stiger stock, MKN'fe HOSE, plain and fancy, lisle, OS-, linen and maco, worth up to 75c, at.. "''W MEN S SILK LACE HOSE, plain Bft-. and fancy, worth up to $1.50. at Jt PAJAMAS AND NIGHT SHIRTS from Kelley-Stiger stock, Qfto-S ED worth up to $3. at VOt'LOU laTsffcHPIsflaTO FROM, THE GREAT NOTIONS KELLEY-STIGER STOCK Darning Worsteds 4 , , lirook's Thread 4 S cards for IV 2 spools for 1C Dnrning Cotton Eagle Talon Hooks I cards for 'v and Eyes 2 cards for C Fancy Cube 9P Cornllne Dresri Shields (a Pina per aet , ...OC Do Long Hooks An 500 yards and Eyes card Basting thread , , IW Taffeta Seam Binding An Nonelastlc Webbing B 10 yards flbr " par yard OW Canneld Drasa Shields (rip Qu"l Bone An pair ,lvlw per bolt 4C Pad Hose Supporters Or- Double Serge A m pair vc Silk Belting-yard C Bone Collar Btfttona- 2c Flnlahihg Braid An per dosen Pr bolt C Mary Griffith of Brasll, Ind. The allega tion Is that on the Fourth of July Bogle threw a giant firecracker Into an lnterur ban car at Terra Haute, injuring the 7-year-old daughter of the complainant. The firecracker la said to have exploded near the girl's face. NO LOSS FROM FLOOD THERE Crops Reported In Excellent Condi tion Throoarh the Republican and Platte Valleys. Frank L. Mercer, of the vicinity of Brady'a Island, is at the "Things are looking mighty fine up In our part of the Platte valley,-' he said. "We are going to have the biggest hay crop we ever had. Stock of all kinds Is In the finest shape. The rains have been about right, and the corn Is the best In the state, from what I can hear. The farmers have had plenty of time to attend to It, and much of It Is laid by, getting too high to plow. "We think the opening up of the landa northwest of us under the Kinkald act is going to help our section a go-d deal. There la some kicking over withdrawing so much of the laud from entry under that law along the North Plate river up as far as 0OCTO1S forJ3E STRENGTH vs. WEAKNESS If you are drifting in a aea of -sickness and disease toward the rocks and shoals of chronic. Invalidism, you should stop drifting and consult the eminent specialists connected with the STATU MEDICAL INSTITUTE at once, before It is too late. We are sav ing thousands of young and middle aged men who were plunging toward the grave, tortured by the woes of Nervo-Sexual Debility, cauaed by aelt abuse, Indiscretions, excesses, or tho result of specific or private diseases. Are you weaa, non i leei ngni nerves shattered, suffering from hid We make puny, weak men strong and every vital organ perfect, Infiltrating that old feeling of youthful fire, vim and courage. Do you want to be strong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strriiKth In every muscle, ambition, grit, rnrrgy and endurance, in order to make your life complete? We have glad dened the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men who were plung ing toward the grave, restoring them to perfact specimens of physical manhood, full of vim, vigor end vitality. If you are lacking In theso essential elements of manhood, or suffering from Stricture, Varicocele, missions, Nsrvo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Hood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, or efhy disease or weakness due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses, self abuse or the result of specific or prlvste diseases, you should lake prmr stes to rid yourslf of such a condition, as It will cause you bitter regret and humili ation in after-life. We cure this clasa of troubles quickly, safely and thor oughly. rnilCltl TATinU fDFF " you cannot call write for symptom blank. lUnf3lLlAIIUil I HLL Office Hours a. m. to I p m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I JOB Farnam St.. list. I Jth and 14th St.. Omaha, Nats. SulC! 75c At Less Than Half Prlc 50c 25c lots of 76o and $1 Suit Underwear gCt m silk, mercerized, I ' aUv"liJU in hand in Uandn. hjner ish 1F worth up to 75c, at, eac h.. very finest crade. yf r at. WJ KELIjKT-STIGER'8 MEN'S K0 leather belts, at KELI.ET-STIGEn'S MEN'S $1 and $1.50 leather belta, at ,25c 50c MEN 8 KID AND MOCHA OLOVEfl I.ticaa, Kennedy and Perrln's 1 OR makes, worth up to $2.50, at ItJ Bridgeport, and it looks to ua up there at If the big cattle men had something to d with It. Honeatly, I do not think, and 1 know the country pretty well, too, thai one half of the land withdrawn from entry for the purpose of carrying out the irrlga. tlon projects for tha government, csn b irrigated, unless they hoist up a lot ol reservoirs by ballon." . Charles K Arnold, one of the alfalfa farmers of the Republloan valley from the vicinity of Bloomlngton, Is at tha Mer chants, and apeaka In glowing terms of affairs up the valley, "We have had a ilttln surplus rain," he said, "hut not enough to seriously hurt us. The wot weather has retnrded the working of corn somewhat, but It Is making a mighty hny and alfalfa crop, which means hogs and cattle for us down there to the end of the chapter. The corn has got very weedy and la not doing as well In the bottom lands as up on the second bottoms and high landa. I think wheat will run from twenty to thirty bushels to the acre, and, from the present outlook, oats will go In many localities up to fifty bushels to the acre. The corn needs a lot of good hot sunshine, so the farmers can get Into the fields after the weeds." The Bee Want Ads sre the Beat Business Booosters. den drnlns and weakness, deapondant, lifeless, without ambition, linnalred memory, easily fatigued, excitable, restless, hasgard looking, irritable and on the vers of physical and mental collapse, primarily Induced by abuses In youth, excesses In later life, or tho result of specific or private diseases, which ore blighting your future career by' Impeding your progress both com mercially and socially T If so, you should consult us without unnecessary delay und escape from the alavery that la holding you captive and de pleting your manhood. s