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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1004. PLATFORM IS ADOPTED Declaration of Democratic Party it Before Extra ordinary Clothing Clearance. Values Never Before Equaled the People. FINAL ACTION TAKEN LAST EVENING CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Pavers idnlailoa of Foar TerrMorlea to Statehood Eiterralantloa of i Polygamy ud Separation of Chareh aad State. Gret Jily Clearance tisequlcd F3 ST. LOU18, July .-Followlne; Is the text of the smtnuad democratic platform which was adopted by the full committee at the St. Louis convention this evening. Test of the Platform. The democratic) party of the 1'nlted States, In convention assembled, declarer Its devotion to the nlal principles of the democratic faith witirh brines us together In a party communion. under them lucal self-government and I)atton unity and prosperity were alike established. They underlaid our Inde pendence, the atructure of our free re public, and every democratic extension from Louisiana to California and Texas to Oregon which preserved faithfully In all the states the tie between taxation and representation. They yet Inspire the masses of our people, guarding Jealously their rights and liberties and cherishing their fraternity, peace and development. They remind us of our duties and responsibilities as ritisens, and Impress upon us, particu larly at this time, the necessity of re form and the rescue of the administration of government from the headstrong, ar bitrary and svasmodlc methods which distract business by uncertainty and per vade the public mind with, dread, dis trust and perturbation. Faadameotal Principles. 1. The application of these fundamental principles to the living Issues of the day la the first atep toward the assured peaie, safety and progress of our nation. Free dom of the press, of conscience and of prech, equality before the law. We deny the right of any executive to disregard or suspend any constitutional Erlvllege or limitation. Obedience to the lws and respect for their' requirements are . alike the supreme duty of the cltlsen and the official. Themllltary should be used only to sup port and maintain the law. We unqual ifiedly condemn Its employment for the summary banishment or citlsens without trial or for the control of elections. We approve the measure which passed the United States senate In lHW, but which a republican congress has ever since re fused to enact, relating to contempts In federal pourte and providing for trial by Jury in cases of Indirect contempt. PakllO Waterways. We favor ' liberal apbropriatlons for the care and Improvement ot the waterways of the country. When any waterway like the Mississippi river Is of sufficient Im portance to demand special aid of thu government, such aid should be extended with a definite plan of continuous work Until permanent Improvement is secured. We oppose the republican policy of starv ing home development in order to feed the greed for conquest and the appetite for national "prestige" and display of strength. , Economy of Administration. ' L Large reductions can easily be made la the annual expenditures of the government without the efllcienuy of any branch of the public service, aud we shall Insist upon the strictest economy and frugality compatible wltn vigorous ana emeient civil, military and naval administration as a ngnt ot tne people too clear to be denied or withheld. 2. We favor honesty In the public service. The enforcement of honesty In the public .1 .1 rt t V, m . i V. lntrtm latlve Investigation of those executive de partments of the government already known to teem with corruption, as well as other departments suspected of harboring corruption, and the punishment of ascer tained corraptlonlsts without fear or favor or regard to persons. The persistent and -'deliberate refusal of both the senate and house of representatives to permit suoh Investigation to be, made demonstrates that only by a change In the executive and In the legislative departments can complete exposure, punishment and correction be obtained.. The democratic party has been and will continue to be the consistent opponent of that class of tariff legislation by which cer tain interests have been permitted, through congressional favor, to draw a heavy trib ute from the American people. This monstrous perversion of those equal opportunities, which our - political Institu tions were established to secure has caused what may once have been infant Industries to become - the greatest . combinations- of capital that the world has ever known. These especial favorites of the government finve through trust methods been converted nto monopolies, thus bringing to an end domestlo competition, which was the only alleged character, upon the extravagant profits made possible by the protective system. These Industrial combinations by the financial assistance they can give now control the policy of the republican party. We denounce protection an a robbery of the many to enrich the few and we favor a tariff limited to the needs of the govern--fment, economically administered and so levied as not to discriminate against any Industry, class or section, to the end that the burdens of taxation shall be distributed as equally as possible. We favor a revision and a gradual re duction of the tariff by the friends of the masses and for the common weal, and not by the friends of Its abuses, Its extortions and Its discriminations, keeping In view the ultimate ends of "equality ot burdens and equality of opportunities" and the constitutional purpose of raising a revenue B1ESJIFIBE Willi Rctilng, Burning, Scaly K:r::rs of tta Skla Instantly Rsllmtftiy Baths wife ctflcGra Soap And Esntla Applications ot Guticura Ointment. r Instant relief and refreehlag sleep for kin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted mother, la warm batba with Cntlcnra Soap and gentle anointings wiin Cutlt ura Ointment, the great akin cars, and purest of emollient, to be followed In severe cases bv mlM dose of Cutienra Insolvent. sly niece" little baby bey. two year old. was so badly afflicted with i-cxcina that be noedod constant watching. It was all oer his face and he scratched the sores couatautly. Mornings his clothes would be stained with blood, and bis face and bands would be cov ered His family never could take him out, as his face was alwxys f nil of lare sores. They hd medical treatment, and tried everything lory beard of. 8he commenced using the Cnilcnra Remedies last spring and found that at last she had a wondi rful healer. The ores left his face and he was entirely cored, and bow bis face la as smooth and rosy aa though no sore had ever bees there to mar It." Mas- L. J. ROOT. JSitUSlLKM, H. T. Feb. II, 198. On March T, 1903, Ave years later, Mrs. Root writes "I received your note of kind In quiry and am pleased to Inform you of the perinaneat cure of ray llttl ov. Ue is now health? child wtih pink and while skin free from all lUmlh. It has been a marvelloait en re aiid brought abont in a short time after all other medical aid failed." . Mra(tM Un wor r - lUMinal Mt. JUDGE GEORGE GRAY, of Deleware. Copyrighted 1904, by The North American Co., Philadelphia, Used by Courtesy of The North American. by taxation, to-wlt. : the support of the federal government In all its Integrity and virility, but in simplicity. Trusts and Combinations. We recognize that the gigantic trustsand combinations designed to enable capital to secure more than its Just share of the Joint products vnf capital and labor, and which have been fostered and promoted under republican rule, are a menace to beneficial competition and an obstacle to permanent business prosperity. A private monopoly is indefensible and Intolerable. Individual equality of opportunity and free competition are essential to a healthy and permanent commercial prosperity; and any trust, combination or monopoly tend ing to destroy these by controlling produc tion, restricting competition or fixing prices, should be prohibited and punished by law. We especially denounce rebates and dis crimination by transportation companies. American Cltlsenahlp. We pledge ourselves to Insist upon the just and lawful protection of our citlsens at home and abroad' and to use all proper measures to secure for them, whether native born or naturalised, and without distinction of raos or oreed, the equal pro tection of laws and the enjoyment of all rights and privileges open to them under the covenants of our treaUesof friendship and commerce, and. If under existing treaties the right of travel and sojourn la denied to American citlsens or recognition is withheld from American Passports by any countries on - the ground ot race or creed, we .favor the beginning of negotia tions with the governments of such coun tries to secure uy treaties the removal of these unjust discriminations. We demand that all over the world a duly authenticated passport Issued by the gov ernment of the United States to an Ameri can cltlsen shall be proof of the fact that he is an American cltlsen and shall entitle him to the treatment due him as such. Election, of Senators by Pee pie. We favor the election of Molted States senators by the direct vote of the people. Statehood for Territories. We favor the admission of tne territo ries of Oklahoma and the Indian Terri tory. We also favor the Immediate admis sion of Arizona and New Mexico as sep arate states and a territorial government for Alaska and Porto Klco. We hold that the officials appointed to administer the government of any territory as well as of tne district of Alaska should be bona fide residents at the time of their appointment of the territory or district In which their duties are to be performed. Condemnation of Polygamy. We demand the extermination of polyg amy within the Jurisdiction of the United States and the complete separation of Church and state in political affairs. Regarding merchant Marine. We denounce the ship subsidy bill re cently paksed by tne Lulled Stales senate as an Iniquitous appropriation 01 public funds for private purposes and a wasteiul. Illogical and useless attempt to overcome by subsidy and obstructions raised by republican legislation to the growth and development of American commerce on the sea. We favor the upbuilding of a merchant marine without new cr additional burdens upon the people and without bounties from the public treasury. School aad Race Qaestloas. The race question has brought countless woes to this country. The calm wUdom of the American people should see' to It that It brings no more. To revive the dead "and hateful race and sectional animosities In any part of our common country means confusion, d.struc tlon of business and the reopening ot wounds now happily healed. North, south, east and west have but recently stood to- geinrr in line or nine irom tne w.-UH of Peking to the wa.ll of Santiago, and as sharers of the common glory and com mon destiny we should share fraternally the common burdens. We therefore deprecate and condemn the Bourbonlike, selfish and narrow spirit of the recent republican convention at Chi cago which sought to kindle anew the em bers of racial and sectional strife and we appeal from It 10 the sober common seru-o and patriotic spirit of the American peo ple. The Republican Administration. The existing republican administration has been spasmodic, erratic sensational, sectacular and arbitrary, it has made Itself a satire upon the congress, the courts and upon the settled practices snd usages of national and International law. It summoned the congrtss into hasty and futile extra session and virtually ad journed It, leaving behind Its flight from Washington uncalled calendars and unac complished tasks. It made war. which Is the sole power of congress, without Its authority, thereby uouipuia une ui us runuameniai pierota- It violated a plain statute of the aa plain treaty usages and eon dons so under or executing a great public policy, whlrh could have been more easily effected lawfully, constitutionally and with honor. It forced strained and unnatural con struction upon statutes, usurping judicial Interpretation, and substituting congres sional ftisctment decree. It withdrew from congress their custom ary duties of Investigation, which have tieretofore made the rvpr.wnlatlvee of the people and the states the terror of evildoers. It conducted a secretive Investigation of Its own and boasted of a few sample con victions, while It threw a broad coverlet over the bureaus which had been their chosen field of operative abuses, and kept in power the superior o triors under whose administration the crimes hsd been com mitted it ordered assault Un some monopolies, but paralysed by Its first victory, It flung out the flag of truce and cried out that It would not "run amuck." leaving Its future purposes beclouded by its vacilla tions. The law of all citlsens, right of trial by jury, freedom of the person defended by (he writ of habeas corpus, liberty of per sonal contract untramrncleil by sumptuary laws, supremacy of the civil over the mili tary authority, a well disciplined mllltla, the separation of church and state, econ omy In expenditures, low taxation, tbat labor may he lightly burdened; prompt and sacred fulfilment of publlo and private obligations, fidelity to treaties, peace and friendship with all nations, entangling al liances with none, absolute acquiescence In the will of the majority, the vital prin ciple of republics these are the doctrines which democracy has established as prov erbs of the nation and they should be constantly Invoked and enforced. Capital and Labor. We favor adjustment and administra tion Of laws, giving labor and capital impartially their just rights. Capital and labor ought not to be enemies. Karri Is necessary to the other. Each has Its rights, but the rights of labor are cer tainly no less "vested," no less "sacred" and no less "unalienable" than the rights of capital. Constitutional Guarantees. Constitutipnal guarantees are violated whenever any citizen 1s- denied the right to labor, acquire and enjoy property or reside where Interest or inclination may determine. Any denial thereof by individ uals or organizations or government should be eummarlfy rebuked and punished. Federal Contract with Trusts. We condofhn the action of the republican party In congress in refusing to prohibit an executive department from entering Into contracts with convicted trusts or unlaw ful combinations in restraint of Interstate trade. We believe that ono of the best methods of procuring economy and honesty in the public service Is to have public offi cials, from the occupant of the White House down to the lowest of them, return as nearly ah may be to Jefferaonian sim plicity ot living. . BAeentlve Usurpation, We faror the nomination and election of a president Imbued with the principles of the constitution, who will set his face sternly against executive usurpation ot legislative and judicial -functions, whether that usurpation be veiled under the guise of executive construction of existing laws or whether it take refuge in the tyrants' pleas of necessity or superior wisdom. Imperialism. We favor the preservation, so far as we can, of an open door for the world's com merce In tne Orient without unnecessary entanglement In oriental and European af fairs and without arbitrary, unlimited. Ir responsible and absolute government any where within our Jurisdiction. We oppose fervently, as did Oeorge Washington him self, an Indefinite, Irresponsiblo, discretion ary and vague absolutism and a policy of colonial exploitation, no matter where or by whom Invoked or exercised; we believe with Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Adams, that no government has a right to make one set of laws for those "at home" and another and a different set of laws, abso lute In their character, for those unfortu nates In the colonies. AH men under the American flag are en titled to the protection of the Institutions whose emblem the flag Is; If they are in herently unfit for those Institutions, then they are Inherently unfit to he members of the American body politic. Wherever there may exist a people Incapuble of being gov erned under American laws, 'In conso nance with the American constitution, the territory of that people ought not to be a part of the American domain. We insist that we ought to do for the Filipinos what we have done already for the Cubans and It is our duty to make that promise now, and, upon suitable guar antees of protection to citlsens of our own and other countries resident there at the time of our withdrawal, set the Filipino people upon their feet, free and Independent to work out their own destiny. The endeavor of the secretary of war, by pledging the government's endorsement for "promoters" In the Philippine Islands, to make the United States a partner in speculative legislation for the archipelago, which was only temporarily held up by the opposition of the democratic senators In the last session, will. If successful, lead to entanglements from which it will bn difficult to escape. Conspiracies Against Trade. We demand an enlargement of the pow ers of the Interstate Commerce commission, to tha end that the traveling public and shippers ot this country may nave prompt and adequate relief from abuses to which they are subject In the matter of transpor tation. We demand a strict enforcement of exist ing civil and criminal statutes against all such trusts, combinations and monopolies; and we demand the enactment or such further legislation as may be necessary to effectually suppress them. Any trust or unlawful combination en gaged In Interstate oonuneroe whloh Is monopolizing any branch of business or production should not be permitted to transact business outside of the state of its origin. Whenever it shall be established in any court of competent jurisdiction that such monopolization exists such prohibi tion should be enforced through compre hensive laws to be enacted on the subject. Reclamation, of Arid Lands. We congratulate our western citizens upon the passage of the law known as the Newlands Irrigation act for the Irrigation and reclamation of the arid lands of the west a measure framed by a democrat, passed In the senate by a nonpartisan vote and passed In the house against the opposi tion of almost all the republican leaders by the vote the majority of which was demo cratic. We call attention to the great democratlo measure, broad and comprehensive as It is, working automatically throughout all time without further action of congress, until the reclamation of all the lands in the arid west capable of reclamation ts accom plished, reserving the lands reclaimed for homeseekers In small traots and rigidly guarding against the land monopoly as an evidence of the policy of domestic develop ment contemplated by the democratic party should It be placed in power. Isthmian Canal. The democracy when entrusted with power will construct the Panama canal speedily, honestly and economically, thereby giving to our people what demo crats have always contended for a great lnteroceanlo canal, furnishing shorter and cheaper lines of transportation and broader ana less trammelled trade relations with the other peoples of the world. Reciprocity. We favor liberal trade arrangements with leroic mark downs for todny, as a conse uence of our semi-annual inventory which e take August 1st. All Broken Lots en's Summer Suits go at Half Price great tables, crowded with lots of two three of a kind, exact representatives of finest summer suits (and you know what means) now on sale at half regular price. All former "$2.00 Suits go for 12.50 All former 22.50 Suitsgo for 11.25 All former - 20.00 Suits go for 10.00 All former 10.00 Suits go for 9.00 All former 15.00 Suits go for 7.50 All former 12:00 Suits go for 6.00 All SiraLW Hats One-Third Off $1-1.25 Hats, 75c $1.50-2.00 Hats, $1.00 $2 Hats, $1.50 All Summer Skirts Priced for Quick Clearance. w M F,"3M't' il .11 1 A WO V 1 Xm ) and pbSMtj our V- U that All former $3.00 Shirts 2.50 All former J2.50 Shirts 2.00 All former. $1.75 and ?2.00 Shirts i ... .1.50 All former $1.50 Shirts 1.00 All former 75c and $1.00 Shirts 50c Great values in Underwear Broken lots at half. 50c values 20c. $1 values 50c Men's Finest Pajamas at Half. Canada and with, peoples of other countries where they can be entered Into with bene fit to the American agriculture, manufac tures, mining or commerce Monroe Doctrine, We favor the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine in its entirety. Navy and Army. We' favor the reduction of the army and navy expenditures to the point historically demonstrated to be sate and sufficient. Pensions and Oar Soldiers and Bailors. The democracy would secure to the sur viving soldiers and sailors and their de pendents, generous pensions, not by an arbitrary executive order, but by legisla tion which a grateful people stand ready to enact. Our soldiers and sailors who defend with thelr lives the legislation and the laws have a sacred Interest in their Just ad ministration. They must, therefore, snare with us the humiliation with which We have witnessed the exaltation of court favorites, without distinguished service, over the scarred heroes of many battles, or Hgfrrindlxed by exerullve nornprlntlon out of the treasures of a prostrate people In violation of the act u, i.-oimress which fixed the compensation and allowance of military offioers. Civil service. The democratic party stands committed to the principles of civil service reform and we demand their honesty Just and Impar tial enforcement. We denounce the republican party for Its continuous and sinister encroachments upon the spirit and operation of civil serv ice rules, whereby It has arbitrarily dls- fensed with examination for orilcers Inthe merest of favorites, and employed all manner of devices to overreach and set aside the principles upon which the civil service was established. Appeal to the Country. Conducting the campnlgn upon this dec laration of our principles ana purpose we Invoke for our candidates the support not only of our great and time-honored or ganization, but also the active assistance of all of our fellow citizens who, disre garding past differences upon questions no longer in Issue, desire the perpetuation of our constitutional government as framed and established by the fathers, of the re public Senator Daniel concluded reading; the platforta at 8:56 o'clock. When it was ob served that he -hod ceased reading tho con vention broke Into cheering. GUNS YAWN FOR JAPS (Continued from first Page.) to maneuvering in a flat oountry, will be completely at home, Japanese Are Advancing. General Sakharoff, commander of the eastern army, in a long dispatch to the general staff, dated yesterday, reported outpost skirmishes over a wide territory throughout July 5 and t, which Indicate a general advance of the Japanese, who are driving back the Russian advanoe posts. Sakharoff says the Russian losses during the fighting on July 6 have not been definitely ascertained, but it Is known that two officers and fifteen men were killed or wounded. He says: "In general we observed on July that the enemy was taking the offensive simul taneously along hia whole front, extending from the seashore aa far as the valley of the Chin Chan river. On the morning of July 7 a vast camp of the enemy was dis covered , in the neighborhood of Blaok hetzsa. At 8 a, m. July 7 the enemy oc cupied the heights near Baositchja. No rains have fallen recently." Baplexl Left ticrr Cowans; Before Telegram Reached Russians. f TIBN TSIN. July 8. A telegram from Chin Wang Tao says the British 'gun boat Bsplegle reached there on Us return from New Chwang on July 8. l was originally Intended to prevent the Eapie gle from leaving Chin Wang Too. for New Chwang, but the message to this end was received too late. The Russians did not allow It to enter the harbor of New Chwang. This evidently was prearranged, for the British consul at New Chwang, C. Gross, boarded the gunboat outside the harbor and was In communication with its officers. The British fleet left Wei Hel Wei hur riedly yesterday under sealed orders. Imperial ;&aneil Nobles of the Mystla nhrlae, Atlantic City, N. J., July 13-14. The Chicago Great Western railway will, on July 9 and 10, sell round trip tickets M one fare, plua 12, to Atlontio City, N. 3. Tickets limited to July 23. On return trip stopovers will be allowed at Fhiladcl: . Baltimore and Washlnrton. For further ! in formation apply to R. D, Parkhurst, Oan eral Agent, litt Farnam streot, Omaliu, Neb. tlves. rnller1 wstatf.e as well i obllg-Jns. international i atllutnal law, and has HK1 IXlrf-'WSJ Every Article Must Be Sold This Week We must sell out every piece regardless of cost or loss to ourselves within 6 days. This offer is without a parallel. Call and see. You Can't Afford to Miss This, the Greatest Bargain of Your" Life Your Last Chance to secure Rich, Dazzling, Brilliant Baroda Diamonds, set in Tiffany and Solitaire Rings, Brooches, Earings, btuds and Scarf Pins, which have been sold for years at twenty times the closing price. This offer will wait on no one. Buy or write Now and You Will Receive the Biggest Bargain of Your Life. ra- aMf i iwr "rr a a w ivC "(y Wa aa x.. t Mm ml tor Mail Orders for Less Than Four Articles and Each Order to Bo Accompanied with Four Cents in Postage. how any ef these stones to a disinterested party aad he will declare thesa worth aay where frosa fiO to 9 3AU. They are dasallag, hrllllaat aad beaetlfal. They will lest forever. They will lose ef their luster, aad ao llvlna; in a a eaa detect them from the geaalao. I MAIL ORDERS EH!T letter with plctares of aay FOI'H AHTHXKS yoa wlah aad we will sead hy retara mall, prepaid. Every order fllled your orders la early to aet the greatest bargala ever offered. Address plalaly. Raroda Diamond Oo KH9 goath ltlth re safety, add lOo for realstratloa. Four seats la postage mast aeeompaay each order. REMEMBER 8 O'CLOCK SHARP TODAY TO SECURE FIRST CHOICE. COME EARLY. 109 South Sixteenth OMAHA. NEB. Fixtures For Sale. BARODA DIAMOND CO. 109 South Sixteenth OMAHA. NI3U. Fixtures For Sale.