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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE! SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1004. 12 VOTE HUNTERS AFTER GAME la The Bee'i Julj Voting Contest for Ten Trips to the Exposition. SPLENDID CHANCE TO GO TO ST. LOUIS T Fr Trips to Ten Hlabest Score Mi Three Highest Have Alio at W(k'i Free Accommoda ' tlon at laslde lan. 1 Louis, the mecoi of a. million eyre! Have you ever been to St. Louis? If not there la one route open to you at a Utile cost Enllit as one of The Bee vote hue tlera and make a record. It's fun, good healthy and exciting- and the reward of a free trip to and from St Louis la wortn more than the effort. Then if you are s, good hustler you may be one of the three highest and may alio secure a week's free accommodation at the Inside Inn. An early start la half of the battle and a good tight will land you not only Inside of St. Louis but Inside of the Inside. Don't rest nat- laded outside of the Inside, but get Inside and then get outside of as much of the Inside as your constitution will stand. The vote at 1 p. m. Friday, July 8, was: C. O. Planck, Omaha, Neb 3"7 Alva Slorum. Malr, NVb S4 John Mangnl, South Omaha. Neb 25 B. O. Tucker. Council bluffs. Ia. t0 CONNOLLY GETS THE CONTRACT eearee Disposal of Works on Saddle Creek Sewer on lowest Bid Submitted. County Commissioner Jumes P. Connolly through his father, P. M. Connolly, was the low bidder for the construction of the Saddle creek sewage disposal works before the Board of Publlo Works. The contract was awarded to him, subject to the approval of the mayor and council, for 6,821. Tho Foundation and Construc tion oompany submitted a bid of 19.860 and John F. Dalley one for $7,128. The latter, however, was defective, as no certified check was Inclosed. End of Week Exeoraiun to Clear . Lake, law ' Via Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be old at one fare to Clear Lake, Ia. Tickets food -returning on any train until the fol lowing Monday. For further Information apply to 8. II. Parkhurst. general agent, U12 Farnam street. Omaha. Neb. Railway Notes and Personals. ' H. H. Molse, traveling passenger agent of the Nickel Plate at Kansas City, is In Omaha. W. R. McKeen, superintendent of motive power and machinery for the Union Pa Clflo, returned from a trip east Thursday. A rumor Is In circulation to the effect that the Nebraska and Kansas divisions Of the Rork Island will be consolidated, with Superintendent Jones of the Knnsas division In charge. Superintendent Wilson of the Nebraska division probably will be promoted. None of the particulars of the proposed consolidation are known here. A. J. Wold, the electrical worker who was o seriously Injured by being thrown from the Union Pacific brldse a few davs ago when struck by a Union Pacific train. Is reported In a very serious condition at St. Joseph's hospital, whore he was removed after the accident. The attending -physicians cannot state as yet whether Wold will recover or not. Notice has been Issued by the passenger - departments of the Union I'acino and Bur lington that no charge will be made for the top-over privilege on World's fair tickets In this city. It was the original Intention to make a charge of $1 for depositing each ticket with the Joint agent here, because a like charge was made for the service in Kansas City, but the Kansas City charge having been waived, this city was put on the same footing. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health du-lng the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday: Births Simon Kohn, 3126 Marcy, girl; Anton Novak, 2323 South Fourteenth, boy; C. T. Cowan, Twenty-fifth and Valley, boy; Anton Vanek, 1706 South Eighteenth, tin. Deaths Fred Lange, Benson. IT; Leonard Earl Johnson, iWi South Twentieth, ; A. J. Sherrett, 2543 Capitol avenue, 36. Banana Shoots by Mail. ' A shipment of banana shoots from the Department of Agriculture of the national fovernment passed through Omaha today y mall. The consignment was billed to Bernard O. Johnson of Meoca. Cat. There were five truckloads of the shoots, which are being sent to California for the pur- pose of experimenting to se whether the fruit can be successfully cultivated In that state or not. Homeaeekers Rates to north Dakota. E"ery Tuesday until October IS the Chi cago Great Western railway will sell round trip tickets to points In the above named state at a great reduction from the usual faro.' For further Information apply U Geo. F. Thomas, general agent. -l&U Far. nam street. Omaha, Neb. Choice of any Suit in ' tho house, including Alfred Bonjamin's $25.00 Suits, your Unrestricted Pick, $15.00. Tour unrestricted choice of any suit tn our house for 115.00; this Includes the Alfred Benjamin 1:5.00 suits; even black Is not excepted. No tailor can make you finer clothes no matter how much he charges. Every Improvement that high tailoring art can possibly think of will be found In these suits. It's a great tem porary Joss to us, but In the end It will be all right because It gives us a ohance to open next season with an entire new stock of. fine suits, $2.50 Mohair Shirts, $1.50 Fine White Mohair with collars attached, and necktie to match, special price, SI. 50. Hen's Underwear Special 29c Basket weave. Men's Underwear, light blue shade, made and trimmed with lace and silk, garments that sell In gents' fur nishing goods stores at 76o our sale price Saturday, garment,' 29c. Men's & Boys' Straw Hats, 10c Choice out jut a big lot of Men's and Buys' Etraw itata for one dime. These are de citable styles and without a doubt the bits test straw hat bargain ever given In Oinulia, Men's Hote, (Op Tan color with fancy embroidery as well as black with silk dots and hundreds of other colors your choice 10c a pair. GUARANTEE CLOTimiC CO. I5I9-I52I Douglat Street SCHOOL. AD COLLEGES. Tor s eaUloce et tke Oldest Largest Military Mvaooi Is Ui Mid.ll, w. s04ra. WeotuortbSg ass. Sm Our Kelley stlger ad Page 4 See- Our i 21 III . II nan k-.ii,..,. J lifsTORS Miser .d U Men's Patent Shoes $2.50 Here's one of the biggest bixrgaJAS we ever offered in men's fine shoes. Men' Custom made welt sole gen uine parent coltskin lace and Bluch er shoes straight four dollar shoes. On Sale today on second 1 A uuur. ai a 50 Summer Millinery 10 c at reduced prices. All Our Finest Trimmed Hats and Street Hats that were sold aa high as QQ 7 and f 8, will go Saturday I.eCJ Ail the Trimmed Hats some of our . fin est patterns that were sold OCA at $10-$15 go Saturday at -JU All Our Unt rimmed Straw Hats worth to $ 1 now on sale at All the 50c and 75c Flowers go at, per bunch.. . 10c-15c Duck Hats latest fad worth up to f3.50, 25c-50c-$l Sale of Traveling Bags High Grade Alligator Bags for Vacation Trips. A $9 Bog at $5.50 Genuine alligator, brae trim mings English handle leather lined in- C CA side pocket size 15, at........ JU $15 TRAVELING! BAOB AT 19.50-Ens;-llnh oxford, horned alligator, brass trimmings seamless handle- lenth er lined three pockets,. Q.50 size 15, at EXTRA FINE BAfl AT $11.60 Horned alliirator on both sides and ends hand stitched solid brass f Kfk trimming,, at 1 ' JV' $12.u0 TRA:LINQ BAGS AT $7.bO Heavy Knbllsh covered frame nnup catch, lenther lined, S inside J Cf) pockets, worth $12.50, at great Kelley- J Stiger sale ? now on. la $J5.00 TRAVELING BAGS AT $8.50- Black horned alligator, oxford seamless handle, leather Q Eft lined, at .....T. O.OU $12. SO BAG AT $7.00-Ladles' club ban covered frame and welting, Vienna handle, leather lining, actual T ftf value $12.60, at LADIBS" ALLIGATOR OXFORD BAGS Vienna handle, leath- A OS, er lined, worth 7.C0, at Kelley-Stiger stock now on sale iSPAMDEISL- U n n-y. K U VS ttl Your Idle Funds will draw four per cent interest if deposited in our bank. Small accounts receive the same attention as large ones. DEPOSITS MADE THIS WEEK will draw interest for the entire month. Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers. THE CITY SAVINGS BANK Pays h per cent on Deposits. Deposits made now draw interest for the entire month. C IV. LYMAN, Pres. INO. F. FLACK, Treas. J. A. SUNDERLAND. V. Pres. W. S. HILLIS, Ass't. Tres. 16th and Douglas Streets. is It baa been discovered that the PLATTE VALLEY traversed by the UNION PACIFIC Possesses immense wealthin alfalfa greater than all the grasses and clovers combined. As a source of revenue alfalfa eioeeds all other products. Its growth is simply enormous. Three, and sometimes four cuttings are made a year. EVERY FARUER CAN RAISE ALFALFA And if he raises that, he can also raise cattle, sheep, horses and hogs. Illustrated publication "Alfalfa pn Union. Pacific,9 tree on application. City Ticket Office, 1834 Faraai Phone til , t. SCHOOLS AD COLLEGES. CEIVITItAL COLLEGE tSf?t-i!!!!!!ta EASIPhw! iru. ..flit.!. (. ul ,w kiaU Mrlt. Su.o. af Art Ud kiWUllaw .N.u.tu. b ....artii nr..r..Mr. Ii.ulir.l h.lirIul .ItU- tiui. k.i. m..w. ImUiM.n.l uiv. A L BkU r It 4 S H I.I N KM I I . Prwi.Mt. LlatB, Ma. HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY for Ladles s climolle r Ruele r Kkrf iw Tlw t'ollr(-s I ntvmixy tntiM4 (.cully l;u Hjn.n ( ViMrrr.uirr dish Ik Muuu Pr.f. wHtHW, ruki.l. -.rkl..... Ut. M.k.rM. TIim.... k... BUlwSits, iMfv ivilM W. klLUu, 1'lHuMil, Jlu. a) CuUw f isus, I Xtuiao,Ms. Are selling the bankrupt stork of the W. S.'Stratton Co. High Grade IManos, Organs and Musical Instruments, at one-half regular price. Every, instrument full guaranteed. Beautiful, new upright pianos, great variety of standard makes, regular price 123, $175, f 223, $ 275 and up. BANKRUPT PRICE, S68, $87, $113, SI38 and up. Excellent Square Tianos, good for beginners, ?28, ?38, $48 and up. Burdett, Kimball, Estey, Mason & Hamlin and other or gans, $10, $14, $21, $28 and up. v Piano Players All makes, $85, $115, $135 and up to the price of the Pianola the only player endosed by the world's greatest pianists, Faderswski, Kosenthal, Sauer and others. We trust the people and make terms to suit the buyer. Should you live at a distance write for catalogues and bargain list. Wo ship our instruments everywhere and pay freight charges both ways. IF SOT SATISFACTORY AFTER CAREFUL EX AMINATION YOU CANNOT GO WRONG IN BUYING ONE OF THESE BARGAINS. Schmoller & Mueller, THE OLD RELIABLE PIANO HOUSE. Established 1859. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. 1313 Farnam St. Telephone 1625. Branch stores Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Sioux City. Johnson & Goodlett Co. PHONES 10TB AND 4743. NO ONE CAN DENT IT that our Goods and Prices are are the BEST VALUES In Omaha. Our fine dairy butter at 16c per lb. is unequaled anywhere else. Our bread, mnde from the best Minnesota flour, hag no equal. Our One, big- home-grown potatoes, at 20o per peck, "beats 'em all." Our line ihree-layer white cakes well. Just try ons and ask your expert friends to Judge it; you'll quit baking cakes there are others who have done so lung ago. In short, there is no other place where you can 'get Gro ceries, Meats and Bakery Goods of such sterling quality and low price as you can at our store, we want your orders. Guar antee satisfaction. Call us up early. GROCERIES. BUTTER Extra fins sweet dairy, c. nicer than creamery, per lb rOTATOES Home-grown, big else, JC- per peck '. . 3A1VT Five pound sacks best table salt, per sack 6HREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT frt- Per box lvL POTTED AND DEVILED HAM O- Large slie per can wfc IE ACHES Fancy Albertaa, per JC. basket SALAD DRESSING Durkee's and 1nr Tacht Club, per bottle wt (SUGAR Domino, per LKr box FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Large as sortment, finest qpality, lowest prices. MEATS. LAMB LEGS Per lilf pound BREAKFAST BACON Fins lean, J Jl- yr lb V 3fc SPRING CHICKENS Our own dressing, from 30c up. . BAKERY. BREAD Home-made milk bread, per loaf . ; . CAKES Fine three-layer white cakes nut, orange caramel, chocolate or co- Qr coanut each v. COOK1E-Our own make, three 25f doi. for T BUNS AND ROLLS Three dozen 25c for Johnson & Goodlett Co. aoth and Lake Bts. Groceries, Heats and Baker. Reduced Prices on Poultry In order to dliposc of the enormous quan tities of poultry which we are constantly receiving from the country, wa have de cided to sacrifice profit and reduce tha prices on Spring Chickens and young hens and pleased to quote the following: SPRING CHICKENS, per lb ut TOl'NO HENS, ff- ner Ih PRIME RIB ROAST, It), n.r lh and i lt GENUINE SPRING LAMB at oompara tlvely low prices. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Don't Miss Saturday's Sales THE GREATEST BARGAIN OFFERINGS OF THE YEAR See Large ad, page 8. Great Clothing Values m $12.50 Men' Suits $5.00 The greatest line of Men's Suits ever shown in the West ut the price. Cheviots, Cnssimeres, Plain and Unfinished Woit'ls, Serges and many other fabrics in Round Cut and Double-Breasted Square-Cut Styles. All colors, both plain and llUAeu , uuuuii'Bi pint'"") '"'Vrr.'y 34 to 46. Will make stylish s r Suits, with excellent linings and trimmings, worth up to ?12.r0, special price Saturday Men's Fine Pants $1.50 Most of them odd pants from: suits from which coat and vest have been sold. Best fabrics, newest styles, great variety of patterns and colors; best values shown In the city; worth up to $3.00 pair, your choice Saturday at 1.50 SEE OUR BOYS' WASH PAINTS AT. '1-1 SWEEPINO REDUCTIONS IN B0Y5 2CkNEB PANT5 SUITS for SATURDAY Dr. Price's Celery Wheat Food, 2 pkgs. for Jell-O, 8 pkgs. for Ralston Oats, 3 pkgs. for...? Ralston Breakfast Food, 2 pkgs. for Malta Ceres. per pkg Knox's Gelatine, per pkg '.... STRICTLY FREH EGGS, per- dozen &he Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago 20.00 20.00 34.00 .22.75 .21.75 12.50 CHICAGO and retarn CHICAGO and return Via St. Louis one way.... -ATLANTIC CITIT, N. J., BJid return July 0-10.... CINCINNATI, O., and return July 16 to 17 LOUISVILLE and return Augutit 12 to 16.. ST. PAUL-MINNEAPO- T.TS A rt pverv day... BT. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS and return-July 14 to W If) 7t mid Aug-, t to 11 ,u''a MANKATO & LAKE If) Cfl MADISON every day...,w''u DULUTH and return IC CQ every day iu.ww ASHLAND and Bayfield C CQ and return every day... MONTREAL and 23 00 return every day BUFFALO and Toronto 07 15 and return every day.... Lowest Rates to Many Points. City Officer 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-681 ITS TEN CENTS i What To Eat toS3!2! to brlatiten tout inenta.- Pull of nevsl aucsasUssMi far entertsinlna;. Tkm Im u.lta pidMtB "Osr mM b. .inw M ksupUr K tk. Sn.n WHAT TO BAT (Mental Mai as1 wa.hioTtM M. ma rioa i NO OTHER CHAMPAGNE SO UNIVER. SALLY HANDLED AS lkvlo tytamriERe VF.GLTABLES. Sweet Marrowfat Peas, per pkg; , Spotless Wax Beans, per pkg-. Slender Cucumbers, 8 for Choicest Cauliflower, each FINEST FREESTONE PEACHES, per basket CALIFORNIA OX-HEART CHERRIES, per lb J5c 25c .25c 25c ...5c Mc A5c .20c .20c 10c .10c 25c 15c SOMMER BROS Exponents of Good Living, 28th and Farnam Sts . TELS. 736, 1329, 133L SWELL STYLES FOR MEN The men's low shoes we are showing this summer, in patent oolt and tan Russia calf, are certainly the correet thing In mart's fnnlvMF. Nnthinf like 'them anywhere else as far as style, nt ana comron are con cerned; and the prices $3.50 and $5.00 dont rive ths right Impression of their value; you would expect them to cost more; but remem ber that you get more for your money In a FRY SHOE than In any other. tteDOHUXU IIHI lAIIl SUIT BEST QUALITY BEST STYLES LOWEST. PJUCE.S Will tart too luooey on gnr Hyls, sirs or quality Suit Case you want to buy. Our Cue Mt guaranteed. Best made. No better at price. Come in and look at them. 4WB CAHRT JL CODIPUT XIXCS. Money Savers for Saturday Your choice of an immense line of fine suit cases, worth up to $10.00. The greatest values ever offered T C A at ?4.98 and VI DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE GOODS. HAYDENBROS. ill' Child's 2i to 6, 50c 6 to 8, 75c CLOSING OUT All Men's Women's Mlses' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers for summer wear at Bargain Prices Misses' Women's STRAP SLIPPERS Oxfords $1.00 Men's Oxfords $1.50 AND $2,00 ' $100 AND $2.50 rail Baskets of tan hoes. Child' 50c; Misses' 75c. Ladles' tan Oxfords 50c and $1.00' Odd sizes - IT. B. NORRIS, i 1517 DOUGLAS ST. From the Kelley Siiger Stock. All the 25c and 85c Whisk Brooms. . .15c All the 25c, 35c and 40c Hair Brushes at 10c 25c bottles Florida Water 10c 25c bottles Bay Bum ....10c 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 10c 50c Graham's Shampoo Paste 25c 10,000 5c cakes Tranbiiarent Glycerine oap, 2 rakes for ..5c 50c Rubber Complexion Brush 15c 50c Perfumes White Hose. Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Violet, Lily of the Valley and Lilac, per ounce 10c SUIT CASES AND GRIPS At 20 Per Cent Discount. lot of odd and ends but our regular stock nd thro I non botUr to be had Mad of beat material by I LAHA TRLUJKFACTORY- tAuSinns 9 It. It CHEAP EXCURSIONS VIA Illinois Central R. R. Round Trip Rates From Omaha Detroit Mich., on sale July 5 to 7 119.25 Atlantic City, N. J., On sale July 9 to 10 S34.00 Cincinnati, Ohio, on sale July, 15 to 17 22.75 French Lick Springs, Ind., on sale July 22 to 25 820.75 Boston, Mass., on sale AuguHt 11 to 13 t30. 50 Tickets to points below on sale dally until September aoth. Beturn October 31st Montreal. P. Q $33.00 Buffalo, N. Y 27.15 Put-In-Bay, Ohio 822.00 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27. 15 Chicago, i 820.00 Chicago (via St. Louis one way 820 00 Charlevoix, Mich 824.25 Windsor, Ont 821.50 QiietMC, P. Q.... 838.85 Mackinac Island, Mich. 826. 25 Toronto :. 827.15 Correwpondlngly low rates to Michigan, WUcouMln, Minnesota. Cambridge Springs, Pa. $27.15 St Paul-Mlnneupolls. . . -812.50 Dulutb-Superior 810.50 Alexandria, Minn 815.25 Walker, Minn., (Leech Luke) 817.10 Rice Lake, Wis 815.00 Winnepeg, Man 835.00 WaterviUe, Minn $10.50 Madison Lake, Minn. . . 810.50 Spirit Lake (Okobojl) 9.f)5 Waterloo, Iowa 811.85 Cherokoe, Iowa 80-85 many other points In Illinois, Ontario and New York State. Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or Du- luth and steamer. Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket Office, No. 140t Faruuin St., or write W. H. DRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb.