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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1904)
i anantBaWawaaW, Bnansaw. 11 - '-' I ' . 1 ' . V ..'.. CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Prices Boar to Remarkable Height After Suspension. RAIN CONTRIBUTES TO BULLISH FEELING Old Jaly Wheat Reaches Eighty-Eight ad One-Eighth aad tha Crala Acta the Santa War. OMAHA. July . 1904. Prices lu rraln on thla, a well as other markets, and especially wheat, literally oared today. Beaching a dlxsy height figures faltered and dipped Involuntarily, but In another minute and near the close of the eceslon, they mounted to even a more giddy elevation. The market had ha.n .hut finwn fnr three davs. and When it opened without the much anticipated dry and warmer weather .there waa unrolstak- b)e strength In all llnta. . To add to these bullish factora were the ever more potent one of two day of rain In the southwest, Sunday and Monday, and . rnria.i nf hnnrn nver the entire Mis laalDDl vallev. west and northwest. Cablea war Vlarhar and the nulv thine which 'car rled with it a tendency to hold prices within rein wae the forecast of fair weather In nana of the districts mentioned aoove, Old July wheat reached Wc, declined a tiHfl. .mi then came back stronger than ever at Wtte. New July went to 87c, ae against closing; of 6c bid on Friday. Of ' rnuraa those were" Chicago flgurea, but f m aha ttantA whpftf lUSt fil badly. The July grain, which closed strong: at lie bid on Friday, shot up to 83c by half past the noon hour. W heat was in ae mind. Van Dorn Is still ehort 60.000 bu. .n,t with litti hnw of coverln at any trio. Jaonnlth waa a a-ond buyer of July oats and while Lodyke sold 10,000 bu. of that month he aeon decided to let go of no more. Ten dava of good, warm, dry weather will aaa ar,i.. mn ti.mKllnar ' aald a DTO tTl 1 nnt bear. "While corn Is backward, end veryenuch so, the same situation lias neen t"ed long before now and warm weather, even though limited to ten or twelve days, baa brought things out In good snipe. Kansas has suffered badly agsltl and ahaa ta.that .,111 K. V0TV tthOTt. SC' mvrrllna. tn rnnaarvatlve thinkers, although ' Bnow eHtlmates 80,000,000 bu. there, there are those who believe that 75.000,000 bu. la an All I .M. ....... VV '1.1.1. U.l. IT . . - Pawnee, Neb., wires that samples of wheat that have been brought In snow tne era In to he herilv ftarnaaed bV blight and rust. Fields that " were expected to go twentjr-flve bushels to the acre will not yield more than ten. It Is sold. The weather there la very discouraging. TV. ......a a.vlAAa, r. n th. Omaha Bllr ket for future delivery and the open and rlnah tiAmv m' BtH r" n r TX rA ' Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. Friday. July ,. 81B 84 B M bi n 7nu.n 7 n 7RiA 76 B 75 B Sept. .... Dec. .... Com- July Sept. ,.. Deo Oats July .... .. 74 fi 75 B 74 B 76 B 74 B . 4HB . 43B 4fiB 464B 43B 434B 44B 43jA S8HA 43WB 88 B 88HB 88 B HSB 87HB 81 B 31 B 81 B 31 B 81 A Sept., Omaha Receipts of Grain. World's shipments of wheat reported are: Two La lit week. 78,ono 2,800.0110 218 1.158,000 ,...'.1.832.000 648.000 vita. aa-n. Last year. America. Russia .. Dsnublan Argentine India .... Australia 1.480,000 I.7XS.UO 8,876.000 644.000 1.792.000 1,632.000 296.000 176666 3,848.005 448.000 1,696.000 1,662.000 Aust. Hungary Various ....... 8,0110 144,000 68,000 World' corn shipments reported are' 1, ' Two Last week. wkt. ago. Last year. America 44.000 8fi8.ono 876,000 795.0110 iRuaala 206,000 412.000 Danublan 800.000 1.012,000 Argentina 1.716.000 8.626.000 Omaha, CaaK Market. oil'ZS ,254,000 764,0(10 WHEAT Nominal; No. 1 hard, 8284c; No. 8 hard, 7IMii2c; No. 4 nara, 64iy74c. t.unn nuniinai, a. wtfin., o, 4846c; No. 4. 42'S,43c: No. I yellow, 46a 47c: No. 8 yellow, 46ft46c; No. i white, &tt ' 46o: NO. a wnite, womc, nominal. '. OATS Nominal: No. 2. S4i3'o: No. I, 1745'38c; No. 4. 4t37o; No. 3 white, 40c; No, 3 white, 8frHc; standard, 3i(39c; No. 6 white, atitMc. . In. Out, Wheat, cara '.. 6 . 1 Corn, -eatra :V..V'.IS.rr........-.'..t.... J 4 0 Oata. cara .'I - I Grain Markets Klsewhere. Clnaln nrtcea of grain today and Fri day at the markets named were as follows: t'HlUAUU, ' Viata . Toaaj-. jfTiaay. . Juiy...f. 51 September 82 A ?V 48a ; September ..'. 48 KANSAS CITY. Wheat July 78 -' September 71 Corn Tnirf : 1 46 85. 81 4Vi 4SA 76 71 46B September 44B 44, ST, LOUIS. Wheat July September September Wheat July September Wheat- , 86 82B 47 47 MINNEAPOLIS. S DULUTH. 82T4B 0 4B 4b 93 81 July . September 93 83 NEW XVtitL. Wheat July 1HA . September . . a aia notea ox ta r . A car of No. S corn waa aold by1 the Adams company at 46 cents. Minneapolis stocks decreaaed Uat week by 432,0U) bushels, making a total now of (,836.000. Liverpool grain market cloeed with wheat ld higher and September d higher. July corn went d lower and September . d lower. . Tha fniinwlna cara of grain were In spected at Omaha July 2: Wheat, No. 3 hard. 8; No. 4 hard, 3. Corn, No. 2, lt; no. 8. 7; No. t yellow, 1. Oata, No. 4 white. 3, a total of 30 cara. SEW YORK UUMKHAL MARKET (iaolatlona f th Day en Vnrlona Contaaodltl jb. kpw TORK. July i. FLOUR Recelpta. 40 2 J bbla ; exporta, 22,960 bbls. Market in active and barely steady; winter patents, 14.ln4iti.10; winter siraignta, h.woi.ib, ww nannlia rjatents. 84.86ii6.16: winter extras, ll.ik'u3.0; . Minnesota bakers',. 82.65iiu3.li6; winter low grades. 83 .uvu4.0. Kye nour, ottlat: fair to aood. 84.V04f4.26; choice to CORN M H.A Lr I'UII 11.10 ttll2; city. 81.124J1.16; kiln dried, U0(S(S3.ia t vV Knminal: No. 8 western. 7oc. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 46o,a i. f. New Tork: malting, nominal. WHEATwRaoeipta, 75.900 bu. Spot mar ket firm; No. 3 red, 11.0a. elevator, nominal. $1.08. t o. b. afloati No. 1 northern, Du luth. 31.00. f. o. D. anoat; ro. 1 i Man itoba, nominal, f. o. b. ; afloat. Options Eained material headway today owing to ulliah cablea and foreign crop news, to ..ih.. vHh mmi.lalnta of damage to do mestic by exeeaalve-ralna. Decided strength In outside markets nlso affected prices here, : .ViAiiia ij.i i not advanoe. Julv. uvliillrko. clotted io; September, tr kic cloeed ' soc; December, 86l3o6c, wDtjtnalnta 14 878 bu ! eXDOrtt. ?18, 804 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. 6Sc, i-.t,., iu.e f. o. b. afloat: No. 3 yel low, 66c: Nq. 2 white, 64c. Option mar. Lot waa dull until the last hour, when the aimifth paused covering and a mod .,aa advance, tirlcea closing i)o net kiah-r. July closed at 63VO. September at OA l bV Keceipis, uu. i wil BU DU. BPO ninrnvt caoini , to 81 pouiKla. 4346c; natural white. W to 83 poundaT 4.147c; clipped white, 86 to 40 HAY Biow; shlpplns. Tbo; good to choice, AC. itOPft Easy: state, common to choice. 190S. 20H34C; lrtlj, 22!u.'4c; old ttflSc: Paolflt. coast, li-js. ra-'c; , HIDES Steady ; Galveston, SO to 26 lbs., lfio: California. 21 to S6 lbs.. lc; Texas. dry, 24 to 30 lbe.. 14c rriTMKH KiMariv: arid. z3ai Jbc. PKOVlslONS lief. ' Arm; mess, 3601 00; beef hams, 8-M 6o22.00; packet. iKOt'ti bj: eitv axtra India musa. $14OOvJI6 0O. Cut Uiaats. ttteady; plrkled bellies. eOtci8aO; pickled hams. 89 O'M 10 UU. Lard, quiet; west ern ataamori. ti.40. Julv rloead 840. nom inal; rertaad, steady! continent. 84 76; South America, $)(m; compound. $5 87 3d 12. Pork, firm; family I4 K4 14.60; short clear, tl8 6$16.Ui: meaa, 314aiH.J5. hire btaaJy; domestic, fair to extra, SW ioWc: Jauan. nominal. TALLOW viulrt; city. i 0 per package; gnunlry tparje freoi,- i,,n',o. AL. t iva; sirel tit-k 01 Alira 1 creamery, Wo. Official: Craamery, common, U.lSo; tu dairy, common to extra, 10 17c. CHEESE Emit: larg wnit ana col ored. 7Vc: em!! white, c; mall colored. 8c. . . . . ..... i.iJH urm; wmrn seiecieo, i-rawu-c; WW tern prime. 17&18e. POULTRY Alive and dressed, quiet and unchanged. Chicago provisions I Featares of the Trading aad Claatag Prlcea an Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July I. Unfavorable harveat- Ing weather and a reduction of about 20 per cent In world's shipments were the main causea for a sharp advance In wheat prlcea today. Final figures on September whest are l91o up Corn, Monday net advance, 1 Vol Ho. Outs show a fain of He. Provisions are practically unchanged. The wheat market opened strong with r"P- lemper up HU74C to iViU'V2 al iv,';. As the aesslon advanced the market gained additional strength. An official forecast of rain in the aouthweet caused ireen anxiety to shorts, In view of a strong mar ket at Kansas City. The high point In September waa reached at 3c. Not withat.rwiln. h. rant that there was con siderable "coin on" during the laat half - ?th HaTrU r'whaat and '...h.i. Th. I nour, trie market cioaea strung temher at HA.t. Clearances of 7"" I"" 1a i o-i nno .h. amount on pnssage um ira.c.. eis and the visinie supply uw. bushels. Phimary receipts were bushels, compared with 297,000 a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of 889 cara, against 2W cars Uat week and 7M cars a ysar ago. The strength of wheat caused some firm ness In corn. The market was strength ened somewhat by a report at a local crop statistician giving me situation Vf laaw.lirt VallffV aa aisunciijr uub.u- factory. September opened Jfco "i 4M. ld .between p "dtfW closed at ikroQ. Local receipt! .... with i& of contract grade. c.yi. -"- The oats market was not inciinea iu "J""- .a a anv arraa.L f 1 1 nri miu iub wun- ishnesa of wheat. After opening higher at 2i&S2'aci Beptemoer rangea De tween 31o aud iU(ff32Hc and closed at 12c Locsl receipts were 04 cars. Prnvlaiona were firm early on a good from backers, resulting from a bullish hog market. On the advance com niaainn Iiiuimi vara liberal sellers, caua- in. . ra.ntinn Tta in the day a rally occurred In the strength of grains. The market closed steady with September pork a shade lower at 122H; September lard waa unchanged at I7.fli; ribs were, up 2Wft5o at I7.77H. Estimated receipts tor to morrow: Wheat, 14 care; corn. 267 cara; oats. 196 cars; hogs, ,9 neaa. The leading lutures rangeu Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh I Low. Close. jFr'dy. Wheat July ?H86H bjuly . a Sept. t Kept. Corn- July Sept. Deo. 48H 47'4 48 48VrfS toy 81 46(346 Oats- July Sept. Dec 3Z& S2 Pork- July Sept. is m 14 22 715 7 27i 12 87 l zu Lard- 712 7 27 July Sept. Oct. t 32 Ribs July Sept. Oct. 7 62 7 77! 7 82! 7 76 7 80 No. I a Old. b New. n..n,.,A.a aara aa fnllnWS! FLOUR-Mirke't quiet and'.teady: winter patenta, S4.66H 66; straignis. .fyM.i fring patents, ouua.iv, .""' -- on " K.u.r.v iiKrtfiilo. ' w ATlrJrT" i anrlng. 93a6c: No. . 8&9 96c: No. 3 red. 9cui.w. SatK- I AWA 36 in : a a,- BARLEY Good reeaing. ovuoaci ia w choice maltlnf . 42Q52C. PROVISIONS Poik, per bbl., 13.0513JO. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.ft7.16. Short ribs. Hides liooirc', fl'ax. 81.08; No. 1 northwest- ern, 31.12. Timothy, prime, ..u. v.uvor, . . a,.rfa BIA 7K Receipts and'ahlpmenta of flour and grain were as louows; , Ranelnta. Shipments. TTIinr hhlfl .... 40,800 82,100 .... 32,700- 67,600 ....66.200 800,600 ....404,600 348.800 .2... 4.300 Whea"t, bu. Corn, du. ...4a..... uats, du Kye, DU...a A. JT.. aQ.800 16.300 Barley, bu .. o-aiim ftTi.hinaii today the but ter market waa steady; creameries. 1S9 nut.. tAiriM 12ia'i6o. Ears. eteady, at murk, caaea inoiuaca. itawv. - t. Loals Grain and Provisions. bt Ta-TTI9 Julv 6. WHEAT Higher, ex cited by dlayea narveei; ro rj elevator, nominal; iraca "'vtf tf'iU 8l.0n; Ola, WO. a nara, anuini;, 7rr rrr n,ffhar an wit weather: No. a cash. 48c; track, 48c; July, 47c: Septem- t iai-h Hitrner: rro. a ,:, wv, 41c; No. 2 white, 44c; wuiy, dic; oep- . V. tlliM htit FLOUR-5ted winter patents. $4.aO4J.0O; I extra fancy and tralght, 4.SO4.70 clear, Bh-t-u Timotny. Bteauy, a.w.i. CORNMEAL Steady, 32. 76. iiaiM n.,1l aaf.lf ?A(7i80e. HAY Dull; 'timothy. 88.0014.00; prairie, rSIOOO. a IKUIN luuun 1110 Oav. BAGtllNfMc. t j u nri 1 TT Am - PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobblni C6 07. Lard, higher; prime steam, Bacon (boxed), steady; extra snpria ., aiha ta "U- ahr.rl r.lesr. 88.60. wii ii'HY Hteaay: cnit;n.oii. "tti anrlnas 13416o; turkeya, 11c; aucao, o, a.aa ' BUTTER Finn: creamery, 1418o; dairy, 1014o. . Hiaanr low. ra.n vuuin. Receipts. Shipments. Fl?ur, bbl. is.; 17..W Whaat ttl . tO.VU t . . "f Corn bu fcS.orio vorn, uu ml Data, nil iui.vuv -,vw Kansas Cltr 4Jrntn and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. July 6. WHEAT Hlaher: July. 78c; Beptember, rc; 1)4- 1 - ,.. jt p..k. isjr. 9 ti a r1 Oi'ft cemeur. tottio. v " -, . . - y 91c; No. 3, (ejR!ic; no. 1 rea, eou, ru. 90o. Receipts, 20 cars. l;i)KN oteaay ; iuiy, iic, prinuinua,. 44ai.(ii-44V;c: December. 89c. Cash: No. a mixed. 49(S49c; No, 8, 49c; No. 8 white, Jul. - xi , a i&u. l)A TS-Bteaay ; no. m wnun, mixed. Sf'&37o. M , hi ,tt 1. h f -t-imfrv. ldariDc; asiry. tit- Kiina ntoadv: Missouri and Kanras, new No. 2. white wood cases Included. 13c; ... mm muni i!Ur: ruM returned. c lesa HAT Firm ; cnoice timotny, iu.uuv iv.tu-, prairie. $ OOt8.60. w r Knnminiiiv mi;. Receipts. Shipment wha.r hn 18 n.wo Corn, bu M-WO ?.'00 Oata. bu 6.000 9.100 Philadelphia Piedara Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 6. BUTTER i TTnchanted: extra western creamery, 18c; extra nearby prints, 20o. EGOS rirm ana gooa otmtno; tr-in nearby. 19c. loss off: fresh western. 19c; rvXah annthwestern 18c: fresh southern. 17c. CHEKWtG e irra ana tair oemana: rnew Vnru full praams, choice to fancy. BV-frvr Newi lork fun creams, tair to gooa, 8c. Mlnneapialla Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July S. WHEAT Julv. 44c: September. 83wS3o: Decern- per, lc;in irara, io. i nara, Mo. i nortnern, ao-axtwiac; ro. nunuern. 82HtlZC. FLOUR First natenta H 901S6.00: second patents, 34 86Q4 90; first clears, I3.4fxa3.66; second clears. 82.4b. BRAN In bulk, 813.60; shorts, 816 60. Ylalhle Banply of Grain. NEW YORK. July I. The visible supply of grain Saturday. July 3. aa compiled by tha Mew lorx rrnauee exensnae, is aa i"i- Iowa: Wheat. 14.W6.000 bu.. decree a 679.000 bu.: corn. 6.277.0U bu.. Increase 643.000 bu oata. 4.346,600 bu., decreaae 431 000 bu.; rye. 84tl.ouo bu.. decrease l du.; oariey. t.xo.- Ouu bu.. decrease 11.000 bu. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. July 8. -WHEAT "pot, nominal; futures, steady; July, ta oa; a)ep temher. oa tvta. CORN 8tot. American mixed. new. Steady at 4s 6d; American mixed, old, easy at 4s 6a ; tut urea, quiet; juiy, aa aa; Sep tember, 4a 3d. . Milwaakee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. July 5 WH EAT No. northern. 9r; No. i northern, 96d96c; eentrmlirr. new. tue asked. R Y ft No. 1. Te. BARLEY No. 8. (W3c; sample. 3-,cc. Cull N No. 3. 4-iJc; July, 4aTc asked. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July I CORN Higher; No. . 4fc- ic: iso, 4. 4-'Mt)t4c. WlilSKY Ou tha baU of 2t tot An unta voua. rri(S7 88i spa' 8lfi-2H 83831 . 8l4 (!S 48H 47H 46 46 J7V4 7V4 !4 32 82S2s2H 1S02H IS 07 U 024 13 JO 13 85 U 10 "7 8o" 'Tsiii "j'W' 7 12 7 86 7 32H 7 66 7 67H 7 60 7 77 j82 7 76 7 86 7 86 7 80 tntr- mrini n A TT XT Trvv.' WPnvPSTHY. .TTTTV fi. lfNU. a I SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS More Oonfidenoe and Effect than lluiifert in Long Time. MARKET LIFTED FROM ITS LETHARGY Oecastoa ol the Mew Coadltloas la Hot Q.ale Clear, hot Oner, tore Aro Batlsted with the lanvrorosaeBt. ftr.W TORK. Julv I Onerstora In atocks demonstrated with more confidence and ef fect In today s stock market tnan tor a long time past. The market was still a dull and a narrow one. Judged by old stand ards, but It was lifted quite decisively from tire profound lethargy which has been Its recent characteristic. What developments there were In affairs ta cause tnia cnange waa not verr manifest ' The effective buy ing was not In evidence from the outset, tnu detracting from a auppoeitlon that It was on account of orders accumulated In commission hnusaa over the three days holiday Interval. Strength at the outset waa largely confined to the local group. A forma) statement from an Important holder of Metropolitan securities pointing out the aDstract benents to tne local properuea ui combination helped the rise. Brooklyn Transit was held back by a vexed question of transfer rtghta to passengers. Union Pacific rose an extreme t. The clew to the movement could hardly be found in the crop news, as the wneat mar ket waa more or less disturbing from dam- are rumors and by a mixed interpretation from the weather I l'nmixed encouracement was felt upon receipt of the ootton crop news, tne government's estimate of July condition of tnat crop precipitating a snarp unum the staple In spite of a violent preliminary decline. The encouragement to be got from th. atiinnmnt of Miv net earnlnas ot tne Pennsylvania system was of a rather dubious character, the decline In gross ..mlnr. nf the llnea eest and west of Pittsbura and Erie running to over 81.000,000, while the net decrease irom ibsi year wh some $648,000. Officials of central traftlo and trunk line railroads were also Inclined to dwell upon the trsfflo lost to the newly re aumed lake carriers. The effective cut ahown m operating ex penses by the Pennsylvania road was ac cepted as an Important Indication of the trend of affairs in railroading and was re garded hopefully. But officials of the west ern rauroaas were more unreserveu man at any time for several months In their eynr-ftaaed ennfldence that business conal tlons had changed for the better and that small Increases In traffic movement al ready noticed could be accepted aa promise of more Improvement to follow. The Im provement In sentiment In the market probably originated from this point. Satur day's decrease In the basking surplus did not disturb sentiment, nor old tne sugges tion of the remittance of 836,000.000 In gold to Havana on account of the Cuban loan. The small reaction on profit-taking In the laat hour, when the buvlna was tempora rily discontinued, Increased the confidence in tne movement ana tne closing waa ac tive and fatrlv huovant. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, 82.960,000. United States bonds were unchanged oh- call. , Tne following were tne pnoes on ta Stock exchanae yesterday: oaies.nign.Liow.ioe. .19,kl0 744 73 74 Atchison do pfd l,7u) ti'A 93 94 Baltimore A Ohio 6,000 81 , 100 92 2,800 125 804 81 92 92 124 126 do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J. Chesapeake & Ohio .. 1,000 31 V.. 81 3 31 33 .. . 300 ;.' L200 .. 800 ..16,800 3b U' """" " IS U 170), 145 18 16 71 16 48 20 15e 3i0 20 u 24 6K 4 1 r, Vi Chicago O. W.. H14 170 146 13 170 14o Chicago A N. W C. M. A St. P. Chdi0caPo:"T 1 uo Dta 100 loo 16 71 It 20 158 2.0 21 70 24 69 34. 16 70 1 '-0 lo7 270 21 70 23 69 34 Ip r r a. at t. Colorado Southern. do 1st pfd , do 2nd pfd 100 Delaware A Hudson.. 3,700 D., L. tt W 20 Denver A R. Q 200 do pfd 100 Erie 5,700 do 1st pfd 1,600 do 2nd pfd JuO Hocking Valley do pfa Illinois Central ...... 400 Iowa Central a VV a .'a . e 132 132 m-m mii ae i8 do Dfd K. C. Southern 100 do pfd .'. (I -tat , - ' V48) 6.200 Ul 110 .111 ....... 1,200 160, 149 11I' 4a L. A N Manhattan L . Met. Securities 4,300 Met. St. Ry 23.700 86 83 84 116 R 92 , "16 . 37 114 116 44 48 M. A St. Lm... 100 M., St. P. A S. Ste. M. 800 67 66 do pfd 4 .... 123 91 16 llo 67 ki 27 116 ?! Missouri Paolflo 6,700 90 87 M.. K. A T 400 do Dfd 60S N. R. R. of Mex. pfd New York Central..., 8,300 Norfolk A Western.. 3,400 116 16 115 -67 66 do Dfd Ontario A Western.. 9,200 27 86 Pennsylvania 22,400 116 , lli P., C. C. A St, L.. Reading ...18,000 48 82 68 21v 46 U '48' if4 'ii' 3 47 82 68 do 1st prd do 2nd pfd 200 ... .. 8u0 Co!..!!!i6,o'0 , XmUfi 2nd pfd 4j0 200 82 66 Rock island -an do Dfd St. L. A 8. F. 40 46 St, L. S. W. 11 28 do Dfd Southern Pacific ....19.200 .... 6.8U0 .... 900 .... 1,200 .... 100 47 21 86 22 24 '88 Southern Railway a 86 23V 24 80 93 do pia Texas A Pacific . T., St. L. A W... do Dfd Union Pacific .... 60,400 , .100 do Dfd Wabash 16 84 16 16 Z .39 do Dfd 300 84 34 W. A L. E Wisconsin Central.... 800 9u0 100 17 39 7 1 88 7 do Dfd Mexican Central - Adams Express American Express.... U. S. Express ........ 800 180 190 1D0 104 200 Wells-largo Express Amal. Copper Am. Car A Foundry.. 9.900 1,800 60 15 60 16 60 15 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil .... ll 26 88 27 7 25 2J 81 66 -l 12o 72 49 8o:i 19.1 10 6 22 158 , 67 28 72 20 66 7 68 26 . 70 0 16 77 80 6 68 16 do pfd American Ice I . 1 uu ii ., 1 Amer. mnseea uu .. do Dfd Amer. Locomotive... 1.900 20 19 do pfd Am. U. A R. ex div. 2.000 64 97 138 '49 30 64 97 127 '48" 8u 193 do Dfd 1.10Q Amer. Sugar Refining 3.800 Anaconda Min. Co.. Brooklyn R. T 11,700 Colo. Fuel A Iron.., Consolidated Oaa ... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities Oeneral Electric... ZuO 1.8U0 194 . 1.200 . 100 158 12 156 13 Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd National Lead ...... North American ... Pad no Mall People's Oaa 200 87 87 1,400 96 98 preaeed Steel Car .. do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd 100 3"0 700 220 6 42 220 42 Tenn. Coal A Iron .. 800 100 400 85 6 80 35 80 U. S. Leather do pfd U. S. Realty do pfd U. B. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do Dfd 20 800 6.800 22,700 16 65 10 66 157 18 86 9 65 60 10 66 156 Wentlnghouna Eleo.. 4"0 600 Western Union 88 86 87 Total tales for the day, 734,200 shares. Leaden Stock Market. LONDON. July B.-Closlng: Conaols. atoaay. , amiN. y. Cantral... OW I Norfolk W.,. .1144 . 7 , a14 . rvi . 4VH . I44 :W . H . mii .. rr . ,. us . M . 14 ::S5 do aoooaat Anaeoada 1 Atoalaoa ... 3 do pfd ... tl Ontario A W... ... 44U Pannaylvanla ... ... tti Hand Miua .... ...1MV Ktadlat ... 1114 do lat pfd... ... H do Id pfd ...HI 8a. Railway .... ... IS do p(d ... J1W ga padta '' I J? l'"ta Paolta... ... 4o a4 ... 40S c; s. ... anui a pfd .,.114 wahaafc ....... ...Il I do Old ... 17 '4 tpanlab 4a do pfd ....... B. A O Canadian ParlAe rtiaa. Ohio .. f'hioaao Ot W. C , M A 81. P n.P-ara D. A O do pit ! do tat pfd do Id pfd....' III. Cntral L A K 1.... M.. K. A T 44 SILVER Bar. oiilct. 3618-16d bar ounce. The rate of ril-co.'nt In the open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, Vtitl 15-1 per cent Foreltn Financial. BERLIN. July 6. Prices senerallv on tha bourre today had a tendency to be higher. Canadian Pacific wa the atrongest stock. PARIS. July i Three per ceot rentes. f t4c for trie account. Exchanae on Lon don, 26f 18c for checks. On the bourse today prices ware arm at tbe opening, but became beavy toward the close. Rus"lan Imperial 4s closed at 93.46 and Russian bonds of 104 at 6060. LONDON, July i. Bullion to the amount of 20.000 was withdrawn from the Bank of Enaland for shipment to South America. Notwithstanding considerable payments to the Bank of England money was In good supply In the -market today. Discounts had a harder tendency. On the Stock ex change trading was quiet and prlcea were Irregular. Hnme politic caused uncer tainty regarding runns ana reus, uonnin were dull. Americans were neglected and featureleea and transactions were largely nominal. Imperial Japanese government 6a of 1904 were quoted at 94. New Tori Moatey Market. NEW TORK. July I MONET On call, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent: of fered at 1 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty da vs. 3 ter oent: ninety days. ZV4. per cent; six months. 3Vfi3H per cent. PRIMES MtKUAMlLK PAPfcrl IVtrV per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.8720j 48726 for demand and at 14. 8535 4. 8645 for sixty-day bills; posted rate. 34.8t ana; commercial bills, 84 86$4 86. SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows C. rat. Is, ret . ,.ItM Manhattan a. . 4s...lS14 oo coupon do ta, ret do coupon do s 4a, rat. do eoupos do old 4a, Atchison ton. 4a. do ad. 4a Atlantlo C. U 4a B. O. 4a antral 41 .H I do tut Inc ..14 I Minn. St. t. ..lMVl'M., K. 4k T. 4a Tl'4 .132 do ta . 77Z ..144 N. R. R. ot M. a 4a. HSi N. Y. c. a. J4a....UJ . M'i N. J. C. . H. TV No. Paolto 4a 74 .loJ" do 104(4 do IHi . n. Ot W. O. M i CaiKral of Oa. la... .111 O. S. U 4a par.... H do lot In T4 Pens. oonv. IWa n.aa a, rthiA lta.a 1MU Radlna can. 4a 114 Chlcaao A. a.... 7S St. U i I. M. a. (a. 41 Vi 0., B. Q. B. 4a.... i 8t. L. A 8 F. fg 4a. f l . S t a Aa 1H7U At. I fl W . ll 4R c! A N. W. e. 7a....l!H Baboard A. L. 4a.... 0., R I. P. 4a.... MS Id. PaclHc 4a 114 ti Vl ta IK So. RallwaT ! lit CCC. A lit. U t. 4a.. 1001 Taiaa A P. la. ....... 71 Chlrase Tcr. 4a 71 Bt. U A W. 4a.. 104 Con. Tobacco 4a.. Colo. A So. 4a ... D. A R. O. 4a... Erie prior lira 4a,. do tn. 4a V. W. a D. C. la 4IV4 Union PaclHo .lot a3 l do eonr. n t ". 8. Steel td ta.. CCt Wabah la M4' da dab. 8 1M W. A I K. 4a . T'4 Hocklnn aVt 4Sa...",7'4 Colo. Fuel o. aa... LAN. unl. 4i luu Bid. Hew York Mining Stocks. NEW TORK, July 6. The following are the closing prlcea on mining biocks Adama Con 3) Uttla Chlaf Alice t Ontario Breace 1 Ophlr Bruniwtck Con 10 Phoenix Camitock Tunnel .... 1 "Potoal Con. Cal. A Va 146 Baraga Horn Silver 1U Slarrn Nevada .. Iron Sllrcr lio Small Hopaa ... LaadTtlle Con Standard Offered. Assessment paid. .. 3 ,.IS" .. 0 .. 17 .. K ,. tl ,. 14 .210 . Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July 6. Bank clearings for to day 31,425,413.04, a decrease from the cor responding day of laat year. OMAHA WHOLESALE. MARKETS Condition of Trade aad 4)atatloas oa Staple aad Faacy Produce. EGGS Receipts liberal; market steady; fresh candled stock, 14c; case count, 13e LIVE POULTRY Hens 8c; roosters, according to site, 60; turkavs, 13c; ducks, 7o; geese, 6c; broilers, Italic. BUTTER Packing stock, 11c; choice to fancy dairy, 12tj)14c; separator, lC18c. FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 7c;-blueflsh, 12c; whitefish, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled, 3uc; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black baas, 20c; nallbut, lOCj crapples, 12c; roe anaa. i.uu; uunain, bk, white bass, 11c; frog legs, per dox, 35c. BRAN-Per ton, 818.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 18.00; No. 2, 37.50; medium, 37.00; coarse, 86.60. Rye straw, 36 60. Theae prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ' ORANGES Navels, choice, large slxe, $3.00; fancy navels, all sizes, 13.60; Mediter ranean sweets, cnoice.. all sixes, 83.00tfU.2o; Jaffas, all sizes, 82.753.00; Valencia, all sites. 83-50(g.76. LEMONS California fancy, 270-800-360, 83.754p4.25; choice, 8302,3.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported Smyrna. , 2-crown, 12c; 6 crown. 14c; 7-crowh, 16c. - - BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, 12.00titt.5q; Jumbo, 82.V64j3.26. DATES Persian, per .box of SO pkg-s.. 82.00: In 60-lb boxes, 6c; per lb.; Oriental tufted, per cox. 82.40. PINEAPi-L.ES la cratea, of 24 to 42, per crate, J3.26. FRUITS. APPLES Green, per-K-bu. box, 75c. RABPBERRIES Per 34 qta., 82 60; per 24 pts . lou; red rasptitrrtea, per 24 pis., z oj. BLACKBF.RRlGd ArkaAaat,. per 24 qta., 82.00. ' .STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-q.t oase, 82.60. 1 , v CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, y$r box, .31.60; home grown, per X4 ats.. !.. - GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt case, 11.26, PEACHES Texas, per 1-basket crate, 90c; California Alexandra, per box, 81.00; Texas Albortas, per 4-basket erate. $1.26. PLUMS California Clyman, 318j. APRICOTS California. 81.50. ' CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, 82.60 3.10: (.aurornia, per crate, se.oo. WATERMELONS Per, lb., crated, le; each, 8040c. CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-qt caae, $1.26. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New Texas Red stock, !n seoka, per bu., $1.00. NAVY BEANS-Pcr bu., $2.162.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2c. CABBAGE-Callfornla, per lb.. 2c. . CAULIFLOWER Per dot.. 76c. CUCUMBERS Per dot.. 6flc. TOMA1 OES Texas, 4-basket orates, 80c. RADISHES Per dot. bunches, 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dot., $0c. TURNIPS Southern, per dot., 26c. BEETS Southern, per dot., 26o. CARROTS Southern, per dot., 250. PARSLEY Per dot.. 26c. BEANS Wax., per bu. box. $1.00: per -bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, $2.00; ner W-bu. box. 7 60. SPINACH Per bu., homo grown, 8540c ASPARAGUS Per dot. buncnes. 4oe. GREEN PEPPERB-Per 6-baaket crate, $2.00. w SQUASH Florida aummer, per dot., 7M. rf.Ao Per nu. box, ti.uu. FOG PLANT Southern, per dot.. $1.60. CELERY Kalsmaxoo, per dot., 26o. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. z salted, 6c; no. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted. 8312c; sheep celts. Z4a?7c: norsenioes, 4i.wxaz.oo. CHEKSE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; blook Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin Drick, I3c; Wiscon sin limberger, 18c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 16: hard ahull, rter lb.. 14c: No. 2 toft shell per lb., 13o: No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.,! neanuta. ner lb.. 6c: roamed peanuts. per lb.. 8c; Chili walnuts. 12&13c; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15r; hard shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu. $1.26. . Oils aad Rosla. NEW TORK. July .9. OILS Cottonseed, nulet; Trime crude,, nominal; yellow. SOfjl 3V4c. Turpentine. 60iaoc. petroleum eawy; refined New 'York, $7.96; Baltimore and Philadelnhla. $7.90: same In bulk. 85. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, ?Wn2.9o. OIL CITY, July 5-orL8-Credlt bal ances, $1.67; certificates, no bid; shipments Pennsylvania July 1. 62,877 bbla.: runs June in. 115.909 bbls.: average. 69 870 bbls. Ship ments Lima July 1, 65.409 bbls.! runs Lima June 80. 95 822 bbls ; average. 40.060 bbl". SAVANNAH, July 6. OILS Turpentine, firm. 6!(fj52e. ROSIN Dull: A. B, C. $2 67H(S2.70: P, $J.7782.75; E. $2.7752.80; F, 32.82'fr2.86: G, I187K.S2 80: H. 3SO7r.fl3.10: I. $3.46: K. 13 65 M, $3.80; N. $1.974 00; WO, $4.40; WW. 84.75. So car aad Molaasee. NEW YORK. July' 8 BUGAR Raw steady : fair refining. S"T-Mc: centrlfuasl. 94 test, 81 5-16c: molasses sugav, 8 S-I60; re fined, stesdy: No. 6. 4"c: No. 7. 4.66c: No. 8. 4.50c: No. -9, -445o;-No. 10, 4 40c: No. 11. 4 85c; No. 12. 4.3oc; No. is. 4 s.c; No. 14, an..-. . I .. A UF.r. . I OJU. m.. a.p;, l-villVVlll'liri. r . , uiuuni. M-w , . 14 loaf. 6 70c: cruahed, 6 70c; powdered, 6.10c; granulated. 6.000; cubes, t xdo. MOLASSES Dull ; New Orleans, open kettle eond to choice. 81r87c. NEW ORLEANS. July 8 SUGAR Strong; OK. ;'ij3 1-lflcT OK centrifugal. 8 3'c: rentrifugHl write. 4Vt'u4c; yellows, 8 t4o-l'ie; seeonos. rvo. MOLASKFS Nominal; OK. totWo: cen trlfugal, lotll5c. Syrup, nominal, 20426a. Toledo Seed' Market. TOLEDO, July t -SEEDS Clover, raah, 8616 bid: October. 16 00; prime aJnlke. 8 4; August, 86 75; prime timothy, $1.45; Sep tember. 11.41. ' I Dwlath Grain Market, DIXUTH. July l.-WHHAT No. north ern, ic; July. ioi Miiumtw, r.o. OAT6 To arrive and en track, .io - 1 ......... 1 , J -1- ' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt! Liberal and Bert Grades Steady,-Otheri Weak. HOGS SELL 51H CENTS HIGHER aad Doaaasid from All Bayers ru 1st Etetai of the Sayply. SOUTH OMAHA, July I. 1904. Receipts were: Cavtl. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Holiday. Official Tuesday 8.809 4.06 X.077 Same daya last week.... 4.7W 81.831 7.74R Same days week before. 6 .Bu 17 01 7.620 Same three weeks ago.. I.S0O 191 1.4"0 Same four weeka ago.... 7.S18 20.177 6,i33 Same dava last year.... 7.2b1 13.477 6,m3 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparison with last year: 19u4. l&uS. Ino. Deo. Cattle 468,828 &S.1P6 44777 Hogs I,378.3n9 1,2).64 94,636 Sheep 704.796 668.178 141.618 Aveiage prlcea paid tor nugs at South Omaha for tne last several daya with com parison; , Date ' I 1904. 190J. 1903. 1901. 11900. 18.18i. June 17.. June 18.. June 19.. June 30.. June ill.. 4 91 6 941 4 92 97 7 23 8 831 I 8s 16 63 8 631 3 61 8 h t 92 t 06 3 64 8 nut 4 94 8 71 a uu 1 a 6 07 a wh, 8 83, 7 41 7 43 a 3 80 3 81 3 7i I 91 4 Ml I a 4 uu, a 16 June 8 , 6 0"i 1181 6 93 I June 23...) t fcVil 6 77 7 49 I u; I 11 8 641 3 M June 7 6f 7 67 7 61 7 62, 7 66 a J 7 61 7 64 7 64 June 26 16l i 67 6 70i I 91 t 17 8 69 June 26... June 87... June 38... June 29... June 30... July 1... July 2... J my 8... July 4... July 6... 6 Do 6 10 6 08 6 11 4 99 a 63 6 14 ( 66 6 lu 6 04 I 66 6 Ob I 6 66 6 13 6 60j 6 91 6 87 3 64 3 61 I 66 3 8 l 3 60 90 4 991 3 681 3 60 6 89 6 83 9 14, 3 73 8 1 4 92 I a oil 3 7i e ib'al ft 67 1 6 si 7 Oa, a : a i 7 64 6 78 6 08 3 78 3 66 Indicate Sunday. Holiday. The official number ot care of stock brought in today by each road was; ' Cattle.Hoga.Bh'p.H'ses. C. M. A St. P. Ry 4 1 Missouri racino tty j Union Pacific system.... 86 A TSJ W. KV 11 17 V.. K. A M. V. R. R.... 86 17 .. 18 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 8 B. A M. Ry 4 C. B. & Q. Ry 4 C, R. 1. e P. Ry.. east. 6 C. R. 1. A P. Ry.. west 20 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western.... 1 Total receipts 166 67 8 17 Tha riiannslunn of the aay's reoeJpts was at follows, each buer purchasing tr.e num ber of head inuicatea: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co Cattle. Hogs. Bh'p. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co 629 1,648 Armour & Co Armour A Co., sioux city Carey A Benton Hill A Son L. F. Hust Wolf A Murnan Boot Bulla A Cllne Other buyers Totals 2,582 4,085 2,077 CattlE Receipts, were liberal following holiday and included besides ,a fair num ber of grassera. Receipts at Chicago were Hunt and thla enabled sellers to secure about steady figures here on desirable kinds. The market on beef steers was rather slow and prices could not be quoted belter than steady on good grades, and for lens desirable grades the trend waa rather lower. . ... Cornfed cows and heifers fared fairly well, as toppy ttuff wat generally quoted a little higher. Grassy lots, while selling quite freely, experienced very little If any change In prices front those prevailing last week. a tail, niimhar nf atnpkera and feeders ar rived from the range and these found ready sale at fully steady figures. Yard traders took hold freely ana a clearance wae wm In good season. BJi BlaVOiIW. '1 No. At. Pr. Mo. r Ar. IT' , a..... ....UUt 4 t .. l-.v 14 ..... 121 4 40 14 40 4 re l...f... .....1047 4 SO ' 44 1077 t 00 ... 87 1041 1 10 44....... 1017 I 10 81 1(11 4 it 11 1144 a at 4....... 1144 4 10 tl 1414 1 14 41 11M t U 41 1M4 I 41 44 10M i 44 1130 .8 44 4 la ..iota, a w 1 ....ilia do ....ii44 a 44 ....1WI 4 40 ,.,.ll 140 ....1111 a 4 ....lata a m .,..imi a tt ....lilt 8 71 ....ISM 8 71 , a 76 ,...ui4 a 7a ....1144 $44 ,...U4t 14 it 11..... it ti.... it.... at.... u.... 1.... 14...., 14.... 1.... J... 1.... a.... "STEERS AND HEIFERS. tin 4 aa ta 1407 M OA 4 00 16.... STEERS AND COWS, 11.... ..1011 ..1041 4 74 14. 41 I 06 11.... 8 40. COWB. 4... 1... 1.... a.... a 1 n it.. 840 8 74 4 04 4 40 . .. M IK 4 10UI .1000 8 04 : 1 aw 1 00 a ita ions a 44 4 114 4 10 toi a a M44 4 11 ii64 a at a 4 4 to ...,. 444 8 40 17 1140 4 M 444 8 46 1 4 4 44 1114 8 44 1 114 i iota a 40 1 1444 a at , 1144 8 40 .... 17.... 4.... 11.... to.... a.... 14.... a.... HEiriDKS, 417 a to 9 f 44 a u a... .1 447 a aa 844 4 48 .... 7.... aa.'."! BUlaLB, 1410 I 1 .114 1 10 a ,....,..1474 a 44 1 UK a 74 CALVES. ato a 76 a 114 4 04 1 844 4 04 1 ,.1140 a to .1040 8 44 .1444 4 04 , 346 4 04 160 I 40 , aio a oa ... 114 4 04 STOCKER8 AND FEEDBR8. 404 a 40 II 671 a 10 440 8 74 87..' '44 I 46 4i a aa ai 460 a jo 7o a 44 a ". HOGS The run was unusually light, even following a holiday, In fact mere were scarcely hogs enough on sale to cause active competition. Conditions were more or lees favorable to aellers and vnctM in the main were generally a good nickel up from Saturday. Packera were rather slow In allowing the advanoe, and the market was oevoia oi ino itum " finish. Tops at $5.38 are 10c higher than Saturday, while the general trade was tV 7o high-jr. Good butcher and meoiuin weight graaea are pii rcii w "-f No. 71 71 74 PS 74 47 44 76 74 41 41 tt 71 41 44 14 T 4 AT. ..lit ..131 ,.14 ..144 ..1,6 ..114 ..117 ..111 ..114 ..110 .137 ..161 ..194 .115 ..111 ..Ml ..lit 324 513 716 ' 868 733 1,003 849 931 760 127 6 108. .... 90' .... 42 8 .... 79 .... Pi I H a u a is a it a it a i6 a 14 a is a u a is a rrva a ao .fit 46 a-jrc-rD rv,ar. w.i limited run ana good demand this morning and the few loads received sold quickly at strong to higher prices. Yearling ewes and wethert fetched $4-36, Oregon yearllnga went at $4S6and ewes at 13.16. There Is a good healthy tone to the market and buyers ap pear to be ready to handle everything of fered at good round prices. i.mKa. Ouotatlona for grass sheep and lamrjs. to choice yearilngs. 4 &6M.60; fair to rood yearlings. $3.604.26: good to choioe wethers. $4 0W4.25; fair lo ooi S8O1S..OO; good to choice owes, $3.5073.801 drto good ewes, $8 26O'$.60: good to choice mbs, J6.5O0S.76; fair to good Umbs. $5 00 S6.D0. , No. Av;. 16 Idaho bucks 1JS 99 Oregon cull ewes 78 244 Orenon ewes. i"",V hb 16 Oregon yearlings and wetn-' ers - rib t 60 t ti 436 SB $ 38 i 3 tn Idaho ewea, wethers and yearlings ti Idaho ewe en, wctnvra u 97 96 yearlings $7 Idaho owes, yearlings .... wethers and Slack la Sight. Fo'lowlng are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cltlet yester day: South Omaha .... Chicago K anaaa City ..... Cattle. Hog. Sheen .. S.ft9 4.00S 2.077 l.O'O 4.0 l.Vrt ..ll."' ..11.00 .. 6.500 .. 2.016 .. out) la.uto 8.500 7.500 UK! t&uO Bt. Louis St. Joseph .... Sioux City ... Totals 606 ..84.826 45,2l 15,6 Sloas Cly Live Stock Market. SIOITC CITY, July l-(Special Telegram ) CLATTLB Receipts, M bead: market steady; beevea 84 6ui6.86; sows, bulls and rnlxad. $2 laj. 60; stu:k-rs and feeders, $8.09 l4 Ou: calvaa and yearlings, lili l 65.. il03tr-4acelj)'j. 2j0 rtaJ; miirKel k Bit. Pr. 14 I 10 40 I H 110 I ts ... a n 00 I !! 0 I 11 . m a tivi 40 I 11 140 4 14 124 4 It 44 I M ... a k ... a 16 40 a aa to a 18 ... a aa 40 I M N IK ... a aa Ho. At. SB. 76 an ... 74 104 ... 47 147 ao 40 lat 140 41 141 40 44 160 40 47 Ml 110 44 124 ... 44....... 141 140 74 VI ... 44 trti 40 47 Ml 40 44 141 140 ft 144 110 64.. 144 110 41 144 140 44 3t 44 71 HI ... ih!fir, K.unff at 5.ioy6 ; urn, w uv i CHICAGO UTS STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Fire ta Tea Coats Hlaher aad Sheea Steady. CHICAGO, July 8. -BATTLE Receipts U.OuO head. Including 1.200 Texans market steady; good to prime steers, to. 4 to 4 60; poor to medium, 84.5i-a.26: -lockers and feedera, $.2tv(J-l.a6; cows. $l.tOQ4.e0: heifers. $3.0U46.40; canners. $1.5u?2 .60; bulls, $2.0 425; calvea, $2.504.6.00; Texas fed steers, Ht-fiS 00. HoOS Receipts 19,000 head: estimated to morrow, 30.000 head; left over, 3.84) head; market 64rlOa higher; mixed and butchers, $5; good to choice heavy, $5 M2; rough heavy, 85Sop6fjO; light. Si.fctf 6.66; bulk of sales, 84.75f .60. SHEEP AND . LAMBS Receipt! 7.000 head; market for sheep steady; lambs, steady; good to holce wethers. $4.2f2rfi.86; fair to chotee mixed, $S2.,f4.00; we-tern sheep, $3.75J4.10: native lambs, $S.6c97.i6; western la m be, $1606 00. Kew Vork Llvo Stock Market. NEW YORK. July 8 CATTLE Beeves, receipts, 3.641 head. Only a few care were offered todsy. Strictly good and prime beeves irvjl5e higher, medium and common steady, bulla nnd Cows almoet nominal. Steers. $5.1.Vfl 46; bulls, t2.9n4ja.e0; cows, nominal. Liverpool and London quoted live cattle selUng at 11120 per lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef, lower at 9aic per lb. Exports today. 7S0 head cattle. 1,061 head sheep i" 4,000 quarters Of beef; to morrow, 600 ha cattle and 2,700 quarters of beef. ' CALVES-Recelpts. 827 head. Market was strong; veals 60c higher, buttermllkt 26o higher; Veels. $4.00fi6.Si); tops. $7.00; butter milks, $3.00ti3.:. Dreesed calves higher; city dressed veals higher at 6310c per lb.; country dressed, 4Va,Sc. HOGS Receipts. Il.Ki1 head. No tales to day on live weight: nominally higher. .... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.814 head. Market for sheep 15526c higher, lambs 2bJ60c higher; sheep, $i.6iS.90. no choice here; culla, $2 Oti; lambs. $5.538.26, two cars uholoe at $8.50lt8.70; culls. $4.60. Kanaaa City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 8. CATTLE Re celpta 11.000 head. Including 8.000 southerns: market slow, - steady ; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5 .604)6.40; fair to good, 84.26i6.60; western fed steers, $4O0a6.1O; stockers and feeders, $2,7544.75; southern steers, $S.Oufc.0O: southern cows, $ native cows, $2.00a4.60; native heifers, 83.2S 4.26; bulls, M 5ou4 26; calves, $2.504.75. HOGS Receipts 8,600 head; market 6100 higher; top, 86.37; bulk of sties. $5.20g6 85; heavy, t&.ikir; Packers, $5.15a.85; pigs and llsrhta, $4.6o46.22. w . . . M SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 4.500 head; market strong to lOo higher: native lambs, $4-50J.50: western lambs, H60(S6.5O; fed ewes. $J.60j4.00; Texas clipped, y"" lings, $4.00fi4.76; Texas clipped sheen, $3,609 4 25; stockers and feeders. $2.50i3'3.60. St. Loo Is I.lve , Stock Mrfl. ST. LOUIS, July 6. CATTLE Receipts $,500 head, Including- 4,800 Texans; market strong and higher; native shipping and ex. rw,rt Eturi. 14 hirWrl f0- dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.2faS6.26; steers under 1.000 pounds, $4.00e.86; stockers and feeders, 83.26 4.26; cows and fielfers. 82.26QS.00; cannejs. il.MM.Hi: bulls. 82.50ffl3.50; calves, 3 Of . 6.60; Texas and Indian steers, $3.60iS.oo; cows and heifers, $2 1583.75. HOGS Receipts 7,500 head; market strong to 6o higher; , pigs and lights, $4.2tr33.2o; packers, $5.25.4S; butchers and best K,. .... It SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1.600 head; market active and firm; native mut tons, $3.0iff4.00;' lambs. $4.00Q7.5; culls and bucks, $126(34.00; stockers, W.OOttO.00. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH,- July 6.-CATTLE Receipts 2,016 head; market eteady to lOo higher; naUves, $4.65&35; cows and heifers, $2.00 6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.00i4.36. u'nno-Raralnia x fif,4 head: market 647100 higher; light, $C.2o4j5.27; medium ao4 hekvy, $5.26Hj"6.S". -. . . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts MS bead; market steady to 10c higher. ''v. ' ? Wool Market. BOSTON, July 6.-WOOL The market v..-,. Ka aaM tn ha atrnntr and active. With a firm 'advance under way. Some large sales are noted, all the big mills being In the movement. Approaching the new clip in a conservative manner manufacturers ars now apparently carried away by the situation and- are anxlout to secure the v. in.a . TJniiair avnnla era nulet and ter- ura iuw i, . . . ... wv , Htnrv arrsdea ' active, i In foreign wool there is little doing. Leading quotations follow: Idahor-Flne medium. 17i318c: me dium, 18iffl9c; low medium, 1819c. Wyonv In. rHna 1A17n' haavv fine. 14fll5C: DI4 a.i!. taifliVi ! medium. 20S21C. Utah and ilevada-Floe, 164T17c; heavy fine. 1459 16e: flrie medium. Isiil9c. Dakota-Fine, 17 18c; fine medium, lYtrioc; meaium, jo;i low mediam, 20021c. Montana Fine choice. 19igfl)c; fine average, niflRc; fine medium choice, 174.19c: aversgT7lc: staple, 219 22c; medium choice, 2iat2e. 8T. LOUIS,' July 8. WOOL Steady; me dium grade combing and clothing, 18ff24e; light fine. WUrc; heavy fine, 12816c; tub H...Ka a-Mr.QA I .on no Sf. Julv B. WOOL The sales nn.n.d tnalav with a la rxs attendance. Competition was actlvs, with merinos rul ing firm at unchanged rates. Crossbreds sold at par to 10 per cent dearer, except ooaraa trade. New South Walee-100 bales; .. iiuhmi Rdi areasy. 9t10d. Queens land 700 bales; greasy, 9fa0dV Victoria 700 bales; greasy, eUrod. South Austra a 200 bales; greasy. 6Ud. West Australia 600 bales; scoured. 6H&8Hd. Tasmanla-200 bales; scoured, lldls 2d; greaty, eHdJ is d. nsw aiana i.iw -uaia, , Is4fis6d; greasy, 6dWlsld. Cape of Good Hope and rtatar-800 bales; scoured, 9d! ls6d; greasy, 70d. Falkland Islands 1.400 bales: greasy. 60t)d. Jamalca-7PS bales; greasy, 6(gd. 1 Metal Market -Kttrar T-n-nv I,,lr K METALS Tin was weak In the London market, prices there being more than a pouna lower " com --Ja Miih tha oioaina naitrea of last Frl flay, with both spot and tuturea auoted at 4Ellf. Locally the market was lower in sympathy with the foreign losses and f j . . t'it:Hi rtmntr waa a little higher in London, closing at 67 ta for spot and 4C57 for futurea. Locally copper remains steady. Lake is quoted at $12.62 im76, electrolytic at $12.604H2.62 and east ing ai $12.12. 12.26. Lead was also a i,u e higher abroad, closing at 12 12a M, while here it remained uncnangea ai . , . . ..kBnaa at ftS In London. tfere It wat steady at $4.854.96. Iron closed at 61s 6d In Glasgow and at 42s 6d In Mld diaaborouah. Locally Iron Is quiet. No. I foundry, northern, Is quoted at SU.ww, .t. nn,ih.m at tia.76tiil4.25:. No, ill U, A 1UUIIUI J liUi a.aa--B a f w - i ja 1 foundry. , southern, and No. 1 foundry, anoth.rn aoft. at 818 2513.76. Pig Iron wtr rants are wealf, at $900. , ST. LOUIS', July S. METAL Lead, steady, $4.10. spelter, nrro, .ot Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 6.-COTTON-FU ...... . T,.ii in 44(ffil0.45c: August 10 1110 12c: September. 9.s3&9.40c: October, 9 iW 14c7 Novim ber, 4. 186-9.14c l December ; n: i.n.,v a I7wu.i9c. Spot oulet .a.e..bMeanry. 8 1-Uo; good or. lOWte; ?od tViddllng. if:' Ul-16c; receipts, tXfSmx atoWWl. 1... BT. IXJL1M. VUiy p. v.v a w... middling. lOrio; tales, none; receipts, bales; shipments, 40 bales; -stock, 11.576 WASH INGTON. July . rcoT?lI-'Th! monthly report or tne cniei m . ' . 1 aha nanarlfnant Of Atrl- culture will show the average condition of cotton on June 26 to have been 88, aa com pared w"th 63 on May 2. 1904 ; 77.1 n June , 1908; 84.7 at the corresponding dats la 1902 and a ten-year iti.t, .. .....n.fil Annies and Dried Frwlte NEW YORK. July 6 -EVAPORATED ir.oivD-M.rV4t Is O't4 with demand ffaht. but supplies ars not heavy and bold ef, show confidence. . o.n.;ion are quoted at 4&6o; prime, nc; ciioi;, r- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pn nes show little feature.. New crop Santa Clara fruit la atlll offered at 2c. f. o. b.. the coatt fr the four sites. Locally the spot market Is unchanged, with price, ranging J' b5c, according to grade. APr)ot, !? quiet. Choice are held at $lor: tr Jholce. 1010cl 'aw;y. HflSc. fsaches are firm; choice are quoted at 77e, extra. choice. 7c; fancy. 9o.iuc rtrw Goods Karket tjitW YORK. July 6.-DRT GOODS The market shows little Increase In demand ana buyers are still influenced by the ,llalft' No changea In prloea are reported, but mSre or leas Irregularity Is still In eviaence. S?h!ugh ael era are less Inclined to grant oonciallont than for some time past. For Xu ?5r? I le believed by in.ny that the turning point has been reached. i CoaTee Market. NEW YORK. July rC?FTT?I market for futures optnw advance of H1 - points. FUlaa were re- 7.,rid of 256.0W las. Including Bept-moer it B lcVIWlOo. Deoeniber iU, Murcu ateadV; No. 7 Invoice. J 8-luc. Mild, tteady; Cordova, lrSlc- Laag Loae la aaaiaau mntKNA. Ma. July aV A fit rhloh ttartod by rcurth ot July eiptcsl.vns. oansed a aoas f W 'Vl, lag wer ln'Ji.-1'r.g tr g-ueval tturca a a tii r.UiJ BIC CHANCE IS TRAIN TIME Material RsTiiioni of Boheduls Uada j the Union Paclflo. NORTHWtSEThN FAST TRW IS DROPPED May he Reslaoed hy Aaether Ote Rpeed af Two P.laelnal Fas seaaert Is laoreaaed ky tke Order. Havarai ohanaea will take place la T'ninn parifin tainiiMr sohedulo Sunday, Jul in Th followlnn time table has been made up and If nothing intervenes It will be adopted as tha arriving ana leaving time In Omaha on that date: No. 3, to be known as tha Colorado and Cheyenne train, and which was th Colo rado express, will leave Omaha at , $:! p. m. Instead of 4:20 p. M. No. 'anil ar rive at t!4B a m. laataad of 7 J9 a. m. No. 8, to be known as tha California and Ore gon train, Instead of the Chicago-Portland special, will leave at a t p. m. Instead of 8:10 p. m. No. 11 will leave at T:et a. m. Instead of UM p. an. No. IS wiu amva at 4 IO a m Instead of 3:40 a. m. N. IDS, the fast mall, will leave Oraen RJvsr at l:tt p. m. Instead ot 1:46 p. m. and will af rive in Omaha at tha same time as St present, l: p. m. No, t will leaa Orean River at t.56 p. m. Instead of S p. an. ana rill arrive at Omaha at 1:30 B. B.. the same as at present. It will be notloed that tha running time of the laat two trains nas been considerably out down. The changes la tha Union Padflo sched ule will necessitate several change In th ..wia e tka rafnrth western. Milwaukee and other roMi run lng east from here. but Juet what they ere cannot d asoer t.inavri at nraaent. aa th time cards have not yet arrived from Chicago. On ot th nrinpinal rhansea will b th taking oft of No. 12, th Chicago tpeolal, by th North. western. This Is th fastst passenger train which now run between Omaha and Chicago. Whether It will h rplaod by another equally as fast or whether th speed of some other train will be Increased to make equally aa good time is not Known locally. It may be posstbl that th Speed of No. 4 Will b Increased ta makt th fastest time to Chicago. Osaaka Got Stop Ovra ha TtTaat.m PaaSMIVM1 AaBOCiAtiOn hS Issued official notloe to the sffsot that stop overs on World'a fair Ucksts will b al lowed all passengers through Omaha. Th notice reads aa follows: "A stop-over of ten days will b allowed at Omaha on all round-trip, non-transfer- . . . . . . , k. ...... I. tmaka 1 I I, . aois llCKQts reauina mi,-va. va.... - . ets must be deposited with th Joint sgent ai...t.. .. k. . win. I a, Omaha. and on date passengers wish to continue journey, which must b within ten days of, but not Including date ticket is deposited, but not earlier than two hours previous to th tlm of departur of train from Omaha, , upon presentation of Identification ... !.. .. . , I . ., an avtanalnn Omana, upon preseniaiivn " wwiuni-ai n, certlAoat. to the Joint agent, an extension pastor will be attacheot th ticket, n abllng th passenger to resume th through . . i ......a .a . 'tut joint agency is twain v iwn, wa.w,h vw. a- and wttl ba 4ti front I a. to. notH p. tn.; Sunday from I a. tn. until 23 soon. ' Knights Templar PpeelaL A soecUl train haa been arranged for by th Nebraska commtndery, Knights Templar, which will leara Omaha eptrn ber 1, carrying th delsgatea to tha trien nial conctav at San FranclaoO. Th South . Halrata MimMtnrttPV htS hetn tnVitd t . accompany the Nebraska eommandary and has accepted tha invitation, in aetata tlons front the two states will number about 150 people. . There will b a dining car and buffet car attacbed to, tn train gad several sleeper. ; -. . M'VANN AGAINST THE BILL Detolarc Proposed lattdlngr Ors WHt Rals Prelght Rates Twaty ' ' Cwat. ' Commissioner MeVann of th Commercial Club haa returned from Chicago. Among other things there were taken Up by Mr. MoVann during bis abseno waa h uni form bill of lading which th railroad ol th country are trying to fore upon th shipper with th object, according to th statements of Commissioner MCVann, of ratting freight rate SO. per cent. The. or ganisation of a national shipper' associa tion also waa looked Into by th commis sioner during his absence. Mr. MeVann says b wfll advise tha members of th Commercial Club strongly against going Into th national organisa tion of shippers for th reason that It Is not organised along proper line and will be Ineffective. Railroad men deny that the uniform bill of lading which will be eonatdsred by th freight association at Manltou July "Ha, will raise freight rate but Mr, MoVann says tha claus at th bottom of th bill providing that SO per 'cent , extra freight will have to be paid by , th shipper who refuse to accept th bill will result In th 20 percent Increase for .the reason that no shipper will scoept th bill which, I prao tlcally a waiver of his rights to recover damage from th carrier Under th law, for ths loss or damage to his shipment. Mr. MoVann aays It is an error to say that th uniform bill which It I proposed to adapt la In My way stnillar to ths present form of bill In us by th railroads. Mr. MeVann aaya that th western roads are not tn favor of th adoption of th bill, and consequently h feel that ther Is llttl danger of Ita being put Into general use, . ' LOSES MONEY ON THE TRAIN Mast Front Lraae Is Believed) f On' Haadrod and TwatysW . Dollar. ' '- EL N. Teaton of Lyons, Neb., reports that h lost IU6, on $600 draft and one $68 draft while In a 'train at th Webster ttreet station Monday afternoon, Mr. Teato-n says he think he was watched when he took out his roll at th ticket window to get a bill to pay for his tlckst to yornv When he had taken a seat In on of th car a stranger cam along and asked him whether he was going to Lyon. Answer ing In th affirmative he was requested to take a rear car, which hs promptly did. While passing between two ear he wss erowded by th stranger, who had already spoken to him snd a stout man. Hs think these two men picked his pockets while he wns. squeeilng between tham. . . ' hi' Want Ad are Butlnsas booster. The Merchants National Dank Vf Ojrtsaha, N)b. ll.ateNi4r Capital aad Sarptiia, SMO.000 fAM UBfOY. IVeS. SCR. . W09, V. Bret. Unite StAKLCeasiar. rtva t. tuvaTajf. aml fa. saiats st t-iata. aaatai Srata and telioaaala ee rauataa --- haaaOt ad arid. it-. tt Craata taw, a -a. La Ita le ak sf th. Waw liinl feaai aat Ttate f mni4 nn aa nmur ee Wa