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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1904)
J. r, THE OMAllA' DAILY HEEi WEDNESDAY, JULY ft, 1904. ' - SIOUX-TAKE THE THIRD CAME .W J . -J.J- . - a. Tattnden Barn Pa'i Boyi in Another Iitra Inning Fight. 4.!AKE 1, THREE STRAIGHT ON THEM .Y letters 1,9 mm to and Take Coople of Riu Oat of Urnall McCarthy'' , Beader , la the . That extra Inning 'hoodoo still hovers vr fott TPapa Rourke's Vinton street property . and refugee to be deported, the i.enth ant of yesterday's game was a most i ntent demonstration. It was then that il.e Susans from upvTay betted in a vie jory si s 4 to 1 salu. the third to be -.ifted from-the Omaha troupe Curing the ,resat jpngag-eraaat. Five ,doub.e plays Hatmd the same. Dennis McCarthy de tervem to be blarneed .for each and eVery one af lb flrst nine innings. Ip to that j-rlnt, h pitched superfine, base ball and iayed fleldln ame that was a full card :x itsei;., ; , There Is a different story to the last tn- )'.rti. .For were It not' that two of the Indians' runs werjs due. to as many errors ct the' Very outset, l)ennls might be called rrore severely to account. At any rale, V.'i laid-back' oh his' haunches in the tenth rid peddled the ball as though he were I 'Strtbutfng handbills.' He gave one away i everybody that cared to make a drive 'i lire ' of the Susans accepted his morsels r Ith thfcnks 'and flldn-'t do a single thing l.ut make three bad fractures In tha hori fn try as many two ase hits. Dennis tried ts '-make' amends when he rtme trtttat for the laet time, and actually hit Safe. So ItvWas that the Hibernian went off iihe a Ronton oarfdle and with the two runs tfat. errors were , wholly responsible for 1 1 the first Inning, the- Boos added another switch to-their scalp belts. 1 Omaha, hasn't, been playing the .team that put .Sioux CUy at the bottom, of the (landing listen la a. different outfit that lias bea. winning, -,here. the1 past oouple :, days, and an outfit, or., ban players by t!,e way," Attendance.. 450. Score: . - ...1 sioyx CITY. t,wor; if l..::J$ i T" emlng, cf '' 1 1 . emer, ss. 0 esserly, lb... ...1 " 1 ? "iryott, Sbv.w.. ........6 1 " etcalf. rf..u.. ....... .6 . - 0 H. 1 0 0 i I PO. 3 2 S 14 15. 0 0 0 0 1 ?lly, 3b. .,v. . 0 a 0 V art c. .4 0 C'.dawailader, p ..4 to .1 it. 0 . a i ! 0 0 1 Totals . .;. ...... 41, .4 to IS , ' omaha.' . ' A B. , R. rtrter. rf ....,....,...,., , 0, t oward. 2b. ,..,....,.. 1 . Her, If . .......... ..).,.4 1'. 0 ' elch, cf.. ,..,...4 . 1 J olan. bs... ........ 0 w'Veese,, lb., ... ".A- ' ' 0 f.-.lpke, lb.. ........ ,..fA ,. 0 .indlng, .a. 4 1 6 PO. 8 4 I 10 0 I A. IE. 0 ? 0 .cCarthy,.p. . , At f . t Totals ,. 84 2 so 0 0 0 0 13 8 F'oux City f.naha ..j 0 0 0 0 .1 -0' Oil 0 a-4 0 0-2 Two-base- hit: Howard, Welch, Maryott c), Ward, Alesserly,. Kelly, Baorlflce hits: aryott, ' Dolan. Bhlpke. Darned runs: S ouk City, 2; Omaha, 3. First base on 1 l.11s: Qrf McCarthy, 8:. off Cadawallader, ". Left oh hSeesV Bloux City, 10; Omaha, .-v Wild-pttnh: Cbdawallnder. First base , errors: , Sioux City, 8; Omaha, 1. Struck t: By McCarthy. 8; by Cadawallader, 1. ' ouble plays:- McCarthy to Dolan to ' -ease.- Flemlnr tt Ward. 'Maryott to Fre- t ?r to Messerjy,,. Cadawallader to Fremer ) Messariy, 81ly to Maryott to Messeriy. 1 it by pitched balls:- Freese (2). Time: 1:30. Umpires- Carruthare. DemTer Defeats 'the-' Springs. "DENVBR, July B. After Ave discourag ing innings) the -visitors succeeded in sor- 't-3 today, cutting four runs to their credit 1- ; the sixth. ' OHfVel'V opportune hitting, ,; jwever, determined tile- Anal .score:- - ,.1. ,...,..., R.H.D. '.inver ..i..O 0. J 10 0 8 - 10 2 ( .10. Springs... 0 0 H 5,i 0 0 0-4 7 5 Ilatterles: Denver, Kenna and Lucia; Col. fii.Ado Springs kopeo, and -Herman , , v Postponed paoies. , At St. Joseph St. Joseph-Dee Moines irae postponed 011 account of wet grounds, Standing of the Teams. ... t'U flaynd. Won. Lost P.O. .623 .600 .402 .485 .4M ,. miliar ......tfv. 23 ;lorado Bprlnks.... 68 22 84 Malta SI s Molno.,.u,.j.A. i 82 ' Josofh .........Ei . 27 82 89 ! oux City : 60 " 2i .360 Games today: Sioux City at Omaha. Dea .,rolnes at 8t. Joseph,' Denver at Colorado i-rlngo. ....,4... 4 ' F.lertn Tanlngrs to Win, DODOB," Neb;,' July 6. (Special.) Dodge u'id - Scrtbner . played - an eleven-Inning me of base ball at Snyder yesterday. -.. jore, 8 to 7 la favor qt Dodge. Batteries: ir Alt HAVANA tQcOigars S)w-. ' - - . SI. FQSliH, 1X0. H&KERS . . , RCW YORK . ALLEfJ BROS. CO. ClJTRlEJTCr.S .. .. CMAHA A TIP I Rtrjcjkej a;5IONQRAM live-cent cigar id (flt-silKtUe sutlMfuc-tlon tliat Is com-, iK to youMONOaUAM FI VJ3 CENT kSab. ' ' JU. V STOHX'KEK CtaAH CO, L J i I Dodge, Rose And BlacM; Bcrlbwer, sMm ley and Robertson. . GAMES IK TBD HATIOKAXi IBACtTfl Poor Pleldlag fcy Brvohlya Help Boat o a Get Gaaas. BOSTON, July B. Before today's game was called In the seventh Inning on account of rain it had grown too dark to handle the ball properly and Brooklyn gave a ridiculous exhibition of fielding. Foul catches by both catchers and Willis' pitch ing were the redeeming features. Attend ance, 1,6). Score: BOSTON. I BROOKLYN. a.H.O.A I R.H.O.A.S. 0lr. cf I t O Dabt. ef..... I 1 Tinner. lb.... 1 II 1 IDIIIaD, rtriwr. rf f 1 I S . l.umlttT Cool.T. It I 1 t 8h-kar4. it.. 1 8 1 Ah'tlrhin. tm. I I 1 S nhk t 0 11 rMl.htntr, b 1 Bt. e... 14 1 Rtrimr. lb... S I I Jorttan. lb.... KMHlK.m a.. S 1 1 S t krf-rm'k. Ul I I 1 wuii.. till elJoaM, p t ToUI. 7 12J M Totals I 4 U I 8 Two out In the seventh when gams was called Boston 1 0 10 13 7 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 8 08 Two-base hit: Abbattlohln. Home run: l.u;.uey. Sacrifice hit: Bergen. Stolen i.ire; Willis. Double play: MeCormlck to i'Ulon. f irst nase on un wuus, off Jones, 3. Struck out: By Willis, 6; by Jones, 2. Time: 1:2a- Umpire: Emslle. Philadelphia Stops New York. PHILADELPHIA. July 6. In a ten-Inning game the locals today Interrupted New fork's succession of victories. The home team should have won In the ninth, but Duggleby bit two men and MoCormlck, battiag for MoGipnlty, hit for two bases, scoring a run and tying the score. Singles by Dooln and Hall won the game. Koto was injured sliding to sooond base and withdrew. Attendance, 1,838. Score: PHILADELPHIA. I NEW YORK. R.H.O.A.K.I R.H.O.A.B. Thomu, cf... 1 1 1 0 BrMnshen, of 1 1 I 0 Ol.aaoo, 2b... I Luab, rf 0 Poxls, lb 0 Roth, o -. 0 I 4 I 1 II 0 1 1 1 1 I It 1 0 0 Brown., rf.,.. (II s Crllo, tb.... 0 1 Mcdcaa, lb.. 1 1 11 Martos, lf..M 110 0 0 1 1 riooia. a. MoOm, U...m Hall, lb...... 0 Hulawltt. aa.. 0 thiRslabr, P.. fraaar, 0 0 Dablan, .a.. 1 Ojoilbart, tb.. 1 0, Waraar, o.. 0 Bowtrnu, e. 0 HoOlnnltr. . OjTmrlor, p 0 'MoOerailek 0 Totals....- I It Mil 1 Total I 111 12 -1 Two out when winning run scored. Batted for McOlnnlty in ninth. Philadelphia 0 00108100 1-8 New York 0 111010010-6 Two-base hits: MeOann, McCormlck, Lush, Dooln. Three-base hits: Mertes, Oleason. Sacrifice hit: . Mertes. Stolen bases: Dahlen, Oleason. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 8. Double plays: Oleason to Doyle; Hulswitt to Oleason to Doyle; Hall to Oleason to Doyle. First base on balls: Off McOlnnlty, 2; off Duggleby, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Gilbert, Warner. Struck out: By McOlnnlty, 4: by Taylor, 1; by Dug- Sleby, 1. Balk: Duggleby. Hits: Off Mc innlty, 11 (In nine innings): off Taylor, 3 (In one Inning); off Duggleby, 12 (In nine innings). - Time: 1:60 Umpires: Johnstons and Carpenter. '' ' Postponed Gasnea. At Pittsburg Pituburg-Chicago gams postponed: wet grounds. At. St. Louis Cincinnatl-St. Louis gams postponed on account of rain. Standing of the Tesuns. . Plaved. Won. Lost. P.Ct New York 66 48 IT .788 86 26 .690 37 26 .687 35 28 ! .666 31 81 .600 27 42 .391 26 41 .388 16 46 .268 Cincinnati 61 Chicago 63 nusDurg 63 St. Louis J 62 Brooklyn 69 Boston 67 Philadelphia 62 Oames today: Cincinnati at St. Louis. New York at Philadelphia, Brooklyn at Boston. GAMES Ilf TBB AMERlCAJf LEAGCB New York Wins Three Straight and Takes Series from Palladelpht. NEW YORK. July S. New York won the third game of the series from Philadelphia today by heavy batting and because of the bad lieldlna- of the visitors. The features of the game were the fieldlno of Fults and Murphy s horns run in the ninth Inning. At tendance 4,ooo. score: , NKW YORK. . PHILADELPHIA, R.H.O.A.K.I . a.H.O.A. Doufhtrty. If. 1 0 1 0-oHaitMl. If.... 1 0 8 0 0 Kmlar, rf.... 0 110 0 pickartna. cf. 0 0 2 0 0 Wllllama, lb.. 1 OIBruca, rf 0 10 0 0 .. 0 1 0 0 0 ..00110 o e tii And.raon, lb. 1 Elb.rf.ld. as. Pults, of 0 Conroy. lb..,. 0 Klalaow, ..... 0 Powall, p..... 1 U L. Croaa. lb.. 0 0 1 0 Mnrpbr, lb Mnrpbr. lb... 11 t I M. Cross, a.l I j Powara, o 0 17 11 Bandar, 0 i 0 $ i Noaaaa ..... 0 .. 0 I i I 0 0 Totala 1 1 IT 11 ai TeUI.:,.... " 14 J:4 Batted for Bender in the ninth. New York- o 16 10 110 a 1 Philadelphia ...0.0 2 0 6 0 0 V- Two-base hits: Anderson. Fults. Three- base hits: Elberfeld. M. Cross. . Powell. Home run: Murphy. Sacrifice hit: Bender. Stolen base: Elberfeld. Left on bases: New York 6, Philadelphia 6. Mrst base on balls: un -owen . .f irst base on errors: New York 3. Struck out: By Powell 8, by Ben der 6. Wild pitch: Powell. Time; 1:46. Umpire: -Sheridan. ,'..'... Slnsrsrina; Match at Cleveland. CLEVELAND. July 6. Cleveland won an other slugging match today. The batting oi nicjtman, Lusn, Btovai ana cugraen, and fielding of Hilt, Hickman, Wallace. Bradley and Lush were features. Boors: CLEVELAND. , ST. LOU18. K. HO. A. K.I ' ' R.H.O.A.S. Flick, rf 1 10 0 o'Barkatt, U ... 1 110 0 Lu.h, If I 4 4 0 OfH.mphlll. cL. 1 1 1 lir.dl.r, 9b... I I Lajol, a..... 1 I I 0 Jones, is 0 0 0 Oil Hu.lirmaa, ,rt 011 I I 0 Wallaoa, as... 0 11 4 1 0;PaM.n. lb... 0 0 0 Hickman, lb, I I llamla, c. 1 0 I)., of... 1110 0 Hill, lb .0 0 4 fitovai. lb.... 1 I U 0 1 Su.d.n, e-ls.. . 1 4 11 0 0 .110 10 B.rnh.rd, p.. 0 1 0 1 3 Bievar. a., Kaboa, a.. Heldrick , .0 I 1 .0 0 0 Total 14 II 17 IT 1 Total. I1IMU I Batted for Slevsr In the ninth. Cleveland ....6 3 0 0 0 0 6 1 14 St. Louis ...2 000000304 First base on errors: Cleveland 1. St. Louis 3. Two-base hits: Hickman - (21. Luh, Lajoie, Stoval (2, Bay, Flick, Hemp- nui, uueisman. inree-Dase nil: uraQ.ey. Home run: Hickman. Stolen bases: Hick man, Beinia, Hemphill. Dmible plays: bemis and 1 Bradley, liradley, Hickman and Bio val; Hill and Sugden. Boston Wins nt Washington. WASHINGTON. July B.-Boston bunched their hUs In one inning today and defeated Washington 6 to 8. A heavy rainstorm de layed me game twenty-five minutes. Six double plays were tne ieaturs. Attend ance, 500. Score. BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B. WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A. C. Stahl. ef... 1 1 t 1 01 Colllua, lb..., 0 0 4 1 0 Ooughlla, lb.. 0 1 I 0 Ortb, cf 0 1 I 1 I 1. 1. 1 I I I Fraaman, rf.. 0 1 1 0 0 Paddan, as..,. 1 I I 1 0 Balbach, If.... 10 10 0 LaChauca, lb. 0 1 10 1 0 caaaisr, aa... l OoBova,. rf.. 0 O'N.ll, If 0 MoOorm'k, tb 0 rarrla. lb.... 1114 0 J. Stahl, lb... 1 1 10 Clark,' 0 0 1 Karr.ll, a I I I ' 0 0 Wlnlar, p 0 1110 TowaaanO. p.. 0 0 t ..... . . . . V . V. . . I . Rn.n.n . ii t . A A f - . . Tula a a vt la .nt n... . . ..... . Washington 00114000 03 Two-base ' hits: J. Stnhl Mirhrmii-k O'Noll, Ferris, Farrell. . titolen base: Par- en.1.- ouerince lilts: Collins. LaChance. Double plays: Collins to Ferris toli Chance 3). Winter to Parent to LaChance, McCormlck to J. Stahl (2). Casnldy to J. Stahl. First base on balls: Off Townsend, 8. Hit by Ditched ball: Townsend. Hini. lr out: By Townsend 1; by WlnUr, 1 Left pn bases: Washington, 4; Boston. S. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Dwyor. Standing of the Teams. . Plaved. Won Tiat V f- uosion ea New York &l 41 ... 22 .661 28 28 .628 89 28 .6el 82 .27 .642 82 80 .616 27 S3 .Hit 27 86 .436 11 60 .180 Chicago 87 Cleveland 68 f nuaaeipnia , 63 St. Louis 60 Detroit 62 Washington 61 Uames today: St. Louis at PUv.imfi New York at Philadelphia, Boston at Wash ing ion.. . ' . Knatis Defeats Bert rand. ITITBTTd . TJah ' !! C iO -i m. , . gram.) Eustis and Bertrand clubs played a game of base ball July 4, resulting in 4 to T In favor of Eustls. GAMES III AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Battlasr Rally at Minneapolis Gives St. Panl the Game. MINNEAPOLIS. July 5 -St. Paul won In the ninth inning today with a strong bat- luig rany. Aiuuuinca, ouu eoore T. PAUL. MINNKAroUg. K H OA R.H.O A H. Malanay. rf.., 1 1 I 0 0 McNU-b'la, III I DSulllTaa. ell 1 10 0 oiltr. if..., till Waar, 0 0 8 11 Jonaa, of...... 0 j.ckKia, rf ... 1 Whaalar, lb.. 0 o unao, aa... I K.lly. lb 0 It. doa, 16... 1 C'lliiauan, If. 1 flarca. a t Cor UK t. 0 ritaraat: lk. 0 1 11 6 0 Poa. lb 1 0 1 I I rtar. as. 10 14 0 Mataaa. p.... 1 10 4 0 Totali , 0 I ft 0 11 Total. 6 0 17 II 1 St. Paul f. 8100 060084 ilnntutpoiis 00018000 8 Two-base hit: Javksnn. Three-base hits: Maloney, Cllngman. Home run: ataloney. loulle play: Mxrran to O'Brien to Kelly. Sacrifice hit: Morg&n. Stolen bases: Hi. Itagl'S t1erra. , Base on balls; Oft Morgan. 8. uSt Cut twit, fx ttUuck, 4i uti iJL six una by pitcher: Keuy. Left on bases: Mln- Wild nit pitch: Morriui. nMTMila. 7: St. 8. Umpire: Bause- wine. Time: 1:80. Poatpoaed Gasnea. At Kansas City Kansas City-Milwaukee game postponed; rain. StaadlasT of tha Teams. Columbus 69 ' St Paul 71 Louisville 73 Milwaukee . 68 Indianapolis 71 Minneapolis ......... 68 Kansas City 65 Toledo 67 Corbett. t' Hit by pitcher 46 24 .66 44 37 .619 41 82 .62 87 31 .644 86 86 .607 81 37 .434 21 44 .323 21 46 .813 Oames today! Columbus at St Paul, To ledo at Milwaukee, Indianapolis at Kansas City, Louisville at Minneapolis. Providence Gets Bevllle. CINCINNATI. July 8.-The National Base Ball commission, having previously held that awards of all players to major league oluos under the Cincinnati peace compact atanrt wlthmit further anDeal. announces that Kansas City had no claim on PlayerJ Neville and mat ne was legany reieaaea by the American league club of New York to the Providence club. - North Losp Loses to Ord. NORTH LOUP. Neb., July 6. (Special.) The North Loup Corn Shuckers lost out ssaln In the ball game with the Ord pro- fesslonals yesterday. The score was S to 0, dVe.nh.hgannTi ft" wasgenSy cot neaaen the erame ceded that the North Loup battery was far ahead of the Ord, but the fielding lost them the gams. Panama Easy for Adnjni ADAMS, Neb.. July B. (Special.) The Fourth of July game at Adams was a one sided affair. Panama had Imported sev eral men. but to vain did they play. The score was 11 to 1. Score by innings: Adams 4 0 1 4 1 1 0 8 11 Panama . 0 01 0 00000 1 Belle-me Defeats Colts. BELLBVUE, Neb., July B. (Special.) The Reynolds Colts of Omaha met defeat at tha hands of the Bellevues yesterday afternoon in a hotly contested game. Score, Bellsvue, 12; Colts. 8. EVENTS OJf THE RUIfHING TRACKS Ort Wells Carries Off Commonwealth Handicap nt Sheepehenal. . NEW YORK, July 6. Ort Wells, winner of the Commonwealth handicap, today ad ded another stake to his list of victories by capturing the rich Lawrence Realization stakes, worth 220.845 to the winner, . at Sheepshead bay. He was quoted at tha prohibitive price of 8 to 10 and won handily by one length. Mercury, paying 8 to 6 for the place, - finished second wltn Orazlallo third. The time. 2:474k. is two and two- fifths second slower than Africander time. made last year in this event. Minneola, in winning the second race, established a new world's record for six and one-half furlongs, by covering the distance In 1:18. The best previous record was 1:18, held jointly by Jane Holly and Ancestor. Re sults: First race, selling, five furlongs: Jerry C. 16 to 1, won; Tramotor second, Oray Lad third. Time: 1-07. Second race, - handicap, six and one-half furlongs: Minneola, 6 to 8, won; Ancestor second, Kohinoor third. Time: 1:18. , Third race, double of tio.uuo, six turiongs: Veto, 6 to 1, won; Blandy second, Council man third. Time: 1:14. , Fourth race, the Lawrence Realization, Fobs value, nve furlongs: urt wens, to 10 won; Mercury second, Grazlallo third. Time: 2:47. Fifth race; selling, mile and one furlong: Bo bad 11, 7 to 2, won; Possession second, Himself third. Time: 1:62. Sixth race, handicap, mile and one-six teenth, on turf: Rosetlnt, 2 to 1, won; New lorn secona, nuueno tnira. iime: x:i. I'lutAW, Juiy 6. xvesuits : First race, six furlongs: Dragoon (109). 15 to 1, won; Brand New (119) second, Fres- sias (119) third.' Time: 1:16. Second race, steepiecnase, snort course: Creolin (138), 8 to 5, won; Handvlce (148) second, Schwarswald (126) third. Time: .-. . .... . - Tnira race, mile ana seventy, yaras: Blrchbroom (ill), 6 to 1 won; Crestfallen (112) second.-. Bummer II (108) thirds Time: 1:46. ' - - -Fourth' race, six runongs: f lying tjnip ond,' Sltilfuli (107) third. Time: 1:13. j Fifth race, mile and seventy yards; cele bration (107), 18 to 2. won; Don't Ask Ms (106) second, Hondley Cross O09) third. Tims: i:o. Sixth race, five and one-half furlongs: Ivan the-Terrible (108).' 10 to 1. won: Flor entine (105) second. La Londe (115) third. Time: 1:08. ST. XOU1S, July 6. Results: First race, four and one-half furlongs: selling: Little Harry 98, (W. Fisher) 9 to t, won: . Preventative 103. (Watson) second: Covina 98, (H. Anderson) third. Time: 0:68. Second race, mlle-and one-sixteenth, sell ing: Athena 100, (W. Davis) 11 to 20 won; Miss Betty 99. (D. Austin) second; Brook lyn 108, (W. Watson) third. Time: 1:54. Third race, six furlongs: Jake Weber 10S, (Foley) 6 to 1, won; Bensonhurst 104, (Fisher) second: Dr. Kier 107, (Neeley) third. Time:. 1:18. . . Fourth' race, five and one-half furlongs; handicap, two-year-olds: Inda 103. (D. Austin) 6 to t, won; Broomhandle 115, (Dale) second; Lucky Charm 96, (W. Davis) third. Time: 1:11. Fifth race, seven furlongs: Stand Pat 103, (Fisher) 6 to 1, won; Ancke 101, (Anderson) second; Col. Ballantyne 110, (Trox'er) third. Time: 1:81. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards, sell ing: Bessie McCarthy loo, (Stoval) 9 to 2, won; Canyon 105, (Young) second; Lubla 104, (McMullen) third. Time: 1:50. WITH THE .BOWLERS. On the Omaha Bowling association alleys last evening the first games of the season between newly organized league teams was nowieo. ins nationals won. captain Ahmanson of the Nationals would like to hear from any regular league team In the city. Score: NATIONALS. 1st 2d. 8d. Total. ....216 204 193 618 10 178 179 6.17 Jones Olerdle ... ... Chandler . Totals , 216 172 168 563 19 . 184 228 671 217 197 202 616 968 935 870 2,893 . BLACK KATS. 1st. . 2d. 8d. Total. Sutton 160 171 201 632 Landon 170 1W an 637 Hert ITi - 261 178 617 Hull 177 182 170 629 Nelson ...161 171 . 192 624 Totals 840 941 948 1 728 Following were the scores made by the Armour league oowiers last, evening. Car ter s stars were high tor the evening. Ton neman was high Individual, with 600. Scores: STARS. 1st. 2d. 8d. Total. Carter 190 149 227 6fi6 Malons 113 . VOI 16Z 408 Bulla V& 128 117 - 4ti0 Johnson 1H9 228 164 651 Tonneman 2u6 224 171 6(0 Totals 832 - 857 831 2,620 VERIBEST. 1st. '..194 ........188 137 149 96 !758 SHIELDS. 1st. TU , 138 m 116 120 2d. 126 128 87 149 155 2d. lt 141 152 130 135 Total. 4J-9 Griffin O'Connor ,. Brown ..... Collins Welmer ' ... 452 876 458 . Totals 656 727 2,131 2d. ' 114 135 ln2 143 139 8(1. 115 129 186 143 144 Total. 840 Manning ... Adams Friable Culp Shearer 40 639 403 Totals 675 716 2,084 Tennis nt Winahleton. LONDON, July 8. In the lawn tennis contest for the Davis cup singles at Wlm bleton today, Rlnely beat Deborman 4-6, 6-2, 7-6. Lemaire retired from his match with H. L. Doherty. , Gvlni lor Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don't put yourself in this man's place, but keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes yon will need it badly; yon will need it quickly. Buy it row. It may saTs Ufa. : i ONE DEAD AND. THREE HURT Kan Killed and Others Badly Wounded at Earpy Mills. GUILTY ONES NOT YET DETERMINED OH Woman Identiflea Ono of Prisoners Snspected as Man Who Fire the Fatal Shot Police Arc nt Work. Five men are confined In the city Jail at South Omaha on suspicion of having par ticipated In the killing of Charles Best, a grader, and the wounding of Frank Vin cent. Patrick Cahlll and Willie McNeill, a lad about years of age. Those under arrest are Charles McOrsth, Dan Losey, Tim Carr, Jack Broderlck, Tim Broderick and Mike McCann. Chief Briggs and Detective Elsfelder arrested these men at saloons In South Omaha Tuesday morn ing. The prisoners admit having been at garpy Mills park Monday night, but deny having had anything to do with the shoot- ing. ' Mrs. Patrick Cahlll called at the South Omaha police station shortly after noon to day and identified Tim Carr as the man who shot Charles Beat Carr lives at Thirty-third and R streets and has a long police record. The remains of Best, the grader who was killed, were taken In charge by the cor oner of Sarpy county. ' Vincent, another grader, Is at the South Omaha hospital, pretty badly used up. He was shot In the back and -the bullet has not been removed yet Patrick Cahlll Is suffering from a bul let hole In his right cheek, but physicians say he will come out all right unless blood poison sjts In. Tsnn-edy a Mystery. 1 Just how the tragedy came about no one seems to know, Joseph Mallander, owner of the park, said: "I was Justabout ready to close up my place when I heard a number of revolver shots fired In quick succession in my bai room. Several men were shooting all at ones and I saw a number run as soon as the firing began. There was so much ex citement that it was Impossible to find out anything about tho affair. When Best and Vincent fell the others In the bar room ran and In lens than a minute there was not one of the crowd about the place." "The deputy sheriffs- who look after the order of the place on days when there Is a big oelebratlon had gone home and only a few men remained in the bar room. I was not personally acquainted with any of those In tho place at ths time the shooting occurred.". . Chief Briggs said he was satisfied nearly all of ths crowd belonged in South Omaha. "Some of those at the park are working In a grading camp near Sarpy Mills, but the majority belong to a 'tough gang here. I am now hustling for witnesses and ex peot before the day Is over, to be able to get the straight of the story." Police ttnlt for Night. It was not until late last evening that the police of Sohth Omaha quit work for the night on the Best, murder at Sarpy Mills park. All of the afternoon was spent In hunting and examining witnesses. Sheriff McAvoy and County Attorney Patrick of Sarpy county were closeted with Chief Briggs for several hours. Tim Carr was kept In ths sweat box for an hour and a half. Carr stuck to his first statement that he had no revolver and did not fire any shots. In ths evening Sntorosiing Qldsmobilo Facts. Don't buy an automobile until ytra have carefully read our new catalog. It Mils many interesting things about the Olds mobile. Its increased power, speed and size; Increased strength and weight of all its parts; larger gasoline and water capacity; larger seatj larger radiators. The absence of packed Joints which leak and cause trouble. Its new safety starting device that retards the spark when starting handle is turned. y Its hub brakes and 3 inch double tube tires. Its "road efficiency" which exceeds all other runabouts. All for the same price $650.00. The Oldsmobile has a 5x6 cylinder developing seven proven horse power, weighs 1,100 lbs., rnaking the horse power per 100 lbs. .636. We bays succeeded In producing a thoroughly reliable automobile In which any man cn ssf ely inTest. Its relisbility has been proved. Its simplicity snd strength rs the result of 20 years experience in gas engine building. Send for esuloi showlnf slaoonrTorlaInnaboat ' $750.00; Light Toancsu. fy&MX); Oldtmnhils SaUraiy Wacon, SS50.00. Frtt demonstration by our neartst agtrtt. "The best thing on wheels." OLDS MOTOR WORKS, D-trolt, Mich. Vostcrn Branch, I tempts tlW appetite refreshed you through and through SOUTH OMAHA, PHOHB I Arenli: Hugo F. BMs. U2t roulas St., Omaha. Phons 1M2. Ubm amuottU, vvuuui siuna, ruuiw au. IIISJUflLeJI lsWBBWBfsaSBSSSSSSBBSBBSBBBWSSBSBBSa Carr was brought out from his cell and was put through another course of ques tioning. It was evident bo was weakening as he contradicted himself many tlmr-s. Hs first declared that he had no pistol and had not fired a shot; he later admitted that hs carried a gun and might have shot a few rounds of blanks. Relatives and friends of Carr made sev eral efforts yesterday afternoon to speak with Carr but Chief Briggs denied all. The other suspects In Jail are to be held as witnesses and will, so It was stated last bight be called upon to testify at the coroner's Inquest on Thursday. Dr. Armstrong, coroner of Sarpy county, caused the remains of Charles Best to be removed to Brewer's undertaking establish ment In South Omaha yesterday. Before having the body removed from the county ths coroner Impaneled a Jury and announ ced last evening that an inquest would be held Thursday at 9 a. m. at Papllllon. In looklnk over the effects of Best mem, oranda was found showing he had lived at Beemer, Neb., and that he had a son about 15 years old. This son was located at Stanton, Neb., by the coroner and notl fled of the death of his father. Best had only $8.50 In money and a watch. Attached to his key ring was a plate showing that he was, or had been, a member of Lodge No. 278, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Malvern, la- Coroner Armstrong learned that Best had been working for some time for Frank Sharp, a grader who is doing some work In Sarpy county, Thursday last Best told enarp mac ns wanted to lay on for a time and he was paid 176; The coroner searched diligently for money in the dead man's effects but located only the amount men tioned. No arrangements for tho funeral will be made until after the Inquest At the suggestion of Coroner Armstrong Undertaker Brewer will communicate with the Odd Fellows lodge, Malvern, and ascer tain the wishes of the lodge In the disposal of the remains. Easily Identifies Carr, When Mrs. Patrick Cahlll called at the city Jail In South Omaha Tuesday afternoon to Identify the man who did the shooting , five of the men arrested on suspicion were brought out Without any hesitation she picked out Tim Carr, She said that Can- had been around the park nearly nil day hunting for trouble but that he did not become boisterous, until after dark when some of those In the ml-up 'commenced to drink heavily. Mrs. Cahlll declares that I the park had been closed for the nlgVit and that those In the barroom were about to start for home. . She says Carr made an insulting remark td her and this was promptly resented by her husband. It was then that Carr drew a revolver and fired. The first shot struck Best who she asserts was' standing- at ths bar minding his own business snd was not concerned In the mix-up. The next shot struck her husband in. the cheek and then the row began In earnest Henley Regatta Begins HENLEY, England, July 5. The Henlev regatta was opened today with unpromls- Ing weather. ije: eneral interest in the event was hardly up to the average owing to the paucity of foreign entries. There were no entries from the United States and only two from Canada, those of the Winnipeg iour ana me xoronio scuuer, acnoies. There were no other competitors from abroad. As the Winnipeg drew a bye they will not row until the final heat for the Stewards' cup Thursday. The SDeotators when the racing commenced were not so numerous as usual and there were fewer houseboats. L. A. Scholes, the Canadian sculler, won his heat for the diamond sculls today, de feating 8. R. Wells of the Bedford Rowing club by four lengths. Time, 9:32. 1116 Farnam St., nriiua urn H. urn 7 After c over md couwc, ask for au cold Lollle of " 1 - STO HZ' BLUE.-R.I B B O N ?and you. will excellent anl Clioice Barley1 malt , ImporteJ Bokemian Hops , iSparklincf Artesian water ihaxs all! And rl is as JbrearRe- air you. You, can de tit aii prk You. jkoulcl.nave a case iix vour kome ... Tkone 12.60 tana wc will deliver it at yourdoor. ST0RZ BREWING CO, OMAHA DO'GTIB When you are first aware of any your vitality, then it Is that you should means much to your future health and meaicm a a vice wunout aeiay you win ana enjoyment or in wmcn is evory clear and healthy skin, active brain, ment show that no contaminating influences of private diseases are devastating ' ins Hyoioni. iiim nu inciiuii, murai or pnyMictu wruttiiHBuii ara depleting nis manhood, that no secret drains upon his vitality aro robbing- lilm of his sub stance and rraking his life a miserable failure. ' We make puny, weak men strong, no matter how weak they are, and every vital organ perfect. Infiltrating that old feeling of youthful fire, vim and court age. Do you want to be strong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, atrenntn In every muscle, ambition, grit, energy and endurance, in order to make your life complete? We have gladdened tne hearts of thousands of young and mid-die-aged men who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of physical manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. If you are lack ing In these essential elements of manhood, or suffering from . Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impo tency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Pectal, Kidney, and Urinary Diseases, . or any disease or weakness dun to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses, self-abuse or the result of speclilc or private diseases. It behooves you to take proper steps to rid yourself of such a condition, as it will cause you bitter regret and humiliation in after life. We cure tills class of trouble quickly, safely and thoroughly. , CONSULTATION FREE yo? can"ot caM write" for symptom blank. wundULlHllun i iill offlos hours a. m. to S p. m. ' Sundays, 10 to 1 only STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Faraam St., Bit. 13th and 14th Street, Omaha. Nj.' tSaesSsfiSBBS I in r ,VIA Illinois Central R. R. ' Round Trip Rates From Omaha Detroit, Mich., on sale July B to 7 819.25 Atlantic City, N. J., On sale July 9 to' 10 (34.00 Cincinnati, Ohio, on sale July 15 to 17 822.75 French Lick Springs, Ind., on sale July 22 to 23 820.75 Boston, Mass., on sale August 11 to 1H 830.50 Tickets to points below on sale dally until September 'Mik. Return October 31st Montreal, P. Q $33.00 Buffalo, N. Y 827.15 Put-in-Bay, Ohio 822.00 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27. 15 Chicago 820.00 Chicago (via St Louis one way 822.80 Charlevoix, Mien., 824.25 Windsor, Ont 821.50 QuebH P. Q 838.85 Mackinac Island, Mien. 826.25 Toronto 827.15 Correspondingly low rates to Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or Du lutn au4 steamer. Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket Office, No. 1402 Farnaui Bt, or write W. II. DRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha. Neb. quaff a most. ref re sliind Ircw. kealfky ,as at your "club . cafej keep. it. A . SSI private disease, weaknesses or drains udou i decide an important Question, one tuat i happiness. If you procure the proper ' secure to yourseir max Health, success man s lot, wnone Drignt and steady and steady eves. . congenial makeup and physical develop fur ! Si CHEAP EXCURSIONS Cambridge Springs, Pa. $27.15 St Paul-Minneapolis. . . -812.50 Dulutb-Superior 815.05 Alexandria, Minn 815.25 Walker, Minn., (Leech Lake) 817.10 Rice take, Wis 815.00 Winnepeg, Man $35.00 WatervUle, Minn $1Q50 Madison Lake, Minn. . . $j0.5O Spirit Lake (Otobojl). . . t.95 Waterloo, Iowa $11.85 Cherokee, Iowa.. $6-85 many other points in Illinois, Ontario and Now York .State. J s ! i ! ! i III