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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, ITCLY 6, 1904. COCNTIES" FimX 'REPORTS Twectj-fir Hare-Hade Eetnraa to State Board of Equalisation. INCREASE IN VALUATION IS 20 PER CENT CoayulM ef Pre.ent Itetarns with These ef UM Tf-WiH Beeaeer Lesee Several at His Boarders. (From a, BUS Correspondent.) UNCOIL. July .-In all twenty-five counties have made their report of the assessed valuation of property to the Stale Board of Equalisation. ach of these coun ties show a snaterUl Increase over th assessmeat of last yea and the total of nil ft them shows an Increase, of almost 7y per oent above the assessment as re turned to the counties by the state board of assessment and that la partially- the reason of the Increased per Cent. Last year these counties valued their total prop erty at and this year the same counties returned property assessed at t2. 4a2.IU.lS. which is one fifth of. the actual value.' The Increase amounts to t2a.Ul.T34. The followms; table shows the . assess ment these counties last year and this yecr: Counties, i 1903. 19A4. lea. i VJanner ...J. I 2M.3U 00 I WTOH duller ., j)7.yaoo Cass 44. 3il M Cheyenne Cumins ...... Deuel Dakota 1 'mi1 Y- ....... Killmoro .... JTurnas Gosper Mall Hamilton .... Hayes Howard ..... Merrick ..... Perkins Pawnee Ruck Had Willow Sarpy ........ Sherman r Thurston Valley ... 1.564.71 00 t.Wti.BM 00 71114 00 L Tlx. (Ml 00 bio. 541 00 t,tt6 6t8 OR l.BGO.tWJ IS. 77.x 00 J.T2.T 00 00 ' tai.nti w 1.4XS.067 W l.14.tM4 uO . tbt.u iO t,.0,H3 00 . 61. 1 IS i.a7.r 43 2.13'J 4Ji 04 . v.s.ku 41 .77.8M 00 1,4.9U 00 6. 651. .! I 7,449.432 1 1.S10.0U 1 i.M.i.190 3) J,014.3 73 Kl7.6ol 13 4.Kll.n;i i S.241.&:u T9 i."ei. ! 4.&J0.74S ? 4.4.6. .an w 1,H4J.3 U t.liii,5fi2 00 1.172.SIO i t3. 4 J2 00 J.842.80U 110 Ml. 374 V l.3t 3.T 13 3.-.H.4'6 25 l.Jt0.l:H UO 00 1.904.1J3 00 Totals t370.71l 46 t62.462.4M 46 - Increase of t26.681.T34.00. Three counties thst made reports of the assessed valuation of their property this momma-. Hamilton, Perkins snd Deuel, show a total increase over last year of t2,?li,(M-l, or a little more than 64 per tent. Hamilton c6mes to the front with an Increase of Il.t74.33. which Is largely ac- counted for by the large Increase In the J value of lands ana lots, inougn wic uv stock 'valuation slso went up. Cultivated ; land was Increased from 14.49 to 18.49 an ' acre;' lani ' not cultivated was Increased ! frum sr.Sl to $5 13 an ax-re. while Improved 1013 Lire i in ui uuin rwi . ... B:i3 in oeie. The personal property of this c. unty was assessed at a total of II,- ' 2,a. In I'rrkln county the total assessment was1 fnrroasvd from t9.4C7.20 to IiS3.422. In Deuel county the total assessment was In creases, irum tn,m 10 , .. Several Oat f Prison. George Lucs of Douglua county, wbo al most three years ago ran away with a ls- car-old Omaha girl and who. alter keep . lug hid from the police for several days, was sentenced to the penitentiary for three j ears lor statutory asult, la a free man, his term -having expired. According to the report of Werden Beemer, filed today with the secretary of state, three more men left l.iu:, their terms having also expired. They weie Edward Hoagland. sent up for grand la i eery from Custer county; Oscar PI Jack son, sent up jrora oaiine couniy ior tour i TEX YEARS FOR THAI WRECKER years . for larceny from the person, and . . ; vn.rer . Anderson. , sent .up. from. . Bock YBaser Mas ets Off wltk Half that , enuntv 'io, 4 years lor forgery. :govt - ' i- Murh. ' error siicaey neipea out nve omere oy e NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July . (Special , ciclsing his power of parole. They were ; Telegram.) A special term of the district T " 7 Y j ' robbed in front of the Blade office on the Fourth of July by two negroes. After se curing his purs one of them fled for the railroad, but was captured by cltlsens. The other dodged into a saloon and was arrested by local officers. David - Hoover of Seward was robbed of t41 at the fair grounds on Monday. Robert Fees of I'tlca was relieved of his purse containing t3 at the B. M. station as he was departing for his home, on the evening of the Fourth. Miss Seybold lost a purse with tt, which Was very likely stolen. HEAVY RAIXt VISIT THE STATE Oae THAf CUT PRICE SALE -AT- DECATUR. SHOE COMPANY WILLIAM R. IIEAlJST, Presidential Candidate Copyrighted. 1904, by The North American Company. Philadelphia. Uaed by Courtesy . of the North American. Snowden, who has done much work for the.state committee, will be selected. Drops Dead in Hotel. While talking with friends in the Bur lington hotel tonight, Edward McFetridge dropped dead, presumably of heart disease. The remains were taken in charge by the coroner. Mr. McFetridge was a plumber, about 30 years of age and single. Thomas R. Prey, one of the oldest set tlers In Lancaster" county, died tonight of general debility. He came to this county In 1S56, and about ten years ago moved to Lincoln. He leaves a widow and four children. ' . , Willam H. palmer, two years for cattle j court with Judge . Grimes on the bench stealing, sentenced from Dundy county; j convened today to hear the cases of Wll Lulher Bush, sentenced from Franklin 11am J. Belmont and Emmet J. Ellng, county for fiVe years for attempted crim- I phirnxt with an attemnt tn wreck a train lnal assault; James Wade, for obtaining ' by placing obstructions on the track of febl man doubtless lost his way and of powder burns, but none of them suffi ciently serious to prevent the boys from continuing to celebrate. Mlaalna- Mas Probably Drowsed. WEST POINT. Neb., July 8. (Special.) Dominic Brazda er., an aged cltlxen and one of the beat known members of the Bohemian colony of this city, attended tha celebration of the Fourth of July at the Riverside park yesterday with his family and friends. He was seen on the grounds at a late hour, since which time he has failed to make an appearance. Hta fam ily became alarmed at his prolonged ab sence and early this morning searching parties were organized to find him. The park Is surrounded by water, the Elkhorn river skirling iwo. aides and the . mill race the ether.- It la feared that tha old gen tleman In tha darkness has wandered Into tha water. Shortly after the time he was last seen the electric lights were turned out and. the night being rainy, the entire place was shrouded In Impenetrable dark ness and Mr. Brazda being a very old and money under false pretenses In Pawnee county. Ave years; Edward L. Simon, Bounders) county., sent up for two years for shooting to wound; Joseph T. Dussel dorf. sent up for four years for man slaughter from Dodge county. Claude Ar lington, sent up fof two years and a half from Adams county for horse stealing, died In prison. Cyrun Dunn, sentenced for thirty vears for murder tn the second de gree In Washington county, had his sen tence commuted by C'Vmor Mickey July 4, He had served ten earsT In the penltenti if - -t this time there are tfl prisoner, cl---" having been received during the me- ' i, 't these IS have been room factory. Five .."hear for Insolence to - art of the commissary yet been filed. ampkited In tv prisoners Var"' th guards. Tb ' department hn ' ' Cart ' r.rrm te Fair. Governor Jf'i cy left this afternoon for St. Louis to iy a vialt to, the Nebraska exposition cor.iuissioners and to take a look at the exhibit the members of the commission have; pvt up. He will return Thursday and expects to make another trip to see the exposition some time in October.; OwitS PolttKni to "Wed. After -having served for Ave years as a clerk in the republican atate headquarters. Miss Mary T. Watson has resigned her position and yesterday' was married to Mr. Loran J.; Zook of Coand. The wedding oc curred at the home oi the bride's parents la Grand Island and waa a aurprlae to the m ny Lincoln friends of the bride. The groom Is a prosperous rancher. The couple will live near Cosad. As yet no one haa been selected to succeed Miss Watson, but It la generally supposed that' Miss Bessie the Union Pacific railroad. They both plead guilty to (he charge. Belmont, the leader, wsa sentenced to ten years at hard labor in the penitentiary, which he ac cepted with a sarcastic smile. Ellng. 18 years old, on account of his youth, extenu ating circumstances and Information favor able to him of which the court took judicial notice, was given a sentence of five years, with a promise of assistance to secure a parolej contingent on his good conduct. William Dledrlch, who haa been held In Jail since his attempt to gain forcible pos session of lands from which he waa en Joined and for breaking a peace bond, was brought before the court and given until Friday to secure a, bond for appearance, when both case now pending against him will be beard. Several Aceldeaia at Fremont. FREMONT. Neb.. July 6. (Special.) The number of casualties In yesterday's cele bration was comparatively light, and but one of the oases wss 'very serious. Early yesterday morning a son of Charles Bjor qutet had his hand badly lacerated by tlw discharge of a toy ptetol. Dr. Overgard sewed It up and the boy didn't celebrate any more. Frank Kent, a boy of 12 or it. examined a giant fire cracker Just as It was ready to explode and baa a hole nearly through the palm of his hand to show for It. A boy from the country, whose name could not be learned, loaded a gun with blank cartridges and put It In his hip pocket. It was discharged auddenly and the ssrvtces of a doctor were required to pick the fragments of paper and cloth from hla anatomy. The explosion of a giant cracker nearly amputated the end of the linger of a boy from Hooper and a physician wsa called upon to complete the job. The doctors all reported some cases perished. He had been a resident of Cum ing county for over forty years and was highly esteemed. Baratlara tat Caaa Coaaty- PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. July 6. (Special.) Two very nervy burglars visited the farm home of H. Denning, who resides a few miles west of Plattsmouth. The family came to this city in the afternoon and did not return home until about I o'clock In the evening, and were quite surprised to see a light burning In the kitchen. As they approached the house the barking of the dog evidently frightened the Intruders, as two dark forms were seen to emerge from the house and start for the fields with the dog In hot pursuit. Investigation showed that the contents of the house had been roughly handled while the Intruders were searching for valuables, which they failed to find. The burglars had killed a spring chicken and it was roasting In the oven of the stove when the family arrived. Aecldestt at Eaatls' Celebrat lea. EUSTIS. Neb.. July 6. (Special Tele gram.) During the firing of the fireworks at this place last evening sparks from a skyrocket fell Into the box holding the entire lot of fireworks, setting them on fire and causing an explosion which set fire to the stand. G Herewlg. Jim Haynea and J. M. Sill were operating the display. Herewlg and Haynes jumped before the flames of the lire caught them, but Sill's clothing caught on Are and his hands, arms and face were quite badly burned before the tire In the clothing was extinguished. Maw Killed by Llcktslag aad Soaae Dasaaar to Crea. GERINO. Neb.. July 6. (Special.) A very severe rain and hailstorm took place this afternoon, the rainfall being heavy nearly all over the county. It will be of great benefit to crops, but In a few sections hail did considerable damage. During the pro gress of the storm. Frank Draper was atruck by lightning and Instantly killed. He was about 40 years of sge and unmar ried, living four miles east of Mitchell. Andrew Frailer, who waa working with blm stacking hay at the time, waa badly shocked but will -recover. FAIRBURY. Neb, July 6--(Srclal.- Three Inches of rain has fallen since Sat- urday night and the flelda are too wet for farm work.. Considerable damage has been done to small grains and the bounti ful yield expected a week ago will be materially, reduced. The rains raised the river several feet, washing out a lot of piling driven for the construction of the new cement dam of the Fairbury mills, and yesterday the piiedrlver was lost In the stream. I pi.iTTsivrniiTH. Kh . Julv 6. (Sreclil.) i Another heavy rain visited Cass county j last night and this morning, snd the farm- ; era are commencing to complain of too j much moisture. The fall wheat Is rusting j badly and It Is said that many fields will J not be harvested at all. PAPILUON. Neb.r July 6.-(Speclal.) During the heavy windstorm the 6-year-old son of Hike Schram, a farmer living near Papilllon. was seriously Injured. The lad waa In the yard when the storm broke and ran to the porch of the house, where the force of the wind toppled over a heavy cupboard filled with canned cherries. The boy was oaught under the cupboard and crushed, suffering a broker.-leg. It is not thought his injuries will prove fatal. SHELTON. Neb., July 6. (Special.) This section of Nebraska was last night soaked to the bottom by one of the heaviest rains of the season. Fully two inches of water fell and this morning all ditches and low places are full. The crop prospect Is now the most flattering In all the history of Buffalo county. The best crop of alfalfa ever harvested haa been stacked and an other 1 almost resdy. Fall wheat Is the cleanest crop In years. The oats crop was never sj promising and . corn has never looked so well at this season of the year, and this rain will soak the ground ,or many days and push this crop to an almost sure enormous yle'.d. NORTH LOUP, Neb., July . (Special.) A severe thunderstorm visited this section about midnight last night. Lightning struck many times around town and tele phones are useless this morning. No dam. age was reported except to telephones One and one-fourth Inches of rain fell dur lng the night. HAS Just Commenced. Men's Patent Colt, Tan and Tlain leathers that have always been 5.00 are now f3.65 The complete line of ?3.50 shoes now f 2.65. All new this year's Shoes Making way for Nettleton's and Walkovers. Decatur $5.00 Shoes are $3.65 Decatur $3.50 Shoes are $2.65 Decatur Shoe Co., I52I Farnan Street, Frank Wilcox, Manager. a (a Liberty Is Shortlived. GENEVA, Neb., July 6. (Special.) Tes terday was a quiet Fourth, but a consid erable stir was created In the afternoon when the three jailbirds broke out while Janitor Llnnert was taking' in their sup pers. Throwing him back of the door they escaped through the basement and cor rldor above and went south. Mrs. Llnnert at once gave the alarm and the people on the streets started at once In vehicles with Sheriff Page after them.' . They were soon captured and again incarcerated. One who waa lame had .taken refuge in a haymow, but Dr. Propst jjerauaded him to descend. and the others were caught hear the brick yard south of town. They are in for rob bing a boarding train at Exeter and Graf ton. One remarked that he had never yet spent a Fourth ut of JalL Several Robberies at Seward. . SEWARD. Neb., July 6. (Special.) An old soldier from the Mllford home was mi Kite; M .1. T Is it in your Trauolinj C'QS'G? Don't leave town this summer without a bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Better than taking along a full medicine chest No matter how remote from civilization you may wander no matter if there' not a doctor within hundred of miles of you if you're supplied with Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey yu'11 keepin perfect health without the aid of physicians. It's the bnst thing bottled for all summer com plaintsmen and women. ' (1.00 a bottle, at all druggists, grocers or direct. " y Medical booklet free, Duffy Malt WLtskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. Christies) Wonsesi Bary Errlaar Ctrl CHAXRON. Neb.. . July . (Special.) After holding the body In the Mead under taking rooms for over a week trying In vain to reach an aged mother in Canada, Doris Davidson, the young woman from Casper and Douglas, Wyo., was burled un der the auspices of the Woman Christian Temperance union. It will be remembered she committed suicide by taking laudanum In the Depot hotel at this city last week Nothing could have been sadder than this funeral. Not one human being that had ever heard or seen her before, a stranger In a strange land, but there were prayers and songs and tears and flowers. Pictures were taken of her and the flower covered casket to send to the mother when she is found. , Celebration May Cost Eyesight. YORK. Neb., July I. (Special.) Archie Matteson, the 11-year-old son of Marshal Matteson, while celebrating the Fourth yesterday, barely escaped losing the sight of both eyes. Toung Matteson had a re volver and waa shooting blank cartridges. when one exploded and particles of the cartridge lodged In the left eye, completely destroying the sight in that eye, and phy sicians In attendance say there Is still a question whether or not he may lose the sight of the right eye. . Serleas Accident at Seward. SEWARD. Neb., July (.(Special.) A young man by the name of Edwards of Ulysses, was on the train leaving for hla home on the evening of the Fourth and was swinging on the steps of ths last coach on the train when he waa bumped on the head by a water crane and knocked from ihe train. He received a slight con cussion of the brain. Dr, D. D. Potter, surgeon of the Burlington, attended him. The lad la still unconscious. Bashed Special Kills Pedestrian. NORFOLK. Neb., July t.On its first trip the Rosebud special, leaving Omaha at midnight, killed John Detrandt, near Wtnnetoo, says a News special. He was sleeping on the track. Detrandt waa a farm hand walking home after celebrating. Theasand Entries at Broken Bew. BROKEN BOW, Neb., July (.(Special Telegram.) Over 1.000 entries were made at the Broken Bow land office laat week. Hews ( ftenraaka. EU8TIS. July I. Ths best crop pros pects for many years are now evident In this section. EUSTIS. July 1 Eustls will hold a school election July 10 to Vote M,0u0 bonds to bul:d a brick school house. CHADRON, July (.Steady, copious rain, for tha psst two nlaht. inaura the second crop of alfalfa as well ss other. crops. , CHADRON. July (The band here haa employed Prof. Kelley of the Fort Robin son band to Instruct them. The buys are ail d.llghtrd with him, and their progress has btwc great. GERINQ, July (.Day Lewis, a young man wbo recently came here from New York, was accidentally shot todsy by a companion named Frank Fiaher, the ball from a 44-cailbre revolver pasalng through hla leg. but not striking the bone. PLATTSMOUTH, July (.-The following Is the Caaa county mortgage record for the month of June: Thirteen farm mort gages filed amounting to the sum of t-4.315: twenty-two released. 31 tit. Right mortgagee on city property hied, (J.M7; nine released. (..feS. TECfMSEH. July (.-Judge J. H. XeUI-R-ar In th. district court hrre has refused le grant the petition for divorce et Mrs. If 1 ou are Unemployed Or if you have spare time, write to us to-day. An excellent opportunity to earn money is open to a limited number of people in this vicinity. The work we offer is clean, dignified and extremely profitable. Previous experience is not necessary; Particularly good results await your efforts in this field. QRCULATION DEPT., METROPOLITAN, MAGAZINE 3 WEST 29th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Martha U Wllklns from Robert B. Wll klns, both of Cook, this county. The esse has become somewhat noted, locally speak ing, and many witness were examined. EL'STIS. July (.A Christian Endeavor Chautauqua for southwestern Nebraska will be held in tne park at fcusu. August 2 to 10. A good dally program, conalstlng of music, study Bible, study sermon end popular lectures an excellent opportunity for a profitable outing in the grove by the lake. NEBRASKA CITT, July (. Lorenso S. Burgess today filed suit In the - district court against Fred Zook and hie daughter, Mary Zook, for tlO.000, alleging libel and defamation of character. All parties to the auit are wealthy residents of this county, living about eight miles south of this city. FULLERTON. July .Prof. H. B. Funk, who for the last four years has been su perintendent of the city school, this morn ing tendered his resignation. Miss Patrick. Ijosii Prof. Funk has accepted a po sition as cashier of a bank at Danlsshan, resigned. one of the high school teachers, haa also pror. ; cashier this state. CHADRON, July (.Land filing under the "Klnkaid" bill will be slow for a few dais until reDorts from the land office at Alli ance are heard, as no doubt some filings are duplicated; then there will be many more new ones, and those who bad a preference right of thirty days after June ii will all file. SHELTON, Jnly (.Work has commsneed on the new power and pump house of the Bhelton waterworks, and now, barring the slow arrival of material, the work oi lay ing the mains will be pushed as fast as possible, and when the plant has all been completed it will be one of the best In the state for its slse. TECt'MBEH, July (.The Board of Equalisation of this county haa been in session for nearly three weeks and has found many complaints, some without ground. The work of the several deputy assessors was very satisfactory, but ineie sre always people who believe the burden of taxpaylng rests on them. PLJtTTSMOfTTI, July (.-Miss Mary French Morton, a niece of the late J. Sterling Morton, who has msde her home at "Arbor Lodge" for many years. In Ne braska City, vislied at the home of Mrs, J. G. Richey In this city over the Fourtn. She Is a writer of much ability and has published a book of poems entitled "Leaves from Arbor ixuge. PAPILXJON. July (.Daniel Kohn was arraigned In county court here this morn ing on the charge of horse stealing. He entered a plea of not guilty and his bond waa Disced at (2.000. which, being unable to furnieh, Kohn waa taken back to Omaha, whera he will be confined In the Douglas county Jail until his trial. The preliminary hearing oi tne case wui occur oaiuraay, July . GERINQ. July (.The assessed valuation of Scott's Bluff county Is ti&a.ittf. an in crease over last year of about tuU.OOu. The statement recently made In the state press that the western counties bad been tn tne habit of turning In large assessments be cause they want to show up good is a mistaken Idea. The truth la that they have, as a rule, had to assess on a higher basis heretofore in order to produce the requiHlte amount of local revenue, but the new law. with its provision of w per cent of actual value, tends to reduce the aggregate, be cause the previous basis hss been from a third to a nair. ins result ts mat tne county assessment Is actually less, a thougn It is clear tnat mere is a maraea increase In the volume of property. 7 Coin for Chamberlain. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don't out yourself in this man's place. - but keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes yo will need it badly; you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. Price, 26 cauls Urge slsa. b cejota. HTHE cost of a typewriter is not merely the price. . You muit consider the quality and amount of work it does or doesn't; the time j it saves or loses ; and, how well it wears. The lowest-price machine may be mighty expensive in the end, while a higher-price one may pay divi- j' dends. A little investigation will show , that . . , The " Smitti Premier The World's Best Typewriter ' is the most economical writing machine ever made. It not only does the best and speediest work, but it continues doing it without repairs or breakdowns far longer than aqy other make of writing machine. Writ, le-say far ear Kills Book wbick ezslala why jrigft'Crnrfe M ! tfmgrpkmra fmrtUmhm Smith Premier Tywritsi Co. , 17th and P rasas Ms. OMAHA. Vnnr im y ivut Summer Vacation May be most agreeably spent at tne coo sum mer resorts and fishing grounds reached try The North-Western Line Excellent fast train service to the Black Hftls, the Iowa. Min nesota and Wisconsin Lake Retorts and score ol other pleas ure (rounds via the Chicago & North-western Railway, Two trains 'daily to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, giving resdy access to Lake Mlnnetonka, White Bear Lake and other Northern Summer Resorts. Five fast daily trains to Chicago make connection with all lines east. Special low rates during the summer. .Tickets sod full Information on apc'JeoikxLi lisMlfnMs: 1)t-tM'a tUUKI. arSis I 7? S