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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1904)
10 TTTT7 ""THr 7nTA' TJATLT" UEET WTDJBCSDAYf'JULT . P, 1904 NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Tht Eerie of Jtariewi Living Up to Ita v Well Earned BepuUtion. JULY ISSUE STRONG IN POLITICAL TOPICS tvrl f M ! mm& He- Mae Pat Oat by th Ba r lllkUf HMIl-4MoiDl : sat ul HI Airships. ufrnig OMAHA Wednesday, Cloudy and Warmer. R 3 t rn rn c i 0 Suit fbe dally magastae that If lndlftpenaabla In a presidential year, the American Month ly Review of Reviews, la living up to Ita well-earned reputation. The laaue of July la strong la poUtloal article! of wide and timely Interest. .-"Theodore Roosevelt as a Presidential Candidate" la considered In graphic trenchant style, yet with dignity, aa' bedta the subject, by ona of the dele gate to the Chicago convention. The ar ticle la profoaely Illustrated with pictures of the president and his family. Then there la the major part of the speech of the Jion. Ellhu Boot, of New Tork, tem porary chairman of the convention, pre senting the record of the republican party from 1M to 1801 In "The Pro tree of the World," Dr.-Albert Shaw reviews the po litical history Of the past four years In the -United States, discusses man and poli cies, and "rounds up the situation" la bis own) convincing and informing atyla, bring ing the reader up to the democratio con vention at St.' Louis which will be handled in the Angus! number of the Review. This department la copiously Illustrated. A croup of three abort, wsll-Uiustrated arti cles show what the national government la dofag In the way of sanitation and health on a large scale. William IB. Smyths, au thor ef "The Conquest of Arid America," and other works on Irrigation, considers the problem of the entire reclamation of rid lands, under the title "The Triumph of National Irrigation," The war situation In the far 'east is presented Interpretativaly in "Tht Progress of the World" and In "Many Leading Artlclo," and Inter eating ids - lights are thrown upon It by Park Benjamin' Ulacusslon ' of , "Battleships, Mines, and Torpoddes," helpfully Illustra ted with diagrams, by the sketch and portrait' of Prince Esper TJkhtomaky, ths Russian " editor-statesman ' who ha Just mad a tour of the United States, and by the Illustrated article on "What the Peo ple Bead in Poland and rinlaad. The noteworthy feature of the cartoons for July are pages of Japanese and Russian popular ' cartoons, from original sources. The book department 1 also very fuU and copiously Illustrated with portrait of au thors of "Summer Beading;.' "Russia, Her Strength and Her Weak- a study of the present condltlona of th Russian empire, with an analysis of its resources ' with ' a forecast of it future, by Wolf Ton Schierbrand, Ph. D. Th work 1 furnished with map, a glos sary, and I fully indexed. Th author's mala object seem to have been t lay bare, without bla either way, the sources and extent of both Russia' strength and weakness, and to do so on th most relia ble and, most recent data and authorities a. P. Putnam's Sons, publishers. "The Church and Young Men," a study of th spiritual condition and nature of young men, and modern egenole for their improvement, by Frank Orave Creasey, Ph. TJ., with an Introduction by Charles Richmond Henderson, D. IX This book I th outgrowth of several years of work among young men, coupled with the re sults of a year of careful Investigation of what is being don In th United State for their religious betterment. It Is a practical treatment of the subject, and will be of aBa"'""cto pastor and religious workers uv . Published by Fleming S, ReVell Oou.l any, ' : 4 . . '"Heart of Iyifn." by Mary1 Stewart Cut ting, author of 'Little Stories of Married tit," eto. Lyon is a brave girl, and a resourceful one. By tact and energy she smooths overn any a rough plao for her self and others, and finally realises her "Hon of Preams." Published by J. B. Llpplnoott Company, '. . The' fehanie f the Cities," by Lincoln Steffeaa. The author '.say r Tfaia t not a book. . ' U UA collection of article re printed from'TcClure' Magaaln. Don MS Journalism, they are Journalism still," to. H "goea" after" th cities without mincing words t aJL St. Louis, Minne apolis Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Chicago and New Tork all come' In fr their share. Omaha, la not mentioned, presumably on account of Its purltanio . purity and th world renowned honesty off It public offi cials. Mr. BtefXena believe with President Booaevelt that the great oure for American evils. Is good ' conduct In the Individual, imp) honesty, courage and efficiency. The author"! evidently much In earnest and handler ths subject In a very able and convincing ' manner. McClure, Phillip A Co. r the publishers, "My Alr-Shlps," by Alberto Santos-Du-mcmt,' I th simple, dlreot account of an earnest brave, gifted man' struggle with the problem of erlal navigation, a prob lem of world-wide Interest and Importance. 'The author chronicles in an entertaining way Ma' many daring aaoenta into the bluo jsthsr, and" his even more terrifying ', desoenta to earth. There are seventy-flv ' reproductions from photograp and dia grams to add to th interest, the frontls ' piece being a photo-engravure from a por trait 'of th young Braslllan. Published by Th Century Company. ' The Federation of Religions," a new book by the Rev; Hiram V rooms n, of Bos ton;'' Maaa. "In this volume th author at tempts to set forth the scop of th work of the' Federation of Religions and announ ce his Ideas Of Hg posalble achievements. Published by the Nuno Lloet Press, Phila delphia And London. Th French 'Wife," by Katherln Ty aart. author of "A Red, Red Rose," "That feweet Enemy," etc. This Is a strong, dra matic story full of Interesting events, Read ing up to the settlement of Castle Barnard RIMS. Big cut Iq the Others at 11.00 nd $1.25. Children' parasol. 50c and up. Misses' parasols, 7$c and up. A larg line at nw. auilrwlderd turn saUM-Jut 10, V .'.BARGAINS. frcn roof Janhriipt Stock ir ii . e i aaaaawaaiaBHBBsaBBawBjBBsB Your ehoHcm of any of Kelley-Stleer & Co.s LADIES' SUITS That gold up to $26, each at Yoor anresttictwd cholco of any of Kelley.Stiger & Cos $2 and $3 quality Ladies Kid Gloves KEIXEY-STIGER'S entire Art Needlework Dept. at log than ono-half price KELLEY-STIGER'S entire Linen Department wBI bo gold at REMARKABLY REDUCED PRICES THOUSANDS OP YARDS OP KBLLBY-STIOER'S , EMBROIDERIES in 9 Q , worth op to per yard, at JLUC9 MtC)C THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF KELLEY-STIOER'S FINE LACES - 10c 5 25c 39c many gold up to $1 yard, at lUly, Iiy aJv JJ KELLEY-STIGER & CO.'S High-Class Hosiery . JSTiHr JJJ 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c ZZU&i y Summer-Under wear 'tt"- 15c, . 23c. 49c SUIT CASES AND GRIPS '.lAllATEDTJKFACTOaY- T . ifrjff-Wirj WEDDrSiG AND SOCIETY mployoriV kllld artisU ue the belt In stock and quoU th lowest prioea. We would be pleaaed to show- f MAWHINNIvYiX KlAN uu.-wBWjg uMn It rightful owner. L,lppfott. Company, Published by J. B. ' Th Isenes of Life," by Mrs. John Van Vorst, I a borel which may arouse great discussion;.' Th author present her Ideas of the "new woman" and women's club and Use some quit forceful language. Published by Doubleday, Fag A Co. ' "A Gingham Roae," a, story of love and romano by Alio Woods Ullmani Anne, the heroine. Is a bras, ympathetto girl, who devotes her time and her talent to making other happy. Of course she was rewarded. It I a sweet, pretty story, with a happy closing. Published ' by Bobbs MerrlUCo. "X Little Tragedy at Tien Tsln." This book Is of short .stories by Frances Aymar Matthews. They . are all good and those depicting the Mongolian, character espec ially so. Published by Robert Grter Cooke. Matthews, 121 Bouth Fifteenth street Above books at lowest retail prices. 'Osek-LoverSfCIbllonanlses end Cock Clubs." . Ia th attractive title of a little privately Srinted volume by HENRY H. HARPaUt, oeton. Mutt. The book represents one of the most perfect specimens of typography ever produced by the famous Riverside Press, Printed on Holland handmade pa per; Ulluetrated with bookish character ketches in pen and Ink. S presentation copies printed, and 150 for sale by th author, to whom Inquiries may be directed 'An entertaining and instructive book for bibliophiles to read." m fcraaa a at a . W ess ales taraUk may Walt frafcllafc.. BARKALOW BROS. Tal. 1612 F St J. BENSON. price of PMRSOLS rasols that we sold for f 6.75, $G, S3, and 454.50-all at $3.50. They are black, black and white and colore. Those that sold for $3.50,--now f 2.25. Those that sold for $3 and 2.60 now fl.75. i . . - orer a ad Bvroa collar th very ths $5 $1 At 20 Per Cent Discount .lot of odd and endshut our regular stock and ther I son better to be had Made of best material by skilled wor temeo lasting and strong. . ... tao9 STATIONERY THROUGH SLEEPING OAR LINES , Tb TORONTO end La0HTRL DAILY, Ly, ST. LC'J!., Ar.TOROXTO, Ar. ISOHTREALf 9.C3 P.M. A ISIU I 7.39 A.M. To PORTLAWD Every Monday and Thursday Lv.ST.L0U!S, 12.80 Koon Ar. ISCMTREAL 7.15 P.W. (SKV05 BAT) Ar. PCXTLAKD, . . . 8.C3A.M. (TliXK BAT) j To BOSTON DAILY Ly.ST.LCUIS, 9.00 A.M. 9.C3P.H. Ar BCSTCJ, 5.20 P.M. 9.50 A.M. ht lalaa anl InformsHaa, addrMg H. E. MOORES. O. A.' P. D . !60l rarnam Street, bmaha. Neb g - S ' m,TM flrat lunvred in India In 1728. i th Portugese found them tn Brasll, but they were. not discovered in Quan tities until found in South Africa ln 1870. Of tat years the mines pro duced but about one-half of what they did seven years ago, and aa no new fields hav been discovered, the I price of them haa advanced and I believe the purchase of them today to I be a better Investment than ever. Re member If we sell you we will refund I vrvu nine-tenths Of amount paid at any tun within one jrear'trom date of 4 purcnase. we nave iiwm in up to t carats. In fin qualities only. n CHiCHIITir. tutu. , . to k i mi t3M. at a4 w ! n hail. 11 t" sA4 kf WASH I DIAMOND I UlU 4 Main HtllWllMM. '1 ISOT. SWtM m a T ; SBEflT JULY 000,000 worth of new up-to-date merchandise to be sold wltiotit regard to cost. Our watch word-Two dollars for one. can't tell 70a all here. Come, see and bo con' rlnced. " ' Women's Foulard Bilk Dressesi. , $120, f 15, fl60, 18.50, Women's wash walsts.-...?. 48o Women's wash waists, 7SN$S'98q Women's wash suits, go a....'. 2.95 Women's wash suits, SSffflStt?.. 4.95 Women's tailored suits, worth $10, 4.95 Women's tailored suits, Vi 9.90 Women's black silk coats will KAi 1 Price Women's house wrappers, aSf5i..89o Women's &u silk petticoats, 17 !:4.95 Women's wash walking skirts, Fine wash goods, 1ffij?f'..l?'3Q iMiLV6Ves and mitts,-itotoai-'50o Heavy Toweling, yar!. 5c 36-in. Brown Sheeting, only,; yard,.L ...Ac 36-in. Bleached Sheeting, only, yd. ,.5c Best quality kii dress cambric, yd ,.2C' Heavy checked apron gingham, yd.......2c Extra fine 10c percale, ony, ard,.,. ...... .7ic Extra fine white bed spreads, oXtfi 9c 20c heavy . full bleached towels, each,.... 10c 2rlb., feather pillows, worth 8 ?c, ea!, 49c 75c bleached table napkins, dozen,...; 39c Imported black dress goods, 'Eff&M5j 75c Navy blue mohair dress goods,owniJth.e::??39c $i;$1.2?, $l.yd',ar suit silks,SS 59c 50c plain taffeta silks, yard....... 29c JellD! Jell-0! -5JS11-0! - Th great fruit dessert. Th Jell p people writ us and' say that w 'have sold more Jell-O In a given time than any concern outside of Boston has sold." One of the reason for this extraordinary success Is the Jervloe of an expert demonstrator on he main floor where the product la the main fi. howa to it (very best advantac in various artistlo deslani. Jell-O come 4a four flavor, traw ry, raspberry, ..lemon and OBZri orange packages IViglc Stick Th dever laundry help, an Im mense Improvement over the old f&nhJoned bluing. All you do Is wiggle the stick of Wiggle Btick In the water till you have the In tensity of hada you wish. Mo launury equipment rzZZ la complete ; SrS! without 1U . Cach et 10c And 60o Green ! Trading Stamps Green Trading Stamps Every Time Bee Want Ads THE BEER YOU LIKE 'A tonle or beverage It equals . any beer brewed. Served In all first class hotels and restaurant throughout th entire, west. Order a trial case quarts o 'plnta. BE CONVINCED There's no batter beer brewed. Fred Krttg Brewing Co, Oamaka' afl Bsesy. Telephone 420. OMAHA AU. PIRST-CLAS9 CAFES. CLUBS AND . BUFFETS StKVE ERVE.Q EVCKVWtlEBB TWENTfETH CENTURY FARMER SELECT atoat Fan Former prices f Q C 25 all sow at llJJ Tea. For on hundred and fifty thousand people at our famous Tea Department. We Are Willing to Lose money to Interest those who ar not ALREADY BUYING THEIR TEAS of ua ' All day Wednesday w will make this special stamp offer. $3 worth Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. Tea 48c or 38c. 15.00 worth of Green Trading Stamp with 1-lb. Tea Rftc 68c, or OOfc 17.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps with l-lb. Tea 88o, or 78C These tea ar worth mora than w ask for them, and money will be re funded If not entirely aattotactory. Produce Results $1.50 Shoes for Boys. We ar ready to lit the boys out with ths right kind of shoes for vacation wear shoes that fit easy and comfortable aad ' that will stand a lot of hard wear and tear. $1.50 win buy a shoe of this kind that Is worth more in real comfcrt and wa than any other ho t th earn price. W have others, too, all kinds from a tenal oxford to a fin areas abo or dancing pump. I'lu'On. slj : t S -'s A in Boys' Knee Suits Double-breasted, ages 4 to 16 years worth up to f3 fl CA sale price They Must Go During the next few days we will Pants, 25c values choice Down Goes Grocery, Hardware and Crockery Prices." , Inventory Taken. The Sold Below Cost. 10 bars beat laundry Soap for ...,.. .25o riign itnt r lour w 5od Jartan Rice Jo t pounds Pawl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina ...19o f pounds Breakfast Rolled Oats .....lo Vfgor Vim, Egg-O-See, Neutrlta, Force, or Xcelo, per package TMo Fancy Crinp Ginger Bnape, per pouad uiic Lrfiunary utarcn, per io,.aw ilold. Elaetlo or filaotrlo Starch, per package ...7MiO JKLJjO. I tacXaerei Rages ror .....suo s for UTTE BUTTER, BUTTER, BUTTHK. ooa ijairjr uer, per pouna Fancy Separator Creamery Butter per pound M.l7)o The very beat Creamery Butter, par pound wuo FRESH FRUIT PRICES CUT TO THE LIMIT. Large Juicy Beadle Highland Lemons, per dosen .......... ..,....... MAVDEM MM o In the Rosebud Indian Reservation Opensd (or JULY 5th Special reduced roundtrip to 22 good returning till August 31 Apply at City Offices, Omaha, for descriptive pamphlets. Trains for Bonesteel and Fairfax leav TT CUII ', at 8:05 a. m., 20 p. m., 11545 p. m. The chancy of a lifetime. TO Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars Reclining Chair Cars (SeaU Free) Dining Cars (Mealt a la Carte) Excunsion tickets now on sale A handsome World' Fair folder eon teloing complete Information, Tiew of .t buildings, etc., and map of St. Louis, will be sent fre on rut to T. V. OOOrRKT, rass. aad Ticket A at. TOM HCGBI, Tra, Pa, Agrt, OMAHA, ICBBAUA. B. CTuWRICSO, Oea. Faw. aad T ikt AaT T. JLOCU, KO. , j The comfortable ulti for warm weather. 500 High Grade Suits secured at a great bar gala must be disposed of At once. Don't Miss This Chance. They com In 'all th nobbiest. most up-to-date styles and fabrlo 110.00 and I12.M $5 Values, at. ..........,,.,,, Coat and pants only. Well mad, perfect fitting garment. See Them s Wednesday ,..... , ...vpi. J sell Boys' Wash He Following Goods to be Larg Juicy sweet Crasce. par OosvnuaSo Fancy Hallowe'en Dates,- per pound.. .... M California White Figs, per package la California Whit Clover Hooey, par . rack, at .-...... U3a HARDWARE SFCIALI, AdJustabI bard wood screen lo 1-burner gaoolln stoves tl 1 1-lnch screen door ,.iiiiiMtt Gasoline oven m.fLU Warranted garden hose, per foot ........So 1J-quart blue and white enameled water pail Ko Hard wood 1c cheat m 4 r wa9Va CROCKERY DEPT. SPECIALS, -quart Roocooo and Majolica water pitchers ............ Jo Cmboesed, lined deoorated fruit plat ,.10o Fin blown sugraved water tambiers... J BR i Setttont TO 23rd tickets on sale Julj;l' 1401 - 1403 Farnam 8Lt Pants WORLD'S FAIR' ROUTE ISMSHSrt. A ' A'