TTIE 05, AIT A DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1004. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FCR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS IN FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. No. 1-M scree, all In cultivation end 111 fenc ed. three miles from Hint nick. Neh., nnd nix miles from Superior, Neb.; no en cumbrance. Price, $J,. Hn. 2 ItiO acres, of which 130 are In culti vation, rolling, five miles southwest of Guide Rock. Neti., In Webster county. Neb. 1'iUt, K". 3 Improved inn Br res. six miles from Hl'mlnton, Franklin county. Neb.: 130 sores in cultivation: In good neighbor hood, good soil, clear of encumbrance; Improved farms on each side of it. l'rlce, $4.1111. Xo. 4 Improved HO acres, of which 40 are In cultivation snd 40 In sr: h II of li rsn be cultivated, g"ud soil, gently roil 1ns: In good titlghrxirhood, five miles from Ayr. on U. At M , and thtee miles from .Hoi-eland, In Adams county. Neb. l'rlce, $2.4H; mortgage, $1.'. drawing six per cent; can b ektsndej five years. Ko. 6 Improved farm. 10 acres; 90 acres in cultlvution, Including 7 ncres In alfulfa, 70 fenced In pastuie, good shud.i, thrifty timber for fuel snd fence posts; In Nucle oli county, three and one-half miles from railroad tonn; house one and one-half stories; stable olid granary, new wind mill. Ni young fruit trees, lo acres sown to Englit-h blue grass for meadow. This Is land known as "school land." under contract lor died from the state, on which Is dim Jl.wio In 1!i or 1H08. and can be rxtemUd ton or fifteen years If de sired, with interest nt 6 per cent per an num; no taxes. Price, $.r,un0. tin. H acres, of which 2M1 acres are In cullivHlloii, la acres fenced 111 pant ore, with tluee barbed wires on cellar posts, bulance In nieadow and grazing land; new five-mom house, bain, windmill, well, tank, etc.; th.-ss Improvements built In V.i and In good conultlon. This land Is rolling and good soil and all lies well In one body, and can be readily divided Into two or three smaller farms If desired and Mill leave a portion of each farm with pasture adjacent to tho cultivated land. This farm Is two miles arid a tin If from a good town In Custer county, Neb., with good road. l'rlce, t-o per acre. The owner resides In Om.ilia and will accept as part payment Improved clly property. No. 7 6tW acres, dark clay poll, nearly level, one mile from town on li. -M. J ty. In Frontier county, with good house of rive rooms, burn 1:4x32. with 14-fout posts, granary 24x24 that holds 4.0u0 bush els of wheat, large double corn cribs 12. 8.' each and two other cribs 12x32 each, with sheds, windmill, tank, clsiern, etc., with 4(i0 acre of level land under culti vation, 200 acres now In wheat and 2w acres in corn, and about loo acres fenced In pasture, u portion of which could be plowed If desired. This -. one of the beet stook and grain farms In Frontier county, and If purchaser r'i desired It could he profitably divide' into two or three smaller farms. P"-e. 112.60 per acre. Of this sum quite a large amount is due the state of Nebraska and draws Interest nt 8 per cent per annum, pay able annually on a contract known as a 'school land contract of sale," that has about eight years to run, and if pur chaser ao desires It can be extended for atill ten years longer at the sume rats of Interest, there being no tax on this land OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 405 New York Life REAL ESTATE IS GOING UP, NOW IS THET1IVE TO BUY. ALL 3ARGAINS. $12,000 For 60x187 feet, large brick build ing, three stores, threo Hats, two small buildings, costing twice the amount asked to build; annual rental Income, 11260 per year; abundant room to build ! or 4 more bulmings. 1,000 For 100x150 feet, with tine, 8-room house, nil In fine repair; rental In come per year, $1,080; good location. This price is very reasonable. 1,000 Lot 66x132. It has four 4-room fiats, In good repair. They are always rented and bring $!S4 per year. J.500 Nine-room house and lot near high school; good repair; rental, $264 per year. This is a good Investment, X.000 Ten-room houBe, 31st and Mason, rental, $264 per year. LOOK THIS UP IMMEDIATELY. 1,200 Nine-room house, 22d and Popple ton ave., near new freight depot. SNAP. 1,000 Two double, frame houses, between 9th and 10th on Hickory; rental, $300 per year. These are Good Investments for the money, J. A. LOVGREN, 635-7 Paxton Block. RE-M509 (-room cottage, city water, 2 full lots, 2 blocks from street car, 35th and Seward streets; $1,800.00. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, Ground Floor, Bee Building. RE 606 I HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO Oklahoma, Texas and Pecos Valley, New Mexico. Improved and unimproved farms, good oil, abundance of water for irrigation, splendid climate. In the Pecos Valley, for from $16 to $30 per acre, In northern Texas, from $4 to $8 per acre. Why not Join one of our excursions which leaves on the FIRST and THIRD Tues days of each month t Write for our FREE) booklet on the southwest and information concerning lands and special homeseeke rates, AGENTS WANTED. C. L. TALMADGB, (19 Qulncjr Bldg., Denver, Colo. RE-890 t 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Continental Mines and Smelting Corp. Mines at Alta, Utah, now paying 10 per cent from earnings on limited tonnage of ore, teamed 17 miles to railroad. Btock being sold to provide for mechuntcal transportation and concentrating plant. Lurge Increase In profits as soon as prrs ent Improvements are completed. Re sponsible parties having $l,0oo or more to Invest will be taken to mines at our ex pense. If Investigation dues not substan tiate our statements don't Invest. For further particulars or Interview address, A STOCKS. P. O. box 603, or Buchelore hotel, Omaha, Neb, Y 4i3 Sx FOR SALE FARMS H Excursion H to Canada Now is the time to go and see what kind of crops they are growing on lands in Canada that we are selling from to $i2 an acre, it will pay you to go up on the next trip, July 6th, leaving Omaha In the evening. Hound, trip good for Q days and the rate Is $J4, both ways to the Canada line, then 1 cent a mile in Can ada. Don't put off going; arrange to go with this excursion. We can show you the finest level farm lands that will pro duce more grain from an acre, and of much better uuallty, than grown on land selling here for $75 to $100 an acre. Send for description circular. Hastings & Heyden, W0-6U N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. NEW HOUSE FOR RENT WALKING DISTANCE $37.60 for 2 California it., I rooms, strictly modern and up to date. GEORGE & COMPANY, - lol Farnam St. RE-M493 $ THREE GREAT SNAPS. WldOW mUSt Sell 2101-4-S North Mlh av. large six-room houses; two blocks from lke street car; good and cheap homes; $l,ou) each N. L. Trimble. iu Faruuiu St., second floor. RE THE Midland CI ua run tee A Trust Company bunded abstracters, have' more abstracts Issued than any other company In Ne braska. lave orders or abstracts at South Omaha ortlce, 361$ Q St.. or 1C14 1 am am St. ' N. f, DODGES, JR., President. RK-M474 I vorner, block east Park. C. J. Vuloa Block Yards, Chicago,' ' Sullivan, iilir- while the contrncts sre unpaid. There nre sepsrate contrnrts from the state on this tract, which could be separately as slKiied. Easy terms of payment, say, one-fourth cash, balance on long time at 6 per rent. The osner being a resident of Omaha, will accept as part payment a small farm near Omaha or Improved city property. No. 11 All of section 2, township 2n, rangs 24 en.t (iM ncres l. Kern county, Kan Josiiuln Valley. California: 6 miles west of Delano station on H. 1. H. It., about half way between Tulare City and llakers lield. The Santa Ke railroad crosses the entire section from north to south snd a little east of the center of the section. Tlio soli Is alluvial, less than one-half cov ered with sage brush, balance wild grass. Alsiiit lli acres have been cultivated to wheat; the soil Is subject to the cultiva tion of grain, grasses mid fruit: Is '"se to the oil fields; a iair two-room shack house, a very Jure artesian well 635 teet deep, with a never falling How of live Inches of the very best of water over an eight-Inch casing: cost, and as the land Is perfectly level Willi a fall of about 2 feet to the mile In n northwest direction, the water finds a natural fall. This Is one of the richest valleys In ( all fornla, and the state never was In such a prosperous condition. The owner has W H pntent to this land and there are $-00 back tuxes, which he will pay. Spot cash price, 11.000. CITY PROPERTY. No 8-Kor sale, southwest corner Tark aiid 1'oppleton, looxlfiO; one ten-room house leased for one year from June 1, I'M, at Jio per month and water rent, Biie 1 n-roum new house rented for one year from May 1, 11M for $:!,"i per month and water rent. l'rlce, $!i,0"0. Will take 's cush and mortgage to sun purcnaser at 6 per cent. Must be sold. No. 9 2!lfi Shirley St., seven rooms and bath; modern except furnace; south front, Mixl'i, Ave rooms downstairs, two room upstairs. l'rlce, $2,750 net. No. 10 For sale or trade, 944 54th l'lace, Chicago, 111., one block from boulevard at Englewmxl; 7 rooms, modern, frame, and barn, HTVbxLO feet; gus and hot air furnace. Want to trade for Omnha prop erty. Price, $4,600. There Is a mort gage of $2,000. which will be tukon up by owner; rented for $26 per month. No. 11-Three brick fiats, 23d and Douglas; now rented for 1120 per month and water rent. This Is a bargain: price, 115,000. There Is a mortgage on the property of !,m which can be paid off, If so de sired. No. 12 Lots 1-2, block 6, Kelby addition; south and east front, corner 42d and Davenport sts, 100x126. Price, $1,000 each. No. 14 Here Is a bargain 621 N. 40th St., 8 rooms and bath, new house, all modern, 60x120 feet; owner Is leaving the city and property must be sold. Price, $0,000. K. 15 Two-story brlek building, 1313 Doug las St., price, $26,000; will take $5,ooi cash nnd balance at 6 per sent, or will trade for good Denver property. This building can be rented for $2i0 per month. Bldg. 'Phone 3762. RE H Acres Near Omaha. H You cannot put your money In anything safer than In a few acres near Omaha. In your old days you can have a home, where you will have plenty of 'room and can make a living. Many people are now beginning to realize the value of owning a small piece of land. We havo the best list to select from. These are only a few of what we have: 4Vs acres In Benson, 2 blocks from car line, for $1,000 6 half-acre lots, li blocks from car line, In Benson, for $S00 6H acres, 6 blocks from car line in Flor ence, fine land, for '.. $960 10 acres south of Ruser's park for....$l.o60 5 acres 1'4 miles south of Benton for.. $700 10 acres 1 mile west of Dundee for.... 1,600 10 acres Improved, ltt miles 8. V. of Benson, has 4-room house, well, some fruit, growing crop, on main road, all for $2,300 2H acres nsar Field club 675 NEW HOUSES We have a number of new houses that have Just been completed already to move Into. Call and let us show you the differ ent locations, or, If none would suit, let us build you one. BUILDING LOTS IN BLUFF VIEW ADDITION. Are the best bargains offered today; fine ground, good location; close to car; water and sewer; cornering on Kountze Place, at Sherman avenue and Plnkncy. Prices $600, $660, $600 and $''.0 Cull nnd get plat. Salesmen on the ground every Sunday; new houses already started. Can build you a house to suit. If th4s location does not suit, we have other lota and homes for sale all over the city. It will pay you to see us before you buy any real estate. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone IrtOfl. 3-STORY BRICK BUILDING FOR INVESTMENT Rent 547.50 Per Month 53.500. 1734 So. ISth St., store below, four flats above. Small cash payment down, balance on long time, easy payments. GEORGE & COMPANY, IdOl Far nam St RE 92 I SOUTH OMAHA SNAPS. $3,800 13 acre on West Q St.. near E2d, good, 8-room house, 1 acre In grapes, 2 acres In fruit trees, land alone worth the ernoney. 1,000 ' Three houses and one lot, 4, 8 and 7 rooms, 26th and A sts. Look at this today and take It Monday. $7,500 SO acres 1 miles south of Q St., good Im provements, sheds, corn cribs, chicken houaes, etc. , $1,000 Choice 5 acres on county line and 62d In South Park. Oo look at tills on the Fourth. Easy terms and cheapest acreage near Omaha. Across the road trotn Hughes place. ACRE LOTS We have choice acre lota at 40th and Jackson, or In South Park, or on West Q street, ABSTRACTS We are agents for Midland Guarantee and Trust company abstracts, the best In Ne braska. N. P. DODGE & CO. 2512 Q ST., SO. OMAHA. RK-J77 S 2612 Bristol 8 rooms, barn,' pavtd street $1,800. 1321 and 13:9 S. 28th, double house, 6 rooms each, $4,000; brings In $60.00 per month rent. 22:t N. 18th, 7 rooms, full lot, very nice $3,000. l,4oo-acre ranch, well stocked, good build ings duo, terms easy. SEARS & LEWIS in N. Y. Llls. REW1 S LARGE HOUSE, LARGE GROUNDS, LOW PRICES. 11 rooms, all modern, oak finish, two man tels, 100 barrel cistern, est front lot. MixllK, nice shade and shrubbery, one block west of Joalyn's home; $4,6u0. R. C PETERS & COMPANY, Ground Floor, Bee Building. RE-504 THREE GREAT 8NAP8 Widow must se'.l llol-4-e North 2ih Ave.; Urge six-room houses; two blocks from Lake street car; rood and cheap homes; $1,00.1 each. N. L. Trimble, 1218 Farnam Bt.. Second Flour. RE- BRICK BI.OCK TO EXCHANOK for farm or vacant property. Platte, improved farm to trade (or residence property. JtooiA 17, fatterson Blk. . JlO-i7 I D. V. SHOLES CO. 72i N. Y. Life. Tel. 4s. HOUSES $1.300 One block from the Central park school, ioxl4o ft. lot, 2-stuty, 8-rooni house, koikI repiur, iron lence In front, high and sightly; splendid bnrRain. $I.STO Near 4th and Iavenworth, 6-room cottuge, sewer, water and gas; walk ing instance; Ulo cash, balance monthly. Knap. $C260 Near IMh mid Miami, corner lot, 6'xlJi 6-rooui house, tine plumbing, porcelain bath, sewer, water and gus, koihI barn, oak finish down stairs, very choice home. $2,500 ficx 142 ft., V-rooiu house, modern ex cept furnace, east front, one block north of HiLnscom para, between both enr lines. The biggest hargiln offered in lianacom place. You ought to buy this with your en ho. it, snd you would if you had ally idea of values and want it ;liue. $2,600 Near 4;trd and Murdette, 14 blocks from Walnut 11111 car. 7 rooms, 2 story. strictly modern, full lot, fine shiuiu, permanent walk; good bar gain. $3,300 .ear 27th onJ California, 7 rooms, all modern, good repair, nice lot, good shade, on car line. Want to sell ijulck. HflfO a.' Davenport, the old Joslyn resi dence, 8 rooms, strictly modern, very large, lot titixlK, south front with line shade, walking distance of high school and postotltie. THIS IS THE REST t'NISK !N 14 MM A IN ' V ANY PROPERTY THAT HAS HEBN OFFERED ON TUB MARKET FOR YEARS. IT IS CERTAINLY A RIG It A RAJA IN. litlsE 1H VA CANT. IMMEDIATE, POStiESdlUN CAN HE GIVEN. 2,750 Near ldth nnd Iithrop, new sijunre house, " rooms, strictly modern, tine lot. iAx;U ft., paving paid. Investi gate this. $4,400 With near Farnam, lot 44x12 ft,, 2 story, 8-room house, strictly mod em, good repnlr. nil specials paid; about aw feet off the car line; im mediate iiojisesHion. $5,0002014 N. lluli st., strictly modern, up-to-date, 8-room house, line east front lot on the boulevard, with large burn, best nf plumbing nnd furnace; lino repair; a very choice home, $,000 in West Farnam dlstrlrt on 40th St., new house, 8 rooms, strlctlv modern, line architecture, oik finish, fine lliNirs, elegant cemented basement; a beantiftil 50-foot lot, permanent wnlk, good shade, 2 blocks from car. Owner expects to leave city only reason for selling. Reasonable, proposition considered this week. Ulfl S. 31st St., Hnnsoom plnoe, H block from Pacific street car. The best constructed 10-room house, strictly modern, fine large rooms, elaborate Interior, line hardwood fin ish and floors, beautiful lot, good barn and everything lirst-class. Own er expects to leave city only reason for selling. VACANT $300 Six beautiful 60-foot lots by 128 feet neep, racing soutn just northenst or Krug park, about i mile from the car line; tine suburban residence site. CHEAP. $1,150 85-foot, east front on 24th St., S. W. corner Emmet, fine shade. Room for two houses; good bargain. $660-60x134 ft., south front on Locust St., between 16th and 17th. SNAP. $1,00040x140 ft., east front on 19th st. boul., Just south of Clark. Walking dis tance. $1.800 16x1 X! ft., east front on 37th St., 200 feet north of Farnam, CHEAP AND CHOICE. $2,25060x100 ft., north front on Dewey be tween 3lh and 40th. Choice location; all specials paid. CHEAP. $4,00060x10) tt., on 37th. onnnalte Wnttles and Cowln homes in KOUNTZE SUB DIVISION, or we will sell tiiixlh., ft. fvcln east on 86th In KOUNTZE BUB-DIVISION at same price. These are the :1nest lots in the West Far nam district. They oan't be beaten. All specials paid. $4,200 e4xl66 ft., east front on 38th ave., Just off Farnam. CHOICE. INVESTMENT $6,600 Near 11th and Capitol ave., three 2-story brick stores and flats, rent ing for about $1,000 per year. BAR GAIN. $7,000 66x1 XI ft. on No. 17th St.. double stores, flats above, with three cot tages on car line, paving paid, cor ner lot. Gross rental, $1,200 per year. Investigate either of these. SUBURBAN HOME $2,600 In Benson, 2 blocks from the car, three 100-ft, lots, corners on three streets, 6-room house, fine basement, good well, outbuildings, and ar abundance of fruit and garden. This Is what you are looking for. Bee us about It. RE ANEW RESIDENCE NEW 2-story house, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen and large pantry on first floor, 3 large bed rooms, with closets and linen closet, also large bath room on 2d floor; porcelain tub, lavatory, closet, hot and cold water, nickel pipes and tittlugs, full size basement, furnace, laundry, gas and electric lights, cement walks, lame maple shade trees, east front on 24th, with all paving nuld; excellent location; first-class material and work manship. SEE IT AT ONCE and see us for terms, An elegant nome ana a snap $3,200. $200 cash and balance monthly at 6 per cent buys an 8-room house, modern except furnace, east front, lot 35x140, shade, barn, nonresident owner Instructs us to close this out at once for $2,000. Be QUICK. This is another of our famous snaps. SWEET BEST, 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. RB 472 I OWN YOUR OWN HOME Beats paying rent. A good savings bank. We build any style house, anywhere, be cure a home built to order. It's time con tracts were made for fall delivery. Call and get one of our Illustrated booklets, with valuable suggestions to those content plating building free for asking. TWO NE)V ONES $2,460.00 South part Of clly, 6 rooms, mod ern except furnace, brand new house, par lor, dining room and halls papered, de sirable neighborhood. $1,IWO.OO South front on car line, 6-room cottage, pew and convenient, you cannot teat it. We have others hearing completion that are very desirable. KOUNTZE PLACE f4,60(), 00 Wirt street, 8 rooms, modern, permainent walks, burn, near car; owner must sell; leaving city. A NICE LITTLE COTTAGE $1,200.006 rooms, city water and gas, cor ner lot. Make some one a good home. SHIMER & CHASE, 1609 Farnam St. Ground Floor. 'Phone 8867, R& ROSEBUD RESERVATION OPENING. 26c 260 26o 260 26c 26c 26c 26o 25c 25o 26o 250 26o 25o 26o 28 Cents 250 25o Is the cost of registering. Tou 26o 26o may obtain one of the Best Quar- 25a 26o ter Sections of Land that Unole 26c 26o Sam has to offer by Registering 26o 26o at Yankton, South Dakota. This 26o 26o Is one of the handsomest spots In 26o 26c South Dakota. You may as well 26o 26o enjoy comfort as well as pleasure 26o 26o In trying to get a Homestead there. 26o 26o Yuiiktou is reached by three lines 26o 26o of railway: Chicago, Milwaukee 25o 26o St; Paul: the Great Northern; 26o 26o Chicago & Northwestern. Time of B6c 26u registration July (. to July 23, 1904. 2Aa 20 25o 26o 25o 26c 26o $60 260 26o 26o 26c 26c 26c 26o REJ-387 1 BETWEEN 11.000 and 12,000 acres timber land, southern Tennessee, on line railroad, oak, poplar and chestnut, $12.60 per acre in fee; good investment. Room 1202, 108 Fulton St., New York. RB 3x1 3x Building Is a Sure Index Of a Citys Growth. Real Estate in a Growing City is a Sure Investment. Now is the time to buy in Omaha. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. HOUSES AND LOTS. 10-room house, all modern, on 19th street boulevard, near Spencer; only $3,000. Nice 7-room house and large lot on 3nth street, nesr Sacred Heart convent; $1,500. Elegant east front lot and good 7-room house and barn on 27th St., near Caldwell; $1,600. 9-room modern house on 19th street near Cuming; $3,0rti. EleKant 9-room modern home and large barn with 100x124 feet corner lot on Wirt street and 19th, newly painted. A great big bargain at $6,600. Fine mod-rn 9-room house and barn on Emmett street, near 2uth; newly painted; only $3.5oo. t Four room cottage and 46 foot lot on Lindsay avo.j $600. Nice 8-room modern house and 50 ft. lot on Central boulevard, one block south of Leavenworth; $2,100. 8-room brick houso nnd largo corner lot on 35th and Jones sts.; room for two more modern houses; $2,000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. W. H. CRARY, MANAGER REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT RE We Are Offering SOME BARGAINS On 9th near Francis St.. good 5-room cot tage, large lot: $1,350 cash. On 15th near Dorcas St., 7 rooms, city water, sewer, cistern, good barn; only $1,900. On 11th near Hickory St., 7 rooms, full loti $l,80t) will buy It If taken In few d:iys. On 14th near Dorcas St., excellent 9-room houso and large yard, fruit, shrubbery, shade trees; exceptional bargain at $3,"00. On 14th near Dorcas st., very well built cottage, 6 rooms, nice lot 33x167 ft.; price Il.ttiiO. $500 cash. On Grant st. near 24th, 9 rooms, full lot; $1,600, half cash. On 19th. close In. 8 rooms, price reduced from $5,000 to $.1,600. On Cans near 22nd, 9 rooms, modern, only $4,600; might consider smaller house or lot, in desirable location, lu trade. The residence at s. w. cor. 32nd and Pa cific we are authorized to close out. Get particulars. The double brick flat, 2013 and 16 Douglas St., tent. ils $1,080 per year; will be closed out at $9,000. Double brick flats fronting Hanscnm park, never vacant, rentals $t40 per year; we want offers. Bargains in VACANT LOTS. W. FARNAM SMITH'S CO. RE 471 t SOUTHEAST CORNER 32D AND PACIFIC STS., 100X150 FT., 4,200. Choice location for building a home, flat or houses for rental purposes. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE M488 6 NOTICE THE LOCATION. 8-room modern house Just completed, east front lot, paved street, permanent walk, 36th avenue and Dodge. While buying you might as well have a new house. Price $6,600. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, Ground Floor, Bee Building. RE 606 3 ' .-TER THE 4TH IS OVER, ASK TO SEE THESE BARGAINS. S6th and Lafayette, 6-room, new, all mod ern house, large lot, fine location, only $J,800. 34th and Hawthorne ave., swell, new, 6-room and modern house; excellent loca tion and house first-class, $3,260. 83d and Myrtle ave., 7-room, all modem house new, half block to car line, $3,000. On North 40th, near Dodge st., fine new, all modern 6-room house, east front and near car line, $3,600. Many other bargains In all parts of the city. Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE M516 4 10 ROOM HOUSE CHEAP. 10-room house, mantel, gas, grates, hot and cold water, bath, strictly modern except furnace, renting for $J5.00; on 28th ave., near Lake. Nice lot, shade trees, etc. Owner will sell at great sacrifice for cah. Price $2,400.00. BerulM, Paxton block. RE-638 3 H New House in Bemis H Park, $2,800 No. 2224 Lincoln Boulevard, the N. E. cor ner, fine A-room, new house; has city water, newer, gas, bath and furnace. Be sure to look this over if you want a bargain. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1606. RE FOR SALE Immediate Possession COUNTRY HOME, Known as Hazel Hedge. 20 ACRES BEAUTIFUL LAND. Fine house (nine rooms, two bath rooms, water system, telephone, acetylene gnsi, barn, Ice house and complete plnnt for raising poultry. For further particulars Inquire of George & Co., or telephone H. J. Gannett ('phones 2001 and 8407). RE-440 8 SOME BARGAINS In 4 to 6-room rottnges. on fine lots. In south part of cltv. Prices from $1,250 to $1,660, Call and see us about them. MILLER & MALONE, 824 Omaha Nati. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1802. RE 463 AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A DESIRABLE MODERN HOUSE IN WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT FOR J53.450. New, 6 rooms, exceptionally well built, conveniently arranged and strictly mod ern, has hot water, fine oak mantel with gas grate, large cistern, double Honrs, etc. Fine shade. Paved street, corner lot, south front and near car line. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam St. RE 490 t F. D. WEAD Neat 6-room modern cottage, I blocks west of Kouutxe place, eusy payments $l,5o0. IUH Douglas. RE-6261 FOR SALE Two modern cottages. West Farnam St. district, only $1.C0o each. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 6tii Jllus. your property. Buker Bros. Rng. Co. RE-Us Payne, Bostwick & Co.! tith Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg DWELLING HOUSES In Wulnut Hill, on Lafayette ave., beauti ful home, 8 rooms, all modern, In line re pair, paved street, irinanent sidewalks, south front, nice sli.Cde; price $4.50o. 32d and Marcy, 8 rooms, strictly all modern, new. well built, tine cellar and laundry, combination gas and electric lights, beau tiful reception nail and stairway, opposite Judge Day's fine residence; price ,i,oo. 331 Myrtle ave., Bemis park, a new :-room house, reception hall, latest up-to-date plumbing, well constructed, south front, one-half block from Harney car line; only $3.1100. 1201 N. 2Gth St., special snap, 6 rooms, bath, closet, city water, one-null block 110111 paved street; owner very anxious to sell; Ilce $9u0. Near Hamilton's new houfps at 42d and Davenport, 5 robms, city water, with 100 feet of pround, two lots, price $2,300; high and sightly. 6011 California St., 9 rooms, strictly all mod ern, two lots, $4,000. Walnut Hill district, 6 rooms, all modern except furnace, in fine repair, large lot, 75 feet front, barn, everything in first class condition, fenced; for sale at bur gain. VACANT PROPERTY. Fine residence lot on Georgia ave., KB feet front, with pavement and permanent side walks all paid for; only $3,6u0; room to build two nouses. 60 fset front, on S. 16th St., for $1,200. These are bargains. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor, N. i. Life Bldg, E 517 3 W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. LIFE. 'PHONE 1294. $1.400.00 7-room lH-story house, 2818 Frnnk lln St., sewer, water, lot 30x127, paved St. and permanent walks, $1,400.00 A nice 6-room cottage, In good order, fully modern except furnace, 2412 No. 17th. $2,000.00 A 6-room cottage and barn, 8711 No. 19th St. ; house modern except fur nace; lot 6oxl40. $2.400.00 Gets two cottages and ground 66x140, on S. EL Cor. 18th and Grace; rental, ZX.00. $1.6ii.oo 6-room cottage and ground, 80x160, 3823 No. 17th. At 8801 Ames Ave. Is a 6-room brick houso and ground 8 110, on corner. Owner will sell for $1,500.00. RB- DESIRABLE HOME FOR SALE NEAR 20TH ST. AND NEW SOUTH BOULEVARD $3,500. 3504 S. 20th St., 8-room house, all modern, In very best of repair. Especially attrac tive to someone engaged In business at South Omaha. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. RE M489 BIG BARGAIN. 7-room house, full corner lot, A-l condition. City water, sewer, etc. One block from the Park avenue car. Splendid location. Price only $2,000.00, but It must be cash. We can loan $1,200.00 on this property. Bemis, Paxton block. RE 637 t 6 ROOM COTTAGE CLOSE IN. 6-room cottage, gas, city water, bath, etc., 37 foot lot, trifle over half mile from post office. This Is a big snap it you want a good home close In. Price only $1,500.00. Bemis, Paxton block. RE 639 3 F. D. WEAD 6-room cottuge, near 2tith and Seward sts.; property rent $JZo0 per month, (monthly payments), $860. 1524 Douglas. RE 626 3 H New Houses H Just Completed 6-room house on Manuersun street. Just west of 24th, where the big trees are; all modern, strictly up-to-date, near car, on paved street. Price $2,to0 6-room house on Ames Ave. between 24th and 26th streets, on paved street, fenced, fine location, all modern. Price $2,650 6-room house on 27th ave., Just south of Lake, east front, modern, high ground, fine view, half block of car. Price.. $2,iu0 $500 cash, bulance monthly. 6-room house, just completed, modern, on 2d streut and Saratoga. Price $l,8o0 6- room cottage in Florence, 011 car line, Just been built, large lot. Brlce $l,t60 7- room new house lu Beinls Park, on Myr tle ave., botween 33d and 34th, half block from car line, fine location; house is strictly modern. Price $2,9o0 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-6U N. Y. Life Bldg. "Phone 1606. Rlfi M73 CHAS. Williamson Co., u.1, R14-236 ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country home. Ten acres, with bearing fruit, all nicely seeded to alfulfa. $l,tu0.00. Frve acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, $1,200.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract. $560.00. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE-43 ON Florence boulevard, Just off of Grace St., modern house, good location, no pav ing taxes, has 8 good rooms, and Is a bargain at $3,000. A 6-room house, with city water and cist ern, on narrow lot, close to car line. Con sell for $1,200; easy payments. KhlNNARD & LOWER, 3uJ-10 Rrown Blk. RE M353 $ 86TII and Farnam sts., good modern house, nine rooms, every convenience, will be sold at a bargain. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Building. RIJ-16S $ HERE IS A SNAP THAT IS A SNAP! A nice new S'-room cottage in Benson with two lots, house 24x26 ft. with one extension 11x16 ft. Price $1,300. Easy terms, Acres in Benson are nearly all gone; we have a 2-acre for $5)0, a 5-acre for $1,200 and a 20-acre for $3,000. We have fine building lots at $150 to $200. 2 nice building 'lots in Dundee for $1,000, 80 acres in Pottawattamie county, la., for $4,000. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Don't Shoot BUT GO OUT AND LOOK OVfcR THIiSE PROPfcRTl Eb ON lilt FOURTH AND SHE IF THhY ARH NOT TUB BLST FOR THb MONLY YOU HAVb btbN. L102 Grant st. 6 rooms nnd bhrn $ NoO SM7 Decatur, i rooms, line lot 1,160 3ft JO Franklin, 6 rooiim l.liio 4nl North 3oth, 7 rooms, modern l.'mu 2117-19 Izard. 4 houses 4.000 li.n; Ulm St., 6 rooms largo burn l.t'ul Five acres near Bimihoii 1,('W Ten acres near Benson 2,tni0 Twenty acres near Dundee 3.000 Twenty-live acres near Florence, two houses, extensive fruit Improve ments 6.600 !1 North 4id, all modern 1615 North 17th, 1510 Noith lGth, two houses 6,000 N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam St. RK-378 3 DESIRABLE HOME IN PARKER'S ADDITION FOR SALE $2,100. 2fia Decatur St., 7 rooms, all modem except furnaoe, well built and convenlonlly arranged, GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam BU RE-491 S ALL BARGAINS. 2417 Dodge, 66x124, 8 rooms, modern. Price, $4,000. Close In; land worth the money. Corner 20th and Chicago. 132 ft on 20th by 66 on Chicago, besides 14 ft. Surplussago. good s-room house. Price, $6,000. A bar gain. Room for 2 flats on 20th. 66x182, almost across the street from the above, large 8-room house. Price, $6,600. Make an offer. 2101, 2103 Douglas St. Largo brick, 8 full stories, rental $1,800 a year, leased three years to a good party. Land 66x138. Price has been $18,000. We would submit as low an offer as $16,000. Property was mort gaged for $12,000. Fred M. Youngs has tho finest location on Florenco Boulovard. He offers his beau tiful 8-room, all modern houso for quick sale at $4,600. Oak finish downstairs. Has practically two lots, 68 ft. of his own, and 60 ft. of street joining It. 19U Bo. 29th (Parle) ave., 126x160 ft., front ing beautiful Hanrcom' park. 7 rooms, partly modern, house all on one floor. Houso vacant. Possession at once. 2613 Pierce Is the homo of Jno, A. Wearer, who has Ju.U left for California, and says "sell my house lor the best price you can get If you can't sell It, rent It." L&rge grounds, large house, large barn. Your price snd terms. We ask $3,760. We still hare for sale the John Francis place. Ground 126x126, Urge barn. All va cant ready to move Into today. Mr. Fran cis having been promoted to Chicago, will sell very cheap. Price bas been $7,600. Want offers. Florenoe Boulevard has lately attracted the attention of one of our millionaires, who is quietly buying a large piece of ground for a home. Directly opposite, we offer 6 lots, with sewer, gas and water, at $800 each. A little further up we offer 190x 260 ft. for $2,000. These are bargains. Harrison & Morton, 012-813 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 814. P. B. Ask us about 10.1 acres, fine and sightly, near Florence, $1,800 for quick sale, H. & M. RE M166 SPLENDID HOME. 7-room house with city water and sewer connections. Two lull corner lots, near 27 th and Mandersoiv. Price only $2,0u0.o0 if taken at unce. Hemld, Paxton block. RB 640 3 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1,800 and the other $2,460. SHIMER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. RE 734 FLORENCE BOULEVARD. 600$ Is an 8-room, all modern house, oak finish downstairs; owner leaving city; must sell this week; value $5,000; make an offer of $4,600. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton, 812-813 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE 664 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FOR A ROUND TRIP TO TUB ROSEBUD FOR A ROUND TRIP TO THE EVERYTHING PAID. We pay your railroad fare. Wo furnish you sleeping cars. We furnish you beds while on the ground. We guarantee good meals. We make your papers and give you legal advice. This assures you that you will get through registration without error isjid without personal discomfort or loss of time and money. COME AND SEE US. Gas Belt Land Co. 214 First Nat'l Bank, Omaha, Neb. RE 306 BEST THING OFFERED. Farnam St. business property paying $.fiO0 per annum. (Can make lung lease), price $J0,6o0 for quick sale. Averuge tuxes for 6 years, Including ISM, $3MW. Harrison & Morton. 812-K13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE S50 FOR SALE or exchange, a fine home, eight rooms, all modern, clusittn; will take good rental property further out for l.urt. Ad dress 0 to Boa, Ua- y RU IN VFST.MIiNTW. Fnslnrss corner, guml ki itlon. yearly In come $0i. Call Fell for ;i'..Vi. Rrh'k flat, cei'trully I h .il. il, yearly rrntnl $7'i'. Price only H.Gn). If you nre In iMng for H and 20 per cent Investments let us show you the above. KENNARD & L-C W Eit, -10 Itn.wn 111k. RK M361 3 F. D. WEAD 5-room ccttngo, on, near lfdh St. $1,200. 1J24 Douirlus. KB 624 8 DUNDEE. 8 rooms, $.1.L'u0; 7 roouin, $-,t50; 8 rooms, $'l,0uo; K rooms, $3.76u; vacant lots, 2 for $1,400; three lur $:,ouo; two lur $l,;uo; out,, $J60. OMAHA. 4-lth and Howard, A Ioim, 8 rooms, ti,W, 10 looms, ITtli ind Davenport, $:i,oou: rooms, 4115 Lutayctto ave, $J,uixi; LlA No, 31st ave., 7 rooms, $i"i,!n0; lWo So. llth, 7 rooms, modern, $3,000; 643 So. 27th, rooms, modern, $fi,tiu. FOR 8UIVDI VISION. 200x3(i!t feet Ust r-liil Vinton sts, 3 bouses, hlKh, Blghtly, bargain it sold this weuk, quick if you ant a snap. Ludhs, lentnls, Insurance. L. L. Johnson, room 2, Barker Hlo k. RE 442 3 Bargains. 501 lift. Good Lot on ljifnyette A $2C9.0O. 66x13::, On Chicago St.. between 15lh nnd 16th Sts., $1,000.00. 6oxl 10, On Seward yt., neur 40th etreet, $.'iOO.lJ. Tho Byron Reed Co., in h. mn. RE 498 3 FOR SALE 7-r. house, nil modern, taBt front, near corner of 42nd nnd Izard Sts,, In excellent condition. Lot i feot, east front, on 3'th Ave., near Farnam, llttlo nhove grade; Just the place for an elegant home. Call nnd get price and location. Know it will suit. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO.. 3U0 Bee Bldg. RE M50S 5 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If roo want to soil a farm or ration, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them li through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural wecjtly goes to 50,000 homes of farmers and stock raisrrs, to If you have a good piece of land to scil nt a reasonable price you will rind a t-.iyer among them. Tho cont of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.62 per Inch it set In large type. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1512. and the second floor i5os-10 Howard. W. li. Bushman. i-aa IF A GOOD tght Is needed, we iAn show you a north front office on the filth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of $20. R. C. Peters & Co., ground lloor Bee building. I S22 STORE ROOM, 617 S. 16:h St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol Ave. I S2 A $10 ofTlce In the Bee building carries with it all of the conveniences and advantages in the way of heat, light, Janitor service all night and all day and SunJsv elevator service. A $10 ofllce is now vucant. ("all at once. R. C. peters & Co., ground floor, Bee building. 1-823 FINE NEW STORE BUILDING, 1405 Douglas street, 22x132, first floor, with skylight In roof; swell front; fine ce mented basement; the two upper Moors are 22xM each; stairway from street; near all car lines: Hue location. Will rem noors separately. the mcagie 1nvkstmhnt i6j6 dodge street. CO., 1-23 A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a choice of two desirable rooms In tho Beo build ing: Room 604 Is divided Into a good-sized wait ing room and a private ottlco. It Is di rectly in front of Hie elevator. The price Is $30. R. C. Peters & Co.. Ground Floor, Boo Building. i84 FOR RENT Office space, street floor on Farnam street near Itith; best location in clly. Inquire 1614 Farnuni st. I M3C7 4 FOR RENT Choice store room, with or without fixtures. In county seat town In Nebraska. Address O 33, care of !L-e. 1-Siti 3x LIGHT, commodious, strictly modern ollloe, ground floor, also suites of offices, room with llftht, heat nnd Janitor service, eto. U. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg. CHAS. E WILLIAMSON CO., 12ol Farnazi Street. I-4M MONEY TO LOANJ-REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rntes. W. II. Thomus, First Nat'l Batik Bldg. Tel. 14. W-23S 4 TO $ P. C. money. Bemis, I'axton block. W 2311 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. YV-210 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Furnam Smith tt Co., 1320 I'm nam St. W-241 MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Co. W-242 WANTED, renl estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co.. Bee lildg. W 243 5 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., PXH Farnam W-244 ' WANTEDTO BORROW $1.6iO. 6 yeurs nt 6 per cent; good first iiinrtu security given. Ad. Inns O 14, Bee ollio; iU74 July