? is SPECIAL NOTICES AavertlaeBuekla lur tbeae iittuuiua will ke takes 111 14 au. lor lb rrcilig edition anil ill ! I. an. for Ik moraine aad Sunday edition. Rates, 1 l-iic a word Ural Insertion, word thereafter. Mottling taken for leaa than ac fur I li firat Inaer- Ian. Theae advertisements sane! ha raa eenaecntlrelr. Aavertleera, b requesting a nam fcered check, ran hare answers ad elreaaed to a numbered letter In rare f Tha Bee. Answers eo addreaaed Will ha delivered on oreeentatltiti of MISCELLANEOUS A. D. GARRISON, 2207 North 20th St., Omaln. Wins the Second Prize 515.00 fur the essay entitled: BOYLES COLLEGE, THE SECRET OF ITS SUCCESS. ' Boylrs' College youriK. vigorous, growing . ...truKnto itu auceess to a 1 f -c v 1 1 It; n t Cause a demand for a scIukiI possessed tf ! a good morale, Instructors who um!ei stand the different branches they are If aching. Imparting 10 pupil that Warning which enables tliem to hold their own In thj struggle tor a livelihood. The school from entering the presidmts Office In the handsome home In the New York Life bul'.dlng to the elevator entrance When departing 1" a model of beauty as Well as of capability. The banking fixtures, typewriters, etc.. are new. and hive the appearance of careful attention. Ti e earn est attitude of the students and the en thusiasm manifest, together with the home like air pervading, Is most desirable. The branches taught are Business, Short band, Typewriting and English. The teach ing Is practical and thorough. There Is n wasted energy here. To such a school the uccess It has achieved Is but the natural result of principles well applied." A. D. Garrison. New student enter every day now.' During the week 6 High School graduates have taken up the work, together with a number of Public School teachers and oth ers. Tuesday, July 5th, wi'.l be another open ing day. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, New York Life Building, It H. B. Boyles, Pres. CUT-RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam and opp. L'nJon sta tion. Tels. 784 and 1073. R-181 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tj30 r;ni n SILVER. NICKEL Plating. Om. UULU rlat;ng -'o., lit liaroey. lei. 2oJa U-1M CITY SAV1NOS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 184 EAULE Loan Office; reliable, aecommoda. ting; all business confidential. 1301 Douglai . RiK, ANTI-MONOPOLY ltth. Tel. 1779. Garbage Co., 1621 N. K-ise EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 2i N. Mh. Tel. 111(5. H 1S7 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WIIEATON, in the Bee bldg. R 1X8 SIGN painting. S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 189 SPECTACLES. "Jl: examination free; 30 days only. U. S. Opticians, 3H8 N. 16th. R-193 PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee bldg.; no in terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel. 701. R 191 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 28th. Tel. 747. R-192 r CTC We want everv paoerhanger in rrtJl Li Omaha to know our "Snow Flake paste: a-unranteed strictly first class. Factory In chnrge of the man. who made Lincoln paste famous. NEBR. STEAM PASTE CO., 'Phone :ao. u8 N. 16th. R-193 BICYCLES1 B1CYCLES1 OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago, Ry-lW BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and correct trousers, 1617 f arnam, upstairs, room a Ask for Forman. lt-196 BITES & CO.. Patent Lawyers: advice free. Offices: Bee building, Omaha, Neb.; 184 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., and 1003 F St., Washington, u. c. k jyzi Iri IDC Stammering and Stuttering. J. Vaughn, Ramge bid . Omaha K-MlSb fACKARD, accountant, 410 Bee bldg. Tel B752. R-722 6 EXPERT niann mnvlnr. lowest nrlcea. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 1K2A. 197 STANDARD Altera, Huber. Tel. 3913. 1301 Farnam. R M2S7 ARTIFICIAL STONE SIDEWALKS LOWEST PRICES McWILLIAMS BROS. 91 PAXTON BLK. TEL. BUM. R OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufactures paste for all purposes. Phone A-2052. 2010 Cuming St K 451 S WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 82! N. Y Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. mi, i -to FURNISHED house for summer months, by man and wlie; will give satisfactory references. Aaaress u j. isee. N M312 Sx SMALL saddle pony for heavy route work L. a. lougias, f. u. ttoi oz. aioii ix WANTED, to buy. good young horse and pnaetun: state price. Aaareaa j . nm, " M M 1QJ H 41 OBCQ Q WILL mv reasonable price for green trad Ing stamp books, filled. Address O 21, Bee office. N-417 6x WOULD like to talk with anyone In Omaha with laundry for sale, capacity t.OiiO shirts, and In good running order. Will pay cash If satisfactory; no agent need answer. Address O 10, liee office. N 423 7x WANTED Gasoline engine. 4 to ( horse power. Henry Rohlff. 2lh snd Leaven worth. N-MTI1 $ t WANTED SITUATIONS STENOGRAPHER with ability to hr.ndle correspondence ; also callable of meeting Ing the public as salesman or solicitor; elgnt years In the city; married. Add reus, O S7, Hoc. A 3u uX WANTED, position as salesman or to take charge of slock, dry goods preferred. Addres O 44. Pee. A-MS58 !x JXPKRIENCED lady stenographer wants work. Oood reftrencea. Addre O 43, Bee tifflce. A 335 Sx AN elderly woman wnnts general house work In private family; no wnsblng; can ' lve good reference. Addref Miss Hiuii nuh J. WlllUia. Belltvue, Neb., care 9 of $x Dr. -aunm THE OMATIA DAILY PEE! SUNDAY. JULY 3. 1004. i .. - f . .... cm rriicki fj HMTH I MR RFNTFIIRrJlNHFn ROOMS I FOR RENT HOUSES mwTcnMl C UPI P WANTPn MALE HELr Autrtld WAN tU ohlwiiiui nnin . r ' ,w - linn I lu mnkb iibki ...... . . i I SUMMER OF Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas Sts. Now in Session. Students Enroll Every Day. nnWCUKS Tr.inT-r.,1!ic School. Normal. English. Business Shorthand Type- riling Tel, -graphy. Penmanship. Pen Art. Illustrating. Cartooning and I Ivil S.r leu. REDUCED RATES OF TUITION-Prevall in all departments. Send for special an nouncement. NEW CLASSES TUESDAY. Jl't.Y 5-F.nmIl at that time and get the benefit of a TKN WEEKS' TKKM at reduced rates. FV1I TFRM di'FMMI- Sept. 1. This will be the banner year In attendance nnd r'e.,lts ' V..u will" miss the opportunity of your life If ou do not attend. Sen! f,r ADVERTISING LITERATURE. It Is fre. although we publish no alligator catalogues. ,.,..,iv t..-.,w.- '..,;i,, "J7 of thp 'most peculiar, interesting and Instructive !.i. lih answers ever published. lifsa nun. Niet rly printed and bound. lug July IS. II will be sent to any names mid addresses of ten young pt oplc veil net a eot.V l.T ttllH UVF.U1 1 1 issue of 5,iti copies will be exhausted before September 1. MOSHER SHORTHAND Is the most legible, now In uw . It will pay you to investigate It. SIX LESSONS I'HKK IN SHORTHAND I)o you want them? Best system ever de ' vised. It will pay you to become a ptenographer. It might be wise to experi ment when there Is no charge for our services. Address: ROHRBOUGH WANTED 25 men to work on ti'icic yaid anil tenders on brick buildings. Deshler ilrick tri Co., Dcsliler. Neb. ii -Jl:M WANTED Cash and installment salesman. Apply Mr. k.erkle, 11 i-arnam St. B Mi 03 WASTED, for the summer. In private fam ily, first ciass chef; best reierelices re quired. Address the Quartermaster, tort liobinsoii. Nebraska. B M3x WANTED Two agents to work from our wagons. C. . Auams Co.. lom jiowa m street. B lit WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried men between uges of 21 ana jo, citizens of L ulled States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and wiite English. For Information apply to Kecrulllng Officer, lUlh and Douglas sts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb, or Sioux City, la. B M287 EXPERIENCED salesman, or physician not practicing, to sell to doctors, estab lished trade, permanent, remunerative; also one outside city. P. O. Box S58, Philadelphia. B M349 Sx WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, auv. mauer, ibck signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M361 3x WANTED Everywhere, people to copy utters at home, spare lime, ana return to us. Good pay, materials sent free. No innlllng or canvassing. Enclose addressed envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 389., Phila delphia, Pa, 410 sx MAN to work through medical or dental college. Address box 376, Chicago, III. B 411 3x WE have several high grade positions open; call or write for list or vacancies ana booklet of testimonials. WESTERN RE F. & BONB ASSN., 840-841 N. Y. Life. B-M5C5 4 $20.00 WEEKLY easily earned, (position permanent); nmtriiiuting circulars, sum nlea .etc send 4c for particulars. Com mercial Advertising Association, Philadel phia, Pa. B-428 3x DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal ary, experience unnecessary. I'lnaenon a U. S Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 402 3x TRUSTWORTHY person, each district, to superintend business lor wnoiesaie imune, ;o paid weekly; expense money ad vanced; position permanent; experience not essential. This Is no deception. Man ager, 820 Como Bldg., Chicago. B IflO 3x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Positions guaranteed graduates, u in $18 weeklv. Few weeks completes by our method. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1302 Doulgas St. B M469 8JC MAN wanted to take Omaha agency ror American Ribbon ana enroon vu., Rochester, N. Y. Best references required. Foster M. Lecder, representative, 81o Dwight bldg., Kansas City, Mo B 454 3 A PORITlON TS OPEN. Do you know where It Is? We do. We nave openings tor nign grans nun kinds executive, technical and clerical paying from $1,000 to $10,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet. Offices in twelve cities. HAPOOODH (Incorporated). 1 Chemical building. St. Louis. B YOUR chance for good position and salary Is as goon as oiners. niuuy neuumu, mechanical or steam engineering, at home bv mail. We have helped thousands. 80 page bulletin mailed free. Electrical En gineer Institute, New York. B WANTED Energetic man to manage office for large manufacturing company; umu, $1,500 per annum and extra profits; must furnish M.000 cash nnd good references. Superintendent. 12th and Johnson sts.. Chicago. B WANTED BOO exprenced laundry work ers for machines, mangles, handwork Ironing, starching, finishing and plain clothes departments. Also girls or men for sorting and marking. High wages, steady work. Address St. Louis Laundry men's Ass'n, 2310 Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Musicians for orchestra. Steady job entire season In Omaha theater. Ap ply to J. E. Faltys, 2407 N St. Smith Omaha. B-3&S 3 A POSITION NOW OPEN. Manager. $3,000; salesman, $1.5o0: book- anager. a.ew; Bnicniiiun, keeper, 1110; technical. $2,509. Write for free list, or posmons. iubihmi.u(iiv, tunlty Co.. 1 Union Square, N. Jx 'FOR age and want save while you may: .,r mnrnlne aun lasts through the day. Start a savings account with J. L. Bran dels & Sons, hankers and receivers. 4 per cent Interest on your savings. B WANTED, traveler to work In Nebraska collecting; montniv ann expenaen f.tr a rK' ii c em en 1 ; utialtlon nerma nnt Aririretsed envelone for Dartlcula'S. Address Manager Travelers, Pontlao Bide-. Chicago. B-419 3x WE WILL pay any man $85 per month and ail fAVMltncr pTitpniiM. -tich as hore b r. It.. R. fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for ho greatest portmlt house In .ne world. Your salary will he guaranteed nnrt tinld to vou weekly ir prercrrea. a dress R. D. Martel, Dept. 486, Chlca ilea go. B 421 III Sx MANAGER WANTED; every section to ...nnim nl for rf scientific game re placing forbidden slot machines in public places, evades law everywhere, plnved with nickels, finish beautiful, like rash Rented or aild on easy pay ments, sample sent on thirty days free trial Proposition will please you If we still have opening in your section. In dependent C"-h Register Co., Department . . .1, n loo A kt i'mrrwn. in. ' - " WANTED Bookbinders, flrst-clnas paper rulers to worn om or mwn in open i . tta no fnr 54 hours. Stendv post frf eometent workmen Address O 51 Bee office. B MVS S WANTED Immediately, agents In every ...u n f..t- LTl . I 11V Ki. i. mils Jit n . vua nnd hntelft close to main gte, u'ArM'a f,,ir romfortble. reasonable, Ideal for visitors. Paying summer work for scent to advertise us. Splendid . , ,r atnHenta merchants, ministers men or women. No money required Send name and one reference. Advertising MntiHB-er. Department B, Cottage City, 559 Waterman Ave., Bt. I-ouls M B 388 Sx u'iwtfii Crew manaaer to take men on mad soliciting enlarged pictures; aleo solicitors. Box 913, Lincoln. B M461 OS v . ,7. . a 1 1 V-.f. w nnllnDU Omaha, I Neb., the Inadlng barber school In tti I west. Writ for particulars. B M6u0 Sx he SCHOOL THE Invaluable to students. teachers nnd busl- Last iorm on me inr. i'ij address for IWO cenis in stamp: im tow desiring a mercantile education. it tun will never pari Willi li. inc nr.n rapid, modem md up-to-date sstem BROS., OMAHA, NEB. B YOUNG man with small capital to take paying Interest and good salaried posi tion in established business; references required. Address u 6V. uee B 634 S WANTED, a good butcher; only reliable and sober man need apply; good wages and steady Job; preference will lie civen to married man. W. Mlake, Ord, Neb. B oo t 8X WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. c aw WANTED Girl for 1518 Madison ave. general housework. C M37 WANTED An experienced marker and sorter. Hlnchey laundry, 409 N. 25th St., So. Omaha. C M993 WANTED Two good girls at Cudahy's restaurant; good wage's; every other Sun day off. Cudahy Packing Co. C M155 GIRL for general housework, ave. 2.W Fowler C-M356 3 WANTED, second girl; references required. 3102 Leavenworth St. C M353 WANTED, a competent girl for general housework. Apply at 1711 Douglas st. C M344 X WANTED, housekeeper, with references. Hil2 Burdette. Call after 6 p. m. or Mon day forenoon. C M3C5 3x WANTED, girl for general housework by small family living in 6-room flat. Call 2117 Sherman ave., 2d floor. C M3fi3 6x LADIES We pay $25 per 100 for writing short letters at home; answer with stamped envelope for particulars. Wilson Specialty Co., Benton Harbor, Mich. C-416 3X LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St.. Chicago. C-443 3x W A NTED A competent second girl with references at 2016 Cass St. C ,170 LADIES 25 cents an hour paid, plain sew' l.i ir tit Knma Afatarlul lAnt freA nvltrv where. Send stamp for particulars. The National Specialty Company, 1133 Broad way, New York city. - 'HOW WOMEN MAY EARN MONEY AT HOME." 64 pages; over 100 ways; price loo. Crockett Co., box 559, San Antonio, Tex. C 394 3x WANTED Lady stenographer- must be good looking and neat; small salary to commence cn. Address O 5. Tire Bee. C M520 4x IF YOU wish to earn money hy writing hort stories or bv nnline ns news corrc snondent address United Press Syn dicate. 333 Postal Building Indianapo lis. Indiana. C - i x LADIES, $30 thousand copying letters; no mailing to friends or rurnisning an dresses: tamned envelope particulars. Select Toilet Co., Dept. 123, .Chicago. C-418 Sx WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring or facial massae-a. six weens completes; graduates earn $15 weeklv; po sitions gauranteed; diplomas granted; call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douelaa 8t. C-M468 8x WANTED Ladles or gentlemen of fair ed. ucatlon to travel for a firm with $250.nno capital; salary M.Ono per year and expenses paid weekly. Addrpss with stamp, giving name, name of town and stnte. J ,T sop, general delivery. C 655 8x TWO ennvasaers at once; new article; good proposition. WESTERN REP". POND A88N., 840-841 N. Y. Dlfe. C-M53S 4 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents in very county to solicit sunscriptions to inn TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER: mAi ortmlnvm.nl with Assured food lnci"!!,; iP"lu,rSr7 r.n...r. and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily ou to iiw per monm. au dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. J SIS $75 AND expenses easily made writing nealtn ana acciuem ineurBnuc.. caio ence unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis. Mo. J 414 Sx AGENTS wanted. Card board signs; up- to-date designs; usea in an iinee or ouai ness; hot sellers; good profit. Sample free. R. H. Roys, Railway Exchange, Chicago. J 446 8x AGENTS Slot machines are dead ones; we have tne only legitimate auimuiuie; Particulars for stamp. Glsha Novelty o., Anderson, lnd. J 445 Sx WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our unerai oner; o naiiy num. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 458 Sx LADIES' handy hat fasteners, sew rf tne hat: do away wun nai nine, oenu lor terms; also our Illustrated catalogues. Fair Mfg. Co., 399 Wis. St., Racine. AVU. J 4wt ax BIO MONET In squabs; tnejr sell for $3 to 16 a dosen: cheaply raised . in only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 289 Atlantlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J WANTED Men and women to sell coffees, teas, splcet, etc. ,to the family trade In communities of from 1,000 to 10.000 popula tion; only such as want permanent em ployment need apply; cash commission paid; energetic persons can make big weekly earning. For further particulars address Modenhelmer Coffee A Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J WANTED, hustling agent In every town to ell our patented clothesline stretcher. Address, with stamp, Mouser St Madgett, Hastings, Neb. J AGENTS Bell the biggest money-maklng Flre Extinguishers. Write for special starting offer with free material. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis J 891 ax 1 See our want Artistic Electroplating in Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Brass and Bronze. The Omaha Plating Co. ESTABLISHED IMS 1508 HARNEY STREET. Tlie finest, liirp-st nnd bust Mpiippnl sliop in the west. TTiuy nrv thoroughly pivparnl to platf any art irk made of inctnl, no matter how large. Your Old Silverware Made Good as New. The following is a partial list of what may be replated and made new: Anns nnd Annnuiiitl..n. IttilII.T- Ilnplwaiv. HpIIs. Butts nnd llhip-H. Brass (!,.o.1k. BfltnnniirWnrt', Buckles. Buttons. Bur Trimmings. Bicyclos, ( ut u-r, C.HThiKt. llartlwari'. Car Til minings. rrn" 'lYIiimilims. Kloctn.al Supplies, lut nitutv Trlniininiis, Crat.-s, (ins rixtuivs. Wire (it.o.ls, Cril ork. ,,n,;n'S!J Trinunfuiis. .Imvclrv. Ornanifiitnl Iron Work. Locks. nt.-h ns.-s. hinilxTS Supplii.s. St.-nm Kir.' Kntrln-. Silvern nro, Si.ot.ns. SfwlnK MMflmif-. Skat.;-.. Sali-s. Stovo TriiiiiniiiRS. Satldlcry llartluar.'. Stair Hods. Mid Irons .Soda Wa ter Apparatus. SntV Trlnnnltik's. Shears and Scissors. Typewriters Toll:t nnd ornainental iirticles cleaned and liicnuered to prevent tnrnlsli. Bronze Statues, flocks, Ktc. repaired and relruiized. BIJASS BHDS pollslieii a iKPTlH'u.uert'd. Louis Slavin. pnprietor of the Omaha Plating Co., was the first to make a success of electro-plating in Omaha, he has had twenty years' experience in the best shops in the east, being sev eral years with Tiffany. LADY AGENTS WANTED. Mme. Yale is now oHerlng lady agents great inducements for aeliing lier (unions line of facial remedies and loilet prepara tions. Many of her agents are maKliig .m un.l mora, a week ll.MUtv Books lll.lt actually sen tne gooas are lurnisnea agents lor liefc distribution. I lie; never i ..i lu merest ladles to the extent of- placing an order. A rich harvest can now be reaped at the different summer resorts. Visit the seaside and mountains and take your occunation with you. combining business and pleasure. Write for terms and books of particulars. Address Mme. M. Yale, Flutiron bldg., New York City. WANTED Ladles of refinement and pleas ing appearance lo introauce aim nt-iuon-strate the Madam Duval toilet goods. This Is a Hue opportunity for ladles wish ing to earn good money. Call between 8:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. 30os Pacific st. J AGENTS make Immense profits selling new Champion Fruit Jar Wrenches. Quick sale every home. Act promptly; .his is jour harvest time. Sample postpaid luc. Champion Co., Dept. S2. Geneva, Ohio. J 421 3x A POCKET CIGARETTE MACHINE; greatest selling Invention of the age. Makes a perfect cigarette. Saves 3t;0 per cent; Fample 50c; circulars free. Reserve territory quick; patent applied for. Ad dress -Colombia' 110 Walker St., New York. J 426 3x OUR MEN make $3.00 to $10.00 per day fit ting glasses; our 24-page FREE hi E BOOK tells all about It. Write Jackson ian Optical College, College Place, Jack on, Michigan. J CM 3x AGENTS. $30 to $50 weekly profits. We nend proof, rend In dark, nameplates, numbers and signs. Send for samp.e. Your name on postal will do. Wngnt Supply Co.. Englewood, 111. J 417 8x AGENTS "World's Fair In a Nutshell, latest and greatest novelty; contulns 44 views of main buildings of fair, in real nutshell. Sample 14c. Dorothy Novelty Co., St. Louis, Mo. J 389 3x AGENTS I Jve men to sell office and sta tionery speclaltits to business men; big protlls. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, lnd. J 393 3x I AGENTS Either sex, - and mall order hniisea to bundle the Kreatest money maker on the market; the Mecca Dress Shield; perspiration proof, washable, su perior to all.. Write for catalogue and particulars. Corodon Mfg. Co., 139 East 17lh St., New York. J 383 3x WE WANT agents In every city to make money handling an entirely new article; send stamp for descriptive folder. Lena wee Novelty Co., Adrian, Mich. J M384 3x AGENTS WANTED Our go'd sign letters tor windows are money makers; experience unnecessary; a Wc pocket outtii stan yuu; particulars free. Bogart & Co., 85 Cranberry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. J 107 3x AOK.NTS WANTED Both sexes; 250 ner cent profit; dome-shaped perforated skillet covers; victuals and holier protector; ivvo dandy sellers. American Novelty Works, Reading. Pa. J-406 3x $21 WEEKLY and upwards selling Model Sleeve Ironing Board; wonder of useful ness; rapid seller; exclusive territory; agents wanted; sample 35c. U. B. Bio land', 62 Plerson St.. Chicago. J 476 3x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen selling harncssmakers to take harness leather side line. Big money. Send route. Write Hoffman Tannery, Malta, O. 407 8x WANTED Two salesmen by manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts; established house; permanent position at good pay to right man. Ad dress O 42. Bee. 405 3x SALESMEN WANTED To sell house paint to dealers; experience unnecessary. Try It on In a few towns nnd let us show you our steady income results for hustlers. Kinloch Paint Co., Mfrs., St. Louis. Mo. 406 3x i WANTBD-Two traveling salesmen; $75 per month and expenses. Los Angeles cider Co., bi. iouis, mo. 404 ax WANTED Two first-class specialty sales men. Ready seller to all classes retail trade. Big money for good men. $200 weekly easily earned. P. O. box 355. Chl cafo. 413 3x SALESMEN WANTED If you want a side line paying better than your regular, with your spare time, selling staple of well-rated concern, write Mgr. Stuart, 6-6 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 412 3x SALESMEN Are you earning $160 month? If not. fake advantage of this opportunity. Write me. enclosing stamp for reply. Jos. II. carr, uayton, t). 408 3x $60.00 TO $200.00 per week, to specialty sales men. selling Ideal Pump Equallxers to the trade and canvassers; you pay first; Equaliser and outfit furnished; reference and bond required; salesmanship makes position permanent. Iump Equalizer Co., 40 Dearborn St., Chicago. 899 8x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commission with advance of $100.00 monthly; permanent position to right man. Jesa H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. ' 3x SALESMEN, first-class, calling on build ing trade or large advertisers to sell enameled tiling, steel ceilings or litho graphed metal slgna; liberal commission. Steel, N w. 24tn Bt., wew torn my. 397 3x SALESMEN wanted everywhere to handle "Novelty Blgn Cards," every merchant buys from 10 to 100 on sight, 800 varieties; catalogue tree. nuiuvan co., nro maple wood Ave., Chicago, 111. S!HJ Sx SALESMAN Brainy, pushing. capable drummer: specialty preferred, for le hmaka country merchants' trade. Will pay competent man $.1n0 month. None of our salesmen paid below $2.0)0. Address S. Redfleld, Houser block, Bt. Louis. Mo 447 3x ad prize offer on page 9- answer 10 questions TRAVELING salesman in Nebraska by large wholesnle boost ; position permanent to right man. Apply with teference. I (rawer S, Chicago. 4u0 sx TRAVELING SALEtfMtfNOne good man tor each stale; experience unnecessary, just bustlers; permanent; good pay; liberal running expens" account. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit, Mich. 4o73x SALESMAN WANTED Hy prominent manufacturer; must have good record and ahllltv to interest best trade In straight business proposition. Perma-iieut position WV l linerai bhi.h j iu ,'?"irJ i jxouresa w jure WANTED Walking Skirt salesman. Hock Island Skirt Co.. Rock Island, 111. It M 4 1 a o BRIGHT young man who Is not afraid t work; apply in person ai me omiui iw mler Typewriter office, cor. 17th and Far- ,.m. Mo33 6 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HORSES for ssle; 2d-hand harness and ve hicles cheap. Aieicnior s BiaDiea, dui o. A NEW runabout ton buggy to trade for driving horse. 811 N. ltm. P-202 THE FROST BAND, or tires, on wagon wheels suck, mil ana i-eavenwoi in. P SOS i i a m remade Ru'inbouts. Phaetons, etc.. n rAIN Uat LOWEST oossihle prices. Als.i painting .trimming repairing and rubber tires. WM. t'FEIFFEtt Cphone 374s . 3wH Leavenworth. All worn uuaka.-niej-.ij P M782 Jy6 HIGH-GRADE VEHICLES DIRECT FROM THE MAKER. STANHOPES, RUNABOUTS, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES, TRAPS, MADE BY The Racine Wagon & Carriage Co. RACINE, WIS. Johnson & Danforth, Manufacturers' Agents, Sattley Building. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones bts. 'PHONE 337. Entrance from the west side of viaduct. HAMBLETONIAN STALLION BANNOCK BURN Stands 1614 hands high, weighs over 1,200 lbs. PKDlUKKK sirea Dy a grannson, 1st dam a granddaughter of Hamble- tonlun loth. I will race him against anv stallion in Nebraska, wagon and driver , . . , -A it., n VVVM7 weigning no less limn oji. inn. on i-. i vv. m UN Is the surest breeder I ever saw He will stajid for stock at 4021 N. 16th St. and R. R. tracks, Omaha. A. THOMP SEN. P-M9S4 W J. LAPAGE carriage nnd wagon; Snd hand vehicles for sale. 1507 Jackson. Tel 2-165. P MS56 Jly SO irrR SALE One family horse. 8 years old nice driver, weight 1.100. 613 S. 14th. 'Phone 1301. P 724 FOR SALE, 16 station Bastedo cash and bundle carrier at one-iourin regular price Inquire J. U Hrandeia oc uons. P M485 o FOR 8 ALR Well-gal ted riding horse, quire 2523 Cass St. In- r-ar BALE Youna driving team, broke true: also a surrey very cheap: ran be seen at Mar Bourlclous', 835 I. roadway Council Blurrs. i- mom n A bnap Ktudebaker rubber tire phaeton good condition, $45.00. 'Phone 8770. before Tiicariuv noon. P M533 3x WANTED, horse and buggy for the keen Ina- for one or two months. Address O 60 Bee. P 601 Sx HIGH-GRADE rubher-tlre runabout slightly soiled, at half value. ,A'so buggy cheap. Johnson & Danforth, 8. W. Cor lorn nnn .lonca ri PM11T WANTED TO RENT WANTED, to rent furnished house for summer months, by man ann wire; win give satisfactory references. Address O 88, Bee. K WANTED, furnished room near 81st and Chicago bv ladv. for a few weens. Aa dress O 20. Bee office. K 633 WANTED Bv three young ladies, room and hoard in a country town or ranch for a few weeks: can furnish the best o rru,.,..u. niute full particulars In ans werlng. as to rates, use of driving horse etc. Address O 11, Bee office. WANTED, to rent by the week or month or buv for not more man a pirnm, well broken ponv or horse. Apply. A. 1C. Polhemus, Fort Crook, Neb. K 56S 5x and win a prize ROYAL HOTEL, European. lth A E-21T DEWEY. Kuropean hotel, 13th and I ' r. 11.25 PER WEEK. Doran house, 422 S luh r. .-i VIENNA HuTKU I' ll l iirnain; fine rooms. ladles cafe, private dining r. ; open nigi'is. E 22 THE FARNAM. 19th nnd Farnam ft. r.-i. APARTMENT HOUSE 1UK MEN 1 lie Chatham; '.uxtirlo.isly f in nMfd munis nnd smoking parlors; appointments ni; i class. 110 8. Mill St.. opposite Millard hotil. '. 2-o TWO nice cool rooms; modern. er h-i- onable. HIS N. ltth. iv-it TWO smith front modern, reasons lib; board optional. Phone AAi'J.), -'"' K-911 J I" CENTER HOTEL, too. 7frc, $1. 210 N. I . I li. E M 2.61 J 1 , NICELY furnished rooms; nioib i n T"2 S luth, flat D. TWO nice bed rooms, private family, Hin- nev street; gtiitlcineli preieireu. r n F ir,20. L 1 43 3 FURNISHED rooms; light housekeeping. 2i H. 2jttl SI. r. mi ELEGANT front room for gentlemen; bath; breakfast If desired; reierences. 131 North 31st ave. K-173 x FLOOR, partly furulshed. for light house keeping; mouerii. sosu iiarnc) B 301-Sx COOL south front room; rates reasonable. 2.M2 1eHvenworih. r.M.t-'i m 1aRUE front room; single rooms. 52k N. juth. i. .i.m" .i SINGLE outside room; modern; lawn and shade. '5:3 N. 20th. E-.M321 x TWO front rooms, light housekeeping; moaern. oiu iiu. k. .,.u FURNISHED rooms; bath; light hnuse- gceping permitted; monthly. " 1,111. K M32G 3 NEWLY furnished south front room, pri vate family; modem. flioie E Ml93 THREE furnished rooms, all modern 1107 Pacltio. 'Phone F-ltoo. e M.m 4 TAVO modern furnished rooms, fine location for summer; also unrurnisnea room, .-a-j Cass. 'Phone 2534. E-M342 3 FURNISHED front rooms. 'Phone A-263.S. 621 8. 19th. E MJi.i , FURNISHED rooms, modern. Mrs. J. Man gold, 218 N. 19th. E Al.140 a FURNISHED room. 2412 Cass. E M336 6x TWO south front rooms, strictly modern. l. 1 - T". 1.. ni? 9 NICELY furnished cool room, modern, very reasonable. 1909 Douglas. J NEWLY furnished rooms, single or double. 1610 Davenport st. t-M TWO nicely furnished rooms, electric Mght, batn, etc. iin rs. 11; goou neig no'" "'"'"i one block from postofflce. E 372 4 FOR WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS-First- class rooms and accommodations; pri vate; Bell phone, single or parties; rea sonable; references; 4 car lines to exposi tion or 16 minutes' walk. Write or call. Mrs. Wm. Mehl. 6037 Bartmer, St. Louis. FURNISHED rooms with hoard, In largo, new noue; nne lurauun line. Address O 54, Bee. E M518 9 ROOMS for World's fair visitors; beautiful locality near fair; private ramuy. tele phone: convenient to cars; rates $1,00 a day Write for reservation. Address Mr. Ruth, 5047 Maple Ave.. St. "'j 3x FURNISHED ROOMS for rent to World's fair visitors, l per uay. niitmai hi parties or families. I will meet you at the station. H. Weiss, 1314 N. Market St., St. Louis, Mo. E 4i5 Sx LARGE, cool, elegantly furnished rooms! newly erected nai, moaern. -iio 1. E 554 4 FOR RENT, suite of rooms and slngie room, furnished or uniurmsneu, mmm and east exposure; everything modern, Including telephone; quiet, refined neigh borhood; first 'lass board If deaired; within walking distance, also convenient to car line. Apply 618 S. 22d Ft. E M549 5X rtOOMS, first-class location. C224 Farnam. WELL furnished, cool rooms, single or en su te, modern rcasonanie. 11 m E--M561 6 LARGE, pleasant rooms, with first-class board. 2M6 f arnam at- r -..ou FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or ... . . .1 if 1 i.. .,1 V.n-I Ihi h n ,1.1 wunoui ootwu. wiuiuiu "iy rhico. I in THE MERRIAM, I5th and Lodge, 'phone 6; nice, iikih, " 7 . - ,Yi single rooms; veranda entire lenrttiof BOARD& room, $4; meals, 15c. 1619 Dodge. NICE, clean room on bath room floor; first- class Doara bjiu w Harney. UTOPIA-Dealrable rooms and Lo" la Davenport. FURNISHED rooms and board. S10 S26th. O M E. TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAaaAOE. LARGE south front room, with first-class board. 2418 Cass. 'Phone A1994. FM7Jg BOARD AND ROOM THE PRATT, 212 80. 25th Bt. rhM704 SINGLE room, parlor floor; rhone R-22S5. lbia Chicago. . r -MJ.n ix TWO front parlor rooms, and ?nard S109 Douglas. F-M349 4X WANTED 2 furnished rooms In famllvT modern. In south part of to wn. fotwo people both employed Refer ences. Address O 41, Bee. F-S33 7x LARGE south room, furnished or unfur nished: 'v"ry best board; private fund y; beautiful lawn; references. 527 sx "' UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS In Wlthnell Bldg , 16th and Har ney slngla and en suite for light house. keeping. See Janitor. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Fornaxn St. THREE unfurnished rooms. 1328 S"' FOUR" unfurnished rooms; light house i,rmiited. 2408 Cass. 'Phone "Ti"" U-M441 6 A2t.3. Awn a.rnnm anartment: modern. 816 So. 23d. U-373 6x FOUR pleasant rooms, first floor, large hall, pantry, modern, for housekeeping. M0 8. SMh St. U-M494 4X FOUR-room flat, complete, for house keep ing; ga furnished and bath. 622 N. 23d. FIVE-RfX'M flat, furnished or unfurnlsli d. or separate rooms. 2223 Burt ' O M.it7 FOUR-Toorn flat. complete for housekeep ing, bath and gas furnished. 5.2 LOST LOST, $24) bill, at or near Bsnnetl s store Ittie before i o out 1 '"""';, V'"' V very liberal reward for lelurii to l(.e pay very omce. J Ai H nit'i. u DOST Hat pin with large ameihysl sttnie, at either fbe Auditorium or on 2tlb St. car. Please return to Bee offl.-s reward. llSt at l.i L6STrpor'ketliook, at Union station; will give liberal reward for return of sanie. A. J. C, 14H . Wth t Lost 6m THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. puck, innvr and store H II gootls Slorehouse. 11.0 :4 N. 19th. lillit t, liill't Farnam. I t I. luo9. D SMI PAYNE-HOSTW1CK CO. choice houses. i'l-u3 Ntw York Life Hldg 'Phone Kli D-.4. HOI lVKQIn oil parts of the city. The IlUuOCOu, J.'. LiaviM Co., 60S Bee Bldg. D-24.S WE MdVK pianos. M icgard Van i Hlor age Co. Tel. Hirj. t llice 1.13 Websiei Hi. li-.'l'.i 2IOUSES. 'insurance. Klngwalt. Hai ki r bill. Li -ol) UOl lieQin parts or the city. R C. lIUUOLJjmn Co., Uk (luiiillng. 1) wl TO LET. FURNISHED. DURING July and August, vtiy ihsii.ible pi .iioni moilern bouse, wisi I'ai'.iani tb trlct; best r lercm es requin d. W. FARNAM SMITH At CO., l.iiu Farna in. D - MJ. l I'KXTlt.U, good condition, J r. cottage. N. :-.l. D-M.I70 Full RENT Elegant C-riKim modern house, best inc.ititiu, $.:a. Thomas lireiinan, N. Y. Life building. D 27i Kflt CENT- July 1st. t-room modern brick, 3l; N. 2.1d Si. Inquire j;o N. iJ. D-M341 CENTRAL A 1, 3-room collage, "'M N. .'.;d. D-MiMi NEW MODERN HOI HE. C3S Souiii .'lib st.. ma Hi of St. Mary's ave., a brniii new. modern bilck of N looms, good 1 1 t i . . 1 1 nnd perfect condition. In walking disl.ilicc, $le. GARVIN r.koS, li'4 FARNAM ST. D-MH29 6-ROOM modern flut. 1112 So. 11th. D 124 2H19 Ioavenwoi Hi n furnace 12 r , mod. ex. ....$.Ti.t) .... 11 oO .... l'l.ao .... 7.1") 251:1 Indiana ave., 5 r., city water 3112 Webster st, 4 r , well water 111.1 Hrlggs st., 3 r.. well waier 242 H.imiKon St., 7 r.. fl;y water 29i 17 Leavenworth St.. 4-r. cottage, mod ex. furnace 29"9 Leavenworth, 7-r. cottage, mod ex. furnace 20.00 22.50 3n.ro 30.CHJ 27.50 Nm S 291 h st., 7 r., 1st floor, mod furnace Rot; S. 2!'th at., 7 r., 2d floor, mod ex ex. furnace M'CAOI E INVESTMENT CO, l.'i Dodg,. St. D Ml.Tfl 4 9-ROOM modern house and small slable. $25 per month. Eight-room rot Inge, $17 per month. Gannett, 511 Brown IPock. D Ml 31 S MODERN 10-room brick. Inquire on prem ises. 2001 Capitol avenue. Dr. F. Swartz lander. D 14y 4x FOR RENT New 7-room, modern house, Soth and Dodge sts. $30. WESTERFIELD & HILL, 615 First Nafl bank. D M313 3 FURNISHED cottage; yard; near Hnn scom park; references. Address O S.". Bee. D-303 Sx FOR RF.NT. 9 roo-ns. all modern. 550 S. 26th ave.. $27.50 Inquire 111 S. 17th. D-M357 4x LARGE front house, detached. Uwn and shade. Mrs. C. II. Frederick, 021 8 lftth. D M3G6 4 FOR RENT Large boarding house or hotel, with barn; 20 rooms; corner ilth nnd Hlekorv; eplendid plnrc ?-ir food trade. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Fn-m st. r.- M36S 4 FOR RENT. 7-r. house, harn N. 19th St. tonlevnrd. $1S00. 1 7-r. house, modern, N. 22d. near Grace, $20. W. G. ehrlver, 1023 N. Y. L. Bldg r.-M3'i9 3 9-ROOM modern bouse and small stable, $25 per month. Gannett, 511 Brown block. E M1M 3 9-ROOM furnished hruse in Hun'com park district for rent tf irlng August and Sep tember. Address O 47, Bee. D 371 Sx S216 Pnppleton ave.. 8 rm., tjl n-odern, splen did location. J35. 2522 Wirt st, 8-rm. bouse, la-se y.rd, big barn, shade, house all fio.1.rn. 1 nlv $26. House in good rernir 2022 Pt. Mary's ave.. walking distance, fine large rooms, 9 of them. a!l modern. S (S. 569 80. 26th ave., 8 rms., all modern, walk ing distance. $37 60 331 Burt at.. ?. rm.. $3 50. 26"t Recs St.. 5 rm., flat, hnth. toilet, $12. Ve also have two very ".n H-'oom cot tages, new, modern, for $30 each. Payne Investment Co., Main tloor N Y. Life Bldg. D HOUSES. 2 rooms and vp: also Insurance. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. . D- HOUSES FOR RENT. 1811 N. 18th St., v-room all modern.. ..$30.00 1SI6 N. 18th St., 9-room, all modern.... 30. fo 2819 Chicago St., 13-room. all modern.. 50.n0 ,3814 N. 16th St., 4-room, all modern.... 10. mi 1310 N. 24th St., 5-room, modern 14. 00 1054 S. 2(1h St. B-rnoni, ..,l-.rn is. 00 THE BYRON REED CO., X12 S. Hill. D foo S FOR RENT. $7 for No. 1433 S. Kith St., rooms, city water, gas. etc. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam St. D-S:if7 9 2568 Cuming St., hot and cold water, en- amel bat ih and stationary wash stand. Enquire 2670 Cuming at. D 138 8-ROOM brick house, modern. Enquire F. P. Klrkendall & Co. D M496 5 HOUSE FOR RENT. An elegant 7-rooin, all modern house, at 3328 s. 24th St., barn, $30.00. The Byron Reed Co. D-499 3 FOR RENT -r. house, all modern, In good repair, vacant July 1. near 16th and St. Mary's Ave. Price, $.17.60. 8-r. house., all modern, fine neighborhood, nice lawn, 3074 Mason. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO.. 300 Eee Bldg. D-M507 B TWO attractive, strictly modern brick 10 room flats; choice location ; 23th and Dodge sts. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON Co, Ground Floor, U. S. Nat l Bank b!dg. D-483 3 7-ROOM cottage and ba?n, city wawr. 'ifoj California: $20. Tel. 14"2. Sweet Ac 1 !ti, 613 N. Y. Life. D-4.i i 1557 N. 19th, S rooms, $22.50. AddTesV" IT Bee. D-4..! 3 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 417 N. lSih-new. K-r.. modern $ni.'0. 540 8 24th brand new modern hot?" eight rooms $40.00. Zin'ii Harney choice S rooms, modern, r.wly repaired, reduced to $32.50. 1914 Locuat St.- good, modern, ten rooms, large grounds, shade $35.00. 103 Stanford t'lrcle good fi-room cottage, hath, ahade $17.00. 2928 N. 2fifi -r. cottage-$16 00 1214 8. 17th 5-r., walking distance $12.00. 605 S. Sid S rooms $12.50. 2fi16 N. 81st 6 rooms, hath $12.00. 1629 N. 22d 4 rooms $10.00. 2421 Cuming. 4-room llat-$'.0 On. GARVIN V ROB., 1604 FARNAM ;T. ;- 464 3 FOR RENT $18 00. 5-room dwellii.r, lath and closet, hot and cold water. sver and ' gas, near car, school and church, $18. SHIMER & CHAS l.7. 1609 Farnam St. Ground Floor. Te! s'67. D-.Vlf'2 4 FOR RENT, 7-room modern cott.ir I72S Georgia ave. F. D. Brown, Tel. M2t. D IiS'jCO 5 FOR RENT, dwelling nnd barn, J71 FTank. Iln st., nice shade trees and yard. 4"? Bej Bldg D ill Sx PRINTING PRINTING ( LYNGSI AD lilgti Grade Work. C 'uuimti block, rurnir o( IClh bt. and Capitol Ave. -2"4 KRAMER & CHANDLER. yl li'K PRINT. EUS. H '3 Uarnani. To deliver Work Wh. 11 priiiiilstd Is our hobby. 203 J M SIKPLE8S, reliable printer, rslab islied 12 year.. 2"3 S. 13th St., linn hit M "f Jv't FLORISTS II ESS & SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam. 2CS L. HENDERSON. 1.M9 Farnam. Send for price list of cut riowei h and plants. 8t'.4 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR.. 1607 Farnam. Tel. S333. M i V