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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1904. 4 'l I V GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 5o Wild Scramble to OoTer on Jul? Visible Lsrt Day. WEAKER PRICES PREVAIL ON CONTRARY J a-lakt Local Deliveries Anticipated Aeet of Small Kiwkt-Pre-v jalsaae Jaly Wkeat u4 Oats. OMAHA. Juni SO. 1904. ' Tho last day of the June maixel was oil ot any sensational teaturea and tns ocramMt m anuria to rover cm Juiy stun Old not materialise win anticipate!!. Instead longs liked ina oeferre uionia better ana liquidations, togetner witu a beanah weatner map and loievast. woiked lor weaker price. Tha holder ot July contracts of corn bowed an inclination to triui u.ei to beptember, and tna selling ot Juiy corn and the bulug of bcpteiuber ucciuned htg-er valuta in the latter future 'ina apiead became wider tnan usual, going to aoout H there being tnat much premium over Juiy. Seakne ot July wad caused to eome extent by tne longs aelllng out at Chicago on anticipation of neavy unliveries next Tuesday. Ldcaliy it Is generally thought that Omaha deliveries will not ba tieavy, on account of light stocks. In regard to wneat and oats, the July option ia ailll bringing a premium over tha deferred months. Ina Blocks on nand of these grains is generally consloereo to be light. it la tha opinion of tha habitue of tha floor that tha recelpia of corn alter July 1 will be light. Early prices ware the lowest at Omaha and toward the close the market strength, aned and values became stronger. Espe cially noticeable was this In Oecemorr wheat, which was bid up 1 cents by ier 1 riant A Holmquiat, who were strong buyers of that month. Outside trade was light and the market quiet and dull. Receipts were aoma better today, but till small. 1'hera was absolutely nothing; doing In the sample market. The deliveries Tuesday of July wheat and oats, as stated. whl be small because of srrall stocks ot these commodities. Tha Omaha market wll be closed Bstur day, Sunday and Monday because of the Fourth of Jury. Tha range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and 'Wednesday were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Wed. worn July "iSek ' Oats- Jun. 41 B 41 B II B 41 B 41 B July 88 B B 38 B SB W B Sept, SI B II B 11 B II B II B A asked. B bid. . Tha range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future deliveries and the close to day and yesterday were: Wheat Opened. High. Low. Cloee. Wed. July 79B 79 B 79A 79B 79A Sept. 74B 74B 74A 74B 74B Deo. 72B 74 B 72B 74 B 72B Corn , June 46B 4B 46B 46ViB 46B Rocclots of Omaha Market. Wheat, ears 4 0 Corn, cars 7 0 Data. oars... 3 0 . 4 B 46B 44 B 4R 4fin 4VB V,H B 43'B 48V.B 3B 3B SSB SSHB 35 B Osaafca Cash Market. WHEAT Nominal; No. t hard, 83386c; No. I hard, 703c; No. 4, 66"75c. CORN Nominal; No. 1 447c: No. I. 48 46c: No. 4, 43 44c; No. 8 yellow, 479 47c; No. I yellow, 46fi4c; No. 2 white, 6Hff47c; No. 3 white, 46446c. OATS Nominal; No. 2, 8eS9c: No. I. S7wfj3c; No. 4. 8i37o; No. 2 white, 40c; No. white, S8WUc; standard, 34j39c; No. white, 86838c. Oral a Market Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Wednes day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Closed ' Today, Wed, 86B 84 81 80 47 47A 48A 48B Wheat July September v Corn July September Wheawi KANSAS CITT. July "... t5B 74B Beptemoer wia ivtj Corn - ' July 45 4SS September '. 43! 431 ' ST. LOUIS. Wheat July 82 82A September 80B 60 Corn July ... 4B 4B September 46 46 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat July KX 9?4B Septaraber 81 SO7 DULTJTH. Wheat July .;. 92B 91B September 81!B 81 B NEW YORK. Wheat July 89 8v Septaraber 86 84 Corn- 4 July , 63 63 Bbid. A asked. ' Notes of tha Orala Market. No cash sales were reported here today. A. Kemp, a grain man of Red Oak. Ia, was a caller at tha Omaha exchange today. Five car of grain were Inspected at Omaha yesterday s follows: Wheat, No. I bard. 1; corn. No. 8, 2; oats. No. 4 white, 2. Liverpool markets were strong today In sympathy with yesterday's American mar ket. Wheat advanced Hd and corn waa 1 ' higher. "A couple of years ago," said a prominent Omaha trader. "Liverpool prices governed the market her. Bine the American consumption has increased, how aver, the tablea have turned and tha American dealers set Uie price across tha pond." HEW YORK GENERAL - MARKET ttaotatloas of tha Day oa Varloaa Coaa odltlea. NEW "YORK, June 20. FLOUR-Recelpta, 13,Jt bbls.i exports. 7,67(6 bbls.; tha mar ket waa dull but- ateady; Minnesota ritsnta, 84.864o.10; Minnesota bakers, U.xa &; winter patenta, t4.lsJ&.2o; winter straights, M.KVa au; winter extras, tJ.awu 2.6V; winter low grades, W 16uJ w. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 14. -J6; choice to faiicy, M U4.TO. COKNMEAL. Steady; yellow western, tl.lo&l.U; city,- Sl.ttl.l&; kiln dried, t.(XH$ 2.10. KYE Nominal; No. I western, VOo; nom inal. '. BARLEY Slow; feeding, 46Ho it New 4'orit; malting, nominal. ) WHEAT Kecelpte, 23.800 bu. Spot mar ket barely steady; No. 3 red, nominal, ele- -a tor; No. 2 red, 11.07, f. o. b,. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 1.(X1. 1. o. bu afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options mere exceedinttly dull all day, clos ing lo lower ip Ho net nigher. July. U'kW 8fC closed -i h-rci Svptember, 8I13-Ie) 86Q. closed a tboi Decem'uer, M "45440, closed at a6o. CORN Receipts, lEtlfiO bu.: exports, i.T,0 bu.- Spot m-rkat steady; No. M'o. ele vator, and 64c, f. o. b. aMoat; No. 1 yel low (5c; No. i white, 64c. Option market was quiet and easier, tha closo showing V.U 140 net cVline. July. M53S cloard at k B ; Bertember, UVCIV0- closed at 63Hc tTS Receipts, Ul.AA liu.; exports, 4.443 bu. ifipot market dull. Mixed, to 32 lbs . 44mc; natural white, 10 to 32 lha, 47 ibc;. .lipped white, M to 40 loa., 4$53c. Op tlonn, nominal: September closed at 37Tc. Hit! julet; Galveston. 20 to 26 pounds, ltc; Call.'ornia, 21 to 36 pounds, 1K; Texas dry, 24 .0 30 pounds, 14c. l i:ATHEH jultt; acid. t828c. WOOL Steady; domestic Oeeca, ZNf32c. TALLOW-ulet; city. 4'c; country. 'Ywct-flteau; domes(lof-lr to extra. IV 6Vj; Japan, nominal. HAY-teady; alilppiug, 75c; good to choice. 96c. , HOI'S Dull: atate rommon to choice t-O-Ac; IK'3, OfMo; ulds, 14c; fa rlrlo coast Wu3. K.loc; 19u3, Eiioc; olds. 14c. HOVI8IONS-Beef. firm: family, 3 800 0k; mesa, 8S0ou.b0; beef liame, .D6t' U0v; packet. 8iuutii0. city extra India tiM, 8i3 iXxtflS o. Cut meats, steady; i,! kld belila. 8s 0uO 50: pickled shoulders, lb 60; pick If d hania, s nofclOOO., fini; western steamed. 17 30, reflned, 11 rm; con tinent, 17 to; Hoti til America, 8: oinpound, 8tiU.stl. Pork.- quiet: family. llii 14 6, sboit clear, 3ilUaU 00; mess, U 'i. BUTTER Firm, with aalea of extra rrmmery In the street on tha basis of ls t-o. Ofhclal prices are: Creamery, com inon to extra, liintvc; state dairy, com mon to extra. UuHr. CHkKtiK-IrreitiiUr; ofrlrlal ' quotatlona, o for entail and 80 for Urge, but business waa doue on tha following basis: Misie full cream, sm.ll. wblte and colored. fct'x- latae. white and colored. 7uhc. KO.iS-l.-irm; western, extra eelnied, 18 fj 'i if; aversge, prime. 17W17H i ulXTKK Aiive, steady; western spring chickens, lc; fowls, 18: turkeys, inc. rreened. barely steady; weefrn brollara, 14V"c; fowls, llVrc; turkey, 14415c CHICAGO CRAIK AKD PROVISIONS Feaare of the Traalaar tlosla Prlves oa. Boara of Trett, CHICAOO. June 80 Dispelling weaknesa due to irenersl llqtildatlnn In July wheat, cool weather In the northwest und ruins In the southwest, caused a flrra tone today at the close. Final quotations jn rteptember were up a shade. Corn Is down H'ae. Oats show a shade decline. Provisions ad vanced "H120c- The opening on September was a shade lower to V,. higher st tmtt tle to 81Sc. The market waa str-gnthened althln the last few minute of trading hy reports of rain In Kansas. Beptemor closed at 81$ifflNc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 79,4ix bu. Primary re ceipts were 24.400 bu., . omparcd with SOI. fciO bu. a year ago. Mlnneipolle, Duluth and Chicago report receipts of H cars, against l.'J last week and 1 u year ago. Liquidation of July holUlncs was the fea ture of. trading In the corn pit. Sept'mier opened' a shade lower to a shaJe higher at Htic. old between 4Mfc-4'c and and closed at 484c. Ix-cal receipt were ZA cars, with 18 of contract grade. The oata market felt the efr-ct of Ih easier tone of corn, prices r.f all dellvriiea showing slight losses. tpmrer opened a shade higher at 83ic. aoW between 3iTv.trc and 21.ij5U!c and closed at 22c. Local re celpta were 118 car. The provialon market rulel firm and finished tha day with fair advames with all products. The chief feature wax b'iring of lard and rlba by om.Tileirn houent, supposed to be for tha account of local packers. Higher prices at the yards were a supporting Influence. At the close Sep tember pork was tip 20c at $12u.4 and Tils were up lz4o at 87 3H. Estimated receipts to tomorrow: Whut. 10 cars; corn, 300 cars; oats, 107 cars; bogs, 18. 0W head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept b 8ept Julv Sept Oats June July Sept Dec . Bopt Sept Rl he July Sept Oct ah kh; Z2 LttHtf-a! 47NV a US' 47 4f 40HI 40H SSV: 3V p:-- 32H-i 12 80 f 12 72H 12 STHl 13 06 847, SfiH.SSHS1 K' 88 K 80 814l el'4 47V, 47S 48V4 483, 3ff U 8711 3S'? 82 ieesr 47V 48ew 1 ! 37C n'i&3j 12 6ZV II TO 12 82V! 13 02H STH' 7V Hf 95 7. OTVt! 7 15 I 7 06 I 7 18 7 W 7 22V4I 7 STH 7 80 T 64 7 2V! 7 52Vi 7 J 7 H! 7 70 I 7 80 I 7 70 12 (2H 12 82V STV 7 06 7 H. 7 80 No. 2. Old. b New. FLOCR fltady: winter patents. 4.88: stralghM H4.4': sprtng patonta, 34&f4.TD; straights, 81800120; bakers', C 60 WHEAT No. spring. Wrr97e: No. 1 sprine-, 864596c; No. 3 red, 8SC081.OO. CORN-No. 2, 474c; No. 2 yellow, 484 49Hc OATS No. 2, 39G40c; No. t white, 28H t41c. RTEV-No. 1 3V4c. BARLT0T Good feeding, 20C3Sc; fair to choice malting, 4362e. SEED No. f flax, 81 01; No. 1 northwest ern. 81.07; prime t'mnthy, 8:.92V3,S6; clover, contract grade, 810.76. PROVISIONS-Mees pork, per bbl., 812.70 eil.75. Lard, per 100 lha, 18 KV. Short ribs sides floosev 7 iTV-fiT.SS. Short clear sides (boxed), t7.iT87.60. Following war th receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 31,000 13,800 Wheat, bu 7.700 1.8"0 Corn, bu 1B7.800 84l.sno Oats, bu llT.frTO 123,200 Barley, bu 2.300 ,400 On the Produo exchange today th but ter market waa steady; creameries, 13V49 17e; dairies, iagnc. Eiggs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 14491440. Cheese, firm. 7VrW 8Vc . St. Loals Grala ss4 FroTfsioas. ST. LOUIS. June 30. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, 81.00S1.01. new; 81.0KO1.08, old; July, 8-Hc; arptcmber, 80c; No. 2 hard, XfipSic CORN-rLower; No. 2 cash, 47Hc; track, 8c; July. 46Hc: September, 4?o. OATS Dull: No. 2 cash, 40V,c: track, 414 t2c; July, 37vc; September, 80To; No. 2 white, 44V4C. . N. FLOUR Firm 1 f ed winter patents, 11.860.00; ' special ' brands, 10&2&0 higher; xtra fancy. 4.408; clear, J3.70(g'3.8o. SEEDS Timothy steady at 82.40Sa.76. CORN MEAL Dull at 8375. BRAN Dull, declining; sacked east track, 80c. HAY-Dull; timothy. 88.00fin4.00; pralrla. 85.OoirT10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-82C. BAOOINO 6c. HEMP TWINE 84.00. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing. 812.70. Lard, higher; prime steam, 36.40. Bacon, firm: boxed, extra shorts, 18.25; clear ribs. 88.27H: short clear, 88.60. POULTBY Steaay: chickens, 8Vc; springs. 1Z&M; turkeys, ' 12c; ducks, "0; geese. Sc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 16!18vc; dairy. 1014c. EGGS Steady at 12Wc- 'se count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2.010 7.000 Wheat, bu 18.000 8000 Corn, bu 15,rt l.ono Oats, bu 4,000 28,000 , Kaaaaa City Orala ana PVarlaloaa. KANSAS CITY, Juno 80. WHEAT Higher; July. 76V4c; September, 70c; cash. No. 2 hard. 20t91o; No. 8. 87Hc; No. 3 ed, old, 3100; new. 88c; No. 3. bXVo. CORN Steady; July, 464'irvrc; Septem ber. 43''4a44c; December, SwHZc; cash. No. 2 mixed. 49c; No. 3, 4848Hc; No. 3 whit. 49Uc; No. 8, 48c. OATS Steady; No. 2 whits, 42c; No. 2 mixed, 88c RYE 64c. HAY Choice timothy, $10.00010.80; eholes prairie. I 0OG8.6O. .. BUTTER Creamery, lldliSc; dairy. 12o. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, now. No. 2 whltewood oases Included, 13c; caae count. 18Hc; cases returned. Ho less. HAY Weak; choice timothy, tlO.0OtT10.SO; Choice prairie. .0Ot.50. RYE-Steady; No. 2, Me. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 24, fro 1 Corn, bu 14.400 ' 24.0 OatsV bu 8, COO 14.000 , Mlaaea sella Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 84 WHEAT July, tSVic; September. 81c: Decem ber. 79i74o; on track. No. 1 hard. ttViej No. 1 northern, 4Hc; No. 2 northern, tlv FLOUR First patents, 34 8O196.OO: second patents, 8480iS-4.90; first clears, 33-4&S3.66; second clears. 32.46. B RAN Lower ; In bulk. tlt60; shorts, 115.60. Philadelphia Prodac Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 80. BUTTER Firm, good demand; good western, 18Vc; nerhv prints, 18c. EGGS Steady, good demand; fresh near bv. lc. losa ofT; fresh western, lc, loss off; fresh southwestern, 18c, loss off; fresh southern. 17c. loss off. CHEESE Firm, good demand: Nw Tork full creams, choice to fancy, 8V5c; fair t good, 7VVio. Mllwaokoo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., June 80. WHEAT Shade higher; No. 1 northern, 8c: No. I northern. 4HflWc: old July, 88H4JW6HC. RYE Steady; No. 1, 87c. B A RLEY Dull ; No. I, 680c; sample, CORN Steady: No. 2, ys!low, 494Jj0o; July, 4710. , I.lrcroool Grala asi Provisions. LIVERPOOL, June SO. WHEAT Snot, nominal; futures, steady; July, 6s Jd; Sep temhrr 6a SV1. CORN Spot. American mixed, new. quiet at 4a 4Sd: American mixed, old. easy at 4s J. Futures, dull; July, 4s 4d; Septem ber, 4s 2vi. Dalath Orala Market. DULUTH. Minn.. June 80. W H E A T To arrive. No. 1 northern. 2c; No. 3 north ern, oo; on track. No. 1 northern. 82c; No. 3 northern, 8Wc; Julye 3Hc; Septem ber. 8l'c. OATS On track, 40c; to arrive, 89c. Toledo Market. TOLEDO. June 20. SEED Clover, cash. 88 10; October. 85 80; prime alslke 86 40; Au gust tt'O; prim timothy, 1145; Septem ber. tl.47V. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fratta. NEW YORK. Juno 30. EVAPORATED APPLES The market was quiet. Common are quoted at 4o5'c, prime at (VrtVa, chrlc at 6vo and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS It y re ported that parties on the coast sra with drawing offers for future shipments st the low bnals fur prunes, but the local situa tion dwa not show any stimulation aa a result of th news, and prices remain quiet at front lo to 6c according to grade. AprWta are attracting only small orders. I'rant.ea remain unchanged ' at 70T7.e for chol. . 7twc for extra choice and UtoSiOo for fancy. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Ripple of Activity Btirs tha Sluggish Fool of Speculation. OArS TOTAL TRADING AVERAGED SMALL Geaeral Sarfaee ,f the Market I Aaa asaatlao aad t ayleldlag, Glvlag; aa Iasaressloa of t'oaddeace. NEW YORK. June 30. There was a alight stirring In the sluggish pool of speculation this morning, but the oay a total trading is small compared with any period of liv ing Interest in the stock market as make the comparisons from day to day quite meaningless. The general surface of the market was hsrd and unyielding and gav an Impression of an undertone of confid ence, even though attempts to put prices up proved futile. Some benent was cauaed to values by sn unofficial estimate on grain conditions of a much more hopeful tenor than a Ilk un oft rial estimate published yesterday with auggestlons of a crop scare. A cotton crop estimate by a publication ot authority In tha trade gav a flattering opinion of th months Improvement In tha condition of that crop. Tha May net earnings of th Lehigh Valley were not favorable, but the coalers all shared in the firmness ot th market. Th money market waa entirely unruffled by any preparation for the July settlements, although a payment -on ac count of th Japanese loan subscription estlmsted to call for over I12,0o0,0uo was made today In addition to the routine dis bursements called for at tha turn of th half year. The subtreasury made a payment ' of tl.luo.OOO on account of Philippine revenue operations and of 8640.flno on account of Klondike gold deposited at Seattle. A transfer from San Francisco also ngures in the subtreasury operations and tnat In stitution will begin the payment of gov ernment Interest tomorrow. Loan expan sion by the Bank of England of 657. 4,5,00 and by the Bank ot Franco of 833.&&.000 showed the demand for credits st those center for th turn of the half year. But sterling advanced at Paris snd the forelgu markets are already anticipating tne stimulating effect of disbursements for which these borrowings are made. Tha bond market was dull but steady. Total sales, par value, l.fti,ijO. Government bonds unchanged on call. Tne quotatlona on the New York Stock exchange yesterday were: eaies. tiign.LiOw.tjiose. 3.0HU . I 72H 7Z4 1.3UO , 600 o0 tuO Atchison do preferred Baltimore A Ohio ... do preferred Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chea dt Ohio Chicago it Alton .... do preferred Chicago U. W Chicago N. W C. M. St. P do preferred Chtctgo T. A T do preferred C. C, C. St. L... Colorado Southern... do 1st preferred..., do 3d preferred Dels. Hudson Dela.. Lack, ac West. Denver K. G do preferred Erl do 1st preferred.... do 3d preferred Hocking Valley .... do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred ....... Louisville A Nash... Manhattan L. Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Minn. t uu u... M.. St. R .8.8, M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo.. Kan. A Tex do preferred N. R. R. ot Mex., pfd. New York Central. 1. Norfolk A Western... do preferred Ontario A Western.. 7,800 Pennsylvania 13.8O0 P.. C. C. A St. L Heading 2,200 do 1st prererred do 2d preferred Rock Island Co do preferred S(T L. A 8. F.. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W do preferred Southern Pacifla Southern Railway ,,, do nreferred Texas A Pacific Toledo, St. L. & do preferred .. Union Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A L E ... Wisconsin Central , do preferred Mexican Central ... Adams Express .... American Express.. U. S. Express Wells-Fars;o Exp.. Atnal. Copper Am. Car A Foun... do preferred Am. Cotton Oil .... do preferred American Ice 84 19 an 79X Kit 7SH. 81 la 124 ta 181 lot M Ji 874 37H l',6o6 iH iili 143V a s s .ss lit 6200 13oV 7U 161 200 31 2ul 374 'too 'i& 100 16 100 15 48 4S Hoi) 156 ibi 23 toV 1 60 vj 300 132 131 luO 21V . 900 .42 11. no Ho 1.8U0 14M .2.9-jO ? 16.3U0 HIV 300 6u0 l.SOO 67 124 80s 21V 42 10Vi 14? 78' 111 66 124 200 "i7" ' 300 3u0 116V 116 66 25 6 1V 6 15 4s V 20 lo 270 21 6XV 2! 68 34 63 7V 131 18 33 21 42 10 148 7 110 40 WV 124 1 36 S 115 5 85 26 47 . 47 116 116 166. 'io io 100 100 100 7v 20V 65 7,800 100 3 46 V 21 W.. 100 24 24 f.4oa 100 8R 821 8S 82 100 16 1 1.800 400 60 16 48 16V do preferred 100 26 26 Am. Linseed Oil do preferred V Am. Locomotive 100 18 18 do preferred 0 82 82 Am. Smelt. A Refln.. 2.100 55 64 do preferred l.hiO 87 Am. Sugar Refln 800 127 127 Anaconda Mln. Co.... 400 72 7 Brooklyn Rapid T.... 10,700 49 48 Colo. Fuel A Iron Consolidated Gas .... 1,000 196 194 Corn Products . do preferred Distillers' Securities.. 100 22 22 General Electrlo ftOO 157 156 International Paper.. 8"0 11 .11 do preferred 300 89 69 International Pump.. 100 30 30 do preferred National Lead 1X 19 18 North American 100 86 88 Pacific Mall m V 28 People's Gas luO 88 84 Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pulman Pal. Car 600 218 218 Republic Steel do preferred 800. 41 41 Rubber Good , ..... do preferred Senn. Coal A Iron.... 800 36 36 . S. Leather 800 do preferred 100 80 80 U, S. Realty Sort 6 6 do preferred 200 68 68 U. 8. Rubber ; do preferred 204 65 6 U. 8. Steel 1.7ii0 9 9S do preferred t.X 66 65 Westtnghnuse Eleo... son 157 155 Western Union 100 86 88 47 83 6T 20 64 46 11 27 46 21 85 32 24 3fi 8$) 92 16 84 16 16 67 7 225 183 1"4 200 49 16 71 2rt 88 . 2i 6 J4 18 87 127 70 48 30 194 ST1 22 156 11 69 i 72 iri Ex-dlv. Total sales for th day, 136, 900 shares. ' J Leads Stock Market. LONDON, June 80. Closing: Consols, sionsy do aaeount Ansconds ... Alrkieon 4o pla OS to T4H Bslllmors A Ohio ... 11 Csnedtsa rawu . CW A Ohio rhlaaso Ot. W .. C. 14. 4 II. r.. DsBmi Donvsr A It. O.. do pfa Erie So 1st pM do Id fd Illinois Cestrsl ,. Louis. A Nsak... at., K. A T N. Y. Contral lltvi Norfolk A W I7 do pfd s Onuuio A W HH PosairlTsnla 444 IUd4 stlsos 10H R-dls( t do 1st pfd 41 do M pld I4i 80. Rallwsr ., utt. do pfd 174 io Psrlla 44Vi Inlos fsclBo to do pfd K V. 8. tiosl to do pfd MH Wsbssh UU do pfd asu Jifj 1M 1 . 14 .144 . 1'0 . Il . 70 . . 14 1H .llt . lT4'SpasUli 4s SILVER Bar, firm. 2d per ounce. r. 1 1'fii per cent. The rat of discount in the open market for short bills Is t l-la per cent; for three months' bills, 22S per cent. Forelga Flaaaslal. LONDON, June 80. Ths amount of bul lion taken Into tha Bank of England on balance today waa 39.0uu. Mony waa much wanted In the market today, though th auppllea were somewhat Increaaed through the liberation of a portion of th Japanea money at th Bank of England. Prices on th stock exchange were strong anj a fair amount of business waa transacted. Consuls wore cheerful: horn rails were buoyant; Americana opened steady, but trading waa llatlesa, close firm: Grand Trunk rallied fractionally; foreigners gen erally were firm; Imperial Japanese gov ernment as of lo4 wore quotod at 9. At the close prices a II round were slightly be low the best quole lions of the day. Th rat of discount of the Batik of Kngand was unchanged today, at per cent. The weekly statement of the Rank ot England shows ths following changes: Total re serve decreased -icT.Ouu; circulation In creased A77V.ouo; bullion increased 171121: other securities Increased U,ti0, other deposits Increaaed f I0.ti0.0o0; publto de posits decreased M, note reserve de creased A6l6,0u; government sec-rlUtf de creased 7nft.fmo. The proportion of th hank reserve to llsMUtr is 41. HI rr cent, as compared with 6! 82 per cert last week. PARIS. June 80. The weekly statement of the Bank of FTsnce shows the fo lowing chansfs: Notes In clrculatl.m In creased lfr" 4.orof ; treasury accounts cur rent increased 376.oif: sold In hand de cressed 11.9i.nx.-f; bills discounted Increased 1 3u6.vf ; silver In hand decreased 3.075, ft'Of. Three per cent rentes, 9Sf, 6c for the Sccount; exchange on London, 26f, 21c for checks. Trading on th Bourse opened hesitating today. Latet prices strengthened, but closed heavy. Rassian imperial 4e closed at 91.16 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 813. . BERLIN, June 80. Trading on the Bourse was lia-ht todav. Exchange on London, Jom. 4opfg for checks; discount rates, short bills (for settlement!, 6 per cent; three months' bills. 3 per cent. Xew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, June 80 MONEY On call, very easy at IM1IV4 per cent; closing hid. 1 rr cent; ofTered, 1 per cent. Time money, easv; 80 and 90 days, t per cent; 8 months. 38V4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-84J4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' Mils at 84 8710 fr4 8716 for demand and at t &"25 for 60-ds.y bills; posted rates, 64-5S4.S; commercial bills, 84 K4VS4.&5. SILVER Bar. 6fic: Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotation on bonds ar a follow: I'. . ref. ts, rog 14 MsBhetts e. f 4s...l" do Mopes W Ml. Contrsl 4s 44 S do is. r ,....1! do 1st inc la do eoapoa 1 Mms U 4o.... M do sow 4a. ra 1U M.. K. A T. 4t H .137' 0 IS ' .itj (. R. r. tf m. c. a nn .n N. T. r. . Ili loo1 .10! N. i. C. f. U I4H 3H No. Fselle do eoopos .... do old 4a Kg., dn, coupon ... AtrhlsOB (OS. 4 do BOJ. 4s Atlantic C. L. 4s .. P7 do Is .ln . ra . M B. A O. 4e 1 T4. A W. o. 4o... do l o. 8. 1 4 par Central of Oa. 4s.... 110 Pens. cost. tHi.. S lat Irtf T4V llMtdlns sen. 4s.. CTies. A Ohio 4W . VH t. L. A I. M. r. ls..lU Ckicsto A A. mo.... m. u a s. r. t. s. C, B. A Q. s. 4a... " St L. 8. W la 44 C. . A 8. P. 8 4s.. teabnsrd A. L. 4a.... S C. A N. W. e. 7a...H' So. Parlc aa M4 C. R. I. A P. 4a.... 4 So. Railway is H"H do col. 6a If 1xa P. la Ill CCC. A t. U . 4a.. 141 T.. St. L A W. 4s.. 71 rklcaso Tor. 4a 4 IVnlon Paclflc 4s ls1 Con. Tobacco 4o...... 41 do cn. 4a " Colo. A So. 4a MtB I' ateal id 7SH P. A R. O. 4a -..toi. Wabash n,,4 Brio prior Ilea 4s....ln do deb. B 47 do (oa. 4a s W A L- B. 4a 1V, F W A D. C. la....l4 Wla. Coetral 4s. 4H Horkl'nf Vsl. 4Ha... .llH Cole. Fuol c. 6a....... 4H Lv A N. udI. 4a lti Boston Stock ttootalloas. BOSTON, June SO Call loans, IffS pet" cent; time loans, 1'4 per cent. Official Closing or stocks ana oonus; Atcklson adj. 4s.... do pfd Mex. Coatret 4s.. Atchison 4o pfd Boston A Albany. Boston A Wslno., Bnotoa Rtovatod . ritchasri pfd ... Oantrsl .. K. T.. N. H. A H...l IDalr West ,. so iwoarins. common ,.ll AdTcmur . 42 Aiiouoa . 71V1 Amalgamated . t) Aimnc4i Zinc ... .J1S Atlantic .144 Binham l.t4SSbal. A Heel .lMHiCentenslal flCapaer Rants Psrs Mannetts Union Pacific Ami. Arso. Chom do pfd Amor. Pnoo. Tuba. Amor. 8ugsr do pfd Anaor. T. A T Amor, woolen ... do pfd Dominion 1. A 8. Bdlaon Eloc. ilia. Gonorsl Elertrls Mass. Bloctrlo ... do Pfd Mam. Oaa United rrolt ... Catted Shoe Mach do pfd rj. B. Stool so pfd T7 iDomlnioo Coal . ttVi'rranklln . II a Oraarr , 7 'lala Roralo .... . 4Vi Mass. Mining .. .lit (Michigan ... .1271! MonawK ....12a1 Mont. C. AC. .... 10V Old Domlnloa . .... V7W Oaoools .... 7 .Parrot ....Ut Qulncr ,...ieVi'8hannoa .... 14 I Tamarack .... 7t Trinity .... V. 8. Mining... IN I a. oil 4t4 t'tah t Victoria i Winona K WoiTorlas . n , l , t . 4ta U . W . ttt . 41 : J , 1 1 . 40 . II , 40 , M , it . 414 . s4 .4, . 1H ,- 844. . r Ex-divldend. Bid. Kcw York.Mtataa; Stock. NEW TORK, June 30. The following; are the closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Cob .. Alice Brunswick Cob . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cel. A Vs. Horn surer Iras Silver LsadTtlls Csa ... Assessment paid. .. 20 ,Uttls Chief .. U I Ontario .. Id. Ophlr .. 4 iPhoonlx .. 1 1'Poto.i ..106 'garage ..1J4 i Sierra NeTada ..171 Ismail Hopes .. .. 8 Standard ... '8 ...900 ...iM ... 14 ... 14 ... 14 ... U ... IS Bank Clearlage. OMAHA. June to. Bank clearings for today, tl.t48.304.38, an increase of o0, 096.84 over the corresponding day last yar. OMAHA -WHOLESALE. MARKETS Coadltloa of Trade aad 4aotatloas oa Staple aad Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts libera'.; market .steady; fresh candled stock, Wgl&c; case count, 13a. LIVE POULT Rk' liens c: roosters, according to sise, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, ∾ geese, 5c; broilers, 164j'18c BUTTER Packing stock, lc; cholc to fancy dairy, 12614c; separator, 164jUc. FRESH KIBH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 8c; filke, loo; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 13c; whlteflsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, lie; lobster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled, 30c: bullheads, 11c; catfUh, 14c; black baas, Hoc; halibut, 10c( crapples, 12c; rue shad, 4I.011; buR.lo, ec; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per doi, 360, BRAN Per ton, 819.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha "Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, .7.50; No. 3, t7.00; medium, 86.50; coarse, 86.00. Ry straw, t560. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choica larra else, 83.00; fancy navels, all sixes, 13.50; Medlter ranean sweets, cnotce, all sizes, 33.Omvl.25: Jaffas, all alses, 12.7ifl3.0O; Valencia, alt sixes. 83 6063.76. LEMONS California fancy, 370-800-80, 1175(34.25; choice, 83 5098.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; Imported Smyrna, .-crown, lie; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium-slxed bunch, t2 0tii.5O; jumbo, 32753.36. DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkg.. 83.00; in 80-lb boxes, 6c; per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per rex, 32.40. PINEAPrLES In crates, of 24 to 42, per crate, 33.50. FRUITS. APPLES Green, per Vi-bu. box. 76c. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qta, 32.60; per 24 pts , tl.60; red raspberries, per 34 pts., 82 5X BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 14 qu., tt.00. , BT RA WB ER R I ES Colorado, per 24-qt case. 82.60. CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, tl.60; horns grown, per 34 Qts.. tl.26. OOOSEBERRIES-Per I4-qt. caae, 8116. PEACHES Texas, per 4-baskt crate, 80c; California Alexandra, per box, tl.15. PLUMS-Califomla Clyman. tl to. APRICOTS California, tl . CANTELOUPE Texas, per erats. t2.609 176; California, per crate. t8.60. WATERMELON'S-Per lb., crated, lc; each, 80r40o. CURRANTS Red and whit. pr 24-qt case, 31.26. VEGETABLES. POTATOEB New Texas Red stock. !n sacks, per lb., tc. NAVY BEANS Per bU tt.l5(Jl5. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-lb. crate, tJ.OO; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 3c. CABBAGE California, per lb., to. CAULIFLOWER Per dos.. 75c. CUCUMBERS Per do.. 60c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, 80c. RADISHES Pr dos. bunches, toe. LETTi:CE Top lettuce, per dos.. 30c TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 25c. BEETS Southern, per do., 26c. CARROTS Southern, per dox.. He PARSLEY Per do.. 25c. v. BEANS Wax., per bu. box, 81.00; per -bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, 82 00; per -bu. box, 75o. SPINACH Per bu,, homo grown, t6!40o. ASPARAGUS Per doa bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS Per -basket crat. SQUASH Florida summer, per dog., 76c. PF.ABPer bu. box, tl.00. EGG PLANT Sou fie rn, per dog., tl SO. CELERY Kalamaxoo, per doa, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPI.rJ SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 60: No. 2 green, tc! No. 1 ss I ted, 7r; No. 3 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 6 to 13 lbs., 9e; No. t veal calf, 13 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted, MtVic; sheep pelts. yfa.Tc: horsehldes. tl 502 60 CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full Cresm. lie; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin llmbcrger. 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft shell. per lb., uc; no. 1 nara snen. per ids i;c, pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuu, per lb., 4c; roasted peanuts. shell, ner lb.. 15c: hard shell. 13c: shell' barks, per bu., 00; black walnuts, per bu , tl.26. agar and Melassea. NEW TORK. June 30 BLOAR Raw. Steady; fair refining. 8 7-loc; centrifugal, M test t 15-14c; molasses augsr, 3 t-loc; re fined, steady; crushed, 6 7uc; powdered, t li-c; granulated, 6 Ouu. NEW ORLEANS, June 30. SUGAR Steady i open kettle, tfe3t-lc; open ket tle centrifugal. 3j3Sc; centrifugal white, 4V&4c; yeliuws, 3,-4 6-c; seoonds, 3S OLASHES Nomlral; open' kettle, Jr7 36c; centrifugal, lvialao. Syrup, aotuluai, 30 - per lb., 6c; Chill walnuts, UOliVjo; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; alrnonds, soft OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET teef Ettwrt Extremely Slow and Lover, with 0ot About Steady. HOGS STRONG TO FIVE CENTS HIGHER Only a fair Raa of Sheep and Wk.lle Best Grades Held Afcoat Steady Other Wore a t.lttl wltk Feeling 1 SOUTH OMAHA, June 30, 1904. 1.9M 3.W4 3.015 3.0D4 Recelnts were: Official Monday .... Ofncll Tuesday .... Cfflclal Wednesday Official Thursday .. Tour days this week... 8,837 Bam day last week... .10.780 Sum dao's week before.. 13.170 Sam three week ago... 13. art) Same four weeks ago....ll.4 8em days last year 16.743 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8.4,4 UK. '7 10.93 10.3JU 43.364 8h.x. 46.M0 41.t..l 45.321 49.9N8 TO 4.0-M 3,-44 3.M6 3.;i 14. lu.874 3.115 9.7M 4.8N9 10.218 DATE. '10 following tabl shows the receipt Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to dat with comparison with laat year: 1804 I9u3. I no. Deo. Cattl 463,4. 4,;0 41.4.4 Hog 1.3oo,sJ l.iol.tKt 104.968 blieep 7WU.7& oos.4.0 142,3o4 Average prices paid 2r nuets at Bouts Omaha lor th laat several Us with comparison; Oats I 104. 19a3.lM.ira.180.1898.lSM. June Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Juna Jun t. Jun lu, Jun H, Jun 12, Jun IS. Jun H. Jun It. 4 83 1 6 rii t 8 707 4 W) 4 - 87 T 07( I 4 81 4 4 t 8 T 13 t 4 . 1 4 64i f 6 j 14 f 71 4 S3 41 t... 1 8 75 t 80 711 4 81 I 8... 1 4 63) 6 77 6 16 I Tl 8H I 68 4 I T... 4 mj t 7 la ibi 4 8wi t 7 3 ' 4 wshj 1 7 lai 6 ,6, 4 9.11 4il80 J 6 I 03 4 6 6 74 78, 4 84 4 81, Jun it... 1 4 r Jun 17. . Jun 18.. Jun 13.. Jun 20.. Jun 21., June ix.. Jun 23... June 24.. Jun 25.. Jun 26.. Jun 37.. June 28.. Jun 28.. June 30.. Ou 6 03 1 m 6 07 721 7 2Ci 7 S I 1 so, 4 91 V, 4 92 100 t 07 6 881 Ul T 24 t 94 4 97 t 94 t BUI 7 23 7 21 7 7 41 7 43 6 1C; 6 06V4I t 771 7 49 12 67 7 fe t 16 t 67 7 67 I t 70 7 61 t 14 6 661 7 62 f ! I 7 661 6 04 VI; 5 6 I 6 06 I f 66 7 61 1 6 Its. t S3 ' 6 91 t Ofti I 8j 4 82 t 861 4 86 t 81 4 861 BOI OK 4 6 f 831 I 6 8s I 83! t 82 f 06 t 89 4 94i I 91 4 S3, 3 801 4 21 I 66 4 It I 69 14 M 4 19 a 3 7 3 1 I 60) 117 3 61 t 69 167 I 64 3 ft 3 St t 6 o 171 3 41 3 7 8 641 1 77 I 42 t 9t 8 M 1 M) t 631 e I 64 8 71 3 3 t t 80 3 81 3 71 ) t 13 3 63 8 71 t 93 I 62l 3 61 194 117 t68 t 93, t 91 6 87i t 90 6 101 I 63 t 03 t 64 i t 6t t 111 3 65 3 tU 4 99 S t 60 4 99 3 8 t 60 stock Indicates Buaday Th official number ot car of brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hoga. 8heep -.. m. at ot. f. y , Wabash Missouri Pacific Ry , Union Pacific system..... C. A N. W. Ry , F.. E. M V. R. R...., C, St. P., M. dc O. Ry.., B. M. Ry C, B. Q. Ry K. C. & St. J , C, R. I. P. Ry., east., C, R. I. A P. Ry west Illinois Central Chicago Great Western., 8 24 3 24 8 24 21 19 81 13 28 144 16 Total receipts .... The disposition of ths day's receipt waa as follows, each buyer purchasing ths num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Omaha Packing CO 376 Swift and Company,. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co Cudahy, Kansas City. Armour, Sioux City... W. 1. Stephen Hill Son L. F. Hue 80I Degan S. A 8 Root dt Co Other buyers 283 767 847 126 "t 1 t ' 164 Hogs. 1,247 lilt 2,749 3,017 942 8heep. 601 1.6X8 716 1.6S0 320 Total .2,110 10.SSO ,4.464 CATTLE Ther waa not an excssslvs run ot cattla hero today, but packers were very bearish and in fact did not Seem to cars whether they got any cattle or not. Aa a result trading; waa slow, with price lower on most kinds. J.t was late before a clear ance waa made. Th beef ateer market waa extremely alow and lower. Packers were late in start ing out and when they did go to the yards they simply rode around without trying to buy much ot anything. Some of the cattl that Just aulted them sold at prices not much different from yesterday, but th gen eral market was right around a dime lower and some aalea looked even worse than that. Salesmen did not like ths Idea ot taking oft that much and as a result trad ing was slow from start to finish. Sales men aald it was the most uneven market they have experienced in some time past, aa buyers picked out ths klnda they wanted and apparently did not try to buy ths others. The cow market held right around steady. There were very few on sale and sa buyers had to have some fresh supplies salesmen were able to get just about yesterday price for everything In the yards. The loss desirable grade were of course rather slow sale. Bulls were Inclined to weakness, but still they did not suffer to any great extent un less In the case of undesirable klnda Veal calves held about steady. Btockera and feeders wer very scare this morning, but none seemed to be at all anxious for fresh supplies. Good stuff could perhapa be quoted steaay. out oiners were low sellers. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. II 47 90 I 14 18... . I 14 U 40 16 It 10 M I tl 91 81 It... IB... 14... 4... 8..., 4... II... 11...: 1... ... 14... 3... It..., 1... 1... I..., !... 1..., I... 3... 1... 8.... 8.... AT. T3 ..... 871 ua MM loai liu 1111 1101 11a 1161 1074 1174 1111 1144 971 1111 .urr .1114 Pr. 4 44 4 44 4 74 4 71 4 44 6 I M I It 8 84 6 40 I 84 4 41 6 I 44 I 46 I 40 I 40 I 44 No. 84 41... to.... 14... St.... 17.... 44... 4.... 71.... 1.... 91.... II.... 44.... r... 44.... I.... IT. ... Av.' ..1134 ..llll ..llll ..ltt-i ..1110 ..not ..1147 ,.IM1 ..1M4 ..1(10 ..1414 ..l4t ..1411 ..111 ..1100 ..1414 ..1144 STEERS AND COWS. ... lilt 4 14 14 K 8TEER8 AND HEIFERS. .... Ml 4 44 4 1110 COW B. ... 744 ... 4M ... 44 ...10M ... 414 ... 484 ... 474 ... 411 ... 464 ... 44 ...14t) ... 748 ...UV44 ...I34 ...1:14 ...liso ,UU 3 14 8 to i 14 I 40 I 40 I 41 t Tt 8 44 I 00 I 8 40 8 114 6 IOTI 1 130 II.. II... 17... 4... 8. I:::::: 1 SV II... HEIFERS. BULLS. 144 1 I 44 1 3 44 I I 44 1 3 74 1 CALVES. 104 1 I 14 1 I 00 1 6 04 1 I tt 8 AND 11.. 80.. tit 1)4 100 140 .-1M 8TOCKERS il I 44 ..1J .. 477 ..1078 ,.1IM ..1114 ..1414 ..1070 ..1U4 .140 .120 .1490 .1744 .1414 PT. 4 44 I 44 I 44 I 64 I 40 I 44 I 14 4 74 I Tt I 44 I 14 I IS I 14 4 4 4 40 4 14 I 14 8 U 8 M 3 40 I 40 4 04 4 44 4 14 4 10 4 14 4 IS 4 44 4 14 4 44 I 6 I 40 4 10 4 40 4 40 in 1M ISO 154 U4 FEEDERS. 471 I 14 441 4 44 I M I M I 40 I 44 I 40 S 8 It IH 444 8 44 HOGS There was not an excessive run Of hogs in sight this morning snd with a good demand on tha part pf local packers ths market opened mostly 2c higher than yesterday, with the bulk of the hogs sell ing at 8505 and 85.07. As ths morning advanced tha market gained in strength until at the beat lime the market waa mostly a nickel higher, the later aales go ing largely at 86 07 and $5.10. The choicer load sold from 86.10 to to to. whllo th light loads went from 85 05 down. Trading waa active all th morning and as a result sverythliur In sight was disposed of In good season. The advance today went a long way toward making up for ths loa of yse- tarday. Representative sales: No. te... 44... 41... 44... 47... 44... 44... Tl... Tl... 14... II... 41... IS... Tl... 41 ., 41.. 14... Tf . . 41 . 114. TT.., 41.., 4.. T4.., 41.. 44.,, 14 . 44.. Av. ...It ...174 ...117 ...lit .. 1"! ...Ml ...111 ...114 ..111 ...174 ...111 ...III ..." ...14 ... ...lul ...4 ...I ...lit ...las .. 11.T ...1 ...liT ...114 ...ITT ...ri .. Ji 8. 14 110 No. ... 4i... 41... T4... 17... tl... T4... 76... 4S... 44... Tl... l... fl 4 14 4 4716 4 00 I 40 4 00 4 40 I Olt. I 4l3 I tit I 1 4 01 v 4 4i I I !, 6 41-4, I K! I 4t I at I H 4 04 I 04 I St I t I ss aa 4 44 I 44 44., IBS 44. let it. In ti. 1 48 it- I 14. TO It. 44 14. At. ..114 .141 ..f4 ..111 ..111 .11 .141 ..M .114 .111 . 144 . .141 ..114 ..tid ..14 .141 ..m ..MO .11! ..NT ..V .III ..III ..ti .1:4 ,.14 .114 . IIS . 1-4 s 1M 14A 110 4W '44 1 400 140 44 ri 114 Vr. I 471 I 47. I 07 I 07V, I 41 1 I 472 4 ni I ti I 01J ri I CI I sit ti 1 1 1 10 4 14 I 14 I 10 4 14 6 14 4 10 4 14 I 14 I 14 8 14 I 10 I 10 4 14 4 I I 14 47 t41 I 7 M I ...ISO ti r?4 44 HI II 144 7 1 i 14 44 14 II 17 77 tfi n tot in in II JM 71 17 40 117 it r T 114 n lit T MI 44 lit 7 147 44 Ill 40 Ill 44 H4 70 40 14 14 74 Ml 41 II tt Hi 40 I 4 4 OS 1 Iff 4 7H t S7 4 47 I J 4 STv, I 47 4 T 4 STt 4 n I 7 8 07 4 07 4 47 4 47 I 47 I 47 4 7 4 47 I 47 4 47 I 47 I 47 4 7 4 7 4 S7 4 7 4 07 14 40 40 lie IN 144 71. 71. I' 40. . 74., tl.. St.. r . Tt.. 44.. 47.. 40 . St.. 71.. II.. 44.. . .. Tl.. II.. 40 . IV. St.. .740 lo 4 1 ,171 40 I 10 f-4 ... 4 1 .. M ... . . . 11 40 ...1M ... ..til . . ...K.I is .. BU M ..IT ... .. 1 ... ...Iff ... .. rv4 ... ii'tM 4 ,.H 40 ... ...!! so ...IM sn .. "4 140 ...414 44 ...44 ... ...I".7 ... ...IX II ...4tl ... ...144 ... ...HI ... ...11 40 t 1 4 is I i; 4 u 4 1: 4 1: 4 11 4 11 lM 1 1: 4 11 4 11 I 14 4 14 4 14 4 14 4 II I 14 4 14 4 IS I IS I II I 17 4 17 I 94 SHEEP The market on sheep today did not show a great deal of change from yes terday. Trailing waa not active and pack era were Inclined to bear the market, but still they wer unable to do so to any great extent, except In the case ot something not very desirable. Ths market could, per haps, beat be described by calling It ateady to a dime lower. Idaho wether sold for 84.25 and ewes 83.60 and 83.65. Oregon sheep and yearlings sold at X3.76. While these prices ar considerably lower than at th high time -last week, still they sre well In line with those being paid at other mar kets and are not much different from a sar ago. In giving quotations yearling lambs will be quoted ss yearlings and the coming 1-rear-olds will be quoted wethers. Spring lamb will be called lamb. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Good to cholc yearlings, 84 2MiH .69: fair to good yearlings, 6 6O04 26; good to cholc wethers t4 0i.ift4.25; fair to good wethers, 8360ifj4.00: good to choice ewes, t3.50&3.75; fair to good ewes, 33.253.50; good to cholc lamb, tS.5010'5.75; fair to good lambs, 85.00 rjo bu. rtepreeentattve aalea No. 692 Oregon sheep and yearling im yoming wetner 6 native ewes , 2 Idaho ewes 40 native lambs ... 80 Nevada ewea ... i0 Nevada ewes ... 29 Nevada ewea ... M Idsho ewes 198 Idaho ewes 134 Idaho yearlings 40 native ewe 11 Idaho wethers .. 2M Idaho wethers . 880 Idaho yearlings Ar. 80 108 141 70 60 92 92 92 ins I'll 91 92 99 12 79 Pr. 3 78 4 25 4 76 2 50 3 60 3 60 3 50 8 So 3 3 90 4 15 4 25 4 28 4 2 4 23 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow, Hogs Fire to Tea Cents Higher sad lamhi Strong. CHICAGO, June SO. -CATTLE Receipts, 6.000 hesd. Including 850 Texans; market slow to steady; good to prime steers. 85.40 160; poor to medium, 34 60O.25; stockers snd feeders, 3J6t94.801 cows. 31 5tr4.80; heifers, 82.0P4T4.00; csnners, tl. 6002.60; bulla U0iSJ6: Texas fed steers, H60.35; calve. 82.505660. HOGS Receipts. 22,000 head; estlmsted to morrow, 15.000 head: market strong to 50 higher; mixed and butchers, t5.15ti6.30: good to choice heavy, t6.809ti.S7; rough heavy. tSlrfft X: light, $5 155.27; bulk of sales. t8.Jr-TJ50 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 10,004 bead; market steady; lambs, steady to strong; good to choice wethers. 84 2606.00; fair to choice mixed. $S.35fl4.00: western heep, t3.60iSt.60: native lambs, t3.60tj7.26. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. June 20.-CATTLT-Re. relpta, 4.000 hesd. Including 1.700 head south erns: market steaay to weak: choice export snd dressed beef steers. t6.60dj.40; fslr to food. t4KVQ6.60; western fed steer, 84.0019 90; stockers snd feeders, t2 764.?6; south em steers, 42 vwf4 00- southern cows, 31.7643 8.76; native oows. fc 0004.60; native heifer, t3.00fJ6 .35; bull. t2.6ff45; calve, tl.604j4.75. HOGS Receipts. 7.800 head; market slow to stesdy; top, tn.tO: bulk of salee. 86 004? 6.16; heavy, 85.101r6 20: packers, 35.006.15; pigs and lights. H50tfi507. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3 fnO head: market ateady: native lambs, t4.7St 8.50: western lambs, 84 7543.60: fed ewea. S3. 6014.60; Texas clipped vearitnas. 84.00(7 6 00; Texas clipped sheen, t3.7WT4.50: stock- srs and feeders, 3J.604J3.50. St. Loots LIT Stock Market. ST. LOriS. June 80.-OATTLE Receipts, 4.000 head. Including 3.000 head Texans; market alow and dragging; native shipping and export steers. 84.404jft.15: dressed beef and butcher steers. 34.0o60.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., t3.ftS4jY.45; stockers snd feeders, t250$ 4 35; cows snd heifers. 32 .25434.60; can nera. tl 50SJ2.00; bulla, t2.75473.70; calves, 34.00 ffiti.OO; Texas snd Indian steers, week, 8100 43 4 70: cows and heifers. 3J.6O3.S0. . HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head: market steady to strong, tc higher; pigs and lights, 14 jrro5 26; packer. 85.1CK88.25; butchers and best heavy, IS 2606.40. 8HEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, t.flnO head; market steadv; native muttons. 33 75 174.00; lambs, 34.50026; culls and bucks. 82004)4.00; stockers, tl00100; Texans, 33 711 64.50. New Tork Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, Juna SO BFrTVF8 Re ceipts, 287 heed, all for tomorrow's mar ket; nothing doing; feeling dull; rabies unchanged. CALVES Receipts, 112 head; market barely ateady; veal. M0047C.70: buttarmlIRs, 33.00; dressed calves slow; dressed veals handy carcasses. 9c country dressed. 8 (city), mainly 6fJHc per pound; cholc c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 964 lambs firm to a fraction higher, quality considered; no choice lambs hers; medium and rommon lambs in light demand and steadv: sheep. t2.854J4 60; lambs. t6.O0g7.7S. HOGS Receipts, 1.740 head; market weak; no salea reported. 2.004 top St. Joaeati LIto Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, June 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.104 hesd; market steady to lOo lower: natives. 14 4047635: cow and heifers, tl 6O4T4J10; stockers and feedera tt.004H.68. HOGS Receipt. 6 020 head: market steady; Itsht. t6.02e6.12; medium and hevv (K 10(96 90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, head; market steady to 16c higher; lambs, 86.56. Slow. City Uf4 Stock Market. 8IOUX CITT. June SO. CHpeclal Tele- fram.) CATTLE Receipts. 800 head; mar rt steady; beeves. 84 6044 00; Cows, bulla and mixed, 83.00itf6.0O; stockers snd feeders, p.OOfN 00; clves and yenrllngs. 83. 7591. 80. HOGS Receipt, .200 hesd; market strong, telling at t4 8O.6.10; bulk, t4.967J 1.06. Stk la Slant. Following wer ths receipts of live stock for tbs six principal western cities yeeter I' - ... Inline, noes. on"". 2 OM South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Iouls St. Joseph .... Sioux City .... Total 6.000 4, oof) 1,104 4,000 200 10,336 tJ.oa) 7.800 6.028 1.000 4.100 trs 10.000 3.600 I.O04 lOOO .17.340 63,864 II, m Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Jung lO.-COTTON-Bpot closed dull; middling upland. 10.85c; mid dling artiir. 11.10c; sale. 698 bate. ST. LOUIS, Jun 80.-COTTON-Nomlnal; middling, 10c; salea, none; receipts, non; shipments, 100 hales; stock, 13 494 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Juna 30-COTTON-Fti-ture quiet; June, nominal: July, 10.39t 10 40c: August. 10.17fnn lHc; September, 8 55 f9 5c: October. 3.80719 81c: Novemler, 8 28 4i9.29c; Iiecember, 9.389.29c; January, 9 35 tl9.37c. Spot, steadv; sales, 3.000 bales; ordinary. 8Sc; good ordinary. 9c; low middling, 10c: middling. 10 11-Ko; good middling, lie; middling fair. llVir. LIVERPOOL. Juna 30-COTTON-flpot. quiet; prices 6 points higher: American middling fair. U&; good middling, t 30d: middling. S.lOd; low ml Idling. 6.90.1; good ordinary. 6.82d: ordinary 6.62d. Futures opened steady and closed easy; American middling, g. o. e. J.ily, 7.78d; July and August. 6 ltd: August and Reptember, I. lid; September and October, t.35d: October and November, t 22d; November and December, 4 171; December and January. t.l5d; Janu ary and February, I.14d; February and March. , Metal Markst. NEW TORK, Jun 80 M ETA L8 Tin showed flrrnnets today, with London clos ing at 117 lu for both spot and futures, wlill local price were raised to 125 20ii MOO. Copper was unchsnged In Iindon at 4754 13 9d and 66 lis 3d for. spot and fu ture respectively. Locally copper was quiot. Lake Is quoted st tU 62'fflt 72. Electrolytic st 112 4oHJ.Ci and casting at 111 127jl2 26. Load was a llttl lower In London, closing at 11 8 9d. Locally Ira t was steady and unchanged at 84 frQi 86. Spelter was unchanged at 22 In London and at 84 8n.4 90 In tlis locsl msrket. Iron closed at 61 3d In Glasgow and at 4ts 4.l In Middleeborough. 1-ocally the market la q'llrt; No 1 foundry northern Is quoted st 8i4 6"fMI 00: No. I foundry northern st 813.714 86; No. 1 foundry southern snd No. 1 foundry southern sort st 313 Kfl3 .76. PIS Iron warrant are wnk at l X. ST. IXJI'IH, Jun tu MtrrAI.H lisad. steady at 84.10. Spelter, higher at 34 80. CobToo Market. NEW TORK, Jun 80 COFFEE Th markst for futures opened steady at un changed price and ruled quiet. Sale war reported of li.fxJO bag. Including awp- tember t imwtoc: December, S6V; March. .TOfflwTSc; May. 8 Tic. Spc4 Rio steadv: No. 7 Invoice, 7c; mild, stesdy; Cordova, 4?lSc. Wool Market. BOSTON. June to WOOL The fnarltet Is stroti and active: advances loiiked for. Pulled wools are quiet, th old grades be ing about disposed of. Territory wool r firm and in foreign wool ther I llttl trs.le. Loading quotation are: Idaho fine. 17Jrlc; heavy fine. llSc; fln medium, 17 Clc; medium, lV319o; low medium. 1 iV. Wyoming fine. 16V4qflHc: heavy fine. 14tri5c; fin medium, l.'ul7c; medium, 13 tjjic; low medium. 2021c. Nevada fin. I5'tf16c; heavy fine. l9l4e; fine medium. 16.118c: medium.; low medium, 19 title. Dakota fine, 151c: fine medium, 17 4518c: medium, 19v?20c: low medium. average. KfSlic; stapl. 2e21c; medium choice. 2fI21c. ST. LoClS, June 10 -"WOOl.--Ste.dy to firm: medium grades combing and clothlne. lS424c; light fine. 119c; beavy fin. UN 15c; tub waahed. I0c. Oil and ttoola. NEW TORK, Jtin 80. OILS-Cottonoeed, firm; prim crud. nominal; yllow, 80c. Tetroleum easv: refined Nw York. 87. 80; Philadelphia and Psltlmora, 17. Turpen tine, steady at 64Jc. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good. t2Vai.. . . . OIL CITT. June SO. Oil. Credit bal ances, 81.67; certificate, no bid; shipment. 62.233 bbls.; aversge, 4. 753 bbla; runs, 11.. 940 bbls.; average, 76.770 bbls.; shipments. Llms. M.S70 bhls : aversge. SJ.l bbls ; run, Lima. 81.483 bbls.; aversge, 67,903 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jun SO OILS Tur pentine, firm at 63c. RORIN Firm; A. B. C. 1167: D, l?7?4j; E, 12.77; F, t2.t: O, tl 7; H.. tS7U; I. 13 46; K. tt 65; jrf, t3.80; N. 83 97; W G. 1417; W W. 14 72. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI Ths following opinions will b officially reported : 991. Farmers and Merchants Bank, Galva. III., against Moeher. Appeal from Lancaster. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. 1. A stockholder s interest In a corpora tion, and In all of Its property and rights. is represented by hie stock. A levy upon e 01 a aentor ry gsrnisnmeni pi s cor 00 rat Ion pursuant to the statute will impound dividends upon the stock de clared while the proceedings are pending. 2. If the debtor has sold or pledged the stock In good faith before th levy, th right of such bona fide purchasers will not ne arreoted ny tn levy, even inougn, ov the book of th corporation, th stock appears to be th property of th debtor and la so tsgarded by th corporation. 8. In appeals to this court In equity esses the findings of th trial court must stand cr fall upon the pleading and evidence contained In th record. Frrors of the trial cotirt In receiving or rejecting evi dence, or upon question arising upon the pleading, can not be corrected upon such appeal. 1U07. County of. Dodge sgalnst Acorn. Error from Dr. Itehoarlng. Former Judgment adhered to. Barnes, J. I. The oounty board, tn fixing ths ns sasements to bay for th construction of a drainage ditch, under th provisions of aetlol. I jiKart4 SB t the f'omnlled Stat ute of ISM, acts Judicially. 1 From Its Judgment and orders In that behalf, error will lie to th district court, nd the Judgment of that court may be reviewed on such proceedings In tbls court. S. On a petition In error from th Judg ment of the countv board tn such a pro ceeding. It finding snd order are en titled to tn earn weignt aa tne vexoict or a :ury. or tne findings ana judgment ot a court snd will not be reversed or set aside unless It anrwars that th evidence Is Insufficient to sustain them, and they are clearly wrong. 4. former opinion, m jveorssKa, . sp hered to. 11989. ITn1on Pacific Railway Company against Flckenschr. Error from Dswsn. Reversed. Day. C, Division No. 1. Duffle. C. concurring separately. 1. Evidence examined and held not suf ficient to support th verdict and Judg ment. 13144. Hnaaiand aa-alnst Stewart. Error from Logan. Rehearing denied. . Sedg wick, j. 1. Ths rule of this court is that when a decree In eonlty Is reversed and remanded generally without specific Instructions, the lower court la to exercise Its discretion tn th further disposition of ths caae. In ac cordance with th Judgment of this court and the law of th case as expressed in ths opinion. t An unofficial opinion of a court com missioner la not th opinion of tha court. The conclusion reached Is annroved and ths recommendation adopted. The taw of th ce I to be derived from the Judgment of the court snd the questions necessarily de termined thereby. 12183, Cs County against ferny County. Error from Bnrpy ocunty. Motion for re heating overruled. Ames, C. 1. When a county has refused urxvn re quest to participate with an adjoining county In repairing a bridge ever a stream forming part of ths boundary line between them, and the latter county has performed the work at Its separate expense, tt Is not a defense to an action for contribution tinJer the statute, that th plaintiff county In procuring th repairs to bs mads pro-' eeeded In sn Irresrulnr or Illegal manner with respect tn obligating Itself to pay for them, provided It did In fac become so obi I sated. 1 18191. Kleutch against "Vcurltv MutftsI Life Insurance Company. Error from Lan caster. Reversed. Barnes, 1. . 13321. Security Mutual Life Insurance Company against Kleutch: Error from Lancaster. Reversed. Fsrnes, J. 1. Th matter of granting new trials In ons of sound legal discretion. And unless It appears thst In granting a new trial the court has been guilty of an abuse of dis cretion Its order In that behalf will be affirmed. I. Wher Second trial results in tha same, or a like, verdict as ths first oris error cannot bo predicated on ths ofVr granting a new trial, because th' party complaining cannot be said to have been Injured thereby. i. It I reversible error for tha court. In Its charge to th Jury, to alv undue promi nence to a portion of ths testimony by spe cial reference thereto: to stats to the Jurv what weight shall b given It, and comment on Its strength or probatlv fore. 13370. jrarmors Canal Company against Frank. Error from Soott's Bluff. Reversed with directions. I-etton, C. Division No. 3. 1. By th Irrigation sot of 1896 the right to ths ua of water for Irrigation purposes Is attached to ths land to bo Irrtgsted. and sn application to ths State Board of Irrls-s-tlon for a permit to approprlat water for Irrigation which does not describe the Iocs, tlon of th proposed canal nor contain a description of the land I to be Irrigated thereby is too vague and Indefinite to en thorls th board to set, and no Jurisdic tion Is aequlrsd thereby to Issu any per mit thereupon. 1. mi powers 01 tn otate noarn or im- tlon exercised tinder section 16 of th Irrigation act of 1896 ar n jssl Judicial In their nature, and an sdjudlcallon by It of a right of priority of appropriation of water made before taking e, -t of tha art of 1W6, after proper notice. Is fnal. unless appealed from, and cannot b col laterally attacked, 3. Under the facta In this caae, held, thnt th right of the Fermera Canal company and Its successor, Robert Wslker. to the appronrlstlon of water awarded under th adjudication of the Stat Board of Irriga tion ha not been Inst by abandonment. A Nonueer must b continued for a tlmo qua! to ths statutory limitation upon actions tn recover ths possess' on of rent property In order to loss the light of ap propriation. t. The provisions of section 18, chapter 98a. Compiled Statutes, held not to be Inimical to any provlslone of th Cons tit 11. tlon of the tst of Nebraska. 13411. Hamilton National Bsnk against American Loan and Trust Company. Ap peal from Douglas. Affirmed. Parnes. J. 1. The supreme court ordinarily will not re-examine questions 01' law presented and determined on a prior appeal ot tl.e same eaua. 2. Therefora our former holding In this ess that th American Ian and Trust, company was a banking Institution, and that Its stockholders have Incurred hs liability provided for by section T, article xlb, of the Constitution Is adhered tn, I. Where, on a new trial In th district court, th perils hav Introduced new videnc. together with (hat taken on th former trial, th supreme court on a sec ond sppeal will examine th record and evidence in order to determine controverted questions of fact. 4. A Judgment In a prior suit will not b a bar to a subsequent ictlon unless It la shown by th record, or by clear and satisfactory svldenre, that ths sarn Issu r .resented In th siibseiunt sctlo. w nvolved In the prior suit, and that fc.ttlt action are between th same parties vr their privies. 6. The overruling of a motion for leave to file a petition In ths nature of Inter vention by which It Is sought to rale and lltlgats a question not theretofore In Issu In th action and a summary refusal tn allow th petition exhibited and attscl.s 1 to th motion lo b filed Is not res Judloa of the niatters contained in the petition so as lo prevent the parties from litigating th earn queetlons sgaln In a regular form of action. a Tl.e am rule applies to th summary overruling of objections to th dlscharg of th receiver In a prtur action. 7 K-vldsnc examined and held that the proceedings in the action In ths rlroiilt court of tbs united State pleaded aa sn estoppel against th plaintiff l.nreln ar not a bar to ths prosecution of tl.le action. WMaaMWJM-M Th Be Want Ads Ar th Bout Business Boosters. '