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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
I'U.Ei llu.Nfi C-4." ,r '- .-' rTin t o mt their knnulnlut ia the irbncil of . fo' : ; Thej aro made from selected materials that are touted for pli Abilityand sntrlgth. They are. scrupulously made In the very latest corset, Tuf liion, and In every way are adopted to the most Vxactinj; taste. You cannot firm better shaped 'garments, what ever you pay; neither can a special corsetlrre give you a better fit. : Thene models are full of characteristic points, bespeaking in every. Jin rtVle, quality. They are Corsets that keep well down on the foj nV giving a uniform lit, with no pressure at any one point. 1'rices range from' . - I ONE-DOLLAR TO TIlIiEE,DOLLAKS PEIt PAlR. ; DURING JULY AND AUGUST WE CLOSE SATURDAYS 'AT 1 O'CLOCK. Do - your Saturday shopping in the :morning while it is cool. ; r;t.v;t". . ....... '-- - " . i ' r r, 1 ft. M. C A. Building. Comer tnlles southeast Of 3I Kho Tun rune, in this iRAiiifff, Lieu- reconnaissance Canialn Van tenant Maaarnft ana five Cossacks were Wniinded. Makuroff succumbed. There was mmt skirmishing June 25 be tween the enemy, and our outpost- at 8a inlarlkMii a Ml Wang Tel Afang thing, Ave tnilee ,wvt ol Baniiiuikau.. - . . .. - VLADIVOSTOK BlADIlOSI AT HVOBK Report Cornea, to Toklo that Oensan la ; Being Attacked.' ' V .' TOKIO, June . 4: p. m.-f he Russian Vladivostok squadron, accompanied hy tor pedo boats, appeared off Gensan, on the east coast of Corea today. Torpedo boats enter 'ans:n, harbor at J:30 In the. morn ing, elided in" Jfttlanient and sunk a small Steamer and a small schoonor. The torpedo boats left the harbor tit 7:20. - A .total of 200 shells were flrcd Into the settle ments but no serious damage resulted. ' .,Th Russian. "yense!'. which took vart In the ' ' bombardment Qt . Gensan were the frulae Hossla, Oromobol and Hurl It, and nine torpedo- Jwat. , - lister reports show the vessels, when .the, left Oensan, steamed to the norths. They were, seen, however, to return fonv th direction. They were IUk IftUllUl lL JJW.OV III wiv minimis. ,. BEOVLj June 80. Heports received here on the appearance ,'of the Russian Vladi vostok squadron fjft' tfenian, on the east coast of.Oorea, aay - Ib warships - were first seen (frt , S:$o o'clock .fn the morning. Fquf torp0(1 buu'ts entered the harbor and sank, a amair steamef fetid 'a junk, while the cruisers regained outside and shelled Jh Japatii"sK hijacks pn shore. " At the end of hkir 'fin AouYtijs',. Russians , with drew In thft-.Tinldst ,of "torrential down pour of rn.'.wtlchVfeverited' tlje lookouts from noting htit 'direct inn- Ihey took. The dama4.ln'"otea" b "t'hV Russian fire was slight;- ni,no caeuaj ties' have been re-j. ported. Further' "ftewsv'iipwever,' la .ex pected When the teJefeTa'pb, 'wire , hetween Seoul and. JJirtnii,', whjcfi.'was broken by tha totTnretttoiW:; . i . RUSSIA. REPlXSlS Fiyiff ATTACK Oeaeral'3tdel Mk.e' Itepori of Ka 'i sraemente-at ITorti Arthur. ; - an PETcKePtsRa' jne.6cAAn wflichii; dtapatch )fr6rnGeJiawit-Bttiwe,! the com' Hianaer or 'apft...i'.usiiiiia j'irces at Fort Ar thur,1 saislffift-'lli' 1d:j;n''-ol('.Riar-Ad-mlral Wltltof' .'ri-etktered' thaV lpr 'f fer; r pu)lo five tofp'ede "boi.CUt.tapks.', t cori lama. no. iuriner seia.ns so rar as can e ascertain,' -it,lfl5roivfientl6n anydaoi. age to the 1Iiuua!ttn ships. ' As no Injury to the veseels of the Rus sian squadron was mentioned' the belief of the authori ties ' lay (ready strengthened that Admiral Toko's -report was very much exaggerated. .IVJtiJo' offering no fcpecldo ground for th 'opinion,' the admiralty be lieves that a light otcurre on Saturday.' General Btoemel's dispatch Is artdrenod to lieutenant General Ztnllnsky, Oeneral Kourcpatkln's chief of staff, and Is dated June 24. j ' All the latest adVtces' of the War Office Indicate that the" Japanese are concentra ting on Hal Craing, General Kurokl being at Dailn with twenty-seven battalions. Only one division Is at Mo Tien pass and another at Fen Bhul pass. Rain Is falling In torrents, which Is greatly Impeding the movements of the troops. RlSSIANg. ARB JfOW WAHT1XQ COREA ! Taken to Indlento that Battle , 1 Imminent. BT. PETERSBURQ, June !0.(l:it a. m.V ' No further word has come from General Kouropatkln later than June 27 and not a Slnale tnewsnaoer Hnnntnh hna hMn ra. celvtd from the front during the last! twenty hours.. This silenoe in the theater of war Is regarded as a sign of the coming storm. . The Bourse Qazette this morning- saysr We are on the eve of a battle which may (ti! the fite of Manchuria and Core. Jiot'i nut beoom HuaMin-the foimer be- ckuiw liiiFHlan b'ood was shed there, the lHttir beoaUHe it la esnential to the pafety i our tniinnmrcittl inu-i velar betwvou Viaui- vouitik and 1'ort Arthur. OPERATIONS BlOVm SLOWLY Heavy Gans Aro Not Yet 1 Range of J. 1'ort Arthur. ' Bf, PETERSBURG, June 80.-TeIegrams frosrj Toklo relating to the rapture of forts forming parte, of the defenses of Port Arthur lo not agree with Information re--eclvfni at the War office, i.nor- with the re porut of General Stoesae!,' which Indicate that' the siege operations are proceeding vij loly. Hoavy guns have-not yet been brought la large of the works at Port Arthur. ' 'A - f . , ' " Whitehead Torpedoes Explode. BT: FKTICKSnVRO, Juno SO A fire at Crotist&dt last night tlestroyed a shed con taining twenty whitehead torpedoes. An alarm ws given In time to prevent serious Then ls' Only One, vCoatGs' Original Plyinoutii Gin, MmTi o4 bwttitd at- , It riu,. (' -I'livrj, N juii. . H, -.4 lu If-iffr i v'- m I. ouK tu MuuoS K h N'MTKY CO., 1 ! " f ' , i '- ' 1 ! ! k.. . ... ; Mi ; K S I -i . . Bee, Jun 10, 1991 Proof .Corsets Sixteenth and Dougla Stv loss of llfs or property. The torpedoes exploded.-completely wrecking tho building. The flre Is believed- to have befn the work of incendiaries. . ARB ItOT CERTAI HIP tVA. IfJil Japanese Posltliro Three ' Torpedoes ' Take Effect oa Threo blp. LONDON. July 1. The Toklq correspond ent of the Times says: There Is consider ably uncertainty here regarding1 the Rus sian lossea In the recent sortie from Port Arthur. It Is Just possible that no ship was Sunk. The Peresvlet may have got Into port at night. The Japanese, on the other hand, feel certal hthat three tor pedoes took effect on three ships. feays Correspondent -Is Hot Killed. NEW YORK, June .30. the ' Morning Post's Toklo correspondent telegraphs, ac cording to a World dispatch from London, contradicting the report that War Corre spondent E. F. Knight of the Post staff was killed recently". f ' ; BUTLER IS ARRESTED AGAIN St. L6als Millionaire ta Charged with Crime of BrlbtnaT a Wit. ST. LPUIS. June 30. Colonel Edward putter, a prominent local politician, eamw into court this afternoon In answer to a bench warrant charging him with- bribing a witness. He was released on bond Of tlO.OUO, with John W. O'Brien as security. Tha warrant was Issued this afternoon by Judge Taylor at tha request -of Circuit Attorney Folk as the result It Is ' be lieved, of recent disclosures mads ' to ' (he grand Jury b$ Charles F. tTKeHy and Charles Outka. former ; members ol the house of delegates, convicted of bribery. Tha grand Jury had returned an' Indict ment against Butler early in' the day, but It-' whs "not turned In-to the court" until norne time later,- when the bench warrant was Issued.' v .' ' 1 The Witness whom Butler 'Is sbppo-sed to have bribed ,1 Cliarleg kellyi former speaker of;i:hV:hous. jif, delegates; . Nvhol Charles Otttke tH4 irurt'.Atttny fir-jut in his confession, was paid M,0U0 f o .no io'iEufope at a.' crl?fcRl.-lm0..In boodftf le- Ktlopntenls lie're when his iC.tlmony would hav involved men "Vtlgher uri.'-.: , Outko andJKelly were comullHeJ "to 3ai! In default of another bondsman to go their surety In plnce of Butler. At midnight Kelly was still in jail and his wife had spent many . hours- driving ahout the city, and yalnly endeavoring to secure bondsmen for her husband. Kelly hnr little to say, but denounced the action of , 'Butler In ' surrendering him as spit work. Kelly had been tried and sentenced to the penitentiary on the charge of having accepted A bribe for his vote on the street railway franchise bill known as the subur ban bill. He -was on bond' pending a, re hearing of his case. , Qutke was tonight released frorn Jail on bond in the sum of $46,000. Outke had also been sentenced to the penitentiary on con viction of having accepted a bribe for his vote on ths suburban bill and was on bond pending a rehearing. His surrender meant the replacing of 'three indictments against him, two charging bribery and one norlurv. He was admitted to bond tonight In the sum of 116,000 on each charge.' His wife and Oeorge Eyermann', the latter one of his former bandsmen,, signed the -bonds. The grand jury adjourned today until July C. When It Is said a ftartlat. ronru m be made. It Is thought that possibly two innicunents will be returned against per who " f"r have not ben connected with the boodle duals. FIGHTS THE REORGANIZATION Action in Mew Jersey Conrts ta Inter tcdo as Defendaat la Ship, bnildlnv Caso. TRENTON, N. J., June JO.-Arugment was commenced in the United States cir cuit court today before Judge Lanning in the case of the application of Ida E, Wood to be permitted to Intervene as a 'party defendant Irf the foreclosure proceedings .iBuiuieu uy me Mercantile Trust com pany f New York and the New York . curlty and Trust company against, the United States ShlpbulhUn comtr, Counsel for Mrs. Wddd claimed that his client, who holds bonds of the shipbuilding v..,,.,. WUUiu pu a nuavy juer through .... i.ii-tu Vian or reorganisation. Coun sel for the other aide declared Mrs. Wi', rights could be determined after the pro. -cuiua inn urea conciuaea. v Argument was concluded this afternoon uui iiu uecmion was announced. -- NEBRASKA MAN IS IN ASYLUM Chartes Yoana; of Grand Island De clared to On Inanno mt , . . . PltUbara-. PITTSBURO, Pa., Jun. ..-.(Bpecial Telegram.)-Charles' Young, ot 'Grand Island. Neb., was committed to the In HMne department of the Allegheny Home a result of heavy strain endured .while re covering from a remarkable cuke ot lock Jaw. . .,,-.''. Ha was jufTerlng from ths disease and both Jawu were locked as he' wrote his condition on paper. After having his leg amputated In the honpital the disease left him. young is. 11 yeura old. LAW. : NOT SWIFT-: ENOUGH Itrarro Wk MorSrr.-d V Manx Last Ittunry labvn from n IVaia ' 'r and Lracta Ji. ' - filXRI.r'ti'iiC, .8. .('.; Juno SO. Catio Wlllluriis. tl.o nfO who killed Thursion O. a.tii-', white, at h.-ranton', la Wll lliiiu.i t,i s county,' laml February, was tk;-i kt(.tn theAt)ar,!lo Coast line train I iSili't.jU tU sv'.i! t a,i1 lynch-,!. TIIE OMAHA DUBOIS SAYS II IS PARKER Declares Democrats Oaff Agre Upon Ifo . Other CandidU.' , ANTI-POLYGAMY FLANK FOR PLATFORM Former Senator Cannon ' Aaaerts Ho Will iiulp Down Any Sort of a Candidate Rather , Than Bolt. ST. LOUIS, June $0. Some western dele gates to the democratic convention ar rived today, but aside from their Indi vidual opinions they had no knowledge of what was going to be done when the domocratio nat Tonal convention meets next week. Everything seems to await the ar rival of the leaders, when it Is said there will be the usual life antedating an In teresting national convention. - Senator T. Dubois of Idaho came in this evening and when asked what he thought of the presidential outlook, he said he saw nothing but Psrker. - Who will they nominate after they have beaten' Pwker7"'he asked. "Would It' Be Cleveland?' he continued. "Why, there is more than a third of the conven- tlon that will .stay here until after the election before allowing the nomination 'of Cleveland. An attempt to ' nominate Cleveland will- throw the convention Into the hands of Bryan. The convention will nominate' Parker, because they have no other man to nominate." Senator Dubois declared that he will get an nt-pbl gamy plank In 'tthe national platform. That will be his principal work while In St. Louis. He says that the re publicans feared they would lose Utah, Idaho and Wyoming f they declared Against polygamy, but he claims that a strong declaration of that kind In the dem ocratic platform! will carry those states for the democ ratio party. . . Former Senator Oeorge Turner: 4f Wash ington came to St. Louis, today with a small but earnest vice presidential boom. Tha states of Idaho and Washington are Instructed to rote for Mr. Turner for that position and the few delegates from that region are . making . a little stir about' a Pacific coast man for second place pend ing the time when all interest In th con vention will be swallowed up In talk bf the presidential nominee and the platform. Several Bolters Present. Former Senator Frank J. Cannon of Utah says he will not bolt this convention. "Eight years ago I bolted the republican convention in this very town and I have grown gray since that time trying to And proper political - terminal facilities. Let them put anything they please in the plat form and even nominate Orover Cleveland and I ii watch the'othcr fellows walk out if they want to, but none of 'it-for me. ' I have had all I want:" Besides Cannon ' there "will be Senator Teller ' of Colorado, Senator Dubois of IdahO, former Senator Pettlgrew of South Dakota, Charles A. Towne' of New Tork, Representative John Lind of Minnesota', delegates in the coming democratic' cdn- vention, all of whom bolted the republican national convention held In. 6t Louis eight years aeo. ; Senator Jonts, chairman "ot: .the demo- pfatip national comrnlteej WH arrive In St, DOWIE ' ARRIVES ; IN : CHICAGO VsK t tn .Cnr . f'ntll l: ia Trnns J'Tr ierrfd to7 Ltaes ti ' r Hon," v :Z : . CHICAOO. Jutio S0.-Afterva trip which coveretlthe earth , John .Alexander Dowle arrived tn Chicago today. When his train pulled In at the La Salle street station, however, there wero no cheering followers to meet him. He had; sent word ahead that h' would not soil his feet with the dust of -Chicago. He remained In his pri vate caf while it was switched to tha Chi cago 4; Northwestern 'railroad depot vhere It was attached to a train scheduled to leave for the Dowle settlement, Zlon City, 111. ; V . - 1 Dowle was eating-breakfast whan tha train pulled In. He was garbed In a white suit and wore a white cap. Beside htm sat his son, OlaJHtoiie Dowle, and a young woman. Mrs. Dowie' was not visible. It was said ;o be the original plan of Dowle and his party to- use cats In trans ferring between railway stations In Chi cago. Rumors of possible action in connec tion with the court prqoeedlngs still pend ing may have changed the program, but no one could be found to confirm this re port. ' ' Dowie has not yet been discharged from the federal court, being still known on the records as an "alleged bankrupt" Just before Dowle .left Chicago for Australia Attorney Frank H. Soott, ropr"nentlng Marshal Field A Co., went Into the bank ruptcy court and petitioned Judge Kohl saat to order Dowle to appear for examina tion. Judge Kohlaa&t said at that time Re would not be Justified in interfering with Dowle's trip and thaf the examination could go over until after his return. At torney Scott today declined to say whether he would now Insist on the examination of Dowie. Attorney Samuel EtteUon, who represents the petitioning creditors In the case, said today that unless Dowle failed to live up to agreements with the creditors It was not probable there would bS a - clash in the case. . Attorney Ettalm said: 1 "Dowie has promised to pay His debts dollar for dollar. Ha has made two 10 per cent pay ments. There .is always a chance for re verses, but unless . some - dissatisfied cred itor gets busy L think he will pull through all right." . Though many residents of Zlon City were buy all night making the finishing touches In the., preparations for the arrival of Dowie, the entire place was astir early today. The streets were decorated with flags and bunting. The streets had been rolled and sprinkled and all the stores were, closed. Aside from a triumphal arch, the tabernacle was the. chief object of decoration. Here Zlon flags, blue r nd gold, with a cross in the center, flourished In the breese in large numbers,; Higher up was the "Union Jack" of England, and surmounting all was a huge American flag. xne arcn- or tnumpn, situated near Elijah avenue, ' was made -of imitation blocks -of stone. -Each block bore the nam of a city that Dowle had visited in Ma travels. rtjark letters denoted the cities where Dowle' had been received. while 1 th names of the cities that had spurned him showed In glowing red. The red- lstter cities were San Francisco, Syd ney,' Melbourne, Adelaide, London. -At -the. sound of the whistle the entire population spent two minutes In silent de votion, and were then given six minutes la which to assemble for a procession that was to greet Dowle. Ten companies of Zlon City Guards, sev enty' men earh. formed in line, while the to-called "Restoration host," t.bO strong, lined up at ths tabernacle. At the arch the guards met the Dowle seniors nnd Juniors, rolx-d in surplices, and tha march to- the depot was tak-m up,' the other resi dents falling In behind. Upon tne arrlvul 'of th train at Zl,, City. Iie's crxinyf, k ctorla. trimmed with carnations, fi-rns and smllas, con veyed the ."doctor". aut t'i.U-f "ov- DAILY KEEil VIIIDAY, JULY seer" at the head of the procrsnloh tn the arch, the !fl(fn brass bend furnlnhin? music. At tile arch ten little girls step red forward, robed iq wWte, with blue badges across their breasts, bearing In gold let ters the"Hrns ht ten of " ie principal countrles' whlch ''Dowle had visited. , The children carried largo hunches of roses, which thayj threw over Dowle and his porty, anJ then unlocked the gates of the arch, handing over to Dowle fhe key, which On his departure hejhad given to the chief overseer. Addresses;' were then msde by Dowie, his wife and Oladsfone Dowle. The White-robed choir sang an anthem and Dowle went Into retirement to receive re ports from hlft lieutenants. TWO CONTESTS IN MICHIGAN Warner JVomlanteel tor Governor ! . Dr. Bmaiey for the Andltor . . '.' OfnernlshJp. DETROIT,-, Mich., June 10. But two contests worthy of the name marked to day's state republican convention. On of these was fhe fight lrl the resolutions com mittee In the convention by Congressman William Alden Smith of Grand Rapids and State Senator Charles Simons of Detroit fur a broader declaration in the platform In 'favor, of primary reform than the county local.' optlon?dc?arat!on favored by the so-called machine element of the party. The other was on 'the nomination for au ditor general.. . .,, In addltk'n to the name of Fred M. Warner of Farmlngton, who- was .nom inated for governor, ' Homer , Warren of Detroit and Oeorge D. -Horton of Fruit Ridge; were-also'xlaced'lrr nomlnatlon. Be fore the first .ballot. Was finished, however, It was evident that Mr. Warner had re ceived a large majority, and Mr. Horton moved that th'(rules be -suspended -and the unanimous vote cast for Mr. Warner, which was done amidst tnuch enthusiasm. 'The amendment to the resolutions pre pared by Congressman Smith and Senator Simons, pledging, the party to the nomina tion jf fovernor liy direct vote was de feated by a vote of' 774 to S04. Three candidates were, placed In nomina tion for the auditor generalship. Dr. X B. Bradley of Eaton Rapids, Malcom J. Mc Leod of Detroit and , E. A, WUdey of Paw Paw, the present state land commissioner. Oil the first ballot Bradley polled 49 votes, McLeod, 84ft, and Wildey, 249, with 648 votes necessary to nominate. Before the ballot was announced k, break was started for Bradley., There was no opposition and Dr. Bradley was declared the nominee. ' The head of the ticket is as follows: Governor Fred M. '.Warner of Farming ton. . , f -.; Lieutenant governor, : Alex. Maltland of Negaunee. . State trasurer, Frank P. Orasler of Chelsea. ' ' - ' .r ."'' , .i Secretary of state, Oeo. A. Prescott of Tawas City. ....... Auditor general,' Dr. ' J. B. Bradley of Eaton Rapids . p ' f y Attorney general, Charles A. Blair, ot Jackson. "i ' HOT FJGHT , AT , ST. PAUL t MM Minnesota Republicans- Rest Beforo Convention- Which Will Nam ' - "st State Ticket. ' ' '.'..'' .' .. v. .-;'-. , - : ' fit.. PATJL. Jana,SQ,rThe republican state eooventlony which Jhet- today was tho- cul mination of 'the fiercest contest for. the gubernatorial nprntnatton 'Slnc 1R8$, Judge Lereni w. JJolllna. who tealgned a. seat on the, bench of UiJP etate,"suprem ooitrt- in ordep to.beinatUi01dat,jja r.icogplsed as the candidate of tha present stwte-a?d. rtInlftratlmirttorjeoV'l, Duim,fl foright years state audlttrl?of Minnesota; a news paper, man of greit ' popularity, is tha other leading candidate. , Fcjrmer, ,Congress rnan Frank M. Eddy Is a third factor In the cemtest Between the two principal contestants, there has been .a. contest of bitter personality. , '.''."'' "' ; An attempt, though not a very Success ful one,' has been made to Inject the so called merger Qieslon Into the Campaign, but both candidate have declared their Intention " to ' follow' the precedent estab lished by Governor Van Bant and see that the 'anti-consolidation laws of .the state are carried put to the letter." , The convention was called to order by Judge Robert Jafrteson, chairman of the stale central Committee, who announced that no temporary 'Voli had been prepared. He then Introduce Senator Moses Clapp as the presiding officer. Mr. Clapp was received with an outburst of applause and was frejuerrt!y cheered. His reference to President Roosevelt brought forth an espe cially marked outburst of enthusiasm. Rs cess. . i -a .'.'.' A conferenpe of . tha leaders resulted In an agreement to adjourn until tomorrow morning, after committees have been ap pointed. - . .... 1 r - .- ' CONTESTANTS ARE WRITING Democratic Convention Contests Fore- shadowed in Not lees Sent to Secretary Walsh.' " 1 ST. LOUI8, June J0.-Notlcea of contests among; delegates to the democratic national convention are beginning to reach Charles A. Walsh, secretary of the national com. mlttee, at the headquarters in this city. Up to today, contests In fourteen district had been reported to him,' The districts are the First to Sixth in Pennsylvania,, the Twelfth and Fourteenth In Ohio, the three in the District of Columbia, the Tenth In diana, Second Maine and the Twenty-third Illinois. - ' Rumor have reached tha headquarter that the entire Illinois delegation 1 to b contested, buf the only notice- received so far is from the Twenty-third district BUTLER ' GIVESJJP EOODLERS t. Loai Millionaire Gets Ot$ of Bonds i'-.;.Men- Who Ha ' S"!i".,r'' pjsaeh'od, '-- ST. LOUIS, Juii 0,-rOoIonel , Edward Butler, who wa on the bonds of Charles A.' Outke and Charles F. Kelly,, former members of the .house of delegates, who were copvldted of bribery, has surrendered them and announced that he will also with draw from the bonds of the other former delegates already convicted or awaiting trial oa the charge of bribery. The two men mentioned were before the grand Jury . yesterday, for the purpose, It is stated, of divulging ths story of the do ings of the-boodle combine that existed l the St. Louis house bf delegates for years. ARMY OFFICERJN TROUBLE Engineer of the Army Fino4 Thro . Times Customs Vala of lam ' leal Goods. BAN- FRANCISCO, June IO.-rJudg Do buven handed down a deolslua today lu the United . States dUtrl-jt court la the case-of) the .United Status against W illiam R. Hans.' ' 1 ho deftmdant, who Is a cap tain In the engineers' Corps of the United States aruiy, falWd to aV-aUr goods worth $tk7 on- 1. 1 rrlt)u'l her on bottrd the trans port ThwiukS, ou Juris 10, 11K4. . The eowrt tliij" thai the goods not declared were worth. a.2,, aaJi give Judgment caiust the u4Ukiu tut three Uuitss that atuowtiL J. 1001. TALK OF HlOSETIC SPELLING Katiotial Educational Sooietj Appoints Oommittee to IaTestigats Subject. BOOKER WASH1NGT0M IS A SPEAKER Regre Instrnoior Deal thai .a Men tion Hu Injured Mornl of 111 ' Rao aad Cites Some Cases. ST. LOUIS, June SO. The question of sup porting a movement for the general adop tion Of phonetic spelling will nor come up before next year's convention of the Na tional Educational association. The matter was to have been , considered by the as sociation here, but has been laid over another year. 'The' national council of edu cation In adopting th report of the -cora-mltte on' Investigations and appropria tion refused the request of the department of superintendence for the appointment of a 'large committee and the appropriating Of 110,000 for reforming th spelling of the English language. However, 'a concession was made to th phonetie advocates In th appointment of a. committee to -Investigate the plans for-reformed spelling -that 'have been submitted,- and - to report next, year whether it Is considered advisable for the National Educational association to lend either Its financial or moral support to a spelling reform propaganda. There was a good deal of quiet discus sion of the question' among th educators at today's meeting of the convention. Some favored th movement and other expressed themselves as opposed to It. . Other Addresses. Samuel Llrxlsey, commissioner of educa tion, San Jutfn, p. R., talked on "Education In-Porto Rico" and told of the advance ment of educational methods In that Island in accordance -with American standard, notwithstanding th many intervening obstacles.- i ' "The New Departure In Secondary Edu cation" was tha subject of an address by J. J. Sheppard, principal of the High School of Commerce of New Tork City.- "Education In the Navy" was -discussed by Rear Admiral Casper F. Goodrich, U. S. N., who said: ....-,' "Th one great defect In the educational system in this country is th apparent deficiency In the primary department. Th boys we get ss apprentice In th navy are almost always found to be deficient In read ing, writing and. arithmtic," , . Th next speech on the program was by Booker T. Washington. Before he could be Introduced educator began pouring Into the hall .In throngs and proceedings were tor tne, time suspended. When order was restored President Cook Introduced Mr. Wrshlngton,' who .' was greeted with . re sounding applause. Booker T. Washington spoke of "The Education of tho Southern , Negro."", He said Ih part: ' t Judired nuniv. - from an ftcnnnmlrt antl Industrial point of -view, the education of the negro Is paying . and will pay more largely In the future In proportion as edu cational opportunities are Increased. - A careful examination shows that of the men and women trained at Hampton and Tuskogee, not 10 per cent can be found In idleness at any season Of the year. They have learned ,tfce beauty-of work, the dis grace of Idleness. Within the last rhontft l have asked and secured diiect Information a to the crim inal records of the graduates of fifteen of the largest and oldest negro colleges and Industrial .schools, and the facte are that only two graduates out-of tha whole num ber have ever been Sentenced to prison, and at fhepresent time not a smgle man or woman bearing a . dipjoma f one of those fifteen Institution weaj-s.,.th -prison he 'fecorrfs -of- fhe- south ahow" th'iitf 99 pejtKCoTit fa"errfredperonSj'4i)riaotj are without jthowleaRe of. trade and 61 Der-''?eht' aret,l!ltrate.a 1 Till Statement alone disprove ta assertion: that the negro grows in crime , as ne-secures-eaucauon. If the neiro at the 'north Is more criminal than his brother at the south It i largely beenuee the north withholds from him the opportunity for employment that the south gives. It is not tne eaucaiea nearo wno has been guilty of, or even-charged with crime. v. It Is, as a rule. the. one who has a mere smattering of education Or who IS in total Ignorance. ' ' 1 ' Arise nf civilization and opportun ity in Italy, Jl per cent of the population are Illiterates. in ppain do per crm; u-Russia,- 78 per cent: In th averae;a. 8outh American Country, 80 per cent. whtTe forty years of freedom and Improvement, the negro has only 44 per cent of illiteracy tow his debit. ' . , Maxwell Is President. : W.,' H.- Maxwell, superintendent of In struction of New York City, wa .today elected president of . the National Educa tional association for ths, next year. . . The report of the committee on nomina tions was' unanimously adopted. The other officers elected ' include W. H. Swayne. Montana, and H.. A. Mathews, Arlsona, vice presidents, and A. W. Crabtree, Ne braska, treasurer. Th recommendation was unanimously adopted that A:aska, 'Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine islands be granted rep resentation in th association and directors were elecUd . ,Tho report of Treasurer -Rhodes of Ken tucky, which shows total receipts during th past year of 181,000 and total disburse, ments' of $77,000, was approved, as was also th Annual report of th Board of Trus tees. . ..''.-' The convention then -adjourned. : The se lection of a place for holding was left to the new Board of Directors., ' BUREAU FOR HARVEST HANDS Stat Labor Oowimisalonor Opens Fro 'Employment Oflle In Omaha ' , .to Snpply Farmers. ( Deputy Stat labor .Commissioner Urt Bush- opene.d a fr employment bureau yesterday afternoon on the. second floor of Labor temple. Fifteenth end Dodg streets. The bureau. Is operated under th direct auspices of the state labor commis sioner . and the Western Association of Farm Employment bureaus, which embrace the states of Oklahoma;, "Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska, with both South and North Dakota co-operating. The special purpose of the establishment of S branch In Omaha at this time ta to procure harvest hands for th Kansas and Nebraska wheat fields. Commissioner Bush says regarding the matter! "This is th first Urn w have estab lished a branch burean in' Omaha' and w are inclined to- think it IS going to be a big success. Omaha' is th natural gate way of th west and litre is the natural plao to took for farm help. The pay in th harvest fields is excellent, running from UH to 11 per day snd found. There is a big demand for harvest hands. Ths wheat harvest is now about over In Okla homa and southern Kansas and we will Sot ship men for any points further south than the two northern tiers of Kansas eountles. The Nebraska harvest will begin Monday ind of oourse our special aim is to secure .harvest hands for our own State. We have made Special arrangement with tho railroads whereby harvest hands are shipped to the points needed at 1 cent per mile. Ths appllcJfnts must of oourse pay their -own transportation." Arrangements have been mad by the Farmers' Employ ment association of Kansas and Nebraska, th railroads and - surserves, whereby the men ore directed t- the points needed and there met by agents -of the bureau and taken to th places they' are to work. ' "No-charge whatever Is made for recur lnghe employment for the men and eyery cfltort is pisde to sea that ''the men are tilrly treated and that they shall havs eveiy ' 'posUlv ' assarano of employment t: when their reach their destination. We hav already shipped over S00 men from Lincoln to th wheat fields andhor'to do much better than that hrr in Omah. Th first shipment of, harvest hands from Omaha will be made Saturday. I will be her all day Friday and Saturday tn answer all Inquiries and we expect to maks an other shipment of harvest hands Tuesday pexf R. L DUNN HOME - FROM EAST Photographer nnd Correspondent Re tarns from geat otRasso Japanese War. R. Lk'Dunn, stiff photographer and cor respondent for Collier's Weekly In the Ruftso-Japanem - war, passed through Omaha last night on his way -back to New Tork. Mr; Dunn defied th Japanese regulations and Instead of watting st Toklo until permitted to go- forward by the gov ernment, persisted In pressing to the front. He wa "in"' on the naval battl at Che mulpo and clung to th, Japanese army up to the- crossing of th Talu, when he was compelled to return to Toklo, where too other correspondent were waiting to get Into action. He was not allowed to leave with them, but was detained for an Indefl hit period and returned lyim, leaving Japan the last of April. ,4 rii ;. .-- "People. In this country really have a better idea of th war. than any of the correspondents." said Mr. Dunn, "Th men reporting the battles don't know very much except what takes place under their Very eyes. Th Japanese are getting the best of It, but not so much so as the dispatches would make It seem, as every thing that gets out is censored by the government at Toklo. 'Japanese losses and damages are never reported. : "It costs tremendously to gather news In the far east and each man must be equipped with a suite of servants and in terpreters and a vast quantity of para phernalia." i SOCIALISTS 4 NAME' TICKET rate Convention Held, In North Dakota aad New Constltatlon -and Platform Adopted. ' '." ..' " - . GRAND" FORKS. N. D., June J0.-Th sdclallst party nominated . a 'full state ticket at the convention held In Valley to day and adopted a new constitution and platform, which does not differ' materially from that of two years ago, when th first ticket was nominated. In th resolutions adopted, the action -of ths strikers In the Colorado mining camps was endorsed. The ticket I 'headed by Arthur Bassett ht Fargo for governor, khd name L. F. Dow, Grand Forks, and E. D. Herring, Cayuga, for . congress. . m YOUNG WILL GO TO ST. LOUIS Former. General Organiser Will Fae Charges .Mad Against Him aa ; ' Result of Teamsters' Slrllte. ' CHICAGO, June 10. Albert Toung, form erly general organiser bf National Brother hood of Teamsters, has surrendered to the authorities' trt the city of St. Louis with out extradition ty 'causing his appearance to be entered in-ths assault-case which Is to come ' up for trial July (. Toung Is charged with abetting assaults upon' non union men during" A recent strike In St. Louis. , ' .'; - . . - ' Green Dlamenda Ar teen. , .Considerable .Interest, ;. writes, corre spondent." has been' arpus4:ln 'Johannes burg bjtn thscorery on V mining, property KiVsdeVjk-of gWeft dlaniond of about thres-tjuarterll -CaraU- Th' gem had. slipped into a crevice lh th Iron plates of th crushing mill, and 'was found during th dismantling of the. Will to mak loom for a new stamp battery", ' . V In U53 over seventy, similarly colored dia monds wer' found upon', the same property. They had all Slipped between the dies and escaped destruction. It Is conjectured that many other' jit-eon stohes got crushed out of existence. '"' " -- For th first Mm srlnc the date th Klerksdorp O- . D. company tnteuds to resume operations on this particular ground and the prospects of unearthing more of these ' green, gems . aro .being eagerly watched from'- the Rand. ' ' ' Who' Who f ' A good man and a tiad man cam with gifts and laid 'them at the altar. ' And the. chittcH took unto herself the gift of both. "It Is pot for me." ealth the church, "to separate fh 'wheat from Ithe tare. Lt them grow together till th Urn of har vest." - '.-;i'- ' The next year only the ;bad man cam with gifts. : , "Where is thy - brothsr?" asked th church, 'anxiously ' ' "Oh, be and I formed a trust and now he 1 working for. me, for 1.M a day," re plied th bad man.' '. " And th tlm of th harvest was still s far off.. Puck. ' A Hard Lock. Story. '' . ' "Stockson cams-up to m yesterday "a said: 'Is it ot enough for your And Just then he was overcome 'by .the heat and I caught him a he wa falling.?' ."Then what did you doT" "I held him Ip mj? arms And called for th police. I toUl them what had occurred." "What happened then?" ' "The police arrested' me for maintaining a .nuisance." Cleveland Leader. Wreck In Ohio. MIAMISBT-RO. O.. June SO. -In a head-on ucilllslon betwewi Cincinnati, Hamilton Day ton norinoouno priis" v. Toledo A Detroit express, southbound, near here today thre trainmen were seriously injured and the locomotives and baggwpe rs -of both trains were demolished, l bs passenger escaped with a sever snaxing up'; . ' . 'smalr-l nton Closes Down. TELLUR1DK, Colo.. Jun ) The Smug-aW-r-Unlon mln-s, employing MR men. were closed down today and the company s mill will be closed as soon ss the one pn hand Is disposed of. It Is rumored that opera tions at several other nilnee will ceae in a few ilav- The reason for closing down has not 'beprt iade public. ' 'Hall'.ii-? Mncb Damage. . KANOAS RITI. J"ne 10 -Art unusually sever hall storm in in vioimir vi iu.j. Mo., and Mar.iiausn. ivan.. """" u dmg to crops and orchards and hoke" hun.-reds of window pane.. In th vicinity of Manhattan - In a path tbrr miles wl.le and fifteen mile long, urn nd oat were utterly ruined. Coin lor ChtraberUln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe ; Bemedy. Don't put yourself in this man's place, but keep Utile f this remedy in your home ' If is certain to be needed s-oner or later and when that time ""J will neod it Udly; you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may sev lie. ' fri, 23 cmU Urge site, W ot -. 4ga7t V SWALLOCtlTiR MANl 7 (Continued .from First Page.) Swallow may decline th nomination after all." This evening, tn respons to a congratu latory telegram, he sent th following to Chairman Stewart: , i . HARRISlUJRa. Pa., J(in ". Hon. Oli ver W. Stewart, rrohil'ltlon .National Con vention; Indianapolis. Ind.: ' If honor re ferred to In your dispatch Implies dutl.-s requiring my absence from home, while, I highly appreciate any honor or duty, the KIKflUWl l'7 VI inw -H ..... H.w yet unless Mrs. Swsllow's health are-tUl Improves I would be compelled' to ticclnui tSigned) B. CV SWALLOW. I ROCK ISLAND ABSORBS ROAD J Will Take Over the St. Lonls, Kansas City Colorado Llae on ' v juir l.1 ':r' CHICAGO. Jun SO. Tho management of th Rock Island railway system announced today that on July l.the St. LouU,-.Kansas City eV Colorado, which hss iret coai- pleted between St. Louis and Kansas City, Will be absorbed by the Rock Island, lie coming the St. Louis division of the sys tem. The name SL Louis Jfaneks City. Colorado will be, dropped. It Is also an nounced by th Rock Island that the ntw Chlcago-St. Iiouta line of the Eastern Illi nois road will bo opened during th latier part of July. In connection with tha absorption of the St. Louis, Kansas City A Colorado the fol lowing appointments sre made public: .C. E. McKimm. to be general uperlnte-ndent of transportation; J. O. Corkett, general superintendent M ''Kafieas City; Thomas Roop, superintendent, of jriotlv power. TRACKS WILL BE. TORN UP Chicago Falls to Close Negotiations ' with Traction Company Regard-' Ing Street Franchises. ' ' '. ; .. ' . v. z -. vf . CHICAGO, Jun - JO Th gotlatrons Which for som months hsve been in prog ress between ths city of Chicagd and thej Union Traction company, which operate.; tn surraee lines on the north ahd we sides of the city, regt ling the renewal franchises have been (broken onT and tl city wlU order the tracks of the compan to be torn up, as rapidly as Its franchise explr. ,,. .,. Th break came today when the company! refused to consider th last proposition or th city, which provided for the ."avers-! Ing" of. th tlm. th several . unexpired franchises jof th company -hay r el toi KM. (i ., , ...... . , JOI.IT WIRB SVRTBM WIIX KB IKEt Inlfleatlon of Telephone nod . TeleJ graph KITected on. Iathmna, . I PANAMA, June" SQ. Representatives' of the Panama canal c6mmisslori. 'and . the acting superintendent of the Panam. rail road company haV entered Into an agree ment for the uniflflcatlort of the telephone and telegraph systems controlled Jy the commission and the railroad company from the first of July, the' fatter to have super vision and control bf the Joint systems. The rates for public rrleesages will Soon, be" an nounced. - .'" - ' ... ( Denver Physician 1 Killed. " DBNVER, Jun-M.-Xr. - Seymolir1 T. Jsrcckl, a young physlolnn was shot-nnl killed today M his home In this city. .fwo shots were flred, .one' bullet ntl-rln' hln body near the heart.- " Apparently. hti-l-nd bten railed. to the door. and nseissirmted. His wife was absent t tho , tii". T"" !,'( etartod 'TOO Oarly.' Th difference of a few days Of A not seen to ' bother Ross Conk. Ing of, 2122 North Twenty-fourth street, for he. s'arted his Fourth of July .celebrations- -last : ulght. He was arrested for putting torped.oeii on t the car track. .. ., - (. . .. . i mIISRMIEKTL KRUG PARK FREE , TODAY AND TOMORROW: " , KILPATRICK BROS.' SHOWS DIAVOLO. nnniMx rue I nnn ' mm w w 1 1 w n swr . Afternoon, 4i30. Kvenlng, a. IBOYD'S wood",rurfe Ferris Stock Co. 6th big Week Tonight Balance of Week BELLE -Of RICHMOND Sunday Until 'Thursrlay I NDErt, SKALEU OlIDURS Prkst. S) lc Base Bal Colorado Brings v$. cmai ji KB ar, as. m, o, Vinton Street Park. ams sailed at !:&, " iifii iniiT turn ntXLluu i nifty SPANISH HACKERl Friday Dinner at the . W "nV mt mJ v V Friday mm sPEcia QAKED BLUE FISH1 SPANISH '- AT TUB . ...... L3snhatlsn Restaurant, do JSe f irtf-tsii mcsl H popular prkti. BLUE RIBBOIl CAFE MIS raraam. Regular tlnner, 5. Served -very la.T from 11:00 to 1:0 1 ' KHIDtV IHKFiEH IrEdil, . BfiKED VJHITE FISH - Jit OHATIBfc. . ; . murderer escaped. .Qn JleeniP'"' V"l. pn ' -Jareckl, "then 'ntv.,j;lijV'fri '? wnm iiTOr m o ra m. ruir oince pv.i- unknown asillartt. '?i f ' .' t c. - ' ' "" ' J '' The odor. ,Vr of health with jf ach cake of Life- ; i II buoy Soapr. In II 41 Laundry " and