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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
inn OMAITA DAILY KEE: FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1004. WILlJFIQnr TO LAST COURT Whichever Side Wins in Dennlson Case Meant to Appeal Decision. CONNELL PICKS UP POINT FOR HIS CLIENT Shows Cheek Deanlaoa Did Wot Slfta as rrTl that Presecatloa's . Experts Mar Have Bees Mistakes.' Judges Day, Troup and Redlck are spend. tag the day tog-other, going; over the record and the authorities In the Dennlson habeas corpus case, which they have announced they will decide Saturday "morning. This Is the proceedure to come as now mapped out: "If the application of Mr. Dennlson for a writ of habeas corpus Is denied by the district court it will not open the way for the Iowa authorities to Immediately exe cute the warrant of extradition. The case will have to be paused on by the Nebraska supreme court, and perhaps by the su preme court of the United States, before It will be possible to take Dennlson to Iowa. Whichever side loses in the lower court will appeal to the supreme court, and the case will be fought to the last possible tribunal. A supersedeas bond to stay the order of the lower court will be filed by the losing side Immediately after the decision Is announced." , An important sidelight was thrown upon the case by an Incident of Wednesday's pro ceedings. The day before A. B. Hunt, at the request of H. C. Brome, one of the CIvlo Federation attorneys, brought In a bunch of bank checks signed jointly by himself and Mr. Dennlson. Upon his testi mony that these checks all bore the gen uine signature of Dennlson, they were ad. nil t ted as exhibits In the case. Is glancing over these checks Wednesday afternoon Mr. Connell noticed that the Dennlson signature on one of them was somewhat different from that on all of the others, the difference being as pronounced as the difference between the genuine Dennlson signature to letters admitted In evidence and the Dennlson name on the Davenport hotel register. , Hot Slned by fjeameaoa. When this particular chock was shown to Mr. Dennlson he declared that he had not signed it.' Mr. Hunt was then sent for and recalled to the witness stand. He explained that this check had been drawn while Den nlson Was out of the city and signed by him witfi authority from Mr. Dennlson. It so happened, then. . that. Mr. Hunt imitated the signature of Dennlson so closely that the check went through the bank, where Dennlson' signature was well known, without question. This circumstance Is pointed out by W. J. Connell, Dennlson's chief counsel, as indicating that men whose business It la to compare signatures can easily be mis taken, even on signatures with which they are familiar. It was pointed out vthat If this check to which Mr. Hunt had signed the name of Dennlson had been permitted ' to remain as an exhibit In the case it would have borne out the theory of Thomas and Brome that Mr. Dennlson sometimes wrote his name with the distinguishing characteristics of the handwriting on the Davenport hotel register. Tuesday . Keiiey- SUger Stock Kelley StUrtr Stock Tuesday ASSAULTED BY HALF-BROTHER Omaha Btaa Tells Police Three Thugs Waylay Him, bat Most Disproves. William Bennett of 1530 Cass street re ported to the police that he had been stopped by three men at Eleventh and ' Nicholas streets, brutally assaulted and robbed. The police made a prompt in vestigation, and so far as they were able to learn the faots were at variance with those reported by Bennett According to the investigation It seems that Bennett was assaulted early yesterday morning by a half-brother named Mercer, who has been living at Storm Lake, la. The motive for the assault Is said to be to satisfy a grudge of - nearly two years' standing. Bennett, It is ' said, ' lived at Wayne, Neb., where his mother died about two years ago, leaving some property, which the half-brother' claims Bennett wrongfully sold, cutting him out of his share of the estate. The foreman of an asphalt plant at Eleventh and Nicholas streets. In which locality the trouble oc curred, says,' he name out when the as sault was In progress and was shown a deed by Mercer, who said he was having It out with bis half-brother for selling the property. REMNANT SALE Every Remnant in the House Must Be Closed Out today to make room - KELLEY-STIGER STOCK TUESDAY, JULY 0 wliicli goes on sale Wash Goods Remnants merit lie ...5c Pretty Summer Wash Fabric In beautiful designs lawns, French batistes, Irish dimities worth up to 25o ' yard, tomorrow, a"t, yard Victoria Lawns light or heavy grades the lOo quality, . at, yard Chambraya and Scotch ainghams long lengths worth 1 . sa,:, .....62c Voile Suitings in stripes, cheeks and snow flake effects ' pi - worth 25o yard special. at, yard... 40c flercerlzed Sateens or ft f Henrietta finish, black llff aad colors special, yard" Yard Wide flusllns long t cloth finish, mill ends, S O at. vard ... ' 2 Printed Lawns on bargain square, worth 10c yard Jf at, yard White Curtain Scrims mill lengths, the lOo grade, at, yard.... Short Length Muslins silk olio es, shirtings and lawns all at, yard , Red, White and Blue Flag Bunting all size stripes just the thing for Fourth of J uly decora- . tion 7o quality,' at, 31 lc - - 1 - - Two Afternoon Specials at 1:30 p.m. Fancy Dress Ginghams best 36-Inch Percale that sold styles and regular Zl- for 12ic yard at 10c quality, at, yd 2C yard JvS Remnants of Dress Goods All the 15c Batistes, Organdies, Summer Tissues Hlp dimities, eto; go at, yard.. All the 25c Lace Lawns, Shantungs and Fine Wash Ifir Goods go at, per yard . . . . . , : . . A"v All the Remnants of 50c Moussetine de Sore dress and waist patterns, all colors, go at, yard...;,.. lOV Ali the Highest Grade Linen and Tub ,Suitings-eta.- J mines, nub nuttings, voiles, 49c, 59c, 69o graded OK " Remivants of Silk Must Go Fine Silks for Shirt Waist Suits fancy waists, kimonas, linings, etc., new goods placed in this grand lot and all will be sold tomorrow wprth up to 69o yard, at, yard . . ....y $1.00 and $1.25 Crepe de Chines, Etc. a. wide va- Afy riety of the most popular and fashionable Biiks?" ' JEWELRY TAKEN FROM ;H0USE Articles Valued at Seven Hundred Dol lars Stoics, While Family Is V- FrosU Perch. It has been reported to the ponce that jewelry, estimated, at a value of 1700, was stolen from the residence of Arthur B. Pratt. IOCS North Thirty-third street, sup posedly while the members of -.the family were all on the front porch, between and 7 p. in:- Wednesday. The articles, con sisting! of a valuable necklace and diamond lings, were not missed until this morning-, and the beat theory that can now be ad vanced la that sneak thieves entered during- the hoars mentioned, as the valuables were known to be safe at ( o'clock Wednes day evening- and the house could not have been, ' entered during- the night without : some evidenoe being- left of the entrance. No clue-as! to the Identity of the thieves has aa yet been given out, but the polios are working- on the case. The neoldaoe and one of the diamond rings belonged to lira Jennie tvt and the other jewels were the property of Mrs. P. M. Pratt. ' . . . -,, Bfaed Jest the Same. Sergeant Hen tf row of the police station thought he made a ten-strike Wednesday afternoon when -he arestud William H. Murrs of Topeka, Kan., on the charge of being drunk and sleeping at an under taking establishment. Marra promised the sergeant that as soon as released from the city Jt.ll he would secure r- ll.IxJQ posi tion for the sergeant, JMarrs aiso made adiniHBlons of hob-nobbing wlui royalty by eaylnjr that he could walk up to half a A Great "Fourth of July" Bargain $4.6o.$4 Knee Pants Suits at $2 On Sal on Third Floor. ' An extraordinary offer like this happens only during rare trade conditions never have we been able to offer such high grade children's suits at such a low price new-, est summer styles in single and double- breasted outing suits (belt to match). Nor- folks, Norfolk Sailors,' Bailor Blouses, In strictly all wool serges, casslmeres and cheviots not a single suit worth less than $3.50 all to gether on one table for a big Fourth of July special at , f Z3 Vacation Clothing for Children TSall wool Knee Pants 1 2c9 ' 22o .75c 86o Brownie Overalls at f .', $1.60 Washable Knee Pants Bailor Suits at , Washable Sailor Suits at 25o Wash Pants at 85c Unlaundered Waists Mother's Friend bell , t V BIG SPECIAL IN BASEMENT. a i Boys' 30c and 35c Knee Pants at 17c 1,000 pairs of strongly made knee pants, worm np to duo, at. ..:...39c 8c for boys ISc 17c dosen different celebrities and say "Give me two bits" and he would get the money. Judge Berka fined Marrs $1 and costs, not withstanding. BOY ON WHEEL HlTiY AUTO Bleyele Rider Ras Over, bat Doctor Talaks He Is Hot Seriously Injured. - Frank Spencer, a messenger boy living at Thirty-second and Cretan ton avenue, was run over yesterday by automobile No X. driven by F. E. Wetsflow Sf- 664 South Fortieth streets It Is said Welsflow was turning the oornor at Twenty-eighth and Dewey avenue at a moderate speed when Spencer, riding a bicycle, was tun down trying to pass the auto.' Welsflow stopped, called a surgeon and later took the Injured boy to his home In the automobile. Bpen car's Injuries are said to consist of bruises In different parts of the body, and It la not believed he was seriously hurt The btcyole was badly damaged. Tl Mrs. J. Benson Walking Skiffs a Handsome Sicilian "Walking Skirts in black, blue, brown, jasper or gray and champagne colors special , ; f 7 C ii. value at few Hilk UO.OOto close A few Hilk Shirt Waist Suits value V ' .t A 7C IV.IJ are going very fast, but having had a big lot, there Is stlll a fl rat-class variety to choose from. Each and every one of these suits are worth at least $15.00. Don't buy elsewhere until you have seen these extra ordinary values. Alfred Benjamin Stills No others are as good; no others fit as well no others retain their , shape like these; no others wear as long, while our prices will be found no higher than- you pay for Inferior goods eUrfwhere. Fancy Vests 05c We place on sale another batch of those white and fancy vesta; sale price, 8Cc worth up to 12.001 Hen's Pants SL39 and $1.90 For 11.88 we sell blue serge, fancy worsted and black cheviot pant a For fl.M you can have choice of at least 2,000 pairs of pants worth up to a.60i Young Hen's Suits $3.90 Small men can be fitted In these, as the sizes run up to 16; many of these suits sell elsewhere as high as 8.G0. Tho Guarantee Clothing Co. (513-152! Douglas St. v OMAHA Friday, generally fair and warmer. r3 Ji UN. 1) u I An Open Air Service Saturday . and Monday Store closed Mon day 7 Sure 1 But that don't cut no. Ice. Bale on sidewalk all the same. ON TUB SIDE WALK under the awning right on the corner 16th and liar ney A ROARING SIDEWALK SALE of 'Roman Candles, Golden Shower Can dles, Torches; Whlrl ' winds, Balloons, Bombs, Salutes, Bat teries, Cannon, Rockets, Torpedoes, etc., etc. Everything for a high old Fourth of July at Bennett-cut prices ON THE SIDEWALK Sat urday and .Mondajr. The Glorious Fourth Blanks, Pistol, Revolvers, Flags. Bunting. Festooning, Lanterns, Balloons, Horns, Blow outs, Squawkers, Cane. Novelties, etc ON 5ALE NOW, Sporting Ooods Department, main floor- Snaps in Crockery, 5 iikUijj Common .Open Jelly - 0n Tumblers per dosen ,......- And U In Little Green Stickers Friday. Half gallon Mason Fruit fr Jars per dosen vcV And 3 la Uttle Green Stickers Friday. HKOO RATED ENGLISH PORCELAIN I'LATKS. hlfrh grade, guaranteed ware, a close-cut Friday each DINNER 4c COLORED BANQUET CANDLES, all n colors Friday each '.. ............' Limit of twelve to a customer. 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL OUR. RICH CUT GLASS. 33 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL COLORED jardini;kks. DBT?ORATED 10O-PIECE DINNER Hi i o . ( ,liiiu. MASON FKUIT JAR CArS-per fQn 4.24 dozen SECOND FLOOR. Wiggle Stick Demonstration lit Grocery Dept.Basement What Is It? It's a stick of soluble blue In a little sack In a perforated hollow wnrwlpn tuhA vnil wlrrlA the W K H 4 T . M VSEIlS STICK In water and the trick's nn k"va2svjf Vou need It Friday lv vVf and 60o In Uttle Green Stickers thrown in. A Flurry 'Mon Ice Cream Freezers .Friday and Saturday any ice cream freezer in the Louse hundreds to choose from and f rices rock bottom -carries in Little'Qreen Stickers with it. A poor ice cream freezer is worse than no freezer at all. Come to Bennett's and get a freezer that'll do its work and gire satisfactory results. Friday and Saturday ?4 in "S. & 11." Green Trad ing Stamps with every ice cream freezer sold. HARDWARE SECTION Basement. PI Remivant Day Friday. Our remnant sales mean a great deal to our customers. All our remnants are not little pieces. Lengths for waists, for skirts, for suits, for aULpurposes, will bo found among them, and all at half price or less. 4 . Friday itiornihg we will offer an ocean of remnants of silks, dress goods, linings, wash dress goods, linens, toweling, rib bons, domestics of all kinds, laces, em broideries,, and odd lots of hose, under wear, and ladies' neckw ear. You'll find the Weather Report tf's Mr. Weather Reporter Welsh's report, . mind ye Always at head of Bennett's ads, every day except Sunday. , Reliable?. Sure Saturday evening 7:30 to 10:00 Kaufman's Orchestra In a raging rag time concert. The latest music by the BEST ORCHESTRA N0WIS THE CITY-come and enloy it. We Close All Day on he 4th ORDER EARLY DEPUTT BTATB VETERINARIAN. H. U RAMACCI0TTI D. V.. S. ' C1TV" VKTEHISARIA. Offlce and Infirmary, tStb and Mason SU f DIAMONDS Tl . 1 j . . . . jiu j"u Know inn only aoouc lu per aj cent of the weight of all the diamonds T bs found are brought to the united States as l to be cut and polished? That lit per M Miit. however. reiresents one-half o goes to prove that Americans are th I best posted and most discriminate . huvera. We kve' only fine soods. but at prlci s s reaxonable that we l not only offer, but will refund nlne 1 it-nth of the amount paid us It re- I turned within One year. . . FAIR RUTE , Elegant Pullman Sleeping? Cars, , Reclining Chair Cars (Seats Free) K Dining Cars (Meals a la Carte) EXCUnSIOIl TICKETS tlOW Oil SALE . A handsome World's Fair folder con tnlnlng complete Information, views of buildings, eto., and map of Bt Louts, will be sent free on request to T. F. OODFHBV, Pass, and Ticket Aat. TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. A at. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. K. O. TOvVHSKHD, Gea. Pass, aad Ticket A seat, ST. LOUIS, HO. Diamond Rings Engagements are as acceptable for the fair sex now as at any other time. Cupid baa all seasons for his own. That Is why we keep always In stock a nice selection of engagement rings. If you are Interested come and see what we can da fur you. Brown ft Borsheim, JEW5.LER. 221 I 16TII DT. THE LARGEST STOCK THK RKMABLK ITORt, THE LOWEST PRICES DON'T MISS REMNANT DAY In Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room. , -. . ', . Tsvo carloads of the finest remnants that ever was placed on sale will be on our bargain counters Friday morning: ivong ana snort lengths of 25o dimities. Ka osustes, 25o organdies end other high priced weeli goods, bought new from the mill and nrver' opened up before Q and only 10 yards to a cus- 1 "rf tomer, at yard 4 Shirting prints, Indigo blue prints, gray firinin, ail H1IX19 or stan dsrd prints, worth tc, 64a and 7Hc yard, all will ao at. rJHr yard ......7. V4W 100 full pieces of fine lawn, strictly 1 fast colors, and only 10 yards . to a customer, yard t-yW 16o percales, 1 yard wide: ISc figured Sa teen, 26o black and white sateen. 26o French ginghams, layfce Scotch ginghams, lfe Everett Classic ginghams, Wo and 12Ho organdies and lawns, 15o Ox-- er ford suitings, and a great many fC other high priced goods, at. yard...'-'' 15c dotted Swisses, iSo French batiste, So imported percales, 26c Oxford suitings, 19c plquee and other goods, worth up to Soc yard. mm 1 y'd.1. 7k ISc, 89o and 6oo organdies, batistes, lawns, 23o cotton voiles, 25c Oxford suitings, Kic London piques, 60c silk ginghams, Xc im- Sorted tine Madras. 2fic French eatlnes. -o extra fine shirting percales, and about l.WO pieces of odds and endt g of wash fabrics, worth from I I I C 26o to 60c, yard v AVW O BO WOOL. PRK83 OOODS ISC YARD Remnants of sll wool voiles, nil wool stcklngs, all wool Shepherd plaids, and omer wool gnoos, wonn from 76o to 11.60 yard, all a i, yara 15c Inventory Clearance Sale In Our LINEN A ND DOMES TIC DEPT. Union bleached table damask, regular 1Qr 45c value, on sale at, yard I"v Bleached and unbleached muslin, In mill ends, regular 8fco to lOo value, on sale Frldav at. vard Ready made bleached sheets, 81x90, bargain at 60c Friday we will put these on sale at each Ready made bleached pillow cases, 1st price 12c. on sale at. each - XJnen finish glass toweling, 1 Inches-wide, in red and blue checks, regular lOo . Bp value, on sale Friday at per yard w long ...5c a big 39c regu- .9c One great square of white goods, consisting of dotted Swiss. 40-inch lawn, India llnon. check nainsook, stripes, open work, -Mad- r...5c rascji. etc., at per yard 10c, Tito and 600 remnants of table linen In t, 2 and 3 yard lengths, at less than cost. ' , t. 50c Corset Coyer Embroid ery, per yard, 15c A solid case of very fine extra wide embroideries, suitable for corset covers and skirt flouncMngs, cheap at 60o yard as JE a flyer for Friday, only, per yard , .IOw Embroidery edges, per yard..; to I Embroidery Inserting, per yard......... 60 om yaras sewing ureaa, a great snap - 1 embroidery Aiiovers, per yard, asc, 63o, ai ... iQ 1 iw sna o 10.000 10O TACK FULLERS, EACH 8C-The greatest tack puller of the age, soils usu ally for 10c to 16c We have 10.000 of r these pullers on sole Friday, each . FLANNEL DEPARTMENT Remnants of 18o feather ticking, at yard. no. Remnants of embroidered flannel less than cost. Remnants of So cotton flannel at yard, I?o. 1 Remnants of 8cr sljkollne, at yard, Jc. Reirnatits of 16a Woodlawa cheviot shirt- ' lng, at, yard, 7c - GRAND JULY GROCERY, HARD WARE and CROCKERY Opening:; THE- ONLY BTORE IJI THE WEST THAT RETAILS TO THE CONSUMER AT WHOLESALE TRICES. Jello, Fruit Puddlne, Dromangelon, J.1- lycon, per package 7a The very best soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb o The best corn starch, per package to 1-lb, package Imported macaroni V,ic Largs bottles pickles, any kind you want "Ho Large bottles chill sauce, or tomato catsup 9Ho Fancy, bottles stuffed or plain olives.. 8Vio i4-lb. tans potted or devilled ham SH 4-lb, cans potted bet. 80 hi-lb. cans, potted 01 devilled tongue.. 7Vc 1-lb. cans assorted soups, the best...... 7Vio 4-lb. cans Peerless dried beef. 9c t-lb can Boston baked bmns ... Hc i-lb. can fancy. Alaska ralmon. ......... 9o yi)lljv FRESH FRUIT FOR THE 4TH..- Large, juicy, seedless lemons, per dos, lo Large,' juicy, sweet oranges, per dos.. Zo 1- lb. package California white figs..., 60 Large Florida bananas, per dosen.... 10o BUTTER DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. Qood country butter, per lb..,....t.....12Ho The very best creamery butter, per lb. tuo HARDWARE SPECIALS.. Adjustable bard wood screens 19o 2- burner gasoline stoves ......13.29 lWi-lnoh screen doors ,n. 69a Gasoline ovens i.....-$l 29 Warranted garden hose, per foot So 12-qiiart blue and white enameled water pall , 6e Hard wood Ice chest ,..1495 22 blank cartridges. In box, for........ 7o , CXOCKERY DEFT. SPECIALS. t-quart Rococo and Majolica ' water pitchers t 19c Embossed. lined decorated fruit dates. 10 Fine blown engraved water tumblers. 60 u. Ybu Are Never Satisfied When you go on a vacation If your watch Is out of order. Of all times you need to have It right then. Let us nut it in order lor you. Leave It with us for a few days be fore you go. Our watchmakers are the best we can em ploy. Look for the name. . - - .. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas SU It Is No Fun whan traveling to have to turn every thing upside down to find what you are looking for. Let us sell you at 20 per oent discount a suit case or grip, arranged so that there fs a plaoe for everything. Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone 10S8 1209 g! Farnam M T7i wm 'Hftlls'i xm& 1 For Comfort In Shnvlns- use one of our Le Conltre . Rasors. After using one of these rasors for two weeks If i not entirely satisfactory, we will cheerfully refund the purchase price, uney nave irem one to seven Diaaes. rT7TlMHi"nHHl nxwmtmY& RYAN CO 15 lit AND DOUGLAS J J. -jrTAriA,VC.3. WMW In the Rosebud Indian ReserYation To ba Opened for Settlement ' JULY 5th TO 23rd Special-reduced ronndtrip tickets oa sale Julj 1 to 22 good returning till " August 31 Apply at City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St., Omaha, for descriptire pamphlets. Trains for Bonesteet and Fairfax leave Union Station on and after July . . a i n.Air . O .f A n m sa .s a . ana a i- 11:45 v. m. me cnance ilriUtaw ' of a lifetime. Bee Want Ads Produce Results Si OMAUA. NEO. Telephone lit. . i n a i t i i i im i