TITE OMATTA DAILY HEE. BTTXDAT, JUNE 28, 150f. V EVOLUTION OF TEE CHOIR BoooTLoctionf of Old-Time Metaocls When Art Wu Shj. PRIMITIVE SINGING HAD SOUL IN IT tarn ( Madera Prr la Ckmk Eqalaaaeat Pay Caalrs aa Pi Organs Is Ik Chaa j far ta Beartt Lajrt Sabbath, wallet ik ta my accus tomed placa of worship, while yet at a distance I heard th notes of an aria, clear and sweet aa a flute. Through the open window it came, wafted on the breexe, faint, then stronger, soaring btrdJlk In a Clad song of adoration at one aa erlson and a benediction. When seated in my paw and the nuth of prayer fell upon th congregation, those rapturoua strains till rang in my ears, drowning th role of the minister Into a dull monotone, conducive to revert. In plrtt I went back t a little town in In diana, where forty years ago I, too, "be longed t th choir." ' Then aur sopranos, and for that matter all our singers, were those whom nature andowed, wh knew little of art, and were wholly untrained, except such as tha wan dering singing teacher of the "do-ra-me" period sometimes made available, InanUelty tae Rale. No pipe organ 'trembled plaintively or thundered rapturously in voluntary and accompaniment. A modest "Eety" was played by a young girl, whoa accom plishment waa then above th average, because aha could read muslo at sight Oh, how primitive and antiquated that singing would appear at this day, theugh very on thought it beautiful and above criticism then. Th lack of artlstlo finish waa net missed from those grand old an thems and hymns, so dear to th worship ing hearts of all, Christians since tha day of Luther and Melanchthon. No operatic i solos nor present day gospel songs could have been acceptably substituted. a But there was at least ona charm un known In tha present dispensation of choirs. There was no pecuniary compen sation connected therewith. Each one gave hi or her services for "the cause" and becaus It was a matter of conscience and duty; cold, heat nor storm never In terfered. The Saturday night rehearsals were as religiously observed as though the treasurer's check were to follow each time. For many years that old choir hung to gether. Tha proverbial squabble and Jeal ousies were unknown there. Friendships grew warmer as rears went on, and now that ail are scattered, and some of them gone to the homeland, about which they had so often sung, stlU they are remem bered and cherished by others who are still on th way. Modera Methods. Not long ago tha writer and oldtlm or ganistrevisited the home of earlier years. in,. iijt Ahmvh va, TVMtlv nruuiared. en- ' A W VJ . ... V.. " . " . larged and equipped with all the up-to-date accessories and methods. The little old-fashioned Instrument which once did duty at one end of tha audience room was supplanted by a pip organ at the other. It was "presided over" and manipulated by a graduate from the Boston Conserva tory of Music Th soprano warbled at so much per warble, and from the simple, unpretending old choir a most astonishing volution had evolved. I wondered, as I listened, did th fathers i and mothers look dowa from their exalta tion with tha choir Invisible upon their successors with feelings of pity or of prldeT Omaha, Neb, . E. M, T. eclat Sottday Rates ta Great Weft era Parle, Maaalif, la. For th months of June, July, August and September, . on every Sunday except July S, the Chicago Great. Western railway will sell round-trip tickets at ona far to Great Western park. Manning, la. For fur ther Information apply to B. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1511 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. Have Boot print It Oa Good Arganaeat ta that the scenery along th line of th Brl railroad Is unequalled for beauty and charm. There are MANY OTHERS. Three line trains dally to th east Excursion rates. Free stop-avers at Niagara Falls, Chautauqua Lake and Cambridge Springs. Writ' th ERia RAILROAD COMPANY, 656 Railway Exchange, Chicago, for book lets of Summer Tours, special Chautauqua. Lake low-rat excursions. Mo. Diamonds 1 Diamonds! Edholm, Jeweler. . Talc Wotte. - Parties Indebted to Mrs. R. H. Davles, the milliner, . will pleas call at th old stand and setUa at once. Special Sananter Toartst Rate ta WC Pul aai Minneapolis. On July 14 to 18. Inclusive, th Chicago Great Western railway will sell round trip tickets at lift 71 from Omaha to St Paul and Minneapolis. Tickets good for return .until August 5. For further Information ap ply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, Ull Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Okobojl lake cottages for rent. D. C Patterson, Patterson block. Fearth of Jnly Rate. The Illinois Central will sell excursion tickets to points within 200 miles of Omaha at rat of far and one-third for th round trip. Tickets on sale July I, t and 4. good for return unUl July i. Ticket at 140 Farnam street fair Faartk Eicirtios Rates via Reek Island System. East of Missouri river, one and one third fare for round trip between stations within MO miles. West of Missouri river, one far plus 60 cent for round trip between all point on Rock Island and Frisco systems. Tickets on sale July I, I and 4. Return limit July 6, For further Information call at 132 Farnam street or Union station. F..P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A.. 1S2S Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Good work, Chicago Laundry. "Phone Ml Imperial C'osacll Nobles of tae Mystt aria, Atlantic City. N. J., July 11-16. Th Chicago Oreat Western railway will, on July t and 10. sell round trip tickets at one fare, plus 12, to Atlantlo City, N. J. Tickets limited to July tt. On return trip stopovers will be allowed at Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. For further in formation apply to B. D. Parkhurst Gen eral , Agent l&ll Farntoa street, Omaha, Neb., Big plates loe cream. 4e. reople's Store. IS K. Wadding Ring. Edholm, Jeweler. See our fancy pedestal boxes, with bust of president Kooaevelt filled with cbolo candy, only Wc, at Dyball's, 1UI Douglas. ' Katlanal Irhltt4ln Coaveatlaa Indianapolis, Ind.. June tS-M. The Chicago Oreat Western Railway wlU. on June Js and IT. sell round trip tickets at one fsre, plus $2.26. to India ntuxjlte, Ind. For further Information apply.' to S. D. Parkhurst, 0neral Agent, UP Farnam IH, Omaha, Neb. You Can Clip Your Dividend Coupons Regular. each year and cash them at the IIom Office on presentation, if yon possess one of the new Guaranteed Dividend Investment Policial i of the . i i i i Bankers Reserve Life Company Of Omaha, Nebraska, Additional agenta wanted to secure applications ' for these up-to-date policies. For particulars call on or address, B. H. Robison, - - President. a Hardy's Fire Vorks and Two carloads of th celebrated Due All Colored Fire Works go on sale Monday, at prices that will create a sensation. Special assortments for public and private displays ranging from L00 to to 160.00. Her are some hair lifting bargains for early orders: Blank Cartridge Pis tols, for 22 ec blank ............. -'w Blank Cartridges, U. M. C. make, 4Kr 4 box for.... LARGE TERMINAL EETATOR Big Concern Planned by Farmers Indo- pendent fox Oman. ' PJLANS ARE NOW : BEING . pOMPLETED C Vlaeeat, Leading Faetar la taa Enterprise, Will Dlseass Matter with Railroad Offlclala xt We It. The promoters of th farmers' Independ ent elevators of Nebraska are to build a large terminal elevator In Omaha Just as soon as arrangements eaa be completed with th railroad companies and th bei anos of th capital which la necessary can be raised.. C. Vincent, publisher of the Farmers' Advocate, who has been aotlnc as orvaniser for th Farmers' xchans" In this state, la th active factor In th undertaking and be reports that th prin cipal part of th program has bean car ried out .Mr. Vincent has aa appointment with several railroad officials to meet him her next week for consultation regarding th settlement Of details. "About on year ago th establishment f a terminal elevator was agitated.. among tha farmers who were stockholders In local elevators throughout th state, but at that dm there was no grain market In this olty," said a friend of th enterprise. "Mr. Vincent took th matter up and out lined, a plan whereby a grain market could be established In Omaha. Shortly afterward President Stlckney of th Oreat Western cam her and mad rates which brought about, the organisation of th Grain exchange. BInce that time th last bjectloa to the establishment of a ter minal elevator In this city by th farmers has been removed. There are about thirty Independent farmers' elevators in Ne braska, and almost all of them hav .sig nified their willingness to subscribe to a fund for building a receiving elevator In this city. ' Leal Csaajaals. "New local elevator companies are being rapidly organised la various parts of the stata by fanners. On was organised at Paul Thursday. Sixteen farmers were pres ent at th organisation meeting and they subscribed for U.B00 worth of stock In the enterprise and pledged themselves to rata M,000 within th next few days. All of th members seemed to think that a terminal elevator In this city Is what Is needed. to complete th plan for th farmer to mar ket bis own grain, ."The independent elevators In this Stat paid !3V per cent on th Investment last year, and th owners are very enthusiastic concerning the outlook for th future of the business. The elevater to be built In this city probably will be of about 100,000 bushels capacity and It will be erected In such form that It eaa be trcreased In sise as th business grows. It Is th Intention t hav It read for th grata business this faU." AMHVAb MKKTIWO Oraad Lad Beaeveleat aad Protec tive Order f Elks. Cincinnati, O.July 1A-Z1 Th Chicago Oreat Western railway will, on July 16 and IT, inclusive, sell round trip tickets at on fare, plus IIS, to Cincinnati, O. Tickets good for return until July tt. For further information apply to S. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 1SU Farnam stieet, Omaha, Neb. GET MAN 0FSEVERAL NAMES Defective Arrest Vetera Wk 1 Wasted at Dee Moines tor Alleged Lsnesy, Deteottvee Chick Ferris and John Dunn have arrested Ki McClaln of St. Louis. HoClaln is charged with being a fugitive from Justice, It being said he Is wanted at lXi Moines. Ia., on a charge of grand Uroeny. The prisoner was arrested In Oinaha during IHSt under the name of "Henry Noble" and a few years later as "Charles MoorO - - ... . r 3lM oooooooooooooq Fourth of July Goods Cartridge Canes, with ammunition, Kc for -'w large package Tor pedoes, hand mad, vary on perfect, I packages, Cr for Red Mandarin Fire Crackers, 1904 Im portation, v r y Crackers, It 04 Ira 1 per er pacau w Full and complete assortment of Sky Rocket, Roman Can dles, Mines, Snake Nests, Dragoons, eto., all at special prices. Sale starts tomorrow 7:30 A. U. It's the Opportunity You Have Been Waiting For. Men's pur all wool worsted suits, neat as well as fancy patterns. Pur all wool Imported Scotch cheviot suits. Pur all wool blue double-breasted unfinished worsted suits (they are all th rage), th fact of It Is there is not a suit In th lot worth less than H5.00, and when w say H5.00, w don't mean $12.60 or less. Start ing tomorrow morning you can take your choice for $8.60 per suit Th doth In these suits cannot be , bought for what w seU the full suits for. Th workman ship and makeup can be compared favor ably with th sort tailors make to your measure for about 13.00. Every Improve ment known to high tailoring art la there! Stilt retaining fronts, band-felled collars, new style shoulders, hand-mad button holes, eta Should alterations be required to make th fit more perfeot w have en gaged extra tailors to turn the work out prompt. Be on hand early t get first eholc. Guarantee Clof bins Co. "--v-1519-15.21 Douglas' SI. A Tan Dollar Hots for a Flyer WIIA CARRY A SS-WORD CLASr MFIED ADVERTISEMENT WTO A MILLION HOMES ONE TIME. This U the list Where ls can you get a better combination for th money T - Bottoa Hvtld, Omaha Be. r&Ua. No. Ainwieaa. Buffalo Courier BrracMo Horaid. Hoch. D. Chroe., Plti.burg Li.ptcly Pravldonco Telesram. Baltimore Haralc. " Cl. riala lxalor. . fcu Uiu Gleuo-ljoav. Imo. m. H. A Wdor. Waahioitoa foot, Dtovor root, Mil. rtM ProM, tu rran. chronic), CiaolnaaU Enquirer, Atlanta ConatltuUea. MionMpolis Tribune, tallaa Nova, iMtroIt Fro ProH, Chli-age intar Oooaa. laalaaanolle soaunal, KaasM Utr Journal GIVS THIS LIST A TRIAL, RUDOLP GUENTHER Newspaper and Magazine Advertising. 1U8 Fulton 8L, New York. Write tor Combination Ottera, Mnt lasts. wr"i.riiaFin a ltd Ll an 'EtSNYKOYAL PILLS aa mirw 17" r-.T. . . la ktll aa oM MallU kia Mal UUnrttta. Takoaooikor, a.r.ao MWNl SakatUaUoaa aaa lailla. mm. ; f mt UraatiH, a, a,a4 4a. la w . ...iMwi. n,ia av d tnuuit I'klalaaatarCka, laal(:- MaSlaM IXun fHaaJL. fai Cboap Roand Trip Ratoe for Vaeatioa Tripe From Omaha via Chicago Great Western Railway. $1160 to St Paul or Minneapolis; $1660 to Xhiluth, Superior, Ashland or Bayfield. Equally low rates to all summer resort points In Minnesota, ' Tickets on sale every day to September 10. Good to return to October tl. Two magnificently equipped trains each way dally via shortest line. For further information apply ta S. D. Parkhurst, General Agen ILli Farnam 6t, Omaha., Neb. Oold Beads. Edhoim. Jeweler. Foartk of Jaly Exearalsa, One and one-third far for the round trip for all stations on the Chicago Oreat Western railway within 3X miles. Tickets on sale July I and .' Inclusive. Oood to re turn July k. For further Information ap ply to B. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 1611 Faraam street, Omaha, Neb. Fancy pedestal boxes, with bust of Presi dent Roosevelt, rilled with choice boa bona, boo. Dyball's, 1611 Douglas. Men's clnthlng, tints, anoea. ladles' suit sklrra, walala, millinery; cash or credit c-suyie's fetor. lia aud FkM-uana streels. 11 meg You May Get a Piano Free In even exchange for your old piano or organ. We are going to UNSEAL THE NUMBER on that BEAUTIFUL HARVARD PIANO which is in our Harney street window, at 9 O'CLOCK on the morning of JULY and then the person who has sent us the nupber of their o'd instrument which is the same or the nearest to the number disclosed ' on ths Harvard piano, will receive . The New Piano Free In Even Exchange, The name and addresa of the winner of this beautiful piano will be published in this paper next Sunday. EVERY PIANO OR ORGAN HAS A NUM BER. HAVE YOU SENT YOURS IN YET? DO IT NOW! THE BENNETT COMPANY We give yon aboolute Insurance r i k,,iora A safe deooslt J. aiiouiiii, vault 1b the kind of a policy covers an unlimited amount costs but $5.00 a year. A saf deposit vault U th best Insurance against firs or burg- It! Omaha Safe Deposit Basement Omaha isauonai Building. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS OMIMOD STYLISH . MEN'S SHOES If you car for a stylish looking ehoe and are not too proud to pay only $3.60 for It, w can Interest you. Our shoes are riot only stylish, but they are good wearers, mad of good, solid leather. They won't rip, tear or run down at the heel. The seams won't hurt your feelings or your feet, either, if you wear the Onlmod shoe. W hav only two grades, th best, which equals any $6.00 shoe, sells for S3.50 THE RETT BEST $2.50 REGENT SHOE CO 90S loath rtfteeath. i sis rirTKKi-is aio Dunham SIB IB Dunham 1 1B :::TAIL0HS::: IB IB ! t $ Now that Isn't so much and It's mighty little when it refers to a tailor-mad suit that Is, a suit for which you select the material the tailor takes your measur and makes you a suit that fits An, there's the point fit Tou caa buy all kinds of suits all ready made up at $16, but do they fltt Usually tailor made garments are $36 to $40 We make up any suit In our store for $15 No more no less and w guarantee th fit, ma terial and workmanship 9 IB 1 ,, Htnrv W. Dunham. Jr. l8 South 15th St. IB Between Douglas and Dodga IS ! flS-FirTEKH-Al flf fl 5 nn wwy - that and Boxes '"yeap Vaults nan Black and Tan I Oxford Ties for Men Her at this store Is the hand somest line of men's summer footwear shown In the city. Low cut shoes in all the new and oorrect styles and shapes th smartest fashions Of the summer season. Black Russian Calf. Vict Kid and Patent Colt, and Tan Rus sia Calf In th correct shades. Lasts that are easy fitting and comfortable as well as smart and stylish. And prices that are right. S3, S3.50, $4 MIS Blow to Senator Fairbanks It will doubtless be a great blow to Senator Fairbanks when the news Is broken to him next August that he has been nominated for vice presi dent. Why th secret should be kept from him so long when so many other people are let In Is not explained. Here's a blow for the Drug Trust; 1 pound Absorbent Cotton tlo Sfcc Lee's Kick Tar Soap 2'o Lee's Corn bifimps loo Mnt Bottle Witch Ilasel kc II. W Combination Syringe $1.00 !. Ijaierme 1' $1.0 Pur Malt Whiskey.. ......... 76o Howell Drug Co 16th AND CAPITOL AVE. FRTSnOEca IIIUl MONDAY MONEY SAVERS TH8 mEUABLaJB ITORB. One More Chance. Great Clothing Sale Continues Monday. 4 t LV" I rWIUoraa ? 1 ajr,' triianrri ii TiriT ' r-lln hand-filled collars, self retaining hair cloth fronts, in round cut and double breasted square cut sacks of silk mixed and unfin ished worsteds, Scotch mixed cheviots, tweeds, thibets, etc. The best chance of the season to secure a big value for a small price actually worth f 15.00 and f 18.00--. 10 fill our sale price, Monday U U U See our Sixteenth Street Window Display. Our June Clearing Sate of Chil dren's Suits. Offers to our customers a chance for economical buying they should not neglect. Secure some of those wash Dants 25c Talues while they last See our special line of Boys' suits J UN SURPASSABLY GOOD VALUES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY. Have Your Choice of ft Domaatlo. Nsw Horn. Standard, Household or White Sowing- Machine-all strictly first-class, with tha latest im provements. Sold on small monthly payments. Th best Is always the cheapest. , See as before baying1. We'll nve you money. P. E. FLODMAN & CO. 'Phone 1574. 1514 CAPITOL AVE. You Need a Suit Case flW ATT VIP1 TTflV TTTT IW a ltmltmA tlma wa (Pf are aalllna- mrr Butt DR. BRADBURY 1506 Painless Extraction DENTIST. Without Oas. FHIIncs BOa an ael4 Crewae, $2.50 up Bridre Work $2.10 up Lady AtUndaot "What can I get in a $30 suit?" Yourself! And just ' now, during our SUMMER CLEARANCE - BALE, yon can get any $30 suit ing In our store made to your measure for $25. Or a $25 one for $20 $35 beauty for $2S-$40 aristocratic clothing for $32 or either of a $45 or $50 suit for $35. That's what yon can do, commencing tomorrow, Juue 27th. MacCarthy Tallorlnn; Company, 4S4-M a. Ith it . Meat seer te rabaak Ticket OaUa Pseas ISSS. X5EPUTY STATU VETERIrAlUAN. . FOOD INSPECTOR. H. L RA..TACCIOTTI D. V. S. CI'l'T TETBRIWARIAW. Offlo and Infirmary. Utb and Mason Bta OMAHA. NEB. . Telcpbon 3. a.ailM MONEY SAVERS That the public generally ap preciates a good thing, wea ev idenced by the enormous busi ness Saturday, on our $7.50 and $10 SPECIALS xo wonder they liked them. You will, too, when you Bee the lines. -OUIt $7.50 SPECIAL Consists of line cheviots, cas simeres, serges, plain, fancy and unfinished worsteds and thibets in the best of patterns and colors, good linings and trim mings, hand padded shoulders, elf retaining hair cloth fronts. "la" -ejr aaI 1 tfAliirui C1 O ftA Ann . ' special priced 7 C A Monday iJU OUR $10 00 SPECIAIv The most elegant line ever offered at the price. Exclusive In style, perfect in fit, excellent In workmanship, hand-tailored throughout by high grade work- mtru, uauu-(iauucu duuuxuvio, f J 9A at . . . i Caa ana Oris at TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT. Th best material s-the best workman sh la. ' Tbon 1063. Fftraam Fourteen Veara Same Location TEL. 17M. We eeeltlvely remove nerves from teeth wltbV ent the least particle of pain, Plates $2 up. Open Sunday 10tol2 Bare Foot Sandals . ; ' We bar another (00 pair of the kind that wear Infants, children's, misses', boys', youths', women's and men's slses up to eight Goodyear welt, of best quality sola leather, made for wear and comfort, aa there are no nails to hurt the feet. WANTED Every woman In Omaha to aa our new dark brown kid court tie the nobbiest a ho ever shown In the olty. OREXEL SHOE G0.,r 1419 Farnam Stmt. Omaha's Up-o-Dt Shes Houm ----- " "T ' 1